Curriculum Development Elmer A. F. Conde

Curriculum Development

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Page 1: Curriculum Development

Curriculum Development

Elmer A. F. Conde

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• Definition of a curriculum• Difference between curriculum, syllabus

and course• Elements of curriculum• Types of curriculum• Curriculum development basics• Process of curriculum development• Curriculum planning

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• The word curriculum has Latin origin. It is a runway, a course to which one runs to reach a goal.

• “A course to which one runs to reach a goal.”

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• “Curriculum is a fixed program of courses.”

• “Planned experiences (Curricular and co-curricular) offered to the learner under the guidance of school.”

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• “A body of prescribed educative experiences under school supervision.”

• “Curriculum means all these activities which are provided inside or out side school to the student in order to achieve predetermined goal”

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• Curriculum Development can be defined as the systematic planning of what is taught and learned in schools as reflected in courses of study and school programs.

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• Curriculum is an educational program that include the following: program of studies, program of activities & program of guidance.

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Related Terms

• Curriculum is “Planned experiences (Curricular and co-curricular) offered to the learner under the guidance of school.”

• Whereas Syllabus includes a list of topics and subtopics related to a subject.

• Education imparted in a series of lessons or class meetings is called course.

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Elements• Objectives

• Content

• Method of Teaching

• Evaluation

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• “Objectives are expected result before the completion of work”

• There are two types of objectives:General objectiveSpecific objective

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Needs of Objectives

• Children needs• Society needs• National needs• Philosophical needs• Cultural needs• Religious needs• Trend and issue in country

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• “Content contains and values, culture, social needs, festivals, history and present needs”

• Content is prepared according to objectives.

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Teaching Methods:

• “By changing contents and objective teaching method will also change”

• Teaching method are planned according to content

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Different Teaching Methods:

• lecture method• book reading• discussion method• experiment method• demonstration method• project method• problem solving• inductive method• deductive method• playing method

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• “It is a process by which we want to know to what extent the objectives have been achieved”

• To what extent teaching method was successful and either content was related to the objective or not.

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Curriculum Evaluation

• A continuous process for collecting information about all the elements and outcomes of the curriculum to help arrive at an understanding of the extent to which they have been achieved and subsequently take decisions to improve their efficacy.

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Types of Evaluation

• placement evaluation

• formative evaluation

• diagnostic evaluation

• summative evaluation

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Types of Curriculum:

• Recommended Curriculum

• Ideal Curriculum

• Entitlement Curriculum

• Intended Curriculum

• Supported Curriculum

• Implemented Curriculum

• Achieved Curriculum

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RECOMMENDED CURRICULUM• It is presented by experts

IDEAL CURRICULUM• It is also presented and

recommended by expert ideal curriculums also called recommended curriculum

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ENTILEMENT CURRICULUM• It is selected by society and

according to the needs and interest of people of society.

INTENDED CURRICULUM• It is prepared by institution

for the fulfillment of a course and syllabus.

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SUPPORTED CURRICULUM• It is the curriculum which is supported

and supervises by human and material resource and it is thought by the availability of resources.

IMPLEMENTED CURRICULUM.• It is also called real curriculum it is that

curriculum which is implemented in the classroom in real situation.

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ACHIEVED CURRICULUM• it is prepared by

implemented curriculum and by opinion of teacher concern in this curriculum teacher gives his point of view that which portion in curriculum can be removed or added.

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Sources of Curriculum Design:

• Science as Source • Society as Source • Eternal and Divine Sources • Knowledge as a Source • The Learner as a Source

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• The scientific method provides meaning for the curriculum design.

• Only those items that can be observed and quantified should be included.

Science as a Source

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Science as a Source

• Problem-solving should have the prime position in the curriculum, i.e., stress thinking.

• Procedural knowledge or knowledge of process.

• The curriculum teaches rational processes for dealing with reality.

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Society as a Source

• Curriculum is an agent of society.

• Curriculum are designed to serve the broad social interests of society, as well as the local community.

• Society shows where to modify the curriculum.

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Society as a Source

• Support is shown for society as a curriculum source since the universe is becoming, rather than existing for our detached scientific viewing.

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External Sources

• Curriculum design should be intended to perpetuate society.

• It should pass on the significance of people's values and personal morality.

• Today these sources are reflected through the curriculum designer's values and personal morality.

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Knowledge as a Source

• One of the prime sources of curriculum. • Disciplined knowledge has a particular

structure and a particular method(s) used to extend its boundaries.

• Disciplined vs Undisciplined Knowledge – Disciplined = unique – Undisciplined = various (training)

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Learner as a Source

• Curriculum is derived from what we know about the learner.

• We draw much from the psychological foundations.

• Based on cognitive research.

• Emphasizes "learning by doing".

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Curriculum Development Process

• Philosophy of Education • Goals & Aims• General Instructional Objectives• Specific Instructional Objectives &

Outcomes• Task Analysis & Content Selection• Learning Activities

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Subject Matter Selection

• Criteria: relevance, importance, priority

• Scope: amount, depth of coverage, concentration

• Sequence: hierarchy & progression of complexity or difficulty

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Learner Needs

• Cognitive development• Linguistic development• Psycho-social

development• Moral/affective

development• Vocational focus

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Needs of Society

• Transmission of values & culture

• Literacy• Vocational skills• Social order & morality• Interpersonal skills• Creativity & innovation

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Curriculum Models

• Are based on a body of theory about teaching & learning.

• Are targeted to needs & characteristics of a particular group of learners.

• Outline approaches, methods & procedures for implementation.

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Model of Curriculum Design

• The nature & structure of knowledge

• The needs of the society

• The needs of the learner

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Four Points in Curriculum Models

• What educational purposes should the school seek to attain?

• What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes?

• How can these educational experiences be effectively organized?

• How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained? 

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Steps in Curriculum Development (Tyler)

• Selection of aims, goals and objectives;

• Selection of learning experiences and content;

• Organisation of learning experiences;

• Evaluation of the extent to which the objectives have been achieved

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Steps in Curriculum Development (Taba)

• Step 1: Diagnosis of need

• Step 2: Formulation of objectives

• Step 3: Selection of content

• Step 4: Organization of content

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Steps in Curriculum Development (Taba)

• Step 5: Selection of learning experiences

• Step 6: Organization of learning experiences

• Step 7: Determination of what to evaluate and of the ways and means of doing it.

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