1 CURRICULUM VITTAE Personal Identification: Name : Sutiman Bambang Sumitro, M.Sc., D.Sc., Professor Date of birth : March, 11 th 1954 Place of Birth : Yogyakarta, Indonesia Position : Professor in Cell Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University Office Adress : Department of Biology Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang, 65145,Indonesia. E-mail : [email protected] ORCID : 0000-0001-8001-4338 Scopus ID : 55218596400 (https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55218596400) Researchgate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sutiman_Sumitro Major (s) : Cell Biology, Nano Biology, Molecular Biology, Microscopy

CV English 2010Pola kapasitasi spermatozoa X dan Y sapi hasil pemisahan menggunakan filtrasi sephadex dan sentrifugasi gradien densitas percoll. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati 11: 29-40

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Page 1: CV English 2010Pola kapasitasi spermatozoa X dan Y sapi hasil pemisahan menggunakan filtrasi sephadex dan sentrifugasi gradien densitas percoll. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati 11: 29-40



Personal Identification:

Name : Sutiman Bambang Sumitro, M.Sc., D.Sc., Professor

Date of birth : March, 11th1954

Place of Birth : Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Position : Professor in Cell Biology, Department of Biology,

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

Brawijaya University

Office Adress : Department of Biology

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

Brawijaya University,

Malang, 65145,Indonesia.

E-mail : [email protected]

ORCID : 0000-0001-8001-4338

Scopus ID : 55218596400


Researchgate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sutiman_Sumitro

Major (s) : Cell Biology, Nano Biology, Molecular Biology, Microscopy

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Education Background:

1. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Biology from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia,

received at 1976.

2. Sarjana(Doctorandus) degree in Biology from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

received at 1978.

3. Master of Science (MS) Degree in Biology from Graduate School of Science and

Technology of Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia received at 1984.

4. Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree in Cell Biology from Graduate School of Biology, Nagoya

University, Japan, received at 1989.

Postdoctoral Felloow:

Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Mie University, Japan, 1993.


1. Sumitro SB,Haminani S. Djalal T. 1981. The effects of DDT on the histological structure

of Crop glands in the brooding pigeon couples. Warta Anatomi. 6: 23-31.

2. Sumitro SB. 1984. Kemampuan metabolism tanaman tembakau kedu rajangan dalam

berbagai kondisi stress kekeringan dan jenis tanah. Thesis Sarjana Utama. Program

Studi Sain dan Teknologi, UGM.

3. Sumitro SB. 1984. Pengaruh natrium khlorida terhadap tanaman tembakau varietas

kedu rajangan yang ditumbuhkan pada dua macam tanah dengan dua macam

penyediaan air. Thesis. Gadjah Mada University.

4. Sumitro SB, Sato H. 1989.The isotopic effects of D2O in developing sea urchin eggs.

Cell Structure and Function 14(1): 95-111.

5. Sumitro SB, Izutsu K, Sato H. 1989.Effects of D2O on movement of chromosomes and

the shorthening of kinetochore spindle fibers in anaphase in dividing spermatocytes of

the grasshopper, Mongolotettix japonicus.Cell Structure and Function 14(3): 345-352.

6. Sumitro SB, Wijarni U, Pramana A, Soewondo A, Samino S. 1992. Inventarisasi jenis,

habitat dan tingkah laku hewan bulu babi (Sea Urchin) di Jawa Timur serta usaha

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pemijahan dan pengembangan teknik kultur embrio. Jurnal Universiras Brawihaya.

4(2): 50-58.

7. Sumitro SB. 1994. The vegetal plate invagination of developing sea urchin eggs in

deutered condition. 3rd APOCB Congress, Sydney.

8. Sumitro SB, Susilo H. 1995. Biology Education in Indonesia.International Seminar on

Science and Mathematics Education, JICA, Jakarta and Bandung: July 3-7, 1995.

9. Susilawati T, Sumitro SB. 1996.Separation of X-Y chromosome bearing sperms of

Indonesian native bulls using sephadex G-200 and percoll density gradient

centrifugation. 13rdInternational congress on animal reproduction, Sydney, Australia.

10. Sumitro SB. 1997. The retarded gastrulation induced in developing sea urchin embryo

by rearing in D2O-sea water. Berkala Ilmiah Biologi 2(4): 175-191.

11. Sumitro SB, Handaru M, Fatchiyah. 1998. Possible role of small heat shock protein

HSP25 in development of neoplasticity of proliverative lung cells. Berkala

Kedokteran13(3): 21-27.

12. Sumitro SB. 1998.A comparative study of mitotic activity in spermatocyte mother cells

of grassshoppers under continues microscopic observation.Journal of Biological

Researches 4(1): 45-50.

13. Susilawati T, Sumitro SB, Hardjopranjoto S, Djati MS, Ciptadi G. 1999. Comparative

study of diluter Tris and TCM-199 in freezing bull sperm after sephadex G-200

filtration.Media Veteriner 6(4): 9-13.

14. Aulani’am, Fatchiyah, Djoko W, Sumitro SB.1999. Pembuatan anti-glutamic acid

decarboxylase dan anti-GAD antibodi untuk prediksi penderita pre-diabetes mellitus:

Produksi, pemurnian, dan karakterisasi anti-GAD65 dan anti GAD65 antibodi hasil

induksi oleh enzim GAD.

15. Susilawati T, Sumitro SB, Hardjopranjoto S, Mantara Y. 1999. Pola kapasitasi

spermatozoa X dan Y sapi hasil pemisahan menggunakan filtrasi sephadex dan

sentrifugasi gradien densitas percoll. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati 11: 29-40.

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16. Sumitro SB, Widyarti S, Fatchiyah. 2001.The In Situ Hybridization analysis of Heat

Shocked Protein gene expression in proliferate lung cells. International Congress on

Cell Differentiation. Gold Coast, Australia.

17. Sumitro SB, Aulani’am, Susilawati T, Hinting A. 2001.Isolation and caracterization of ZP

proteins from bovine.A possible used for contraceptive vaccine. Reprotech 1 (1): 24-30

18. Mubarak SA,Sumitro SB,Djati MS, Aulanni’am. 2001.Isolation of Zona Pellicida

Glycoprotein (ZP3) from the bovine Follicullar Oocyte and Property of their

Immunogenety.Biosain 1(2): 12-20.

19. Sumitro SB, Aulanni’am. 2001. Zona pellucida 3 (ZP3) has proper biochemical

properties to be considered as candidate antigen for immunocontraceptive vaccine.

Reprotech 1(1): 51-53.

20. Baszary CDU, Sumitro SB, Djati MS, Samino S. 2001. Penghambatan pembelahan

mikromer sebagai trigger proses awal gastrulasi dengan perlakuan surfaktan pada

embrio landak laut (Tripneustes gratilla L.). Biosain 1(2): 65-75.

21. Tianing NW, Sumitro SB, Sulistyowati L, MuliarthaIKG. 2002. Histopathological

discription and gene ATPase 6,8 and Cox III aplification in mtDNA of breast cancer

tissue.Biosain 2(2): 96-106.

22. Sumitro SB,Fatchiyah F,Widyarti S, Istanti A,Riawan W. 2002.The analysis of early

neoplastic tissue in lung: Immunocytochemical studies on F-actins filaments and HSP25

interaction and in situ hybridization of mRNA analyzing HSP25 gen expression in new

born rat induced by benzapyren. International Congress on Cell Differentiation, Lion,


23. Sumitro SB, Widyarti S, Fatchiyah F, Mudjiwijono HE. 2002. The analysis of

proliferating cells in developing lung tissue of young rats and mice. Differentiation

70(7): 379-380.

24. Permatasari N, Widodo MA, Sumitro SB. 2002.High Glucose concentration increases

basal intracellular calcium concentration in HUVECs. Journal of Asian Federation on

Endocrine Societies (JAFES) 2(1): 139-141

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25. Sumitro SB, Aulanni’am, Sutiyoso. 2002. Bovine zonna pellucida 3 (bZP3): A candidate

for immunocontraceptive vaccine. Journal of Asian Federation on Endocrine Societies

(JAFES) 2(1): 145-148.

26. Tianing NW, Sumitro SB, Sulistyowati L, Muliartha IKG. 2002. Gambaran histopatologi

dan amplifikasi gen ATPase 6, 8 serta COX III pada mtDNA dari jaringan kanker

payudara. BIOSAIN 2(2).

27. Sumitro SB, Permatasari N, Soeatmadji W. 2003.The cytoskeletal structural changes in

HUVECs:The role of Increasing Intracellular Ca ions induced by high glucose

concentration..International Forum on Diabetes, Osaka, Japan (invited paper)

28. Hanizar E, Sumitro SB, Hinting A (2004).Detection of RBM and DAZ genes deletion on

Java and non Java infertile men. REPROTECH 1(3):117-120.

29. Sumitro SB, Aulanni’am. 2004. The deglycocylated protein of Zona pellucida3, an

effective antigen for woman immuno-contraceptive vaccine.A keynote speaker in the

4th Asia PacificSymposium of Fertility and Sterility. Naha, Okinawa, Japan

30. Widyarti S, Sumitro SB, Fatmawati E, Djati MS, Soewondo A. 2004. Study of heat shock

protein (hsp25) expression and proliferation on liver, kidney, and lung of rat (Rattus

norvegicus) fetus. Differentiation 72(6): 279.

31. Widyarti S, Sumitro SB. 2005.Apoptosis in early pre-carcinogenic lung tissue. A study of

HSP25 role on cellular homeostatic regulation.International Biotechnology in

Biomedicine, Singapore, 2-3 August. 2005.

32. Arumningtyas EL, Sumitro SB. 2005. Variability of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.)

treated by Ethyl Methanesulfonate (EMS) Based on randomly Amplified Polymorphic

DNA (RAPD). International conference of Genomic and Biotechnology. Raipur, India,

26-28 October 2005.

33. Soeatmadji DW, Fatah F, Sumitro SB. 2005. Detection of GAD65 autoantibodies of type

-1 diabetes using anti-GAD65-abs reagent produced from bovine brain tissue. Medical

Journal of Indonesia 14(4): 197-203.

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34. Rahayu S, Sumitro SB, Susilowati T. 2005. Genetic variation of Bali cattle based on

isoenzyme pattern. Reproductive Biotechnology for Improved Animal Breeding in

Southeast Asia. Pp. 163.

35. Rachmawati A, Sumitro SB, Susilawati T. 2005. Pattern of ram and bull sperm

acrosomal reaction following the addition of bovine pellucida 3 (bZP3). Reproductive

Biotechnology for Improved Animal Breeding in Southeast Asia. Pp. 215.

36. Hinting A, Hanizar E, Sumitro SB.2006. RBM and DAZ genes deletion , a

nonspecificmarker for man infertility.International Conference of Advance

Reproductive Technology. 2526 February, 2006.

37. Aulanniam A, Soeatmadji DW, Sumitro SB. 2006. Konfirmasi spesifitas GAD65 terhadap

antiGAD65 pada tikus DM dan pasien DM tipe 1. Journal of Biological Researches 11(2):

125-128. doi: 10.23869/bphjbr.11.2.20065.

38. Sumitro SB, Rahayu S, Susilawati T, Soemarno S. 2006. Identifikasi polimorfisme gen gh

(growth hormone) sapi Bali dengan metode PCR-RFLP. Journal of Biological Researches

12(1): 7-11. doi: 10.23869/bphjbr.12.1.20062.

39. Rahayu S, Sumitro SB, Susilawati T, Soemarno. 2006. Analisis Isoenzim untuk

mempelajari variasi genetik sapi Bali di Provinsi Bali. Berkala Penelitian Hayati 12(1): 1-


40. Astirin OP, Sumitro SB. 2006. Isocitrate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and ɑ-

glycerophosphate dehydrogenase polymorphysm enzyme of black tiger shrimp

(Penaeus monodon Fab.) which is hydrogen sulfide resistant. Biodiversitas Journal of

Biological Diversity7(3): 203-207.

41. Dewi Olly, Widodo A., Husnul, K., Cisca N., Permatasari, N., Sargowo, J., Sumitro, S.B.

2007. Calcium concentration in the cytoplasm of HUVECS culture exposed to High

glucose concentration is dynamically regulated and time dependent. Journal of

Hypertension 24: 231-231.

42. Chiu PCN, Wong BST, Lee CL, Pang RRT, Lee K-F, Sumitro SB, Gupta SK,Yeung WSB.

2007. Biological activities of native human zona pellucida glycoproteins on acrosome

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reaction, hyperactivation and spermatozoa-zona pellucida binding. Human

Reproduction 1-9

43. Chiu PCN, Wong BST, Lee CL, Pang RTK, Lee K-F,Sumitro SB, Gupta SK and Yeung WSB.

2008.Native human zona pellucida glycoproteins: purification and binding properties.

Human Reproduction23(6): 1385-1393.

44. Chiu PCN, Wong BST, Chung M-K, Lam KKW, Pang RTK, Lee K-F, Sumitro SB, Gupta SK,

Yeung WSB. 2008. Effect of native human zona pellucida glycoproteins 3 and 4 on

acrosome reaction and zona pellucida binding of human spermatozoa. Biology of

Reproduction 79(5): 869-877.

45. Sutini B, Wardiyati T, Widoretno W, Sumitro SB. 2008. Meningkatkan produksi flavan-

3-OL melalui kalus Camellia sinensis L. dengan elisator Cu 2+. Berkala Penelitian Hayati

14(1): 39-44.

46. Pudjirahaju A, Rustidja, Sumitro SB. 2008. Gynotype investigation of common carp

(Cyprinus carpio L.) Punten gynogenetic strain. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan

Indonesia 15(1): 13-19.

47. Chiu CN, Gupta SK, Sumitro SB, Yeung SB .2008.Purification of Native Human Zona

Pellucida Glycoproteins from Eggs: Binding Characteristics to Human Spermatozoa,

Hyperactivation, Acrosomal Exocytosis, and Sperm-OocyteInteraction. 41st Annual

Meeting of Society for the Study of Reproduction“Reproductive Biology.Basic

Discoveries that Affect Our Lives”27–30 May 2008. Hawaii.

48. Chiu CN, Wong BS, Lee CL, Chung M-K, Lam KK, Pang RTK, Lee CFK, Sumitro SB, Gupta

SK, Yeung WSB. 2008. Purification of native human zona pellucida glycoproteins from

eggs: binding characteristics of human spermatozoa, hyper-activation, acrosomal

exocytosis, and sperm-oocyte interaction. The Society for the Study of Reproduction

41th Annual Meeting, Hawaii, May 27-30, 2008.

49. Sumitro SB. 2009. Nanobiology concept for divine filter, a holistic point of view

ofcellular and molecular biology attempting to reduce harm of cigarette

smoke,GeneralLecture in front of Graduate Students ofSTIH,ITB.

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50. Hazmi M, Iskandar I, Sumitro SB, Sugiharto B. 2009. Studi penggunaan pangkal tunas

tebu Saccharum officinarum L invitro sebagai eksplan transformasi DNA dengan vektor

Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Journal of Biological Researches 3A: 81-85.

51. Hayati A, Sumitro SB, Samino S. 2009. Detection of differentiation processes on

embryo development of landak laut (Toxopneustes pileolus). Jurnal Chimera 5(2).

52. Gretha Z, Sumitro SB. 2010. The living energy of Life: Arbitrary mercury sensitizer in

rhombohedron shape is noted for moderator water important for living system.


53. Paramita S, Soewarto S, Sumitro SB. 2010. High parity and hormonal contraception use

as risk factors for cervical cancer in East Kalimantan. Medical Journal of Indonesia

19(4): 268-272.

54. Sumitro SB, Zahar G. 2010.The relativistic character of mercury is important factor in

deteriorating the living system.A new vision about the effect of sub atomic character

of mercury in the living system,ICEME 2010,April 6th – 9th, 2010 – Orlando, Florida,


55. Pramana WH, Widyarti S, SumitroSB. 2010. The biological effect of divine smoke

interacting with human nano particulates on BSR of rats. Basic Science Seminar 6,


56. Wahjuningsih S, Hardjopranjoto S, Sumitro SB. 2010. Effect of ethylene glycol

concentration and length of exposure on in vitro fertility of bovine oocyte. Jurnal

Kedokteran Hewan 4(2): 61-64.

57. Sumitro SB. (2010).Ethno-botany of tobacco, the Impact of reductionism in modern

medical science and globalization. Key note Speaker of CGIG International Conference,

Malang, Indonesia.

58. Noor Z, Sumitro SB. 2010. How correlation between micro/nanostructure and with

atomic configuration in Indonesian osteoporises phenomenon. Osteoporosis

International 21: 729-730.

59. Sumitro SB. (Accepted for presentation on ICEME 2011):Study onbiradical base

complex sructure:A possible way to find out natural nanoparticles from the human

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body. Invited Paper, Proceeding of International Conference on Metaengineering,

Orlando, USA ([email protected]).

60. Noor Z, Sumitro SB, Hidayat M, Rahim AH, Sabarudin A, Umemura T. 2011. Bone

strength and atomic mineral characters in osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International 22:


61. Noor Z, Sumitro SB, Hidayat M, Rahim AH, Taufiq A. 2011. Microstructure and

hydroxyapatite crystal on Indonesian osteoporisis phenomenon. Osteoporosis

International 22: 256-266.

62. SB. Sumitro, Yudhi A., G. Zahar (2011).The role of mercury in nucleation of smoke

particulates of cigarette smoke (preparation for publication).

63. Akmal M, Widodo MA, Sumitro SB, Purnomo BB. 2011. Inhibin B: kandidat kontrasepsi

pria berbasis hormon peptida. Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan 5(1): 6-10.

64. Muchtaromah B, Sumitro SB. 2011. Kemampuan anti mayor physiological protein

substrat ecto cyclic AMP independent serin/theonin protein kinase (MPS ecto-CIK)

dalam menghambat viabilitas spermatozoa kambing dan sapi. Jurnal Kedokteran

Hewan 5(1): 27-32.

65. Soebagjo HD, Hoesin F, Notobroto HB, Sumitro SB. 2011. Histopathologic profile

grading of haematoxylene eosin on retinoblastoma stadium. Jurnal Oftamology

Indonesia 7(5): 194-199.

66. Zahar G, Sumitro SB. 2011. Divine kretek, rokok sehat. Masyarakat Bangga Produk

Indonesia (MBPI)Jakarta.

67. Aulanni’am, Akmal M, Widodo MA, Sumitro SB, Purnomo BB. 2011. Inhibition of

inhibin B on protamine P2 molecule expression in head of rat (Rattus norvegicus)

sperm. Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan 5(2): 78-83.

68. Noor Z, Sumitro SB, Hidayat M, Rahim AH, Sabarudin A, Umemura T. 2012. Atomic

mineral characteristics of Indonesian osteoporosis by high-resolution inductively

coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The Scientific World Journal 2012: 1-7. Doi:


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69. Kurniawati M, Sumitro SB. 2012. Analisis titer antibodi bovine zona pellucida 3 (anti-

bZP3) hasil induksi bovine zona pellucida 3 (bZP3) pada kera (Macaca fascicularis). The

Journal of Experimental Life Science 2(1): 49-55.

70. Baszary CDU, Sumitro SB, Djati MS, Widjajanto E. 2012. Pengaruh induksi epidermal

growth factor (EGF) terhadap protein Cx43 selama ekspansi sel kumulus. Jurnal

Kedokteran Hewan 6(1): 36-40.

71. Sumitro SB. 2012. Self assembly and magnetism of living biological molecules. Journal

of Biological Researches 17(2): 127-129. doi: 10.23869/bphjbr.17.2.20121.

72. Boediono A, Sumitro, Hinting A, Aulani AM, Susilowati T. 2012. Isolation and

identification of transforming growth factor β from in vitro matured cumulus oocyte

complexes. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 19(1): 6-10.

73. Muchtaromah B, Sumitro SB, Soemarno S, Susilawati T. 2012. Isolasi dan karakterisasi

protein 100kDa dari membran kepala spermatozoa kambing. The Journal of

Experimental Life Science 2(1): 13-19.

74. Arumingtyas EL, Sumitro SB, Sudjindro. 2012. Identification of DNA photolyase gene of

drought tolerance branching line of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.). American Journal of

Plant Sciences 3(6): 810-815.

75. Toha AHA, Pramana A, Sumitro SB, Hakim L, Widodo. 2012. Penentuan jenis kelamin

bulu babi Tripneustes gratilla secara morfologi. Journal of Biological Researches 17:

211-215. doi: 10.23869/bphjbr.17.2.201214.

76. Toha AHA, Sumitro SB, Hakim L, Widodo W. 2012.Kondisi habitat bulu babi Tripneustes

gratilla (linnaeus, 1758) di Teluk Cenderawasih. Journal of Biological Researches 17(2):

139-145. doi: 10.23869/bphjbr.17.2.20123.

77. Noor Z, Sumitro SB, Hidayat M, Rahim AH. 2012. Mesostructure and atomic mineral

characters on osteoporosis phenomenon. Journal of the Indonesian Medical

Association 62(10): 391-396.

78. Asri MT, Chaelani SR, Rahardjo BT, Sumitro SB. 2013. Mechanism of infection

Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrosis multiple virus (SpltMNPV) on midgut epithelial

cell army worm (Spodoptera litura) observed by TEM. Agrivita 35(1): 88-94.

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79. Asri MT, Chaelani SR, Rahardjo BT, Sumitro SB. 2013. The spreading of Spodoptera

litura multiple nucleopolyhedrosis virus in midgut of third instar of Spodoptera litura

larvae. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science 3(4): 40-43.

80. Roini C, Corebima AD, Sumitro SB, Zubaidah S. 2013. Kajian miskonsepsi genetika dan

upaya mengatasinya dengan pembelajaran peta konsep dan inkuiri terbimbing

menggunakan perangkat berpendekatan konsep pada SMA berkategori berbeda.

Disertasi dan Tesis Program Pascasarjana, State University of Malang, Indonesia.

81. Kakisina P, Ciptadi G, Indra R, Djati MS, Sumitro SB. 2013. Leptin activates mitogen

activated protein kinase pathways in goat oocytes through increased erk expression

and concentration, p90 ribosom S kinase. International Journal of Academic Research

5(4): 10-17.

82. Kania N, Setiawan B, Widjajanto E, Widodo MA, Sumitro SB, Kusuma HMSC. 2013.

Effect of combined inhalation of coal dust and cigarette smoking on

haematobiochemical parameters. Cukurova Medical Journal 38(4): 547-552.

83. Soebagjo HD, Prastyani R, Sujuti H, Lyrawati D, Sumitro SB. 2013. Profile of

retinoblastoma in East Java, Indonesia. International Journal of Epidemiology &

Infection 1(3): 51-56.

84. Kakisina P, Ciptadi G, Indra R, Djati MS, Sumitro SB. 2013. Leptin activates maturation

promoting factor through protein 34 cell devision cycle 2 phosphorilation by cell

devision cycle 25A. Journal of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences 4(1).

85. Zaenuri LA, Susilawati T, Sumitro SB, Wahyuningsih S. 2013. The prospect of local fig

fruit (Ficus glumerata Rob) extract to preserve goat sperm motility. Jurnal Kedokteran

Hewan 7(1): 26-28.

86. Noor Z, Sumitro SB, Hidayat M, Rahim AH. 2013. Karakteristik atom mineral pada

osteoporosis dengan arsitektur porosis dan nonporosis. Majalah Kedokteran Bandung

45(1): 23-27.

87. Soeatmadji DW, Sumitro SB, Fatchiyah F. 2013. Kit diagnostik antibodi GAD65 untuk

pasien pre diabetes mellitus. Patent and Invention (Granted).

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88. Rofi’i A, Fatchiyah F, Rahayu P, Muhyi R, Sumitro SB. 2013. Reactive oxygen species,

NF-ĸB, and p53 levels in tissue of undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science 2(2): 143-147.

89. Simamora D, Sumitro SB, Fitri LE. 2013. Intervensi cytoadherence sebagai peluang

untuk pencegahan dan terapi malaria berat. Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya 22(2): 64-72.

90. Primiani CN, Lestari U, Amin M, Sumitro SB. 2013. Comparative study of effects

daidzein contained in yam tuber Pachyrhizus erosus and pure daidzein: the dynamics

of chemical compounds and its potential in myometrium. Journal of Biological

Researches 18(2): 1-7. doi: 10.23869/bphjbr.18.2.201310.

91. Mubarakati NJ, Aulanni’am A, Sumitro SB, Ciptadi G. 2014. Bovine and human zona

pellucida 3 gene glycans site prediction using in silico analysis. The Journal of Tropical

Life Science 4(3): 206-209.

92. Toha AHA, Binur R, Suhaemi, Lutfi, Hakim L, Widodo N, Sumitro SB. 2014. Genetic

aspects of the commercially used sea urchin Tripneustes gratila. Journal of Biological

Researches 20(1): 12-17. doi: 10.23869/bphjbr.20.1.20143.

93. Lestari U, Aulanni’am A, Purnomo BB, Sumitro SB. 2013. Human sperm protein 116

kDa: a candidate antigen for immunocontraception technology. Journal of Biological

Researches 18(2): 86-90. doi: 10.23869/bphjbr.18.2.20131.

94. Zaenuri LA, Susilawati T, Wahyuningsih S, Sumitro SB. 2014. Preservation effect of

crude fig fruit filtrate (Ficus carica L) added in to tris egg yolk based extender on

capacitating, acrosome and fertility of half blood buck spermatozoa. IOSR Journal of

Agriculture and Veterinary Science 7(5): 60-66.

95. Zaenuri LA, Susilawati T, Wahyuningsih S, Sumitro SB. 2014. Effects of additional crude

extract of fig fruit (Ficus carica L) into tris egg yolk based extender on quality of buck

semen. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science 7(5): 60-68.

96. Widowati W, Wijaya L, Bachtiar I, Gunanegara RF, Sugeng SU, Irawan YA, Sumitro SB,

Widodo MA. 2014. Effect of oxygen tension on proliferation and characteristics of

Wharton’s jelly derived mesenchymal stem cells. Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine

6(1): 43-48.

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97. Mubarakati NJ, Aulanni’am A, Sumitro SB, Ciptadi G. 2014. Bovine and human zona

pellucida 3 gene glycans site prediction using in silico analysis. The Journal of Tropical

Life Science 4(3): 206-209.

98. Purnomo Y, Soeatmadji DW, Sumitro SB, Widodo MA. 2014. PO145 the comparison of

activity dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitor between Urena lobata and Tithonia

diversifolia leaf extract. Posters Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 106(Supp 1):


99. Toha AHA, Sumitro SB, Widodo, Hakim L. 2015. Color diversity and distribution of sea

urchin Tripneustes gratilla in Cenderawasih Bay ecoregion of Papua, Indonesia. The

Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 41(3): 273-278.

100. Antoninus AA, Widowati W, Wijaya L, Agustina D, Puradisastra S, Sumitro SB, Widodo

MA, Bachtiar I. 2015. Human platelet lysate enhances the proliferation of Wharton’s

jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine 7(3): 87-97.

101. Khotimah H, Sumitro SB, Ali M, Widodo MA. 2015. Standardized Centella asiatica

increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor and decreased apoptosis of dopaminergic

neuron in rotenone-induced zebrafish. GSTF Journal of Psychology 2(1): 22-27.

102. Akmal M, Aulanni’am, Widodo MA, Sumitro SB, Purnomo BB, Siregar TN, Hambal M,

Amiruddin, Syafruddin, Aliza D, Sayuti A, Adam M, Armansyah T, Rahmi E. 2015. Inhibin

B decrease the concentration of folicle stimulating hormone (FSH) on white rat (Rattus

norvegicus): the development of peptide based male hormonal contraception. Jurnal

Kedokteran Hewan 9(1): 42-46.

103. Purnomo Y, Soeatmadji DW, Sumitro SB, Widodo MA. 2015. Anti-diabetic potential of

urena lobata leaf extract through inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity. Asian

Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 5(8): 645-649.

104. Purnomo Y, Soeatmadji DW, Sumitro SB, Widodo MA. 2015. Anti-hiperglycemic effect

of Urena lobataleaf extract by inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) on diabetic

rats. 7: 1073-1079.

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105. Khotimah H, Ali M, Sumitro SB, Widodo MA. 2015. Decreasing ɑ-synuclein aggregation

by methanolic extract of Centella asiatica in zebrafish Parkinson’s model. Asian Pacific

Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 5(11): 948-954.

106. Widowati W, Wijaya L, Murti H, Widyastuti H, Agustina D, Laksmitawati DR, Fauziah N,

Sumitro SB, Widodo MA, Bachtiar I. 2015. Conditioned medium from normoxia

(WJMSCs-norCM) and hypoxia-treated WJMSCs (WJMSCs-hypoCM) in inhibiting cancer

cell proliferation. Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine 7(1): 8-17.

107. Noor Z, Hidayat M, Rahim AH, Sumitro SB. 2015. Bone microstructure and atomic

periodic disharmonization in osteoporosis. Universa Medicina 31(2): 96-104.

108. Suhargo L, Sumitro SB, Widodo N. 2015. Computational study of oxidized linoleic acid

on dipeptidyl peptidase-4 shedding. Proceeding of 6th ICGRC 134-136.

109. Ibrahim M, Widjajanto E, Widodo A, Sumitro SB. 2015. EMSA eritin drives expansion of

regulatory T cells and promotes T cells differentiation in irradiated mice. Journal of

Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 21(3): 171-176.

110. Ibrahim M, Widodo MA, Sumitro SB, Widjajanto E. 2015. The protective effects of

polyherbal extracts of soybeans, coconut water, and brown rice (EMSA eritin) on

stromal cell-derived factor 1 production in radiated mice. Biomarkers and Genomic

Medicine 7(4): 147-153.

111. Susanti N, Nissa C, Serina SN, Ratnawati R, Nurdiana, Sumitro SB, Soeatmadji DW,

Kulsum U, Widodo MA, Widjanarko SB. 2015. Supplementation of glucomannan

derived from Konjac flour improve glucose homeostasis and reduce insulin resistance

in diabetes rat models. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 14(12): 913-918.

112. Oktaviana I, Sumitro SB, Lestari U. 2015. Pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis penelitian

karakterisasi protein membran sperma pada matakuliah bioteknologi. Florea Jurnal

Biology & Pembelajarannya 2(2): 33-42.

113. Sihombing MAL, Sumitro SB, Rifa’i M. 2015. EMSA eritin blocks nuclear factor-kappa B

in diabetes mellitus mice model. The Journal of Experimental Life Science 5(1): 24-30.

114. Ibrahim M, Widjajanto E, Widodo MA, Sumitro SB. 2015. Adequate stimulation of

hematopoietic stem cell proliferation by a polyherbal formulation (EMSA eritin) leading

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to lymphocyte differentiation in BALB/c mice after radiation. Biomarkers and Genomic

Medicine 7(3): 110-115.

115. Khotimah H, Sumitro SB, Widodo MA. 2015. Zebrafish Parkinson’s model: rotenone

decrease motility, dopamine, and increase ɑ-synuclein aggregation and apoptosis of

zebrafish brain. International Journal of PharmTech Research 8(4): 614-621.

116. Purnomo Y, Soeatmadji DW, Sumitro SB, Widodo MA. 2015. Effect of Urena

lobataleaves extract on glucagon like peptide-1 serum level by inhibition of dipeptidyl

peptidase-IV on diabetic rats. 中国药理学与毒理学杂志 1(1).

117. Akmal M, Aulanni’am A, Widodo MA, Sumitro SB, Purnomo BB, Widodo. 2016. The

important role of protamine in spermatogenesis and quality of sperm: a mini review.

Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 5(5): 357-360.

118. Santoso AM, Amin M, Sumitro SB, Lukiaty B. 2016. Method for determining

transcription factors (TFs) of gene β-AMYRIN synthase encoded using in silico

approach: a case study in plant model. Prosiding Seminar Nasional II Tahun 2016.


119. Rahmawati NY, Harisna AH, Khoirunnisa W, Yasvinawati N, Sumitro SB. 2016.

Production and characterization of nanosilica from baggase through biosynthesis using

Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Journal of Nnoscience and Nanotechnology 16(6): 6114-6118.

120. Wedagama DM, Widjajanto, Parijianto B, Sumitro SB.Nano chitosan shrimp shell

(Nephropidae) for dentistry application. International Journal of Applied Engineering

Research 11(14): 8140-8144.

121. Retnaningtyas E, Sumitro SB, Soeatmadji DW, Widjajanto E. 2016. Molecular dynamics

simulation for revealing the role of water molecules on conformational change of

human serum albumin.International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

8(3): 158-161.

122. Widowati W, Murti H, Jasaputra DK, Sumitro SB, Widodo A, Fauziah N, Maesaroh M,

Bachtiar I. 2016. Selective cytotoxic potential of IFN-g and TNF-a on breast cancer cell

line (T47D and MCF7). Asian Journal of Cell Biology 11(1): 1-12.

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123. Maulina D, Sumitro SB, Amin M, Lestari SR. 2016. Kajian kebutuhan bahan ajar mata

kuliah biologi sel di Universitas Lampung. Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah Biologi Sel di

Universitas Lampung. Seminar Nasional Pendidikan dan Saintek 2016 942-945.

124. Sumitro SB. 2016. Perspektif nano science dalam ilmu hayati (The whole is greater and

smarter than the sum of the parts). Prosiding Seminar Nasional form Basic Science to

Comprehensive Education. 26 Agustus 2016. Makassar. 1-4.

125. Listijani S, Sumitro SB, Widodo. 2016. The role of oxydant on dipeptidyl peptidase-4

enzyme in benig prostatic hyperplasian through computational study. International

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 8(5): 293-296.

126. Soebagjo HD, Fatmariyanti S, Lutfi D, Aulanni’am, Sumitro SB. 2016. The role of p53

protein expression in retinoblastoma. European Journal of Biomedical and

Pharmaceutical Sciences 3(7): 1-7.

127. Widowati W, Widyastuti H, Murti H, Laksmitawati DR, Maesaroh M, Sumitro SB,

Widodo MA, Bachtiar I. 2016. WITHDRAWN: interleukins and VEGF secretome of

human Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells-conditioned medium (hWJMSCs-CM)

in different passages and oxygen tensions. Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine. Doi:


128. Noor Z, Sumitro SB, Hidayat M, Rahim AH, Taufiq A. 2016. Assessment of

microarchitecture and crystal structure of hydroxyapatite in osteoporosis.Universa

Medicina 30(1): 29-35.

129. Sulfahri, Amin M, Sumitro SB, Saptasari M. 2016. Bioethanol production from algae

Spirogyra hyalina using Zymomonas mobilis. Biofuels 7(6): 621-626.

130. Santoso AM, Amin M, Sumitro SB, Lukiati B. 2016. Identifikasi ragam protein faktor

transkripsi gen β-AS Arabidopsis thaliana dalam biosintesis saponin. Prosiding Seminar

Nasional Biologi 1: 62-65.

131. Purnomo Y, Soeatmadji DW, Sumitro SB, Widodo MA. 2017. Incretin effect of Urena

lobata leaves extract on structure and function of rats islet β-cells. Journal of

Traditional and Complementary Medicine 7(3): 301-306.

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132. Kiptiyah K, Widodo W, Ciptadi G, Aulanni’am A, Widodo A, Sumitro SB. 2017. 10-

gingerol as an inducer of apoptosis through HTR1A in cumulus cells: in-vitro and in-

silico studies. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences. doi:


133. Pristiwanto B, Soewondo A, Sumitro SB, Rifa’i M. 2017. Inhibition of toll-like receptor

3-4 with ethanolic extract of propolis on innate immunity in diabetes mellitus mice

(Mus muculus). AIP Conference Proceedings 1844. Doi: 10.1063/1.4983419.

134. Sulfahri, Amin M, Sumitro SB, Saptasari M. 2017. Comparison of biomass production

from algae Spirogyra hyalina and Spirogyra peipingensis. Biofuels 8(3): 359-366.

135. Widowati W, Rihibiha DD, Khiong K, Widodo MA, Sumitro SB, Bachtiar I. 2017. Hypoxia

in mesenchymal stem cell. InTech. Doi: 10.5772/65510.

136. Toha AHA, Sumitro SB, Hakim L, Widodo N, Binur R, Suhaemi S, Anggoro AW. 2017.

Biology of the commercially used sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla (Linnaeus, 1758)

(Echinoidea: Echinodermata). Ocean Life. 1(1): 1-10.

137. Novrial D, Riwanto I, Sumitro SB, Wijaya I. 2017. The effects of cigarette smoke

nanoparticles in the colorectal carcinogenesis of wistar rats. Journal of Biological

Researches 23(1): 6-12. doi: 10.23869/bphjbr.23.1.20172.

138. Widowati W, Widyastuti H, Murti H, Laksmitawati DR, Kusuma HSW, Rizal R, Afifah E,

Sumitro SB, Widodo MA, Bachtiar I. Interleukins and VEGF secretome of human

wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells-conditioned medium (hwjmscs-CM) in

different passages and oxygen tensions. Bioscience Research 14(4): 776-787.

139. Kurniati R, Utomo DH, Rahayu S, Widodo N, Sumitro SB. 2017. Molecular interaction of

zp3 to zp3r reveals a cross-species fertilization mechanism. Asian Pacific Journal of

Reproduction 6(3): 116-120.

140. Novrial D, Riwanto I, Sumitro SB, Wijaya I. 2017. Cigarette smoke induces colorectal

carcinogenesis in wistar rats by decreasing the expression of APC, MSH2 and MLH1.

Biosaintifika 9(1): 66-72.

Peer reviewer/ Editor Experiences of Scientific Journals:

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1. Editor for NaturalJournal, The Journal of Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

Brawijaya University

2. Editor in Chief for Journal of Biological Researches

3. Editorial Member of Jurnal Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

4. Editor for Berkala Kedokteran

5. Editor forJurnal Ilmu-ilmu Hayati

6. Editor in Chieffor REPROTECH, The Journal for Reproductive Science and Technology

7.Editor for Indonesian Biomedical Journal

Participation on Professional Organization

1. Members of Indonesian Biologist Association (Scientific Committee; East Java Province

Coordinator for 2001-2004)

2. Head of Research group Forum of Molecular and Cellular Studies of Brawijaya


3. International Advisory board for Asia Pacific Organization on Cell Biology (APOCB)

4. Organizer of Indonesian Biotechnology Association

5. Head of Advisory committee PATRI (Indonesian Reproductive Technology Association)

Administrative experiences:

1. Head of Biological laboratory of Brawijaya University 1980-1982.

2. Head of Laboratory of Physiology and Cell Culture of Department of Biology, Brawijaya

University, 1990-1995.

3. Head of Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Brawijaya University 1996-2002

4. Dean ofFaculty of Science, Malang Islamic University,1992-1994.

5. Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, 1994-2000.

6. Director of Sub Project Management Unit of Technological and Skill Development

Project for Brawijaya University 2001-2004.

7. Executive Director of Development for Undergraduate Education (Due-like) Project for

Brawijaya University 2002-2003.

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8. Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology,Malang Islamic State University 2007- 2009

9. Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology,Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic State

University 2009-2013.

Consultant experiences:

1. International Development Program (IDP) Consultant for Development of Basic

Biological laboratory at Mataram University, 1992.

2. GTZ consultant for Laboratory management ofN-55 Project 1994-1996.

3. Curriculum development consultant of Biology Study Program, Airlangga University 2003

and 2004.

4. Research and Scientific Publication Development of Biology Study Program, ITS 2005.

5. Molecular Biology Laboratory Development consultant for Department of Biology,

faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University 2010.

Foreign Language Ability:

English (good speaking and writing), and Japanese (good speaking, and fairly writing)