1 Curriculum Proposal Submission Form Amendment Item I December 21, 2017 Original Proposal: Proposal 2017-07 Original Committee Date: October 21, 2017 Original Name(s): Steve Mannion IPM Name(s): Ernie Friend Dean(s): Mamdouh Babi Program(s): Database Development Specialist (6955) (T.C.) and Web Development Specialist (6954) T.C.) LOCAL FSCJ Technical Certificates This amendment serves to correct two typographical oversights in which the total program hours for the Database Development Specialist (6955) (T.C.) and Web Development Specialist (6954) T.C.) programs were calculated in error due to the addition of either a 3-credit hour or 4-credit hour “or” course option for students. Prior to the recommendation and approval of the original proposal 2017-07, students were able to complete the total number of hours in either program successfully; however, with the addition of the new “or” course options, students may now select either a 3-credit hour or a 4 -credit hour course which if selecting the 3-credit hour course could result in students becoming short 1-credit hour from the total program hours as currently listed for program completion. By correcting the typographical error to update the total hours in each program, the Registrar’s office will be able to graduate students without error who have successfully completed coursework options including the new “or” selections. The correction will have no impact on financial aid coverage as both programs are considered “LOCAL FSCJ” technical certificates and do not qualify for f inancial aid funding. Further, because these programs as considered “LOCAL FSCJ” technical certificates, neither program is bound in total program hours by FLDOE state frameworks. Per the directive of Professor Steve Mannion and Professor Pamela Brauda, in collaboration with Instructional Program Manager, Mr. Ernie Friend and Dean of Career Education, Dr. Babi Mamdouh, it was agreed to submit an amendment to the original proposal to correct these typographical oversights effective immediately, spring term 2018 (2182). Modified program pages for the Database Development Specialist (6955) (T.C.) and Web Development Specialist (6954) (T.C.) follow this amendment for review. Additionally, Curriculum Services will update all other College systems.

Curriculum Proposal Submission Formcurriculum.fscj.edu/proposals/2017-18/2017-07_Amend_01.pdf · 2018-04-04 · 3 Curriculum Proposal Submission Form Database Development Specialist

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form Amendment Item I – December 21, 2017 Original Proposal: Proposal 2017-07 Original Committee Date: October 21, 2017 Original Name(s): Steve Mannion IPM Name(s): Ernie Friend Dean(s): Mamdouh Babi Program(s): Database Development Specialist (6955) (T.C.) and Web Development Specialist (6954)

T.C.) –LOCAL FSCJ Technical Certificates This amendment serves to correct two typographical oversights in which the total program hours for the Database Development Specialist (6955) (T.C.) and Web Development Specialist (6954) T.C.) programs were calculated in error due to the addition of either a 3-credit hour or 4-credit hour “or” course option for students. Prior to the recommendation and approval of the original proposal 2017-07, students were able to complete the total number of hours in either program successfully; however, with the addition of the new “or” course options, students may now select either a 3-credit hour or a 4 -credit hour course which if selecting the 3-credit hour course could result in students becoming short 1-credit hour from the total program hours as currently listed for program completion. By correcting the typographical error to update the total hours in each program, the Registrar’s office will be able to graduate students without error who have successfully completed coursework options including the new “or” selections. The correction will have no impact on financial aid coverage as both programs are considered “LOCAL FSCJ” technical certificates and do not qualify for financial aid funding. Further, because these programs as considered “LOCAL FSCJ” technical certificates, neither program is bound in total program hours by FLDOE state frameworks. Per the directive of Professor Steve Mannion and Professor Pamela Brauda, in collaboration with Instructional Program Manager, Mr. Ernie Friend and Dean of Career Education, Dr. Babi Mamdouh, it was agreed to submit an amendment to the original proposal to correct these typographical oversights effective immediately, spring term 2018 (2182). Modified program pages for the Database Development Specialist (6955) (T.C.) and Web Development Specialist (6954) (T.C.) follow this amendment for review. Additionally, Curriculum Services will update all other College systems.

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

Web Development Specialist (6954) (T.C.)

Technical Certificate

The explosive growth of the Internet and electronic commerce affects almost every company and organization today. Most

medium to large size corporations and organizations, and many small businesses, now develop web sites for electronic

commerce, to develop marketing relationships, distribute company information to employees and their customers, and to access

vital information in databases. The Web Development Specialist Technical Certificate provides the necessary coursework and

hands-on experiences to enable graduates to design, develop, maintain, manage and administer comprehensive web sites for

corporations and organizations. The program also provides a foundation for various certification examinations in

Webmaster/Web Development.

This program does not provide a Florida state technical certificate but does provide a Florida State College at

Jacksonville certificate.

Need More Information? Contact:

Tameiko Grant Mamdouh Babi,, Dean of Career Education, (904) 646-2300 or [email protected]


Professional Courses

Credit Hours: 22 21

A minimum grade of "C" or better is required in all Professional Core courses.

CGS 2820 - Web Site Design and Development Credit Hours: 4

CGS 2821 - Advanced Web Site Design and Development Credit Hours: 4

COP 1000 - Introduction to Computer Programming Credit Hours: 3

CTS 2437 - Introduction to SQL Server Database Credit Hours: 3 NOTE: If students select the 3-credit hour option

then total program hours would equal 23, not 24 or CTS 2440 - Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Credit Hours: 4

COP 2822 - Web Technologies Credit Hours: 4

COP 2551C - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java Credit Hours: 3

or COP 2842 - Internet Programming Credit Hours: 4

Total Credit Hours: 22 21/ Program Length: 9 Months

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

Database Development Specialist (6955)


Technical Certificate

Database operations are an important part of computer operations in almost every company and organization today. Electronic

commerce depends upon the storage and processing of transactions in databases. Many E-commerce sites have databases

attached to web pages. The Database Development Specialist Technical Certificate gives students experience in popular

databases including Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. Florida State College at Jacksonville is an Oracle Academic Initiative

(OAI) Partner with Oracle Corporation. Together we have developed a program that puts you on the fast track for a database

career. This technical certificate prepares students for job entry in fields such as database applications development and

database administration. Students learn skills necessary for design, development, maintenance, management, and administration

of comprehensive relational databases for corporations and organizations. Graduates may seek positions as database developers,

database programmers, database administrators, and database consultants. The Oracle courses in the database degree also

provide a foundation for persons preparing for the Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) exams.

This program does not provide a Florida state technical certificate but does provide a Florida State College at

Jacksonville certificate.

Need More Information? Contact:

Tameiko Grant Mamdouh Babi, Dean of Career Education, (904) 646-2300 or [email protected]


Professional Courses

Credit Hours: 24 23

A minimum grade of "C" or better is required in all Professional Core courses.

CIS 2321 - Information Systems Credit Hours: 3

COP 1000 - Introduction to Computer Programming Credit Hours: 3

COP 2551C - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java Credit Hours: 3

or COP 2842 - Internet Programming Credit Hours: 4

COP 2822 - Web Technologies Credit Hours: 4

CTS 2437 - Introduction to SQL Server Database Credit Hours: 3 <- Add as “or” option NOTE: If students select

the 3-credit hour option then total program hours would equal 23, not 24

or CTS 2440 - Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Credit Hours: 4

CTS 2441 - Oracle Database Administration Credit Hours: 4

or CTS 2439 2436C – SQL Server Administration III Credit Hours: 4 <- Add as “or” option

CTS 2445 - Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming Credit Hours: 3

or CTS 2438C – SQL Server Programming II - Credit Hours: 3 <- Add as “or” option

Total Credit Hours: 24 23/ Program Length: 10 Months

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form Proposal Information Identify the title of the curriculum proposal and place an “X” in the box next to the actions identified within the proposal.


Computer Information Technology (60) (2153) (A.S.); Web Development Specialist (6954) (T.C.); Database Development Specialist (6955) (T.C.); Computer Programming Specialist (6956) (T.C.); Information Technology Support Specialist (6280) (T.C.); and Information Technology Analysis (6281) (T.C.) Program modifications to add new courses SQL Server II - Programming (CTS 2438) and SQL Server III – Administration (CTS 2439 2436C) to elective offerings

Action(s) New Course Modify Course Inactivate Course

New Program Modify Program Reactivate Program

Signatures (Faculty)

Signatures must be obtained through appropriate School/Executive Chair/Campus President.

Faculty Member(s)

Name(s) Steve Mannion

Telephone No. 904-646-2374 Email [email protected]



Faculty Support (See Faculty Addendum)

Instructional Program Manager or Department Chair

Name(s) Mr. Ernie Friend

Provisions Support Do Not Support Support with Conditions Noted





Name(s) Dr. Babi Mamdouh

Provisions Support Do Not Support Support with Conditions Noted




Proposal Submission Once Curriculum Services receives a complete proposal with the necessary signatures, a tracking number will be assigned, and a thorough technical review will be performed with findings communicated to the originator(s).

Proposal Tracking (Curriculum Services Use Only)

Date Received by Curriculum Services

9-26-2017 Proposed Assigned Tracking Number


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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form Instructions Originator(s) is/are required to complete this entire section for all actions identified within the proposal. Specific questions pertaining to programs and courses are located in their respective sections of the form.

Implementation Term

In the space provided, add the two-digit academic year, and then place an “X” in the box next to the requested academic term for implementation of the actions identified within the proposal.

NOTE: All new programs and substantially modified programs require the College’s District Board of Trustees, SACSCOC and Financial Aid approval. Please review the current Curriculum Committee calendar for critical due dates. Implementation term(s) for specific course(s) is/are also identified in the course section of this form.

Academic Year 20_18___ Academic Term Fall Spring Summer

Proposal Summary Provide a brief summary narrative and rationale of the actions identified within the proposal.

Current instructors in the Database Area (Professor Brauda, Professor Singletary, and Professor Mannion) concluded from anecdotal evidence (discussion with students about what they are hearing in job interviews as well as industry knowledge) that the industry needs dictate that we do a more in-depth coverage of Microsoft SQL Server. This conclusion was confirmed in open discussion during the most recent IT Advisory Committee meeting. We currently have one general course that introduces students to the Microsoft SQL Server Database product. We have three that cover the Oracle Database product. It is our goal to provide the same level of coverage in SQL Server that we do with Oracle. That would require making and adding 2 new courses that extend our coverage of SQL Server to the same extent that we cover Oracle.

Strategic Goals Identify strategic goal(s) with which the actions in the proposal best align. Place an “X” in the box next to the selected strategic goal. New programs and substantially modified programs should support at least one (1) Strategic Goal. Please review the College’s Strategic Planning webpage in regard to Strategic Goals information.

Strategic Goal 1 Promote access and equity.

Strategic Goal 2 Enhance rigorous and relevant learning opportunities.

Strategic Goal 3 Increase retention and completion.

Strategic Goal 4 Contribute to workforce and economic development.

Strategic Goal 5 Cultivate institutional efficiency and effectiveness.

Curriculum Collaborations

Identify any business partnerships, grant requirements, or faculty collaborations that support the actions identified within the proposal. Place an “X” in the box next to appropriate selection(s). Provide a brief statement about the partnership and its collaborators.

Business Partnerships Advisory Committee

Grant Requirements None

Faculty Collaboration Brauda, Mannion, Singletary

Other None

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

Cost Analysis

Identify any new cost(s) to the College based on the actions identified within the proposal. Place an “X” in the box next to the appropriate item(s). Provide a brief cost analysis statement.

NOTE: Please do not include special fees in this section. Special fees attached to courses are addressed in a separate section of the proposal.

Faculty Resources




Student Impact

Identify any student impact based on the actions identified within the proposal. Place an “X” in the box next to the appropriate response(s). Provide a brief statement in response to each question.

Are currently enrolled and/or past term students affected by the actions identified within the proposal?

Yes No

If YES, identify any concerns and how you plan to communicate the actions to currently enrolled and/or past term students.

Are the actions identified within the proposal based on student cohorts? Yes No

If YES, identify how the actions affect currently enrolled student cohorts and/or future term student cohorts.

Will the effectiveness of the actions identified within the proposal be assessed and/or evaluated? Yes No

If YES, identify the methods used to assess and/or evaluate the actions.

The course outline has been updated to reflect outcomes and assessments that are more relevant and align more closely to the course content.

Will the actions identified within the proposal meet a specific workforce, university transfer or other student success need?

Yes No

If YES, identify the specific workforce, partner institution and/or student success needs.

This course will provide students with a solid foundation in SQL Server programming which is a need identified by the Advisory Committee.

Will the actions identified within the proposal impact a specific student success need in terms of the workforce; upper-division student at FSCJ or another Florida College System (FCS) Institution; or university transfer?

Yes No

If YES, identify the way in which the proposal meets the student success need.

Duplicative question. See above.

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

ADDENDUM: Southern Association of Colleges and School Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

In order to maintain the College’s continued accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), all programs are required to complete this section to determine if additional action is required. To minimize the possibility of implementation delay, please contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation (OIEA) at the beginning of the proposal process to discuss the specific requirements for your proposal change. Based on SACSCOC policy, many new programs are required to submit a prospectus and obtain approval from SACSCOC prior to implementation. Additionally, some existing programs with major changes require a prospectus to be submitted and approved by SACSCOC prior to implementation.

Increasing/decreasing the total program hours by ≥25%

Adding coursework to the program that requires new faculty, equipment, facilities, library or other resources

Changing from clock hours to credit hours (or vice versa)

Offering ≥50% of the program at an off-campus location

If you answer YES to one or more of the questions below, complete the substantive change intake form found on the OIEA website. Once complete, return it, along with a copy of the curriculum proposal form, via email to [email protected].

SACSCOC Substantive Change Assessment

Based on the information provided within the proposal, please answer the following questions related to your change.

Do the actions identified within the proposal involve the development of a new program? Yes No

Do the actions identified within the proposal involve a contract, MOU, grant or consortium for the development or construction of all or part of a new program?

Yes No

Do the actions identified within the proposal involve the inactivation of a degree or certificate program?

Yes No

Do the actions identified within the proposal increase or decrease the total degree or certificate program hours by ≥25%?

Yes No

Do the actions identified within the proposal add coursework to the program that requires new faculty, equipment, facilities, library or other resources?

Yes No

Do the actions identified within the proposal change the program from clock hours to credit hours or vice versa?

Yes No

Do the actions identified within the proposal involve the instruction of courses delivered by College faculty/instructors and/or employees at an off-campus location?

Yes No

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

Below is a list of common SACSCOC substantive changes and their requirements for approval. This list should serve as a guideline to help you prepare for your change. Please contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation for information specific to your proposed change.

Types of Substantive Change

Timeline for Contacting OIEA

Timeline for Submission to SACSCOC Instrument to be submitted to SACSCOC

New Programs* 18 months prior to planned implementation

January 1 for implementation between July 1 – Dec. 31; July 1 for implementation between Jan. 1 – June 30

Prospectus (20+ page document describing how institution will administer change)

Altering program length by >25%

12 months prior to planned implementation

January 1 for implementation between July 1 – Dec. 31; July 1 for implementation between Jan. 1 – June 30

Modified Prospectus (15+ page document describing how institution will administer change)

Initiating degree completion programs

18 months prior to planned implementation

January 1 for implementation between July 1 – Dec. 31; July 1 for implementation between Jan. 1 – June 30

Prospectus (20+ page document describing how institution will administer change)

Closure of a program 3-6 months prior to planned implementation

Immediately following internal decision to close (DBOT approval)

Letter of Notification. Must describe how students, faculty, and staff will be affected

Offering 25-49.9% of a program at an off-campus location

6 months prior to planned implementation

3 months prior to planned implementation Letter of Notification

Offering 50%+ of a program at an off-campus location

12 months prior to planned implementation

January 1 for implementation between July 1 – Dec. 31; July 1 for implementation between Jan. 1 – June 30

Prospectus (20+ page document describing how institution will administer change)

*Not all new programs will qualify for substantive change.

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form


Instructions Complete this section if the actions identified within the proposal are any of the following;

Program only (no courses identified)

New course development for inclusion within specific program

Course modification/inactivation currently included within a specific program

If the actions identified within the proposal are for new course development and/or course modification/inactivation NOT included within a specific program, then skip this section and proceed to the course information section.

Program Section The Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) classifies each program according to discipline area/career cluster. The FLDOE compiles a curriculum framework from each program which identifies information such as program title, program hours, CIP code(s), SOC code(s), program standards and occupational completion points (for PSAV only).

NOTE: The information as requested below is assigned by the FLDOE according to the current edition of the academic year curriculum frameworks. Curriculum Services will assign the initial program of study (POS) code for all new programs. Existing programs must maintain their current POS code unless previously discussed with Curriculum Services.

Program Information Identify the program information that the actions identified within the proposal impact.

Program Title (Assigned by FLDOE) Computer Information Technology (60)

Program Hours (Assigned by FLDOE) 60 POS code 2153

Program Identifier

Identify the appropriate program identification numbers that the actions identified within the proposal impact.

NOTE: The information for State CIP Number is assigned by the FLDOE according to the current edition of the academic year curriculum frameworks. The information for Federal CIP Number is assigned by the Federal Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. The information for specific salary range(s) for a particular SOC number is assigned by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Occupational Employment and Wages. The information for SOCNAV military programs is determined by the Service Members Opportunity Colleges.

State CIP Number 1511010307 Federal CIP Number 110103

SOC Number

15-1151 – Computer User Support Specialist 15-1121 – Computer Systems Analysis

SOC NAV Number (Military & Veteran Use)


Program Information Identify the program information that the actions identified within the proposal impact.

Program Title (Assigned by FLDOE) Web Development Specialist

Program Hours (Assigned by FLDOE) 22 POS code 6954

Program Identifier Identify the appropriate program identification numbers that the actions identified within the proposal impact.

NOTE: The information for State CIP Number is assigned by the FLDOE according to the current edition of the academic year curriculum frameworks. The information for Federal CIP Number is assigned by the Federal Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. The information for specific salary range(s) for a particular SOC number is assigned by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Occupational Employment and Wages. The information for SOCNAV military programs is determined by the Service Members Opportunity Colleges.

State CIP Number 0511080103 Federal CIP Number 110801

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

SOC Number

15-1151 – Computer User Support Specialist 15-1121 – Computer Systems Analysis

SOC NAV Number (Military & Veteran Use) N/A

Program Information Identify the program information that the actions identified within the proposal impact.

Program Title (Assigned by FLDOE) Database Development Specialist

Program Hours (Assigned by FLDOE) 24 POS code 6955

Program Identifier Identify the appropriate program identification numbers that the actions identified within the proposal impact.

NOTE: The information for State CIP Number is assigned by the FLDOE according to the current edition of the academic year curriculum frameworks. The information for Federal CIP Number is assigned by the Federal Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. The information for specific salary range(s) for a particular SOC number is assigned by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Occupational Employment and Wages. The information for SOCNAV military programs is determined by the Service Members Opportunity Colleges.

State CIP Number 0511080103 Federal CIP Number 110801

SOC Number

15-1151 – Computer User Support Specialist 15-1121 – Computer Systems Analysis

SOC NAV Number (Military & Veteran Use) N/A

Program Information Identify the program information that the actions identified within the proposal impact.

Program Title (Assigned by FLDOE) Computer Programming Specialist

Program Hours (Assigned by FLDOE) 25 POS code 6956

Program Identifier Identify the appropriate program identification numbers that the actions identified within the proposal impact.

NOTE: The information for State CIP Number is assigned by the FLDOE according to the current edition of the academic year curriculum frameworks. The information for Federal CIP Number is assigned by the Federal Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. The information for specific salary range(s) for a particular SOC number is assigned by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Occupational Employment and Wages. The information for SOCNAV military programs is determined by the Service Members Opportunity Colleges.

State CIP Number 0511080103 Federal CIP Number 110801

SOC Number

15-1151 – Computer User Support Specialist 15-1121 – Computer Systems Analysis

SOC NAV Number (Military & Veteran Use) N/A

Program Information

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form Identify the program information that the actions identified within the proposal impact.

Program Title (Assigned by FLDOE) Information Technology Support Specialist

Program Hours (Assigned by FLDOE) 18 POS code 6280

Program Identifier Identify the appropriate program identification numbers that the actions identified within the proposal impact.

NOTE: The information for State CIP Number is assigned by the FLDOE according to the current edition of the academic year curriculum frameworks. The information for Federal CIP Number is assigned by the Federal Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. The information for specific salary range(s) for a particular SOC number is assigned by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Occupational Employment and Wages. The information for SOCNAV military programs is determined by the Service Members Opportunity Colleges.

State CIP Number 0511010311 Federal CIP Number 110103

SOC Number

15-1151 – Computer User Support Specialist 15-1121 – Computer Systems Analysis

SOC NAV Number (Military & Veteran Use) N/A

Program Information Identify the program information that the actions identified within the proposal impact.

Program Title (Assigned by FLDOE) Information Technology Analysis

Program Hours (Assigned by FLDOE) 27 POS code 6281

Program Identifier Identify the appropriate program identification numbers that the actions identified within the proposal impact.

NOTE: The information for State CIP Number is assigned by the FLDOE according to the current edition of the academic year curriculum frameworks. The information for Federal CIP Number is assigned by the Federal Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. The information for specific salary range(s) for a particular SOC number is assigned by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Occupational Employment and Wages. The information for SOCNAV military programs is determined by the Service Members Opportunity Colleges.

State CIP Number 1511020101 Federal CIP Number 110201

SOC Number

15-1151 – Computer User Support Specialist 15-1121 – Computer Systems Analysis

SOC NAV Number (Military & Veteran Use) N/A

Program Type

Identify the program of study/degree type that best aligns with the actions identified within the proposal. Place an “X” in the box next to the appropriate type(s).

Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Applied Science Bachelor of Nursing

Associate in Arts Associate in Science Associate in Applied Science

Technical Certificate Advanced Technical Certificate PSAV/Clock Hour/Workforce

Advanced Technical Diploma Other (If selected identify program type)

Program Assessment Scores

Identify TABE assessment scores (English, Reading and Mathematics) for all PSAV/Clock Hours/Workforce programs that best align with the actions identified within the proposal. Place an “X” in the box next to the appropriate item(s). For programs that require other assessment(s), use the space provided.

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form English




Program Access

Identify the type of program access that best align(s) with the actions identified within the proposal. Place an “X” in the box next to the appropriate selection(s).

NOTE: Program access should be clearly identified on the catalog program page.

Limited Access Programs that limit the admission of prospective students on the basis of capacity (i.e., the number of students whom the program can accommodate because of available seats).

Selective Access

Programs that admit prospective students who meet specific admissions criteria, including, without being limited to, grade point average (G.P.A.), entrance exams, scores, letters of application, letters of reference and/or professional background criteria (e.g., criminal background check, drug screening, medical examination, and/or professional licensure or certification).

Open Access Programs that do not limit the admission of prospective students due to available seats and/or the criteria for admission does not require specific additional standards.

Program Impact Identify any impact the actions identified within the proposal may have on other programs. Provide a brief summary statement?

Will additional programs of study be impacted by the actions identified within the proposal. Yes No

If YES, identify the specific program by title, POS code and degree type. Also, include information about the impacted programs and the plan for addressing any concerns.

Program Support

Identify the required document(s) are attached to the proposal and they support the actions identified within the proposal.

Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Yes No

If YES, identify the specific Advisory Committee meeting date.

MEETING DATE: If YES, provide a brief summary of the Advisory Committee vote.


April 20, 2017 vii. Oracle to SQL Server – Steven Mannion talked about changing the focus of our Database programs from Oracle to SQL Server to better serve our students. The vote was taken and unanimously approved for changing the direction of the program towards SQL Server.

Assessment Plan (required only for new or substantially modified programs) Yes No

If YES, identify the specific Assessment Plan effective date.

EFFECTIVE DATE: If YES, provide a brief summary of the Assessment Plan.


For Curriculum Services, internal use only: Program Completion (PSAV/Clock Hour/Workforce Programs Only)

Identify Occupational Completion Points (OCPs) for all PSAV/Clock Hour/Workforce programs that best align with the actions identified within the proposal. Provide a brief summary of each OCP.

NOTE: The information for OCPs is assigned by the FLDOE according to the current edition of the academic year curriculum frameworks.

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

Occupational Completion Points(s)


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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

ADDENDUM: Gainful Employment

From the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Federal Financial Aid:

Gainful employment is applicable ONLY to the following types of programs:

Career technical education training programs of at least one academic year in length and that lead to a clock hour/workforce certificate.

Credentialed, non-degree programs such as credit programs requiring 30 or fewer credit hours or clock hour programs requiring 600 or more contact hours.

The following educational programs offered by Domestic Public and Domestic Nonprofit Institutions are Gainful Employment programs:

Non-degree programs, including all certificate programs. Certificate programs include undergraduate certificate programs, post-baccalaureate certificate programs, graduate certificate programs, and postgraduate certificate programs. Note that awarding students one or more certificates as part of a degree program does not create GE programs based upon the awarding of the certificate(s).

Teacher certification programs, including both programs that result in a certificate awarded by the institution and those where the institution itself does not provide a certificate but which consist of a collection of course work necessary for the student to receive a State professional teaching credential or certification.

Approved "Comprehensive Transition Programs" for students with intellectual disabilities.

The following educational programs offered by Domestic Public and Domestic Nonprofit Institutions are not Gainful Employment programs:

Programs that lead to a degree, including associate's degrees, bachelor's degrees, graduate degrees, and professional degrees

Programs that are at least two years in length that are fully transferable to a bachelor's degree program

Preparatory courses of study that provide course work necessary for enrollment in an eligible program

COMPLETED BY CURRICULUM SERVICES: Gainful Employment Eligibility

Identify any program that is eligible for Gainful Employment based on the actions identified within the proposal.

Are programs within the proposal eligible for Gainful Employment status? Yes No

If YES, identify the specific program of study code, the program name and the program length.

Computer Information Technology (60) (2153) (A.S.); Web Development Specialist (6954) (T.C.) , Database Development Specialist (6955) (T.C.) , Computer Programming Specialist (6956) (T.C.) Information Technology Support Specialist

(6280) (T.C.) and Information Technology Analysis (6281) (T.C.)

ADDENDUM: Gainful Employment


Financial Aid Office for Gainful Employment

Name(s) Danielle Revills

Provisions Acknowledged


Signature Date

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

ADDENDUM: Financial Aid

In order to be eligible for funding under the Title IV programs, an educational program must lead to a degree (associate, bachelor's, graduate, or professional) or prepare students for "gainful employment in a recognized occupation." The following includes the types of programs eligible to apply for Federal Financial Aid approval:

The program leads to an associate’s, bachelor’s, professional, or graduate degree.

The program is at least 60 credit hours (minimum 2 academic years) in duration and is acceptable as credit toward a bachelor’s degree.

The program is at least 600 clock hours or 24 credit hours (minimum of 1 academic year) in duration and leads to a certificate, degree, or other recognized credential which prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.

For institutions that are fully approved by the U.S. Department of Education for Federal Financial Aid funding eligibility, approval is

only required for new vocational programs that are greater than 24 credit hours in length or greater than 600 clock hours in length. In this scenario, Financial Aid is awarded to students in programs such as the Associate in Arts, Associate in Science or a Baccalaureate degree in conjunction with the notice to the U.S. Department of Education, Federal Financial Aid office. For institutions that are provisionally approved by the by the U.S. Department of Education for Federal Financial Aid funding eligibility,

approval is required for ALL new and modified programs regardless of credit hours in length or clock hours in length. Financial Aid will not be awarded to ANY student until the U.S. Department of Education Federal Financial Aid office approves funding. Please exercise caution when selecting an implementation term for new and/or modified programs as the approval process can take 12-18 months.


Financial Aid Eligibility

Identify any program that is eligible for Federal Financial Aid based on the actions identified within the proposal.

Are programs within the proposal eligible for Federal Financial Aid status? Yes No

If YES, identify the specific program of study code, the program name and the program length.

Computer Information Technology (2153) (A.S.) and Information Technology Analysis (6281) (T.C.)


Financial Aid Office

Name(s) Angie Nickels or Danielle Revills

Provisions Acknowledged


Signature Date

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form Program Catalog Page (Exhibit “A”)

Each program is required to attach a copy of the College Catalog program page as “Exhibit A.” Programs must demonstrate requested changes based on the actions identified within the proposal using red font or yellow highlight to add information and the strike-through feature to remove information. All programs must follow the College’s standard program page template. For assistance with the College Catalog program page format, please contact Curriculum Services at [email protected]. The current College Catalog can be accessed online as a point of reference.

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

Computer Information Technology (60) (2153) (A.S.)

Associate in Science

Computer developers are the people who change our lives as much as the fellow who invented the wheel. Without developers,

computers are useless. Applications developers design, write, test, and debug software programs. Systems developers oversee

and integrate the work of applications developers and serve as technical advisors to systems analysts, application programmers,

and operations personnel.

Five technical certificates available within this degree program: Web Development Specialist (6954) (T.C.) , Database

Development Specialist (6955) (T.C.) , Computer Programming Specialist (6956) (T.C.) Information Technology Support

Specialist (6280) (T.C.) and Information Technology Analysis (6281) (T.C.) . Students may pursue the A.S. degree and earn

technical certificates while completing the requirements for the degree, or pursue one or more certificates to develop or upgrade

their skills in a particular field. Contact an advisor or counselor to determine the career education path that is best for you.

Please note that by being enrolled in Computer Information Technology (2153) (A.S.) you may automatically meet the

requirements for one of the aforementioned technical certificates. If you meet the requirements for a technical certificate, as a

result of being enrolled in Computer Information Technology (2153) (A.S.) , you may automatically be awarded the technical

certificate(s) upon meeting their requirements as well. If you choose to opt out of this automatic awarding of a technical

certificate, please contact an advisor to do so.

The Program

The Computer Information Technology program prepares you for a respected career as a developer, programmer, programmer-

analyst, database developer, or web developer. You'll study program and systems design, computer communications, database

development, web development, customer support, and software development in specific languages. Our relationship with

Microsoft's Developer Network Academic Alliance allows you to download a free, licensed copy of the Microsoft server and

developer applications, operating systems and integrated development environments for programming languages taught in your

classes. A 50-hour internship is included in the program to provide valuable work experience.

The Computer Information Technology degree program allows you to focus in one of three career tracks:

Software Development Track: The Software Development Track allows for specialization in software development

using modern languages. Students may select 6 credits from C language, C++, C#, Java, J2EE, or Visual Basic.NET,

ASP.NET, CAPM, Special Topics or Introduction to IT.

Web Track: The Web Track allows for specialization in web development using modern web technologies. Students

may select 6 credits from web design, web management, Special Topics or Introduction to IT.

Database Track: The Database Track allows for specialization in database development using modern database

technologies. Students may select 6 credits from Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, database administration, M.S. Access

database, Special Topics or Introduction to IT.


The mission of the Information Technology Associate in Science degree is to prepare students to enter or advance in the field of

information technology by combining traditional college education with hands-on training and internship. The curriculum

integrates technical skills, general education knowledge and breadth of knowledge in the information technology field that

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form prepares students for a respected entry-level through advanced career as a developer, software engineer, programmer-analyst,

customer support specialist, database developer, or web developer.

Need More Information? Contact: Mamdouh Babi, Dean of Career Education, (904) 646-2300 or [email protected]

More Information Online:

Recommended Roadmap for this Program


General Education

Credit Hours: 15

Mathematics Credit Hours: 3

Refer to General Education Requirements .

Humanities Credit Hours: 3

Refer to General Education Requirements .

Social Science Credit Hours: 3

Refer to General Education Requirements .

ENC 1101 - English Composition I Credit Hours: 3

or ENC 1101C - English Composition I Enhanced Credit Hours: 4

ENC 1102 - Writing About Texts Credit Hours: 3

Professional Courses

Credit Hours: 39

A minimum grade of "C" or better is required in all Professional Core courses.

CTS 1131 - Hardware Configuration Credit Hours: 3

CTS 1133 - Software Configuration Credit Hours: 3

CTS 1154 - Technical Support Credit Hours: 3

CTS 1120 - Fundamentals of Information Security Credit Hours: 3

CGS 1100 - Microcomputer Applications for Business and Economics Credit Hours: 3

CIS 1942 - Internship Credit Hours: 2

CIS 2321 - Information Systems Credit Hours: 3

MAN 2582 - Introduction to Project Management Credit Hours: 3

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form CNT 2001C - Computer Networks and Telecommunications Credit Hours: 3

or CET 2600 - Network Fundamentals (Cisco 1) Credit Hours: 3

COP 1000 - Introduction to Computer Programming Credit Hours: 3

COP 2551C - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java Credit Hours: 3

or COP 2842 - Internet Programming Credit Hours: 4

COP 2822 - Web Technologies Credit Hours: 4

CTS 2437 - Introduction to SQL Server Database Credit Hours: 3

or CTS 2440 - Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Credit Hours: 4 <- Move from Electives

Professional Electives

Minimum Credit Hours: 6

A minimum grade of "C" or better is required in all Professional Elective courses. Select from one of the following tracks.

Software Development Track

CGS 1060 - Introduction to Information Technology Credit Hours: 3

COP 2220 - C Programming Credit Hours: 3

COP 2034C – Programming in Python Credit Hours: 3

COP 2334 - Object-Oriented Programming with C++ Credit Hours: 3

COP 2360 - Introduction to C# Credit Hours: 3

COP 2805C - Advanced Java Programming Credit Hours: 3

COP 2806 - J2EE Java Development I Credit Hours: 3

COP 2837 - Introduction to Programming with Visual Basic.NET Credit Hours: 3

COP 2823 - ASP.NET Programming Credit Hours: 3

CEN 2071C Introduction to Software Testing

CTS 2149 - CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) Exam Prep Course Credit Hours: 3

CIS 2930 - Special Topics Credit Hours: 3

Web Track

CGS 1060 - Introduction to Information Technology Credit Hours: 3

CGS 2555 - Introduction to the Internet Credit Hours: 4

CGS 2820 - Web Site Design and Development Credit Hours: 4

CGS 2821 - Advanced Web Site Design and Development Credit Hours: 4

CGS 2825 - Web Site Management Credit Hours: 3

CIS 2930 - Special Topics Credit Hours: 3

Database Track

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form CGS 1060 - Introduction to Information Technology Credit Hours: 3

CGS 2542 - Database Concepts for Microcomputers Credit Hours: 3

CTS 2440 - Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Credit Hours: 4 <- Move to Professional Core as “Or” Option to CTS 2437

CTS 2441 - Oracle Database Administration Credit Hours: 4

or CTS 2436C – SQL Server Administration III Credit Hours: 4 <- Add New Course as “or” option

CTS 2445 - Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming Credit Hours: 3

or CTS 2438C – SQL Server Programming II - Credit Hours: 3 <- Add New Course as “or” option

CIS 2930 - Special Topics Credit Hours: 3

Total Credit Hours: 60

Web Development Specialist (6954) (T.C.)

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

Technical Certificate

The explosive growth of the Internet and electronic commerce affects almost every company and organization today. Most

medium to large size corporations and organizations, and many small businesses, now develop web sites for electronic

commerce, to develop marketing relationships, distribute company information to employees and their customers, and to access

vital information in databases. The Web Development Specialist Technical Certificate provides the necessary coursework and

hands-on experiences to enable graduates to design, develop, maintain, manage and administer comprehensive web sites for

corporations and organizations. The program also provides a foundation for various certification examinations in

Webmaster/Web Development.

This program does not provide a Florida state technical certificate but does provide a Florida State College at

Jacksonville certificate.

Need More Information? Contact:

Tameiko Grant Mamdouh Babi,, Dean of Career Education, (904) 646-2300 or [email protected]


Professional Courses

Credit Hours: 22

A minimum grade of "C" or better is required in all Professional Core courses.

CGS 2820 - Web Site Design and Development Credit Hours: 4

CGS 2821 - Advanced Web Site Design and Development Credit Hours: 4

COP 1000 - Introduction to Computer Programming Credit Hours: 3

CTS 2437 - Introduction to SQL Server Database Credit Hours: 3

or CTS 2440 - Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Credit Hours: 4

COP 2822 - Web Technologies Credit Hours: 4

COP 2551C - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java Credit Hours: 3

or COP 2842 - Internet Programming Credit Hours: 4

Total Credit Hours: 22 / Program Length: 9 Months

Database Development Specialist (6955)


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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

Technical Certificate

Database operations are an important part of computer operations in almost every company and organization today. Electronic

commerce depends upon the storage and processing of transactions in databases. Many E-commerce sites have databases

attached to web pages. The Database Development Specialist Technical Certificate gives students experience in popular

databases including Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. Florida State College at Jacksonville is an Oracle Academic Initiative

(OAI) Partner with Oracle Corporation. Together we have developed a program that puts you on the fast track for a database

career. This technical certificate prepares students for job entry in fields such as database applications development and

database administration. Students learn skills necessary for design, development, maintenance, management, and administration

of comprehensive relational databases for corporations and organizations. Graduates may seek positions as database developers,

database programmers, database administrators, and database consultants. The Oracle courses in the database degree also

provide a foundation for persons preparing for the Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) exams.

This program does not provide a Florida state technical certificate but does provide a Florida State College at

Jacksonville certificate.

Need More Information? Contact:

Tameiko Grant Mamdouh Babi, Dean of Career Education, (904) 646-2300 or [email protected]


Professional Courses

Credit Hours: 24 A minimum grade of "C" or better is required in all Professional Core courses.

CIS 2321 - Information Systems Credit Hours: 3

COP 1000 - Introduction to Computer Programming Credit Hours: 3

COP 2551C - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java Credit Hours: 3

or COP 2842 - Internet Programming Credit Hours: 4

COP 2822 - Web Technologies Credit Hours: 4

CTS 2437 - Introduction to SQL Server Database Credit Hours: 3 <- Add as “or” option

or CTS 2440 - Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Credit Hours: 4

CTS 2441 - Oracle Database Administration Credit Hours: 4

or CTS 2436C – SQL Server Administration III Credit Hours: 4 <- Add as “or” option

CTS 2445 - Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Programming Credit Hours: 3

or CTS 2438C – SQL Server Programming II - Credit Hours: 3 <- Add as “or” option

Total Credit Hours: 24 / Program Length: 10 Months

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

Computer Programming Specialist (6956)


Technical Certificate

For individuals who enjoy analyzing and solving problems and programming computers, the future is bright. With a shortage of

good programmers in the United States, there should be plenty of job opportunities for programming graduates. The Computer

Programming Specialist Technical Certificate is designed for developers who wish to specialize in software development

technologies and languages. In this technical certificate, students can learn popular computer languages for microcomputer

programming including Visual Basic.NET, C language, C# language, or JAVA. Students will learn the fundamentals of

program design and systems design, data structures, data communications, customer support operations, and advanced

programming in specific languages.

This program does not provide a Florida state technical certificate but does provide a Florida State College at

Jacksonville certificate.

Need More Information? Contact:

Tameiko Grant Mamdouh Babi,, Dean of Career Education, (904) 646-2300 or [email protected]


Professional Courses

Credit Hours: 16

A minimum grade of "C" or better is required in all Professional Core courses.

CIS 2321 - Information Systems Credit Hours: 3

MAN 2582 - Introduction to Project Management Credit Hours: 3

COP 1000 - Introduction to Computer Programming Credit Hours: 3

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form COP 2822 - Web Technologies Credit Hours: 4

CTS 2437 - Introduction to SQL Server Database Credit Hours: 3 <- Add as “or” option

or CTS 2440 - Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Credit Hours: 4

Professional Electives

Minimum Credit Hours: 9

A minimum grade of "C" or better is required in all Professional Core courses. Select from one of the following tracks.

C Languages Track

COP 2220 - C Programming Credit Hours: 3

COP 2334 - Object-Oriented Programming with C++ Credit Hours: 3

COP 2360 - Introduction to C# Credit Hours: 3

COP 2823 - ASP.NET Programming Credit Hours: 3

Java Track

COP 2551C - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java Credit Hours: 3

or COP 2842 - Internet Programming Credit Hours: 4

COP 2805C - Advanced Java Programming Credit Hours: 3

COP 2806 - J2EE Java Development I Credit Hours: 3

Visual Basic.NET Track

COP 2837 - Introduction to Programming with Visual Basic.NET Credit Hours: 3

COP 2823 - ASP.NET Programming Credit Hours: 3

COP 2551C - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java Credit Hours: 3

or COP 2842 - Internet Programming Credit Hours: 4

Total Credit Hours: 25 / Program Length: 10 Months

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

Information Technology Support

Specialist (6280) (T.C.)

Technical Certificate

Customer support operations are an important part of computer operations in almost every company and organization today.

Information Technology Support Specialists provide technical support and business tool usage advice and guidance to other

employees, vendors and business customers for computers, computer systems, software systems and peripheral equipment.

These individuals troubleshoot and solve routine technical service and equipment problems by analyzing, identifying and

diagnosing errors using established process and procedures. They document events using database systems and track resolution

of problems. The Information Technology Support Specialist technical certificate gives students experience in computer

hardware, software, technical support, problem solving, and customer service skills. This program puts you on the fast track for

careers in customer support, help desk support, and operations and technical support.

Need More Information? Contact:

Tameiko Grant Mamdouh Babi,, Dean of Career Education, (904) 646-2300 or [email protected]


Professional Courses

Credit Hours: 18

A minimum grade of "C" or better is required in all Professional Core courses.

CTS 1131 - Hardware Configuration Credit Hours: 3

CTS 1133 - Software Configuration Credit Hours: 3

CGS 1060 - Introduction to Information Technology Credit Hours: 3

CGS 1100 - Microcomputer Applications for Business and Economics Credit Hours: 3

CTS 2155 - Customer Support Operations Credit Hours: 3 This course is not part of the A.S. degree, remove or CTS 1154 - Technical Support Credit Hours: 3

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form CNT 2001C - Computer Networks and Telecommunications Credit Hours: 3

or CET 2600 - Network Fundamentals (Cisco 1) Credit Hours: 3

Total Credit Hours: 18 / Program Length: 8 Months

Information Technology Analysis (6281)


Technical Certificate

The Information Technology Analysis (also referred to as system analysis) program professional is usually referred to as a

business, system, or software analyst and is responsible for supporting existing systems and analyzing, making

recommendations and implementing technology-based information solutions. Specific responsibilities often include knowledge

of development methodologies, project planning, analysis, and management of new or upgraded information technology

projects, including definition and evaluation of alternatives. This position requires a strong client focus, a process orientation,

and knowledge of IT support concepts.

Need More Information? Contact:

Tameiko Grant Mamdouh Babi,, Dean of Career Education, (904) 646-2300 or [email protected]


Professional Courses

Credit Hours: 27

A minimum grade of "C" or better is required in all Professional Core courses.

CTS 1131 - Hardware Configuration Credit Hours: 3

CTS 1133 - Software Configuration Credit Hours: 3

CGS 1060 - Introduction to Information Technology Credit Hours: 3

CGS 1100 - Microcomputer Applications for Business and Economics Credit Hours: 3

CTS 2155 - Customer Support Operations Credit Hours: 3 This course is not part of the A.S. program, remove

or CTS 1154 - Technical Support Credit Hours: 3

CNT 2001C - Computer Networks and Telecommunications Credit Hours: 3

or CET 2600 - Network Fundamentals (Cisco 1) Credit Hours: 3

COP 1000 - Introduction to Computer Programming Credit Hours: 3

CIS 2321 - Information Systems Credit Hours: 3

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form MAN 2582 - Introduction to Project Management Credit Hours: 3

Total Credit Hours: 27 / Program Length: 11 Months


Instructions Complete this section if the actions identified within the proposal are any of the following;

New course development not included within a specific program

Course modification and/or inactivation not included within a specific program

New course development for inclusion within specific program

Course modification/inactivation currently included within a specific program

If the actions identified within the proposal are for new course development and/or course modification/inactivation included within a specific program, then complete the PROGRAM section also.

Course Section

The Florida Department of Education FLDOE compiles a curriculum framework for each program which includes curriculum benchmark standards required for the course(s) identified within a program. Not all course(s) are included within a program as some may be identified as electives. The Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS) will assist with course prefix and course number assignment. For assistance with the SCNS, contact Curriculum Services at [email protected].

Course Information

Identify the course(s) which are affected by the actions identified within the proposal. Include course prefix/number and course title. Place an “X” in the box that best describes the required action: new, modify, or inactivate. Include the implementation term for each course.

NOTE: Carefully consider any impact a new/modified/inactivated course may have on current and/or future term students. If additional rows are needed in the table, then click on the left of the last row, highlight the row and select “control > insert new row below.”

Prefix/Number Title New Modify Inactivate Implementation Term

CTS 2438C SQL Server II - Programming Spring Term 2018 (2182)

CTS 2436C *originally submitted as 2439C, changed per SCNS

SQL Server III - Administration Spring Term 2018 (2182)

Course Eligibility

Identify any eligibility requirement(s) that may be associated with a course action identified within the proposal.

Gordon Rule of Writing Requirement Yes No

If YES, identify the specific course prefix/number and course title, and address any concerns.

Earn Credit More than Once Yes No

If YES, identify the specific course prefix/number and course title, and address any concerns.

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

Course Impact

Identify any impact the course actions identified within the proposal may have on other courses. Provide a brief summary statement.

Will additional courses be impacted by the actions identified within the proposal? Yes No

If YES, identify the specific course prefix/number and course title, and address any concerns.

Course Outline (Exhibit “B”) Each course is required to attach a copy of the current College course outline as “Exhibit B.” Each course must demonstrate requested changes based on the actions identified within the proposal using red font or yellow highlight to add information and the strike-through feature to remove information. All courses must follow the College’s standard course outline template. For assistance with the College course outline format, please contact Curriculum Services at at [email protected] The current course outline(s) are available online as a point of reference.

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form




Lecture/Discussion: 3 Laboratory: 1 Other _________________:

FACULTY WORKLOAD POINTS: 3.7 STANDARDIZED CLASS SIZE ALLOCATION: 27 CATALOG COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed for individuals who need a detailed introduction to programming with SQL Servers TSQL language. A series of database application projects using MS SQL Server software is designed to build familiarity with database programming including scripts, stored procedures, functions, and database triggers. Prior coursework or experience with relational databases, SQL and SQL Server is required. The content of this course will assist individuals seeking careers in database development. SOFTWARE REQUIRED FOR TEACHING THIS COURSE: M.S. SQL Server Database SUGGESTED TEXT(S): Murach’s SQL Server 2016 for Developers (2016) (Latest

Edition). Bryon Syverson, Joel Murach, Mike Murach and Associates

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form IMPLEMENTATION DATE: Spring Term, 2018 (2182) – Proposal 2017-XX REVIEW OR MODIFICATION DATE: COURSE TOPICS CONTACT HOURS PER TOPIC__ I. SQL Server Management Studio 3 II. Coding Scripts 6 III. Coding Stored Procedures 6 IV. Coding User Defined Functions 6 V. Coding Database Triggers 6 VI. Working with Cursors 6 VII. Managing Transactions and Locking 6 VIII. Working with XML 6 IX. Working with BLOBS 6 X. Laboratory Projects 9 (9 hours of SQL Server Database Projects will be accomplished throughout the course. Projects will involve database programming).

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form PROGRAM TITLE: Computer Information Technology (60) COURSE TITLE: SQL Server II - Programming CIP NUMBER: 1511010307 Program Frameworks can be found at the following website: http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/dwdframe/

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form Florida State College at Jacksonville Course Learning Outcomes and Assessment


Course Prefix and Number: CTS 2438C Semester Credit Hours (Credit): 3

Contact Hours (Workforce):

Course Title: SQL Server II - Programming

SECTION 2a (To be completed for General Education courses only.)

TYPE OF COURSE (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.)

General Education Core (If selected, core discipline area will be identified in Section 4.)

General Education (If selected, you must also complete Section 4, Section 5, and Section 8)


TYPE OF COURSE (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.)

A.A. Elective A.S. Required Course X A.S. Professional Elective

A.A.S. Required Course A.A.S. Professional Elective X Technical Certificate

PSAV/Clock Hour/Workforce Development Education Apprenticeship

Upper Division/Bachelors Other: If selected, use this space to title “other” option.


INTELLECTUAL COMPETENCIES (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.)

Reading Speaking X Critical Analysis Qualitative Skills Scientific Method of Inquiry

Writing Listening Information Literacy

Ethical Judgement Working Collaboratively

SECTION 4 (To be completed for General Education courses only.)

GENERAL EDUCATION DISCIPLINE AREA (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.)

Communications Humanities Mathematics

Social and Behavioral Sciences Natural Sciences

SECTION 5 (To be completed for General Education courses only.)

GENERAL EDUCATION LEARNING OUTCOME AREA (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.)

Communication Critical Thinking Information Literacy

Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning Global Sociocultural Responsibility


LEARNING OUTCOMES TYPE OF OUTCOME (General Education, Course or Program)


Navigate SQL Server Management Studio Course Project Assignments

Create Scripts Course Exams, Project Assignments

Create Stored Procedures Course Exams, Project Assignments

Create User Defined Functions Course Exams, Project Assignments

SECTION 6 (Continued)

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

LEARNING OUTCOMES TYPE OF OUTCOME (General Education, Course or Program)


Create Database Triggers Course Exams, Project Assignments

Utilize Cursors in code Course Exams, Project Assignments

Code Transactions and manage locking Course Exams, Project Assignments

Process XML data in SQL Server Course Exams, Project Assignments

Process BLOB data in SQL Server Course Exams, Project Assignments


Faculty name(s): Steve Mannion Date: 5/13/17


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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form




Lecture/Discussion: 3 Laboratory: 1 Other _________________:

FACULTY WORKLOAD POINTS: 4.0 STANDARDIZED CLASS SIZE ALLOCATION: 27 CATALOG COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to familiarize individuals with SQL Server database administration. A series of database projects using SQL Server software is designed to build familiarity with using SQL Server administration tools, managing objects, maintaining data integrity, and managing users. The objectives of this course are to increase understanding of installing and configuring SQL Server database software to extend knowledge beyond SQL Server development tools, and to build a working knowledge and hands-on familiarity with modern database administration procedures. SOFTWARE REQUIRED FOR TEACHING THIS COURSE: M.S. SQL Server Database SUGGESTED TEXT(S): Learn SQL Server Administration in a Month of Lunches:

Covers Microsoft SQL Server 2005-2014 1st Latest Edition IMPLEMENTATION DATE: Spring Term, 2018 (2182) – Proposal 2017-XX REVIEW OR MODIFICATION DATE:

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form COURSE TOPICS CONTACT HOURS PER TOPIC__ I. SQL Server Installation 3 II. Coding Scripts 6 III. Managing Databases 3 IV. Backup and Recovery 6 V. Security Management 6 VI. Index Management 6 VII. Reading Execution Plans 6 VIII. Automation with SQL Server Agent 3 IX. Utilizing PowerShell 3 X. Monitoring and Analyzing Performance 6 XI. Laboratory Projects 12 (12 hours of SQL Server database projects will be accomplished throughout the course. Projects will involve database administration).

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form PROGRAM TITLE: Computer Information Technology (60) COURSE TITLE: SQL Server III – Administration CIP NUMBER: 1511010307 Program Frameworks can be found at the following website: http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/dwdframe/

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form Florida State College at Jacksonville Course Learning Outcomes and Assessment


Course Prefix and Number: CTS Semester Credit Hours (Credit): 4

Contact Hours (Workforce):

Course Title: SQL Server III - Administration

SECTION 2a (To be completed for General Education courses only.)

TYPE OF COURSE (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.)

General Education Core (If selected, core discipline area will be identified in Section 4.)

General Education (If selected, you must also complete Section 4, Section 5, and Section 8)


TYPE OF COURSE (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.)

A.A. Elective A.S. Required Course X A.S. Professional Elective

A.A.S. Required Course A.A.S. Professional Elective X Technical Certificate

PSAV/Clock Hour/Workforce Development Education Apprenticeship

Upper Division/Bachelors Other: If selected, use this space to title “other” option.


INTELLECTUAL COMPETENCIES (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.)

Reading Speaking Critical Analysis Qualitative Skills Scientific Method of Inquiry

Writing Listening Information Literacy

Ethical Judgement Working Collaboratively

SECTION 4 (To be completed for General Education courses only.)

GENERAL EDUCATION DISCIPLINE AREA (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.)

Communications Humanities Mathematics

Social and Behavioral Sciences Natural Sciences

SECTION 5 (To be completed for General Education courses only.)

GENERAL EDUCATION LEARNING OUTCOME AREA (Place an “X” in the box next to those that are applicable.)

Communication Critical Thinking Information Literacy

Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning Global Sociocultural Responsibility


LEARNING OUTCOMES TYPE OF OUTCOME (General Education, Course or Program)


Install SQL Server Course Project Assignments

Create Scripts Course Exams, Project Assignments

Manage Databases Course Exams, Project Assignments

Execute Backup and Recovery Course Exams, Project Assignments

SECTION 6 (Continued)

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

LEARNING OUTCOMES TYPE OF OUTCOME (General Education, Course or Program)


Manage Security Course Exams, Project Assignments

Manage Indexes Course Exams, Project Assignments

Understand Execution Plans Course Exams, Project Assignments

Utilize SQL Server Agent Course Exams, Project Assignments

Utilize PowerShell Course Exams, Project Assignments

Monitor and Analyze Performance Course Exams, Project Assignments


Faculty name(s): Steve Mannion Date: 5/26/17


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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form .

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form

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Curriculum Proposal Submission Form