Novia University of Applied Sciences Aboa Mare School of Maritime Studies Curriculum for the Degree Programme in Maritime Management 162 + 108 credits ECTS Date: 21/05/2014

Curriculum for the Degree Programme in Maritime ...Novia University of Applied Sciences Aboa Mare School of Maritime Studies Curriculum for the Degree Programme in Maritime Management

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Page 1: Curriculum for the Degree Programme in Maritime ...Novia University of Applied Sciences Aboa Mare School of Maritime Studies Curriculum for the Degree Programme in Maritime Management

Novia University of Applied Sciences

Aboa Mare School of Maritime Studies


for the Degree Programme in

Maritime Management

162 + 108 credits ECTS

Date: 21/05/2014

Page 2: Curriculum for the Degree Programme in Maritime ...Novia University of Applied Sciences Aboa Mare School of Maritime Studies Curriculum for the Degree Programme in Maritime Management


Curriculum for the Master Mariner (Sea Captain) Degree 162 + 108 credits ECTS.

According to the Finnish Board of Education’s decision on the Degree Programmes at the

Novia University of Applied Sciences, the Degree Programme in Maritime Management

comprises 270 credits ECTS (hereafter referred to as "credit") which include 108 credits

of onboard training.

The name of the degree is Master Mariner.

The Degree Programme in Maritime Management shall in regard to the Master Mariner

degree meet the requirements set in the STCW Convention 1978 (International Conven-

tion on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers). The con-

vention was modified in 2010 (the Manilla Amendments) and came into force on

01.07.2013. The training shall also comply with the Commission’s directive 94/58/EG on

the minimum requirements for the education and training of seafarers.

The Degree Programme in Maritime Management is officially audited in accordance with

the STCW year 2012, and is authorized to train Master Mariners. The Degree Programme

in Maritime Management has a quality system which meets the STCW requirements.

After completing their studies, the students are qualified to work as officers on both Finn-

ish and foreign merchant vessels in worldwide international traffic or in leading positions

in the land-based fields of shipping.

The aim is that the student completes the theoretical studies and the onboard training

which leads to the Watchkeeping Rating’s Competency during the first year of studies.

The Watchkeeping Officer competency is acquired after approximately 3 years of studies

and the Master Mariner Degree after 4.5 years of studies.

The curriculum for the Master Mariner degree 162 + 108 credits follows the requirements

set in the STCW-95 Convention.

The curriculum is in accordance with the STCW Convention structured into the follow-

ing levels:

Support Level

Operational Level

Management Level

In addition to the STCW-modules, common core studies and optional studies are also in-

cluded in the curriculum.

The curriculum for Master Mariner 162+108 credits consists of extensive study modules.

The modules form the basic units for the contents and structure of the studies. The scope

of the study modules is expressed in credits.

According to the ECTS definition, a study year consists of 60 credits and requires an ap-

proximate study effort consisting of 1,600 hours from the student. The study year com-

prises 40 calendar weeks. A working week requires approximately 40 hours of work from

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the student, and it can consist of both classroom teaching, independent studies and pro-

ject-based learning.


The teaching in sustainable development must be demonstrable in the curricula. This is

made apparent by using the ant symbol at the beginning of each part module and course


In this curriculum, subjects such as navigation, manoeuvring, etc. are considered to be

associated with sustainable development because their objectives include the avoiding of

environment consequences of grounding and collisions.


The following rules are applied regarding attendance and non-attendance:

6.11.1 Non-attendance (translation of an excerpt from the Quality Manu-


The STCW-subjects have obligatory attendance. Absence from working

teams, exercises and simulator training means that the non-attendance must be

compensated for, i.e. the student must attend the parts he/she has missed. The

student shall compensate for the non-attendance from the theoretical parts of

the part modules which are evaluated on the basis of a written exam by corre-

sponding work for the specialist teacher.

In the curriculum the STCW-subjects have been divided into practical and

theoretical modules, which are marked with the colour-code RED for the prac-

tical and BLUE for the theoretical modules.

STCW practical courses (RED)

Mandatory attendance is required in a red course to its whole or to a part. The

extent of mandatory attendance is stated in the timetable.

As to the absence from a red course, the student shall retake the whole course

or applicable part of it, in order to get the permission to take the examination

for the course in question, or otherwise compensate his/her absence, as agreed

upon with the specialist teacher.

STCW theoretical courses (BLUE)

As to the absence from a blue course, the student shall according to the quality

system compensate for his/her non-attendance by demonstrating correspond-

ing skills and knowledge pertaining to the course (e.g. by written assign-


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Non-attendance is recorded on the registration form for the course enrolment

which is monitored in connection with the part course evaluations.

Other subjects which in the curriculum have the colour-code RED or BLUE have the

same status as a STCW-subject with the corresponding notation.

STCW-subjects (and corresponding subjects with the equivalent status) are subjects

which have a reference to the STCW Convention in the curriculum. The references refer

to the STCW edition from 2010, including the Manila Amendment

Subjects which in the curriculum have the colour-code BLACK require that the require-

ments set in the examination of the subject in question, must be completed before the

course can be considered to be passed.


The objective of the education is to train competent and versatile captains for the national,

European and international traffic. The main tasks of a captain include being responsible

for and manoeuvring a vessel, and transporting cargo in such a way which is safe for both

people and the environment. The education also offers bases for functioning in leading

positions in land-based organizations within the maritime field.

The training fulfils the requirements set in the international Convention on the Training,

Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW Convention).

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Common Core Studies 39 credits


Support Level 17,5 credits

Operational Level 51 credits

Management Level 34,5 credits



DEGREE THESIS 15 credits

IN ALL 270 credits

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162+108 credits



Ref. Change Page Active










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SUPPORT LEVEL ........................................................................................................................................ 1

NAVIGATION FUNCTION 1 ............................................................................................................................ 1 Onboard Community and Watchkeeping Duties .................................................................................... 2 Terrestrial Navigation and Collision Regulations .................................................................................. 4 English 1 ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Ships Machinery ..................................................................................................................................... 6

CARGO FUNCTION 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Ship Types and Cargo Handling............................................................................................................. 8 Tanker Familiarization Course .............................................................................................................. 9

OPERATION FUNCTION 3 ............................................................................................................................ 10 Ship Maintenance and Seamanship 3, deckmachinery ......................................................................... 11 Watchkeeping Duties, Engine ............................................................................................................... 12 Ship Maintenance and Seamanship 1, workshop .................................................................................. 13 Ship Maintenance and Seamanship 2, corrosion .................................................................................. 14 Metal works .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Law and legislation 1 ........................................................................................................................... 17 Occupational Safety .............................................................................................................................. 19 Basic Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 20 Basic Fire Fighting ............................................................................................................................... 21 Medical Care 1, First Aid ..................................................................................................................... 22 Lifeboatman .......................................................................................................................................... 23

ONBOARD TRAINING SUL .......................................................................................................................... 24

OPERATIONAL LEVEL ........................................................................................................................... 27

NAVIGATION FUNCTION 1 .......................................................................................................................... 27 Terrestrial Navigation A ....................................................................................................................... 28 Terrestrial Navigation B ....................................................................................................................... 30 Terrestrial Navigation C ...................................................................................................................... 32 Terrestrial Navigation D ...................................................................................................................... 33 Route planning 1................................................................................................................................... 35 Meteorology and Oceanography .......................................................................................................... 36 Tidal Calculations ................................................................................................................................ 37 Navigational Aids; Radar ..................................................................................................................... 38 Navigational Aids; GNSS, compasses and steering .............................................................................. 39 Navigational Aids; ECDIS.................................................................................................................... 41 Celestial Navigation 1 .......................................................................................................................... 42 Celestial Navigation 2 .......................................................................................................................... 43 Celestial Navigation 3 .......................................................................................................................... 44 Watchkeeping Duties 1: Collision Regulations ................................................................................... 45 Watchkeeping Duties 1 B: Bridge routines.......................................................................................... 47 Radar Plotting 1: Manual plotting ....................................................................................................... 49 Radar Plotting 2: ARPA ....................................................................................................................... 51 Manoeuvring 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 53 MRM ..................................................................................................................................................... 54 Radio Communication GOC ................................................................................................................. 55

CARGO FUNCTION 2 ................................................................................................................................... 56 Cargo Handling 1 ................................................................................................................................. 57 Cargo Handling 2 ................................................................................................................................. 59 Advanced Tanker Safety ....................................................................................................................... 60

OPERATION FUNCTION 3 ............................................................................................................................ 61 ISM + Conventions ............................................................................................................................... 62 Environmental Protection..................................................................................................................... 63 SSO (Ship Security Officer) .................................................................................................................. 64 Stability 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 65 Stability 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 66

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Ship Theory 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 67 Safety for Officers ................................................................................................................................. 69 Advanced Fire Fighting ........................................................................................................................ 70 Law and Legislation 2 .......................................................................................................................... 71 Occupational Safety .............................................................................................................................. 72 Watchkeeping Duties 2: Bridge routines, simulator ............................................................................. 73 Medical Care 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 75

ONBOARD TRAINING .................................................................................................................................. 77

MANAGEMENT LEVEL ........................................................................................................................... 80

NAVIGATION FUNCTION 1 .......................................................................................................................... 80 Metheorology 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 81 Search and Rescue (SAR) ..................................................................................................................... 82 Navigational Aids: Compasses ............................................................................................................. 83 Navigational Aids: INS ......................................................................................................................... 85 Watchkeeping Duties 3 ......................................................................................................................... 86 Route Planning 2 .................................................................................................................................. 88 Manoeuvring 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 90 Mechanical Engineering....................................................................................................................... 92

CARGO FUNCTION 2 ................................................................................................................................... 93 Cargo Handling 1 ................................................................................................................................. 94 Cargo Handling 2 ................................................................................................................................. 95 Cargo Handling 3 ................................................................................................................................. 96 Cargo Handling 4 ................................................................................................................................. 97 Cargo Handling 5 ................................................................................................................................. 98 Cargo Handling 6 ................................................................................................................................. 99

OPERATION FUNCTION 3 .......................................................................................................................... 100 Damage Control ................................................................................................................................. 101 Ship Theory 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 103 Law and Legislation 3 ........................................................................................................................ 104 Maritime Economics ........................................................................................................................... 106 International legislative requirements and Environmental Management Systems ............................. 107 Safety Management ............................................................................................................................ 108 Medical Care 3 ................................................................................................................................... 110

COMMON STUDIES ................................................................................................................................ 112

NATURAL SCIENCE 21 CR ......................................................................................................................... 112 Mathematics 1 .................................................................................................................................... 113 Mathematics 2 .................................................................................................................................... 114 IT Studies 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 115 Physics 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 116 Physics 4 ............................................................................................................................................. 117 Mathematics 5 .................................................................................................................................... 118 Physics 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 119 Physics 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 120 Mathematics 3/4 ................................................................................................................................. 121 Maritime Chemistry ............................................................................................................................ 122 Mathematics 6 .................................................................................................................................... 123 Mathematics 7 .................................................................................................................................... 124

LANGUAGES 10 CR ................................................................................................................................... 125 Professional English 3 ........................................................................................................................ 126 Professional Swedish .......................................................................................................................... 127 Professional English 1 ........................................................................................................................ 129 English ML E1 .................................................................................................................................... 130 English ML E2 .................................................................................................................................... 131

GENERAL STUDIES 9 CR ........................................................................................................................... 132 Swedish 1 ............................................................................................................................................ 133 Basic Finnish 1 ................................................................................................................................... 134 Sustainable development .................................................................................................................... 135 Research methodology ........................................................................................................................ 136

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Support Level

Navigation Function 1

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Support Level

Onboard Com-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/4

STCW-Code:Table B-VI/6

Course description

Code MM14S101

Attendance obligation Red


Onboard Community and Watchkeeping Duties

Prerequisites No prerequisites

Competences The student

Is familiarised with the vessel as a social environment and

work place

knows the onboard community and how it functions

knows the watchkeeping arrangements onboard vessels at sea

and in port

knows how to keep a navigational watch according to the

principles of good seamanship

knows how to steer the vessel and how to follow helm orders

also when given in the English language

knows how to steer using magnetic and gyro-compasses

understands helm orders

knows how to change-over from automatic pilot to hand steer-

ing and vice versa

knows the decisions on manning of ships, certification of sea-

farers and watchkeeping onboard

gains a thorough knowledge of different communication sys-

tems onboard

gains a thorough knowledge of alarm systems onboard and

one's personal duties in connection with these

is able to understand orders and to use seafaring terminology

and definitions with the officer of the watch, and to handover

watch according to the watchkeeping routines, and knows the

responsibilities of a look-out

is familiar with the preparations before arrival, taking a pilot

onboard, anchoring operations and mooring

is familiar with the basic principles of the protection of the

marine environment

Familiarisation and security awareness

Scope 1,5 credits

Contents organization onboard a vessel

watchkeeping routines

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automatic pilot

helm orders

exercises in steering the vessel

courses and bearings

manoeuvring signals

using the vessel’s internal communication systems

terminology and information in connection with watchkeeping


regulations in connection with watchkeeping as applicable

environmental protection in connection with watchkeeping du-


Adequate security training for seafarers

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based


Practical exercises onboard a vessel and in the workshop; simula-

tor exercises also possible.

Evaluation STCW-Code:Table A-II/4 Column 4:

A steady course is steered within acceptable limits having re-

gard to the area of navigation and the prevailing sea state. Al-

terations of course are smooth and controlled.

Communications are clear and concise at all times and orders

are acknowledged in a seamanlike manner.

Sound signals, lights and other objects are promptly detected

and their appropriate bearing in degrees or points is reported to

the officer of the watch.

Communications are clear and concise and advice/clarification

is sought from the officer of the watch when watch infor-

mation or instructions are not clearly understood.

Maintenance, handover and relief of the watch confirm with

accepted practices and procedures

is able to prepare for arrival and departure, duties in connec-

tion with anchoring, embarkation of pilot and mooring, taking

into account the occupational safety.

is familiar with and follows the garbage management plan of

the ship.

Examination Written examination. Steering examination in a simulator or

onboard a vessel. Possible assignments completed.

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Operational Lev-


Terrestrial Navi-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14S102

Attendance obliga-




Terrestrial Navigation and Collision Regulations

Prerequisites None

Competences The student

has the skills in navigation and seamanship required for

the competency for functioning as a look-out on the


knows how to use the International Code of Signals.

Scope 1,5 credit

Contents The student knows

nautical charts, their characteristics and symbols.

the buoyage system, coordinate system, conversion of

courses and easier bearings in connection with chart work.

the deviation and variation of a magnetic compass

the International Code of Signals

Visual Signalling

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based

learning. Practical exercises onboard a vessel can also be used

as a method of instruction.

Evaluation The primary method of determining the ship’s position should

be the most appropriate one in relation to the prevailing cir-

cumstances and conditions.

The position is determined within the limits of acceptable in-

strument/system errors.

The reliability of the information obtained from the primary

method of position fixing is checked at appropriate intervals.

Calculations and measurements of navigational information

are accurate.

Examination Written examination or a practical test onboard a vessel. Pos-

sible assignments completed.

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Support Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/4

Course description

Code MM14S103

Attendance obliga-



Course English 1

Prerequisites None

Competences The course introduces the student with Maritime English and

its range of use.

The student knows the most important vocabulary in connec-

tion with radio communication in distress situations and in

routine radio traffic.

Scope 1.0 credits

Contents Exercises in radio communication, the most important mari-

time vocabulary and reading of maritime-related texts.

Method of in-


Exercises and lectures

Introduction to web-based studies.

Literature: Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP):

General, Glossary, Distress Communication

Articles (approximately 10 pages) in connection with the im-

portance of communication in different situations at sea.

Evaluation A passed examination and a written assignment.

Examination Written examination.

Written assignment (an essay, about 150 words).

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Support Level

Ship Machinery

STCW-Code:Table A-III/4

Course description

Code MM14S104

Attendance obliga-




Ships Machinery

Prerequisites None

Competences The student

knows the main parts of the diesel engine and its purpose.

knows the different fields of application of diesel engines.

knows the environmental effects of diesel engines.

realises the importance of maintenance for safe navigation

and minimised environmental consequences.

Scope 1.0 credits

Contents the most important parts of a diesel engine and their func-

tioning mechanisms


lubricating oils

cooling water

starting air

maintenance and overhaul of a diesel engine

the effects of a diesel engine on the environment

occupational safety

Method of in-


Classroom lectures and/or project-based learning. Exercises in

the workshop or onboard a vessel; study excursions are also a

possible method of instruction.



Knows various types of diesel engines and their function-

ing mechanisms.

observes safety issues when working in an engine room.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Cargo Function 2

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Support Level

Onboard Com-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/4

Course description

Code MM14S201

Attendance obliga-




Ship Types and Cargo Handling

Prerequisites No prerequisites

Competences The student

knows how to make the vessel ready for sea and duties in

port in connection with loading and discharging, cargo

handling and handling of hazardous cargoes.

knows the structure of a merchant ship and the most com-

mon vessel terms.

has thorough knowledge of the objectives of environmen-

tal protection and occupational welfare.

knows the characteristics and functioning of mooring

equipment and lifting devices and cargo securing methods.

Scope 1,5 credits

Contents Different vessel types, their areas of usage

Ship construction, the names of various vessel parts and

their use

Vessel equipment, main dimensions and form, load lines

and markings for draught (draught-marks)

Handling and securing of general cargoes

Handling of dangerous goods according to the IMDG Code

and the risks connected with hazardous cargoes

Environmental protection and occupational welfare

The vessel’s mooring equipment, lifting devices and cargo

securing methods

can perform duties of a watchman safely in connection

with loading and discharging

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based


Practical exercises in the workshop and onboard a vessel pos-


Evaluation STCW-Code:Table A-II/4 Column 4

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Support Level


STCW-Code:A-V/ 1-1-1

STCW-Code :B-V/1

Course description

Code MM14S202

Attendance obliga-




Tanker Familiarization Course

Prerequisites Vessel Types and Cargo Handling

Competences The aim of the Tanker Familiarization Course is that those who

intend to start working on a tanker, others than officers or crew

having responsibility for cargo transport or handling, will get ac-

quainted with tanker cargoes, cargo handling equipment, cargo

shipments and tanker operations.

After passing the course the student gets a certificate which entitles

him/her to apply for an official certificate from the Finnish Mari-

time Administration.

Scope 0,5 credits


Regulations and application codes

Tankers, types, construction, the names of the various parts

and equipment

Operations on a tanker

Loading and discharging, sea transportation, purging,

washing and cleaning of tanks, ballast and ballast passage

The physical and chemical characteristics of oils, chemicals

and gases

Cargo characteristics

Health hazards, poisonousness, risk of explosion and fire,

and risks which are a threat to the marine environment

Minimizing the risks and risk factors, risk of explosion and

fire and poisonousness, and protection of the marine envi-


Safety appliances and equipment and personal protection

Emergency measures

Method of in-


Classroom lectures.


STCW-Code:A-V/ 1-1-1

Examination Written examination.

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Operation Function 3

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Support Level

Onboard Com-


STCW-Code:Table A-VI/1-4

Course description

Code MM14S301

Attendance obliga-



Course Ship Maintenance and Seamanship 3, deckmachinery

Prerequisites No prerequisites

Competences The student

has thorough knowledge of deck machinery, its construc-

tion, usage and maintenance.

knows the maintenance of cargo handling equipment and

lifting devices.

learns to observe safe occupational safety routines.

has thorough knowledge of the objectives of environmen-

tal protection and occupational welfare.

Scope 1.0 credits

Contents Deck machinery, its characteristics and safe methods of


Maintenance of deck machinery

Maintenance of cargo handling gear, ramps, hatches, lifts

and lifting devices


Maintenance programme and planning

Occupational safety and environmental protection onboard

Method of in-


Classroom lectures and/or project-based learning. Practical

exercises in a workshop and onboard a vessel are also possible

methods of instruction.

Evaluation Maintaining expected professional norms and behaviour at

all times

The working methods used in maintenance and overhaul

work as well as cleaning and washing meet the require-

ments set by good seamanship; tools are chosen correctly.

Examination Written examination. Possible assignments completed.

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Support Level

Onboard Com-


STCW-Code:Table A-III/4

Course description

Code MM14S302

Attendance obliga-




Watchkeeping Duties, Engine

Prerequisites None

Competences The student must be familiar with the watchkeeping routines

in accordance with the STCW Convention and understand

their significance when it comes to good and safe seamanship

and minimised environmental effects. Furthermore, the student

must be able to understand and use the correct terms referring

to the different parts of the engine room and its general organ-


Scope 1,0 credits

Contents STCW Code Section A-III/4 with reference to the duties of an

engine-room watch

Method of in-


Classroom lectures and/or practical exercises onboard a vessel

or in a simulator and/or project-based learning.



Initial action on becoming aware of an emergency or abnormal

situation conforms to established procedures and practices.

Communications are clear and concise at all times and orders

are acknowledged in a seamanlike manner.

Communications are clear and concise and advice or clarifica-

tion is sought from the officer of the watch when watch infor-

mation or instructions are not clearly understood.

Maintenance, handover and relief of the watch confirm with

accepted practices and procedures.

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Support Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/4

STCW-Code:Table A-VI/1-4

Course description

Code MM14S303

Attendance obliga-



Course Ship Maintenance and Seamanship 1, workshop

Prerequisites No prerequisites

Competences The student

knows the basics in ship maintenance

knows the handling, storing, overhauling and maintaining

of ropes, hawsers and cables, and is aware of the breaking

load of the ropes.

is familiar with the securing of equipment and necessities.

is familiar with the waste disposal management onboard.

learns to observe safe occupational protection routines.

has thorough knowledge of the objectives of environmen-

tal protection and occupational welfare.

Scope 1.5 credits

Contents Basics in ship maintenance

Securing of equipment

Mooring, mooring equipment

The basic knots, the structure of ropes and hawsers, splic-

ing, whipping and seizing, and the structure, handling and

maintenance of a cable

Occupational safety and environmental protection onboard

Waste disposal management

Method of in-


Practical exercises in a workshop and lectures and/or project-

based learning. Practical exercises onboard a vessel can also

be used as a method of instruction.

Evaluation Maintaining expected professional norms and behaviour at

all times

The working methods used in maintenance and overhaul

work as well as cleaning and washing meet the require-

ments set by good seamanship; tools are chosen correctly

The knots and splicings must fulfil the occupational safety


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Support Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/4

STCW-Code:Table A-VI/1-4

Course description

Code MM14S304

Attendance obliga-



Course Ship Maintenance and Seamanship 2, corrosion

Prerequisites No prerequisites

Competences The student

has thorough knowledge of the objectives of ship mainte-

nance and protection against corrosion.

is familiar with the corrosion process and protection

against corrosion.

is familiar with the cleaning methods and agents.

learns to observe safe occupational safety routines.

has thorough knowledge of the objectives of environmen-

tal protection and occupational welfare.

Scope 1 credit

Contents Ship maintenance and protection against corrosion

Cleaning and preparation of surfaces to be painted and

painting works and colours

Cleaning methods, cleaning agents and other chemicals -

their characteristics and safe and environmentally sound

methods of application.

Occupational safety and environmental protection onboard

Method of in-


Classroom lectures and/or project-based learning.

Practical exercises in a workshop and onboard a vessel can

also be used as methods of instruction.

Evaluation Maintaining expected professional norms and behaviour at

all times

The working methods used in maintenance and overhaul

work as well as cleaning and washing meet the require-

ments set by good seamanship; tools are chosen correctly.

Examination Written examination. Possible assignments handed


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Support Level

Ship Machinery

STCW-Code:Table A-II/4

Course description

Code MM14S305

Attendance obliga-




Metal works

Prerequisites None

Competences The student

gets familiar with the most usual cutting and welding

methods common onboard modern vessels.

gets familiar with the safety measures to be taken when

performing work with cutting and welding equipment.

gets to know the most common tools used in metal work,

their functioning and areas of use.

is able to apply occupational safety instructions when us-

ing tools and machine-tools.

knows how to perform minor overhaul and maintenance

related tasks.

is able to take environmental aspects into consideration in

connection with welding and metal work.

Scope 1.0 credits

Contents Gas cutting

Welding using covered electrodes

MIG/MAG welding


Measuring, marking, cutting, filing, grinding, drilling and


Pipes, pipe parts and packings

Method of in-


Practical exercises and theoretical teaching integrated in them

and/or project-based learning.

Evaluation The performed tasks must fulfil the valid norms for welding.

Examination Assignments completed.

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Support Level

Onboard Com-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/4

STCW-Code:Table A-VI/1-4

Course description

Code MM14S306

Attendance obliga-



Course Law and legislation 1

Prerequisites No prerequisites

Competences The student

has thorough knowledge of the legislation regulating the

duties and occupational protection onboard as well as the

effects seafaring has on the environment.

is able to undertake precautionary measures to prevent the

pollution of the maritime environment.

understands orders and is understood in regard to onboard


is able to contribute towards meaningful interpersonal rela-

tions onboard a vessel.

is aware of the existence of international safety conven-

tions regarding maritime environment and ship safety.

Scope 1,0 credits

Contents Basics in the Merchant Shipping Act, maritime labour leg-

islation and maritime law

Decree on watchkeeping onboard and the signing-on pro-


Regulations governing loading and discharging

Legislation on the safety in onboard work

Environmental legislation

The organizational structure of a vessel, the shipping com-

pany and the authorities concerned

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based


Evaluation Continuously observing the organizational procedures

drawn up to protect the marine environment (A-VI/1-4)

Observing expected professional norms and the actors at

all times

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Written examination and possible assignments passed.

A number of Act and Decrees available on Moodle.

K. Van dokkum: "Ship Knowledge-A modern encyklopedia"

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Operational Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/4

STCW-Code:Table A-VI/1-4

Course description

Code MM14S307

Attendance obliga-




Occupational Safety


Competences Safety routines

is familiar with the accident and health risks onboard, the

occupational safety organization and legislation.

has knowledge and skills to manage and organise work

onboard taking occupational safety into account.

Scope 1.0 credits

Contents Vessel environment from the occupational safety perspec-

tive (accident and health risks)

Accidents, accident statistics

The objectives and organization of and legislation with

reference to occupational safety

ILO 1996-Accident prevention onboard ship at sea and in


IMO Conventions

Method of in-


Classroom lectures and /or project based learning



Relevant knowledge and requirements referring to personal

safety onboard are identified correctly.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Support Level



STCW-Code :A-VI/1-4


Course description

Code MM14S308

Attendance obliga-



Course Basic Safety

Prerequisites Medical certificate

Competences The student is provided with the basic safety skills required in

the STCWConvention from all persons who intend to work

onboard a vessel, in accordance with STCW-Code:A-VI/1-1

and A-VI/1-4.

Scope 0,75 credits

Contents Maritime safety in theory and practice, equipment, safety

techniques ad appliances, safety responsibilities, organiza-

tion, physical and psychological preparedness, authority

requirements, rescuing methods and practical exercises,

and regulations for preventing environmental damages

Method of in-


Lectures, independent studies, practical exercises and group




In accordance with STCWCode: A-VI/1-4, A-VI/1-1 column

4 and A-VI/2-1 column 4.

Examination All practical exercises passed and a written examination.

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Support Level



STCWCode: A-VI/1-2

Course description

Code MM14S309

Attendance obliga-




Basic Fire Fighting

Prerequisites Medical certificate

Competences The student familiarizes him-/herself with the fire-fighting

equipment onboard, its operational aspects and areas of usage,

and is able to perform common fire-fighting measures onboard

the vessel in accordance with STCWCode: A-VI/1-2.

Scope 0,5 credits

Contents Combustion theory

Flammable substances

Alarm systems

Fire-fighting appliances and equipment

Fire-fighting agents


Basic Fire Fighting Course according to the course plan of

the Fire Training Unit of the Maritime Safety Training

Centre. The course Evaluation takes place at a STCW-

audited fire training unit

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises



In accordance with STCWCode: A-VI/1-2 Column 4.

Examination A practical test. A written examination is also possible.

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Support Level





Course description

Code MM14S310

Attendance obliga-




Medical Care 1, First Aid

Prerequisites None

Competences The student gains basic knowledge and skills in first aid as to vari-

ous kinds of accidents and illnesses onboard a vessel, in accord-

ance with STCWCode: A-VI/1-3 and A-VI/2-1.

Scope 0.75 credits

Contents first aid principles

first aid onboard vessels, the contents of the first aid kit

elementary knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the

vital functions


first aid in the following situations:

o the most common attacks of illness: chest pains, stroke,

diabetes and epilepsy

o wounds and major bleeding

o shock

o fractures, joint and muscle injuries

o burns and scalds

o hypothermia and frost-bites

o poisonings

o examination and moving of an injured person

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises


A-VI/1-3 In accordance with STCWCode: A-VI/1-3 column 4 and A-VI/2-1

column 4.

Examination A written examination and exercises.

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Support Level




Course description

Code MM14S311

Attendance obliga-



Course Lifeboatman

Prerequisites Medical certificate

Competences The student is provided with the skills and knowledge needed

for the issuance of the certificate Course in Survival Crafts and

Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats in accordance with

STCW-Code:A-VI/2 –1.

Scope 1,0 credits

Contents Maritime safety in theory and practice, equipment, safety

techniques ad appliances, safety responsibilities, organiza-

tion, physical and psychological preparedness, authority

requirements, rescuing methods and practical exercises,

and regulations for preventing environmental damages

Method of in-


Lectures, independent studies, practical exercises and group



In accordance with STCW Code: A-VI/2-1 column 4

Examination All practical exercises passed.

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Support Level


STCW: Reg. II/4

STCW.95: Reg. III/4

Statsrådets förordning (166/2013)

Study module description

Code MM14OT1

Attendance obliga-



Study Module

Onboard Training SuL

Prerequisites Basic Safety, Basic Fire Fighting, First Aid

Competences The student gets an insight into how the tasks in navigation,

mechanical engineering and safety, which belong to the foun-

dations studies, are carried out in a vessel environment.

Scope 18 credits

Contents Navigation

manoeuvring the vessel with the help of landmarks or

fairway marks, magnetic and gyro compasses, helm orders,

changing from manual steering to autopilot and vice versa,

and handing-over and taking helm

the duties of a look-out, fire and safety rounds, steering

and navigational regulations to the extent they are relevant

for a look-out, bearing to a target or source of sound and

reporting to the officer of the watch

ship construction, terminology in connection with the ves-

sel and work routines onboard, the reporting done by a

watchman and protecting the marine environment

the duties of a watchman in an emergency situation, the

pyrotechnic distress signals, SART, EPIRB, avoiding unin-

tentional distress signals and measures to be taken when

raising a false alarm

duties connected with the embarkation and disembarkation

of a pilot, casting off, mooring and anchoring

Mechanical Engineering

terms used for the various parts of the engine room, in-

struments and tools, and their placing or storage

storing, moving and handling fuel, lubricating agents, wa-

ter and other liquids as well as dry materials

arrangements for watchkeeping, keeping contact, the safety

plan of the engine room, emergency exits, alarm signals,

alarm and fire-fighting appliances and equipment, portable

fire-fighting equipment, occupational safety and handling

of substances which are dangerous or harmful for the envi-


maintenance and cleaning tasks in the engine room, clean-

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ing and washing, the main engine, the auxiliary engine,

boilers, daily maintenance chores, electricity generation,

and cleaning tasks caused by handling of fuels, lubricating

agents or water

Safety-related duties

Introduction to vessel-specific (A-VI/1.1) alarm lists, divi-

sion into compartments, emergency exits, operational safe-

ty drills and exercises and participating in them

Cargo handling, maintenance and overhaul of the vessel

hatches, port-holes, ramps, entrance ramps, lifts, cranes;

lashing equipment, lashing and unlashing of cargo, con-

trolling the lashing of the cargo and other materials; tasks

in relation to loading, discharging and cleaning of tanks on

a tanker; preventive measures and supplementary work in

connection with departure and arrival

the duties of a watchman in port; moorings, passage ways,

illumination and hoisting the flag

overhaul of cables, hawsers and other running rigging,

hatches, ramps, lifts and cranes

cleaning of the cargo holds and accommodation and other


overhauling the life-saving equipment

Method of in-


The onboard training is followed-up with the help of an

Onboard Training Manual, which includes precise instructions

for the onboard training as well as a detailed list of the learn-

ing tasks, and/or project-based learning (portfolio).

Follow-up of the

onboard training

The shipping companies and the Degree Programme agree up-

on how the onboard training is arranged. The trainee compen-

sation paid to the shipping companies, and the division of ex-

penses for subsistence, insurance coverage and other similar

issues are settled in the training agreement. During the

onboard training the student is usually not employed by the

shipping company, and thus receives the usual social benefits

for students unless otherwise stipulated.

The onboard training is arranged on such vessels which traffic

for ISM-certified1 shipping companies. The shipping compa-

ny, the vessel and the Degree Programme choose persons who

are responsible for the instruction during the onboard training


Evaluation The tasks and duties of the student are recorded in an approved

Onboard Training Record Book which is filled in by the stu-

dent, and the separate tasks are signed by the onboard instruc-

tor after they have been acceptably completed. The form mas-

ter assesses the student’s onboard training based on the con-

tents of the Onboard Training Record Book.

The student assesses each onboard training period through fill-

1 ISM-International Safety Management-Code

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ing in an evaluation form.

Examination The Onboard Training Record Book is approved.

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Operational Level

Navigation Function 1

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Operational Level

Terrestrial Naviga-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O101

Attendance obliga-




Terrestrial Navigation A

Prerequisites Terrestrial Navigation and Collision Regulations 1

Competences The student

must have a command of basic terrestrial navigational


is able to determine the vessel’s position with means of

of landmarks, lighthouses, navigation marks and


is able to determine the vessel´s position by means of

numerical values from electronic positioning devices.

is able to draw a route plan.

Scope 1.5 credits

Contents Absolut and relative navigation principles

The earth’s system of coordinates, latitude and longi-


Definition of difference in Lat/Long and departure

Definition of rhumb line and the great circle

Nautical miles and knots

Definition of courses, bearings and relative bearings

Definition of different course systems.

Compass errors; course and bearing conversion/repetition

Tha basics of route planning

Reading and plotting positions in a chart/repetition

Chart work

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based

learning, possibly homework.



The primary method of determining the ship’s position is the

most appropriate in relation to the prevailing circumstances

and conditions.

The position is determined within the limits of acceptable in-

strument/system errors.

The reliability of the information obtained from the primary

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method of position fixing is checked at appropriate intervals.

Calculations and measurements of navigational information

are accurate.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Terrestrial Naviga-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O102

Attendance obliga-




Terrestrial Navigation B

Prerequisites Terrestrial Navigation A, Mathematics 1

Competences The student

obtains knowledge of geodetics and chart projections.

has command of the standardised buoyage systems and

of the theory of lines of position.

is able to project the earth’s coordinate system and its

projection on even surfaces.

has thorough knowledge of and ability to use nautical

charts and publications such as sailing directions, no-

tices to mariners, radio navigational warnings and

ships’ routeing information.

Scope 1.0 credit

Contents Geodetics and navigational chart production

Geodetic datum

Different types of chart projections and their areas of usage

Different types of nautical charts and chart

terms/electronical charts

Presentation of nautical charts, various methods

Interpreting the information taken from nautical charts and

related publications

Managing nautical charts and related publications onboard


The reliability of a nautical chart

Defining of the buoyage system and navigation aids to

navigation (IALA) and their reliability

Theory of lines of position

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom.



The information obtained from nautical charts and publica-

tions is relevant, interpreted correctly and applied properly.

All potential navigational hazards are accurately identified.

The charts selected are of the largest scale suitable for the area

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of navigation, and charts and publications are corrected in ac-

cordance with the latest available information.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Terrestrial Naviga-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O103

Attendance obligation Red

Course Terrestrial Navigation C

Prerequisites Terrestrial Navigation B, Mathematics 2

Competences The student is able to

perform chart plotting through marking courses on a

navigational chart and making position controls and

course corrections on the basis of current and drift.

make entries into the ship´s logbook

perform rhumb line calculations

Scope 1 credit

Contents Leeway and corrections caused by it


Construction of and calculating drift angles

Rhumb line calculations/`average latitude´ method

Ship’s log and other relevant bridge documentation

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in class and/or project-based learn-

ing. Written assignment is also a possible method of in-




The information obtained from nautical charts and publica-

tions is relevant, interpreted correctly and properly applied. All

potential navigational hazards are accurately identified.

Calculations and measurements of navigational information

are accurate.

The charts selected are of the largest scale suitable for the area

of navigation, and charts and publications are corrected in ac-

cordance with the latest information available.

Examination Practical test included in Terrestrial Navigation D.

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Operational Level

Terrestrial Naviga-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O104

Attendance obligation Red

Course Terrestrial Navigation D

Prerequisites Terrestrial Navigation C

Navigational Aids: Radar

Navigational Aids: GNSS, compasses and steering.

Competences The student can

perform chart plotting through marking courses on a

nautical chart and making position controls and course

corrections on the basis of current and drift.

make entries to the ship’s logbook.

draw, assess and realise a route plan.

Scope 2 credits

Contents Introduction to ship simulator

Route planning

Leeway and corrections caused by it


Construction of and calculating drift angles

Simulator exercises

Rhumb line calculations

Ship’s log and other relevant bridge documentation

Weather information

Method of in-


Simulator exercises



The information obtained from nautical charts and pub-

lications is relevant, interpreted correctly and properly

applied. All potential navigational hazards are accu-

rately identified.

The primary method of fixing the ship’s position is the

most appropriate in relation to the prevailing circum-

stances and conditions.

The position is determined within the limits of ac-

ceptable instrument/system errors.

The reliability of the information obtained from the

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primary method of position fixing is checked at appro-

priate intervals.

Calculations and measurements of navigational infor-

mation are accurate.

The charts selected are of the largest scale suitable for

the area of navigation, and charts and publications are

corrected in accordance with the latest information


Examination Practical test in simulator.

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Operational Level

Celestial Navigation

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O105

Attendance obliga-




Route planning 1

Prerequisites Terrestrial Navigation C

Mathematics 5

Competences To provide the student with skills to use great circle calcula-

tions in practical route planning work.

To provide the student with skills to draw up a route plan.

Scope 1.5 credits

Contents Great circle theory

Great circle calculations

The reliability of the Dead Reckoning position

Planning a route plan

Drawing up a route plan

Realising a route plan

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom. The students draw a

route plan as group-work.



STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4

The information obtained from navigational charts and publi-

cations is relevant, interpreted correctly and properly applied.

All potential navigational hazards are accurately identified.

Calculations and measurements of navigational information

are accurate.

The charts selected are of the largest scale suitable for the area

of navigation, and charts and publications are corrected in ac-

cordance with the latest information available.

Examination Written examination and assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Terrestrial Naviga-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O106

Attendance obliga-




Meteorology and Oceanography


Competences The student understands the basics of meteorology and ocean-

ography and their effect on vessel operations.

The student knows how to use the meteorological instruments

onboard and how to interpret the information obtained from


The student has knowledge of the characteristics of different

weather systems and the procedures for reporting and record-


The student is able to apply the available meteorological in-


Scope 1.0 credits

Contents The origins of the earth and the seas, geological develop-


The composition and qualities of sea-water

The composition and structure of the atmosphere

The meteorological elements

The physical qualities of air

Clouds, precipitation, visibility, fog

Heat balance

Characteristics of various winds

The circulation system of the atmosphere

Air masses, fronts and frontal depressions

Meteorological services for seafarers

Tropical cyclones

Weather-related information in the ship’s log

Method of in-


Lectures and demonstrations in the classroom.



Measurements and observations of weather conditions are ac-

curate and appropriate for the passage.

Meteorological information is correctly interpreted and applied

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Operational Level

Celestial Navigation

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O107

Attendance obliga-




Tidal Calculations

Prerequisites Meteorology and Oceanography

Competences The student knows the basics of tide theory. The student is

provided with skills to calculate the height of the tide at a cer-

tain point of time and the exact time for a certain height of the

tide and knows how to calculate the course and speed of tidal


Scope 1 credit

Contents Tide theory

Tide publications and tables

Tide calculations

Tidal current calculations

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom.



STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4

The information obtained from nautical charts and publica-

tions is relevant, interpreted correctly and properly applied. All

potential navigational hazards are accurately identified.

Calculations and measurements of navigational information

are accurate.

The charts selected are of the largest scale suitable for the area

of navigation, and charts and publications are corrected in ac-

cordance with the latest information available.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Navigational Aids

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O108

Attendance obliga-




Navigational Aids; Radar

Prerequisites Terrestrial Navigation A

Competences The student knows the operational aspects, reliability and limi-

tations of radar equipment and the basics of determining the

position and monitoring the traffic situation with the help of


Scope 2.0 credit

Contents International regulations and technical requirements on

radar equipment

The operational aspects of radar equipment

Technical definitions

Radar construction and performance qualities

Meteorological, technical and physical factors which have

an effect on the radar performance

Different types of radar picture mode and their differences

Basic radar functions for optimal position and traffic situa-

tion determination

Radar overhaul and maintenance onboard the vessel

Practical exercises in the use of radar

Method of in-


Lectures and demonstrations in the classroom and practical

exercises in the simulator.



Information obtained from the radar is correctly interpreted

and analysed, taking into account the limitations of the equip-

ment and prevailing circumstances and conditions.

Examination Written examination and a practical test in the simulator and

possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Navigational Aids

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O109

Attendance obliga-




Navigational Aids; GNSS, compasses and steering

Prerequisites Terrestrial Navigation A

Competences The student

knows how to use electronic aids, and he/she knows

about their reliability and limitations as complementary

means to ensure safe navigation.

is able to determine the vessel’s position with the help

of electronic navigational aids.

understand the principal structure of satellite position-

ing systems (GNSS).

is aware of limitations and errors of GNSS systems

and their level of position accuracy.

knows how to use the echo-sounder and how to apply

the information correctly.

has knowledge of the functioning of the magnetic and


is able to determine errors in magnetic and gyro-

compasses using celestial and terrestrial methods and

to take such errors into account.

has knowledge of the steering control systems, operat-

ing instructions and change-over from manual steering

to autopilot and vice versa. He/she knows how to ad-

just the controls for optimal performance.

Scope 1,5 credits

Contents Various satellite positioning systems and electronic sea


The accuracy level of the systems.

Limitations and errors.

Autopilot for the steering of the vessel

Compass studies with reference to the gyro and magnetic


Echo-sounders for determining the depth; their operational


Different types of logs for speed determination.

Method of in-


Lectures and/or project-based learning and demonstrations in

the classroom.

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Performance checks and tests to navigation systems comply

with the manufacturer’s recommendations and good naviga-

tional practice.

Errors in magnetic and gyro-compasses are determined and

correctly applied to courses and bearings.

The selection of the mode of steering is the most suitable in

relation to the prevailing weather, sea and traffic conditions

and intended manoeuvres.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Navigational Aids

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

STCW-Code :Table A-II/2

STCW-Code : section B-1/12.36-66

Course description

Code MM14O110

Attendance obliga-




Navigational Aids; ECDIS

Prerequisites Navigational Aids: GNSS, compasses and steering

Terrestrial Navigation B

Competences The student

is able to determine the vessel’s position with the help

of electronic navigational aids.

understands the structure of ECDIS.

knows the errors and limitations of the ECDIS systems

as well as their levels of accuracy in giving positions

knows different kinds of electronic navigational charts,

their configuration and pros and cons.

has skills in using satellite positioning systems and

electronic navigational charts.

knows the operational aspects of AIS.

knows the operational aspects of VDR.

Scope 1.5 credits

Contents Different satellite positioning systems and electronic navi-

gational charts

Levels of accuracy of the systems

Deficiencies and errors

The configuration of electronic navigational charts


Exercises in using the instruments

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom.

Exercises in using the instruments.



STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4; page 28 as applicable


Performance checks and tests to navigation systems comply

with the manufacturer’s recommendations and good naviga-

tional practice.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Celestial Navigation

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

STCW-Code :Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14O111

Attendance obliga-




Celestial Navigation 1

Prerequisites Terrestrial Navigation B, Mathematics 2

Competences The student understands the basics of celestial position deter-


The student is provided with skills in using the sextant.

The student is provided with skills in calculating the height to

various celestial bodies.

The student is provided with skills in calculating the hour an-

gle and declination of celestial bodies.

Scope 1.0 credits


The basics of celestial navigation

The height method

The system of co-ordinates

The Nautical Almanac (NA) and height tables

Sextant and corrections for heights

Height calculations

Time, time calculations

Calculations in determining the local time angle and decli-

nation of celestial bodies

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom.

Demonstrations in the planetarium.

Exercises in using the instruments.



Table A-II/1

Calculations and measurements of navigational information

are accurate.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Celestial Navigation

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

STCW-Code : Table A-II/2

Course description.

Code MM14O112

Attendance obliga-




Celestial Navigation 2

Prerequisites Celestial Navigation 1, Mathematics 5

Competences The student is provided with skills in determining the position

by the means observing the sun and the stars.

The student is provided with skills in determining compass

errors by means of observing celestial bodies.

Scope 1.0 credits

Contents Calculations using height tables and formulae adapted to

the calculator

Calculations in determining the position by means of the

height of the sun and stars

Identifying celestial bodies

Compass control with the help of celestial bodies

Daily routines onboard

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom.



Table A-II/1

Calculations and measurements of navigational information

are accurate.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Celestial Navigation

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

STCW-Code : Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14O113

Attendance obliga-




Celestial Navigation 3

Prerequisites Celestial Navigation 2

Competences The student is provided with skills in determining the position

by means of observing the sun and the stars.

Scope 1.0 credits

Contents Midday latitude, calculation

Calculations in determining the position by means of

height measurements of celestial bodies

The reliability of the line of position

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom.



Table A-II/1

Calculations and measurements of navigational information

are accurate.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Watchkeeping Duties

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O114

Attendance obliga-




Watchkeeping Duties 1: Collision Regulations

Prerequisites Terrestrial Navigation and Collision Regulations 1

Competences The student

has a thorough knowledge of the contents and objec-

tives of the International Collision Regulations for Pre-

venting Collisions at Sea and regulations for inland wa-


is provided with skills in using various kinds of signals

at sea.

Scope 1.5 credits

Contents The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at


Regulations for inland waters 1978 (30.3.1978/252)

Method of in-


Classroom lectures and/or project-based learning. Exercises

using a computer programme can also be used as a method of




STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4; pages 30, 31 as applica-

ble including:

A proper look-out is maintained at all times and in such a way

as to conform to accepted principles and procedures.

Lights, shapes and sound signals conform to the requirements

contained in the International Regulations for Preventing Col-

lisions at Sea and are correctly recognized.

The frequency and extent of monitoring the traffic, the ship

and the environment conform to the accepted principles and


Information obtained from radar and ARPA is correctly inter-

preted and analysed, taking into account the limitations of the

equipment and prevailing circumstances and conditions.

A proper record is maintained of the movements and activities

relating to the navigation of the ship.

Communications within the operator’s area of responsibility

are consistently successful.

Action taken to avoid a close encounter or collision with other

vessels is in accordance with the International Regulations for

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Preventing Collisions at Sea.

Decisions to amend course and/or speed are both timely and in

accordance with good seamanship.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Watchkeeping Duties

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O115

Attendance obliga-




Watchkeeping Duties 1 B: Bridge routines

Prerequisites Watchkeeping Duties 1 A, Terrestrial Navigation C

Competences The student gains a thorough knowledge of the contents and

the objectives of the International Collision Regulations for

Preventing Collisions at Sea and regulations for inland waters.

The student is provided with skills in using various kinds of

signals at sea.

The student gains a thorough knowledge of the basic princi-

ples which must be applied on watchkeeping on the bridge.

Scope 1,5credit

Contents National regulations on watchkeeping onboard vessels


The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at


Regulations for inland waters 1978 (30.3.1978/252)


Method of in-


Classroom lectures and/or project-based learning and/or prac-

tical exercises onboard a vessel.

Exercises using a computer programme can also be used as a

method of instruction.



STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4; pages 30, 31 and 34 as

applicable including:

The conduct, handover and relief of the watch conform to ac-

cepted principles and procedures.

A proper look-out is maintained at all times and in such a way

as to conform to accepted principles and procedures.

Lights, shapes and sound signals conform to the requirements

presented in the International Regulations for Preventing Col-

lisions at Sea and are correctly recognized.

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The frequency and extent of monitoring the traffic, the ship

and the environment conform to the accepted principles and


A proper record is maintained of the movements and activities

relating to the navigations of the ship.

Responsibility for the safety of navigation is clearly defined at

all times, including the periods when the master is on the

bridge and while the vessel is under pilotage.

Communications within the user’s area of responsibility are

consequently successful


Examination Written examination and a practical test on a merchant vessel

and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Watchkeeping Duties

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

STCW-Code :Table A-II/2

STCW-Code; section B-1/12.2-17

IMO Res. A.483(XII)

Course description

Code MM14O116

Attendance obliga-




Radar Plotting 1: Manual plotting

Prerequisites Watchkeeping Duties 1A

Navigational Aids: Radar

Terrestrial Navigation B

Competences To provide the student with the skills to manage traffic situa-

tions as the officer of the watch through the use of radar plot-

ting and with ability to use radar in order to maintain safety of

navigation and fulfil the requirements set in the IMO Res.


Scope 1 credit

Contents Basic principles of radar plotting

Different methods of manual radar plotting

Planning evasive manoeuvres

Confirming the speed and course of the current in radar


Errors in radar plotting

Method of in-


Classroom lectures.

Exercises in the simulator.



STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4

Information obtained from radar is correctly interpreted

and analysed, taking into account the limitations of the

equipment and prevailing circumstances and conditions.

Action taken to avoid a close encounter or collision with

other vessels is in accordance with the International Regu-

lations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

Decisions to amend course and/or speed are both timely

and in accordance with accepted navigation practices.

Adjustments made to the ship’s course and speed maintain

safety of navigation.

Communication is clear, concise and acknowledged at all

times in a seamanlike manner.

Manoeuvring signals are made at the appropriate time and

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are in accordance with the International Regulations for

Preventing Collisions at Sea.

Examination Practical examination in the simulator.

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Operational Level

Watchkeeping Duties

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

STCW-Code; section B-1/12.18-35

IMO Res. A.482(XII)

Course description.

Code MM14O117

Attendance obligation Red


Radar Plotting 2: ARPA

Prerequisites Radar Plotting 1

Competences To fullfil the requirements of the IMO Resolution A482(XII)

with reference to ARPA equipment training.

To provide the student with the skills and knowledge in terms

of managing the system of radar charts in ARPA equipment.

Scope 1.5 credit

Contents Presenting ARPA-data

Manual and automatic target selection

Graphical and alphanumeric representation

Planning evasive manoeuvres


Stabilizing the ARPA-picture

Route planning using ARPA

Technical construction and functioning of ARPA-equipment

The reliability of ARPA-equipment and the IMO requirements

Method of in-


Classroom lectures.

Exercises in the simulator



STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4; pages 31 and 32 as applica-

ble including:

Information obtained from radar and ARPA is correctly inter-

preted and analysed, taking into account the limitations of the

equipment and prevailing circumstances and conditions.

Action taken to avoid a close encounter or collision with other

vessels is in accordance with the International Regulations for

Preventing Collisions at Sea.

Decisions to alter course and/or speed are both timely and in

accordance with accepted navigation practices.

Adjustments made to the ship’s course and speed maintain

safety of navigation.

Communication is clear, concise and acknowledged at all

times in a seamanlike manner.

Manoeuvring signals are made at the appropriate time and are in

accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Col-

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lisions at Sea.

Examination Written examination.

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Operational Level

Watchkeeping Duties

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O118

Attendance obliga-




Manoeuvring 1

Prerequisites Terrester Navigation C

Competences To provide the student with skills to know how the

deadweight, draught, different trims and speed affect the

manoeuvring characteristics of the vessel and the effects of

wind and currents and shallow waters.

The student knows the basics of the remote control of the main

engine and other vessel manoeuvring equipment.

Scope 2.0 credits

Contents Manoeuvring theory

Manoeuvring the vessel at open sea and in connection with

arrival and departure.

Squat, canal effect and interaction

Anchoring manoeuvres

Manoeuvring in emergency situations


Remote control using engines.

The basics in mechanical terminology with reference to


Method of in-


Lectures and simulator exercises and problem-based learning

in groups.



STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4; as applicable including:

Safe operating limits of ship propulsion, steering and power

systems are not exceeded in normal manoeuvres.

Adjustments made to the ship’s course and speed maintain

safety of navigation.

Examination Practical examination in the simulator.

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Operational Level

Watchkeeping Duties

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14O119

Attendance obliga-





Prerequisites None

Competences The student

has skills to manage human and technical resources in

an operative vessel environment

is able to create conditions for a change in the attitudes

towards a safer working culture and environment.

Scope 1.0 credits

Contents The course aims at giving onboard personnel an oppor-

tunity to use and coordinate the knowledge, experience

and resources which are available onboard and ashore

in order to obtain and develop established safety and

environmental protection objectives.

The participant realises the benefits of a good man-

agement system and good teamwork and is able to

communicate in an efficient and clear manner, to sur-

pass cultural differences, to use common terminology

and give examples of how attitudes and values can af-

fect the decision-making process.

The Maritime Resource Management (MRM) course

has been developed by “The Swedish Club” marine in-

surance company.

Method of in-


The course is based on a series of lectures and on computer-

simulated training modules (CBT= Computer Based Training)

and it is realised under the guidance of a MRM-instructor. A

workbook is issued during the course. The number of partici-

pants is limited to the number of available computers.


The set course objectives have been understood, the student

has knowledge of MRM:

effective leadership behaviours are identified

and is aware of how attitudes and values can effect the

decision-making process.

Examination Obligatory attendance in all exercises.

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Operational Level


STCW-Code:Table A-IV/2

STCW-Code : Table B-IV

Study module description

Code MM14O120

Attendance obliga-



Study Module

Radio Communication GOC

Prerequisites Professional English 1

Competences The student has knowledge and skills to manage radio com-

munication at sea on a ship radio station, equipped with radio

equipment according to the GMDSS-system for all sea areas.

Scope 4,5 credits

Contents According to the IMO and CEPT recommendations:

Maritime radio traffic according to the International

Radio Regulations and rules issued by the Ministry of

Transport and Communications.

SAR-lectures, distress, safety and routine traffic exer-


Practical radio traffic exercises using the GMDSS ves-

sel radio stations and simulators

Lectures and exercises with reference to overhaul and

maintenance of a vessel radio station

Method of in-


Lectures and written and oral exercises in the classroom.

Practical radio traffic exercises using the GMDSS vessel

radio stations and simulator.

Evaluation STCWtable A-IV /2

Transmission and reception of communications comply with

international regulations and procedures and are carried out

efficiently and effectively.

English language messages relevant to the safety of the ship

and persons onboard and protection of the marine environment

are correctly handled.

Response is carried out efficiently and effectively.

Examination The GOC-examination including a written examination and a

practical test. The proficiencies are approved by the Ministry

of Transport and Communications.

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Cargo Function 2

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Course description

Code MM14O201

Attendance obliga-




Cargo Handling 1

Loading and Discharging Operations

Prerequisites Stability 1 and 2

Competences The student must be able to supervise the loading and stowing

of the vessel as well as the lashing and discharging of the car-


The student has knowledge of the effects of cargo,the seawor-

thiness and stability of the ship.

The student must be familiar with the “Cargo Securing Manu-

al”. He/she is familiar with the IMO publications with refer-

ence to the securing of cargo, e.g. “Code of Safe Practice for

Cargo Stowage and Securing”. He/she knows the factors caus-

ing the shifting of cargo and vessel movements at sea as well

as the parameters which affect acceleration.

Scope 4 credits

Contents Basics of cargo planning

Stability calculations

The maximum deck load and concentrated load

Strains on cargo lashings during the voyage

The code of safe practice for stowing and securing of cargo

Stresses on the cargo during transportation

General cargo securing methods

Environment, safety and health-related risks

Ballast handling, inert gas systems, gas measuring

Different vessel type constructions and their critical points

The routines in connection with authority and classifica-

tion inspections

The sheer force and bending moment of the hull in differ-

ent cargo situations and under different weather conditions

The ESP-programme for tankers and bulk carriers

Occupational safety in connection with port operations

The load-line convention as applicable

Basics on cargo documention, chartering and marine insur-


Method of in- Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based

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struction learning.



STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4

Cargo operations are carried out in accordance with the cargo

plan or other documents and established safety

rules/regulations, equipment operating instructions and ship-

board stowage limitations.

Examination Written test and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O202

Attendance obliga-




Cargo Handling 2

Transportation of Dangerous Goods at Sea

Prerequisites Cargo Handling 1

Competences The student is provided with knowledge of safe handling,

stowage and securing of cargoes including dangerous, hazard-

ous and harmful cargoes and their effect on the safety of life

and the ship.

The student is able to use the IMO IMDG Code and its sup-

plements. He/she knows the characteristics and classification

of dangerous cargoes. He/she knows which measures are to be

taken in case of an accident and how to manage first aid.

He/she knows the national and international legislation with

reference to dangerous goods.

Scope 1 credit

Contents Dangerous goods

The SOLAS Convention as applicable

The MARPOL Convention as applicable

The IMDG Code

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based




STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4; page 35 lower table to

applicable parts including:

The handling of dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes

complies with international regulations and recognizes stand-

ards and codes of safe practice.

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Examination Written test and possible assignments passed.

Operational Level



STCW-Code: B-V/1-1

Course description

Code MM14O203

Attendance obliga-




Advanced Tanker Safety

Prerequisites Tanker Familiarisation Course

Competences The student shall have knowledge of

different kinds of tanker types and the general principles of

tanker traffic.

operative and safety procedures in connection with load-

ing/discharging and during cargo or ballast passage.

the construction of a tanker, its equipment, and the general

principles and health risks of tank cargoes.

safety and safety equipment onboard tankers.

pollution prevention.

Scope 1,5 credits

Contents emergency procedures onboard a tanker

loading, discharging, ballast operations, tank cleaning

tanker construction and tanker equipment

cargo and ballast pumps

Inert Gas System (IGS)

Crude Oil Washing

different cargo types and their characteristics and risks

safety regulations and safety equipment

pollution prevention, equipment, certificates

measures to be taken in connection with an oil spillage

air pollution in connection with tanker cargoes

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom.


According to STCW

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operation Function 3

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Operational Level

Watchkeeping Duties

International safety management code (ISM)

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

STCW-Code: Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14O301

Attendance obliga-




ISM + Conventions



The student has an understanding of the ISM Code and have

knowledge to manage human and technical resources in opera-

tional ship environment.

Scope 0.5 credits

Contents The historical background of the ISM Code, its struc-

ture and content.

Its practical implementation

Documentation and certification

The duties and responsibilities of the crew regarding

the ISM Code.

IMO Conventions

Method of in-


Lectures and individual/group work.


The student has knowledge of the quality management systems

and the ISM Code.

Examination Written test and possible written assignments passed.

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Operational Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O302

Attendance obliga-




Environmental Protection

Prerequisites None

Competences The student is provided with knowledge of the precautions to

be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment in-


Measures to prevent pollution and all equipment with refer-

ence to this.

Knowing the effects of seafaring on the marine environment

and the sources of discharge.

Knowing the procedures which should be taken in order to

prevent pollution of the marine environment with reference to

both normal vessel operations and accidents.

Knowing about the obligation to report in case of damage on

the vessel or observing oil in the water.

Scope 0,75 credit

Contents Pollution of the marine environment and sources of dis-




Finnish national legislation with reference to prevention of

water pollution caused by vessels

Measures to be taken onboard vessels to prevent discharge

and spillage

Equipment and systems for the prevention of discharge and


Environmental certificates onboard

Preventive measures for pollution protection

Method of in-


Lectures and/or project-based learning and analysis of authen-

tic accidents which have caused pollution of the marine envi-




Measures for follow-up of operations onboard and ensuring

that MARPOL requirements are followed to the full

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Operational Level




Course description

Code MM14O303

Attendance obliga-




SSO (Ship Security Officer)

Prerequisites None

Competences As specified in STCW-Code:A-VI/5

The student

has the skills and knowledge required of a Ship Securi-

ty Officer.

has theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to

manage the systems and complex of problems in con-

nection with this special area.

Scope 0.75 credits

Contents the ISPS Code, its background, objectives and structure

security structures and principles

security-related division of responsibilities

the security assessment of a vessel

security-related control devices

ship security plan

threats – identifying and detecting them, measures to be


security measures onboard a vessel

preparedness for emergency situations, education, training

and drills

security administration and security training

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and simulations.


According to the STCWCode: A-VI/5; column 4

Examination Written examination and all the exercises passed during the

duration of the course.

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Operational Level

Stability and Ship Theo-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O304

Attendance obliga-



Course Stability 1

Prerequisites Mathematics ¾

Physics 2

Competences The student understands the fundamentals of ship stability and

is able to apply them in practice.

The student knows the national and international requirements

with reference to ship stability. The student knows static and

dynamic stability, stability criteria for different vessel types

and is able to perform an inclining test. The student knows

how to perform stability calculations in order to determine

whether the vessel fulfils the national and international re-

quirements concerning ship stability. The student is able to

read hydrostatic tables and curves, dead weight scale. The stu-

dent knows how to perform trim calculations.

Scope 1,75 credits

Contents Basics in ship hydrostatistics

Static stability: Stability applications, stability and free-

board, and stability data

The Trafi requirements with reference to stability onboard

The vessel’s trim

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based




STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4; page 37 lower table as

applicable including:

The stability conditions comply with the IMO intact crite-

ria in all conditions of loading.

Actions to ensure and maintain the watertight integrity of

the ship are in accordance with accepted practices.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Stability and Ship Theo-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O305

Attendance obliga-



Course Stability 2

Prerequisites Stability 1

Competences The student understands the fundamentals of ship stability and

is able to apply them in practice.

The student knows the national and international requirements

with reference to ship stability. The student knows static and

dynamic stability, stability criteria for different vessel types

and knows how to perform an inclination test. The student

knows how to perform stability calculations in order to deter-

mine whether the vessel fulfils the national and international

requirements concerning ship stability. The student is able to

read hydrostatic tables and curves, dead weight scale. The stu-

dent knows how to perform trim calculations.

Scope 1.5 credits

Contents Basics in ship hydrostatistics

Static stability: Stability applications, stability and free-

board, and stability data

The Trafi requirements with reference to stability onboard

The vessel’s trim

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based




STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4

The stability conditions comply with the IMO intact crite-

ria in all conditions of loading.

Actions to ensure and maintain the watertight integrity of

the ship are in accordance with accepted practices.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Stability and Ship Theo-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O306

Attendance obliga-



Course Ship Theory 1

Prerequisites Mathematics 3/4

Physics 2

Competences The student knows

the basic principles of ship construction.

the correct terms referring to the most important construc-

tion details on a vessel and their purpose on the vessel.

the technical solutions for preventing vessels from pollut-

ing the maritime environment.

the structural solutions on ships to prevent fires and the

spreading of fires.

the principles of ship maintenance and how they affect the

condition and life-span of the vessel and understands the

significance of one’s own contribution to ship mainte-


the classification of vessels.

the corrosion problems on vessels and how they can be


how to inspect and report damages and defects in vessel


Basic principles of factors affecting vessels energy con-


Scope 1,75 credits

Contents The basics of ship construction (basic design)

The vessel as an environmental hazard

Materials science and strength

Accounting and codification of vessel components

Ship maintenance theory

Corrosion protection onboard

Basics in vessel automation

Vessel classification

Fire protection

Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)

Method of in-


Exercises and lectures and/or project-based learning. Study

excursions to shipyards and companies operating in shipbuild-

ing are also a possible method of instruction.

Evaluation STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4

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A-II/1 Actions to ensure and maintain the watertight integrity of

the ship are in accordance with accepted practice.

Maintain seaworthiness of the ship (the same table, column


Examination Written examination and possible assignments handed in.

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Operational Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O307

Attendance obliga-




Safety for Officers

Prerequisites Basic Safety

Competences To fulfil the requirements set in the STCW Convention

with reference to the training in maritime and ship safety

for the Operational Level.


Scope 2,0 credits

Contents The safety-related responsibilities and duties of officers.

The STCW Convention requirements

Rescue organizations and plans

The IAMSAR-manual

Vessel accidents. Immediate action after grounding. Typi-

cal examples, causes and consequences. The human factor.

Damage assessment and damage control

Survival techniques


The duties and responsibilities of fleet commanders and

vessel masters. Safety-related work onboard. Regulations,

legislators and supervision. Alarm organization onboard.

Cooperation with rescue helicopters

Mental preparedness. Catastrophe psychology.

Safety planning onboard. Assessment of the vessel’s state

of readiness.


Practical exercises:

Exercises wearing safety equipment

Exercises using emergency signals

Exercises in arranging and having drills onboard

Method of in-


Classroom lectures. Practical exercises.



According to STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4

Examination Written examination and all the exercises passed during the

duration of the course.

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Operational Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

STCW-Code:Table A-VI/3

Course description

Code MM14O308

Attendance obliga-




Advanced Fire Fighting

Advanced Fire Fighting for officers

Prerequisites Basic fire fighting

Competences As specified in STCWCode: Table A-II/1..

The student

has knowledge of fire prevention

is able to organise fire fighting drills.

has knowledge of different types of fires and fire-related


has knowledge of fire fighting systems.

gains knowledge of the measures to be taken in case of a

fire, including fire affecting the oil system

Scope 1,0 credits

Contents Fire-fighting theory

Advanced Fire Fighting Course for officers is realised ac-

cording to the course plan of the Fire Training Unit of the

Maritime Safety Training Centre. The course takes place at

an STCW-audited fire training unit.

Method of in-


Classroom teaching and exercises in the fire simulator.



As specified in STCWCode: Table A-II/1;

Examination Obligatory attendance during the fire-fighting course in order

to get the course certificate. Written examina-

tion on the theory part.

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Common Core



Course description

Code MM14O309

Attendance obliga-



Course Law and Legislation 2

Prerequisites No prerequisites

Competences The student

is aware of social possibilities to influence, which may

develop his/her own branch

is familiar with modes of operations in working life

and can act in a working community.

is familiar with and conforms to Law and Legislation

in working life.

is familiar with the main principles of an organisation´s

operation and management and has readiness to lead


knows the social and economic connections within or-

ganisations operating in hes/her own branch.

is able to evaluate operations of the working communi-

ty and plan, organise and develop operations in varia-

ble situations in working life.

Scope 1 credits


Method of in-


Evaluation Students are evaluated on the basis of their participation and

activity in class as well as a written test.

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Operational Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14O310

Attendance obliga-




Occupational Safety


Competences The student

is familiar with the accident and health risks onboard, the

occupational safety organization and legislation.

has knowledge and skills to manage and organise work

onboard taking occupational safety into account.

Scope 1,0 credits

Contents Vessel environment from the occupational safety perspec-

tive (accident and health risks)

Accidents, accident statistics

The objectives and organization of and legislation with

reference to occupational safety

ILO 1996-Accident prevention onboard ship at sea and in


Method of in-


Classroom lectures. Study excursions etc. are also a possible

method of instruction.



Relevant knowledge and requirements referring to personal

safety onboard are identified correctly.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Watchkeeping Duties

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

STCW-Code:Table A-IV/2

Course description

Code MM14O311

Attendance obliga-




Watchkeeping Duties 2: Bridge routines, simulator

Prerequisites Watchkeeping Duties 1 A

Radar Plotting 2, Terrestrial Navigation C

Navigational Aids: Radar

Navigational Aids: GNSS, Compasses and steering

Navigational Aids 3: ECDIS,


Competences The student is provided with the skills and knowledge to keep

watch on the bridge as the officer of watch.

The student has knowledge of the methods of cooperation

when on bridge duty.

The student has knowledge of vessel reporting systems.

The student is provided with skills to encounter emergency

situations through the knowledge of measures which should be

taken with reference to the safety of passengers in emergency

situations; immediate action which should be taken after a col-

lision or grounding and initial evaluation of damages.

The student is provided with knowledge about measures to be

taken in order to save human life at sea, assist vessels in dis-

tress and encounter emergency situations which can take place

in harbours.

Scope 1,0 credits

Contents STCW with reference to watchkeeping on the bridge

Decree 166/2013 and National regulations on watchkeep-

ing onboard vessels (TRAFI/213/

ICS Bridge Procedures Guide

Applying watchkeeping duties in practical situations in the


VTS and reporting

Teamwork and leadership skills

Method of in- Classroom lectures.

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struction Exercises in the simulator.


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1 column 4

Examination Practical examination in the simulator.

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Operational Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

STCW-Code : Table A-II/2

STCW-Code:Table A-IV/2

STCW-Code:Table A-VI/4-1

Course description

Code MM14O312

Attendance ob-



Course Medical Care 2

Basic training in medical care and first aid

Prerequisites Medical Care 1: First Aid

Competences The student

has the knowledge and skills to give immediate first aid

onboard the vessel,

knows the first aid to be given in accidents in connec-

tion with transportation of dangerous goods.

knows how to examine an injured/ill person and can

evaluate the need for help.

is able to apply the medical care manual in practice,

has the skills to take appropriate action on the basis of

advice received on the radio/through telephone with ref-

erence to accidents or illnesses which are likely to hap-

pen onboard a vessel.

Scope 1.5 credits

Contents medical treatment equipment onboard according to the

ship’s medicine chest

medical rules and recommendations

medical consultation

anatomy and physiology (breathing, blood circulation,

nervous system, abdominal organs, skeleton)

pharmacology (basic principles, forms of medicine, ways

of giving medicine, risks of using medicines, handling and

storage, using Pharmaca Fennica, abuse of medicines)

asepsis and hygiene

basics of patient care

examining an injured or ill person

lack of oxygen in the body; heart attack, cardiac arrest,

drowning, lack of consciousness

first aid in connection with chemical accidents

first aid in connection with spinal injuries, fractures and

muscle damages

first aid in connection with burns, scalds and frost-bites

wound care

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Method of in-


Lectures, practical exercises and independent studies



The identification of the probable cause, nature and ex-

tent of injuries is prompt, complete and conforms to cur-

rent first aid practice.

The first aid and care of the patient’s injuries/illness are

correct and conform to current medical recommenda-


Risk of further harm to oneself and casualty is mini-

mized at all times.

Examination 100% attendance, approved participation in the practical exer-

cises, written examination.

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Operational Level


STCW: Reg. II/2; paragraph 2.2

Statrådetsförordning (166/2013)

Study module description

Code MM14OOT

Attendance obliga-



Study Module

Onboard Training

Prerequisites Onboard Training ( Support 18 cr)

Competences The student is familiar with navigation, cargo handling, sea-

manship and leadership, maritime radio communications and

measures taken in emergency and medical situations according

to the Onboard Training Record Book and with the onboard

work of the officer of the watch.

The aim of the onboard training is that the student learns

to apply the knowledge he/she has picked up during the


to integrate theory and practice

to critically examine his/her skills

the work routines of the vessel both in port and at sea

the rules of the working life

to adapt to the vessel as a social environment

to deepen his/her professional competence


English language and intercultural communication

The onboard training is recorded in the Onboard Training

Record Book, ”Uppföljningsbok för handledd praktik, STCW

II/1, vaktstyrman" which has been drawn up for this purpose.

The onboard training is arranged at shipping companies (and

on vessels) which are ISM1-certified. The shipping company,

the vessel and the Degree Programme choose persons who are

responsible for the instruction during the onboard training pe-


Scope 90 credits

Contents Navigation, level A-II/1

Preparations for a passage, route planning and determining


Watchkeeping at sea

1 ISM - International Safety Management Code

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Using radar and ARPA-radar during safe navigational

watch at sea

Measures to be taken in an emergency situations, the own

vessel and assistance to another vessel in distress

The use of the IMO Standard Marine Communication


The use of visual signalling

Vessel manoeuvring

Cargo Handling, level A-II/1

Loading, stowing, lashing and other cargo securing tasks

of general and bulk cargoes, departure and port prepara-

tions and monitoring of cargo during the voyage.

Loading, discharging, purging of tankers, cleaning of tanks

and ballast or cargo passage

Tanker safety

Seamanship and Leadership, level A-II/1

The protection of the marine environment, waste disposal

management and prevention of spillages

The seaworthiness of the vessel and vessel maintenance


Maintenance and usage of life-saving equipment

Acute help and medical care onboard

Agreements and regulations affecting the vessel

Maritime radio traffic, GOC, STCWCode, Section A-IV/2

The vessel's radio equipment and follow-up of its use

Method of in-


The onboard training is followed-up with the help of an

Onboard Training Record Book, which includes precise in-

structions for the onboard training as well as a detailed list of

the learning tasks and/or procet-based learning (portfolio).

Follow-up of the

onboard training

The shipping companies and the Degree Programme agree up-

on how the onboard training is arranged. The trainee compen-

sation paid to the shipping companies, the division of expenses

for subsistence, insurance coverage and other similar issues

are settled in a training agreement. During the onboard training

the student is usually not employed by the shipping company,

and he/she is thus the recipient of the usual social benefits for

students unless other regulations stipulate otherwise.

The onboard training is arranged on such vessel which traffic

for shipping companies which are ISM-certified1. The ship-

ping company, the vessel and the Degree Programme choose

persons who are responsible for the instruction during the

onboard training period.

1 ISM - International Safety Management Code

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Evaluation The tasks and duties of the student are recorded in an approved

Onboard Training Record Book, which is filled in by the stu-

dent; the separate tasks are signed by the onboard instructor

after they have been acceptably completed. The form master

assesses the student’s onboard training based on the contents

of the Onboard Training Record Book.

The student assesses each onboard training period through fill-

ing in an evaluation form.

Examination The Onboard Training Record Book is approved.

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Management Level Navigation Function 1

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M101

Attendance obliga-



Course Metheorology 2

Prerequisites Metheorology and Oceanography

Competences The student has

the ability to understand and interpret a synoptic chart and

to forecast area weather, taking into account local weather

conditions and information received by weather fax or

from the Internet.

knowledge of the characteristics of various weather sys-

tems, including tropical revolving storms and methods of

avoiding these.

the understanding of the effects of weather conditions on

the choice of route and be able to use available weather

services in the planning and follow-up of a route plan.

Scope 1.25 credits

Contents The development and structure of weather systems

Tropical cyclones

Ocean currents

Tidal currents

Weather route planning

The principles of weather route planning

Climatological weather route planning

Land-based weather route planning services

The optimal route

Synoptic weather route planning

Weather route planning in tropical waters

The assessment of an optimal route

Method of in-


Lectures and/or project-based learning and demonstrations in

the classroom.



column 4

The likely weather conditions predicted for a determined peri-

od are based on all available information.

Actions taken to maintain the safety of navigation minimize

any risk to the safety of the ship.

Reasons for intended action are backed by statistical data and

observations of the actual weather conditions.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Management Level Nav-


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M102

Attendance obliga-




Search and Rescue (SAR)

Prerequisites Watchkeeping Duties 2

Competences To give the student knowledge of and skills in the planning

and leading search and rescue operations at sea.

Scope 1.5 credits

Contents The seafarer’s obligations with reference to SAR opera-



Management documentation

The practical use of SAR resources

The SAR communication system

The global MRCC-network

Rescue equipment and evacuation possibilities onboard a


Helicopter activities in rescue operations

Practical exercises in using the IAMSAR and SAR-



Method of in-


Classroom lectures

Exercises in the simulator


STCWA-II/2 col-

umn 4

The plan for co-ordination of search and rescue operations is

in accordance with international guidelines and standards.

Radio communications are established and correct communi-

cation procedures are followed at all stages of the search and

rescue operations.

Examination Written examination.

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M103

Attendance obliga-




Navigational Aids: Compasses

Prerequisites Navigational Aids: GNSS, compasses and steering

Competences The student is provided with

an ability to determine and allow for errors in magnetic

and gyro-compasses.

knowledge of the principles of magnetic and gyro-


theoretical knowledge and whether theory has been real-

ised with reference to gyro-compasses on vessels as well

as the faults and limitations of gyro-compasses.

an understanding of systems (master/slave) under the con-

trol of the master gyro and knowledge of the operation and

care of the main types of gyro-compasses.

Scope 1.25 credits

Contents The magnetic compass

Terrestrial and vessel magnetism

Deviation and deviation coefficients

The magnetic compass compensation

Drawing up a deviation curve

The construction of a magnetic compass

The gyro-compass

The free gyro and gyro laws, precession, the north-

seeking gyro

The gyro-compass errors: the latitude error, the speed

error, the influence of the course and changes in speed

and the ballistic error

Going through the typical gyro-compasses onboard

Knowledge of the magnetic and gyro-compass mainte-


Method of in-


Lectures and/or project-based learning and demonstrations.


STCWA-II/2 col-

umn 4

The method and frequency of checks for errors of magnetic

and gyro-compasses ensures accuracy of information.

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Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M104

Attendance obliga-




Navigational Aids: INS

Prerequisites Watchkeeping Duties 2

Competences The student is provided with knowledge of the inter-

relationship and optimum use of all navigational data available

for conducting navigation.

The student is provided with knowledge of ,different sencors

and datatransfer systems/protocols

The student is able to obtain knowledge of the use of integrat-

ed navigation systems

Scope 1.5 credits

Contents Electronic navigation systems and their sources of error

Different types of integrated navigation systems and their

structure, functioning, sources of error and limitations

The reliability and limitations of position sensors within

an integrated navigation system

Method of in-


Lectures and/or project-based learning and demonstrations

Exercises in the simulator



column 4


column 4

The primary method chosen for fixing the ship’s position is the

most appropriate as to the prevailing circumstances and condi-


The accuracy of the resulting fix is properly assessed.

The fix obtained by the use of electronic navigational aids is

within the accuracy standards of the systems in use. The pos-

sible errors affecting the accuracy of the resulting position are

stated and methods for minimizing the effects of system errors

on the resulting position are properly applied.

Examination Written examination and continuous assessment during the

simulator training.

Possible assignments passed.

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M105

Attendance obliga-




Watchkeeping Duties 3

Prerequisites Watchkeeping Duties 2

Competences The student is provided with solid knowledge of the contents,

application and objectives of the International Regulations for

Preventing Collisions at Sea (Colregs).

The student gains solid knowledge of the contents, application

and objectives of the principles to be observed in keeping a

navigational watch.

The student knows the effective procedures for cooperation on

the bridge.

Scope 1.5 credits

Course Contents Collision Regulations are interpreted using various cases

of collision

The regulations in the Decree on Watchkeeping Onboard

Different regulations on watchkeeping at sea issued by the

ICS, shipping company and master

Master’s standing orders for bridge duty

Bridge routines in connection with navigational watch and

practice and follow-up of the kind

Cooperation with the pilot onboard

Reporting and VTS procedures

Method of in-


Lectures and/or project-based learning and group-work in

connection with various cases. Collision cases studies.




Watchkeeping arrangements and procedures are established

and maintained in compliance with international regulations

and guidelines so as to ensure the safety of navigation, protec-

tion of the marine environment and safety of the ship and per-

sons onboard.

Action taken to avoid a close encounter or collision with other

vessels is in accordance with the International Regulations for

Preventing Collisions at Sea.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M106

Attendance obliga-




Route Planning 2

Prerequisites Watchkeeping Duties 2

Competences The student

is in all conditions able to determine position using

both celestial and terrestrial observations

knows how to assess the reliability of the position with

the help of navigational charts, notices for mariners

and other nautical publications.

The student is provided with knowledge of voyage planning

and navigation for all conditions by acceptable methods of

plotting ocean tracks, taking into account e.g.

restricted waters

meteorological conditions


restricted visibility (blind pilotage)

traffic separations schemes

areas of extensive tidal effects

The student gains knowledge of routeing in accordance with

the General Principles on Ships’ Routeing.

The student is able to report in accordance with the Guidelines

and Criteria for Ship Reporting Systems.

The student knows the methods of blind pilotage.

Scope 1.5 credits

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Contents Main sections of a voyage plan





Check lists

Documentation of a route plan

Deviations from the route plan

Planning of optimal circular paths of a turn on the naviga-

tional chart

VTS and route planning


Method of in-


Lectures and/or project-based learning and exercises in the


Literature (TRAFI/213/




column 4

The equipment, charts and nautical publications required for

the voyage are enumerated and appropriate to the safe conduct

of the voyage.

The reasons for the planned route are supported by facts and

statistical data obtained from relevant sources and publica-


Positions, courses, distances and time calculations are correct-

ed within accepted accuracy standards for navigational equip-


All potential navigational hazards are accurately identified.

Examination Continuous assessment during the simulator exercises.

Written examination.

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M107

Attendance obliga-




Manoeuvring 2

Prerequisites Manoeuvring 1

Watchkeeping Duties 2

Competences The student is provided with knowledge, proficiency and

skills as to the manoeuvring and handling of a ship in all con-

ditions, including:

manoeuvres when approaching pilot stations and embark-

ing or disembarking pilots, with due regard to weather,

tide, head reach and stopping distances

handling the ship in rivers, estuaries and restricted waters,

having regard to the effects of current, wind and restricted

water on helm response

application of constant rate of turn techniques

manoeuvring in shallow waters, including the reduction in

underkeel clearance caused by squat, rolling and pitching

interaction between passing ships and between one’s own

ship and nearby banks (canal effect)

berthing and unberthing under various conditions of wind,

tide and current with or without tugs

ship and tug interaction

use of propulsion and manoeuvring systems

choice of anchorage; anchoring with one or two anchors in

limited anchorages and factors involved in determining the

length of the anchor cable to be used

dragging anchor; clearing foul anchors

dry-docking, both with and without damage

management and handling of ships in heavy weather, in-

cluding assisting a ship or aircraft in distress; towing oper-

ations; means of preventing a vessel not under command

from getting in a position where swell is coming from

abeam, lessening drift and use of oil

precautions in manoeuvring to launch rescue boats or sur-

vival crafts in bad weather

methods of taking onboard survivors from rescue boats and

survival crafts

ability to determine the manoeuvring and propulsion char-

acteristics of common types of ships with special reference

to stopping distances and turning circles at various

draughts and speeds

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importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid dam-

age caused by the ship’s bow or stern wave

practical measures to be taken when navigating in or near

ice or in conditions of ice accumulation onboard

use of, and manoeuvring in and near, traffic separation

schemes and in vessel traffic service (VTS) areas

Scope 3.5 credits

Course Contents The basics of vessel manoeuvring

Embarking and disembarking of a pilot

The effects of wind, current, shallow and restricted waters

and interaction of passing ships

Manoeuvring characteristics of different vessels

Manoeuvring tests

Berthing and unberthing

Use of tugs

Various anchoring methods

Handling the vessel during rescue operations

Manoeuvring in ice conditions



Method of in-


Lectures, simulator exercises and/or project-based learning or

problem-based learning in groups.


STCWA-II/2 col-

umn 4

All decisions concerning berthing and anchoring are based on

a proper assessment of the ship’s manoeuvring and engine

characteristics and the forces to be expected while berthed

alongside or lying at anchor.

While under way, a full assessment is made of possible effects

of shallow and restricted waters, ice, banks, tidal conditions,

passing ships and the ship’s bow and stern wave so that the

ship can be safely manoeuvred under various conditions of

loading and weather.

Examination Continuous assessment during the simulator exercises and

written examination.

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M108

Attendance obliga-




Mechanical Engineering

Remote Control of the Engine Room

Prerequisites Manoeuvring 1

Watchkeeping Duties 2

Competences The student knows the operational requirements for a marine

power plant and understands the principles of remote control.

The student understands the principles of operating the auxilia-

ry machinery. The student obtains knowledge of the marine

engine terminology.

Scope 1,5 credit

Course Contents principles of remote manoeuvring

mechanical terminology

auxiliary machinery

reading circuit diagrams



Method of in-





column 4

Evaluation takes place during the common assessment meet-

ings between students and teachers during the part module.

Plant, auxiliary machinery and equipment are operated in ac-

cordance with technical specifications and within safe operat-

ing limits at all times.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Cargo Function 2

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M201

Attendance obliga-




Cargo Handling 1

Transportation of general cargoes

Prerequisites Cargo Handling 2 (OpL)

Competences The student must know the general cargo transports and the

key point in planning of the future cargo. The student must

know load lines and zones where the vessel is in traf-

fic.Knowledge of cargo and vessel insurance.

The objectives presented in the Convention table A-II/2 col-

umn 2 are followed as applicable.

Scope 1,5 credits

Course Contents Regulations and directives on cargo handling

Organising the loading/unloading operation and communi-

cations between vessel and habour

Load line calculations

Commercial cargo documents

Taking care of the cargo during the voyage

Cargo lashing

Cargo handling and cargo handling methods

Cargo planning, loading and placing of goods

Protecting the cargo against damages

Occupational safety

Cargo and marine insurance

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based

learning .


STCWA-II/2 col-

umn 4

Evaluation takes place during the common assessment meet-

ings between students and teachers during the part module.

The objectives presented in the Convention table A-II/2 col-

umn 4 are followed as applicable.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M202

Attendance obliga-




Cargo Handling 2

Ro-Ro Transports

Prerequisites Cargo Handling 2 (OpL)

Competences The student knows the principles of Ro-Ro transports. He/she

knows the lashing arrangements onboard and stowing of

goods. He/she knows the ballasting of the vessel. He/she

knows the aspects related to the transportation of dangerous

good at sea onboard Ro-Ro vessels according to the IMDG

Code. He/she knows how to draw a cargo plan.

The objectives presented in the Convention table A-II/2 col-

umn 2 are followed as applicable.

Scope 1.5 credits

Course Contents Ro-Ro transports

Sto-Ro transports

Cargo handling on a Ro-Ro vessel

Cargo securing manual

Awareness of cargo care and cargo planning

Vehicles onboard Ro-Ro vessels

Precautionary measures when handling and transporting

dangerous goods on Ro-Ro vessels

Occupational safety

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based

learning. Exercises using computer programmes.


STCWA-II/2 col-

umn 4

Planned distribution of cargo is based on reliable information

and is in accordance with established guidelines and legislative


Information on dangers, hazards and special requirements is

recorded in a format suitable for easy reference in the event of

an accident.

The objectives presented in the Convention table A-II/2 col-

umn 4 are followed as applicable.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Management Level


STCW-Code: Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M203

Attendance obliga-




Cargo Handling 3

Reefer Transports

Prerequisites Cargo Handling 2 (OpL)

Competences The student knows the refrigerating needs onboard a reefer

and stowing and securing of the cargo. He/she knows how to

supervise the loading and unloading and, when need arises, to

control the cargo. He/she knows the USDA regulations on the

transport of fruit to the USA. He/she is also familiar with the

transport of wood, citrus and tropical fruit and vegetables.

He/she is also familiar with the transport of frozen goods.

He/she is familiar with the discharger’s refrigerating instruc-


He/she knows the ventilation problem and is able to make hu-

midity calculations.

The objectives presented in the Convention table A-II/2 col-

umn 2 are followed as applicable.

Scope 1.0 credits

Course Contents Regulations and directives on cargo handling

Stowing of the cargo

Cargo care during the voyage

Controlling the cargo before loading

USDA regulations

Frozen cargo

Fruit cargoes


Occupational safety

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based



The objectives presented in the Convention table A-II/2 col-

umn 4 are followed as applicable.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M204

Attendance obliga-




Cargo Handling 4

Displacement Calculations

Prerequisites Cargo Handling 2 (OpL)

Competences The student knows how to calculate displacement and longitu-

dinal/transverse stability with different densities. He/she is able

to use Simpson’s rules to calculate surfaces and volumes for

irregular bodies.

The student is provided with knowledge of the IMO recom-

mendations concerning ship stability.

The objectives presented in the Convention table A-II/2 col-

umn 2 are followed as applicable.

Scope 1,5 credits

Course Contents Stability calculations

Surface and volume calculations (Simpson’s rules)

Form coefficients

Static stability and stability curves

Calculating free surfaces

Dynamical stability

The influence of density on draught

The true mean draught

Inclining test

Trim Loading programmes and their use

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based

learning. Exercises using computer programmes.


STCWA-II/2 col-

umn 4

The objectives presented in the Convention table A-II/2 col-

umn 4 are followed as applicable.

Stowage and securing of cargoes ensures that stability and

stress conditions remain within safe limits at all times during

the voyage.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M205

Attendance obliga-




Cargo Handling 5

Bulk Transports

Prerequisites Cargo Handling 2 (OpL)

Competences The student is familiar with the Bulk Code. The student is fa-

miliar with the loading of grain. He/she is familiar with the

concept of “Draft Survey” and is able to perform complete

calculations as regards the loaded or unloaded cargo.

The objectives presented in the Convention table A-II/2 col-

umn 2 are followed as applicable.

Scope 1.5 credits

Course Contents The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code

(IMSBC Code)

Regulations and directives on cargo handling

The placement of cargoes on a bulk carrier with reference

to the longitudinal stresses

General safety measures

Preloading inspections of the cargoes, inspection of the

state of the cargo hold, "on hire and off hire" inspections

Loading and discharging

The safety of the crew and the vessel

Cargo lighting

General cargo vessels with special equipment

Bulk cargoes involving a chemical risk

Grain calculations

Occupational safety

Structural limitation

Draft survey

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based

learning. Exercises using computer programmes.


The objectives presented in the Convention table A-II/2 col-

umn 4 are followed as applicable.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M206

Attendance obliga-




Cargo Handling 6

Tank Calculations

Prerequisites Cargo Handling 2 (OpL)

Advanced Tanker safety

Competences The student is familiar with measuring and calculating cargo

volumes for crude oil, product, chemical and gas cargoes.

The student is able to draw up a loading and unloading plan

for different types of tankers, for different liquid cargoes in


The student is familiar with relevant literature for the above

mentioned and knows how to use it.

The objectives presented in the Convention table A-II/2 col-

umn 2 are followed as applicable.

Scope 0.5 credit

Course Contents Crude oil and product cargoes

Measuring and calculating cargo volumes

Planning of loading and unloading

The IMO classes

Chemical and gas cargoes

Measuring and calculating cargo volumes

Planning of loading and unloading

The IMO classes


Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and/or project-based

learning . Exercises using computer programmes.


The objectives presented in the Convention table A-II/2 col-

umn 4 are followed as applicable.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operation Function 3

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M301

Attendance obliga-




Damage Control

Prerequisites Watchkeeping Duties 2

Stability 2

Competences The student is provided with skills for assessing the situation

and encountering emergency situations and maritime accidents


Precaution when beaching a ship

Actions to be taken if grounding is imminent, and after


Refloating a grounded ship with and without assistance

Action to be taken if collision is imminent and follow-

ing a collision or impairment of the watertight integrity

of the hull by any cause

Assessment of damage control

Emergency steering

Emergency towing arrangements and towing proce-


The student knows the methods and aids to prevent pollution

of marine environment by ships.

The student has the knowledge and skills to draw up plans and

check-lists to control emergencies and damages onboard.

Scope 1.0 credits

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Contents Grounding: immediate action and check-lists, assessing

vessel damages, hull stress and its influence on stability

Routines to follow when the vessel is aground

Refloating a grounded ship with and without assistance

Precautions when beaching a ship

Vessel collisions: immediate action and check-lists, as-

sessing vessel damages

Assessment of damages during and after the acci-


Emergency steering of the vessel

Towing a distressed vessel: Connecting the towing cable

and different towing methods

Salvage: concluding a salvage agreement and the master’s


Authority intervention. Report on a maritime accident.

The vessel’s emergency plan with reference to an oil acci-


Method of in-


Lectures and/or project-based learning and exercises. Authen-

tic shipwreck cases studies.



column 4

The type and scale of any problem is promptly identified and

decisions and actions minimize the effects of any malfunction

of the ship’s systems.

Communications are effective and comply with established


Decisions and actions maximize the safety of persons onboard.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Management Level

Vessel Management and


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M302

Attendance obliga-




Ship Theory 2

Ship projects and maintenance

Prerequisites Ship Theory 1

Cargo Handling 2, OpL

Competences Student has knowledge about different shiptypes, their

construction and measurements regarding ships characters.

Vessels constructions influence to stability and seaworthi-


Vessel construction and contructional strength of the hull

Starting and following of shipbuilding project.

Knowledge of vessels drawings and material delivered

with vessels delivery.

Docking of the vessel, different possibilities and basics of

vessel docking.

Knowledge of decimal system in ship maintenance

Knowlege of computer based maintenance system

Scope 3,0 credits

Course Contents Shipbuilding process

Ship maintenance

Ship construction and seaworthiness.

Method of in-


Lectures and/or project-based learning and exercises, possible

study excursions to shipyards and companies operating in



The main principles for vessel projecting and maintenance

have been correctly understood.

Examination Written examination and continuous assessment during the

course and possible assignments.

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Management Level

Vessel Management and


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M303

Attendance obliga-




Law and Legislation 3

Prerequisites Law and Legislation 1

Competences The student is provided with knowledge of the various aspects

of maritime law. He/she understands what is meant by non-

contractual and contractual relations, and has a clear under-

standing of the shipowner’s responsibilites and how these can

be concretized. The student gains an understanding of the lia-

bility issues in connection with a ship collision and oil damag-

es, and understands questions related to salvage, financing and

safety. The student understands contractual relations including

different forms of freighting and clauses. The student is famil-

iar with the risk distribution system within the maritime law.

The student has knowledge of the international maritime laws

and their connection with international agreements and con-


Scope 2,5 credits

Course Contents Going through the liability grounds in connection with

non-contractual situations (shipowner’s responsibilities,

responsibility in connection with collision and oil damage)

The salvage situation – safety of vessel and cargo (mari-

time liens and mortgage)

Vessel embargo

Terms of contract and documents in connection with them

(different freighting forms, charter-party, bill of lading and


Freighting clauses

General and individual average

P&I, Hull and cargo insurance

Issuing of certificates and their periods of validity

Agreements and conventions obliging the vessel to appli-

cable parts

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Method of in-


Lectures and/or project-based learning, legal case studies.



column 4

Evaluation takes place during the common assessment meet-

ings between students and teachers during the part module.

Procedures for monitoring operations and maintenance comply

with legislative requirements.

Potential non-compliance is promptly and fully identified.

Planned renewal and extension of certificates ensures contin-

ues validity of surveys items and equipment.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Management Level

Vessel Management and


Course description

Code MM14M304

Attendance obliga-



Course Maritime Economics

Prerequisites None

Competences The student is provided with knowledge of the world trade,

economics and how goods generally move globally. He/she

gains knowledge of the functioning mechanisms and operating

principles of freight markets. The student is familiar with the

cost construction in connection with shipping company opera-

tions and vessel operations and financing.

Scope 2,0 credits

Course Contents International trade

Material administration and logistics

Sea transports


Shipping company administration

Method of in-


Lecture and/or project-based learnings, PBL-based group work

and exercises, study excursions.


Evaluation takes place during the common assessment meet-

ings between students and teachers during the course. The stu-

dent gets an approved result in the written examination.

Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Management Level

Vessel Management and


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M305





International legislative requirements and Environmental

Management Systems

Prerequisites Sustainable Development


Competences Monitor and control compliance with international legislative

requirements and measures to ensure the protection of the ma-

rine environment.

Scope 1,0 credit

Course Contents certificates and other documents required to be carried

onboard ships

International Convention on Load Lines

International Convention for the Safety Of Life at Sea


Int. Convention for the Prevention of Pollutions of

Ships (MARPOL)

Int. Health Regulations

Method of in-


Lectures, individual and/or group work, oral and/or written



The evaluation shall take into account STCWA-II/2.

Examination Written test and/or written assignments passed.

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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

Course description

Code MM14M306

Attendance obliga-




Safety Management

Prerequisites Safety for officers


Environmental protection

Competences The student is able to maintain safety and security of the ship’s

crew and passengers and the operational condition of life-

saving, fire-fighting and other safety systems.

The student is provided with skills to develop emergency and

damage control plans and handle emergency situations.

The requirements set in the STCW Convention with reference

to the training in maritime and ship safety for the Management

Level, STCW A-II/ 2., as applicable, are fulfilled. The student

is provided with knowledge and skills required to handle the

management of safety-related tasks onboard both in normal

operations and in crisis situations.

Scope 1,5 credits

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Course Contents The safety-related responsibilities and duties of the master.

The STCW Convention requirements.

Rescue organizations and plans. The IAMSAR-manual

Vessel accidents. The master’s role.

Safety onboard. SOLAS. MARPOL. ISM. National re-

quirements and exceptions.

Certificates and inspections. SOLAS requirements con-

cerning the vessel’s safety equipment, its maintenance and

usage training.

Principles for onboard operations in connection with dif-

ferent kinds of accidents.

Emergency plans, contingency plans, safety drawings,

priorities, resources allocation, damage control, follow-

up, documentation.

The vessel’s construction safety

Drawing up of emergency, contingency, drill, safety train-

ing and damage control plans; alarm-lists, check-lists and

training manuals.

Alarm organization onboard. Safety information. Leader-

ship in crisis situations.

Cooperation with rescue helicopters.

Mental reactions. Leadership in emergency situations.

Communications during crisis; objectives and means,

principles for media contacts.

Practical exercises

Exercises using safety equipment onboard. Risks and


Assessment of the capacity of the life-saving equip-


Equipment onboard life rafts and lifeboats. Exercises in


Exercises using emergency signals.


Method of in-


Classroom lectures. Practical exercises.



column 4

Procedures for monitoring fire-detection and safety systems

ensure that all alarms are detected promptly and acted upon in

accordance with established emergency procedures.

Emergency procedures are in accordance with the established

plans for emergency situations.

Examination Obligation to attend. The student must pass all the exercises

within the duration of the course and the theoretical examina-


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Management Level


STCW-Code:Table A-II/2

STCW-Code:Table A-VI/4-2

Course description

Code MM14M307

Attendance obliga-




Medical Care 3

Supplementary training in medical care

Prerequisites Medical Care 2

Competences The student’s knowledge and skills as regards to giving medi-

cal care to persons who have fallen ill or got injured onboard

are medically acceptable and adequate. The student can, when

necessary, cooperate to get medical assistance to the vessel.

The student:

is able to independently examine a patient who has fallen

ill/had an accident and make care-related decisions as well

as consult medical care professionals ashore

masters asepsis; he/she can perform aseptically demanding

measures and prevent contagion and infections

is able to independently monitor and take care of the per-

son who has fallen ill/had an accident according to the cur-

rent recommendations or consultation

Scope 2 credits

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Course Contents medical rules and recommendations

principles for patient care and examining a patient

cooperation between health care personnel ashore or in

port; consultation, reports, journals, professional secrecy,

evacuation of a patient

asepsis, prevention of infections

infectious and tropical diseases

pharmacology and pharmaceutical administration

pain alleviation

illnesses in the organs for: breathing, blood circulation,

abdominal and intestinal canals, the central nervous system


medical care of an unconscious patient

death onboard

venereal diseases

mental problems, addiction to alcohol and other drugs

gynaecology, pregnancy and emergency delivery

first aid and care in the case of the following: head and

spinal injuries, injuries to face, eyes, ears, nose, throat and


free respiratory passages including intubation

internal and external bleeding, vein cannulation, infusion

of fluids

burns, scalds and injuries caused by coldness

wound-healing, including suturing

catheterization of the urinary bladder

bone, joint and muscle injuries, splinting of fractures

Method of in-


Lectures, practical exercises, independent studies, study excur-

sions (following the emergency ward activities).


Between students and teacher during the course.

Actions taken and procedures followed correctly apply and

make full use of available advice.

Examination 100% attendance, participation with passed performance in

the practical exercises, written assignment and examination.

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COMMON STUDIES Natural Science 21 cr

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Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

Operational Level

Terrestrial Naviga-


Course description

Code MM13OA07

Attendance obliga-




Mathematics 1

Prerequisites No prerequisites

Competences To provide the student with good mathematical readiness for

further studies at the university of applied sciences level.

Scope 1,5 credits

Contents algebraical simplifications

polynomial and rational expressions

numerical understanding

involutions and logarithms


Method of in-


Lectures, exercises and homework. Partly web-based exercis-



The exercises are understood correctly and the answers are ac-


Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Terrestrial Naviga-


Course description

Code MM13OA08

Attendance obliga-




Mathematics 2

Prerequisites Mathematics 1

Competences To provide the student with good mathematical readiness for

further studies at the university of applied sciences level.

Scope 1,5 credits

Contents trigonometry



mathematical analysis

Method of in-


Lectures, exercises and homework. Partly webbased exercises.


The exercises are understood correctly and the answers are ac-


Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Terrestrial Navigation

Course description

Code MM14CN03

Attendance obliga-



Course IT Studies 1

Prerequisites None

Competences The student is provided with knowledge of the basics of in-

formation technology, word-processing, table management

and information communication.

Scope 1,5 credits

Contents Basics of information technology

The characteristics of Windows

Microsoft Office Word

Microsoft Office Excel

Microsoft Powerpoint

Internet and e-mail

Method of in-


Lectures and/or project-based learning, computer exercises

and demonstrations in the classroom.


The exercises are understood correctly and the answers are ac-


Examination Written examination, computer test, assignments.

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Operational Level

Course description

Code MM14CN04

Attendance obliga-



Course Physics 1

Prerequisites Mathematics 2

Competences To provide the student with good skills in the subject of phys-

ics for further studies at the university of applied sciences lev-


Scope 1.0 credits

Contents quantities, units and computation rules

rectilinear and rotational movement, mass and force


work, energy and power



Method of in-


Lectures and calculation exercises. Web-based exercises.

Course material:

Physics pages on the internet


The exercises are understood correctly and the answers are ac-


Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

Operational Level

Navigational Aids

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Course description

Code MM14CN05

Attendance obliga-



Course Physics 4

Prerequisites Physics 3

Competences To provide the student with knowledge of direct-current and

alternating current theory and semi-conductors.

Scope 2,5 credits

Contents Direct-current theory

Basic concepts

Ohms law

Power and energy

Electric fields, condensers, magnetism, coils.

Alternating current theory

Alternating current and alternating tension

Reactance and impedance

Resonance circuits


Diode and transistor

Amplifying circuits

Oscillatory circuits

Method of in-


Lectures and demonstrations in the classroom.


The exercises are understood correctly and the answers are ac-


Examination Written examination.

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Operational Level

Celestial Navigation

STCW-Code:Table A-II/1

Course description

Code MM14CN06

Attendance obliga-




Mathematics 5

Prerequisites Mathematics 2

Competences The student is able to solve great circle and celestial exercises

using sphere trigonometric methods.

Scope 2 credits

Contents Basic spherical definitions and the characteristics of spher-

ical triangles

Solving right-angled, isosceles and arbitrary spherical tri-


Applications with reference to great circle sailing and ce-

lestial navigation

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and homework.


The results from solving the triangles can be applied correctly.

The exercises are understood correctly and the answers are ac-


Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Course description

Code MM14CN07

Attendance obliga-



Course Physics 2

Prerequisites Physics 1

Competences To provide the student with good skills in the subject of phys-

ics for further studies at the university of applied sciences lev-


Scope 2.0 credits

Contents vectors


moment, moment of inertia and centre of gravity calcula-


mechanics of materials

Method of in-


Lectures and calculation exercises. Webbased exercises


The exercises are understood correctly and the answers are ac-


Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Operational Level

Course description

Code MM14CN08

Attendance obliga-



Course Physics 3

Prerequisites Physics 1

Competences The student has good skills in the subject of physics for further

studies at the university of applied sciences level.

Scope 2.0 credits

Contents gas statics

gas laws

temperature scales

heat theory

Method of in-


Lectures and calculation exercises. Webbased exercises


The exercises are understood correctly and the answers are ac-


Examination Written examination and possible assignments handed in.

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Operational Level

Course description

Code MM14CN09

Attendance obliga-




Mathematics 3/4

Prerequisites Mathematics 2

Competences The student understands the concept of differential coefficient

and knows how to apply it.

The student is able to perform easier derivative and integral


The student is able to determine surfaces and volumes with the

help of integrals.

Scope 3 credits

Contents Repetition of Mathematics 2

Differential coefficient

Derivation of functions

Min-Max problem

Application in physics on distance, speed and accelera-



Indeterminate integrals

Integration of functions

Definite integrals

Calculating surfaces and volumes with the help of inte-


Simpson’s rule

Method of in-


Lectures and exercises in the classroom and homework.


The exercises are understood correctly and the answers are ac-


Examination Written examination.

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Operational Level

Course description

Code MM14CN10

Attendance obliga-




Maritime Chemistry

Prerequisites None

Competences The student is able to assess the chemical characteristics of

different cargoes both from safety and environmental perspec-

tives and understands the chemical background of cargo han-


Scope 1 credit

Contents Dangerous goods


Method of in-


Lectures, discussions, reports and homework. Partly webbased



The exercises are understood correctly and the answers are ac-


Examination Written examination and/or report. Assignments accepted.

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Management Level

Course description

Code MM14CN11

Attendance obliga-




Mathematics 6

Prerequisites Mathematics 2

Competences The student is provided with knowledge of graphical represen-

tations and interpretation of statistical material.

The student is familiar with the basics of probability calculus

and has knowledge of the normal distribution.

Scope 1,5 credits

Course Contents Statistical methods

Graphical representation

Standard and statistical probability

Binomial probability

Expected values and measurement dispersion

Normal distribution


Method of in-


Lectures, classroom exercises, homework and assignments in



The exercises are understood correctly and the answers are ac-


Examination Written examination, passed assignment.

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Management Level

Course description

Code MM14CN12

Attendance obliga-




Mathematics 7

Prerequisites Mathematics 3/4

Competences The student is able to apply linear optimization when planning

the transport of cargoes to several ports.

The student is provided with knowledge of differential coeffi-

cient and integral application to cargo handling and ship theo-


Scope 1,5 credits

Course Contents Linear optimization

Application of differential coefficient on miscalculation

and solution of equations

Integrals for the calculus of centres of gravity and mo-

ments of inertia

Method of in-


Lectures, classroom exercises and homework.


The exercises are understood correctly and the answers are ac-


Examination Written examination and possible assignments passed.

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Languages 10 cr

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Operational Level

Watchkeeping Duties

STCW code: A- II/1

Course description

Code MM14CL01

Attendance obliga-



Course Professional English 3

Prerequisites Professional English 1

Competences The student knows basic practical Maritime English. The ac-

tive vocabulary, with the emphasis onboard communication, is

expanded. Emphasis on practical Maritime English.

Scope 1.5 credits

Contents Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) 2.

Part 4, Ch. A - Operative Ship handling.

Part 4.3. (Ch. A) - Wheel-orders, handover of watch.

Part 3.4 - Pilotage.

Charts and related publications. (Pilot Books) Guide to

Port Entry, Harbour Bye-Laws


Method of in-


Webbased course.


The evaluation is realised through continuous follow-up dur-

ing the course and is possibly completed with written assign-



Examination Active participation and possible written assignments com-


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Operational Level


STCW code: A- II/1

Course description

Code MM14CL02

Attendance obliga-



Professional Swedish

Prerequisites Swedish

Competences The student

learns the basics of the Swedish language,

is familiar with the main structures of the language

has acquired a basic vocabulary.

can handle simple, everyday situations.

The course content and pace will be adapted to the learning

ability of the students and is a continuation of the course Swe-

dish I.

The student is able to apply Novia University of Applied Sci-

ences’ technical instructions on academic writing.

Scope 1,5 credits

Contents Culture and traditions

Work and society

Expressing thoughts and opinions

Current issues

Adjectives, comparative forms

Pronouns, ordinals

Tenses, past tense, auxiliaries, the infinitive

Expressions of time, dates, months, seasons, public holi-


Method of in-


Lectures in classroom. Focus on activating the students to

communicate, group work, assignments in speaking and writ-

ing, dialogues, listening comprehension and pronunciation..


Students are evaluated on the basis of their participation and

activity in class as well as a written test.

Literature: Materials suggested by the lecturer.

Novia University of Applied Sciences’ technical instructions

on academic writing.

(Available on the Intranet)

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Examination Written test

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Operational Level


STCW code : A- II/1

STCW code: A- IV/2

STCW code: A- II/3

Course description

Code MM14CL03

Attendance obliga-




Professional English 1

Prerequisites Safety for Officers

Medical Care 2

Competences The student is able to manage the officer’s duties in connec-

tion with different emergency situations and safety exercises

and drills in English.

Scope 2 credits

Contents Background: SMCP: GMDSS procedures (Appendix), Part

4 Ch. B, Ch. D. Distress Traffic on the radio (GMDSS)

Parts 3.1 (Distress Communications), 3.2 (Urgency Com-

munications). SMCP: Part 3.6 - VTS Standard Phrases

(Message Markers)

Medical English (Radio Medical - Services).

Practical exercises/presentations in having life-boat drills,

instructing how to use a life-jacket, realising man-over-

board drills, describing evacuation routes and giving other

instructions when evacuating the vessel.

Method of in-


Practical exercises, listening comprehensions, reading com-

prehensions, group work, simulations.

Literature: Hand-outs, webpages and suggested reading by the lecturer,

e.g. The Ship Captain’s Medical Guide


The student attends the practical exercises and communica-

tions are clear and correct.

A passed examination and written assignments.

Examination Passed exercises and assignments, attendance obligation, writ-

ten examination.

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Management Level

Vessel Management and


STCW-Code:(no provisions)

Course description

Code MM14CL04

Attendance obliga-




English ML E1

English for Professionals

Prerequisites Professional English 1

Competences The student is able to

use the information from scientific sources as well as

analyse and present it in an appropriate way.

participate and argue in discussions dealing with de-

manding subjects.

develop a written report which is formulated according

to the Novia University of Applied Sciences instruc-

tions for the final projects.

Scope 2 credits

Course Contents Articles (or other literature) chosen by the lecturer on areas

relevant for ship’s officers. The themes for the articles can

vary and may include e.g. leadership, personnel administra-

tion, technical developments, risk management, business man-

agement, etc.

Seminars during which the students have specific tasks and in

which they actively participate.

Method of in-


Seminars, written assignment, group-work and lectures.

Reading of scientific articles, gathering information, revising

and writing reports.


Discussions in connection with the seminars. According to the

lecturer’s judgement also questionnaires.

Examination Active participation in the seminars (more detailed instructions

during the course), written assignment accepted.

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Management Level

Vessel Management and


STCW-Code:(no provisions)

Course description

Code MM14CL05

Attendance obliga-




English ML E2

Maritime Business English

Prerequisites Professional English 1

Competences The student has ability to perform administrative duties in

English with the emphasis on maritime-related examples.

Scope 2 credits

Course Contents Material and duties in connection with the officers’ adminis-

trative duties. The course contents vary and can include areas

such as business letters, cargo documents (e.g. B/L, M/R and

C/P), personnel administration, shipping company annual re-

ports, etc.

Method of in-


Web-based course.

Evaluation By correspondence via e-mail during the course.

Examination All assignments completed and accepted.

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General Studies 9 cr

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Common Core



Course description

Code MM14CG01

Attendance obliga-



Course Swedish 1

Prerequisites No prerequisites

Competences The student, being a beginner

acquires the first basics of the Swedish language

learn to understand and use simple everyday language

in everyday situations.

The course content and pace will be adapted to the learning

ability of the students.

Scope 3 credits

Contents Introducing yourself, greeting, phrases

Studies, family, leisure

The alphabet, concepts of time, numerals

Food and drink, at the restaurant, in the shop

Telephone phrases

Verbs in the present tense, interrogatives

Nouns, definite and indefinite forms

Sentence structures, word order

Plural forms, the genitive, prepositions, pronouns

Course book:

Svenska utifrån, lärobok och övningar del 1,

Swedish-English glossary

and other material handed out during the course.

Method of in-


Focus on activating the students to communicate, group work,

assignments in speaking and writing, dialogues, listening

comprehension and pronunciation..

Evaluation Students are evaluated on the basis of their participation and

activity in class as well as a written test.

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Common Core



Course description

Code MM14CG02

Attendance obliga-



Course Basic Finnish 1

Prerequisites No prerequisites

Competences The student being a beginner

acquires the first basics of the Finnish language

learn to understand and use simple everyday language

in everyday situations.

Scope 3 credits

Contents Introducing yourself, greeting

Studies, family, leisure

The alphabet, concepts of time, numerals

Food and drink, at the restaurant, in the shop

Verbs in the present tense, interrogatives

Basic forms of the noun

Sentence structures

Plural forms

Method of in-


Focus on activating the students to communicate, group work,

assignments in speaking and writing, dialogues, listening

comprehension and pronunciation..

Evaluation Students are evaluated on the basis of their participation and

activity in class as well as a written test.

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Common Core



Course description

Code MM14CG03

Attendance obliga-



Course Sustainable development

Prerequisites No prerequisites

Competences The student

knows that SD comprise an ecologic, economic, tech-

nical, social and cultural aspect which are all depend-

ent of each other.

understand that future possibilities to survival and a

good life is dependent on a sustainable use of nature,

people and environment.

can consider the ecologic, social and cultural aspects of

SD as well as accessibility aspects in all activities and

in his/her own working community act in a sustainable


can take responsibility by contributing to a global sus-

tainable development of the community.

Scope 1,5 credits

Contents from hunters and gatherers to farmers, the pressure on

the natural resources increases

the population explosion, industrial revolution and the

environmental consequences of the interaction between

the modern human society and the rest of the global


sustainable management of natural resources and ener-

gy supply

global resource allocation and life-style issues

the international environment management standards

and Novia environment management system

Method of in-


Lectures, individual and group work, discussions, oral and

written presentations, study excursions

This course may also be realized partly as a webcourse.

Evaluation Assignments handed in, presentations, other activities

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Common Core


Course description


Course Research methodology

Credits 1,5

Competences The student

can conform to the research process systematically and

flexibly in the degree project process and in other pro-


can conform to research ethics in the research process

understands and conforms to qualitative and quantita-

tive methods.

is able to review and analyse scientific text and see the

connection between research and practical operations.

is able to avail evidence based knowledge.

is able to respond to and make relevant questions.

Contents Fundamental principles and definitions of research


Different parts of the research process

Quantitative and qualitative approaches

Research ethics

Starting one’s own research or development work pro-

cess in the professional field in question