View this email in your browser April 2020 CXB Bay Breeze The Official Newsletter of the Chesapeake Beach Civic League LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Hello CXB Neighbor, If you have been blessed to have experienced a July Chic's Beach sunset, then you have seen one of the true wonders of our great state of Virginia. As long as I have lived, my parents have shared with me their romance with the Chesapeake Bay and the gorgeous summer sunsets. If you step outside, you can almost hear the sounds of children playing, seagulls cawing and gentle lapping of waves. I am a person who has had to overcome and succeed against odds. My nature has always been one of optimism and I try to see the good in all God lays before me. I believe those wonderful Chic's Beach Subscribe Past Issues RSS Translate

CXB Bay Breeze · Facilities must certify that they are providing or are willing to provide care for children of essential personnel during the grant cycle (April, May, and June)

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Page 1: CXB Bay Breeze · Facilities must certify that they are providing or are willing to provide care for children of essential personnel during the grant cycle (April, May, and June)

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April 2020

CXB Bay BreezeThe Official Newsletter of the Chesapeake Beach Civic League


Hello CXB Neighbor,

If you have been blessed to have experienced a July Chic's Beach sunset, then you have seen one of the true wondersof our great state of Virginia. As long as I have lived, my parents have shared with me their romance with the ChesapeakeBay and the gorgeous summer sunsets. If you step outside, you can almost hear the sounds of children playing, seagullscawing and gentle lapping of waves. I am a person who has had to overcome and succeed against odds. My nature hasalways been one of optimism and I try to see the good in all God lays before me. I believe those wonderful Chic's Beach

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Page 2: CXB Bay Breeze · Facilities must certify that they are providing or are willing to provide care for children of essential personnel during the grant cycle (April, May, and June)

summer sunsets with friends and family the way it always has been...are in our future.

We will have changed.We will be wiser, stronger and more prepared.

In the present time we are living, we must follow the protocols that have been set in place. Doctors and experts havedetermined that maintaining distance from crowding decreases the opportunity for the virus to spread. There are varyingopinions as to the virulence of COVID-19, but all the epidemiologists agree that elimination of the exponential factor is whatsaves the most lives. It is our duty to each other as good abiding citizens to follow these recommendations. We may not allagree wholeheartedly but we should agree that we value our neighbors and the welfare of all. It may not be you personallybut it could be your grandfather or grandmother who we are saving. There is a cost for the general welfare and it isextensive and far reaching. The costs of these measures are ripping the columns that support our economy. It seems thatthe most vulnerable to these measures are our industries of service.

Charitable giving is a personal issue, and in these times of trouble we all do what we can. I encourage those that canafford to try and help out by utilizing these industries. I posted recently that I had ordered from HK on the Bay, Green Parrotand Zia Maria and encouraged us to support them now, or we may not be able to enjoy those establishments when this isall over. There are so many more and I pray that we can manage to preserve some wonderful businesses that havebecome part of what makes our community so unique.

I have been on the Executive Board for the civic league for many years now. It has been my goal to align the civicleague with positive social events to bring our neighborhood together. For the most part I feel we have achieved that goal.That is what it is so painful for me now with the Executive Orders that we now live under. The Governor has mandated a"Stay-at-Home" order until June 10th.

This order forced us to cancel the Community Easter Egg Hunt on the Bayside Christian Church grounds onApril 5th.

We will also be postponing the CXB 5K that was scheduled for May 30th until further notice.We will also be postponing the CXB Summer Picnic that was scheduled for June 13th until further notice.

None of this is good news but it is necessary. Please rest assured we will be continuing to try to improve ourneighborhood in other ways. We are a neighborhood with great human resource. I encourage you all to give time, talent ortreasure to our community and to your fellow citizens.

I have seen several examples of this on Facebook such as live music events by Steve Ambrose and Fred Karam. Takethis situation we are forced into and make the most of it. Spend time with your families. There may never be another timewhere you can write the book you have always talked about or paint a work of art. Enjoy the things we have taken long forgranted. This is a time we can unplug from the socioeconomic matrix we have become oblivious to. This event does nothave to hold us captive to our fear. This is a reminder of how fragile we are and brings us closer to things that are moreimportant.

All is Well,

Dr. T.J. Morgan

Page 3: CXB Bay Breeze · Facilities must certify that they are providing or are willing to provide care for children of essential personnel during the grant cycle (April, May, and June)

Child Care During a Crisis

For essential personnel with children, this can be a difficult time. Thankfully, The Virginia Department of Social Services(VDSS) and Child Care Aware are working closely with local partners to activate emergency procedures to be sure thesefolks and their families are cared for. Families who cannot work remotely and who need child care can visit vachildcare.comto complete an online search for care...Or, you can just keep reading, because I have navigated the process for you! Butfirst, you may have some questions...I know I did.

1. What about the Social Distancing? Settings are limited to 10 individuals per room (including staff), per GovernorNortham's directive. Centers implement small groups and encourage individual play/activities. They keep the small groupstogether throughout the day and do not combine groups. They spread the children out throughout the classroom and usereminders to stay 6ft away from each other.2. Infection Control and Sanitation: Facilities are directed to practice frequent hand washing with soap and water for atleast 20 seconds and require hand washing upon arriving at the program, when entering the classroom, before meals orsnacks, after outside time, after going to the bathroom, and prior to leaving for home. These facilities are helping youngchildren to ensure they are doing it effectively. If soap and water are not readily available, they are using an alcohol-basedhand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Facilities must sanitize frequently touched surfaces and provide adequate suppliesfor good hygiene, including clean and functional hand washing stations, soap, paper towels, and alcohol‐based handsanitizer.3. Which facilities are eligible? Eligible facilities are existing licensed family day homes, voluntarily registered family dayhomes, licensed child day centers, religiously exempt child day centers, and unlicensed child day programs that areapproved subsidy vendors. Facilities must certify that they are providing or are willing to provide care for children ofessential personnel during the grant cycle (April, May, and June) and must attest that they are following enhanced healthand safety guidelines. Facilities must submit a CARES Grant Application Form for approval and submit the requireddocumentation. Facilities must provide additional information or documentation as requested.4. Defining Essential Personnel: These examples are not exhaustive and the definition of essential personnel mayevolve as needed to respond to the crisis. -Providers of healthcare including, but not limited to, workers at clinics, hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers(FQHCs), nursing homes, long-term care and post-acute care facilities, respite houses, designated agencies andemergency medical services;-Essential government employees including public health employees and employees who oversee or support all the otherfunctions included in this list;-Criminal justice personnel including those in law enforcement, courts, and correctional services; -Police, firefighters, and military;-Employees who operate shelters or other essential services for adults, children and families; -Employees who ensure continuity of basic services such as electricity/gas, water, internet, plumbing, sanitation andgarbage removal;-Employees who ensure essential transportation including public transportation, trucking and health care-related

DID YOU KNOW? "CHESAPEAKE PEOPLE"The Chesepian or Chesapeake were a Native American tribe who inhabited South Hampton Roads. The Chesepian hadtwo towns (or villages), Apasus and Chesepioc, both near the Chesapeake Bay. Of these, Chesepioc was known to havebeen located in the present Great Neck area. Archaeologists and other persons have found numerous Native American

artifacts, such as arrowheads, stone axes, pottery and beads in Great Neck Point. Several buried remains of the indigenouspeople have been found in this area as well. According to William Strachey's The Historie of Travaile into Virginia

Britannia (1618), the Chesepian were wiped out by the Powhatan, the paramount head of the Virginia Peninsula-basedPowhatan Confederacy, some time before the arrival of the English at Jamestown in 1607. The Chesepian were eliminatedbecause Powhatan's priests had warned him that "from the Chesapeake Bay a nation should arise, which should dissolve

and give end to his empire".Sources: Helec RountreeThe Powhatan Indians of Virginia: Their Traditional Culture

Shi, DavidAmerica: A Narrative History (6th edition)

UPCOMING EVENTS-The General Meeting scheduled for April 20, 2020 is cancelled.-The 5k scheduled for May 30, 2020 is postponed.-The Summer Picnic scheduled for June 13, 2020 is postponed.

Page 4: CXB Bay Breeze · Facilities must certify that they are providing or are willing to provide care for children of essential personnel during the grant cycle (April, May, and June)

transportation;-Employees who ensure essential food, pharmaceutical and supplies access (e.g., grocery, food bank, feeding programs,drug store, hardware store); and-Staff and providers of child care and education services (including custodial and kitchen staff and other support staff) forchildren of other essential personnel.5. Background Checks: The VDSS Office of Background Investigations continues to process background checks duringthe emergency and is processing background checks within normal turnaround times. VDSS will continue to work withGovernor Northam and stakeholders until the conclusion of this emergency in order to ensure all of the Commonwealth’sessential services, such as processing background checks, remain operational.

We've taken the liberty to use the site and following are the centers open for essential personnel, as listedon vachildcare.com within 23455:

Kinder Care, 4621 Crossborough Road, 499-9343

Childrens Palace Academy, 4521 East Honeygrove Road,581-6306

Kellys Kare Academy, 4604 Pembroke Lake Circle suite 108, 228-3443

Mini Miracles Learning Center:,4801 Shore Drive, 460-1237

Anchor Christian School, 3624 Dupont Circle, 460-0024

Childcare Network Inc, 1056 Ferry Plantation Road, 464-4663

Rainbow Preschool & Child Care Center, 1115 Independence Blvd, 460-2150

Bayside Village Day School, 1565 Bradford Road, (757)464-0721

Honeygrove Learning Academy, 4698 Honeygrove Road Ste.101, 266-4419

Bayside Christian Church Children's Learning Center, 2224-B Greenwell Rd, 460-6005

Armed Services YMCA Child Care Center, 1465 Lakeside Road, 464-9404

VDSS asks that child care programs remain open only if they can adhere toguidelines for protecting vulnerable populations.

WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?While we're all stuck at home working and homeschooling, our dogs are living the life they'd always dreamed of. A whole

house full of people 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week. The best part is, they have nothing but time on their hands! Peoplewalk their dogs around the block several times a day just to get out of the house. The dogs are (happily) exhausted!

Inspired by these adorable creatures and social isolation...We introduce to you...THE DOGS OF CHIC'S BEACH:

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Membership Minute

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Being a member of anything during this time is tough. Because of the pandemic, the Civic League has had to cancel all ofour free events through June. Rest assured that we will come back strong. Know that your Civic League Board Members

are working for you through Zoom Meetings and emails (responsible distancing). We are still here to address any concernsyou may have, and we are still being as proactive as possible to organize community events for the future.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay positive. We are here for you when this is all over.

A membership runs a calendar year, so if you haven't signed up or renewed your membership in 2020, be sure to do so totake full advantage of all of the things we'll be offering this year.

Members are free to all of our events, are granted voting rights, and receive discounts from local businesses. By showing your membership card, you get the following discounts:

La Herradura Restaurant & Cantina – 10% off diningMorgan Wellness Center – free consultation

Subway – 5% off sandwichesUPS Store – 10% off (excludes UPS shipping and USPS Postage)

Bayside Laundry & Grill – 10% off dining at the grillContemporary Nails – 10% off services

Chix Beach Gym – one week free trial gym membershipBayside Oral Surgery – free consultation

Torch Yoga – One-time free service or class

Click the logo below to sign up online. Memberships are just $10 for an individual or $15 for a household.

Meet Your New Neighbors: Recent Home Sales Near You4735 N Greenwell Road, $405,000, Sold 1/10/2020

4815 Lake Dr #B, $366,300, Sold 1/14/20204800 Bel Air Ln, $479,000, Sold 1/28/2020

4517 Ocean View Ave, $495,000, Sold 2/3/20204829 Beach Landing Ct, $174,000, Sold 2/3/2020

4523 Pleasure Ave, $5390745, Sold 2/4/20204317 Lookout Rd, $443,050, Sold 2/6/2020

4815 Beach Landing Ct, $180,000, Sold 2/11/2020,4520 Lake Dr, $540,000, Sold 2/20/2020

4644 Lookout Rd, $470,000, Sold 2/24/2020

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4478 Lookout Rd, $437,500, Sold 3/29/20204631 Flicka Ct, $198,000, Sold 4/1/2020

4808 Bel Air Ln, $490,000, SOld 4/3/20204449 Ocean View Ave #B, $529,900, Sold 4/9/2020

4820 Bel Air Ln, $520,000, Sold 4/10/20204521 Lookout Rd, $315,000, Sold 4/17/2020

Should I sell my house? Advice from homelight.com: Selling your home now versus in a few months could beadvantageous from a pricing perspective. We know that the market was hot before the Coronavirus hit and that sellers maybe able to still command a value reflective of the economic expansion that preceded this crisis. However, as tens of millionsof Americans face losing their jobs, a recession is imminent or already taking shape. The best thing you can do is connectwith a top local agent to find out what your options are and how the market’s faring in your neck of the woods. Their job is

to provide you with the facts so you can determine what’s best for you.

Out and About...Errrrrr... Front Yards and Living Rooms: Quarantine EditionEvery now and then we like to highlight some special moments that have happened in the community...This time around, we're

going to highlight what our neighbors have been up to when we can't get together. Please send any pictures you have [email protected] to be showcased in our next Out and About!

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PICTURES ABOVETaking advantage of the leftover Easter Peeps by making a Peep Diorama. Wally Damon puts the last piece into a 1,000

piece puzzle.PICTURES BELOW

Gratitude Walk- Neighbors on Chubb Lake offered chalk and the opportunity to tell our friends what we're grateful fordespite the virus and the toll it's taking.

CXB Kids take advantage of home play sets on a beautiful sunny day.Gorgeous sunset and Gorgeous Easter Sunrise...CXB showings its colors.

Chesapeake Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad organized FOUR Easter Parades for the community with a drive-by Bunny!Enjoying the views from the upper deck #CXB

Police on horseback patrol our beaches to be sure there is no gathering or loitering.Spring is here, indeed! Gorgeous blooms throughout CXB remind us that we are alive and thriving.

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Neighborhood Watch is much more than reporting crime, it is about ensuring the safety of our neighbors. Can you say youknow the neighbors that surround your home? If not, and if you are able, take a minute to knock and introduce yourself, orleave a kind note. Ask if they are ok. Help if you can. Offer your phone number and ask for theirs. Ask if you can check onthem from time to time to make sure they are safe. If you can’t find what you need on store shelves, imagine what may be

going through the minds of those that are physically challenged, are ill, are without transportation, etc. Truly one of thethings I LOVE about CXB is the sense of community. Let’s be good neighbors and try to keep our neighbors safe.

Sincerely, Jenny and Priestly CXB NW Coordinators

Incidents reported in Chesapeake Beach are listed below:4800-blk BAY BRIDGE LA 1/22/2020 FRAUD, IDENTITY THEFT (26A7) RESIDENCE, SINGLE-FAMILY



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As always, PLEASE report suspicious behavior to the non-emergency # 757- 385-5000. Thinking about calling 911,but not sure if it’s 911 worthy? Call anyway and they will redirect you to non emergency if needed. NEVER assume

someone else will call.

See Something, Say Something.

Join CXB Neighborhood watch!


Neighborhood Cleanup: The Neighborhood Cleanup is postponed for now, but Earth Day is here! April 22 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth

Day...A day created to inspire everyone to protect our planet.

The current situation can serve as a wake-up call: if we do not take action to protect our planet, pandemics and extremeweather events could soon become commonplace due to climate change and our other impacts on the environment.

Today Earth Day is more important than ever. Here are some of the many ways to celebrate as we shelter in place:Join a donation drive for COVID-19 relief.

Call on world leaders to take action to protect the planet using social media #EarthDay2020Use your voting power to urge leaders to address climate change and protect the environment.

Make an Earth Day window sign to encourage your neighbors to get involved.Clean up the neighborhood.

Gather Scientific Data...Get the "Participate in Earth Challenge 2020" app. It enables you to gather information on airquality and plastic pollution near you.Earth Challenge is a joint initiative by the Earth Day Network, the Wilson Center and

the U.S. Department of State.Attend digital events hosted by Columbia University and the Earth Institute:


panels-leadingEducate Yourself:



Find more information at https://earthday.ei.columbia.edu/

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According to Pinterest, people are cooking. Banana Bread and Sourdough are among the most popular recipes, butPinterest wanted to know which were the most-searched recipes around the world during the pandemic, whether out ofcomfort or necessity. Here's what they found...

1. United States: Navajo Bread and Shepherd’s Pie with Ground Beef2. Canada: Asparagus Pasta and Canned Ham Recipes 3. Mexico: Shrimp Aguachile and Recipes with Canned Tuna4. Brazil: Blender Chicken Pie and Canned Sardine Recipes5. Argentina: Fried Sweet Fritters and Salty Croissants6. United Kingdom: Oat Flour Recipe and No Egg Cake Recipe7. Spain: Homemade Churros and Burnt Cream8. Algeria: Strawberry Pie and Baghrir (Moroccan Honeycomb Pancakes)9. South Africa: Nann Bread No Yeast and Macaroni Recipes

10. Germany: Stick Bread and Wild Garlic Bread11. Italy: Apulian Breadstick and Mimosa (Flower) Cake12. Turkey: Banana Bread and Granola Recipe13. Indonesia: Beef Floss and Potato Donut14. Australia: Damper Bread (bread made with beer or milk and served with honey) and Curried Sausages15. India: Palak Kofta (spinach and cheese balls in curry) and Puran Poli (sweet stuffed flatbread)16. Japan: Healthy Gut Recipe and Deep Fried Lotus Roots

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17. New Zealand: Easy 3 Ingredient Scones and Apple Crumble



INGREDIENTS3 Tbsp olive oil

2 lbs ground beef (I usually use 85/15)3 Tbsp unsalted butter

1 large yellow onion, diced2 - 3 carrots, peeled and diced

12 - 16 oz cremini (baby portobello) mushrooms, cleaned and quartered4 cloves garlic, minced1 1/2 tsp dried oregano

1 Tbsp kosher salt , divided3 - 6 Tbsp tomato paste (I normally use around 4)

1/2 - 1 cup beef stock1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

1/2 tsp black pepper, more or less to taste3 - 4 cups mashed potatoes (instant, leftover, or make ahead)

1/3 cup grated/shredded Parmesan cheese

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1 1/2 Tbsp butter, cut into small piecesminced fresh parsley, for garnish


1. Preheat oven to 375 F degrees. Heat a BIG oven safe skillet over MED heat. Add oil and ground beef and cookabout 4 minutes, or until cooked through, breaking it up into small crumbles as it cooks. Once browned, transfer to a

plate. If needed, drain excess grease before adding the beef to a plate. 2. Add butter to same skillet. Once melted, add onion, carrots, mushrooms, garlic, dried oregano, and 1/2 the salt.

Cook, stirring occasionally, about 8-10 minutes. 3. Add in tomato paste, stirring to combine, and cook 5-7 minutes, until tomato paste is a dark, brick red color (this really

brings out the tomato flavor). 4. Return cooked ground beef to the skillet, then stir in beef stock, Worcestershire sauce remaining salt, and black

pepper. Simmer for a few minutes, until mixture is slightly thickened.5. Top with mashed potatoes (see recipe notes section), and Parmesan cheese. Use a fork to rough up the top of the

potatoes, then dot with the butter pieces.6. Bake 40-45 minutes, until bubbly and potatoes are browned. Let cool 5-10 minutes before serving. Sprinkle with

minced fresh parsley and enjoy!

recipe courtesy of #thechunkychef

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THOSE WHO FOUGHT ARE WORTH THE FIGHTJordan Hebenstreit is a Chic’s Beach resident, Executive Director and Founder of his nonprofit organization, Salvage USA,

as well as a new corporate sponsor of the Chesapeake Beach Civic League. Jordan has experienced the loss of analarming amount of friends to suicide and drug overdose, all of whom were combat veterans. Salvage USA will reduce

preventable casualties as a result of their combat experience.This tax-deductible organization integrates with the Active Duty Special Operations community before they leave the

military to ensure a smooth transition into civilian life. Salvage USA provides all expenses paid expeditions to build life-longbonds in a like-minded community with the oversight of mental health professionals. This is only possible through the

generous donations of our individual and corporate sponsors.Life in the special operations community is very different. Service members are part of not only a team, but a family where

they experience everything together. When they decide to leave the military, they no longer have that tight knit family.Salvage USA bridges that gap. The board is made up of members, either veterans or active duty members, who realizefirsthand how important those bonds are. Salvage USA ensures our military operators know that our community is only a

phone call away.Jordan served as a Marine Corps Reconnaissance Scout Sniper for 5 years, and is a combat veteran. After the Marines, he

continued his service overseas for an additional 9 years in hostile countries for the U.S. Government. His wife Krista, is aNaval Academy graduate currently serving a Ship’s Navigator onboard USS WASP (LHD-1). Jordan and his family enjoy

everything that Chic’s Beach has to offer. They frequent the beaches, support local businesses, and are active in the localcommunity.

Please visit https://www.salvageusa.org/#

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Exercise & Socialize: Activities in CXBThis area will look a little different this quarter...Obviously. What we do know are the strong are are to kill. Here aresome things you can do during the Shelter in Place order to keep you entertained and engaged.Start a vegetable garden! There have been shortages of some of our favorite foods. There's no time like the presentto start a personal veggie garden. Both McDonald Garden Center and Anderson's Nursery are offering curbside(contact free) pickup. Andersons will deliver in Virginia Beach if the order is over $100. Simply email your order andthey'll call you for payment information. Visit their websites for more detailsHang artwork or photographs that have been waiting for a place on your wall. We've got nothing but time, so all youneed is a basic tool kit. If you need frames or mounting materias, Michaels is offering free curbside pickup. Organize your spaces. This is one of my personal favorites...Organize all of your shared closets. Get rid of unused orunwanted items by washing and disinfecting. While most drop-off centers aren't operating, I've found youcan schedule a free pick-up of items by CHKD Thrift Stores by calling: (757) 622-5437. They ask that you place youritems on the curb in the designated pickup window they offer you during your phone call. They also ask that youremain in your home and do try to make contact with the drivers.Use your spare paint. It's amazing how refreshing a coat of paint can be. Many of us have old paint cans stored in thegarage. Pick a small hallway or room and give it a facelift. Lace up those workout shoes. If your gym is closed, find at-home workouts or go for long solo runs. A healthy bodyand mind is exactly what you need to get through the next two months.

Pro-Tip: Because the tentative end date is June 10, and it puts us right in beach season...You can use the next twomonths to work on that beach body AND to knock out any projects that have been on your to-do list. That way, you cansit on the beach for the rest of the summer with absolutely no guilt about what you should or could be doing. It's myplan for sure!!

KEEP IN TOUCH2020 CBCL EXECUTIVE BOARD AND COMMITTEEPresident– TJ Morgan, [email protected]

Vice President– Cami Best-Jones, [email protected] Wende Wiles, [email protected]

Secretary- Gaylon Montgomery, [email protected] Preservation & Zoning- Mark Walker and Matt Baumgarten, archpres&[email protected]

Bayfront Advisory Commission Liaison– Robyn Bailey, [email protected] Liaison– Jeaning Montgomery, [email protected]

Clean Community– Bruce Husselbee, [email protected]– Joe Rutecki, [email protected]

Little Free Libraries– Charlee Gowin, [email protected]– Cami Best-Jones, [email protected]

Merchandising– Becky Bump, [email protected] and Lakes– Curtis Bailey, [email protected]

Pride in Community, East Side– Roger & Lisa Walk , [email protected] in Community, West Side– Jim & Barbara Woodlee, [email protected]

Publicity– Facebook– TJ Morgan, [email protected]– Newsletter– Melissa Griffith, [email protected]

Publicity– Website– Chris Herge, [email protected] Flooding– Becky Bump and Michele Zimmerman, [email protected]

Shore Drive Community Coalition Liaison– Michele Zimmerman, [email protected] Events– 5k– Melissa Pulling, [email protected]

Special Events– National Night Out– Jenny Williams, [email protected] and Signage- Dan Hawthorn, [email protected]

VB Council of Civic Organizations– Brad Sike, [email protected]– Melissa Pulling, [email protected]

SEECLICKFIXHave you ever wished someone would come fix the pothole in the road? Clean the ditches that cause the streets to flood?

Fix that sign that was knocked over last month?SeeClickFix is a web tool designed to help citizens report non-emergency issues to the proper local government officials. Ithas a free mobile app, which can tag your location (if you choose), upload pictures directly, and notify you of the status of

your issue.Here’s how it works:

You sign up as a Citizen. It doesn't ask you personal questions beyond name and address. Download the mobile app. If

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you see an issue, take a picture, go to “report an issue”, upload the picture and describe the issue.Once you’ve posted your issue, other citizens have the opportunity to “vote” on your issue and/or to share it. The votes

rank your issue by importance and get a bit more attention; however the city does respond to EVERY issue posted.This is a great tool to be sure your complaint doesn't get lost in the shuffle. You can log back in periodically to see the

status of your issue. We recommend this app for everyone!https://seeclickfix.com/virginia-beach

THANK YOU CORPORATE SPONSORS!!Because of COVID-19, orders from the Governor, and the resulting financial burdens incurred by our local businesses, we

are extending our 2019 Sponsors through June. There are still many opportunities for 2020 Sponsors to advertise theirbusiness with us. Opportinities include our next newsletter hard copy (which will be mailed to every resident in Chics

Beach), our fourth quarter newsletter, the Chic's Beach 5k, the Sponsor Spotlight, and a place on the banner at each eventwe host. We love our Sponsors!

To consider a Sponsorship for 2020, contact our Business Liaison, Jeanine Montgomery, [email protected].

Page 27: CXB Bay Breeze · Facilities must certify that they are providing or are willing to provide care for children of essential personnel during the grant cycle (April, May, and June)
Page 28: CXB Bay Breeze · Facilities must certify that they are providing or are willing to provide care for children of essential personnel during the grant cycle (April, May, and June)

THANK YOU BUSINESS SPONSORS!We value our business sponsors and hope to see them come back for our 2020 year. Below are the 2019 Business Sponsors.

Page 29: CXB Bay Breeze · Facilities must certify that they are providing or are willing to provide care for children of essential personnel during the grant cycle (April, May, and June)



Searching for something to keep you looking cool?

Check out CXB’s new Merchandise at the Chic’s Beach Civic League Store!(located inside Jr. Market on Lookout Road)

We have new long sleeve t-shirts for sale in sizes S-XL for $20

and $25 for XXL

Also available for purchase:CXB Stickers: $3

Tervis-Style Tumblers: $15Bottle Coozies: $6

Youth Short Sleeve T-Shirts (S,M,L): $10

Cash and Check Only– All Proceeds Benefit CBCL

Copyright © 2019 Chesapeake Beach Civic League, All rights reserved.

We hold our general meetings on the THIRD Monday of each month at Commonwealth Brewery at7PM.

Members and non-members are encouraged to attend.2444 Pleasure House Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23455

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