CV Mahmoud M. Galander 2014 Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

CV MahmoudM. Galander · CV" Mahmoud"M." Galander" "2014" Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

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Page 1: CV MahmoudM. Galander · CV" Mahmoud"M." Galander" "2014" Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

C  V    Mahmoud  M.  Galander  


Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication,

Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University,

Doha, Qatar  


Page 2: CV MahmoudM. Galander · CV" Mahmoud"M." Galander" "2014" Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

MAHMOUD M. GALANDER Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts and Sciences,

Qatar University, Doha, Qatar Telephones: (974) 4981698/ / Mobile: 5417012 Fax:

[email protected] [email protected]

CAREER SUMMARY STATMENT Mahmoud M. Galander (Ph.D., Howard University) is an associate professor in the Department of Mass Communication, Qatar University. His academic career extends from 1994 to current, and includes teaching in Universities of al-Fatih, Libya (1994-96), Khartoum, Sudan (1996-1997); International Islamic University, Malaysia (1997-2006), and Qatar University (2006-todate). He has authored 9 books (6 academic, and 3 on media and politics in Sudan;) and has written numerous refereed articles in Arabic and English media and social science journals. He has also authored several chapters in books. He was formerly the head of the department of Mass Communication at Qatar University, the editor of a Sudanese newspaper, and is a member of Sudan Journalists Union. HE is the founding member of the Arab European Association of Communication researchers (AREACORE), and the International Liaison for International Liaison for the Global Congress of Muslim Public Relations Practitioners, and Vice Chair of the Islam and Media Working Group of the IAMCR. EDUCATION 1992 Ph.D. Communication, Howard University, Washington D. C. 1986 MA, PA, (COMM). University of Southern

California, Los Angeles, California. 1970 Bachelor of Political Science. University of

Khartoum, Sudan.

Page 3: CV MahmoudM. Galander · CV" Mahmoud"M." Galander" "2014" Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

Academic and Professional Organizations:

1- ( Cofounder) Arab European Association of Communication Researchers

2- International Public Relations Association (IPRA) 3- Global Congress of Muslim Public Relations Practitioners,

Kuala Lumpur. 4- International Communication Association, (IAC) 5- International Association of Mass Communication

Researchers (IAMCR) 6- Arab-US Association of Communication Educators

(AUSACE) 7- African Council of Communication Educators (ACCE) 8- Sudan Journalist Union. Khartoum Sudan

Positions in International organizations

- Vice Chair, Muslim and Media Working Group of the IAMCR.

- International Liaison, Global Congress of Muslim Public Relations Practitioners.

- AREACORE Qatar University coordinator

Advisory Board Membership:

- (2011-) Member of Advisory Board: االدررااساتت مجلة Journal of Contemporary .ااإلعالميیة االقيیميیة االمعاصرةةstudies on Media and Values.

- (2012-) Editorial Board Member, Connexion, International Professional communication Journal, Center for Comparative Studies, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Page 4: CV MahmoudM. Galander · CV" Mahmoud"M." Galander" "2014" Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2006- Current Associate Professor, Department of Mass

Communication, College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University.

1997-2005 Assistant (-1997)/ Associate Professor (2004-2005),

Department of Communication, Faculty of IRKHS, International Islamic University, K. L. Malaysia.

1996- 1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, Faculty of Arts, University of Khartoum. 1995- 1996 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Studies, University of al-Fatih, Tripoli, Libya. 1993-95 Part-time lecturer in Khartoum, Sudan:

University of Khartoum/ Omdurman Islamic University/ Qura’an University/ Omdurman Ahlia University/ International African University.


1- January, 2013, Consultant, Establishment of the College of

Communication, Shaikh Abdella al-Badri University, Berber, Sudan 2- November, 2010, Trainer, Writing Academic Textbooks Workshop.

IMAM Institute: University of Al-Jazira, Sudan. 3- November, 2009, Trainer: Research in Public Relations, CIPR, Al-Jazeera

Media Training and Development Center, Doha, Qatar. 4- June, 2009, Coordinator and trainer, Organization of PR for social

Responsibility, Training for PR, IPRA, Middle East, Qatar Chapter, Doha. 5- January 2009, Coordinator and trainer, Media Training for Human Rights

Coverage. Qatar Human Rights Organization, al-Sharq Training center, Qatar Doha.

6- July- August 2008, Consultant, Community Communication for CH2M HILL and Qatar Gas, Qatar Doha.

7- May-July, 2007, Consultant, Institute of Islamic Thought, University of Jazira, Sudan: Developing an academic plan for the establishment of an Arab-Islamic Communication Convention.

8- February- June 2006, Instructor and trainer in Managerial Communication. Institute of Management, Kulliyah of Economics and Management, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Page 5: CV MahmoudM. Galander · CV" Mahmoud"M." Galander" "2014" Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

9- April, 2005, Advisor to the institute’s commission for the establishment of post-graduate degrees in communication. Institute of Islamic Thought, University of Jazira, Sudan.


1. Articles in refereed journals:

1- Galandert (Spring 2014) ( in Arabic) Towards a new perspective of Arab Media

System: A critical Study of William Rugh’s Classification of Arab Media. 6: 1صرةة. مجلة االدررااساتت ااإلعالميیة االقيیميیة االمعا

2- Galander, Mahmoud (Spring, 2013). Al-Jazeera, Advocacy and Media Value Determinism: Re-conceptualizing the Network’s Coverage of the Arab Spring of Revolutions. Global Media Journal (US edition). Online: http://journals.textual.info/index.php/gmj-american/article/view/30/22

3- Galander, Mahmoud (2013) (co-author). The Arab Spring and the U.S. Response: American and Middle Eastern Students Speak Out. Global Media Journal (US edition). Online: http://journals.textual.info/index.php/gmj-american/article/view/30.

4- Galander, Mahmoud (2013). News values, Cultural proximity and Cross-cultural Media Framing How Western and Muslim Media Covered Darfur. Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research. Volume 5 Number 2. pp. 113–128.

5- Galander, Mahmoud (2012). Radio Sawa and the US Public Diplomacy in the Middle East: Entertaining the Arab Youth or winning Hearts and Minds? Int. J. Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp.344–353.

6- Galander, Mahmoud (2012). (In Arabic) ااالتصالل االلغويي ووصراا عع االهھويیة في إإفريیقيیا االعربيیة. International Journal of Muslim Unity (IJMU). V.7, No 1 and 2.

7- Galander, Mahmoud (2008), Global Communication and Cultural Desensitization. Intellectual Discourse, No. 2. (1-19).

8- Galander, Mahmoud, (2005), Al-Jazeera TV: Toward a Viable Muslim Media. International Journal of Muslim Unity, Vol. 1, no. 3.

9- Galander, Mahmoud, (2004), Written Communication in Islam: reinforcing Political control and Commencing the Cultural Flourish, Discourse, Vol. 12, no. 1,

10- Galander, Mahmoud,(2002) Communication in the Early Islamic Era: A social and Historical Analysis. Discourse, Vol. 10, no. 2, 2002: 61-75.

11- Galander, Mahmoud (2002), االعبقريیة ااالتصاليیة للشيیخ فرحح وودد تكتوكك African Studies, Year 17, no. 27, June 2002: 199-228.

12- Galander, Mahmoud (2001 .Tafakkur, Vol أأ تيیجيیاتت ووااألساليیبااسلمة االعلومم ااإلنسانيیة: ااإلستر3, o. 1: (115-124)

13- Galander Mahmoud (June, 2000) (in German) Muslims im Internet: Sorgen und Bedenken (Muslims in the Internet: Worries and wariness). In Sudostasien, Vol. 16 No. 2: 11-14.

14- Galander, Mahmoud (1999), Distinguishing Organizational Communication. Komunikasi, Vol 15,. Jilid 15, 1999, 97-109.

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15- Galander, Mahmoud(1997), Contemporary Sociological Thought, Intellectual Discourse, Vol. 5 no. 2, 1997: 179-189.

2. Chapters in Published Books:

1- Galander, Mahmoud (2009) Press laws and Press Councils in Sudan in Mohd.

Yosuf Husain (ed.) Media Laws and Ethics in Selected Muslim Countries. Kuala Lumpur: IIUM Research Center.

2- Galander, Mahmoud (2009) Value Determinism in Mass Communication Studies. In Ali Bu Nussair (ed.) Readings in Mass Media Value Determinism Theory. Qustantaina, Algeria: Iqra’ House

3- Galander, Mahmoud, (2008) Mass Media in Sudan, in Mohd. Yosuf Husain (ed.) Mass Media In Selected Muslim Countries (2nd Ed.). Kuala Lumpur: IIUM Research Center.

4- Galander, Mahmoud M. (2006) Communication in Early Muslim Society. In Mohd. Yosuf Husain (ed.) Media and Muslim Society (45-72). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IIUM Research Center.

5- Galander, Mahmoud M. (2005) Islamization of Communication, A critique. In Mohamed Yosuf Husain (ed.) Islamization of the Human Sciences. Kuala Lumpur: IIUM Research Center.

6- Galander, Mahmoud M. (2003) Mass Media in Sudan in Mohd. Yosuf Husain (ed.) Mass Media in Selected Muslim Countries. Kuala Lumpur: IIUM Research Center.

7- Galander, Mahmoud M. (2002) Impact of Global Media on Muslims. In Sitti Fatimah Abdul Rahman (ed.) The Impact of Globalization on Social and Cultural Life: An Islamic Response. (Co-author with Sayed Arabi Idid), Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia, pp 65-98.

8- Galander, Mahmoud M. (2001) The Experiences of Liberal and Controlled Press Systems: The Case of Sudan. In Proceedings of the International Convention on The role of Media in non-Aligned countries. Kuala Lumpur: IIUM Research Center.

9- Galander, Mahmoud M. (1998) Press Controls in Post-colonial Sudanese Press. In F. Eribu (ed.) Press freedom and Communication in Africa. (co-author) Mahmoud Galander & W.J. Starosta. New York: Africa World Press, pp. 211-239.


1. Galander, Mahmoud, (under referee) ااالتصالل وواالمجتمع Refereed Book, University of al-Jazeera’s IMAM Institute:

2. Galander, Mahmoud (2009) اتت االبحث في علومم ااالتصاللااتجاهھھھ Directions in Mass Media Research. Damascus, Syria: Dar al-Fikr. Refereed by University of al-Jazeera, IMAM Institute.

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Published Books:

3. Galander, Mahmoud (2012) االسودداانن تحت نظامم االفريیق عبودد The Sudan under General Abboud. Khartoum: Azza Publishing House.

4. Galander, Mahmoud M. (2005) سنوااتت االنميیريي (The Era of Nimeiri) Khartoum: Abdukarim Mirghani Publishing Centre.

5. Galander, Mahmoud M. (2004) نهھ وواالشمالليیجنوبب االسودداانن مرااحل اانهھيیارر االثقة ب (Southern Sudan: Stages of Communication Breakdown with the North). Damascus, Syria: Darul Fikr, 345 pp.

6. Galander, Mahmoud M. (2003) مقدمة في ااالتصالل االجماهھھھيیريي Introduction to Mass Communication. Khartoum, Sudan: Azza Publishing House.

7. Galander, Mahmoud M. (2000) Mass Media in Sudan: Toward a History of Media-Politics Interplay. Kuala Lumpur: IIUM Research Center.

8. Galander, Mahmoud M. (2000) Organizational Communication: People, Processes and Practices. Kuala Lumpur: Univision Press.

C. CONFERENCE PAPERS: October, 2014 Discussant: Forum on Improving Research on Social

Media. AREACORE 1st Conference on Social Media in a Changing Environment. Tunisia

July 29, 2013 Teaching Through the Net. A paper presented to the Workshop on New Media and Communication Education. University of Free Berlin. Berlin Germany. July 29-Aug. 1

July 27, 2013 Watching over the Watchdogs: How Media Laws and Councils Stifle Sudanese Media. Paper presented to the Annual IAMCR Conference. Dublin, Ireland.

July 23, 2012 (in Arabic) وواالمجتمعنحو منهھج أأكادديیمي أأصيیل لمقررر ااالتصالل. (towards Revisiting Media and Society Course)

A working paper presented to the Workshop on Revisiting Communication Curricula of Al-Jazeera University. Imam Institute al-Jazeera University, Sudan

July, 15, 2012 Al-Jazeera Coverage of the Arab Spring of Revolutions Towards a Southern revivalism of Advocacy Journalism. IAMCR International Conference, Durban, South Africa

December, 2011 Speaker: Islamic Public relations: In search of the Future in the Past. First Global Islamic Public Relations Practitioners Congress, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 4-8 December, 2011.

November, 2011 Panel Discussant: The Experience of Teaching Communication in the Digital age. AUSACE 10th Annual Conference, AUC, Beirut, Lebanon.

2011, July (n Arabic) Identity, Language and Communication: The Case of Southern Sudan. A Paper presented to the

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International Conference on Islam in Africa. International Institute of Muslim Unity, Kuala Lumpur.

2011, March 9 Al-Jazeera Coverage of Tunisian, Egyptian and Libyan Revolutions: The Rise of Advocacy Journalism. International Conference of Mass Communication in the 21st Century, Qatar University, Qatar.

2011, March 8 (in Arabic) Media and Security: Rivalry or Cooperation?

One-day Symposium on Media Role in Security, Institute for Police Training, Qatar.

2011, January 4 (in Arabic) We Lost the South when we disregarded Social

Communication. A paper presented at a One-day Seminar on the Impact of Southern Sudan Referendum. Al-Jazeera Center for Studies, Doha Qatar.

2010, June Panel discussant on Freedom of Expression, ICA

International Conference, Singapore, June 2010. November 2009 For Whom Al-Hurra Bells Toll? AUSACE 9th Conference

Cairo, November, 2009. July 2009 Social Networking in The Muslim and Arab World: The

Case of Sudanese Online. ACEJMC Conference, Mexico City, Mexico.

July, 2008 Darfur in the Western Media, Darfur in the 3rd World

Media. Paper presented to the 1st International Communication Conference On Representation of Islam and Muslims in the Media. International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

January, 2008 (Co-Author with Ashraf Galal and Phillip Auther) US

Image in Arab Online Media. Paper Presented to the 9th International Symposium on Online Journalism. Austin, Texas.

December, 2007 Radio Sawa: Mission Accomplished? Paper presented to

the First International Conference on Knowledge Society, Sultan Qaboos University, Masqat Oman, 2-4 December, 2007

August, 2006 6 Reasons for the Distortion of Sudan’s Image. A paper presented to the Conference of Sudanese Journalists in the Diaspora. Khartoum, Friendship Hall.

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July 2006 Islamic Communication Research: A critique. A paper presented to IMAM Institute forum for Communication Educators, Khartoum, Sudan.

March, 2006 Seeing Through their Eyes: Western Media Framing of

Muslim News in Muslim Media. A paper presented to the annual convention of the International Studies Association, San Diego, California.

June, 2004 Southern Sudan Problem: A communication View. Paper

accepted for International Conference on Conflict and Conflict Resolution, IIUM, June, 2004

December, 2003 Global Communication and Cultural Desensitization:

Repackaging Western messages for non-western Markets. Second International Conference on Social Sciences. Kuwait University, Kuwait.

October, 2, 2003 The Dilemma of Al-Jazeera TV: A viable Muslim Medium

or another "his Master's Voice/ (Paper accepted for presentation). International Conference on Muslim Unity in the 21st Century. 1-2 October, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Feb. 20, 2002 Management Resources from an Islamic Perspective. .

Working paper presented to Seminar on Management. Kullyyiah of Architecture and Environmental Design. Feb. 20, 2002.

March 2001 The Impact of Global Media on Muslims. A paper

presented to the International Seminar on the Impact of Globalization on Social and Cultural Life: An Islamic Response. IKIM, Kuala Lumpur, 27-29/ 3/ 2001.

September 2000 The Experiences of Liberal and Controlled Press

Systems: The Case of Sudan. A Paper presented to the International Convention on The role of Media in non-Aligned countries. Organized by the Non-aligned Students and Youth Organization and the National Malay Journalists. Shah Alam, Malaysia 21-23 Sept. 2000.

August, 2000 Islamization of Communication: A critique. A

paper presented to the Islamization of the Human Sciences Conference. International

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Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. August 4-6, 2000.

March, 2000 “Muslims on the Internet: Worries and Wariness: A

paper presented to the workshop on Social Impact of the Internet. University Kebangasaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. March 25-26, 2000.


1- PhD Dissertations: 1- (2012- Current) (Supervisor ) Student: Sulaiman Abdel Rasoul Sulaiman, Title:

Factors Affecting Objectivity of Media News Coverage. PhD Thesis, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Al-Jazeera University.

2- November, 2011. (External Examiner) Student: Murtada Busair Ahmed. Title: Exposure to Nigerian Media and Perceptions about Northern Nigerian Muslims., PhD, Thesis, Post Graduate Studies, International Islamic University

3- (2010) (Supervisor) Student: Mohammed Babiker Awad, Title: Knowledge Society in Sudan : A Study Of Sudanese Universities use of Information Technology. PhD Thesis, IMAM Institute, Al-Gazeera University, Sudan.

4- (2006), (Second reader) Student: Ibrahim Ulatunde Uthman, Title: The Socio-Religious Status of Women in Yuruba Land .. PhD thesis, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

5- (1995) (External Examiner) Student: Musa Abu Azab, Title: Saudi Newspapers Role in Cultural Change in Saudi Arabia. PhD Dissertation, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan.

2- Masters Theses:

1- (2006) (Supervisor) Student: Fazil, Muhammad, Communication Technology and Organizational Performance: an Analysis of the Perception of IIUM community on the use of IIU Website. Masters thesis, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2- (2005) ( Second Reader) Student: Yassin Medani Attitude toward

Visionary leadership in Petronas, Master’s Thesis, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

3- (2005) (Supervisor) Student: Sharayra, Khalid Wlid, Delegation in Quran, Masters thesis, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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4- (2004) (Supervisor) Student: Shawkit, Rizwana Application of CRM in Two Malay Organizations, Masters thesis, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

5- (2004) (Supervisor) Student: Hashim. Tijani Ahmad A study of Islam and

Media in Contemporary Nigeria, Masters thesis, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

6- (2003) (Second Reader) Zaroum. Abdel Hamid (in Arabic) Leadership and

Political Disillusionment. Masters thesis, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 7- (2001) (Supervisor) Salhi, Abdulhamid : The Impact of E-Mail on

Interpersonal Communication, . Masters thesis, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

8- (2000) (Supervisor) Student: Tilliukdur, Mhd Majharul, Islamic

Perceptions on The Virtual Organization, Masters thesis, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

9- (2000) (Supervisor) Student: Koyode, Abdelhamid, The Internet as a

Channel of religious communication, Masters thesis, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

10- (1998) (Second Reader) Student: Al-kathiri, Wafa, Mass Communication

in Quran, Master Thesis, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

11- (1997) (Supervisor) Student: Musa Ya’gub, Abdul Halim, Southern Sudan Issue in the Sudanese Press, Omdurman Islamic University, Omdurman, Sudan..

12- (1994) (Supervisor) Student: Bairag, Musa, Southern Sudan Coverage in

Sudanese Arabic and English newspapers. Institute of Extra Mural Studies, University of Khartoum Sudan.

13- (1994) (External Examiner) Student: Ibrahim, Abdul Hafiz, Stereotyping in Sudanese Newspapers, Master Thesis, Omdurman Islamic University, Omdurman, Sudan.

4. Articles in Newspapers and Magazines: January, 2008 The Secrets of Malaysia’s Development. Al-Doha, issue

No. 1

Oct.-Dec. 2005 The November Military Regime in Sudan: A series of articles in Daily al-Sahafa, Khartoum, Sudan.

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May, 2002 Southern Sudan: The Legacy of Distrust and

Communication Breakdown). Al-Sahāfa Daily, May-June, 2002.

2001, Feb.- Oct. (Years of Al-Nimeri). A series of 34 political articles on

the 16 years rule of General Nimeiri in Sudan. Al-Khartoum daily. Khartoum: Sudan

July/August, 1995 Torit, 1955, The Incidents, and the Aftermath”, a series of

fourteen articles analyzing the historical development of Sudan’s Southern Problem.

1993, Jan. “ Issue of Sudan’s Communication Policy”, a three series

article in al-Quwwāt al-Musallaha, Khartoum, (in Arabic).


1- April 2012- Member of scientific committee for IPRA-GC Qatar Chapter Event: عالقاتت:ملتقي االدووحة للعالقاتت االعامة

2- Sept- Dec. 2008 Teacher/Trainer on Communication Skills, Ahmed bin Mohamed Military College, Doha.

3- Jan. 2007- Member, Committee for Combating Drug abuse, Ministry of Interior Affairs, Doha, Qatar.

4- November 2007, Lecture on Western Media Coverage of Muslim Issues. Presented to Faculty members. Departmental Seminars. MCP, CAS, QU.

5- November, 2007, Training of journalists: Excellence in Journalism Session. Dar Al-Sharq Training Center, Doha, Qatar.

6- October, 2006: Media Training: Dar Al-Sharq Training Center, Doha, Qatar.

7- April, 2006: Training of Lecturers. International Islamic University, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia.


Following is a summary of major Arabic to English (and vice-versa) translation/ interpretation undertakings:

1. Translator, 7th Meeting of Tourism Ministers of OIC Member Countries, Kuala Lumpur, 2001

2. Interpreter, Al-Barakah Symposium for Islamic Economy, Kuala Lumpur 25-27 Jan., 2001

Page 13: CV MahmoudM. Galander · CV" Mahmoud"M." Galander" "2014" Associate Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

3. Interpreter, International Conference on Translation of Religious Texts, Kuala Lumpur, 5-8 Dec., 1999.

4. Interpreter, An Islamic Perspective to Political Science Conference, IIUM, Malaysia, April, 1998.

5. Interpreter, the Muslim Businessmen dialogue with the authorities of Muslim Mindinau Region, Philippines, Feb., 1998.

6. Interpreter, Pongkor 2 Conference on Islamization of Knowledge, Ponkor, Malaysia, 1997

7. Interpreter, International Conference on the Islamization of Sociology and Anthropology, IIUM, Malaysia, October, 1997.

8. Interpreter , IIUM Tide Program, Fraser Hill, Malaysia, May, 1997. G. PROFESSIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE POSTS AND POSITIONS 1994-95 General Manager, Multimedia Company,

Khartoum, Sudan. 1993-94 General Manager, al-Nasr daily Newspaper

Company, Khartoum Sudan. 1986-89 Editor, al-Quwwāt daily newspaper, Khartoum,

Sudan. 1983-84 Member of Board of Directors, Sudan National Radio and TV Corporation. 1983-84 Member, Press and Publication Council, Khartoum. 1982-84 Member of Board of Directors, al-Ayyām daily newspaper. 1971-19981 Editor/ communication officer/ Al-Quwwat

newspaper GENERAL Nationality Sudanese Marital Status Married, 3 children