December 18, 2016 Curriculum Vitae JOHN E. ROEMER Department of Political Science Yale University PO Box 208301 New Haven CT 06520 Office Phone:1- 203-432-5249 e-mail: [email protected] FAX: 1- 203-432-6196 web: http://campuspress.yale.edu/johnroemer/ Affiliations at Yale: Department of Political Science, Department of Economics, Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Institute for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS), Program in Ethics, Politics, and Economics (EPE) , MacMillan Center for International Studies Education Mathematics Harvard College A.B., summa cum laude, 1966 Economics U.C. Berkeley Ph.D., 1974 Employment May-June 2013 Research professor, Toulouse School of Economics May 2006 Visiting professor, Université de Paris I May 2005 Visiting professor, EHESS, Marseilles May 2004 Visiting professor, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris 2000- present Elizabeth S. and A. Varick Stout Professor of Political Science and Economics, Yale University 1999 (fall) Visiting professor, NYU 1998-1999 Russell Sage Foundation Fellow 1988 - 2000 Director, Program on Economy, Justice & Society, University of California, Davis May 1995 Visiting professor, Université de Cergy-Pontoise 1994 (fall) Visiting professor of economics, Harvard University 1987 - 1988 Acting Chair, Department of Economics, University of California, Davis

Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs

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Page 1: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs

December 18, 2016

Curriculum Vitae

JOHN E. ROEMER Department of Political Science Yale University PO Box 208301 New Haven CT 06520 Office Phone:1- 203-432-5249 e-mail: [email protected] FAX: 1- 203-432-6196 web: http://campuspress.yale.edu/johnroemer/ Affiliations at Yale: Department of Political Science, Department of Economics, Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Institute for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS), Program in Ethics, Politics, and Economics (EPE) , MacMillan Center for International Studies Education Mathematics Harvard College A.B., summa cum laude, 1966 Economics U.C. Berkeley Ph.D., 1974 Employment May-June 2013 Research professor, Toulouse School of Economics May 2006 Visiting professor, Université de Paris I May 2005 Visiting professor, EHESS, Marseilles May 2004 Visiting professor, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris 2000- present Elizabeth S. and A. Varick Stout Professor of

Political Science and Economics, Yale University 1999 (fall) Visiting professor, NYU 1998-1999 Russell Sage Foundation Fellow 1988 - 2000 Director, Program on Economy, Justice & Society, University of California, Davis May 1995 Visiting professor, Université de Cergy-Pontoise 1994 (fall) Visiting professor of economics, Harvard University 1987 - 1988 Acting Chair, Department of Economics,

University of California, Davis

Page 2: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


1987 (Winter) Visiting Professor, Departments of Economics &

Political Science, UCLA 1981 - 2000 Professor of Economics, University of California,

Davis 1980 - 1981 J. S. Guggenheim Memorial Fellow 1979 - 1980 Visiting Associate Professor, Yale University, NSF

National Needs Fellow June 1978 - June 1981 Associate Professor of Economics, University of

California, Davis Sept 1974 - June 1978 Assistant Professor of Economics, University of

California, Davis June - August 1978 Consultant, UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland 1969 - 1974 Mathematics Teacher, Lowell High School, and

Pelton Jr High School, San Francisco Fields of Primary Research Interest Political economy, distributive justice, theory of socialism, climate change and human welfare, cooperative economics Awards, Fellowships, Honors 1. Telluride Association Summer Program Fellow - Stanford, 1961 2. Harvard University Fellowship (Honorary), 1962 3. Phi Beta Kappa - Harvard, 1965 4. A.B., summa cum laude - Harvard, 1966 5. National Science Foundation Undergraduate Summer Fellowship - U.C. Los

Angeles, 1965 6. Ford Foundation Graduate Fellow - U.C. Berkeley, 1966-68 7. National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow - U.C. Berkeley, 1966-68 8. Social Science Research Council Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Stanford, 1977 9. National Science Foundation National Needs Fellowship, 1979-80 10. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship, 1980-81 11. Fellow, Econometric Society (elected 1986) 12. German Bernacer Lectures, University of Alicante, Spain May 1993 13. Llico d'Economia, 1995-96, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain 14. Russell Sage Foundation Fellow, 1998-99

15. Arrow Lecture, Society for Social Choice and Welfare, 2000 16. Graz-Schumpeter Lectures, University of Graz, 2003 17. Corresponding Fellow, The British Academy (elected 2005)

Page 3: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


18. Oscar Van Leer Annual Lecture, Jerusalem, December 2005 19. Bernard Correy Lecture, Queen Mary College, London, February 2006 20. Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences (elected 2006) 21. Parthemos Lecture, University of Georgia, April 2006 22. Doctor honoris causa, University of Athens, May 2008 23. President, Society for Social Choice and Welfare, 2010-2011 24. GINI 2011 Lecture, Milan Italy, February 2011 25. Scandinavian J. Econ prize (best paper of 2010) 26. Jury Prize of the Catalan Society of Economics for our book Sustainability for a

warming planet (Harvard UP 2015) Extramural Research Grants

1) National Science Foundation, "Economic Models of Distributive Justice," 1985-1987.

2) National Science Foundation, "Applications of Bargaining and Game Theory to Political Philosophy," 1987-1989.

3) Sloan Foundation, "Two Conferences on the Interpersonal Comparability of Welfare,"

1987-88 (with Jon Elster).

4) John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, "Conference on Market Socialism," 1991.

5) MacArthur Foundation, research grant (with Julian Betts), "Equality of opportunity in the United States", 1997

6) Public Policy Institute, San Francisco, research grant for “Equal opportunity and

educational finance in the United States”

7) Russell Sage Foundation, “Electoral consequences of racism for redistribution in the United States”, 2002

8) Russell Sage Foundation, “ The political economy of racism, xenophobia, and

distribution,” 2003-4 9) Russell Sage Foundation, “ How much do circumstances beyond the control of persons

determine income inequality?” 2015-16 Professional Organizational Service Member American Economic Association, Econometric Society, Society for

Social Choice and Welfare, American Political Science Association Editorial service

Page 4: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


Encyclopedia of Economics and Fundamentals of Pure and Applied Economics, Editor for area in Marxian economics, 1984-1990 ;

Editorial Board, Economics and Philosophy, 1983-; Associate Editor, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1988-1996 Associate Editor, Economics and Politics, 1988-1990 ; Associate editor, Journal of Economic Literature, 1988-1997; Editorial Board, Ethics, 1989- 2010; Editorial Board, Social Choice and Welfare, 1990-; Associate Editor, Review of Economic Design, 1992- Editorial Board, Mathematical Social Sciences, 1993- Associate Editor, Journal of Ethics, 1997- Editorial Board, Journal of Economic Inequality, 2001- Associate editor, Journal of Economics, 2004- Associate editor, J. Institutional & Theoretical Economics , 2012- Advisory board, J . Economic Perspectives, 2013- Co-editor ( with E.O. Wright and G. A. Cohen) of series "Studies in

Marxism and Social Theory," Cambridge University Press, 1984-2008. Officer Executive Board, American Economic Association, 1995-1997 Executive Board, Society for Social Choice and Welfare, 1991- present President, Society for Social Choice and Welfare, 2010-2011 Advisory Boards Center for Study of Poverty & Inequality, Stanford University

Graz Schumpeter Centre, University of Graz

Graduate School of Public Finance & Policy, Central University of

Finance and Economics (CUFE), Beijing

Page 5: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


Academics stand against poverty (ASAP)

Journal of Economic Perspectives

Journal of institutional and theoretical economics

Consultancies World Bank, UNDP, Russell Sage Foundation, Government of Uganda

Conferences Organized 1987 Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-Being, 1 (with Jon Elster), Davis

CA** 1988 Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-Being, 2 (with Jon Elster), Chicago,

IL** 1989 (with Joaquim Silvestre) Public Ownership, Cambridge MA (May) 1990 The Idea of Democracy, Davis CA (May), EJS Annual Conference** 1991 Perspectives on Market Socialism, Berkeley CA (May), EJS Annual

Conference** 1992 (with Fred Block) Efficiency and Ownership: The Future of the Firm,

EJS Annual Conference , San Francisco CA (May) 1993 Political Economy and Social Theory, EJS Annual Conference, Davis CA

(June) 1994 Political Economy, EJS Annual Conference, Davis CA ( April) 1994 "Property relations, incentives, and welfare," an International Economic

Association conference, Barcelona, Spain (June)** 1995 'Inequality,' EJS Program Annual Conference, Davis CA (May)

1998 'Immigration and welfare,' EJS Program Annual Conference, Davis CA (May) 2000 (with J. Silvestre) “Intergenerational justice”, EJS Annual Conference , Davis, CA (May) 2001 “A philosophical conference in honor of G.A. Cohen” (May), Yale


** A conference volume was published.

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2005 (with Kotaro Suzumura) “Intergenerational justice,” Hakone, Japan** 2014 “Public economics, political economy, and social choice” Yale University

Ph.D Advisees Roger Sparks, UC Davis, 1984

Kaoru Yamaguchi, UC Berkeley, 1989

Ignacio Ortuño-Ortin, UC Davis, 1989

Jun Won Kang, UC Davis, 1989

Peter Morton, UC Davis, 1990

Woojin Lee, UC Davis, 1997

Jingqian Xu, Yale, 2007

Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012

Jie Chen, Yale, 2012

Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair)

Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing)


A. Books and Monographs

1. 1975 U.S.-Japanese Competition in International Markets: A Study of the Trade-

Investment Cycle in Modern Capitalism, Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Research Series No. 22, August 1975, 242 pp. [based on PhD dissertation]

2. 1981 Analytical Foundations of Marxian Economic Theory, Cambridge University

Press. 2a. in press [Chinese translation of 2; Shanghai People’s Publishing House] 3. 1982 A General Theory of Exploitation and Class, Harvard University Press.

1Unnumbered items are unpublished.

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3a. 1989 Teoria General de la Explotacion y de las Clases , Siglo XXI de Espana Editores, S.A., Madrid [translation of 3].

4. 1986 Value, Exploitation, and Class ,Harwood Academic Publishers. 4a. 1989 Valor, explotacion y clase, [translation of #4], Mexico City: Fondo de

Cultura Economica. 4b. 1993 Valore, Sfruttamento, e Classe [translation of #4], Milan: Giuffre Editore 5. 1988 Free To Lose: An Introduction to Marxist Economic Philosophy, Harvard

University Press. 5a. 2004 Free to Lose (Chinese translation of #5: Economic Science Press) 6. 1994 Egalitarian Perspectives: Essays in Philosophical Economics New York: Cambridge University Press 7. 1994 A Future for Socialism US: Harvard University Press; UK: Verso; 7a. 1995 Un futuro para el socialismo Madrid: Critica (Grijalbo Mondadori, S.A.)

[translation of 7] 7b. 1994 [A future for socialism, Greek translation] Athens: Ekdoseis Staxi 7c. 1996 Un futuro per il socialismo, Milano:Feltrinelli [translation of 7] 7d. 1997 [Future for Socialism] , Japanese translation of 7, Tokyo: 7e. 1998 [publication of # 7 in Chinese, Chong-Qing Publishing Co., China] 7f 1998 [ A Future for Socialism in Korean] 7g. 2005 [A Future for Socialism , Taiwanese version] (Chinese translation, Linking

Publishing Co., Taiwan) 7h. in press [ Chinese translation, simplified characters: Chongqing Publishing Group] 8. 1995 [in collaboration with 20 other authors] Sustainable Democracy, New York:

Cambridge University Press 9. 1996 Theories of Distributive Justice, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 9a. 2001 [Theories of Distributive Justice, Japanese translation] Bokutakusha press 10. 1998 Equality of Opportunity, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 10a. in press [Equality of Opportunity (Japanese translation: Keiso Shobo)]

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10b. in press [Equality of Opportunity (Chinese translation: Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press)]

11. 2001 Political Competition: Theory and Applications , Harvard University Press 12a. 2006 Democracy, education, and equality , Econometric Society Monograph

Series, Cambridge University Press 12b. 2012 [Japanese translation of DEE] 13. 2007 (with Woojin Lee and Karine Van der Straeten) Racism, Xenophobia and

Distribution: Multi-issue politics in advanced democracies Cambridge: MA, Harvard University Press and Russell Sage Foundation

14. 2015 (with H. Llavador and J. Silvestre) Sustainability for a warming planet,

Harvard University Press 15. (in prep.) How we do and could cooperate: A Kantian explanation

B. Edited Books 1. 1986 Analytical Marxism , Cambridge University Press. 1a. 1989 El marxismo: Una perspectiva analitica Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura

Economica [translation of #1]. 1b. in press [Chinese translation of #1, Jilin Publishing Group, Beijing] 2. 1991 (co-editor, with J. Elster) Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-Being New

York: Cambridge University Press 3. 1993 (co-editor, with D. Copp and J. Hampton) The Idea of Democracy New

York: Cambridge University Press 4. 1993 (co-editor, with P. Bardhan) Market Socialism: The Current Debate New

York: Oxford University Press 5. 1994 Foundations of Analytical Marxism, Volumes I and II Hants, UK: Edward

Elgar Publishers 6. 1996 (with Erik O. Wright) Equal Shares, London: Verso (this book consists of a

set of articles commenting upon and critiquing #7A above) 7. 1997 Property relations, incentives, and welfare, London: Macmillan and New

York: St Martin's Press

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8. 2007 (with Kotaro Suzumura) Intergenerational equity and sustainability, London: Palgrave

Articles by topic

(C. International economics; D. Marxian economic theory; E. Distributive justice and political philosophy; F. Pure game theory and social choice; G. Public ownership and market socialism; H. Political economy; I. Climate change and equity; J. Miscellaneous; K. Book reviews)

C. International Economics 1. 1976 "Extensions of the Concept of Trade Intensity," Hitotsubashi Journal of

Economics, 17, No. 1, June, pp. 29-35. 2. 1976 "Japanese Direct Foreign Investment in Manufactures: Some Comparisons

with the US Pattern," Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, 16, No. 2, pp. 91-111.

3. 1977 "The Effect of Sphere of Influence and Economic Distance on the

Commodity Composition of Trade in Manufactures," Review of Economics and Statistics, August, pp. 318-327.

4. 1983 "Unequal Exchange, Labor Migration and International Capital Flows: A

Theoretical Synthesis." Marxism, Central Planning and the Soviet Economy: Economic Essays in Honor of Alexander Erlich (Padma Desai, ed.), MIT Press.

D. Marxian Economic Theory 1. 1977 "Technical Change and the 'Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall,'" Journal

of Economic Theory, December, pp. 403-424. 2. 1978 "Neoclassicism, Marxism, and Collective Action," Journal of Economic

Issues, March, pp. 147-162. 3. 1978 "Marxian Models of Reproduction and Accumulation," Cambridge Journal of

Economics, 2, No. 1, March, pp. 37-53. 4. 1978 "The Effects of Technological Change on the Real Wage and Marx's Falling

Rate of Profit," Australian Economic Papers, June, pp. 152-166.

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5. 1978 "Differentially Exploited Labor: A Marxian Value Theory of Discrimination," Review of Radical Political Economy, Vol. 10, No. 2, June, pp. 43-53.

6. 1979 "Divide and Conquer: Microfoundations of a Marxian Theory of Wage

Discrimination," Bell Journal of Economics, Autumn, pp. 695-705. 1995 [reprinted in Economics and discrimination, vol. 2 , ed. William Darity,

Cheltenham, UK: Elgar] 7. 1979 "Continuing Controversies on the Falling Rate of Profit: Fixed Capital and

Other Issues," Cambridge Journal of Economics, December. 8. 1980 "A General Equilibrium Approach to Marxian Economics," Econometrica,

March, pp. 505-530. 9. 1980 "Reply to England and Greene," Review of Radical Political Economics,

Winter 1980. 10. 1982 "Origins of Exploitation and Class: Value Theory of Pre-Capitalist

Economy," Econometrica, January 1982, pp. 163-192. 11. 1982 "Exploitation, Alternatives and Socialism," Economic Journal, March 1982,

pp. 87-107. 12. 1982 "New Directions in the Marxian Theory of Exploitation and Class," Politics

and Society, 11, No. 3, Summer 1982 (this issue of the journal is a symposium on my paper).

2001 [reprinted in Game theory: Critical concepts in the social sciences, Volume 3

(ed.) Yanis Varoufakis, London and New York: Routledge] 13. 1982 "Reply," Politics and Society, 11, No. 3, Summer 1982. 14. 1982 "Methodological Individualism and Deductive Marxism," Theory and

Society, 11, July 1982, pp. 513-520. 15. 1983 "R.P. Wolff's Reinterpretation of Marx's Labor Theory of Value: Comment,"

Philosophy and Public Affairs, 12, No. 1, Winter 1983. 16. 1983 "Exploitation, Class and Property Relations," in After Marx (Terence Ball,

ed.), Cambridge University Press, pp. 184-212. 17. 1985 "An Historical Materialist Alternative to Welfarism." In Foundations of

Social Choice Theory (Jon Elster and A. Hylland, eds.), Cambridge University Press.

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18. 1985 "Rational Choice Marxism: Some Issues of Method and Substance," Economic and Political Weekly, August 24, 1985

18a. 1986 "Rational Choice Marxism: Some Issues of Method and Substance," in

Analytical Marxism (Cambridge University Press) , same as #19 19. 1986 "Exploitation and the Labour Theory of Value," Economic and Political

Weekly, January 18, 1986. 20. 1986 "Beyond Exploitation: A Model of Competing Property Rights," Rivista

Española de Economia, 3, No. 1, 95-110. 21. 1987 "Exploitation, Property Right and Preference," in T. Machan (ed.),

Capitalism versus Communism: The Main Debate, Random House. 22. 1987 "Marxian Value Analysis," in the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 20a. 1989 "An Axiomatic Approach to Marxian Political Philosophy," in G. Feiwel

(ed.), Joan Robinson and Modern Economic Theory, London: Macmillan Press (substantially the same as Publication #21).

23. 1989 "Visions of Capitalism and Socialism," Socialist Review, 89/3, pp.

93-100. 24. 1989 "Marxism and Contemporary Social Science," Review of Social Economy,

47, pp. 377-391. 25. 1990 "A Theory of the Formation of Class and the Emergence of Exploitation,"

Journal of Economics and Business Administration,160, September, pp. 19-40 (Kokumin-Keizai Zasshi) (Kobe University, Japan) (A special festschrift issue for N. Okishio).

26. 1990 "A Thin Thread: Comment on Bowles and Gintis, 'Contested Exchange,'"

Politics and Society, 18, No. 2, pp. 243-9. 27. 1990 "Une théorie génerale de l'exploitation et des classes," [translation of

introduction of A General Theory of Exploitation and Class], in J. Bidet and J. Texier (eds.) Le Marxisme Analytique Anglo-Saxon, Evry: Presses Universitaires de France.

28. 1992 "What Walrasian Marxism Can and Cannot Do," Economics and Philosophy

8, 149-15

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E. Distributive Justice and Political Philosophy 1. 1981 (with R. E. Howe) "Rawlsian Justice as the Core of a Game," American

Economic Review, December, pp. 880-895. 2. 1982 "Property Relations vs. Surplus Value in Marxian Exploitation," Philosophy

and Public Affairs, 11, No. 4, Fall 1982. 3. 1983 "Are Socialist Ethics Consistent with Efficiency?" Philosophical Forum XIV,

Spring-Summer 1983. 4. 1985 "Should Marxists be Interested in Exploitation? Philosophy and Public

Affairs, 14, Winter, pp. 30-65. (Reprinted in J.E. Roemer, Egalitarian Perspectives, and K. Nielsen and R. Ware [eds], Exploitation, New Jersey:Humanities Press, 1997 )

5. 1985 "Equality of Talent," Economics and Philosophy 1, No. 2, October 1985, pp.

151-188. 6. 1986 "The Mismarriage of Bargaining Theory and Distributive Justice," Ethics, 97,

November, pp.188-110. 7. 1986 "Equality of Resources Implies Equality of Welfare," Quarterly Journal of

Economics, November, pp. 751-786. 8. 1987 "Egalitarianism, Responsibility and Information," Economics and

Philosophy, pp. 215-244, October. 9. 1988 "A Challenge to Neo-Lockeanism," Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 18, pp.

697-710. 10. 1989 "What is Exploitation? Reply To Reiman," Philosophy and Public Affairs,

18, pp. 90-97. (Reprinted in K. Nielsen and R. Ware [eds], Exploitation, New Jersey:Humanities Press, 1997 )

11. 1989 "Second Thoughts on Property Relations and Exploitation," Canadian Journal

of Philosophy, supplementary volume 15, pp. 257-266. 12. 1991 (with Ignacio Ortuno-Ortin) "Deducing Interpersonal Comparability from

Local Expertise " in J. Elster and J. Roemer (eds.), Interpersonal Comparisons of Well Being, Cambridge University Press.

13. 1992 "Providing Equal Educational Opportunity: Public Versus Voucher

Schools," Social Philosophy and Policy 9, Winter, 291-309 13a. 1992 [same as 13] in Paul, Ellen Frankel, F.D. Miller and J. Paul, Economic

Rights, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

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14. 1992 "Utilitarianism, The Difference Principle, and the Veil of Ignorance: An

Application of the Theory of Social Situations," in R. Selten (ed.), Rational Interaction: Essays in Honor of John Harsanyi, Springer-Verlag.

15. 1992 "Distributing Health: Allocation of Resources by an International Agency,"

in A. Sen and M. Nussbaum (eds.), The Quality of Life, Oxford University Press

16. 1993 "A pragmatic theory of responsibility for the egalitarian planner,"

Philosophy & Public Affairs 10, 146-166 17. 1995 " Equality and Responsibility," The Boston Review 20, April-May, 3-16. [This issue of the Review contains a symposium on my paper, with

comments by nine others, and my response] 17a. 1998 “Ugualianza e responsabilita,” Studi Perugini, Anno III, n.5, 47-62 [Italian

translation of 17] 18. 1996 "On a mechanism for implementing egalitarianism with responsibility," in F.

Farina, F. Hahn, and S. Vannucci (eds) Ethics, Rationality, and Economic Behaviour, Oxford University Press

19. 1996 "Equality versus progress," Nordic Journal of Political Economy 23, 47-54 20. 1998 "Equality of opportunity for health: The case of smoking and lung cancer" in

Freedom in Economics, J.F. Laslier, M. Fleurbaey, N. Gravel, and A. Trannoy (eds), 241-51, London and NY: Routledge

21. 1998 "Igualdad de oportunidades," Isegoria (Madrid) no. 18, 71-87 22. 1999 "Does democracy engender justice?" in Ian Shapiro and C. Hacker-Cordon

(eds.), Democracy's Value, Cambridge University Press 23. 2000 "Equality of opportunity," in K. Arrow, S. Bowles, and S. Durlauf (editors),

Meritocracy and Economic Inequality, Princeton University Press 24. 2000 “Equalizing opportunities for human development (in one country)”

Discussion Paper, Washington DC: Inter-American Development Bank 25. 2001 (with Marianne Page) "The US fiscal system as an opportunity-equalizing

device," in K. Hassett and R. Glenn Hubbard (eds.), Inequality and tax policy, Washington DC: American Enterprise Institute

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26. 2001 (with Humberto G. Llavdor) “An equal-opportunity approach to the allocation of international aid”, Journal of Development Economics 64, 147-171

27. 2001 “Three egalitarian views and American law,” Law and Philosophy20, 433-460

28. 2002 “Egalitarianism against the veil of ignorance, ” Journal of Philosophy 99,

No. 4 (April), 167-184 29. 2002 “Equality of opportunity: A progress report,” Social Choice and Welfare 19

(April), 455-472

30. 2003 (with Rolf Aaberge, Ugo Colombino, Johan Fritzell, Stephen P. Jenkins , Arnaud Lefranc , Ive Marx , Marianne Page , Evert Pommer , Javier Ruiz-Castillo , Maria Jesus San Segundo , Torben Tranaes , Alain Trannoy , Gert G. Wagner , Ignacio Zubiri). “To what extent do fiscal systems equalize opportunities for income acquisition among citizens?” Journal of Public Economics 87, 539-565

31. 2003 “Defending equality of opportunity” The Monist 86, 261-282 32. 2004 (with R. Veneziani) “What we owe our children, they their children,….”

Journal of Public Economic Theory 6, 637-654 33. 2004 “Eclectic distributional ethics,” Philosophy, Politics and Economics 3, 267-

281 34. 2004 “Equal opportunity and intergenerational mobility: Going beyond

intergenerational income transition matrices,” in Miles Corak (ed.), Generational income mobility in North America and Europe, Cambridge University Press

35. 2006 (with G. Fields, V. Dardononi, and L. Sanchez) “How demanding should

equality of opportunity be , and how much have we achieved?” in Gary Fields, David Grusky and Steven Morgan (eds.), Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research from Sociology and Economics, Stanford University Press

36. 2006 “Impartiality, solidarity, and distributive justice,” in The egalitarian

conscience: Essays in honour of G.A. Cohen, ed., Christine Sypnowich, Oxford UP

37. 2008 “Equality of opportunity,” The new Palgrave Dictionary of Economics (eds. S.

Durlauf and L. Blume)

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38. 2008 “How much equality should we desire, and how much can we expect democracy

to deliver?” in Shiro Yabushita, Koichi Suga and M. Wakatabe (eds.), The political economy of redistribution and democracy, Tokyo: Toyo Keizi Shinposya

39. 2006 “The global welfare economics of immigration,” Social Choice and Welfare 27,

311-325, http://www.springerlink.com/content/36q0646581282m5k/fulltext.pdf

40. 2006 (with Juan Moreno-Ternero) “Impartiality, priority, and solidarity in the theory

of justice,” Econometrica 74, 1419-1427 41. 2006 “Review essay: The 2006 World Development Report, ‘Equity and

Development’” , Journal of Economic Inequality 4, 233-244 42. 2007 “Intergenerational justice and sustainability under the leximin ethic,” in J.E.

Roemer and K. Suzumura (eds.), Intergenerational Justice and Sustainability, Palgrave

43. 2007 (with Roberto Veneziani), “Intergenerational justice, international relations, and

sustainability,” in Roemer and Suzumura [see #41] 44. 2007 (with Julian Betts) “Equalizing Opportunity for Racial and

Socioeconomic Groups in the United States through Educational Finance Reform,” in P. Peterson (ed.), Schools and the equal opportunity problem, MIT Press

45. 2008 "Harsanyi's impartial observer is not a utilitarian," in M. Fleurbaey, M.

Salles and J. Weymark, eds., Justice, Political Liberalism, and Utilitarianism: Themes from Harsanyi and Rawls, Cambridge University Press

46. 2008 (with Juan Moreno-Ternero) “The veil of ignorance violates priority,”

Economics and Philosophy 24, 233-257 47. 2009 (with M.P. Keane) “Assessing policies to equalize opportunity using an

equilibrium model of educational and occupational outcomes,” J. Public Econ. 93, 879-898

48. 2010 “Equality: Its justification, nature, and domain,” in in W. Salverda, B.Nolan

and T. Smeeding (eds.) Oxford Handbook on Economic Inequality, Oxford Univ. Press

49. 2012 (with A. Björklund and M. Jäntti) “Equality of opportunity and the distribution of

long-run income in Sweden,” Social choice and welfare 39, 675-696

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50. 2012 “What is the justification of studying intergenerational mobility of economic

status?” in T. Smeeding and M. Jantti, From parents to children, NY: Russell

Sage Foundation

51. 2012 (with J. Moreno-Ternero) “A common ground for resource and welfare

egalitarianism,” Games and Economic Behavior 75, 832-841

52. 2012 “On several approaches to equality of opportunity, ” Economics & Philosophy

28, 165-200

53. 2014 “Economic development as opportunity equalization,” World Bank Economic

Review 28, no.2, 189-209

54. 2013 “Equity in health care delivery: Some thoughts and an example,” Research on economic inequality, vol. 21, 471-489

55. 2014 (with Andrew Jones and Pedro Rosa Dias) “Equalising opportunities in health

through educational policy,” Social choice & welfare 43, 521-546

56. 2015 “Thoughts on G.A. Cohen’s final testament,” Analyse & Kritik, 01+02, 97-112

57. 2015 (with Alain Trannoy) “Equality of opportunity,” in A. Atkinson and F. Bourguignon (eds.), Handbook of Income Distribution, vol.2A ,Amsterdam: Elsevier-NorthHolland,

58. 2016 (with Alain Trannoy) “Equality of opportunity: Theory and measurement,” J.

Economic Literature 54, 1288-1332 59. 2016 (with Pedro Rosa Dias) “Barefoot and footloose doctors: Optimal resource

allocation in developing countries with medical migration,” Social Choice and

Welfare 46, 335-358

60. 2016 (with Burak Ünveren) “Dynamic equality of opportunity, ” Economica,


61. 2017 “On the importance of circumstances in explaining income inequality,” Revue

economique 68, 35-56

62. in press (with P. Hufe, A. Peichl and M. Ungerer) “Income inequality acquisition: The

role of childhood circumstances,” Social choice & welfare

63. in press (with R. Assaad, C. Krafft and D. Salehi-Isfahani) “Inequality of opportunity in

wages and consumption in Egypt” Review of Income and Wealth

Page 17: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


64. (with R. Assaad, C. Krafft and D. Salehi-Isfahani) “Inequality of Opportunity in

Income and Consumption: the Middle East and North Africa Region in

Comparative Perspective” MENA Discussion Paper 2016

65. 2016 (with B. Milanovic) “ Interaction of global and national income inequalities,” J.

Globalization and Development 7, July

Working papers 1990 "The Economics of Equal Educational Opportunity: Public and Voucher Regimes" University of California, Davis, Department of Economics

Working Paper No. 360

F. Pure Game and Social Choice Theory 1. 1970 "A Cournot Duopoly Problem," International Economic Review, 11, No. 3,

October, pp. 548-552. 2. 1987 (with David Donaldson) "Social Choice in Economic Environments with

Dimensional Variation," Social Choice and Welfare, 4, pp. 253-276. 3. 1988 "Axiomatic Bargaining Theory on Economic Environments," Journal of

Economic Theory, 45, pp. 1-31. 4. 1990 "Welfarism and Axiomatic Bargaining Theory," Recherches Economiques de

Louvain, 56, Nos. 3-4, pp. 287-301 (A special festschrift issue for Amartya Sen).

5. 1994 "Informational Complexity in Axiomatic Models: Benefits and Costs," in J.

E. Roemer, Egalitarian Perspectives (Cambridge UP) 6. 2005 “Games with vector-valued payoffs and their application to competition

among organizations,” Economics Bulletin 3, 16, 1-13. http://www.volume3/EB-05C70014A.pdf

7. 2009 (with P. De Donder) “Mixed oligopoly equilibria when firms’ objectives are

endogenous” International Journal of Industrial Organization 27, 414-423 8. 2010 “Kantian equilibrium,” Scandinavian J. Econ.112, 1-24

Page 18: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


9. 2011 (with M. Fleurbaey) “Judicial precedent as a dynamic rationale for axiomatic bargaining theory,” Theoretical Economics 6, no.2, 289-310

10. 2012 (with P. Curry) “Evolutionary stability of Kantian optimization,” Review of

Public Economics (Hacienda Publica Española), 200-(I/2012), 131-148 11. 2015 “Kantian optimization: A microfoundation for cooperation,” J. Public

Economics 127, 45-57

G. Public Ownership and Market Socialism

1. 1989 "Public Ownership and Private Property Externalities," in

J. Elster and K. Moene (eds.), Comparative Market Systems, Oxford University Press.

2. 1989 (with Hervé Moulin) "Public Ownership of the External World and Private

Ownership of Self," Journal of Political Economy, 97, pp. 347-367

3. 1989 "A Public Ownership Resolution of the Tragedy of Commons," Social

Philosophy and Policy, 6, pp. 74-92. 4. 1990 "The Possibility of Market Socialism," (short version), Philosophy and Public

Policy, 10, Winter, pp. 7-9. 5. 1991 "A Blueprint for Market Socialism," and "Reply," Dissent , Fall, 562-569 and

572-575 6. 1992 "The Morality and Efficiency of Market Socialism," Ethics 102, April, 448-

464 7. 1992 (with Joaquim Silvestre), "A Welfare Comparison of Private and Public

Monopoly," Journal of Public Economics 48, 67-81 8. 1992 (with Pranab Bardhan) "Market socialism: A case for rejuvenation" Journal

of Economic Perspectives 6, 101-116 9. 1992 "Can there be socialism after Communism?" Politics and Society 20, 261-

276 9a. 1993 "Can there be socialism after Communism?" in Bardhan and Roemer (eds.)

Market Socialism: The Current Debate (Oxford UP) [a somewhat revised version of #9]

9b. 1993 (French translation of 9) "Peut-il y avoir un socialisme apres le

communisme?" Actuel Marx, no. 14, Noveux modeles de socialisme,

Page 19: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


25-44 10. 1993 "The Possibility of Market Socialism," in D. Copp, J. Hampton, and J.

Roemer, The Idea of Democracy, Cambridge University Press 11. 1993 (with I. Ortuño-Ortin and J. Silvestre), " Investment Planning in Market

Socialism," in S. Bowles, H. Gintis, and B. Gustafson, Democracy and Markets: Participation, Accountability, and Efficiency, Cambridge University Press

12. 1993 (with J. Silvestre) "The proportional solution for economies with both private

and public ownership," Journal of Economic Theory 59, 426-444 13. 1993 "Limited privatization in the presence of public bads [Russian translation],"

Ekonomika i Matematicheskie Metody 29, issue 3. 14. 1994 "On Public Ownership," in J.E. Roemer, Egalitarian Perspectives (Cambridge

UP) 15. 1994 (with P. Bardhan) "On the workability of market socialism," Journal of

Economic Perspectives 8, 177-181 16. 1994 "A future for socialism," Politics and Society 22, 451-478 [This issue of the

journal consists of my paper and nine papers commenting upon the book which it summarizes]

17. 1995 "Joseph Stiglitz's Whither Socialism? An anti-Hayekian manifesto," New Left

Review 211, May-June, 112-129 18. 1996 "Comment on S. Bowles's and H. Gintis's 'Efficient Redistributions,' "

Politics and Society 24, 383-9 19. 1996 "Alternativas al capitalismo," Revista Venezolana de Analisis de Coyuntura

2, No. 1, 85-98 20. 1997 "Limited privatization in the presence of public bads," [This is a later

version of # 13], in J.E. Roemer (ed.) Property relations, incentives, and welfare, Macmillan

18a. 1999 [same as #18] “The limits of private-property-based egalitarianism,” in E.O.

Wright (ed.), Recasting Egalitarianism, London: Verso [reprint of #18] 21. 2000 "Democracy, egalitarian redistributions, and public bads," in E. Maskin and

A. Simonovits (eds.) Planning, Shortage, and Transformation: Essays in Honor of Janos Kornai

22. 2006 “Socialisme,” in Sylvie Mesure et Patrick Savidan, Le dictionnaire des

sciences humaines , Paris: Presses Universitaires de France

Page 20: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


23. 2006 “Perspectives socialistes: De l’assurance à la solidarité,” Raison publique 4,

13-18 24. 2008 “Socialism: Current Perspectives,” The new Palgrave dictionary of

economics (eds. Steven Durlauf and Larry Blume) 25. 2008 “Socialism vs. social democracy as income-equalizing institutions,” Eastern

Econ. Journal 34, Winter, 14-26 26. 2010 “Socialism seventy years after Schumpeter,” in Schumpeter for our century

(eds. H. Hanusch, H. Kurz & C. Seidl), Homo Oeconomicus 27, No. ½ 27. 2010 “Jerry Cohen’s ‘Why not socialism?’ : Some thoughts,” J. Ethics 14, 255-262 28. 2013 “Thoughts on the arrangement of property rights in productive assets,”

Analyse & Kritik 35, 55-65 29. 2015 “On the problem of socialist economic design,” J. Theoretical Politics 27, 34-

42 (special issue on 30th anniversary of publication of GTEC) Working papers 1990 (with I. Ortuño-Ortin and J. Silvestre) "Appendix to 'Investment Planning in

Market Socialism:' The Proofs," University of California, Davis, Department of Economics Working Paper No. 356.

1988 (with Joaquim Silvestre) "Public Ownership: Three Proposals for Resource

Allocation," University of California, Davis, Department of Economics Working Paper No. 307.

Research notes 1996 "An equal labor ration approach to the fisher problem", xerox 1990 "Laissez-faire Capitalism, Trade Union Capitalism, Social Democratic

Capitalism, and Market Socialism."

H. Political Economy 1. 1985 "Rationalizing Revolutionary Ideology," Econometrica, 53, January, pp. 85-


Page 21: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


2. 1987 (popular version of #1) "Rationalizing Revolutionary Ideology: A Tale of Lenin and the Tsar," in Rationality and Revolution, (Michael Taylor, ed.), Cambridge University Press.

3. 1991 "Decentralization, Duplicity, and Minimal Equity," in M. Bacharach and S.

Hurley (eds.), Essays in theFoundations of Decision Theory, Basil Blackwell, 1991, pp. 176-193

4. 1993 (with Ignacio Ortuño-Ortin), "Politically realistic implementation with

inspection: The equity-honesty-welfare trade-off," Economics and Politics 5, 255-270

5. 1993 "Would economic democracy decrease the amount of public bads?" Scandinavian Journal of Economics 95, 227-238 6. 1994 "On the relationship between economic development and political

democracy," Economic Design 1, 15-40 6a. 1995 [reprint of #6], in A. Bagchi, Democracy and Development, London: St

Martin's Press 7. 1994 "The strategic role of party ideology when voters are uncertain about how the

economy works," American Political Science Review 88, 327-335 8. 1994 "A theory of policy differentiation in single issue electoral politics," Social Choice and Welfare 11, 355-380 9. 1995 "Political Cycles," Economics and Politics 7, 1-20 10. 1996 "La lucha de clases en las democracias; analisis de los resultados recientes,"

Cuadernos Economicos No. 62, 93-122 11. 1997 "Political-economic equilibrium when parties represent constituents: The

unidimensional case" Social Choice and Welfare 14, 479-502 12. 1998 (with Louis Putterman and Joaquim Silvestre) "Does egalitarianism have a

future?" Journal of Economic Literature 36, 861-902 13. 1998 "Why the poor do not expropriate the rich: An old argument in new garb,"

Journal of Public Economics 70 (3), pp 399-424 14. 1998 " Einege Probleme der Demokratie," [ Some problems of democracy] in H.

Brunkhorst (ed.), Demokratishcher Experimentalismus, Suhrkamp-Verlag 15. 1998 (with Woojin Lee) "Income distribution, redistributive politics and economic

growth," Journal of Economic Growth 3, 217-240

Page 22: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


16. 1999 "The democratic political economy of progressive taxation," Econometrica 67, 1-19 17. 1999 (with Woojin Lee) "Inequality and redistribution revisited," Economic

Letters 65, 339-46 18. 1999 "Egalitarian strategies," Dissent, Summer issue 19. 2002 (with J. Silvestre) “The flypaper effect is not an anomaly,” Journal of Public

Economic Theory 4, 1-17 20. 2004 “The democratic dynamics of educational investment and income

distribution,” in Edward Mansfield and Richard Sisson (eds.), The evolution of political knowledge, Columbus: University of Ohio Press

21a. 2004 “Valeur et politique,” Economies et Societés 38, 1387-1408 [translation of

21] 21. 2005 “Distribution and politics: A brief history and prospect,” Social Choice and

Welfare 25, 507-526 22. 2005 “Will democracy engender equality?” Economic Theory 25, 217-234

22a. 2005 “Will democracy engender equality?” [ slightly amended version of #22], in

K. Vind and C. Schultz (eds.), Institutions, equilibria and efficiency: Essays

in honor of Birgit Grodal, Berlin: Springer

23. 2005 (with Woojin Lee) “The rise and fall of unionised labour markets: A political

economy approach” Economic Journal 115, 28-67

24. 2006 “Modeling party competition in general elections,” Oxford Handbook of

Political Economy (eds.: B. Weingast and D. Wittman), 1010-1030

25. 2005 (with Karine Van der Straeten) “Xenophobia and distribution in France: A

politico-economic analysis,” Journal of Economics 86, 95-144

26. 2006 “Party competition under private and public financing: A comparison nof

institutions,” Advances in theoretical economics 6, Issue 1, article 2,


27. 2006 (with Woojin Lee) “Race and redistribution in the United States: A solution

to the problem of American exceptionalism,” Journal of Public Economics

90, 1027-1052

Page 23: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


28. 2005 (with K. Van der Straeten) “Politiques socialies et immigration en France:

Une analyse des opinions et des comportements électoraux,” Economie

Publique no. 16, 83-116

29. 2007 “Will democracy implement long-run equality of opportunity when tax

policy is simple?” Revue d’Economie Politique 117 (a special issue on

normative economics, edited by M. Fleurbaey), janvier-fevrier, 119-133

30. 2006 (with K. Van der Straeten) “The political economy of xenophobia and

distribution: The case of Denmark, ” Scandinavian Journal of Economics

108(2), 251-277,

31. 2006 (with W. Lee and K. Van der Straeten) “Racism, xenophobia, and

redistribution,” Journal of the European Economic Association 4 (2-3), 466-


32. 2008 “Prospects for equality in market economies,” [in Japanese] Political

Economy Quarterly 44, 6-19

33. 2008 (with Woojin Lee) “Moral values and distributive politics: An analysis of the

US 2004 election,” in I. Shapiro, P. Swenson and D. Donno (eds.), Divide

and deal: The politics of distribution in democracies, NYU Press

34. 2010 “Prospects for equality in market economies,” Oxford Handbook on

Economic Inequality (editors W. Salverda, T. Smeeding and Brian Nolan)

35. 2010 “Incentive provision and coordination as market functions,” J. Labor Market

Research( Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung) 43, 6-16

36. 2011 “The positive theory of income taxation when parties focus upon swing and

core voters” Social choice and welfare 36, 383-421

37. 2012 “The political economy of income taxation under asymmetric information:

The two-type case,” Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 3 (special

issue in honor of Salvador Barbera), 181-199

38. 2011 “Ideological and political roots of inequality,” Challenge 54, 76-98

39. 2012 “Ideology, social ethos, and the financial crisis,” Journal of Ethics 16, 273-


40. 2013 “American politics and global progress in the 21st century,” in In 100 years:

Leading economists predict the future, I. Palacios-Huerta (ed.), MIT Press

41. 2015 (with Avidit Acharya and Rohini Somanathan) “Caste bias in Indian politics:

Page 24: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


The effect of voter preferences on corruption and distribution policies in

Uttar Pradesh,” Research in economics 69, 336-352

42. 2016 (with Philippe De Donder) “An allegory of the political influence of the top

1%” Business and Politics 18, 85-96

43. 2017 (with Ph. De Donder) “ The dynamics of capital accumulation in the US:

Simulations after Piketty,” J. Economic Inequality, DOI 10.1007/s10888-016-


Working Papers 2002 “A theory of party alignment” 1996 "Variations in the size of the welfare state: A preference-based explanation"

UCD Economics Dept Working Paper 96-11 1997 "Transfer payments and trade unions:When are they reasons to prefer

democracy to dictatorship?" UCD Economics Dept Working Paper 97-25 1997 " A note on the transfer of power from parties to candidates" UCD Economics

Dept Working Paper 97-23 Research Notes 1992 "The use of campaign finance to influence voters' beliefs,"UC Davis Dept. of

Economics Working Paper No. 405

1993 "Rational moderation in electoral class politics and the fear of diluting the line" 1996 "Endogenous partisan parties" 1996 "Ideological parties and Downsian candidates: A unification of two perspectives"

I. Climate change and equity 1. 2011 (with H. Llavador and J. Silvestre) “A dynamic analysis of human welfare in a

warming planet,” J. Public Econ. 95, 1607-1620

2. 2010 (with H. Llavador and J. Silvestre) “Intergenerational justice when future worlds

are uncertain,” J. Math. Economics 46, 728-761

Page 25: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


3. 2011 “The ethics of intergenerational distribution in a warming planet,” Environmental

and resource economics 48, 363-390

4. 2010 “The rights of future generations and climate change” (Lecture, Basque Conference

on Human Rights)

5. 2011 “How countries can negotiate to allocate greenhouse-gas emissions: A simple

proposal” (for J. Elster festschrift)

6. 2011 (with H. Llavador and J. Silvestre) “ Sustainability in the presence of global

warming: Theory and empirics,”


UNDP, Research Paper, 20-11/058. 2013 (with H. Llavador and J. Silvestre)

7. 2012 (with H. Llavador and J. Silvestre) “Should we sustain? And if so, sustain what?

Consumption or the quality of life?” in R. Fouquet, Handbook of Energy and

Climate Change, Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar

8. 2013 “Once again on discounting in climate-change analysis: A reply to Partha

Dasgupta,” Environmental & Resource Economics 56, 141-148

9. “How the global North and South can share the global commons: A proposal for

meeting the climate-change challenge”

10. 2013 (with H. Llavador and J. Silvestre) “How to allocate CO2 emissions,” Yale

Global Online, yaleglobal.yale.edu/content/how-allocate-co2-emissions (June)

11. 2015 (with H. Llavador and J. Silvestre) “North-South convergence and the allocation of

CO2 emissions,” Climatic Change 130, 383-395

J. Miscellaneous 1. 1978 "A Bias in Growth Rate Comparisons of Capitalist and Socialist Economies,"

Journal of Comparative Economics, 2, September, pp. 266-276. 2. 1979 "Mass Action is Not Individually Rational," Journal of Economic Issues,

September, pp. 763-767. 3. 1979 "The Real Distribution of Current Goods and Services," Journal of Post-

Keynesian Economics, December, pp. 212-222. 4. 1980 "Innovation, Rates of Profit, and Uniqueness of von Neumann Prices,"

Journal of Economic Theory, June, pp. 451-464.

Page 26: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


5. 1982 (with Milton I. Roemer) "The Social Consequences of Free Trade in Health Care: A Public Health Response to Orthodox Economics," International Journal of Heath Sciences, 12, No. 1, pp. 111-149.

6. 1987 "History's Effect on the Distribution of Income," Social Science Information,

26, pp. 403-415. 7. 1992 "John E. Roemer," in Dictionary of Dissenting Economists. 8. 1992 "Alguns problemes de l'economia politica dels anys noranta," Revista

Economica de Catalunya 17, 73-77 [English translation available from the author]

9. 1992 "Some Remarks of Homo Economicus," in H. Schnädelbach, The Limits of

Rationality, Springer-Verlag 10. 2015 (with Avidit Acharya) “Multi-dimensional poverty with missing attributes,”

Economics Letters Working Papers 1988 "Glimpses of China's Economic Reform," Pacific Rim Studies Program,

Working Paper No. 5, University of California, Davis. 1994 (with Roger J-B Wets) "Neighborhood effects on belief formation and the

distribution of education and income," UC Davis Working Paper

K. Book Reviews 1. 1968 "A New Ruling Class?" Review of J.K. Galbraith's The New Industrial State,

in Monthly Review, May 1968 (published under pseudonym Jim Mason ) 2. 1978 "Review of Ian Steedman, Marx after Sraffa," in Science and Society, Vol.

43, No. 1, Spring 1979, pp. 95-99. 3. 1979 "Review of S. Koshimura's Theory of Capitalist Production," in Science and

Society, Vol. 43, No. 3, Fall 1979. 4. 1979 "Review of C. Benetti, C. Berthomieu, J. Carteleier, Economic Classique

Economie Vulgaire: Essais Critiques," in Review of Radical Political Economy, Vol. 11, No. 1, Spring 1979.

5. 1981 "Review of R. Selucky's Marxism, Socialism, Freedom," in Journal of

Comparative Economics, March 1981, pp. 113-115.

Page 27: Curriculum Vitae€¦ · Edwin Camp, Yale, 2012 Jie Chen, Yale, 2012 Juan Rebolledo, Yale, 2012 (co-chair) Maximillian Krahé, Yale (ongoing) Publications 1 A. Books and Monographs


6. 1986 "Review of R.P. Wolff, Understanding Marx," in Ethics, January 1986, pp. 425-427.

7. 1987 "Review of Superfairness" by William Baumol, in Ethics. 8. 1990 "Review of Duncan Foley, Understanding Marx," in Journal of Economic

Literature , December 1990, pp. 1727-1730. 9. 1994 " Review of Amartya Sen, Inequality Reexamined," Philosophical Review

103, 554-557 10. 1995 "Review of Ralph Miliband, Socialism for a Sceptical Age," American

Political Science Review , 950-1 11. 1996 "Review of D. W. Haslett, 'Capitalism with Morality, ' Journal of Economic

Literature 12. 1998 "Living as Equals," edited by Paul Barker, Journal of Economic Literature 13. 2003 “Review of If you’re an egalitarian, why are so rich?” by G.A. Cohen”,

Mind 112, 106-112 14. 2005 “Serge-Christophe Kolm, Macrojustice,” Journal of Economics 86, No. 3,

301-304 15. 2006 “David Austen-Smith and Jeffrey Banks, Positive Political Theory II, “ in

Journal of Economic Literature 44, 421-426 16. 2008 ‘Review of P. Gomberg, “How to make opportunity equal,” Social Choice

and Welfare 30, 527-530 17. 2011 Review of Marc Fleurbaey, “Welfare, responsibility, and equality” J.

Economic Inequality 18. 2013 Review of G.A. Cohen, “On the currency of egalitarian justice,”

Perspectives on Politics