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Curves Assignment

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Writing Matlab functions Dynamica WB1632 – Homework assignment Lecturer: Robert Babuska


This is one of the homework assignments for the course Dynamica (WB1632). Homework means you

have to work it out in your free study time and not during one of the Matlab / Simulink computer

sessions, in which you will be working on other assignments.

Your task in this assignment is to implement a Matlab function that will find intersections of two point-

wise defined curves in 2D. This problem is quite simple, as it only involves elementary geometry and no

prior knowledge of dynamics is needed to solve it. However, it is not entirely trivial and some thinking

is required. We will use the result of this assignment in one of our next simulation assignments.

The learning objectives of this assignment are as follows:

1. Be able to decompose a given problem into easier-to-solve sub-problems, write the code to solve

the sub-problems and then integrate the solutions in one whole.

2. Distinguish three phases in the process of converting a given problem into a computer program

that provides a solution: (i) finding an algorithmic solution, (ii) implementing the algorithm in a

specific programming language (Matlab in our case), and (iii) testing whether the code works


3. Implement each algorithm first in the form of a Matlab script (for the easy of debugging and

testing) and then convert it into a function (for the ease of later use).

4. Realize that numerical computations are not exact and take this fact into account in your


We will guide you step by step through the overall process and leave space for you to implement the

algorithms. Please, read this entire text first, before you start implementing in Matlab.

Note: You have to upload your result to Blackboard by March 13, 2014 23:59 at the latest. Note that you

will need the function for your final Simulink assignment during the last computer session. Make sure

you have the M-file available, for instance, somewhere in the cloud and, just for the case, take it with

you also on a USB stick or a portable hard disk.


Given are two curves, � and �, defined point-wise in a 2D space. In between the points, the curve is

linear. The points are stored in two matrices � and �, respectively.

Implement a Matlab function that will calculate all intersections of the two curves and return them in a

matrix, say �. In addition, the function must plot the curves, � in blue, � in green, with small dots

marking the individual points and larger red dots marking the intersections.

Example: Suppose � is a sinusoidal curve and � consists two connected line segments, as defined by the

following Matlab commands. Note that each row of the matrices contains one point, the x-coordinate in

the first column and the y-coordinate in the second column:

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WB1632 Dynamica - Numerieke Simulaties (2013 - 2014) 2

x = (0:0.04:1)';

P = [x sin(10*x)];

Q = [0 0; .5 .5; 0.8 0.4];

Your function will generate the following plot:

and it will also return the following matrix:

R = 0 0

0.2851 0.2851

0.6745 0.4418

Solution approach

The most important step is to thoroughly understand the problem and be able to find an algorithmic

solution to it. The actual implementation in a programming language is usually quite straightforward,

once we understand the syntax of the language.

So, in our case, the question is what algorithm we can think of to find the intersections. Look at the

figure and notice that each curve consists of many consecutive line segments. The problem can therefore

be restated as finding the intersections among all pairs of line segments of the two curves. We can write

this down in a piece of a pseudo-code:

Input: curves P and Q

initialize R empty

for all segments sp(i) of curve P

find all intersections of sp(i) with all segments sq(j) of curve Q

add the intersections found to R

end loop

Output: R

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1-1













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Contrary to the code of a specific programming language, writing pseudo-code does not have any strict

rules. The idea is to get close to programming, but abstract from trivial details, such as how to extract

the actual line segments from the matrices � and �. The pseudo-code typically also contains high-level

concept like “find all intersections of …” which need to be further worked out. This is something we do

once we are sure that the overall algorithm is sound. As this problem is fairly simple and we are sure that

the above idea will work, let us directly move on to the details of computing the intersection of two line


Given two line segments, each defined by two points, the goal is to find their intersections. Although we

could easily derive the equations ourselves, somebody has probably already done it for us. Searching the

Internet for “intersection of two lines” leads us (among others) to the Wikipedia page:


with the following solution using determinants:

As Matlab has been designed for linear algebra, this solution should be quite effective in terms of

implementation and execution speed. With this information at hand, you can proceed to implementing

the algorithm yourself (use the Matlab function det). After getting the case of two intersecting

segments right, pay attention to the fact that the lines can be parallel, in which case the intersection does

not exist and the function should return an empty matrix. Here, numerical issues may pop up, as

rounding-off errors will make two lines that are parallel on paper not exactly parallel in calculations. The

line segments can also (partly) coincide / overlap, in which case there are infinitely many intersections

and we obviously cannot compute them all. In that case of (partly) overlapping line segments, the

function should only return the end point(s).

The function you will implement should have the following syntax:

R = intersectLines(P,Q)


P = [px1 py1; px2 py2] and Q = [qx1 qy1; qx2 qy2]

the end points of the two line segments. You can test the function on the following cases:

P = [1 2.5; 2 2.5]; Q = [1 2; 2 3]; % intersecting line segments

P = [1.5 2.8; 1.7 3.7]; Q = [1 2; 2 3]; % nonintersecting segments

P = [1.5 2.8; 1.7 3.7]; Q = P + 1; % parallel segments

P = [1 2; 2 2]; Q = P; % coinciding segments

P = [1 2; 2 2]; Q = [P(2,:); 1.5 2]; % partly coinciding segments

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Once you are done, you can proceed to implementing the overall algorithm as given in the pseudo-code

on page 2. The curve intersection function will have the following syntax:

R = intersectCurves(P,Q)

And will call the intersectLines function repeatedly to calculate all the intersections. You can

test this function on the example given in the beginning of page 2.

Help on Matlab commands and functions

Use the doc or help functions of Matlab to quickly find information on commands and functions you

intend to use. For instance, to learn the Matlab syntax for writing functions, type in the Workspace

doc function.

To learn about for loops, type in the Workspace

doc for

If you do not know the exact name of the function or command, use lookfor with some appropriate

keywords, such as

lookfor determinant


We are curious how you managed this assignment. Is it too easy or too hard? Is something not clear? Let

us know, please, at [email protected].