''The Mongrel sometimes believes he transcends Racial squabbles, and can see things clearer because he is comprised of two parts. But the Mongrel can never transcend anything because the Roots are Polluted and the Consciousness deformed. This is called The Curse of the Mongrel.'' It is in the mongrel nature to abuse women, (and animals) they are the product of mistreatment against women passed on from their fathers and ancestors as they all are products of rape and sneaky market selection - resulting in the most worthless ''men'' you can imagine. Fat, dumb, impulsive, sugar-loving, base mongrel filth daring to talk about our (environmental relative) lousy women while theirs are filth themselves (environmental manifestation) with their twerking in mosques, anal obsession, big-mouthed vile talking and lack of initiative. A conscious mongrel is like a tranny, it thinks he can choose his identity by feeeelz, then he is German (and tries to be seen as such by drinking German beer, as if drinking defines our culture and genes) and the other day he is a Shaka Zulu, the fact is, they have no roots and no potential expression except the lowest common denominator, just like secular- humanists lower everything to the sexual organs ''see, I told you he was human, he has a penis''. ''the mongrels did not bring their women with them, because they are "breeders" churning out more mongrels staying back, and sending a second wave of refugees in the next cycle.'' Tranny-mongrels don't need wives and motherhood of traditions, they just grab it and abuse the women and think they already have our women as property. Mongrels have no taste, that is their essence - mongrels are breeders, with whatever they breed, another tranny-mongrel comes out from it. They have no age range, often enough don't care about gender as well and the condition of the person; come on, they fuck goats too. Their procreation is not limited to any specific breed, regardless, it is: ''The Return of the Tranny (mongrel) - the Cycle Continues''. The North-American Ground Ape is even capable to become a trans-nigger- Egyptun semi-god in the streets of Detroit where we are still eagerly awaiting for pyramids, temples, arts and likewise architectural masterpieces to arise. The reason for intended mongrelisation of the European peoples is to have a sampling of different human parts (pasts), and thus all gets lost like our (ancient) symbols in the excess and association to entertainment and emotional misinterpretations; different symbols to sample from as will be

Curse of the Mongrel

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How transsexualism and mongrel manifestations relate to each other

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''The Mongrel sometimes believes he transcends Racial squabbles, and can see things clearer because he is comprised of two parts. But the Mongrel can never transcend anything because the Roots are Polluted and the Consciousness deformed. This is called The Curse of the Mongrel.''

It is in the mongrel nature to abuse women, (and animals) they are the product of mistreatment against women passed on from their fathers and ancestors as they all are products of rape and sneaky market selection - resulting in the most worthless ''men'' you can imagine. Fat, dumb, impulsive, sugar-loving, base mongrel filth daring to talk about our (environmental relative) lousy women while theirs are filth themselves (environmental manifestation) with their twerking in mosques, anal obsession, big-mouthed vile talking and lack of initiative.

A conscious mongrel is like a tranny, it thinks he can choose his identity by feeeelz, then he is German (and tries to be seen as such by drinking German beer, as if drinking defines our culture and genes) and the other day he is a Shaka Zulu, the fact is, they have no roots and no potential expression except the lowest common denominator, just like secular-humanists lower everything to the sexual organs ''see, I told you he was human, he has a penis''.

''the mongrels did not bring their women with them, because they are "breeders" churning out more mongrels staying back, and sending a second wave of refugees in the next cycle.''

Tranny-mongrels don't need wives and motherhood of traditions, they just grab it and abuse the women and think they already have our women as property.Mongrels have no taste, that is their essence - mongrels are breeders, with whatever they breed, another tranny-mongrel comes out from it.They have no age range, often enough don't care about gender as well and the condition of the person; come on, they fuck goats too.

Their procreation is not limited to any specific breed, regardless, it is: ''The Return of the Tranny (mongrel) - the Cycle Continues''.

The North-American Ground Ape is even capable to become a trans-nigger-Egyptun semi-god in the streets of Detroit where we are still eagerly awaiting for pyramids, temples, arts and likewise architectural masterpieces to arise.

The reason for intended mongrelisation of the European peoples is to have a sampling of different human parts (pasts), and thus all gets lost like our (ancient) symbols in the excess and association to entertainment and emotional misinterpretations; different symbols to sample from as will be the reasoning for tranny-mongrels (I am this and that and such, I am ''humanity united''); a tranny-Frankenstein horde easy to manipulate and satisfy through past-less symbols and degenerating the superior (the hatred is obvious from the dark and mongrel hominid hordes, having disdain for our women yet desiring them).

Modern people belonging to the European breed are mongrels in spirit, they sample ideals, though similar to the main idea of equality and humanness, and use symbols as movie inspired Hollywood decorations without value, just as ''something nice to get'', wife and hubby ''connective symbols'' which does not touch a single feeling, principle or own design that would indicate ''they stay together'', just as worthless as a random Modern putting a ring on the finger of the one (s)he is about to marry, a symbol only reminding their oath, showing others they have taken it (thus are possessed), but today it is the ring itself that is the centre value instead of the oath and intent with the ring merely as reminder and all other rituals to symbolize the past in continuation; for what is an oath without ritual, that is, the past of transferring - but the oath is nothing if the spirit is corrupt already, the ring is no more oath than a burger from McDonalds is actual food.

It has no value, it is no oath, nothing to remind the spirit to strive or take a stand, for others will recognize and identify (the symbols), closing doors and you have to build your own doorway, it all gets lost in ''this is just another symbol among the many'' mentality.

Thus the Modern samples from different pasts of different human breeds but with the same value-system as their current Democratic system; the ‘’equal vote, equal say, equal share’’ corruption.


Mongols; they are hit and run rapists. You know why the Finnish Mari tribe in Russia are still preserved in pagan traditions?The Mongols killed off all the males, raped the women and thus the women could do nothing else but to give birth to Mongol mongrel offspring with not a single man of their own ethnic tribe to kill the fruits of rape or to counter it by his own genetic input.

Muslim mongrels, when they rape, they also mind rape the offspring and potentially the conquered women. Hence the product of rape by Muslims extends the Islamic faith while by Mongols it merely extends their genetic input.


The (average) mongrel justifies his will to subjugate and conquer through victimhood mentality; the kind of sick mentality that gives him any ''moral right'' to do whatever he pleases and relates to his ideals of anti-Europeanism.

He does not know what is coming, he thinks (current) ''Morality'' is eternal or else replaced through his ''eternal'' privileged position to breed and say whatever he wants on our soil among our people, and impose his value-system upon us.

We have nowhere to go but to fight these mongrel hordes on our ancestral lands and lands meant for our children to grow their fruits.

The Victimhood mentality is the same means as how Jews push their own interests; they complain about being the Chosen (eternal) victims, and should not be ridiculed or compared to other people’s such as the Armenians who suffered a lot.Only they have the exclusive ''right'' to be the Biggest Victim (all are Victims, but some are more Victim than others; except evil Europeans).

Complaining about being victims; yet, aren't the Jews themselves selling their own Victimhood as a means of entertainment to be bought for 10$ as a cinema ticket for yet another movie centring around them, or a dvd, or a book (Hollywood, media, government, we barely have a say).