www.kawneer.co.uk Kawneer UK Ltd Astmoor Road, Astmoor Industrial Estate Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1QQ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1928 502500 Email: [email protected] Kawneer’s continuous development and engineering programmes may bring about product changes. Kawneer reserves the right to introduce without notice such changes which will not detract from the product’s performance. © KAWNEER UK LTD June 2007 Curtain Wall Systems

Curtain Wall Systems · CURTAIN WALL SYSTEMS AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen SMC Parr Architects H11 110 Introduction The AA®110 curtain wall system

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Page 1: Curtain Wall Systems · CURTAIN WALL SYSTEMS AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen SMC Parr Architects H11 110 Introduction The AA®110 curtain wall system

www.kawneer.co.ukKawneer UK LtdAstmoor Road, Astmoor Industrial EstateRuncorn, Cheshire WA7 1QQ, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1928 502500 Email: [email protected]

Kawneer’s continuous development and engineering programmes may bring about product changes. Kawneerreserves the right to introduce without notice such changes which will not detract from the product’s performance.© KAWNEER UK LTD

June 2007

Curtain Wal l Systems

Page 2: Curtain Wall Systems · CURTAIN WALL SYSTEMS AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen SMC Parr Architects H11 110 Introduction The AA®110 curtain wall system

Capital City Academy

Foster & Partners


Introduction 4

Curtain Wall Systems 6

AA®100 50mm Curtain Wall 8

AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall 10

PF Curtain Wall 12

AA®120 Sunshades 13

AA®201 Unitised Curtain Wall 14

Curtain Wall Case Study - Marine Operations Centre 16

Supporting Your Projects 18


Page 3: Curtain Wall Systems · CURTAIN WALL SYSTEMS AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen SMC Parr Architects H11 110 Introduction The AA®110 curtain wall system


Kawneer, a global systems companyKawneer offers a comprehensive range ofarchitectural aluminium building products andsystems for commercial construction-entrances, framing systems, windows andcurtain wall systems.

Since its beginnings a century ago, Kawneerhas been recognized as an innovator. Throughthe years, we've balanced experience withinnovation. We've listened to our customers,and we are dedicated to providing the toolsour customers need to succeed.

Our unrivalled team has a wealth ofexperience working closely with architects,contractors and clients to develop projectsolutions from their earliest concepts. We arecommitted to injecting innovation into newproduct development to ensure our productsmeet the most exacting engineering andtechnical standards whilst overcomingsophisticated design challenges. Kawneer’sglobal design expertise, combined withaluminium's flexibility and recyclability, makesour building systems and products the rightsolutions for today and tomorrow.

Committed to the successof your project

Kawneer products are made from materials of the highest quality and designed with the benefit of many years of constructionexperience. Because we control every stageof the process, from mining the bauxite orethrough to designing individual systems, we offer a unique resource to architects andcontractors. Our engineers and designers can support you through every stage of thedesign and installation process, ensuring a successful outcome.

Need something special?Kawneer offers the world’s greatest pool of talent in architectural glazing systems, andwe can design custom solutions that willhelp you to realise your most daringconcepts. So don’t compromise - by workingwith Kawneer you can achieve a solution toyour most challenging architectural concept.

Total PerformanceHigh performance is an essential ingredient for all building components nowadays – it is demanded by users and required by current building regulations. Throughout ourhistory we have kept ahead of both themarket and regulatory requirements to offerglazing solutions that surpass even the mostdemanding specifications, and our productsmeet or exceed all required standards ofthermal performance. We have developedleading-edge production techniques toensure that manufacturing efficiency isoptimised, and environmental impact isminimised, and our right-first-time qualitymanagement systems have been devised tominimise waste and exceed the requirementsof current ISO 9001 standards.

Why Aluminium?Kawneer has been producing advanced glazing solutions in this versatile material formany decades. Aluminium is a near-perfectmaterial for architectural glazing products, and has practical advantages over all otheravailable choices, including inherentresistance to corrosion and very low whole-life costs. Aluminium is also anenvironmentally friendly material and possiblyone of the best options for energy savingwithin the construction industry. In thebuilding sector vast amounts of aluminiumare collected for recycling, with rates as highas 92-98%, and more than 50% of the energyused in aluminium production comes fromhydro-electric schemes.

Glasgow Harbour

Cooper Cromar Architects

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Page 4: Curtain Wall Systems · CURTAIN WALL SYSTEMS AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen SMC Parr Architects H11 110 Introduction The AA®110 curtain wall system

A deeper glazing rebate meets therequirements for barrier loading and enablesthe facade to stand up to high levels ofbuilding movement.

Kawneer PF Curtain WallThe Kawneer PF System is a mullion drainedmodular curtain wall system, which has beendesigned so that when viewed externally, theopening vents and the fixed lights have thesame visual appearance. The PF is a modularsystem with factory glazed panellised framesthat are fixed to the curtain wall grid.

All this makes the PF System an attractive andpractical option for many curtain wallingrequirements.

Kawneer AA®120 SunshadesThe AA®120 Sunshades system has beendesigned specifically for use with the AA®100


IntroductionToday’s fast paced construction schedulesdemand it all – design innovation, flexibility,high quality, fast installation, simplifiedfabrication and superior performance.Kawneer’s curtain wall systems have beendesigned and engineered to meet thesedemands and more. Our curtain wall systemshave been assessed in accordance with therelevant BS EN and Centre for Window andCladding Technology (CWCT) Curtain WallStandards.

Kawneer AA®100 50mm Curtain WallThe AA®100 50mm Curtain Wall systemprovides a unique dry jointed façade solutionthat has been developed to provide thespecifier with opportunities to design original

Oxford Business Park

Aukett Europe

and AA®110 Curtain Wall systems and offersthe specifier a wide choice in terms of size andshape of shades to suit individual projectneeds. The AA®120 Sunshades system allowspassive solar control for the façade of thebuilding and can be connected to the façadeeither horizontally or vertically.

Kawneer AA®201 Unitised Curtain WallOur modular façade solution, AA®201 UnitisedCurtain Wall, is a highly innovative conceptthat has already been proven on a number ofprojects in the UK and Ireland. Unitised curtainwalling is modular – the individual units orpanels are assembled off site in factorycontrolled conditions and then transported tosite and craned onto the building. Thisdramatically reduces time on site, and thus thebuilding can be enclosed rapidly allowinghand-over to following trades to take placemuch sooner.

and exciting façades. The system is availablein a variety of styles and is suitable for verticaland sloped applications including facettedwalls. To provide complete design flexibilitythe AA®100 is also available as a HorizontallyCapped system, a Structurally Silicone Glazedsystem and a Fire Resistant system.

The AA®100 has a range of mullion, transomand facecap options, with 50mm sightlines.

Kawneer AA®110 65mm Curtain WallThe AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall system alsoprovides a dry jointed façade solution, andthe range of mullion, transom and facecapoptions provide 65mm sightlines. The systemis available in a variety of styles and is suitablefor vertical applications and facetted walls.

Curtain Wall Systems

Page 5: Curtain Wall Systems · CURTAIN WALL SYSTEMS AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen SMC Parr Architects H11 110 Introduction The AA®110 curtain wall system


AA®100 50mm Curtain Wall

IntroductionKawneer AA®100 redefines curtain wallingoffering a wide range of design options froma single grid. It is a tried and tested system -originally designed in Europe to Europeanstandards and now adapted and tested tomeet the stringent UK market requirements.Available in both zone and mullion drainedoptions, the AA®100 50mm curtain wallsystem provides an innovative dry jointedfaçade solution that does not need on-sitesealants to ensure system performance.

The AA®100 has been designed to providethe specifier with a wide choice of designoptions according to the needs of the project.By offering a range of construction methodsand a structural silicone glazed option, theAA®100 enables specifiers, assisted by ourArchitectural Advisers, to identify theoptimum curtain walling solutions for theproject’s specific requirements.

Product Featuresz Dry jointed system

z Suited to vertical, sloped (from 7°, withslope vent) and facetted applications

z Concealed Zone drainage and Mulliondrainage options

z Tested & Certified in accordance with the relevant BS EN & CWCT Curtain WallStandards

z Complies with all current thermalregulations

z Range of mullion, transom and facecapoptions with 50mm sightlines

z PFLL capped system

z Fully capped option

z SSG option

z Horizontal cap

z Offers total flexibility - shares componentswith AA®110 curtain wall system

z Suites with AA®120 Sunshades

z Available with a concealed open out vent

z Accommodates glass from 4mm to 40mm

With the decisiveadvantage of…z Removes reliance upon on-site sealing

and ensures excellent weatheringperformance

z Wide range of applications from thesame suite of sections

z Proven weathering performance in themost stringent conditions

z Provides choice of aesthetics whendesigning the building façade

z Fire Rated option

PerformanceThe system, installed and glazed to Kawneerrecommended procedures, has been testedand certified in accordance with the relevantBS EN and Centre for Window and CladdingTechnology (CWCT) Curtain Wall Standards.

Air Permeability 600PaWatertightness (static & dynamic): 600PaWind Resistance (serviceability): 2400Pa Wind Resistance (safety): 3600Pa

Centipedes, Heerlen

Atelier Dutch

H11 110

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AA®100/AA®110 Zone & Mullion Drained

2004/33, 2005/182007/26, 2007/27




Page 6: Curtain Wall Systems · CURTAIN WALL SYSTEMS AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen SMC Parr Architects H11 110 Introduction The AA®110 curtain wall system


AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall

Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen

SMC Parr Architects

H11 110

IntroductionThe AA®110 curtain wall system has beendesigned in line with the AA®100 system, thefundamental difference is the depth of themullions and transoms. The AA®110 65mmsystem with its deeper glazing rebate meets therequirements for barrier loading and enablesthe facade to stand up to high levels of buildingmovement. It is also a tried and tested system

- originally designed in Europe, and is suitablefor vertical applications including facetted walls.As with the AA®100 system, the AA®110 alsooffers a range of construction methods,including zone-drainage and mullion-drainage.The AA®110 enables architects, assisted by ourArchitectural Advisers, to identify the optimumcurtain walling solutions and create inspirationalarchitectural designs.

Product Featuresz Dry jointed system

z Suited to vertical, sloped and facettedapplications

z Concealed Zone drainage and Mulliondrainage options

z Assessed in accordance with the CWCTCurtain Wall Standard

z Complies with all current thermalregulations

z Range of mullion, transom and facecapoptions with 65mm sightlines

z PFLL capped system

z Fully capped option

z SSG option

z Horizontal cap

z Offers total flexibility - shares componentswith AA®100 curtain wall system

z Suites with AA®120 Sunshades

z Available with a concealed open out vent

z Accommodates glass from 4mm to 40mm

With the decisive advantage of…z Removes the need for on-site sealing and

ensures excellent weathering performance

z Wide range of applications from the samesuite of sections

z Proven weathering performance in the moststringent conditions

z Provides choice of aesthetics whendesigning the building façade

PerformanceThe system, installed and glazed to Kawneerrecommended procedures, has been assessedin accordance with the Centre for Window andCladding Technology (CWCT) Curtain WallStandard.

10 11

2004/33, 2005/182007/26, 2007/27

AA®100/AA®110 Zone & Mullion Drained




Page 7: Curtain Wall Systems · CURTAIN WALL SYSTEMS AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen SMC Parr Architects H11 110 Introduction The AA®110 curtain wall system

PF Curtain Wall

IntroductionThe PF System is a mullion drained modularcurtain wall system, which has beendesigned so that, when viewed externally,the opening vents and the fixed lights havethe same visual appearance.

The system consists of panellised frames thatare attached, as either fixed lights, openinglights or panel areas, to the curtain wallgrids. Each glazed panel has a visible faceof 28mm in width which in combination witha 14mm recess between the panels, gives anoverall sightline of 70mm. Alternatively, a

structurally glazed version of the system isavailable, giving the facade an all glassappearance when viewed from the outside,with only a 14mm recessed gap betweeneach pane. This thermally insulated systemoffers many possibilities, with a wideselection of mullions and transoms to suitmost practical requirements.

All this makes the PF System an attractiveand practical option for many curtain wallingrequirements.

The Station, Manchester Airport

Aedas, Jefferson Sheard Architects

and Nick Derbyshire Architects

ICARE, Montpellier

Blue Tango Architecture

H11 110

Product Featuresz Modular system with factory glazed

panellised frames that are fixed to thecurtain wall grid

z Available as a structurally glazed version,with only a 14mm recess between panels

z Dry gasket glazing

z Tested in accordance with the CWCTCurtain Wall Standard

With the decisiveadvantage of…z Opening vents and fixed lights appear the

same visually, with no visible drainageslots

z Allows the specifier to design façades that appear all glass when viewed from the outside

z Proven weathering performance in themost stringent conditions

GlazingMaximum glass thickness 34mm. For thestructurally glazed version of this system, the maximum glass thickness is dependant onvarious factors, which are specific for eachindividual project. We advise therefore, thatyou contact our Architectural Advisers formore information.


AA®120 Sunshades

IntroductionThe Kawneer AA®120 Sunshades add astunning design statement to the buildingfaçade; they help to optimise the naturaldaylight within a building whilst limiting thesolar heat gain. The AA®120 Sunshades havefixed aluminium blades, which are available ina variety of shapes and sizes and suite with theKawneer Curtain Wall range.

Use of solar shading on building facades tolimit the building’s solar heat gain cancontribute to the thermal performance of thebuilding by:

Product Featuresz Wide range of aluminium blade profiles to

suit a variety of requirements

z Integrates with Kawneer Curtain WallSystems

z The AA®120 Sunshades can be fittedvertically or horizontally

z Bespoke sections and connections can bedesigned according to project needs

With the decisiveadvantage of…z Reduction in solar heat gain and allows

greater use of natural ventilation systems

z Control of solar glare, whilst maximizingthe amount of natural light reaching thebuilding’s internal environment

z Provides a stunning aesthetic statementthat unites the building façade

z Flexibility and choice according toindividual requirements

z Reducing the energy consumption due toair conditioning

z Allowing greater use of naturalventilation

z Limiting direct solar radiation whilstmaintaining natural light levels

Our Technical Team and Architectural Adviserscan offer advice and support in calculatingpotential energy savings derived from the useof the AA®120 Sunshades for your individualprojects.


AA®120 Sunshades

Page 8: Curtain Wall Systems · CURTAIN WALL SYSTEMS AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen SMC Parr Architects H11 110 Introduction The AA®110 curtain wall system



IntroductionToday’s fast paced construction schedules demandhigh performance, fast installation, simplifiedfabrication, superior performance and designflexibility. The AA®201 offers exactly that.

It offers the advantage of unitised assembly givingthe building team a unique set of benefits. Theseinclude factory fabrication to ensure additionalquality control, rapid on site installation withslimline design and flexibility. Unitised constructionenables it to meet the demands of fast track workschedules and restricted working conditions.Weathering is achieved by zone drained pressureequalisation. The glazing provides a positiveweather seal for high performance. The systemalso features the exclusive, high performanceIsoPort thermal break.

The AA®201 unitised system gives the specifier a

wide choice of styles to create individual andexciting building facades. The AA®201 canaccommodate spandrel infill materials includingglass, granite and metal panels. It offers two sidedor four sided structural silicone glazing, fullycapped or horizontal caps giving a horizontalemphasis or a vertical cap option giving a verticalemphasis. The AA®201 unitised curtain wallsystem is adaptable to any new constructionproject, and because it can be quickly installedin occupied buildings with minimal disturbance,the system is ideal for refurbishment projects.

The AA®201 unitised curtain wall system has beenengineered to meet these demands and more.

Supplied on a project solution basis the AA®201has been exclusively designed, developed andsupplied by Kawneer, with installation contractsundertaken in combination with authorisedinstalling Kawneer dealers.

Product featuresz Zone drainage – each pane acts as an

individual self draining unit

z Side load

z Stack joint

z Fully drained and pressure equalised foroptimal weather performance

z Lifting rail

z Dual finish capability

z The AA®201 system accommodates glassor infill panels up to 32mm

z Complies with all current thermalregulations

z Fully capped option

z SSG option

z Horizontal cap option with vertical silicone joint

z Vertical cap option with horizontal silicone joint

z Tested and Certified in accordance with the relevant BS EN & CWCT Curtain WallStandards

z Range of mullion, transom & face capoptions with 64mm sightlines

z Seismic movement capability up to 41.25mm

With the decisiveadvantage of…z Particularly suitable for refurbishment


z Offers wide choice of aesthetics

z The AA®201 unitised curtain wall systemdoes not require scaffolding

z The units are craned or winched intoposition and secured from the inside ofthe building, reducing costs andencouraging safer working conditions

PerformanceThe system, installed and glazed to Kawneerrecommended procedures, has been testedand certified in accordance with the relevantBS EN and Centre for Window and CladdingTechnology (CWCT) Curtain Wall Standards.

Air Permeability 600PaWatertightness (static & dynamic): 600Pa Wind Resistance (serviceability): 2400Pa Wind Resistance (safety): 3600Pa

AA®201 Unitised Curtain Wall

Lowry Hotel, Salford Quays

Consarc Consulting Architects

H11 110

14 15

AA®201 Unitised


Page 9: Curtain Wall Systems · CURTAIN WALL SYSTEMS AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen SMC Parr Architects H11 110 Introduction The AA®110 curtain wall system


The Marine Operations Centre on Scotland’swindswept North Sea coast is situated justtwo metres from the edge of the harbourwall. The building has to withstand highwinds, cold winter temperatures and a wet,salt-laden climate. And if that were notenough, the façade was a complex, facetedoutward-sloping design.

The designers of this landmark building werethe Dundee office of SMC Parr Architectswho opted for a striking modern take on thetraditional Scottish lighthouse. The externalenvelope is partly white reconstituted stonebut the greater part – and the most exposedpart – is a bespoke glazed curtain wall.

“We had come up with a bold concept and itwas essential to progress the detailed designwith input from all parties – the installer and

the supplier as well as Sir Robert McAlpine,the main contractor,” said project directorDerek Reid of SMC Parr Architects.

This teamwork, with Kawneer’s specialprojects team supplying design drawings andfabrication of the curtain wall, resulted in aglazing solution that would accommodate thearchitect’s challenging specification anddeliver the 270º visibility demanded by theclient, Aberdeen Harbour Board.

The complex shape, and the fact that thewind-swept building would be subject tohigher-than-average building movements,meant the curtain walling had to be flexible inmore ways than one. Not only did it need toaccommodate the curvature of the façade, ithad to be capable of flexing with the rest ofthe structure.

The only solution was the Kawneer CWCTapproved AA®110 curtain wall system.

One of the biggest challenges for today’sarchitects and building contractors is thereconciliation of material interfaces. Whereasin traditional build the interactions betweenbrick, mortar and timber are simple andpredictable, today’s buildings incorporate afar greater variety of materials that must bejoined without compromising overall buildingperformance.

The most basic interface – and often one ofthe most challenging – is that between thestructural frame and the building envelope.And the biggest headache for designers andbuilders is how to cope with differentialmovement.

The trend in prestige commercialdevelopment today is very much towardshigh-rise steel framed buildings with a fullyglazed curtain-wall façade and the pressureis therefore on system manufacturers to riseto the challenge.

Kawneer’s solution to the increase in buildingmovement has been to design and developa curtain-walling system in which each glazedpanel can move more freely to a specifiedlimit within its frame. The new AA®110system features a deeper 65mm box sectionwhich adds about 7.5mm to the rebatedepth. This extra depth has two benefits:firstly, there is enough depth to increase theoverlap between the aluminium frame andthe glazed unit, thereby meeting therequirements for barrier loadings (that is, theamount of lateral load the assembled systemcan withstand) and secondly, it leavesenough extra space between the frame andthe glass to permit movement within thesystem.

50mm systems are still very much theindustry norm that contains the glass within a20mm-deep rebate with standard glass coverof 13mm.

Kawneer’s 50mm system, the AA®100, is asuccessful example of this. However, webelieve that is set to change with 65mmcurtain wall systems becoming the norm withthe industry moving more and more towardslightweight structures and larger expanses ofclear glass. If the requirement is toaccommodate the inevitable buildingmovement, and deliver the necessary barrierloadings, you simply won’t be able to use a50mm-wide box section.

The Marine Operations Centre is both aniconic structure for Aberdeen and afunctional solution to the harbour’s practicalrequirements. And although complex andchallenging, the design has already won thebuilding a Civic Trust Award and theadmiration of the architectural community.

Curtain Wall Case Study

Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen

SMC Parr Architects

Page 10: Curtain Wall Systems · CURTAIN WALL SYSTEMS AA®110 65mm Curtain Wall Marine Operations Centre, Aberdeen SMC Parr Architects H11 110 Introduction The AA®110 curtain wall system


BS EN 12179Curtain Walling – Resistance to windload –test method

BS EN 13830Curtain Walling – Product standard

BS EN 13116Curtain Walling – Resistance to windload –performance requirements

BS 476-22 - Fire test on building materials

Pr EN 1364-3 - Fire Resistance

Technical AssistanceKawneer's regionally based team ofArchitectural Advisers and theArchitectural Support Team based at ourHead Office in Runcorn are able toprovide project advice and support:

Tel: 01928 502485 / Fax: 01928 502512Email: [email protected]

Information on Kawneer's extensive rangeof Curtain Wall, Window and Ground FloorTreatment solutions can also be obtainedfrom our Head Office by calling:

Tel: 01928 502612

Kawneer UK Ltd is part of Alcoa Building andConstruction Systems, and enjoys the extensiveresources of the entire Alcoa organisation, allied tothe specific glazing systems experience ofKawneer’s many operations around the world. As aresult of this our partners and customers havedirect access to one of the largest pools oftechnical expertise in the construction industry.

AuthoritiesISO 9001:2000Quality Management System

BS EN 12020 Extruded precision aluminium profiles

BS 3987Specification for anodic coatings

BS 6496Specification for powder organic coatings

BS 4255 Part 1Specification for non-cellular gaskets

ASTM C509-94Specification for cellular gaskets

BS EN 12152Curtain Walling – Air permeabilityperformance requirements andclassification

BS EN 12153Curtain Walling – Air permeability – Testmethod

BS EN 12154Curtain Walling – Watertightness –performance requirements andclassification

BS EN 12155Curtain Walling – Watertightness-Laboratory test under static pressure

Kawneer Permacover™ is a high quality polyesterpowder paint finish, offering over 130 standardand 31 metallic paint colours and providingoutstanding resistance to environmentalconditions. Kawneer Permacover™ has 15 yeargloss and a 25 year matt and metallic guaranteessubject to application and Kawneer acceptancein marine, industrial, swimming pools or otheraggressive atmospheres.

Kawneer Permanodic® is a range of subtle co-ordinated colours which have been researchedand developed for architectural systems. KawneerPermanodic® is a tried and tested anodisingprocess, proven in accelerated laboratory tests,extensive field trials and contract experience.Subject to compliance with Kawneer’srequirements, a 25 year finishes guarantee canbe obtained from our Head Office.

Princes Dock, Liverpool

Atherden Fuller Leng

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Supporting Your Projects