The 39th Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectros- copy will be heldfrom 22 to 26 February 1988 at the Rivergate Exhibition Center and the New Orkans Convention Center in New Or- kans, Louisiana. Centjifugal Partition Chromnatography System Model LLN-5 fractionates complex mix- tures of chemical substances by means of liquid-liquid partition countercurrent distri- bution. Because a solid, stationary phase support is not used, highly retentive sample components are not irreversibly retained. Centrifugal force keeps the stationary phase solvents in the column and thus allows high flow rates for the mobile phase with little loss of resolution. A mild operating environ- ment makes denaturation and decomposi- tion of sample components rare. Sanki Lab- oratories. Circle 475. Booths 527, 529 Spectroscopy Software SPECTROCHART-PC is a software package that automates ultraviolet-visible, infrared, fluorescence, reflectance, atomic emission, and atomic absorption spectrosco- py. The program records and analyzes volt- Newly offered instrumentation, apparatus, and lab- oratory materials of interest to researchers in all disci- plines in academic, industrial, and governnent organiza- tions are featured in this space. Emphasis is given to purpose, chief characteristics, and availability of prod- ucts and materials. Endorsement by Sience or AAAS is not implied. Additional information may be obtained from the manufacturers or suppliers named by circling the appropriate number on the Readers' Service Card and placing it in a mailbox. Postage is free. I2 FEBRUARY I988 age signals from the recorder output of any spectrometer. A method file automatically controls data acquisition and all steps of the analysis, according to the user's protocol. ASCII data files may also be analyzed. As many as 100 standard and unknown samples may be analyzed automatically in any se- quence. A spectrum may be recorded as the instrument scans. A scrolling strip chart on either the monitor or the printer documents the results graphically and numerically. Graphic routines can plot multiple samples, kinetic curves, or spectra in windows as large as 640 by 200 pixels, with position, size, background color, x and y scales, and labels selectable by the user. $595. Interac- tive Microware. -Circle 491. Booth 2665 LC Simulation Software DryLab S and DryLab B are software programs that simulate high-pressure liquid chromatographic operations. DryLab S pro- vides solvent optimization by means of the "solvent triangle' method. Seven initial runs suffice to provide a complete simulation of retention behavior. Mobile phases with wa- ter and as many as three organic modifiers can be accommodated. DryLab B simulates gradient separations of biopolymers such as peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids. LC Resources. Circle 493. Booths 3536, 3538 Integrator The PC Integrator is a dual-channel chro- matography data system that allows the user to acquire, store, and process data and pro- duce a final report. Because raw data may be stored and accessed, the user can reintegrate them under different conditions. Software programs may be executed at the same time that the PC Integrator is collecting data from the chromatograph. The user interacts with the software through menus. The sys- tem comprises a computer, a 640-kilobyte random-access memory, a graphics monitor, two floppy disk drives, an analog-to-digital interface, and software. $3990. Nelson Ana- lytical. Circle 494. Booths 3248-3255 Data-Acquisition System The IDAS can provide two-way commu- nication between almost any analytical in- strument and a DEC VAX, HP1000, or IBM S/370 minicomputer. Instruments that contain a programmable computer or are attached to an IBM PC workstation can be connected directly to IDAS with an RS- 232C-compatible cable. Otherwise, a pro- grammable instrument coupler must inter- cede between the instrument and IDAS. The user can program IDAS to prompt the instrument for data; to collect, parse, and format the data; and to write the results onto the disk. Beckman Instruments, Labo- ratory Automation Operation. Circle 482. Booths 101-109, 200-209, 300-308 HPLC Columns The Chemcosorb Ultra High C8 column is a column for high-performance liquid chromatography that has packings with 15% carbon coverage for extra efficiency. Packed columns are available in lengths of 10 to 150 mm with internal diameters of 4.6 or 6.0 mm. DyChrom. Circle 478. Booth 3465 Spectrophotometer Cell The SL-3 is a sealed liquid cell designed to provide reproducible quantitative analyses in infrared and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Different path lengths and window materials are available. Internation- al Crystal Laboratories. Circle 481. Booth 1172 Supereitical Fluid Chromatograph The SFC/200R is an integrated micro- processor-controlled dedicated supercritical fluid chromatography system. Its capabili- ties include programming density and pres- sure for supercritical fluid mobile phases, sample automation, multiple detection, and the ability to use several types of columns. In addition to a chromatograph, the system includes a key pad, a monitor, software, and (Contined on page 808) PRODUCTS & MATERIALS 807 ..MWAWPRMMIRI on April 2, 2020 http://science.sciencemag.org/ Downloaded from

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The 39th Pittsburgh Conference and Expositionon Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectros-copy will be heldfrom 22 to 26 February 1988at the Rivergate Exhibition Center and theNew Orkans Convention Center in New Or-kans, Louisiana.

Centjifugal PartitionChromnatography SystemModel LLN-5 fractionates complex mix-

tures of chemical substances by means ofliquid-liquid partition countercurrent distri-bution. Because a solid, stationary phasesupport is not used, highly retentive samplecomponents are not irreversibly retained.Centrifugal force keeps the stationary phase

solvents in the column and thus allows highflow rates for the mobile phase with littleloss ofresolution. A mild operating environ-ment makes denaturation and decomposi-tion of sample components rare. Sanki Lab-oratories. Circle 475.Booths 527, 529

Spectroscopy SoftwareSPECTROCHART-PC is a software

package that automates ultraviolet-visible,infrared, fluorescence, reflectance, atomicemission, and atomic absorption spectrosco-py. The program records and analyzes volt-

Newly offered instrumentation, apparatus, and lab-oratory materials of interest to researchers in all disci-plines in academic, industrial, and governnent organiza-tions are featured in this space. Emphasis is given topurpose, chief characteristics, and availability of prod-ucts and materials. Endorsement by Sience or AAAS isnot implied. Additional information may be obtainedfrom the manufacturers or suppliers named by circlingthe appropriate number on the Readers' Service Cardand placing it in a mailbox. Postage is free.


age signals from the recorder output of anyspectrometer. A method file automaticallycontrols data acquisition and all steps of theanalysis, according to the user's protocol.ASCII data files may also be analyzed. Asmany as 100 standard and unknown samplesmay be analyzed automatically in any se-quence. A spectrum may be recorded as theinstrument scans. A scrolling strip chart oneither the monitor or the printer documentsthe results graphically and numerically.Graphic routines can plot multiple samples,kinetic curves, or spectra in windows aslarge as 640 by 200 pixels, with position,size, background color, x and y scales, andlabels selectable by the user. $595. Interac-tive Microware. -Circle 491.Booth 2665

LC Simulation SoftwareDryLab S and DryLab B are software

programs that simulate high-pressure liquidchromatographic operations. DryLab S pro-vides solvent optimization by means of the"solvent triangle' method. Seven initial runssuffice to provide a complete simulation ofretention behavior. Mobile phases with wa-ter and as many as three organic modifierscan be accommodated. DryLab B simulatesgradient separations of biopolymers such aspeptides, proteins, and nucleic acids. LCResources. Circle 493.Booths 3536, 3538

IntegratorThe PC Integrator is a dual-channel chro-

matography data system that allows the userto acquire, store, and process data and pro-duce a final report. Because raw data may bestored and accessed, the user can reintegratethem under different conditions. Softwareprograms may be executed at the same timethat the PC Integrator is collecting datafrom the chromatograph. The user interactswith the software through menus. The sys-tem comprises a computer, a 640-kilobyterandom-access memory, a graphics monitor,two floppy disk drives, an analog-to-digitalinterface, and software. $3990. Nelson Ana-lytical. Circle 494.Booths 3248-3255

Data-Acquisition SystemThe IDAS can provide two-way commu-

nication between almost any analytical in-strument and a DEC VAX, HP1000, orIBM S/370 minicomputer. Instruments thatcontain a programmable computer or are

attached to an IBM PC workstation can beconnected directly to IDAS with an RS-232C-compatible cable. Otherwise, a pro-grammable instrument coupler must inter-cede between the instrument and IDAS.The user can program IDAS to prompt theinstrument for data; to collect, parse, andformat the data; and to write the resultsonto the disk. Beckman Instruments, Labo-ratory Automation Operation. Circle 482.Booths 101-109, 200-209, 300-308

HPLC ColumnsThe Chemcosorb Ultra High C8 column

is a column for high-performance liquidchromatography that has packings with15% carbon coverage for extra efficiency.

Packed columns are available in lengths of10 to 150mm with internal diameters of4.6or 6.0 mm. DyChrom. Circle 478.Booth 3465

Spectrophotometer CellThe SL-3 is a sealed liquid cell designed to

provide reproducible quantitative analysesin infrared and Fourier-transform infraredspectroscopy. Different path lengths andwindow materials are available. Internation-al Crystal Laboratories. Circle 481.Booth 1172

Supereitical FluidChromatographThe SFC/200R is an integrated micro-

processor-controlled dedicated supercriticalfluid chromatography system. Its capabili-ties include programming density and pres-sure for supercritical fluid mobile phases,sample automation, multiple detection, andthe ability to use several types ofcolumns. Inaddition to a chromatograph, the systemincludes a key pad, a monitor, software, and

(Contined on page 808)



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(Continuedfrom page 807)

an RS-232C digital interface. A computer ofthe IBM PC family may be attached forexternal control and enhanced storage ofmethods. Suprex. Circle 483.Booths 1077, 1079, 1176, 1178

Gas ChromatographThe Model 540 gas chromatograph can

be configured as either a single- or a dual-detector instrument. Light-emitting diodedisplays show system parameters. The mi-

croprocessor-controlled model 540 also hasfive-level temperature programming, ten-method storage, protected memory, andself-diagnostics. The large oven can holdmegabore columns and features rapid heat-ing and cooling. Tracor Instruments Austin.Circle 495.Booths 2856-2860

spectral acquisition and analysis software,and a spectral database. The PC. Spectrome-ter calibrates wavelengths automaticallywith an internal mercury-argon source. Pho-todiode arrays with quartz windows and128, 256, 512, or 1024 elements are espe-cially sensitive to ultraviolet. SC Technolo-gy. Circle 484.Booth 3738

Column PackingsDELTABOND packings for liquid chro-

matography and supercritical fluid chroma-tography are designed for samples that con-tain acidic, basic, or very polar compoundsthat can interact with the silica surface. Thepackings minimize problems caused by re-sidual silanol groups, resulting in a separa-tion much like that provided by bonded-phase partition chromatography. Despitebeing shielded from involvement in the sep-aration mechanism, the silica substrate stillprovides rigidity and efficient mass transfer.Keystone Scientific. Circle 497.Booths 3821, 3823

Atomic AbsorptionSpectrometersThe SpectrAA-300/400 Zeeman are a se-

ries of atomic absorption spectrometers.Each model corrects background with theZeeman effect, facilitated by a transverse acmagnet around the Zeeman graphite tubeatomizer. The accuracy of the correction is

Chemical Word-ProcessingSoftwareChemText 1.2 is a chemical text and

image processor. Molecules may be con-structed from templates or drawn with amouse and then merged with text, tables,schemes, figures, and graphs. A graphicspreview function allows the user to see whatthe document will look like when printed.Different fonts may be used in the samedocument; the fonts include mathematicalsymbols, the Greek and Cyrillic alphabets,European accents and characters, script let-ters, and a nonproportional font for tablesand amino acid sequences. A spelling check-er can check French, German, or Americanor British English words; the user may addother words to the dictionary. The user cancreate multilevel formulas and equations.ChemText 1.2 operates on the IBM PCfamily and 100% compatible computerswith a graphics interface card, a mouse, anda hard disk. Molecular Design. Circle 477.Booths 3165-3169 (odd)

enhanced by a pulsing frequency that pro-vides 120 measurements per second at 60Hz, a magnetic field maintained at 0.8 T,and a polynomial interpolation routine thatcomputes background magnitude. Eachspectrometer is controlled by a dedicatedIBM PS/2 model 30. From $56,000. VarianInstrument Group. Circle 486.Booth 3778

Gas Cylinder DepletionGuardThe Cylinder Pressure Watch sets off an

alarm when pressure in a gas chromatogra-phy gas cylinder drops below a user-setpoint. The device is safe for all gases, includ-ing hydrogen. The alarm sounds for 4 days.Three models are available; one mounts onthe cylinder, another is installed on the lineahead of the regulator, and the third has aremote alarm. Chemical Research Supplies.Circle 485.Booth 1770, 1772

SpectrometerThe PC. Spectrometer is an integrated

optical multichannel spectrometry systemfor analysis of spectra from 200 to 950 nm.The system comprises a photodiode arraydetector, a spectrograph with a 160-mmfocal length lens, an IBM PC computer,

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D4fractometerThe MPD MultiPurpose Diffractometer

can be reconfigured in minutes. The instru-ment can operate either horizontally or ver-tically and can accommodate accessories forpowder diffraction, stress, high and low

temperature, transmission, and fiber ana-lyses. The user can switch between spotfocus and line focus without taking off the x-ray tube shield, repositioning cooling waterlines, or realigning the optics. Detectors andsample-presentation accessories may be in-terchanged by the user. The goniometerplatform is stabilized by machined pinnedsurfaces, dovetails, and shafts with keywvaysand detents. Philips Electronic Instruments.Circle 479.Booths 1532-1543

Atomic AbsorptionSpectrometerModel 2100 is a fully automated atomic

absorption spectrometer. Its double-beamoptical system has a single path to increaseenergy throughput and reduce noise; theburner system automatically moves the

Automated Solid-PhaseSample PreparationThe Auto Spe-ed processes samples for

solid-phase extraction after only a few key-stroke commands; the user need not inter-vene again. Fifty samples may be processedat one time with 85 to 100% recoveries and2 to 3% coefficients of variation. The AutoSpe-ed requires only 5% of the quantity ofhazardous and flammable solvents as manualmethods do. Samples are processed through

flame out of the light path during noninea-surement periods so that the reference beammay use the path. An Epson computercontrols the model 2100 and its accessories;it has a special keyboard that allows the userto issue commands with a single keystroke.Perkin-Elmer. Circle 480.Booth 4025

disposable cassettes packed with a variety ofselective sorbents. The instrument automati-cally conditions the cassettes, extracts sam-ple volumes from 200 l to 50 mil, removesinterferences, and collects multiple sampleeluate fractions as large as 10 ml. Differentclasses of compounds of varying polaritiesmay be extracted from aqueous or nonaque-ous solutions. Applied Separations. Circle496.Booths 3820, 3822

Ultraviolet-VisibleSpectrophotometerThe Ultrospec Plus is an ultraviolet-visi-

ble spectrophotometer with four built-inprograms for collecting and analyzing mea-surement data. The Multiple Wavelengthprogram allows ten wavelengths to be mea-sured and calculates two-point and three-point net results. An absorbance ratio fea-ture can check DNA and RNA samples forpurity. The Kinetics program determinesenzyme activities and plots and analyzesgraphs. Substrate concentrations can also becalculated. The Wavelength Scanning pro-gram plots first-, second-, and fourth-orderderivative graphs for absorbance or trans-mission spectra. Peak tables can be includedin the results. The Standard Curve programallows the user to apply any of three curve-fitting methods to nine standard concentra-tions, and the resulting data may be manipu-lated and stored. The Ultrospec Plus has abuilt-in dot-matrix printer. Pharmacia LKBBiotechnology. Circle 492.Booths 223-235 (odd), 322-334 (even) (Continued on page 810)


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(Continuedfrom page 809)

Supercritical FluidChromatographThe model 602 is a supercritical fluid

chromatograph with a pulseless 165-ml-ca-pacity syringe pump. It can accept flameionization, nitrogen-phosphorus, and ultra-violet detectors. The compact oven heats at

TIJiR SpectrometerA compact Fourier-transform infrared

spectrometer is available. Because it is porta-ble, can be operated in any orientation, andrequires no water, air, or cryogenic cooling,it is suited for operation in harsh environ-ments. The optical bench includes a 20- by23- by 15-cm sample compartment that willaccommodate most standard sample hold-

50°C per minute and cools at 70°C perminute; the symmetry of the oven's left andright halves allows detectors and injectors tobe installed on both sides. Interfaces areavailable for performing hyphenated tech-niques. The user can control pressure, densi-ty, and temperature. The model 602 accom-modates large-bore columns for packed-col-umn supercritical fluid chromatography.Lee Scientific. Circle 487.Booths 2172-2178 (even)

ers. Any foreign or domestic line voltage canpower the bench. The spectral signal-to-noise ratio is greater than 1000:1 at 2000cm1l, and baseline tilts are less than 0.5%between 400 and 4400 cm-'. The systemincludes the spectrometer, software, andcards for mathematics and an IBM PC-compatible interface; a computer and a plot-ter are extra. $19,000. MIDAC. Circle 490.Booth 2673


InfoLink is a software program that al-lows files to be transferred between theHewlett-Packard 310 and IBM AT-compati-ble computers. For example, chromatogra-phy data collected on the ChemStation canbe analyzed on a computer. Transfers can bemade between HP ASC and IBM ASCIIand between HP Data and IBM Binary atrates between 300 and 19,200 baud. Info-Metrix. Circle 498.Booth 1484

Data Collection ProgramSMARTLOG is a software program for

collecting, reviewing, manipulating, and re-porting analytical data. It can automaticallycollect data from many analytical instru-ments. Built-in quality control routines de-termine spike recovery and generate charts.Linear regression routines automatically cal-ibrate instrument output either by directcomparison to standards or by the methodof standard additions. Users can define thereport formats. An optional accessory pro-gram produces the deliverable data packagerequired by the Inorganic Contract Labora-tory Program. Telecation Associates. Circle488.Booth 4207

LiteratureThe Filter Prep System technical brochure

describes a repetitive dispensing system thatcan replace manual radioreceptor assaytasks. Cole-Parmer Instrument. Circle 499.Booths 262-267

Sedi,raph 5100 is a 12-page brochureabout an automated sedimentation particlesize analyzer with a built-in 20-megabytehard disk. Micromeritics. Circle 501.Booths 1449-1455 (odd), 1548-1554(even)The brochure Solids Analyzer RSA 11 de-

scribes a solids-testing instrument with aforce rebalance transducer, automatic strainadjustment, and menu-driven software.Rheometrics. Circle 502.Booths 2932, 2934

Introducing pH By PC is a brochure fea-turing a hardware-software system for col-lecting and storing pH and ion-selectiveelectrode information. Computer Chemis-try. Circle 503.Booth 2669


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Products & Materials

DOI: 10.1126/science.239.4841.807 (4841), 807-810.239Science 

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