Rome, 19 Set 2018 CURRICULUM VITAE GIANCARLO DIMAGGIO TRAINING AND WORK M.D., Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist. 1989 – Degree in medicine, 110/110 & lode. Università Cattolica, Rome 1993 – Specialization in Psychiatry, 50/50 & lode. Università Cattolica, Rome. I have completed a training in cognitive/constructivist psychotherapy, and one in psychoanalytic psychodrama, plus years of learning processes (lessons and supervisions) in group-analytic oriented group and family therapies. I am having a personal therapy with a psychoanalyst of relational orientation 1995-1999 - Head of a rehabilitation centre for psychiatric problems comorbid with mental retardation 1996- 2011 Founding Member of the Terzo Centro di Psicoterapia Cognitiva, Rome 1998- 2011 Trainer of the schools for cognitive psychotherapy Associazione di Psicologia Cognitiva and Scuola di Psicoterapia Cognitiva, Rome 2001- Present Trainer of the Società Italiana di Terapia Comportamentale e Cognitiva 2004 and 2006 – Lecturer at the University of Lecce, Italy, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology 2007 – Lecturer at the University Raimond Llull in Barcelona, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology 2007 – Teacher at the Master in Research Methodology organized by the Society for Psychotherapy Research - Berne 2007 – Present Member of the Scientific Committee for the Master in Research Methodology organized by the Italian Chapter of the Society for Psychotherapy Research 2008 – Lecturer at the Gent University, Belgium, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology 2009 – Lecturer at the Roskilde University, Department of Psychiatry 2009 – Teacher at the Research Summerschool, Gent University

CURRICULUM VITAE GIANCARLO DIMAGGIO · CURRICULUM VITAE GIANCARLO DIMAGGIO TRAINING AND WORK M.D., Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist. 1989 – Degree in medicine, 110/110 & lode. Università

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Page 1: CURRICULUM VITAE GIANCARLO DIMAGGIO · CURRICULUM VITAE GIANCARLO DIMAGGIO TRAINING AND WORK M.D., Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist. 1989 – Degree in medicine, 110/110 & lode. Università

Rome, 19 Set 2018



TRAINING AND WORK M.D., Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist. 1989 – Degree in medicine, 110/110 & lode. Università Cattolica, Rome 1993 – Specialization in Psychiatry, 50/50 & lode. Università Cattolica, Rome. I have completed a training in cognitive/constructivist psychotherapy, and one in psychoanalytic psychodrama, plus years of learning processes (lessons and supervisions) in group-analytic oriented group and family therapies. I am having a personal therapy with a psychoanalyst of relational orientation 1995-1999 - Head of a rehabilitation centre for psychiatric problems comorbid with mental retardation 1996- 2011 Founding Member of the Terzo Centro di Psicoterapia Cognitiva, Rome 1998- 2011 Trainer of the schools for cognitive psychotherapy Associazione di Psicologia Cognitiva and Scuola di Psicoterapia Cognitiva, Rome 2001- Present Trainer of the Società Italiana di Terapia Comportamentale e Cognitiva 2004 and 2006 – Lecturer at the University of Lecce, Italy, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology 2007 – Lecturer at the University Raimond Llull in Barcelona, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology 2007 – Teacher at the Master in Research Methodology organized by the Society for Psychotherapy Research - Berne 2007 – Present Member of the Scientific Committee for the Master in Research Methodology organized by the Italian Chapter of the Society for Psychotherapy Research 2008 – Lecturer at the Gent University, Belgium, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology 2009 – Lecturer at the Roskilde University, Department of Psychiatry 2009 – Teacher at the Research Summerschool, Gent University

Page 2: CURRICULUM VITAE GIANCARLO DIMAGGIO · CURRICULUM VITAE GIANCARLO DIMAGGIO TRAINING AND WORK M.D., Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist. 1989 – Degree in medicine, 110/110 & lode. Università

2009 – present Trainer of the school for cognitive psychotherapy Istituto A.T. Beck, Rome 2010 – Lecturer at the University of Rome, Italy, Training school in Clinical Psychology 2010 – Lecturer at Copenhagen University. 2010 – 2015 Professor or Psychotherapy of Personality Disorders – II Scuola di

Specializzazione in Psicologia Clinica – University “La Sapienza” – Rome. 2012 – present Founding member of the Centro di Terapia Metacognitiva Interpersonale 2012 – Trainer of the school for cognitive psychotherapy Studi Cognitivi - Milan. 2012 – 2013 – Lecturer – Institutt for Mentalisering – Oslo 2012 – present Lecturer and clinical supervisor – Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicoterapias

Construtivistas – Lisboa 2013 – Lecturer – University of Lausanne, Diploma of Advanced Studies in Cognitive and

Behavioral Therapy 2014 – Present Lecturer and supervisor for Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy at the

Personality Disorder Psychotherapy Unity, Stolpegården, Denmark. 2014 – Lecturer at the University Raimond Llull and Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona,

Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology 2015 – Supervisor for Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy, Oslo, Norway 2015 – Lecturer at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane 2015 – President of the Practice Advocacy Committee of the Society for the Exploration for

Psychotherapy Integration 2016 Supervisor for Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy, Queensland University of

Technology, Brisbane. Editorial Board Membership 2004 – Present Editorial Board Journal of Constructivist Psychology 2005 – 2012 Associate Editor International Journal for Dialogical Science 2007 – 2012 Editorial Board Cognitivismo Clinico 2009 – Present Editorial Board Psychotherapy Research 2009 – Present Editorial Board Journal of Personality Disorders 2009 – Present Associate Editor Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome

Page 3: CURRICULUM VITAE GIANCARLO DIMAGGIO · CURRICULUM VITAE GIANCARLO DIMAGGIO TRAINING AND WORK M.D., Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist. 1989 – Degree in medicine, 110/110 & lode. Università

2010 – Present Editorial Board Frontiers in Psychopathology 2011 – Present Associate Editor Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 2013 – Present Editorial Board Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 2014 – 2015 Associate Editor Journal of Psychotherapy Integration 2016 - Senior Associate Editor Journal of Psychotherapy Integration 2016 - Editorial Board American Journal of Psychotherapy Ad hoc reviewer American Journal of Psychotherapy American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Archives of General Psychiatry BMC Psychiatry British Journal of Psychiatry British Journal of Clinical Psychology Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Clinical Psychology Review Cognition and Emotion Comprehensive Psychiatry Consciousness and Cognition Current Psychiatry Reviews Drug and Alcohol Dependence Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia European Psychiatry Frontiers in Cognition Frontiers in Psychopathology International Journal of Human-Computer Studies International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine Israel Journal of Psychiatry Journal of Affective Disorders Journal of Clinical Psychology Journal of Communication Disorders Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Journal of Personality Disorders Journal of Psychiatric Research Journal of Psychotherapy Integration Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews New Ideas in Psychology Peace and Conflict Personality and Individual Differences Personality and Mental Health Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment Philosophical Psychology PlosONE

Page 4: CURRICULUM VITAE GIANCARLO DIMAGGIO · CURRICULUM VITAE GIANCARLO DIMAGGIO TRAINING AND WORK M.D., Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist. 1989 – Degree in medicine, 110/110 & lode. Università

Psychiatry Research Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Psychotherapy Research Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice Psychopathology Psychosis Quaderni di Psicoterapia Cognitiva Rivista di Psichiatria Rivista di Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale Social science and Medicine Schizophrenia Bulletin Schizophrenia Research The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry/La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie Theory and Psychology I currently work in private practice, mainly with patients suffering from personality disorders, adopting Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy (cfr. Books, ref. 2). The approach combines individual, group, and family therapies, plus pharmacotherapy. I’m a psychotherapy trainer and supervisor.

RESEARCH INTERESTS AND PROJECTS My main research interests lies in the fields of: 1) personality disorders: assessment, psychotherapeutic change; treatment effectiveness; classification; 2) self-narratives; 3) models of the self; 4) metacognition in severe adult disorders. Since 1996, I’ve started studying the life narratives and the states of mind as they appear in the transcripts of audiotaped session of outpatients. Focuses of this area of single case research are: tracking states of mind and the level of metacognitive skills and studying how they change during psychotherapy. The underlying assumptions are that: a) specific states of mind can be tracked in each patient; their change is a good index of global psychotherapeutic change; b) severe patients have problems in reflecting upon states of mind, both their own’s and others’, that is to say they have poor metacognitive skills. I’ve tried to apply this concept to the field of personality disorders, exploring, both theoretically and empirically, the ideas that: a) different personality disorder patients show sets of states of mind typical of the diagnosis and b) that impaired metacognition is a core feature of personality pathology. Moreover, I’ve investigated how in severe patients the ability to narrate life history his impaired in two directions: some self-narratives are disorganized, other ones are impoverished. I’ve tried to describe, via transcript analysis, how psychotherapy might deal with these problems. From 2000 to 2003 I’ve received a grant from the University of Nijmegen, supported by Hubert Hermans, to explore dialogical self theory and apply its basic tenets to the analysis of

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session transcripts and patients’ diaries. The goal was, in particular, trying to understand what kind of pattern of internal and interpersonal dialogue can be found in patients with different personality disorders, how therapists enter in this dialogues and how they work to help patients create new and healthier form of relating. In the field of personality disorders I’ve tried to develop a model of self-pathology underlying personality pathology that includes the empirical observations emerging from my group’s research, together with empirical evidence arising from different fields: personality psychology, neurosciences, psychotherapy research, cognitive science, narrative analysis. This research program has led to the construction of the therapy approach named Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy (MIT), aimed at treating patients with personality disorders. Among personality disorders I’ve focused on the study of pathology and therapy of Narcissism. Currently my research projects involve cooperation with different sites, both in Italy, EU and USA focused on understanding pathology of personality disorders, in particular how metacognitive problems are related to poor social functioning and treatment response and how traits such as narcissism or perfectionism might have relationship with other aspects of personality pathology. I’m developing models of therapeutic process suitable for task analyisis tailored to specific personality disordered traits, such as inhibitidness or dysregulation. I’m cooperating with other research to investigate neuroimage correlates of narcissism and other personality variables. Together with Paul Lysaker in Indianapolis I’m cooperating on an ongoing project investigating the role of metacognitive deficits in schizophrenia and personality disorders. With Martin Brüne from Bochum, I have devised an advanced Picture Sequencing Task aimed at detecting poor theory of mind performance in patients with personality disorders. The task aims at being difficult enough in order to avoid the ceiling effects usually found when applied theory of mind tasks devised for children or for patients with severe disorders (autism, schizophrenia) to people with personality disorders or other symptom disorders. In 2012 I’ve founded the Center for Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy, specialized in treatment for Personality Disorders and severe adult mental disorders. Research will focus on correlates of pathology of personality disorders, especially as regard metacognitive dysfunctions and interpersonal processes, and on advancing the model of Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy. A pilot single-case series have been published in 2017.


1. Salvatore, G., Ottavi, P., Dimaggio, G. & Popolo, R. (2017). Terapia Metacognitiva

Interpersonale per la schizophrenia. Roma: Franco Angeli.

2. Livesley, J.W., Dimaggio, G. & Clarkin, J.F. (Eds.) (2016). Integrated treatment for personality disorders: A modular approach. New York: Guilford. Tr. It. Trattamento integrato per i disturbi di personalità. Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2017).

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3. Dimaggio, G., Montano, A., Popolo, R. & Salvatore, G. (2015). Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy for Personality Disorders: A treatment manual. London: Routledge (Italian edition: Terapia Metacognitiva Interpersonale per i disturbi di personalità. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, 2013; Portuguese Edition: Terapia Metacognitiva Interpessonal nas Perturbações da Personalidade. Editorial Coisas de Ler, 2016).

4. Lysaker, P.H., Dimaggio, G. & Brüne, M. (Eds.) (2014). Social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia: Psychopathology and treatment approaches. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press.

5. Dimaggio, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (Eds.) (2010). Metacognition and severe adult mental disorders: From basic research to treatment. London: Routledge. [Italian edition: Metacognizione e psicopatologia: Valutazione e trattamento. Milano: Cortina, 2011]

6. Dimaggio, G., Semerari, A., Carcione, A., Nicolò, G. & Procacci, M. (2007).

Psychotherapy of Personality Disorders: Metacognition, States of Mind and Interpersonal Cycles. London: Routledge.

7. Hermans, H.J.M. & Dimaggio, G. (Eds.) (2004). The dialogical self in

psychotherapy. London: Brunner/Routledge. [Italian Edition: Il sé dialogico in psicoterapia. Roma: Edizioni Carlo Amore, 2007)

8. Dimaggio, G. & Semerari, A. (Eds.) (2003). I disturbi di personalità. Modelli e

trattamento. Stati mentali, metarappresentazione, cicli interpersonali. Roma-Bari: Laterza [Spanish Edition: 2008, Desclée De Bouver]


1. Dimaggio, G. & Overholser, J. (in press). Psychotherapy of anxious/inhibited personality disorders. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.

2. Dimaggio, G. (in press). Psychotherapies for PTSD: different roads to same outcomes. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.

3. Dimaggio, G., & Shahar, G. (2017). Behavioral activation as a general principle of psychotherapy for adult mental disorders. Psychotherapy.

4. Dimaggio, G. & Brüne, M. (2016). Mentalizing in personality disorders. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 64, 1-66.

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5. Dimaggio, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (2015). Metacognition and mentalizing in the psychotherapy of patients with psychosis and personality disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In-Session, 71.

6. Dimaggio, G. (2015). Personality disorders and psychotherapy integration. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.

7. Dimaggio, G. (2014). Targeted treatments for personality disorders. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 44.

8. Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G., Semerari, A. & Carcione, A. (2013). Personality disorders. Psychotherapy Research, 23.

9. Livesley, W.J. & Dimaggio, G. (2012). Integrated treatment of personality disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders, 26 (1).

10. Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G., Brüne, M., & Lysaker, P.H. (2011). Metacognitive and social cognitive dysfunction in psychiatric disorders: Focus on psychosocial issues and treatment. Psychiatry Research, 190, 1-78.

11. Lysaker, P.H., Gumley, A. & Dimaggio, G. (2011). Metacognitive disturbances

amongst individuals with complex mental health problems: psychopathology and treatment. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Practice and Research, 84, 1-112

12. Dimaggio, G. & Norcross, J. (2008). Treating co-occurrent personality disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In-Session, 64.

13. Dimaggio, G. & Stiles, W.B. (2007). Multiplicity of the self in psychotherapy.

Journal of Clinical Psychology: In-Session, 63.

14. Dimaggio, G. (2006). Dealing with disorganized narratives in clinical practice. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 19.

15. Dimaggio, G. & Carcione A. (2003). I setting multipli in psicoterapia cognitiva.

Psichiatria e Territorio. [Multiple Modalities in cognitive psychotherapy]


1) Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R., Ottavi, P. & Salvatore, G. (in press). Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy as a dialogical practice. Experiential work in session with personality disorders. In A. Konopka, M. Gonçalves, & H.J.M. Hermans (Eds.). The Dialogical self in Psychotherapy: Across schools and cultures. London: Routledge.

2) Dimaggio. G., Popolo, R. & Salvatore, G. (in press). Formulation of functioning for Avoidant Personality Disorder in Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy. In Kramer,

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U. (Ed.). Case Formulation for Personality Disorders: Tailoring Psychotherapy to the Individual Client. Amsterdam: Elsevier

3) Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R., Carcione, A. & Salvatore, G. (2016). Accessing autobiographical memories and promoting metacognition in the inhibited-constricted personality disorder. In W.J. Livesley, G. Dimaggio & J. Clarkin (Eds). Integrated treatment for personality disorders: A modular approach. New York: Guilford.

4) Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R., Fiore, D., Carcione, A., Salvatore, G. & Stiles, W.B. (2016). Enriching self-narratives in patients with personality disorders: Advanced phases of treatment. In W.J. Livesley, G. Dimaggio & J.F. Clarkin (Eds). Integrated treatment for personality disorders: A modular approach. New York: Guilford.

5) Salvatore, G., Popolo, R. & Dimaggio, G. (2016). Promoting integration between different self-states through ongoing reformulation. In W.J. Livesley, G. Dimaggio & J.F. Clarkin (Eds). Integrated treatment for personality disorders: A modular approach. New York: Guilford.

6) Ottavi, P., Passarella, T., Pasinetti, M., Salvatore, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2016). Mindfulness for anxious and angry worry about interpersonal events in Personality Disorders. In W.J. Livesley, G. Dimaggio & J.F. Clarkin (Eds). Integrated treatment for personality disorders: A modular approach. New York: Guilford.

7) Livesley, J., Dimaggio, G. & Clarkin, J.F. (2016). The Case for Integrated Modular Treatment for Personality Disorder. In W.J. Livesley, G. Dimaggio & J.F. Clarkin (Eds). Integrated treatment for personality disorders: A modular approach. New York: Guilford.

8) Clarkin, J.F., Livesley, W.J. & Dimaggio, G. (2016). A case study of integrated treatment. In W.J. Livesley, G. Dimaggio & J.F. Clarkin (Eds). Integrated treatment for personality disorders: A modular approach. New York: Guilford.

9) Clarkin, J.F., Livesley, W.J. & Dimaggio, G. (2016). A final review of integrated modular treatment for personality disorders. In W.J. Livesley, G. Dimaggio & J.F. Clarkin (Eds). Integrated treatment for personality disorders: A modular approach. New York: Guilford.

10) Salvatore, G., Popolo, R., Lysaker, P.H., Ottavi, P., Di Sturco, N., & Dimaggio, G. (2014). Adapted-Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy applied to paranoid schizophrenia: Promoting higher levels of reflection on one's and others' minds, awareness of interpersonal schemas, differentiation and mastery of social problems. In P.H. Lysaker, G. Dimaggio & M. Brüne (Eds.). Social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia: Psychopathology and treatment approaches. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press.

11) Ottavi, P., Pasinetti, M., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G., Lysaker, P.H. & Dimaggio, G. (2014). Metacognition-oriented social skills training. In P.H. Lysaker, G. Dimaggio

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& M. Brüne (Eds.). Social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia: Psychopathology and treatment approaches. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press.

12) Lysaker, P.H., Dimaggio, G., & Brüne M. (2014). Preface. In P.H. Lysaker, G. Dimaggio & M. Brüne (Eds.). Social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia: Psychopathology and treatment approaches. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press.

13) Lysaker, P.H., Buck, K.D., Leonhardt, B., Buck, B., Hamm, J., Hasson-Ohayon, I. &

Dimaggio, G. (2014). Metacognitively focused psychotherapy for persons with schizophrenia: Eight core elements that define practice. In P.H. Lysaker, G. Dimaggio & M. Brüne (Eds.). Social cognition and metacognition in schizophrenia: Psychopathology and treatment approaches. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press.

14) Dimaggio, G. (2012). Dialogically-oriented therapies and the role of poor metacognition in personality disorders. In H.J.M. Hermans & T. Gieser (Eds.). Handbook on the dialogical self (pp. 356-373). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

15) Lysaker, P.H., Erickson, M. Olesek, K., Grant, M.L.A., Ringer, J., Buck, K.D.

Salvatore, G. Popolo, R. & Dimaggio, G. (2011). The association of metacognition with neurocognition and function in schizophrenia: Advances from the study of personal narratives. In M.S. Ritsner (Ed.), Handbook of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Volume II: Phenotypic and Endophenotypic Presentations (pp. 351-366). New York: Springer.

16) Dimaggio, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (2010). Introduction: The metacognitive system: theory, evidence and implications for treatment. In G. Dimaggio & P.H. Lysaker (Eds.). Metacognition and severe adult mental disorders: From basic research to treatment (pp. 1-11). London: Routledge.

17) Dimaggio, G., Salvatore, G., Nicolò, G., Fiore, D & Procacci, M. (2010). Enhancing

mental state understanding in the over-constricted personality disorder with Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy. In G. Dimaggio & P.H. Lysaker (Eds.), Metacognition and severe adult mental disorders: From basic research to treatment (pp. 247-268). London: Routledge.

18) Lysaker, P.H. & Dimaggio, G. (2010). Conclusion: The metacognitive system:

theory, evidence and implications for treatment. In G. Dimaggio & P.H. Lysaker (Eds.), Metacognition and severe adult mental disorders: From basic research to treatment (pp. 301-309). London: Routledge.

19) Colle, L., d’Angerio, S., Popolo, R. & Dimaggio, G. (2010). Different metacognitive

dysfunctions in personality disorders. In G. Dimaggio & P.H. Lysaker (Eds.), Metacognition and severe adult mental disorders: From basic research to treatment (pp. 177-195). London: Routledge.

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20) Dimaggio, G., Salvatore, G., & Catania, D. (2004). Strategies for the treatment of dialogical dysfunctions. In Hermans, H.J.M. & Dimaggio, G. (Eds.). The dialogical self in psychotherapy. London: Brunner/Routledge.

21) Hermans, H.J.M., & Dimaggio, G. (2004). The dialogical self in psychotherapy: An

introduction. In Hermans, H.J.M. & Dimaggio, G. (Eds.). The dialogical self in psychotherapy. London: Brunner/Routledge.

22) Semerari, A., Carcione, A., Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G., Procacci, M. (2004). A

dialogical approach to patients with severe personality disorders. In Hermans, H.J.M. & Dimaggio, G. (Eds.). The dialogical self in psychotherapy. London: Brunner/Routledge.

23) Dimaggio, G. & Semerari, A. (2004) Disorganized narratives: the psychological condition and his treatment. How to achieve a metacognitive point of view order to chaos. In L. Angus & J. McLeod (Eds), Handbook of narrative psychotherapy: Practice, theory and research (pp. 263–282). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

24) Semerari, A., Carcione, A., Dimaggio, G., Falcone, M., Nicolò, G., Pontalti, I. & Procacci, M. (2002). Variation of the Metacognitive Functions within a Psychotherapy of Personality Disorder. In T. Scrimali & L. Grimaldi (Eds.) Cognitive Therapy towards a new millenium. New York: Kluwer.

25) Semerari, A., Carcione, A., Dimaggio, G., Falcone, M., Nicolò, G., Pontalti, I. &

Procacci, M. (2002). Methodology of the Evaluation of the Metacognitive Functions during Psychotherapy. In T. Scrimali & L. Grimaldi (Eds.) Cognitive Therapy towards a new millenium. New York: Kluwer.



Manuscripts submitted or in preparation

1) Inchausti, F. & Dimaggio, G. (2017). Metacognition as a moderator of change in randomized controlled trial on Metacognition Oriented Social Skills Training. Manuscript submitted for publication.

2) Velotti, P., Garofalo, C., Dimaggio, G. & Fonagy, P. (2017). Mentalizing Abilities Moderate the Association between Aggression and Antisocial Personality Disorder Traits: Replication and Extension in an Offender Sample. Manuscript submitted for publication.

3) Ottavi, P., Passarella, T., Pasinetti, M., Velotti, P., Buonocore, L, Popolo, R., Salvatore, G., Garofalo, C., D’Aguanno, M. & Dimaggio, G. (2016). Metacognitive Interpersonal Mindfulness Based Training for personality disorders: A pilot

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effectiveness study. Manuscript submitted for publication.

4) Popolo, R., Carlucci, S., Vinci, G., Santone, C., Buonocore, L., Balbi, A., Salvatore, G., & Dimaggio, G. (2015). Traduzione italiana del Picture Sequencing Task (PST): Uno studio pilota. Manuscript submitted for publication

5) Popolo, R., Vinci, G., Santone, C., Buonocore, L., Carlucci, S., Balbi, A., Salvatore, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2015) Italian Translation of the Hinting Task for the Theory of Mind assessment. Manuscript submitted for publication

6) Salvatore, G., Popolo, R., Ottavi, P. & Dimaggio, G. (2017). A theoretical model for the explanation of auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia. Manuscript submitted for publication.

7) Sofia, S.A., Lysaker, P.H., Celesia, B.M., Nunnari, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2015). Facial emotion recognition impairments and therapy adherence in individuals with HIV. Manuscript submitted for publication.

8) MacBeth, A., Gumley, A., Schwannauer, M., Fisher, R., McLeod, H., & Dimaggio, G. (2015). Associations between metacognition, reflective function and attachment in a first episode psychosis sample. Manuscript in preparation

9) Dimaggio, G., Perrini, F., Montano, A., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G., Bandiera, A., Buonocore, L., Di Sturco, N., Conti, C., Bianchi, L. & Brüne, M. (2017). Theory of mind and personality disorder severity. The better you understand minds in cartoon stories the less severe you are. Manuscript submitted for publication

10) Ottavi, P., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G., Pasinetti, M. & Dimaggio, G. (2017). Interpersonal Rumination and other Perseverative Cognitive Control Strategies as maintenance mechanisms in personality disorders. Manuscript submitted for publication

11) Perrini F., Battagliese G., Dimaggio G., Popolo R., Montano A. (2017). Emotional Regulation in Cluster B and C Personality Disorders: same problems, different solutions. Manuscript submitted for publication.

12) Maillard, P., Dimaggio, G., de Roten, Y., Despland, J-N. & Kramer, U. (2017). Metacognitive change and outcome in a short-term treatment for borderline personality disorder. Manuscript submitted for publication

13) Dimaggio, G., Maillard, P. & Kramer, U. (2017). The Role of Metacognition for the Development of the Therapeutic Alliance in brief Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder. Manuscript submitted for publication.

14) Popolo, R., MacBeth, A., Canfora, F., Rebecchi, D., Toselli, C., Salvatore, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2017). Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy in group (MIT-G) for

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young adults personality disorders. A feasibility, acceptability and clinical significance randomized controlled trial. Manuscript submitted for publication

Manuscripts in press

15) Dimaggio, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (in press). A pragmatic view of disturbed self-reflection in personality disorders: Implications for psychotherapy. Journal of Personality Disorders

16) Dimaggio, G., MacBeth, A., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G., Perrini, F., Raouna, A., Osam, C.S., Buonocore, L., Bandiera, A. & Montano, A. (in press). The problem of overcontrol: perfectionism and emotional inhibition as predictors of personality disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry

17) Misso, D., Schweitzer, R.D. & Dimaggio, G. (in press). Metacognition: A Potential Mechanism of Change in the Psychotherapy of Perpetrators of Domestic Violence. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration

18) Inchausti, F., García-Poveda, N.V, Ballesteros-Prados, A., Ortuño-Sierra, J., Sánchez-Reales, S., Prado-Abril, J., Aldaz-Armendáriz, J.A., Mole, J., Dimaggio, G., Ottavi, P. & Fonseca-Pedrero, E. (2017). The effects of Metacognition-Oriented Social Skills Training (MOSST) on Psychosocial Outcomes in Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Schizophrenia Bulletin. doi:10.1093/schbul/sbx168

19) Gordon-King, K., Schweitzer, R.D. & Dimaggio, G. (2017). Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy for Personality Disorders Featuring Emotional Inhibition: A Multiple baseline Case Series. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.

20) Maillard, P., Dimaggio, G., de Roten, Y., Despland, J-N. & Kramer, U. (2017). Metacognitive Processes and Symptom Change in a short-term Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Pilot Study. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/int0000090


21) Luther, L., Bonfils, K.A., Firmin, R.L., Buck, K.D., Choi, J., Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R., Minor, K.S., Lysaker, P.H. (in press). Metacognition Is Necessary for the Emergence of Motivation in People With Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: A Necessary Condition Analysis. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000753

22) Sofia, S.A., Lysaker, P.H. & Dimaggio, G. (2017). Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy improves adherence to antiretroviral therapies in a man with a severe

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personality disorder: a case report. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 47, 223-232. DOI 10.1007/s10879-017-9363-x

23) Popolo, R., Smith, E., Lysaker, P.H., Lestingi, K., Cavallo, F., Melchiorre, L., Santone, C. & Dimaggio, G. (2017). Metacognitive profiles in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: Comparisons with healthy controls and correlations with negative symptoms. Psychiatry Research, 257, 45-50. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.07.022.

24) Lysaker, P.H., James, A., Wickett, A., Buck, K., Dimaggio, G., Vohs, J., George, S., Chaudoin, K., Pec, P.O., Bob, P. & Leonhardt, B. (2017). Contrasting Metacognitive, Social Cognitive and Alexithymia Profiles in Adults with Borderline Personality Disorder, Schizophrenia and Substance Use Disorder. Psychiatry Research, 257, 393-399. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.08.001.

25) Gordon-King, K., Schweitzer, R.D. & Dimaggio, G. (2017). Behavioural Activation in the Treatment of Metacognitive Dysfunctions in Inhibited-Type Personality Disorders: A Case Study. Psychotherapy, 54, 252-259. DOI: 10.1037/pst0000120

26) Dimaggio, G. & Shahar, G. (2017). Behavioural activation as a key principle of change in the psychotherapy of adult mental disorders. Psychotherapy, 54(3), 221-224. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pst0000117

27) Sarracino, D., Ruggiero, G. Ibrahim, R., Popolo, R., Sassaroli, S. & Dimaggio, G. (2017). When REBT goes difficult: applying ABC-DEF to personality disorders. Journal of Rational-Emotional & Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, 35, 278–295. DOI: 10.1007/s10942-016-0258-7

28) Dimaggio, G., Conti, C., Lysaker, P.H., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G. & Sofia. S.A. (2017). Reauthoring one’s own life in the face of being HIV+. Promoting healthier narratives with Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 30, 388-403. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10720537.2016.1238788

29) Salvatore, G., Buonocore, L., Ottavi, P., Popolo, R. & Dimaggio, G. (2017). Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy for treating Persecutory Delusions in Schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychotherapy

30) Phalen, P.L., Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R. & Lysaker, P.H. (2017). Aspects of Theory of Mind that attenuate the relationship between persecutory delusions and social functioning in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 56, 65-70. pii: S0005-7916(16)30103-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2016.07.008.

31) Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R., Montano, A., Velotti, P., Perrini, F., Buonocore, L., Garofalo, C., D'Aguanno, M. & Salvatore, G. (2017). Emotion dysregulation, symptoms and interpersonal problems as independent predictors of a broad range of personality disorders in an outpatient sample. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 90, 586-599. DOI: 10.1111/papt.12126

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32) Casagrande, M., Marotta, A., Canepone, V., Spagna, A., Rosa, C., Dimaggio, G. &

Pasini, A. (2017). Dysfunctional personality traits in adolescence: effects on alerting, orienting and executive control of attention. Cognitive Processing: International Quarterly of Cognitive Science, 18, 183-193. DOI 10.1007/s10339-017-0797-6

33) Edel, M-A., Raaff, V., Dimaggio, G., Buchheim, A. & Brüne, M. (2017). Exploring the efficacy of adjuvant mentalization-based group therapy to dialectic behavioral therapy for inpatients with borderline personality disorder – a randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 56, 1-15. DOI: 10.1111/bjc.12123

34) Dimaggio, G., Salvatore, G., MacBeth, A., Ottavi, P., Buonocore, L. & Popolo, R. (2017). Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy for personality disorders: A case study series. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 47, 11-21. DOI: 10.1007/s10879-016-9342-7


35) Salvatore. G., Ottavi, P., Popolo, R. & Dimaggio, G. (2016). Metacognitive

Interpersonal Therapy for treating Auditory Verbal Hallucinations in first-onset schizophrenia. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 46, 235-243. doi:10.1007/s10879-016-9336-5

36) Salvatore, G., Buonocore, L., Ferrigno, A.M., Popolo, R., Proto, M., Sateriale, A., Serio, M. & Dimaggio, G. (2016). Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy for personality disorders swinging from emotional over-regulation and dysregulation: A case study. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 70, 365-381.

37) Olesek, K.L., Outcalt, J., Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R. & Lysaker, P.H. (2016). Cluster B traits as a predictor of poorer therapeutic alliance over time in patients in residential treatment for substance abuse disorders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204, 736-740. DOI: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000553

38) Popolo, R., Dimaggio, G., Luther, L., Vinci, G., Salvatore, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (2016). Theory of Mind in Schizophrenia: Associations with Clinical and Cognitive Insight Controlling for Levels of Psychopathology. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204, 240-243. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000454

39) Riccardi, I., Carcione, A., D’Arcangelo, M., Rossi, R., Dimaggio, G., Lysaker, P.H. & Stratta, P. (2016). Empathic and cognitive processing in people with schizophrenia: a study on an Italian sample. Journal of Psychopathology, 22, 127-134.

40) Velotti, P., Garofalo, C., Petrocchi, C., Cavallo, F., Popolo, R. & Dimaggio, G. (2016). Alexithymia, emotion dysregulation, impulsivity and aggression: A multiple mediation model. Psychiatry Research, 237, 296-303. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2016.01.025

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41) Dimaggio, G. & Brüne, M. (2016). Dysfunctional understanding of mental states in

personality disorders: What is the evidence? Comprehensive Psychiatry, 64, 1-3. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comppsych.2015.09.014

42) Outcalt, J., Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R., Olesek, K.L., Buck, K. & Lysaker, P.H.

(2016). Metacognition moderates the relationship of disturbances in attachment with severity of borderline personality disorder among persons in treatment for substance use disorders. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 64, 22-28 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comppsych.2015.10.002

43) Brüne, M., Walden, Edel, M-A., & Dimaggio, G. (2016). Mentalisation of complex emotions in Borderline Personality Disorder: The impact of parenting and exposure to trauma on the performance in a novel cartoon-based task. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 64, 29-37 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comppsych.2015.08.003

44) Velotti, P., Garofalo C., D’Aguanno, M., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G., &

Dimaggio, G. (2016). Mindfulness moderates the relationship between aggression and Antisocial Personality Disorder traits: Preliminary investigation with an offender sample. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 64, 38-45 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comppsych.2015.08.004


45) Lysaker, P.H., Kukla, M., Dubreucq, J., Gumley, A., McLeod, H., Buck, K.D., Vohs,

J., Minor, K.S., Luther, L., Leonhardt, B.L., Belanger, E.A., Popolo, R. & Dimaggio, G. (2015). Metacognitive deficits predict future levels of negative symptoms in schizophrenia controlling for neurocognition, affect recognition, and self-expectation of goal attainment. Schizophrenia Research http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.schres.2015.06.015

46) Pellecchia, G., Moroni, F., Carcione, A., Colle, L., Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G., Pedone, R., Procacci, M. & Semerari, A. (2015). Metacognition Assessment Interview: Instrument description and factor structure. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 6, 157-165

47) Popolo R., Vinci G., D’Amato F., Buonocore L., Balbi A., Dimaggio G., Salvatore G. (2015). The Metacognitive functioning in schizophrenia: a proposal for its assessment. Journal of Psychopathology, 21, 133-140.

48) MacBeth, A., Gumley, A., Schwannauer, M., McLeod, H., Carcione, A. & Dimaggio, G. (2015). Aspects of metacognition related to symptoms and service engagement in a first episode psychosis sample: a closer look analysis. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy DOI: 10.1002/cpp.1959

49) Lysaker, P.H., Dimaggio, G., Wickett-Curtis, A., Luedtke, B., Vohs, J., Leonhardt, B., James, A., Buck, K.D. & Davis, L.W. (2015) Deficits in metacognitive capacity

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are related to subjective distress and heightened levels of hyperarousal symptoms in adults with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 16, 384-398 DOI:10.1080/15299732.2015.1005331

50) Dimaggio, G., Lysaker, P.H., Calarco, T., Pedone, R., Marsigli, N., Riccardi, I., Sabatelli, B., Carcione, A. & Paviglianiti, A. (2015). Perfectionism and Personality Disorders as Predictors of Symptoms and Interpersonal Problems. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 69, 317-330.

51) Dimaggio, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (2015). Commentary: “Personality and Intentional Binding: An exploratory study using the narcissistic personality inventory”. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 325 doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00325

52) Lysaker, P.H., Vohs, J., Minor, K.S., Irarrázaval, L., Leonhardt, B., Hamm, J., Kukla, M., Popolo, R., Luther, L. & Dimaggio, G. (2015). Metacognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia: Presence and Associations with Psychosocial Outcomes. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 203, 530-546. DOI: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000323

53) Dimaggio, G. (2015). Integrated treatment for personality disorders: An introduction. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 25, 1-2. http://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/a0038765

54) Dimaggio, G., Salvatore, G., Lysaker, P.H., Ottavi, P. & Popolo, R. (2015). Behavioral activation revised as a common mechanism of change for personality disorders psychotherapy. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 25, 30-38. http://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/a0038769

55) Dimaggio, G. (2015). Awareness of maladaptive interpersonal schemas as a core element of change in psychotherapy for personality disorders. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 25, 39-44. http://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/a0038770

56) Bo, S., Kongerslev, M., Dimaggio, G., Lysaker, P.H., & Abu-Akhel, A. (2015). Metacognition and general functioning in patients with schizophrenia and a history of criminal behaviour. Psychiatry Research, 225, 247-253. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2014.12.034

57) Dimaggio, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (2015). Metacognition and mentalizing in the psychotherapy of patients with psychosis and personality disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In-Session, 71, 117-124. DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22147

58) Dimaggio G., D’Urzo, M., Pasinetti, M., Salvatore, G., Lysaker, P.H., Catania, D. & Popolo, R. (2015). Metacognitive interpersonal therapy for avoidant personality disorders and substance abuse. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In-Session, 71, 157-166. DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22151

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59) Hillis, J.D., Leonhardt, B.L., Vohs J.L., Buck, K,D., Salvatore, G., Popolo, R. Dimaggio, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (2015). Metacognitive reflective and insight therapy for persons in early phase of a schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In-Session, 71, 125-135. doi: 10.1002/jclp.22148


60) Semerari, A., Colle, L., Pellecchia, G., Buccione, I., Carcione, A., Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G., Procacci, M. & Pedone, R. (2014). Metacognition: severity and styles in Personality Disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders, 28, 751-766. doi: 10.1521/pedi_2014_28_137

61) Popolo, R., Lysaker, P.H., Salvatore, G., Montano, A., Sirri, L., Buonocore, L., Imbimbo, A. & Dimaggio, G. (2014). Emotional inhibition in personality disorders. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 83, 377-378. DOI: 10.1159/000365110

62) Ottavi, P., D’Alia, D, Lysaker, P.H., Kent, J., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2014). Metacognition Oriented Social Skills Training for schizophrenia. Theory, method and clinical illustration. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 21, 465-473. DOI: 10.1002/cpp.1850

63) Buck, K., McLeod, H., Gumley, A., Dimaggio, G., Buck, B.E., Minor, K.S., James, A.V. & Lysaker, P.H. (2014). Anhedonia in prolonged schizophrenia spectrum patients with relatively lower vs. higher levels of depression disorders: Associations with deficits in social cognition and metacognition. Consciousness & Cognition, 29, 68-75.

64) Lysaker, P.H., Leonhardt, B.L., Brüne, M., Buck, K.D., James, A., Vohs, J., Francis, M., Hamm, J.A., Salvatore, G, Ringer, J.M. & Dimaggio, G. (2014). Capacities for theory of mind, metacognition, and neurocognitive function as independently related to emotional recognition in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 219, 79-85. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.05.004.

65) Lysaker, P.H., Vohs, J., Hamm, J.A., Kukla, M., Minor, K.S., de Jong, S., Donkersgoed, R., Pijnenborg, M. Kent, J., Ringer, J.M., Leonhardt, B.L., Francis, M.M., Buck, K.D., Dimaggio, G. (2014). Deficits in metacognitive capacity distinguish patients with schizophrenia from patients with prolonged medical adversity. Journal of Psychiatric Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2014.04.011

66) Dimaggio, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (2014). Supporters of a Single Orientation may do less for science and the health of patients than integrationists: A reply to Govrin (2014). Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 24, 91-94. doi: 10.1037/a0036996

67) Lysaker, P.H., Leonhardt, B.L., Pijnenborg. M., van Donkersgoed. R., de Jong. S., Dimaggio. G. (2014). Metacognition in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: Methods of assessment and associations with neurocognition, symptoms, cognitive style and function. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 51, 54-62.

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68) Lysaker, P.H. & Dimaggio, G. (2014). Metacognitive capacities for reflection in

schizophrenia: Implications for developing treatments. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40, 487-491. DOI: 10.1093/schbul/sbu038

69) Vohs, J.L., Lysaker, P.H., Francis, M., Hamm, J., Buck, K.D., Olesek, K., Outcalt, J., Dimaggio, G., Leonhardt, B., Nabors, L., Liffick, E., Mehdiyoun, N., & Breier, A. (2014). Metacognition, social cognition, and symptoms in patients in first episode and prolonged psychosis. Schizophrenia Research. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2014.01.012.

70) Lysaker, P.H., Olesek, K., Buck, K., Leonhardt, B., Vohs, J., Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R. & Outcalt, J. (2014). Metacognitive mastery moderates the relationship of alexithymia with cluster C personality disorder traits in adults with substance use disorders. Addictive Behaviors, 39, 558-561. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2013.11.007

71) MacBeth, A., Gumley, A., Schwannauer, M., Carcione, A., Fisher, R., McLeod, H. & Dimaggio, G. (2014). Metacognition, symptoms and premorbid functioning in a First Episode Psychosis sample. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 55, 268-273. doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2013.08.027

72) Dimaggio, G. (2014). Hitting the bull’s eye in personality disorders psychotherapy.

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 44, 65-70. DOI: 10.1007/s10879-013-9257-5

73) Dimaggio, G., Valeri, S., Ottavi, P., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G. & Montano, A. (2014). Adopting Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy to treat Narcissistic Personality Disorder with severe somatization. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 44, 85-95. DOI 10.1007/s10879-013-9254-8

74) Dimaggio, G. (2014). Narcissistic personality disorder and becoming old. Personality and Mental Health, 8, 89-90. DOI 10.1002/pmh.1251

75) Colli, A., Tanzilli, A., Dimaggio, G. & Lingiardi, V. (2014). Patient personality and therapist responses: An empirical investigation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 171, 102-108. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.13020224


76) Brüne, M., Dimaggio, G. & Edel, M-A. (2013). Mentalization-based group therapy

for inpatients with Borderline Personality Disorder: Preliminary findings. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 10, 196-201.

77) Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G., Semerari, A. & Carcione, A. (2013). Investigating the process in the psychotherapy of personality disorders: the role of symptoms, quality

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of affects, emotional dysregulation, interpersonal process and mentalizing. Psychotherapy Research, 23, 624-632. doi: 10.1080/10503307.2013.845921

78) Lysaker, P.H., Bob, P., Pec, O., Hamm, J., Kukla, M., Vohs, J., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2013). Synthetic metacognition as a link between brain and behavior in schizophrenia. Translational neuroscience, 4, 368-377.

79) Lysaker, P.H., Vohs, J., Hasson-Ohayon, I., Wierwille, J., Coocoon, M. & Dimaggio, G. (2013). Depression and insight in schizophrenia: Comparisons of the experience of stigma and the presence of deficits in social cognition and metacognition across three profiles. Schizophrenia research, 148, 18-23.

80) Lysaker, P.H., Buck, K.D. & Dimaggio, G. (2013). Reply. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 127, 495.

81) Dimaggio, G., Carcione, A., Nicolò, G., Lysaker, P.H., d’Angerio, S., Conti, M.L.,

Fiore, D., Pedone, R., Procacci, M., Popolo, R. & Semerari, A. (2013). Differences between axes depend on where you set the bar. Associations among symptoms, interpersonal relationship and alexithymia with number of personality disorder criteria. Journal of Personality Disorders, 27, 371-382. doi: 10.1521/pedi_2012_26_043

82) Lysaker, P.H., Vohs, J., Hillis, J., Kukla, M., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2013). Poor insight in schizophrenia: Contributing factors, consequences, and emerging treatment approaches. Expert review of Neurotherapeutics, 13, 785-793.

83) Lysaker, P.H., Buck, K.D., Fogley, R., Ringer, J., Harder, S., Hasson-Ohayon, I., Olesek, K., Grant, M.L.A. & Dimaggio, G. (2013). The mutual development of intersubjectivity and metacognitive capacity in the psychotherapy for persons with schizophrenia. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 43, 63-72.

84) Lysaker, P.H., Gumley, A., Leudtke, B., Buck, K.D., Ringer, J.M., Olesek, K., Oscatharp, J, Popolo, R. & Dimaggio, G. (2013). Thinking about oneself and thinking about others: Evidence of the relative independence of deficits in metacognition and social cognition in schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 127, 239–247. doi: 10.1111/acps.12012

85) Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (2013). Mentalizing in schizophrenia is more than just solving theory of mind tasks. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:83. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00083

86) Lysaker, P.H., Vohs, J., Ballard, R., Fogley, R., Salvatore, G., Popolo, R. & Dimaggio, G. (2013). Metacognition, self-reflection and recovery in schizophrenia. Future Neurology, 8, 103-115 . DOI 10.2217/fnl.12.78


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87) Salvatore, G., Russo, B., Russo, M., Popolo, R. & Dimaggio, G. (2012). Metacognition-oriented therapy for psychosis: The case of a woman with delusional disorder and paranoid personality disorder. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 22, 314-329.

88) Semerari, A., Cucchi, M., Dimaggio, G., Cavadini, D., Carcione, A., Battelli, V., Nicolo, G., Pedone, R., Siccardi, T., D’Angerio, S., Ronchi, P., Maffei, C. & Smeraldi, E. (2012). The development of the Metacognition Assessment Interview: Instrument description, factor structure and reliability in a non-clinical sample. Psychiatry Research, 200, 890-895.

89) Hamm, J.A. , Renard, S.B., Fogley R.L., Leonhardt, B.L., Dimaggio, G., Buck, K.D., Lysaker, P.H. (2012). Metacognition and Social Cognition in Schizophrenia: Stability and Relationship to Concurrent and Prospective Symptom Assessments. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68, 1303-1312.

90) Dimaggio, G., Salvatore, G., Popolo, R. & Lysaker, P.H. (2012). Autobiographical memory dysfunctions and poor understanding of mental states in personality disorders and schizophrenia: Clinical implications. Frontiers in Cognition, 3, 529. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00529

91) Dimaggio, G. (2012). Narcissistic personality disorder: Rethinking what we know. Psychiatric Times, 29, 17-25.

92) Leudtke, B.L., Kukla, M., Renard, S., Dimaggio, G., Buck, K.D. & Lysaker, P.H. (2012). Metacognitive functioning and social cognition as predictors of accuracy of self-appraisals of vocational function in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 137, 260-261.

93) Nicolò, G., Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R., Carcione, A., Procacci, M., Hamm, J., Buck, K.D., Pompili, E., Buccione, I., Lagrotteria, B. & Lysaker, P.H. (2012). Associations of metacognition with symptoms, insight and neurocognition in clinically stable outpatients with schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200, 644-647 .

94) Salvatore, G., Carcione, A. & Dimaggio, G. (2012). The dependent self in Narcissistic and Dependent personality disorders: A dialogical analysis. International Journal of Dialogical Science, 6, 31-49.

95) Nicolò, G., Semerari, A., Lysaker, P.H., Dimaggio, G., Conti, L., D’Angerio, S.,

Procacci, M., Popolo, R. & Carcione, A. (2012). Dependent personality disorders unlike avoidant personality disorders are not related to alexithymia after controlling for depression. Psychiatry Research, 196, 327-328.

96) Dimaggio, G. & Attinà, G. (2012). Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy for Narcissistic Personality Disorders with perfectionistic features: The case of Leonardo. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In-Session, 68, 922-934.

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97) Salvatore, G., Lysaker, P.H., Procacci, M., Carcione, A., Popolo, R., & Dimaggio,

G. (2012). Vulnerable Self, Poor Understanding of Others' Minds, Threat Anticipation and Cognitive Biases as Triggers for Delusional Experience in Schizophrenia: A Theoretical Model, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 19, 247-259. DOI: 10.1002/cpp.746

98) Dimaggio, G., Attinà, G., Popolo, R. & Salvatore, G. (2012). Personality disorders with over-regulation of emotions and poor self-reflectivity: the case of a man with avoidant and not-otherwise specified PD, social phobia and disthymia treated with Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy. Personality and Mental Health, 6, 156-162. DOI: 10.1002/pmh.1193

99) Salvatore, G., Lysaker, P.H., Gumley, A., Popolo, R., Mari, J., & Dimaggio, G. (2012). Out of illness experience: Metacognition-Oriented Therapy for promoting self-awareness in psychosis sufferers. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 66, 85-106.

100) Mitchell, L.J., Gumley, A., Reilly, E.S., MacBeth, A., Lysaker, P.H., Carcione, A. & Dimaggio, G. (2012). Metacognition in Forensic Patients with Schizophrenia and a Past History of Interpersonal Violence: An Exploratory Study. Psychosis, 4, 42-51.

101) Dimaggio, G. & Livesley, J.W. (2012). Introduction to Special Feature on the Integrated Treatment of Personality Disorder. Journal of Personality Disorders, 26, 1-6.

102) Dimaggio, G., Salvatore, G., Fiore, D., Carcione, A., Nicolò, G. & Semerari, A. (2012). General principles for treating the overconstricted personality disorder. Toward operationalizing technique. Journal of Personality Disorders, 26, 63-83.

103) Lysaker, P.H., Ringer, J., Grant, M, Olesek, K., Dimaggio, G., Leudtke, B. &

Buck, K.D. (2012). Metacognitive deficits in patients with significant psychiatric and medical adversity: A comparison of participants with schizophrenia and a sample of participants who are HIV+. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200, 130-134.


104) Lysaker, P.H., Gumley, A., Brüne, M., Vanheule, S., Buck, K.D. & Dimaggio, G.

(2011). Deficits in the ability to recognize one’s own affects and those of others: Associations with neurocognition, symptoms and sexual trauma among persons with schizophrenia. Consciousness & Cognition, 20, 1183-1192. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2010.12.018

105) Nicolò, G., Semerari, A., Lysaker, P.H., Dimaggio, G., Conti, L., d’Angerio, S., Procacci, M., Popolo, R. & Carcione, A. (2011). Alexithymia in personality

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disorders. Correlations with symptoms and interpersonal functioning. Psychiatry Research, 190, 37-42

106) Carcione, A., Semerari, A., Nicolò, G., Pedone, R., Popolo, R., Conti, L., Fiore, D.,

Procacci, M. & Dimaggio G. (2011). Metacognitive mastery dysfunctions in personality disorder psychotherapy. Psychiatry Research, 190, 60-71.

107) Lysaker, P.H., Olesek, K., Warman, D.M., Martin, J.M., Salzman, A., Nicolò, G.,

Salvatore, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2011). Metacognition in schizophrenia: correlates and stability of deficits in theory of mind and self-reflectivity. Psychiatry Research, 190, 18-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2010.07.016

108) Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G., Brüne, M., & Lysaker, P.H. (2011). Mental state

understanding dysfunctions in psychiatric adult disorders. Psychiatry Research, 190, 1-2. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2011.02.005

109) Brüne, M., Dimaggio, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (2011). Metacognition and social

functioning in schizophrenia: Evidence, mechanisms of influence and treatment implications. Current Psychiatry Reviews, 7, 239-247.

110) Lysaker, P.H., Erickson, M., Ringer, J., Buck, K.D., Semerari, A., Carcione, A. &

Dimaggio, G. (2011). Metacognition in schizophrenia: the relationship of mastery to coping, insight, self-esteem, social anxiety and various facets of neurocognition. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 50, 412-424. DOI: 10.1111/j.2044-8260.2010.02003.x

111) Dimaggio, G., Paviglianiti, A., Carcione, A., Lysaker, P.H., Riccardi, I., Pedone, R., Marsigli, N., Nicolò, G., Sabatelli, B., & Calarco, M.T. (2011). Alexithymia and irony comprehension and their correlations with depression, anxiety, general symptomatology and personality disorders: A comparison between clinical and non-clinical participants. Psychologica Belgica, 3-4, .

112) Lysaker, P.H., McCormick, B.P., Snethen, G., Buck, K.D., Hamm, J.A., Grant, M.A., Nicolò, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2011). Metacognition and social function in schizophrenia: Associations of mastery with functional skills competence. Schizophrenia Research, 131, 214-218.

113) Dimaggio, G. (2011). Assessment of dysfunctional interpersonal schemas,

avoidance of intimacy and lack of agency as key issues for treating narcissism: A commentary on Ronningstam’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Personality and Mental Health, 5, 228-234. DOI 10.1002/pmh.173

114) Dimaggio, G. (2011). Impoverished self-narrative and impaired self-reflection as targets for the psychotherapy of personality disorders. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 41, 165-174. DOI: 10.1007/s10879-010-9170-0

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115) Lysaker, P.H., Erickson, M.A., Buck, B., Buck, K.D., Olesek, K., Grant, M., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2011). Metacognition and social function in schizophrenia: Associations over a period of five months. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 16, 241-255. DOI: 10.1080/13546805.2010.530470

116) Lysaker, P.H., Dimaggio, G., Buck, K.D., Callaway, S.S., Salvatore, G., Carcione, A., Nicolò, G. & Stanghellini, G. (2011). Poor insight in schizophrenia: Links between different forms of metacognition with awareness of symptoms, treatment need and consequences of illness. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 52, 253-260. doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2010.07.007

117) Lysaker, P.H., Gumley, A. & Dimaggio, G. (2011). Metacognitive disturbances in persons with severe mental illness: Theory, correlates with psychopathology and models of psychotherapy. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 84, 1-8. DOI: 10.1111/j.2044-8341.2010.02007.x

118) Lysaker, P.H., Buck, K.D., Carcione, A., Procacci, M., Salvatore, G., Nicolò, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2011). Addressing Metacognitive Capacity in the Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia: A conceptual model of the key tasks and processes. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 84, 58-69. DOI: 10.1348/147608310X520436

119) Dimaggio, G., Carcione, A., Salvatore., G., Nicolò, G., Sisto, A. & Semerari, A. (2011). Progressively increasing metacognition through a step-by-step procedure in a case of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder treated with Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 84, 70-83. DOI: 10.1348/147608310X527240


120) Ghiassi, V., Dimaggio, G., & Brüne, M. (2010). Dysfunctions in understanding others’s mind in borderline personality disorder: A study using cartoon picture stories. Psychotherapy Research, 20, 657-667.

121) Lysaker, P.H., Erickson, M., Buck, K.D., Procacci, M., Nicolò, G., & Dimaggio, G. (2010). Metacognition in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: Methods of assessment and associations with neurocognition and function. European Journal of Psychiatry, 4, 220-226.

122) Lysaker, P.H., Salvatore, G., Grant, M., Procacci, M., Olesek, K., Buck, K.D., Nicolò, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2010). Deficits in Theory of Mind and Social Anxiety as independent paths to Suspiciousness. Schizophrenia Research, 124, 81-85.

123) Lysaker, P.H., Shea, A.M., Buck, K.D., Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G., Procacci, M., Salvatore, G. & Rand, K.L. (2010). Metacognition as a mediator of

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the effects of impairments in neurocognition on social function in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 122, 405-413.

124) Dimaggio, G., Carcione, A., Salvatore, G., Semerari, A. & Nicolò, G. (2010). A

rational model for maximizing the effect of regulating therapy relationship in personality disorders. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 83, 363-384. DOI: 10.1348/147608310X485256

125) Lysaker, P.H., Dimaggio, G., Buck, K.D., Carcione, A., Procacci, M., Davis, L.W.

& Nicolò, G. (2010). Metacognition and Schizophrenia: The capacity for self- reflectivity and prospective assessments of work performance over six months. Schizophrenia Research, 122, 124-130.

126) Lysaker, P.H., Dimaggio, G., Daroyanni, P., Buck, K.D., LaRocco, V.A., Carcione, A. & Nicolò, G. (2010). Assessing metacognition in schizophrenia with the Metacognition Assessment Scale: Associations with the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 83, 303-315.

127) Dimaggio, G., Hermans, H.J.M. & Lysaker, P.H. (2010). Health and adaptation in a

multiple self: The role of absence of dialogue and poor metacognition in clinical populations. Theory & Psychology, 20, 379-399.


128) Salvatore, G., Popolo, R., Procacci, M., Nicolò, G., Carcione, A., Semerari & Dimaggio, G. (2009). Adapted-Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy for improving adherence to intersubjective contexts in a person with schizophrenia. Clinical Case Studies, 8, 473-488.

129) Dimaggio, G., Carcione, A., Conti, M.L., Nicolò, G., Fiore, D., Pedone, R., Popolo,

R., Procacci, M. & Semerari, A. (2009). Impaired decentration in Personality Disorder: An analysis with the Metacognition Assessment Scale. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 16, 450-462. DOI: 10.1002/cpp.619

130) Dimaggio, G., Vanheule, S., Lysaker, P.H., Carcione, A. & Nicolò, G. (2009).

Impaired self-reflection in psychiatric disorders among adults: A proposal for the existence of a network of semi independent functions. Consciousness and Cognition, 18, 653-664.

131) Lysaker, P.H., Buck, K.D, Salvatore, G., Popolo, R. & Dimaggio, G. (2009). Lack

of awareness of illness in schizophrenia: Conceptualizations, correlates and treatment approaches. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 9, 1035-1043.


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132) Carcione, A., Dimaggio, G., Fiore, D., Nicolò, G., Pedone, R., Procacci, M. & Semerari, A. (2008). Evaluating the therapeutic process by the Metacognition Assessment Scale (MAS): Enhancing metacognitive skills in Lisa’s Case. Psychotherapy Research, 18, 667-676.

133) Nicolò, G., Dimaggio, G., Pedone, R., Procacci, M., Semerari, A., & Carcione, A.

(2008). How states of mind change during psychotherapy: Analysis of Lisa’s case with the Grid of Problematic States. Psychotherapy Research, 18, 645-656.

134) Salvatore, G., Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R. & Lysaker, P.H. (2008). Deficits in

mindreading in stressful contexts and their relationships to social withdrawal symptoms in schizophrenia. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 72, 189-207.

135) Dimaggio, G., Lysaker, P.H., Carcione, A., Nicolò, G. & Semerari, A. (2008).

Know yourself and you shall know the other... to a certain extent. Multiple paths of influence of self-reflection on mindreading. Consciousness and Cognition, 17, 778-789.

136) Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G., Fiore, R., Pedone, R., Popolo, R., Centenero, E.,

Semerari, A. & Carcione, A. (2008). States of minds in narcissistic personality disorder. Three psychotherapy patients analysed through the Grid of Problematic States. Psychotherapy Research, 18, 466-480.

137) Lysaker, P.H., Warman, D.M., Dimaggio, G., Procacci, M., LaRocco, V., Clark, L.,

Dike, C., Nicolò, G. (2008). Metacognition in schizophrenia: Associations with multiple assessments of executive function. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196, 384-389

138) Dimaggio, G., Carcione, A. & Nicolò, G. (2008). Metacognitive disorders:

Research and therapeutic implications. Psychotherapy Bulletin

139) Dimaggio, G. & Norcross, J. (2008). Treating Patients with Two or More

Personality Disorders: An Introduction. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In-Session, 64, 127-138.

140) Fiore, D., Dimaggio, G., Carcione, A., Nicolò, G. & Semerari, A. (2008).

Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy in a Case of Obsessive-Compulsive and Avoidant Personality Disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In-Session, 64, 168-180.


141) Lysaker, P.H., Dimaggio, G., Buck, K.D., Carcione, A. & Nicolò, G. (2007).

Metacognition and the sense of self within narratives of schizophrenia: Associations with multiple domains of neurocognition. Schizophrenia Research, 93¸ 278-287.

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142) Dimaggio, G., Procacci, M., Nicolò, G., Popolo, R., Semerari, A., Carcione, A, & Lysaker, P.H. (2007). Poor Metacognition in Narcissistic and Avoidant Personality Disorders: Analysis of four psychotherapy patients. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 14, 386-401

143) Salvatore, G., Dimaggio, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (2007). An inter-subjective

perspective on negative symptoms of schizophrenia: Implications of simulation theory. Cognitive Neuropsichiatry, 12, 144-164.

144) Hermans, H.J.M. & Dimaggio, G. (2007). Self, Identity and Globalization in Times

of Uncertainty: A dialogical analysis. Review of General Psychology, 11, 31-61.

145) Dimaggio, G., Fiore, D., Salvatore, G., & Carcione, A. (2007). Dialogical relationship patterns in narcissistic personalities: session analysis and treatment implications. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 20, 23-51.

146) Semerari, A., Carcione, A, Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G. & Procacci, M. (2007)

Understanding minds, different functions and different disorders? The contribution of psychotherapeutic research. Psychotherapy Research, 17, 106-119.

147) Dimaggio, G. & Stiles. W.B. (2007). Psychotherapy in light of internal multiplicity.

Journal of Clinical Psychology: In-Session, 63, 119-127.

148) Nicolò, G., Carcione, A., Semerari, A. & Dimaggio, G. (2007). Reaching the Covert, Fragile Side of Patients: The Case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In-Session, 63, 141-152.


149) Dimaggio, G. (2006). Changing the dialogue between self voices during

psychotherapy. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 3, 263-381

150) Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G., Popolo, R., Semerari, A. & Carcione, A. (2006). Self-regulatory dysfunctions in personality disorders: The role of poor self-monitoring and mindreading. Applied Psychology: An international Review, 55, 397-407.

151) Dimaggio, G., Fiore, D., Lysaker, P.H., Petrilli, D., Salvatore, G., Semerari, A. &

Nicolò, G. (2006). Early transference patterns in narcissistic personality disorder: a single case exploratory study from the perspective of Dialogical Self Theory. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 79, 495–516

152) Dimaggio, G., Semerari, A., Carcione, A., Procacci, M. & Nicolò, G. (2006).

Toward a model of self pathology underlying personality disorders: Narratives, metacognition, interpersonal cycles and decision making processes. Journal of Personality Disorders, 20, 597–617

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153) Dimaggio, G. (2006). Disorganized narratives in clinical practice. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 19, 103 - 108.

154) Salvatore, G., Conti, C., Fiore, D., Carcione, A., Dimaggio. G. & Semerari, A.

(2006). Disorganized narratives: problems in treatment and therapist intervention hierarchy. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 19, 191-207.

155) Dimaggio, G., Catania, D., Nicolò, G., Salvatore, G., Carcione, A. (2006).

Psychotherapy of Paranoid Personality Disorder from Dialogical Self Theory perspective. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 19, 1–16


156) Semerari, A., Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G., Pedone, R., Procacci, M., & Carcione, A.

(2005). Metarepresentative functions in borderline personality disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders, 19, 690-710.

157) Salvatore, G., Nicolò, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2005). Impoverished dialogical

relationship patterns in paranoid personality disorder. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 59, 247-265.

158) Dimaggio, G., Carcione, A., Petrilli, M., Procacci, M., Semerari, A. & Nicolò, G.

(2005). States of mind organization in personality disorders. Typical states and the triggering of inter-state shifts. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 12, 346-359

159) Carcione, A., Dimaggio, G., Semerari, A. & Nicolò, G. (2005). States of mind and

metacognitive malfunctionings are not the same in all personality disorders: A reply to Ryle (2005). Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 12, 367-373.

160) Lysaker, P. H., Carcione, A., Dimaggio, G., Johannesen, J.K., Nicolò, G., Procacci,

M. & Semerari, A. (2005). Metacognition amidst narratives of self and illness in schizophrenia: Associations with insight, neurocognitive, symptom and function. Acta psychiatrica scandinavica, 112(1), 64-71.


161) Salvatore, G., Dimaggio, G. & Semerari, A. (2004). A model of narrative

development. Psychopathology and implication for clinical practice. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 77, 231-254.


162) Dimaggio, G., Salvatore, G., Azzara, C., Catania, D., Semerari, A., Hermans, H.J.M. (2003). Dialogical relationships in impoverished narratives. From theory to

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clinical practice. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 76, 4, 385-410.

163) Semerari, A, Carcione, A., Dimaggio, G., Falcone, M., Nicolò, G., Procacci, M.,

Alleva, G., Mergenthaler E. (2003). Assessing problematic states inside patient’s narratives. The Grid of Problematic Conditions. Psychotherapy Research, 13(3), 337-353.

164) Semerari, A, Carcione, A., Dimaggio, G., Falcone, M., Nicolò, G., Procacci, M. &

Alleva, G. (2003). How to evaluate metacognitive functioning in psychotherapy? The Metacognition Assessment Scale and its applications. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 10, 238-261.

165) Dimaggio, G., Salvatore, G., Azzara, C., Catania, D. (2003). Rewriting self-

narratives. The therapeutic process. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 12, 2, 155-181.


166) Dimaggio, G., Semerari, A., Falcone, M., Nicolò, G., Carcione, A. & Procacci, M.

(2002). Metacognition, states of mind, cognitive biases and interpersonal cycles. Proposal for an integrated model of Narcissism. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 12, 421-451.

167) Dimaggio, G., & Semerari, A. (2001) Psychopathological narrative forms. Journal

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168) Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R., Serio, A.V. & Ruggeri, G. (1997). Dream emotional experience changes and psychotherapeutic process: an experimental contribution. New trends in experimental and clinical psychiatry, 12, 12-15.

169) Serio, A.V., Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R. & Ruggeri, G. (1997). Dissociative phenomena during psychotherapy: a clinical research. New trends in experimental and clinical psychiatry, 12, 7-9

170) Caroppo, E., Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G. & Ruggeri, G. (1997).

Recurrent Oneiric Themes: A clinical research on dream evaluation during psychotherapy. New trends in experimental and clinical psychiatry, 12, 4-6


1. Lysaker, P.H., Erickson, M., Buck, K.D. & Dimaggio, G. (2012). The relationship between metacognition, cognition and functioning in schizophrenia: Data from the study of personal narratives. Information Psychiatrique, 88, 267-277. [Les rapports

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entre métacognition, cognition et fonctionnement dans la schizophrénie : Données issues de l'étude de récits personnels]


1. Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R., Salvatore, G. & Sofia, S.A. (2017). Tratando el

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2. Dimaggio, G., Carcione, A., Salvatore, G., Nicolò, G., Sisto, A. & Semerari, A. (2011). Promoviendo progressivamente la metacognitión en un caso de un trastorno obsesivo compulsivo de la personalidad tratado con terapia interpersonal metacognitiva. Revista de la Asociatión de Psicoterapia de la República Argentina, Noviembre.

3. Dimaggio, G., Carcione, A., Semerari, A., Marraffa, M., Falcone, M., Nicolò, G., Procacci, M. (2001). Modelos de mantenimento de los trastornos de personalidad. “Revista de Psicoterapia”, 45, 5-20.

4. Dimaggio, G., Semerari, A. (2001). El narcisismo en acción. Un modelo de

psicopatología illustrado por el análisis de un caso individual.. “Revista de Psicoterapia”, 45, 65-92

5. Carcione, A., Conti, L., Dimaggio, G., Nicolò, G., Semerari, A. (2001) Estados

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6. Procacci, M., Dimaggio, G., Semerari, A. (2001). El trastorno de personalidad per

evitación. De la psicoterapia descriptiva a un modelo de mantenimento del trastorno. “Revista de Psicoterapia”, 45, 93--116.

7. Nicolò, G., Dimaggio, G., Semerari, A., Carcione, A. (2001) Metacognición y

trastorno paranoide de personalidad. “Revista de Psicoterapia”, 45, 117-136.

8. Procacci, M., Dimaggio, G., Semerari, A. (1999) El deficit de compartir y de pertenencia en los trastornos de la personalidad: Clinica y tratamiento. “Boletín de Psicología”, 65, 75-100.


1. Brüne, M., Tas, C., Brown, E.C, Armgart, C., Dimaggio, G. & Lysaker, P.H. (2013). Metakognitive und sozial-kognitive Defizite bei Schizophrenien. Funktionelle

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Bedeutung und Behandlungsstrategien. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 61, 231-237.

2. Edel, M-A., Dimaggio, G., Brüne, M. (2013). DBT in Kombination mit MBTbei Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung-erste Ergebnisse. Verhaltenstherapie & Verhaltensmedizin, 34, 263-275.


1. Dimaggio, G., Popolo, R., D’Urzo, M., Pasinetti, M., Catania, D., Cuomo, C. &

Salvatore, G. (in stampa). La terapia metacognitiva interpersonale per il disturbo antisociale di personalità. In P. Velotti (a cura di). Comprendere il male. Il disturbo antisociale di personalità: prospettive a confronto. Il Mulino: Bologna.

2. Popolo, R., Salvatore, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2014). La terapia metacognitiva interpersonale. In La Mela, C. (a cura di). Fondamenti di terapia cognitiva. Firenze: Maddali & Bruni.

3. Dimaggio, G., Toma, M., Salvatore, G., Fiore, D., Buonocore, L. (2013). La Terapia Metacognitivo-Interpersonale per ridurre la disregolazione emotiva, migliorare le funzioni metacognitive, e favorire la modificazione degli schemi sé-altro nel disturbo istrionico di personalità complicato. Quaderni di Psicoterapia Cognitiva.

4. Dimaggio, G., Carabelli, P., Buonocore, L., Popolo, R. & Salvatore, G. (2013). Promuovere le narrazioni autobiografiche e le abilità metacognitive nella Terapia Metacognitiva Interpersonale dei Disturbi di Personalità. Psichiatria e Psicoterapia.

5. Popolo, R., Salvatore, G., Bianchi, L., Carabelli, P., Marini, M. & Dimaggio, G. (2012). Il colloquio in terapia metacognitiva interpersonale con i disturbi di personalità. In Ruggiero, G. & Sassaroli, S. (Ed.) Il colloquio clinico in terapia cognitiva. Raffaello Cortina: Milano.

6. Salvatore, G., Carcione, A, & Dimaggio, G. (2012). Schemi interpersonali nel disturbo narcisistico di personalità: la centralità della scarsa agentività e della dipendenza. Implicazioni per la relazione terapeutica. Cognitivismo Clinico, 9, 3-14.

7. Carcione, A., Semerari, A., Lysaker, P.H., Dimaggio, G., Conti, L., Procacci, M., Popolo, R., Riccardi, I. & Nicolò, G. (2011). Correlazioni dell’alessitimia con i sintomi ed il funzionamento interpersonale nei Disturbi di Personalità: uno studio preliminare. Noos

8. Popolo, R., Semerari, A., Carcione, A., Fiore, D., Nicolò, G., Conti, L., Pedone, R. Procacci, M., d’Angerio, S. & Dimaggio, G. (2010). Le disfunzioni metacognitive nei disturbi di personalità: Una review delle ricerche del III Centro di Psicoterapia Cognitiva. Ricerca in Psicoterapia, 13, 217-240.

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9. Dimaggio, G. (2010). Disfunzioni della metacognizione nei disturbi mentali degli adulti. Psicopatologia e implicazioni per psicoterapia individuale, di gruppo e riabilitazione psichiatrica. Plexus.

10. Russo, M., d’Angerio, S., Carcione, A. & Dimaggio, G. (2009). Disfunzioni metacognitive nel disturbo del comportamento alimentare: Uno studio di caso singolo. Cognitivismo Clinico, 6, 178-195.

11. Semerari, A., d’Angerio, S., Popolo, R., Cucchi, M., Ronchi, P., Maffei, C., Dimaggio, G., Nicoló, G., & Carcione, A. (2008). L’Intervista per la Valutazione della Metacognizione (IVaM): Descrizione dello Strumento. Cognitivismo Clinico, 5(2), 174–192.

12. Imbimbo, A. & Dimaggio, G. (2008). La terapia metacognitivo interpersonale: Un

caso di disturbo evitante di personalità. Psicobiettivo, 3.

13. Dimaggio, G. (2007). Il terapeuta allo scanner. Analisi del caso Katja. In, G. Nicolò e S. Salvatore (Eds.). La Ricerca in Psicoterapia in Italia. Roma: Carlo Amore

14. Salvatore, G. & Dimaggio, G. (2007). In In, G. Nicolò e S. Salvatore (Eds.). La

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