O PROFESSOR PDE E OS DESAFIOS DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE 2009 Produção Didático-Pedagógica Versão Online ISBN 978-85-8015-053-7 Cadernos PDE VOLUME I I

DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE 2009 · 2013-06-14 · Ingredients known for its fresh, gourmet, and increasingly organic, these restaurants offer a simple menu of burritos, fajitas,

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Page 1: DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE 2009 · 2013-06-14 · Ingredients known for its fresh, gourmet, and increasingly organic, these restaurants offer a simple menu of burritos, fajitas,



Produção Didático-Pedagógica

Versão Online ISBN 978-85-8015-053-7Cadernos PDE




Page 2: DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE 2009 · 2013-06-14 · Ingredients known for its fresh, gourmet, and increasingly organic, these restaurants offer a simple menu of burritos, fajitas,


Unidade Didático-Pedagógica

Língua Estrangeira Moderna


ALIMENTAÇÃO SAUDÁVEL: uma proposta interdisciplinar com gêneros

textuais em aulas de Língua Inglesa

Marcianita Siqueira Bine

Campo Mourão 2009-2010

Page 3: DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE 2009 · 2013-06-14 · Ingredients known for its fresh, gourmet, and increasingly organic, these restaurants offer a simple menu of burritos, fajitas,



ALIMENTAÇÃO SAUDÁVEL: uma proposta interdisciplinar com gêneros

textuais de Língua Inglesa

Unidade Didática apresentada à Secretária de Estado da Educação do Paraná para a fase de Implementação Pedagógica como requisito parcial para a conclusão do Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional – PDE. Professora orientadora: Drª Edcleia Aparecida Basso - FECILCAM.

Campo Mourão


Page 4: DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE 2009 · 2013-06-14 · Ingredients known for its fresh, gourmet, and increasingly organic, these restaurants offer a simple menu of burritos, fajitas,



Professora PDE: Marcianita Siqueira Bine

Área PDE: Língua Estrangeira Moderna – INGLÊS

NRE: Campo Mourão

Professora Orientadora IES: Drª Edcléia Aparecida Basso


Escola de implementação: Colégio Estadual de Campo Mourão

Público-objeto da intervenção: Ensino Médio

Page 5: DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE 2009 · 2013-06-14 · Ingredients known for its fresh, gourmet, and increasingly organic, these restaurants offer a simple menu of burritos, fajitas,



Esta Unidade Didática está fundamentada no interacionismo sociodiscursivo e apóia-se

na interdisciplinaridade que se caracteriza pelo constante diálogo que as disciplinas

mantêm umas com as outras. O trabalho objetivará oportunizar aos alunos da disciplina

de Língua Inglesa o desenvolvimento de ações pertinentes a uma educação alimentar,

utilizando o gênero discursivo gráfico (pirâmide alimentar) como o gênero principal,

apoiado em outros como: charges, propaganda, textos científicos, vídeos, para propor

uma alimentação equilibrada, por meio de grupos de alimentos construtores, energéticos

e reguladores e economicamente viável e possível para estudantes das escolas públicas.

O gênero gráfico, visto como prática social e discursiva, sempre se apresenta com uma

linguagem simples e direta. Ele se faz presente na vida cotidiana escolar e familiar dos

nossos alunos, possibilitando e promovendo concomitantemente a interação destes

com textos orais e escritos, na medida em que circulam nas mais diversas esferas

sociais. Isto acontece porque, segundo Bakhtin (1997, p.302), se

[...] os indivíduos não dominassem os gêneros de discurso e tivessem que criá-los no processo de fala, as dificuldades da criação de um gênero a cada construção de enunciado de modo totalmente livre seriam sentidas na perda da agilidade do processo.

Daí ser necessário admitir, com Bakhtin, que a língua se realiza por meio de enunciados

(orais ou escritos).

Considerando que os gêneros estão inseridos em práticas sociais e culturais, a pirâmide

alimentar é uma representação em forma de esquema gráfico de uma alimentação

saudável. A nova pirâmide de Harvard (2005) coloca em primeiro lugar atividades físicas,

e, na sequência, os alimentos como fontes primárias, que devem estar presentes em

maior quantidade, ficando no topo os alimentos que devem ser comidos moderadamente

ou até mesmo evitados.

Page 6: DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE 2009 · 2013-06-14 · Ingredients known for its fresh, gourmet, and increasingly organic, these restaurants offer a simple menu of burritos, fajitas,


Entende-se que, um estudo sobre uma alimentação saudável, por meio de gêneros

textuais em LI, com foco no gênero gráfico, representado pela pirâmide de Harvard, faz-se

pertinente, pois de acordo com as DCE (2008) o conteúdo estruturante é o discurso,

efetivado por meio das práticas discursivas, as quais envolvem a leitura, a oralidade e a

escrita em LI.

As atividades propostas, com base em Dolz e Scheuwly (2004), contemplam a produção

inicial, módulos com atividades que trata das capacidades de linguagem: capacidade de

ação, discursiva, linguístico- discursiva e a produção final que serão desenvolvidas no

terceiro período do PDE.

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Creating a problem for the student solve

1. Complete the pyramid with the food you usually eat including the quantity. Try to write

in English, leaving in Portuguese the words you don’t know yet.

2.Compare your pyramid to your friend´s and answer: Are they similar or different?

Explain your answer.



Remembering most common food.

3. Look at the picture and say its name in English. After try to write the word. Check

you answer.



Page 8: DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE 2009 · 2013-06-14 · Ingredients known for its fresh, gourmet, and increasingly organic, these restaurants offer a simple menu of burritos, fajitas,




She was born in São Jose do Rio Preto on April 7, 1965. She is a journalist –

graduated by PUC-Campinas - and a TV presenter in Brazil. She worked as a

reporter for the Video Show from 1993 to 1998, and actually, she is known for

her work on Fantastic Show where she used to present topics like etiquette,

along with Gloria Kalil, and sometimes she uses to replace one of the anchors.

In 2009, she starred at Women's League also on Fantastic Show, where she

has four women under her command and also a specialist in order to help

women to solve their problems.

wwww http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/

1. Read the text above and complete her biographical data.

Date of

birth Place of

birth Job Career

starting Programs she has worked

Her name

2. Oral Activity

O vídeo que assistiremos foi exibido no dia 25 /10/ 2009 no programa Fantástico da Rede

Globo (e pode ser encontrado no seguinte endereço: http://fantástico.globo.com./Jorna

lismo/FANT/0,MUL1354470-15605,00.html acesso: em 3/11/2009). Reflita e discuta, no

grande grupo, as seguintes questões:

2.1 The report can be divided into four parts. a) What is the first theme of the report presented by Zeca Camargo? b) What is the second and who presents it? c) What subject is dealt with the third report? d) Who are the interviewers ?

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e) What is the theme approached in the last part of the story?


1.Look at the following pyramid and complete the exercises.

The American Association for Children’s Health. www.tc.umn.edu/~seve0029/smaller.htm. Acesso:


1.1 What kind of genre is this text?

( ) a charge ( ) an advertisement ( ) a flyer ( ) letter

1.2 What led you to this conclusion? 1.3 Who produced it? 1.4 Whom was it addressed to? 1.5 Where was it produced? 1.6 What is its means of circulation? 1.7 Why was it produced?

1.8 What kind of information does the pyramid bring to you?

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2. Match the logo of the company to its history and to its product.

(1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 )

( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9)

( ) This product was invented in 1886 by John Pemberton in Columbus, Georgia. It was launched at Jacob's Pharmacy. In the early years they used to sell about 9 cups (237ml) per day. Unfortunately, Pemberton was more an inventor than a businessman. So, he sold his company for about U.S. $ 2.300.00 to Asa Griggs Candler, who became the first president of the company and the first to give real visibility to the business and the brand. http://www.cocacolabrasil.com.br/conteudos.asp?item=2&secao=39&conteudo=103&qtd_conteudos=1. Acesso: 07/01/2010.

( ) It is present in 88 countries, the network has more than 12,000 restaurants around the world and employs more than 250,000 employees in the Untied States only one brand belonging the "Yum" which was selected based on an American term, which expresses the pleasure of eating something good and that best describes the overall culture of the company: working with food with pleasure and fun. The Brands Inc. is the largest corporation of restaurants in the world holds 5 internationally recognized brands: A & W All American Food, KFC, Long John Silver's, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. In Brazil, many restaurants serve it in most of the states. Per day, 11.5 million pizzas are sold for more than 4 million consumers in the world. http://www.pizzahut.com.br/institucional.asp?id_secao=2. Acesso: 08/01/2010.

( ) This is a story of a unique product that created an industry. The founders were men and women, which introduced a new type of dessert treat and, in the process, developed the foundation of the franchising industry. The phenomenal story began with a sale of a 10 cent sale of a then unnamed product on August 4, 1938, in Kankakee, Illinois. They hired

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Sherb Noble, a good friend and client, who agreed to run the "all you can eat" trial sale at his walk-in ice cream store. Within two hours, he dished out more than 1,600 servings of the new dessert. December 1941 there were fewer than 10 stores. After World War II, the system took off at an almost unbeatable. With only 100 stores in 1947, it grew to 1,446 in 1950 and to 2600 in 1955. Today it is one of the largest fast food systems in the world, with more than 5.900 restaurants in the United States, Canada and 20 foreign countries. http://www.dairyqueen.com/us-en/history/. Acesso: 08/01/2010.

( ) This sandwich shop was raised in 1965, when Fred De Luca, who was only 17, borrowed $1,000 from family friend Peter Buck to start his business. At that time Fred was trying to raise money to pay for college. He chose a mediocre location for his shop, the corner of East Main Street and Boston Avenue in Bridgeport, Connecticut, but by noon on opening day, customers were pouring in. On the radio advertisement they had promoted the name as Pete's Submarines, which sounded like "Pizza Marines". Nevertheless, the owner decided to change the company name and adopted an interesting theme to decorate its place, which is related to its name. As of December 30, 2008, the company has 32,401 franchised locations in 91 countries and produced US$9.05 billion in sales every year. In 2007, Forbes magazine named De Luca number 242 of the 400 richest Americans with a net worth of $1.5 billion. http:/www.subway.com/subwayroot/AboutSubway/history/ subwayHistory.aspx˃. Acesso: 11/01/2010.

( ) With approximately 400 outlets in about 20 states, mainly in the West and Midwest, is one of the leading fast-casual Mexican restaurant chains. Ingredients known for its fresh, gourmet, and increasingly organic, these restaurants offer a simple menu of burritos, fajitas, tacos and pork, shredded beef, chicken, steak, and fillings vegetarians. Guest Checks average about $ 8.50. From a single location in Denver, Colorado in 1993, the chain is growing at a rate of 100 new restaurants per year, in the pockets of his father, fast-food giant McDonald's Corporation. McDonald's first foray into business in 1998, before taking majority control of the following year, and now holds a 90 per cent. The vast majority of restaurants are owned by the company, less than ten are franchised. Annual revenue per unit are estimated at $ 1.2 million. http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/Chipotle-Mexican-Grill-Inc-Compa History.html. Acesso: 11/01/2010.

( ) It is the second largest fast-food chain in the United States, trailing only McDonald's. The company franchises more than 10,400 restaurants and owns about 1,000 for a chainwide total exceeding 11,455, with locations in all 50 states and 56 countries. The company serves 15.7 million customers each day and over 2.4 billion hamburgers are sold each year across the globe. In the late 1990s and into the new millennium, the company was plagued by falling sales and deteriorating franchisee relationships. Diageo sold the company to a group of investors led by Texas Pacific Group in late 2002. http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/Burger-King-Corporation-Company History.html. Acesso: 13/01/2010.

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( ) The largest chain of fast food in the world began in 1937 when brothers Richard and Maurice opened a restaurant in the Drive-In system in the city of Arcadia, California. In 1940 he moved to the city of San Bernardino, also in California, where he opened a restaurant in the sleepy Route 66 about 20 carhops, waiters that upon skates delivered the request in the car. In 1948, after noticing that most of the money they earned from selling the burger, which at the time was $ 0.15, the brothers totally renewed the restaurant. Among the innovations undertaken were: replacement of all the utensils - cutlery, glasses, plates - for disposable packaging; public visitation of his kitchen, where customers could see the impeccable hygiene and cleanliness, elimination of service waitresses, from then customers would have to leave their cars and go to order at the counter, and a new form of production of the sandwiches with the reformulation of the menu, which became very dry, and food prepared from an assembly line. When the restaurant was it started selling only hamburgers, milk-shakes, and fries, becoming a great success, whose fame was spread by word of mouth. http://mundodasmarcas.blogspot.com/2006/05/mcdonalds-inveno-do-fast food.html#ixzz0cs0g4MLc. Acesso: 13/01/2010.

( ) The founder of this company was Dave Thomas. He began working in restaurants at the age of 12 and dropped out of high school so that he could work full-time. In 1956 he and a partner opened a barbecue restaurant. While working there, Thomas met Colonel Harland Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, and soon afterward began managing several KFC restaurants in Ohio. Thomas was the person who gave KFC its original "bucket of chicken" logo. However, Thomas confesses that he always loved the taste of a great hamburger. In 1968 he sold the restaurants back to KFC. The following year he opened this company in Columbus, Ohio, using the nickname of his eight-year-old daughter. In 1994, the original restaurant was converted into a company’s museum. Despite his incredible success at business, Dave Thomas considers receiving his GED certificate and diploma from a Florida high school, 45 years after he dropped out, to be one of his greatest accomplishments. Not surprisingly, Dave was voted "Most Likely to Succeed" by his graduating class. He and his wife Lorraine were also voted Prom King and Queen. http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/Wendys-International-Inc-Company-History.html. Acesso: 13/01/2010.

( ) The history of the network of fast food Mexican has its origins in 1946 when Glen Bell began his venture in the business of food. He started with a small establishment called Bell's Drive-In selling hot dogs and hamburgers in the city of San Bernardino, California. However, in love with Mexican food, would go to a menu and created an alternative method of rapid preparation for golf clubs, a sort of dough stuffed with corn beef, cheese, lettuce, guacamole (avocado paste) and lots of pepper. In the '50s, along with other partners, decided to create the restaurant Tacos Tia, specializing in tacos and other foods of Mexico. Between 1954 and 1955 the restaurant already had 3 operating units, especially in neighborhoods with a strong presence of the Mexican population. http://mundodasmarcas.blogspot.com/2006/05/taco-bell-think-outside-bun.html#ixzz0cs3uBPIK. Acesso:13/01/2010.

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3 Read the texts again and identify the company each one refers to.

3.1 There are more than five thousand stores selling this company product around the world. ________________________________________________________________________ 3.2 This company was raised by just one person but some years later he got some partners to work with him. ________________________________________________________________________ 3.3 This company had financial problem and, after that, was bought by a group of investor in the beginning of second millennium.

3.4 Waiters walk on skates to deliver customer orders in the car.


3.5 This company was sold to a person who became its first president.


3.6 The creator decided to change the company name.


3.7 The name of this company is a mix of two words related to enjoyment.


3.8 The owner of this company graduated high school after forty Five years.


3.9 This company had ninety percent of its restaurants bought by a famous corporation.


4. In groups search for the eating places that people from Campo Mourão frequently go to and get the following information: When the company was founded and by whom, which product is most consumed, how much it costs and what type of logo represents the company.

Formigas Lanches;

Filé Miau;


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Carlinhos Lanches;


Pizzaria Brasil;

Esphira Shop;

Café Pastel.

4.1 Produce a small text based on the information the group got about the place chosen. 5. Watch the documentary "Super Size Me" and answer the following questions with

your group: ( ver orientação em anexo).

5.1 What is the gender of the movie?

5.2 Whom was it written to?

5.3 Where was it produced and where does it circulate?

5.4 Who can feel any interest in the film? 5.5 What was the purpose of it? 5.6 Who is the Super Size Me? 5.7 What were the effects on his health after he had made the experience of eating only that kind of food? 5.8 He did an experiment and ate only one kind of food? 5.9 What was the determining factor for Spurlock research? 5.10 Discuss the questions with the whole group. 5.11 Try to understand the little Super Size Me.

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At the computer lab, try to solve address the following exercises.

1. Listen to the video about Harvard Pyramid and check the words said by Natalie.

( ) Day ( ) Daily ( ) daze ( ) Calcium ( ) Calories ( ) Carbohydrate ( ) Vegetables and fruit ( ) Vegetables and fat ( ) Vegetables and sugar ( ) Moderation ( ) Modification ( ) Modulation ( )Proven ( ) Protein ( ) Prosper ( ) Calories ( ) Calcium ( ) Calcify ( ) Pygmy ( ) Pyramidal ( ) Pyramid

2. Watch, once more, the video “Better Food Pyramid, What to Eat, Nutrition by

Natalie” and do the activities that follow:


E&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=14. Acesso em 08/11/2009.

2.1 Listen to Natalie explaining about the importance of having a healthy eating and

number the sequence correctly:

( 4 ) nuts, legumes

( 5 ) fishes, poultry and eggs

( 1 ) daily exercise and weight control

( 6 ) milk and its dairy products

( 2 ) whole pasta and vegetable oils

( 3 ) vegetables and fruits

( 7 ) red meat, butter and white rice, bread, pasta, soda, potatoes, sweet

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PRE – READING ( ver orientações em anexo)


A seguir, você lerá alguns textos referentes ao “Food Guide Pyramid”. Para isso, em

pares, sigam os passos:

a) busque o sentido geral de cada texto;

b) apóie-se nas palavras transparentes;

c) tente entender o sentido das palavras desconhecidas através do contexto;

d) relacione o conteúdo do texto ao conhecimento que você já tem.

Food guide pyramid

The food guide pyramid (historical) known as the food

pyramid, and formally titled the Improved American Food

Guide Pyramid, was published by the FDB in Denmark in

1978 and later adopted by the USDA (United States

Department of Agriculture) in 1992 to replace the earlier

food groups classification system.

The food


pyramid suggested optimal nutrition guidelines for

each food category, per day, using a mnemonic

graphic of a pyramid with horizontal dividing lines to

represent suggested percentages of the daily diet

for each food group. Currently published every five

years, an update to the 2005 system is expected in



MyPyramid, released by the USDA on April 19, 2005

MyPyramid, released by the USDA on April 19, 2005

MyPyramid, released by the USDA on April 19, 2005

Pyramid, r MyPyramid, released by the USDA on

April 19, 2005

MyPyramid, released by the USDA on April 19, 2005

eleased by the USDA on April 19, 2005

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A. Capacidade de Ação

1. Based on the reading, answer the following questions:

1.1 Who produced it?

1.2 Whom was it produced to?

1.3 Where was it produced?

1.4 Where does it circulate?

1.5 Whom can be interested in this type of text?

1.6 For what purpose was it produced?

1.7 What genre is this text?

( ) recipe ( ) advertisement ( ) Internet Article ( ) scientific paper ( ) editorial

B. Capacidade Discursiva

2. Read the text: Food Pyramids: What Should You Really Eat? and answer the


2.1 The original food pyramid was adopted in 1992. ( ) True ( ) false 2.2 The new pyramid that started in April, 2005, has horizontal stripes. ( ) True ( ) False 2.3 My Pyramid shows that you should have more meat and chicken than anything else. ( ) True ( ) False 2.4 The group in orange is the one you should eat the least. ( ) True ( ) False

2.5 In the new USDA pyramid, the thinnest stripe is yellow, and it is for fats and oils. ( ) True ( ) False 2.6 The part of the stripe that is near the top is for food that are good for you. ( ) True ( ) False 2.7 The person climbing the stairs on the left side of the pyramid symbolizes exercises. ( ) True ( ) False 2.8 The Harvard pyramid shows all the fats and oils at the top, indicating that you you should use them sparingly. ( ) True ( ) False

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2.9 The Harvard pyramid doesn't have a place for exercising. ( ) True ( ) False 2.10 On the Harvard pyramid, all the bread is at the top. ( ) True ( ) False 2.11 The nutrition advice in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is changed every two years. ( ) True ( ) False 2.12The Harvard School of Public Health thinks the pyramid should distinguish between red meat and other kinds of protein. ( ) True ( ) False 2.13 The Harvard food pyramid says you should never drink alcohol. ( ) True ( ) False 2.14The Harvard School of Public Health recommends taking a multivitamin. ( ) True ( ) False 2.15 It's a good idea to eat canned and frozen food because it's usually the same as fresh food. ( ) True ( ) False http://fog.ccsf.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/lfried/quiz.cgi?quiz=foodpyramid. Acesso: 10/02/10.

3. The food pyramid has always served as a parameter for consumption of different

food, aiming at a balanced diet. Observe the pyramid and answer the following


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3.1What changes were observed between the two pyramids?

3.2 What is the advantage got from the use of new pyramid? Explain.

3.3 Why some carbohydrates - like white rice, potatoes and bread - have changed from

the base of the former pyramid to the top of the new pyramid now? Explain.

3.4 Why are red meat and butter at the top of the pyramid now?Justify your answer.

3.5 Why have grain food become part of the diet in most meals? Explain.

3.6 What is the importance of vegetable oils for our health? Justify.

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MÓDULO III – Building Knowledge About Language

C. Capacidade Linguística Discursiva

The Nutrition Source. What Should You Eat?

The answer to the question “What should you eat?” is actually pretty simple. But you

wouldn´t know that from news reports on diet and nutrition studies, whose sole purpose

seems to be confuse people on a daily basis. When it comes, down to it, though – when all

the evidences is looked at together – the nutrition advice on what to eat is relatively

straightforward: Eat a plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; choose

healthy fats, like olive and canola oil, and eat red meat and unhealthy fats, like saturated

and trans fats, sparingly. Most important of all is keeping calories in check, so you can

avoid weight gain, which makes exercise a key to partner a healthy diet.

1. Observe the words that are highlighted in the text. Rewrite them indicating the

idea expressed by each one.







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Modal verbs Negative Form Interrogative


SHOULD o modal should é um verbo usado junto com um verbo principal que dá um novo sentido à sentença. É utilizado para pedir e dar conselhos.

Sua forma negativa é shouldn’t (should not).

Should she…….?

WOULD é usado quando queremos , de maneira educada e polida , fazer pedidos, convites e oferecimentos ou expressar desejos. Não tem tradução própria, fazendo o condicional ou o futuro do pretérito do verbo seguinte.

Sua forma negativa é wouldn’t (would not).

Would He......?

CAN é usado para dizer se alguma coisa é possível ou se alguém tem a habilidade para fazer alguma coisa.

Sua forma negativa é can’t ( cannot).

Can you....?

2. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t according to what you have learned during you English classes. 2.1 You are very fat. You____________eat less. 2.2 You______________Smoking - causes cancer. 2.3 People____________practice physical activity to have health life. 2.4 She______________ eat more vegetable. 2.5 You______________ drink and drive.

3. Complete the sentences with should, shouldn’t or can.

3.1 __________________ you like a piece of cake?

3.2 I ____________ drink a cup of coffee, please.

3.3 I’m sure Marian _____________ spaghetti for lunch. She’s on a diet.

3.4 _____________I have the menu?

3.5 She ______________ eats more whole grains.

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4. Match the sentences

4.1 I’m hungry. ( ) she wouldn’t eat this junk food.

4.2 This man must be thirsty. ( ) He would like some tea.

4.3 This woman is worried with her healthy ( ) He should drink some water.

4.4 The old man is very cold today! ( ) I would like to order now.

5. Suppose you’re hungry and thirsty. What would you like to eat and drink?

5.1I would like to eat:______________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 5.2 I would like to drink:____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 5.3 Do you think that your answers can be considered part of a healthy eating pyramid or not. Explained your answer. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

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5.4 In groups, search on websites or in magazines how many servings of each item below

you should have in order to have a healthy diet.

Eight Tips for Eating Right

Choose good carbs, not no carbs. Whole grains are your best bet.

Pay attention to the protein package. Fish, poultry, nuts, and beans are the best choices

Choose healthy fats, limit saturated fat, and avoid trans fat. Plant oils, nuts, and fish are the healthiest sources.

Choose a fiber-filled diet, rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

Eat more vegetables and fruits. Go for color and variety dark green, yellow, orange, and red.

Calcium is important. But milk isn’t the only, or even best, source.

Moderate drinking can be healhy-but not for everyone. You must weigh the benefits and risks.

A daily multivitamin D is great nutrition insurance policy. Some extra vitamin D may add an extra health boost.

The Healthy Eating Pyramid, created by the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health can be your guide to choose a healthy diet. Available at http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/ access on April 18, 2010

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1. How useful was this text to help you to change or to think about your eating habits?

1.2 In groups, search the price of food that appears in the new Pyramid Harvard / Functional and bring the results next class. 1.3 Test your ability to reading about food critically.

1.3.1 Observe the text and answer the questions with the support of glossary.

Adapted from Vestibular de inverno de 2009 da FECILCAM.

A. The text above is:

( ) a comedy;

( ) an advertising;

( ) a cartoon;

( ) a photography;

( ) a class a using a video.

B. From the text, it is possible to infer that:

( ) Children are able to understand the advertising messages very well;

( ) Children are influenced by the advertising on TV;

( ) Parents and children agree about eating tasty snacks;

( ) The problem here is not with the advertising but with the money to buy food;

( ) Watching TV is a necessity nowadays to keep children quiet at home.


Tasty = saborosos

Snacks = lanches, salgadinhos,pequena


Amusing = divertido

Approaching = abordando

Both = ambos

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1. Now that you've read and thought a lot about healthy eating, come back to your first

pyramid, fill in gaps or put in English the words left in Portuguese at that time.

2. Try to reorganize it in order to add some food you really need, to remove or rethink

about the food that are not healthy and consequently are not good for you. Try to match

your pyramid to you financial possibilities. Make the necessary changes and present it to

your teacher and classmates.

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BAKHTIN, Mikhail Mikhailovitch. Estética da criação verbal. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1997. DOLZ, J. SCHNEUWLY, B. Gêneros orais e escritos na escola. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras, 2004. SEED – Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Paraná. Diretrizes Curriculares de Língua Estrangeira Moderna para a Educação Básica. Curitiba, PR 2008.

Documentos Consultados online

A story of Sweet Succes. Disponível em: <http://www.dairyqueen.com/us-en/history/˃. Acesso: 08/01/2010. Better food Pyramid, What to Eat Nutrition by Natalie. Disponível em:<http://www. Youtube.com/watch?v=8yBh3Fwteo0&feature=Playlist&p=77398CD1921E57DE &playnext=1&playnext from=PL&index=14˃. Acesso: em 08/11/2009.

Burger King Corporation. Disponível em:<http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/Burger-King-Corporation-Company-History.html˃. Acesso :13/01/2010. CERIBELLI Renata.Disponível em: <http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renata_Ceribelli˃ Acesso: 12/02/2010.

Chipotle Mexican Grill,Inc. Disponível em:<http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/Chipotle-Mexican-Grill-Inc-Company-History.html˃. Acesso: 11/01/2010. FANTÁSTICO. Má alimentação de jovens preocupa nutricionistas. Disponível em: <http://fantastico.globo.com./Jornalismo/FANT/0,,MUL1354470-15605,00.html˃ Acesso: 3/11/2009. Food guide pyramid. Disponível em: <http:www.google.com.br/imgres?imgurl=http:// upload.wikimedia.org/wipedia/com mons/thumb/6/6d/USDA Food Pyramid.gif/256px-USDA_Food_Pyramid.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.viswiki.com/en/Food_guide_pyramid&usg=_q0Kl1kplLFsPdVyVR98gJL8KMjU=&h=200&w=256&sz=187hl=en&start=86&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=CTFskR4AuS7DjM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3fq%3Dhistory%2Bthe%2Bfood%2Bpyramid%2Bdomaine%2Bpublic%26start%3D80%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1˃.Acesso: 18/04/2010.

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HARVARD School of Public Health. The Nutrition Source. What Should You Eat? Disponível em: <http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat˃/. Acesso:18/04/2010. Mundo Das Marcas. MCDONALD’S. Disponível em: <http://mundodasmarcas.blogspot. Com/2006/05/Mcdonalds-inveno-do-fast-food.html#ixzz0cs0g4MLc.˃ Acesso: 13/01/2010. ______________.TACO BELL. http://mundodasmarcas.blogspot.com/2006/05/taco-bell-think-outside-bun.html#ixzz0cs3uBPIK. Acesso: 13/01/2010. Pizza Hut. Disponível em: <http://www.pizzahut.com.br/institucional.asp?id_secao=2˃. Acesso: 08/01/2010. SUBWAY. Disponível em: <http:/www.subway.com/subwayroot/AboutSubway/history/ subwayHistory.aspx˃. Acesso: 11/01/2010.

The American Association for Chidren’s Health. Disponível em: <www.tc.umn. edu/~seve0029/smaller.html. Acesso:08/02/2009. The Coca-cola Company. Disponível em: <http://www.cocacolabrasil.com.br/conteudos.

asp?item=2&seção=39&conteúdo=103&qtdconteudos=1˃. Acesso 07/01/2010.

THE FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID. Disponível em: <http://fog.ccsf.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/lfried/ Quiz.cgi?quiz=foodpyramid˃.Acesso:10/02/2010. Wendy’s International,Inc. Disponível em:<http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-

histories/Wendys-International-Inc-Company-History.htmlC. Acesso: 13/01/2010.

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Professor (a):

Inicie a aula com uma discussão sobre quais alimentos os alunos costumam comer no dia

a dia através de questões orais, tais como:

- What do you have for breakfast… lunch… dinner?

-Do you usually eat during the afternoon? What?

- Do you like fast food?

-What kind of fast food do you like?

Em seguida peça que construam uma pirâmide pessoal onde colocarão os alimentos

consumidos. Após essa atividade proponha uma comparação da própria pirâmide com as

dos colegas para identificar os alimentos mais comuns apresentados.


Neste momento, explique para os alunos qual é o conceito de gênero nesse contexto e

que, a partir de agora, passarão a reconhecê-los e a identificar suas características com o

seu auxílio, começando pelo gênero que será apresentado abaixo. Explique também que

além do gênero, estarão trabalhando com o tema “FOOD”.

EXERCÍCIO 4 - página 13

Para que realizem essa atividade, produza um material (ficha) contendo as principais

informações que terão que colher na pesquisa proposta. Explique aos alunos que tais

informações serão utilizadas na construção de um texto em inglês.

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EXERCÍCIO 5 - página 13

Após assistirem ao documentário, seria interessante levar um resumo do filme para dar

suporte aos alunos para realizarem a atividade. No site http://www.imdb.com/title/tt03905

21/plotsummary encontra-se disponível uma sinopse em inglês.


Explique aos alunos que assistirão a um vídeo sobre a pirâmide de Harvard que servirá

de base para as atividades seguintes e que terão que ouvir com atenção, pois farão uma

atividade de listening onde terão que identificar e assinalar somente as palavras

constantes do texto.

PRE – READING - página 14

Para dar início a atividade seguinte, realize um “warm up” com as seguintes perguntas (in

English if possible).

1. What food do you like most?

2. What do you usually do on your free time?

3. Do you have a computer at home? How long do you usually make use of it daily?

4. Do you practice any physical activity? If yes, which one?

5. You know that having a healthy eating is very important. Based on that, answer: Do you

take into consideration this information when you`re going to eat? Why? Why not?

6. How would you define a food pyramid?


EXERCÍCIO 5 – página 21

Antes de realizar essa atividade, pergunte aos alunos se eles sabem falar os nomes dos

alimentos das figuras do exercício em inglês. Caso não saibam, sugira que consultem o

dicionário, inclusive para procurar alimentos que queiram citar na atividade.

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Exercício da p.06. R: Pessoal.

Exercícios da p.07.

1. Read the text above and complete her biographical data.

Date of birth :on April 7, 1965

Place of birth: São Jose do Rio Preto

Job: a journalist

Career starting: reporter for the Video Show from 1993 to 1998

Programs she has worked: Video Show; Fantastic Show

Her name: Renata Ceribelli

Oral Activity

a) R: Na Escócia, um casal perdeu a guarda dos sete filhos porque estavam todos obesos.

b) R: Levantamento do Ministério da saúde mostra que adolescentes comem muito mal. É

apresentada por Renata Ceribelli.

c) R: Alimentos preferidos dos adolescentes são industrializados. Eles comem muito sal e açúcar

que pode trazer sérias consequências como obesidade, baixo peso, carências de vitaminas e

colesterol alto.

d) R: São dois adolescentes.

e) R: O programa Fantástico lançou um desafio para dois adolescentes Eles teriam que escolher

seus pratos preferidos em um restaurante de um shopping e no final tem uma surpresa. Tem que

trocar os seus pratos para eles almoçarem.

Exercício da p.08.

1.Look at the following pyramid and complete the exercises.

1.1 R: an advertisement

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1.2 R: Porque tem várias propagandas de empresas multinacionais.

1.3 R: The American Association for Children’s Health.

1.4 R: A todos que gostam de comer e beber esses tipos de alimentos.

1.5 R: foi produzida www.tc.umn.edu/~seve0029/smaller.htm

1.6 R: Circula em revistas de sobre saúde, nutrição e sites.

1.7 R: Para mostrar o tipo de refeição que crianças e adolescentes estão se alimentando no dia a


1.8 R: Pessoal.

Exercício da p.09

2. Match the logo of the company to its history and to its product.

( 6 ) ( 5 ) ( 8 ) ( 3 ) ( 7 ) ( 4 ) ( 2 ) ( 9 ) ( 1 )

Exercícios da p.12

3 Read the texts again and identify the company each one refers to.

3.1 R: Dairy Queen

3.2 R:Tacos Bell

3.3 R: Burger king

3.4 R: Macdonalds

3.5 R: Coca-cola

3.6 R: Subway

3.7 R: Pizza Hurt

3.8 R: Wendys

3.9 R: Chiplote Mexican Grill

Exercícios da p.13

5. Watch the documentary “Super size Me” and answer the following questions with

your group.

5.1 R: Documentário.

5.2 R: Para todas as pessoas ligadas a saúde na área de alimentação saudável.

5.3 R: Foi produzido nos Estados Unidos. Circula nos cinemas e DVDs.

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5.4 R: Pessoal

5.5 R: O propósito de mostrar os efeitos que tem este estilo de vida na saúde física e psicológica,

e explorar a influência das indústrias da comida rápida.

5.6 R: Ele é Morgan Spurlock, um cineasta independente estadunidense.

5.7 R: Depois de 30 dias com a dieta de fast-food, teve um ganho de peso de 11,1kg, seu índice

de massa corporal que era de 23,2 dentro da faixa saudável foi para 27 entrando na faixa de

sobrepeso. Sofreu mudanças de humor,disfunção sexual e problemas de fígado.

5.8: R Não. Ele deveria escolher cada item do menu McDonalds ao menos uma vez durante o

transcurso de 30 dias e três comidas por dia.

5.9 R: O fator que motivou Spurlock para fazer a investigação foi a crescente propagação da

obesidade em todo os Estados Unidos e demanda judicial contra o McDonald´s em nome de duas

meninas com sobrepeso, que alegaram que se converteram em obesas como resultado de comer

alimentos do McDonald´s.

5.10 R: Pessoal

5.11 R: Pessoal

Exercícios da p.14

1. Listen to the video about Harvard Pyramid and check the words said by Natalie.

R: Daily;


R: Vegetables and fruit;

R: Moderation

R: Protein

R: Calcium

R: Pyramid

Exercícios da p.14

2.1 Listen to Natalie explaining about the importance of having a healthy eating and

number the sequence correctly:

( 4 ) nuts, legumes

( 5 ) fishes, poultry and eggs

( 1 ) daily exercise and weight control

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( 6 ) milk and its dairy products

( 2 ) whole pasta and vegetable oils

( 3 ) vegetables and fruits

( 7 ) red meat, butter and white rice, bread, pasta, soda, potatoes, sweet

Exercícios da p.16

1. Based on the reading, answer the following questions:

1.4 R:O USDA (United States Department of Agriculture Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion)

1.5 R: Foi produzido para ser utilizado pelos profissionais de saúde e nutrição.

1.6 R: No Departamento da Agricultura dos Estados unidos.

1.7 R: Esse gênero circula em revistas, sites, jornais etc.

1.8 R: Aos profissionais da Saúde e a todas as pessoas que se interessam pelo assunto.

1.9 R: A finalidade foi de substituir o sistema de classificação dos grupos de alimentos anteriores

e sugere uma orientação nutricional.

1.10 R: Artigo científico.

Exercícios da p.17

2. Read the text: Food Pyramids: What Should You Really Eat? and answer the


2.1 R: false 2.6 R:False 2.11 R: False

2.2 R:True 2.7 R: True 2.12 R: True

2.3 R: False 2.8 R: False 2.13 R: False

2.4 R: False 2.9 R: False 2.14 R: True

2.5 R:True 2.10 R: False 2.15 R: False

Exercícios da p.18

3.The food pyramid has always served as a parameter for consumption of different

food, aiming at a balanced diet. Observe the pyramid and answer the following


3.1 R: Pessoal.

3.2 R: Pessoal.

3.3 R: Pessoal.

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3.4 R: Pessoal.

3.5 R: Pessoal.

3.6 R: Pessoal.

Exercícios da p.19

1. Observe the words that are highlighted in the text. Rewrite them indicating the

idea expressed by each one.

1.1 R: Pessoal.

1.2 R: Pessoal.

1.3 R: Pessoal.

Exercícios da p.20

2. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t. according to what you have learned

during you English classes.

2.1 R: should.

2.2 R: shouldn’t.

2.3 R: should.

2.4 R: should.

2.5 R: shouldn’t.

3. Complete the sentences with should, shouldn’t or can.

3.1 R: should

3.2 R: Can .

3.6 R: shouldn’t.

3.7 R: Can

3.8 R: Should

Exercícios p. 21

4. Match the sentences

( 3 ) she wouldn’t eat this junk food.

( 4 ) He would like some tea.

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( 2 ) He should drink some water.

( 1 ) I would like to order now.

5. Suppose you’re hungry and thirsty. What would you like to eat and drink?

5.1R: Pessoal

5.2 R: Pessoal

5.3 R: Pessoal

Exercícios p. 23.


1 R: Pessoal.

1.2 R: Pessoal.

1.3.1 Observe the text and answer the questions with the support of glossary.

A. a cartoon.

B. Children are influenced by the advertising on TV.


Exercícios p.24

1.R: Pessoal.

2.R: Pessoal.