Dear prospective applicant for a DAAD PhD-scholarship, You herewith receive crucial information about the MANDATORY online registration for the next intake. It is absolutely necessary that you proceed exactly as indicated in this mail since it is a standardized online application. The steps are: 1. Go to www.funding-guide.de Choose in the bar on the left side “Graduates” as status and “Jordan” as country of origin. (If you are Syrian choose “Syria”). Leave the subject blank and tick the box “DAAD funding programmes only”. Then click on “Refine your selection”. Then you have to choose on the right side either 1. “Research Grants Doctoral Programmes in Germany(3 years) 2. Research Grants One Year Grants3. Research Grants Short-Term Grants(6 months) Since they might not show up on the very first page you might have to browse all the indicated programmes via the numbers or arrows at the bottow of the page. Click on one of the programmes. 2. You will be redirected to the COMPREHENSIVE information about the Phd programmes. It is absolutely mandatory to carefully read ALL the information given as “Overview”, “Application Requirements”, “Country specific information”, “Application documents”. After having studied EVERYTHING you click on the green button “Submitting an application”. 3. You will now be redirected to the portal and you have to start with the registration. The actual registration process and navigation of the portal is explained in manuals which can be downloaded here: https://www.daad.de/sapportal/hilfe/hb_download/PBF_en.html Just one remark for the registration: Please choose English or German as a language (the language cannot be changed afterwards). DAAD Information Center Amman Ahmed Al-Tarawina Street, Amman 11180 (Jubeiha) c/o German Jordanian University (GJU) Building E, 1st floor Dr. Abdelnasser Hindawi Programme Coordinator DAAD Information Center Cell: +962 (0)79 56 20 679 Mail: [email protected] www.facebook.com/daad.jordan www.daad-jordan.org www.daad.de

DAAD Registration PhD scholarship

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Guidlines on how to register for a DAAD PhD scholarship (deadline Sept 30th 2014)

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Page 1: DAAD Registration PhD scholarship

Dear prospective applicant for a DAAD PhD-scholarship,

You herewith receive crucial information about the MANDATORY online registration for the

next intake. It is absolutely necessary that you proceed exactly as indicated in this mail since it is

a standardized online application. The steps are:

1. Go to www.funding-guide.de Choose in the bar on the left side “Graduates” as status and “Jordan”

as country of origin. (If you are Syrian choose “Syria”).

Leave the subject blank and tick the box “DAAD funding programmes only”. Then click on “Refine

your selection”.

Then you have to choose on the right side either

1. “Research Grants –Doctoral Programmes in Germany” (3 years)

2. “Research Grants – One Year Grants”

3. “Research Grants – Short-Term Grants” (6 months)

Since they might not show up on the very first page you might have to browse all the indicated

programmes via the numbers or arrows at the bottow of the page. Click on one of the programmes.

2. You will be redirected to the COMPREHENSIVE information about the Phd programmes. It is

absolutely mandatory to carefully read ALL the information given as “Overview”, “Application

Requirements”, “Country specific information”, “Application documents”. After having studied

EVERYTHING you click on the green button “Submitting an application”.

3. You will now be redirected to the portal and you have to start with the registration. The actual

registration process and navigation of the portal is explained in manuals which can be downloaded

here: https://www.daad.de/sapportal/hilfe/hb_download/PBF_en.html

Just one remark for the registration: Please choose English or German as a language (the language

cannot be changed afterwards).

DAAD Information Center Amman

Ahmed Al-Tarawina Street, Amman 11180 (Jubeiha)

c/o German Jordanian University (GJU)

Building E, 1st floor

Dr. Abdelnasser Hindawi

Programme Coordinator DAAD Information Center

Cell: +962 (0)79 56 20 679

Mail: [email protected]




Page 2: DAAD Registration PhD scholarship

After the registration was successful you will be redirected to the portal. Then there are two options:

Option 1: The preselected PhD-Scholarship programme appears already on the bottom of the starting

screen (very unlikely). You click on it and follow the steps. In case you cannot see the programme on

the bottom of the screen you have to continue with

Option 2: You have to click on the button “Personal Funding” (in the upper blue bar). Than a second

blue bar pops up underneath. Here you have to click on “Application” and your pre-selection shows

up. Please click ONLY on these two buttons.

I have to point out that without reading intrinsically at least the manual 01 (registering in the portal)

and 02 (submitting an application) you will most likely not be able to apply succesfully. Please plan at

least one day for the whole process. The deadline is Sept. 30th which means that by then your

COMPLETE application has to be submitted. The portal will be automatically closed at that date at

midnight (German local time).

It will not be possible to submit missing documents later and it is not feasable to apply directly at the

Information Center Amman without the registration! After you have finished your online application (

which includes uploading all your documents EXCEPT the two letters of reference by Jordanian

professors) the programm will generate a PDF file. This PDF file has to be printed out and submitted

in THREE copies at the DAAD Information Center Amman (Please contact Dr. Hindawi, info@daad-

jordan.org). EACH copy has to include 2 sealed letters of reference from the 2 Jordanian professors.

The submission of the printouts should not be later than Oct. 5th 4:00 pm.

I want to repeat that finishing the application in time is completely within your responsibility.

Exceptions concerning late applications will not be made. Given that technical problems can always

occur I strongly recommend to start the registration asap.

As a special service, the DAAD Information Center Amman will host one tutorial about the

application process. It will take place in the second half of September in the library of the Goethe-

Institut (http://www.goethe.de/ins/jo/amm/arindex.htm?wt_sc=amman). The date will be

communicated beginning of September via www.facebook.com/daad.jordan

The presentation will ONLY deal with technical questions concerning the application. General

questions about the Phd Programme (How can I find a supervisor etc.) will not be addressed.

Therefore it is meant to be only for potential applicants. However, I strongly advise not to wait with

the application till Sept. 17th but to study all the provided information, start the registration and only

address technical obstacles you cannot overcome on your own.

Kindly note that the DAAD Information Center cannot provide any technical support besides the

presentation. If you face any technical difficulties (AFTER having read all the information given in

this note and in the mentioned manuals) you can contact [email protected]

Since the colleagues are in charge of handling requests from more than 100 countries you might not

get an immediate answer which should be taken into consideration for your time planning. Also from

this point of view asking for technical advise should be your last resort for cases you cannot solve on

your own.

What are the next steps after the application:

In case you have successfully registered and submitted your print-outs the IC Amman will review all

the applications within the first week of October. Depending on the number of applications the IC

Amman will or invite all applicants which submitted a complete application to interviews in Amman

which will most likely take place in Oct. A personal attendance is required.

Every applicant will be notified at the latest till Oct. 9th if she or he will be invited to the interview.

Page 3: DAAD Registration PhD scholarship

After the interviews a shortlist of applications will be prepared and sent to DAAD in Bonn where the

final selection will be made (till you get the final and official result from Bonn it might take till

March/ April 2015).

Those applicants who could not make it to the final stage will also be notified shortly after the

interviews end of October.

The DAAD Information Center Amman is looking forward to receiving your application.

Best regards and good luck