CXCMaths - Jan 2006 Paper 02

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  • 8/13/2019 CXCMaths - Jan 2006 Paper 02



    Volume of prism V = Ah where A is the area of a cross-section and h is the

    perpendicular length.

    Volume of cylinder V = rh where r is the radius of the base and h is theperpendicular height.

    Volume of a right pyramid V = Ah where A is the area of the base and h is theperpendicular height.

    Circumference C = 2r where r is the radius of the circle.

    Area of a circle A = r where r is the radius of the circle

    Area of trapeium A = ! "a # b$ h where a and b are the lengths of theparallel sides and h is the perpendicular height.

    %oots of &uadratic e&uations 'f a( # b( # c = )* then

    +rigonometry ratios

    Area of triangle

    Area of , = ! bh where b is thelength of the base and h is the perpendicularheight.

  • 8/13/2019 CXCMaths - Jan 2006 Paper 02


    Area of AC = !ab sin C

    Area of


    0ine rule

    Cosine rule a = b # c - 2bc cos A


    Answer ALL the questions in this section.

    All working must e cle!rl" shown.

    #. 1sing a calculator* or otherwise* calculate

    "i$ the e(act alue of

    $% m!rks&

    "ii$ correct to 3 significant figures* the alue of 45.67 - "2.44$.

  • 8/13/2019 CXCMaths - Jan 2006 Paper 02


    $' m!rks&

    "b$ A loan of 842 ))) was borrowed from a ban9 at 4:; per annum.


    "i$ the interest on the loan at the end of the first year $( m!rks&

    "ii$ the total amount owing at the end of the first year. $# m!rk&

    A repayment of 86 5)) was made at the start of the second year.


    "iii$ the amount still outstanding at the start of the second year $# m!rk&

    "i$ the interest on the outstanding amount at the end of second year. $# m!rk&

    Tot!l #( m!rks

    (."a$ 'f a = 2* b = -3 and c = :* ealuate

    "i$ ab - bc $# m!rk&

    "ii$ b"a - c$ $( m!rk&

    "b$ 0ole for ( where ( )n the answer sheet* , AC is mapped onto , ALLCL under a reflection.

    "i$ /rite down the e&uation of the mirror line.

    , ALLCL is mapped onto , APPCP by a rotation of 45)Q about the point "7* :$.

    $# m!rk&

    "ii$ Determine the coordinates of the ertices of , APPCP.

    $' m!rks&

    "iii$ 0tate the transformation that maps , AC onto , APPCP.

    $( m!rks&

    Tot!l ## m!rks

  • 8/13/2019 CXCMaths - Jan 2006 Paper 02


    . +he table below shows a fre&uency distribution of the scores of 4)) students in ane(amination.

    Scores Frequenc"Cumul!ti/e


    24 - 27 7 7

    2 - 3) 45

    34 - 37 23

    3 - :) 22

    :4 - :7 24

    : - 7) 44 4))

    "i$ Copy and complete the table aboe to show the cumulatie fre&uency for thedistribution.

    $( m!rks&

    "ii$ 1sing a scale of 2 cm to represent a score of 7 on the horiontal a(is and a scale of 2cm to represent 4) students on the ertical a(is* draw a cumulatie fre&uency cure of thescores. 0tart your horiontal scale at 2).

    $ m!rks&

    "iii$ 1sing the cumulatie fre&uency cure* determine the median score for thedistribution.

    $( m!rks&

    "i$ /hat is the probability that s student chosen at random has a score greater than :)R

    $( m!rks&

    Tot!l #( m!rks

    0."a$ +he diagram below* not +r!wn to sc!le* shows a prism of length 3) cm. +he cross-section /BST is a s&uare with area 4:: cm.

  • 8/13/2019 CXCMaths - Jan 2006 Paper 02



    "i$ the olume* in cmU* of the prism

    $( m!rks&

    "ii$ the total surface area* in cm* of the prism.

    $( m!rks&

    "b$ +he diagram below* not +r!wn to sc!le* shows the sector of a circle with centre >.

    Calculate* giing your answer correct to 2 decimal places

    "i$ the length of the minor arc M?

    $( m!rks&

  • 8/13/2019 CXCMaths - Jan 2006 Paper 02


    "ii$ the perimeter of the figure M>?

    $( m!rks&

    "iii$ the area of the figure M>?.

    Tot!l #( m!rks

    1.A large e&uilateral triangle is subdiided into a set of smaller e&uilateral triangles by thefollowing procedure is the centre of the circle. +he measureof angle >M is 44)Q.

  • 8/13/2019 CXCMaths - Jan 2006 Paper 02


    Calculate* giing reasons for your answers* the sie of each of the followingangles

    "i$ ZM?

    $( m!rks&

    "ii$ ZM>

    $' m!rks&

    Tot!l #- m!rks

    #(.A boat leaes a doc9 at point A and traels for a distance of 47 9m to poi on a bearing of437Q.

    +he boat then changes course and traels for a distance of 5 9m to point c on a bearing of))Q.

    "a$ 'llustrate the aboe information in a clearly labelled diagram.

    $( m!rks&

    +he diagram should show the

    "i$ north direction $# m!rks&

    "ii$ bearings 437Q and ))Q $( m!rks&

  • 8/13/2019 CXCMaths - Jan 2006 Paper 02


    "iii$ distances 5 9m and 47 9m. $( m!rks&

    "b$ Calculate

    "i$ the distance AC

    $' m!rks&

    "ii$ ZCA

    $' m!rks&

    "iii$ the bearing of A from C

    $( m!rk&

    Tot!l #- m!rks

  • 8/13/2019 CXCMaths - Jan 2006 Paper 02


    such that .

    $# m!rk&

    "ii$ Hroduce HB to I such that .

    $# m!rk&

    "b$ /rithe the following in terms of rand s.


    $( m!rks&


    $' m!rks&


    $% m!rks&

    "c$ 0how that

    $% m!rks&

    Tot!l #- m!rks

  • 8/13/2019 CXCMaths - Jan 2006 Paper 02


    #%."a$ Wien that is a singular matri(* determine the alue"s$ of p.

    $% m!rks&

    "b$ Wien the linear e&uations

    2( # 7y =

    3( # :y = 5

    "i$ /rite the e&uations in the form AB = where A* B and are matrices.

    $( m!rks&

    "ii$ a$ Calculate the determinant of the matri( A.

    $( m!rks&

    b$ 0how that .

    $' m!rks&

    c$ 1se the matri( AN O to sole for ( and y.

    $- m!rks&

    Tot!l #- m!rks