Cyrano de Bergerac- 2 Examples of Good Language

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  • 8/14/2019 Cyrano de Bergerac- 2 Examples of Good Language


    Eamon Barkhordarian


    Period C

    2 Examples of Good Language


    (Cringing)You found a hand.(Hurriedly)

    Let me go I can tell you something


    (Still holding him)



    Ligniere that friend of yours


    (Same Buisness)



    Good as dead Understand? Ambuscaded. Wrote a song aboutno matter. Theres ahundred men waiting for him to-nightIm one of them.

    Waiting for him to-nightIm one of them.(Page 19)

    I find this quote not only interesting, but also as an appropriate example of good language

    use. Cut purse is a pickpocket back in the day when people kept their change in their

    pockets. As a robber and a thief, he should expect to be caught in the act and is prepared

    for it. When Christian reaches into his pocket for his glove he catches the cut purse in the

    act of stealing from him. Christian could have easily reported the thief for he was in a

    large crowd, but the cut purse was ready. He warned Christian that his friend Ligniere

    would be killed by a hundred men tonight because he was writing negative songs about

    de guiche. Since Christian was a friend of Ligniere, he forgot about being pick pocketed

    and ran out to save his friend. This was a very smart move on cut purses part.

  • 8/14/2019 Cyrano de Bergerac- 2 Examples of Good Language


    Eamon Barkhordarian


    Period C


    I may be silent!-

    (His voice dominates the uproar. Momentary hush.)

    And I offer one universal challenge to you all! Approach, young heroes-I will take your

    names. Each in his turn-no crowding! One, two, three- come, get your numbers-who will

    head the list-you sir? No-you? Ah no. To the first man who falls Ill build a monument!

    Not one? Will all who wish to die, please raise their hands?I see. You are so modest,

    you might blush before a sword naked. Sweet innocence!Not one name? Not one

    finger?Very well, then I go on:

    (Turning back towards the stage, where Montfleury waits in despair.)

    Id have our theatre cured of his carbuncle. Or if not, why then-

    (His hand on his sword hilt.)

    The lancet!

    I think this is a good use of language on Cyranos part. At this point, Monteflury

    appeared on stage regardless of Cyrano strictly forbidding him to not step foot on the

    stage for 2 weeks. This incident made the crowd really wild. People started making

    noises and discussing the incident. Things began to get out of hand and Cyrano could not

    control the audience. In an attempt to silence people he said this quote with much ferocity

    and aggression daring anyone to speak out and he would teach them a lesson. In the end

    he began to get control of the crowd and sent Monteflury off stage as a coward.