Curriculum Vitae A. Personal data Full name: am¨ al¨ ainen, Jyri Kalervo Date and place of birth: 24.3.1965, Jyv¨ askyl¨ a, Finland. Work address: P.O.Box 13000, FI-02150, Aalto, Finland. Home address: Huopalahdentie 10 A 21, 00330 Helsinki/Niskantie 18, 90150 Oulu, Fin- land. Mobile/e-mail: +358 50 316 0975/jyri.hamalainen@aalto.fi. B. Education Doctor of Science (Tech.), with honors, Signal Processing for Communications, Helsinki University of Technology, 26.2.2007. Title of Docent, Engineering Mathematics, University of Oulu, 1.5.2006. Doctor of Philosophy, Applied Mathematics, University of Oulu, 23.9.1998. Language skills: Finnish (mother language), English, Swedish (level required from gov- ernment ocials). C. Positions Post (1.8.2015 -): Dean, School of Electrical Engineering Previous positions (1.1.2008-31.7.2015): Vice Dean (education), School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University (1.10.2014-31.7.2015) Vice Head, Department of Communications and Networking (1.1.2014-30.9.2014) Tenured Associate Professor, Department of Communications and Networking, Aalto Uni- versity. (Start date: 1.1.2008; Tenured 1.10.2013) Secondary occupations: Ericsson Finland (1.1.2012-30.10.2014), Inalambrica Oy (1.1.2008- 31.12.2011) Previous positions (1990-2007): Program Manager (and other positions), Nokia/Nokia Siemens Networks, 1999-2007 Part time Senior Research Specialist, Helsinki University of Technology, Signal Processing Laboratory, 2002-2005 Senior Lecturer (and other positions), University of Oulu, Department of Mathematical Sciences, 1995-1999 Assistant (and other positions), University of Oulu, Division of Mathematics, 1990-1995. D. Research group, projects and funding Research Group as of 6/2015: 1 StaScientist, 2 postdoctoral researchers, 4 full time (funded) doctoral students, 4 active part time doctoral students in other organizations Projects funded by Academy of Finland (2008-2015): 1) Fundamentals of cellular system topology revisited: characterizing and analysing future irregular network deployments (grant No. 287249), Role: PI. Duration: 2015-2019. 2) Fundamentals of Ultra Dense 5G Networks with Application to Machine Type Com- munication (grant No. 284634). Role: PI. Consortium project with TUT, OU, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Peking University, University of Science and Technology of China (funded by NSFC). Duration: 2015-2016.

Curriculum Vitae - Aalto People · Jyri H¨ama¨la¨inen (updated 12.6.2015) 1 Peer-reviewed scientific articles 1.1 Articles in international peer-reviewed journals 1. B. B. Haile,

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Page 1: Curriculum Vitae - Aalto People · Jyri H¨ama¨la¨inen (updated 12.6.2015) 1 Peer-reviewed scientific articles 1.1 Articles in international peer-reviewed journals 1. B. B. Haile,

Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal data

• Full name: Hamalainen, Jyri Kalervo

• Date and place of birth: 24.3.1965, Jyvaskyla, Finland.

• Work address: P.O.Box 13000, FI-02150, Aalto, Finland.

• Home address: Huopalahdentie 10 A 21, 00330 Helsinki/Niskantie 18, 90150 Oulu, Fin-land.

• Mobile/e-mail: +358 50 316 0975/[email protected].

B. Education

• Doctor of Science (Tech.), with honors, Signal Processing for Communications, HelsinkiUniversity of Technology, 26.2.2007.

• Title of Docent, Engineering Mathematics, University of Oulu, 1.5.2006.

• Doctor of Philosophy, Applied Mathematics, University of Oulu, 23.9.1998.

• Language skills: Finnish (mother language), English, Swedish (level required from gov-ernment o�cials).

C. Positions

• Post (1.8.2015 -):Dean, School of Electrical Engineering

• Previous positions (1.1.2008-31.7.2015):Vice Dean (education), School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University (1.10.2014-31.7.2015)Vice Head, Department of Communications and Networking (1.1.2014-30.9.2014)Tenured Associate Professor, Department of Communications and Networking, Aalto Uni-versity. (Start date: 1.1.2008; Tenured 1.10.2013)Secondary occupations: Ericsson Finland (1.1.2012-30.10.2014), Inalambrica Oy (1.1.2008-31.12.2011)

• Previous positions (1990-2007):Program Manager (and other positions), Nokia/Nokia Siemens Networks, 1999-2007Part time Senior Research Specialist, Helsinki University of Technology, Signal ProcessingLaboratory, 2002-2005Senior Lecturer (and other positions), University of Oulu, Department of MathematicalSciences, 1995-1999Assistant (and other positions), University of Oulu, Division of Mathematics, 1990-1995.

D. Research group, projects and funding

• Research Group as of 6/2015:1 Sta↵ Scientist, 2 postdoctoral researchers, 4 full time (funded) doctoral students, 4 activepart time doctoral students in other organizations

• Projects funded by Academy of Finland (2008-2015):1) Fundamentals of cellular system topology revisited: characterizing and analysing futureirregular network deployments (grant No. 287249), Role: PI. Duration: 2015-2019.2) Fundamentals of Ultra Dense 5G Networks with Application to Machine Type Com-munication (grant No. 284634). Role: PI. Consortium project with TUT, OU, BeijingUniversity of Posts and Telecommunications, Peking University, University of Science andTechnology of China (funded by NSFC). Duration: 2015-2016.

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3) Data-Guided Resource Management for Dense Heterogeneous Networks (grant No. 284811).Role: co-PI. Consortium project University of California at Davis and Purdue University(funded by NFS). Duration: 2015-2017.4) Distributed Resource Allocation and Interference Management for Dense HeterogeneousWireless Networks (grant No. 257708). Role: PI. Consortium project with University ofCalifornia at Davis (funded by NSF). Duration: 2012-2013.5) Feedback Optimization for Network-level Communication Strategies (grant No. 254299).Role: Co-PI. Duration: 2011-2014.6) Spectrum Management for Future Wireless Systems (grant No. 133652). Role: PI. Du-ration: 2010-2012.7) User-centric Design of Ubiquitous Welfare and Safety Services and Supporting Technolo-gies for China and Finland (grant No. 129446). Role: PI. Consortium project with PekingUniversity (funded by NSFC). Duration: 2009-2011.

• Other projects:1) Energy-e�cient Xhaul And M2M (EXAM). Duration: 2015. Role: Co-PI in Aalto Uni-versity (EIT-ICT Labs funding)2) Energy E�cient Wireless Networks and Connectivity of Devices - Systems (EWINE-S).Duration: 2013-2015. Role: Co-PI (Tekes and industry funding)3) Enhancing Education and Research in Networking and Communications Engineering(Enhance). Duration 2013-2015. Role: Co-PI (Technology Leader and Curriculum Advi-sor). Project funded by Finnish Ministry of Foreign A↵airs4) Toward Green 5G Mobile Networks (5Green). Duration: 2014. Role: Co-PI in AaltoUniversity (EIT-ICT Labs funding)5) Interference Management for Wireless Networks Beyond Present Horizon (IMANET).Duration: 2010-2013. Role: PI in Aalto University (Tekes and industry funding)6) Dynamic Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks (HEWINETS). Duration: 2011-2013.Role: Co-PI (Tekes and industry funding)7) White Space Test Environment for Broadcast Frequencies (WISE and WISE+). Dura-tion: 2011-2015. Role: Co-PI in Aalto University (Tekes and industry funding)8) Energy and Cost E�ciency for Wireless Access (ECEWA). Duration: 2010-2012. Role:Co-PI in Aalto University. (Tekes and industry funding)9) Home Base Station: An Emerging Network Paradigm (HOMESNET). Duration: 2010-2012. Role: PI, leader of the Finnish consotium (CELTIC project). Project won BronzeMedal.10) Networks of 2020 (NETS2020). Duration: 2010-2012. Role: Co-PI in Aalto University(Tekes and industry funding)11) Advances in Wireless Access (AWA). Duration: 2009-2011. Role: Co-PI (Tekes andindustry funding)12) Self-Organizing Networks Research (SONAR). Duration: 2010-2011. Role: PI (Industryfunding)

E. Merits in teaching and pedagogical competence

• Pedagogical training: Full teacher’s degree - secondary and high school teacher (math-ematics and physics), University of Oulu, 1999.

• Appointments and awards:Vice Dean (education), School of Electrical Engineering (1.10.2014-31.7.2015). Accordinglythe Director of the Bachelor Programme in ELECVice Director of the Master’s Programme in Computer Communications and InformationSciences (CCIS), Aalto University, 2015-2017

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Director of the Master’s Programme in ICT, Aalto University, School of Electrical Engi-neering, 2014Curriculum Advisor for Addis Ababa Institute of Technology and University of Dar esSalaam, College of Information and Communication Technologies, 2013Director of the Degree Programme in Communications Engineering, 2011Member of the Council for Education Quality (Oplaa), 2009–1/2012, 1.1.2014 - presentGood Teacher Award, Aalto University, 2009 (1000 EUR)

• Thesis Supervision:Round 70 Master’s Theses supervisedSupervisor for 3 graduated doctors: IIro Jantunen (2012), Omer Bulakci (2013), AbdallahBou Saleh (2014)

• Other:Responsible for lectures and/or exercises of 6 courses of communications engineering (2008-2015) and 14 courses of mathematics (1990-1999).

F. Academic activities and public appearances:

• Pre-examination and opponent duties (abroad):Member of the doctoral committee for Sangjo Yoo, Gwangju Institute of Science and Tech-nology (GIST), Republic of Korea (ongoing process)Opponent and preliminary examiner for David Gonzalez Gonzalez, Universitat Politecnicade Catalunya, Spain, 29.1.2014Preliminary Examiner for Kwame Salum Ibwe, University of Dar es Salam, Tanzania, Oc-tober 2013.Thesis committee member in defense of Mikael Fallgren, Department of Mathematics, KTHRoyal Institute of Technology, 7.10.2011.

• Pre-examination and opponent duties (Finland):Preliminary examiner or opponent for 11 doctoral theses.

• Issuing an expert statement for appointment to o�ce of a professor: Universityof Vaasa, 2008.

• Conference TPC memberships: IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBE-COM), IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), IEEE Personal Indoor and MobileRadio Communications (PIMRC), IEEE Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications(WPMC); other conferences.

• Journal reviews: All main journals on the field, e.g. IEEE Transaction on Communica-tions, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology; IEEE Communications Letters; IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications; IEEE Network Magazine; IEEE/ACM Trans-actions on Networking; IEEE Signal Processing Letters; EURASIP Journal on Communi-cations and Networking; Computer Communications; European Transactions on Telecom-munications; Wireless Networks; Wireless Personal Communications; International Journalof Communications; some other journals.

• Conference reviews: All main communication conferences e.g. IEEE ICC; IEEE GLOBE-COM; IEEE VTC; WPMC; IEEE PIMRC; multitude of other conferences.

• Member, IEEE

G. Scientific and societal impact of research

• H-index (Google Scholar): 24 (12.6.2015)

• Scientific articles: Author/co-author for 42 articles in international peer-reviewed jour-nals, author/co-author for over 160 scientific publications in total

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• Patents: 18 granted US patents, 17 pending US patent applications. Many patents inother countries

• Public appearances: Several presentations in conferences, scientific and industry eventsInterviews by Finnish TV1 and MTV3Many newspaper interviews

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List of publications

Jyri Hamalainen (updated 12.6.2015)

1 Peer-reviewed scientific articles

1.1 Articles in international peer-reviewed journals

1. B. B. Haile, A. Dowhuszko, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman, Z. Ding: ”On the Performance of SomeCoMP Techniques under Channel Power Imbalance and Limited Feedback”, accepted to IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications, 2015.

2. B. B. Haile and J. Hamalainen: ”Performance Analysis of Hierarchically Combined PracticalBeamforming Methods”, Wireless Personal Communications, 2015 (DOI 10.1007/s11277-015-2545-5).

3. B. B. Haile, E. Mutafungwa and J. Hamalainen: ”Coordinated Multi-point Transmission forRelaxation of Self-Backhauling Bottlenecks in Heterogeneous Networks”, EURASIP Journal onCommunications and Networking, 2015:78.

4. A. Dowhuszko, J. Hamalainen: ”Performance of Transmit Beamforming Codebooks with SeparateAmplitude and Phase Quantizations”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.22, No.7, 2015.

5. O. Bulakci, J. Hamalainen, E. Shultz: ”Practical Coarse Relay Site Planning: Performance Anal-ysis over Composite Fading/Shadowing Channels”, International Journal of Wireless InformationNetworks, Vol.21, No.4, 2014.

6. Q. Cui, Y. Shi, X. Tao, N. Chen, P. Zhang, J. Hamalainen, A. Dowhuszko: ”A Unified Proto-col Stack Solution for LTE and WLAN in Future Mobile Converged Networks”, IEEE WirelessCommunications Magazine, Vol.21, No.6, 2014.

7. Q. Cui, H. Wang, P. Hu, X. Tao, J. Hamalainen, L. Xia: ”Evolution of Limited Feedback CoMPSystems from 4G to 5G, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Vol.9, No.3, 2014.

8. Q. Cui, X. Yang, J. Hamalainen, X. Tao, P. Zhang: ”Optimal Energy-e�cient Relay Deploymentfor the Bidirectional Relay Transmission Schemes”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,Vol. 63, No. 6, July 2014.

9. A. Elsherif, Z. Ding, X. Liu, J. Hamalainen: ”Resource Allocation in Two-Tier HeterogeneousNetworks through Enhanced Shadow Chasing”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,Vol. 12, No.12, 2013.

10. L. Wei, Z. Zheng, O. Tirkkonen, J. Hamalainen: ”On the Ergodic Mutual Information of Multi-cluster Scattering MIMO Channels”, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 17, No. 9, 2013.

11. A. Bou Saleh, O. Bulakci, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen: ”On Cell Range Extension in LTE-AdvancedType 1 Inband Relay Networks”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, publishedonline 11.6.2013.

12. T. Halinen, A. Dowhuszko, J. Hamalainen: ”Performance of Distributed Beamforming for DenseRelay Deployments in Presence of Limited Feedback Information”, EURASIP Journal on Ad-vances in Signal Processing, 2013:88.

13. Z. Zheng, L. Wei, J. Hamalainen, O. Tirkkonen: ”A Blind Time-Reversal Detector in the Presenceof Channel Correlation”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.20, No.5, pp.459-462, May 2013.

14. O. Bulakci, A. Awada, A. Bou Saleh, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen: ”Automated Uplink PowerControl Optimization in LTE-Advanced Relay Networks”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Com-munications and Networking, 2013:8.

15. O. Bulakci, A. Bou Saleh, J. Hamalainen, S. Redana: ”Performance Analysis of Relay Site Plan-ning over Composite Fading/Shadowing Channels with Co-channel Interference”, IEEE Transac-tions on Vehicular Technology Vol.61, No.4, pp.1692-1706, May 2013.


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16. J. Leinonen, J. Hamalainen, M. Juntti: ”Capacity Analysis of Downlink MIMO-OFDMA ResourceAllocation with Limited Feedback”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol.61, No.1, pp.120-130, January 2013.

17. Z. Zheng, A. Dowhuszko, J. Hamalainen: ”Interference management for LTE-Advanced Het-Nets:Stochastic scheduling approach in frequency domain”, European Transactions on Telecommunica-tions (ETT), Special Issue on Multi-Carrier Transmission & Applications, LTE & LTE-Advanced,Vol.24, Issue 1, pp.4-17, January 2013.

18. O. N. C. Yilmaz, J. Hamalainen, S. Hamalainen: ”Optimization of Adaptive Antenna SystemParameters in Self-organizing LTE networks”, Wireless Networks, Volume 19, Issue 6 (2013),Page 1251-1267.

19. O. Bulakci, A. Bou Saleh, S. Redana, B. Raaf, J. Hamalainen: ”Resource Sharing in LTE-Advanced Relay Networks: Uplink Optimization Methods and Performance Analysis”, EuropeanTransactions on Telecommunications (ETT), Special Issue on Multi-Carrier Transmission & Ap-plications, LTE & LTE-Advanced, Vol.24, Issue 1, pp.32-48, January 2013.

20. Z. Zheng, L. Wei, J. Hamalainen, O. Tirkkonen: ”Approximation to Distribution of Product ofRandom Variables Using Orthogonal Polynomials for Lognormal Density”, IEEE CommunicationsLetters, Vol.16, No 12, pp. 2028 - 2031, 2012.

21. A. Bou Saleh, O. Bulakci, J. Hamalainen, S. Redana, B. Raaf: ”Analysis of the Impact of SitePlanning on the Performance of Relay Deployments”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technol-ogy, Vol.61, No.7, pp.3139 - 3150, 2012.

22. M. Husso, A. Dowhuszko, J. Hamalainen: ”Combined Transmit Beamforming and Channel-AwareScheduling for Interference Mitigation in Femtocells”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communi-cations and Networking, 2012:293.

23. I. Jantunen, J. Jantunen, H. Kaaja, S. Boldyrev, L. Wang, J. Hamalainen: ”System Architec-ture for High-speed Close-proximity Low-power RF Memory Tags and Wireless Internet Access”,International Journal On Advances in Telecommunications, Vol.4 No. 3-4, 2011.

24. O. N. C. Yilmaz, J. Hamalainen, S. Hamalainen: ”Self-optimization of Random Access Channelin 3GPP LTE”, Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol.11, Issue 12,pp. 1507–1517, December 2011.

25. O. Bulakci, S. Redana, B. Raaf, J. Hamalainen: ”Impact of Power Control Optimization onthe System Performance of Relay based LTE-Advanced Heterogeneous Networks”, Journal ofCommunications and Networks, Special Issue: Heterogeneous Networks, Vol.13, No.4, pp.345–359, August 2011.

26. M. Husso, J. Hamalainen, R. Jantti, J. Nieminen, T. Riihonen, R. Wichman: ”Performance ofOn-O↵ Scheduling Strategy in Presence of Transmit Beamforming”, Elsevier, Physical Commu-nication (PHYCOM), Vol.4, No.1, pp. 3-12, March 2011.

27. E. Mutafungwa, Z. Zheng, J. Hamalainen, M. Husso, T. Korhonen: ”On the use of Home NodeBsfor Emergency Telemedicine Applications in Various Indoor Environments”, International Journalof E-Health and Medical Communications, Vol.2, No.1, January-March 2011, pp. 91–109.

28. T. Riihonen, R. Wichman, J. Hamalainen: ”Performance Analysis of Maximum SNR Schedulingwith an Infrastructure Relay Link”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol.56, No.2, pp.277–299, January 2011.

29. A. Bou Saleh, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen, B. Raaf: ”On the Coverage Extension and Capacity En-hancement of Inband Relay Deployments in LTE-Advanced Networks”, Journal of Electrical andComputer Engineering, Special Issue ”LTE/LTE-Advanced Cellular Communication Networks”,vol. 2010, Article ID 894846, 12 pages, 2010.

30. M. Husso, J. Hamalainen, R. Jantti, J. Li, E. Mutafungwa, R. Wichman, Z. Zheng, A.M. Wyglin-ski: ”Interference Mitigation by Practical Transmit Beamforming Methods in Closed Femtocells”,EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Special Issue on Femtocell Net-works, Volume 2010, Article ID 186815, 12 pages, 2010.

31. C-H. Yu, O. Tirkkonen, J. Hamalainen: ”Opportunistic Relay Selection with Macro Diver-sity”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2010, ArticleID 820427, 14 pages, 2010.


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32. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman, A. A. Dowhuszko, G. Corral-Briones: ”Capacity of GeneralizedUTRA FDD Closed-Loop Transmit Diversity Modes”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol.54, No. 3, 2010.

33. A. A. Dowhuszko, G. Corral-Briones, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”On Throughput-FairnessTrade-O↵ in Virtual MIMO Systems with Limited Feedback”, EURASIP Journal on WirelessCommunications and Networking, Special Issue ”Fairness in Radio Resource Management forWireless Networks”, Volume 2009, Article ID 102064, 17 pages, 2009.

34. J. Leinonen, J. Hamalainen, M. Juntti: ”Performance Analysis of Downlink OFDMA ResourceAllocation with Limited Feedback”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 8, No.6, June 2009.

35. F. Gregorio, S. Werner, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman and J. Cousseau: ”BEP Analysis of OSTBC-OFDM Systems with Broadband PA and Imperfect Memory Compensation”, IEEE Communica-tions letters, Vol. 11, No. 10, October 2007.

36. J. Hamalainen, S. Savolainen, R. Wichman, K. Ruotsalainen, J. Ylitalo: ”On Solution of ScatterDensity in Geometry-Based Channel Models”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,Vol. 6, No. 3, March 2007.

37. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Capacities of Physical Layer Scheduling Strategies on a SharedLink”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 39 No. 1, October 2006, pp. 115-134.

38. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”The E↵ect of On-o↵ Scheduling to the Required Transmit Power inSystems with Fast Power Control”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 35, No. 4, December2005, pp. 337-352.

39. J. Hamalainen, S. Savolainen, R. Wichman, K. Ruotsalainen, J. Ylitalo: ”Integral EquationFormulation for Scatter Density Problem”, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 41, No. 2, January2005, pp. 82-83.

40. J. Hamalainen, K. Pajukoski, E. Tiirola, R. Wichman, J. Ylitalo: ”On the Performance of Mul-tiuser MIMO in UTRA FDD Uplink”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Net-working, Special Issue on Multiuser MIMO Networks, Vol. 2, 2004, pp. 297-308.

41. J. Anttila, J. Hamalainen, J. Saranen: ”On the Linear Spline Collocation for Pseudodi↵erentialEquations on the Torus”, Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Physics, Mathematics,Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 139-147, September 2004.

42. J. Anttila, J. Hamalainen, J. Saranen: ”Spline Collocation for some Pseudodi↵erential Equationson the Torus with Non-Uniform Meshes”, International Journal on Pure and Applied Mathemat-ics, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2004, pp. 103-117.

Conditionally accepted/submitted articles in international peer-reviewed journals

43. D. G. Gonzalez, J. Hamalainen: ”Looking at Cellular Networks Through Canonical Domains andConformal Mapping”, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2015.

44. A. Dowhuszko, G. Corral-Briones, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Performance of QuantizedRandom Beamforming in Delay-Tolerant Machine-Type Communication”, submitted to IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications, 2015.

45. Z. Zheng, L. Wei, R. Speicher, R. Muller, J. Hamalainen, J. Corander: ”Outage Capacity ofRayleigh Product Channels: a Free Probability Approach”, submitted to IEEE Transactions onInformation Theory, 2015.

46. O. N. C. Yilmaz, J. Hamalainen, S. Hamalainen: ”Wireless Networks Vertical sectorization inself-organizing LTE-Advanced networks”, submitted to Wireless Networks, 2015.

47. M. U. Jada, M. Garcia-Lozano, J. Hamalainen: ”Mobile Networks and Applications EnergySaving Scheme for Multicarrier HSPA+ under Realistic Tra�c Fluctuation”, submitted to MobileNetworks and Applications, 2015.


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1.2 Articles in international peer-reviewed conferences

48. Z. Zheng, L. Wei, R. Speicher, R. Muller, J. Hamalainen, J. Corander: ”On the finite-SNRdiversity-multiplexing trafdeo↵ in Rayleigh product channels”, accepted to IEEE InternationalSymposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2015.

49. S. Renilla Lamas, D. G. Gonzalez, J. Hamalainen: ”Indoor Planning Optimization of Ultra-denseCellular Networks at High Carrier Frequencies”, IEEE Wireless Communications and NetworkingConference (WCNC), workshop on 5G architecture, March 2015.

50. D. G. Gonzalez, J. Hamalainen: ”Topology and Irregularity in Cellular Networks”, IEEE WirelessCommunications and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 2015.

51. M. U. Jada, M. Garcia-Lozano, J. Hamalainen: ”A Tra�c Aware Energy Saving Scheme for Mul-ticarrier HSPA+”, International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI),September 2014 (Best Paper Award).

52. O. N. C. Yilmaz, C. Wijting, P. Lunden, J. Hamalainen: ”Optimized Mobile Connectivity forBandwidth-Hungry, Delay-Tolerant Cloud Services toward 5G”, International Symposium onWireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), August 2014.

53. P. Amin; N. Sikuwaru, E. Mutafungwa, B. B. Haile, J. Hamalainen, J. K. Nurminen: ”PerformanceStudy for O↵-Grid Self-Backhauled Small Cells in Dense Informal Settlements,” IEEE Interna-tional Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) ,Washington,USA, Sept, 2014.

54. A. Dowhuszko, J. Hamalainen, Z. Ding: ”Opportunistic Interference Avoidance Scheduling forUnderlay Cognitive Radio Networks”, 9th International Conference on Cognitive Radio OrientedWireless Networks (CrownCom), WiFiUS Special Session, June 2014.

55. A. Bhamri, N. Nikaein, F. Kaltenberger, J. Hamalainen, R. Knopp: ”Three-step Iterative Sched-uler for QoS Provisioning to Users Running Multiple Services in Parallel”, IEEE Vehicular Tech-nology Conference (VTC), Spring 2014.

56. B. B. Haile, E. Mutafungwa and J. Hamalainen: ”Use of Coordinated Multipoint Transmissionfor Relaxation of Relay Link Bottlenecks”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Spring2014.

57. A. Bhamri, N. Nikaein, F. Kaltenberger, R. Knopp, J. Hamalainen: ”Pre-processor for MAC-layerScheduler to E�ciently Manage Bu↵er in Modern Wireless Networks”, IEEE Wireless Commu-nications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2014.

58. Z. Zheng, L. Wei, R. Speicher, R. Muller, J. Hamalainen, J. Corander: ”On the Fluctuation ofMutual Information in Double Scattering MIMO Channels”, International Zurich Seminar onCommunications, 2014.

59. A. Ahmedin, A. Elsherif, X. Liu, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Macrocell Resource Adaptationfor Improved Femtocell Deployment and Interference Management”, World Congress on Multi-media and Computer Science (WCMCS), 2013.

60. H. Tang, Z. Ding, S. Y. Ben Yoo, J. Hamalainen: ”Outage Constrained Joint Precoding for D2DUnderlay Cellular Networks”, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2013.

61. O. Bulakci, J. Hamalainen, E. Schulz: ”Performance of Coarse Relay Site Planning in Com-posite Fading/Shadowing Environments”, Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio CommunicationsSymposium (PIMRC), September 2013.

62. B. B. Haile, E. Mutafungwa and J. Hamalainen: ”Coordinated Multipoint Transmission for LTE-Advanced Networks in Dense Informal Settlements”, IEEE AFRICON, September 2013.

63. A. Bhamri, J. Hamalainen, F. Kaltenberger, R. Knopp: ”Minimizing the E↵ect of Feedback Delayin a Multi-user System through Adaptive Feedback Scheduling”, IEEE Vehicular TechnologyConference (VTC), Fall, June 2013.

64. T. Fu, Q. Cui, Y. Liu, A. A. Dowhuszko, J. Hamalainen: ”Power Minimization with Rate Con-straint in Downlink Multi-cell Cooperative MIMO Systems”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Confer-ence (VTC), Fall, June 2013.

65. A. A. Dowhuszko, J. Hamalainen, A. Elsherif, Z. Ding: ”Performance of Transmit Beamformingfor Interference Mitigation with Random Codebooks”, 8th International Conference on CognitiveRadio Oriented Wireless Networks (CrownCom), July 2013.


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66. A. Elsherif, Z. Ding, X. Liu, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Inference-Driven Dynamic AccessScheme for Interference Management in Heterogeneous Networks”, 8th International Conferenceon Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CrownCom), July 2013.

67. C. Karaiskos, A. Dowhuszko, J. Hamalainen: ”Performance of Altruistic Beamforming for Miti-gation of Multiple Cross-layer Interference Sources”, IEEE International Conference on Commu-nications - Wireless Communications Symposium (’ICC’13 WCS’), June 2013.

68. Z. Zheng, L. Wei, J. Hamalainen: ”Novel Approximations to the Statistics of General CascadedNakagami-m Channels and Their Applications in Performance Analysis”, IEEE InternationalConference on Communications - Wireless Communications Symposium (’ICC’13 WCS’), June2013.

69. A. Bhamri, F. Kaltenberger, R. Knopp, J. Hamalainen: ”Improving MU-MIMO Performance inLTE-(Advanced) by E�ciently Exploiting Feedback Resources and through Dynamic Scheduling”,IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2013.

70. I. Ullah, Z. Zheng, E. Mutafungwa, J. Hamalainen: ”On the use of nomadic relaying for emergencytelemedicine services in indoor environments”, 3rd International Conference on Wireless MobileCommunication and Healthcare, November 2012.

71. A. Elsherif, Z. Ding, X. Liu, J. Hamalainen: ”Shadow Chasing Enhancement in Resource Allo-cation For Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM),December 2012.

72. O. Yilmaz, E. Mutafungwa, J. Hamalainen: ”Macro-Scale 3GPP LTE Network-Planning for Se-lected Suburban Scenarios in Emerging Market Environments”, The Ninth International Sympo-sium on Wireless Communication Systems, International Workshop on Self-Organizing Networks(IWSON), August 2012.

73. M. Cierny, C. Ribeiro, R. Wichman, J. Hamalainen, Z. Ding, X. Liu: ”On TDD Cross-tier In-bandInterference Mitigation: A Practical Example”, 7th International Conference on Cognitive RadioOriented Wireless Networks (CrownCom), WiFiUS Track, June 2012.

74. A. R. Elsherif, A. Ahmedin, Z. Ding, X. Liu, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Shadow Chasing:A Resource Allocation Scheme For Heterogeneous Networks”, 7th International Conference onCognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CrownCom), WiFiUS Track, June 2012.

75. O. Bulakci, A.S. Nedelcu, A. Bou Saleh, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen: ”Impact of Backhaul SubframeMisalignment on Uplink System Performance of LTE-Advanced Relay Networks”, IEEE VehicularTechnology Conference (VTC), Fall 2012.

76. F. Vitiello, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen: ”Admission Control for LTE-Advanced Relay Systems”,European Wireless (EW 2012), February 2012.

77. E. Lahetkangas, K. Pajukoski, E. Tiirola, J. Hamalainen, Z. Zheng: ”On the Performance of LTE-Advanced MIMO: How to Set and Reach Beyond 4G Targets”, European Wireless (EW 2012),February 2012.

78. A. Bou Saleh, O. Bulakci, S. Redana, B. Raaf, J. Hamalainen: ”Evaluating the Energy E�-ciency of LTE-Advanced Relay and Picocell Deployments”, IEEE Wireless Communications andNetworking Conference (WCNC), April 2012.

79. Z. Ren, A. Bou Saleh, O. Bulakci, S. Redana, B. Raaf, J. Hamalainen: ”Joint Interference Coordi-nation and Relay Cell Expansion in LTE-Advanced Networks’”, IEEE Wireless Communicationsand Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2012.

80. E. Mutafungwa, Z. Zheng, J. Hamalainen: ”Reduced Power Consumption for 3GPP-CompliantContinua Health Devices by Deployment of Femtocells in the Home Environment”, InternationalICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (Mobihealth), Greece, Oc-tober 2011.

81. A. Bou Saleh, O. Bulakci, S. Redana, B. Raaf, J. Hamalainen: ”A Divide-and-Conquer Approachto Mitigate Relay-to-Relay Interference”, Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio CommunicationsSymposium (PIMRC), Toronto, Canada, September 2011.

82. F. Vitiello, T. Riihonen, J. Hamalainen, S. Redana: ”On Bu↵ering at the Relay Node in LTE-Advanced”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Fall 2011.


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83. O. Bulakci, A. Bou Saleh, S. Redana, B. Raaf, J. Hamalainen: ”Flexible Backhaul Resource Shar-ing and Uplink Power Control Optimization in LTE-Advanced Relay Networks”, IEEE VehicularTechnology Conference (VTC), Fall 2011.

84. A. A. Dowhuszko, M. Husso, J. Li, J. Hamalainen, and Z. Zheng: ”Performance of PracticalTransmit Beamforming Methods for Interference Suppression in Closed-Access Femtocells”, Fu-ture Network and Mobile Summit, Warsaw, Poland, June 2011.

85. M. Husso, A. Dowhuszko, J. Hamalainen, A. Pastore, and J. Fonollosa, ”Balancing Egoistic andAltruistic Transmit Beamforming in Femtocell Networks,” Future Network and Mobile Summit,Warsaw, Poland, June 2011.

86. A. Bhamri, F. Kaltenberger, R. Knopp, J. Hamalainen: ”Smart Hybrid-ARQ (SHARQ) for Co-operative Communication via Distributed Relays in LTE-Advanced”, IEEE 12th InternationalWorkshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), San Francisco,USA, June 2011.

87. O. Bulakci, A. Awada, A. Bou Saleh, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen, B. Wegmann, B. Raaf, I. Vier-ing: ”Joint Optimization of Uplink Power Control Parameters in LTE-Advanced Relay Networks”,IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Is-tanbul, July 2011.

88. O. Bulakci, J. Hamalainen, A. Bou Saleh, S. Redana, B. Raaf: ”Impact of Preconditioning on theConvergence of Numerical Co-channel Interference Approximations in Heterogeneous Networks”,IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Is-tanbul, July 2011.

89. O. Yilmaz, J. Hamalainen, S. Hamalainen: ”Self-optimization of Random Access Channel in3GPP LTE”, IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference(IWCMC), Istanbul, July 2011.

90. A. Bou Saleh, O. Bulakci, Z. Ren, S. Redana, B. Raaf, J. Hamalainen: ”Resource Sharing inRelay-enhanced 4G Networks”, European Wireless (EW), Vienna, Austria, April 2011.

91. O. Bulakci, A. Bou Saleh, Z. Ren, S. Redana, B. Raaf, J. Hamalainen: ”Two-step ResourceSharing and Uplink Power Control Optimization in LTE-Advanced Relay Networks”, The 8thInternational Workshop on Multi-Carrier Systems & Solutions (MCSS), Herrsching, Germany,May 2011.

92. A. A. Dowhuszko, T. Halinen, J. Hamalainen, O. Tirkkonen: ”Performance of Relay-Aided Dis-tributed Beamforming Techniques in Presence of Limited Feedback Information”, The First Inter-national Conference on Performance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications(PESARO), Budabest, Hungary, April 2011.

93. Z. Zheng, J. Hamalainen, Y. Ying: ”On Uplink Power Control Optimization and DistributedResource Allocation in Femtocell Networks”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, WorkshopBeFemto, Budabest, Hungary, May 2011.

94. Z. Zheng, J. Hamalainen, Y. Ying: Practical Resource Scheduling and Power Control Optimiza-tion for LTE Femtocell Networks, The 8th International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Systems &Solutions (MCSS), Herrsching, Germany, May 2011.

95. M. U. Jada, A. Hossain, J. Hamalainen, R. Jantti: ”Impact of Femtocells to the WCDMA Net-work Energy E�ciency”, IEEE International Conference on Broadband Network & MultimediaTechnology (IC-BNMT), Beijing, China, October 2010.

96. I. Jantunen, H. Kaaja, J. Jantunen, S. Boldyrev, J. Hamalainen, T. Korhonen: ”System Archi-tecture for Mobile-phone-readable RF Memory Tags”, The Fourth International Conference onMobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM), Florence, Italy,2010.

97. O. Bulakci, A. Bou Saleh, S. Redana, B. Raaf, J. Hamalainen: ”Enhancing LTE-Advanced RelayDeployments via Relay Cell Extension”, 15th International OFDM Workshop (InOWo), Hamburg,Germany, 2010.

98. M. U. Jada, J. Hamalainen, R. Jantti, A. Hossain: ”Power E�ciency Model for Mobile Ac-cess Network”, IEEE Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium (PIMRC),Workshop W-GREEN, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010.


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99. O. Marce, C. Balageas, Z. Altman, E. Formet, J. Hamalainen, E. Mutafungwa, Z. Zheng, M. Ran,Y. Ben Ezra, P. Beltran, S. Perales: ”Femtocells: The HOMESNET vision”, IEEE Personal,Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium (PIMRC), Workshop Indoor and OutdoorFemto Cells, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010.

100. M. Husso, Z. Zheng, J. Hamalainen, E. Mutafungwa: ”Dominant Interferer Mitigation in ClosedFemtocell Deployment”, IEEE Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium(PIMRC), Workshop Indoor and Outdoor Femto Cells, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2010.

101. A. Bou Saleh, O. Bulakci, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen, B. Raaf: ”Enhancing LTE-Advanced RelayDeployments via Biasing in Cell Selection and Handover Decision”, IEEE Personal, Indoor andMobile Radio Communications Symposium (PIMRC), Istanbul, Turkey, September 2010.

102. O. Yilmaz, S. Hamalainen, J. Hamalainen: ”Self-optimization of Remote Electrical Tilt”, IEEEPersonal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium (PIMRC), Istanbul, Turkey,September 2010.

103. I. Jantunen, T. Korhonen, J. Hamalainen, E. Mutafungwa: ”User-centric Design of UbiquitousHealth Care and Safety Services and Supporting Technologies for China and Finland”, 3rd Inter-national Conference on Well-Being in the Information Society (WIS 2010), August 18-19, Turku,2010.

104. E. Mutafungwa, Z. Zheng, J. Hamalainen, M. Husso, T. Korhonen: ”Exploiting FemtocellularNetworks for Emergency Telemedicine Applications in Indoor Environments”, 12th InternationalConference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (IEEE HealthComm 2010), Lyon,France, July 2010.

105. J. Manner, M. Luoma, J. Ott, J. Hamalainen: ”Mobile Networks Unplugged”, E-Energy, Confer-ence on Energy-E�cient Computing and Networking, Passau, Germany, April 2010.

106. O. Bulakci, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen, B. Raaf: ”System Optimization in Relay Enhanced LTE-Advanced Networks via Uplink Power Control”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC),Taipei, Taiwan, May 2010.

107. O. Bulakci, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen, B. Raaf: ”Performance Enhancement in LTE-AdvancedRelay Networks via Relay Site Planning”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Taipei,Taiwan, May 2010.

108. T. Riihonen, S. Werner, F. Gregorio, R. Wichman, J. Hamalainen: ”BEP Analysis of OFDMRelay Links with Nonlinear Power Amplifiers”, IEEE Wireless Communications and NetworkingConference (WCNC), 2010.

109. A. A. Rasheed, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen, B. Raaf: ”Uplink Resource Partitioning in RelayEnhanced LTE-Advanced Networks”, IEEE Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio CommunicationsSymposium (PIMRC), Tokyo, Japan, September 2009.

110. A. Karaer, O. Bulakci, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen, B. Raaf: ”Uplink Performance Optimizationin Relay Enhanced LTE-Advanced Networks”, IEEE Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Com-munications Symposium (PIMRC), Tokyo, Japan, September 2009.

111. J. Leinonen, T. Riihonen, J. Hamalainen, M. Juntti: ”Subchannel Allocation in Relay-EnhancedOFDMADownlinkWith Imperfect Feedback”, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBE-COM), Hawaii, USA, November 2009.

112. O. Yilmaz, S. Hamalainen, J. Hamalainen: ”System Level Analysis of Vertical Sectorization for3GPP LTE”, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS),September 2009, pp.453-457.

113. A. Bou Saleh, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen, B. Raaf: ”Comparison of Relay and Pico eNB Deploy-ments in LTE-Advanced”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Anchorage, Alaska,Fall 2009.

114. A. Bou Saleh, T. Riihonen, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman, B. Raaf: ”Performanceof Amplify and Forward and Decode and Forward Relays in LTE-Advanced”, IEEE VehicularTechnology Conference (VTC), Anchorage, Alaska, Fall 2009.

115. O. Yilmaz, S. Hamalainen, J. Hamalainen: ”Comparison of Remote Electrical and MechanicalAntenna Downtilt Performance for 3GPP LTE”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC),Anchorage, Alaska, Fall 2009.


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116. O. Yilmaz, S. Hamalainen, J. Hamalainen: ”Analysis of Antenna Parameter Optimization Spacefor 3GPP LTE”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Anchorage, Alaska, Fall 2009.

117. J. Leinonen, J. Hamalainen, M. Juntti: ”Outage Capacity Analysis of Resource Allocation inDownlink MIMO-OFDMA systems with the Best-M Feedback Method”, IEEE InternationalWorkshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), June 2009,pp. 146-150.

118. J. Leinonen, J. Hamalainen, M. Juntti: ”Capacity Analysis of Downlink MIMO-OFDMA Fre-quency Allocation with Imperfect Feedback Information”, IEEE International Workshop on Sig-nal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), June 2009, pp.141-145.

119. T. Beniero, S. Redana, J. Hamalainen, B. Raaf: ”E↵ect of Relaying on Coverage in 3GPP LTE”,IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Spring 2009.

120. E. Mutafungwa, J. Hamalainen: ”Leveraging Femtocells for Dissemination of Early WarningMessages”, IEEE ICC Workshop on Next Generation Public Safety Communication Networksand Technologies (SafetyComm), 2009.

121. J. Leinonen, J. Hamalainen, M. Juntti: ”Capacity Analysis of Downlink MIMO-OFDMA ResourceAllocation with Resource Wise 1-bit Feedback”, IEEE ICC International Workshop on MultipleAccess Communications (MACOM), June 2009.

122. T. Riihonen, S. Werner, R. Wichman, J. Hamalainen: ”Outage Probabilities in Infrastructure-Based Single-Frequency Relay Links”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Confer-ence (WCNC), Budapest, Hungary, April 2009.

123. T. Riihonen, R. Wichman, J. Hamalainen: ”Co-phasing Full-Duplex Relay Link with Non-IdealFeedback Information”, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems(ISWCS), October 2008.

124. J. Leinonen, J. Hamalainen, M. Juntti: ”Outage Capacity Analysis of Downlink OFDMA Re-source Allocation with Multiple Transmit Antennae and Limited Feedback”, IEEE Global Telecom-munications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2008.

125. M. Husso, J. Hamalainen, R. Jantti, A. M. Wyglinski: ”Adaptive Antennas and Dynamic Spec-trum Management for Femtocellular Networks: A Case Study”, IEEE Dynamic Spectrum accessNetworks (DySPAN) Conference, Chicago, USA, October 2008.

126. J. Leinonen, J. Hamalainen, M. Juntti: ”Capacity Analysis of Downlink OFDMA Resource Allo-cation With Limited Feedback and Antenna Selection”, Wireless Personal Multimedia Commu-nications (WPMC), September 2008.

127. J. Leinonen, J. Hamalainen, M. Juntti: ”Outage Capacity Analysis of Downlink OFDMA Re-source Allocation with Limited Feedback”, IEEE Information Theory Workshop, May 2008.

128. J. Leinonen, J. Hamalainen, M. Juntti: ”Performance Analysis of Downlink OFDMA FrequencyScheduling with Limited Feedback”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC),May 2008.

129. A. A. Dowhuszko, G. Corral-Briones, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”On the Analysis and Designof Practical Quantization for Opportunistic Beamforming”, IEEE International Conference onCommunications (ICC), May 2008.

130. T. Riihonen, R. Wichman, J. Hamalainen, A. Hottinen: ”Analysis of subcarrier pairing in acellular OFDMA relay link”, International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, February 2008.

131. A. A. Dowhuszko, G. Corral-Briones, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Achievable Sum-Rate Anal-ysis of Practical Multiuser scheduling Schemes with Limited Feedback”, IEEE International Con-ference on Communications (ICC), 2007.

132. T. Riihonen, R. Wichman, J. Hamalainen: ”Diversity analysis of a parallel amplify and forwardrelay network”, IEEE 8th Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications(SPAWC), 2007.

133. A. A. Dowhuszko, G. Corral-Briones, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Outage Probability Analysisof Practical Multiuser Scheduling Schemes with Limited Feedback”, IEEE Vehicular TechnologyConference (VTC), Spring 2007.


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134. T. Riihonen, R. Wichman, J. Hamalainen: ”Delay Spread and its E↵ect on Bandwidth in GaussianParallel Relay Networks”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile RadioCommunications (PIMRC), 2006.

135. K. Tenhonen, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman, K. Horneman: ”On the E↵ect of Channel-AwareScheduling to CDMA Uplink Capacity”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoorand Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2006.

136. G. Corral-Briones, A. A. Dowhuszko, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Achievable Data Rates forTwo Transmit Antenna Broadcast Channels with WCDMA HSDPA Feedback Information”, IEEEInternational Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2005.

137. J. Hamalainen, J. P. Nuutinen, R. Wichman, J. Ylitalo, T. Jamsa: ”Analysis and Measurementsfor Indoor Polarization MIMO in 5.25 GHz Band”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC),May 2005.

138. G. Corral-Briones, A. A. Dowhuszko, J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Downlink Multiuser Schedul-ing Algorithm with FDD WCDMA Closed-Loop Feedback Information”, IEEE Vehicular Tech-nology Conference (VTC), May 2005.

139. E. Tiirola, J. Hamalainen, K. Pajukoski, J. Ylitalo: ”Performance Analysis for some PracticalHigh Data Rate Extensions of UTRA FDD Uplink”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference(VTC), September 2004.

140. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Performance of Multiuser Diversity in the Presence of FeedbackErrors”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications(PIMRC), September 2004.

141. J. Hamalainen, K. Pajukoski, E. Tiirola, R. Wichman, J. Ylitalo: ”MIMO Performance in UTRAFDD Uplink”, IEEE International Symposium of Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications(ISSTA), September 2004.

142. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Quantization of Channel Quality Indicator in Maximum SNRScheduling”, Nordic Radio Symposium, August 2004.

143. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”On the Correlations Between Dual-Polarized Base Station Anten-nas”, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), November 2003.

144. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Performance of Transmit Time Selection Diversity in MultipathFading Channels”, The 6th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Commu-nications (WPMC), October 2003.

145. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”On the Site Selection Diversity Transmission”, IEEE InternationalSymposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), September 2003.

146. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Bit Error Probabilities in a Two-Rate Communication System”,IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2003.

147. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman, T. Kahkonen, J. Hulkkonen, T. Korpi, M. Saily: ”On the Perfor-mance of GSM/EDGE Transmit Diversity Schemes when Employing Dual-Polarized Antennas”,IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Korea, April 2003.

148. J. Hulkkonen, T. Kahkonen, J. Hamalainen, T. Korpi, M. Saily: ”Capacity Gain from Trans-mit Diversity Methods in Limited Bandwidth GERAN Networks”, IEEE Vehicular TechnologyConference (VTC), Korea, April 2003.

149. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Combining Multiuser Diversity and WCDMA Transmit DiversityModes”, IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, October 2002.

150. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Asymptotic Bit Error Probabilities of some Closed-Loop TransmitDiversity Schemes”, IEEE Global Communications Conference(GLOBECOM), November 2002.

151. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Performance Analysis of Closed-Loop Transmit Diversity in thePresence of Feedback Errors”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and MobileRadio Communications (PIMRC), September 2002.

152. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”On the Performance of FDD WCDMA Closed–Loop TransmitDiversity Modes in Nakagami and Ricean Fading Channels”, IEEE International Symposium ofSpread Spectrum Techniques and Applications (ISSTA), September 2–5, 2002.


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153. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”The E↵ect of Feedback Delay to the Closed-Loop Transmit Diver-sity in FDD WCDMA”, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile RadioCommunications (PIMRC), San Diego, California, September 30–October 3, 2001.

154. R. Wichman, J. Hamalainen: ”Transmit Diversity Weight Generation for Wireless FDD Systemswith Feedback”, IEEE and EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing,Baltimore, Maryland, USA, June 3–6, 2001.

155. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Feedback Schemes for FDD WCDMA Systems in Multipath En-vironments”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Rhodes, Greece, May 6–9, 2001.

156. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Multiple Antenna Transmission Utilizing Side Information forWCDMA Systems”, The 5th CDMA International Conference and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea,November 2000.

157. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Closed–Loop Transmit Diversity for FDD WCDMA Systems”,34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, October 2000.

158. J. Hamalainen, J. Saranen, S. Savolainen: ”Quadrature methods for some boundary integral equa-tions of parabolic type”, in C.A.Brebbia and H.Power (ed.) Boundary Elements XXI, Interna-tional Series on Advances in Boundary Elements Vol. 6., pp.169-182, WIT Press, Southampton,Boston, 1999.

159. J. Hamalainen, J. Saranen: ”A Collocation Method for the Single Layer Heat Equation of theFirst Kind”, in Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, Volume two: Approximation Methods(eds. C. Constanda, J. Saranen and S. Seikkala), Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1997.

1.3 Articles in national peer-reviewed conferences

160. M. U. Jada, J. Hamalainen, R. Jantti: ”Energy Savings in Mobile Networks: Case Study onFemtocells”, URSI Finnish Radio Convention on Radio Sciences, August 2010.

161. J. Hamalainen, O. Piirainen, R. Wichman: ”On the SNR Gain of Polarization Matching”, FinnishWireless Communications Workshop, May 2002.

162. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”On Optimality of Closed-Loop Transmit Diversity”, Finnish Wire-less Communications Workshop, May 2002.

163. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman, “Closed–Loop Transmit Diversity for FDD WCDMA in FadingChannels”, Second Finnish Wireless Communications Workshop, Tampere, Finland, October 2001

2 Non-refereed scientific articles

164. E. Mutafungwa, Z. Zheng, J. Hamalainen, M. Husso, M. Laitila, ”Femtocells for Public SafetyCommunications: The Emergency Telemedicine Case Study,” in book ”Femtocell Communica-tions: Business Opportunities and Deployment Challenges”, IGI Global, 2011.

165. H. Xiaoben, M. Bublin, J. Hamalainen, R. Jantti: ”Self-organized and Bio-inspired Radio Re-source Management for WiMAX” chapter in book ”Radio Resources in WiMAX”, ed. by G.Vivier, Wiley, 2008.

166. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman, M. Kuusela, E. Tiirola, K. Pajukoski: ”Multiuser MIMO for UTRAFDD” chapter in book ”MIMO System Technology for Wireless Communications”, ed. by G.Tsoulos, CRC Press, 2006.

167. C. Johnson, A. Wacker, J. Ylitalo and J. Hamalainen: Chapter ”Coverage and Capacity Enhance-ment Methods” in book ”Radio Network Planning and Optimization for UMTS”, Second Edition,ed. by J. Laiho, A. Wacker and T. Novosad, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2006.

168. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman and T. Korhonen: Chapter ”Multi-channel Adaptive Beam-forming”in book ”Adaptive Antenna Arrays”, ed. by S. Chandran, Springer Verlag, 2004.

169. J. Ylitalo, J. P. Nuutinen, J. Hamalainen, T. Jamsa, M. Hamalainen: ”Multi-Dimensional Wide-band Radio Channel Characterization for 2-6 GHz Band”, Wireless World Research Forum,WWRF11 Meeting in Oslo, June 2004.

170. J. Anttila, J. Hamalainen and J. Saranen: ”Spline Collocation for Pseudodi↵erential Equations”.Preprint, University of Oulu 2003, 18 pages.


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171. J. Hamalainen, J. Saranen, S. Savolainen: ”Collocation and Quadrature Methods for some BIE’Sof Parabolic Type: Discretizations and Numerical Experiments”. Preprint, University of Oulu1999, 20 pages.

3 Theses

172. J. Hamalainen: ”Performance Analysis of Multi-antenna and Multi-user Methods for 3G and Be-yond”, Helsinki University of Technology, Signal Processing Laboratory, Report 58, 2007 (Doctoralthesis).

173. J. Hamalainen: ”Spline Collocation for the Single Layer Heat Equation”, Annales AcademiaeScientiarum Fennicae, Series A I. Mathematica 113, 1998.

4 Granted US patents and US patent applications

Remark. Only US patents are listed since the given information can be easily verified from US patento�ce pages. Some patents admit same name but inventions are di↵erent (di↵erent patent/application


4.1 Granted US patents

1. J. Hamalainen, K. Horneman, V. V. Phan: ”Method for spectrum sharing in a multi-mode systemand related apparatus”, US Patent No. 8,654,719, Feb. 2014.

2. V. V. Phan, J. Hamalainen: ”Identification of Relay Base Stations in Wireless Networks”, USPatent No. 8,494,441, Jul. 2013.

3. J. Hamalainen, K. Horneman, J. Hulkkonen: ”Wireless non-cellular network”, US Patent No.8,121,059, Feb. 2012.

4. J. Hamalainen, V. V. Phan: ”Allocation of User Equipment Identifier”, US Patent No. 8,243,615,April 2012.

5. J. Hamalainen, K. Horneman, J. Hulkkonen: ”TDMA mesh with CSMA control”, US Patent No.8,121,059, February 2012.

6. J. Hamalainen, E. Tiirola: ”Antenna selection method”, US Patent No. 8,018,904, September,2011.

7. T. E. Kolding, F. Frederiksen, J. Hamalainen, P. E. Mogensen: ”Optimum technique for encodingand decoding physical resource block locations”, US Patent No. 7,843,801, November 2010.

8. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Communication System and Method Using Transmit Diversity”,US Patent No. 7,643,799, January 2010.

9. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Communication System and Method Using Transmit Diversity”,US Patent No. 7,599,666, October 2009.

10. J. Hamalainen, E.Tiirola, R. Wichman: ”Allocation method, network element, module and userdevice”, US Patent No. 7,596,167, September 2009.

11. J. Hamalainen, E. Tiirola: ”Securing a connection in a radio system”, US Patent No. 7,548,527,June 2009.

12. J. Hamalainen, K. Niemela, R. Wichman: ”Transceiver Method in a Radio System and a RadioSystem”, US Patent No. 7,257,424, August 2007.

13. J. Hamalainen, J. Hulkkonen, T. Korpi, T. Kahkonen, M. Saily: ”Antenna down-tilting”, USPatent No. 7,242,362, July 2007.

14. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Communication System and Method Using Transmit Diversity”,US Patent No. 7,224,943, May 2007.

15. M. Kiiski, J. Hamalainen: ”Adaptive Transceiver System”, US Patent No. 7,142,830, November2006.

16. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Transmission Diversity with Two Cross-Polarized Antenna Ar-rays”, US Patent No. 7,136,627, November 2006.


Page 16: Curriculum Vitae - Aalto People · Jyri H¨ama¨la¨inen (updated 12.6.2015) 1 Peer-reviewed scientific articles 1.1 Articles in international peer-reviewed journals 1. B. B. Haile,

17. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman: ”Apparatus, and Associated Method, for Space-Time Encoding,and Decoding, Data at a Selected Code Rate”, US Patent No. 6,999,472, February 2006.

18. K. Kuchi, J. Hamalainen: ”Space-Time Code for Multiple Antenna Transmission”, US PatentNo. 6,542,556, April 2003.

4.2 Pending US patent applications

19. J. Hamalainen, B. Raaf, V. V. Phan, O. Teyeb: ”Method and Apparatus for Handover Procedurein Communication Network with Relay Extension”, US Patent Application No. 2011/0086,639,Filing date: Feb 27, 2009.

20. J. Hamalainen, R. Irmer, B. Raaf: ”Network comprising a privately owned base station coupledwith a publicly available network element”, US Patent Application No. 2011/0090,839, Filingdate: March 13, 2009.

21. J. Hamalainen, K. Horneman, V. V. Phan, M. J. Vainikka, L. Yu: ”Radio System Configuration”,US Patent Application No: 2011/0045,836, Filing date: Dec 16, 2008.

22. J. Hamalainen, V. V. Phan: ”Method, Computer Program, Apparatus and System”, US PatentApplication No. 2010/0208,645, Filing date: Oct. 1, 2008.

23. J. Hamalainen, K. Horneman, A. Sorri, V. V. Phan, R. Wichman: ”Synchronization in MobileCommunication System”, US Patent Application No. 2009/0279,529, Filing date: January 27,2009.

24. J. Hamalainen, M. P. Rinne, S. Vesterinen: ”Apparatus, methods, and computer program prod-ucts providing improved flexible resource usage”, US Patent Application No. 2009/0232,066,Filing date: January 27, 2009.

25. J. Hamalainen, K. Horneman, J. Hulkkonen, P. Kinnunen, K. Pajukoski, E. Tiirola: ”Radioresource allocation and radio system”, US Patent Application No. 2008/0132,242, Filing date:November 5, 2007.

26. J. Hamalainen, K. Horneman, K. Pajukoski, E. Tiirola, S. Vesterinen: ”Data transmission methodand a base station”, US Patent Application No. 2008/0019,337, Filing date: September 18, 2006.

27. J. Hamalainen, K. Horneman: ”Data transmission method, base station and user transceiver”,US Patent Application No. 2009/0203,405, Filing date: July 11, 2006.

28. J. Hamalainen, J. Hulkkonen, M. Saily, E. Tiirola: ”Frequency allocation in communicationnetwork”, US Patent Application No. 2006/0073,833, Filing date: September 30, 2005.

29. J. Hamalainen, I. Keskitalo, E. Tiirola: ”Method of reducing interference in indoor cell in wirelesscellular communication network”, US Patent Application No. 2006/0165,032, Filing date: April1, 2005.

30. J. Hamalainen, K. J. Leppanen, P. A. Ranta: ”Adaptive transceiver system”, US Patent Appli-cation No. 2004/0266,360, Filing date: April 16, 2004.

31. J. Hamalainen, J. Ylitalo: ”Moment decision for packet data transmission based on analysis ofpower control commands”, US Patent Application No. 2004/0190,475, Filing date: March 2,2004.

32. J. Hamalainen, R. Wichman, J. Ylitalo: ”Method of controlling transmission in a radio system”,US Patent Application No. 2004/0072,545, Filing date: August 14, 2003.

33. J. Hamalainen: ”Method of using pilots in radio system and radio system”, US Patent ApplicationNo. 2004/0043,736, Filing date: May 23, 2003.

34. J. Hamalainen, E. Tiirola: ”Determining signal direction in radio system”, US Patent ApplicationNo. 2004/0014,499, Filing date: February 28, 2003.

35. J. Hamalainen, E. Tiirola, R. Wichman: ”Transmission of information in a wireless communicationsystem”, US Patent Application No. 2004/0120,289, Filing date: December 20, 2002.