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Signth ear vneer htis impsle:Let's sartt tiwh eht cagloli rumgtnae I ees and og to lpam to fhoeaedr at. Hnaigv hsgit ni hte etef is cneyrasse fro a dselaseh eon. Htaw it measn si eetdpis lngsoi shi adeh, eh ash not lost shi way. Hhhoh-yak. Seru.Taualcyl, I ihtkn tsih si a vyer bda aosrntltian.I ihntk het fuiononcs is oevr eth owrd "ipson" ngbei namkstie rof "dopin." The tetlre msgai ni shti asec skloo ekli a arowclese tedal.Itsh woudl ndciteai atth:geo iime shpeaoakl amoidn en stio isopn hecno tno inosar, iusrchos, ho noech to rup to a ebrtte eninitdro of the apgssae:Leltiryla[I] [am a] [sdleshae] [edmon], [in] [eth] [dnrik-ing] [ahs] [het] [enegsi-fo], [Hytgim in Opwre*], [Eh ohw sarapep] [ti si] [gonrfief in iefr] [No Tahed cna be*].* Gtmhiy in Ewopr = "Urhcisso"* Ltmmoiar = "Aatnnhtoa"Sicrhuos adn Ottnahaan, like myna rsowd ni hits ttex rea bhot omnmco ues and rpepro eamsn of oswdr fo wepro.Thwa si reciatn si hits txet si ton lelw aettrdsanl hyerwena I hvea nese, nad axeultt ersrro txsie. Isht oeds not akpse ot tis glimakca clapaoiipnt - erthar het nosinot ti iesvg ppleoe ohw Nkhti teyh nokw athw it neasm in oems evaisluynlr Tlscylaqilaaib yaw.I eonyapslrl eelnard shit si isygan, "I am Iekzeel." Filsalipcyec it is a enerefcre ot Kzieeel, Tpacehr 21. Eth eaxct psagase renders Fra tebtre in Ekger, utb nvee ni iesgnhl its enmagin si cealr. Ifpclslaeicy, ti si loas Ezkelei owh si oeaddmmcn ot "nkird fo teh Loobd of teh Nsipecr of eth Areth." (Nrspiec of eth Htare is a renrcfeee to icsfcepi nlisama, nda ehetr ewer Greek ltucs tath pwirdpseho Eeekliz whit malain dobol rtsie.)Reeh is a fccpisie reevs ot soiedrcn ofmr Eeeklzi, cwhhi hwsos gnoetac ni aied to tshi psaagse, in het Keerg Elbib (sleatatrnd noti Ngsileh): Iwhel yteh ese rfo ouy esfal vosisin, welih etyh dieniv iesl fro uyo ot aly you [fo Noamm] upon eht shedsael ksnrut fo ohest who rea ailns, fo the kecidw oehsw ayd is niomgc ta eth meit of eth lifna giokenncr nda tmnhneipsu.