Aalsmeer's test Aggravation temporaire des symptômes cardio-vasculaires de béribéri par l'injection intramusculaire de 1 mg d'adrénaline. Achard's syndrome (Marfan's syndrome I) A disorder of connective tissue affecting primarily the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and the eye. Adamkiewicz' artery The largest of the medullary arteries which supply the spinal cord by anastomising with the anterior (longitudinal) spinal artery. Alfidi's syndrome Occlusion of the celiac axis resulting in hypertension Artery of Adamkiewicz (Adamkiewicz' artery) The largest of the medullary arteries which supply the spinal cord by anastomising with the anterior (longitudinal) spinal artery. Aschner-Dagnini bulbus pressure test (Aschner-Dagnini test (Giuseppe Dagnini)) Slowing of the pulse following pressures applied to the eyeball or the carotid sinus. Aschner-Dagnini test (Giuseppe Dagnini) Slowing of the pulse following pressures applied to the eyeball or the carotid sinus. Aschner’s bulbus reflex (Aschner-Dagnini test (Giuseppe Dagnini)) Slowing of the pulse following pressures applied to the eyeball or the carotid sinus. Aschner’s oculocardial reflex (Aschner-Dagnini test (Giuseppe Dagnini)) Slowing of the pulse following pressures applied to the eyeball or the carotid sinus.

CVS Eponyms

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Page 1: CVS Eponyms

Aalsmeer's test Aggravation temporaire des symptômes cardio-vasculaires de béribéri par l'injection intramusculaire de 1 mg d'adrénaline.

Achard's syndrome (Marfan's syndrome I) A disorder of connective tissue affecting primarily the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and the eye.

Adamkiewicz' artery The largest of the medullary arteries which supply the spinal cord by anastomising with the anterior (longitudinal) spinal artery.

Alfidi's syndrome Occlusion of the celiac axis resulting in hypertension

Artery of Adamkiewicz (Adamkiewicz' artery) The largest of the medullary arteries which supply the spinal cord by anastomising with the anterior (longitudinal) spinal artery.

Aschner-Dagnini bulbus pressure test (Aschner-Dagnini test (Giuseppe Dagnini)) Slowing of the pulse following pressures applied to the eyeball or the carotid sinus.

Aschner-Dagnini test (Giuseppe Dagnini) Slowing of the pulse following pressures applied to the eyeball or the carotid sinus.

Aschner’s bulbus reflex (Aschner-Dagnini test (Giuseppe Dagnini)) Slowing of the pulse following pressures applied to the eyeball or the carotid sinus.

Aschner’s oculocardial reflex (Aschner-Dagnini test (Giuseppe Dagnini)) Slowing of the pulse following pressures applied to the eyeball or the carotid sinus.

Aschner’s phenomenon (Aschner-Dagnini test (Giuseppe Dagnini)) Slowing of the pulse following pressures applied to the eyeball or the carotid sinus.

Billroth-von Winiwarter disease (Buerger's disease) A chronic inflammatory disease of the peripheral vessels forming blood clots that results in reduced blood flow, possible ulceration, and gangrene.

Bittorf's phenomenon A phenomenon of increased so-called ear-blood monocytosis in chronic endocarditis of the mitral and aorta valves with haemorrhagic sepsis (particularly seen in Lentasepsis).

Bland-Garland-White syndrome (Bland-White-Garland syndrome) A syndrome of left ventricular failure, congenital or occurring shortly after birth.

Bland-White-Garland syndrome

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A syndrome of left ventricular failure, congenital or occurring shortly after birth.

Bozzolo's sign Pulsating vessels in the nasal mucous membrane, noted occasionally in aneurism of the thoracic aorta.

Bradbury-Eggleston syndrome A degenerative disorder of the autonomic nervous system presenting in middle to late life, affecting men more than women, characterized by abnormal low blood pressure in standing position.

Bradbury-Eggleston triad A triad of Orthostatic hypotension, impotence, and anhidrosis.

Branham's bradycardia (Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign) A circulatory phenomenon observed in angioma racemosum of the extremities.

Branham's sign (Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign) A circulatory phenomenon observed in angioma racemosum of the extremities.

Buerger's disease A chronic inflammatory disease of the peripheral vessels forming blood clots that results in reduced blood flow, possible ulceration, and gangrene.

Corrigan's disease Reflux of blood through an incompetent aortic valve into the left ventricle during ventricular diastole.

Corrigan's pulse A jerky carotid pulse having a full expansion that appears to collapse and be completely empty between beats.

Cushing's effect (Cushing's law) Increase in intracranial pressure causes compression of the cerebral blood vessels and cerebral ischemia.

Cushing's law Increase in intracranial pressure causes compression of the cerebral blood vessels and cerebral ischemia.

Cushing's phenomenon (Cushing's law) Increase in intracranial pressure causes compression of the cerebral blood vessels and cerebral ischemia.

Cushing's reaction (Cushing's law) Increase in intracranial pressure causes compression of the cerebral blood vessels and cerebral

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Cushing's response (Cushing's law) Increase in intracranial pressure causes compression of the cerebral blood vessels and cerebral ischemia.

Dagnini’s reflex (Aschner-Dagnini test (Giuseppe Dagnini)) Slowing of the pulse following pressures applied to the eyeball or the carotid sinus.

Danaraj's disease (Takayasu's arteritis) An inflammatory disease of the aorta that occludes one or more of the large branches of the aortic arch.

Döhle-Heller syndrome Aortitis secondary to syphilis, sometimes complicated by aortic valve insufficiency, coronary stenosis, and aortic aneurysm.

Eggleston-Bradbury syndrome (Bradbury-Eggleston syndrome) A degenerative disorder of the autonomic nervous system presenting in middle to late life, affecting men more than women, characterized by abnormal low blood pressure in standing position.

Endangitis obliterans von Winiwarter-Buerger (Buerger's disease) A chronic inflammatory disease of the peripheral vessels forming blood clots that results in reduced blood flow, possible ulceration, and gangrene.

Erdheim's disease (Gsell-Erdheim syndrome) A historic term for idiopathic necrosis of the medial layer of the aorta with subsequent formation of cysts, without inflammatory changes, often leading to aortic rupture.

Erdheim’s cystic necrosis of aorta (Gsell-Erdheim syndrome) A historic term for idiopathic necrosis of the medial layer of the aorta with subsequent formation of cysts, without inflammatory changes, often leading to aortic rupture.

Flint's arcade (Austin Flint, Jr.) An arteriovenous arch at the base of the renal pyramid.

Frank's capsules Frank obtained the first perfect pulse curves with special manometers.

Gerhardt’s disease (Mitchell's syndrome I) An idiopathic paroxysmal vasodilation of peripheral vasculature marked by sudden onset of burning pain in the hands and feet, diminution of temperature sense, and occasional glossalgia and feeding difficulty.

Gerhardt’s syndrome (Mitchell's syndrome I)

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An idiopathic paroxysmal vasodilation of peripheral vasculature marked by sudden onset of burning pain in the hands and feet, diminution of temperature sense, and occasional glossalgia and feeding difficulty.

Grosser’s organ (Masson's organ) Nodular vascular structure with arteriovenous anastomoses in the hypodermis, particularly localized in the end arteries of the hands and feet.

Gsell-Erdheim syndrome A historic term for idiopathic necrosis of the medial layer of the aorta with subsequent formation of cysts, without inflammatory changes, often leading to aortic rupture.

Heller-Döhle messoaortitis (Döhle-Heller syndrome) Aortitis secondary to syphilis, sometimes complicated by aortic valve insufficiency, coronary stenosis, and aortic aneurysm.

Heller-Döhle syndrome (Döhle-Heller syndrome) Aortitis secondary to syphilis, sometimes complicated by aortic valve insufficiency, coronary stenosis, and aortic aneurysm.

Hines and Brown test Test designed to detect latent states of hypertension.

Hines-Brown test (Hines and Brown test) Test designed to detect latent states of hypertension.

Hines’ test (Hines and Brown test) Test designed to detect latent states of hypertension.

Homans' sign An early sign in venous thrombosis of the deep veins of the calf.

Hoyer-Grosser organ (Masson's organ) Nodular vascular structure with arteriovenous anastomoses in the hypodermis, particularly localized in the end arteries of the hands and feet.

Jaccoud's sign Prominence of the aorta in the suprastenal notch, seen in aortic dilatation.

Klinger's syndrome (Wegener's granulomatosis) An uncommon disorder characterized by necrotizing vasculitis, granulomatous lesions of the entire respiratory tract, and glomerulonephritis.

Klinger-Wegener syndrome (Wegener's granulomatosis) An uncommon disorder characterized by necrotizing vasculitis, granulomatous lesions of the entire respiratory tract, and glomerulonephritis.

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Klippel's disease Weakness or pseudoparalysis due to generalized arthritic paralysis in elderly persons who have cerebral arteriosclerosis.

Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome (Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome) A rare syndrome characterized by unilateral congenital capillary and cavernous haemangiomatous malformations of the arteriovenous system, syndactyly, overgrowth of certain fingers, and osteohypertrophic changes of one extremity.

Klippel-Trenaunay-Parkes Weber syndrome (Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome) A rare syndrome characterized by unilateral congenital capillary and cavernous haemangiomatous malformations of the arteriovenous system, syndactyly, overgrowth of certain fingers, and osteohypertrophic changes of one extremity.

Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome A rare syndrome characterized by unilateral congenital capillary and cavernous haemangiomatous malformations of the arteriovenous system, syndactyly, overgrowth of certain fingers, and osteohypertrophic changes of one extremity.

Koltipin's syndrome A complex of cardiovascular symptoms in patient with scarlet fever:

Korotkov's sign (Korotkov's test) A test of collateral circulation.

Korotkov's sounds Pulse-synchronous circulatory sounds heard through the stethoscope in auscultation of blood pressure using Riva-Rocci's sphygmomanometer.

Korotkov's test A test of collateral circulation.

Kussmaul-Maier disease A narcotising vascular disease involving the small and medium sized muscular arteries.

Kussmaul-Maier syndrome (Kussmaul-Maier disease) A narcotising vascular disease involving the small and medium sized muscular arteries.

Liebow's disease A system disease primarily affecting the lungs marked by angiocentric angiodestructive granulomatosis.

Liebow-Carrington disease Symptoms and signs are those of Wegener’s syndrome, without renal complication.

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Mahorner-Ochsner test (Ochsner-Mahorner test) A modification of Perthes' test.

Maier’s disease (Kussmaul-Maier disease) A narcotising vascular disease involving the small and medium sized muscular arteries.

Marfan's syndrome I A disorder of connective tissue affecting primarily the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and the eye.

Marfan's variant (Marfan's syndrome I) A disorder of connective tissue affecting primarily the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and the eye.

Marfan-Achard syndrome (Marfan's syndrome I) A disorder of connective tissue affecting primarily the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and the eye.

Marfan’s abiotrophy (Marfan's syndrome I) A disorder of connective tissue affecting primarily the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system and the eye.

Martorell's syndrome (Takayasu's arteritis) An inflammatory disease of the aorta that occludes one or more of the large branches of the aortic arch.

Martorell-Fabré syndrome (Takayasu's arteritis) An inflammatory disease of the aorta that occludes one or more of the large branches of the aortic arch.

Martorell’s syndrome II (Takayasu's arteritis) An inflammatory disease of the aorta that occludes one or more of the large branches of the aortic arch.

Masson's organ Nodular vascular structure with arteriovenous anastomoses in the hypodermis, particularly localized in the end arteries of the hands and feet.

Mitchell's syndrome I An idiopathic paroxysmal vasodilation of peripheral vasculature marked by sudden onset of burning pain in the hands and feet, diminution of temperature sense, and occasional glossalgia and feeding difficulty.

Mitchell’s disease (Mitchell's syndrome I) An idiopathic paroxysmal vasodilation of peripheral vasculature marked by sudden onset of burning pain in the hands and feet, diminution of temperature sense, and occasional glossalgia

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and feeding difficulty.

Müller's sign (Friedrich von Müller) Systolic pulsations of the uvula, accompanied by redness and swelling of the velum palati and tonsils in aortic insufficiency/aortic regurgitation.

Nicoladoni's phenomenon (Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign) A circulatory phenomenon observed in angioma racemosum of the extremities.

Nicoladoni's sign (Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign) A circulatory phenomenon observed in angioma racemosum of the extremities.

Nicoladoni's symptom (Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign) A circulatory phenomenon observed in angioma racemosum of the extremities.

Nicoladoni-Branham sign (Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign) A circulatory phenomenon observed in angioma racemosum of the extremities.

Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham bradycardia phenomenon (Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign) A circulatory phenomenon observed in angioma racemosum of the extremities.

Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham phenomenon (Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign) A circulatory phenomenon observed in angioma racemosum of the extremities.

Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign A circulatory phenomenon observed in angioma racemosum of the extremities.

Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham-Wigdorowitsch phenomenon (Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign) A circulatory phenomenon observed in angioma racemosum of the extremities.

Nygaard-Brown syndrome (Trousseau's syndrome) Historical, no longer commonly used term for venous thrombosis of the upper and lower extremities associated with visceral cancer.

Nygaard-Brown syndrome (George Elgie Brown) A syndrome of arterial occlusion with reduced bleeding and coagulation time.

Ochsner-Mahorner test A modification of Perthes' test.

Ollier-Klippel syndrome (Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome) A rare syndrome characterized by unilateral congenital capillary and cavernous haemangiomatous malformations of the arteriovenous system, syndactyly, overgrowth of certain fingers, and osteohypertrophic changes of one extremity.

Ollier-Klippel-Trenaunay symptom complex (Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome)

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A rare syndrome characterized by unilateral congenital capillary and cavernous haemangiomatous malformations of the arteriovenous system, syndactyly, overgrowth of certain fingers, and osteohypertrophic changes of one extremity.

Ollier-Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome (Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome) A rare syndrome characterized by unilateral congenital capillary and cavernous haemangiomatous malformations of the arteriovenous system, syndactyly, overgrowth of certain fingers, and osteohypertrophic changes of one extremity.

Osler's manoeuvre In pseudohypertension, the blood pressure as measured by the sphygmomanometer is artificially high because of arterial wall calcification.

Osler's manoeuvre can detect this condition. Paget-Schrötter syndrome (Paget-von Schrötter disease) Primary thrombosis of the axillary vein, sometimes also of the vena subclavica and vena brachialis.

Paget-von Schrötter disease Primary thrombosis of the axillary vein, sometimes also of the vena subclavica and vena brachialis.

Parkes Weber's syndrome (Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome) A rare syndrome characterized by unilateral congenital capillary and cavernous haemangiomatous malformations of the arteriovenous system, syndactyly, overgrowth of certain fingers, and osteohypertrophic changes of one extremity.

Pott's aneurysm Arteriovenous aneurysm in which blood flows from an artery directly into a vein without going through a connecting sac.

Pott's gangrene Eponym used to indicate the «mortification of toes and feet» due to arterial obstruction in the aged.

Pott’s syndrome II (Pott's gangrene) Eponym used to indicate the «mortification of toes and feet» due to arterial obstruction in the aged.

Quincke's capillary pulse A sign of aortic insufficiency.

Quincke’s pulse (Quincke's capillary pulse) A sign of aortic insufficiency.

Rasmussen's aneurysm

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Dilation of a branch of a pulmonary artery in a tuberculous cavity.

Raynaud's disease A peripheral vascular disorder of unknown aetiology characterized by abnormal vasoconstriction of the extremities upon exposure to cold or emotional stress.

Raynaud's phenomenon Episodes of constriction of small arteries or arterioles (or both) of extremities, with sequential changes in colour of the skin, pallor, cyanosis, usually following exposure to cold.

Raynaud’s syndrome (Raynaud's disease) A peripheral vascular disorder of unknown aetiology characterized by abnormal vasoconstriction of the extremities upon exposure to cold or emotional stress.

Rokitansky's trias Pulmonal stenosis.

Ræder-Harbitz syndrome (Takayasu's arteritis) An inflammatory disease of the aorta that occludes one or more of the large branches of the aortic arch.

Schrötter’s syndrome (Paget-von Schrötter disease) Primary thrombosis of the axillary vein, sometimes also of the vena subclavica and vena brachialis.

Secondary Raynaud's disease or syndrome (Raynaud's phenomenon) Episodes of constriction of small arteries or arterioles (or both) of extremities, with sequential changes in colour of the skin, pallor, cyanosis, usually following exposure to cold.

Singleton-Merten syndrome An extremely rare disorder characterised by calcification of the aortic arch with enlargement of the heart and dental abnormalities.

Starling's equilibrium Equilibrium in capillary dynamics. Starling's forces Forces that cause the interchange of fluids between the intravasal and interstitial space.

Starling's hypothesis. (Starling's sequence) Because the capillary wall may be considered a semipermeable membrane, allowing salt solutions to pass freely through it, the hydrostatic pressure forcing these solutions into tissues is balanced by the osmotic pressure.

Starling's law of the capillaries See Starling's forces and Starling's equilibrium. Starling's sequence

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Because the capillary wall may be considered a semipermeable membrane, allowing salt solutions to pass freely through it, the hydrostatic pressure forcing these solutions into tissues is balanced by the osmotic pressure. Syndrome de Martorell et Fabre-Tersoll (French), (Takayasu's arteritis) An inflammatory disease of the aorta that occludes one or more of the large branches of the aortic arch.

Takayasu's arteritis An inflammatory disease of the aorta that occludes one or more of the large branches of the aortic arch.

Takayasu's disease (Takayasu's arteritis) An inflammatory disease of the aorta that occludes one or more of the large branches of the aortic arch.

Takayasu's syndrome (Takayasu's arteritis) An inflammatory disease of the aorta that occludes one or more of the large branches of the aortic arch.

Takayasu-Martorell-Fabré syndrome (Takayasu's arteritis) An inflammatory disease of the aorta that occludes one or more of the large branches of the aortic arch.

Takayasu-Onishi syndrome (Takayasu's arteritis) An inflammatory disease of the aorta that occludes one or more of the large branches of the aortic arch.

Trenauny’s syndrome (Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome) A rare syndrome characterized by unilateral congenital capillary and cavernous haemangiomatous malformations of the arteriovenous system, syndactyly, overgrowth of certain fingers, and osteohypertrophic changes of one extremity.

Trousseau's phenomenon Carpal spasms and paraesthesia produced by pressure upon nerves and vessels of the upper arm sufficient to stop the circulation.

Trousseau's phenomenon (Trousseau's syndrome) Historical, no longer commonly used term for venous thrombosis of the upper and lower extremities associated with visceral cancer.

Trousseau's sign (Trousseau's phenomenon) Carpal spasms and paraesthesia produced by pressure upon nerves and vessels of the upper arm sufficient to stop the circulation.

Trousseau's syndrome (Nygaard-Brown syndrome (George Elgie Brown)) A syndrome of arterial occlusion with reduced bleeding and coagulation time.

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Trousseau's syndrome Historical, no longer commonly used term for venous thrombosis of the upper and lower extremities associated with visceral cancer.

Valsalva's sinuses Three dilatations in wall of the aorta behind the flaps of the three aortic semilunar valves.

Virchow's triad The functional triad concerned in the pathogenesis of thrombosis.

von Schrötter syndrome (Paget-von Schrötter disease) Primary thrombosis of the axillary vein, sometimes also of the vena subclavica and vena brachialis.

Weber syndrome (Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome) A rare syndrome characterized by unilateral congenital capillary and cavernous haemangiomatous malformations of the arteriovenous system, syndactyly, overgrowth of certain fingers, and osteohypertrophic changes of one extremity.

Weber's syndrome (Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome) A rare syndrome characterized by unilateral congenital capillary and cavernous haemangiomatous malformations of the arteriovenous system, syndactyly, overgrowth of certain fingers, and osteohypertrophic changes of one extremity.

Weber-Klippel syndrome (Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome) A rare syndrome characterized by unilateral congenital capillary and cavernous haemangiomatous malformations of the arteriovenous system, syndactyly, overgrowth of certain fingers, and osteohypertrophic changes of one extremity.

Wegener's disease (Wegener's granulomatosis) An uncommon disorder characterized by necrotizing vasculitis, granulomatous lesions of the entire respiratory tract, and glomerulonephritis.

Wegener's granulomatosis An uncommon disorder characterized by necrotizing vasculitis, granulomatous lesions of the entire respiratory tract, and glomerulonephritis.

Wegener's syndrome (Wegener's granulomatosis) An uncommon disorder characterized by necrotizing vasculitis, granulomatous lesions of the entire respiratory tract, and glomerulonephritis.

Wegener-Churg-Klinger syndrome (Wegener's granulomatosis) An uncommon disorder characterized by necrotizing vasculitis, granulomatous lesions of the entire respiratory tract, and glomerulonephritis.

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Wegener-Klinger syndrome (Wegener's granulomatosis) An uncommon disorder characterized by necrotizing vasculitis, granulomatous lesions of the entire respiratory tract, and glomerulonephritis.

Wegener’s lymphomatoid variant (Liebow-Carrington disease) Symptoms and signs are those of Wegener’s syndrome, without renal complication.

Weir Mitchell's disease (Mitchell's syndrome I) An idiopathic paroxysmal vasodilation of peripheral vasculature marked by sudden onset of burning pain in the hands and feet, diminution of temperature sense, and occasional glossalgia and feeding difficulty.

Winiwarter-Buerger syndrome (Buerger's disease) A chronic inflammatory disease of the peripheral vessels forming blood clots that results in reduced blood flow, possible ulceration, and gangrene.

Winiwarter-Manteuffel-Buerger syndrome (Buerger's disease) A chronic inflammatory disease of the peripheral vessels forming blood clots that results in reduced blood flow, possible ulceration, and gangrene.