DAFTAR PUSTAKA Allain JP, Lee HH. 2005. Rapid tests for detection of viral markers in blood transfusion. Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn. 5:31-41. Asdie AH, Wiyono P, Rahardjo P, Triwibowo, Marcham SN, Danawati W. 2012. Harrison prinsip-prinsip ilmu penyakit dalam, edisi ke-13. Jakarta: EGC. hlm.1638-63. Crowther, J.R., 2001. The ELISA Guide Book Methods in Molecular Biology. The International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna. Austria. Humana Press Inc Totawa, New Jersey. Dinkes Prov. Jateng. Profil Kesehatan Jawa Tengah 2012. http://www.dinkesjatengprov.go.id/dokumen/2013/. Diakses pada tanggal 14 Desember 2013. Friedman S, Grendell J, McQuaid K. 2003. Current diagnosis and treatment in gastroenterology, edisi ke-2. London: McGraw-Hill. Hardjoeno UL. 2007. Kapita selekta hepatitis virus dan interpretasi hasil laboratorium. Makassar: Cahya Dinan Rucitra: hlm. 5-14. Haussmann, M. F., C. M. Vleck, and E. S. Farrar. 2007. A laboratory exercise to illustrate increased salivary cortisol in response to three stressful conditions using competitive ELISA. Adv. Physiol. Educ. 31: 110115. Juffrie M, Soenarto SSY, Oswari H, Arief S, Rosalina I, Mulyani NS. 2012. Buku ajar gastroenterologi-hepatologi. Jakarta: Badan Penerbit IDAI. http://repository.unimus.ac.id

DAFTAR PUSTAKA - repository.unimus.ac.idrepository.unimus.ac.id/1215/7/DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf · Kao JH, Chen PJ, Lai MY, Chen DS, 2008. Occult hepatitis B virus infection and clinical

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transfusion. Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn. 5:31-41.

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