Only for Rough Work NTS-MAT-18 X M7 1 of 52 Pæàí¨ÜÅ ÓÜíPæàñÜ AíPÜ Ü®Ü PÜÅÊÜ ÞíPÜ ±ÜÅÍ氱ܣÅPæ Êæ áíoÇ… G¹Èq pæÓ…r ®æ¿á C¿áñæ¤ KANNADA (PÜ®Ü °vÜ ) ©®ÝíPÜ : 4 ®ÜÊæ ØíŸÃÜ 2018 ÊÝÃÜ : ÃÜËÊÝÃÜ (ÓÜÊÜá¿á : 10.30 Äí¨Ü 12.30 ) Joár WÜá|WÜÙÜá : 100 ÓÜÊÜ á¿á : 120 ¯ËáÐÜ WÜÙÜá Êæ ãñܤ ±Ü âoWÜÙÜá : 52

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    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 1 of 52

    Pæàí Ü̈Å ÓÜíPæàñÜ AíPÜ



    ÊæáíoÇ… G¹Èq pæÓ…r

    ®æ¿á C¿áñæ¤KANNADA (PܮܰvÜ)

    ©®ÝíPÜ : 4 ®ÜÊæØíŸÃÜ 2018 ÊÝÃÜ : ÃÜËÊÝÃÜ

    (ÓÜÊÜá¿á : 10.30 Äí Ü̈ 12.30 )

    Joár WÜá|WÜÙÜá : 100

    ÓÜÊÜá¿á : 120 ¯ËáÐÜWÜÙÜá Êæãñܤ ±ÜâoWÜÙÜá : 52

  • ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÚWæ EñܤÃÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° ŸÃæ¿ááÊÜ Êæã¨ÜÆá ÊÜááí©®Ü ÓÜãaÜ®æWÜÙÜ®Üá° GaÜcÄPæÀáí Ü̈ K©Ä. ¯ÊÜá¾EñܤÃÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° ÓÜí¿ááPܤ EñܤÃÜ ±Ü£ÅPæ¿á ÊæáàÇæ ŸÃæ¿á¸æàPÜá.

    1. ¨Ü¿áËoár ̄ ÊÜá¾ Pæàí¨ÜÅ ÓÜíPæàñÜ AíPÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠBÓÜ®Ü PÜÅÊÜÞíPÜÊÜ®Üá° ÓÜíTæ¿áÈÉ ÓÜáÓܳÐÜrÊÝX ŸÃæÀáÄ.(Jí¨Üá aèPÜqr®ÜÈÉ Jí¨æà WÜá|¨Üíñæ). ÓÜÌíñÜ BÓÜ®Ü PÜÅÊÜÞíPÜ ŸÃæ¿ááÊÜ Êæã¨ÜÆá A¨ÜáÓÜÄ¿ÞX æ̈ÁáíŸá¨Ü®Üá° ̄ «ÜìÄÔPæãÚÛÄ. ¿ÞÊÜâ æ̈à aèPÜ ¹oár ÖæãàWÜ̈ Ü ÖÝWæ GaÜcÄPæ ÊÜ×ÔÄ.±ÜÅÍæ° ±Ü£ÅPæ ÊÜáñÜᤠEñܤÃÜ ±Ü£ÅPæ¿á Êæáà騆 aèPÜqr®ÜÈÉ BÓÜ®Ü PÜÅÊÜÞíPÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠPæàí¨ÜÅ ÓÜíPæàñÜAíPÜ CÊÜâWÜÙÜÈÉ¿á ±ÜÅ£Áãí¨Üá AíPÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠÍÜã®ÜÂÊÜ®Üá° ÓÜÖÜ ÁãàWÜ ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉ ŸÃæÀáÄ.



    2. ±ÜÅ£Áãí¨Üá ±ÜÅÍæ°Wæ Jí¨Üá WÜá| CÃÜáñܤ¨æ.3. GÆÉ ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜ®Üá° ¹wÓÜáÊÜâ¨Üá BÊÜÍÜÂPÜ CÃÜáñܤ¨æ. B¨ÜªÄí Ü̈ EñܤÃÜ ŸÃæ¿ááÊÜ Êæã¨ÜÆá ÓÜí±Üä|ì

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    ±ÜſᣰÔÄ.5. ¿ÞÊÜâ¨Ý¨ÜÃÜã ±ÜÅÍæ°¿á EñܤÃÜ ŸÃÜ©¨ÜªÈÉ A¨ÜPÝRX ÖæaÜác ÓÜÊÜá¿á ÖÝPܸæàwÄ. ÊÜááí©®Ü

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    6. ±ÜÅÍæ °WÜÙÜ®Üá ° ¹wÓÜÆá ¯ÊÜáWæ ŸÖÜÙÜ PÜwÊæá ÓÜÊÜá¿á˨æ. ÖÝWÝX A¨Ü®Üá ° ÓÜÄ¿ÞXE±ÜÁãàXÔPæãÚÛÄ.

    7. ÆPÜÒ Â¨ÜÈÉwÄ & ¯ÊÜáWæ EñܤÃÜÊÜ®Üá° ÓÜí¿ááPܤ EñܤÃÜ ±Ü£ÅPæ¿á ÊæáíoÇ… G¹Èq pæÓ…r(Mental Ability Test) D Ë»ÝWܨÜÈÉ ®æãàí¨ÝÀáÓܸæàPÝX¨æ.

    8. ±ÜÅ£Áãí¨Üá ±ÜÅÍæ°¿á EñܤÃÜPÝRX ±ÜÅÍ氱ܣÅPæ¿áÈÉ ±Ü¿Þì¿áÊÜ®Üá° PæãvÜÇÝX¨æ. AÊÜâWÜÙÜÈɯÊÜáWæ ÓÜÄ G¯Ô¨Ü ±Ü¿Þì¿á PÜÅÊÜÞíPÜÊÜ®Üá° ®æãàwÄ ÊÜáñÜᤠB PÜÅÊÜÞíPÜÊÜ®Üá° PܱÜâ³ ÓÝÂ×à±æ¯°¯í¨Ü ÊÜêñܤ ÖÝQ B EñܤÃÜ ŸÃæÀáÄ. B¨ÜÃæ D PæÆÓÜÊÜ®Üá° ¯ÊÜá¾ EñܤÃÜ ±Ü£ÅPÜ¿á ÊæáàÇæÁãàWÜ ±ÜÅÍæ°¿á ÊÜááí¨æ ÊÜÞvܸæàPÜá. ±ÜÅÍæ° ±Ü£ÅPæ¿á ÊæáàÇæ ¸æàvÜ.

    9. Ü̈¿áËoár D ±ÜâÓܤPÜ̈ ÜÈÉ Pæàí Ü̈Å ÓÜíPæàñÜ AíPÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠBÓÜ®Ü PÜÅÊÜÞíPÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠPÜaÝc PæÆÓÜ Ü̈ ÖæãÃÜñÝXEÚ Ü̈ H®Ü®Üã° ŸÃæ¿áPÜãvÜ̈ Üá.

    10. DWÜ ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÚWæ EñܤÃÜ ŸÃæ¿áÆá BÃÜí¼ÔÄ.


    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 2 of 48

  • Read the following instructions carefully before you answer the questions. Answers are tobe given on the separate answer-sheet.

    1. Please write your Centre Code and Seat No. very clearly (only one digit in on block).Before writing your Seat No. get it ascertained from the Centre Conductor. Please see thatno block is left unfilled and even zeros appearing in the Centre Code and Seat No. arecorrectly transferred to the appropriate blocks on the cooklet and on the answer sheet.

    Example :

    For all subsequent purposes your Centre Code and Seat No. shall remain the same. Centreonce alloted will not be changed

    2. All questions carry one mark each.

    3. Since all questions are compulsory do not try to read through the whole question paperbefore beginning to answer it.

    4. Begin with the first question and keep on trying one question after another till you finish.

    5. If you do not know the answer to any question, do not spend much time on it and pass onto the next one. Time permitting you can come back to the questions which you have leftin the first instance and try them again.

    6. Since the time alloted is very short you should make best use of it. The rough work is tobe done in the box given undar each page.

    7. Remember you have to mark on your answers in “Mental Ability Test” answer-sheetonly.

    8. Answer to each question is to be indicated in the answer-sheet by encircling with black penin the appropriate number of alternative inthe answer-sheet from amongst the ones given forthe corresponding question in the test booklet.

    9. Do not write anything except Centre Code Seat No. and rough work anywhere in this book-let.

    10. Now turn to the next page and start answering the questions.

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 3 of 48

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 4 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    ÊæáíoÇ… G¹Èq pæÓ…r

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 1 ÊÜáñÜᤠ2 ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& ËÓÜíWÜñÜ ±Ü¨Ü WÜáÃÜá£ÔÄ.

    1. (2) JKMNX(1) ABDEF

    (3) GHJKR (4) IJLMT

    2. (1) CEG18 (2) KMO42(3) UWY70 (4) RTV63

    ±ÜÅ. PÜÅí. 3 Äí¨Ü 5 ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& Êæã¨ÜÆ®æ¿á BPÜꣿá GÃÜvÜ®æ¿á BPÜê£Áãí©Wæ ¿ÞÊÜ Äࣿá ÓÜíŸí«Ü C æ̈.A æ̈à Äࣿá ÓÜíŸí«Ü ÊÜáãÃÜ®æ¿á ÊÜáñÜᤠ®ÝÆR®æ¿á BPÜê£WÜÙÜÈÉ C¨æ. B ÓÜíŸí«Ü Íæãà—Ô ±ÜÅÍæ°bÖæ°¿á ÓܧÙÜ Ü̈ÈÉ ŸÃÜáÊÜ ÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á Íæãà—ÔÄ.


    (1) (2) (3) (4)


    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 5 of 52

    Mental Ability Test

    Q. 1 & 2 : Find the odd term.

    1. (1) ABDEF (2) JKMNX(3) GHJKR (4) IJLMT

    2. (1) CEG18 (2) KMO42(3) UWY70 (4) RTV63

    Q. 3 to 5 : Direction : In the following questions there is a specific relation between the firstand the second figure. The same relationship exists between the third and thefourth figure which will replace the question mark. Select the correct figure fromthe alternatives given below each question.


    (1) (2) (3) (4)


    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 6 of 52

    Only for Rough Work


    (1) (2) (3) (4)


    Êæáà騆 APÜÒÃÜÊÜÞÇæ¿áÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜ APÜÒÃÜ GvÜWÜvæÀáí Ü̈ 11®æ¿á APÜÒÃÜ Ü̈ ÊÜáñÜᤠŸÆŸ©Àáí Ü̈ 14®æ¿áAPÜÒÃÜ¨Ü ÊÜá«ÜÂÓݧ®Ü Ü̈ÈÉ Ÿí©ÃÜáÊÜ APÜÒÃÜ¨Ü ŸÆŸ©¿á 6®æ¿á APÜÒÃÜ C¨æ.(1) U (2) F

    (3) Y (4) L

    7. ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& D ±ÜÅÍæ°¿áÈÉ Êæã¨ÜÆ®æ¿á ±Ü¨Ü¨Ü GÃÜvÜ®æ¿á ±Ü̈ Ü̈ æãí©Wæ ¿ÞÊÜ ÓÜíŸí«Ü C æ̈. A¨æà ÄࣿáÓÜíŸí«Ü ÊÜáãÃÜ®æ¿á ÊÜáñÜᤠ®ÝÆR®æ¿á ±Ü̈ ÜWÜÙÜÈÉ C æ̈. B ÓÜíŸí«Ü ÆPÜÒ Â Ü̈ÈÉ ñæWæ¨ÜáPæãívÜá ±ÜÅÍæ° bÖæ°¿á ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉ¿ÞÊÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á ŸÃÜáñܤ¨æ GíŸá Ü̈®Üá° Íæãà—ÔÄ.25 : 100 : : 81 : ?

    (1) 648 (2) 468

    (3) 864 (4) 684±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 8 Äí¨Ü 10 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& WÜáí²Wæ ÓÜÄ Öæãí¨Ü¨Ü BPÜê£ Íæãà—ÔÄ.8.

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 7 of 52


    (1) (2) (3) (4)


    From the above letter series find the letter which is at the 6th position to the right side ofthe letter which is at the centre position of the letters which are at the 11th place form theleft and 14th place from the right.(1) U (2) F

    (3) Y (4) L7. Direction : In the following question there is a specific relation between the first and

    second term. The same relationship exist between third and fourth term. Understanding therelationship find out the correct alternative to replace the question mark.25 : 100 : : 81 : ?

    (1) 648 (2) 468(3) 864 (4) 684

    Q. 8 to 10 : Direction : Find the odd figure.


    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 8 of 52

    Only for Rough Work


    (1) (2) (3) (4)


    (1) (2) (3) (4)±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 11 Äí Ü̈ 14 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& ÊÜááí©®Ü ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜÈÉ ±ÜÅÍæ° bÖæ°¿á ÓܧÙÜ Ü̈ÈÉ ¿ÞÊÜ ÓÜíTæ ŸÃÜáñܤ¨æ GíŸá¨Ü®Üá° ÁãàWÜÂ

    ±Ü¿Þì¿á Íæãà—ÔÄ.

    11. 13, 23, 43, 83, 163, ?(1) 326 (2) 323

    (3) 321 (4) 318

    12. 12, 15, 21, 24, 30, 33, ?, ?(1) 36, 41 (2) 37, 42(3) 38, 47 (4) 39, 51

    13. 16, 40, 100, 250, ?

    (1) 575 (2) 625

    (3) 425 (4) 525

    14. 23, 29, 47, 75, ?(1) 87 (2) 93(3) 110 (4) 117

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 9 of 52


    (1) (2) (3) (4)


    (1) (2) (3) (4)Q. 11 to 14 : Direction : In each of the following questions write which term in the sequence

    replaces the question mark.

    11. 13, 23, 43, 83, 163, ?(1) 326 (2) 323(3) 321 (4) 318

    12. 12, 15, 21, 24, 30, 33, ?, ?

    (1) 36, 41 (2) 37, 42(3) 38, 47 (4) 39, 51

    13. 16, 40, 100, 250, ?(1) 575 (2) 625(3) 425 (3) 525

    14. 23, 29, 47, 75, ?(1) 87 (2) 93(3) 110 (4) 117

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 10 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 15 Äí Ü̈ 17 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& PæÙÜWæ Pæãor BPÜê£Wæ ÃæàTæWÜáío ÊÜáwPæ ÖÝPÜÇÝX Jí Ü̈á Z®ÝPÜê£ ñÜáívÜá ñÜ¿ÞÃÝWÜáñܤ¨æ,D BPÜê£¿á ¯ÄàPÜÒOæ ÊÜÞwÄ. ÊÜáñÜᤠA Ü̈ÃÜ ÊæáàÈí Ü̈ PæàÚÃÜáÊÜ ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÚWæ ÁãàWÜ EñܤÃÜ BÄÔÄ.

    15. PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜ ±æçQ ¿ÞÊÜ bÖæ° ¨Ü ®æÃæ¿áÈÉ ŸÃÜáÊÜâ©ÆÉ ?(1) (2)

    (3) (4)

    16. PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜ ±æçQ ¿ÞÊÜ bÖæ° ¨Ü G¨ÜáÃÜá (ÊÜááí æ̈) ŸÃÜáñܤ¨æ ?(1) (2)

    (3) (4)

    17. PæÙÜX®ÜÊÜâWÜÙÜ ±æçQ ¿ÞÊÜ BPÜê£ ñÜ¿ÞÃÝWÜáÊÜ Z®ÝPÜê£ ñÜáíw®Ü¨ÝªX¨æ ?

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    ±ÜÅ. PÜÅí. 18 ÊÜáñÜᤠ19 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& ÊÜááí©®Ü BPÜê£WÜÙÜÈÉ Pæãor ÓÜíTæÂWÜÙÜÈÉ Jí Ü̈á ËÎÐÜr ¯¿áÊÜá C¨æ. A¨Ü®Üá ° WÜáÃÜá£Ô±ÜÅÍæ° bÖæ°¿á ÓܧÙÜ Ü̈ÈÉ ÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á ŸÃæÀáÄ.


    (1) 210 (2) 266

    (3) 288 (4) 318

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 11 of 52

    Q. 15 to 17 : Direction : The adjacent figure is folded to form a cube. Observe the figure andanswer the following questions.

    15. Which of the following symbol will not occur adjacent to ?(1) (2) (3) (4)

    16. Which of the following symbol will be on the opposite surface of the symbos ?

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    17. Which of the following figure obtained by folding the paper to form a cube ?

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    Q. 18 & 19 : Direction : There is a specific relationship between the numbers that are given inthe following figures. On the basis of the relationship choose the correct alternativeto replace the question mark.


    (1) 210 (2) 266(3) 288 (4) 318

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 12 of 52

    Only for Rough Work


    (1) 473 (2) 623

    (3) 389 (4) 584±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 20 ÊÜáñÜᤠ21 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& PæÙÜWæ Pæãor BPÜꣿá Pܮܰw¿áÈÉ¿á ±ÜÅ£¹íŸ Pæãor ±Ü¿Þì¿á Ü̈ÈÉí Ü̈ BÄÔÄ.


    (1) (2) (3) (4)


    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 13 of 52


    (1) 473 (2) 623

    (3) 389 (4) 584Q. 20 & 21 : Direction : Choose the mirror image from the alternatives given for the given

    question figure.


    (1) (2) (3) (4)


    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 14 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 22 Äí Ü̈ 24 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& PæÙÜX®Ü ÊÜáívÜ®æ¿áÈÉ Pæãor ÓÜíTæÂWÜÙÜ ÃÜaÜ®æ ®æãàwÄ. B ÓÜíTæÂWÜÙÜÈÉ Jí¨Üá ËÎÐÜr¯¿áÊÜá C¨æ. B ¯¿áÊÜá A»ÜÂÔÔÄ. A æ̈à ¯¿áÊÜá ÊÜááí©®Ü ±ÜÅ£Áãí¨Üá ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜÈÉ C¨æ. B¯¿áÊÜáPÜR®ÜáÓÝÃÜ ±ÜÅÍæ° bÖæ°¿á ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉ ÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á ŸÃæÀáÄ.


    8 85 64


    22. 154

    14 221 196 ?

    23. 31515 261 ?


    24. ?

    3 39 927

    ±ÜÅ. PÜÅí. 25 Äí¨Ü 27 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& ÊÜááí©®Ü ±ÜÅ£Áãí¨Üá ±ÜÅÍæ°¿áÈÉ Êæã Ü̈Æ®æ¿á ±Ü Ü̈ Ü̈ GÃÜvÜ®æ¿á ±Ü Ü̈ æ̈ãí©Wæ ¿ÞÊÜÄࣿá ÓÜíŸí«Ü C¨æÁãà A æ̈à Äࣿá ÓÜíŸí«Ü ÊÜáãÃÜ®æ¿á ÊÜáñÜᤠ®ÝÆR®æ¿á ±Ü̈ ÜWÜÙÜÈÉ C æ̈. BÓÜíŸí«Ü Íæãà—Ô ±ÜÅÍæ°bÖæ°¿á ÓܧÙÜ Ü̈ÈÉ ÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á ŸÃæÀáÄ.

    25. FILM : ADGH : : MILK : ?(1) ADGE (2) HDGE(3) HEGF (4) HDGF

    (1) 11 (2) 13(3) 15 (4) 17

    (1) 125 (2) 90(3) 105 (4) 225

    (1) 33 (2) 81(3) 243 (4) 42

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 15 of 52

    Q. 22 to 24 : Direction : Observe the arrangement of numbers that is given below. There is aspecific rule in that arrangement. Study that rule carefully and choose the correctalternative to replace the question mark.


    8 85 6413

    22. 15414 221 196


    23. 315

    15 261 ?21

    24. ?

    3 39 927

    Q. 25 to 27 : Direction : In the following questions there is a specific relation between the firstand the second term. The same relationship exists between the third and the fourthterm. Understanding the relationship find out the correct alternative to replace thequestion mark.

    25. FILM : ADGH : : MILK : ?(1) ADGE (2) HDGE(3) HEGF (4) HDGF

    (1) 11 (2) 13(3) 15 (4) 17

    (1) 125 (2) 90

    (3) 105 (4) 225

    (1) 33 (2) 81(3) 243 (4) 42

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 16 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    26. MK : 169121

    : : JH : ?

    (1) 164

    (2) 254

    (3) 64

    100 (4) 12164


    (3) GROUND (4) SHOULD

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 28 Äí¨Ü 30 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& Ëáà®Ý, ÓÝÄPÝ, XàñÝ ÊÜáñÜᤠ¯àñÝ D ®ÝÆáR WæÙÜ£¿áÃÜ ±æçQ XàñÝ ÊÜáñÜᤠÓÝÄPÝ ÄWæaæívÜá ÖÜã ×wÓÜáñܤÊæ. Ëáà®ÝÙÜ ÖæãÃÜñÝX GÆÉÄWÜã ÓÜãiÊÜáÈÉWæ ×wÓÜáñܤ¨æ. Ëáà®Ý ÊÜáñÜá¤ÓÝÄPÝ ÄWæ ÓÜí²Wæ ÊÜáñÜᤠ¨ÜáívÜá ÊÜáÈÉWæ ×wÓÜáñܤÊæ. XàñÝÚWæ ¨ÜáívÜáÊÜáÈÉWæ ÖæãÃÜñÝX EÚ¨ÜGÆÉ ÖÜãWÜÙÜá ×wÓÜáñܤÊæ. ¯àñÝÚWæ PæàÊÜÆ aæívÜá ÖÜã ×wÓÜáÊÜâ©ÆÉ. Ëáà®ÝÚWæ PæàÊÜÆ GÃÜvÜá±ÜÅPÝÃÜ Ü̈ ÖÜãWÜÙÜá ×wÓÜáñܤÊæ. ÖÝWݨÜÃæ,

    28. GÆÉ ±ÜÅPÝÃÜ Ü̈ ÖÜãÊÜâWÜÙÜá ¿ÞÄWæ ×wÓÜáñܤÊæ ?(1) ¯àñÝ (2) ÓÝÄPÝ(3) Ëáà®Ý (4) XàñÝ

    29. ¿ÞÊÜ ±ÜÅPÝÃÜ¨Ü ÖÜãÊÜâ GÆÉÄWÜã ×wÓÜáñܤÊæ ?(1) aæívÜá (2) ¨ÜáívÜáÊÜáÈÉWæ(3) ÓÜí²Wæ (4) ÓÜãiÊÜáÈÉWæ

    30. aæívÜá ÖÜãÊÜâWÜÙÜá ¿ÞÃÜá&¿ÞÄWæ ×wÓÜáÊÜâ©ÆÉ ?(1) Ëáà®Ý ÊÜáñÜᤠÓÝÄPÝ (2) Ëáà®Ý ÊÜáñÜᤠXàñÝ(3) Ëáà®Ý ÊÜáñÜᤠ¯àñÝ (4) ÓÝÄPÝ ÊÜáñÜᤠ¯àñÝ

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 17 of 52

    26. MK : 169121

    : : JH : ?

    (1) 164

    (2) 254

    (3) 64

    100 (4) 12164


    (3) GROUND (4) SHOULD

    Q. 28 to 30 : Direction : Meena, Sarika, Geeta and Neeta are four friends. They like differentflowers. Geeta and Sarika like Marigold. Except Meena all the friends like ‘Jai’Meena and Sarika like ‘Champak’ and ‘Mogra’. Geeta likes all the flowers except‘Mogra’. Neeta does not like only ‘Marigold’. Meena likes only two types offlowers then

    28. Who likes all types of flowers ?(1) Neeta (2) Sarika(3) Meena (4) Geeta

    29. Name the type of flower, that all the friends like ?(1) Marigold (2) Mogra(3) Champak (4) Jui

    30. Who do not like ‘Marigold’ ?(1) Meena and Sarika (2) Meena and Geeta(3) Meena and Neeta (4) Sarika and Neeta

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 18 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 31 Äí¨Ü 33 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& 1 1 1ÊÜáãÆÊÜÞ®Ü Ü̈ Z®ÜWÜÚí¨Ü Pæãor BPÜꣿáíñæ Jí Ü̈á ÃÜaÜ®æ ÃÜbÓÜÇÝÀáñÜá.A Ü̈PæR ÖæãÃÜX®Ü Ÿ©WÜÚWæ Ÿ|¡ ÖÜaÜcÇÝÀáñÜá. BPÜꣿá ̄ ÄàPÜÒOæ ÊÜÞw PæàÚÃÜáÊÜ ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÚWæ EñܤÃÜWÜÙÜ®Üá°BÄÔÄ.

    31. Jí Ü̈á Z®Ü¨Ü Öæaæcí¨ÜÃæ GÐÜár ±ÜêÐÜuWÜÙÜá Ÿ|¡©í Ü̈ BÊÜÄÓÜƳqrÃÜáñܤÊæ ?(1) 5 (2) 4

    (3) 3 (4) 2

    32. Jí Ü̈ã ±ÜêÐÜu Ÿ|¡©í Ü̈ BÊÜÄÓÜƳqrÃÜ¨Ü Z®ÜWÜÙÜá GÐÜár ?(1) 0 (2) 1

    (3) 2 (4) 3

    33. PæãqrÃÜáÊÜ ÃÜaÜ®æ ÊÜÞvÜÆá GÐÜár ÓÜ|¡ Z®ÜWÜÙÜ E±ÜÁãàWÜ ÊÜÞvÜÇÝX æ̈ ?(1) 50 (2) 48

    (3) 52 (4) 46

    34. Jí Ü̈á WÜ~ñܨÜÜ ÓÜíPæàñÜPÜR®ÜáÓÝÃÜÊÝX,3 2 = 29 ; 4 5 = 74 ;

    7 3 = 58 ; C¨ÜªÃæ, 6 8 = ?(1) 134 (2) 118

    (3) 116 (4) 132

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 19 of 52

    Q. 31 to 33 : Direction : the following figure is made by joining some cubes of size1 1 1 unit to each other. Outer surfaces of the figure are painted. Observe thefigure and answer the questions by choosing the correct alternative.

    31. Find the maximum number of faces of a cube that may have been painted.

    (1) 5 (2) 4

    (3) 3 (4) 2

    32. Find the number of cubes having no face painted ?(1) 0 (2) 1(3) 2 (4) 3

    33. How many small cubes are used to form the given figure ?(1) 50 (2) 48

    (3) 52 (4) 46

    34. In a certain code language3 2 = 29 ; 4 5 = 74 ;

    7 3 = 58 ; then , 6 8 = ?(1) 134 (2) 118(3) 116 (4) 132

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 20 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    35. Jí Ü̈á WÜ~ñÜ¨Ü ÓÜíPæàñÜPÜR®ÜáÓÝÃÜ,11 + 5 = 36 ; 22 + 6 = 58 ;

    33 + 7 = 82 ; C¨ÜªÃæ, 55 + 9 = ?(1) 112 (2) 163

    (3) 136 (4) 124

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 36 ÊÜáñÜᤠ37 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ : & PæÙÜX®Ü ±ÜÅ£Áãí Ü̈á ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜÈÉ ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê£WÜÙÜá Jí¨Üá ËÎÐÜr PÜÅÊÜá¨ÜÈÉ Ÿ Ü̈ÇÝWÜáñܤÊæ.A æ̈à PÜÅÊÜá Ü̈ÈÉ ±ÜÅÍæ° bÖæ°¿á ÓܧÙÜ Ü̈ÈÉ Pæãor ±Ü¿Þì¿áWÜÙÜ ±æçQ ¿ÞÊÜ BPÜê£ ŸÃÜáñܤ¨æ GíŸá Ü̈®Üá°¯«ÜìÄÔÄ.

    36. ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê£WÜÙÜá

    EñܤÃÜ BPÜê£WÜÙÜá

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    37. ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê£WÜÙÜá

    EñܤÃÜ BPÜê£WÜÙÜá

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 21 of 52

    35. In a certain code language11 + 5 = 36 ; 22 + 6 = 58 ;33 + 7 = 82 ; then , 55 + 9 = ?

    (1) 112 (2) 163(3) 136 (4) 124

    Q. 36 & 37 : Direction : In each of the following questions the question figure change in aparticular order. Decide which figure from the given alternatives will replace thequestion mark.

    36. Question figure

    Answer figure

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    37. Question figure

    Answer figure

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 22 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    38. D ±ÜÅÍæ°¿áÈÉ AvÜx ÓÝÈ®ÜÈÉ¿á APÜÒÃÜWÜÙÜá ÊÜáñÜᤠÓÜíTæÂWÜÙÜÈÉ Jí¨Üá ËÎÐÜr ¯¿áÊÜá C æ̈. B ÓÜíŸí«Ü WÜáÃÜá£Ô ±ÜÅÍæ°bÖæ°¿á ÓܧÙÜ Ü̈ÈÉ ÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á ŸÃæÀáÄ.

    AD 17 39 CF

    BP 258 108 HJ

    GH ? ? LM

    (1) 9, 29 (2) 18, 210

    (3) 179, 239 (4) 203, 181

    39. ±ÜÅÍæ° bÖæ°¿á ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉ ÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á ŸÃæÀáÄ.D H M J L C N U

    K M X R B P S G L O ? W

    G P E F G I A B

    (1) H (2) I

    (3) J (4) K±ÜÅ. PÜÅí. 40 ÊÜáñÜᤠ41 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ : & AiàñÜ®Üá ‘A’ D ÓܧÙÜ©í¨Ü 5 Q.Ëáà. ±ÜäÊÜìPæR ®Üvæ¿ááñܤ Öæãà¨Ü®Üá. GvÜŸ©Wæ ÖæãÃÜÚ

    ±Üâ®Ü: 3 Q.Ëáà. ®Üvæ¨Üá BWæà°¿á ©ÍæWæ ÖæãÃÜڨܮÜá, ÊÜáñÜᤠ5 Q.Ëáà. ®Üvæ̈ Ü®Üá. AÈÉí¨Ü ±ÜÎcÊÜá¨ÜPÜvæWæ 4 Q.Ëáà. ®Üvæ¨Üá GvÜŸ©Wæ ÖæãÃÜÚ 12 Q.Ëáà. ®Üvæ Ü̈®Üá. ÖÝWÝ Ü̈Ãæ,

    40. AiàñÜ ÖæãÃÜqÃÜáÊÜ ÊÜáãÆÓܧÙÜ©í Ü̈ DWÜ GÐÜár AíñÜÃÜ Ü̈ ÊæáàÇæ C¨Ýª®æ ?(1) 13 Q.Ëáà. (2) 17 Q.Ëáà.(3) 18 Q.Ëáà. (4) 7 Q.Ëáà.

    40. AiàñÜ®Ü ÊÜááS ¿ÞÊÜ ©ÍæWæ CÃÜŸÖÜá¨Üá ?(1) ±ÜäÊÜì (2) ¨ÜQÒ|(3) ±ÜÎcÊÜá (4) EñܤÃÜ

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 23 of 52

    38. In the following question there is a specific rule between the letters and the numbers in eachhorizontal row. Identify the rule and choose the correct alternative to replace the questionmark.

    AD 17 39 CF

    BP 258 108 HJ

    GH ? ? LM

    (1) 9, 29 (2) 18, 210(3) 179, 239 (4) 203, 181

    39. Choose the correct alternative to replace the questions mark.D H M J L C N UK M X R B P S G L O ? W

    G P E F G I A B

    (1) H (2) I

    (3) J (4) K

    Q. 40 & 41 : Direction : Ajit walked 5 km. East from A. After turning left he walked 3 km. Thenhe turned in South - east direction and walked 5 km. Then he turned west andwalked 4 km. Finally he turned left and walked 12 km. Then

    40. How far Ajit is from his original place ?

    (1) 13 km (2) 17 km(3) 18 km (4) 7 km

    41. Ajit is facing which direction now ?

    (1) East (2) South(3) West (4) North

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 24 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 42 ÊÜáñÜᤠ43 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ : & Jí Ü̈á ±ÝÃÜ Ü̈ÍÜìPÜ aèÃÜÓÝPÜê£ PÝWÜ̈ ÜPæR BPÜꣿáÈÉ ñæãàÄÔ Ü̈íñæÜ ñÜáívÜá ÃæàÐæWÜáíoÊÜáwPæ ÖÝQ Ü̈Ãæ ¿ÞÊÜ BPÜê£ æ̈ãÃæ¿ááñܤ¨æ. A Ü̈®Üá° ±Ü¿Þì¿á©í¨Ü Íæãà—ÔÄ.

    42. ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê£

    EñܤÃÜ BPÜê£WÜÙÜá

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    43. ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê£

    EñܤÃÜ BPÜê£WÜÙÜá

    (1) (2) (3) (4)±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 44 Äí Ü̈ 47 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& ÊÜááí©®Ü ±ÜÅ£Áãí Ü̈á ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜÈÉ ±ÜÅÍæ° bÖæ°¿á ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉ PÜÅÊÜáÊÝX ¿ÞÊÜ ±Ü¨Ü ŸÃÜáñܤ¨æ

    GíŸá¨Ü®Üá° ±Ü¿Þì¿á©í¨Ü Íæãà—ÔÄ.44. AYC, EUG, JPL, CWE, ?

    (1) HRJ (2) IQK

    (3) JPL (4) KOM

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 25 of 52

    Q. 42 & 43 : Direction : In the figure given below a transparent square shaped paper is foldedalong the dotted lines. Which figure will be obtained ? Find the correct figure fromthe alternatives given.

    42. Question figure

    Answer figures

    (1) (2) (3) (4)43. Question figure

    Answer figures

    (1) (2) (3) (4)Q. 44 to 47 : Direction : In the follwing questions choose the correct term that will replace the

    question mark.44. AYC, EUG, JPL, CWE, ?

    (1) HRJ (2) IQK(3) JPL (4) KOM

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 26 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    45. NTS, OUT, PTS, ?(1) QWV (2) QRS(3) QTP (4) QPO

    46. AMZN, BLYO, CKXP, ?(1) DQJW (2) DJWQ(3) DIWR (4) DWJQ

    47. JBY, NIV, SOS, YTP, ?(1) EVM (2) BVG(3) FYL (4) FXM

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 48 Äí¨Ü 50 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ : & PæÙÜWæ Pæãor APÜÒÃÜWÜÙÜ Wæãà±ÜâÃÜ¨Ü ÊæáàÈí¨Ü PæÙÜX®Ü ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜ EñܤÃÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° Íæãà—Ô ÁãàWܱܿÞì¿á BÄÔÄ.

    ac b

    d e fj i h g

    k l m n ou t s r q p

    v w x y z a b

    j i h g f e d c

    48. acdj : ? : : eilt : ehnq

    (1) abfg (2) acdi (3) acei (4) abfh

    49. vihx : uwxt : : ? : pazq

    (1) abde (2) bdez (3) dbaz (4) azed

    50. jktljt : goqngq : : ilsmis : ?

    (1) hnrmhr (2) hnrnmr (3) hnrmhn (4) hrmnhn

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 27 of 52

    45. NTS, OUT, PTS, ?(1) QWV (2) QRS(3) QTP (4) QPO

    46. AMZN, BLYO, CKXP, ?(1) DQJW (2) DJWQ(3) DIWR (4) DWJQ

    47. JBY, NIV, SOS, YTP, ?(1) EVM (2) BVG(3) FYL (4) FXM

    Q. 48 to 50 : Direction : Observe the following pyramid of letters and decide which alternativewill be in place of question mark in each of the following question.

    ac b

    d e fj i h g

    k l m n ou t s r q p

    v w x y z a bj i h g f e d c

    48. acdj : ? : : eilt : ehnq(1) abfg (2) acdi (3) acei (4) abfh

    49. vihx : uwxt : : ? : pazq(1) abde (2) bdez (3) dbaz (4) azed

    50. jktljt : goqngq : : ilsmis : ?

    (1) hnrmhr (2) hnrnmr (3) hnrmhn (4) hrmnhn

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 28 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 51 Äí Ü̈ 53 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& Gíoá WæÙæ¿á WæÙæñÜ¿áÃÜá WæãàÇÝPÝÃÜ ¯íñÜ Tæãà&Tæãà BvÜÆá ¯í£¨ÝªÃæ. ÊÜáÖæàÍܮܟƟ©Wæ ÊÜáãÃÜ®æ¿á Óݧ®Ü¨ÜÈÉ XàñÝ C¨ÝªÙæ. XàñÝÙÜ ŸÆŸ©Wæ Êæã¨ÜÆ®æ¿á Óݧ®Ü¨Ü ÊæáàÇæ AÊÜáÃÜC¨ÜªÃæ, GvÜ©í Ü̈ ®ÝÆR®æ¿á Óݧ®Ü Ü̈ ÊæáàÇæ BÍÝ C¨ÝªÙæ. ÃÝ«Ý, ±ÜÃÝWÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠBÍÝ CÊÜÃÜ ÊÜá«Ü Ü̈ÈÉC¨ÝªÙæ. Ëáà®Ý, XàñÝ ÊÜáñÜᤠÖæàÊÜáíñÜÃÜ ÊÜá«Ü¨ÜÈÉ C¨ÝªÙæ. ÖÝWݨÜÃæ,

    51. ÖæàÊÜáíñÜ®Ü G Ü̈áÃÜá ¿ÞÃÜá C¨ÝªÃæ ?(1) AÊÜáÃÜ (2) ±ÜÃÝWÜ(3) ÃÝ«Ý (4) XàñÝ

    52. ±ÜÃÝWÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠXàñÝÃÜ ÊÜá«Ü¨ÜÈÉ ¿ÞÃÜá C¨ÝªÃæ ?(1) ÖæàÊÜáíñÜ (2) ÊÜáÖæàÍÜ(3) AÊÜáÃÜ (4) Ëáà®Ý

    53. XàñÝÙÜ GvÜŸ©Wæ ®ÝÆR®æ¿á Óݧ®Ü¨Ü ÊæáàÇæ ¿ÞÃÜá C¨ÝªÃæ(1) ÊÜáÖæàÍÜ (2) BÍÝ(3) ±ÜÃÝWÜ (4) ÃÝ«Ý

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 54 ÊÜáñÜᤠ55 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ : & A±Ý|ì BPÜê£ ±Üä|ì BWÜÆá ÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á BÄÔÄ.


    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 29 of 52

    Q. 51 to 53 : Direction : Eight players are standing to play ‘Standing Kho-Kho’ Geeta is at thethird place to the right of Mahesh. Amar is to the first place to the right of Geeta.Asha is to the fourth place to the left of Geeta. Radha is at central place betweenParag and Asha. Meena is at the central place between Geeta and Hemant. Then

    51. Who is standing opposite to Hemant ?

    (1) Amar (2) Parag(3) Radha (4) Geeta

    52. Who is standing between Parag and Geeta ?

    (1) Hemant (2) Mahesh(3) Amar (4) Meena

    53. Who is at the fourth place to the left of Geeta ?(1) Mahesh (2) Asha(3) Parag (4) Radha

    Q. 54 & 55 : Direction : Complete the question figure by choosing the correct answer figure.


    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 30 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    55.(1) (2)

    (3) (4)

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 56 ÊÜáñÜᤠ57 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& ÊÜááí©®Ü ±Ü ÅÍæ °WÜÙÜÈÉ PÜÅÊÜáÊÝX ŸÃÜáÊÜ iÖæ°WÜÙÜá ¿ÞÊÜÊÜâ GíŸá¨Ü®Üá° Pæãor±Ü¿Þì¿á¨ÜÈÉí¨Ü BÄÔÄ.

    56. , , , ?

    (1) (2)

    (3) (4)

    57. nf , nf , nf , ?

    (1) f n (2) nf

    (3) f n (4) n f

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 58 ÊÜáñÜᤠ59 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& ÖÜñÜᤠÊÜÐÜìWÜÙÜ ±ÜäÊÜì¨ÜÈÉ ÃÜÊæáàÍÜ ÊÜáñÜᤠÓÜáÃæàÍÜ CÊÜÃÜ ÊÜ¿áÔÕ®Ü WÜáOæãàñܤÃÜ1 : 5 CñÜá¤. B Ü̈Ãæ 10 ÊÜÐÜìWÜÙÜ ®ÜíñÜÃÜ AÊÜÃÜ ÊÜ¿áÔÕ®Ü WÜáOæãàñܤÃÜ 3 : 5 BWÜáÊÜ̈ Üá. ÖÝWÝ Ü̈Ãæ,

    58. ÃÜÊæáàÍÜ®Ü DX®Ü ÊÜ¿áÓÜáÕ GÐÜár CÃÜŸÖÜá Ü̈á ?(1) 14 ÊÜÐÜì (2) 10 ÊÜÐÜì

    (3) 40 ÊÜÐÜì (4) 24 ÊÜÐÜì59. ÓÜáÃæàÍÜ®Ü 10 ÊÜÐÜìWÜÙÜ Êæã Ü̈騆 ÊÜ¿áÓÜáÕ GÐÜár CÃÜŸÖÜá Ü̈á ?

    (1) 9 ÊÜÐÜì (2) 20 ÊÜÐÜì(3) 40 ÊÜÐÜì (4) 30 ÊÜÐÜì

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 31 of 52

    55.(1) (2)

    (3) (4)

    Q. 56 & 57 : Direction : In each of the following questions write which symbol in the sequencewill replace the question mark.

    56. , , , ?

    (1) (2)

    (3) (4)

    57. nf , nf , nf , ?

    (1) f n (2) nf(3) f n (4) n f

    Q. 58 & 59 : Direction : Ten years ago the ratio of the ages of Ramesh and Suresh was1 : 5. Ten years hence the ratio of their ages will be 3 : 5 then

    58. Find the present age of Ramesh ?

    (1) 14 years (2) 10 years(3) 40 years (4) 24 years

    59. How old was Suresh ten years ago ?(1) 9 years (2) 20 years

    (3) 40 years (4) 30 years

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 32 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 60 ÊÜáñÜᤠ61 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& Jí Ü̈á ÓÝÈ®ÜÈÉ ÓÜá¯àñÝ G Ü̈áįí Ü̈ ÖÜñܤ®æ¿áÊÜÙÜá C¨ÝªÙæ. A Ü̈ÃÜíñæ ÓÜá»ÝÐÜ CÊÜ®Üá×í©¯í¨Ü C±Ü³ñæô¨Ü®æ¿áÊÜ®ÝX¨Ýª®æ. D CŸºÃÜ ±Üä|ì ÊÜá«Ü¨ÜÈÉ WÝXì C¨ÝªÙæ. ÓÝÈ®ÜÈÉ50 ÊÜÂQ¤WÜڨܪÃæ,

    60. G¨Üáįí Ü̈ WÝXì¿á PÜÅÊÜÞíPÜ GÐÜr®æ¿á Ü̈á CÃÜŸÖÜá¨Üá ?(1) 20 (2) 19

    (3) 18 (4) 17

    61. ×í©¯í¨Ü WÝXì¿á PÜÅÊÜÞíPÜ GÐÜr®æ¿á¨Üá CÃÜŸÖÜá Ü̈á ?(1) 31 (2) 32

    (3) 33 (4) 34

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 62 ÊÜáñÜᤠ63 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& PæÙÜWæ Pæãor ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê£¿á ¯àÄ®ÜÈÉ¿á ±ÜÅ£¹íŸÊÜ®Üá° Pæãor ±Ü¿Þì¿á Ü̈ÈÉí Ü̈ BÄÔÄ.62. ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê£ EñܤÃÜ BPÜê£WÜÙÜá

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    63. ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê£ EñܤÃÜ BPÜê£WÜÙÜá

    (1) (2) (3) (4)±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 64 ÊÜáñÜᤠ65 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& ±ÜÅ£Áãí¨Üá ±ÜÅÍæ °¿áÈÉ ±ÜÅ£Áãí¨Üá ÓÝÈ®ÜÈÉ®Ü ÊÜáãÃÜá ÓÜíTæÂW ÜÙ Ü ÊÜá«æÂ

    ¿ÞÊÜâ¨Ý¨ÜÃæãí¨Üá ÓÜíŸí«Ü C¨æ. B ÓÜíŸí«Ü Íæãà—Ô ñæWæÀáÄ. ÊÜáñÜᤠPæãor ®ÝÆáR±Ü¿Þì¿á¨ÜÈÉí¨Ü ±ÜÅÍæ° bÖæ°¿á ÓܧÙÜ Ü̈ÈÉ ÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á ŸÃæÀáÄ.

    64. 37 (46) 60121 (74) 158318 ( ? ) 269

    (1) 184 (2) 248

    (3) 98 (4) 79

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 33 of 52

    Q. 60 & 61 : Direction : In a queue, Suneeta is at the tenth place from front. Subhash is at 25thplace from behind. Gargi is standing at the central place between Suneeta andSubhash. There are 50 persons in the queue. Then

    60. Gargi is standing at which place from front ?(1) 20 (2) 19(3) 18 (4) 17

    61. Gargi is at which place from behind ?(1) 31 (2) 32(3) 33 (4) 34

    Q. 62 & 63 : Direction : Choose the correct water image from the given alternatives for thegiven question figure.

    62. Question figure Answer figures

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    63. Question figure Answer figures

    (1) (2) (3) (4)Q. 64 & 65 : Direction : In the following questions in every row the numbers outside the bracket

    are related to the number inside the bracket in a specific manner. From the givenalternatives choose the number that will replace the question mark.

    64. 37 (46) 60121 (74) 158318 ( ? ) 269

    (1) 184 (2) 248(3) 98 (4) 79

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 34 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    65. 35 (36) 73

    64 (38) 27

    43 ( ? ) 58

    (1) 39 (2) 52

    (3) 101 (4) 119

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 66 ÊÜáñÜᤠ68 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& ÊÜááí©®Ü ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜÈÉ APÜÒÃÜWÜÙÜ Jí¨Üá ËÎÐÜr WÜáí±Üâ PæãvÜÇÝX¨æ. B WÜáí²Wæ Ó ÜÄÖæãí Ü̈áÊÜ ÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á BÄÔÄ.


    (1) LIGD (2) SPMK

    (3) LIFC (4) NKHF

    67. AGM DJP HNT

    (1) GNT (2) EKP

    (3) IOV (4) KQW


    (1) AEZW (2) DHWS

    (3) IMRO (4) CGXS

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 69 ÊÜáñÜᤠ70 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& PæÙÜWæ Pæãor BPÜꣿáÈÉ £ÅPæãà®ÜWÜÙÜ ÓÜíTæ GÐÜár ?69.

    (1) 16 (2) 32

    (3) 40 (4) 80

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 35 of 52

    65. 35 (36) 7364 (38) 2743 ( ? ) 58

    (1) 39 (2) 52(3) 101 (4) 119

    Q. 66 to 68 : Direction : In the following questions a specific group of terms is given. From thegiven alternatives, find out the correct term that matches the given group.

    66. JGDA ZWTQ UROL(1) LIGD (2) SPMK(3) LIFC (4) NKHF

    67. AGM DJP HNT

    (1) GNT (2) EKP(3) IOV (4) KQW

    68. BFYU GKTP FJUQ(1) AEZW (2) DHWS(3) IMRO (4) CGXS

    Q. 69 & 70 : Direction : Find the number of triangles in the following figures.69.

    (1) 16 (2) 32(3) 40 (4) 80

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 36 of 52

    Only for Rough Work


    (1) 48 (2) 50(3) 58 (4) 62

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 71 Äí¨Ü 73 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& PACK D ÍÜŸª ®ÝÆáR ¼®Ü°&¼®Ü° ÓÝíPæà£PÜ »ÝÐæWÜÙÜÈÉ ŸÃæ¿áÇÝX¨æ. B ÓÝíPæà£PÜ »ÝÐæ£Ú¨ÜáPæãÚÛÄ. ÊÜáñÜᤠÊÜááí©®Ü ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜÈÉ Pæãor ÍÜŸª C¨Üá ¿ÞÊÜ ÓÝíPæà£PÜ »ÝÐæ¿áÈÉ ŸÃæ¿áÇÝX æ̈GíŸá¨ÜÃÜ ÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á BÄÔÄ.

    PACK = (1) TEGO(2) MXZH(3) VFGO(4) QDHR

    71. RAIN = NXFK72. CROP = DUTW73. SAND = WERH±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 74 ÊÜáñÜᤠ75 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& PæÙÜWæ Pæãor ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê¿áÈÉ ñæãàÄÔ Ü̈íñæ Jí Ü̈á aèÃÜÓÝPÜê£ PÝWÜ̈ ÜPæR ÊÜáwPæ ÖÝPÜÇÝX¨æ.

    A¨æà PÝWÜ¨Ü ¹aÜcÇÝX / ñæWæ¿áÇÝX ÖæàWæ PÝ|áñܤ æ̈ GíŸá Ü̈®Üá° Pæãor ±Ü¿Þì¿á Ü̈ÈÉí Ü̈ Íæãà—ÔÄ.


    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 37 of 52


    (1) 48 (2) 50

    (3) 58 (4) 62

    Q. 71 to 73 : Direction : In certain code languages the word PACK is written in four differentcode languages. Understanding the code, find out the correct code language for theword given in each of the following questions.

    PACK = (1) TEGO(2) MXZH(3) VFGO(4) QDHR

    71. RAIN = NXFK72. CROP = DUTW73. SAND = WERHQ. 74 & 75 : Direction : After folding a square piece of paper, it appears as shown in the question

    figure. The paper when unfolded will look like as shown in one of the alternatives.Select the correct alternative.


    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 38 of 52

    Only for Rough Work


    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 76 ÊÜáñÜᤠ77 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& APÜÒÃÜWÜÙÜ Æ¿áŸ Ü̈œ ÊÜáívÜ®æ¿á A»ÝÂÓÜ ÊÜÞw ñæÃÜË Ü̈ª ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉ A®ÜáPÜÅÊÜáÊÝX ¿ÞÊÜAPÜÒÃÜWÜÙÜá ŸÃÜáñܤÊæ, GíŸá¨Ü®Üá° ±Ü¿Þì¿á©í¨Ü Íæãà—ÔÄ.

    76. _ b c _ a b _ c a a b c

    (1) acb (2) bab

    (3) aba (4) aac

    77. a b b _ b a a _ a _ b a b _ a b

    (1) abab (2) ccac(3) aabb (4) abba

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 78 Äí Ü̈ 80 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& 1 1 1 ÊÜáãÆÊÜÞ®Ü AÙÜñæ¿á ÓÜ|¡ ÓÜÊÜÞ®Ü BPÝÃÜ¨Ü Z®ÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° E±ÜÁãàXÔBPÜê¿áÈÉ ñæãàÄÔ¨Üíñæ ÃÜaÜ®æ ÊÜÞvÜÇÝX¨æ. ÃÜaÜ®æWæ ÖæãÃÜX¯í Ü̈ GÆÉ Ÿ©WÜÚWæ Ÿ|¡ ÖÜaÜcÇÝX¨æ.Pæãor BPÜê£¿á ¯ÄàPÜÒOæ ÊÜÞw, PæÙÜWæ Pæãor ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÚWæ EñܤÃÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° ±Ü¿Þì¿áWÜÚí¨Ü BÄÔÄ.

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 39 of 52


    (1) (2) (3) (4)Q. 76 & 77 : Direction : A rhythmic arrangement of alphabet is given. The missing alphabet

    appears in the same order in one of the alternative answer, choose the correctalternative.

    76. _ b c _ a b _ c a a b c(1) acb (2) bab(3) aba (4) aac

    77. a b b _ b a a _ a _ b a b _ a b(1) abab (2) ccac(3) aabb (4) abba

    Q. 78 to 80 : Direction : The following figure is made by arranging some cubes having each side1 unit. The figure is painted from all the sides. Observe the figure and answer thequestions by choosing the correct alternative.

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 40 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    78. GÆÉPÜãR PæÙÜX®Ü ¥ÜÃܨÜÈÉ GÐÜár Z®ÜWÜÙÜá CÊæ ?(1) 18 (2) 24

    (3) 36 (4) 216

    79. ÊÜáãÃÜá ±ÜêÐÜuWÜÙÜá Ÿ|¡©í Ü̈ BÊÜÄst Z®ÜWÜÙÜá GÐÜár ?(1) 8 (2) 10

    (3) 15 (4) 20

    80. Jí Ü̈ã ±ÜêÐÜu Ÿ|¡ CÃÜ¨Ü Z®ÜWÜÙÜá GÐÜár ?(1) 3 (2) 2

    (3) 0 (4) 4

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 81 ÊÜáñÜᤠ82 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& ÊÜááí©®Ü ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜÈÉ Jí¨Üá QÉÐÜr BPÜê£ PæãvÜÇÝX æ̈. Pæãor ±Ü¿Þì¿á BPÜê£WÜÙÜÈÉ¿á¿ÞÊÜ BPÜê£ ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜꣿáÈÉ AvÜPÜÊÝX¨æ. A Ü̈®Üá° ±Ü¿Þì¿á Ü̈ÈÉí Ü̈ BÄÔÄ.

    81. ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê£ EñܤÃÜ BPÜê£WÜÙÜá(1) (2)

    (3) (4)

    82. ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê£ EñܤÃÜ BPÜê£WÜÙÜá(1) (2)

    (3) (4)

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 41 of 52

    78. How many cubes are there at the base level ?

    (1) 18 (2) 24

    (3) 36 (4) 216

    79. How many cubes are there having three faces painted ?

    (1) 8 (2) 10

    (3) 15 (4) 20

    80. How many cubes are there having no face painted ?

    (1) 3 (2) 2

    (3) 0 (4) 4

    Q. 81 & 82 : Direction : In the given question figure a complex figure is given. Find out whichof the figure given in the alternatives is hidden in the complex figure ?

    81. Question figure Answer figures(1) (2)

    (3) (4)

    82. Question figure Answer figures

    (1) (2)

    (3) (4)

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 42 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 83 Äí Ü̈ 85 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& PæÙÜX®Ü ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜÈÉ ÓÜíTæÂWÜÙÜ Jí Ü̈á ËÎÐÜr WÜáí±Üâ PæãvÜÇÝX¨æ. Pæãor ±Ü¿Þì¿á Ü̈ÈÉ¿áJí¨Üá ±Ü¿Þì¿á B WÜáí²Wæ ÓÜÄ Öæãí¨Üáñܤ¨æ. B ÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿ÞìÊÜ®Üá° Íæãà—ÔÄ.

    83. 78 26 54

    (1) 52 (2) 6

    (3) –6 (4) 31

    84. 738 4930 2210

    (1) 1341 (2) 6877(3) 222 (4) 518

    85. 41 21 69

    (1) 89 (2) 87

    (3) 107 (4) 105

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 86 ÊÜáñÜᤠ87 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& Jí Ü̈á ÓÝíPæà£PÜ »ÝÐæ¿áÈÉ ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜ ÓÜÆáÊÝX AíPæ bÖæ°WÜÙÜ®Üá° E±ÜÁãàXÓÜÇÝX æ̈.AíPæbÖæ° ÊÜáñÜᤠÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜ PܳÊÜá ÓÜÊÜÞ®ÜÊÝX¨æ GíŸá©ÆÉ. aèPÜorWÜÙÜÈÉ¿á ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜ ̄ ÄàPÜÒOæ ÊÜÞwÁãàWÜ EñܤÃÜ ŸÃæÀáÄ.

    Óܤí»Ü I Óܤí»Ü II378




    86. D ÓÜíPæàñÜ¨Ü AíPæ ÓÜíPæàñÜ ¿ÞÊܨÜá CÃÜŸÖÜá¨Üá ?(1) 143 (2) 237(3) 549 (4) 943

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 43 of 52

    Q. 83 to 85 : Direction : In the following questions a specific group of numbers is given. Fromthe given alternatives, choose the correct alternative that matches the given group.

    83. 78 26 54

    (1) 52 (2) 6(3) –6 (4) 31

    84. 738 4930 2210(1) 1341 (2) 6877(3) 222 (4) 518

    85. 41 21 69

    (1) 89 (2) 87(3) 107 (4) 105

    Q. 86 & 87 : Direction : In the following questions symbol are given in column I and are codedin coloum II. But they are not arranged according to the order of symbols incolumn I. Find the code language and choose the correct alternative to answer thequestions.Column I Column II





    86. = ?

    (1) 143 (2) 237(3) 549 (4) 943

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 44 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    87. 135 D AíPæWÜÙÜ ÓÜÆáÊÝX ÓÜíPæàñÜ ¿ÞÊܨÜá CÃÜŸÖÜá Ü̈á ?(1) (2)

    (3) (4)

    88. PæÙÜWæ Pæãor ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜ ¯ÄàPÜÒOæ ÊÜÞw EñܤÃÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° ŸÃæÀáÄ.APÜÒÃÜ E L O A U K T P S JAíPæ 0 8 2 7 6 3 4 5 9 1

    947580 D ÓÜíPæàñÜ ¿ÞÊÜ ÍÜŸœ̈ Ü CÃÜŸÖÜá¨ÝX æ̈ ?(1) SATPLE (2) STAPLE

    (3) STALPE (4) SATLPE

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 89 ÊÜáñÜᤠ90 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& Jí Ü̈á aèÃÜÓÝPÜê£ PÝWÜ¨Ü¨Ü ñÜáíwWæ ÊÜáwPæ ÖÝQ ËÎÐÜr ÓܧÙÜ Ü̈ÈÉ PÜñܤÄÔ Ü̈ª®Üá° BPÜꣿáÈÉñæãàÄÓÜÇÝX¨æ. PÜñܤÄst ®ÜíñÜÃÜ B PÝWÜ Ü̈ ¹aÜcÇÝX ñæÃæ¿áÇÝX A¨Üá ÖæàWæ PÝ|áñܤ æ̈ GíŸá Ü̈®ÜᰱܿÞì¿á¨ÜÈÉí¨Ü BÄÔÄ.

    89. ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê£ EñܤÃÜ BPÜê£WÜÙÜá

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

    90. ±ÜÅÍæ° BPÜê£ EñܤÃÜ BPÜê£WÜÙÜá

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 45 of 52

    87. 135 = ?

    (1) (2)

    (3) (4)

    88. Observe the following code language and choose the correct alternative to answer thequestion.

    Letters E L O A U K T P S J

    Digit 0 8 2 7 6 3 4 5 9 1947580 = ?


    Q. 89 & 90 : Direction : A square place of paper is folded and cut at specific spots as shownin the figure. The paper when unfolded will look like as shown in one of thealternative

    89. Question figure Answer figures

    (1) (2) (3) (4)90. Question figure Answer figures

    (1) (2) (3) (4)

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 46 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 91 Äí Ü̈ 93 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& Pæãor Êæ®… BPÜê£¿á ¯ÄàPÜÒOæ ÊÜÞw PæÙÜX®Ü ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÚWæ EñܤÃÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° ±Ü¿Þì¿áWÜÙÜÈÉí¨ÜÍæãà—ÔÄ.

    PÜŸwx QÅPæp…


    91. PÜŸwx ÊÜáñÜᤠQÅPæp… D GÃÜvæ BoWÜÙÜ®Üá° BvÜáÊÜ GÐÜár BoWÝÃÜÃÜá C¨ÝªÃæ ?(1) 24 (2) 72

    (3) 58 (4) 31

    92. ñæàÊÜÆ ¿ÞÊÜâ¨æà Jí Ü̈á Bo BvÜáÊÜ BoWÝÃÜÃÜá GÐÜár ?(1) 151 (2) 216

    (3) 183 (4) 210

    93. QÅPæàp… ÊÜáñÜᤠ´Üâo¸ÝÇ… BvÜ̈ Ü BoWÝÃÜÃÜá GÐÜár C¨ÝªÃæ ?(1) 24 (2) 58

    (3) 64 (4) 72

    94. Jí¨Üá WÜ~ñÜ »ÝÐæ¿áÈÉ , Gí Ü̈Ãæ +, Gí¨ÜÃæ ×, Gí¨ÜÃæ – ÊÜáñÜᤠGí¨ÜÃæ ÷E±ÜÁãàXÓÜᣤ¨ÜªÃæ,3 5 18 3 2 3 = ?

    (1) –6 (2) 0

    (3) 6 (4) –3

    95. Jí¨Üá WÜ~ñÜ »ÝÐæ¿áÈÉ , ÷ Gí¨ÜÃæ +, + Gí¨ÜÃæ ×, × Gí Ü̈Ãæ – ÊÜáñÜᤠ– Gí¨ÜÃæ ÷ E±ÜÁãàXÓÜᣤ Ü̈ªÃæ,4 ÷ 8 – 2 + 5 × 7 = ?

    (1) 33 (2) 23

    (3) 17 (4) – 4

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 47 of 52

    Q. 91 to 93 : Direction : Observe the following venn diagram and choose the correct alternativeto answer the question.

    91. How many players play only kabaddi and cricket ?

    (1) 24 (2) 72(3) 58 (4) 31

    92. How many players play only one game ?

    (1) 151 (2) 216(3) 183 (4) 210

    93. How many players do not play cricket and football ?(1) 24 (2) 58(3) 64 (4) 72

    94. In a mathematical language if means + , means , means – and means then find the value of the following expression 3 5 18 3 2 3 = ?

    (1) –6 (2) 0(3) 6 (4) –3

    95. In a mathematical language if means + , + means , means – and – means thenfind the value of the following expression 4 8 – 2 + 5 7 = ?

    (1) 33 (2) 23(3) 17 (4) –4

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 48 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 96 ÊÜáñÜᤠ97 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& PæÙÜX®Ü PæãàÐÜuPܨÜÈÉ AíPæWÜÚWæ PæÆÊÜâ ËÎÐÜr bÖæ°&ÓÜíPæàñÜWÜÙÜ®Üá° PæãvÜÇÝX¨æ. AÊÜâWÜÙܯÄàPÜÒOæ ÊÜÞwÄ ÊÜáñÜᤠ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÚWÝX ÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á BÄÔÄ.

    AíPæ 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0bÖæ° ` ? ! ) % ( $ # ^

    96. 8 7 4 6 0 5 3 D ÓÜíTæ ÖæàWæ ÊÜÂPܤ ÊÜÞvÜÇÝWÜáÊÜ Ü̈á ?(1) ? ! ) ( % ^ $ (2) ! ? ) ( % ^ $

    (3) ? ! ( ) ^ % $ (4) ! ? ( ) ^ % $

    97. ( % ! $ ` ) # D ÓÜíPæàñÜ©í Ü̈ ÊÜÂPܤÊÝWÜáÊÜ ÓÜíTæ ¿ÞÊÜâ Ü̈á ?(1) 4 7 5 9 3 6 1 2 (2) 4 5 7 3 9 6 1 2

    (3) 4 7 5 3 9 6 1 2 (4) 4 5 7 9 3 6 1 2

    ±ÜÅ.PÜÅí. 98 Äí¨Ü 100 : ÓÜãaÜ®æ :& PæÙÜWæ Pæãor Wæãà±ÜâÃÜ¨Ü ¯ÄàPÜÒOæ ÊÜÞwÄ. ±ÜÅ£Áãí Ü̈á ±ÜÅÍæ°¿áÈÉ ±ÜÅÍæ°bÖæ°¿á ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉÁãàWÜ ±Ü¿Þì¿á BÄÔÄ.


    2 3 4

    5 6 7 8 9

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

    26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

    37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

    50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

    98. 52262839 : 62363447 : : 54283041 : ?

    (1) 60343245 (2) 54283042

    (3) 60343244 (4) 60463244

  • Only for Rough Work

    NTS-MAT-18 X M7 49 of 52

    Q. 96 & 97 : In the following table the digits are assigned with certain symbols. Observe themcarefully and choose the correct alternative to answer the questions.

    Digits 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Symbol ` ? ! ) % ( $ # ^

    96. How will you write the number 8 7 4 6 0 5 3 ?

    (1) ? ! ) ( % ^ $ (2) ! ? ) ( % ^ $(3) ? ! ( ) ^ % $ (4) ! ? ( ) ^ % $

    96. Which number will be expressed by the code ( % ! $ ` ) # ?

    (1) 4 7 5 9 3 6 1 2 (2) 4 5 7 3 9 6 1 2(3) 4 7 5 3 9 6 1 2 (4) 4 5 7 9 3 6 1 2

    Q. 98 to 100: Direction : Observe the following pyramid and choose the correct alternative toanswer the question

    12 3 4

    5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 16

    17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

    37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 4950 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

    98. 52262839 : 62363447 : : 54283041 : ?(1) 60343245 (2) 54283042(3) 60343244 (4) 60463244

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 50 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 51 of 52

    Only for Rough Work

    99. 2567 : 4987 : : 7256 : ?

    (1) 7894 (2) 7489

    (3) 7498 (4) 7948

    100. 61820 : 82422 : : 121920 : ?

    (1) 142223 (2) 231524

    (3) 191220 (4) 142322

  • NTS-MAT-18 X M7 52 of 52

    Only for Rough Work