Cyber Bullying By Sarah Chaouk and Astede Woldegebriel

Cyber Bullying By Sarah Chaouk and Astede Woldegebriel

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Page 1: Cyber Bullying By Sarah Chaouk and Astede Woldegebriel

Cyber Bullying

By Sarah Chaouk and Astede


Page 2: Cyber Bullying By Sarah Chaouk and Astede Woldegebriel

What is Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying is a harassment that occurs via the Internet or phone. Vicious posts, name calling in chat rooms, posting fake profiles on web sites, and cruel email are all ways of cyber bullying.

Page 3: Cyber Bullying By Sarah Chaouk and Astede Woldegebriel

Examples of cyber bullying

- A student is being harassed by anonymous threats and taunting emails at home, even though there is no direct harassment at school. The victim has no idea who is sending this messages and feels like everybody is against him/her. That student is being cyber bullied.

- A schools bulletin board has been spammed by naming calling posts that spreads vicious rumours to a specific student. The rumours are not true but kids at school believe them. The student is a victim of cyber bullying.

- A nasty fake profile is posted at a social site using a student’s real name, photo and contact information. This victim is been getting nasty message via texting by strangers. This person is a victim of cyber bullying.

Page 4: Cyber Bullying By Sarah Chaouk and Astede Woldegebriel




Virtual bullying

Page 5: Cyber Bullying By Sarah Chaouk and Astede Woldegebriel

Ways parents can stop cyber bullying from happening-Staying with children at all times on the computer. -Making sure children don’t post personal information on social sites-Children's password has to be confidential the only person that should have their password is either their mum/dad.-If you want your children to be really safe don’t let them go on social sites.-Don’t let your children upload photos or video to social site, predator or bullies might eventually find it. - Don’t let your children add people they don’t know, only talk to close friends or family- Always ask your children what their doing at all times.

Page 6: Cyber Bullying By Sarah Chaouk and Astede Woldegebriel

Social sites: Face book, MySpace, Bebo and YouTube

Social sites such as: Face book, MySpace, Bebo and YouTube are very popular to teenagers, CYBER BULLIES and PREDATORS. Everyday more then 1million teens, cyber bullies and predator visit one or more of these sites. Teenagers would mostly chat to friends and family. They also would upload photos of themselves and friends and upload videos, where cyber bullies and predators would find you. NEVER ADD PEOPLE YOU’VE NEVER MET OR SEEN BEFORE.

Page 7: Cyber Bullying By Sarah Chaouk and Astede Woldegebriel