1 1 2 Curriculum Vitae 3 4 5 Prof. Dr. Zeidan A. Kafafi 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Permanent Address: 13 Department of Archaeology 14 Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology 15 Yarmouk University 16 Irbid - Jordan 17 18 19 Tel.: Mobile: 0795-650102 20 Home: 00962-6-5160216 21 22 e-mail: [email protected] 23 [email protected] 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2017 31

Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3

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Page 1: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3




Curriculum Vitae 3



Prof. Dr. Zeidan A. Kafafi 6







Permanent Address: 13

Department of Archaeology 14

Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology 15

Yarmouk University 16

Irbid - Jordan 17



Tel.: Mobile: 0795-650102 20

Home: 00962-6-5160216 21


e-mail: [email protected] 23

[email protected] 24







2017 31

Page 2: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3




3 ملخص السيرة الذاتية


5 اإلسم: األستاذ الدكتور زيدان عبد الكافي كفافي

[email protected] 6

[email protected] 7


بعد نجاحه وم وأكمل دراسته االبتدائية، هناك. 1950في عام عبدالكافي كفافي اندالدكتور زي ولد 9

نا ععداد والاي كا 1960/1961ة الدراسة االبتدائية العامة في العاام الدراساي في امتحان شهاد 10

سين مدرسة الحوزارة التربية والتعليم أنياك، انتدل مع أهله إلى عّمان في نفس العام حيث التحق ب 11

12 .م1967في عام الثانوية/جبل الحسين واكمل هناك دراسته اإلعدادية والثانوية/الفرع األدبي

ية عاام عة األردنجتياز امتحان الثانوية العامة بنجاح، التحق بدسم التاريخ واآلثارفي الجاموبعد ا 13

م. 1971م، حيث عخصص في دراسة اآلثار، وحصل على درجة البكاالوريو منهاا عاام 1967 14

برناام م برناام ماجساتير فاي اآلثاار، التحاق بال1973وبعد أن فتح الجامعة األردنية في عاام 15

، وحصاال علااى جااائاة ماان المرحااوم ج لااة الملاا 1977طالاات عخااره منااه فااي عااام وكااان أو 16

م حصاال علااى بعثااة ماان 1977الحسااين باان طاا لتفودااه فااي دراسااته. بعاادها وفااي رياا عااام 17

ين إلكمااا دراسااة الاادكتوراة فااي جامعااة باارل (DAAD)المؤسسااة األلمانيااة للتباااد األكاااديمي 18

19 م.5/2/1982الحرة، وعخره منها في

م للعماال ع ااو هيدااة عاادريس فااي 13/2/1982د حصااوله علااى درجااة الاادكتوراة ان اام فااي وبعاا 20

م جامعاة اليرماوك، وال يااا علااى رأ عملاه حتاى اآلن. ودااد رداي لرعباة اسااتا م اارك فاي عااا 21

د مان م. و عملاه هايا عمال أساتا ائ زائارا لفثاار فاي عاد1993، واستا في بداية عام 1987 22

سااعود بيااة واألوروبيااة وهااين األردنيااة، والهاشاامية لاألردن ، الملاا الجامعاااا األردنيااة والعر 23

ة عاام ائارائ لمادلألمملكة العربية السعودية ، برلين الحرة، وفرايبورغ لألمانيا ، كماا عمال باحثاائ ز 24

25 .في باريس (CNRS)م في المركا الوطني الفرنسي لألبحاث 2000/2001ل

دنيااة ل الماجسااتير والاادكتورا فااي الجامعاااا األرأشاارا الاادكتور كفااافي، ونااادم عااددائ ماان رسااائ 26

رغ والعربيااة لدم ق/سااوريا، والملاا سعود/السااعودية واألوروبيااة لالسوربون/فرنسااا، فرايبااو 27

ؤعمراا ومونستر/ألمانيا، وفي جامعة كوبنهاغن/الدنمارك . كيل نظم وشارك في العدياد مان الما 28

فظاة علاى المتعلداة باآلثاار، وفاي مجاا المحاوالندواا وورش العمال المحلياة والعربياة والدولياة 29

30 المصادر التراثية.

Page 3: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


ار العاماة متح آثار في دائار اآلثال ائ م عمل أمين1971وبعد عخرجه من الجامعة األردنية في عام 1

2 م .1977 - 1972امعة األردنية ل ، وفي الج1972األردنية ل

3 ساياحة عهاد الملكاة رانياا للعميادائ لم 1/9/2013إلاى 11/9/2011عمال ا الفتارة باين -

4 في الجامعة الهاشمية. والتراث

5 أما في جامعة اليرموك فدد عدلد عددائ من المناصت اإلدارية، وهين


7 م .2011 - 2009ميدائ لكلية اآلثار واألنثروبولوجيا بجامعة اليرموك لع -

8 .2000-1997ميدائ للبحث العلمي والدراساا العليا في جامعة اليرموكلع -

9 .1997 - 1991ديرائ لمعهد اآلثار واألنثروبولوجيا في جامعة اليرموك لم -

10 .1988-1984ليرموك لرئيسا لدسم اآلثارفي جامعة ا -

11 .1987موك لرئيسا لدسم الندوش في جامعة الير -

حصال علاى إجاازة عفارغ علماي د ااها عميادائ لمعهاد 2011/2012و العاام الدراساي 12

13 على 2012/2013أعبعها بسنة أ رى لاحة والتراث في الجامعة الهاشمية، كة رانيا للسيالمل

14 سبيل اإلعارة.


وإضااافة لعملااه فااي الجامعااة فهااو ع ااو فااي مجلااس أمنااال يمتحاا األردني، والااي عرأسااه 16

17 في ائ وع عمل يو وعنوب عنها سمو األميرة سميّة بن الحسن، ج لة المل رانيا العبدهللا

اعتباااارائ مااان عمااالباالضاااافة لوتيفتاااه فاااي الجامعاااة الهاشااامية و لجناااة إدارة المتحااا ي.ي 18

19 .، على سبيل التطوعدائمائ بأعما مدير المتح 1/4/2013وجتى م2/6/2012

وللاادكتور زياادان كفااافي مساااهماا كبياارة فااي دراسااة واشااهار اآلثااار األردنيااة حيااث أشاارا 20

مية األثرية، كثير منها م تركة مع مؤسساا عل وشارك في العديد من الحفرياا والمسوحاا 21

22 ، وعاين غااا لماع CNRSعالمية مثل حفرياان أبوحامد في غور األردن لمع الفرنسايين

األماااريكيين، جامعاااة ساااان ديي اااو، ومركاااا التصاااحر فاااي جامعاااة نيفاااادا/ الواليااااا المتحااادة 23

عااة الاردااال ل جاماألمريكيااة ، ودياار عاا ، وعاال الحمااة لجامعااة الياادن الهولنديااة ، وواد 24

25 علااى . كمااا وأشاارا منفااردائ ، والحسااية لبالم اااركة مااع معهااد اآلثااار األلماااني روما/ايطاليااا

26 جرش الرئيساي. وعما هاي –م اريع أ رى منها جبل أبوالثواب/الرمان على طريق عّمان

وياال عم الم اااريع جميعهااا بموافدااة دائاارة اآلثااار العامااة األردنيااة، باال أن الاادائرة ساااهم فااي 27

28 بع ها.

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ة بآثاار وباإلضافة لهي الم اريع الميدانية، للدكتور كفاافي ن ااطاا أ ارى فاي ععمايم المعرفا 1

رجاه. األردن، منها إدامة المعارض األثرية والم اركة في بع اها ساوال دا ال األردن أو ا 2

دم ساتخاكما أن كثيرائ من المعارض األثرية األردنية التي أديما فاي شاتى أنحاال العاالم داد 3

4 الكثير من الدطع األثرية التي اكت ف في الحفرياا التي أشرا عليها.

، نايكر كما دام الدكتور كفافي بعدد من الم اريع التي هادف للمحافظاة علاى التاراث األردناي 5

م ااركة ماع جامعاة آركنساو م ، بال1999 - 1996منها م روعائ أديم في الفتارة باين أعاوام 6

، وشاارك فياه عادد مان أع اال هيداة التادريس فاي USAIDبال األمريكياة، وعام دعماه مان د 7

8 جامعة اليرموك.

حتاى ويعّد الدكتور كفافي هاو مان كتات عااريخ األردن الداديم يمناي عصاور ماا دبال التااريخ و 9

، مجاايل االسااكندر المكاادونيي حيااث ن اار لااه عاادد ماان الكتاات بالل ااة العربيااة فااي هاايا المجااا 10

11 مية.، وعربية، وعالمحليةلمية المن ورة في مج ا إضافة إلى عدد كبير من المداالا الع

ومن الواجت كر بهيا الخصوص أن الدكتور كفافي رأ هيداا عحرير عادد مان المجا ا 12

العلمية المتخصصة في اآلثار سوال في األردن أو في ارجه، ونيكر أنه ع و هيدة عحريار 13

الساااااعوديةي، ومجلاااااة فاااااي يالمجلاااااة األردنياااااة للتااااااريخ واآلثااااااري و مجلاااااة يأدومااااااعو، 14

Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry" والتاي عصادر عان الجامعاة 15

Palestine Exploration 16المجلاااة البريطانياااة ، وكااايل اإليجياااة فاااي رود /اليوناااان

Quarterly . 17

كمااا أن الاادكتور كفااافي ع ااو وع ااو شاارا فااي عاادد ماان المؤسساااا والجمعياااا األردنيااة 18

ة، وحاصل علاى عادد مان المان مان مؤسسااا عالمياة إلجارال البحاوث فاي والعربية والدولي 19

20 كاان هكماا أنا مجا اآلثار والعلوم المتعلدة بها، اصة من مؤسسة فاون همبولادا األلمانياة.

دلااة فااي اللجنااة الدطاعيااة االدتصااادية التابعااة لصااندوم البحااث العلمااي ، ولجنااة معا ائ ع ااو 21

22 لمي.األردنية في وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث الع ال هاداا واالعتراا بالجامعاا غير

ني الثاافداد أنعام علياه ج لاة الملا عباد هللا ونتيجة لعملاة ودراساته المتميااة فاي آثاار األردن 23

حصال مااكم، 25/5/2016مي المل عبدهللا الثاني للتمياي من الدرجة الثانية بتاريخ ابوس 24

عظم عاام ساعة يد من المرحوم ج لة المل الحسين الم على عدد من الجوائا المحلية ل منهان 25

ة لمنهاان ، والدوليا2011، طيت هللا ثرا ، وجائاة الدولة التدديرية فاي اآلثاار عاام 1977 26

ة مان ، وعادد مان المان البحثيام 1999وسام الفار ن سعفاا النخيل األكاديمية/ فرنسا عاام 27

28 . (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung)مؤسسة الكسندر فون همبولدا األلمانية


Page 5: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


Summary of the CV 1

Zeidan A. Kafafi 2

Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3

general and specialized M.A. courses at the Department of Humanities and Social 4

Sciences (1982-1984) and in the Faculty then Institute of Archaeology and 5

Anthropology (1984-present) at Yarmouk University. My major field research and 6

subsequent publications have centered on archaeological excavations and surveys, 7

with special emphasis on Neolithic sites in Jordan (`Ain Ghazal, Abu Hamid, `Ain 8

Rahub, eh-Sayyeh and Abu Thawwab), which contributed to a better understanding of 9

the Late Neolithic periods and their material culture, as well as connections with other 10

regions of the Near East. In addition to the Neolithic period, I am interested in the 11

other early periods such as the Chalcolithic, the Bronze Ages and the Iron Ages; thus, 12

I have directed or participated in expeditions at sites related to those periods, e.g., Abu 13

Hamid, Deir 'Alla, Mugheir, Dhaher el-Madina and Tell Damiya. 14

The results of my research have been presented in several publications: local (the 15

Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan: Abhath al-Yarmouk); Arabic 16

Journals such as Adumato and Al-Usur (Saudi Arabian) and Cairo University 17

Publications in Egypt; and internationally recognized journals as: The Annual of the 18

American Schools of Oriental Research and the Bulletin of the American Schools of 19

Oriental Research (USA); Archiev fuer Orientforschung (Austria); Paleorient and 20

Revue Biblique (France); Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, Zeitschrift 21

des Deutschen Palaestina-Vereins and Biblische Notizen (Germany), the Palestine 22

Exploration Quarterly and the British Archaeological Reports (England), and the 23

Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry (Greece). Some of my publications 24

have been translated into French and Spanish languages. 25


I have conducted research projects in cooperation with colleagues at the Institute of 27

Archaeology and Anthropology, after Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology and 28

others from the other departments of the Yarmouk University. In addition, I have 29

participated with international teams at Deir 'Alla 1983-1984 (Leiden University); 30

Mugheir 1984-1985 (Tuebingen University); and co-directed in 1986, the 31

archaeological excavations at Abu Hamid in the Jordan Valley with Prof. Genevieve 32

Dollfus (CNRS, France), since 1987 the Ain Ghazal excavations with Gary Rollefson 33

(San Diego and Willamette Universities) and Alan Simmons (then Desert Research 34

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Institute, Nevada), since 1996 the Wadi az-Zarqa/Dulayl project with Gaetano 1

Palumbo (then Getty and Rome University and University of London), and since 1996 2

the Deir Alla excavation with Gerrit Van der Kooij (Leiden University). Moreover I 3

have started in 2013 a joint excavation project at the site eh-Sayyeh/Wadi az-Zarqa 4

with Prof. Dr. Karin Bartl of the German Archaeological Institute/Berlin. In addition, 5

and in 2014 another joint excavations project started at the site Tell Damiyeh/Jordan 6

Valley with Dr. Lucas Petit of Leiden Museum/Netherland. 7


In addition to the archaeological field works I co-directed with Prof. William 9

Schwab/Fayetteville University/Arkansas a joint project entitled (Preserving the Past) 10

financed by the USAID from 1996 to 1999. The result of this project was an academic 11

MA program in Cultural Resource Management at the Institute of Archaeology and 12

Anthropology of Yarmouk University. Also, I worked as a consultant for a project 13

financed by the USAID that aimed at promoting the archaeological sites in Jordan for 14

touristic purposes in 1995/1996. 15


I have maintained close contact with the Directors of the Department of Antiquities 17

of Jordan, late Dr. Adnan Hadidi, late Dr. Safwan Tell, Dr. Ghazi Bisheh, the late Dr. 18

Fawwaz Khreiysheh and Dr. Monther Jamhawi who have helped greatly in my field 19

projects. 20


While the above discussion has concerned my scholarly research, I would like to 22

mention that I have also been active in a wide range of University and community 23

services. As a founding faculty member of the Institute of Archaeology and 24

Anthropology of Yarmouk University, I helped in designing the curriculum of the 25

Archaeology Department and in the initial organization of the Institute as a whole. I 26

have given public lectures about the archaeology of Jordan. I am a member of the 27

Royal Committee for establishing the National Archeological Museum (Jordan 28

Museum). In 1994-1995 I served as a member of the organizing committee of the al- 29

Albeit University Museum for Art and Architecture. In addition, I am a member of 30

the Board of Trustees and the Administrative Committee of the Jordan Museum and 31

served as an acting Director for the Year 2012-2013 for the Museum. 32


During the period 1984-1988, I have been appointed as a chairman of the Dept. of 34

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Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology of Yarmouk 1

University, which gave me the opportunity to help in establishing the "Museum for 2

Jordanian Heritage" at the University. In addition and in the period from 1991 to 3

1997 I was appointed as a Director of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 4

and became responsible for developing the Institute including the Museum. During 5

this period we have arranged several temporary archaeological exhibitions and 6

establishing the conservation laboratories. Moreover, I was behind erecting the 7

recently opened "Numismatics Museum" built adjacent to the building of the 8

"Museum for Jordanian Heritage". In the period from 1997 to 2000 I served as Dean 9

of Research and Graduate Studies of Yarmouk University. During the years 2009 to 10

2011 I have been appointed the Dean of the Faculty of Archaeology and 11

Anthropology/Yarmouk University. In the period between September 11th, 2011 till 12

September 1st 2013 I served the Dean of the Queen Rania Institute of Tourism and 13

Research, of the Hashemite University, Jordan. In addition, and starting June, 2012 14

till April 1st 2013 I worked as the Acting Director of the Jordan Museum. 15


I have received several prizes, presents, scholarships and awards from Jordan and 17

other countries. On May 25th, 2016 I have been decorated by His Majesty King 18

Abdullah II with the medal "King Abdullah II Medal" in recognition of my scholarly 19

and research activities and museums of Jordan. Moreover, 2011 I have received the 20

Jordanian National Award in recognition of my studies of the archaeology of Jordan. 21

In addition, I have been decorated in 1999 with the French medallion “Chevalier dans 22

l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques”. 23

Moreover, I have received several times scholarships from the German institutions: 24

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauch Dienst 25

DAAD. Also I am a member of national (such as Friends of Archaeology and 26

Heritage in Jordan) and international (Deutsch Archaeologisches Institut and Deutsch 27

Orient- Gesellschaft Germany) associations and scientific committees. 28







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Address: Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology 6

Yarmouk University 7

Irbid, Jordan 8



Phone Number 00962-79-5650102 (mobile); 00962-6-5160216 (home) 11


Fax. 00962-2-274725 13

e-mail:[email protected] 14

[email protected] 15



Personal Data: 18 Date of Birth : 1950 19

Place of Birth : Nuba 20

Nationality : Jordanian 21

Marital Status : Married 22

# of Children : 4 (3 sons and 1 daughter) 23


Graduation Degree Institution Language of Instruction 25

26 1971 B.A University Arabic 27

of Jordan 28


1977 M.A. University Arabic and 30

English 31

of Jordan 32


1982 Ph.D. Freie German and 34

English 35

Universitaet 36

Berlin 37


Promotion: 39 40

a. 1. 2. 1987 Associate Professor 41

b. 1. 2. 1993 Full Professor 42




Title of Thesis: 46 47

19. 6. 1977: M.A. The Late Bronze Age Pottery of Jordan (East Bank) 48

5. 2. 1982: Ph.D. The Neolithic of Jordan (East Bank) 49


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Teaching Experience: 7 8

Course Title Institution Date 9

10 Introduction to Archaeology Yarmouk University, 1982 - present 11

King Saud University 1989-1991 12

Jordan University 2004-2005 13

14 History of Ancient Art and Department of Humanities 1982 – 1987 15

Architecture 16


The Levant During the Bronze Yarmouk University 1984- 18

present 19

And Iron Ages 20

21 Pottery Production, Use and Yarmouk University 1985 - present 22

Trade 23


From Village to City Yarmouk University 1985 - Present 25


Advanced course in the Archa- Yarmouk University 1985 - Present 27

eology of Bilad esh-Sham 28


Ancient History of Jordan Yarmouk University, 1984 - 1988 30

and Palestine History Department 31


History of the Ancient Yarmouk University, 1984 - 1988 33

Near East History Department 34



Special Topics in the Bilad King Saud University 1989 - 1991 37

esh-Sham and Anatolian 38

Archaeology 39


Introduction to Prehistory King Saud University 1989 - 1991 41


Archaeology of Mesopotamia King Saud University 1989 - 1990 43


Prehistory of the Near East King Saud University 1989 - 1991 45


Special Topics in Archaeology Yarmouk University 1984 - 1989 47


Research Methods Yarmouk University 1991 - Present 49


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Ancient Near Eastern Yarmouk University 1995 - Present 1

Civilizations 2


History of Jordan Through Yarmouk University 1995 – Present 4

Ages 5


Ancient Civilizations 1 Hashimite University 2002 7


Ancient Civilizations 2 Hashimite University 2002 9


History of Art Jordan University 2004-2005 11


History and Archaeology of the Jordan University, 2004-2005 13

Arabian Peninsula 14


History and Archaeology of Jordan University, 2004-2005 16

Bilad esh-Sham 17


Origins of Ancient Civilizations Jordan University, 2005/2006 19


Ancient City Yarmouk University, 2006 present 21


Ancient History and Archaeology 23

of the Arabian Peninsula Hashemite University 2011-2013 24





History o 29

Research Interests: 30 31

- Prehistory 32

- Archaeology of Bilad esh-Sham 33

- Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology and History 34

- Ancient History and Archaeology of the Arabian Peninsula. 35

- Semitic Languages 36

- Cultural Resources Management. 37

- Musueology. 38


Graduate Studies: 40 - Supervising several M.A. Thesis at the Institute of Archaeology and 41

Anthropology, Yarmouk University. 42


- Member of Examining Committee of several M.A. Thesis at 44

the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University and the 45

Dept. Archaeology of Jordan University. 46


- Upon the request of the Alexander Von Humboldt-Stiftung in 48

Germany, I have supervised the archaeological work of Dr. Roland Lamprichs 49

entitled "The Middle Bronze Age in Jordan" this includes the work about Abu 50

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Snesleh excavations results. 1


- Member of Examining Committee of the entitled M.A. Thesis 3

"Trade in the Gulf Area During the Third Millennium B.C.; Documenting the 4

Archaeological Finds from Eastern Sa`udia Arabia" King Sa`ud University. 5


Member of the examining committee of the Ph. D. submitted by Lea 7

Kalizian to the Carsten Niebuhr Institute, University of Copenhagen, 8

1998. 9


Member of the examining committee of the Ph.D. thesis submitted by 11

Mahdi Abdel Aziz to the Ecole Üratique des Hautes Etudes/ Sorbonne 12

University/France June 2001. 13


Member of the examining committee of the Ph.D. thesis submitted by 15

Atef Shiyyab to the Versaille Universite en Saint Quintin en 16

Yvesline/France July 2002. 17


Second examiner of the Ph.D thesis entitled: The Development of 19

Pottery Technology from the Late Sixth to fifth Millennium BS: A 20

Case Study from the Archaeological Site Abu Hamid. Submitted to the 21

Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet zu Freiburg i. Br. By Nabil Ali. 16 22

October 2003. 23


Examiner of the Ph.D. thesis entitled: 25

ددمها الطالت عمار عباد الارحمن "الدمى في العصر الحجري الحديث )النيوليث(في سوريا" 26

19/3/2006لجامعة دم ق يوم 27


Examiner of the Habil thesis (Habilitationarbeit) entitled: 29

Tell Johfiyeh. Ein archäologischer Fundplatz und seine Umgebung in 30

Nordjordanien. Materialien zu einer Regionalstudie. Submitted to the 31

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Fachbereich 9 – 32

Philologie By Dr. Roland Lamprichs, May 2006. 33


Second examiner of the Ph.D thesis entitled: Northern Jordan during 35

the Iron Age: A Case Study from Tell Ya'moun. Submitted to the 36

Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet zu Freiburg i. Br. By Nasser Hindawi. 24 37

February 2007. 38


Second Examiner of the MA dissertation entitled: Shalle oder Teller? 40

Forschungsgeschichte und Interpretation eines frühbronzezeitlichen 41

Keramiktypes in der Levante. Submitted to the Westfälische Wilhelms- 42

Universität Münster, Fachbereich 9 – Philologie by: Y vonna Helmholz. July 43

2009. 44


Examiner of the Ph. D. thesis entitled: Provenance and Technology of Early 46

Islamic Pottery from North Jordan. submitted to the Faculty of Humanities of 47

the University of Copenhagen/Denmark by Maher Tarboush on 23. 6. 2015. 48



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Grants and Contracts: 2 3

- Deutscher Akademischer Austauchdienst fellowship: 4

October 1977 - end of January 1982 5


- Deutscher Akademischer Austauchdienst fellowship; 7

June 15th, 1986 - August 15th, 1986 8


- Alexander von Humboldt - stiftung; 10

September 1988 - 30th, June 1989 11


- Centre International des Etudiant et Stagiares (C.I.E.S); 13

November 3rd, 1988 - December 3rd, 1988 14


- Alexander von Humboldt - Stiftung 16

Summer, 1992 17


- United States Information Agency, Washington ( 1/7/1996- 30/6/1999) 19

(Joint grant with Prof. William Schwab/ University of Arkansas/Fayettville) 20


- Center National des Recherch Scientifique/France 22

1.9.2000 –31.8.2001 23


Center National des Recherch Scientifique/France 25

15.6 –15.9.2002. 26


Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung 28

1.6-1.9.2004 29

Freiburg University/Germany 30


Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung 32

1.6- 1.9.2005 33

Freiburg University/Germany 34


Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung 36

1.6 – 1.9.2007 37

Freie Universitaet Berlin. 38


Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung 40

1.7 – 31.8.2009 41

Freie Universitaet Berlin 42

German Archaeological Institue//Berlin 43

1-31 Augus 2013 44


Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung 46

1.7 – 31.8.2015 47

Freie Universitaet Berlin 48


German Archaeological Institue//Berlin 50

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1- 30/9/2015 1


German Archaeological Institute/Berlin 3

1-30/ 8/ 2016 4


German Archaeological Institute/Berlin 6

1-30/ 8/ 2017 7





Honors and Awards: 12 13

1- An Award from His Majesty Late King Hussein for being the first M.A. and 14

having high honors at the University of Jordan 1977. 15


2 - A Thankful Letter from His Royal Highness, Prince Al-Hassan 17

for my archaeological activities in Jordan, 1988. 18


3- Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Academique/France-1999. 20


4- Shield of the Friends of Archaeology, 2008. 22


5- Shield of the Orthodox Community in Jordan, as a reward for my 24

archaeological discoveries, 26. 7.2008. 25


6- The Jordanian National Award in the Field of Archaeology, 2011. 27


29 2011وزارة الثقافة –جائزة الدولة التقديرية لآلثار 7 - Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometery Editorship Award of 30

Excellence 2015. 31


8. The Medal of His Majesty King Abdullah II in recognition of my studies of the 33

Ancient History and Archaeology of Jordan, and Museums. 25/ 5/ 2016. 34


9. Chosen by the World Science Forum (2017) National Task Selection 36

Committee as a Jordanian Star of Science in Archaeology and receiving a medal 37

from His Majesty King Abdullah II on 7. 11. 2017. 38



Committee Membership: 41


- Chairman of the Council of Queen Rania Institute of Tourism and Heritage. 43

- The Hashemite University, 12/9/2011 – 1/9/2013. 44

- 45

- Member of the Hashemite University Deans Council. 46

- 12/9/2011 – 1/9/2013. 47

- 48

- Chairman of the Council of the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, 49

Yarmouk University 7/9/2009 – 11/9/2011. 50

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- Member of the Deans Council of the Yarmouk University 2

7.9. 2009 – 11/9/2011. 3


- President of the "Jordanian Club of von Humboldt Fellows" 5

24. 3. 2006 – March 2008. 6


Member of the Board of the Friends of Archaeology and Cultural 8

Heritage/Jordan, January 2007- 2008. 9


- Member of the Council of the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology/ 11

Yarmouk University 1.9. 2006 – 1.9. 2007 12


- Member of the Council of Yarmouk University, 14

1985 – 1986, 1997-2000, 2009 – 2011. 15


- Member of the Council of the, Graduate Studies, Yarmouk University, 17

1985 - 1986, 1991 – 1992; 1997-2000; 2002-2003. 18


- Member of the Committee of Budgeting and Finance at Yarmouk University, 20

1985 – 1986; 1997-2000. 21


- Chairman of the Council of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 23

1985 - 1986, 1991 - 1997. 24


- Member of the Council of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 26

1984 - 1988, 1991 – 2000 27


- Chairman of the Council of the Archaeology Department, 29

Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University, 30

1984 - 1988 31


- Chairman of the Department of the Epigraphy Department, 33

Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University, 34

4/2/1987 - 7/10/ 1987 35


-Member of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yarmouk 37

University, 1982 - 1984 38


- Member of the Council of the Department of Archaeology and Museums, 40

King Saud University, Riyadh - Saudi Arabia 1989 – 1991 41


- Member of the Committee of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, 43

Graduate Studies, 1984 - 1988; 1991 - 1997. 44


-Member of the Editorial Board of the Institute of Archaeology and 46

Anthropology Publications 1991 - 1997. 47


- -Member of the Scientific Committee for the Archaeological City of 49

Petra, Higher Council, 1991 - 1997. 50

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- Chairman of the Committee of the IAA Library, 2

1991 - 1997. 3


- Member of the Friends of Archaeology Executive Committee, 5

1991 – 1997, 2007-2009. 6


- Member of the council of the "Samir Shamma Chair for Islamic Civilizations 8

- and Numismatics" , 1991 – 1997. 9


Member of the organizing committee of the al-Albeit University 11

Museum. 12


Member of the Royal Committee for the National Archaeological 14

Museum. 1999- 2001. 15


Member of the selection committee for the DAAD scholarships: 1984- 17

2004; 2005; 2007, 2012,2013 and 2014. 18


Member of the council of the Faculty of Archaeology and 20

Anthropology/Yarmouk University 2003-2004. 21


Member of the Council of Scientific Researches of Yarmouk University, 23

1992 - 2000 24

25 Member of the administration committee of the Jordan Museum 2005- 26

Present. 27


Member of the Dead Sea Scrolls Committee, 2006 – Present. 29

30 31

Member of the Faculty of Archaeology Council, University of Jordan 32

2010-2011. 33


Member of the Board of Trustees of the Jordan Museum 4/1/2011- 35

Present. 36

م: عضوووو فوووي اللجنوووة القداعيوووة لتحديووود لولويوووام البحوووث العل وووي فوووي مجوووا ا ثوووار 2009 /8 /9 - 37

38 والسياحة/ ال جلس األعلى للعلوم والتكنولوجيا. 39

Member of the Advisory Council of the Department of Antiquities of 40

Jordan 24/12/2013 - Present. 41

42 ائرة ا ثار العامة األردنية.عضو قي ال جلس االستشاري لد - 43

Member of the Board of Trustees of the AL-Al-Bait University 44

7/1/2014 - 1/11/2014. 45


Member of the Accreditation Committee of the Ministry of Higher 47

Education. 48


Member of the Research Fund Committee of the Economy Sciences 50

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of the Ministry of Higher Education. 1

2 3

4 اللجنة الوطنية لتن ية ال وارد البشرية. رعية( فيفعضو لجنة محور التعليم العالي )لجنة -


6 نية. شاريع ال قدمة لدائرة ا ثار العامة األردالعضو في لجنة تقييم -


ع : تم تعييني من قبل رئيس هيئة االعت اد التابعة لوزارة التعليم العالي رئيساً للجنوة و و2017ب آ - 8

9 لسئلة امتحان الكفاية لتخصص "عائلة ا ثار والسياحة". 10

Community Services: 11

12 -Participation in the training program for the Tourists Guides of the Ministry of 13

Tourism held in Petra and Amman 1985/1986. Three lectures were held entitled 14

"Archaeology and Ancient History of Jordan". 15



- Participation in the arrangement of the "Most Ancient Jordan, The Past Half- 18

Million Years" Exhibition, Amman, May 10 thru 23, 1983; Yarmouk University June 19

4 thru 10, 1983. 20


- Participation in the arrangement of the "Abu Hamid Exhibition" 22

September 24 thru October 6, 1988. Opened by Her Majesty Queen Nour Al 23

Husein. 24


- Public lectures about the Archaeology and Ancient History of Jordan at the 26

University of Jordan, Goethe Institute, French Cultural Center and the American 27

Center of Oriental Research. 28


- Leading tours for the Friends of Archaeology in Amman at many 30

archaeological sites as Abu Thawwab, Ain Ghazal and Abu Hamid. 31


- Teaching courses in Archaeology of Jordan for the tourist guides, 33

organized by the University of Jordan 1995 - 1996. 34


- Teaching courses and leading tours to archaeological sites for the Jordanian 36

tourist guides, organized by the French Embassy, 1996. 37



Membership in Scientific and Professional Societies: 40 41

1. Member of the German Archaeological Institute. 42


2. Deutsche-Orient Gesellschaft. 44


3. Research Associate to the CNRS team "Origines de la Sedentarisation au 46

Proche Orient". 47


4. An honorary member of "Dar Al-Jouf for Sciences Council" belonged to 49

"Abul Rahman Al-Sudairy Foundation" since 12/ 11/ 1996. Al-Jouf, Kingdom 50

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of Sa`udi Arabia. 1


5. Member of the UMR 7571 du CNRS – PRTASI 1/9/2000-present 3


6. President of the Jordanian Club of Von Humboldt Fellows in Jordan, from March 5

2006 to March 2008. 6






Professional and Scientific Meetings 12 13

1. Second International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 14

Amman, March 1983. 15


2. The Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 17

Dallas, U.S.A., December 1983. 18

Presented a paper entitled: "White Ware from `Ain Ghazal, Jordan". 19


3. Present Aspects of German-Jordanian Scientific Co-operation in 21

Environmental Sciences, Amman, Jordan, April 1984. Organizing of the 22

Meeting. 23


4. Tuebingen Workshop on the Prehistory of Jordan. 25

Tuebingen, Federal Republic of Germany, 12 - 14/4/1986. 26

Presented a paper entitled: "Abu Thawwab: A Pottery Neolithic Village in 27

Jordan". 28


5. Third International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 30

Tuebingen, Federal Republic of Germany, April, 1986. 31

Presented a paper entitled: "The Pottery Neolithic in Jordan in Connection 32

with Other Near Eastern Regions". 33 34

6. First Convention of Archaeology Departments and Museums in the Arab 35

San`a, Yemen Arab Republic, 26/4 - 1/5/1986. Universities, 36

Presented a paper entitled: "The Institute of Archaeology at Yarmouk 37

University". 38


7. Fourth International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 40

Lyon, France, 30/5 - 4/6/1989. 41

Presented a paper entitled: "Pottery Neolithic Settlement Patterns in 42

Jordan". 43


8. International Convention on the Yemenite Antiquities, 45

San`a, Yemen Arab Republic, 7/8 - 12/8/1989. 46

Presented a paper entitled: "How to Rescue Prehistoric Sites: An Example 47

from Jordan,`Ain Ghazal". 48 49

9. Participating in the workshop arranged by the German Agency for Technical 50

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Cooperation (GTZ), Amman 9/11/1991, entitled: "Zopp II, Petra-Stone 1

Preservation". 2


10. Fifth International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 4

Irbid, Jordan 12/4 - 17/4/1992. Presented a paper entitled: "Decorative on 5

the 6

Excavated Pottery Neolithic at `Ain Ghazal". 7 8

11. Workshop on the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic to Early Neolithic Recent 9

Research in Jordan, 10

Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University, 11

18/4/1992, Irbid - Jordan. 12


12. Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung meeting. 14

Cairo 20/10/1992. 15


13. International Seminar on the Near Eastern Prehistoric Archaeology, 17

Universitaat Autonome de Barcelona/ Spain, 1993.Presented a Paper entitled: 18

" Jordanian Archaeology During the Sixth and Fifth Millennia B.C. in 19

Jordan". 20 21

14. Meeting of DAAD - Scholarship holders in Amman, December 5-6/2/1994. 22


15. Workshop held at the "Maison de l`Orient of the University of Lyon, 7/ 6/ 24

1994 entitled: 25

"Marges Arides" Arid Zones in the Near East, from the Neolithic to the 26

End of the Bronze Ages" Organized by Prof. Paul Sanlaville. 27


16. 41e Recontre Assyriologique Internationale Berlin, 4-8 July 1994. 29


17. Invited and presented a public lecture at the Louvre Meseum on the 20th, 31

October, 1995 entitled: "`Ain Ghazal: A Major Neolithic Village in the Ancient 32

Near East". 33


18. The International Conference "The Syrian Peninsula: Cultural Heritage and 35

Contacts", Deir ez-Zour, 22-25, April, 1996. Presented a paper entitled: "The 36

Impact of Environment on the Neolithic Settlement Patterns in Jordan". 37 38

19. Participating in the Presentation/ Workshop on "Nabataean Hydraulic Systems 39

Flanking in the Siq", held on the 14th, September, 1996 by Petra National Trust, 40

Amman. 41


20. Attending the festival of the "Academe des Inscriptions et Belles-Letteres" in 43

Paris on the 18th, October, 1996, on the occasion of "Cinquantenaire de l`Institut 44

Francais d`Archaeologique du Proche-Orient. 45


21. Participating in the Sixth Annual Workshop concerned with Al-Jouf 47

(Northern part of the Arabian Peninsula) held at Skaka on 23-25/10/1996. 48

Presented a paper in Arabic entitled: "North Saudi Arabia and its Relations 49

with Southern Bilad esh-Sham and Mesopotamia during the Ancient 50

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Periods". 1

2 22. Participating in the Seventh International Conference about the History and 3

Archaeology of Jordan /Copenhagen, June 1997. Presented a paper 4

jointly with G. Dollfus entitled: Jordan during the Fourth Millennium BC. 5


23. Participating in the conference" Highlights on Archaeological and Cultural 7

Cities of the Arab World", Beirut 14-15/4/1999, organized by "The 8

Association Beirut Culture". Presented a lecture entitled : Dayr 'Alla during 9

the First Millennium BC". 10

11 24. International Symposium entitled: Men of Dikes and Canals, The Archaeology 12

of Water in the Middle East. Petra 15-20/6/1999. Presented a paper entitled the 13

Impact of Water Resources on Neolithic settlement Patterns in Jordan 14 . 15

25. ASWA Conference held at Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan 2-8/4 /2000 and 16

submitted a paper entitled: Early Farmers in Jordan: Settled Zones and 17

Social Organizations. 18


26. Second Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Held at 20

Carsten Niebuhr Institute, Copenhagen-Denmark 22-26/5/2000 and presented 21

a paper entitled: The Landscape Archaeology of Jordan. 22


27. International Symposium entitled Rezeption archäologischer Denkrichtungen 24

in der Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde. Berlin, Institut für Vorderasiatische 25

Altertumskunde, 23-24/6/2000. 26


28. The Archaeological Workshop: The Aegean Basin Between the Balkans, 28

Anatolia and Near East: Local Experimentations and Outward Interactions in 29

an Island Society. 23 /3/2001. Presented a paper entitled: Jordan During the 30

Late Seventh and the Beginning of the Sixth Millennium BC. 31 32

29. The Tenth Cultural Meeting of Amman. Cultural Monuments and 33

Civilization Through Ages in Jordan. Amman 24-28/1/2002. Presented a paper 34

in Arabic language entitled “The Jordanian Village: Eight Thousands 35

Years and Older”. 36 37

30. Third International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 38

Paris April 15th-19th, 2002. Presented a paper entitle: Early Bronze Age I 39

Settlers and Transhumance in the Wadi az-Zarqa Basin: Stations on the 40 Way from the Jordan Valley to the Badia Region. 41


31. Participating in the conference on the: Science and Technology in 43

Archaeology and Conservation. Organized by the Queen Rania’s Institute of 44

Tourism and Heritage in collaboration with the UNESCO, held at the 45

Hashimite University from 12-17 August 2002. I presented a paper entitled 46

Beyond the Highways in Jordan: Archaeological Sites and Rescue 47

Excavations. 48 49

32 .The conference: Domesticating Space: Landscapes and Site Structure in the 50

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Prehistoric Near East. The University of Toronto, November 19-20, 2002. 1

Presented a paper entitled Domesticating Activities at the Neolithic Site of 2

Ain Ghazal. 3 4

33. Seventh International Forum UNESCO- University and Heritage Conference, 5

16-20 December 2002. Organized by Yarmouk University in Collaboration 6

with the Hashimite University, Forum UNESCO, World Heritage and 7

UNESCO. Presented a paper entitled: Archaeology and Tourism: A Case 8

Study from the Neolithic Site Ain Ghazal. 9 10

34. Yarmouk Second Annual Colloquium on Epigraphy and Ancient Writings, 7- 11

9 October 2003. Presented a paper entitled: r-h-b and y-n<w>-‘-m: Two 12

Late Bronze Age Sites in North Jordan, A Study of Toponomy. 13 14

35. The 2nd Conference on Sciences & Technology in Archaeology and 15

Conservation, Dec. 7-11, 2003, The Hashimite University, Al-Zarqa-Jordan. 16

Presented a paper entitled: Looting and Antiquities Collecting: Examples 17

from Jordan 18

19 36. Le Sahara et l’Homme, un savoir pour un savoir-faire, Colloque International, 20

27-29 December 2003, organized by Chair Ben Ali For Studying the 21

Civilizations and Religions. Held at Douz-Tunis. Presented a paper entitled: 22

The Human Impact on the Jordanian Badiyeh During Ancient Times 23

(Arabic Language). 24

25 ية أل ااراكة بااين ألدطاااعين الخاااص والعااام فااي إدارة الموادااع السااياحية فااي األردن. الجامعااة الهاشاام .37 26

12/2/2004 27


38. Submitting a paper entitled: “What Happened in the Ancient Near East 29

after 6000BC” to the Workshop “Villages, Cities and States: Archaeological 30

Evidences from the Ancient Near East” organized by Yarmouk University and 31

others and held at Goethe Institute/Amman on 6.3.2004. 32


39. 9th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan, Petra 34

23-27.5.2004, organized by the Department of Antiquities of Jordan and Al- 35

Hussein Bin Talal University. Presented a paper entitled “Late Bronze Age 36

Settlement Patterns in the North of the Zaraqa River”. 37 38

40 . 2004 39

40 /1/9-30/8المؤعمر الدولي الخامس للح ارة اليمنية. صنعال الح ارة والتاريخ. صنعال

41 : القدس في األلف الثاني قبل ال يالدالدي بحثا عنوانه


41 . International Conference "The Archaeology of World Megalithic Cultures", 43

Rhodes 28-31 October 2004, organized by the University of The Aegean. 44

Presented a co-authored paper with Gajus Schelthema entitled "Dolmens and 45

Menhirs in Jordan". 46


42. International Symposium on the "Role of the Universities in the Dialogue of 48

Cultures and Religions", organized by the Catholic Academic Exchange 49

Service (KAAD) Germany, and University of Balmand, Lebanon in 50

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cooperation with Humboldt Foundation/Germany and Université Saint- 1

Joseph/Lebanon. Presented a paper entitled "Digging Together is knowing 2

the Other". 3 4

43. 3rd Conference of the Dept. of Epigraphy: submitted a paper entitled: Sea 5

People in the North of Jordan. 6 7

44. 18-19/4/2005 8


10 . بيت الغوله –كبة القالع ال تراالملتدى التراثي البيدي األو في لوال الكور دير أبي سعيدألدي بحثائ عنوانهن


45. International Conference about "The Arabian City" held in December 2005 in 12

Skaka,Al Jouf/ Saudi Arabia and presented a lecture entitled (The Canaanite 13

City during the Late Bronze Age). 14 15

46. Workshop about (World Cultural Heritage and education) held at Yarmouk 16

University, April 2006 and presented a paper entitled "Learning Heritage, 17

Going to School". 18


47. Participating in a workshop held in Madrid in April 2005 about the Levant 20

During the Fourth Millennium BC and sent a paper entitled "Ghrubba: Ware 21

or Culture" to be read on my behalf. 22


48. Conference on "Challenges in Preserving and Managing Jordan's Cultural 24

Heritage Resources", December 5th-7th 2006. 25


49. Fourth Colloquium of the Department of Epigraphy of the Faculty of 27

Archaeology and Anthropology/Yarmouk University, Irbid 12-14 December 28

2006. Presented a paper entitled: The Tell Dayr "Alla Tablets 29

Archaeological Context. 30

31 50. CIC Seminar Program in Jordan, December 28, 2006 to January 19, 2007 32

under the Title "Teaching About Islam and Middle Eastern Culture". Hosted 33

by: the American Center of Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan. Sponsored 34

by: Council of American Overseas Research Center (CAORC) and Council of 35

Independent Colleges, and the Department of State. 36


51. 10th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 38

Washington D.C. May 23-28, 2007. Presented a paper entitled "Late Bronze 39

Age Domestic Architecture from Tell Deir 'Alla: Recent Discoveries". 40 41


52. Synergy Conference Event, Higher Education for Development, American 43

Council on Education, Washington D.C. August 8-10, 2007. 44




53. Workshop, Southern Levant during the Early Bronze Age. 48

Blaubeuern/Germany 14-18 October 2007. Submitted a paper entitled: The 49

Early Bronze Age in North Jordan: Sites and Stratigraphy (ca. 3500- 2000 50

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BC). 1


3 54. 4

تنظايم مان أماناة عّماان الكبارى ب 28/2/2008 -27. عّماان اإلرث الحضاري واقوع وط وو -مؤت ر كنوز عّ ان 5

6 ي. عّ ان عين غزا بوابة"والجامعة الهاشمية وإعحاد الكتاب واألدبال األردنيين. والدي بحثائ عنوانهن




55. Basta Final Workshop held in Berlin 24-27/4/2008 and submitted a paper 10

entitled: Needs and Possibilities of Protecting Neolithic Sites. 11


56. 6th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 13

Rome, Sapienza Universita di Rome, 5th- 10th May 2008. Presented a paper 14

entitled: Neither Cities nor States in the South of the Levant? Another 15

Perspective. 16

17 57. 26.7.2008 18

ي فاي ورشاة " العقيدة واأللوهية عند ال جت عام الزراعية األولى: مثا من عين غوزا ببحث عنوانهن الم اركة 19

لجمعياة ن فاي مدار االعمل التي أدامتها الجامعة الهاشمية والجمعية األرثو كساية واعحااد الكتااب واألدباال األردنياي 20

21 م.26/7/2008يوم السب الموافق




58. 22-23/10/2008 25

26 اب واألدباالي الاي نظمتاه الجامعاة الهاشامية ،اماناة عماان الكبارى واعحااد الكتا"دارام لردنيةالم اركة بمؤعمر

27 في مركا الحسين الثدافي/عمان. 23/10/2008-22األردنيين يومي

59. 30-31/10/2008 28

Participating in the International Workshop entitled: The Northern Jordan Plateau 29

during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages based on Studies of Ceramics. Organized 30

by the Institut fuer Altorientalische Philologie und Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde, 31

University of Muenster/ Germany. I have submitted a co-authored paper entitled: Tell 32

Irbid during the Late Bronze/Iron Ages. 33


60. 10-13/11/2008 35

International Conference on the History and Archaeology of the Golan Heights, 36

Organized by the Department of Antiquities and Museum in Syria in Damascus from 37

November 10 to 11th 2008. Submitted a paper entitled: The Chalcolithic Period in 38

the Golan Heights: A Regional or Local Culture. 39

40 61. 3/12/2008 41

كور مح وود ذالنودوة العل يوة فوي الم اركة في الندوة العلمياة التاي عدادا فاي المركاا الثداافي الملكاي بعناوانن ي 42

43 عابدي والوطن".ال. ألدي في الندوة وردة عمل عنوانهان ي العابدي"

62. 9-13/12/2008 44

VI International Conference: Science and Technology in Archaeology and 45

Conservation, Rome. Presented Paper entitled: Protecting and Managing Cultural 46

Heritage: Megalithic Fields in Jordan. 47

48 63 29-31/1/2009 49

Page 23: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


SIGN-Conference: The principle of sharing – segregation and construction of social 1

identities at the transition from foraging to farming. Held at Freiburg University/ 2

Germany. Presented a paper entitled: Clans, Gods and Temples at the LPPNB 'Ayn 3

Ghazal 4 5

64. 3-4/3/2009 6

7 .التي عددها منتدى الفكر العربي في عّمان"القدس في الض ير" اركة في ندوةالم


65. 28/4/2009 9

م ورداة اهيم ، ودادالم اركة في اليوم العلمي الي أديم في جامعة في دلفيا عكريمائ لألساتا الادكتور معاوياة إبار 10

11 معاويه وا ثار. عمل عنوانهان

66. 16-20/5/2009 12

Participating in the ARCAANE Workshop held at Blaubeuren in Germany. 13


67. 25-28/5/2009 15

Participating in the Conference" Jordan's Prehistory: Past and Future Research", held 16

at the Department of Antiquities of Jordan and presented a paper entitled: Storing 17

and keeping in Jordan from the MPPNB through the Late Neolithic". 18

19 68. 4-8/10/2009 20

21 ننالم اركة في المؤعمر الدولي الي عددعه وزارة الثدافة في المملكة األردنية الهاشمية عح عنوا

حتى وذ النشأة : "القدس مناحتفالية األردن بالدد عاصمة الثدافة العربية، المؤعمر الدولي للدد ، ببحث عنوانه 22

23 اإلسكندر ال كدوني". 24

25 69. 10/10/2009 26

27 ة عنوانهانالي أدامته مؤسسة شومان عكريمائ لألستا الدكتور علي المحافظة ب هادالم اركة باليوم العلمي

28 ألل اني.ا -دور األستاذ الدكتور علي محافظة في التعاون األردني

29 70. 2-3/11/2009 30

ة ال شوواركة فووي ال ووؤت ر الوودولي الووذي عقوود بجامعووة الكويووت حووو مدينووة القوودسا تحووت عنوووان: القوودس ريحانوو 31

32 ربي ببحث عنوانه: سلوان بين التوراة وا ثار.الض ير الع71. 8-9/11/2009 33

Participation in the workshop entitled: Science and Conservation for Archaeology and 34

Cultural Heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean Region", The 2nd STACHEM 35

Workshop in Natural and materials Science Application to Archaeology, Amman. 36

Presented a paper entitled" "The Role of the Faculty of Archaeology and 37

Anthropology of Yarmouk University in Studying, Presenting and Conserving the 38

Jordanian Cultural Heritage". 39


72. 15-17/12/2009 41

42 السوورية فوي الدولية )القدس في التواري(( التوي عقودتاا ال ديريوة العاموة لآلثوار وال تواحفال شاركة في الندوة

نوزي م وقدمت بحثواً عنوانوه: القودس فوي العصورين البرو2009كانون األو 17و 15دمشقا خال الفترة بين 43

44 والحديدي: األسفار التوراتية مقابل النصوص التاريخية وا ثار.


46 73. 17/2/2010 47

Presented a Public lecture at the Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut in Damascus, 48

entitled: Results of the New Archaeological Excavations at Tell Deir 'Alla: Seasons 49

1996, 1998, 2000, 2004 and 2009. 50

Page 24: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3



74. 12-17/4/2010 2

Participating in the 7th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near 3

East, organized by the British Museum, Ashmolaean Museum and the Institute of 4

Archaeology , held in London from 12th to 17th , April 2010 and presented a paper 5

entitled: "Change of Use of Space at Tell Deir 'Alla during the Late Bronze –Iron 6

Age Transition Process". Co-authored with Gerrit van der Kooij. 7


75. 4-6/5/2010 9

ا/ال لكة ال شاركة في الندوة الدولية للتي عقدتاا مؤسسوة األميور عبودالرح ن السوديري الخيريوة ب دينوة سوكاك 10

11 للقيوت فياواالوطن العربي في وو االكتشوافام األثريوة"ا و العربية السعوديةا وعنواناا "االنسان والبيئة في

ثول مي األردن: بحثاً عنوانه: تأثير البيئة على الع ارة ال نزلية في العصر الحجري الحديث ما قبل الفخواري ب فو 12

13 موقع عين غزا ".

14 76. 2010 15

11th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan, Paris. June 16

2010 Presented a paper entitled "Iron Age II Pottery from Tell Hammeh". 17


77. 14/4/2011 19

عوة عّ وان ال شاركة في ال لتقوى السوياحي األو بعنووان: "قدواع السوياحة فوي األردن )الواقوع والتحوديام(. جام 20

21 األهليةا قسم اإلدارة الفندقية والسياحة.78. 11-13/7/2011 22

Participating in the Workshop entitled: Current Research on Protohistoric Settlement 23

in Desert Areas of Jordan. Organized by Ifpo-Amman and Al-Hussein Bin Talal 24

University. Presented a paper entitled "Cultural Diversity and Change in the Sixth 25

and Fifth Millennia of the Jordan Valley". 26

27 79. 28

"Man and Desert" a Workshop organized by the IFPO Wadi Ramm. 29


80. 30/4/2012 31

Participating in the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near 32

East, organized by the University of Warsaw/Poland. 33


81. 14- 19/11l 2012 35

36 ال ؤت ر الدولي لعصور ما قبل التاري( في العالم العربي. القاهرة: جامعة القاهرة. 37

82. 13-18/1/2013 38

World Archaeological Conference 7 (WAC7). Dead Sea, Jordan. 39


83. 5 – 11/5/2013 41

12th International Conference in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. Berlin, 42

Humboldt University. Presented a paper entitled "Preliminary Report on the Rescue 43

Excavations at 'Ain Ghazal: October, December 2011 and February 2012. (co- 44

authored with Gary Rollefson and Khaled Douglas). 45


84. 12-13/11/2013 47

Participating in the conference "The Development of Early Settlement in Arid Zones" 48

organized by the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin and presented a lecture 49

entitled : "The Fringes of the Arid Regions: Prehistoric Settlement Development in 50

Page 25: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


Central Jordan". 1


85. 12-14/5/2014 3

Preserving the Past - Constructing the Future. Cultural Heritage and Social 4

Development in the Arab World. A conference organized by the German Academic 5

Exchange Service (DAAD) held in Amman. Presented a paper entitled " Tourists 6

Behavior during Visiting the Archaeological Sites". 7


86. 15-18/10/2014 9

ي فاالاي انعداد فاي جامعاة الدااهرة ال ؤت ر الدولي األو "مصور ودو حووا البحور ال توسور عبور العصوور" 10

ام ا األلا أكتوبر. وألدي بحثائ عنوانه يالع داا التجارية بين مصر وجناوبي با د ال ا 18و 15الفترة بين 11

12 الرابع والنص األو من األل الثالث دبل المي دي.


87. 2-5/3/2015 14

15 صاور ماا دبال، الادورة الثانياةي ي عالمنتدى الدولي الساد للندوش والخطوط والكتاباا في العالم عبار العصاور

مكتبااة االسااكندرية. ألثياا فااي 3/2015/ 5-2التاااريخ غااي الااوطن العربااي وإفريديااا التااي عداادا فااي الفتاارة بااين 16

17 محاضرة عنوانهان

Neolithic Houses in the Jordanan Arid Zones. 18

19 88. 28-30/9/2015 20

Participating in the Conference Protecting the Past. Archaeology, Conservation 21

and Tourism in North of Jordan. Organized by the Friedrich-Alexander Universität 22

Erlangen-Nürnberg, The Jordan Museum and the Endangered Archaeology in the 23

Middle East and North Africa. 24


89. 15-18/3/2016 26

Participating in the conference "Tourism Management and Heritage 27

Conservation" organized by the Queen Rania Faculty of Tourism and Heritage of the 28

Hashemite University. and presented a lecture entitled األمن الدومي للتراثيي . 29

30 90. 22 - 27/ 5/ 2016 31

Participating in the 13th Conference entitled "International Conference on the History 32

and Archaeology of Jordan" and presenting a paper entitled "Who Owns the Past: 33

Jordanian Archaeological Pieces in International Museums"'. 34


91. 21-25/ 5/ 2017 36

Participating in the 8th International Conference on Science and Technology in 37

Archaeology and Conservation and presenting a paper entitled ; " Archaeological 38

Sites and Local Communities in Jordan: An Example from Tell Deir 'Alla/Jordan 39

Valley". 40


92. 10-11/ 7/ 2017 42

Participating through the mass-media Skype in the International Conference on 43

Archaeology and Tourism organized by Al-Najah National University Nablus 44

presenting a paper in arabic language entitled: 45


47 فلسدين بين ا ثار والتوراة في العصر الحديدي األو .93. 10-11/ 9/ 2017 48

Participating in the workshop entitled : Ancient Terrace. Practice in Jordan. 49

Organized by the German Jordanian University and the Deutsches Evangelisches 50

Page 26: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


Institut in Amman. 1

2 94. 25-26/ 9/ 2017 3

Participating in the Seminar entitled: "Prophet Moses in Judaism, Christianity and 4

Islam" Organized by the Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies, Amman. 5


95. 18/ 10/ 2017 7

Presenting a lecture entitled: " Life and Settlements during he Iron age in the Central 8

Jordan Valley: Aspects from the Site Tell Deir 'Alla and its Vicinity" at the Louvre 9

Museum/Paris- France. 10


96. 7-11/11/2017 12

Participating in the World Science Forum 2017. Science For Peace", organized by 13

the Royal Scientific Society/ Jordan and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Held at 14

KIng Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre, Dead Sea between 7-11/11/2017. 15


Organizing Conferences and Workshops: 17 18

a. Member of the preparation committee of the "International Conference in 19

the History and Archaeology of Jordan". 20


b. Organizing and arranging conferences, seminars and workshops at the Institute 22

of Archaeology and Anthropology of Yarmouk University. 23


c. Organizing a workshop entitled “Graduate Studies at the European 25

Universities”. Yarmouk University, Deanship of Research and Graduate 26

Studies, 1999. 27


d. A member of the organizing committee of the Conference entitled " Islam 29

and Muslims during the 21st Century", Organized by Yarmouk University and 30

Ministry of Awqaf and the Holy Shrines", Amman November 27-29, 2004. 31






Other Activities 37


Field Exploration: 39

A. Excavations 40

41 42

1969 Excavations at Sweifiyeh sponsored by the Department 43

of Antiquities and the University of Jordan. 44


1973 Excavations at Tell Siran sponsored by the University 46

of Jordan. 47


1973 Excavations at Umm er-Rujjum sponsored by the 49

University of Jordan. 50

Page 27: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3



1974 Excavations at Hesban sponsored by Andrews 2

University, U.S.A. 3


1975-1976 Excavations at Jerash sponsored by the University of 5

Jordan. 6


1977 Excavations at Tell Mazar sponsored by the University 8

of Jordan. 9


1977 Excavations at Sahab sponsored by the department of 11

Antiquities of Jordan. 12


1983-1984, 1996- 14

2010. Excavations at Tell Deir `Alla sponsored by Yarmouk 15

University and Leiden University, Netherland. 16


1984, 1985, 1989 and 18

1990 Director of Excavations at Jebel Abu Thawwab 19

sponsored by Yarmouk University and Ministry of 20

Public Works. 21



1984-1985 Excavations at Tell Mugheir and Kh. ez-Zeiraqoun 24

and 1989 sponsored by Yarmouk University and Tuebingen 25

University, Federal Republic of Germany. 26


1985 Co-Director Dhahr el-Madina Soundings sponsored by 28

Yarmouk University (with E. Axel Knauf). 29


1986-1993 Abu Hamid sponsored by Yarmouk University and the 31

C.N.R.S. Paris (with Genevieve Dollfus). 32


1987 Excavations at Kh. ez-Zeiraqoun sponsored by 34

Yarmouk University and Tuebingen University, Federal 35

Republic of Germany. 36


1988- 2012 Co-Director of the `Ain Ghazal and Wadi Shu`eib 38

Excavations sponsored by Yarmouk university, San Diego State University and the 39

Desert Research Institute of the Nevada University (with Gary Rollefson and Allan 40

Simmons). 41


1996- 2010 Co-director of the Deir `Alla Excavations sponsored by 43

Yarmouk University , and Leiden University, Holland. 44

(with Dr. Gerrit Van der Kooij). 45



1996-2000 Co-director of the Project Wadi Zerqa and Wadi Dhuleil 48

Surveys and Soundings. Sponsored by Yarmouk 49

University and University La Sapinza Rome (with Prof. 50

Page 28: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


Gaetano Palumbo). 1



2013 – 2015 Co-director of the project: "Archaeological Excavations at 4

eh-Sayyeh . Sponsored by the German archaeological 5

Institute and the Hashemite University. (co-directed with 6

Prof. Dr. Karen Bartl). 7


2014- Present Co-Director of the project "Tell Damiyah Excavations". 9

Sponsored by The Leiden Museum and Yarmouk 10

University (Co-direction with Dr. Lucas Petit). 11


B. Surveys: 13 14

1974 H4 Survey sponsored by the University of Jordan. 15


1975 The Jordan Valley Survey sponsored by the University 17

of Jordan, the Department of Antiquities of Jordan and The Center of Oriental 18

Research, Amman. 19


1983 Sahab Area Survey sponsored by Yarmouk University 21

and Tuebingen University, Federal Republic of Germany (with M. Ibrahim, 22

Heinz Gaube and Carrie Gustavson-Gaube). 23


1987 `Ain Ghazal Archaeological Survey sponsored by 25

Yarmouk University and Desert Research Institute, Nevada 26

University, U.S.A. 27



1996 Wadi Zerqa and Wadi Dhuleil Surveys and soundings, 30

Sponsored by Yarmouk University and Rome 31

University, Italy (with Geatano Palumbo). 32




C. Guided tours to archaeological sites throughout Jordan. 36 37



D. Other Projects: 40

41 -Worked as an archaeological expert for the CRM for Petra sponsored 42

by CEMONICS during the year 1996 43


-Co-director of the joint project entitled: Preserving the past, 45

Building the future: A Program in Civil Administration and 46

Archaeology. “With Prof. William Schwab of Arkansas 47

University and sponsored by USAID 1996-1999. 48



Page 29: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3



E. Employment Record: 2 3

1972-1973 Curator of a museum, Department of Antiquities of 4

Jordan. 5


1973-1977 Curator of the Archaeological Museum, the University 7

of Jordan. 8


1982-1986 Assistant Professor at Yarmouk University. 10


1.2.1987 Associate Professor at Yarmouk University. 12


1.9.1984- 1.9.1988 Head of Archaeology Section, Institute of 14

Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk 15

University. 16


1985-1986 Acting Director of the Institute of Archaeology and 18

Anthropology, Yarmouk University. 19


1987 Acting Head of the Epigraphy Section, 21

Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk 22

University. 23


1988-1989 Visiting Researcher at the Institute fuer 25

Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde, Freie Universitaet, 26

West Berlin. 27


1989-1991 Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology and 29

Museums, King Saud University. 30


1991-1997 Director of the Institute of Archaeology and 32

Anthropology, Yarmouk 33

University. 34


1997- 2000 Dean of Research and Graduate Studies -Yarmouk 36

University. 37


1/9/2000-31/8/2001 : Visiting researcher at the Centre National de la 39

Recherche Scientifique/France. 40


17/2/2001- 30/6/2002 Part Times professor of archaeology at the Hashemite 42

University. 43


Summer 2003 Part Times professor of archaeology at the University of 45

Jordan. 46


17/9/2004-17/9/2005 Visiting Professor at the Jordan University. 48


1.6-31.8.2004 Visiting Researcher at Freiburg University/Germany. 50

Page 30: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3



1.6-31.8.2005 Visiting Researcher at Freiburg University/Germany. 2


1.6-31.8.2007 Visiting Researcher at the Freie Universitaet 4

Berlin/Germany. 5


1.7 – 31.8. 2009 Visiting Researcher at the Freie Universitaet 7

Berlin/Germany. 8


7.9. 2009 – 11/9/2011 Dean of the Faculty of Archaeology and 10

Anthropology, Yarmouk University. 11


12/9/2011 – 1/9/2013 Dean of Queen Rania Institute of Tourism and 13

Heritage/The Hashemite University. 14


2/6/2012 – 1/4/2013 Acting Director of the Jordan Museum. 16


24/12/2013- Present A Member of the Consultants Board of the 18

Department of Antiquities of Jordan. 19


7/8 - 5/9/2014 Visiting Researcher at the German Archaeological 21

Institute in Berlin. 22


1/8 - 31/ 8/ 2015 Visiting Researcher at the German Archaeological 24

Institute in Berlin. 25


27 F. Editorial Boards: 28


-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal "Abhath Al-Yarmouk, Humanities and Social 30

Sciences Series". A Quarterly Refereeed and Indexed Research Journal. Published 31

by Yarmouk University. 2005-2011. 32


-Editor-in-Chief of the "Newsletter of the Institute of Archaeology and 34

Anthropology" 1993 – 1997, 17/9/2009- 1.9.2011. 35


-Editor-in-Chief of the referred research journal entitled: "Yarmouk Numismatics" 37

1995 - 1997 38


-Member of the Editorial Board of the Yarmouk University Journal: 40

"Abhath al-Yarmouk, Humanities and Social Sciences Series". 41

A Quarterly Refereed and Indexed Research Journal. 42

1995 – 1998; 2003-2005. 43


-Member of the Editorial Board of the International Network for Scientific 45

Information, Research Journal of Social Sciences. 2006-Present. 46


- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal “ Palestine Exploration Quarterly" 48

2012 – present. 49


Page 31: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


Co-Editor of the Publication: "Prehistory of Jordan II. Perspectives from 1

1996". (with Hans Georg Gebel and Gary Rollefson). 2


Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal Levantine Archaeology, 4

Sheffield. England. 5


Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal Adumato, Saudia Arabia. 7


- Member of the Editorial board of the journal “Mediterranean Archaeology & 9

Archaeometery”. University of the Aegean, Department of Mediterranean 10

Studies. Rhodes, Greece. 11


- Associated Editor of the journal "Mediterranean Archaeology & 13

Archaeometery, 2006. University of the Aegean , Department of Mediterranean 14

Studies.Rhodes, Greece. 15


- Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal (Al Yarmouk) - Yarmouk 17

University. April 2007-2008. 18


- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal "Jordan Journal for History 20

and Archaeology". 1/3/2010 – present. 21


-Member of the Editorial Board of the journal " Asian Culture and History". 23

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. 26.8.2015-Present. 24

25 -Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal "Vicino Oriente". Università di Roma 26

La Sapienza. 1.12. 2015 - present. 27


- The Editorial Board of Asian Culture and History Canadian Center of Science and 29

Education 1120 Finch Avenue West, Suite 701-309 Toronto, ON., M3J 3H7, Canada 30

Tel: 1-416-642-2606 Fax: 1-416-642-2608 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 31

www.ccsenet.org 26.7.2015 - present. 32



Publications 35

36 اإلنتاج العل ي



39 . الكتب:1

40 . الكتب ال نشورة:ل

(Published Books) 41

42 ال ؤلفة : .1

(Single Authored Books) 43 1. 1990 44

. عّ ان: مؤسسة آ البيت.األردن في العصور الحجرية. 45

2. 2001 46

Jebel Abu Thawwab (Er-Rumman) Central Jordan. The Late Neolithic 47

Page 32: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


and Early Bronze Age I Occupation. Ex Oriente, Berlin. 1


3. 2004 3

4 . إربد: ح ادة للنشر والتوزيع.ا ثار علم ال دخل في 5

4. 2005 6

. الرياا: دار القوافول. لصل الحضارام األولى 7

8 5. 2006 9

10 . عّ ان: دار ورد ة )العصور البرونزية والحديدية(األردن في العصور القدي 11

6. 2009 12

تحف األردن.معّ ان: ومقاالم في التراث الثقافي األثري.دراسام 13 14

7. 2011 15

شروق.بالد الشام في العصور القدي ة: من عصور ما قبل التاري( حتى اإلسكندر ال كدوني. عّ ان: دار ال 16 17


19 ب ال حررة:تالك.2

(Edited Books) 20

21 1. 1988 22

Abu Hamid, Village du 4e Millenaire de la vallee du Jourdain. 23 Centre Culturel Francais et Department des Antiquites de Jordanie. 24

(Co-editor with G. Dollfus). 25


2. 1997 27

Prehistory of Jordan II. Berlin: ex oriente. 28

(Co-editor with H.-G. Gebel and G. Rollefson). 29


3. 2007 31

Jerusalem before Islam. 32

British archaeological Reports International Series 1699. Oxford: 33

Archaeopress. (Co-editor with R. Schick) 34


4. 2009 36

Patience and Modernity: Nabil Qadi Festschrift. Berlin: ex oriente. 37

(Co-Editor with Hans G. Gebel and Omar Ghul). 38


5. 2014 40

A Pioneer of Arabia. Studies in the Archaeology and Epigraphy of 41

the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula. In Honor of Moawiyah 42 Ibrahim. Rome La Sapienza University (with M. Maraqten). 43




47 . فصو في كتب:3

(Chapters in Books) 48 1. 1990 49

Page 33: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


ال وسووعة الفلسودينيةا القسوم في البحث المن ور فاي 50-15الفصو األو والتاني والثالث لالصفحاا 1

معناونن راهيم وال، الطبعة األولى. من البخث الي كتبه معاوية إبالثانيا ال جلد الثانيا الدراسام التاريخية 2

3 هايا البحاث لعصور إلى األل الرابع دبل المي د. والفصاو التاي كتبهاا زيادان كفاافي فايفلسطين من أددم ا

4 هين

5 مددمة في ج رافية فلسطين التاريحية. .1

6 – 1،500،000الفصاال األو ن مرحلااة التنداال وجمااع الدااوان العصااور الحجريااة الدديمااة لحااوالي .2

7 م.م. 18،000

8 .م.م 8،000 -19،000اإلنتاه ل حوالي الفصل الثانين المرحلة اإلنتدالية من الجمع إلى .3

9 الفصل الثالثن مرحلة الدرى الاراعية، بداية إستدرار اإلنسان ومرحلة اإلنتاه. .4


2.1997 11

واد ، عحرياار جاا ال وودخل إلووى القضووية الفلسوودينية، فااي كتاااب 48־29 الصاافحاا . فلسااطين دباال الفاات اإلساا مي 12

13 فحااالص .عمانن مركا دراساا ال رم األوسط الحمد،


3. 2001 15

. إربادن القودس عبور العصوورفاي كتااب علاي محافظاة لمحارر ، 40-5الدد في العصور الدديمة. الصافحاا . 16

17 جامعة اليرموك.


اإلعداد:كتب قيد .ب 19

(Books under preparation) 20 21

1. Ancient Jordan: from Prehistory to Alexander the Great. 22

2. Ancient History and Archaeology of the Arabian Peninsula. 23

(Arabic). 24

25 تاري( الجزيرة العربية وآثارها قبل اإلسالم 26



Articles 29 . األبحاث2



32 متخصصة :و رة في مجالم عل ية محك ة األبحاث ال نشول.


34 :(Single Author Articles) . األبحاث ال نشورة بتأليف منفرد1


1. 1983 36

The Local Pottery of the Amman Airport, 1976. 37

Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 48: 33-45. 38


2. 1984 40

Late Bronze Age Pottery from Qwelbe (Jordan). 41

Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palaestina-Vereins 100: 12-29. 42


3. 1985 44

Egyptian Topographical Lists of the Late Bronze Age on Jordan (East 45

Bank). Biblische Notizen 29: 17-21. 46


4. 1985 48

Page 34: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


White objects from `Ain Ghazal, Near Amman. 1

Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 261: 51- 2

55. 3



5. 1985 6

Late Neolithic Architecture from Jebel Abu Thawwab, Jordan. 7

Paleorient 11/1: 125-127. 8


6. 1985 10

Jebel Abu Thawwab (er-Rumman), 11

A Preliminary Report of the First Season of Excavations. 12

Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XXIX: 31-41. 13


7. 1986 15

Jebel Abu Thawwab (er-Rumman); 16

A Preliminary Report of the Second Season of Excavations. 17

Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XXX: 57-69. 18



8. 1986 21

Gabal Abu Tawwab, 1984. Archiv fuer Orientforschung XXXIII: 22

156-157. 23


9. 1986 25

Gabal Abu Tawwab, 1985. Archiv fuer Orientforschung XXXIII: 26

157-158. 27


10. 1986. 29

30 م.م. 4500-8000الحجر الحديث، حوالي الدرية الاراعية في األردن العصر

31 .92־46،ص ص 1986سلسلة العلوم االجت اعية و اإلنسانيةا ال جلد الثاني /لبحاث اليرموك


11. 1986 33

34 .34-32ن 16اليرموك معهد اآلثار واألنثروبولوجيا ودور في دمة المجتمع.



12. 1987 37

38 التنديباا محاولة لرسم العالم الدديم

39 .27-22،ص ص 48،1987، المجلد 53، السنة 454 ال نالا العدد


13. 1987 41

42 معهد األثار و اإلنثروبولوجيا في جامعة اليرموك

43 235־223،ص ص 27، العدد ، مجلة فصلية عصدر عن مركا الدراساا و البحوث اليمنيمجلة دراسام ي نية


14. 1987 45

The Pottery Neolithic in Jordan in connection with Other Near Eastern 46

Regions. Pp. 33-39 in A. Hadidi (ed.) Studies in the History and 47

Archaeology of Jordan III. Amman: Department of Antiquities of Jordan. 48


1 5. 1987 50

Page 35: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


Le Premiers Poteries. Dossier Histoire et Archeologie 118: 20-21. 1


16. 1988 3

Jebel Abu Thawwab: A Pottery Neolithic Village in Jordan. Pp. 451-471 in 4

A. Garrard and H. G. Gebel (eds.) The Prehistory of Jordan, The State of 5

Research in 1986. British Archaeological Reports 396;ii. Oxford. 6


17 1989 8

Abu Thawwab. In D. Homes-Fredricq and B. Hennessy (eds.), Archaeology 9

of Jordan III, Field Reports, Surveys and Sites A-K: 121-124. 10


18. 1989 12

Late Neolithic 1 Pottery from `Ain Rahub, Jordan. Zeitschrift des 13

Deutschen Palaestina-Vereins 105: 1-17. 14


19. 1990 16

A Commentary on the Late Neolithic Period in Jordan. Ages 5/1: 5-13. 17


20. 1990 19

Early Pottery Context from 'Ain Ghazal, Jordan. Bulletin of the American 20

Schools of Oriental Research 280: 15-30. 21


21. 1990 23

ن مركاا ، مجلاة فصالية عصادر عادراسوام ي نيوة اندا موادع ما دبل التاريخن مودع عاين غااا مثاا فاي األردن. 24

25 .330־325،ص ص 39الدراساا و البحوث اليمني، العدد

22. 1992 26

Pottery Neolithic Settlement Patterns in Jordan. Pp. 115-122 in Studies in 27

the History and Archaeology of Jordan IV. Amman: Deparrment of 28

Antiquities of Jordan. 29


23. 1992 31

Abu Thawwab, Jebel. Pp. 48-49 in David Noel Freedman (ed.), The Anchor 32

Bible Dictionary. Vol. 1: A.-C. New York: Doublday. 33


24. 1993; 35

The Yarmoukian in Jordan. Paléorient 19/1: 101-115. 36


25. 1994 38

The Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology at Yarmouk University: 39

National and International Field Projects. Pp. 23-35 in S. Kerner (ed.), The 40

Near East in antiquity, Vol. IV. Amman: Al Kutba 41


26. 1995 43

Kafafi, Z. 1995; Decorative Elements on the Excavated Neolithic Pottery at 44

'Ayn Ghazal. Pp. 545 – 555 in K. Amr et al (eds.), Studies in the History and 45

Archaeology of Jordan V. Amman The Department of Antiquities of Jordan. 46


27. 1997 48

Ghrubba. Pp. 402-403 in Eric M. Meyers (ed.), The Oxford 49

Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, Vol. 2. 50

Page 36: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


New York: Oxford University Pres. 1



28. 1997 4

ي العصاور فاالع دة بين الح اراا في شما و شما غرب الجايرة العربية و باين با د الرافادين و با د ال اام 5

6 السعودية. العربية مؤسسة األميرعبد الرحمن بن السدير الخيرية في سكاكا/المملكة20־18ن13 . الجوبةالدديمة


29. 1998 8

L'Influence Égyptienne aux Temps Bibliques. Ulysse 63: 38-39. 9


30. 1998 11

German-Jordanian Cooperation in Archaeology. Pp. 417 - 422 In 12

Wissenschaftleraustauch und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit von der 13

Jahrtausandwende. Bestandaufnahme, Probleme und Perspektiven. 14 Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (Hg.). Baden-Baden: Nomos 15

Verlagsgesellschaft. 16


31. 1998 18

The Late Neolithic in Jordan. Pp. 127-139 in D.O. Henry (ed.), The 19

Prehistoric Archaeology of Jordan. BAR International Series 705. Oxford: 20

Archaeopress. 21


32. 1999. 23

Early Bronze Age 1 Domestic Architecture from Jebel Abu Thawwab, 24

Jordan.Pp. 215-222 in Kühne, H.; Bartle, K. and Bernbeck, R. (eds.) 25

the "Denkschrift Vorderasiatische Archaeologie" 26

dedicated to Prof. Hans Jorg Nissen. 27


33. 1999 29


كتواب ل ووا علوى مودائن لثريوة وحضوارية فوي العوالم فاي 98-92عل دير ع ا األلا الثااني. الصافحاا 31

32 .بيروان جمعية بيروا التراث العربي.


34 .1999 34

35 .12-6ن 64اليرموك رؤية عملية لت جيع البحث العلمي في الوطن العربي.

35. 2000 36

A Unique PPNC Female Figurine from 'Ain Ghazal. Pp. 235-237 in Lawrence 37

E. Stager et al (eds.) The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond. Essays in 38

Honor of James Sauer. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns. 39



36. 2000 42

"الوحودة الحضوارية للووطن العربوي مون خوال فاي 117-51ب د ال ام في عصور ما دبل التاريخ .الصافحاا 43

صدر عن المنظمة العربية للتربية و الثدافة و العلوم. المؤعمر الخامس ع ر لفثاار والتاراث ال كتشفام األثرية" 44

. لفثار والمتاح الح ار في الوطن العربي. دم قن وزارة الثدافة، المديرية العامة 45

37. 2001 46

Chronological Problems of the Sixth and Fifth Millennia b.c. in Jordan. Pp. 353- 47

361 in I. Caneva, C. Lemorini, D. Zampetti and P. Piagi (eds.) Beyond Tools. 48

Redefining the PPN Lithic Assemblages of the Levant. Proceedings of the 49

Third Workshop on PPN Chipped Lithic Industries. Studies in Early Near 50

Page 37: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 9. Berlin: ex oriente. 1


38. 2001 3

Jordan During the Late Seventh/Early Sixth Millennia BC. Mediterranean 4

Archaeology and Archaeometry Vol. 1, No.1.: 31-42. Rhodes:University of 5

the Aegean. 6


39. 2001 8

9 .50-45: 1ال سند/ال جلد موادع وأدواا من العصور الحجرية في اليمن.

40. 2001 10

11 .8 -4ن 70 اليرموك البحث العلمي في جامعة اليرموك.

41.2002 12

The Environmental Impact on the Neolithic Settlement Patterns in Jordan. Pp. 13

15-25 in M. Al- Maqdissi et alli (eds.), Documents d'Archéologie Syrienne, I. 14

The Syrian Jezira Cultural Heritage and Interrelations. Proceedings of the 15 International conference held in Deir ez-Zor, April 22°-25°, 1996. 16

Damascus: Ministrère de la Culture. 17

42. 2002 18

The Neolithic of the Levant and Anatolia. Pp. 291-307 in A. Hausleiter; S. 19

Kerner; B. Mueller-Neuhof (eds.), Material Culture and Mental Sephers, 20

International Symposium for Hans J. Nissen, Berlin 23-24 Juni 2000. Alter 21

Orient und Altes Testament 293. Muenster:Ugarit-Veralg. 22


43.2002 24

Early Farmers in Jordan: Settled Zones and Social Organizations. Pp. 85-92 in 25

H. Buitenhuis et al (eds.), Archaeozoology of the Near East V. Proceeding of 26

the Fifth International Symposium on the Archaeozoology of Southwestern 27 Asia and Adjacent Areas. Goningen: ARC-Publicaties 62. 28


44. 2002 30

Egyptian Governors' Residencies in Jordan and Palestine. Pp. 20 – 30 in U. 31

Hübner and E. A. Knauf (eds.), Kein Land für sich allein. Studien zum 32

Kulturkontakt in Kanaan, Israel/Palästina und Abirnâri für Manfred 33 Weippert zum 65. Geburstag. Freburg: Universitätsverlag Freiburg Schweiz. 34


45. 2002 36

فياة لم الثداالدرية األردنيةن ثمانية آالا عاام وأدادم. ملتداى عماان الثداافي العاشار. المعاا 37

38 والح ارية في األردن عبر العصور. الجال األو . عمانن من وراا وزارة الثدافة

46.2003 39

40 .25-22ن 79اليرموك صورة المرأة في عصور ما دبل التاريخ.

47 . 2003 41

42 9 -4ن 80اليرموك الد و إلى بابل من بوابة اآلثار.

48. 2004 43

Beyond the Highways: Threatened Sites and Rescue Excavations. Pp. 313-321 44

in Talal S. Akasheh (ed.), The First International Conference on 45

Archaeology and Conservations, 12-17 August 2002, Jordan. Granada: 46

Mariana Pineda s/n. 47


49. 2004 49

The Impact of Water Resources on Neolithic settlement Patterns in Jordan. Pp. 50

Page 38: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


37-43 in H.-D. Bienert and J. Häser (eds.), Men of Dikes and Canals. The 1

Archaeology of Water in the Middle East. International Symposium held at 2

Petra, Wadi Musa (H.K. of Jordan) 15-20 June, 1999. Deutsches 3

Archäologisches Institut, Orient Abteilung. Orien-Archäologie, Band 13. 4

Rahren/West.: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH. 5


50. 2004 7

The 'Collapse' of the LPPNB Settlement Organization: The Case of 'Ain Ghazal. 8

Pp. 113-119 in H.-D. Bienert; H.-G. K. Gebel and R. Neef (eds.) Central 9

Settlements in Neolithic Jordan. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, 10 Subsistence, and Environment 5, 1998. Berlin: ex oriente. 11


51. 2005 13

R-H-B and Y-N-< w > - ' - M Two Late Bronze Age Sites in North Jordan: A 14

Study of Toponomy. Pp.53 – 68 in O. Ghul (ed.), Proceedings of Yarmouk 15

Second Annual Colloquium on Epigraphy and Ancient Writings. Irbid: 16

Yarmouk University. 17

52. 2005 18

19 ، محمااد عباادهللا وآ اارون لمحااررفااي يوساا 343 -335الدااد فااي األلاا الثاااني دباال المااي د. الصاافحاا

20 . صنعالن جامعة صنعال صنعا الحضارة والتاري(ا ال جلد األو .

53. 2005 21

Stones, Walls and Rituals. Neo-Lithics 2/05:32-34. Berlin: ex oriente. 22


54. 2006 24

الصووحرا واإلنسوان. معرفووة فاي 69-49ر الدديمااة. ص ص أثار اإلنسااان علاى الباديااة فاي األردن اا العصاو 25

عاداد محماد إ. 29/12/2003-27. فعالياا الملتداى الادولي المناتظم بادوز مان لكسب ال اارام وحسن التصرف 26

27 حسين فنطر. عونسن كرسي بن علي لحوار الح اراا واألديان.

55. 2006 28

Domestic Activities at the Neolithic Site, 'Ain Ghazal. Pp. 81-89 in E. B. 29

Banning and Michael Chazan (eds.), Domesticating Space. Construction 30

Community, and Chronology in the Late Prehistoric Near East. Studies in 31 Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 6. Berlin: ex 32

oriente. 33


56. 2006 35

36 .88-83ن 89. اليرموك األنصاب الحجرية في األردن

57. 2006 37

Henri de Contenson's Archaeological Fieldwork in the Eastern Part of the 38

Jordan Valley: A Re-Evaluation. Syria 83: 69-82. 39


58. 2007 41

42 .58 -48ن 92اليرموك إربد الب ر والحجر.

59. 2007 43

Late Bronze Age Settlement Patterns North of the az-Zarqa' River. Pp. 389 – 44

396 in F. Khreiyshah et al (eds.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of 45

Jordan IX. Amman: Department of Antiquities of Jordan 46


60. .2007 48

Page 39: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


فاي 54-39الصافحاا األردن، ⁄األلفين الساد و الخامس دبل المي د في مودع عين غااا عطور المسكن 1

ألسوتاذ دراسام في تواري( الجزيورة العربيوة وحضواراتاا. ماوداة إلوى اكتاب أحمد الايلعي وآ رون لمحررون ، 2

3 الرياضن وزارة الثدافة واإلع م.الدكتور عبد الرح ن بن مح د الديب األنصاري.

61. 2007 4

Looting and Antiquities Collecting: Examples from Jordan. Pp.335-341 in T. Akasheh 5

(ed.), Second International Conference on Science and Technology and 6

Conservation (December 7-12, 2003, Jordan). Granada: Fundación El Legado 7

Andalusi. 8


62. 2008 10

Digging Together is Knowing the Other (A Personal Experience). 11

Adumatu 17: 45-51. 12


63. 2008 14

Early Bronze Age I Settlers and Transhumance In the Wadi az-Zarqa Basin: 15

Stations on the Way from the Jordan Valley to the Badia Region. Adumatu 16

18: 27-40. 17



64. 2008 20

Characteristics of Late Bronze Age Canaanite Cities in Palestine. Pp. 39-56 21

in A. R. Al-Ansary, K. Al-Muaikel and A. Alsharekh (eds.), The City in the 22

Aran World in Light of Archaeological Discoveries. Evolution and 23

Development. Proceeding of the Symposium: The City in the Arab 24

World: Beginnings and Development 5-7 December 2005 in Al-Jouf- 25 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Riyadh: AbdulRahman Al-Sudairy Foundation. 26



65. 2009 29

Sea People in north Jordan. Sea People in North of Jordan. To be published in 30

Hans Georg Gebel , Z. Kafafi and O. Ghul (eds.),Patience and Modernity. 31

Nabil Qadi Festschrift. 32


66.2009 34

35 .100-85: لدوماتوالتحدياا التي عواجه التراث الثدافي العربين الم رم العربي أنمو جائ.

67. 2009 36

Late Bronze Age Jewelry Mould from Tell Dayr 'Alla/Jordan. in M. Molist et al. 37

(eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on the Archaeology of 38

the Ancient Near East, Madrid. 39 40

68. 2009 41

Middle and Late Bronze Age Domestic Architecture from Tall Dayr 'Alla. Pp. 42

585 – 595 in F. al-Khraysheh et al (eds.), Studies in the History and 43

Archaeology of Jordan X. Amman: The Department of Antiquities of Jordan. 44

45 69. 2009 46

The Archaeological Context of the Tell Deir 'Alla Tablets. Pp, 121- 133 in E. 47

Kaptijn and L, P. Petit (eds.), A Timeless Vale, Archaeological and Related 48

Essays on the Jordan Valley in Honour of Gerrit van der Kooij on the 49

Occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. Archaeological Studies Leiden 50

Page 40: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


University 19. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 1


70. 2010 3

Early Bronze Age Settlement Patterns in North Jordan. Sites and Stratigraphy (ca. 4

3500 – 2000BC). Pp. 295 – 302 in Paolo Matthiae, Frances Pinnock, Lorenzo Nigro 5

and Nicolò Marchetti (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on the 6

Archaeology of the Ancient Near East May, 5th-10th 2008, “Sapienza” - 7

Università di Roma. Volume 2 Excavations, Surveys and Restorations: Reports 8 on Recent Field Archaeology in the Near East. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 9


71. 2010 11

12 أورام القووودس ...القدس...القووودس فاااي 39 – 11الداااد مناااي الن اااأة وحتاااى االساااكندر المكااادوني. الصااافحاا

13 . عَمانن من وراا وزارة الثدافة.2009ع رين األو 8-4الدولي عن الدد ي ، عَمان؛ يالمؤعمر

72. 2010 14

Clans, gods and temples at the LPPNB ‘Ayn Ghazal. Pp. 301-312 in

M. Benz (ed.), 15

The Principle of Sharing. Segregation and Construction of Social Identities at the 16

Transition from Foraging to Farming. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, 17

Subsistence, and Environment 14. Berlin: ex oriente. 18

73. 2010 19

The Chalcolithic Period in the Golan Heights: A Regional or Local Culture. 20

Paléorient 36.1: 141-157. 21


74. 2011 23

Bronze Age Pottery Pots from Ya'moun, Necropolis I. Pp. 17-31 in M. Najjar (ed.), 24

Ya'mun an Archaeological Site in Northern Jordan. Irbid: Yarmouk University. 25


75. 2011 27

"الصالال الالارية الالنلسالال لإلالالري لاالالاليةاال الور م الال ل ت ةرالالبلر إلالال لارالالية لسالال ل 28

. الصففات "شالالب الالس الالةلاللا إلالال ل شالالب الالل الال لالشرالالت "تلل رشالالةل الال لراالاليال 29

يأباااو تباااي واللؤلاااؤ، دصاااة لهاااا عااااريخي. عحريااار فاطماااة ففففت ب ففف 161 – 148 30

31 واألبحاث. أبو تبين مركا الحصن للدراساا المهير .

76. 2011 32

From Tall Hisban to Tall al-'Umayri. 40 Years Researching the Late Bronze 33

Age. Pp. 99 -110 in D. R. Clark. L. G. Herr, Ø. A. LaBianca and R. W. 34

Younker (eds.), The Madaba Plains Project. Forty Years of 35

Archaeological Researxch into Jordan's Past. Sheffield: eQuinox. 36


77. 2011 38

Jordan-Egyptian Interaction during the Third Millennium B.C.E. as 39

Evidenced by the Abydos Ware. Pp. 139- 153 in M. S. Chesson, W. 40

Aufrecht and I. Kuijt (eds.), Daily Life, Materiality and Complexity in 41

Early Urban Communities of the Southern Levant. Papers in Honor of 42 Walter E. Rast and R. Thomas Schaub. Winona Lake: Eisenbraun. 43


78. 2011 45

Ghrubba Ware or Culture?. Pp. 25- 36 in J. L. Lovell and Y. M. Rowan 46

(eds.), Culture, Chronology and the Chalcolithic. Theory and Transition. 47

Levant Supplementary Series, Vol. 9. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 48


79. 2011 50

Page 41: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


ثااار. الدااد فااي العصاارين البرونااا والحديااد ن األساافار التوراعيااة مداباال النصااوص التاريخيااة واآل 1

دم اقن المديرياة . 2010 - 2009ي التواري(" الندوة الدوليوة "القودس فوفي 63 - 55الصفحاا 2

3 العامة لفثار والمتاح .

80. 2011 4

Neither Early Bronze Age Cities nor States in the South of the Levant. 5

Syria, Tome 88: 47-59. 6


81. 2011 8

Upright Stones of the Neolithic Village 'Ayn Ghazal: Location and Function (Jordan). 9

Pp. 123 – 129 in Tara Steimer-Herbert (ed.), Standing Stones, Anthropomorphic 10

Stelae and Dolmens. BAR International Series 2317. Oxford: Maison de l'Orient et 11

de Méditerranée, Jean Pouilloux. 12


82. 2012 14

دراسوووام فوووي فاااي عمااار ال اااو لمحااارر ، 72 – 60جااارة مخطوطااااا البحااار الميااا . الصااافحاا 15

يوة فوي وقائع ندوة مخدوطام البحر ال يت التي اقي ت فوي الجامعوة األردنمخدوطام البحر ال يتا 16 يم العااالي والبحااث وزارة التعلاا -عمااانن اللجنااة األردنيااة لمخطوطاااا البحلاار المياا م. 12/4/2009 17

18 العلمي.


83. 2012 20

ة ال مير الدد .. ريحانمن االصدار الخاص، 288 – 271سلوان بين اآلثار والتوراة. الصفحاا 21

الكوي ن جامعة الكوي ، مجلس ل جلة العربية للعلوم االنسانية. ا . 2009نوفمبر 3-2العربي ل 22

23 الن ر العلمي.


84. 2012 25

26 .102 – 91: 25لدوماتو بي داود حديدة أم يا ؟


85. 2013 28

ن ن موداع عايعأثير البيدة على العمارة المنالية في العصر الحجر الحديث ما دبل الفخار فاي األردن 29

اإلنسوان في عبد الرحمن األنصار وآ رون لمحررون ، 128 – 119غاا أنمو جائ. الصفحاا 30

و ي ووالبيئة في الوطن العربوي فوي وو االكتشوافام األثاريوة. لبحواث نودوة االنسوان والبيئوة فو 31

32 – 4) ه1431ج وادي األو 22 – 20ال لكة العربية السوعودية/ –االكتشافام األثاريةا الجوف 33 مؤسسة عبدالرحمن السدير الخيرية.أدوماعو، الرياضن م(. 2010مايو 6


86. 2013 35

Iron Age II Pottery Vessels from Tell Al-Himmah in the Jordan Valley. Pp. 36

817-832 in F. al-Hmoud et al. (eds.), Studies in the History and 37

Archaeology of Jordan XI. Amman: The Department of Antiquities of 38

Jordan. 39


87. 2013 41

Standing Stones of the Village 'Ain Ghazal. Pp. 353-358 in Denise Schmandt- 42

Bessarat (ed,), Symbols at 'Ain Ghazal. 'Ain Ghazal Excavation Reports, Vol. 43

III. Berlin: ex oriente. 44


88. 2013 46

لطلووس األردنا التوواري(ا فااي 114 - 111عااين غاااا ن دريااة عمرهااا ع اارة آالا عااام. الصاافحاا 47

48 . عحريرمريم عبابسة. بيروان المعهد الفرنسي لدراساا ال رم.األرا وال جت ع

89. 2013 49

Page 42: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


Pottery Sherds from Test Excavations and Surveys at Wadi Ramm: A Preliminary 1

Report. Pp. 79-131 in S. Fares (ed.), Des Déserte et Des Hommes: Wādi Ramm 2

(Jordanie). Histoire, Économie, Religieuse, Social et Environnmental. Actes des 3

colloduev international à Wādi Ramm. les 11, 12 et 13 Novembre 2011. Études 4

anciennes 52. Nancy: A.D.R.A. 5


90. 2014 7

Jerusalem in the Bronze and the Beginning of the Iron Ages: Biblical Narratives, 8

Literary Sources, The Archaeological Evidence and Margreet Steiner. Pp. 245-255 in 9

E. Van der Steen et al. (eds.), Exploring the Narrative. Jerusalem and Jordan in the 10

Bronze and Iron Ages. Library of the Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament Studies 583. 11

London: Bloomsbury. 12


91. 2014 14

The Southern Levant (Transjordan) during the Chalcolithic Period. Jordan's (c.4500 - 15

3500 BC). Pp. 231 - 246 in M. L. Steiner and A. E. Killbrew (eds.), The Oxford 16

Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant (c. 8000 - 332 BCE). Oxford: 17

University Press. 18


92. 2014 20

The Cultural Diversity and Changes in the Sixth and Fifth Millennia in the Jordan 21

Valley. Pp. 177-187 in B. Finlyson and C. Makarewicz (eds.), Settlement, Survey, 22

and Stone. Essays on Near Eastern Prehistory in Honour of Gary Rollefson. 23 Berlin: ex oriente and CBRL. 24


93. 2014 26

ألعداد، ية، االمظاهر االدتصادية لدى المجتمعاا الاراعية األولى في ال رم األدنى الدديم. الندود الرما 27

س ير شّ ا عز مثله. دراسام في ذكر في ناي الدسو وآ رون لمحررون ، 39-29والمكاييل.الصفحاا 28

29 ح ارة االس مية.إربدن جامعة اليرموك، كرسي سمير شّما لدراسة المسكوكاا وال شّ ا. رس ي


94. 2014 31

The Impact of Modern Human Activities on Archaeological Heritage: an Example 32

from the Jebel Abu Thawwab Site. Pp. 283-295 in Piotr Bieliński, Michał 33

Gawlikowski, Rafał Koliński, Dorota Ławecka, Arkadiusz Sołtysiak and Zuzanna 34

Wygnańska (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the 35

Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Volume 3. 30 April – 4 May 2012, 36 University of Warsaw. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag. 37


95. 2014 39

Early Bronze Age I-III. Archaeological Evidence from the Jordan Valley: Proof of the 40

Levantine-Egyptian Trade Route. Pp. 149-165 in F. Höflmayer and R. Eichmann 41

(eds.), Egypt and the Southern Levant in the Early Bronze Age. Orient- 42

Archäologie. Band 31. Rahden/Westf.: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH. 43


96. 2014 45

New Insights on the Copper Mines of Wadi Faynan/Jordan. Palestine Exploration 46

Quarterly 146//4: 263-280. 47




Page 43: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


97. 2014 1

Storing during the MPPNB Through the Chalcolithic (ca. 8500 - 3500 BC). Pp. 203- 2

215 in M. Jamhawi (ed.), Jordan's Prehistory Past and Future Research. Amman: 3

Department of Antiquities of Jordan. 4


98. 2014 6

Lion Hunt during the Late Bronze Age in Northern Jordan: Who was the Hunter. Pp. 7

123 - 131 in I. M. Swinnen and E. Gubel (eds.), From Gilead to Edom. Studies in the 8

History and Archaeology of Jordan in Honor of Denyse Homès- Fredrecq on the 9

Occasion of her Eightieth Birthday. Akkadica Supplement XII. Brussels: Centre 10

Assyrologique. 11


99. 2014 13

نون أو ن كا/6 ي الج عية األردنية للبحث العل /البحث العل ي مدوماا السياحة في شمالي األردنن نظرة عامة. 14

9 - 30. 15

100. 2014 16

Sharing Food and Eating from One Plate: An Ethno-archaeological Study. Adumato 17

30: 7-14. 18


101. 2014 20

Irbid Tell Tomb (Excavated in 1968). Pp. 108 - 147 in Z. Kafafi and M.araqten (eds.), 21

A Pioneer of Arabia. Studies in the Archaeology and Epigraphy of the Levant 22

and the Arabian Peninsula in Honor of Moawiyah Ibrahim. ROSAPAT 10. 23 Rome: "La Sapienza" Rome University Expedition to Palaestin and Jordan. 24


102. 2014 26

ع داا مصر التجارية مع جنوبي ب د ال ام األل الرابع والنص األو من األل الثالث دبل المي د. 27

28 18 - 15في أعما المؤعمر الدولي األو يمصر ودو البحر المتوسط عبر العصوري 128 - 106الصفحاا

د ومحمد حماة. الداهرةن جامعة الداهرة. جامعة الداهرة عحرير جمعة عبد المدصو -، كلية اآلثار 2014أكتوبر 29


103. 2016 31

32 .24 -17 ن7 نةالحنوحكام المدن الكنعانية في الدرن الرابع ع ر دبل المي دن يالباياي حاكم شكيم مثاالئ.


104. 2016 34

The Fringes of the arid Regions: Prehistoric Settlement Development in Central 35

Jordan. Pp. 137-148 in Markus Reindel, Karin Bartl, Friedrich Lüth and Norbert 36

Benecke (edts.), Palaeoenvironment and the Development of Early Settlements. 37

Proceedings of the International Conferences Palaeoenvironment of Early Societies 38

(Şanliurfa/Turkey, 5-7 October 2013). The Development of Early Seyylement in Arid 39

Regions (Aqaba/Jordan, 12-15 November 2013). Forschungscluster 1 , Band 14 40

Von der Sesshaftigkeit zur komplexen Gesellschaft: Siedlung, Wirtschaft, 41

Umwelt, Kult. Rahden/Westf.: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH. 42




105. 2017 46

دنان في محمد ع 28-19صفحاا م.م. ال 539 -الدد ن من الن أة حتى السيطرة الفارسية/ األل الرابع م.م. 47

يالد بل ال تاري( مدينة القدس عبر العصور منذ األلف الرابع قالبخي و حسين محمد الدهواعي لمحررون ، 48

49 عّمانن الجامعة األردنية. وحتى الوقت الحا ر.


Page 44: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


ة بتأليف مشترك:. األبحاث ال نشور2 1

(Co-Authored Articles) 2

1. 1984 3

The Pre-pottery Neolithic B Village of `Ain Ghazal (Jordan) - 4

Preliminary Report of the 1982 Excavations Season Mitteilungen der 5

Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 116: 139-192 . 6

(with G. Rollefson et al). 7


2. 1985 9

Excavations at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Village of `Ain Ghazal 10

(Jordan). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 11

117: 69-116. 12

(with G. Rollefson et al). 13


3. 1985 15

Khirbet Hammam: A PPNB Village in the Wadi el-Hasa, Southern. 16

Jordan Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 258,: 17

64-69 (with G. Rollefson). 18


4. 1986 20

Abu Hamid, Jordanie. Premiers Results. Paleorient 12/1: 91-100 21

(with G. Dollfus). 22





5. 1986 27

Abu Hamid. Pp. 45-47 in the Catalogue of La Voie Royale, 28

9000 Ans d'Art au Royame de Jordanie Exhibition; 26 Nov. 1986 - 29 25 Jan. 1987. Paris. (with G. Dollfus). 30


6. 1986 32

La Jordanie a l'age du Bronze Moyen et Recent. 33

Pp. 63-65 in the Catalogue of the La Voie Royale, 34

9000 Ans d'Art au Royame de Jordanie Exhibition; 26 Nov. 1986 - 35

25 Jan. 1987. Paris 36 (with M. Ibrahim). 37


7. 1986 39

Dahr al-Madina, 1985. Archiv fuer Orientforschung XXXIII: 254- 40

256. (with E. Axel Knauf). 41


8. 1986 43

Preliminary Results of the First Season of the joint Jordano-French 44

Project at Abu Hamid. Annual of the Department of Antiquities 45

of Jordan XXX: 353-381. (with G. Dollfus). 46


9. 1986 48

First Season of Joint Excavations at Abu Hamid. Newsletter of the 49

Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 1: 2-3. 50

Page 45: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3



2 . لنبووا معاوود ا ثووارالموساام األو ماان الحفرياااا األثريااة الم ااتركة فااي عاال أبااو حامااد

4-3ن 1 واألنثروبولوجيا 3


10. 1986 5

Archaeological Excavations at Jebel Abu Thawwab. . Newsletter 6

of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 2: 6-7. 7


2ن7 النبا معاد ا ثار واألنثروبولوجي الحفرياا األثرية في مودع جبل أبو الثواب. 9

11. 1987 10

'Ain Ghazal Archaeological Survey, 1987. Newsletter of the 11

Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 4: 8-9. 12



12. 1988 15

Preliminary Report on the `Ain Ghazal Archaeological Survey, 1987. 16

Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XXXII: 127- 141 (with 17

A. Simmons). 18


13. 1988 20

Abu Suwwan Briefly Revisited: Additional Notes on a Large 21

Neolithic Site near Jerash, Jordan. Annual of the Department of 22

Antiquities of Jordan XXXIII:15-27 23

(with A. Simmons and D. Olzsweski). 24



14. 1988 27

Dahr el-Madina (Jordanie). Revue Biblique: 226-228. 28

(with E. A. Knauf). 29


15. 1988 31

`Ain Ghazal A Major Neolithic Settlement in Central Jordan, Science 32

240: 35-39 (with A. Simmons et al). 33



16. 1988 36

Khirbet ed-Dharih (Survey Site 49/WHS 524) un Nouveau Gisment 37

Neolithic avec ceramique du sud-Jordanien. Paleorient 14/1: 127-131 38

(with P. Bossut and G. Dollfus). 39


17. 1988 41

Abu Hamid, an Early Fourth Millennium Site in the Jordan Valley. 42

Pp. 567-601 in A. Garrard and H. G. Gebel (eds.) 43

The Prehistory of Jordan, the State of Research in 1986. 44

British Archaeological Reports 396 (ii). Oxford. 45

(with G. Dollfus). 46

18. 1988 47

Tell Abu Hamid 1987. Newsletter of the Institute of Archaeology 48

and Anthropology 5: 4-6 49


Page 46: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


1 4-3ن5 جيووا. لنبووا معاوود ا ثووار واألنثروبولو. 1987الموساام الثاااني للحفرياااا األثريااة فااي مودااع عاال أبااو حامااد

2 لباإلشتراك مع جنفي دولفو .


19. 1989 4

The 1988 Season at `Ain Ghazal: A Preliminary Report. 5

Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan XXXIII: 9-27. 6

(with G. Rollefson and A. Simmons). 7


20. 1989 9

Test Excavations at Wadi Shu'eib, 10

A Major Neolithic Settlement in Central Jordan. 11

Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan: 27-43. 12

(with A. Simmons, G. Rollefson and K. Moyer). 13



21. 1989 16

Burial Practices of the Neolithic Village `Ain Ghazal. 17

Bulletin de la Societe d'Anthropologie du Sud-Ouest. Bordeaux. 18

(with G. Rollefson and A. Simmons). 19


22. 1989 21

Abu Hamid, In D. Homes-Fredricq and B. Hennessy (eds.), 22

Archaeology of Jordan III, Field Reports, Surveys and Sites A-K:. 23

102-113 24

(with G. Dollfus). 25


23. 1989 27

Dahr el-Madina. In D. Homes-Fredricq and B. Hennessy (eds.), 28

Archaeology of Jordan III. Field Reports, Surveys and Sites A-K: 29

198-200. (with E. A. Knauf). 30


24. 1989 32

`Ain Ghazal Archaeological Survey, 1987. In D. Homes-Fredricq and 33

B. Hennessy (eds.), Archaeology of Jordan III. Field Reports, 34

Surveys and Sites A-K, 13-16. (with A. Simmons). 35



25.1989 38

The 1989 Excavations at 'Ain Ghazal. Newsletter of the Institute of 39

Archaeology and Anthropology 7,8: 4-5 (with G. Rollefson and A. 40

Simmons). 41

26.1989 42

The 1989 Excavations at Wadi Shu'eib. Newsletter of the Institute 43

of Archaeology and Anthropology 7,8: 13-14 (with G. Rollefson 44

and A. Simmons). 45


27.1989 47

Abu Hamid 1989: Third Season of Excavations. . Newsletter of the 48

Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 9: 5-8. 49


Page 47: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


ثوار لنبوا معاود ا م. 1989ثرياة فاي موداع جبال أباو الثولات الموسم الثالاث للحفريااا األ 1

2 .15-14: 8و 7 واألنثروبولوجيا 3

28. 1990 4

A Plastered Skull from Neolithic `Ain Ghazal, Jordan. 5

Journal of Field Archaeology 17: 107-110. 6

(with A. Simmons et al). 7


29. 1990 9

The 1989 Season at `Ain Ghazal: Preliminary Report. 10

Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan. 11

(with G. Rollefson and A. Simmons). 12


30. 1990 14

The Neolithic Village of `Ain Ghazal; Jordan. 15

Preliminary Report on the 1988 Season. 16

Supplement of the American Schools of Oriental Research 27: 95- 17

116. 18

(with G. Rollefson and A. Simmons). 19


31.1990 21

The Fourth Season of Excavations at Abu Thawwab. Newsletter of 22

the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 10:3-5 (with M. 23

Ibrahim and N. Qadi). 24

25 6-5ن 10 لنبووا معاوود ا ثووار واألنثروبولوجيوواحفرياااا الموساام الرابااع فااي مودااع أبااو الثااواب يالرماااني.

26 لباإلشتراك مع م معاويه إبراهيم و نبيل الداضي .

32.1991 27

Abu Hamid Fourth Season of Excavations. Newsletter of the 28

Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 12: 1-3 (with G. 29

Dollfus). 30

31 جيالنبا معاد ا ثار واألنثروبولو. 1991الموسم الرابع للحفرياا األثرية بمودع عل أبو حامد

32 لمع جنفي دولفو . 5-12ن1

33. 1992 33

Abu Hamid Tell. Pp. 47-48 in David Noel Freedman (ed.); 34

The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 1; A-C. New York: Doubleday. 35

(with G. Dollfus). 36


34. 1992 38

Neolithic Cultures at `Ain Ghazal, Jordan.Journal of Field 39

Archaeology 19,4: 443-470.(with G. Rollefson and A. Simmons). 40

41 35.1992 42

Abu Hamid, un asentamiento fundado en el V، milenio en el Valle 43

del Jordan, Jordania). Pp. 99-127 in M.E. Aubet and M. Molist 44

(eds) , Arqueologia Prehistorica del Proximo Orient, Treballes 45

d'Arqueologia (2. Bellaterra). (with G. Dolfus) 46


36. 1992 48

The `Ain Ghazal Survey: Pattern of Settlement in the Greater Wadi 49

Az- Zarqa Areas Central Jordan. Pp. 77-53 in S. Tell (ed.). Studies 50

Page 48: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


in the History and Archaeology of Jordan IV. Amman: The 1

Department of. Antiquities of Jordan 2

(with A. Simmons). 3


37. 1992 5

6 : لجز الثانيا -" العصورا ال جلد السابععأصيل منه البحث األثر ينمو ه منطدة الم رم العربي

7 الرياض ن دار المريخ للن ر، باإلشتراك مع عبد الرحمن األنصار

38. 1993 8

Excavation at Neolithic 'Ain Ghazal 1988-89 Seasons. Syria LXX: 225- 9

230. (with G. Rollefson and A. Simmons). 10


39. 1993 12

The Excavation at the Neolithic Community of wadi Shu'eib, Central 13

Jordan. Syria LXX: 235-239. (with A. Simmons et al.). 14


40. 1993 16

Recent Researches at Abu Hamid. Annual of the Dept. of 17

Antiquities of Jordan 37: 241-263 18

(with G. Dollfus). 19


41.1993 21

Abu Hamid 1992. Newsletter of the Institute of Archaeology and 22

Anthropology 15: 5-9 (with G. Dollfus). 23

ا لنبو. 1992الحفرياا األثرية في مودع يأبو حامدي. عدرير أولي حاو الموسام الخاامس 24

25 فو .لمع جنفي دول 11-8ن 15 معاد ا ثار واألنثروبولوجيا

26 27

42. 1994 28

' Ain Ghazal. Pp. 529-531 in G. L. Peterman (ed.), Archaeology in 29

Jordan. American Journal of Archaeology 98/3. 30

31 43. 1994 32

The Neolithic Village of `Ain Ghazal, Jordan: 33

Preliminary Report on the 1989 Season. 34

The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 51: 35

107-126.(with G. Rollefson). 36

44.1994 37

The 1993 Season at `Ain Ghazal: Preliminary Report. 38

Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 38: 11-33. 39

(with G. Rollefson). 40


45.1994 42

'Ain Ghazal 1993: Preliminary Report. Newsletter of the Institute 43

of Archaeology and Anthropology 16: 6-8 (with G. Rollefson). 44

ن 16 لنبوا معاود ا ثوار واألنثروبولوجيوا. . 1993عدرير أولي عن حفرياا عين غاا ، 45

46 لمع غار رولفسون . .6-8


46.1995 48

Ain Ghazal. Newsletter of the Institute of Archaeology and 49

Anthropology 17: 7-9 (with G. Rollefson). 50

Page 49: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


47. 1995 1

Representations Humaines et Animales Sur Le Site d`Abu Hamid 2

(Mi-7e-debut 6e Millenaire Bp). Pp. 449-457 in K. Amr; F. Zayadine. 3

and M Zaghloul (eds.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of 4

Jordan V. Amman: Dept. of Antiquities of Jordan. 5

(with G. Dollfus). 6

48. 1995 7

The 1994 Excavations at `Ain Ghazal: Preliminary Report. 8

Annual of the Department of Antiquites of Jordan 39: 13-31 9

(with G. Rollefson). 10


49. 1996 12

'Ain Ghazal Excavations 1996. Biblical Archaeologist 59/4: 238. 13

(with G. Rollefson). 14


50.1996 16

The 1995 Season at `Ayn Ghazal: Preliminary Report. 17

Annual of the Dept. of Antiquities of Jordan. XL: 11-29 18

(with G. Rollefson). 19


51. 1996 21

'Ain Ghazal Excavations, 1995. Newsletter of the Institute of 22

Archaeology and Anthropology 18: 7-9 (with G. Rollefson). 23


52. 1996 25

Processes of Urbanization in Jordan: Example from Jebel Abu 26

Thawwab. Newsletter of the Institute of Archaeology and 27

Anthropology 19: 8-10. 28


53.1997 30

Abu Hamid, Tell. Pp 7-9 in Eric M. Meyers (ed.); 31

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, 32 Vol..1. New York: Oxford University Press. 33

(with G. Dollfus). 34


54. 1997 36

Sur la rive du Jourdain, Abou Hamid. 37

Pp 16 - 17 in "le monde de la bible 104. 38

(with G. Dollfus). 39


55. 1997 41

Early Acheulian Stone Tools and Fossil Faunas from the Dauqra Formation, 42

Upper Zarqa Valley, Jordanian Plateau. Pp. 7-22 in H. G. K. Gebel, Z. Kafafi 43

and G.O.Rollefson (eds.), The Prehistory of Jordan II. Perspectives from 44

1997. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and 45 Environment 4. Berlin: ex oriente. (with F. Parenti et allii). 46


56. 1997 48

A Preliminary Note on the Ceramics from Basal Levels of Abu Hamid. Pp. 49

361-370 in H. G. K. Gebel, Z. Kafafi and G.O.Rollefson (eds.), The 50

Page 50: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


Prehistory of Jordan II. Perspectives from 1997. Studies in Early Near 1 Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 4. Berlin: ex oriente. 2

(with J. Lovell and G. Dollfus). 3



57. 1997 6

Excavations at Neolithic 'Ayn Ghazal. 1993-1994. Pp. 235-240 in G. Bisheh 7

et al (ed.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan VI. Amman: 8

Department of Antiquities of Jordan. 9


58. 1997 11

'Ain Ghazal. Pp. 505-506 in P. M. Bikai and V. Egan (eds.), 12

Archaeology in Jordan. American Journal of Archaeology. The 13

Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of America, Vol. 101/3. 14

15 59. 1997 16

The Wadi az-Zarqa/ Wadi ad-Dulayl Archaeological Project on the 17

1996 Fieldwork Season. Annual of the Department of Antiquities 18

of Jordan XLI: 9-27. (with G. Palumbo et al). 19

60. 1997 20

The 1996 Seaason at Ayn Ghazal: Preliminary Report. Annual of the 21

Department of Antiquities of Jordan XLI:27-49.(with Gary Rollefson). 22


61 1997 24

The Wadi az-Zarqa Survey. Newsletter of the Institute of 25

Archaeology and Anthropology 20. 26


ر لنبووا معاوود ا ثووا. . 1996م ااروع المساا األثاار لااواد الاردااال/واد ال االيل لعااام 28

29 لمع غايتانو بالومبو . 22-21ن واألنثروبولوجيا


62. 1997 31

'Ain Ghazal Excavations. Newsletter of the Institute of 32

Archaeology and Anthropology 20. 33

34 لنبا معاد ا ثار واألنثروبولوجيا. 1996حفرياا عين غاا لعام

35 ن .لمع غار رولفسو 24-23ن 20

63. 1997 36

Excavations at Deir 'Alla. Newsletter of the Institute of 37

Archaeology and Anthropology 20. (with G. van der Kooij). 38

39 لنبا معاد ا ثار واألنثروبولوجيا. . 1996حفرياا دير ع ّ لعام

40 يرا فان دير كو .. لمع 32-25ن 20


64. 1998 42

Excavations at Tell Deir Alla 1998. Newsletter of the Institute of 43

Archaeology and Anthropology 21:7-13 (with G. van der Kooij). 44

45 لنبا معاد ا ثار واألنثروبولوجيا. . 1998حفرياا دير ع ّ

46 ا فان دير كو .. لمع ير16-7ن 21

65. 1999 47

Sociétés et rites au lendemain du Néolithique. Dossiers 48

d'Archaeologie 244: 12-18. 49


Page 51: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3



66. 1999 2

The Neolithic Site of es-Sayyeh: Preliminary Report on the 1999 3

Season. Neo-Lithics 3: 10-12. Berlin: ex oriente. 4

(with I. Caneva and G. Palumbo). 5


67. 1999 7

'Ain Ghazal. Pp.491-92 in V. Egan and P. M. Bikai (eds.), 8

Archaeology in Jordan. American Journal of Archaeology. The 9

Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of America, Vol. 103/3. 10 11


68. 2000 13

The Main Aspects of the Early Bronze Age I Pottery from Jebel 14

Abu Thawwab,North Jordan. Pp. 101-113 in G. Philip and B. 15

Douglas (eds.), Ceramics and Change in Early Bronze Age 16

of Southern. Levant. Levantine Archaeology 2. 17 Sheffield:Sheffield Academic Press. (with Khaled Douglas). 18


69. 2000 20

The Zarqa Valley in Jordan from Lower Palaeolithic to 21

Recent Times: Results The 1993-1997 Campaigns. Pp. 699- 22

713 in P. Matthiae, A. Enea, L. Peyronel and F. Pinnock 23

(eds.), Proceedings of the First International Congress 24

on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Rome, May 25 18th-23rd 1998. Vol. I. Rome: Dipartmento Di Scienze 26

Storriche, Archeologiche E Anthropologiche Dell'Antichita. 27

(with P. Matthiae et al). 28


70. 2000 30

Die Umgebung des eisenzeitlichen Tell Johfiyeh – Der Südosten. 31

Pp. 87-127 in H.-D. Bienert and B. Müller-Neuhof (eds.), At the 32

Crossroads. Essays on the Archaeology, History and Current 33 Affairs of the Middle East. Amman: German Protestant of 34

Archaeology in Amman. 35

(with R. Lamprichs). 36


71. 2000 38

39 . لمع عبد الناصر الهنداو .32 -7ن 2لدوماتو الحصون واألبراه األدومية.


72. 2000 41

The 1998 Excavations at Ayn Ghazal: A Preliminary Report. Annual of the 42

Department of Antiquities of Jordan. XLIV: 91-99. 43

(with Gary Rollefson) 44


73. 2000 46

Geoelectric Survey and Archaeological Work at Sal, Jordan. A 47

Preliminary Report on the1999 Season at the Chalcolithic and Early 48

Bronze Age Site. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of 49

Jordan XLIV: 173-193. (with Dieter Vieweger et al). 50

Page 52: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3




74. 2001 3

Jordan in the Fourth Millennium. Pp. 163-172 in Studies in the 4

History and Archaeology of Jordan VII. Amman: Department of 5

Antiquities of Jordan. (with G. Dollfus) 6


75. 2001 8

Wadi Shu’eib, A large Neolithic Community in Central Jordan: Final 9

Report of Test Investigations. Bulletin of the American Schools of 10

Oriental Research 321:1-39. 11

(with A. Simmons et al). 12


76. 2001 14

Das chalkolithische und fruehbronzezeitliche Sal. Eine auf 15

geoelektrischer Erkundung basierende Rettungsgrabung im Norden 16

Jordaniens. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palaestina-Vereins 117/1: 5-46 17

(with D. Vieweger et al ). 18


77. 2001 20

The Wadi az-Zarqa'/Wadi ad-Dulayl Archaeological Project. 21

Report on the 1997 and 1997 Fieldwork Seasons. Annual of the 22

Department of Antiquities of Jordan 45: 83-117. 23

(with I. Caneva et allii). 24


78. 2002 26

The Joint Italian-Jordanian Project in the Zarqa Valley: Results of the 27

1993-2002 Seasons. Pp. 131-153 in Civilizations of the Past, Dialogue of 28

the Present: Italian Research Missions in Jordan. Amman: Italian 29

Embassy in Amman. (with Gaetano Palumbo et al). 30


79. 2002 32

Excavations at Tell Deir Alla and Tell Hammeh 2000. . Newsletter 33

of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology 24:27-33 (with 34

G. van der Kooij). 35


80. 2003 37

Plaster Floor Production at the Neolithic Site of Ain Ghazal,Jordan. 38

Mediterranean 39 Archaeology and Archaeometry. Vol. 3, No. 2: 53-63. (With Ja’far A. 40

Telfah). 41


81. 2004 43

The Middle Phases at Abu Hamid and the Wadi Rabah Horizon. Pp. 44

263- 275 in F. al- Khraysheh et al (eds.), Studies in the History and 45

Archaeology of Jordan VIII. Amman: Department of Antiquities of 46

Jordan. 47

(with J. Lovell and G. Dollfus) 48


82. 2004 50

Page 53: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


Ein Bauerndorf entwickelt sich. Die archäologischen Schätze der 1

neolitischen Siedlung 'Ain Ghazal. Pp. 37-43 in B. Salje et al (eds.), 2

Gesichter des Orients. 10 000 Jahre Kunst und Kultur aus 3

Jordanien.Berlin. Eine Ausstellung der Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle 4

der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn in Kooperation mit dem 5

Vorderasiatischen Museum, Staaatliche Museen zu Berlin-Stiftung 6 Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zapern. 7

(with Gary Rollefson). 8


83.. 2005 10

Megalithic Structures in Jordan. Mediterranean Archaeology and 11

Archaeometry. Vol. 5, No. 2: 5-23.(with H. G. Scheltema). 12


84. 2005 14

Fouillesde Khirbet edh-Dharih, II. Un site néolithique à céramique (PNA) 15

en Jordanie du sud (DH 49/WHS 524). Syria. Revue d'Art Oriental et 16

d'Archaeologie. Tome 82:5-48. Beyrouth: Instiut français du Proch- 17

Orient. 18


85. 2007 20

The Rediscoverey of the Neolithic Period in Jordan. Pp. 211-219 in T. E. 21

Levy, P.M. Michele Daviau, R. W. Younker and M. Shaer (eds.), Crossing 22

Jordan. North American Contributions to the Archaeology of 23 Jordan.London: Equinox. 24


86. 2007 26

The Ceramics of the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic: Abu Hamid 27

and the Burnished Tradition. Paléorient 33/1: 51-76. (With J. L. Lovell 28

and G. Dollfuus). 29


87. 2009 31

Tell Irbid during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages. Ugarit- 32

Forschunen. Internationales Jahrbuch für die Altertumskunde 33 Syrien-Palästinas. Band 40: 453-470. (with Ruba Abu Dalu). 34


88. 2009 36

Environment and Architectural Change at the Neolithic Site of 'Ain 37

Ghazal. Neo-Lithics, the Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic 38

Research 1/09: 24- 32. Special Issue on Rubble Slides and Rapid 39

Climate Change. (With B. Lucke and R. Bäumler). 40


89. 2010 42

Tell Deir Alla and Region. Pp. 509 – 511 in D. R. Keller and C. A. Tuttle, 43

Archaeology in Jordan, 2008 and 2009 Seasons. American Journal of 44

Archaeology, The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. 45 114: 505 -545. (with G. Van der Kooij and X. Veldhuijzen). 46


90. 2011 48

Preliminary Results of the Dayr Alla Regional Project Excavations of a 49

Late Chalcolithic Settlement, Iron Age Burials and Early Bronze Age 50

Page 54: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


Remains. Annual of the Department of Antiquities 55: 147 – 159. (with 1

E. Kaptijin and G. Van der Kooij). 2


91. 2011 4

5 ة األردنيوةحوليوة دائورة ا ثوار العاموعدرير أولي حو نتائ الحفرياا االندا ية في موداع عاين غااا .

6 ار رولفسون .بم اركة الد دغ ، وب ريساا، وأحمد الش، وغ. ل 27 - 7: 55


92. 2012 8

Ain Ghazal. Pp.708 – 709 in D. R. Keller et al Newsletter, Archaeology 9

in Jordan, 2010 and 2011 Seasons. American Journal of Archaeology 10

116/4. 11


93. 2013 13

Im Drehkreuz der Kulturen. Jahrzehnte jordanisch-deutscher archäologischer 14

Kooperation. In: Horst Kopp/ DJG (eds.), Jordanien und Deutschland. Über 15

die Vielfalt kultureller Brücken. Festschrift zum 50jährigen Bestehen der 16 Deutsch-Jordanischen Gesellschaft e.V.: 105-116. Wiesbaden: Ludwig 17

Reichert. (With Hans Georg Gebel). 18


94. 2013 20

'Ain Ghazal Revisited: Rescue Excavations October and December - 21

January, 2011-2012. Neo-Lithics 2/12: 32 - 40.(with Gary Rollefson, 22

Khaled Douglas and Ahmad Lash). 23



95. 2013 26

The Town of 'Ain Ghazal. Pp. 3-29 in Denise Schmandt-Bessarat (ed,), 27

Symbols at 'Ain Ghazal. 'Ain Ghazal Excavation Reports, Vol. III. 28

Berlin: ex oriente. (with Gary Rollefson). 29


96. 2013 31

Tell Dēr 'Alla during the Transition from Late Bronze to Iron Age. 32

Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 129/2: 121- 131. (With 33

Gerrit van der Kooij). 34


97. 2014 36

Al-Hsayyah/Eh-Sayyeh. pp. 643-644 in G. J. Corbett et a. (eds.), 37

Archaeology in Jordan, 2013 and 2014 Seasons. American Journal of 38

Archaeology 118: 672 - 676. (with Karin Bartl). 39


98. 2014 41

Eh-Sayyeh, Jordanien: Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2013. e-Forschungs 42

Berichte 2015 des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Fazikel 2: 43 68-72. (with Karin Bartl) 44



98. 2015 47

Eh-Sayyeh, Jordanien: Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2014. e-Forschungs 48

Berichte 2015 des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Fazikel 2: 49 31-36. (with Karin Bartl). 50

Page 55: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3



99. 2015 2

The Yarmoukian Pottery Assemblage of Tell Abu es-Suwwan, Jordan. 3

Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometery 15/3: 57-72. (with 4

Maysoon Al-Nahar).. 5

100. 2015 6

The Neolithic Site eh-Sayyeh Reinvestigation. Ay Report on the 2013- 7

2015 Seasons. Newsletter of the Faculty of Archaeology and 8

Anthropology/ Yarmouk University 35: 2-9. 9

101. 2015 10

The Neolithic Site of eh-Sayyeh near Zarqa. ARchaelogical Fieldwork 11

2013-2015. Neo-Lithics 2/15: 20-29. 12

102. 2016 13

Petit, L. and Kafafi, 2016; Beyond the River Jordan: a Late Iron Age 14

Sanctuary at Tell Damiyah. Near Eastern Archaeology 79/1: 18- 26. 15

103. 2016 16

Kafafi, Z. et al. 2016; Preliminary Report on the 'Ayn Ghazal Rescue 17

Excavations: October and December 2011? January 2012. Pp. 163-173 in 18

Monther Jamhawi (ed.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan 19

XII. Amman: department of Antiquities of Jordan 20


104. 2016 22

eh-Sayyeh, Jordanien. Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2015. e-Forschungs 23

Berichte 2016 des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Fazikel 2: 24 74-77. (with Karin Bartl). 25






31 :. األبحاث قيد النشر 7


Forthcoming Articles: 33

34 1) The Landscape Archaeology of Jordan. To be published in the 35

proceeding of the 2nd International Congress on the Archaeology of 36

the Ancient Near East, Cobenhagen. 37 38

2) The Jordan Valley before the Fourth Millennium B.C. Monograph of 39

the Results of the Jordano-French Expedition at Abu Hamid. 40 41

3) A Clay Bull from Abu Hamid, Jordan: Ritual or Fantasy. Monograph 42

of the Results of the Jordano-French Expedition at Abu Hamid. 43 44



4) 47

48 الكتاب التكري ي لألستاذ ابراهيم شبّو .سين ر في .اليبوسيون ومملكة إسرائيل الفلسطينية

5) 49

Page 56: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


أعما ودائع ي فمدبو للن ر .انمو جاَ درية عين غاا ناأللوهية والعديد لدى المجتمعاا الاراعيه األولى 1

2 م.19/11/2012و 14ة الداهرة بين الي عدد في جامع"ال ؤت ر الدولي لعصور ما قبل التاري("


6) North of Jordan during the Iron Ages: A Historic and Archaeological 4

Synthesis. To be publish in Burton McDonald's Festschrift. 5


7) Final Report on the Ain Ghazal Rescue Excavations: October and December 7

2011/January 2012. To be published in SHAJ Vol. 12.. 8


8) The Lower Jordan Valley and the Ghôr at the dawn of Urbanization in the 3rd 10

Millennium BC . To be published in Suzanne Richard Festschrift. 11


10) Recycling the Valley. Preliminary report of the 2014 excavations at Tall 13

Dāmiyah. To be published in ADAJ. Zeidan Kafafi and Lucas Petit, 14


11) Recycling the Valley. Preliminary report of the 2015 excavations at Tall 16

Dāmiyah. To be published in ADAJ. Lucas Petit and Zeidan Kafafi. 17



12) Tell Damiyah Excavations: 2014 and 2015 Season. (With Lucas Petit) to be 20

published in the American Journal of Archaeology. 21


13) Recycling the Valley. Preliminary report of the 2015 excavations at Tall 23

Dāmiyah. To be published in ADAJ. Lucas Petit and Zeidan Kafafi 24








32 . األبت ث قيد اإلعداد 8


1. Neolithic Houses in the Jordanian Arid Zones. 34


36 . مراجعة كتب:9

Book Reviews: 37 1) 2002 38

Cromlechs, Dolmen und Minhire, by Udo Worschech. Beitraege zur 39

Erforschung der Antiken Moabitis (Ard El-Kerak)., Band 2. Vergliechende 40

Studien zu Vor-und Fruegeschichtlichen Grabanlagen in Jordanien. 41

Verofeffentlischungen des Instuttes fuer Biblische Archaeologie an der 42

Theologischen Hochschule Friendensau. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 43

2002. 130 pp., 3main chapters, a conclusion, 4 apendices, 37 drawings and 44

10 photos. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 46:629- 45

631. 46


Page 57: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


2) 2003 1

Isserlin, B. S. J. 2001; The Israelites. Minneapolis: Fortress Press. pp. 304, 2

74 drawings and 85 photos of illustrations. Adumato 9. 3


3) 2006 5

Golden, J. M. 2004; Ancient Canaan and Israel. New Perspectives. ABC 6

CLIO. Pp. 415 and 4 maps (hard cover). Adumato 13: 39-45. 7



4) 2008 10

و لدوموات و .ودائع ملتدى اليرموك السنو الثاني لدراسة الندوش والكتاباا الدديمة. عألي عمار ال ا 11

17 :69-72. 12 4) 2011 13

14 95: 24لدومواتو مساجد فلسطين عح االحت الصهيوني. عألي ن فاره هللا أحماد يوسا .

– 97. 15 6) 2013 16

Sha'ar Hagolan 3: Symbolic Dimensions of the Yarmoukian Culture 17

Canonization in Neolithic Art. By: Y. Garfinkel, D. Ben-Shlomo and N. Korn, 18

with contributions by M. Freikman and D. Levitte. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration 19

Society and Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 20

2010. XV + 333 pp., 177 figures, 13 tables, 34 color plates. Palestine 21

Exploration Quarterly 145/2: 168 -172. 22





27 قاالم صحفية:. م9

Essays in Newspapers: 28



نشرم مج وعة من ال قواالم األثريوة التوي تنواقض مو ووعام لثريوة وتراثيوة نوورد 31

32 لدناه ذكر بعض مناا:


. ال قالوة هوي 538قوم العودد ر-2006تشرين الثاني 2جريدة األردنا الخ يس .1 34

عووورا لكتووواب عبووود األحووود داود وترج وووة فا وووي شووو ا: "مح ووود فوووي الكتووواب 35

36 ال قدس".


38 . عنوان ال قالة: 522ا رقم العدد 2006ت وز 3جريدة األردنا األثنين .2

39 "مخدوطام البحر ال يتا رلم عيناي مصدفى الحق".


41 عنوان ال قالة: .517ا رقم العدد 2006ليار 30جريدة األردنا الثالثا .3

42 "مخدوطام ق ران تبشر بالقرآن".


. عنووووان 12436ا رقوووم العووودد 2004شووورين لو ت-جريووودة الووورليا الج عوووة .4 44

45 ال قالة:

46 "التعاون األردني األل اني في دراسة وحفظ ا ثار األردنية".


48 ا عنوان ال قالة:11944لعدد ا-ليار 31جريدة الرليا السبت .5

دخو إلوى عاصو ة نبوخذنصور بحثواً عون كسورة فخوار "الصااينة ينتظرون إشارة الو 49

Page 58: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3


1 مكتوب عليه بالعبرية".


3 ا عنوان ال قالة:1999ليلو 14الدستورا الثالثا .6

4 للف سنة. 11"العثور على قر زراعية في غور األردن ع رها 5

6 ا دراسة عنواناا:2009ت وز 28الدستور .7

7 دور الحفريام األثرية في التن ية االجت اعية.


9 ا مقالة عنوانه: 2011شباط 16تور الدس .8

10 ال تحف والذاكرة...."متحف األردن لن وذجاً". 11






























References: 41

42 1. Prof. Dr. Thomas Green 43

Director 44

Arkansas Archaeological Survey 45

University of Arkansas System 46

P.O.Box 1249 47

Fayetteville, AR 72702-1249 48

USA 49

[email protected] 50

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2. Prof. Dr. Hans Jörg Nissen, 2

Institut fuer Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde 3

Bitterstr. 8-12 4

1000 Berlin 33 5

Germany. 6



3. Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Ansari 9

King Sa'ud University 10

Faculty of Arts 11

Dept. Archaeology and Museums 12

P.O. Box 2456 13

11451 Riyad 14

Kingdom of Saudia Arabia 15


4. Prof. Dr. William Schwab 17

Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences 18

Department of Sociology 19

Old Main 330 20

Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 21

USA 22

[email protected] 23


5. Prof. Dr. Ali Mahafzeh 25

Jordan University 26

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science 27

Department of History 28

Amman-JORDAN 29



6. Prof. Marwan Kamal 32

President, 33

Philadelphia University 34

Tel. +962 – 6 – 4799047 35

Fax. +962 – 6 – 4799040 36

e-mail: [email protected] 37

Amman-JORDAN 38


7. Prof. Fayez Khasawneh 40

Jordan University for Science and Technology 41

Irbid-JORDAN 42


8 Prof. Muhammad Adnan Al Bakhit 44

The University of Jordan 45

Department of History/Committee for the Bilad esh-Sham History 46

Amman-JORDAN 47




Page 60: Curriculum Vitaefaculty.yu.edu.jo/.../SitePages/Home/Kafafi_CV.pdf5 Summary of the CV 1 Zeidan A. Kafafi 2 Since I received my Ph.D. degree in February 1982, I have been teaching 3