Curriculum vitae Last name: ESTOURNES First names: Claude, Gilbert, Jean-Pierre Education, Special Merits, Professional Memberships ESTOURNES Claude, Research Director at CNRS, CIRIMAT Laboratory, Toulouse 2009- CNRS Senior Scientist 2008-2011 Director of the national research group (GDR3165) on Spark Plasma Sintering 2004-2009 CNRS Research Associate: 2004- 2009, Coordinator of the National Platform on Spark Plasma Sintering (PNF2) 1998 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, which allow establishing research programs (16/12/1998) 1992-2004 Assistant Professor University of Strasbourg, Lectures: European School of Polymer Chemistry and Materials in Strasbourg Research: Institute of Materials Physic and Chemistry in Strasbourg 1989-1992 PhD (Université Bordeaux I), Materials Sciences, During this PhD, 6 months training (in 1990) was performed at the Physical- Chemistry Department University of Cambridge (UK). Member of the: American Ceramic Society (ACerS), Société Chimique de France (SCF), Société Physique de France (SPF), Groupe Français de la Céramique (GFC), Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux (SF2M), du bureau de la commission Mixte GFC-SF2M Poudres et Matériaux Frittés Main fields of activities 1. Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles with specific properties (optical, magnetic,catalytic...) embedded or not in matrix. 2. Synthesis, preparation and densification of materials (with nano and micro scales, composite, multilayered system, ceramic, polymer, glass etc…) by "Spark Plasma sintering". 3. Development of novel, specific and multi-functionnal architectures (FGM, micro- and meso-porous composite structure, sandwiches ...) to tailor specific properties. Experience in project management and project participation since 2005 1/ As Researcher at the CIRIMAT, Responsible of the transversal operation « Frittage Flash » Current studies with several groups belonging to the CIRIMAT: NNC (Ch. Laurent), OVM (Ph. Tailhades), RTS (F. Ansart), PCP (Ch. Rey), DCV (C. Vahlas) and Memo (J. Lacaze). 2/ As Researcher at the CIRIMAT and Coordinator of PNF 2 involved in several french national projects 1. ANR Blanc 2012 – Archifun (3ans) – Coordinateur C. Elissalde (ICMCB Bordeaux) Title of the project : Corrélations entre Architecture, Interfaces et Fonctionnalités dans les multi- matériaux Ferroélectriques :Frittage Flash et caractérisations multi-échelle 3D ? Partners : ICMCB, CIRIMAT, I2M. 2. ANR Mat&Pro 2011 Scapac (3ans) – Coordinateur N RICHET (AL) Title of the project : Revêtements protecteurs contre la corrosion pour utilisation sous atmosphères

Curriculum vitae - University of Cagliari · 2016-01-22 · Curriculum vitae . Last name: ESTOURNES . First names: Claude, Gilbert, Jean-Pierre . Education, Special Merits, Professional

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Page 1: Curriculum vitae - University of Cagliari · 2016-01-22 · Curriculum vitae . Last name: ESTOURNES . First names: Claude, Gilbert, Jean-Pierre . Education, Special Merits, Professional

Curriculum vitae Last name: ESTOURNES First names: Claude, Gilbert, Jean-Pierre

Education, Special Merits, Professional Memberships

ESTOURNES Claude, Research Director at CNRS, CIRIMAT Laboratory, Toulouse 2009- CNRS Senior Scientist 2008-2011 Director of the national research group (GDR3165) on Spark Plasma Sintering 2004-2009 CNRS Research Associate: 2004- 2009, Coordinator of the National Platform on Spark Plasma

Sintering (PNF2) 1998 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, which allow establishing research programs (16/12/1998) 1992-2004 Assistant Professor University of Strasbourg,

Lectures: European School of Polymer Chemistry and Materials in Strasbourg Research: Institute of Materials Physic and Chemistry in Strasbourg

1989-1992 PhD (Université Bordeaux I), Materials Sciences, During this PhD, 6 months training (in 1990) was performed at the Physical- Chemistry Department University of Cambridge (UK).

Member of the: American Ceramic Society (ACerS), Société Chimique de France (SCF), Société Physique de France (SPF), Groupe Français de la Céramique (GFC), Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux (SF2M), du bureau de la commission Mixte GFC-SF2M Poudres et Matériaux Frittés

Main fields of activities

1. Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles with specific properties (optical, magnetic,catalytic...) embedded or not in matrix.

2. Synthesis, preparation and densification of materials (with nano and micro scales, composite, multilayered system, ceramic, polymer, glass etc…) by "Spark Plasma sintering".

3. Development of novel, specific and multi-functionnal architectures (FGM, micro- and meso-porous composite structure, sandwiches ...) to tailor specific properties.

Experience in project management and project participation since 2005

1/ As Researcher at the CIRIMAT, Responsible of the transversal operation « Frittage Flash » Current studies with several groups belonging to the CIRIMAT: NNC (Ch. Laurent), OVM (Ph. Tailhades), RTS

(F. Ansart), PCP (Ch. Rey), DCV (C. Vahlas) and Memo (J. Lacaze). 2/ As Researcher at the CIRIMAT and Coordinator of PNF2 involved in several french national projects

1. ANR Blanc 2012 – Archifun (3ans) – Coordinateur C. Elissalde (ICMCB Bordeaux) Title of the project : Corrélations entre Architecture, Interfaces et Fonctionnalités dans les multi-matériaux Ferroélectriques :Frittage Flash et caractérisations multi-échelle 3D ? Partners : ICMCB, CIRIMAT, I2M.

2. ANR Mat&Pro 2011 Scapac (3ans) – Coordinateur N RICHET (AL)

Title of the project : Revêtements protecteurs contre la corrosion pour utilisation sous atmosphères

Page 2: Curriculum vitae - University of Cagliari · 2016-01-22 · Curriculum vitae . Last name: ESTOURNES . First names: Claude, Gilbert, Jean-Pierre . Education, Special Merits, Professional

sévères et complexes Partners : Air Liquide, CIRIMAT, ISL-LCSM, VERI, SEDIS.

3. ANR P2N 2011 Tri-Co (4ans) – Coordinator: A. San Miguel (LPMCN) Title of the project : Contrôle du Collapse Mécanique des Nanotubes de Carbone: propriétés physiques et défis industriels Partners : LPMCN, LASIM, Institut Néel, CIRIMAT, Arkéma.

4. ANR Mat&Pro 2009 Impulsé (4ans) – Coordinator C. Estournès CIRIMAT Toulouse Title of the project : Développement d’un procédé innovant d’élaboration de multi matériaux par courant pulsé Partners : CIRIMAT, LIMATB-UBS, SPCTS, LTDS-ENISE, CETIM, SEI et SCT.

5. ANR NanoInnov 2009 ThermoInnov (15mois) – Coordinator : J. Simon (CEA Liten) Grenoble Title of the project : Subtrats composites pour thermo générateurs grande surface Partners : CEA, STE, LCPO, Armines-SMS, ICMPE, CIRIMAT, Bull.

6. ANR Mat&Pro 2009 NanoBiocer (3ans) – Coordinator : C. Drouet CIRIMAT Toulouse Title of the project : Nouvelle génération de biocéramiques résorbables par consolidation à basse température d'apatites nanocristallines biomimétiques Partners : CIRIMAT, SPCTS.

7. Projet ThermoNC, Fondation de Recherche pour l’Aéronautique et l’Espace 2008 Coordinator: J.M. Heintz Bordeaux. Title of the project : Drains thermiques à architecture contrôlée avec nanotubes et/ou nanofibres de carbone. Partners : ICMCB, CIRIMAT, LET, Hispano Suiza, Thermidrain.

8. ANR Blanc 2008 NanoBiocer (3ans) – Coordinator: C. Drouet CIRIMAT Toulouse Title of the project : Nouvelle génération de biocéramiques résorbables par consolidation à basse température d'apatites nanocristallines biomimétiques Partners : CIRIMAT, SPCTS

9. Projet MEM-sTiMULHY : Programme Interdisciplimaire Energie du CNRS 2008, Coordinator : A. Julbe Montpellier. Title of the project : MEMbranes TubulaIres et MULticanaux : nouveaux matériaux céramiques et architectures fonctionelles pour la purification de l’Hydrogène Partners : IEM, CIRIMAT, CTI SA, TECHNO-MEMBRANES SA

10. Projet SUPLHYME, Projet Exploratoire CNRS Energie 2007, Coordinator : V. Rouessac Montpellier. Title of the project : Développement d’assemblages MEmbrane/SUpport PLans à gradient radial de porosité, adaptés à des cycles de mesures de perméation de l’HYdrogène jusqu’à 550°C. Partners : IEM & CIRIMAT.

11. Projet PREPAC, Ademe 2007 – Coordinator : G. Caboche Dijon Title of the project : Nouveau Système de pile à combustible de type SOFC alimenté par un pré-réformeur à réacteur micro-structuré Partners : ICB, CIRIMAT & PNF2, LGC, IRCELYON, LIEBHERR-AEROSPACE TOULOUSE S.A.S., EDF.

12. ANR2006 Jeunes chercheurs Thermel (4ans) – Coordinator : F. Gascoin Montpellier Title of the project : Nouveau matériaux thermoélectriques à haut rendement Partners : LPMC, CIRIMAT & PNF2, LAMMI

13. ANR2006 Pnano – Tribonano (3ans) – Coordinator : J. Denape Tarbes Title of the project : Développement de nanocomposites céramique-métal pour des conditions

Page 3: Curriculum vitae - University of Cagliari · 2016-01-22 · Curriculum vitae . Last name: ESTOURNES . First names: Claude, Gilbert, Jean-Pierre . Education, Special Merits, Professional

sévères de frottement Partners : ENIT, CIRIMAT & PNF2, SCT

14. ANR2005 JC - NANO4F (3ans) – Coordinator : C. Elissalde ICMCB Bordeaux Title of the project : Fluides supercritiques, Frittage Flash et Ferroélectricité : vers une approche multi-échelle pour la réalisation de nouveaux nanocomposites fonctionnels Partners : ICMCB, CIRIMAT & PNF2, ENSGTI

15. ANR2005 Pnano COPROP-NANO (3ans) – Coordinator : C. Pham-Huu LMSPC Strasbourg Title of the project : Composites macronisés à base de carbone et oxydes avec des propriétés nanoscopiques, Partners : LMSPC, CIRIMAT & PNF2, IPCMS, LCM,

16. ANR2005 JC - NANOMAT-SOFC (3ans) – Coordinator : G. Dezanneau LSPMS-ECP Paris Title of the project : Les céramiques oxydes nano-structurées : Matériaux d’avenir pour les piles à combustible? Non partenaire mais associé au projet

17. ANR2005 PAN-H Tectonic (3ans) – Coordinator : M. Marony EDF Title of the project : TEChnologie pile à combustible à base de matériaux conducteurs proTONIques Céramiques dans la gamme de températures 400-600°C Non partenaire mais associé au projet

3/ As Researcher at the CIRIMAT and Coordinator of PNF2 involved in several international projects

1. Projet européen (2013-17): Self-Healing Thermal Barrier Coatings (SAMBA), FP7-NMP-2012-SMALL-6, NMP.2012.2.1-3 - Dates: Mars 2013-Mars 2017 c : Self-healing materials for prolonged lifetime, Partners: TU Delft (Ntl), Forschungszentrum Jülich (G), University of Manchester (UK), INPT (F), RSE (I), Alstom Power (Sui), Volvo Aero (Swe), Flame Spray Technology (Ntl).

2. Projet NANOMAT Franco-Norvégien : en cours 3ans Title of the project: Development of highly efficient nanostructured SOFCs integrating novel Ln(Nb,Ta)O4-based proton conducting oxides Partners: SINTEF, Universités Oslo et Trondheim, CIRIMAT-PNF2

3. Projet Franco-Norvégien - en cours (Coordinator for the french side), 3ans

Title of the project: Spark Plasma Sintering of ceramic proton conductors for SOFC Partners: CIRIMAT, LRRS, PNF, LLB, EDF, SINTEF, Universités Oslo et Trondheim, Prototech.

4. PAI (Rila) avec l’Institut de Catalyse de Sofia - Académie des Sciences Bulgare, 2009-2010 Coordinator for the french side Title of the project : Synthèse, consolidation et caractérisation de nanomatériaux multifonctionnels à base d'oxydes de métaux de transition Partners: Institut de Catalyse Sofia.

5. Projet CAPES-COFECUB Brésil – demande en cours 4ans, coordinator : Pr. A. Peigney, Title of the project : Nanocomposites inorganiques vitreux renforcés par des nanotubes de carbone, Partners: LACER – UFRGS (Laboratoire des matériaux céramiques) – Porto-Allegre – Brésil.

6. Projet conjoint bilatéral CNRS-Académie des Sciences Bulgares 2006-2007, Coordinator for the

french side Title of the project: Synthèse et caractérisation de matériaux nano-structurés multifonctionnels à base d’oxydes de métaux de transition Partners: Institut de Catalyse Sofia.

Page 4: Curriculum vitae - University of Cagliari · 2016-01-22 · Curriculum vitae . Last name: ESTOURNES . First names: Claude, Gilbert, Jean-Pierre . Education, Special Merits, Professional

Formal or Unformal Research Programs Pr. R. Chaim, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Haifa Israel. Pr. M. Galceran, Universitat Rovira i Virgili Tarragona, Espagne. Dr. J. Goni & Dr. J. Coletto, Inasmet San Sebastien, Espagne. Dr. Witold Gulbinski, Department of Physics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Koszalin University of TechnologyKoszalin, Poland. Pr. I. Mitov & Dr. E. Manova, Institut de Catalyse - Académie des Sciences Bulgare, Sofia, Bulgarie. Pr. T Grande, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norvège Pr. T. Norby, Université d’Oslo, Norvège. Dr. R. Bredesen, Dr. L. Yngve, Dr M.L. Fontaine, Sintef, Norvège. Pr. L. Shaw, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago USA

4/ As Researcher at the CIRIMAT and Coordinator of PNF2 in relation with industry

20 contracts with industries in the fields of aeronautics, energy… (For confidentiality reasons the list of the contracts is not given)

Main management tasks

2015 Co-organizer of the symposium: “Field Assisted Sintering and Related Phenomena at High

Temperatures” at the 39th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites

(ACERS) - ICACC15 25-30 January 2015 Daytona Beach USA. 2014 Chairman of the 3rd International Workshop on Spark Plasma Sintering, Toulouse July 2014 2013- Pfeil Award from the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. 2011 Chairman of the 2nd International Workshop on Spark Plasma Sintering, Capbreton, France 2010-2013 Coordinator of a National Project ANR-Mat&Pro 2009: Impulsé, 7 Partners with 3 industrials 2010- Member of the Editoral Committee of: «Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-Asia» Edité par Bentham

Science Publishers 2007- Member of the Editoral Committee of «The Open Physical Chemistry Journals » Edited by Bentham

Science Publishers 2005- Member of the Editoral Committee of « Journal of Nanomaterials » edited by Hindawi Publishing Scientific coordinator of 20 research contracts Scientific expertise for :

The French National agencies AERES, ANR and DGA, Régions Basse Normandie & Aquitaine (2), University of Bordeaux Université Bordeaux I, US Department of Energy and Isaerli Ministry of Science

Reviewer :

Chemistry of Materials (ACS publication); Journal of the American Ceramic Society (Blackwell Publishing); Journal of Non−Crystalline Materials, Surface and Coatings Technology, Ceramics International, Journal of the European Ceramics Society, Optical materials, Composites Part B: Engineering, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Solid State Sciences (Elsevier publication); Hyperfine Interactions (SpringerLink − Publication)

Page 5: Curriculum vitae - University of Cagliari · 2016-01-22 · Curriculum vitae . Last name: ESTOURNES . First names: Claude, Gilbert, Jean-Pierre . Education, Special Merits, Professional

Publications, fellowship and conferences organization

Publications: 150 (Source ISI Web of Knowledge), h-factor : 33, g-factor : 48 Proceedings with referee: 17 and without referee: 30, Popularized articles: 2; Book Chapters : 2, Patents: 9+4 PCT Invited Conferences: 48; Invited seminars: 33; Oral Communications: 177; Poster Presentations: 124. Fellowship: –Postdoctoral students: 11 – PhD students: 17 – Master degree students: 14 – Training students: 22. Organization of Conferences, seminars and meetings: 20 (Pres. of the Organization Committee for ten).

Journal Nb IF (13) Journal Nb IF (13) Journal of American Chemical Society 2 11,444 Advanced Materials 1 15,409

Chemical Communications 3 6,718 Advanced Functional Materials 2 10,439 Chemistry of Materials 5 8,535 Acta Biomateriala 1 5,684

Langmuir 2 4,384 Physical Review Letters 1 7,728 J. of Non-Crystalline Solids 4 1,716 Physical Review B 1 3,664 Phys, Chem, Chem, Phys 4 4,198 Applied Physics Letters 4 3,515

Solid State Ionics 5 2,112 Nuclear Instrument B 6 1,186 Inorganic Chemistry 1 4,794 J. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 3 2,002

J. of Alloys and Coompounds 2 2,726 Applied Catalysis A 6 3,674 J. of Physical Chemistry B 2 3,377 Catalysis Letters 1 2,291

J. of the European Ceramic Society 8 2,307 Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2 3,209 J. of the American Ceramic Society 4 2,428 Catalysis Today 2 3,309

Carbon 6 6,16 Scripta Materiala 10 2,968 Acta Materiala 1 3,94 Materials Science and Engineering A 2 2,409

Surface and Coatings Technology 4 2,199 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 1 2,2 Philosophical Magazine 2 1,427 Adv. Engineering Mat. 1 1,508

J. of Materials Processing Technology 1 1,61 J. of Materials Science 2 2,305 Organic Letters 1 6,324 New Journal of Chemistry 1 3,159

Ceramics Internationnal 2 2,086 Thin Solids Films 1 1,807 Powder Technology 1 2,269 Physica Status Solidi (RRL) 1 2,343

Journal of Power Sources 1 5,211 Journal of Nanomaterials 2 1,611 Solid State Sciences 1 2,112 Mechanic Materials 1 2,225

Publications per year Citations per year

1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 20160












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Année1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 20160










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28 September 2014 Source Web of Knowledge

Number of articles: 150 Number of citations: 2972 Average number of citations per article: 19.81

Auto-citation Percentage: 7.28 H-Index: 33, G-Index: 48 Source Scopus

Number of articles: 156 Number of citations: 3062 H-Index: 33, G-Index G : 49

Source Sci. Finder Number of articles: 185

Page 6: Curriculum vitae - University of Cagliari · 2016-01-22 · Curriculum vitae . Last name: ESTOURNES . First names: Claude, Gilbert, Jean-Pierre . Education, Special Merits, Professional

Scientific publications

1. M. Ménétrier, A. Hojjaji, C. Estournès and A. Levasseur,

Ionic conduction in the B2S3-Li2S glass system, Solid State Ionics, 48 (1991) 325.

2. M. Ménétrier, C. Estournès, A. Levasseur and K.J. Rao, Ionic conduction in the B2S3-Li2S-LiI glasses, Solid State Ionics, 53-56 (1992) 1208.

3. M. Ménétrier, C. Estournès and A. Levasseur, Structural and Conductivity studies in B2S3-Li2S-LiI glasses, Solid State Ionics: Materials and Applications, p. 141-145 edited by B.V.R. Chowdari et al. 1992 by World Scientific Publications Company.

4. K.J. Rao, C. Estournès, A. Levasseur, M.C.R. Shastry, M. Ménétrier, Activation barriers for dc conductivity in ionic glasses : classical calculations using small cluster approximation, Phil. Mag. B, 1993, Vol. 67, No. 3, 389.

5. C. Estournès, A. P. Owens, M. Ménétrier, A. Levasseur, K.J. Rao and S. R. Elliott, A structural study of B2S3-Li2S glasses by neutron diffusion, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 171 (1994) 80.

6. K.J. Rao, C. Estournès, M. Ménétrier, A. Levasseur, A.C. conductivity studies of lithium Thioborates Glasses, Phil. Mag. B, 1994, Vol. 70, No. 4, 809.

7. C. Estournès, N. Cornu and J.L. Guille, Reduction of copper in soda lime silicate glass by hydrogen, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 170 (1994) 287.

8. C. Estournès, N. Cornu and J.L. Guille, Periodic precipitation in copper doped glasses, Nanostructured and non-crystalline materials, 49 edited by M. Vasquez & A. Hernando 1994 by World Scientific Publications Company.

9. C. Estournès, T. Lutz, J.L. Guille, Reduction of Nickel in soda-lime-silicate glass by hydrogen, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 197 (1996), 192.

10. C. Estournès, N. Cornu, J.L. Guille, T. Epicier, L.C. Wang and P. Lehuédé, Reaction of hydrogen with copper containing soda-lime-silicate glasses, Phys. Chem. Glasses, 1996, 37 (5) 1771.

11. C. Estournès, T. Lutz, J. Happich, T. Quaranta, P. Wissler and J.L. Guille, Nickel nanoparticles in silica gels: preparation and magnetic properties, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 173 (1997) 83.

12. T. Lutz, C. Estournès, J.C. Merle, and J.L. Guille, Optical properties of copper doped silica gels. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 262-263 (1997) 438.

13. Pascal Del Gallo, Cuong Pham-Huu, Christophe Bouchy, Claude Estournes, Marc J. Ledoux, Effect of the total activation pressure on the structural and catalytic performance of the SiC supported MoO3-carbon-modified catalyst for the n-heptane isomerisation, Applied Catalysis A: general 156 (1997) 131.

14. C. Estournès, T. Lutz, J.L. Guille, M. Tamine and J.M. Grenèche, Iron nanoparticles in silica gels, preparation and magnetic properties. Non-Crystalline and Nanoscale Materials, p 499-504 edited by J. Rivas & M.A López-Quintela 1998 by World Scientific Publications Company.

15. T. Lutz, C. Estournès, et J.L. Guille, Metal (Fe, Co, Ni) nanoparticles in silica gels, preparation and magnetic properties,

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Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 13 (1998) 929.

16. O. Cintora-Gonzalez, C. Estournès, J.L. Guille, D. Muller et J-J Grob, Magnetic behavior of Ni+ implanted silica, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 147 (1999) 422.

17. C. Pham-Huu, C. Estournès B. Heinrich, C. Crouzet and M.J. Ledoux, High temperature removal of H2S over iron oxide supported on SiC sorbent, 7th International conference on ferrites, Bordeaux, Colloque C1, Supplément au Journal de Physique III de Mars 1997, C1-677.

18. H. Provendier, C. Petit, C. Estournès, S. Libs and A. Kiennemann, Higher dispersion of the nickel over LaNixFe1-xO3 perovskites : Application to partial oxydation of methane to synthesis gas, In Proceeding of First European Congress on Chemical Engineering, May 4-7, Florence, Italy, 1997. Ed by AIDIC. Milan: AIDIC, 1997, 1, p. 359.

19. M.J. Ledoux, C. Pham-Huu, C. Bouchy, P. Del Gallo, C. Estournès, C. Crouzet and B. Heinrich, High surface area silicon carbide doped with zirconium for use as heterogeneous catalyst support. MRS Symp. Proc. 454 (1997) 35.

20. C. Pham-Huu, C. Estournès, B. Heinrich and M.J. Ledoux, High temperature H2S removal over iron oxide supported on high specific surface area -SiC sorbents. Part I : Sorbent preparation and characterization, Journal of Chemical Society Faraday Trans., 03 (1998) 435.

21. C. Pham-Huu, C. Estournès, C. Crouzet and M.J. Ledoux, High temperature H2S removal over iron oxide supported on high specific surface area -SiC sorbents. Part II : Sulfidation and regeneration, Journal of Chemical Society Faraday Trans., 03 (1998) 443.

22. M.J. Ledoux , N. Keller, C. Pham-Huu , C. Estournès, B. Heinrich, H. Lamprell and E. M. Harlin, Preparation and characterization of SiC microfibers and Cr3C2 with medium specific surface area for catalytic applications, Studies in Surface Science and catalysis, 118 (1998) 855.

23. H. Provendier, C. Petit, C. Estournès and A. Kiennemann, Dry reforming of methane. Interest of La-Ni-Fe solid solutions compared to LaNiO3 and LaFeO3 Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol 119, année 1998, page 741.

24. C. Pham-Huu, N. Keller, S. Roy, M.J. Ledoux, C. Estournès and J.L.Guille, Influence of the preparation conditions on the synthesis of high surface area SiC for use as heterogeneous catalyst support. Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 34 (1999), 3189.

25. H. Provendier, C. Petit, C. Estournès and A. Kiennemann, Stabilisation of active nickel catalysts in partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas by iron addition. Applied Cat. A: General 180 (1999) 163.

26. C. Pham-Huu, C. Bouchy, T. Dintzer, G. Ehret, C. Estournès and M.J. Ledoux, High surface area silicon carbide doped with zirconium for use as catalyst support. Preparation, Characterization and Catalytic Application Applied Cat. A: General 180 (1999) 385.

27. M. Haouas, C. Gérardin, F. Taulelle, C. Estournès, T. Loiseau and G. Ferey, In situ NMR study of the hydrothermal synthesis of template-mediated microporous aluminophosphate material : AlPO4-CJ2. J. Chim. Phys., Vol. 95, No. 2, (1998), 302.

28. C. Gérardin, M. Haouas, F. Taulelle, C. Estournès, T. Loiseau and G. Ferey, In situ and ex situ NMR methodology to study microporous phase crystallisation. Proceedings of the 12th International Zeolite Conference, Editors: M.M.J. Treacy, B.K. Marcus, M.E. Bisher, J.B. Higgins, MRS Publications 4 (1999) 2971ess.

29. F. Taulelle, C. Gerardin, M. Haouas, C. Estournès, T. Loiseau, G. Ferey, NMR of Microporous Compounds From in-situ reactions to solid paving, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 158,

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N° 1-2, (1999), 299.

30. M. Kurmoo, P. Day, A. Derory, C. Estournès, R. Poinsot, M.J. Stead and C.J. Kepert, 3D-Long range magnetic ordering in layered metal-hydroxide triangular lattices 24Å apart, J. of Solid State Chemistry : Vol. 145, No 2 , (1999) 452.

31. N. Keller, C. Pham-Huu, C. Estournès, G. Ehret, M. J. Ledoux Preparation and characterization of high surface area SiC microfibers as support for heterogeneous catalysis, Applied catalysis. A, General. vol. 187 , n° 2 (1999) p 255.

32. N. Keller, C. Pham-Huu, C. Estournès, M. J. Ledoux Low temperature selective oxidation of H2S into elemental sulfur over NiS2/SiC catalyst Catalysis letters, vol. 61 , no 3-4 (1999) p. 151.

33. O. Cíntora-González, C. Estournès, J.L. Guille, J-J Grob, B. Hönerlage, J. Le Moigne, R. Lévy, T. Lutz, J.C. Merle, D. Muller, M. Richard, J.L. Rehspringer, J. Schell, N. Viart, Aggregates in silica based matrices, Analusis, 28 (2) (2000) 109.

34. F. Schweyer, P. Braunstein, C. Estournès, J. L. Guille, H. Kessler, J. L. Paillaud, J. Rosé, Metallic nanoparticles from heterometallic Ru-Co carbonyl clusters in microporous xerogel and MCM-41. Chem. Comm., 14 (2000) 1271

35. O. Cíntora-González, D. Muller, C. Estournès, M. Richard-Plouet, R. Poinsot, J.J.Grob and J. Guille, Structure and magnetic properties of Co+ implanted silica, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 178, Issues 1-4, May 2001, 144.

36. O. Cíntora-González, C. Estournès, M. Richard-Plouet and J. Guille, Nickel Nanoparticles in silica gel monoliths : control of the size and magnetic properties. Materials Science & Engineering C, 15 (1-2) (2001), 179.

37. R. Berger, J.C. Bissey, J. Kliava, H. Daubric and C. Estournès, Temperature dependence of superparamagnetic resonance of iron oxide nanoparticles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 234 (3) (2001) 535-544

38. C. Estournès, C. Pham-Huu, N. Keller and M.J. Ledoux, Decoration of silicon carbide nanotubes CoFe2O4 Spinel, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2001), 658(Solid-State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials III), GG6.4.1-GG6.4.6.

39. Cintora-Gonzalez, O.; Estournès, C.; Muller, D.; Richard-Plouet, M.; Traverse, A.; Guille, J. L.; Grob, J. J., Nanoparticles of Metallic Cobalt and Nickel Prepared by ion implantation into SiO2, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2001), 647(Ion Beam Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials), 5.12/1-5.12/6.

40. C. Estournès, H. Provendier, L. Bedel, C. Petit, A.C. Roger, A. Kiennemann, Reducibility study of the of LaMxFe1-xO3 (M : Ni, Co) perovskite Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (2001), 658(Solid-State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials III), GG6.22.1-GG6.22.6.

41. Ulman, Abraham; Shafi, Kurikka V. P. M.; Yn, Xingzhong; Yang, Nan-Loh; Estournes, Claude. Preparation of functional nanoparticles using sonochemistry. Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering 84 (2001) 789.

42. Kurikka V.P.M. Shafi, Abraham Ulman, Xingzhong Yan, Nan-Loh Yang, Claude Estournès, Henry White and Miriam Rafailovich, Sonochemical Synthesis of Functionalized Amorphous Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Langmuir ; 17(16); 2001; 5093.

43. Kurikka V. P. M. Shafi, Abraham Ulman, Xingzhong Yan, Nan-Loh Yang, Claude Estournès, Léopold Fournès, Alain Wattiaux, Henry White and Miriam Rafailovich Magnetic Enhancement of Gamma-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles By Sonochemical Coating Chemistry of Materials (2002), 14(4), 1778-1787.

44. C. Estournès, O. Cíntora-González, C. D’Orléans, T. Lutz, A. Muller-Gattang, M. Richard-Plouet, F. Schweyer and J.L. Guille, Magnetic Nanoparticles In Silica Based Matrices

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Proceeding of the Eight International Conference on composites Engineering.

45. Nicolas Keller, Cuong Pham-Huu, Claude Estournès and Marc J. Ledoux Low temperature use of SiC-supported NiS2-based catalysts for selective H2S oxidation; Role of SiC surface heterogeneity and nature of the active phase, Applied Catalysis A: General, 234 (2002) 191.

46. C. d’Orléans, J.P. Stoquert, C. Estournès, C. Cerruti, J.J. Grob, J. Guille, F. Haas, D. Muller, M. Richard-Plouet. Modification of size and magnetic properties of implanted Co nanoparticles by irradiation, Proceeding of the 2002 Glass Odyssey 6th ESG Conference Montpellier, 2-6 June 2002.

47. F. Schweyer, P. Braunstein, L. Delmotte, C. Estournès, J. L. Guille, B. Lebeau, J.-L. Paillaud, and J. Rosé, Synthesis and characterization of ordered Co2P nanoparticles by grafting of molecular clusters into mesoporous silica matrices Chem. Mater. 15(1) (2003) 57.

48. C. Pham-Huu, N. Keller C. Estournès, G. Ehret and M.J. Ledoux, Synthesis of CoFe2O4 nanowire in carbon nanotubes. A new use of the confinement effect. Chem. Commun. (2002) 1882.

49. C. d’Orléans, J.P. Stoquert, C. Estournès, C. Cerruti, J.J. Grob, J. Guille, F. Haas, D. Muller, M. Richard-Plouet. Irradiations of implanted cobalt nanoparticles in silica layers, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B , 209 (2003) 316.

50. C. d'Orléans, J.P. Stoquert, C. Estournès, C. Cerruti, J.J. Grob, J. Guille, F. Haas, D. Muller and M. Richard-Plouet. Anisotropy of Co nanoparticles induced by swift heavy ions Phys. Rev. B, 67(22) R (2003) 220101.

51. A. Hutlova, D. Niznansky, J.L. Rehspringer, C. Estournès and M. Kurmoo an unprecedented high coercive field for nanoparticles of CoFe2O4 in amorphous silica sol-gel Adv. Mater., 15(19) (2003) 1622.

52. L. Bedel, A.C. Roger, C. Estournès, and A. Kiennemann, Co° from partial reduction of La(Co,Fe)O3 perovskites for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Catalysis Today, 85 (2003) 207.

53. C. Pham-Huu, N. Keller C. Estournès, G. Ehret and M.J. Ledoux, Microstructural investigation and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 nanowire filled carbon nanotubes. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 5 (2003) 3716.

54. Jr-iuan Lai, Kurikka V. P. M. Shafi, Abraham Ulman, Nan-Loh Yang, Min-Hui Cui, Thomas Vogt, Claude Estournès, and Dave C. Locke Doping gamma-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles with Mn(III) Suppresses the Transition to the alpha-Fe2O3 Structure J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 125 (2003) 11470.

55. Ulman, Abraham; Shafi, Kurikka V. P. M.; Lai, Jriuan; Yang, Nan-Loh; Cui, Min-Hui; Lee, Yongjae; Vogt, T.; Estournes, Claude. Nanoparticles - from gold to YIG. Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering 89 (2003) 196.

56. E. Manova, Cl. Estournes, B. Kunev, D. Paneva, I. Mitov Mechanochemical synthesis of nanodimensional cobalt ferrite Proceeding of the scientific technical conference tribology 2003, 30-31 October, Sofia Edited by: Assoc. Prof. Emilia Assenova, Tribology Centre, Sofia, Bulgaria Published by: TEMTO, Sofia.

57. J.-Y. Bigot, C. Estournès, C. D’Orléans, E. Beaurepaire, L. Andrade, D. Muller, J.-P. Stoquert Femtosecond dynamics of magnetic cobalt nanoparticles Proceeding of Nanofair 2003 conference, Dresden 20&21 november 2003.

58. C.Cerruti, J.P.Stoquert, C.D’Orléans, C. Estournès, J.J. Grob, J.L. Guille, F. Haas , D. Muller, M. Richard-Plouet Ion beam elaboration and modification of nanoparticles : a monte-carlo simulation Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B (NIMB), 216 (2004) 329.

59. C. D’Orléans, J.P. Stoquert, C. Estournès, J.J Grob, D. Muller, J.L. Guille, M. Richard-Plouet, C. Cerruti, F. Haas Elongated Co nanoparticles induced by swift heavy ion irradiations Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B (NIMB), 216 (2004) 372.

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60. N. Keller, C. Pham-Huu, T. Shiga, C. Estournès, M.J. Ledoux

Mild Synthesis of CoFe2O4 Nanowires Using Carbon Nanotube Template. A High Coercivity Material at Room Temperature Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276 (2004), 1642.

61. N. Keller, C. Pham-Huu, C. Estournès, G. Ehret and M.J. Ledoux, Carbon nanotubes as template for mild synthesis of CoFe2O4 nanowires: a new use of the confinement effect, Carbon, 42-7 (2004) 1395.

62. Ziessel, R.; Nguyen, P.; Douce, L.; Cesario, M.; Estournes, C. Selective Oxidation of a Single Primary Alcohol Function in Oligopyridine Frameworks Org. Lett., 6(17), (2004), 2865.

63. Loic J. Charbonniere, Nicolas Weibel, Claude Estournes, Cedric Leuvrey, Raymond Ziessel, Spatial and temporal discrimination of silica particles functionalised with luminescent lanthanide markers using time-resolved luminescence microscopy, N J. of Chemistry, (2004) 777.

64. C. D’Orléans, J.P. Stoquert, C. Estournès, J.J Grob, D. Muller, C. Cerruti, F. Haas Deformation yield of Co nanoparticles in SiO2 irradiated with 200 MeV 127I ions Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 225 (1-2), (2004) 154.

65. E. Manova, Cl. Estournès, D. Paneva, T. Tsoncheva, I. Mitov Phase composition and catalytic properties of iron, cobalt and iron-cobalt oxide nanoparticles supported on activated carbon Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 4, eds. E. Balabanova, I. Dragieva, Heron Press, Sofia, 2004.

66. Lai, J.; Shafi, K. V. P. M.; Ulman, A.; Loos, K.; Yang, N.-L.; Cui, M.-H.; Vogt, T.; Estournes, C.; Locke, D. C., Mixed Iron – Manganese Oxide nanoparticles J. Phys. Chem. B., 108 (39), (2004) 14876

67. Mingfu Zhang, Claude Estournès, Werner Bietsch and Axel H. E. Müller,

Superparamagnetic Hybrid Nanocylinders Advanced Functional Materials, 14 (9), (2004)871

68. R. Mafouana, J.L. Rehspringer, C. Hirlimann, C. Estournès and K.D. Dorkenoo 2-D Colloids photonic crystal for distributed feedback polymer laser, Applied Physics letters, 85 (19), (2004) 4278.

69. E. Manova, B. Kunev, D. Paneva, I. Mitov, L. Petrov, C. Estournès, C. D’Orléans, J.-L.Rehspringer, M. Kurmoo. Mechano-synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of nanoparticles of cobalt ferrite, CoFe2O4, Chem. Mater. 16(26), (2004) 5689.

70. Mohamedally Kurmoo, Claude Estournès,Yoshimi Oka, Hitoshi Kumagai and Katsuya Inoue Knotted Network Consisting of 3-Threads and a Zwitterionic One-dimensional Polymorph of trans-3-(3-Pyridyl) acrylate of Cobalt and Nickel, MII(C8H6NO2)2(H2O)2 Inorg. Chem., 44(2), (2005) 217.

71. M. Kurmoo, J.-L. Rehspringer, A. Hutlova, C. D’Orleans, S. Vilminot, C. Estournès, D. Niznansky Formation of Nanoparticles of -Fe2O3 from Yttrium Garnet in a Silica Matrix: An Unusually Hard Magnet with a Morin-like Transition Below 150 K Chem. Mater. 17(5), (2005), 1106-1114.

72. Jr-iuan Lai, Kurikka V. P. M. Shafi, Abraham Ulman, Katja Loos, Yongjae Lee, Thomas Vogt, Wei-Li Lee, N. P. Ong, and Claude Estournès Controlling Size and Size Distribution of Magnetic Nanoparticles Using Pluronic® Block Copolymer Surfactants, J. Phys. Chem. B. 109(1), (2005) 15-18. (correction) J. Phys. Chem. B. 109(5) (2005) 2034

73. Jr-iuan Lai, Kurikka V. P. M. Shafi, Katja Loos, Abraham Ulman, Ronit Popovitz, Yongjae Lee, Thomas Vogt, Claude Estournès, One Step Synthesis of Core(Cr)/Shell(-Fe2O3) Nanoparticles J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 127(16), (2005), 5730-5731.

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74. J.P. Tessonnier, G. Wine, C. Estournès, C. Leuvrey, M.J. Ledoux, C. Pham-Huu, Carbon nanotubes as a 1D template for the synthesis of air sensitive materials: about the confinement effect, Catalysis Today, 102-103, (2005), 29-33.

75. T. Lutz, C. Estournès, R. Poinsot and J.L. Guille, Nickel particles in soda-lime silicate glasses: obtention and magnetic properties, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 351 (2005) 3023–3030.

76. E. Manova, B. Kunev, D. Paneva, Cl. Estournès, I. Mitov Mechanical synthesis and characterization of nanodimentional iron-cobalt spinel oxides, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 5, eds. E. Balabanova, I. Dragieva, Heron Press, Sofia, 2005.

77. E. Manova, C. Estournès, D. Paneva, J.-L. Rehspringer, T. Tsoncheva, B. Kunev and I. Mitov Mossbauer study of nanodimensional nickel ferrite – Mechanochemical synthesis and catalytic properties. Hyperfine Intercations, 165 (1-4) (2005) 215-220.

78. C. Estournès, C. D’Orléans, J.-L.Rehspringer, E. Manova, B. Kunev, D. Paneva, I. Mitov, L. Petrov, M. Kurmoo Mossbauer and magnetic study of CoxFe3-xO4 nanoparticles Hyperfine Intercations 165 (1-4), (2005) 61-67.

79. J-L. Rehspringer, D. Niznansky, K. Zaveta, M. Kurmoo, and C. Estournes Mössbauer determination of the magnetic moment canting in.-Fe2O3. Hyperfine Intercations, 166 (1-4) (2005) 475-481.

80. E. Manova, T. Tsoncheva, Cl. Estournes, D. Paneva, K. Tenchev, I. Mitov, L. Petrov, Nanosized iron and iron–cobalt spinel oxides as catalysts for methanol decomposition Applied Catalysis A: General, 300 (2) (2006) 170-180.

81. J. Balencie, D. Burger, J.-L. Rehspringer, C. Estournès, S. Vilminot, M. Richard-Plouet and A. Boos, Perlite for the confinement of Cs Journal of nuclear materials, 352 (1-3) (2006) 196-201.

82. F. Schweyer-Tihay, C. Estournès, P. Braunstein, M. Richard-Plouet, J.-L. Paillaud and J. Rosé, Synthesis and characterization of Co3Ru nanoparticles by thermal decomposition of molecular clusters into mesoporous silica matrices Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8 (34) (2006) 4018-4028.

83. L.H.F. Andrade, A. Laraoui, M. Vomir, V. Halté, D. Muller, J.-P. Stoquert, C. Estournès, E. Beaurepaire, J.-Y. Bigot

Spin dynamics in ion implanted ferromagnetic nanoparticles Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 127401.

84. C. Drouet, C. Largeot, G. Raimbeaux, C. Estournès, G. Dechambre, C. Combes, C. Rey,

Bioceramics: spark plasma sintering (SPS) of calcium phosphates Advances in Science and Technology, 49 (2006) 45-50.

85. J.-L. Rehspringer, J. Balencie, S. Vilminot, D. Burger, A. Boos, C. Estournès, Confining cesium in expanded natural Perlite. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27 (2007) 619-622.

86. M. Richard-Plouet, M. Guillot, S. Vilminot, C. Estournès, C. Leuvrey and J. Ghanbaja, hcp and fcc Nickel Nanoparticles Prepared from Organically Functionalized Layered Phyllosilicates of Nickel(II). Chemistry of Materials 19(4), (2007), 865-871.

87. C. Elissalde, C. Estournès and M. Maglione, Spark –plasma sintered multilayer ceramic composites: towards the tailoring of the dielectric properties J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90 (3), (2007) 973-976.

88. A. Chesnaud, C. Bogicevic, F. Karolak, C. Estournès, G. Dezanneau

Obtention of transparent oxyapatite ceramics by combined use of freeze-drying and Spark-Plasma Sintering Chem. Commun., (2007), 1550-1552.

89. Djar Oquab, Claude Estournes, Daniel Monceau, Oxidation resistant Aluminized MCrAlY coating prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). Advanced Engeneering Materials, 9 (5), (2007), 413-417.

90. S. Grosshans-Vièles, F. Tihay-Schweyer, P. Rabu, J.-L. Paillaud, P. Braunstein, B. Lebeau, C. Estournès, J. -L. Guille and J.-M. Rueff Influence of a cobalt soap on the structure on resulting metal containing mesoporous matrices

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Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 1-3, (2007), 17-27.

91. James J. Lai, John M. Hoffman, Mitsuhiro Ebara, Allan S. Hoffman, Patrick S. Stayton, Claude Estournès, and Alain Wattiaux, Dual Magneto-/Temperature-Responsive Nanoparticles for Microfluidic Separations and Assays, Langmuir, 23, (2007), 7385-7391.

92. E. Manova, Cl. Estournès, D. Paneva, J.L. Rehspringer, B. Kunev, K. Tenchev, I. Mitov, L. Petrov, Spark Plasma Sintering of mechanical synthesized nanodimentional Nanoscience & nanotechnology, 7, eds. E. Balabanova, I. Dragieva, Heron Press, Sofia, 2007.

93. C. Sallé, A. Maître, J.F. Baumard, Y. Rabinovitch, C. Bogicevic, F. Karolak, H. Dammak, C. Estournès, Etude du frittage non-conventionnel de céramiques de type YAG:Nd en présence d'ajout de silice, Matériaux et Techniques, Vol. 95 No. 4-5 (2007) 241-250.

94. Dibandjo, L. Mollet, C. Sigala, R. Chiriac, C. Estournès, B. Durand, P. Milele, Monolithes de silice et de carbone à porosité hiérarchisée obtenus par frittage SPS , Matériaux et Techniques, Vol. 95 No. 4-5 (2007) 251-258.

95. A. Chesnaud, F. Karolak, C. Bogicevic, S. Phothirath, C. Estournès, G. Dezanneau, Densification par Spark Plasma Sintering (S.P.S.) de matériaux d'électrolytes pour piles à combustible difficilement densifiables, Matériaux et Techniques, Vol. 95 No. 4-5 (2007) 259-268.

96. M. Houllé, A. Deneuve, J. Amadou, C. Estournès, M.-J. Ledoux, C. Pham-Huu, Densification de composites carbonés par SPS : utilisation de nanofibres de carbone comme agent liant, Matériaux et Techniques, Vol. 95 No. 4-5 (2007) 281-289.

97. F. Goutier, G. Trolliard, S. Valette, A. Maître, C. Estournès, Role of impurities on the spark plasma sintering of ZrCx-ZrB2 composites Journal of the European Ceramic Society (2008), 28(3), 671-678.

98. Philippe Dibandjo, Laurence Bois, Claude Estournes, Bernard Durand and Philippe Miele. Silica, Carbon and Boron Nitride (BN) Monoliths with Hierarchical porosity obtained by Spark Plasma Sintering process Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, (2008), 111( 1-3), 643-648

99. S. Grosshans-Vièles, P. Croizat, J.-L. Paillaud, P. Braunstein, O. Ersen, J. Rosé, B.Lebeau, P. Rabu and C. Estournès Molecular clusters in mesoporous materials as precursors to nanoparticles of a new lacunar ternary compound Pd1.7Mo0.4P Journal of Cluster Science, Springer (2008),19(1) 73-88.

100. U-Chan Chung, C. Estournès, C. Elissalde, M. Paté, J.P.Ganne and M. Maglione Low-losses, highly tunable Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3/MgO composite Applied Physics Letters (2008), 92(4), 042902/1-042902/3.

101. R. Chaim, M. Levin, A. Shlayer and C. Estournès Sintering and densification of nanocrystalline ceramic oxide powders: A review, Advances in Applied Ceramics, 27 (2008) 159-169.

102. Djar Oquab, D. Monceau, Y. Thebault and C. Estournès Preliminary Results of the Isothermal Oxidation Study of Pt-Al-NiCoCrAlYTa multi-layered coatings prepared by Sparks Plasma Sintering (SPS) Materials Science Forum Vols 595-598 (2008) 143-150.

103. Ch. Laurent, G. Chevallier, A. Weibel, A. Peigney, C.Estournès Spark plasma sintering of double-walled carbon nanotubes Carbon, Volume 46, Issue 13, November 2008, Pages 1812-1816.

104. A. Chesnaud, G. Dezanneau, C. Estournès, C. Bogicevic, F. Karolak, S. Geiger, G. Geneste, Influence of synthesis route and composition on electrical properties of La9.33+xSi6O26+3/2x apatite compounds Solid State Ionics, 179(33-34), (2008), 1929-1939.

105. S. Ricote, G. Caboche, O. Heintz, D. Stuerga, C. Estournès Synthesis and sintering of BaCe0.9-xZrxY0.1O3-δ Journal of Nanomaterials, Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 354258, 5 pages.

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106. R. Chaim, A. Shlayer, C. Estournes, Densification of nanocrystalline Y2O3 ceramic powder by spark plasma sintering Journal of the European Ceramic Society (2009), 29(1), 91-98.

107. J. Gurt Santanach, C. Estournès, A. Weibel, A. Peigney, G. Chevallier and C. Laurent, Spark plasma sintering as a reactive sintering tool for the preparation of surface-tailored Fe-FeAl2O4-Al2O3 nanocomposites Scripta Materialia 60(4), (2009), 195-198.

108. Christophe Drouet, Françoise Bosc, Mihai Banu, Céline Largeot, Christèle Combes, Gérard Dechambre, Claude Estournès, Gwenaëlle Raimbeaux, Christian Rey, Nanocrystalline apatites : from powders to biomaterials Powder Technology, 190 (2009) 118-122.

109. U-Chan Chung, C. Elissalde, C. Estournès and M. Maglione, Controlling internal barrier in low loss BaTiO3 supercapacitors Applied Physics Letters,. 94, (2009), 072903.

110. F. Legorreta Garcia, C. Estournès, A. Peigney, A. Weibel, E. Flahaut, Ch. Laurent Carbon nanotubes-MgO nanocomposites by spark-plasma-sintering : microstructure, electrical conductivity and microhardness Scripta Materialia, 60 (2009) 741-744

111. Chia-Erh Liu, Mireille Richard-Plouet, Marie-Paule Besland, David Albertini, Claude Estournès and Luc Brohan. La2Ti2O7 prepared by dip-coating using a non-alkoxide route, buffer layer for growth of Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 films with enhanced (011) orientation. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 29(10) (2009) 1977-1985.

112. Léna Saint Macary, Myrtil L. Kahn, Claude Estournes, Pierre Fau,, David Trémouilles, Marise Bafleur, Philippe Renaud, and Bruno Chaudret, Size effects on varistor properties made from zinc oxide nanoparticles by spark plasma sintering at low temperature Advanced Functional Materials,. 19 (2009), 1–9.

113. Mônica Jung de Andrade, Alicia Weibel, Christophe Laurent, Carlos Pérez Bergmann, Claude Estournès, Alain Peigney,

Highly electrical conductive doublewalled carbon nanotubes silica nanocomposites synthesized by sol-gel and densified by Spark-Plasma Sintering Scripta Materialia, 61 (2009) 988-991.

114. E. Manova, D. Paneva, B. Kunev, Cl. Estournès, E. Rivière, K. Tenchev, A. Léaustic, I. Mitov, Mechanochemical synthesis and characterization of nanodimensional iron-cobalt spinel oxides, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 485, Issues 1-2, 19 October 2009, Pages 356-361.

115. Daniel Monceau, Djar Oquab, Claude Estournes, Mathieu Boidot, Serge Selezneff,Yannick Thebault, Yannick Cadoret Pt modified Ni aluminides, MCrAlY-base multilayer coatings and TBC systems fabricated by Sparks Plasma Sintering for the protection of Ni base superalloys Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 204, Issues 6-7, 25 December 2009, Pages 771-778

116. David Grossin, Sabrina Rollin-Martinet, Claude Estournès, Fabrice Rossignol, Eric Champion, Christèle Combes, Christian Rey, Chevallier Geoffroy, and Christophe Drouet,

Biomimetic apatite sintered at very low temperature by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS): Physico-chemistry and microstructure aspects Acta Biomaterialia, 6(2), (2010), 577-585.

117. Chamoire, A.; Gascoin, F. ; Estournes, C. ; Caillat, T.; Tedenac, J.-C. High-temperature transport properties of complex antimonides with anti-Th3P4 structure Dalton Transactions, 39(4), (2010), 1118-1123.

118. Christian Kjølseth, Harald Fjeld, Paul Inge Dahl, Claude Estournès, Reidar Haugsrud, Truls Norby, Charge transport in grain boundaries of BaZrO3 and BaZr0.9Y0.1O3-δ, Solid State Ionics, 181 (5-7), (2010), 268-275.

119. Rachel Marder, Rachman Chaim and Claude Estournès Grain growth stagnation in fully dense nanocrystalline Y2O3 by spark plasma sintering,

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Materials Science and Engineering: A, 527( 6), (2010), 1577-1585.

120. U-Chan Chung, C. Elissalde, F. Mompiou, J. Majimel, S. Gomez, C. Estournès, S. Marinel, A. Klein, F. Weill, D. Michau, S. Mornet, and M. Maglione Interface Investigation in Nanostructured BaTiO3/Silica Composite Ceramics, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93 (3), (2010), 865-874.

121. Alain Peigney, Felipe Legorreta Garcia, Claude Estournès, Alicia Weibel and Christophe Laurent High increase of toughness and hardness in magnesia ceramics by addition of double-walled carbon nanotubes Carbon, 48 (7), (2010), 1952-1960.

122. Gabriella Bolzon, Enzo J. Chiarullo, Pedro Egizabal, Claude Estournès, constitutive modelling and mechanical characterization of aluminium bases metal ceramic composites produced by Spark Plasma Sintering, Mechanics of Materials, 42 (5), (2010), 548-558.

123. Rachman Chaim, Rachel Marder and Claude Estournès, Optical transparent ceramics by spark plasma sintering of oxide nanoparticles, Scripta Materialia, 63(2) , (2010), 211-214.

124. D. Monceau, D. Oquab, C. Estournès, M. Boidot, S. Selezneff, N. Ratel-Ramond, Thermal Barrier Systems and Multi-Layered Coatings Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering for the Protection of Ni-Base Superalloys Materials Science Forum 654-656 (2010), 1826-1831.

125. Chamoire, A.; Gascoin, F.; Estournès C.; Caillat, T.; Tedenac, J.-C, High-Temperature Transport Properties of Yb4-x Sm x Sb3, Journal of Electronic Materials (2010), 39(9), 1579-1582.

126. Grossin, D., Banu, M., Sarda, S., Martinet-Rollin, S., Drouet, C., Estournes, C., Champion, E., Rossignol, F., Combes, C., Rey, C., Low temperature consolidation of nanocrystalline appatites towards a new generation of calcium phosphate ceramics Advances in bioceramics and porous ceramics II Book Series: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings 30 (6), (2010) 113-126.

127. E. Manova, D. Paneva, B. Kunev, E. Rivière, C. Estournès, I. Mitov Characterization of nanodimensional Ni-Zn ferrite prepared by mechanochemical and thermal methods J. Phys.: Conference Series, 217, (2010), 012102-1 - 012102-4.

128. A. Artemenko, C. Elissalde, U-C. Chung, C. Estournès, S. Mornet, I. Bykov and M.Maglione Linking hopping conductivity to giant dielectric permittivity in oxides Applied Physics Letters, 97, (2010). 132901.

129. Nicolas Preux, Aurélie Rolle, Cindy Merlin, Messaoud Benamira, Marcin Malys, Claude Estoures, Annick Rubbens, Rose-Noëlle Vannier La3TaO7 derivatives with Weberite structure type: Possible electrolytes for solid oxide fuel cells and high temperature electrolysers Original Research Article Comptes Rendus Chimie, Volume 13, Issue 11, November 2010, Pages 1351-1358.

130. N. Ratel, D. Monceau, C. Estournès, D. Oquab Reactivity and Microstructure Evolution of SPS Prepared CoNiCrAlY/Talc Cermet Surface and Coatings Technology, 205 (5), (2010) 1183–1188.

131. Mathieu Boidot, Serge Selezneff, Daniel Monceau, Djar Oquab, Claude Estournès, Proto-TGO formation in TBC systems fabricated by spark plasma sintering Surface and Coatings Technology, 205 (5), (2010) 1245-1249.

132. B. Daffos, G. Chevallier, C. Estournès and P. Simon Spark Plasma Sintered carbon electrodes for Electrical Double Layer Capacitor Applications Journal of Power Sources, 196(3), (2011), 1620-1625.

133. E. Souchier, L. Cario, B. Corraze, P. Moreau, P. Mazoyer, C. Estounès, R. Retoux, E. Janod, M.-P. Besland,

First evidence of Resistive Switching in GaV4S8 thin layers: a new material for RRAM applications Phys. Status Solidi RRL 5, No. 2-3, (2011), 53-55.

134. J. Gurt-Santanach, A. Weibel, C. Estournès, Q. Yang, Ch. Laurent, A. Peigney, Spark Plasma Sintering of alumina : parameters study, formal sintering analysis and hypotheses about the mechanism(s) involved in densification and grain growth

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Acta Materialia, 59(4), (2011), 1400-1408.

135. J. Gurt Santanach, C. Estournès, A. Weibel, A. Peigney, G. Chevallier and Ch. Laurent Mechanical and tribological properties of Fe/Cr-FeAl2O4-Al2O3 nano/micro hybrid composites prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering Scripta Materialia, 64, (2011), 777–780

136. Rachel Marder, Rachman Chaim, Geoffroy Chevallier, Claude Estournès Effect of 1 wt% LiF additive on the densification of nanocrystalline Y2O3 ceramics by spark plasma sintering Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31(6), (2011), 1057-1066.

137. R. Marder, R. Chaim, G. Chevallier, C. Estournes, Densification and polymorphic transition of multiphase Y2O3 nanoparticles during spark plasma sintering, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 528(24), 2011, 7200-7206

138. J. Gurt Santanach, C. Estournès, A. Weibel, G. Chevallier, Ch. Laurent, V. Bley, A. Peigney

Influence of pulse current during Spark Plasma Sintering evidenced on reactive alumina-hematite powders Journal of the European Ceramic Society 31, (2011), 2247–2254.

139. Ch. Guiderdoni, C. Estournès, A. Peigney, A. Weibel, , V. Turq, Ch. Laurent Very low friction coefficient in double-walled carbon nanotube - Cu composites densified by Spark Plasma Sintering, Carbon, Volume 49, Issue 13, November 2011, Pages 4535-4543.

140. D. Nuzhnyy, J. Petzelt, V. Bovtun, M. Kempa, M. Savinov, C. Elissalde, U-C. Chung, D. Michau, C. Estournès, M. Maglione, High-Frequency dielectric spectroscopy of BaTiO3 core-silica nanocomposites : problem of interdiffusion Journal of Advanced Dielectrics Vol. 1, No. 3 (2011) 309_317.

141. Rong Li, Qiang Zhen, Michel Drache, Annick Rubbens, Claude Estournès, Rose-Noëlle Vannier Synthesis and ion conductivity of (Bi2O3)0.75(Dy2O3)0.25 ceramics with grain sizes from the nano to the micro scale, Solid State Ionics, 198(1), (2011), 6-15.

142. Marc Marie-Maurice Meledge Essi, Pascal Yot, Geoffroy, Claude Estournès, Annie Pradel SPS-Prepared targets for sputtering deposition of phase change films Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures Vol. 6, No 4, 2011, p. 1777-1782.

143. S. Selezneff, M. Boidot, J. Hugot, D. Oqaub, C. Estournès, D. Monceau, Thermal cycling behavior of EB-PVD TBC systems deposited on doped Pt-rich γ-γ’ bond coatings made by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) Surface & Coatings Technology 206 (2011) 1558–1565

144. C. Estournès, D. Oquab, S. Selezneff, M. Boidot, D. Monceau, D. Grossin, C. Drouet, U-Chan Chung, F. Roulland, C. Elissalde, M. Maglione, R. Chaim, Ph. Miele, J. Gurt-Santanach, G. Chevallier, A. Weibel, A. Peigney and Ch. Laurent Shaping of nanostructured materials or coatings through Spark Plasma Sintering Materials Science Forum Vols. 706-709 (2012) pp 24-30.

145. Guttorm E. Syvertsen, Claude Estournès, Mari-Ann Einarsrud and Tor Grande Spark plasma sintering and hot pressing of heterodoped proton conducting LaNbO J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 95 (5), (2012), 1563–1571.

146. Anthony Pavia; Christophe Laurent, PhD; Alicia Weibel; Alain Peigney; Geoffroy Chevallier; Claude Estournès Hardness and tribological properties of CoAl2O4 and Co-Al2O3 composite layers formed by reactive Spark Plasma Sintering of CoAl2O4 Ceramics Internationals, 38(6), (2012), 5209-5217.

147. Nikolay Velinov; Elina Manova; Tanya Tsoncheva; Claude Estournès; Daniela Paneva; Krasimir Tenchev; Vilma Petkova; Kremena Koleva; Boris Kunev; Ivan Mitov Spark Plasma Sintering Synthesis of Ni1-xZnxFe2O4 Ferrites: Mössbauer and Catalytic Study, Solid State Sciences, 14(8), (2012), 1092-1099.

148. A. Gallardo-Lopez, A. Domínguez-Rodríguez, C. Estournès, R. Marder, R. Chaim Plastic deformation of dense nanocrystalline Y2O3 at elevated temperatures Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32(12), (2012), 3115-3121.

149. R. Chaim, R. Marder, C. Estournes, Z. Shen, Densification and preservation of the ceramic nanocrystalline character by spark plasma sintering, Advances in Applied Ceramics, 111(5&6), (2012), 280-285.

Page 16: Curriculum vitae - University of Cagliari · 2016-01-22 · Curriculum vitae . Last name: ESTOURNES . First names: Claude, Gilbert, Jean-Pierre . Education, Special Merits, Professional

150. C. Elissalde, U.C. Chung, A. Artemenko, C. Estournès, R. Costes, M. Paté, J.P. Ganne, S.Wäetcher and M. Maglione Multi-scale strategies for controlling functionalities of ferroelectric ceramics J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 95(10), (2012), 3239–3245.

151. A. Kasperski, A. Weibel, C. Estournès, Ch. Laurent, A. Peigney Preparation-microstructure-properties relationship in double-walled carbon nanotubes-alumina composites Carbon, Volume 53, (2013), Pages 62-72

152. Alicia Weibel, Alain Peigney, Geoffroy Chevallier, Claude Estournès and Christophe Laurent Toughening in carbon nanotube / iron / mullite composites prepared by spark plasma sintering Ceramics International 39 (2013) 5513–5519.

153. A. Pavia, L. Durand, F. Ajustron, V. Bley, A. Peigney, C. Estournès

Electro-thermal measurements and finite element method simulations of a spark plasma sintering device Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 213(8), (2013), 1327-1336.

154. E. Souchier, M.-P. Besland, J. Tranchant, B. Corraze, P. Moreau, R. Retoux, C. Estournès, P. Mazoyer, L. Cario, E. Janod Deposition by radio frequency magnetron sputtering of GaV4S8 thin films for Resistive Random Access Memory application Thin Solid Films 533 (2013) 54–60.

155. Jacques. G. Noudem, Simon Quetel-Weben, Richard Retoux, Geoffroy Chevallier and Claude Estournès

Thermoelectric properties of Ca0.9Yb0.1MnO3-x prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering in air atmosphere Scripta Materialia 68 (2013) 949–952.

156. Ch. Guiderdoni, E. Pavlenko, V. Turq, A. Weibel, P. Puech, C. Estournès, A. Peigney, W. Bacsa, Ch. Laurent, The preparation of carbon nanotube (CNT)/copper composites and the effect of the number of CNT walls on their hardness, friction and wear properties Carbon, 58 (2013), 185-197.

157. A. Kasperski, A. Weibel, D. Alkattan, C. Estournès, V. Turq, Ch. Laurent and A. Peigney, Microhardness and friction coefficient of multi-walled carbon nanotube-ZrO2 composites prepared by spark plasma sintering, Scripta Materialia 69 (2013) 338–341.

158. F. Zhang, B. Basu, L. Wang, I. F. Machado, C. Estournès Nanomaterials processed by Spark Plasma Sintering J. Nanomater., 2013, (2013), 1.

159. Romain Berthelot, Brice Basly, Sonia Buffière, Jérôme Majimel, Geoffroy Chevallier, Amélie Veillère, Laetitia Etienne, U-Chan Chung, Graziella Goglio, Mario Maglione, Claude Estournès, Stéphane Mornet, Catherine Elissalde, Core-shell BaTiO3@MgO composite ceramics: tailoring dielectric properties by crystalline coating and spark plasma sintering, J Mater. Chem C. 2(4), (2014), 683-690.

160. A. Kasperski, A. Weibel, C. Estournès, Ch. Laurent and A. Peigney Multi-walled carbon nanotube-Al2O3 composites : covalent or noncovalent functionalization for mechanical reinforcement, Scripta Materialia 75 (2014) 46–49.

161. Pauline Audigié, Serge Selezneff, Aurélie Rouaix-Vande Put, Claude Estournès, Sarah Hamadi, Daniel Monceau Cyclic Oxidation Behavior of TBC Systems with a Pt-Rich γ-Ni+γ’-Ni3Al Bond-Coating Made by SPS, Journal of Oxidation of Metals, Oxid Met 81 (2014), 33–45.

162. K. Crosby, L. L. Shaw, C. Estournes, G. Chevallier, A. W. Fliflet, M. A. Imam Enhancement in Ti-6Al-4V Sintering via Nanostructured Powder and Spark Plasma Sintering, Powder Metallurgy, 57(2), (2014), 147-154.

163. R. Marder, C. Estournès, G. Chevallier, R. Chaim, Plasma in spark plasma sintering of ceramic particle compact Scripta Materialia 82 (2014) 57–60.

164. R. Marder, C. Estournès, G. Chevallier, S. Kalabukhov, R. Chaim Spark plasma sintering of ductile ceramic particles: Study of LiF J Mater Sci 49 (2014) 5237–5245.

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165. P. Guyot, G. Antou, N. Pradeilles, A. Weibel, M. Vandenhende, G. Chevallier; A. Peigney, C. Estournès, A. Maître, Hot Pressing and Spark Plasma Sintering of Alumina: Discussion About An Analytical Modelling Used For Sintering Mechanism Determination Scripta Materialia, 84–85, (2014), 35-38

166. A. Izoulet, S. Guillemet-Fritsch, C. Estournès, J. Morel Microstructure control to reduce leakage current of medium and high voltage ceramic varistors based on doped ZnO Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 34(15), (2014), 3707-3714.

167. M. Maglione, D. Bernard, U-C. Chung, C. Estournès, J. Lesseur and C. Elissalde 3D mapping of anisotropic ferroelectric/dielectric composites Journal of the European Ceramic Society, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 22 August 2014.

168. R. Marder, C. Estournès, G. Chevallier, R. Chaim Spark and plasma in spark plasma sintering of rigid ceramic nanoparticles: A model system of YAG, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 2 september 2014..

169. Y. Beynet, A. Izoulet, S. Guillemet-Fritsch, V. Bley, T. Pérel, F. Malpiece, J. Morel, C. Estournès,

ZnO-based varistors prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering, JECS, submitted 2014.

170. C. Maniere, A. Pavia, L. Durand, G. Chevalier, V. Bley, K. Afanga, A. Peigney, C. Estournès, Evaluation of the electro-thermal contact phenomenon in Spark Plasma Sintering, part I: Pulse analysis and electric contact measurements Mater. Sci. Engineering A, submitted 2014
