- W wmmmmim urn . m q THE R WULli CONTINUE GOODS I Silks, Satins, Dress Trim'ings !W: Laces, Parasols, AT COST, ltare opportunity to procure oar fiimou!. beautiful ttaoods far below value. & 00. I y M - a sizttl lenjon-itnd-wb- pointer ) !'; na. on collar. LIDeal rtw no Mil be pHxl ir rrt-irtr- M tH A K. HC'VB. Prlnfcley avenue. At BOUtH (JlltO Kl f.W WHl TOABUOL ill am-- c loti-- tinnilie, serpent's IipmH I.hv nl Ihi. nn ft" mriu vki i LKVr m tilt undtr.lrfned. on tbs nlhtof M to- - I lb oii itKt-c- ul ! ware nv'le. lfit hsnri blub 4 years ol ; skin oil ber rtabl bind ntlowtlm DtKk Joint on li.sld-- ; had draythoe bt-- fid; raber a "iu II i in. bed nun- -; had on a Irmhrr bsitrr. T nt d ll ir- - reward will be pld fur ifiurn to m ht Wotte's tttllon, or to ''.in Wh blnnton . Mrmihl-- ; nw last D leir HukU 1. uretr . place, s.i uiilcs cast of Memphis. F LALLY. low - B him faced rrd cow. wltb rt Mil arid ottlve doi'ar- - will bn p "I lur btr return to rue, at ceruerof Dun latt streri arm Lane Hf nue. r. BUrrcJ. rpno co a AMMMm s hewabo Fr.m JL Nelson's t ml. on lha Padueab road, na Giencor, two cjws ami one heifer: one ol I tie cows wltb wl Inn int; tbe other black, with will's f.ict). Hack and bn-ni- the heller In brown and wmr eoloi'. iu) iiifnf lUMtinb should be sent to 72 Court str et. " mollis irllr Kn uht. leiic-- dHPHAN Hill,, over One, to adopt i3RTTT Btp ft, ' Lives of ibe Cnlholle Betoes and AhBMS- - nt Atnerua." aai'ilsouielj bound and full. i.li.HtiatPd. I'iIcm. . Wnnted. a geae ral aicentlor ileu-niilK- . JiMrS HHHrHV, h:f Barclay nneet. New York. QITUA I IO.M-- In DrLg bifln;s, wbnlrale or re-- O t'li; tw-- ) )ettiscx(wilenc; aailn'Mctory refer- ence g veu. A.l lrrn 2ilt3V Main St. IT'AKM To exchaiiue for a welMmprovrd farm In or Lee cntiri'I. Aik . a Nu. 1 well Im Dinvect fitrai In Hay woi.d coiit-i- . Tviiii .potitalnlDg 522 acres. Audless JOHV H GHEEN. Biownsvllie. Tenn. BOAKD-- B; mrtn and two sisters In private fam-lb- ; accommodations uiu.n be icood aiid raise VeiJ loir. Aduresa, ctariiig term etn . .1. M P.. 323 Main. cljyL r I IP IT I IMi S I ALLIUMS KJll 8KA60N OF J lhH i.- - We bave aeon of Rwijca'a " U"mll tnnlHii." and a noil o; In Berr'a ' Ma tirlno Put. hen." himI a 1 rye stvllnb Mack Jack, wblcb we keep lor public aeivice. We liae Due (Msturea, and graze liurai-- and rnules for Ibeelty UuiiU U. U JOH1S R OHKEB, 1x uitles nouibeasl ol Ibe city. KAMiLirs To txisrti tMs surniiier at the Jp liiiliervll e Hu'el Co liervllie, Tenn. K .r.f'l. TOOMS twiiteel well lurnlxbed; 12 rooms On Jt biurTi. near buiiriet; taige ffiountis fu I rrult; bnttirooui. barn, eie ; uod vie v ot river, city kov rininent tiuliilniKi. etn : Kill re it fur tlie auuiiner to g.HMl rn.ilt. ,1 itl ri"-!- 1 Y. rw'fi.tm t, I wa. ,.i . in H Lofc ol looms, lu Jj.ul repair. pleaaiit looatlou, targe yrri. good pure Water, at tea suable ruin . H17 M DIJON STB KET, 4 a hit -- tin n iIimiu auvel, bow occupied C1UAL i H. Hiyan A Co. hK.TlUKMrf-No- n. 1 its and 1 (HI Madison, and 122 Court street. Appl to R H anowdeii, or .1 lil.ciK. HH J1 ml Hon. A I'MKt' anu wOuilm nou unllne, coll HliLoa- - tlilnet-- rooms, hi d two detacbea CtiT TaiIKc) ol to moiiin Hcb wl b a khmi epnng mdu a fame eimt. at rvewanee, Tennetire. The hi lust In paitlv ttirniiliei, m il It suitably locaied for i boaruuigbouae and bolel Kor lei in, eta., appLy to T. U AKMdTKUMi Swwanee. Kia Kiln county. Tenn. I 6)M Larreuntiii milled Irout room, wllb small X V room onmieotii K.can be bad, wltb good board. at J2 Court ulreet hefereni-t-- a ruuiid. " UCivia runirbeu or untuink-bed- , single or II suits, without board; atiartmenia suited toi llnht rimiiwKeepiiiy. ai n .iHernmi stieet. I"tKM3- - .uriilnlieo rooms, rt loS per uiontb l7 .i- -i 8 I itacbed KnicUie ai d Mat onan Boiler. 16 ON norre la wer. tuu ti n and et er. A i o. li biadioid Mill aim rteaiu power Prrsti, with Pulleys and Bcluig-a- ll In No. 1 0 M o a--- conalilnn. A Un biitltilng lii which said macbtt ery Is placed. AL-- ti e oke of tixen and Wngtai. Maoilneiy to be reen In iuiii.1114 order near 8tmy ho'ii, I te county. Ml l, 12 miles west o. betiatob.a. Apply or address J. M. WOnDSON, - etratlu rn, Mississippi, or OatilLL tKOl Uhrti A cu., M nU'Bln. Tenne.SHea. The tvo 'Hcanl lots. Not. fa and 60, an LOT-i- - down nu Wl liemson's city map. on west tj ol Uunlf p nir-t-- t. snort olslai.ee nor b of Ibe tn u; eiwU i,i) by 14a Itel : otll be sold low loreasti. a pp. to B hlCHiliiAti. 20 Had son street. k- El VKD -- Anotberllne lotof .'econrt-han- Jl'HI (JIN Kb aid Bull KK-- , fioio 10 to 20 horse pjvr; as , oou as irw, at o trie it ce. A J WHITK 2:H Fr nt st- - IpiNB HI IT "ARM-Ha- lf ml eftora Hernando, ; I (Ml acres; tine bou-e- , sulutb'e tor sum-lue- r lealUenee or li.veiment Address Ju.sKm ttt UliVlAN. Beri.and", Miss. Jl UHoK tin Jeaetiii street t ended, Nu. H32. elt t rtk nu-- ; lmo yaid; teiuis cub or time, wiUi lnUriesU Ai plj to L PUlim, 3tj Madison at HIL1.1 AKD-- I ALE Fine Brunswick make; size; neur.y new Apply to Criiit Palace Pal" ii. M Mlg jt CU. I JHINTIU AND BINUKhV MaTKHIAL "Jtil e JL a larye quantity ol sto d ointerlat tor sale. In uu .mules lo suit piiruiiarsi Tbe above nuttejtial ctiit. pile tbe estrtbilittiuieiit ot tbe unt Boyle PrliiUm. Company, wbub we now own. it. C. llmK A CU., Memphis. ENdl.SK AND BdlL&U tba;Ung. pulleys and oinHeie. ;tV . Pa HlCK. I.LUl KINU ANU COHN-MIL- CHEAP In tint X' elass i.ruer, if Hpplivalloti It made ItnmedlHteiy; enitlne 12 Inch cylinder and stroke. Also, a Bteam I1 Ire kiialiie, of Latin's make, CtnclauaU. lliiUlre Hi Cnri.eit!rrml 1 vrt Settioil Mreel JKTI!TKV. xai Slam Htreet. BE3T8KT0F ThKTH TEN DOLLARS tiu d Killings Two liollrir bllvi and I in Kltllni'S One Dollar lias and k.xtr ling, each itly Ceula Mm l.. rtl.tt. I.B.r.r f "ri1 Ji;r iMi a:k, Attention, jLndies ! Sale of Jewelry and Fancy Goods I OKFEU tOH 8ALK A LARGS STOCK OF Ulw-llatr- 4 Hnri leta (Ladles' A Children's) Nrrklsrra, Met, Liorkvlsi, laaltatiww Itlasnewd Uiisdn (mounted In gold) Laalea' kBA teaiw WatckaialBsj. ALSO, AN inaKKSK Tot ia or jkt uooutsi AT A UBKAT SAt R1HCK. tV All gtxdi warranted aa re presented.. JKT I'ALACF, 37 HAI' T I KOrSr IIKW, 'rlT. CHARLES N. ERICH, DlaKCT 1M TOUT KB OK Ilolieuiian (ilaHsware, French & American China, QUEENS WARE I KVKCIALT1KH t Hsr-Futsre- s, Stirrwra, rte. Aaadrwplei fld Hat Tea, aatra.et Uawl sail. KUrvUH Wsre. 321 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn CV IF REAT SALE KBEMEB, HERZOG OF- - SUITS, GLOVES! Ruchings, Corsets, 4 Wraps, Ulsters, Dusters, AT COST f , KM. .... BACkM ! OLYlll'ir Majr l. 1ROTTIAH AMI PtCINK RACES I Kntiles for Trotting -- Grant's Nettle O., Galllna's Mamie U., owner's Luc-- y L. Jtiiir'es 'or Pacing Ball's B iekeye Tom. Kenne- - day's Mln l Hws eomm-neei- tt Horn AI I 'l'ltf i !.. I- - Aflnilnltilrattir's Sale, at Auction. B0U3 1 HOLD AND PEBSONAL FFKECT3 OF THE LATE JBNNV LRtviS. rrlday aiomine, llay S4S. at lO o'clock. AT 'i2S MAIM STKEKT. A . r rs t ntnii. uetlowrr r, .Tames telllev. Pnh fe A 'minlstrator. f'hllMlf.tAL. OCR ITK8ALVE FOB PILE3 eoIdbyallrJrnT- - B .1. rsn eenis -r notre ts ,i AMr IttiAKII. R OOM Nicely 'tvntsbed rooms lot rent to gen tiemen at 1 115 Court street Nice furnished rooms, cneap, at KUOMB N-- . Hn MAIN 8THKFT. LE IVIOIMS! HFni&n WHOLESALE GROCERS, MRU PHI. .TESSE88EK - The adTantage yon set In baying Lrmiini from as Is this : The Leanaaiw are taken irert fronf the Steamers on their Arri- val In New Orlemsor New York; shipped by rsst KiYia-b- t to Memphis, and plAced at once in our fine cellars, which are partly a!ove ground, with free and perfect ventila- tion, and A I way :ool. All Lemons are carefully examined, and none but per- fectly sound fruit (which is entirely free from decay) shipped. We rsoelve large shipments Weekly from trraw arrival of Steamers, and can 011 orders promptly. When pirtles wish to bay In lota of one btmdrej boxes or more, we make Bpeclal prices. Will be glad to receive a trial order from ou, and feel sure we can please jon, both In Quality and In price. OLIVER, FINNIE& CO rJiKSOAL. Commodore Jambs 8. Wise, of Cincin- nati, id stopping at ilia Peabody. Mb. C. F. Sugg, representing H. B. Gra- ham & Brs., ot St. Lou s, la in the city. Jodoe James A. Anderson and family irrtvitl yesterday from (Jjvington, Tipton county. Mb Albert Mteks, of Byhalia, Mipsis-siop- i, u spfLdint: a. lew days with his Mem-..hi- s friends. Governor Fred W. M. Hoixidat and C nonel luomas II. Cirter, ot ViiKinia. are t tbe PeaixiJy. Mr. Harrt Silverman and bride, of Ia- -' d an Hay, Aikani-aM- . ne Miss hither Harris, t this city, are at the Peabody. Arrivals at tbn cotton Fzihans y ester -- iity wtf: U. B. Greer, Setrcy, Arkansns; W. VV. VanderKritt, Athens, Alabama; J. G. L uta, Dyersbnrf, Tenoeessee. Mr. L. E Dter, former resident nf thts city, but who for bve years bas been United alirs consul at OJfssa, lvuieia, hits applied oe leave of absence with a view to visit Memphis. Captain J. U. Towner, lha jolly and oopular proprietor ot the LluntsvUle hotel, (luotsville. Alabama, and the Jactson.honne, B ount Springs, Alabama, is now at the Pea-ood- y hotel, and will run tin in the city for t wo or three days, for t ie purpose of meet- ing bis manv trieuds, both socially and on timiopps. Those who anticipate leaving the c ty h s summer would do well to (five Cap- tain Towner a call while he is here. The Confederate soldiers are lavishing upon Mrs. T. J. L.thaca uostinteJ praise for the t moient services she rendered in decorat-id- r the gravpa at Elmwnod on Sunday. This "icrllcnt lady, always first and foremost in everything; that cun elevate, make purer, better and happier the world, was never or wearied in soliciting tnd scattering fl iwers upon the graves of the dead Boldiers. Mrs. Lttham bas devoted her useful lite to the distribution of the fljwers if truth, beauty, love and charity along the pathway ot the liV.n, and on Sunday la-i- t she made Eluiweod beaut ful and fragrant with the fljwers bba scattered upon tbe raves ot the dead. If tue'worlil was made up of such women as Mrs. T. J. Lttham the earth would smile with a celestial loveliness. LAW KEPOItTS. Chancers" Cnart-M'Oow- ell. Judge. Calendar for Wednesday, May 19 h: 3751, C Hier vs Busby; 3752, Sautr vs Sbirmitster; o756, Irby v M'Kibuon; 3757, Rabinson vh i :rtwrigh; 8758 B -- vd vi Weath-rtor- d; 3757, K'ank vs Mayet; 3760, Taylor v Rchardeoo; M761, Avrnstrong v Bjyd; 3762. Harris vs Biro; 3763. Lwwenstine vs Echoic; 3764, U.ackburn vs Binckburn. C'lrealt Cwwrt-Ho- n. J. O. rieree, Jadar. CiU edar tr to dv: Nos. 3619, 3781.3782, 3829, 3913 3918, 4147, from yeac-rda- v's cal- - nuar; 5o85, Carter vs Forres'; 5390, Fennes--- vs titty ot Memphis; 5445, Fenocll vs V i; 5456, Shade et al vs Ci'y of Memphis; M-j- Smith vs D.incey; 5495, M'K-'nn- a vs linmsville and Nashvilld railroad company; "496. Ualt nath vs Overton; 5502, Wright & Folt v Anp'-rt-on- ; 5.'i0t, White, et al vs Ettts et al; bbH. K me v Htiwd; 5582, Hclabausen vs S in uerville; 5594, Waiaii & ti.-o- . vs Sned-.ly- ; 5595, Waisn, Hgmt. vs Speddy; 5607, Liasketi vs er ai; 5613, Berlin va Ter . ell; 5620. K siain, Gers.l. y & Co. vs BaII; 5672. Weaver, truster-- , vs Curry; 56S3, Llayes v Louisville and 5815, M'Murray vs Citv of Memphis; 5816, l .vie vs Holly et al; 5S51, N atail vs C nreil; 6S65. Ea v Smith; 5874, Horkins & Co. vs 685. LuebriuxD & Co. vs llorrstrh et at; 5968. Collier v Pulnam ef at; 5996, Oss-- y v S tat.on & Cj ; 5999, Vauus vs Mevalai; 6o02. It vuoliia & Vil;ilurd vs E. -- iroo & Bm ;6027. Mitchell v Green; 6060, Ujuohue v Ciut,btl:; 6063, Taylor vs Per- due. Floyd' Ladies' ue.taurant Is noted aa beiosT the mist complete place to Lo found auywhero. Our dinners are extra nice. Our prices are moderate tor the quality of good iurniahed. S32 THE MEMPHIS DAILY AFPKAL-WEDNESD- AY, 'MA.V . 19, iSSO. leu Indictments Found Against Public Administrator James A. Anderson Quashed by the Tipton County Circuit Court On Legal Technicalities That do Not Touch Jbe Ileal Merits or the Cases as to Public Trusts-G- od Help the Poor. Last Monday the indictments, ten in num- ber, found by the grand jury cf the criminal court of Memphis against Public Adminis- trator J. A. Anderson, charging him with misappropriation of trust fundi-- , came to grief befote the circuit court ot Tipton county, at Covington, tbe indictment- - having been quashed by Judge Flippin. Tbe cause why these cases went off id this manner was purely upon a technical point of law, which waa set tied by tbe bupreme court of the State a few days since in the case of the State ra. Jamer A. Anderson, involving the charge of misap propnating some thirteen hundred'dollars of tbe estate of Maggie Williams, an unfortu- nate member ot tbetiVmi mnde, who died o yel'ow-tev- er during the epidemic ot 1878 This was a test case, and tbe opinion of itxr suprtim court in that cbbo settled the statu ot all other cases if like character so far present liability for such trust funds it the hands of James A. Anderson as adminis trator is concerned. That opinion is as fol- io we: Tne tite vs. James A. Anderson . On tbe nlntn ot Maicn, 1&75. the legislature pawed an act entitled ''Au auito punlsb executorr, administrators, guardians or tiustees tor converting Vt their owu use and benefit and lolling to pay over iru-- t lunda." Section ooa prov'des. that " any executor, admln-l-tralo- r, guaidtan or tru-t- e holding trut tuiids. wbosuaii willfully ar.d malluiiusly convert to bis own use and benefit any moneys, notes, stocss, bends, or oiber evidences ot value of whatever na ture aud description, ibe assets of tbe estate lor wbicn he Is executor, administrator, guardian or trustee, and ou UukI settlement shtli lali to pay to tuose eotltleil lo tbe funds thus tutrusted to. and due from ucb executor, admlul-tiato- r. guardian or trustee wben tbe same are not paid, and caimot be collected by due piocess of law, snail be ah Judged aullty ol felony before any con. potent cour, and on conviction, snail be pumsbed by lmpris mmeut lo the penitential y, not leas than one year aud not nmretbau ten years." Iu August. Is 18. ibe defendant was qualified as the ot tne estate of naggie Williams t tbe January term, 1H80, of tbe diurnal court ior Btitiuy c Uiity. ne was inn cibj. tne luoictmeni clirclng that be bad received Into bis pjsses-ini- i. as such administrator, a la'ge sum of m ney. of tbe value of one tbousaud tbr e bundled dllari, which be wilfully, maltoliitisly, feluniuuly aud Iratnlu-lentl- y converted to bis owa use and benefit. Tuit bis term or omce or puoiic aaminis.raior ami ex- pired, bis successor bad beau appointed, and his 1 i his ai admlulstrator or tne estate of Murale Wil Hams revoked; that the probate court baa ord-re- a aud ouimanae blm to av over to tbo cent tied lo receive the same, all tbe money wolcu nad oeeu re eeived by him. or assets belo kiiik to said estates. and by bun Leld In trust, eta. wbicb be aile.i to do; that he tailed and rel used to mke a settlement ot bis accounts as ad lnlstrator. etc. Tbe Judge of the criminal couil quasneu me iiioic.ment oi nis owu mulluu. To suoUtin on tuolclinent for the t created and defl led by tbe act It Is necessary to aver aud prove thai mere bad De-i- netore the nuoing ol tun indictment, a nu, 1 sett emebt by tbe party ac cuned, made either voluntarily by him, as provided by statute, or by compulsion through the UTuirum-n-btli- ly ot a court of competent juilsdlciion. It must also be averred aud proved mat. lbs amouut due uas iiK been paid over. It mu t aiso be averred and proven thai the amount oue cauno. be collected by due process of law. which latp-- r averment neces--lale- s tbe further oue ot tne existence tf a Juugtnem or decree from wnlcb said process baa been lnsued and returned nulla bona. Mi H averments are not made bere, and, as appears Irom ibe race Of tne Iu dictmeul, cannot be made or atll med. , 1UENEY, Judge. All told thirteen indictments had been found by the grand jury of the criminal court of Memphis against James A. Aoder son, public administrator, aad of these three were auasbed by tne judge ot tbe criminal court, the ten remaining were taken to Tto- - tcn county on change ot venue lor trial. JNo bond was piven in these cases when the change ot venue was granted, but Mr. An derson made oath that owing to his poverty he was nnable to give the bond (two hundred and fifty dollars), and the change of venue was granted in accordance with tbe statute regarding the "pauper's oath." In all these cases wherein indictments had been found and involving over sixty thousand dollars ot trust funds, and in stveral other cases, suits have been brought in tbe chancery court by the widows and orphans in proper form to bold Mr. Anderson and bis sureties on his official bond liable as administrator for the amounts belonging to said estates, amounts that passed into bis hands und which amounts have so far been unaccounted tor or paid over. Mr. Andethon shields himself behind the regulative act wmch gives him over two years wherein to make hnal settle ment, and which provides that due process of law must first be exhausted and returned nulla bona before indictment charging the felony can be found or sustained. Ibe su preme court, in brief, simply decided that tbe finding of too indictments was premature under the existing laws as to administrators and their liabilities. It is alleged that there are a few ca-e-a wherein tne time tor final settlement has ex pired, but in these the "due process ot law" business is progressing slowly a ter ruination kn,wn as a rtturn of nulla bona upon an execution. A question of law bas also arisen as to whether the "due process ot law" must be exhausted, not only against James A. Anderson, but also against biB sureties in these catea. It m.y, and will, probably, take ten years fo reach the final conclusion of responsibility before a i roper indictment can be touud. Xuere is, a a;, an other important phase of the casd in the courts. Mr. Anderson's bondsmen have filed bills in certain cases, seeking to escape a1! responsibility from his alleged frtaduleut acts in appropriating trust funds, . nd on the grouoas that Mr. Anderson had not been le gally electtd public administrator by the county court, and, also, that tbe bondsmen cannot be held legally responsible for insur ance money coming into tbe bands ot Mr, Anderson as pnolic administrator, the in surance money not being suca property as can be administered upon, but which Bhould have been paid over to the widows or guar dians ot the heirs, and not to tbe public aa ministrator-UDo- these estates. Ic is even denied that, notwithstanding the order by tbe - probate court removing Aoder son lr m the administratorship of such rotates, and withdrawing his letters of administration, that the proba'e court can compe him to turn into court tbe funds of such estates in his bands, but that he can re tain such funds and relu e to make final set tlement uotil the legal term of such admin- - is'ratorship has expired. From all this it is clearly evid nt that the law is fatally oetect ive in every respect as to administrators. It would be a cause of real pleasure in this community if Mr. Anderson was able to clear himself of the grave charges brought acainet him bv immediately paying over to tbe un fortunate widows jind orphans of yellow fever epidemios tbe moneys belonging to them, which passed into bis hands and which so tar they have not been able to secure. LOCAL PAliAURAL'IJS. Tbe dog-mnr- i'e days have C3me. Local politics are not on the boom just yet. Steamboat excursions are taking the place of picnics. The fl es and mocquitoes will bite even it the .bah do not. The criminal court grand iury will be selected Salmon red and summer sunset are two new shades of reddish yellow. Velvet spotted or po.ka dotted grena dines appear among summer fabrics. To-da- y the Chicks will engage in the Centennial competetive drill at Nashville. St. Bridget's school picnic will b held on the twenty-sevent- h instant at Estival park. Tbe strawberry season is drawing to a close; the berries are getting down to a cheap basis. There was ono case of measles reported yesterday, Annie Mowes, No. 6 Qjimby street. Spotted foulards and Madras fichus, with deep borderings, are made in suits tor little girls. New black Cbanti'ly lace mils are very fine, have very long tops and are sold at very high prices. Conventionalized pitterns from old tapestry are the wall-pape- rs to which French taste inclines just now. Pigeon and glaos-bi.- il shooting to day. 0 jabibus leaves Court tquare at three o'clock. Fifty cents for round trip. Cincinnati women havo given ud wear ing white petticoats, and black alpaca or stilt even in summer. At one o'clock yesterday the thermomu- - ter indicated 85 degrees in the shade, and the barometer stood at nearly JO inches. That Wiliest of hU trnminings, serpen tine braid, is applied to tablecloths and cur tains. It lasts a woman tjrtver. The drill for the rriza plume and hop given by the Bluff City Grays at their armory last night wis largely attended oy tne ladies. When one woman wearing heliotrope and another peacock blue promenade or bit together toe iffctt is. to say the least, icfioa- - glUOUB. The fans most fashionable for decorative pur pew-- s at tha momeiit are those in the ebapo of a large corLtijwer, pansy, daisy, or uuui-iuy- . Our weather-wis- e compositor insisted upon stating in yesterday morning's issue ot tbe ArrKAX that "at toon vecterdav the ba rometer stood at ninety inches." it should have been "thirty inches;" but then, five feet, more or less, in weight of atmosphere does not cut much of a figure in Memphis. Skirts bordered with tucks are no lighter than those that have a kilt plaiting on tbe edge, remember. The amount of material needed is exactly the same. At Nashville night General Peter Tracy, of our city, will give a grand display of fireworks under the management of Prof. Jackson, of Philadelphia. But three arrests were made by the police yesterday and np to late last night. One white unfortunate, when arrested, was so drunk that he was nnable to give his name. The last argument against the new para- sols is (hit tbey will be of no use to scare away cows, but as a rule a woman is alwuys sufficiently scared tor herself and the cow too. Spanish gold pins are very pretty orna- ments tor the hair. Toey are not, aa some women seem to tb ek, made of brass, and it is not proper to wear more than ten at once. Fans iu Turkey-re- twill are carried in England. Toey would look well enough with he Turkey-re- costumes, and what a lovely Hash they would impart to au overheated face! Thursday, tbe twenty-fift- h instant, a river excursion will bn given on board the steamer James D. Parker, under the aus- pices of the young ludits of the First Metho- dist church. The attorneys of the Taxing-Distri- ct will enter a motion before the sopieme court at Jatk?oa for a rehearing o' the revivor grant- ed by the court in the ca e of O'Connor vs. the Taxing District. The sleeves of simple wool dresses fin- ished with s'.ltcbicg have no cutrV, but are left open a little way on the outside seam and Dave lace gathered so as to make a lit-- t e pnj-ctiu- g trill. The police are cow sanitarians to a man, dnd have instructions to abate nuisances ex- isting on their respective beats. Yesterday be patrolmen were looking up nuitauces aud ordering their abatement. . Oj tbe twenty-secon- d instant a K pub- lican -- will be held at VVntte-Uave- Tennessee, on the Mississippi and Ten-uens- ee railroad. Tuo meeting will be by leudiag white and colored speak- ers. Marriage licenses iniufld by tha cour.ty xu t jlerk yesterday : Whitts Edward Riper ni Joe Wilkin Htrry O. M'K-nv- y aid Sue P riy, H. Slveroi n and Either Harrip. Colortd O.tntel Leo and Mary Coleman, a T. Chambers and Lju Jacobi. Postilion ba qres and "tournures" are daily cainieg in favor. With this style of waist tne fronts are pointed, and the sides cut out over the hips, whilj tae oack lorms postillion to irtiils. The waisti are smal er b in ever, rtqairio; orsc-- of the very bdat mak". List night the Irish-Americ- building and loan association of this city, loaned cut money Et fifty aud fifty five dollars per share. This ia the first tramiirvtion of this character m tde in this city for a year or more, and it thaws that confidence i being rapidly restored in tbe future of Memphis. Tho weekly meeting of ward visitors of the Lidiea christian association will beheld to-d- ay (Wednesday) at lonr o'clock in tbe afternoon, in connection with a general meet- ing of the association, at the "fjome," on Ahbiuia street. All tbe members and tnends of the associ ttion are cordially in- vited tor the transaction of important busi- ness. There was a contest over the bung-starte- r intended for the most popular Itquor firm at St. Joseph's picnic, Mnnrtny. It was finally awarded to A. Vaccaro & Cj., who received seven hundred and twanty seven votes. Tbe next highest vote wns that for Carbery & Casey, which was five hundred and twenty-four- . Nine other firms r ceived rmill votes, but the enthusiasm was all mani- fested by the friends of above named bouses. Tha voting commenced with qiarter?, but wound up with ten dollar bills. Tbe bung-start- .is of ebony.tipped with a bait inch each of mahogany and ivory. The handle is of rose- wood, tipped at eaih end with silver. On the side of the buog-strte- r is a silver shield with the "Voted by the St. Joseph picuic. May 17, 1S80, lo A. Vaccaro & Cj., the most popular wholesale liquor AMUSEMENTS. Bates at Olympic Park. On Friday afteroooi two races will take place one trotting, the other pacing. The entries indicate cloaely-conteate- d ev nts, and there ought to ba a large attendance to wit- ness them. A TEBUIBLV FALL. Redaction In Bhoea. We are now offering unusual reductions in prices of BOOTS, SHOES, SANDALS. fcLlPPERS, ETC. Our $7 shoes reduced to ?6. Oiir t6 shoes reduced to $5. 0jrij5 shoes reduced to f4. Everything in our line cut down to the low-r- st notch. For the next ten days we will offer bargB'f". O m aid pp no. WM. MILLER A CO., 221 Main street. K.lrklawd'a rVobbi Oerby Hata. French Stettin iye-Vorlt- s. Ladies" and gentlemen's goods dyed and cleaned at Lonia Rici VftSta' lHrrson street. itrowu sc Jones. Pittsburg, Mhotwell and Utinael Coal. - Slain street. HAAD-MAD- E FBEXCH CORSE 18! MENKEN BROTHERS Sole agents tor the improved Side Steel and celebrated Health corsets. These goods are surerior to any in this mat kef, and are tflsreJ by us at unusual- ly low prices. Ojc 1 1 25 corset is now sold for 85c. Floyd's Iwell ventilated, cool and pleasant. Pure crs. m and eberbe'9, cold soda and mead, and the finest candies in the United States. Bring your friends; you will erjoy a pleasant even- ing at Floyd's. Klrkland'a rllu I mbrell, nt 82 SO. Truly wonderful in nervousness. gec,eral debility, emaciation and dropsy Malt bit- ters. How a French Cook Improved Ills Broth At the celebrated brmi of social but aris- tocratic Democracy, the fam nit Manhattan club, on Fifth avi nue. New York city, tire theme of. conversation recently has been ntt so much as to tbe coming nt.micce at Cincin- nati as to tbe luck of one Mr.anieur Emil Si- gnet, a veriuble chef de cuisinr, who bought of M. A. Dauphin, at No. 319 Broadway, New York city, for a dollar, a half-ticke- No. 40 046, in tbo April drawing of the world-renown- Louisiana ' Stat wkery, at New Orleans, ami drew half of the second capital of flO.000. He put it in United States four per cent loans, and still presides over the pots a-.- d pans. Who is next? Awnings Mattresses. U. HIJ rTK..UKUI, XIHl Heesnd nt. Klrltland' Imported Novelties. Eminent Dr. W. A. Greene. Macon, Ga. Writes: "1 cheerfully state that I have tested the virtues and efficiency of Colden's Lie-big- 's liquid extract of beef in my private practice in cases of peneral debility, weak- ness, depression, dyspepsia, loss of appetite and nervous affections, wben medicine had proven more than useless. I have found it the best remedy I ever used in chronic alcohol- ism, when the stomach is always irritable and food required to nourish." Sold by leadibg drugk'-ts- . Pit rnNKiNDHAH. blac ksmith and wacon- - maker, is prepared to do anything in bis line, from a wheelbarrow up to a carry-lot.-- . Spring-wagon- s always on hand and made to order. It you want your buggies or carriages painted cr repaiied, you can r?Iy on having them well done at a reasonable price. Give him a call. Corner ot Monroe ana uesoio streets. HlrklanS. flae lairaw Hals. Bow many ar.' there iu tuU land by coefiv.,ncss'f Thousands are tut-rem- . To them Dr. Clvtk's liver invigor- - ator is a special boon. Dinot delay using it. rwt P .nu m la it. Vil . ixr ts n 1 Tin an'. ! O Vl U fa Vianxt) X nunuirt i tv ( uuct aunvaiitt uuia lade to look very nearly good as new at G oody ear's. 20 S.H.-n- - Klrklaa d'w HteiiHia A k.oi Hats. Af.alsnee'pi Sale of Clothing, . , m ai . t fat rurni'iiiu; uuuusi uuu 'trunks aud Yatisen, To w,r1 uo the business of E. Lebmsn, No 247 Main street. These good must b2 3 sold recxrdless ot coat or value, lots is a bona fid 6aie to positively quit business. Tuere is a large slock on band which must be sold as Epardily as possible to settle with his creditors. The sale is strictly for cash. Store tor rent and all the fixtures for sale. NClSAlNCES To be Abated by the rolice Force, who Are Instructed to Act as Sanitary Officers on their Respective . Beats. The Orders Given the Police Force by President Porter as to tbe Perform- ance of Sanitary Duty The Ordinances. The following communication has been sent to the chief of police for the instruction of officers and men, with reference to the abate- ment of nuisances by the police force through- out the city : Taxing-Distri- Sbklbt Couhtt, I May 19, 1880. ) P. R Atby, Chief of Police: Tod are requested to call the particular attention of your force to tbe strict enforcement of all beahh regulations aud the removal of nuisances Tou will especially direct them to arrest all persons who throw tilth, water or other substance on tbe streets from windows, back doors or otherwise; report all nul.-ai.c- ei on any premises or on am street or public place witblu the District to Hit hoard of benltb, aud notify the parties concerned to ab Ue tbe same; and they will be expected to with tbe board of health In the enforcement of all health ordinances, flease read for their Instruction sections 21 8, 200. 210. 211, and 14, 15. Dig- lrtl. Bci-- f tcll's Diqest and Impress uon theru tbe fact that tbey will oe required in future to enforce them lully and strictly, and a failure on inelr part to comply w II be regarded a eainie for Insta t dismissal fiom the lorce. You will b- - ex cted to repurt to tbe board all derelictions of duty In this regard In U- lcers or men. tbat they may be dealt with by dismis- sal or otherwise. Veiy truly yours. D. T. POUTER President. SECTIONS REFERRED TU ABOVE. Section 108. That no part Of tbe contents of, or eub-p'.- i ee Horn am sinks, privy or cesspaot, not any manure ashea. garbage, lubb.sh or dirt, shall be by any person Hung or allowed to run or d'op Into, or remain la auy street or public place as herelu speci- fied Sec 200 That no swill brine, urine ot animals or other e an mal nu'snuce, nor any sttrkli g uoxlous I quid, or o:her olTusive matter of any kind, sflall oy any person be allowed to run or fail irom, orout of any buUdm. or erecloc, li.ta or upon ar y ttreet or public place, or to be tken or put therein save as herein elsewhere pro- vided . x bee 210 That no batchers' offal or garbage, ncr any deal animals, nor any putil.i or sin king ani- mal or matter, sbali be thrown b. any per- son li to ant street, place it sewer, or upon any ground or piemUes of s Id Ms rict tc 211. Tnat no person shall draw r II or allow to run off . Into any ground, street or plce or said Distitct tbe curiieuls of any vault, privy, cist-rn- , Crs-- iol. or sink, nor II any owner, tenant oroc-- c puit of any building to which any vault, sink, privy or ces-po'- il shall appertain or ba .attached, penuit the cf any pirt thereof to Q .w tber-frou- i or to rlsewltliH two feet of tbe top, or permit said contents to become offensive, nor shall any pi ivy or other erection In toe section me .t oiled be filled with or covered with d rt till lis fitUiy con- tents snail bw emptied tiec. ;lrl4, sub sec 14 For any person to place any straw, dm. culpt. shnlU, st 1, uall, iron, glass, fru t peelings, melon rinds, paper sbavlngs, rgs, balr, whether offer slve to health orn.it. and whether U amount, to an obstruction or not, or to permit any sucu rubbish to-b- thioivu by otheis, or to re m tin in front of one's house or business place. In any im- proved or traded, or paved street, alley or sidewalk of tbe Taxing D strict. Src. 24 sub arc. 15 For any person to permit any ot the articles enumerated In tha preceding seo tlon to rrmelu or lie upon the stdewa k In front ot the premises and occup ed by him or h;r. Ton so Taken the Kentucky Derby make, ftcatlnr the i'avorlte At ViaslilsxittD sad Point Aireexr. Louisville, May 18. The first day of the spring ineetiug of tbe j ickey cluo was large- ly attended aud the track was iu good condi- tion. First Race. Purse 300; one and a quar ter milts, was won by Volturco, O.ie Dime second, Bucktie third. Time 2:12i. Oae j.riiu-- 1 waa i no iavrire. Second Race. Kantucky Derby for tbree-yearoIJ- e; one aud a half miles. K m a!l was the favorite, but Fonso won. Kimball second, Bancroft third. Time 2:871. The last race was for a pnte ot $ 3(A); $50 10 me sec ma. Montreal i, i; is jatitudj (the fivorite. 2. 2; Peru, 3. 3; Mary Ann, 4, 4. Time 1:43, 1:44. At Washington. Washington, May 18. The race for the Mount Veruoo stake, one and a quarter miles; was won by Uaoy (.formerly .Dairy Maid); Cinderella second. Dawn third, Mystery fourth. Time 2:12. The race for the Brighfos hotel cup, one and a half miles, was won by Checkmate; monitor werter third, Clyde ilamp ton fourth. Time 2:37. The third event, mile heats, was won oy Swananda; Ejcice second. Glendalta was mied out atcer the second heat. Time 1:45, 1:50, 1:52. Eunice wan the first heat. Toe steeple-chase- , ever tbe usual course, was won by Dispute; Dausrica second, Star liKbt third. Time, 4 minutes. Foist Breeze Trotters. Philadelphia, May 18. Tha Point Bietzj trotting races, tbreo-oiiout- e clas, waa won Ly Unonala; Ripton, spennd; Biy Chieftain, third. Time 2:28, '2:27J. 2:29. ioe Ziy cfasj wus won by fdanioietonian Bashaw; Stonewall, eind: Lvmin. third. lime-2:- 30, 2:25J, 2:28, 2:29. 2:33: layman won tbe second beat and Stonewall the third. ClBcianati'ai Walking; Hatch. Cincinnati, May 18. There was a large attendance and much enlhug.tism at the walking m itch . ' Tbe score tonight stnnds: Hughes, 219; D iw, 208; Sullivan, 189; Cnamberlin, 1S6; Vint, 184: O'Brieo, 183. Fools oa the Boat Race. Washington, May 18 PooU on the boat race enid $100 to $50, $100 to $36 and $100 to $45 on Hanlan. beventy-hv- e thousand dollars have been wagered thus far, profes sional sporting men invariably supporting Hanlan. It is estimated that fifty thousand strangers are in the city. President Hayes aud lha members o' his cabinet and their la dies will wi'.n?so the race from the referee's boat. Base-Bal- l Games Yesterday. Baltimore, May 18. National?, 10; Bal tim ires, 4. Cincinnati, May 13. Buffaloes, 6; Cin- cinnati, 5. Chicago, Miy 18. Cuica?os, 10; Ckve fandK, 6. Trot, N. Y., May 18. Troyf, 10; Wo cestera, 1. COTTON STORAGE Compawy WrxanlzlBsr to Kreet a Cotton L'enpiess and. Warehouse for tuo PUorajre ot One Hundred thou- sand Bales of Cotton. Yesterday at tho effijo of Dillard. C;fiin & Co , on Front street, a uua.ber cf lending merchants held a meeting tor tbe purpose ot organizing a company and applying for a cuarter to erect a cotton, compress and carry on warehouse and insurance business. The olivets desired are as follows: To erect a first clans cotton compress, to secure warehouse room tor tbe storage ot one hundred thousand bales of cotton, and to carry on insurance business for cotton ftored by the company. The capital stock will not be less than one huudred thousand dollars. The grounds to b) occupied by the company will not contain less area than twenty fivo or thirty acres and will probably be eelee'ed near Poi't Picker- ing, outside the corporation line. It ia well known tbat there is only covered shed-roo- tor about sixty thousand hales of cotton in the city. Tnere is not, suffiiient by one-thir- d for the trade ot Memphis. Tbe charter o! the company is preparing and will be on file in a few days. Ibe charter members are among our leading and most enterprising merchants. The friends of temperance will find Milt Bitteis invigorating and strengthening. Genuine imported Hos Mall Extract. The true he Jh bev- erage. Utirbly recommended for nursing mothers, thin, cold aud agtd people, con- valescents, etc. Owing to its wonderfully nutritious qualities, it is i specially recom- mended in epidemics and in fevers, where bodily piostration is gieat and life depends ur'Cn a nourishing Ftimu'ant. None genu- ine witnout tbe label of Tarrant o? Co , cole agenls, New York. For sale by all druggists aud grocers. German liller liiiDsnrian aPed and Htock Peas, orrtl nCUH ULa CO , Hi:t Ilitn iatrt-e-t Klrkiaod's Usudyrar Overrents. Tlie A!iguee' sale of Clothing Which has been in disru'.e for the last lew days, will commerce thi?, ths twelfth day of May. aad will coutiDue from day to day un- til sold. 247 Main Street. Near Jefferson. Fiiiing Tackle, Best AdKOrtmeat In the City, at FIt.l.Mi MCH I' 13 A Vd til- - BTUltL', 'o. lit K-- tl. street. Ulrkland'n Karl dk Wllnon Collars. Economy is Vealtli. Genls' clothing eyed, cleaned aud repaired by 1. leaacs, 270 Second street, opoeite Court square, Memphis, Tennessee. a.i.iiii-iiiuiMlJ- UI III THIRTY YEARS. Eataka. 111- - Frbroary 1 Ith. l79. To . C. Richardson. Dear Sir t Enclose And two certificates for CllOmM's febrifuge: can Kt more, and as for myself I can say I have not sold any medicine In thirty years' experience that baa givea such general iatlritar-Uo- Yours truly. HEN K if KtlfJiOLDS. FEBRIFUGE UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. West Purss, Sfo.. Jnly 27. 1 R7S. ClltTora's yebrltuue selllust welu Has met with, universal satisfaction. C. H. . SHUTTKK. Dealer lu Onus, Paints, ac. FEBRIFUGE SAVED. Lrvnircx Hirm, St. Lor is, Jan. loth. l79t For three weary years I have been the victim of Malaria, In all Its forms, bnvlng-ose- scores of such articles as Tonlis, Aaue HUs and Ague Pads, but never findinsr permanent relief. As a last resort I irave your Clifford's Febrlfuire a trial, and I only deem it due you to say tbat tbe first bottle bas nut only stopped the Chills, but iias Uiorouehly eraill-ritte- d this dreadful disease from my system. I feel that your medicine bat saved my lire. yours, with gratitude. JAMES . LOBDE1X. FEBRIFUGE WELL PLEA8ED. BnotrjrSBOito, Tkxas. Dec. SIst, I R78. J. O. RTCHutosoN, St. lyiuls. tlr Having myself beenamlctedduririK' tbe fall and winter with third dav cbUls. I bad oocaitlon to use oue bottle of Clif- ford's Febrifuge, and am so well pleased with It that I want to keep it; think that I can sell It very fast In this community. How can I net It? Please send terms, Im. Aieepecttully, W. 1 O'NEIL. General Merchant. FEBRIFUGE BEST IN USE. Havana, ttt., December 17th, 1878. I can safely say tbat Clifford's Febrifuge Is the bruit Ague medicine In use, having used every thing before nndlng it. S. KK.I.LY. KAMUVACTURID BT I J.C.RICHARDSON, - St. Louis. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. CKXSUS KSlMtRATOKS". Lilal of Appointees Made by Jndsje Wil- liam v. mttb, Maperintrndrnt of Ceatns for this District. The fo'.low'ng lnt of census "numTatore was sent u for publication by Judge Smith, superintendent of oensuR for (his district: SHELBY COUNTY DIdTRICT3. 1st, A. S. Cole. Wh, S. T. Lane. 21, J. L. Tulley. nth, J. H. Abli.gton. H.I.J. D Steele. 12'h. JJ Monxban. 4th, Hammootree. lHth. C. C Smith. 5tb. T. W. Buiilxghaus. 14tb J. P. Young and Htn, A R Pope. Mtus Mar a K. Prolbo 7tb, W. F. Gowan. 15lh. J P. Present. Hth, . Bell. rUh, Mrs Mollle Bolton. Uth, W. H. Allen. 17tb, H B. Stone. lKth. J. G. dnted. CITY Of MEMPHI3-WAR- D3. 1st. M. T. Garvin and t lss 3. C. Harvey. 2d. Hunt M. Smith. 8d, R B Nebon and Joslah Difn. 4th, W. D bt rat ton and H B. Chiles. 5tb,.Iasper N. Jones and Grven E Evans. Atb, Miss Mry Boddie and O. B Parker. 7th Hives B Meirlweatber and KranK Hunter. Mb. H igh Nntt. D. Pante and S. M. Ashe, flth, Kev T.C Uolmes. 10th, J. W. Vernon and Guy M Bigelow. Bay Jortlun'a Ite.ereant and Confee-tlonerle- s, HO Wl. West and cheapest. The Florence hilugaleor the ursery. The following is an extract from a letter written to the German Rrformrd Messenger, at Ghambersburg, t'ennsyivama: A BKNKFACTaKiS. Just open the doer tor ber, aad Mrs. Wins-lo- w will piove the American Florence night ingale of the nursery. Of this we are so sure, that we will teaih cur Susy to say, "A bl sung on Mrs. 7ms'ow" for helping ber to mrvive and escape the gnpin?, colitk-in- g and teething siege. Mrv. Winslcw's soothing syrup relieves the child from pain, and cures dynentery and d'arrl re. It softens 'tbe gums, reduces itfl immatioc, cures wind colic, and carries tne iniant tattly through the teething period. It performs precisely what it proteases to perform, every part of it nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. Winslow known her only through the prep aration nf her "Soothing syrup for children teething." If we bad the power we wonld make her, aa she is, a physical Bavior to the infant race. Sold by all druggists. Twenty-fiv- e o ents a bottle. Klrkland'a Dent Kid (.laves. V. 3. THAYER, MANUFACTURING JEWELER and OPTICIAN IV at cites. Jewelry. Silverware, Clocks, (Spectacles, etc BepaLrtng of One Watcbes and Chrono- graphs a specialty. Ko.307 M AIM STKEKT, UNDER PEABODT HOTEL. Old Gold and Silver wanted. PRESCRIPTION FREri TIlor the speedy Cure of Weakness, Lei X Manhood, Premature Xiemlity, Kervousnean, Despondency, Confusion of 14c as. Aversion to Socie- ty, Detective Memory, and ail Disorders Brought on by Secret Habits and xcchu. Any druggist bas the ingredients. Adjrcu. DR. JApUES ic CO., ISO OT.-.- t fet. tllMtMne ATI. OHIO. TTkts t'y the rnly lot ery of any ttate ever voted on ana luaorsea oy us peopu U rBfcCElrfc.rKD ATTBACTIO.V 1 Over Uair aSIlllion Ittrlbuted. Louisiana State Lottery Company This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the 8. ate for Educatlt nul and '..burna ble purposes In lXrtx. for the term jf teenty fl e Mear.t, to wuirn contract rue loviotaoie ratin or tne State Is pledged, which pledge bas been renewed by an overwhelm I ft; popular vie. securing lta fran-cbts- e In tbe new constitution adopt d December 2, A.D 1H7H, w;th a CHpllal of Sl.nuO.lMio. to which it has since acded a reserve fund of $ loO.OOO. (Vrasd alstle number llislriliunus will taKe place monthly. It never ecaiet or postpone. Look al the tollcwlnc Dltrlbutlon: GRAND PBOMENADK CONCERT, During which will take place the lseiat KA l HOSi TIILY, AND TBS Extraordinary Semi-Annu- al Drawing:, At New Oi leans, Tuesday, June 15, IS 80. Under the personal supervision and management of Gen. U. T. BEAUREGARD, or Louisiana and Gen. J. A." EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL 1'UIZK 91110,000. Notice Tiekrt are Ten Dollars only. Halves go. Fifths, S'2. Tenths. 81. LIST OK PRIZES ;i Capital Prize of.... 8100.000.. 8100,000 1 Grand Prize of 50.000.. 50.000 Grand Prize or 2(l.tssi... ao.itiK. 2 Large Prizes of. 10,000 Vio.ooi 4 Large Prizes of. . 6,000 20,01 Ml 20 Prizes of 1.IKX) 20,000 50 Prizes of fits) 25,lt;l) 100 Prizes of 800 SO.O.O 20O Prizes of 200 40,OLO HOO Prizes of 100 no.ot.i 10000 Prizes of 10 100,000 APPBOXIMATION PBi.ES. 100 Approximation Prizes of S20O.. 820,01 0 100 Approximation Prizes ot KM)., KM 00 100 Approximation Prizes ot 75.. 7,5j0 11,279 Prizes, amounting to 8522 .500 dien. i T. Keaarriard, of La., and tiea J. A. Karly, of Vsu. t'onnisslsaers. Appllcatlo i for ra'es to clubs should only be made at the olnce of the company In New Orleans. Write tor circulars or send orders to M. A. OA t'PH IN, New Orleans. Ada., or same person at Sin. HI v Kroadway, New York, or to D. L. Gixxs-Pl- . No. fl West Court street. Memphis. Tennessee. B This Company has NO AGENTS tn the BRITISH POSSESSIONS, and all persons pretend- ing to be so. wd soliciting orders by circulars or wnermixf, are HWINni.F.US. TT-TT- T round on rile at Ooo. JTilirXXI( p. howell Sl Oo's Newspaper Advertising Bureau (a) Spruce StA whert- - advprtlslna xwtracut may be made lor U IS NEW YOitii.. swwwwrr Macon, Oa., March HI, 187M. Frt,m having been Intimate for a number o' rears with the nron-letor- s of Swift's Syphilitic SpeciOo. I have known much of Its manu'acture and us use. There are men In tha community well known citizen, who were victims In early lite to Syphilis, and who trive tfcen ibe 3. S. medicine, and wbo are now. to all appearances, ani. In tti-- lr own belief, as free from tbe taint of t man, fresh frorj lue hands of bis Make' fiellcaov forbid. tnMr puolie recommenda- tion of this medicine, but 1 ant a lowed to refer tbe sceptic PKiVATaxr to those wbo will liniore every- thing that be sa'd 1 Its favor. Being much op- posed to reooramendlnar secret remedies it Is wllb hesitation that I attach my name to Ibis article; but I KNOW whereof I sp-a- k when I say that our science nas not yet maue puoiic a comoination equal to 1M tot tbe purpose Indicated. T. L. MASSENSURfi. PH. G. Prepared only by the SWijtT SPKCIkic CO .At- lanta, Ua. Sold by & MANsi LEXD CO. X . HTKAMBHATW. For L'airo, Paducah, KYansville, Louisville and Cincinnati. The.Southem Transportation Line Steamer R.R. SPRINGER U. P.HAET master G. W. M'COY.. clerk. WILL LEAVE THIS DAY, May 19, at 7 a.m., FOR CINCINNATI and all way points, having vtij supe. lor accommodations for passengers. Evansvllle $ 5 00 Louisville 7 00 Cincinnati X 00 ritt-bur- g is oo Baltimore 22 IK) Pbliartelohia 24 50 New York 25 00 and veiy low figures to all points North Mil East. For freight or pasaee apply on board, or to . JAMES CASH, Passenger Agent. Special Police. mutual greetnert of the under- - BY signed, the Sir. Josle Barry witn- - F3f2?lti draws from the While rltertrade onMay 22d and re- sume again on July 17tb: the Str.Hard Cash with- draws on July 14rb and resumes on September 1, ImSO. Thus equally dividing the cull season, and giving each b at an opportunity to make necessary repairs. STR J'S1E HARRV. Mill H.trrv. Master. STK. HAHD CASH. K. C Poatal. Mester. 1880. 1880 NOTICE to PLEASURE-SEEKER- S 1KIST, Etc. Excursion Memphis to !" t. Fan! and Minneapolis and K el urn. Ticketx Good to October 31, 18SO Leav'ng MEMPHIS by the Steamers ot the St Louis AVicksburg Anchor-lin- e EVERY noaday, Taeiday, Wednesday, Thars day and "r!day, atlpu,aao on Maaday. at lO am. Anlvlr g at STv LUIS you can select your route, by RIVER Olt HAIL. Kara n LOW as by any other rou'e. For Information apply at rfnceon WHARK-BO- r. AD ;l. Uii, Superintended aiemphl-t- . Ma. n, kmO fo'k o-- ani yr. muis. kit. a.oala and VleU.riuiir Aseimr 1,'n- e- V. -- . ll-r- Xlii CAIHO AND ST. LOUIS. James ISowHid, sJ Jas IL Pepper... mas'er. Will leave toe Anchor Line wbarfboat THIS DAY. May 1VUS, ai 5 p m. e'or trelunt or arply to l PT'iiti. 'iti't. r.n riarfi.o-t- .. KoltN KVV OHUKANS. sat. IxtnlM una New Orlrans Anehop t.lae for Vicksourg, Natchez and New Orleans.- learner V. 1. Cbouieau, r&Zti W. IL Thorwelgan master. Will leave tht Anchor-lin- e wnartbot THIS DAY. May lttii, at 12 m. freight or passage api lyto au oitirttt. o"p t cn wnnpoat. Southern Transporiatton Line For Vicksburg Nritcbez and New Orleans-Steam- er (aiiidins Star. W. B Miller master i John S. Jones clerk Wl'.i leave as above I HIS DAY, May ltKh, at 5 p.m. For Ireigtii or passage, apply to J T. t. Ag-n- t. 31 4 Front FOK VICKSHUKtr. 1,1. LsaisasS tlrtuiiiars .rh.t t,1e I sited K'ares blHFOK VICKSBUHO. City of Cwreeis.villT4gg R K. Riley master. will leave the Anchor Line wnarlboat TUESDAY, May ISIu. at 10 a.in, Forfreigbt cr 9 ap,-i- to AO STOKM. rilip't. FOK li()UlsVll.LEAND CINCINNAH Memphis & Ohio River PACKET COMPANY 7 FOK Cairo, Louisville and Cincinnati HTKIHEHs A9Y D4UM, C0S MILLAR. JA9KS VT. GAFF, VINT SH1XKLE, JAS. IK PARKER, V1RG1E LEE. Steamers of this line leave Memphis tor CAIRO, LULlaVlLLlt AKIU biaUlNItAll Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays AT 6 OCLOCK P.M., Connecting at Cincinnati Altb Railroads and Steam- ers for all Eastern, orthern and Western Folnts, Giving THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS, CHICAGO, TOLEDO, BUFFALO. RICHMOXD NEW 10EK, WASHINGTON CITY. PHILA- DELPHIA AND BOSTON. Eastern tonrl-t- a will Bnd the La Belle River Route Safe, LVPiihllul and Economical R ites by this line Cheaper luan any other Brst-clas- s route. Meals and Staterooms Free. Baggage checked through. can rely on a splendid trip by this lue, as me steamers are ail nrst-cias- s, naviug neen xpressly built for the accommodation or passen-er- s. Each steamer carries a full String Band. For f ud Information, apply to B. W. LIQHTBDBNS. General Freight and Ticket a gent, No 7 Monro n4 Memnnl.. KUtt WHITE, KIVKK. Memphis & Whits River Packet. Bearalar Independent Semphla and White River Packet For Aoorusta, Jacksoopon Searcy, ana way polnia. The regular Lndependeoi Packet HARD CASH, d. C. Postal ....master Charles Postal clerk Will HHV6 Memphis EVKrlY WEDNESDAY, al 5 p.m. For freight er passage apply to B. W. LlfatHTBLTRNB, Wo. 7 Monroe st, opp. Peabody hsttl .7. T wtanrvMTnv t FOR ST. FRANCIS R1VKK. Memphis and St. Francis U. 9. Mall Line Steamer ISatesville. O. E. Joplln master A. L. Banning clerk Leaves Memphis TUESDAY and FRIDAY. 5 p.m., tor Martanna. tbe Cut-of- f and all Intermediate land- ings. For Irelght or passage appiv on board, or to i n uxnti i, oT,i, FPU OSCEOLA. Trl-Week- ly tT-- Slatl Paek.t-F- or Kan-doip- Kultou. Osceola and way landings 9t r Osceola iSelle. jsa&x Henry Cooper master I Wm. Smlthers c erti Will leave Memphis every MONDAY, wEDNE-Da- Y and FRIDAY, at ft p.m. 'n'or-ajo.- apply on board, or to Itf . 3 Mt-lls- r LKfi, IjIiN K STEAM KKS. for tleudale, Helena avnd triurs fotnt fame Lee. Jass Stack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow... clerk Will leave as above oo every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Bt 4 p.m. nfltee N'rv R Mnilison ,lrwt. FOK ARKANSAS R1VKK. Memphis and Pine BlnB U. S. Mall Line. ror Pint BliuT. Little Rock, and through to Kort Smitb Sir J. 3. Darragh master I Chan. Musselman..cleik Leaves as above WKDNhSDA Y. May ItHh.at 5p. m. For Height or pasntge apply to TIIHN N. H A RI N Hiint. ?,, Vrnnt f F0RAKKANASC1TY & ORKENVILLE" Adans Meant-r- - 1. 1 v . m. Han .. For Arkansas Cliy, line Bluff Railroad, Greenville, and all way landings The elegant steamer Ouachita 1 telle, Mark R. Cheek., .master I A. L, Cummins. . clert Leaves aa above EVERY MONDAY and TRFRS n v . . r y m ore,... vt , tr.iM. OWEN-LILL- Y Practical Builder OF FINK LightOarriages I KEEP A SELECT STOCK (exelaslvelv of my www nasafurtar.) CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I am also prepared to build (TO CR DKR) any or all of ttt- - nioderw tttlea ol Bnggl. , and Family Carriages now tn use. i nu rwirltliirf hut Ih. Vk'uv Dtcr u itfdiii j ' employ strictly first-cla- mechanics. JBKIA1KI.6., In all Its branches, done promptly and In the best W. A. FAIRES & CO (Successors to J. B. ft W. A. Falres), Dealers In HOUSES and MILES, No. 55 Union street. W E keep constantly on band a choice selection tf ..ao.nan O iv .e r4lerwi J. W. X. BROWNE, PLUMBER! TS prepared to do all kinds of work In tUs line In atttmion S"" aDd e&attvj n"r; give especial Sewer and Landing Connections. Also, has a large stock r a m Hot,81!? ,a';d w"-"- " aod Flxtvi. Puio" tr-rJrg- i'f ? H" lorce of eompe- - work for tne Hailaday WIND-MILL- Order. tobcuS. BitOvVKE.THE I'LUMBER, 40 Madison Street. LAS EST- illf M Fine Goods! New-Goods- ! Popular Pikes! AT B. LOVJENSTEIN & BROTHERS nnWN I Wel1 martP of good material, trimmed with a neat UUlflltJ. edge, at 65 cents. nnVlNQ I Fine "Jusl-nvfou- r clusters of tacts, trimmed with UUIl li? I embroidery, at 85 certs nnWNQ I I'o'nto Yolie, with three rows of inserting aud tucks, UUIIIIO. edged with embroidery, $1. CHEMISES ! f iDe quality' tri'?J1fi with inserting and edge, PUERJalQCQ ! Faffed Yoke, with inserting trimmed, embroi-UnCt.ll3E.- U I dered edge, 75 cents. SKIRTS ! l iDe musIiodeep nemtnree clusters ot tacks, 75c. SKIRTS ! aml)rc fl01IIlce printess shape, trimmed Torchon t'00d quality and weI1 Inade 75 cents." DRAWERS ! l"plippQ l line muslin, trimmed embroidery, two c'nsters UnnliCnO ! of tucks, bias tucking around, 75 cents. Extra e a specialty DRAWERS ! MISSES' AND Cm-KEX'- S CKDEItWEAB! Icfsa't' Wearl Infanta' Wear! Caraet Cavera t PlIIow'Maaata! Freen Haavd-naad- e and Woven Caraeta! Aproaal Aproa! all alxe. We cltln ta htvs the Meat Camplete I't.frwrar Itepait-me- nt aad Infanta' Wear D'ptfiaieat la tala eanatri, and oar FKIUlH AS LOW A THE LtlWKtT I B.LOWENSTEIN& BROTH'RS Eirkkafi Eta? Hik $1 Kirkland's Unlaundried Shirts, 6 for $5. Kirkland's Best Unlaundried Shirts, $1 each T. M. M'K IE Has given these gools his telal A ttentiaa, and can assure his customers of Barsala. Kirkland's Undershirts, 50 cents each. Kirkland's Linen Drawers---fines- t and best, nanannnnnanawannnnnnanannnnaaWr fe. aann,,iawtsjawnssM twnsawannnnnnn awannnWAnnnwnnnnwAWana 259MAIN. GREAT REDUCTION s CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS! ice Snils at. Bnwiiie Mtittts at. 7 Uvo! Nulm at .. O "aasimere ults at .. 1! Chevint !uits nt .. 15 Flue Ir on its at .. M l'niit at H fains nil wool at I'm nt fluent qaalltvat A Wblte Vents at v hue Vfst at 1 While Vests at.. 2 1 OO redaeed from 9 8 50 SO r.duced from H 0 OO-rerta- ced from 18 50-red- ac-i from 16 OO CIO i educed from SO OO Uii-i'rda- cptl from tf 50 OO reduced from 3 0 OO reduced from . 450 SO -- re ' need frm 50 7."5 reduced fom 1 Ot OO reduced from 1 40 reduced from "... 3 50 Immense Redactions In Boys', Children's and Youths' LLOTHTXU. All Muts CRMSHI'0 WOODS StJper cent below rormer prices. Thlt u yonropportonlty. as tea have a lanre rtoek which we are bound o dUpcwe of.je H.B. For tbe accommodation of those otherwlsa engaged during the day, our store a 1.1 hereafter be kpt .dcb at alfkt uatll 9 tt'eiufk. BLUFF CITY CLOTHING HOUSE uLU SING SALE! It is our positive intention to close our Memphis business bv June 1 5th, and we will have but 60 DAYS TIME to dispose of our X.arge Stookl of Goods. We intend that our customers and friends shall sret the benefit of low prices. Our entire stock is marked down to insure an early sale. Snecial trade discounts to lare buvers. RICE. STIX & CO. Wm. B, Moore. Bobt. M, M'Lean. Orrin M. Peck. 18! CLOSIIO OBTI We Itave been in Hem phis 1 year, and intend 't&.w-m- ain here and' hare her fortunes. Vie Have it !SP1.K. II1 4 1 OCK. andsball keep It kKPl.E'lwIIED lAIl.Y with all sooda suited to the wants of this ec-tlo- n. CJnr prices shall now, and at all times be, AS L.OW AS T11E LOWEST, Wm.R. Moore & Co Wholesale Dry Goods, Notions, Men's FurnlMhlog Goods, Ladles' Trimmed Hats, Etc., 396 MAIN ST., MEMPHIS. 97 inn a ea lei old ua no u run UN ACCOUNT OF THE L1BGE INCREASE OF Ollt Wholesale Business! We will, after this date, SELL TO MERCHANTS ONLY MAY 1, 188 SCHOOLFIELD, HANAUER & CO.

CV W IF urn m THE DAILY illf · 2017. 12. 16. · HukU 1. uretr. place, s.i uiilcs cast of Memphis. F LALLY. low-B him faced rrd cow. wltb rt Mil arid ottlve doi'ar--will bn p "I

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Page 1: CV W IF urn m THE DAILY illf · 2017. 12. 16. · HukU 1. uretr. place, s.i uiilcs cast of Memphis. F LALLY. low-B him faced rrd cow. wltb rt Mil arid ottlve doi'ar--will bn p "I

- W

wmmmmim urn . m q





Dress Trim'ings!W: Laces,


AT COST,ltare opportunity to procure oar fiimou!. beautiful

ttaoods far below value.

& 00.I y M - a sizttl lenjon-itnd-wb- pointer) !'; na. on collar. LIDeal rtw no

Mil be pHxl ir rrt-irtr-

M tH A K. HC'VB. Prlnfcley avenue.At BOUtH (JlltO Kl f.W WHl

TOABUOL ill am-- c loti-- tinnilie, serpent'sIipmH I.hv nl Ihi. nn ft"

mriu vkii LKVr m tilt undtr.lrfned. on tbs nlhtofM to- - I lb oii itKt-c- ul ! ware nv'le.

lfit hsnri blub 4 years ol ; skin oil ber rtabl bindntlowtlm DtKk Joint on li.sld-- ; had draythoe

bt-- fid; raber a "iu II i in. bed nun- -; had on aIrmhrr bsitrr. T nt d ll ir-- reward will be pldfur ifiurn to m ht Wotte's tttllon, or to ''.inWh blnnton . Mrmihl-- ; nw last D leirHukU 1. uretr . place, s.i uiilcs cast of Memphis.

F LALLY.low - B him faced rrd cow. wltb rt Mil arid

ottlve doi'ar- -will bn p "I lur btr return to rue, at ceruerof Dunlatt streri arm Lane Hf nue. r. BUrrcJ.rpno co a AMMMm s hewabo Fr.mJL Nelson's t ml. on lha Padueab road, na

Giencor, two cjws ami one heifer: one ol I tie cowswltb wl Inn int; tbe other black, with

will's f.ict). Hack and bn-ni- the heller In brown andwmr eoloi'. iu) iiifnf lUMtinb should be sent to 72Court str et. " mollis irllr Kn uht. leiic--

dHPHAN Hill,, over One, to adopti3RTTT Btp ft,' Lives of ibe Cnlholle Betoes andAhBMS- -

nt Atnerua." aai'ilsouielj boundand full. i.li.HtiatPd. I'iIcm. . Wnnted. a geaeral aicentlor ileu-niilK- . JiMrS HHHrHV,

h:f Barclay nneet. New York.

QITUA I IO.M-- In DrLg bifln;s, wbnlrale or re--O

t'li; tw-- ) )ettiscx(wilenc; aailn'Mctory refer-ence g veu. A.l lrrn 2ilt3V Main St.

IT'AKM To exchaiiue for a welMmprovrd farm Inor Lee cntiri'I. Aik . a Nu. 1 well Im

Dinvect fitrai In Hay woi.d coiit-i- . Tviiii .potitalnlDg522 acres. Audless JOHV H GHEEN.

Biownsvllie. Tenn.

BOAKD-- B;mrtn and two sisters In private fam-lb- ;

accommodations uiu.n be icood aiid raise VeiJloir. Aduresa, ctariiig term etn .

.1. M P.. 323 Main. cljyLr I IP IT I IMi S I ALLIUMS KJll 8KA60N OFJ lhH i.- - We bave aeon of Rwijca'a " U"mll

tnnlHii." and a noil o; In Berr'a ' Ma tirlnoPut. hen." himI a 1 rye stvllnb Mack Jack, wblcb wekeep lor public aeivice. We liae Due (Msturea, andgraze liurai-- and rnules for Ibeelty

UuiiU U. U JOH1S R OHKEB,1x uitles nouibeasl ol Ibe city.

KAMiLirs To txisrti tMs surniiier at theJp liiiliervll e Hu'el Co liervllie, Tenn.

K .r.f'l.TOOMS twiiteel well lurnlxbed; 12 rooms OnJt biurTi. near buiiriet; taige ffiountis fu I rrult;bnttirooui. barn, eie ; uod vie v ot river, city kovrininent tiuliilniKi. etn : Kill re it fur tlie auuiiner tog.HMl rn.ilt. ,1 itl ri"-!- 1 Y. rw'fi.tm t, I wa.

,.i . in H Lofc ol looms, luJj.ul repair. pleaaiit looatlou, targe yrri. goodpure Water, at tea suable ruin

. H17 M DIJON STB KET,4 a hit -- tin n iIimiu auvel, bow occupied

C1UAL i H. Hiyan A Co.hK.TlUKMrf-No- n. 1 its and 1 (HI Madison, and

122 Court street. Appl to R H anowdeii, or.1 lil.ciK. HH J1 ml Hon.

A I'MKt' anu wOuilm nou unllne, collHliLoa--

tlilnet-- rooms, hi d two detacbea CtiTTaiIKc) ol to moiiin Hcb wl b a khmi epnng mdua fame eimt. at rvewanee, Tennetire. The hi lustIn paitlv ttirniiliei, m il It suitably locaied for i

boaruuigbouae and bolel Kor lei in, eta., appLy toT. U AKMdTKUMi

Swwanee. Kia Kiln county. Tenn.I 6)M Larreuntiii milled Irout room, wllb small

X V room onmieotii K.can be bad, wltb good board.at J2 Court ulreet hefereni-t-- a ruuiid. "

UCivia runirbeu or untuink-bed-, single or IIsuits, without board; atiartmenia suited toi

llnht rimiiwKeepiiiy. ai n .iHernmi stieet.I"tKM3- - .uriilnlieo rooms, rt loS per uiontb

l7 .i- -i

8 I itacbed KnicUie ai d Mat onan Boiler. 16ON norre la wer. tuu ti n and et er.A i o. li biadioid Mill aim rteaiu power Prrsti,

with Pulleys and Bcluig-a- ll In No. 1

0 M o a--- conalilnn.A Un biitltilng lii which said macbtt ery Is placed.AL-- ti e oke of tixen and Wngtai.

Maoilneiy to be reen In iuiii.1114 order near 8tmyho'ii, I te county. Ml l, 12 miles west o.betiatob.a. Apply or address

J. M. WOnDSON, -

etratlu rn, Mississippi,or OatilLL tKOl Uhrti A cu.,

M nU'Bln. Tenne.SHea.

The tvo 'Hcanl lots. Not. fa and 60, anLOT-i-


down nu Wl liemson's city map. on westtj ol Uunlf p nir-t-- t. snort olslai.ee nor b of Ibe

tn u; eiwU i,i) by 14a Itel : otll be sold lowloreasti. a pp. to B hlCHiliiAti.

20 Had son street.k- El VKD -- Anotberllne lotof .'econrt-han-Jl'HI (JIN Kb aid Bull KK-- , fioio 10 to 20 horse

pjvr; as , oou as irw, at o trie it ce.A J WHITK 2:H Fr nt st--

IpiNB HI IT "ARM-Ha- lf ml eftora Hernando,; I (Ml acres; tine bou-e- , sulutb'e tor sum-lue- r

lealUenee or li.veiment AddressJu.sKm ttt UliVlAN. Beri.and", Miss.

Jl UHoK tin Jeaetiii street t ended, Nu. H32.elt t rtk nu-- ; lmo yaid; teiuis cub or time,

wiUi lnUriesU Ai plj toL PUlim, 3tj Madison at

HIL1.1 AKD-- I ALE Fine Brunswick make;size; neur.y new Apply to Criiit

Palace Pal" ii. M Mlg jt CU.

I JHINTIU AND BINUKhV MaTKHIAL "Jtil eJL a larye quantity ol sto d ointerlat torsale. In uu .mules lo suit piiruiiarsi Tbe abovenuttejtial ctiit. pile tbe estrtbilittiuieiit ot tbe untBoyle PrliiUm. Company, wbub we now own.

it. C. llmK A CU., Memphis.

ENdl.SK AND BdlL&U tba;Ung. pulleys andoinHeie. ;tV . Pa HlCK.

I.LUl KINU ANU COHN-MIL- CHEAP In tintX' elass i.ruer, if Hpplivalloti It made ItnmedlHteiy;enitlne 12 Inch cylinder and stroke. Also, aBteam I1 Ire kiialiie, of Latin's make, CtnclauaU.lliiUlre Hi Cnri.eit!rrml 1 vrt Settioil Mreel


xai Slam Htreet.BE3T8KT0F ThKTH TEN DOLLARStiu d Killings Two liollrirbllvi and I in Kltllni'S One Dollarlias and k.xtr ling, each itly Ceula

Mm l.. rtl.tt. I.B.r.r f "ri1

Ji;r iMi a:k,Attention, jLndies !

Sale of Jewelry and Fancy Goods

I OKFEU tOH 8ALK A LARGS STOCK OFUlw-llatr- 4 Hnri leta (Ladles' A Children's)

Nrrklsrra, Met, Liorkvlsi,laaltatiww Itlasnewd Uiisdn (mounted In gold)

Laalea' kBA teaiw WatckaialBsj.ALSO, AN

inaKKSK Tot ia or jkt uooutsiAT A UBKAT SAt R1HCK.

tV All gtxdi warranted aa re presented..



Ilolieuiian (ilaHsware,French & American China,


KVKCIALT1KH tHsr-Futsre- s, Stirrwra, rte.

Aaadrwplei fld Hat Tea, aatra.etUawl sail. KUrvUH Wsre.

321 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn




OF- -






f , KM. .... BACkM !OLYlll'ir Majr l.1ROTTIAH AMI PtCINK RACES I

Kntiles for Trotting -- Grant's Nettle O., Galllna'sMamie U., owner's Luc-- y L.

Jtiiir'es 'or Pacing Ball's B iekeye Tom. Kenne- -day's Mln l Hws eomm-neei- tt Horn

AI I 'l'ltf i !.. I- -

Aflnilnltilrattir's Sale, at Auction.B0U3 1 HOLD AND PEBSONAL FFKECT3 OF THE

LATE JBNNV LRtviS.rrlday aiomine, llay S4S. at lO o'clock.

AT 'i2S MAIM STKEKT.A . r rs t ntnii. uetlowrr r,

.Tames telllev. Pnh fe A 'minlstrator.

f'hllMlf.tAL.OCR ITK8ALVE FOB PILE3 eoIdbyallrJrnT- -B .1. rsn eenis -r notre

ts ,i AMr IttiAKII.

ROOM Nicely 'tvntsbed rooms lot rent to gentiemen at 1 115 Court street

Nice furnished rooms, cneap, atKUOMB N-- . Hn MAIN 8THKFT.




- The adTantage yon set In baying Lrmiinifrom as Is this : The Leanaaiw are taken

irert fronf the Steamers on their Arri-val In New Orlemsor New York; shippedby rsst KiYia-b-t to Memphis, and plAcedat once in our fine cellars, which are partlya!ove ground, with free and perfect ventila-tion, and A I way :ool. All Lemons arecarefully examined, and none but per-

fectly sound fruit (which is entirely freefrom decay) shipped.

We rsoelve large shipments Weeklyfrom trraw arrival of Steamers, and can011 orders promptly.

When pirtles wish to bay In lota of onebtmdrej boxes or more, we make Bpeclalprices.

Will be glad to receive a trial order fromou, and feel sure we can please jon, both

In Quality and In price.



Commodore Jambs 8. Wise, of Cincin-nati, id stopping at ilia Peabody.

Mb. C. F. Sugg, representing H. B. Gra-ham & Brs., ot St. Lou s, la in the city.

Jodoe James A. Anderson and familyirrtvitl yesterday from (Jjvington, Tiptoncounty.

Mb Albert Mteks, of Byhalia, Mipsis-siop- i,

u spfLdint: a. lew days with his Mem-..hi- s

friends.Governor Fred W. M. Hoixidat and

C nonel luomas II. Cirter, ot ViiKinia. aret tbe PeaixiJy.Mr. Harrt Silverman and bride, of Ia- -'

d an Hay, Aikani-aM- . ne Miss hither Harris,t this city, are at the Peabody.Arrivals at tbn cotton Fzihans yester --

iity wtf: U. B. Greer, Setrcy, Arkansns;W. VV. VanderKritt, Athens, Alabama; J. G.L uta, Dyersbnrf, Tenoeessee.

Mr. L. E Dter, former resident nf thtscity, but who for bve years bas been United

alirs consul at OJfssa, lvuieia, hits appliedoe leave of absence with a view to visit

Memphis.Captain J. U. Towner, lha jolly and

oopular proprietor ot the LluntsvUle hotel,(luotsville. Alabama, and the Jactson.honne,B ount Springs, Alabama, is now at the Pea-ood- y

hotel, and will run tin in the city fort wo or three days, for t ie purpose of meet-ing bis manv trieuds, both socially and ontimiopps. Those who anticipate leaving thec ty h s summer would do well to (five Cap-tain Towner a call while he is here.

The Confederate soldiers are lavishingupon Mrs. T. J. L.thaca uostinteJ praise forthe t moient services she rendered in decorat-id- r

the gravpa at Elmwnod on Sunday. This"icrllcnt lady, always first and foremost ineverything; that cun elevate, makepurer, better and happier the world, wasnever or wearied in solicitingtnd scattering fl iwers upon the graves of thedead Boldiers. Mrs. Lttham bas devoted heruseful lite to the distribution of the fljwersif truth, beauty, love and charity along thepathway ot the liV.n, and on Sunday la-i- tshe made Eluiweod beaut ful and fragrantwith the fljwers bba scattered upon tbe

raves ot the dead. If tue'worlil was madeup of such women as Mrs. T. J. Lttham theearth would smile with a celestial loveliness.


Chancers" Cnart-M'Oow- ell. Judge.Calendar for Wednesday, May 19 h: 3751,

C Hier vs Busby; 3752, Sautr vs Sbirmitster;o756, Irby v M'Kibuon; 3757, Rabinson vhi :rtwrigh; 8758 B -- vd vi Weath-rtor- d; 3757,K'ank vs Mayet; 3760, Taylor v Rchardeoo;M761, Avrnstrong v Bjyd; 3762. Harris vsBiro; 3763. Lwwenstine vs Echoic; 3764,U.ackburn vs Binckburn.

C'lrealt Cwwrt-Ho- n. J. O. rieree, Jadar.CiU edar tr to dv: Nos. 3619, 3781.3782,

3829, 3913 3918, 4147, from yeac-rda- v's cal- -

nuar; 5o85, Carter vs Forres'; 5390, Fennes---

vs titty ot Memphis; 5445, Fenocll vsV i; 5456, Shade et al vs Ci'y of Memphis;M-j- Smith vs D.incey; 5495, M'K-'nn- a vslinmsville and Nashvilld railroad company;"496. Ualt nath vs Overton; 5502, Wright &Folt v Anp'-rt-on- ; 5.'i0t, White, et al vs Etttset al; bbH. K me v Htiwd; 5582, Hclabausenvs S in uerville; 5594, Waiaii & ti.-o- . vs Sned-.ly- ;

5595, Waisn, Hgmt. vs Speddy; 5607,Liasketi vs er ai; 5613, Berlin va Ter. ell; 5620. K siain, Gers.l. y & Co. vs BaII;5672. Weaver, truster-- , vs Curry; 56S3, Llayesv Louisville and5815, M'Murray vs Citv of Memphis; 5816,l .vie vs Holly et al; 5S51, N atail vs C nreil;6S65. Ea v Smith; 5874, Horkins & Co. vs

685. LuebriuxD & Co. vs llorrstrhet at; 5968. Collier v Pulnam ef at; 5996,Oss-- y v S tat.on & Cj ; 5999, Vauus vsMevalai; 6o02. It vuoliia & Vil;ilurd vs E. --

iroo & Bm ;6027. Mitchell v Green; 6060,Ujuohue v Ciut,btl:; 6063, Taylor vs Per-


Floyd' Ladies' ue.taurantIs noted aa beiosT the mist complete place toLo found auywhero. Our dinners are extranice. Our prices are moderate tor the qualityof good iurniahed.



leu Indictments Found Against PublicAdministrator James A. Anderson

Quashed by the Tipton County

Circuit Court

On Legal Technicalities That do NotTouch Jbe Ileal Merits or the

Cases as to Public Trusts-G- od

Help the Poor.

Last Monday the indictments, ten in num-ber, found by the grand jury cf the criminalcourt of Memphis against Public Adminis-trator J. A. Anderson, charging him withmisappropriation of trust fundi-- , came to griefbefote the circuit court ot Tipton county, atCovington, tbe indictment- - having beenquashed by Judge Flippin. Tbe cause whythese cases went off id this manner was purelyupon a technical point of law, which waa settied by tbe bupreme court of the State a fewdays since in the case of the State ra. JamerA. Anderson, involving the charge of misappropnating some thirteen hundred'dollars oftbe estate of Maggie Williams, an unfortu-nate member ot tbetiVmi mnde, who died oyel'ow-tev- er during the epidemic ot 1878This was a test case, and tbe opinion of itxrsuprtim court in that cbbo settled the statuot all other cases if like character so far

present liability for such trust funds itthe hands of James A. Anderson as administrator is concerned. That opinion is as fol-

io we:Tne tite vs. James A. Anderson .

On tbe nlntn ot Maicn, 1&75. the legislaturepawed an act entitled ''Au auito punlsb executorr,administrators, guardians or tiustees tor convertingVt their owu use and benefit and lolling to pay overiru-- t lunda."

Section ooa prov'des. that " any executor, admln-l-tralo- r,

guaidtan or tru-t- e holding trut tuiids.wbosuaii willfully ar.d malluiiusly convert to bisown use and benefit any moneys, notes, stocss,bends, or oiber evidences ot value of whatever nature aud description, ibe assets of tbe estate lorwbicn he Is executor, administrator, guardian ortrustee, and ou UukI settlement shtli lali to pay totuose eotltleil lo tbe funds thus tutrusted to. anddue from ucb executor, admlul-tiato- r. guardian ortrustee wben tbe same are not paid, and caimot becollected by due piocess of law, snail be ah Judgedaullty ol felony before any con. potent cour, and onconviction, snail be pumsbed by lmpris mmeut lothe penitential y, not leas than one year aud notnmretbau ten years."

Iu August. Is 18. ibe defendant was qualified asthe ot tne estate of naggie Williams

t tbe January term, 1H80, of tbe diurnal court iorBtitiuy c Uiity. ne was inn cibj. tne luoictmeniclirclng that be bad received Into bis pjsses-ini- i.

as such administrator, a la'ge sum of m ney. of tbevalue of one tbousaud tbr e bundled dllari, whichbe wilfully, maltoliitisly, feluniuuly aud Iratnlu-lentl- y

converted to bis owa use and benefit. Tuitbis term or omce or puoiic aaminis.raior ami ex-pired, bis successor bad beau appointed, and his 1 i

his ai admlulstrator or tne estate of Murale WilHams revoked; that the probate court baa ord-re- a

aud ouimanae blm to av over to tbo cent tied loreceive the same, all tbe money wolcu nad oeeu reeeived by him. or assets belo kiiik to said estates.and by bun Leld In trust, eta. wbicb be aile.i to do;that he tailed and rel used to mke a settlement otbis accounts as ad lnlstrator. etc. Tbe Judge of thecriminal couil quasneu me iiioic.ment oi nis owumulluu. To suoUtin on tuolclinent for the tcreated and defl led by tbe act It Is necessary to averaud prove thai mere bad De-i- netore the nuoing oltun indictment, a nu, 1 sett emebt by tbe party accuned, made either voluntarily by him, as providedby statute, or by compulsion through the UTuirum-n-btli- ly

ot a court of competent juilsdlciion. It mustalso be averred aud proved mat. lbs amouut due uasiiK been paid over. It mu t aiso be averred andproven thai the amount oue cauno. be collected bydue process of law. which latp-- r averment neces--lale- s

tbe further oue ot tne existence t f a Juugtnemor decree from wnlcb said process baa been lnsuedand returned nulla bona. Mi H averments are notmade bere, and, as appears Irom ibe race Of tne Iudictmeul, cannot be made or atll med., 1UENEY, Judge.

All told thirteen indictments had beenfound by the grand jury of the criminalcourt of Memphis against James A. Aoderson, public administrator, aad of these threewere auasbed by tne judge ot tbe criminalcourt, the ten remaining were taken to Tto- -

tcn county on change ot venue lor trial. JNobond was piven in these cases when thechange ot venue was granted, but Mr. Anderson made oath that owing to his povertyhe was nnable to give the bond (two hundredand fifty dollars), and the change of venuewas granted in accordance with tbe statuteregarding the "pauper's oath." In all thesecases wherein indictments had been foundand involving over sixty thousand dollars ottrust funds, and in stveral other cases, suitshave been brought in tbe chancery court bythe widows and orphans in proper form tobold Mr. Anderson and bis sureties on hisofficial bond liable as administrator for theamounts belonging to said estates, amountsthat passed into bis hands und whichamounts have so far been unaccounted toror paid over. Mr. Andethon shields himselfbehind the regulative act wmch gives himover two years wherein to make hnal settlement, and which provides that due process oflaw must first be exhausted and returnednulla bona before indictment charging thefelony can be found or sustained. Ibe supreme court, in brief, simply decided thattbe finding of too indictments waspremature under the existing laws asto administrators and their liabilities.It is alleged that there are a few ca-e-awherein tne time tor final settlement has expired, but in these the "due process ot law"business is progressing slowly a terruination kn,wn as a rtturn of nulla bonaupon an execution. A question of law basalso arisen as to whether the "due processot law" must be exhausted, not only againstJames A. Anderson, but also against biBsureties in these catea. It m.y, and will,probably, take ten years fo reach the finalconclusion of responsibility before a i roperindictment can be touud. Xuere is, a a;, another important phase of the casd in thecourts. Mr. Anderson's bondsmen havefiled bills in certain cases, seeking to escapea1! responsibility from his alleged frtaduleutacts in appropriating trust funds, . nd on thegrouoas that Mr. Anderson had not been legally electtd public administrator by thecounty court, and, also, that tbe bondsmencannot be held legally responsible for insurance money coming into tbe bands ot Mr,Anderson as pnolic administrator, the insurance money not being suca property ascan be administered upon, but which Bhouldhave been paid over to the widows or guardians ot the heirs, and not to tbe public aaministrator-UDo- these estates. Ic is evendenied that, notwithstanding the order bytbe - probate court removing Aoderson lr m the administratorship ofsuch rotates, and withdrawing his letters ofadministration, that the proba'e court cancompe him to turn into court tbe funds ofsuch estates in his bands, but that he can retain such funds and relu e to make final settlement uotil the legal term of such admin- -

is'ratorship has expired. From all this it isclearly evid nt that the law is fatally oetective in every respect as to administrators. Itwould be a cause of real pleasure in thiscommunity if Mr. Anderson was able to clearhimself of the grave charges brought acainethim bv immediately paying over to tbe unfortunate widows jind orphans of yellow feverepidemios tbe moneys belonging to them,which passed into bis hands and which sotar they have not been able to secure.


Tbe dog-mnr- i'e days have C3me.Local politics are not on the boom just

yet.Steamboat excursions are taking the

place of picnics.The fl es and mocquitoes will bite even

it the .bah do not.The criminal court grand iury will be

selectedSalmon red and summer sunset are two

new shades of reddish yellow.Velvet spotted or po.ka dotted grena

dines appear among summer fabrics.To-da- y the Chicks will engage in the

Centennial competetive drill at Nashville.St. Bridget's school picnic will b held

on the twenty-sevent- h instant at Estivalpark.

Tbe strawberry season is drawing to aclose; the berries are getting down to a cheapbasis.

There was ono case of measles reportedyesterday, Annie Mowes, No. 6 Qjimbystreet.

Spotted foulards and Madras fichus, withdeep borderings, are made in suits tor littlegirls.

New black Cbanti'ly lace mils are veryfine, have very long tops and are sold at veryhigh prices.

Conventionalized pitterns from oldtapestry are the wall-pape- rs to which Frenchtaste inclines just now.

Pigeon and glaos-bi.- il shooting to day.0 jabibus leaves Court tquare at three o'clock.Fifty cents for round trip.

Cincinnati women havo given ud wearing white petticoats, and blackalpaca or stilt even in summer.

At one o'clock yesterday the thermomu- -ter indicated 85 degrees in the shade, and thebarometer stood at nearly JO inches.

That Wiliest of hU trnminings, serpentine braid, is applied to tablecloths and curtains. It lasts a woman tjrtver.

The drill for the rriza plume and hopgiven by the Bluff City Grays at their armorylast night wis largely attended oy tne ladies.

When one woman wearing heliotropeand another peacock blue promenade or bittogether toe iffctt is. to say the least, icfioa- -glUOUB.

The fans most fashionable for decorativepur pew-- s at tha momeiit are those in theebapo of a large corLtijwer, pansy, daisy, oruuui-iuy- .

Our weather-wis- e compositor insistedupon stating in yesterday morning's issue ottbe ArrKAX that "at toon vecterdav the barometer stood at ninety inches." it should

have been "thirty inches;" but then, fivefeet, more or less, in weight of atmospheredoes not cut much of a figure in Memphis.

Skirts bordered with tucks are no lighterthan those that have a kilt plaiting on tbeedge, remember. The amount of materialneeded is exactly the same.

At Nashville night GeneralPeter Tracy, of our city, will give a granddisplay of fireworks under the managementof Prof. Jackson, of Philadelphia.

But three arrests were made by the policeyesterday and np to late last night. Onewhite unfortunate, when arrested, was sodrunk that he was nnable to give his name.

The last argument against the new para-sols is (hit tbey will be of no use to scareaway cows, but as a rule a woman is alwuyssufficiently scared tor herself and the cow too.

Spanish gold pins are very pretty orna-ments tor the hair. Toey are not, aa somewomen seem to tb ek, made of brass, and itis not proper to wear more than ten at once.

Fans iu Turkey-re- twill are carried inEngland. Toey would look well enough withhe Turkey-re- costumes, and what a lovely

Hash they would impart to au overheatedface!

Thursday, tbe twenty-fift- h instant, ariver excursion will bn given on board thesteamer James D. Parker, under the aus-pices of the young ludits of the First Metho-

dist church.The attorneys of the Taxing-Distri- ct will

enter a motion before the sopieme court atJatk?oa for a rehearing o' the revivor grant-ed by the court in the ca e of O'Connor vs.the Taxing District.

The sleeves of simple wool dresses fin-

ished with s'.ltcbicg have no cutrV, but areleft open a little way on the outside seamand Dave lace gathered so as to make a lit-- t

e pnj-ctiu- g trill.The police are cow sanitarians to a man,

dnd have instructions to abate nuisances ex-

isting on their respective beats. Yesterdaybe patrolmen were looking up nuitauces aud

ordering their abatement. .

Oj tbe twenty-secon- d instant a K pub-lican --will be held at VVntte-Uave-

Tennessee, on the Mississippi and Ten-uens- ee

railroad. Tuo meeting will beby leudiag white and colored speak-

ers.Marriage licenses iniufld by tha cour.ty

xu t jlerk yesterday : Whitts Edward Riperni Joe Wilkin Htrry O. M'K-nv- y aid Sue

P riy, H. Slveroi n and Either Harrip.Colortd O.tntel Leo and Mary Coleman,

a T. Chambers and Lju Jacobi.Postilion ba qres and "tournures" are

daily cainieg in favor. With this style ofwaist tne fronts are pointed, and the sidescut out over the hips, whilj tae oack lormspostillion to irtiils. The waisti are smal erb in ever, rtqairio; orsc-- of the very bdat

mak".List night the Irish-Americ- building

and loan association of this city, loaned cutmoney Et fifty aud fifty five dollars per share.This ia the first tramiirvtion of this characterm tde in this city for a year or more, and itthaws that confidence i being rapidly restoredin tbe future of Memphis.

Tho weekly meeting of ward visitors ofthe Lidiea christian association will beheldto-d- ay (Wednesday) at lonr o'clock in tbeafternoon, in connection with a general meet-ing of the association, at the "fjome," onAhbiuia street. All tbe members andtnends of the associ ttion are cordially in-

vited tor the transaction of important busi-ness.

There was a contest over thebung-starte- r intended for the most popularItquor firm at St. Joseph's picnic, Mnnrtny.It was finally awarded to A. Vaccaro & Cj.,who received seven hundred and twantyseven votes. Tbe next highest vote wns thatfor Carbery & Casey, which was five hundredand twenty-four- . Nine other firms r ceivedrmill votes, but the enthusiasm was all mani-fested by the friends of above named bouses.Tha voting commenced with qiarter?, butwound up with ten dollar bills. Tbe bung-start-

.is of ebony.tipped with a bait inch eachof mahogany and ivory. The handle is of rose-wood, tipped at eaih end with silver. On theside of the buog-strte- r is a silver shield withthe "Voted by the St. Josephpicuic. May 17, 1S80, lo A. Vaccaro & Cj.,the most popular wholesale liquor


Bates at Olympic Park.On Friday afteroooi two races will take

place one trotting, the other pacing. Theentries indicate cloaely-conteate- d ev nts, andthere ought to ba a large attendance to wit-ness them.


Redaction In Bhoea.

We are now offering unusual reductions inprices of



Our $7 shoes reduced to ?6.Oiir t6 shoes reduced to $5.0jrij5 shoes reduced to f4.

Everything in our line cut down to the low-r- st

notch. For the next ten days we willoffer bargB'f". O m aid pp no.

WM. MILLER A CO., 221 Main street.

K.lrklawd'a rVobbi Oerby Hata.French Stettin iye-Vorlt- s.

Ladies" and gentlemen's goods dyed andcleaned at Lonia Rici VftSta' lHrrson street.

itrowu sc Jones.Pittsburg, Mhotwell and Utinael Coal.- Slain street.


Sole agents tor the improved Side Steeland celebrated Health corsets.

These goods are surerior to any in thismat kef, and are tflsreJ by us at unusual-ly low prices.

Ojc 1 1 25 corset is now sold for 85c.

Floyd'sIwell ventilated, cool and pleasant. Purecrs. m and eberbe'9, cold soda and mead, andthe finest candies in the United States. Bringyour friends; you will erjoy a pleasant even-ing at Floyd's.

Klrkland'a rllu I mbrell, nt 82 SO.

Truly wonderful in nervousness. gec,eraldebility, emaciation and dropsy Malt bit-ters.

How a French Cook Improved Ills BrothAt the celebrated brmi of social but aris-

tocratic Democracy, the fam nit Manhattanclub, on Fifth avi nue. New York city, tiretheme of. conversation recently has been nttso much as to tbe coming nt.micce at Cincin-nati as to tbe luck of one Mr.anieur Emil Si-

gnet, a veriuble chef de cuisinr, who boughtof M. A. Dauphin, at No. 319 Broadway,New York city, for a dollar, a half-ticke-

No. 40 046, in tbo April drawing of theworld-renown- Louisiana ' Stat wkery, atNew Orleans, ami drew half of the secondcapital of flO.000. He put it in UnitedStates four per cent loans, and still presidesover the pots a-.- d pans. Who is next?

Awnings Mattresses.U. HIJ rTK..UKUI,

XIHl Heesnd nt.Klrltland' Imported Novelties.

Eminent Dr. W. A. Greene. Macon, Ga.Writes: "1 cheerfully state that I have testedthe virtues and efficiency of Colden's Lie-big- 's

liquid extract of beef in my privatepractice in cases of peneral debility, weak-ness, depression, dyspepsia, loss of appetiteand nervous affections, wben medicine hadproven more than useless. I have found itthe best remedy I ever used in chronic alcohol-

ism, when the stomach is always irritableand food required to nourish." Sold byleadibg drugk'-ts- .

Pit rnNKiNDHAH. blac ksmith and wacon- -

maker, is prepared to do anything in bis line,from a wheelbarrow up to a carry-lot.-- .

Spring-wagon- s always on hand and made toorder. It you want your buggies or carriagespainted cr repaiied, you can r?Iy on havingthem well done at a reasonable price. Givehim a call. Corner ot Monroe ana uesoiostreets.

HlrklanS. flae lairaw Hals.

Bow many ar.' there iu tuU landby coefiv.,ncss'f Thousands are tut-rem- .

To them Dr. Clvtk's liver invigor- -

ator is a special boon. Dinot delay using it.rwt P .nu m la it. Vil. ixr ts n 1 Tin an'. ! O Vl U f aVianxt) X nunuirt i tv ( uuct aunvaiitt uuia

lade to look very nearly good as new atG oodyear's. 20 S.H.-n- -

Klrklaa d'w HteiiHia A k.oi Hats.

Af.alsnee'pi Sale of Clothing,. ,m ai. t fat rurni'iiiu; uuuusi uuu

'trunks aud Yatisen,To w,r1 uo the business of E. Lebmsn,

No 247 Main street. These good must b2 3

sold recxrdless ot coat or value, lots is abona fid 6aie to positively quit business.Tuere is a large slock on band which mustbe sold as Epardily as possible to settle withhis creditors. The sale is strictly for cash.Store tor rent and all the fixtures for sale.


To be Abated by the rolice Force, whoAre Instructed to Act as Sanitary

Officers on their Respective. Beats.

The Orders Given the Police Force byPresident Porter as to tbe Perform-

ance of Sanitary Duty TheOrdinances.

The following communication has been sentto the chief of police for the instruction ofofficers and men, with reference to the abate-ment of nuisances by the police force through-out the city :

Taxing-Distri- Sbklbt Couhtt, IMay 19, 1880. )

P. R Atby, Chief of Police:Tod are requested to call the particular attentionof your force to tbe strict enforcement of all beahhregulations aud the removal of nuisances Tou will

especially direct them to arrest all persons whothrow tilth, water or other substance on tbe streetsfrom windows, back doors or otherwise; report allnul.-ai.c-ei on any premises or on am street or publicplace witblu the District to Hit hoard of benltb, audnotify the parties concerned to ab Ue tbe same; andthey will be expected to with tbe board ofhealth In the enforcement of all health ordinances,flease read for their Instruction sections 21 8, 200.210. 211, and 14, 15. Dig- lrtl. Bci-- f

tcll's Diqest and Impress uon theru tbe fact thattbey will oe required in future to enforce them lullyand strictly, and a failure on inelr part to complyw II be regarded a eainie for Insta t dismissal fiomthe lorce. You will b- - ex cted to repurt to tbeboard all derelictions of duty In this regard In U-lcers or men. tbat they may be dealt with by dismis-sal or otherwise. Veiy truly yours.


Section 108. That no part Of tbe contents of, oreub-p'.- i ee Horn am sinks, privy or cesspaot, not anymanure ashea. garbage, lubb.sh or dirt, shall be byany person Hung or allowed to run or d'op Into, orremain la auy street or public place as herelu speci-fied

Sec 200 That no swill brine, urine ot animalsor other e an mal nu'snuce, nor any sttrkli guoxlous I quid, or o:her olTusive matter of anykind, sflall oy any person be allowed to run or failirom, orout of any buUdm. or erecloc,li.ta or upon ar y ttreet or public place, or to betken or put therein save as herein elsewhere pro-vided . x

bee 210 That no batchers' offal or garbage, ncrany deal animals, nor any putil.i or sin king ani-mal or matter, sbali be thrown b. any per-son li to ant street, place it sewer, or upon anyground or piemUes of s Id Ms ricttc 211. Tnat no person shall draw r II or allowto run off . Into any ground, street or plce or saidDistitct tbe curiieuls of any vault, privy, cist-rn- ,Crs-- iol. or sink, nor II any owner, tenant oroc-- c

puit of any building to which any vault, sink,privy or ces-po'- il shall appertain or ba .attached,penuit the cf any pirt thereof to Q .wtber-frou- i or to rlsewltliH two feet of tbe top, orpermit said contents to become offensive, nor shallany pi ivy or other erection In toe section me .t oiledbe filled with or covered with d rt till lis fitUiy con-tents snail bw emptied

tiec. ;lrl4, sub sec 14 For any person to place anystraw, dm. culpt. shnlU, st 1, uall, iron, glass,fru t peelings, melon rinds, paper sbavlngs, rgs,balr, whether offer slve to health orn.it. and whetherU amount, to an obstruction or not, or to permit anysucu rubbish to-b- thioivu by otheis, or to re m tin infront of one's house or business place. In any im-proved or traded, or paved street, alley or sidewalkof tbe Taxing D strict.

Src. 24 sub arc. 15 For any person to permitany ot the articles enumerated In tha preceding seotlon to rrmelu or lie upon the stdewa k In front otthe premises and occup ed by him or h;r.

Ton so Taken the Kentucky Derbymake, ftcatlnr the i'avorlte

At ViaslilsxittD sad PointAireexr.

Louisville, May 18. The first day of thespring ineetiug of tbe j ickey cluo was large-ly attended aud the track was iu good condi-tion.

First Race. Purse 300; one and a quarter milts, was won by Volturco, O.ie Dimesecond, Bucktie third. Time 2:12i. Oaej.riiu-- 1 waa i no iavrire.

Second Race. Kantucky Derby for tbree-yearoIJ- e;

one aud a half miles. K m a!lwas the favorite, but Fonso won. Kimballsecond, Bancroft third. Time 2:871.

The last race was for a pnte ot $ 3(A); $5010 me sec ma. Montreal i, i; is jatitudj (thefivorite. 2. 2; Peru, 3. 3; Mary Ann, 4, 4.Time 1:43, 1:44.

At Washington.Washington, May 18. The race for the

Mount Veruoo stake, one and a quarter miles;was won by Uaoy (.formerly .Dairy Maid);Cinderella second. Dawn third, Mysteryfourth. Time 2:12.

The race for the Brighfos hotel cup, oneand a half miles, was won by Checkmate;monitor werter third, Clyde ilampton fourth. Time 2:37.

The third event, mile heats, was won oySwananda; Ejcice second. Glendalta wasmied out atcer the second heat. Time 1:45,1:50, 1:52. Eunice wan the first heat.

Toe steeple-chase- , ever tbe usual course,was won by Dispute; Dausrica second, StarliKbt third. Time, 4 minutes.

Foist Breeze Trotters.Philadelphia, May 18. Tha Point

Bietzj trotting races, tbreo-oiiout- e clas,waa won Ly Unonala; Ripton, spennd; BiyChieftain, third. Time 2:28, '2:27J. 2:29.

ioe Ziy cfasj wus won by fdanioietonianBashaw; Stonewall, eind: Lvmin. third.lime-2:- 30, 2:25J, 2:28, 2:29. 2:33:layman won tbe second beat and Stonewallthe third.

ClBcianati'ai Walking; Hatch.Cincinnati, May 18. There was a large

attendance and much enlhug.tism at thewalking m itch . ' Tbe score tonightstnnds: Hughes, 219; D iw, 208; Sullivan,189; Cnamberlin, 1S6; Vint, 184: O'Brieo,183.

Fools oa the Boat Race.Washington, May 18 PooU on the boat

race enid $100 to $50, $100 to $36 and $100to $45 on Hanlan. beventy-hv- e thousanddollars have been wagered thus far, professional sporting men invariably supportingHanlan. It is estimated that fifty thousandstrangers are in the city. President Hayesaud lha members o' his cabinet and their ladies will wi'.n?so the race from the referee'sboat.

Base-Bal- l Games Yesterday.Baltimore, May 18. National?, 10; Bal

tim ires, 4.Cincinnati, May 13. Buffaloes, 6; Cin-

cinnati, 5.Chicago, Miy 18. Cuica?os, 10; Ckve

fandK, 6.Trot, N. Y., May 18. Troyf, 10; Wo

cestera, 1.


Compawy WrxanlzlBsr to Kreet a CottonL'enpiess and. Warehouse for tuo

PUorajre ot One Hundred thou-sand Bales of Cotton.

Yesterday at tho effijo of Dillard. C;fiin &Co , on Front street, a uua.ber cf lendingmerchants held a meeting tor tbe purpose otorganizing a company and applying for acuarter to erect a cotton, compress and carryon warehouse and insurance business. Theolivets desired are as follows: To erect a firstclans cotton compress, to secure warehouseroom tor tbe storage ot one hundred thousandbales of cotton, and to carry on insurancebusiness for cotton ftored by the company.The capital stock will not be less than onehuudred thousand dollars. The grounds tob) occupied by the company will not containless area than twenty fivo or thirty acres andwill probably be eelee'ed near Poi't Picker-ing, outside the corporation line. It ia wellknown tbat there is only covered shed-roo-

tor about sixty thousand hales of cotton inthe city. Tnere is not, suffiiient by one-thir- d

for the trade ot Memphis. Tbe charter o!the company is preparing and will be on filein a few days. Ibe charter members areamong our leading and most enterprisingmerchants.

The friends of temperance will find MiltBitteis invigorating and strengthening.

Genuine importedHos Mall Extract. The true he Jh bev-

erage. Utirbly recommended for nursingmothers, thin, cold aud agtd people, con-

valescents, etc. Owing to its wonderfullynutritious qualities, it is i specially recom-mended in epidemics and in fevers, wherebodily piostration is gieat and life dependsur'Cn a nourishing Ftimu'ant. None genu-ine witnout tbe label of Tarrant o? Co , coleagenls, New York. For sale by all druggistsaud grocers.

German lillerliiiDsnrian aPed and Htock Peas,

orrtl nCUH ULa CO ,Hi:t Ilitn iatrt-e-t

Klrkiaod's Usudyrar Overrents.

Tlie A!iguee' sale of ClothingWhich has been in disru'.e for the last lew

days, will commerce thi?, ths twelfth day of

May. aad will coutiDue from day to day un-

til sold.247 Main Street. Near Jefferson.

Fiiiing Tackle,Best AdKOrtmeat In the City, at

FIt.l.Mi MCH I' 13 A Vd til- - BTUltL','o. lit K-- tl. street.

Ulrkland'n Karl dk Wllnon Collars.Economy is Vealtli.

Genls' clothing eyed, cleaned aud repairedby 1. leaacs, 270 Second street, opoeite Courtsquare, Memphis, Tennessee.

a.i.iiii-iiiuiMlJ- UI


Eataka. 111- - Frbroary 1 Ith. l79.To . C. Richardson. Dear Sir t Enclose And

two certificates for CllOmM's febrifuge: can Ktmore, and as for myself I can say I have not sold anymedicine In thirty years' experience that baa giveasuch general iatlritar-Uo- Yours truly.



West Purss, Sfo.. Jnly 27. 1 R7S.ClltTora's yebrltuue selllust welu Has met with,

universal satisfaction. C. H. . SHUTTKK.Dealer lu Onus, Paints, ac.


Lrvnircx Hirm, St. Lor is, Jan. loth. l79tFor three weary years I have been the victim of

Malaria, In all Its forms, bnvlng-ose- scores of sucharticles as Tonlis, Aaue HUs and Ague Pads, butnever findinsr permanent relief. As a last resort Iirave your Clifford's Febrlfuire a trial, and I onlydeem it due you to say tbat tbe first bottle bas nutonly stopped the Chills, but iias Uiorouehly eraill-ritte- d

this dreadful disease from my system. I feelthat your medicine bat saved my lire.

yours, with gratitude. JAMES . LOBDE1X.


BnotrjrSBOito, Tkxas. Dec. SIst, I R78.J. O. RTCHutosoN, St. lyiuls. tlr Having myself

beenamlctedduririK' tbe fall and winter with thirddav cbUls. I bad oocaitlon to use oue bottle of Clif-ford's Febrifuge, and am so well pleased with Itthat I want to keep it; think that I can sell It veryfast In this community. How can I net It? Pleasesend terms, Im. Aieepecttully, W. 1 O'NEIL.

General Merchant.


Havana, ttt., December 17th, 1878.I can safely say tbat Clifford's Febrifuge Is the

bruit Ague medicine In use, having used every thingbefore nndlng it. S. KK.I.LY.


J.C.RICHARDSON, - St. Louis.



Lilal of Appointees Made by Jndsje Wil-liam v. mttb, Maperintrndrnt of

Ceatns for this District.

The fo'.low'ng lnt of census "numTatorewas sent u for publication by Judge Smith,superintendent of oensuR for (his district:

SHELBY COUNTY DIdTRICT3.1st, A. S. Cole. Wh, S. T. Lane.21, J. L. Tulley. nth, J. H. Abli.gton.H.I.J. D Steele. 12'h. J J Monxban.4th, Hammootree. lHth. C. C Smith.5tb. T. W. Buiilxghaus. 14tb J. P. Young andHtn, A R Pope. Mtus Mar a K. Prolbo7tb, W. F. Gowan. 15lh. J P. Present.Hth, . Bell. rUh, Mrs Mollle Bolton.Uth, W. H. Allen. 17tb, H B. Stone.

lKth. J. G. dnted.CITY Of MEMPHI3-WAR- D3.

1st. M. T. Garvin and t lss 3. C. Harvey.2d. Hunt M. Smith.8d, R B Nebon and Joslah Difn.4th, W. D bt rat ton and H B. Chiles.5tb,.Iasper N. Jones and Grven E Evans.Atb, Miss Mry Boddie and O. B Parker.7th Hives B Meirlweatber and KranK Hunter.Mb. H igh Nntt. D. Pante and S. M. Ashe,flth, Kev T.C Uolmes.10th, J. W. Vernon and Guy M Bigelow.

Bay Jortlun'a Ite.ereant and Confee-tlonerle- s,

HO Wl. West and cheapest.The Florence hilugaleor the ursery.

The following is an extract from a letterwritten to the German Rrformrd Messenger,at Ghambersburg, t'ennsyivama:

A BKNKFACTaKiS.Just open the doer tor ber, aad Mrs. Wins-lo- w

will piove the American Florence nightingale of the nursery. Of this we are sosure, that we will teaih cur Susy to say,"A bl sung on Mrs. 7ms'ow" for helpingber to mrvive and escape the gnpin?, colitk-in- g

and teething siege. Mrv. Winslcw'ssoothing syrup relieves the child from pain,and cures dynentery and d'arrl re. It softens

'tbe gums, reduces itfl immatioc, cures windcolic, and carries tne iniant tattly throughthe teething period. It performs preciselywhat it proteases to perform, every part of it

nothing less. We have never seen Mrs.Winslow known her only through the preparation nf her "Soothing syrup for childrenteething." If we bad the power we wonldmake her, aa she is, a physical Bavior to theinfant race. Sold by all druggists. Twenty-fiv- e

o ents a bottle.

Klrkland'a Dent Kid (.laves.



IV atcites. Jewelry.Silverware, Clocks,(Spectacles, etc

BepaLrtng of One Watcbes and Chrono-graphs a specialty.

Ko.307 M AIM STKEKT,UNDER PEABODT HOTEL.Old Gold and Silver wanted.

PRESCRIPTION FREriTIlor the speedy Cure of Weakness, LeiX Manhood, Premature Xiemlity, Kervousnean,Despondency, Confusion of 14c as. Aversion to Socie-ty, Detective Memory, and ail Disorders Brought onby Secret Habits and xcchu. Any druggist bas theingredients. Adjrcu. DR. JApUES ic CO.,

ISO OT.-.- t fet. tllMtMne ATI. OHIO.

TTkts t'y the rnly lot ery of any ttate ever voted onana luaorsea oy us peopu


Over Uair aSIlllion Ittrlbuted.Louisiana State Lottery Company

This Institution was regularly Incorporated by theLegislature of the 8. ate for Educatlt nul and '..burnable purposes In lXrtx. for the term jf teenty fl eMear.t, to wuirn contract rue loviotaoie ratin or tneState Is pledged, which pledge bas been renewedby an overwhelm I ft; popular vie. securing lta fran-cbts- e

In tbe new constitution adopt d December 2,A.D 1H7H, w;th a CHpllal of Sl.nuO.lMio. to whichit has since acded a reserve fund of $ loO.OOO.(Vrasd alstle number llislriliunus willtaKe place monthly. It never ecaiet or postpone.Look al the tollcwlnc Dltrlbutlon:

GRAND PBOMENADK CONCERT,During which will take place the


Extraordinary Semi-Annu- al Drawing:,At New Oi leans, Tuesday, June 15, IS 80.

Under the personal supervision and management ofGen. U. T. BEAUREGARD, or Louisiana

and Gen. J. A." EARLY, of Virginia.CAPITAL 1'UIZK 91110,000.

Notice Tiekrt are Ten Dollars only. Halvesgo. Fifths, S'2. Tenths. 81.LIST OK PRIZES

;i Capital Prize of.... 8100.000.. 8100,0001 Grand Prize of 50.000.. 50.000

Grand Prize or 2(l.tssi... ao.itiK.2 Large Prizes of. 10,000 Vio.ooi4 Large Prizes of. . 6,000 20,01 Ml

20 Prizes of 1.IKX) 20,00050 Prizes of fits) 25,lt;l)

100 Prizes of 800 SO.O.O20O Prizes of 200 40,OLOHOO Prizes of 100 no.ot.i

10000 Prizes of 10 100,000APPBOXIMATION PBi.ES.

100 Approximation Prizes of S20O.. 820,01 0100 Approximation Prizes ot KM)., KM 00100 Approximation Prizes ot 75.. 7,5j0

11,279 Prizes, amounting to 8522 .500dien. i T. Keaarriard, of La., and tieaJ. A. Karly, of Vsu. t'onnisslsaers.

Appllcatlo i for ra'es to clubs should only be madeat the olnce of the company In New Orleans. Writetor circulars or send orders to M. A. OA t'PH IN,New Orleans. Ada., or same person at Sin. H I vKroadway, New York, or to D. L. Gixxs-Pl- .

No. fl West Court street. Memphis. Tennessee.B This Company has NO AGENTS tn the

BRITISH POSSESSIONS, and all persons pretend-ing to be so. wd soliciting orders by circulars orwnermixf, are HWINni.F.US.TT-TT- T round on rile at Ooo.JTilirXXI( p. howell Sl Oo's NewspaperAdvertising Bureau (a) Spruce StA whert- - advprtlslnaxwtracut may be made lor U IS NEW YOitii..


Macon, Oa., March HI, 187M. Frt,m having beenIntimate for a number o' rears with the nron-letor- s

of Swift's Syphilitic SpeciOo. I have known much ofIts manu'acture and us use. There are men In thacommunity well known citizen, who were victimsIn early lite to Syphilis, and who trive tfcen ibe 3.S. medicine, and wbo are now. to all appearances,ani. In tti-- lr own belief, as free from tbe taint of

t man, fresh frorj lue hands of bisMake' fiellcaov forbid. tnMr puolie recommenda-tion of this medicine, but 1 ant a lowed to refer tbesceptic PKiVATaxr to those wbo will liniore every-thing that be sa'd 1 Its favor. Being much op-posed to reooramendlnar secret remedies it Is wllbhesitation that I attach my name to Ibis article; butI KNOW whereof I sp-a- k when I say that our sciencenas not yet maue puoiic a comoination equal to 1Mtot tbe purpose Indicated.

T. L. MASSENSURfi. PH. G.Prepared only by the SWijtT SPKCIkic CO .At-

lanta, Ua. Sold by & MANsi LEXD CO.

X .

HTKAMBHATW.For L'airo, Paducah, KYansville,

Louisville and Cincinnati.The.Southem Transportation Line Steamer

R.R. SPRINGERU. P.HAET master G. W. M'COY.. clerk.


THIS DAY, May 19, at 7 a.m.,FOR CINCINNATI and all way points, having vtijsupe. lor accommodations for passengers.

Evansvllle $ 5 00Louisville 7 00Cincinnati X 00ritt-bur- g is ooBaltimore 22 IK)Pbliartelohia 24 50New York 25 00

and veiy low figures to all points North Mil East.For freight or pasaee apply on board, or to

. JAMES CASH, Passenger Agent.

Special Police.mutual greetnert of the under- -BY signed, the Sir. Josle Barry witn- - F3f2?lti

draws from the While rltertrade onMay 22d and re-sume again on July 17tb: the Str.Hard Cash with-draws on July 14rb and resumes on September 1,ImSO. Thus equally dividing the cull season, andgiving each b at an opportunity to make necessaryrepairs. STR J'S1E HARRV. Mill H.trrv. Master.

STK. HAHD CASH. K. C Poatal. Mester.


1KIST, Etc.Excursion Memphis to !" t. Fan!

and Minneapolis and K elurn.Ticketx Good to October 31, 18SO

Leav'ng MEMPHIS by the Steamers ot the

St Louis AVicksburg Anchor-lin- e

EVERYnoaday, Taeiday, Wednesday, Thars

day and "r!day, atlpu,aao onMaaday. at lO am.

Anlvlr g at STv LUIS you can select your route, byRIVER Olt HAIL. Kara n LOW as by any otherrou'e. For Information apply at rfnceon WHARK-BO-

r. AD ;l.Uii, Superintendedaiemphl-t- . Ma. n, kmO

fo'k o-- ani yr. muis.kit. a.oala and VleU.riuiir Aseimr 1,'n- e-

V. -- . ll-r- Xlii CAIHO AND ST. LOUIS.

James ISowHid, sJJas IL Pepper... mas'er.Will leave toe Anchor Line wbarfboat THIS DAY.May 1VUS, ai 5 p m. e'or trelunt or arply to

l PT'iiti. 'iti't. r.n riarfi.o-t- ..


sat. IxtnlM una New Orlrans Anehop t.laefor Vicksourg, Natchez and New Orleans.- learnerV. 1. Cbouieau, r&Zti

W. IL Thorwelgan master.Will leave tht Anchor-lin- e wnartbot THIS DAY.

May lttii, at 12 m. freight or passage api lytoau oitirttt. o"p t cn wnnpoat.

Southern Transporiatton Line For VicksburgNritcbez and New Orleans-Steam- er

(aiiidins Star.W. B Miller master i John S. Jones clerkWl'.i leave as above I HIS DAY, May ltKh, at 5 p.m.

For Ireigtii or passage, apply toJ T. t. Ag-n- t. 31 4 Front

FOK VICKSHUKtr.1,1. LsaisasS tlrtuiiiars .rh.t t,1e

I sited K'ares blHFOK VICKSBUHO.

City of Cwreeis.villT4ggR K. Riley master.

will leave the Anchor Line wnarlboat TUESDAY,May ISIu. at 10 a.in, Forfreigbt cr 9 ap,-i-

to AO STOKM. rilip't.


Memphis & Ohio RiverPACKET COMPANY 7

FOKCairo, Louisville and Cincinnati

HTKIHEHsA9Y D4UM, C0S MILLAR.JA9KS VT. GAFF, VINT SH1XKLE,JAS. IK PARKER, V1RG1E LEE.Steamers of this line leave Memphis tor CAIRO,

LULlaVlLLlt AKIU biaUlNItAll

Mondays, Wednesdays, FridaysAT 6 OCLOCK P.M.,

Connecting at Cincinnati Altb Railroads and Steam-ers for all

Eastern, orthern and Western Folnts,Giving THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS,



Eastern tonrl-t- a will Bnd the La Belle River RouteSafe, LVPiihllul and Economical R ites by this lineCheaper luan any other Brst-clas- s route. Meals andStaterooms Free. Baggage checked through.

can rely on a splendid trip by thislue, as me steamers are ail nrst-cias- s, naviug neenxpressly built for the accommodation or passen-er- s.

Each steamer carries a full String Band.For fud Information, apply to

B. W. LIQHTBDBNS.General Freight and Ticket a gent,

No 7 Monro n4 Memnnl..


Memphis & Whits River Packet.Bearalar Independent Semphla and

White River Packet For Aoorusta, JacksooponSearcy, ana way polnia. The regular LndependeoiPacket

HARD CASH,d. C. Postal ....master Charles Postal clerkWill HHV6 Memphis EVKrlY WEDNESDAY, al

5 p.m. For freight er passage apply toB. W. LlfatHTBLTRNB,

Wo. 7 Monroe st, opp. Peabody hsttl.7. T wtanrvMTnv t

FOR ST. FRANCIS R1VKK.Memphis and St. Francis U. 9. Mall Line Steamer

ISatesville.O. E. Joplln master A. L. Banning clerkLeaves Memphis TUESDAY and FRIDAY. 5 p.m.,tor Martanna. tbe Cut-of- f and all Intermediate land-ings. For Irelght or passage appiv on board, or to

i n uxnti i, oT,i,

FPU OSCEOLA.Trl-Week- ly tT-- Slatl Paek.t-F- or Kan-doip-

Kultou. Osceola and way landings 9t r

Osceola iSelle. jsa&xHenry Cooper master I Wm. Smlthers c ertiWill leave Memphis every MONDAY, wEDNE-Da- Y

and FRIDAY, at ft p.m. 'n'or-ajo.- apply onboard, or to Itf . 3 Mt-lls- r

LKfi, IjIiN K STEAM KKS.for tleudale, Helena avnd triurs fotnt

fame Lee. JassStack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow... clerk

Will leave as above oo everyMONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Bt 4 p.m.

nfltee N'rv R Mnilison ,lrwt.

FOK ARKANSAS R1VKK.Memphis and Pine BlnB U. S. Mall Line. ror Pint

BliuT. Little Rock, and through to Kort Smitb Sir

J. 3. Darragh master I Chan. Musselman..cleikLeaves as above WKDNhSDA Y. May ItHh.at 5p. m.

For Height or pasntge apply toTIIHN N. H A RI N Hiint. ?,, Vrnnt f

F0RAKKANASC1TY & ORKENVILLE"Adans Meant-r- - 1. 1 v . m. Han ..

For Arkansas Cliy, line Bluff Railroad, Greenville,and all way landings The elegant steamer

Ouachita 1telle,Mark R. Cheek., .master I A. L, Cummins. . clert

Leaves aa above EVERY MONDAY and TRFRSn v . . r y m ore,... vt , tr.iM.


Practical BuilderOF FINK

LightOarriagesI KEEP A SELECT STOCK (exelaslvelv ofmy www nasafurtar.) CONSTANTLYON HAND. I am also prepared to build (TO CRDKR) any or all of ttt- - nioderw tttlea olBnggl. , and Family Carriages now tn use. inu rwirltliirf hut Ih. Vk'uv Dtcr u itfdiii j'employ strictly first-cla- mechanics.

JBKIA1KI.6.,In all Its branches, done promptly and In the best

W. A. FAIRES & CO(Successors to J. B. ft W. A. Falres), Dealers In

HOUSES and MILES,No. 55 Union street.

W E keep constantly on band a choice selectiontf ..ao.nan O iv .e r4lerwi


PLUMBER!TS prepared to do all kinds of work In tUs line Inatttmion S"" aDd e&attvj n"r; give especial

Sewer and Landing Connections.Also, has a large stock r a mHot,81!? ,a';d w"-"- " aod Flxtvi. Puio"tr-rJrg-

i'f ? H" lorce of eompe- -

work for tneHailaday WIND-MILL- Order. tobcuS.


40 Madison Street.

LAS EST- illfMFine Goods! New-Goods-

! Popular Pikes!AT


nnWN I Wel1 martP of good material, trimmed with a neatUUlflltJ. edge, at 65 cents.nnVlNQ I Fine "Jusl-nvfou- r clusters of tacts, trimmed withUUIl li? I embroidery, at 85 certsnnWNQ I I'o'nto Yolie, with three rows of inserting aud tucks,UUIIIIO. edged with embroidery, $1.CHEMISES ! f iDe quality' tri'?J1fi with inserting and edge,

PUERJalQCQ ! Faffed Yoke, with inserting trimmed, embroi-UnCt.ll3E.- U

I dered edge, 75 cents.

SKIRTS ! l iDe musIiodeep nemtnree clusters ot tacks, 75c.

SKIRTS ! aml)rc fl01IIlce printess shape, trimmed Torchon

t'00d quality and weI1 Inade 75 cents."DRAWERS !

l"plippQ l line muslin, trimmed embroidery, two c'nstersUnnliCnO ! of tucks, bias tucking around, 75 cents.Extra e a specialtyDRAWERS !

MISSES' AND Cm-KEX'- S CKDEItWEAB!Icfsa't' Wearl Infanta' Wear! Caraet Cavera t PlIIow'Maaata!Freen Haavd-naad- e and Woven Caraeta! Aproaal Aproa! allalxe. We cltln ta htvs the Meat Camplete I't.frwrar Itepait-me- nt

aad Infanta' Wear D'ptfiaieat la tala eanatri, and oarFKIUlH AS LOW A THE LtlWKtT I


Eirkkafi Eta? Hik $1

Kirkland's Unlaundried Shirts, 6 for $5.Kirkland's Best Unlaundried Shirts, $1 each

T. M. M'K IEHas given these gools his telal A ttentiaa, and can assure his customers of Barsala.

Kirkland's Undershirts, 50 cents each.Kirkland's Linen Drawers---fines- t and best,nanannnnnanawannnnnnanannnnaaWr fe. aann,,iawtsjawnssM twnsawannnnnnn awannnWAnnnwnnnnwAWana



Bnwiiie Mtittts at. 7Uvo! Nulm at .. O

"aasimere ults at .. 1!Chevint !uits nt .. 15Flue Ir on its at .. M

l'niit at Hfains nil wool atI'm nt fluent qaalltvat A

Wblte Vents atv hue Vfst at 1While Vests at.. 2


OO redaeed from 9 8 50SO r.duced from H 0OO-rerta- ced from 1850-red- ac-i from 16 OOCIO i educed from SO OOUii-i'rda- cptl from tf 50OO reduced from 3 0OO reduced from . 450SO --re ' need frm 507."5 reduced fom 1 OtOO reduced from 1

40 reduced from "... 3 50Immense Redactions In Boys', Children's and Youths' LLOTHTXU. All Muts

CRMSHI'0 WOODS StJper cent below rormer prices.Thlt u yonropportonlty. as tea have a lanre rtoek which we are bound o dUpcwe of.je

H.B. For tbe accommodation of those otherwlsa engaged during the day, our store a 1.1 hereafter bekpt .dcb at alfkt uatll 9 tt'eiufk.



It is our positive intention to closeourMemphis business bv June 15th,and we will have but 60 DAYSTIME to dispose of our X.arge Stooklof Goods.

We intend that our customersand friends shall sret the benefitof low prices.

Our entire stock is marked downto insure an early sale. Snecial tradediscounts to lare buvers.


Wm. B, Moore. Bobt. M, M'Lean. Orrin M. Peck.


We Itave been in Hemphis 1 year, and intend 't&.w-m- ain

here and' hare her fortunes. Vie Have it!SP1.K. II1 4 1 OCK. andsball keep It kKPl.E'lwIIEDlAIl.Y with all sooda suited to the wants of this ec-tlo-n.

CJnr prices shall now, and at all times be,AS L.OW AS T11E LOWEST,

Wm.R. Moore & CoWholesale Dry Goods, Notions, Men's FurnlMhlog

Goods, Ladles' Trimmed Hats, Etc.,


97inn a ea lei old ua no u run


Wholesale Business!We will, after this date,