Page 1 / 14 EURO4M European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring Grant agreement no. 242093 Deliverable D3.7. Two workshops to support user feedback and dissemination of EURO4M products and services Delivery date: 36 months

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European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring

Grant agreement no. 242093 Deliverable D3.7. Two workshops to support user feedback and dissemination of EURO4M products and services Delivery date: 36 months

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SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Capacities Specific Programme

Research Infrastructures Project acronym: EURO4M Project full title: European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring Project number: 242093


Two User Workshops - Results

D3.4 Two workshops to support user feedback and dissemination

of EURO4M products and services Version 1.0

J. Lenhardt&J.Trentmann, Beneficiary6. DWD

July 2013

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1. Table of contents

1. Table of contents.................................................................................................................. 3 2. Motivation & Philosophy.................................................................................................... 4 3. Compilation of user requirements gained from two workshops..................................... 5

3.1. Introduction............................................................................................................... 5 3.2. Feedback from 1st EURO4M user workshop ............................................................ 5

3.2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 5 3.2.2. Data outreach and user interaction ..................................................................... 6 3.2.3. Climate information and service ........................................................................ 7 3.2.4. Variables, resolution, coverage, timeliness and quality ..................................... 8

3.3. Feedback from 2nd EURO4M user workshop ........................................................... 9 3.3.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 9 3.3.2. Data outreach and user interaction ................................................................... 10 3.3.3. Climate information and service ...................................................................... 10 3.3.4. Variables, resolution, coverage, timeliness and quality ................................... 11

4. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 12 5. Annexes .............................................................................................................................. 13

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2. Motivation& Philosophy

User interaction is a main key to fulfil the special needs of climate data users. In EURO4M from start to finish the user is actively involved in the development process of our data and services. This is essential to ensure a user driven data output.

In this context two user workshops were offered during the project period. This report summarizes the results that were achieved.

The report is organised as follows: First summaries of user requirements gained from the two user workshops that have taken place in EURO4M. Afterwards the intersection of the user needs are presented and discussed within the scope of EURO4M. For this, user requirements are separated into specific user requirements on essential climate variables and services, data outreach user interaction and cross-over requirements. Finally, a brief overall summary and conclusions are given for EURO4M.

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3. Compilation of user requirements gained from two workshops

3.1. Introduction

This section summarizes the EURO4M user needs gained from two workshops, each of them presented in respective subsections. Where applicable, the sections are divided in the following fields. Data outreach, user interaction and needed coverage, timeliness and quality of variables.

3.2. Feedback from 1st EURO4M user workshop

3.2.1. Introduction

The 1stEURO4M user workshop was one of two planned workshops during the project term. It was focused on experienced and commercial users to clarify their needs for climate information. It was held at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) on 17-18th October 2011.

In this context, user interaction has been the key target of the2 days workshop. To optimize EURO4M’s high quality and free of charge products a lot of attention is paid on user needs and feedbacks. Participants were invited to learn more about upcoming climate data sets and services and to actively take part in discussing the evaluation of the products to fulfil their needs. The target groups for participation were end users, stakeholders and scientists.

The workshop was organised by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD). Persons attending were European representatives from research, industry and civil society.

• Peter Bissolli, RCC, Germany

• Roxana Bojariu, NMO, Romania

• Mariapina Castelli, EURAC, Italy

• Lizzie Good, Headley Centre Group, UK

• Annika Jahnke-Bornemann, CliSAP, Germany

• Frank Kaspar, CDC, Germany

• Jennifer Lenhardt, EURO4M, Germany

• Richard Müller, CM SAF, Germany

• Helga Nitsche, DWD, Germany

• André Obregon, RCC, Germany

• Uwe Pfeifroth, GPCC, Germany

• Steffen Stoekler, DLR, Germany

• GéVerver, EURO4M, Netherlands

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3.2.2. Data outreach anduser interaction

Survey methods

• To collect the immediate climate information needs by users, the participants were asked to give a short presentation explaining their professional interest in climate data. In addition an EURO4M questionnaire has been sent previously to the workshop in order to get a true picture of user needs on climate variables (please see the Annex for presented user requirements and the questionnaire).

• From the discussion on the EURO4M questionnaire it was concluded that it had two important features: it is powerful and short. It was mentioned that most existing questionnaires are too long. It takes too much time to fill them out. The EURO4M questionnaire might be supplemented by additional indices, but still be limited to one page to stay user friendly.

User guidance on products and tools

• The participants emphasised, that most climate data sets or products do not come with user-friendly product guides. For a first impression of a product three pages with basic information are probably enough. This introductory guide should then be linked to the data provider's comprehensive documentation, including a thorough analysis of the product validation. For consistency all user guides should be provided in a uniform structured layout.

• In this context, our previously created first EURO4M user guide version was accepted very well. The one page table contains all basic product information, used dataset, spatial resolution, timeliness, examples of usage and provider contact details (see annex). It has been suggested to add two pages with basic information on validation methods, consistency and uncertainty. In addition it is suggested to provide more examples of usage of the data. It should be clearly mentioned for which purpose a product can be used and for which not, particularly with regard to inexperienced users (e.g. students or stakeholders). Moreover, it is essential that the provider gives guidance on how to use his product in the most effective way, and adds suggestions for appropriate tools the user might need.

• It is required to put up the preliminary user guide template on Moodle for discussion and to revise it into an updated (user driven) version afterwards.

• It was proposed to use innovate area quality flags (e.g. green, yellow and red flags for different applications), that show, briefly, the accuracy of the derived product.

• In addition to product information it was advised to point at basic tools to manipulate, analyse, and present climate data, and to provide basic guidance for the use of these tools (e.g. CDO and R).

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Tools for user feedback and interaction

• Controlled product releases are required in order to increase confidence in EURO4M products. In this respect beta testing phases are suggested in collaboration with potential users.

• For the exchange of ideas and comments an open feedback forum is requested. All participants indicated that a European forum on climate data does not exist so far, although there seems to be clear need.

• Data providers should present their products in a user-friendly way by using a standardised description template. This promotes an effective and direct approach to the users and stimulates the interaction between users and providers.

• Sometimes it may be difficult for users to choose between datasets containing the same climate variables. For these occasions there should be a clear guidance by the providers to make this choice based on user relevant criteria.

• Both parties consider that newer communication technologies, including open and distance platforms, are often quite complex and not self-explanatory. Therefore, new users should be supported by introductory training material.

User needs on training

• The participants agree that there is a need for tools to use data sets products, e.g. to visualize data.

3.2.3. Climate information and service

• Using EURO4M's upcoming temperature climate information bulletins (CIB) as an example, the participants were given a comprehensive overview by KNMI of the CIB implementation stages.

• Each of those present were convinced that all different kinds of user groups will have keen interest in wiki based bulletins on climate topics. Topics for future CIB's that were mentioned were drought and flooding on multinational scales.

• In order to distribute the CIB's as wide as possible, they should be linked to other user oriented web pages on climate change.

• It is considered to be important, to uniquely identify all data sources and references used in the CIB's.

• There was common agreement, that writing access and direct feedback on the CIB's should just be given to parties assigned for this task. Users can comment on the content by sending their feedback to the editor of a specific CIB.

• It was noted, that EURO4M does not offer real time data, which might complement the CIB's.

• It was suggested to distinguish CIB’s focussing on one climate variable (such as the first pilot CIB on European temperature) and CIB’s that focus on a special event (e.g. flooding or heat wave) that may require a more impact driven approach.

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• Before publication of the first CIB attention should be given to assign the proper copyrights to the contents.

3.2.4. Variables, resolution, coverage, timeliness and quality

• With respect to temporal and spatial resolutions, users make constantly growing demands on data providers, obviously driven by continuous advances and new developments. So further research into product development is required permanently. It was mentioned clearly, that existing data records should not just be replaced. It is required to continue homogeneous data sets as long as possible.

• There was agreement, that data sets should not be limited to European Land Surface. A lot of users ask for high resolution data over the ocean. In addition at least all European countries (geographically, not politically) have to be covered.

• Some sectors, e.g. the renewable energy industry, complain about limited product availability. In order to be internationally competitive, now and in future, the companies rely on high-resolution data sets, which are free of charge.

• In concrete terms it was mentioned, that the solar energy industry requires surface incoming radiation in high spatial resolution. The EURO4M SIS product offers 0.05°. This is sufficient, but should preferably be delivered hourly.

• Data sets and products for regional analysis are increasingly gaining in importance. Therefore, EURO4M's merged precipitation product with its 0.5° horizontal resolution, included in situ stations and avoided inhomogeneities by using only one sensor has been very well accepted by the participants. For regional data sets the uncertainties have to be described very thorough. In some cases the bias differs from region to region.

• In order to evaluate the properties / quality of datasets like precipitation, more than one dataset per variable is needed.

• Users wish to have an operational service that ensures long-term homogeneous datasets. All observational data used in a reanalysis product should be described clearly in a chronological consistent timetable.

• Additionally and irrespective of EURO4M common rules on climate data at European level are sorely needed and have been called for. Harmonisation and establishment of uniform criteria, like netcdf as the common data format, which will already be provided by EURO4M, are essential.

• All participants complain that projects like EURO4M often offer very useful data sets, but only for the limited time of the project. For sustainable climate change analysis it is indispensable to have long time data sets. It is required to promote and ensure their operational production.

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3.3. Feedback from 2nd EURO4M user workshop

3.3.1. Introduction

The 2ndEURO4Muserworkshoptook place on 14and15May 2013 at the Deutscher Wetterdienst in Offenbach, Germany.

The workshop focussed on the latest EURO4M products (including in-situ data, satellite-derived products and reanalysis data sets) and climate applications. The participants were given the chance to stand in the forefront to get to know the upcoming high resolution pan-European EURO4M reanalyses, climate data sets and services. The users were encouraged to actively take part in discussing the evaluation of the products and to express their requirements. With regard to content, the participants were offered both a comprehensive overview of the products and records provided in EURO4M, as well a son services of related projects.

The target groups for participation were end users, stakeholders and scientists.A total of 21 international guests attended from industry, research and public institutions.

• Andreas Becker, GPCC, Germany

• Marius Birsan, NMA, Romania

• Peter Bissolli, EUPORIAS, Germany

• Jennifer Brauch, COSMO-EU, Germany

• Laura Dobor, University of Szeged, Hungary

• Petra Fuchs, CHARME, Germany

• Juliane Glüge, ETH, Switzerland

• Ana-Maria Gracia-Amillo, JRC, Italy

• Andrea Kaiser-Weiss, CORE-CLIMAX, Germany

• Albert Klein Tank, EURO4M, Netherlands

• Jennifer Lenhardt, EURO4M, Germany

• EnnoNilson, BFG, Germany

• André Obregon, RCC, Germany

• Roeland van Oss, ECLISE, Netherlands

• Uwe Pfeifroth, EURO4M, Germany

• Steffen Stoekler, DLR, Germany

• MarekSvec, SHMU, Slovakia

• JörgTrentmann, EURO4M, Germany

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• Ole Einar Tveito, Met NO, Norway

• Per Undén, EURO4M, Sweden

• GéVerver, EURO4M, Netherlands

The final feedback from the participants of our workshop was exclusively positive.

Please see Annex for workshop agenda and user presentations.

3.3.2. Data outreach anduser interaction

Survey methods

• In order to start the discussions and to collect the special needs of the participants and their climate applications, the users were invited to shortly present their demands on climate data and services.

• Through extensive discussions, the participants developed interactively the applicability of EURO4M products to their own applications. Here, the joint working group during the break-out session has been found to be particularly effective.

User guidance on products and tools

• The EURO4M user guide made available to the participants as working material were well received due to their compact and informative design. The participants emphasised that it is exemplary.

• The general user feedbackonEURO4Mproducts has shown that there is an increased interest in the high-resolution 3DVAR and 2DVAR re-analyses data of the consortium partner SMHI.

• In the application of solarapplications, the CM SAF satelliteproducts and data sets were very well rated. Further collaborations are sought on both sides.

3.3.3. Climate information and service

• ADAGUC (Atmospheric data access for the geospatial user community)was accepted very well as visualization tool where different data sets can be easily layered in one map. All EURO4M data should be linked to this service.

• The EURO4M user guide factsheets were mentioned to be particularly user-friendly and informative.

• All participants show a great interest in EURO4M’s Climate Indicator Bulletins. It was discussed that CIBs should be provided regularly including input from other institutes as well. As hydrological issues are not satisfactorily covered yet, a future document should deal with precipitation during the vegetation period, number and length of floods and variables for renewable energies. Single events should be set into historical context.

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• Training workshops with expert advice are suggested to be useful for inexperienced users. In addition tutorials on tools and data are required.

• There is a clear demand on an all-encompassing data and information portal. Be a climate service!

3.3.4. Variables, resolution, coverage, timeliness and quality

• Variables: All variables that are provided in EURO4M are in line with demand.

• Resolution: On a spatial scale a resolution of 20 km is acceptable for most applications, even though a 3-10 km resolution would be very useful for landuse applications. For solar energy applications near-real time data is requested. All data sets should be provided with hourly, daily and monthly means.

• Coverage: The Eastern European countries and Northern Africa are still not covered sufficiently. It was suggested to provide global data sets.

• Timeliness: For climate applications the timeline should cover at least 30 years. It was mentioned that timelines starting at 1900 are highly demanded.

• Quality: Data has to be consistent and homogeneous.

• Grid: There was a clear demand on receiving data also on a metric grid, e.g. for hydrological GIS applications

• Technical requirements: Alongside net CDF and grib data sets are needed in OGC and GeoTiff additionally .The participants agree that open source tool software like CDO, R and NCL are a means to an end. In addition guidance is highly required for inexperienced users, including workshops, helpful links, tips and tutorials.

• Data accessibility: It is recommended to share data files via ftp server. Free and easy data access for all users (including commercial users) should be guaranteed.

• All data sets should be well documented in a quality described validation report that automatically can be downloaded with the requested data files.

• It is highly desired that documentation reports include contact details of a responsible person who is able to answer emerging issues. EURO4M factsheets already fulfill this need.

• EURO4M data sets: The participants agreed that every data sets and product that will be offered in EURO4M has an outstanding quality and can be used for various applications. It was recommended to provide the EURO4M data pool operationally. It was highlighted that there is a strong interest in EURO4M’s reanalyses, especially for variables that are not covered well with conventional data sets, e.g. wind. EURO4M’s satellite derived radiation data sets were complimented for solar energy applications.

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4. Conclusions

As EURO4M is aiming to meet essential user needs two user workshops have been held within the first three years of the four years of the project. Potential users from all over Europe took their chance to discuss their needs on climate data with stakeholders and providers. It was shown that the need for full access to standardized data for climate services and information is extremely high. EURO4M’s long time series in best quality with well documented accuracy and uncertainty information was accepted very well. Particularly the continuously interaction with users on all levels was very well received. In general there is a need to strengthen international cooperation and coordination concerning climate observations and services.

There was more specific feedback received on our second workshop than on the first one. The participants agreed that their interest of participation was raised when datasets were already in a presentable stage. Especially for non-scientific users it is more comfortable to discuss their needs on already existing products.

Altogether, the EURO4M data sets and services were rated as high quality, and on the cutting edge of time. From a user’s perspective an operational mode of the products appears to be recommended and advisable. A free and open data policy without restrictions is regarded as indispensable.

By popular request similar workshops should be offered regularly in addition to training meetings for inexperienced users

Summing up, the two workshops succeed. EURO4M products and services were advertised selectively. New users were gained and EURO4M services and products could be specifically adapted based on feedback.

Please see most of the presentations at: http://www.euro4m.eu/Presentations_1st_Workshop.html and http://www.euro4m.eu/Presentations_2nd_Workshop.html and the EURO4M user guide at: http://www.euro4m.eu/downloads/D3.8_User_guide_describing_the_EURO4M_products.pdf

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5. Annexes

ANNEX I: Documents related to the 1st EURO4M workshop (user presentations, agenda, user questionary) Please see some of the presentations at: http://www.euro4m.eu/Presentations_1st_Workshop.html

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ANNEX II: Documents related to the 2nd EURO4M workshop (user presentations, EURO4M user guide, agenda). Please see most of the presentations at: http://www.euro4m.eu/Presentations_2nd_Workshop.html