Edition 7 –14 June 2014 Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons Page  1 | The Green Weekly The Green Weekly The Green Weekly The Green Weekly Cygnet Sea Dragons Soccer Club Inc 1. Welcome Cygneture Chocolates Cygneture Chocolates Cygneture Chocolates Cygneture Chocolates (support our sponsor) (support our sponsor) (support our sponsor) (support our sponsor) Hi Guys This week includes the rosters for the rest of the season which I have included in the team results section. Don’t forget that this Friday morning the World Cu kicks off on !"! T#. !aturday morning at $am is the first %ustralia game against Chile. !ecial thanks also to Cygneture Chocolates for renewing their Green and Gold sonsorshi for this year. Thanks Dave and Gillian. This week  &layed ' Won ' (ost ) Draw ) For * %gainst + This season &layed ,- Won +' /012 (ost ', Draw / For ',+ %gainst '0' 2013 Rd 4 &layed ,- Wo n +/ 3+12 (ost '' Draw 0 For '4' %gainst * 0 Adult Team – Cygnet Town FC This week the Town went u against the Golden Gordons whom 5eat us -)3 in a friendly rior to the season start. This time around we welcomed them under daylight with our first home kick off at +60-. Those who have ventured down to a home game this season will know that with the sun setting much earlier7 games under light are not ideal and many have 5een left looking 5efuddled when the 5all has gone missing in the dark on the field furthest from the lights888 With daylight afoot7 the guys were determined to show the home suorters that the revious victories were in fact true and not of fictional fairy tales. 9ow I can’t rovide a great deal of commentary on the first half as I arrived on route from our :outh teams *)+ annihilation of 9ew Town !torm7 however I was told the Town dominated osition in the first half. It was +)' uon my arrival thanks to goals from (ee ;eson :es7 our mar<uee striker from (iverool =ngland and cousin to >arl &ilkington of T# fame2 and our own famous local cele5rity ? >amal !ingh7 When I did turn u7 a very du5ious enalty Well from my 5iased oint of view2 was given to the Golden @ldies and u steed one of the strongest goal keeers in the (eague our own Hugo2. 9ow we are a generous 5unch in Cygnet7 and Hugo went on to save the initial enalty kick and laid the 5all on a latter for the @ldies to score from the re5ound7 however the oosition missed again with Hugo lacing his frame erfectly to ru5 salt into the enalty takers wounds from the initial miss to see two misses. Great shot stoing Hugo88 With the Golden @ldies coming 5ack into the match7 it was again local cele5rity >amal !ingh who ounced onto a volley to see us win 0)'. It ossi5ly was the 5est *- minutes the team has ut together this season and a well)deserved victory which sees us solidify our osition on the ladder ) 4 th  from '+ teams2. !ecial thanks to George Wilson who covered lines for the final '- minutes ? to effort George88 Cygnet Town FC 3 de !a"nstonewo"th #olden #o"dons 1 $%amal &ingh 2' (ee )e*son 1+ Cygnet !ea Dragon Hoodies for sale ? read neAt age Good luck for the weekend Go the Green The Ram,le" $-ae+

Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

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8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

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 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   1 |

The Green WeeklyThe Green WeeklyThe Green WeeklyThe Green WeeklyCygnet Sea Dragons Soccer Club Inc 

1. Welcome  Cygneture ChocolatesCygneture ChocolatesCygneture ChocolatesCygneture Chocolates (support our sponsor)(support our sponsor)(support our sponsor)(support our sponsor)

Hi Guys

This week includes the rosters for the rest of the season which I have included in the team results

section. Don’t forget that this Friday morning the World Cu kicks off on !"! T#. !aturday morning at

$am is the first %ustralia game against Chile.

!ecial thanks also to Cygneture Chocolates for renewing their Green and Gold sonsorshi for this

year. Thanks Dave and Gillian.

This week   &layed ' Won ' (ost ) Draw ) For * %gainst +

This season &layed ,- Won +' /012 (ost ', Draw / For ',+ %gainst '0'

2013 Rd 4 &layed ,- Won +/ 3+12 (ost '' Draw 0 For '4' %gainst *0

Adult Team – Cygnet Town FCThis week the Town went u against the Golden Gordons whom 5eat us -)3 in a friendly

rior to the season start. This time around we welcomed them under daylight with our

first home kick off at +60-. Those who have ventured down to a home game this season

will know that with the sun setting much earlier7 games under light are not ideal and

many have 5een left looking 5efuddled when the 5all has gone missing in the dark on

the field furthest from the lights888

With daylight afoot7 the guys were determined to show the home suorters that the revious victorieswere in fact true and not of fictional fairy tales. 9ow I can’t rovide a great deal of commentary on

the first half as I arrived on route from our :outh teams *)+ annihilation of 9ew Town !torm7 however I

was told the Town dominated osition in the first half. It was +)' uon my arrival thanks to goals from

(ee ;eson :es7 our mar<uee striker from (iverool =ngland and cousin to >arl &ilkington of T# fame2

and our own famous local cele5rity ? >amal !ingh7

When I did turn u7 a very du5ious enalty Well from my 5iased oint of view2 was given to the

Golden @ldies and u steed one of the strongest goal keeers in the (eague our own Hugo2. 9ow

we are a generous 5unch in Cygnet7 and Hugo went on to save the initial enalty kick and laid the

5all on a latter for the @ldies to score from the re5ound7 however the oosition missed again with

Hugo lacing his frame erfectly to ru5 salt into the enalty takers wounds from the initial miss to see

two misses. Great shot stoing Hugo88

With the Golden @ldies coming 5ack into the match7 it was again local cele5rity >amal !ingh who

ounced onto a volley to see us win 0)'. It ossi5ly was the 5est *- minutes the team has ut together

this season and a well)deserved victory which sees us solidify our osition on the ladder ) 4th from '+

teams2. !ecial thanks to George Wilson who covered lines for the final '- minutes ? to effort


Cygnet Town FC 3 de !a"nstonewo"th #olden #o"dons 1 $%amal &ingh 2' (ee )e*son 1+

Cygnet !ea Dragon Hoodies for sale ? read neAt age

Good luck for the weekendGo the Green

The Ram,le" $-ae+

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

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 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   2 |


Boll u Boll u7 get your hoodie here. "ased on oular demand7 ;anine has arranged for the latest in

Cygnet fashion wear to go u for sale.

The &ea -"agon /oodie is u* o" sale

With secial thanks to our sonsor :our Home Bealty we are a5le tooffer you a !ea Dragon hoodie at a discounted rate. The hoodie even

comes with you name on the 5ack.

"elow is a samle of what the hoodie will look like. For en<uiries lease

see ;anine or email her on Eanine.wendelinggmail.com 

&am*le o the /oodie


%ids sies &ale "ice 30

Adult sies &ale "ice 3

These rices are su5sidised thanks to :our Home Bealty.

We can only offer this rice if we can order /- hoodies so lease get in contact with ;anine to lace

your order. I have attached on the neAt age some information on sies. &lease note that we cannot

reim5urse you should you ick the wrong sie so lease ensure you get the sie correct or at least ick

one sie too large rather than small 8882

Hurry and get your order in now. We need /- to lace the order.

Contact ;anine on Eanine.wendelinggmail.com or see her at training to get your latest in fashion


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 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   3 |

Details of Hoodies

•  Polyester for durability,Cotton for comfort•  Front hand pockets•  280gsm•  Hood with adjustable drawcord (No hood cord on kids sizes)•  2x2 rib sleeve cuffs and bottom hem with elastane•  zip opening•  Set-in sleeves


LADIES 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

CHEST 48 50.5 53 55.5 58 60.5 63 65.5 68

SP LENGTH  58.5 60 61.5 63 64.5 66 67.5 69 70.5



CHEST 55 57.5 60 62.5 65 67.5 70 72.5

SP LENGTH  66 68 70 72 74 76 77 78

KIDS 4 6 8 10 12 14

CHEST 37.5 40 42.5 45 48 51.5

SP LENGTH  48 52 56 60 64 65

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

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 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   4 |

 Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas

closer together” Georg Christoph Lichtenberg 

5uote o the week 6 Red Velvet Lounge (support our sponsor)Red Velvet Lounge (support our sponsor)Red Velvet Lounge (support our sponsor)Red Velvet Lounge (support our sponsor) 

2. Saturday’s Matches and Ground Directions:

Cygnet Sea Dragons Roster – Round 5(Juniors) – 14 June 2014

Team: Kick


Location: Opponent: Prev


3 Green Div + !outh ''6-- Cygnet Calvin Gold ,)$

4 Green Div ' !outh '-6-- Cygnet Huon #alley "lue

$ Green Div ' !outh ''6--(ightwood

&ark>ing5orough (ions "lack

$ White Div + !outh '-6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ions Green* Green Div + City ''6-- Cygnet !t %loysius "lue

* White Div 3 City '+6--!oldiers

emorial /(enah #alley Flash

'- Green Div + City '+6--Waimea

HeightsWaimea Warriors

'' Green Div , City '-6-- Cygnet !outh Ho5art &rimary +)-

'+ %ll !tars Girls '-6-- %thletic Centre !acred Heart White

', :outh +6-- Tynwald &ark 9ew 9orfolk

Cygnet Town FC%dults2


Cygnet %F(Ground

"arnestoneworth !craers

Ground Directions:

(ightwood a"k 6 "ehind >ing5orough !orts Centre >ingston #iew Drive



&oldie"s 6emo"ial 7 Inside @val near ground neAt to fence Oueens Domain



Waimea /eights7 +0- Churchill %venue !andy "ay



Athletic Cent"e7 Oueens Domain



Tynwald a"k7  9ew 9orfolk



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 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   5 |

Ya Whatttttt!!!!

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 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   6 |

THE FOOTBALL RAMBLER “for the hardcore enthusiasts”

Back next week

C8AC/9& !8:

Sea Dragon Sheets Soiled: On Saturday at Huonville we played against the league’s cellar dwellers New Town.

Our match target courtesy of Big Dave the Rambler, was to fight a rearguard action,

survive the match intact, and, see if we could keep a clean sheet in the process. It all

went horribly wrong when a couple of moments of sloppiness resulted in our pre-

match dream turning into a mid-match nightmare. It really was down to incontinental

carelessness at key moments. I mean its not as if they shat on us from a great height

and I have say that the day wasn’t a total disaster from our perspective. In actual fact our four man

defense played really well and generally looked solid throughout. They played so well that post match

it had Dave and I wondering why we hadn’t employed this formation previously ( Editor’s Note –

Yeah!! We’ve all been wondering for about six weeks!!). Also, while the defense were doing their

business, at the other end our attack was busying itself knocking in nine goals so it was all happening at

both ends. Ok so the opposition wasn’t the strongest we’ll face but I note from prior results that so far

no other team has knocked in nine goals against them. Four of our strikers all grabbed a brace though

unlike last week there were no hat-tricks on offer. Vincent Chancellor probably came the closest as his

shot from out on the right beat the keeper and hit the post before rolling along the line and being

scooped out by that keeper who goes by the name of Honest John and it was he who explained to the

referee that the ball hadn’t in fact crossed the line. However, all our attacking players and one of our

mums who goes by the name of Honest Siobhan and who apart from John the keeper was in the best

possible position to adjudicate being directly in line, claimed that the ball was at least a foot over theline. I don’t know about you but I know who I think is more worthy of the “Honest” sobriquet pre-fixed

to their name and it isn’t John the Keeper. Hopefully over the course of the season all these brown

stains will come out in the wash and in fairness there was a suspicion of off-side about one of the two

Vincent goals that did count and that coming after a clear hand ball from Mia. So all in all –

goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders and attack – everyone did well, all those available had reasonable

game time due to Dave’s ISS (he can explain it) (eds note: The ISS is up for patent and can’t be

discussed right now) , and, all made a worthy contribution. In future weeks we’ll come up against

stronger opposition but if we can just flush those lapses in concentration through our system and avoid

leakage at both ends we should go ok. We are in fact the top scorers in the division with twenty seven

goals from five games (not including grading games) so win or lose our games are never boring. It got

me wondering though what the result might have been if Vincent’s first goal had been disallowedand/or the shot that rolled near to the goal-line had been allowed. These key moments can change the

course of a match by lifting one team from the U-bend of despair whilst plunging the other team

towards septic depths causing their fortunes to tank in the process. I have to admit that I didn’t have a

clue what might have panned out and neither did Big Rambling Dave. In these scenarios there’s no

alternative course of action to take other than to consult Hendricks and Robey who use a predictive

formula to calculates the probability of the coefficient of variation to work out how these things would

have ermed, ….erm panned out, as can be seen from the formula itself which is reproduced here:

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 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   7 |

where the symbol indicates that the summation is only over even values of n-1-i.)

The formula churned out the following results:

Vincent’s Goal – No Change Vincent’s Goal - Disallowed

Vincents Goal-line Shot – No


9-2 (official result) 8-2

Vincents Goal-line Shot – Goal


10-2 9-2

Anyway this week’s trip to New Norfolk will more than likely see us face stiffer opposition (for our

two pronged attack, four man defense and our four man attack/defense oriented midfield). No doubt

there’ll be goals aplenty so for all parents its sure to be worth the trip to the Antique Capital (for all you

shoppers it’s a great place to spend a penny) of the erm….Derwent Valley. Last time we travelled up

there we only had ten players, which was nearly reduced to nine when one of them, a certain Jake

Buckland, injured himself in the warm up when clashing with a runaway camel, newly escaped from

the Bonorong Wildlife Zoo-Doo ( Editor’s Note: That’s the official version. The actual version is thathe got injured when he ran headlong into Isaac Beecroft while swerving to avoid a heap of hot,

stinking, steaming camel crap that had been newly deposited by an escaped camel from the Bonorong

Wildpark, but at least we now know what the “doo” in Zoo-doo stands for ). A win will almost certainly

see us consolidate third spot on the ladder. Just as interesting will be the events at Lightwood where

fourth faces off against second, in Kingborough v Tilford. Something’s got to give.

U14 Division Red – Cygnet Sea Dragons 9-2 New Town (Scorers for Cygnet –Isaac Beecroft 2,

Christian Sayers 2, Vincent Chancellor 2, Seth Batchelder 2, Jake Buckland 1).

Yours, The Coaches Box (aka George Wilson)

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

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 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   8 |

;ou" &ea -"agons Committee7

"esident – -ae &aye"s<ice "esident –(uca <aninoT"easu"e" – #eo"ge WilsonCommittee 6em,e"s – )anine Wendeling $=nio"ms+' 6att 8dy' 9"an /owa"d' #ini 9nnals' Alison>icholas ? Ric !eec"ot $Canteen+' )ohn #o""ie

&ea -"agon #old Clu, &*onso"shi* 20147

arcus "oks ? "oks the "est "acon

Cygneture Chocolates

:our Home Bealty

Bed #elvet (ounge

"lack Hawk &u5lishing

r N rs Coaches "oA Coaching !ervices

Coast and ountain =Aloration

"endigo "ank

#"een and #old Clu, @ 10 #"een and &ile" Clu, @ 100 #"een and !"one Clu, @ 0

(9A&9 &=8RT 8=R &8>&8R& – o" at least ,e su"e to coney you" *e"sonal thanks.

GOLD Club Sponsor

The Coach (and Mrs Coach) Coaching Services Provider

 For all your coaching needs Tel. (03) Tel 62950754/ 0400-514767 

GOLD Club Sponsor

Coast and Mountain Exploration – Mineral

 Exploration in Developing Countries

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http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 9/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   9 |

6essage o" All a"ents $and %ids+7

If your child is unable to play for any reason please contact your team coach or reply to Dave Sayers

who will pass message on as if we know in time we may be able to get a player from one of the other

teams to double up and therefore we avoid playing short or having to borrow from the other team.

Telephone numbers/email of team coaches above fixtures, results and scorers item !.

Canteen "oste" $Coo"dinato" – Alison >icholas – contact details ,elow+7 

We are now calling for &ead"agon Canteen oluntee"s. #olunteering for canteen is easy and

a great way for !eadragon !uorters to catch u with others7 hel out and watch their

!eadragonPs game8 If each family without coaching commitments2 can hel out one

!aturday during the term the !eadragons Canteen will run at its most efficient and mostrofita5le. Canteen is the !eadragons !occer Clu5Ps ,iggest und"aise"  so you" su**o"t is


nst"uctions o" <oluntee"s7 What to doB

%lison canteen coordinator2 will contact you a few days 5efore your rostered on !aturday to

organised who will 5ring what.

)  #olunteers will 5uyJ5ring 5read7 milk7 free)range eggs and sliced onions we love eggs

from home gardens2

•  "oks 5acon and sausages will 5e rovided 5y %lison7 either Friday night training or

5efore matches start on !aturday.

•  if more sausages etc. are re<uired on the day7 they can 5e urchased locally in


)  &lease arrive '/mins 5efore first game starts.

)  When you get there the canteen will 5e unlocked. %ll the stock and sulies are in lastic

5oAes and cu5oards inside the canteen.

)  #olunteers setu inside canteen7 ready for serviceQ setu 55<7 cook 5acon7 eggs7 onions

and sausagesQ serveQ clean u and ut everything 5ack.

)  #olunteers lace receits in Float container and lease reim5urse yourselves for any

eAenses. Float goes 5ack to canteen coordinator.

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 10/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   10 |

if you want to...

)  It is always fantastic if there are home)made muffins7 scones or 5iscuits 5ut only 5ring

these if you can...8

)  Full instructions are in the canteen.

Thanks for your suort8

%lison 9icholas

h. -,/*30-/''


-ate Time >ames'-th ay $6,/ ? '+6'/ , home games ? Genevieve7 Dagny7 ichael Garner lus others

heled at time Thanks to all7 great to see many helers at various


'4th ay $6,/ ? '+6'/ , home games ? ;ane %line7 Team @dy

+,th ay $6,/ ? '+6'/ / home games ? ichael Garner7 Cathy Forman

0'st ay $6,/ ? '+6'/ / home games ? ;ane Herring7 ;ason (unden7 >ate7 Dave

',J3J', *6,/) '+6'/ #olunteer now ? / home games

+'J3J', #olunteer now

+$J3J', #olunteer now

+3J4J', #olunteer now

+J$J', #olunteer now*J$J', #olunteer now

'3J$J', #olunteer now

+0J$J', #olunteer now

0-J$J', #olunteer now

3J*J', #olunteer now

'0J*J', #olunteer now

+-J*J', #olunteer now

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 11/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   11 |

6atch Re*o"ts

= #"een

Cygnet =

=D #"een

=D Cygnet

=E #"een

=E #"een

=E White

=E White

= #"een

= #"een

= White

Cygnet =

=10 #"een

&t The"ese

=11 #"een

Cygnet &ea -"agons

=12 #i"l All &ta"s

Cygnet All &ta"s

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 12/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   12 |

Te"ms 8ne @ FiGtu"es' Results and &co"e"s7

lease note this "oste" is su,Hect to late C/A>#9.

Cygnet = in the = -iision 2 &outh $Coaches ndia !eec"ot ' Rowan &helton ?

a"ent #"ou*+7 -ate7 %ick

87(ocation7 8**onent7 Result7 &co"e"s7

'-J/J', '-6-- argate argate Green 4)+ =uan % ,7

Tom G '7 ;amie %

'7 @G ' 

'4J/J', '-6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ion Green /)' =uan +7 ;amie % '7

Flynn !7 @G ' 

+,J/J', '-6-- Huon #alley Huon #alley White 4)- =uan +7 ;amie % '7

Tim '7 Tom +7 Biley

0'J/J', '-6-- Cygnet Calvin Gold ,)$ =uan +7 ;amie '7 Tim

'5ueen !day 

',J3J', ''6-- Cygnet Calvin Gold

+'J3J', '-6-- Cygnet Wood5ridge Whalers

+$J3J', *6,/ (ightwood &ark >ing5orough (ions "lue


+3J4J', '-6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ions Gold

+J$J', '-6-- #an orey Bd argate "lue

*J$J', '-6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ions "lack

'3J$J', '-6-- #an orey Bd argate Green

+0J$J', '-6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ion Green

0-J$J', '-6-- Huonville Huon #alley White

3J*J', '-6-- Cygnet Calvin Gold'0J*J', '-6-- Wood5ridge Wood5ridge Whalers

+-J*J', '-6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ions "lue

=I &eason #oals Tally

=uan '-7 Tom 07 ;amie ,7 Flynn '7 Tim +7 Biley '7 @G + Total +0

layed 4 Won 3 (ost 1 -"ew @ Fo" 23 Ag 11

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 13/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   13 |

Cygnet =D #"een in the =D -iision 1 &outh $Coach -a""en /a"ey and a"ent


-ate7 %ick 87 (ocation7 8**onent7 Result7 &co"e"s7'-J/J', !;9

'4J/J', '+6-- !t %loysius !t %loysius White /)0 %rchie +7 Charlie

'7 Isaac '7 Wes ' +,J/J', '-6-- Cygnet !t %loysius Green /)0 %rchie +7 Charlie +7

@G '

0'J/J', '+6-- (ightwood &ark >ing5orough (ions White 4)' %rchie +7 Charlie 07

Will '7 own goal '

5ueen !day 

',J3J', '-6-- Cygnet Huon #alley "lue

+'J3J', '-6-- #an orey Bd argate White

+$J3J', '-6-- Cygnet !t %loysius Bed

!"eak  +3J4J', ''6-- Cygnet !t %loysius "lue

+J$J', '-6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ions "lack

*J$J', '+6-- (ightwood &ark >ing5orough (ions Gold'3J$J', '-6-- Cygnet !t %loysius White

+0J$J', '-6-- #an orey Bd argate "lue

0-J$J', '-6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ions "lue

3J*J', '-6-- Huonville Huon #alley "lue

'0J*J', '-6-- Cygnet argate White

+-J*J', ''6-- Cygnet !t %loysius Bed

=D #"een &eason #oals Tally

%rchie 37 Charlie 37 Isaac '7 Wes '7 Will '' @G + Total '4

layed 3 Won 3 (ost @ -"ew @ Fo" 1D Ag D

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 14/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   14 |

Cygnet =E #"een in the =E -iision 1 &outh $Coach Ch"is (ittleHohn e7


-ate7 %ick87

(ocation7 8**onent7 Result7 &co"e"s7

'-J/J', *6-- Cygnet argate "lack ,)' Tommy +7 >es '7"enny '

'4J/J', ''6-- (ightwood &ark >ing5orough (ions "lue '), "enny '

+,J/J', *6-- Cygnet !t %loysius "lue ')/ "enny '

0'J/J', '-6-- Cygnet !t %loysius Green +), Huon '7 "enny '

5ueen !day 

',J3J', ''6-- (ightwood &ark >ing5orough (ions "lack

+'J3J', '6-- (ightwood &ark >ing5orough (ions White

+$J3J', '-6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ions "lue

!"eak  +3J4J', *6-- !t %loysius

>ingston "each

!t %loysius Green

+J$J', ":=*J$J', '-6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ions "lack

'3J$J', '-6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ions White

+0J$J', '-6-- (ightwood &ark >ing5orough (ions "lue

0-J$J', '-6-- Cygnet !t %loysius Green

3J*J', ":=

'0J*J', '-6-- (ightwood &ark >ing5orough (ions "lack

+-J*J', ''6-- (ightwood &ark >ing5orough (ions White

=E #"een &eason #oals Tally

"enny 07 Tommy +7 >es '7 Huon ' Total 4

layed 4 Won 1 (ost 3 -"ew @ Fo" D Ag 14

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 15/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   15 |

Cygnet =E White in the =E -iision 2 &outh $Coach 9"an /owa"d 04 4 3D0+7

-ate7 %ick87

(ocation7 8**onent7 Result7 &co"e"s7

'4J/J', '-6-- Cygnet !t %loysius :ellow 0)+ >es +7 !iya '

+,J/J', '+6-- Cygnet !outhern Christian


3)- >es /7 >ale5 '

0'J/J', '-6-- argate &rimary argate Green /), >es +7 atthew '

!iya '7 %nna5elle '

5ueen !day 

',J3J', '-6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ions


+'J3J', *6-- !t %loysius

>ingston "each

!t %loysius "lue

+$J3J', ''6-- Cygnet Channel Christian


+3J4J', '-6-- Cygnet Calvin

+J$J', ''6-- !t %loysius>ingston "each !t %loysius :ellow

*J$J', '-6-- Channel Christian !outhern Christian


'3J$J', ''6-- Cygnet argate Green

+0J$J', ''6-- Cygnet >ing5orough (ions


0-J$J', ''6-- Cygnet !t %loysius "lue

3J*J', '-6-- Channel Christian Channel Christian

'0J*J', '-6-- Calvin aranoa



+-J*J', '-6-- Cygnet !t %loysius :ellow

=E White &eason #oals Tally

>es * '-27 >ale5 '7 !iya +7 %nna5elle '7 atthew ' Total ',

layed 3 Won 3 (ost @ -"ew @ Fo" 14 Ag

$+ denotes goal when *laying o" Hoint =E team in "ound 1

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 16/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   16 |

Cygnet = #"een in the = -iision 2 City $Coach -ae &aye"s 043E E 01E+7

-ate7 %ick 87 (ocation7 8**onent7 Result7 &co"e"s7'-J/J', '-6-- Cygnet West Ho5art "lack /)0 Rac ,7 (auren '

'4J/J', ''6-- !outh Ho5art !outh Ho5art &rimary


')- Rac '

+,J/J', '-6-- Cygnet !t #irgils "lue /)' Rac +7 =than ! +7 Tristan


0'J/J', '-6-- (ightwood &ark >ing (ions Green +)+ Rac +

5ueen !day

',J3J', ''6-- Cygnet !t %loysius "lue

+'J3J', '-6-- West Ho5art West Ho5art "lack

+$J3J', *6-- Cygnet !outh Ho5art &rimary



+3J4J', '-6-- (ightwood &ark   >ing (ions Green

+J$J', ''6-- Cygnet Waimea Wyverns

*J$J', ''6-- !t %loysius>ingston "each !t %loysius "lue

'3J$J', *6-- Cygnet West Ho5art "lack

+0J$J', ''6-- !outh Ho5art !outh Ho5art &rimary


0-J$J', *6-- Cygnet >ing (ions Green

3J*J', '+6-- Waimea


Waimea Wyverns

'0J*J', '-6-- Cygnet !t %loysius "lue

+-J*J', '-6-- West Ho5art West Ho5art "lack

= #"een &eason #oals Tally

Rac *7 =than ! +7 Tristan '7 (auren ' Total '0

layed 4 Won 3 (ost @ -"ew 1 Fo" 13 Ag  

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 17/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   17 |

Cygnet = White in the = -iision City Te"m 8ne' -i in Te"m Two $Coach

(uca <anino 040D D4 D00 [email protected] and 6ichaela /a"ley 2 

-ate7 %ick 87 (ocation7 8**onent7 Result7 &co"e"s7'-J/J', ''6-- Cygnet Channel Christian -)'-

'4J/J', '+6-- West Ho5art (enah #alley !trike 0)0 @tis '7 Floyd ++,J/J', ''6-- Cygnet Friends Bed /)' @tis +7 Floyd '7

%imee '7 ;osh '

0'J/J', '-6-- Cam5ell !t Cam5ell !t /)/ @tis ,7 Callan '

5ueen !day ',J3J', '+6-- !oldiers


(enah #alley Flash

+'J3J', '-6-- Cygnet Cam5ell !t

+$J3J', '+6-- West Ho5art Friends "lue

!"eak  +3J4J', *6-- argate


argate Green

+J$J', '-6-- Cygnet Friends Bed*J$J', *6-- !oldiers


(enah #alley !trike

'3J$J', '-6-- t 9elson


Ho5art td Green

+0J$J', '-6-- Cygnet (enah #alley Flash

0-J$J', '+6-- Cam5ell !t Cam5ell !t

3J*J', '-6-- Cygnet Friends "lue

'0J*J', *6-- Cygnet argate Green

+-J*J', ''6-- Cam5ell !t Friends Bed

= White &eason #oals Tally

@tis 47 Floyd 07 %imee '7 ;osh '7 Callan ' Total '0

layed 4 Won 1 (ost 1 -"ew 2 Fo" 13 Ag 1

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 18/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   18 |

Cygnet =10 #"een in the =10 -iision 2 City $Coach Ric !eec"ot

"icotJhotmail.sg – Tel. 042@30D EE and (o"na !a""ett+

-ate7 %ick 87 (ocation7 8**onent7 Result7 &co"e"s7

'-J/J', '+6-- !oldiers


!t #irgils "lue ,), Denel ,

'4J/J', *6-- Cygnet !t %loysius "lue 0)- Co5i +7 Denel '+,J/J', ''6-- (ightwood


>ing5orough (ions "lue 0)'- Denel 0

0'J/J', '-6-- Cygnet !t Thereses -)+

5ueen !day 

',J3J', '+6-- Waimea


Waimea Warriors

+'J3J', '-6-- &arliament !t %l5uera !t =agles

+$J3J', '-6-- Cygnet West Ho5art Green


+3J4J', '-6-- Cygnet !t #irgils "lue

+J$J', ''6-- !t %loysius


!t %loysius "lue

*J$J', ''6-- Cygnet West Ho5art "lack

'3J$J', '-6-- !oldiers


!t Thereses

+0J$J', '-6-- Cygnet Waimea Warriors

0-J$J', '-6-- Cygnet %l5uera !t =agles

3J*J', ''6-- !olders


West Ho5art Green

'0J*J', ''6-- Friends !t #irgils "lue

+-J*J', '-6-- Cygnet !t %loysius "lue

=10 #"een &eason #oals Tally

Denel $ Co5i + Total '-

layed 4 Won 1 (ost 2 -"ew 1 Fo" 10 Ag 1

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 19/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   19 |

Cygnet =11 in the =11 -iision 4 City $Coach7 #"aham 6assey and -om

6iddleton and *a"ent g"ou* to assist+

-ate7 %ick 87 (ocation7 8**onent7 Result7 &co"e"s7

'-J/J', '+6-- (ightwood &ark >ing (ions Green '), >ai '

'4J/J', ''6-- Cygnet Cam5ell !t &ythons ')/ ;ake '+,J/J', ''6-- Friends Friends Bed /)/ aA '7 >ai

'7 >ieron '7

;ake +

0'J/J', '+6-- Cygnet !outh Ho5art &rimary +)- >ai '7

>ieron '5ueen !day 

',J3J', '-6-- Cygnet !outh Ho5art &rimary

+'J3J', !;9

+$J3J', *6-- Friends Friends Bed


+3J4J', ''6-- #an orey Bd argate Green+J$J', '-6-- Cygnet Channel Christian

*J$J', '-6-- Huonville Huon #alley

'3J$J', '-6-- Cygnet Calvin

+0J$J', '-6-- !oldiers emorial !outh Ho5art &rimary

0-J$J', !;9

3J*J', ''6-- Cygnet Friends Bed

'0J*J', ''6-- Cygnet argate Green

+-J*J', '-6-- Calvin Denison !t Channel Christian

=11 &eason #oals Tally

>ai 07 ;ake 07 aA '7 >ieron + Total *

layed 4 Won 1 (ost 2 -"ew 1 Fo" Ag 14

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 20/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   20 |

Cygnet =12 All &ta"s in the =12 #i"ls -iision City $Coach -aid -ow

daidadowJesat.net.au and *a"ent g"ou*+

-ate7 %ick 87 (ocation7 8**onent7 Result7 &co"e"s7'-J/J', '-6-- Cygnet Taroona -)0

'4J/J', !;9+,J/J', '-6-- Calvin !ohia !t Calvin -)/

0'J/J', ''6-- Cygnet Waimea Hts Wildcats -)0

5ueen !day 

',J3J', '-6-- %thletic Centre !acred Heart White

+'J3J', '-6-- Cygnet t 9elson usketeers

+$J3J', ''6-- (ower

Oueen5oroughWest Ho5art

!"eak  +3J4J', ''6-- (ower

Oueen5orough Taroona

+J$J', !;9

*J$J', '-6-- Cygnet Calvin'3J$J', ''6-- !andown &ark + Waimea Hts Wildcats

+0J$J', ''6-- Cygnet !acred Heart White

0-J$J', *6-- (ower

Oueen5orough t 9elson usketeers

3J*J', '-6-- Cygnet West Ho5art

'0J*J', '-6-- Cygnet Taroona

+-J*J', !;9

=12 All &ta"s &eason #oals Tally


layed 3 Won @ (ost 3 -"ew @ Fo" 0 Ag 11

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 21/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   21 |

;ouths7 Cygnet =14 in the =14 Red -iision $Coach #eo"ge Wilson and -ae


-ate7 %ick 87 (ocation7 8**onent7 Result7 &co"e"s7/J,J', +60- Huonville Tilford Re5ras ,)0 Isaac7 ;ake "7

Hugh7 #incent

'+J,J', *6-- 9ew Town 9ew Town !torm 3)+ Isaac ,7 "rady '7(iam '

'-J/J', +6-- Huonville Tilford Re5ras 4)0 Isaac 07

Christian +7 ;ake


'4J/J', *6-- Huonville niversity ')/ Isaac '

+,J/J', +6-- Huonville 9elson 0), Isaac +7

Christian '

0'J/J', '-60- !howground 0 Glenorchy >nights $)4 Christian 07

#incent 07 Isaac


4J3J', +6-- Huonville 9ew Town White *)+ Isaac +7 #incent

+7 Christian +7!eth +7 ;ake '

',J3J', '+6-- Tynwald &ark 9ew 9orfolk

+'J3J', +6-- Huonville >ing5orough "lue

+$J3J', '-60- Oueens Walk Tilford Re5ras

/J4J', +6-- 9elson niversity

+3J4J', *6-- 9orth Warrane 9elson

+J$J', +6-- Huonville Glenorchy >nights

*J$J', '-60- Clare !t 9ew Town 9ew Town !torm

'3J$J', +6-- Huonville 9ew 9orfolk

+0J$J', '-60- (ightwood &ark >ing5orough "lue

=14 &eason #oals Tally

Isaac '/7 Christian $7 #incent 37 ;ake ,7 !eth '7 Hugh '7 "rady '7 (iam ' Total 0$

8e"all layed D Won (ost 2 -"ew @ Fo" 3E Ag 2

Home &layed / Won 0 (ost + Drew ) For +, %g '4

%way &layed + Won + (ost ) Drew ) For ', %g *

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 22/23

 Edition 7 –14 June 2014

Central Region Junior Soccer Roster at http://www.crjsa.com/rosters

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CygnetSeaDragons P a g e   22 |

Adults7 Cygnet Town FC in the &outhe"n (eague 4 -iision

-ate7 %ick 87 (ocation7 8**onent7 Result &co"e"s7/J,J', ":=

'+J,J', +60- 9ew 9orfolk 9ew 9orfolk ,)0 (ee ; ,

'*J,J', *ost*oned

+3J,J', ,6-- Cygnet %F( ground Clarence ')+ att @ '

,J/J', +60- Weily &ark "ridgewater Derwent td ')* %you5 ''-J/J', ,6,/ Cygnet %F( Ground niversity 0)0 (ee ; +7

>amal '

'$J/J', '+60- 9u5eena &irates ,)+ (ee 07 !teve '

+,J/J', ,6,/ Cygnet %F( Ground  etro -),

0'J/J', +60- "ell !t 9ew Town D@!% ? Friends 3)' (ee +7 Danish

&ete +7 !teve

'7 ark " '

$J3J', ,6,/ Cygnet %F( Ground "arnstoneworth Golden Gordons 0)' >amal +7 (ee


',J3J', ,6,/ Cygnet %F( Ground "arnstonewoorth !craers

++J3J', +60- Wellesley &ark !outh


!outh Ho5art

+*J3J', ,6,/ Cygnet %F( Ground  9ew 9orfolk/J4J', ,6,/ Cygnet %F( Ground Huon #alley

'+J4J', ,6,/ Cygnet %F( Ground Clarence 

+-J4J', +60- Weily &ark "ridgewater Derwent td

+3J4J', +60- @linda Grove ni niversity

+J$J', ,6,/ Cygnet %F( Ground &irates

'-J$J', +60- 9orth Chigwell etro

'3J$J', ,6,/ Cygnet %F( Ground D@!% ) Friends

+,J$J', '+60- Wentworth &ark ' "arnstoneworth Golden Gordons

0'J$J', '+60- Wentworth &ark ' "arnstonewoorth !craers

Cygnet Town FC &eason #oals Tally

(ee ;eson '+7 >amal 07 !tevie C +7 Danish &ete +7 ark " '7 att @dy '7 %you5 '7 Total ++

layed E Won 4 (ost 3 -"ew 1 Fo" 22 Ag 2

8/12/2019 Cygnet Sea Dragons Junior Soccer Club - Edition 7 14 June 2014

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/cygnet-sea-dragons-junior-soccer-club-edition-7-14-june-2014 23/23