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Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4

Audience and Scope ............................................................................................................................................................ 4

Types of Information in this Document .............................................................................................................................. 4

Interface Components ........................................................................................................................................................ 5

1. Look Up & Search Functionality: Finding What You’re Looking For ................................................................................... 8

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8

How to Use Look Up and Search Functionality to Find a Course ........................................................................................ 8

Return to Search Functionality ......................................................................................................................................... 11

New Window Functionality ............................................................................................................................................... 12

2. Schedule a New Course: Build the Class Section’s Container ........................................................................................... 13

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13

How to Build a Course Container ...................................................................................................................................... 13

How to Include a Course Topic ID ................................................................................................................................. 15

How to Add Service Learning Attributes ....................................................................................................................... 16

3. Maintain Schedule of Classes: Schedule Class Meetings .................................................................................................. 18

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18

How to Schedule Class Meetings ...................................................................................................................................... 18

4. Maintain Schedule of Classes: Scheduling Multiple Meeting Patterns ............................................................................. 21

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21

How to Schedule a Class with Two Meeting Times .......................................................................................................... 21

Assigning Instructor Roles ............................................................................................................................................. 22

How to Schedule a Class that Meets at One Day& Time for Part of the Semester and Another Day & Time for Another

Part of the Semester ......................................................................................................................................................... 24

How to Schedule a Class with One Lecture Time and Two or More Lab Times ................................................................ 25

5. Combined Sections Table: Scheduling Combined Class Sections ...................................................................................... 29

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29

Types of Combined Class Sections .................................................................................................................................... 29

The Permanent Combination and Skip Mtg Pattern & Instr Edit Check Boxes ............................................................. 30

Overview: Type 1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 30

Overview: Type 2 .......................................................................................................................................................... 31

Populating the Combined Sections Table ......................................................................................................................... 31

How to Schedule Type 1 and Type 2 Combined Sections ................................................................................................. 32

6. Update Sections of a Class: Creating Multiple Component Classes .................................................................................. 38

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 38

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Multiple Component Classes ........................................................................................................................................ 39

Assoc (Associated Class) ................................................................................................................................................ 39

Grouping Types ..................................................................................................................................................... 40

How to Create Multiple Component Classes .................................................................................................................... 41

A. Creating a One-to-One (No Options) Multiple Component Class ................................................................. 42

B. Creating a One-to-Limited Options Multiple Component Class ................................................................... 43

C. Creating a Limited Options-to-One Multiple Component Class ................................................................... 44

D. Creating a One-to-Many Options Multiple Component Class ...................................................................... 45

7. Maintain Schedule of Classes: Establish Enrollment Controls .......................................................................................... 47

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 47

How to Establish Enrollment Controls .............................................................................................................................. 47

8. Setting General and Student Specific Permissions ........................................................................................................... 50

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 50

Setting Up General Student Permissions .......................................................................................................................... 50

Setting Up Specific Student Permissions .......................................................................................................................... 53

9. Maintain Schedule of Classes: Reserve Cap ...................................................................................................................... 56

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 56

How to Create Reserve Caps ............................................................................................................................................. 56

10. Reserve Caps: Beyond Basics .......................................................................................................................................... 60

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 60

Scenario 1: One Sequence/One Requirement Group/Two Start Dates ........................................................................ 60

Scenario 2: Two Sequences/Two Requirement Groups/One Start Date ...................................................................... 62

11. Maintain Schedule of Classes: Notes .............................................................................................................................. 64

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 64

How to Use Notes Functionality ....................................................................................................................................... 64

12. Maintain Schedule of Classes: Distance Learning ........................................................................................................... 66

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 66

Distance Learning: Specifics .............................................................................................................................................. 66

Campuses ...................................................................................................................................................................... 66

Locations ....................................................................................................................................................................... 66

Physical location ........................................................................................................................................................... 66

Funding and Course Type ............................................................................................................................................. 67

Delivery Mode ............................................................................................................................................................... 67

requirement group ....................................................................................................................................................... 68

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13. Ad Astra—Assigning Rooms to Class Meeting Times ...................................................................................................... 69

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 69

How to Use Ad Astra to Add a Classroom to a Meeting Time .......................................................................................... 69

Appendix A: Help! How to Log a Ticket ................................................................................................................................. 75

FSU Service Center ............................................................................................................................................................ 75

Online Help ....................................................................................................................................................................... 76

Appendix B: Enrollment Requirement Groups – Reserve Capacity Rubric ............................................................................ 77

Appendix C: Instructor Roles ................................................................................................................................................. 78

Appendix D: Funding- and Course- Type Crosswalk Tables .................................................................................................. 79

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Audience and Scope This User Guide provides step-by-step instructions to assist you in performing curriculum management tasks. It is intended for personnel whose job duties include building departmental class schedules and assigning meeting spaces to those classes.

Types of Information in this Document Several types of information are called out within the document:

NOTES typically comprise information that elaborates on a numbered step.

REMINDERS typically cue you to recall previously presented information in a slightly new context.

IMPORTANT! notes feature information to help you make connections between the way things were done in the legacy system but have changed, or they may be notes highlighting new concepts or procedures.

CAUTION! notes generally apply to errors that could cause the system to return unanticipated results.

WARNING! notes generally apply to any error that could cause loss data or propagation of an error over multiple tasks.

BEST PRACTICE notes generally provide information on the best order in which to perform tasks. Additionally, this type of note may differentiate between how you did something in the legacy system versus the best way to do it in the new system.

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Interface Components This User Guide refers to various parts of Student Central’s Curriculum Management interface in a predictable manner. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the terminology explained in the illustrations below.

Figure 1. Wire frame boxes create “containers.” Curriculum Management’s interface is divided into nested containers by wireframe boxes. In the image shown in Figure 1, there are four containers. The Class Sections container is the top-most container. Nested in it is the Reserve Capacity container. In the Reserve Capacity container there are two Reserve Capacity Requirement Group containers. In this User Guide, single containers are sometimes referred to as areas.

Figure 2. This magnifying glass symbol represents the Look Up button. Any time you click a Look Up button, it calls up data from the associated table. For example, clicking the Campus Look Up button results in the various campuses appearing in the Look Up Campus search results pop-up box.

Figure 3. An example of drop down menus is shown above.

Click a menu’s down arrow to see menu options.

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Figure 4. An example of tabs is shown above.

Clicking a tab opens that tab’s window.

Figure 5a. The Plus (+) button.

Figure 5b. The result of clicking the Plus (+) button: the creation of another reserve capacity sequence.

Clicking the Plus (+) button always opens a new instance of the area you’re working in. For example, on the Reserve Cap tab, to create two reserve capacity sequences, click the Plus (+) button beneath the Reserve Capacity title bar (Figure 5a). (To see both sequences as they appear in Figure 5b, click the View All link.)

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Figure 6. The arrows point to the separator bar that the system inserts between groups of containers.

In some instances clicking the Plus (+) button results in a separator bar appearing to divide one group of nested containers from another. For example, in Figure 6, MAN 3600 has several class sections built. Clicking View All results in class sections appearing in sequential order.

BEST PRACTICE: When you select View All, the system displays all class sections by tab. For example, if you’re on the Basic Data tab and you click View All, the system displays all class sections in Basic Data tab view. If you click the Meetings tab while in view all mode, the system displays every class in the Meetings tab view, and so on. If you make changes to a section or sections while in View All mode, you can save the changes. However, if many sections are open in the expanded view, it’s easy to become confused between them. If you View All to find a certain section, click the View 1 link to collapse the view, and then scroll to the specific section you want to adjust. (The View All link turns to the View 1 link when you expand the view.)

Figure 7. The View All and View 1 links.

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1. Look Up & Search Functionality: Finding What You’re Looking For

Introduction As a scheduler, it’s essential to make the important distinction between Look Up functionality (always represented by the “magnifying glass” button) and Search functionality (always represented by a button labeled Search). If you master a few basic search practices, you’ll quickly find what you’re looking for.

Figure 1. The Look Up button.

Figure 2. The Search button.

Directory Navigation Search for a course by going to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>> Schedule of Classes>>Schedule New Course.

How to Use Look Up and Search Functionality to Find a Course

Figure 3. The Schedule New Course Look Up fields and Search button.

Using the Search feature allows the system to return a value or data set constrained by designated Look Up criteria.

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Reference Figure 3 above. This search returns values constrained by the Academic Institution and Term fields. That is, the system returns all of the courses eligible for instruction at FSU during Fall term of 2013 because the search was not refined by additional field values.

NOTE: To reiterate, in the Search Criteria area (Figure 3), use the Look Up feature to provide values for specific fields. Any time you click a Look Up button, you’re calling up only one table at a time—the table associated with the chosen Look Up. For example, The Academic Institution Look Up table appears when you click the Look Up button at the end of that field. However, looking up a value is not searching, per se. A search combines multiple field values to find a specific item or data set.

Figure 4. The search results returned by limiting the search to only Academic Institution and Term field values.

Figure 4 displays the results from the Look Up criteria given in Figure 3. The data set returned is huge! The system can display only the first 300 results. Clearly, you’ll need to refine your search. Refer again to Figure 3. Click the Look Up button by the Subject Area field. The Look Up Subject Area interface appears.

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Figure 5. The Look Up Subject Area interface.

Further refine your Look Up by obtaining a field value from within this interface. In this case, three Look Up fields constrain the Look Up by using various operators in conjunction with a free-response text box. For example, if you don’t know Asian History’s 3-letter, subject-area prefix, look it up by supplying an operator and a value for the Description field. It’s safe to assume that Asian History’s description contains the word Asian.

1. In the Description field’s operator drop down box, choose contains.

2. In the Description field’s text box, type Asian.

3. Click the Look Up button. The Look Up Subject Area text box appears displaying all courses with the word Asian in their description.

Figure 6. The data set returned when you refine your search with a Description operator and value.

4. Click the ASH link. The Search Criteria area appears.

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Figure 7. The Look Up fields populated for the Search.

5. Click the Search button. The system returns values that meet all three of the search criteria: classes that are

taught at FSU during Fall term of 2013 with a course prefix of ASH.

Figure 8. The data set returned when you use ASH in the Subject Area field to refine the search.

6. Click a particular ASH course.

Figure 9. The Basic Data tab with the ASH course active.

7. The system activates the chosen course in the Schedule New Course module’s Basic Data tab

Return to Search Functionality To quickly refer back to a search, click the Return to Search button.

Figure 10. The Return to Search button.

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New Window Functionality While working on any tab in any module, to perform a search, click the New Window link at the top-right of any window. The current tab/module remains active, and the associated Search Criteria area appears in a new window. For example, while in the Course Catalog click the New Window button. The Course Catalog Search Criteria area appears in the new window.

Figure 11. The New Window link.


Looking Up something and Searching for something are different operations.

When you Look Up something, you’re obtaining a value from one specific table.

From within a Look Up interface, find a value by using the Look Up fields’ operators and text boxes to refine the Look Up criteria.

When you search for something, provide values for various Look Up fields. The system then combines to return an item or data set.

After establishing the search parameters, click the Return to Search button to call up the same search parameters.

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2. Schedule a New Course: Build the Class Section’s Container

Introduction Think of the Basic Data tab as a “container.” In some cases, you verify that pre-populated field values on the tab are correct. In other cases, you Look Up and/or enter accurate field values. After completing these tasks, the Basic Data “container” reflects each class section’s essential attributes. The best practice for building class sections is to create the course container on the Basic Data tab first, and then do everything else from the Maintain Schedule of Classes interface.

Directory Navigation Schedule a new course by going to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>> Schedule of Classes>>Schedule New Course.

1. Populate the Academic Institution, Term, and Subject Area fields.

2. Click Search.

3. When the system returns the search results, choose the appropriate class Catalog Nbr. The Schedule New Course>>Basic Data tab opens.

REMEMBER this Best Practice: It’s best to schedule the first class section of a course from Curriculum Management>>Schedule of Classes>>Schedule New Course on the Basic Data tab. Then, through Curriculum Management>>Schedule of Classes>>Maintain Schedule of Classes, add and/or update data on the Meetings, Enrollment Cntrl, Reserve Cap, Note, and FSU Textbook tabs. Moreover, add more class sections only through the Maintain Schedule of Classes interface.

How to Build a Course Container In the Class Sections, Class Attributes, and Class Topic areas of the Basic Data tab, populate the following fields by:

manually entering correct values, OR

using the Look Up feature to obtain a list of possible values from which to choose.

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1. In the Class Sections area, enter the session in the Session field. After entering the session, the dates in the Start and End Dates fields auto-populate.

WARNING! It is critical to first enter the Session field’s value before moving on to any other field. Entering the correct value in the Session field allows the system to accurately auto-populate other field values on the Basic Data tab. Additionally, other fields become non-editable. If after selecting a session a field becomes “grayed-out” it has become so by design. It is a field you do not need to edit.

2. After providing a value in the Session field, the Component field auto-populates with the first value it finds in

the course catalog.

3. Validate that the Component field’s value is correct.

4. The Class Type field’s default value is Enrollment. Leave this value set to Enrollment when building a basic, one section course. (Alter it only when building a multi-component class.)

5. The Associated Class field’s default value is 1. Leave this value set to 1 when building a basic, one section class.

6. In the Campus field, enter the campus or click the Campus Look Up button to choose from a list of possible values. After entering this value, the Location field auto-populates.

7. Validate that the value in the Location field is accurate for the value given in the Campus field.

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NOTE: To change the Location field’s value to reflect a different instructor location if necessary. However, never select the DISLRNMAIN or DISLRNPC location options. At this time, these values are only used on the database side of the application.

8. In the Class Attributes title bar, click View All. The Class Attributes area expands, displaying the Physical Location field.

9. Select a value for the Physical Location field.


The Campus value represents the campus where the student is matriculated.

The Location value represents the location from which the instructor instructs, and

The Physical Location value represents where the student is located during class time.

10. in the Delivery Mode field, enter the delivery mode.

NOTE: For any regular course, use the 00 or “In Person” value for this field. If the course has a Form 2 associated with it, other delivery modes become available from the Delivery Mode Look Up.

How to Include a Course Topic ID Follow the instructions below if you need to add a course topic ID to your course. Otherwise, proceed to step #11.

BEST PRACTICE: Typically, it is best to add the Course Topic ID from the Maintain Schedule of Classes >>Meetings tab rather than from the Basic Data tab!

From the Meetings tab, you can add a “Free Format” topic and choose to have that topic to appear on the students’ transcripts. However, to add the course topic as it appears in the Course Catalog:

1. Click the Course Topic ID Look Up button and select the course topic.

2. Select the Print Topic in Schedule check box to have the course topic appear on the schedule of classes.

NOTE 1: If you go to the Meetings tab and select a Course Topic ID, and you choose to have the course topic appear on the students’ transcripts by selecting the Print Topic On Transcript check box, the topic also appears on the schedule of classes—even though a specific check box for “printing on the class schedule” does not appear.

NOTE 2: On the Basic Data tab, the Equivalent Course Group area is currently an unimplemented feature. Do not use the field or check box in this area.

11. If you haven’t already done so, in the Basic Data tab’s Class Attributes area, click View All (found in the Class Attributes title bar).

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12. The Funding field’s default value is State Fundable. (To change this default, see the crosswalk table in Appendix D for correlations between legacy codes and new attribute values.)

13. Do not change the value in the IAF Reportable field. This value derives from the course catalog and is correct as it is.

14. The Course Type field’s default value is Standard. (To change this default, see the crosswalk table in Appendix D for correlations between legacy codes and new attribute values.)

How to Add Service Learning Attributes Follow the instructions below to add service learning attributes to a course. Otherwise, proceed to step #15.

1. To add service learning attributes to a class, do so in the Class Attributes area by clicking the Plus (+) button. A new attribute row appears.

2. In the Course Attribute column, click the Look Up button and select SRVL (Service Learning).

CAUTION! Never select the HONR (Honors) option. At this time, this value is used only on the database side of the application.

3. In the Course Attribute Value column, click the Look Up button and select OPTIONAL or REQUIRED as appropriate.

4. To assign service learning hours, click the Plus (+) symbol to add a new attribute row.

5. In the Course Attribute column, click the Look Up button and select SRVH (Service Learning Hours).

6. In the Course Attribute Value column, click the Look Up button and select the appropriate range of hours.

15. Click Save. The Class Section field’s value changes from NEW to a numeric value, and a Class Nbr (formerly

called the reference number) is assigned.

WARNING! Attempting to go to another tab before saving can result in an error message appearing, or in data loss. REMEMBER: After building the first iteration of the course, make all subsequent additions or adjustments from Maintain Schedule of Classes.

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The information saved on the Basic Data tab creates a class section’s container.

The container holds a class section’s most essential attributes, including but not limited to the session, component type, instructor’s location, students’ location, and delivery mode.

It is critical to enter the Session field’s value first before moving to any other field. Entering the correct value in the Session field allows the system to accurately auto-populate other field values on the Basic Data tab.

The best practice for course building is to create the course container in the Basic Data tab first, and then do everything else from the Maintain Schedule of Classes interface. For example, after building the first section of ENC 1101, build all of the other sections—whether it’s one section or one hundred sections—from the Maintain Schedule of Classes interface.

CAUTION! The Maintain Schedule of Classes and Schedule New Course interfaces are identical. When switching to the maintenance environment to create new sections, go to the Basic Data tab and click the Plus (+) button to create a NEW section of the class. If you don’t create a new section, values that you didn’t intend to alter are changed.

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3. Maintain Schedule of Classes: Schedule Class Meetings

Introduction Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a new class section on the Basic Data tab. The next step in building a class section is to assign it a meeting pattern. The Meetings tab is where you associate meeting times with class sections. Only after meeting times are chosen can you assign a meeting space to a class through the Ad Astra application.

Directory Navigation Create meeting times by going to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>> Maintain Schedule of Classes.

1. In the Maintain Schedule of Classes Search Criteria area, populate the Academic Institution, Term, and Subject Area fields.

2. Click Search.

3. When the system returns the search results, choose the appropriate class Catalog Nbr. The Maintain Schedule of Classes>>Basic Data tab opens.

4. Click the Meetings tab.

CAUTION! When on the Meetings tab, if you click inside any of the fields in the Meeting

Patterns or Instructors For Meeting Pattern areas, the system might not let you exit the area if you don’t finish inputting all of the required data.

If you accidentally click inside one of these fields before you can finish the task, click the Minus (–) button and the system allows you to continue.

How to Schedule Class Meetings

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1. In the Meeting Patterns area, click the Pat Look Up button (next to the Pat field). The Look Up Pat values appear.

2. Select a standard meeting pattern. The pattern’s abbreviation appears in the Pat field (for example, MWF).

3. In the Mtg Start field, type the hour the class begins.

4. Press the Enter or Tab key and, based on standard meeting times, the system populates the Mtg End field. For example, if you type 10 and press Enter or Tab, the system completes the Mtg Start and Mtg End values based on standard meeting times. (In this case, for a MWF pattern the system inputs Mtg Start = 10:00AM and Mtg End = 10:50AM.)

NOTE: If you manually enter a meeting pattern (that is, you don’t use the Pat Look Up), the start and end times do not automatically appear after you enter the hour in the Mtg Start field as described in step #4 above. CAUTION! Additionally, if you must edit times, always edit the Mtg Start time first. If you edit the Mtg End time first, the system automatically adjusts the start time to align with a standard meeting time.

5. If you did not select a course topic while you were working on the Basic Data tab, do so now.

Either click the Topic ID Look Up button to choose the course topic from the course catalog, OR

Type a course topic in the Free Format Topic text box.

6. To have the topic to appear on the students’ transcripts, select the Print Topic On Transcript check box.

REMEMBER: Selecting the Print Topic On Transcript check box automatically makes the topic also appear on the schedule of classes.

7. Click Save. Instructor information does not have to be assigned to save the meeting data.

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The Meetings tab is the interface you use to associate meeting times with class sections.

The Meetings tab is not, however, the interface used to associate a meeting space with the class. You make that association through the Ad Astra application.

You can assign meeting space only after you have selected meeting times on Student Central’s Maintain Schedule of Classes>>Meeting tab.

After the room assignment is made, Ad Astra populates the Meeting tab’s Facility ID field with an alphanumeric value representing the building and room.

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4. Maintain Schedule of Classes: Scheduling Multiple Meeting Patterns

Introduction In chapter three, “Maintain Schedule of Classes: Schedule Class Meetings,” you learned how to schedule a class that always met on the same days at the same times. However, some classes must meet at different days and times to accommodate their subject matter. For example, some classes might meet for a lecture twice a week, and then meet elsewhere for a discussion on a different day. Additionally, when you set up multiple meeting patterns, you can assign more than one instructor if, for example, the person leading the discussion is not the same person delivering the lecture. You can:

schedule a class with multiple meeting patterns that follows the meeting pattern for the entire semester; OR

schedule a class that meets at one day/time for part of the semester and another day/time for the other part of the semester; OR

schedule a class lecture that has two or more associated lab sections.

Directory Navigation Create multiple meeting patterns by going to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>> Maintain Schedule of Classes.

1. In the Maintain Schedule of Classes Search Criteria area, populate the Academic Institution, Term, and Subject Area fields.

2. Click Search.

3. When the system returns the search results, choose the appropriate class Catalog Nbr. The Maintain Schedule of Classes>>Basic Data tab opens.

4. Click the Meetings tab.

How to Schedule a Class with Two Meeting Times

1. Create the first meeting pattern.

2. On the Meetings tab in the Meeting Patterns area, click the Look Up button.

3. Select the days-of-the-week pattern for the first portion of the class—the lecture, for example.

4. Place the cursor in the Mtg Start field and type the hour the class should begin. After pressing Tab or Enter, the system auto-populates the remainder of that field and the Mtg End field based on standard meeting times.

REMEMBER: To edit times, always edit the Mtg Start time first. If you edit the Mtg End time first, the system automatically adjusts the start time to align with a standard meeting time.

5. Click the Topic ID Look Up button for a prefabricated topic from the course catalog. Alternately, type a unique

one in the Free Format Topic field.

6. Select the Print Topic On Transcript check box if the topic should appear on the students’ transcripts.

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Assigning Instructor Roles

7. On the Assignment tab in the Instructors For Meeting Pattern area, assign an instructor to this pattern.

a. In the Instructor Role column, click the drop down box and select the instructor’s role. Every class section must have a primary instructor assigned.

b. In the ID Empl Rcd# column, click the Look Up button to Look Up the instructor’s appointment.

c. When the Look Up ID_Empl Rcd# table appears, refine the search by supplying the instructor’s first and/or last names in the appropriate fields. Click Look Up.

d. Select the instructor’s name. The Department, Job Code, and Empl Class fields populate upon selecting the instructor.

e. Every instructor role, such as primary instructor, has grade Access types associated with it. In the Access column, click the drop down arrow and select the correct grade access for the instructor role.

NOTE: The Approve access type means the instructor can grade and approve grades for final submission. The Grade access type means the instructor can grade but not approve grades for final submission. **

f. Selecting the Print check box, allows students to see the instructor’s name on the course search. If you do not select Print, the course search shows “Staff.”

g. In the Instructors For Meeting Pattern area, click the Contact Hrs tab.

h. In the Assign Type drop down box, select the correct assignment type.

NOTE: If the instructor’s role is primary instructor, then you must select an Assign Type of Standard. When you make this selection, the number of contact hours across instructor assignments must exactly equal the course contact hours. If a second instructor’s Assign Type is Additional, however, the contact hours can be equal to or less than the course contact hour total.

i. Click Save.

j. To add a second instructor, click the Plus (+) button.

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k. Add the second instructor following steps #7a.—i. above.

l. Add the contact hours for each instructor.

CAUTION! Total instructor contact-hours cannot exceed the total contact hours allowed for the class. Thus, if two instructors are splitting the contact hours for a class that allows 3 contact hours, assign each instructor a contact hour value that, when added together, does not exceed the total course contact hours available. (*see Note above). If you exceed the total contact hours available, the system alerts you by shading that field. (Your cursor is automatically placed in that field, as well.) IMPORTANT! The Crs Cntct field always reflects a variable-hour course’s maximum number of hours as recorded in the course catalog. If the maximum-hours value as recorded in the course catalog is 3.00, but the class is being taught at only 1.00 contact hour, the 3.00 hour value appears in the Crs Contact field, nonetheless. If instructors are splitting the hours, base the split on a percentage. Institutional Research makes the mathematical adjustment on their side. NOTE: Until the third or fourth week of classes, the Workload – Facet feature is not active. After this time, however, if you have security access to this feature you’ll be able to enter a workload percentage for instructors. If you do not have this security access, the feature remains read-only.

8. Click Save.

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9. In the Meeting Pattern area, click the Plus(+) button. A new Meeting Pattern area appears.

10. In the Meeting Pattern title bar, click View All to see the first pattern while creating the second pattern.

11. Follow steps #2 – #8 above to create the second pattern for the class—the pattern for the discussion, for example.

12. Click Save.

How to Schedule a Class that Meets at One Day& Time for Part of the Semester and Another Day & Time for Another Part of the Semester

1. Create the first meeting pattern.

2. Select the days of the week comprising the pattern for the first portion of the semester.

3. Place the cursor in the Mtg Start field and type the hour the class should begin. When you press Tab or Enter, the system auto-populates the remainder of that field and the Mtg End field based on standard meeting times.

REMEMBER: To edit times, always edit the Mtg Start time first. If you edit the Mtg End time first, the system automatically adjusts the start time to align with a standard meeting time.

4. Click the Calendar Look Up button adjacent to either the Start or the End field to select a date range, if necessary.

5. Click the Topic ID Look Up button for a prefabricated topic from the course catalog. Alternately, type a unique one in the Free Format Topic field.

6. Select the Print Topic On Transcript check box if the topic should appear on the students’ transcripts.

7. In the Instructors For Meeting Pattern area, you can assign an instructor to this pattern. (See instructions

#7a.– l. above) 8. Click Save. 9. In the Meeting Pattern area, click the Plus(+) button. A new Meeting Pattern area appears.

10. In the Meeting Pattern title bar, click View All to see the first pattern while creating the second pattern.

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11. Select the days of the week and start and end hours for the second pattern. 12. Click the Calendar Look Up button adjacent to either the Start or the End field to select a new date range for

the second pattern.

13. Follow steps #5 – #8 above to finish creating the second pattern for the class.

14. Click Save.

How to Schedule a Class with One Lecture Time and Two or More Lab Times Often a class requires a lecture component and a lab or discussion component. In most cases, the total number of students attending the lecture can’t also attend the same lab/discussion section. Typically, a lecture will have two or more lab/discussion sections associated with it to accommodate breakout groups from the lecture. Curriculum Management accommodates this scenario by allowing you to schedule multiple sections of the same class for the same meeting pattern and time. If four lab/discussion sections are required, you simply associate a lab/discussion that has different meeting pattern days and times with each lecture section that has identical meeting pattern days and times. In table format, the schema looks like this:

ARH 3854 Section 0001 ARH 3854 Section 0002 ARH 3854 Section 0003 ARH 3854 Section 0004

LECTURE Same days and times

TR 10:00 AM–11:15 AM Enrollment Cap = 15

TR 10:00 AM–11:15 AM Enrollment Cap = 15

TR 10:00 AM–11:15 AM Enrollment Cap = 15

TR 10:00 AM–11:15 AM Enrollment Cap = 15

Four sections meeting on the same days and times = 60 seats total

LAB Different days and times

F 8:00 AM–10:30 AM Enrollment Cap = 15

W 9:00 AM–11:30 AM Enrollment Cap = 15

F 10:00 AM–12:30 PM Enrollment Cap = 15

W 11:00 AM–1:30 PM Enrollment Cap = 15

Four sections meeting on different days and times = 15 seats total for each section

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1. The number of sections required is based on how many lab or discussion sections are needed. If you know your lecture should accommodate 60 people, and four discussion sections are required, build four sections of the class.

2. After building those sections, assign each section identical meeting days and times. IMPORTANT! Ensure that the FIRST meeting pattern for each section is the pattern that remains constant from section to section (highlighted in yellow). This is the pattern Ad Astra bases its calculations on when it looks for a room to accommodate all 60 students.

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3. After assigning a consistent meeting pattern as the first meeting pattern for all sections, go to each section individually and assign a second meeting pattern to accommodate the lab/discussion group. Review How to Schedule a Class with Two Meeting Times in this chapter if you require a review of the steps involved.


In this section, you learned how to schedule a class with multiple meeting patterns that follows the meeting pattern for the entire semester AND schedule a class that meets at one day/time for part of the semester and another day/time for the other part of the semester.

Total instructor contact-hours cannot exceed the contact hours allowed for the class. Thus, if two instructors are splitting the contact hours for a class that allows 3 contact hours, you must assign each instructor a contact hour value that, when added together, does not exceed the total course contact hours available.

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If the instructor role is primary instructor, then you must select the Assign Type of Standard. When you make this selection, the number of contact hours across instructor assignments must exactly equal the course contact hours. BUT, if a second instructor’s Assign Type is Additional, the total contact hours can be equal to or less than the course contact hour total.

If you use the Pat Look Up to choose a standard array of days, all you have to do is enter the first hour value in Mtg Start, press Enter or Tab, and the system auto-populates the remainder of the hour values for you.

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5. Combined Sections Table: Scheduling Combined Class Sections

Introduction In the legacy system, a combined section was known as a multi-listing. In the new system, there are combined sections and multiple component courses. The course type reflected in the course catalog determines if a course is a multiple component course or if it is a basic, one component course.

NOTE: Curriculum for the majority of courses taught at the university doesn’t include components like labs or performance classes. This chapter explains how to group these non-component classes together, using the system’s combine sections functionality as described in this chapter. Multiple component courses are not scheduled by combining sections because the various components (like labs or performance classes) don’t meet on the same days, and the instructor might differ from one component to the next. See chapter 6, “Update Sections of a Class: Creating Multiple Component Courses,” in this User Guide for step-by-step instructions on scheduling multiple component classes.

Types of Combined Class Sections Two kinds of combined sections exist. For both types, the following tip applies: When creating class sections to combine, write down their Class Nbr value. By doing so, you won’t have to use the Look Up feature on the Combine Sections Table when you get to that step!

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The Permanent Combination and Skip Mtg Pattern & Instr Edit Check Boxes Selections made in these checkboxes determine class section combination types.

Selecting the Permanent Combination checkbox means that, from semester to semester, the combined class sections remain paired. Selecting this option necessitates inputting meeting data in the Schedule Class Meeting interface, which is where combinations are maintained across terms.

Selecting the Skip Mtg Pattern & Instr Edit check box means that from semester to semester, the combined class sections do not remain paired It’s not necessary to use the Schedule Class Meetings interface because the combination doesn’t require term-to-term pairing.

Overview: Type 1 Type 1 combinations result when:

both checkboxes are selected, OR

only the Permanent Combination check box is selected. Additionally, Type 1 class-section combinations consists of two or more class sections that meet:

on the same day/s and

at the same time/s and

the same instructor teaches both/all of the class sections. In this first combination type:

1. Go to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>>Schedule of Classes>>Schedule New Course>>Basic Data tab and build the first class section.

2. Switch to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>>Schedule of Classes>>Maintain Schedule of Classes>>Basic Data tab and build the second (third, fourth, etc.) class section.

3. While in Maintain Schedule of Classes, click the Enrollment Cntrl tab and for each section, provide an

enrollment capacity value.

4. You DO NOT USE the Meetings tab to schedule meeting times when combining sections that have no differences in meeting patterns or instructor.

5. Next, combine the sections on the Combined Sections Table (explained below).

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6. THEN go to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>>Schedule of Classes>>Schedule Class Meetings and assign meeting times and an instructor in that interface. After doing so, the meeting days and times and the instructor appear on the Meetings tab for all combined class sections (explained below).

Overview: Type 2 Type2 combinations result when:

Only the Skip Mtg Pattern & Instr Edit, OR

Neither check box is selected.

Additionally, the Type 2 of class-section combinations allow you to group class sections, but select different:

meeting day/s for the sections or

meeting time/s for the sections or

change the instructor for one of the sections. In this second combination type, you:

1. Go to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>>Schedule of Classes>>Schedule New

Course>>Basic Data tab and build the first class section.

2. Switch to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>>Schedule of Classes>>Maintain Schedule of Classes>>Basic Data tab and build the second (third, fourth, etc.) class section.

3. While in Maintain Schedule of Classes, if the combined sections’ meeting patterns differ or an additional

instructor is required, use the Meetings tab to schedule meeting times.

4. Click the Enrollment Cntrl tab. For each section provide an enrollment capacity value.

5. Next, combine the sections on the Combined Sections Table (explained below).

REMEMBER: The Type 2 class section combination does NOT require any action on the Schedule Class Meetings interface!

Populating the Combined Sections Table After determining which kind of class-section combination you’re creating—type 1 or type 2—and you build those sections accordingly, follow these instructions to create the combined sections container.

Directory Navigation Begin creating combined sections by going to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>>Combined Sections>>Combined Sections Table.

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How to Schedule Type 1 and Type 2 Combined Sections

1. Navigate to and click the Combined Sections Table link. The Combined Sections Table window appears displaying the Search Criteria interface.

2. Provide values for the Academic Institution, Term, and Session fields.

3. Click Search. The Combined Sections Table appears.

4. Click the Plus (+) button to create a new row.

5. In the Description column’s available field, type the description to ascribe to the combined section

6. In the Short Description column’s available field, type the short description to ascribe to the combined section.

7. Click Save. A View Combined Sections link becomes active.

8. Click the View Combined Sections link. The Identify Combined Sections “container” appears.

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9. At the top of the Identify Combined Sections window in the Combination Type drop down box, select the appropriate combination type.

NOTE: Choices are:

Both: Choose if the combination type is across course prefix areas and also within course prefix areas, i.e. ARH 4000, ARH 5000, CLA 4000, and CLA 5000)

Cross Subject: Choose if the combination type crosses course prefix areas, i.e., ARH and CLA.

Within Subject: Choose if the combination type is within a course prefix area, i.e., all sections are CLA only.

IF THIS IS A TYPE 1 CLASS SECTION COMBINATION: 1. Leave the Permanent Combination check box selected.

2. In the Room Capacity area’s Enrollment Capacity field, provide a value for the total enrollment capacity.


a. If you did not write down the Class Nbr values from the Basic Data tab, on the Combined Sections tab, click the Class Nbr Look Up button. The Look Up Class Nbr search window appears.

b. Search using the most logical criterion/criteria. In many cases, choosing to search by Subject Area is most logical.

c. Type the course prefix into the Subject Area field i. Select equals from the Subject Area drop down list. This search parameter brings up all of the

previously built courses for the subject area you designate. ii. Choose the section of the class you want to combine with another. The section appears in the

first row of the Identify Combined Sections interface’s Combined Section tab.

3. In the Class Nbr field, type the class number.

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4. Click the Plus (+) button at the end of the row. A new row appears. 5. Search as described in steps #2a–c, or follow step #3 to select the class section you want to combine with this


6. Click Save.

7. Click the New Window link.

8. Navigate to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>>Schedule of Classes>>Schedule Class Meetings. The Schedule Class Meetings Search Criteria interface appears.

9. Provide values for the Academic Institution, Term, and Subject Area fields.

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10. In the Class Nbr field, type the class number. (Or, search using steps #2a.–c. above.)

11. Click Search. The Schedule Class Meetings interface becomes active.

12. Click the Pat Look Up button and select a pattern.

13. Enter a Mtg Start and Mtg End time.

14. Enter the Instructors For Meeting Pattern information. NOTE: Review instructions on how to enter the instructor in chapter 4, “Maintain Schedule of Classes: Scheduling Multiple Meeting Patterns,” in this User Guide.

15. Click Save. When you return to the Maintain Schedule of Classes>>Meetings tab for

either class section, the meeting and instructor data is now present.

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IMPORTANT! In the Identify Combined Sections interface, there are two tabs. The Enrollment Cntrl tab is never used. Simply ignore it.


1. Select the Skip Mtg Pattern & Instr Edit check box.

2. In the Room Capacity area’s Enrollment Capacity field, provide a value for the total enrollment capacity.


a. If you did not write down the Class Nbr values from the Basic Data tab, on the Combined Sections tab,

click the Class Nbr Look Up button. The Look Up Class Nbr search window appears.

b. Search using the most logical criterion/criteria. In many cases, choosing to search by Subject Area is most logical.

c. Type the course prefix into the Subject Area field i. Select equals from the Subject Area drop down list. This search parameter brings up all of the

previously built courses for the subject area you designate. ii. Choose the section of the class you want to combine with another. The section appears in the

first row of the Identify Combined Sections interface’s Combined Section tab.

3. In the Class Nbr field, type the class number.

4. Click the Plus (+) button at the end of the row. A new row appears. 5. Search as described in steps #2a.–c. above, or follow step #3 to select the class section you want to combine

with this one.

6. Click Save.

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NOTE: On the Combined Sections tab, the Status and Enrl Cap column’s values reflect the Class Status and Enrollment Capacity values from the respective class sections’ Enrollment Cntrl tabs.


Combined section classes were called multi-listed classes in the legacy system.

In the new system, there are combined section classes and multiple component classes.

Two kinds of combined section classes exist: o Type 1: those that have identical meeting days, times, and the same instructor o Type 2: those that differ somewhat in meeting days, times, or instructors

Type 1 combined sections are built using tabs in the Schedule a New Class (Basic Data & Enrollment Cntrl tabs), Maintain Schedule of Classes, Combined Sections Table, and Schedule Class Meetings interfaces.

Type 2 combined sections are built using tabs in the Schedule a New Class (Basic Data, Meetings & Enrollment Cntrl tabs), Maintain Schedule of Classes, and Combined Sections Table interfaces.

Selecting or not selecting the Skip Mtg Pattern & Instr Edit check box is the action that determines whether or not you can combine classes with differences in meeting days/times or instructors.

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6. Update Sections of a Class: Creating Multiple Component Classes

Introduction Multiple component courses are those whose curriculum parameters allow for more than one instructional format—whether optional or required. For example, BSC 1005C (biology) is always taught in both of its required formats: lecture and lab. On the other hand, from semester to semester, DAA 1100 (dance) might be taught in either one of its optional, allowable formats: discussion or performance. To create multiple component classes, first build them in Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>> Schedule of Classes and >>Maintain Schedule of Classes.

These class sections represent a course with lecture/lab components as they might be scheduled prior to associating them on the Update Sections of a Class table. NOTE: The Class Type field reflects the component in which students enroll, or don’t enroll. In the example above, students enroll for the lecture component, not the lab component.

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Directory Navigation After building the multiple-component class sections, including adding their meeting days and times on the Meetings tab, navigate to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>> Student Central>>Schedule of Classes>>Update Sections of a Class.

Multiple Component Classes Remember that a multiple component course is one whose curriculum parameters allow for more than one instructional format, or component. The component can be optional or required. In the new system, multiple component courses are courses that existed in the legacy catalog and:

were designated as having more than one instructional mode, or

were designated “C” courses, which necessarily incorporate a lecture and a lab. Identifying multiple component courses is extremely important because identification allows these kinds of classes to be scheduled as the curriculum creators originally intended them to be scheduled. Additionally, when the schedule correctly reflects all components, students understand what is involved with a class before they enroll. Moreover, if they choose to enroll, they will find that their schedules automatically and accurately reflect all of the components. Further, when the system captures what courses are multicomponent courses, reporting to the state of Florida and other entities reflects an accurate picture of all that’s involved in course delivery. Assoc (Associated Class) You create multiple component classes through the Update Sections of a Class interface.

NOTE: The functionality provided in the Update Sections of a Class area is handy for getting an “at a glance” view of class sections. It can help you visualize groupings, and you can also use it to make quick updates to certain field values like enrollment capacities.

After you bring up a range of classes in Update Sections of a Class, on the Class Status tab note the Assoc column. The default value for this field is always a 1. At the course catalog level, that 1 indicates that the course is the most “generic” type of course offered. Its defining aspects, such as grade type, pre- and co-requisites, liberal studies areas, and so on meet those most generic definitions.

IMPORTANT! When any value other than 1 is assigned to this field, it tells the system to treat that section differently than other sections. A value other than 1 in this field can accomplish two different goals: A. To group multiple components together (for example, all components with an

Assoc value of 2 comprise a group) OR B. To flag a course that requires the Registrar’s Office to change something about the

course’s generic catalog definition—for example, variable course hours. BEST PRACTICE: Whether you are using the Assoc column’s fields to group classes or flag a section of a course that the Registrar’s Office needs to adjust, use the next number in numerical sequence to indicate something is different about the section. For example, if you’ve created several multiple component groups, and those sections’ rows set to 1, 2, 3, and 4, and you next need to designate a section requiring a change to

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variable course hours, do so by typing 5 in that section’s Assoc field. If you build another multiple component course, use 6, and so on.

Grouping Types The following grouping types comprise the most likely scenarios encountered when scheduling multiple component courses. They are:

A. One-to-One (No Options): This grouping type indicates that the class components are both/all required. If the student registers for the class, he or she must take all/both components. Example: The student enrolls in a lecture/lab course. The student enrolls for the lecture and must take a designated section of a lab.

B. One-to-Limited Options: This grouping type indicates that the components of the class are both/all required. However, while the student is required to take one component of the class, he or she can choose among limited sections of the other component. Example: The student enrolls in a lecture/lab course. The student enrolls for the lecture but can choose between two associated lab sections.

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When choosing among the options above (or creating a unique grouping type), ask yourself the following questions:

What are the required components of the class?

In which component should students to enroll?

Will the grouping type require a change to the Associated Class number if the group comprises multiple enrollment sections?

In what section do students need to be automatically enrolled?

How to Create Multiple Component Classes

1. Go to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>> Schedule of Classes>>Update Sections of a Class.

2. The sections of the class you searched for appear on the Class Status tab.

C. Limited Options-to-One: This grouping type indicates that the components of the class are both/all required. However, the student chooses an iteration of a component first, and then must take the associated component. Example: Several sections of a lab are available at different times. The student chooses which lab component best fits his or her schedule and after choosing is automatically enrolled in the lecture component.

D. One-to-Many Options: This grouping type indicates that the components of the class are both required. However, students can choose both which lecture section and which lab section they want to take with it. Example: A student chooses which iteration of a lecture he or she wants to take. Upon choosing the lecture component, he or she has a variety of lab sections from which to choose.

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A. Creating a One-to-One (No Options) Multiple Component Class

To create this configuration, alter values in the Class Type and Auto Enrl 1 columns. We’ll use CRA 4000C in this example. The questions you ask yourself are answered in the following manner for the one-to-one configuration:

What are the required components of the class? Both are required. In which component should students to enroll? The lecture component. Will the grouping type require a change to the Associated Class number if the group comprises

multiple enrollment sections? N/A. In what section do students need to be automatically enrolled? The designated lab section.

NOTE: In the illustration above, students who enroll in lecture section 0001 are automatically enrolled in lab section 0002. Students enrolled in lecture section 0003 are automatically enrolled in lab section 0004.

1. On the Class Status tab, determine which class sections are being grouped in the one-to-one configuration.

2. In this example, students enroll in the lecture component. Thus, if you did not designate the class type when

you created the class section, change the value to E (Enroll) in the associated Class Type field for the lecture section open for enrollment.

3. Choose the lab section to associate with this lecture. In the appropriate lecture row, type the lab’s Section number in the Auto Enrl 1 field.

4. Click Save.

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B. Creating a One-to-Limited Options Multiple Component Class

To create this configuration, alter values in the Class Type and Assoc columns. We’ll continue to use CRA 4000C as our course example. The questions you ask yourself are answered in the following manner for the one-to-limited options configuration:

What are the required components of the class? Both are required. In which component should students to enroll? The lecture component. Will the grouping type require a change to the Associated Class number if the group comprises

multiple enrollment sections? Yes. In what section do students need to be automatically enrolled? After choosing a lecture component,

students are not automatically enrolled in a lab section—they choose a lab section.

NOTE: In the illustration above, students who enroll in lecture section 0001 may choose either lab section 0002 or 0003. Students who enroll in lecture section 0004 may choose either lab section 0005 or 0006.

1. On the Class Status tab, determine which class sections are being grouped in the one-to-limited options


2. In this example, students enroll in the lecture component. Thus, if you did not designate the Class Type when you created the class section, change the value to E (Enroll) in the associated Class Type field for the lecture section you want open for enrollment.

3. Choose the lab sections to associate with this lecture. For those lab sections, ensure that the Assoc field values are all equivalent. For example, if it’s the first lecture to which you’re associating labs, allow the value to remain 1 for the lecture and all associated labs.

4. Determine the next section/s of the class for which to create a one-to-limited options configuration.

5. Change the value to E (Enroll) in the associated Class Type field for the lecture section you want open for enrollment.

6. Choose the lab sections to associate with this lecture. For those lab sections, ensure that the Assoc field

values are all equivalent. For example, if it’s the second lecture to which you’re associating labs, change the value to 2 for the lecture and all associated labs.

7. Click Save.

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C. Creating a Limited Options-to-One Multiple Component Class

To create this configuration, you alter values in the Class Type, Assoc, and Auto Enrl 1 columns. We’ll continue to use CRA 4000C as our course example. The questions you ask yourself are answered in the following manner for the limited options-to-one configuration:

What are the required components of the class? Both are required. In which component should students to enroll? A lab component. Will the grouping type require a change to the Associated Class number if the group comprises

multiple enrollment sections? Yes. In what section do students need to be automatically enrolled? After a student chooses a lab

component, he or she is automatically enrolled in the lecture component.

NOTE: In the illustration above, students who enroll in one of two lab sections—0002 or 0003 are automatically enrolled in the associated 0001 section lecture. Students who enroll in one of two lab sections—0005 or 0006 are automatically enrolled in the associated 0004 section lecture.

1. On the Class Status tab, determine which class sections are being grouped in the one-to-limited options


2. In this example, students enroll in a lab component. Thus, if you did not designate the Class Type when you created the class section, change the value to E (Enroll) in the associated Class Type field for the lab sections you want open for enrollment.

3. Choose the lecture section to associate with these labs. For that lecture section, ensure that the Assoc field values are all equivalent. For example, if it’s the first two lab sections to which you’re associating a lecture, allow the value to remain 1 for both the labs and the associated lecture.

4. Choose the lecture section you want to associate with these labs. In the appropriate lab rows, type the lecture’s Section number in the Auto Enrl 1 field.

5. Determine the next lab sections for which to create a limited options-to-one configuration.

6. Change the value to E (Enroll) in the associated Class Type field for the lab sections open for enrollment.

7. Choose the lecture sections to associate with these labs. For those lecture sections, ensure that the Assoc field values are all equivalent. For example, if it’s the fifth and sixth lab sections to which you’re associating a

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lecture, allow the value to remain 2 for both the labs and the associated lecture.

8. Choose the lecture section to associate with these labs. In the appropriate lab rows, type the lecture’s Section number in the Auto Enrl 1 field.

9. Click Save.

D. Creating a One-to-Many Options Multiple Component Class

To create this configuration, you alter values in the Class Type and Assoc columns. We’ll continue to use CRA 4000C as our course example. The questions you ask yourself are answered in the following manner for the one-to-many configuration:

What are the required components of the class? Both are required. In which component should students to enroll? In one of two lecture components. Will the grouping type require a change to the Associated Class number if the group comprises

multiple enrollment sections? Yes. In what section do students need to be automatically enrolled? After choosing a lecture component,

students are not automatically enrolled in a lab section—they choose a lab section.

NOTE: In the illustration above, students who enroll in one of two lecture sections—0001 or 0004 have a choice to register in one of any four lab components you’ve associated with both lecture components.

1. On the Class Status tab, determine which class sections are being grouped in the one-to-many options


2. In this example, students enroll in a lecture component. Thus, if you did not designate the Class Type when you created the class section, change the value to E (Enroll) in the associated Class Type field for the lecture section you want open for enrollment.

Note that in this example, students enroll in one of two lectures—section 0001 or 0004— both of which have the same four labs associated with them.

3. Remember: a student is required to enroll in one of two available lecture components, but can choose any associated lab component after having chosen a lecture.

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a. Therefore, in the Assoc column, designate one lecture as 1 and one lecture as 2, and b. Designate all of the associated labs with a 9999.

4. Click Save.


Using the Update Sections of a Class interface to associate class components, you can determine in which class

section a student enrolls and what his or her options are regarding enrollment in an additional component.

Four main grouping types comprise the most likely scenarios encountered when scheduling multiple component


o One-to-One (No Options) o One-to-Limited Options o Limited Options-to-One o One-to-Many Options

Ask yourself the following questions to determine the best way to associate class sections: o What are the required components of the class? o In which component should students to enroll? o Will the grouping type require a change to the Associated Class number if the group comprises multiple

enrollment sections? o In what section do students need to be automatically enrolled?

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7. Maintain Schedule of Classes: Establish Enrollment Controls

Introduction Great job! You’ve successfully added a meeting pattern. The next step is to establish enrollment controls. The new system allows you more flexibility in how you display a class’s enrollment status. You can choose from Active, Cancelled Section, Stop Further Enrollment, and Tentative Section.

Directory Navigation Establish enrollment controls by going to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>> Maintain Schedule of Classes>>Enrollment Cntrl Tab.

How to Establish Enrollment Controls

1. In the Enrollment Capacity field, type a numeric value for the course capacity. This value represents the maximum number of students who can enroll.

2. In the Class Status drop down box, select a status. To open the class to enrollment, select Active.

3. Click Save.

BEST PRACTICE/CAUTION! Previously, to keep students from seeing a course on the schedule of classes, you might have “zero-capped” the class. However, if you zero-cap a class in the new system, you will not be able to work with reserve cap sequences or groups on the Reserve Cap tab. Instead of “zero-capping,” follow these instructions:

1. In the Class Status drop down box, choose Tentative Section.

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2. Click Save. Note that the Enrollment Status field reflects a status of Closed. Thus, while the course has an enrollment capacity assigned, students can’t enroll.

NOTE: If a circumstance arises in which enrollment must be halted after the class has been active, in the Class Status drop down box, select Stop Further Enrollment. Click Save. If after allowing students to enroll the class needs to be cancelled, do the following:

a. Select the Cancel if Student Enrolled check box.

b. In the Class Status drop down box, choose Cancelled Section.

c. Click the Cancel Class button. The Enrollment Status field now has a value of

Closed. And the Total column reflects a value of 0.

d. Click Save.

4. Determine if the Add Consent and Drop Consent field values are accurate. The system defaults to No Consent indicating that no instructor or departmental consent is required for students to enroll.

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5. If student-specific permission is required for a student or students to add or drop the class, select either Dept Cnsnt or Inst Cnsnt from the appropriate Add or Drop Consent drop box.

6. Click Save. 7. Click the Basic Data tab.

8. Select the Student Specific Permission check box. 9. Click Save.

NOTE: None of the Enrollment Cntrl tab’s Auto Enroll/Wait List features are currently enabled. These features are scheduled for activation in a later release.


The most important thing to remember about Enrollment Controls is that you should no longer “zero-cap” class

sections. Because of the new system’s flexibility, you can display a variety of enrollment statuses. Remember that you have Active, Cancelled Section, Stop Further Enrollment, and Tentative Section statuses at your fingertips!

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8. Setting General and Student Specific Permissions


Sometimes it’s necessary to set up a class such that only specific students can enroll. Curriculum Management provides

two methods for accomplishing that goal: general and specific student permissions.

General student permission numbers allow you to designate as many specific students for enrollment as you like. For example, if you’re building a senior seminar class for an instructor who wants ten particular students to enroll, you can generate ten permission numbers and give one to each student.

Specific student permission is somewhat different in that you designate a particular, individual student for enrollment. When that student enrolls in the class, the permission is attached to the student versus a generated number.

Setting Up General Student Permissions

1. If you haven’t already done so, navigate to Curriculum Management>Schedule of Classes>Maintain Schedule of Classes and search for the class for which you want to add general student permission.

2. On the Enrollment Cntrl tab, in the Add Consent drop down box select either Dept or Inst Consent.

3. Navigate to Main Menu>Records and Enrollment>Term Processing>Class Permissions>Class Permissions and call up the class through the Class Permissions Search Criteria tab. The Class Permissions screen appears with the Permission to Add tab active.

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4. Ensure that the correct class section is active by scrolling to it or selecting View All to choose the right iteration.

5. Upon selecting the correct class section, note that the system provides default values. You can, and in many cases should, change these values.

NOTE: The Defaults expiration date is set to the last day of the year. If you are adding a student specific permission, ensure that in the Class Permission Data area you set the General Info tab’s expiration date to a date prior to the last day of the drop/add period. If you’re generating one or more general permission numbers, you can set the Expiration Date in the Defaults area to a date prior to the last day of the drop/add period, and that date then applies to all of the generated numbers if you don’t set individual ones below.

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6. Determine the number of general student permission to generate. In the following example, 10 permissions are generated by typing 10 in the Assign More Permissions text box.

7. Click the Generate button. Ten new permission numbers are generated.

NOTE: A permission number can be used only one time. If you need more than the original amount of generate permissions, simply enter the number required in the Assign More Permissions text box and click the Generate button again.

8. After the number is issued to a student, select the Issued check box.

NOTE: Click the expand button to see the General Info, Permission, and Comments tabs at a single glance.

9. If you do not expand, then on the Permissions tab ensure only those categories the student should be able to override with the permission number are selected.

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10. On the Comments tab, in the text box type any comments that provide further information about the number.

11. Click Save. The system populates the Issued By field with your CampusID.

NOTE: If you intend to issue all of the permissions at one time, you can select the Set All Permissions to Issued check box. After making this selection, the Issued By field is populated with your CampusID.

12. When the student enrolls, s/he will use this permission number in the Permission Nbr field on the Enroll>Add>Select classes to add—Enrollment Preferences page for the designated class section.

13. After the student applies the permission number, the General Info tab’s Name field displays the student’s name

and the Permission Use Date field displays the date it was used.

Setting Up Specific Student Permissions

1. If you haven’t already done so, navigate to Curriculum Management>Schedule of Classes>Maintain Schedule of Classes and search for the class for which you want to add general student permission.

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2. On the Enrollment Cntrl tab, in the Add Consent drop down box select either Dept or Inst Consent.

3. On the Basic Data tab select the Student Specific Permissions check box.

4. Navigate to Main Menu>Records and Enrollment>Term Processing>Class Permissions>Class Permissions and call up the class through the Class Permissions Search Criteria tab. The Class Permissions screen appears with the Permission to Add tab active.

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5. In the ID field, type the student’s EmplID or click the Look Up button to find the student.

6. After the student enrolls in the class, the Permission Use Date field displays the date on which the student used the permission.

NOTE: A permission number is not generated when a student specific permission is created. Rather, the student’s EmplID is associated with the class, and the levels of permission selected on the Class Permission Data’s Permission tab are carried with that permission, which is in turn associated with the student. Thus, it remains important to accurately select permission types on the Permission tab. (The image above captures the General Info, Permission, and Comments tabs in their expanded view.)

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9. Maintain Schedule of Classes: Reserve Cap

Introduction Good work! You’ve established your enrollment controls. Now you can set reserve caps for particular reserve capacity requirement groups. Reserve Cap functionality allows you to automate opening and closing the date ranges during which various student populations can enroll in a given class section. A reserve capacity requirement group, sometimes referred to as requirement group, constitutes a specific student population that is defined by a plan or a group. A plan an academic path, (like “Interior Design” or “Statistics”), whereas a group is a non-academic path (such as “Women in Math-Sci-Eng” or “Moscow” ). Students in groups are studying, but the group does not necessarily indicate the academic path. Students in the Moscow group might be studying any number of academic disciplines.

IMPORTANT! You can add as many requirement groups as you need to any sequence;

you can create several sequences;

sequences (regardless of how many requirement groups they contain) can run concurrently or consecutively,

BUT multiple requirement groups within sequences can ONLY run consecutively.

Directory Navigation Create reserve capacities by going to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>> Maintain Schedule of Classes>>Reserve Cap Tab.

How to Create Reserve Caps

1. Select a group or plan by clicking the Requirement Group Look Up button and selecting the item you require.

NOTE: At the top of the Look Up Requirement Group Look Up box, use the Description drop down box to quickly narrow your search.

Type RC_SG to limit your search to student groups only.

Type RC_PLN to limit your search to plans only.

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Or, from the Description drop down box select “contains” and type a portion of a word such as “account” if you’re looking for Accounting.

2. In the Start Date field, enter the date on which the selected requirement group should begin enrolling for the class.

WARNING! Setting a reserve cap for a requirement group for a date occurring after registration opens allows other students to register for the class before that date if those days aren’t reserved for a specific requirement group, too.

3. In the Cap Enrl field, type the enrollment cap value to assign to the designated group.

CAUTION! You cannot exceed the total enrollment cap you set on the Enrollment Cntrl tab. That is, if your class enrollment cap is 20 students, and you designate three groups, enrollment for all three groups cannot exceed a total of 20 students.

4. Click Save. Doing so saves the group. If you’ve reserved the entire enrollment cap for one group, you’re finished

entering data on the Reserve Cap tab. To create another group in the same sequence, continue to the next step.

REMEMBER: The next group cannot enroll beginning on the same date. Groups in single sequences can only run consecutively!

5. Click the Plus (+) button adjacent to the Cap Enrl field to add a row for a second requirement group. A second row appears.

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Follow steps #1 through #4 above for the second requirement group, ensuring that when added together the enrollment for the two groups does not exceed the total enrollment cap.

NOTE: If designating only two requirement groups in a sequence, and you want anyone to be able to enroll when the first requirement group’s enrollment period ends, do the following:

Create the second group using the same Requirement Group you used for the first group.

Set the Cap Enrl to zero (0).The remaining seats become available to anyone when the second

group’s date becomes current.

6. Click Save.

7. Follow steps #1 through #6 for every requirement group you designate for the sequence. To create an additional sequence, continue by following the steps below.

8. To create another sequence, in the Reserve Capacity area click the Plus (+) button. A new Reserve Capacity Requirement Group container appears.

9. In the Reserve Capacity title bar, click the View All link.

10. Follow the instructions in steps #1 through #4 to create requirement group(s) in the sequence.

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11. Always click Save to retain your changes and additions!


Reserve Cap functionality allows you to automate opening and closing the date ranges during which various

student populations can enroll in a given class section.

A reserve capacity requirement group, sometimes referred to as requirement group, constitutes a specific student population that is defined by a plan or a group.

A plan an academic path, (like “Interior Design” or “Statistics”), whereas a group is a non-academic path (such as “Women in Math-Sci-Eng” or “Moscow” ). Students in groups are studying, but the group does not necessarily indicate the academic path. Students in the Moscow group might be studying any number of academic disciplines.

Remember to always ensure that the Start Date value is no later than the date registration opens.

Remember that reserve capacity requirement groups can run:

in chronological order (consecutively), which requires only one reserve capacity sequence, and/or

concurrently—two date sets running at the same time or overlapping each other—which requires two reserve capacity sequences.

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10. Reserve Caps: Beyond Basics

Introduction Reserve Cap functionality allows increased flexibility and automation in scheduling date ranges for various student populations to enroll for any given class. In the legacy system, you could assign only majors specific times to register, and you had to manually adjust those enrollment periods as one period came to a close and you had to open another. In the new system, many more student requirement groups are available! Additionally, you can automate when specific groups are eligible to enroll by using Reserve Capacity Sequences (Sequences) and Reserve Capacity Requirement Groups (Requirement Groups). IMPORTANT! The most important concept to understand about reserve cap functionality is that enrollment appointment (registration window) dates can run:

consecutively (in chronological sequence) OR

concurrently (two date sets running at the same time or overlapping each other).

Consecutive and concurrent date sets are created based on how you organize the Sequences and Requirement Groups.

If you need more than one group to be eligible for enrollment at the same time (two or more groups running concurrently) then you must create two sequences.

o One sequence cannot support two or more concurrently running requirement groups.

Note, however, that requirement groups always run consecutively (in chronological sequence), regardless of what sequence they reside in.

o That is, if you have two sequences, and each sequence contains two requirement groups, the system looks first at the requirement group with assigned the earliest date, regardless of whether it is in the first or second sequence.

Scenario 1: One Sequence/One Requirement Group/Two Start Dates Assume you’ve built a class that has an enrollment cap of 10, and you need to allow one group to register for a certain period of time and then open the class to anyone else. You want all 10 seats available for majors only the first week of classes. Then you want to open the class to other students. Follow steps #1 through #5 in chapter 8 of this User Guide—“Maintain Schedule of Classes: Reserve Cap”— to create a single sequence with one requirement group and two start dates. Specifically:

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1. For the sequence, designate majors as the first Requirement Group. (In this example, an art history class is used, so students with an undergraduate plan of art history are designated).

2. Set a Start Date of 03/18/13.

3. Set the Cap Enrl to 10.

Thus, for the first week the class is open, only majors can register.

4. Add a new requirement group row to the sequence.

5. Select the same majors Requirement Group.

6. Set a Start Date of 03/25/13.

7. Set the Cap Enrl to 1.

In this scenario, the following outcomes are possible: All ten seats are filled by majors in the first week. Fewer than ten seats (but at least one seat) are filled by majors in the first week, and the remaining seats are

open to anyone else beginning 03/25/13. Zero seats are filled prior to 03/25/13, and nine seats are open to anyone and one seat remains reserved for a

major student.


As of 03/25/13, the system looks only at the new reserve capacity (one seat) coded for the major's requirement group.

Nevertheless, the system does keep track of any student(s) who are majors who enrolled prior to 3/25/13. Thus, as long as one major enrolled prior to 3/25/13, the criterion (one seat reserved for a major) was met, and the remaining seats are open to anyone.

However, if zero seats are filled by majors in the first week, then starting 03/25/13, nine seats become available to anyone and one seat remains reserved for a major.

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NOTE: The system never adds the Cap Enrl values for the two requirement groups. That is, in the scenario above, the reserve capacity is never 11.

Scenario 2: Two Sequences/Two Requirement Groups/One Start Date Assume you’ve built a class that has an enrollment cap of 10, and you need to allow one group to enroll for a certain period of time while a second group enrolls at the same time. The first week of classes, you want 5 seats available for one major and 5 seats available for a second major. After the first week, you want to open the class to other students keeping only one seat reserved for each major. Follow steps #1 through #9 in chapter 8 of this User Guide—“Maintain Schedule of Classes: Reserve Cap”— to create a single sequence with one requirement group and two start dates. Specifically:

1. For the sequence, designate majors as the first Requirement Group.

2. Set a Start Date of 03/18/13.

3. Set the Cap Enrl to 5.

4. Add a new requirement group row to the sequence.

5. Select the same majors Requirement Group.

6. Set a Start Date of 03/25/13.

7. Set the Cap Enrl to 1.

8. For the second sequence, designate a different major as the first Requirement Group.

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9. Set a Start Date of 03/18/13.

10. Set the Cap Enrl to 5.

11. Add a new requirement group row to the sequence.

12. Select the same major Requirement Group that you designated in the second sequence.

13. Set a Start Date of 03/25/13.

14. Set the Cap Enrl to 1.

In this scenario, the following outcomes are possible:

5 seats are filled by art history majors in the first week; 5 seats are filled by the art education majors in the first week; zero seats are available.

If at least one seat is taken by an art history major in the first week, AND at least one seat is taken by an art education major in the first week, all remaining seats are open to anyone else beginning 03/25/13.

o For example, if one major in each area takes a seat, eight seats are left open for anyone.

If in the first week no art history majors and no art education majors take seats, the system holds only one seat for each of these majors after 03/25/13. Where the two majors were guaranteed at least five seats each the first week, they are now only guaranteed one each. Eight seats are left open for anyone.

WARNING! If you have two sequences, and you set the Cap Enrl on one sequence to zero on or before the same date in another sequence, that zero cap enrollment overrides the reservation cap in the other sequence. For example:

Sequence 1 has a Start Date of 03/18/13 and is set to reserve 5 seats for majors; this same sequence is set to a capacity of zero as of 03/25/13.

Sequence 2 has a Start Date of 03/18/13 and is set to reserve 5 seats for a different major; this same sequence is set to a capacity of one as of 03/25/13.

In this scenario, Sequence 2 is overridden by Sequence 1 because of the zero value provided on the same date in Sequence 1. As of 03/25/13, the second sequence will not hold the one seat for a different major if that student as not already registered.

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11. Maintain Schedule of Classes: Notes

Introduction On the Notes tab use preconfigured notes; copy and edit preconfigured notes; or author your own, unique notes. Students see these notes when they look at the Class Search>>Details page.

Directory Navigation Create notes by going to Student Central>>Main Menu>>Curriculum Management>> Maintain Schedule of Classes>>Notes Tab.

How to Use Notes Functionality

1. To author a note, place the cursor in the text box adjacent to the Clear Note button. Type the note.

2. Click Save.

3. To add another note, click the Plus (+) button. Notice the Sequence Number value increases by one.

4. Click View All to see the previous note while working on the second one.

5. To add a preconfigured note, click the Note Nbr Look Up button. Select the note. That note appears in the text box adjacent to the Copy Note button.

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6. To edit the note, click Copy Note. The note reappears in the text box next to the Clear Note button. Edit the note as desired.

7. Click Save.

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12. Maintain Schedule of Classes: Distance Learning

Introduction Understanding how to correctly assign values for the Basic Data tab’s Campus, Location, Physical Location, Funding, Course Type, and Delivery Mode fields, as well as for certain fields on the Reserve Cap tab, allows you to successfully build distance-learning class sections. It’s not too difficult! You’ll recognize the majority of these concepts from your work in the legacy system.

Distance Learning: Specifics

CAMPUSES The university has only three campuses:

Main (MAIN) Tallahassee, FL;

Panama City (PC) Panama City, FL; and

Republic of Panama (ROP).

LOCATIONS However, the university has many locations—that is, places from which instruction originates. In Curriculum Management, the value you supply for the Location field equates to where the instructor is located. For example, the university does not have a campus in the city of London, England, but London is a location where instructors teach. Similarly, “ONLINE” is a valid location. In the legacy system, you had to use a numerical value—85—to indicate that an instructor was teaching a class online. In Curriculum Management, there’s an ONLINE location category.

PHYSICAL LOCATION The Physical Location field is where you provide a value indicating where the students are located. As with the Location field, there’s now an ONLINE category available so that you can indicate that students are receiving instruction in an online environment.

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Funding and Course Type categories have the same functionality they had in the legacy system. Instead of being coded with a single alpha or numeric value, however, equivalent values can be up to ten characters in length.

For example, where a funding-type value of 2 was instructor funded by armed forces, the value is now

FUNDARMFRC. Where a course-type value of T was a 2 + 2 Course, the value is now 2PLUS2CRS

NOTE: See Appendix D in this User Guide for equivalencies between legacy and new values.

DELIVERY MODE In Curriculum Management, the value you provide in the Delivery Mode field captures the equivalent of the legacy system’s course variant value. Delivery modes are tied to the course catalog such that when you use the Delivery Mode Look Up feature, you see only those modes applicable to the course section you’re working with.

The standard delivery mode default for all face-to-face courses is 00. IMPORTANT! The 00 value is the only Delivery Mode value that consistently

remains the same from course to course. It always indicates in person, face-to-face instruction.

As previously mentioned, when using the Delivery Mode Look Up, only valid delivery modes for the class section appear. Be aware, however, that unlike the 00 value, a 01 (or 02, or 05, etc.) value does not necessarily indicate the same delivery mode “package” from course to course. Thus, it is important to carefully review the Description that appears in conjunction with the chosen Delivery Mode value.

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For example, for a certain course a 01 delivery mode might indicate

asynchronous delivery plus a certain technology attribute, while on another course a 01 delivery mode might simply indicate synchronous delivery. Always look at the Description field to confirm what you believe to be true about the delivery mode!


When building a distance-learning class section, you may need to reserve a certain number of seats (Reserve Cap) for students in a specific requirement group. Refer to chapters eight and nine in this User Guide for comprehensive instructions on how best to search for specific student requirement groups.


RC= Reserve Capacity

SG = Student Group

PLN = Plan

Henceforth, additional fee assessments (which, in the CSM, were simply a way to request that an additional fee

be assessed) continue to be administered between the Office of Distance Learning and Student Financial Services. The Fall 2013 rate table is available in Summer 2013.

The following table provides an at-a-glance summary of those fields that are key to building distance-learning course sections.

Field Field Definition Curriculum Management Tab Campus The class is for students at a given

campus. Basic Data tab

Location The class can be ONLINE or, if face-to-face, where instruction originates (instructor’s location).

Basic Data tab

Physical Location The class can be ONLINE or, if face-to-face where instruction is delivered (students’ location).

Basic Data tab

Delivery Mode 00 = In Person. If other modes are available, they appear in the data returned in Look Up of the Delivery Mode field.

Basic Data tab

Funding The code indicating how the instructor is paid and/or how the course is funded.

Basic Data tab

Course Type The code indicating how fees are assessed.

Basic Data tab

Reserve Capacities The feature allowing you to reserve a set of seats for particular student requirement groups.

Reserve Cap tab

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13. Ad Astra—Assigning Rooms to Class Meeting Times

Introduction Assigning rooms to courses is the only scheduling task performed outside of Student Central’s Curriculum Management interface. To assign rooms to classes, use the Ad Astra application. After a room is associated with a class, Ad Astra sends that information back to Curriculum Management. During business hours, these updates run in real time. If you make changes between 6:00 PM and 6:00 AM, however, you do not see those changes updated in Curriculum Management until the next morning after 6:00 AM.

CAUTION! Previously, when you used the CSM to schedule courses, you could schedule a particular course, assign it a room, and then change the course at a later time. The CSM would “hold” the room assignment allowing you to modify the class that would meet there. The new system does not behave the same way. You cannot build a class, assign it a meeting time and space, and then change the class later.

When building the class container, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know which building and room your class should meet in or who the instructor is! Previously, concerns about classroom space guided some scheduling decisions. With the addition of Ad Astra, however, build classes with the appropriate enrollment capacity entered, and Ad Astra helps find the best space!

Navigation Log on to Blackboard>>Secure Apps. Select Course Schedule Master/SC Curriculum Mgmt/Ad Astra. Under Scheduling Options, on the Fall 2013 Scheduling & Beyond pane, chose Ad Astra – Room Assignment.

How to Use Ad Astra to Add a Classroom to a Meeting Time

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1. Access Ad Astra. Click the Academics tab. The main Academics window appears divided in two panes. On the left is a Filter pane, and on the right is a Section List pane.

2. To narrow the list of classes in the Section List area only to those for which you’ve scheduled meeting times (the only classes for which you can, in turn, schedule a room), use the Filter function. Select the View Meetings radio button.

3. Click the Plus (+) button across from Subject. Select the appropriate course-prefix check box.

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4. Click the Search button, found at the bottom right hand corner of the Filter area. Class sections with the chosen course prefix that have meeting patterns assigned appear in the Section List area.

5. Click a class for which to schedule a meeting space. The Section Info pane appears.

NOTE: Look at the Import Id: field. The Import Id is a unique, class section identifier. Ad Astra uses this number to link the room assignment with the correct class section in Student Central. The Import Id comprises five pieces of data, in this order: term_course ID_ course offering nbr_ session_class section.

6. Click the Edit button at the top left hand corner of the Academics tab. Additional functionality becomes available on the Meetings tab.

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7. In the Room column on the Meetings tab, two new buttons are available. “Pencil” + house (Assign Room) and “Stop Sign” + house (Drop Room). Click the Assign Room button. The Scheduler window appears.

IMPORTANT! The room choices that appear are based on the value you provided on Curriculum Management’s Enrollment Cntrl tab in the Enrollment Capacity field. For example, if the enrollment capacity is set to 50, the system provides an optimized list of rooms where a Score of 100 percent means the room cap and enrollment cap are exactly matched at 50 seats. It’s likely you will not see all of the rooms to which you have access when this list appears because Ad Astra returns only values that are equal to or greater than the value you provided in Curriculum Management>>Enrollment Cntrl tab>>Enrollment Capacity field. To see rooms with a seating capacity less than the Enrollment Capacity field’s value, change the list using Filter functionality.

8. The column to the right of the Score column reflects the room’s status as available or not available. Click Available and it turns to a Selected status.

CAUTION! Attempting to schedule a class in a space that already has a class meeting scheduled, results in a Conflicts value appearing .

NOTE: Click the Plus (+) button in the Room column-header to expand room details.

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WARNING! Changing the room capacity on the Ad Astra side DOES NOT change the enrollment capacity on the Curriculum Management side. Choosing a room with a seating capacity less than the enrollment capacity creates a risk of having more students than seats!

9. Click OK. The Academics tab becomes active again.

10. At the top, left-hand corner click Save. The room now appears in Ad Astra’s Meetings tab. The room assignment is saved, and the data is carried over to the Meeting tab in Curriculum Management. Check this by confirming that on Curriculum Management’s Meetings tab, the correct facility ID appears in the Facility ID field.

NOTE: To decouple a room from a class meeting:

1. follow steps #1 – #5 above.

2. Click the Drop Room button.

3. Click Save. The room is no longer associated with the meeting. Check by following step #10 above.

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When you build the class container, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know which building and room your class should meet in, or who the instructor will be. With Ad Astra, you can build your class with the appropriate enrollment capacity entered, and Ad Astra helps you find the best space.

Astra is the only application that requires you to input data outside of the Curriculum Management modules.

After assigning rooms to meeting times, Ad Astra relays that data back to the appropriate areas of Curriculum Management.

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Appendix A: Help! How to Log a Ticket FSU Service Center Need help? Request assistance by logging a ticket with the FSU Service Center.

1. Log into OMNI. In the FSU Service Center area, click the FSU Service Center link.

2. Click Create New Case.

3. From the Category drop down menu, select Registrar-Curriculum Management.

4. Choose the appropriate Specialty Type value.

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5. Choose the appropriate Detail value.

6. Provide a Problem Summary and provide additional information in the Problem Details text box.

7. Click Submit. You receive a confirmation number.

8. Click OK.

Online Help Go to registrar.fsu.edu and click the Scheduler Resources link. You can download this entire User Guide as a PDF, or download any of the individual chapters as a PDF. Continue to check the site from time to time. This is where new and/or updated job aids and documentation can be found!

Notice an Error? Send an email to [email protected]. Please cite the page number and the nature of the error.

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Appendix B: Enrollment Requirement Groups – Reserve Capacity Rubric

Reserve Capacity Prefix

Plan Abbreviation

Plan Name

Based on Student Groups: RC_SG_

Based on Academic Plan(s): RC_PLN_ UG Undergraduate Plans (BA, BS)

GD Graduate Doctoral Plans

M2 2nd Major Plans

NF NFA Plans

GM Graduate Master’s Plans

PR Pre/Pre-Reqs Incomplete Plans

TH Thesis Plans

MN Minor Plans

PF Professional Plans

SP Specialist Plans

PU Pre-Reqs Incomplete/Upper Plans

AU Audit Undergraduate Plans

AG Audit Graduate Plans

CN Conditional Plans

NU NFA/Upper Plans

PT Professional Thesis Plans

LW College of Law Plans

MD College of Medicine Plans

CU Undergraduate Certificate Plans

CG Graduate Certificate Plans

CL Law Certificate Plans


Exploratory Plans

UN Undecided Plans

HN Honors Plans

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Appendix C: Instructor Roles

Instructor Role - Short Name Instructor Role - Long Name Access Options Assign Type Options


Committee Member

No Access




Courtesy Instructor

No Access


Crse Admin

Course Administrator

No Access Exclude


Distance Learning Asst

No Access Exclude

Grad TA

Graduate TA

No Access Additional



Graduate Asst Research

No Access Exclude


Graduate Asst Teaching

No Access Additional



Graduate Research Asst

No Access Additional


Grade Del

Grade Roster Delegate

Approve Grade Exclude


Instruction/Teaching No Access Exclude

Instructor Instructor of Record Approve Grade





Lab Coordinator No Access Exclude

Mentor Mentor No Access Exclude



No Access Exclude

Prim Instr

Primary Instructor Approve Grade Standard


ProResAst Professional Research Asst No Access Additional


Tch/Cl Ast

Teaching/Classroom Asst No Access Additional



Technician No Access Additional


Tutorl Ast

Tutorial Asst No Access Additional


UGRsTchAst Undergrad

Research/Teaching Asst

No Access Exclude

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Appendix D: Funding- and Course- Type Crosswalk Tables

Course Attribute

Attribute Value (10 Char)

Legacy Equivalent Description (30 Char) Formal Description (50 Char)

FUND FUNDARMFRC 2 Instructor Funded by Armed Forces

Instructor Fund-armed Forces

Instructor Funded by Armed Forces

FUND FUNDSTATE 0 State Fundable State Fundable State Fundable

FUND FUNDSTDNT L Course and Instructor Funded by Student

Crse/Instrctr Fund-Student

Course & Instructor Funded by Student

FUND MEDICAL M Medical Course Medical Course Medical Course

FUND NONSUSMIL 4 Course and Instructor Funded by non-SUS/non-mil

Crse/Instrctr Fund-non-SUS/MIL

Course and Instructor Funded by non SUS/non MIL

FUND REMEDIAL 1 Remedial Course Remedial Course Remedial Course

FUND RPTSRCHRG J Non-fundable repeat surcharge applied

Non-Fundable Repeat Surcharge

Non-Fundable Repeat Surcharge Applied

FUND SLRYFAU B Instructor’s salary paid by FAU

Instrctr Slry paid-FAU Instructor’s Salary paid by FAU

FUND SLRYGCU K Instructor’s salary paid by GCU

Instrctr Slry paid-GCU Instructor’s Salary paid by GCU

FUND SLRYFIU C Instructor’s salary paid by FIU

Instrctr Slry paid-FIU Instructor’s Salary paid by FIU

FUND SLRYFSU A Instructor’s salary paid by FSU

Instrctr Slry paid-FSU Instructor’s Salary paid by FSU

FUND SLRYNEWCOL N Instructor’s salary paid by NEEWCOLL

Instrctr Slry paid-NEEWCOLL

Instructor’s Salary paid by NEEWCOLL

FUND SLRYUCF E Instructor’s salary paid by UCF

Instrctr Slry paid-UCF Instructor’s Salary paid by UCF

FUND SLRYUF F Instructor’s salary paid by UF

Instrctr Slry paid-UF Instructor’s Salary paid by UF

FUND SLRYUNF G Instructor’s salary paid by UNF

Instrctr Slry paid-UNF Instructor’s Salary paid by UNF

FUND SLRYUSF H Instructor’s salary paid by USF

Instrctr Slry paid-USF Instructor’s Salary paid by USF

FUND SLRYUWF I Instructor’s salary paid by UWF

Instrctr Slry paid-UWF Instructor’s Salary paid by UWF

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Course Attribute

Attribute Value (10 Char)

Legacy Equivalent Description (30 Char)

Formal Description (50 Char)

TYPE STANDARD A Standard Standard Standard


TYPE SPONCRDTNF S Sponsored Credit-non Fundable

Sponsored Credit-Non Fundable

Sponsored Credit-Non Fundable

TYPE NONFUND X Non-fundable course Non Fundable Course

Non Fundable Course

TYPE ADDTLCOST D Additional Cost Additional Cost Additional Cost

TYPE 2PLUS2CRS T-2+2 2 + 2 Course 2 Plus 2 Course 2 Plus 2 Course

TYPE CONTEDFSU C FSU Continuing Education FSU Continuing Education

FSU Continuing Education

TYPE ZEROFEE Z Zero Fee Assessment Zero Fee Assessment

Zero Fee Assessment

TYPE COPENDOFAM O Cooperative Education, Non-FAMU

Cooperative Education-Non FAMU

Cooperative Education-Non FAMU

TYPE MED134YR M Medical Science- 1st, 3rd, 4th yr

Medical - 1st, 3rd, 4th Years

Medical - 1st, 3rd, 4th Years

TYPE MED2YR 2 Medical Science-2nd yr Medical -2nd Year Medical -2nd Year

TYPE TCCREMEDL R TCC Remedial TCC Remedial TCC Remedial