University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Food and Drug Administration Papers U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2017 Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization, and nickel leach testing of cardiovascular metallic implants Srinidhi Nagaraja US Food and Drug Administration Mahew Di Prima US Food and Drug Administration David Saylor US Food and Drug Administration Erica Takai US Food and Drug Administration, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: hp://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usfda Part of the Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Commons , Health and Medical Administration Commons , Health Services Administration Commons , Pharmaceutical Preparations Commons , and the Pharmacy Administration, Policy and Regulation Commons is Article is brought to you for free and open access by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Food and Drug Administration Papers by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Nagaraja, Srinidhi; Di Prima, Mahew; Saylor, David; and Takai, Erica, "Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization, and nickel leach testing of cardiovascular metallic implants" (2017). Food and Drug Administration Papers. 32. hp://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usfda/32

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Food and Drug Administration Papers U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Current practices in corrosion, surfacecharacterization, and nickel leach testing ofcardiovascular metallic implantsSrinidhi NagarajaUS Food and Drug Administration

Matthew Di PrimaUS Food and Drug Administration

David SaylorUS Food and Drug Administration

Erica TakaiUS Food and Drug Administration, [email protected]

Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usfda

Part of the Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Commons, Health and Medical AdministrationCommons, Health Services Administration Commons, Pharmaceutical Preparations Commons, andthe Pharmacy Administration, Policy and Regulation Commons

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Nagaraja, Srinidhi; Di Prima, Matthew; Saylor, David; and Takai, Erica, "Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization, andnickel leach testing of cardiovascular metallic implants" (2017). Food and Drug Administration Papers. 32.http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usfda/32

Page 2: Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization

Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization,

and nickel leach testing of cardiovascular metallic implants

Srinidhi Nagaraja, Matthew Di Prima, David Saylor, Erica Takai

US Food and Drug Administration, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Office of Science and Engineering

Laboratories, Silver Spring, Maryland

Received 3 September 2015; revised 20 November 2015; accepted 16 January 2016

Published online 16 February 2016 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33630

Abstract: In an effort to better understand current test practices

and improve nonclinical testing of cardiovascular metallic

implants, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a public

workshop on Cardiovascular Metallic Implants: corrosion, sur-

face characterization, and nickel leaching. The following topics

were discussed: (1) methods used for corrosion assessments,

surface characterization techniques, and nickel leach testing of

metallic cardiovascular implant devices, (2) the limitations of

each of these in vitro tests in predicting in vivo performance, (3)

the need, utility, and circumstances when each test should be

considered, and (4) the potential testing paradigms, including

acceptance criteria for each test. In addition to the above topics,

best practices for these various tests were discussed, and knowl-

edge gaps were identified. Prior to the workshop, discussants

had the option to provide feedback and information on issues

relating to each of the topics via a voluntary preworkshop

assignment. During the workshop, the pooled responses were

presented and a panel of experts discussed the results. This arti-

cle summarizes the proceedings of this workshop and back-

ground information provided by workshop participants.

Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public

domain in the USA. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 105B:

1330–1341, 2017.

Key Words: corrosion, cardiovascular, metal ions, metal


How to cite this article: Nagaraja S, Di Prima M, Saylor D, Takai E. 2017. Current practices in corrosion, surfacecharacterization, and nickel leach testing of cardiovascular metallic implants. J Biomed Mater Res Part B 2017:105B:1330–1341.


Corrosion resistance is an important property of metallicimplants. For cardiovascular devices specifically, corrosion hasbeen observed in explanted devices months after implanta-tion.1–5 Pitting corrosion has been documented as early as 5 mopostimplantation in explanted nitinol abdominal aortic aneurysmstent grafts with more severe types of corrosion detected indevices implanted for up to 8 years. In addition, recent analysesof human explanted stents suggest localized corrosion and metalion release to vascular tissue may occur in these devices.2–4

In addition to mechanical device failures that may occur dueto significant corrosion, adverse biological responses to metalions released are a concern. Although variousmodes of toxicitiesranging fromallergic reactiontonephrotoxicityandcarcinogenic-ity have been reported for nickel compounds at varying doses,6–9

the overall biological impact of metal ion release from implanteddevices is unclear. Corrosion byproducts from metal implantshave been shown to modulate inflammatory cell processes andin the case of cardiovascular stents, this may be a contributingfactor to neointimal thickening and in-stent restenosis.10,11 Inaddition, release of metal ions due to corrosion may affectpatientswithmetal allergies. In particular it has been shown thatnickel can be immunotoxic, especially in those with nickel aller-

gies, which has been estimated at 10% of the adult populationwithahigherprevalence inwomen(17%) thanmen(3%).6,12–15

While the true incidence of hypersensitivity-relatedadverse events in cardiovascular implants cannot bedetermined based on currently available information, thegeneral incidence appears to be low. Nevertheless, there is asubstantial body of literature consisting of data from casestudies and small to midsized clinical evaluations, whichattribute varying hypersensitivity responses to implants,both systemic and local, ranging from pruritus to inflamma-tory reactions leading to in-stent restenosis and peripros-thetic incompetence in a valve.16–26 Some reportedreactions were transient in nature and could be addressedwith medical management, while other symptoms were per-sistent and led to rare cases of device explantation. Whilethese varied and numerous reports of adverse events areattributed to nickel sensitivity, a clear connection between aspecific clinical failure mode for a device type and nickelallergy has not yet been established. For example, therehave been a small number of studies examining theincidence of restenosis in coronary stent patients withnickel allergy.23,27–30 Half of these studies suggest no corre-lation between nickel allergy status of the patient and

Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.

This article was published online on 16 February 2016. An error was subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and print ver-

sions to indicate that both have been corrected 3 May 2016.Correspondence to: E. Takai; e-mail: [email protected]


Page 3: Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization

restenosis, while the others suggest a positive correlationwith restenosis.

Corrosion of metallic devices may occur through severalpathways and cardiovascular device manufacturers use avariety of in vitro tests to assess corrosion resistance oftheir implants. Some dissolution of metal ions is expectedwhen metallic devices are implanted in the body, and thenature and quantity of ions released from devices affecttheir biocompatibility. To assess the potential for generalcorrosion in real-time, immersion testing may be performed.Although there is currently no FDA-recognized standard testmethod for medical implant metal ion release, this relativelysimple test method involves immersing the device in fluidsuch as phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and aliquots of thisfluid are analyzed at prespecified time intervals to deter-mine the amount of metal ions released from the device.However, because there is no accepted standard method forimmersion testing, test conditions and data reporting canvary significantly, making it problematic to compare resultsbetween studies.

The American Standard of Testing and Materials (ASTM)standard test method F2129 (Standard Test Method for Con-ducting Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization Measurements toDetermine the Corrosion Susceptibility of Small ImplantDevices) is a commonly used method to evaluate localizedcorrosion susceptibility by cardiovascular device manufac-turers. If localized corrosion occurs, this test method providesthe voltage (breakdown potential) required to initiate corro-sion on the device surface. Although not representative ofin vivo conditions, this accelerated test provides a detailedmethod to determine corrosion behavior of devices relativelyquickly and consistently. In 2004, Corbett proposed accep-tance criteria for this test based primarily on expected electri-cal potentials in vivo.31 He proposed that implants with abreakdown potential exceeding 600 mV would be consideredas having acceptable corrosion resistance, while potentialsbelow 300 mV are unacceptable. However, there is consider-able debate within the medical device community on the useof these acceptance criteria and their clinical relevance.32,33

The inability to generate universal acceptance criteria for pre-clinical corrosion testing is due to difficulties in directlyobserving corrosion clinically and correlating this within vitro corrosion tests.

In addition to pitting corrosion, there are other corro-sion mechanisms such as galvanic and fretting corrosionthat should be considered. There are also many factors thataffect corrosion resistance in metallic devices. The passiveoxide layer is extremely important in corrosion resistanceand biocompatibility of metals exhibiting such an oxidelayer. In particular, the final chemical composition and thick-ness of the passive oxide layer are factors that affect corro-sion resistance and metal ion release.34–36 These variablescan be influenced by final processing steps during manufac-turing such as polishing, passivation, and heat treatment.For example, Trepanier et al. have shown that surface proc-essing methods such as electropolishing, passivation, andcertain heat treatments of metal stents can improve in vitrocorrosion behavior compared with untreated stents.37,38

Electropolishing of nitinol has also been shown to reducethe amount of surface nickel and result in high breakdownpotentials.39 Zhu et al. demonstrated that the time and tem-perature at which these metals are heat-treated affect thecomposition and thickness of the oxide layer. Specifically,the breakdown potential based on ASTM F2129 testingdecreased from 1000 mV to less than 0 mV when the oxidethickness increased from 0.01 to 10 mm.40 In addition, theyshowed that thick oxide layers can crack under mechanicalstress/strain and may expose the metal subsurface to accel-erate corrosion. Another important factor in corrosion is theelectrochemical environment of the device in vivo. There aremany different anatomical locations where cardiovasculardevices may be implanted and each location has a uniquelocal biochemical environment that may include serum, pla-telets, proteins, and cells. There have been limited studiesto quantify these in vivo driving forces for corrosion. Theearliest work by Hoar and Mears measured rest potentialsof stainless steel and titanium in goat femurs and humanfingers for up to 90 days. They found rest potentials variedfrom 100 to 600 mV and that scratching the surface of thesedevices caused a transient drop in potential for up to30 min.41 More recent studies measured rest potentials ofapproximately 2300 to 400 mV for nitinol and stainless steelwires implanted into femoral, iliac, and abdominal arteries ofhuman subjects.42,43 Although these papers provide informa-tion on electrical potentials in vivo, there is large variabilityamong these studies creating difficulties in determining thedriving forces for corrosion when implanted, as well as howthose potentials can vary over time.

In an effort to better understand current test practicesand improve nonclinical testing of cardiovascular metallicimplants, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held apublic workshop. This article summarizes the proceedingsof the 2012 FDA Workshop on Cardiovascular MetallicImplants: Corrosion, Surface Characterization, and NickelLeaching.


The FDA held a workshop March 8–9, 2012 attended bymembers of the cardiovascular medical device communityincluding device manufacturers, contract test laboratories,and academics. Approximately 60 representatives from themedical device community discussed the following topics:(1) Current corrosion test methods, surface characterizationtechniques, and nickel leaching methods used to evaluatemetallic cardiovascular implant devices; (2) limitations ofeach of these tests to predict actual in vivo performance; (3)need, utility, and circumstances when each test should beconsidered; and (4) potential testing paradigms, includingpossible acceptance criteria for each test. The workshopwas divided into four sessions: corrosion; surface character-ization of nickel-containing alloys; nickel leach and toxicity;and summary and potential testing paradigms. Each sessionincluded one to three presentations followed by a brief sum-mary of the responses compiled from a voluntary prework-shop assignment, and then discussion among participants.



Page 4: Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization


Workshop participants were asked to complete a voluntarypreworkshop assignment to obtain a better understandingof current bench testing strategies and practices, and to facili-tate discussion during the meeting. There were a total of 23individual respondents; 18 medical device manufacturers, 3contract test laboratories, and 2 other (material supplier andconsultant). Raw data were aggregated and analyzed by FDA.Some respondents provided data for multiple devices, and inthese cases, data from each device were analyzed as a uniqueentry. In some cases, respondents did not provide responsesto all questions, and as a result, the total sample size variedfor each question. The device types for which preworkshopassignment responses were received include coronary stents,peripheral vascular stents including renal and neurovascularstents, cardiac implants (e.g., valves, occluders, other coronaryimplants), and other noncoronary vascular implants (e.g., var-ious stent grafts, various endovascular stents, inferior venacava filters).


CorrosionTo better understand the current corrosion testing land-scape, participants were requested to provide informationon corrosion test practices, outcomes, and proposed modifi-cations to existing test methods in the preworkshop assign-ment. Basic information regarding the respondents’ devicesand types of corrosion testing performed for cardiovascularimplants (n5 94) was collected. Respondents indicated thattheir devices were composed of nitinol (53%), 316L stain-less steel (18%), cobalt chrome alloys (27%; MP35N, L605,Elgiloy), or other alloys (2%). Fifty-three percent (n550/94) of devices were electropolished with and without other

treatments such as passivation or coating, 7% (n5 7/94)were only subjected to passivation, 17% (n5 16/94) used othersurface finishing methods, 4% (n54/94) had no finishing treat-ment (2 nitinol, 2 cobalt chrome alloy) and the surface finishingmethod was unknown or unreported for 18% of devices.

Ninety percent (n5 85/94) of devices were assessedusing pitting corrosion testing (per ASTM F2129), and 52%(n5 48/93) of devices were assessed using galvanic corro-sion testing. Fretting corrosion was assessed as part offatigue testing for 40% (n537/92) of the devices. Frettingcorrosion was assessed separately from fatigue testing for16% (n5 15/93) of the devices. When asked if other corro-sion tests were performed on these devices, 57% (n5 39/68) of responses indicated “yes” or “maybe,” and the testsincluded open circuit potential, explant analysis, and/orimmersion tests.

In addition to the types of testing performed, respond-ents were asked whether corrosion was observed in in vitro(n5 17) or in vivo (n517) testing. For in vitro testing, 12%indicated that corrosion was observed (nickel release andcorrosion) and for in vivo testing, 11% indicated corrosionwas observed (handling-induced corrosion was suspectedfor one of the two cases).

Pitting corrosion. Respondents were asked to provide infor-mation on test practices for pitting corrosion assessmentsperformed per ASTM F2129 (Table I). Of the 90 individualdevice responses, 21% of responses were of cobalt chromealloy devices, 23% stainless steel, and 50% nitinol. For cov-ered or coated devices, 64% (n523/36) indicated that theyinduce damage to the covering such as coating, for stent graftsand drug-eluting stents. Only 1 respondent (3%) indicatedthat they intentionally scratch the surface, 2 (6%) did notspecify how damage was induced, and all others indicate thatthey subject devices to simulated use and/or delivery anddeployment to induce damage. Sixty-eight percent (n5 13/19) of individual respondents provided results from ASTMF2129 testing performed on devices both before (prefatigue)and after (postfatigue) cyclic mechanical testing. Five percent(n5 1/19) indicated that they only performed ASTM F2129testing on samples post-fatigue, while 26% (n5 5/19) indi-cated that they only performed testing on nonfatigued sam-ples. There were no notable differences in test practices fordevices made of different alloys.

In addition to general test practices for ASTM F2129,respondents provided the number of samples tested pre-fatigue and post-fatigue, and what they believed current/bestpractices are in regards to sample size (Figure 1). For nitinoldevices, the median number of samples tested was about 9,while for devices composed of other alloys, the median wasabout 5. Note that when a respondent submitted a range ofsample size in their response, such as 7–10, the mean valueof the response was used in the analysis.

Histograms of minimum and mean rest potentials (Er) fornitinol, stainless steel, and cobalt chrome alloys are shown inFigure 2. The minimum rest potentials reported by respond-ents for nitinol devices (n5 23) ranged from 2500 to 262mV. The minimum and mean rest potentials for nitinol devices

TABLE I. Current Testing Practices (Prefatigue Testing)

Aggregated Across All Device Types and Alloys

Scan Rate (mV/s) n 5 83

1 mV/s 36%0.2 mV/s 64%Solution n 5 72

PBS 73%Other (e.g., 0.9% saline, HBSS) 13%Do you use a control? n 5 47

Yes 49%No 30%if appropriate/sometimes/depends 21%If yes what do you use? n 5 33

another marketed device 94%Other (self-couple) 6%For covered or coated devices,

do you induce damage to the

covering such as coating,

for stent grafts and

drug-eluting stents?*

n 5 36

Yes 64%No 17%if appropriate/sometimes 19%

PBS, Phosphate-Buffered Saline; HBSS, Hanks-Buffered Saline



Page 5: Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization

had median values of 2324 and 2198 mV, respectively. Theminimum rest potentials for stainless steel based devices(n5 10) ranged from 2300 to 0 mV. For cobalt chrome baseddevices (n510), the minimum rest potentials ranged fromapproximately 2400 to >0 mV. The minimum and mean restpotentials for stainless steel devices had median values of275 and 21 mV, respectively. The minimum and mean restpotentials for cobalt chrome-based devices had median valuesof 2171 and 235 mV, respectively.

Histograms of minimum and mean breakdown potentials(Eb) for nitinol, stainless steel, and cobalt chrome alloys areshown in Figure 3. The minimum breakdown potentialsreported by respondents for nitinol devices (n5 24) rangedfrom 2100 to 800 mV. The mean breakdown for nitinoldevices was more variable among respondents (n5 22) withsimilar frequency of breakdown occurring from 0 to 800 mV.The minimum and mean breakdown potentials for nitinoldevices had median values of 174 and 388 mV, respectively.For respondents that used electropolishing as a final surfacetreatment, the range of breakdown potentials was 214 mV tono breakdown; whereas if no surface processing was per-formed, the breakdown range was 2100 to 250 mV (data notshown). For stainless steel (n59) and cobalt chrome alloy(n5 7) devices, minimum breakdown potentials reported fordevices using these materials ranged from 26 to >800 mV.Respondents for stainless steel and cobalt chrome alloys gen-erally had minimum breakdown potentials that were highercompared with nitinol, with mean breakdown potentials typi-cally in the 300–800 mV range. The minimum and meanbreakdown potentials for stainless steel devices had medianvalues of 390 and 658 mV, respectively. The minimum andmean breakdown potentials for cobalt chrome-based deviceshad median values of 564 and 654 mV, respectively.

Histograms of minimum and mean breakdown potentialminus the rest potential (Eb 2Er) for nitinol, stainless steel,and cobalt chrome alloys are shown in Figure 4. The mini-mum Eb 2Er potentials reported for nitinol devices (n518)ranged from 63 to >800 mV. The minimum and meanEb 2Er potentials for nitinol devices had median values of345 and 613 mV, respectively. For stainless steel and cobaltchrome alloy devices, there were fewer responses than niti-nol devices (n54–6), but minimum Eb 2Er potentialsreported for devices using these materials ranged from 65to >800 mV. Stainless steel and cobalt chrome devices hadminimum Eb 2Er potentials typically greater than 600 mV.The mean Eb 2Er potentials for stainless steel devices(n5 6) varied from 280 mV to no breakdown and the meanEb 2Er potential for cobalt chrome (n5 6) alloys were allgreater than 600 mV. The minimum and mean Eb 2Erpotentials for stainless steel devices had median values of445 and 642 mV, respectively. The minimum and mean

FIGURE 1. (a) Number of samples reported for prefatigue, postfatigue,

and current/best practices for ASTM F2129 testing for nitinol devices,

(b) Number of samples reported for prefatigue, postfatigue, and cur-

rent/best practices for ASTM F2129 testing for devices made of all

other alloys. The median values for nitinol devices were as follows:

prefatigue 5 10, postfatigue 58, and current/best practices 5 10. The

median values for devices made of all other metal alloys were as fol-

lows: prefatigue 5 5, postfatigue 56, and current/best practices 5 5.

FIGURE 2. Histograms of minimum (a) and mean (b) rest potentials (Er) for nitinol (NiTi), stainless steel (SS), and cobalt–chromium (CoCr)




Page 6: Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization

Eb 2Er potentials for cobalt chrome-based devices hadmedian values of 918 and 949 mV, respectively.

Respondents were also asked to provide the protectionpotential (Ep) of their devices. For stainless steel, 73% ofrespondents (n5 8/11) indicated repassivation did not occurduring ASTM F2129 testing. Of those that observed repassiva-tion, Ep values ranged from 2300 to 230 mVwith a median of248 mV. Approximately 36% of respondents (n55/14)for nitinol devices indicated that repassivation did not occur.Of those that observed repassivation, Ep values rangedfrom 2300 to 265 mV with median of 2100 mV. For cobaltchrome-based devices, 43% of respondents (n5 3/7) statedthat repassivation did not occur. The Ep values when repassiva-tion occurred were highly variable with ranges from 223 to913 mV and a median value of 458 mV.

A histogram of acceptance criteria for ASTM F2129 min-imum Eb and Eb 2Er potentials used by respondents isshown in Figure 5. Approximately 67% of respondents(n5 16/24) set their minimum acceptance criterion forbreakdown potential to be greater than or equal to 300 mV,while 25% set a breakdown potential of greater than orequal to 600 mV as their minimum acceptable level. It isinteresting to note that 17% of respondents did not have anacceptance criterion for breakdown potential (Eb) for ASTMF2129 testing. In contrast, 67% of respondents (n516/24)did not use Eb 2Er potential as their acceptance criterion.

Of those that did, most respondents stated that an Eb 2Erpotential greater than 600 mV was acceptable.

Galvanic corrosion. To better understand when galvanic cor-rosion testing is considered, respondents were asked underwhat conditions they believed galvanic corrosion testing isneeded. Specifically, when asked if galvanic corrosion testingis needed even if ASTM F2129 test results are “good” for asingle device containing dissimilar metals, the majority ofrespondents (n5 16) indicated yes or maybe, with only 2respondents indicating that they believed testing was notneeded. The most common reason cited for the need for gal-vanic corrosion testing in addition to ASTM F2129 was thedifference in driving forces for corrosion in the two tests;externally applied voltage for the potentiodynamic polariza-tion test, and difference in equilibrium potentials and surfaceareas for galvanic corrosion testing. Many “no” and “maybe”responses also stated galvanic corrosion testing may not benecessary if the different metal components on the galvanicseries are close, and/or there is a low cathodic to anodic com-ponent surface area ratio. Some indicated that galvanic corro-sion testing may be viewed as a confirmatory test forcorrosion susceptibility, in addition to ASTM F2129 testing.

The majority of respondents (n512) indicated that thereis value in testing overlapped devices of dissimilar metals; 4respondents indicated “no” and 2 responded “maybe.” Inaddition to reasons cited above for performing galvanic

FIGURE 3. Histograms of minimum (a) and mean (b) breakdown potentials (Eb) for nitinol (NiTi), stainless steel (SS), and cobalt–chromium

(CoCr) alloys.

FIGURE 4. Histograms of minimum (a) and mean (b) breakdown minus rest (Eb 2 Er) potentials for nitinol (NiTi), stainless steel (SS), and cobalt–chromium

(CoCr) alloys.


Page 7: Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization

corrosion testing for a single device made of dissimilar met-als, the most common reasons cited for performing testingusing overlapped devices was to assess performance whenoverlap with another device is likely to occur during clinicaluse, and to assess effects of localized transient corrosionbehavior due to the overlap. The most common responsesagainst testing overlapped devices were difficulty in deter-mining with the galvanic couple to test and obtaining otherdevices (e.g., a competitor’s device) to use in the testing, andthat most alloys used in cardiovascular implants are close inthe galvanic series. Respondents were also asked to provideinformation on test practices for galvanic corrosion testing,and these are summarized in Table II.

Surface characterizationThe surface characterization session of the workshop andaccompanying preworkshop assignment focused on varioussurface characterization techniques, how they are used, andwhat information can be gained from these assessments fordevices made from stainless steel, nitinol, and cobaltchrome alloys. There were three general categories of sur-face characterization of interest: surface morphology, surfacechemistry, and depth profiling. The technique most com-monly used to assess surface morphology was scanningelectron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectros-copy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy for surfacechemistry, and XPS paired with sputtering to etch down thesurface and using a focused ion beam to create a cross-section of the surface paired with a surface chemistry tech-nique for depth profiling.

Responses regarding surface characterization usage foreach alloy are presented in Table III. The percentage shown foreach assessment technique is based on the total number ofresponses for each material type, which is displayed next toeach material-type label. The responses to the questionsregarding the general usage of surface characterization techni-ques are shown in Table IV. A common theme among theresponses was that once the manufacturing and material proc-essing has been established, the surface is not expected tochange, and other functional verification methods would iden-

tify surface defects. The cost of equipment, operating costs andmaintenance, lack of expertise, and insufficient work load fordedicated facilities were common reasons for contracting outsurface characterization. The small scan region and inability tocharacterize the entire surface area of a device using thesetechniques were the primary reasons respondents identifiedfor why an acceptance criteria based on surface characteriza-tion techniques would be inappropriate.

Nickel leachUnlike other functional testing used to evaluate the surface-mediated properties of nickel-containing alloys, such asASTM F2129 for pitting and crevice corrosion, there is nostandardized method for conducting these in vitro nickelleach assessments. In general, devices are immersed in solu-tion and the solution is sampled and analyzed to assess thenickel concentration at prescribed time points. However,because the methods are not standardized, one of the goalsof the preworkshop assignment was to assess the extent ofvariation in the test methodologies that are currently used.The responses indicated that there were consistenciesamong some of the test parameters. For example, all testingwas conducted on final, sterilized devices at 378C, primarilyusing PBS as the immersion medium, with 85% (n5 13) ofrespondents reporting using PBS. Testing was also generallyconducted in the absence of external mechanical loads, andthe solution pH and open circuit potential were not moni-tored. Also, 66% (n5 12) of respondents indicated that test-ing was only done under static conditions, that is, there wasno stirring or agitation of the solution during the testing.Seventy-seven percent (n5 13) of respondents used

FIGURE 5. A histogram of ASTM F2129 acceptance criteria (AC)

derived from the minimum breakdown (Eb) or breakdown minus rest

(Eb 2 Er) potentials used by respondents.

TABLE II. Current and Reported “Best Practices” for Galvanic

Corrosion Testing of a Single Device Containing Dissimilar


Do You Measure the Uncoupled

Potential Before and After?

n 5 20

Yes 50%No 25%Only before 25%Do you monitor the coupled potential? n 5 20

Yes 80%No 20%What is the endpoint of your test? n 5 19

Timea 79%Steady state current 21%What acceptance criteria do you use

for steady state current?

n 5 15

None 47%Rate of mass loss or corrosion rate 27%�4 nA/cm2b 27%How many samples do you use per test? n 5 18

Number of Samples† Number ofResponses

1 to 3 74 to 6 9>6 2

a 12–24 h was the most common time endpoint used; 11% (n 5 2) of

up to 72 h; 5% (n 5 1) of up to 6 daysb�3 nA/cm2 (n 5 3); 2–4 nA/cm2 (n 5 1) †Median 5 5



Page 8: Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization

inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) asthe analytical method, although some respondents reportedusing analytical methods with lower specificity and higherlimits of detection and quantitation, such as atomic emissionspectroscopy (ICP-AES) and optical emission spectroscopy(ICP-OES).

In contrast to consistencies identified across someparameters, there were wide variations in other key testparameters reported. Characteristics of the distributions oftest parameters that could be quantified are presented inTable V. The sample size, duration of the testing, and sam-pling frequency varied substantially. For example, responsesindicated that in vitro nickel release was evaluated for maxi-mum time periods ranging from 1 week to 1 year. These arethe extremes, however, with most responses indicating thattesting was conducted for anywhere from 30 to 90 daysdepending on the observed behavior. The testing was car-ried out until the transient behavior suggested nickelrelease rates were below a prescribed limit indicating sur-face stability, and this could be demonstrated in as little as30 days or may require 90 days or longer immersion time.There was also considerable variation in the number oftime points sampled to characterize both acute (�7 days)and chronic (>7 days) nickel release. For release occurringwithin the first week of immersion, sampling ranged fromdaily to only once. We note that even though the medianvalue for acute sampling was three, the time points selectedwere generally biased toward the first 3 days of immersionto accurately capture the initial leach rates, where the over-

all maximum release rate is expected. The same variabilityin the responses was also observed for chronic release sam-pling over the first 2 months of testing, which varied fromweekly to monthly.

In addition to the quantitative parameters summarized inTable V, other aspects of the testing were not consistent amongthe responses. For example, the method for retrieving the sam-ple from the solution was divided nearly evenly between twodistinct approaches. In the first approach, small aliquots wereremoved from the test container and replaced with an equiva-lent volume of fresh solution at each prescribed sampling timepoint. Alternatively, the entire solution was replaced at eachtime point by moving the device to a new test container withfresh solution. Eight percent (n512) of respondents reportedthe presence of precipitates in the solution during testing. Tovalidate the test method and address this potential issue, aspike and recovery test can be conducted. However, theresponses indicate that this is not currently a common practice,with only 33% (n5 12) of respondents indicating that theyperform similar validation studies.

In addition to typical testing protocols, respondentswere also asked to report nickel release rates from in vitrotesting, as well as any acceptance criteria established.Because responses were primarily restricted to testing con-ducted on nitinol devices, only those results are presented.Figure 6 shows the distributions of responses related to themeasured nickel release rates, which includes both the peakand chronic release rates. The reported values for the peakrelease rate range from 0.01 to 40 lg/day, with a medianvalue of about 0.3 lg/day. Further, the range of proposedacceptance criteria for peak release, with both minimumand median values of 35 lg/day and a maximum of 670lg/day, overlaps slightly with the range of measured values.Although peak release was observed primarily within 7

TABLE III. Surface Characterization Technique Usage in Terms of Overall Response and Per Material Type

Surface MorphologySurface Chemistry Depth Profiling

SEM (%) AES (%) XPS (%) XPS 6 Sputter (%) FIB (%)

Nitinol (n 5 17) 100 59 71 35 29SS (n 5 12) 92 42 42 17 17CoCr (n 5 7) 100 29 43 14 29

The percentage of usage is based on the total number of response for each material type and is displayed next to each material type label.

SS, stainless steel; SEM, scanning electron microscopy; AES, Auger electron spectroscopy; XPS, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; FIB,

focused ion beam

TABLE IV. Responses to Questions Regarding the Usage

Surface Characterization

Should Surface Characterization

Always be Performed?

N 5 19

Yes 7No 12Do you perform surface

characterization in house?

N 5 17

Yes 8No 9Do you contract out any surface

characterization work?

N 5 17

Yes 14No 3Should there be an acceptance criteria

based on surface characterization?

N 516

Yes 2No 14

TABLE V. Distributions of Quantifiable In Vitro Nickel Leach

Test Parameters

Median Minimum Maximum n

Number of devices 5 2 25 12Extraction ratio (cm2/mL) 1.0 0.1 6.0 7Maximum test

duration (days)60 7 365 13

Number of sample points,time�7 days

3 1 7 11

Number of sample points,7 days< time�60 days

3 1 5 8


Page 9: Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization

days, 83% (n512) of responses indicated that maximumrelease rates occurred within the first 24 h after testing wasinitiated. Figure 6, also illustrates that the chronic releaserates are an order of magnitude lower than the peak values,with median, minimum, and maximum values of 0.065,0.001, and 1.3 lg/day, respectively. These values are allbelow the 6–100 lg/day range of proposed acceptance cri-teria for this testing. The proposed acceptance criteria forchronic release were comparable to those specified for peakrelease, that is, greater than 35 lg/day, with the exceptionof the 6 lg/day limit, which was specified only for infants.

It is unclear from these data if the large variability isdue to material, device surface area or test protocol differ-ences. In order to make a comparison on a material basisbetween devices, the leaching rates should be normalizedby surface area. To facilitate such an analysis, FDA alsoasked respondents to report device surface area as part ofthe preworkshop assignment. The device surface areasreported ranged from 1 to 50 cm2. Based on this informa-tion, the nickel release rates were normalized where possi-ble. This resulted in a range of normalized peak releaserates of 3–1200 ng cm22 day21 (n5 9), suggesting a similar,large variation in the material response. For chronic release,the variability was reduced by the surface area normaliza-tion with a range of 1–26 ng cm22 day21 (n56). We notethat these ranges are consistent with previous literaturereports on nitinol materials with different processing histor-ies where the in vitro nickel release rates were assessedwith a consistent set of test parameters.44 This suggeststhat the observed variability is primarily due to differencesin device manufacturing and not test protocols.

Nickel toxicityIn addition to in vitro nickel leach testing performed, respond-ents were asked to provide information on in vivo nickel releaseassessments performed. Only 10% (n5 2) of respondents indi-

cated that they perform some type of in vivo assessment. Conse-quently, remaining questions on findings pertaining to in vivoassessments, as well as correlations with in vitro results werereturned largely unanswered.


The purpose of the 2012 workshop was to provide a forumfor the discussion of (1) various methods used for corrosionassessments, surface characterization techniques, and nickelleach testing of metallic cardiovascular implant devices, (2)the limitations of each of these tests to predict actualin vivo performance, (3) the need, utility, and circumstanceswhen each test should be considered, and (4) the potentialtesting paradigms, including possible acceptance criteria foreach test. The pre-workshop assignment served as the basisfor discussions. In addition to the above topics, best prac-tices for these various tests were discussed, as well asknowledge gaps.

The data provided by device manufacturers for thisworkshop gave insight into the nonclinical methods used toassess corrosion in medical devices. These data indicatedthat substantial variability existed in results from general(i.e., immersion testing) and localized (i.e., ASTM F2129)corrosion testing. In immersion testing, the peak nickelrelease rate for devices normalized by surface area had a400-fold difference between a device with the largest nickelrelease when compared with a device with the lowest nickelleach rate. Breakdown potentials in ASTM F2129 testing fornitinol devices also had substantial variability, and to alesser extent in stainless steel and cobalt-based alloys. Inter-estingly, some respondents did report breakdown values forcobalt chrome alloys although they are not expected toexhibit breakdown during ASTM F2129 testing.45 Discus-sants noted that these alloys exhibit transpassive behaviorthat may be misinterpreted as breakdown. The variability inbreakdown potentials may be attributed to differences insurface processing steps such as polishing, heat treatments,and passivation since respondents used many different finalfinishing steps to improve corrosion resistance. However,we also observed variability that was independent of finalsurface processing. For example, electropolished nitinoldevices had breakdown potentials (Eb) ranging from 0 mVto no breakdown and Eb 2Er potentials ranging from 200mV to no breakdown. These results indicate that even whenutilizing the same surface processing such as electropolish-ing, the process parameters used (e.g., solution composition,polarization conditions, electropolishing duration) mayaffect corrosion properties measured in vitro, and the inter-play between these variables needs to be fully understoodto optimize corrosion resistance. In addition, corrosionresistance of medical devices is sensitive to other factorssuch as design and processing differences. There is also apotential for additional variability due to differences in testmethod parameters, which may be minimized by the use ofstandards and common best practices.

Best practices for testing according to ASTM F2129 thatare not specified in the standard were noted in the course

FIGURE 6. Distributions of reported values from in vitro nickel leach

testing on nitinol devices and acceptance criteria. The plot indicates

the ranges of responses for the reported values (n 5 12) and proposed

acceptance criteria (n 5 6) for the peak nickel release rate as well as

the values (n 5 9) and acceptance criteria (n 5 7) for chronic release

rate. An open circle indicates the median value for each set of

responses. Note that the chronic release statistics (that is, minimum

value) only represent scenarios where finite (nonzero) numbers were




Page 10: Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization

of the workshop discussions, as well as the preworkshopassignment. Based on the responses, there was no indicationthat the alloy of the medical device drove the decision toperform postfatigue corrosion testing. While discussantshad disparate opinions on the value of performing postfa-tigue ASTM F2129 testing, the considerations surroundingthis testing were identified. A potential value of performingpost-fatigue ASTM F2129 is to assess corrosion susceptibil-ity of devices after they are damaged due to fatigue/fretting.However, discussants also noted the challenges in perform-ing ASTM F2129 testing on post-fatigue samples, such asthe potential effects of drying the sample (required to formthe electrical connections for the test setup), duration oftime between fatigue testing and ASTM F2129 testing, stor-age condition of samples for this duration, limited numberof samples, and general lack of a standardized test methodfor handling postfatigue samples. These challenges confoundthe test results and may render them uninterpretable. Sev-eral discussants noted that assessing corrosion visuallypostfatigue may be more informative than ASTM F2129testing, and some indicated that both visual assessment andASTM F2129 testing would be useful. Specifically, damage tothe coating/covering of devices due to fatigue testing wouldnot otherwise be assessed if only prefatigue samples areused. Conversely, other discussants noted that the potentialapplied via ASTM F2129 testing is greater than in vivo andwould artificially bias areas of damage with a localizedincrease in current density. Some discussants noted thatfundamentally, if the repassivation behavior of the damageddevice is of interest, ASTM F2129 is not an appropriate testto assess this behavior.

Current practices for in vitro nickel leach testing werealso the subject of extensive discussion during the work-shop. While the sampling approach used was nearly dividedin the pre-workshop assignment responses between takingan aliquot or replacing all of the media at each time point,discussants emphasized that the key consideration shouldbe maximizing the driving force for leaching, that is, using asufficiently large solution volume to device surface arearatio, while maintaining solution concentrations that can bedetected with available analytical methods. This is in con-trast to typical extractions prepared for biocompatibilitytesting (e.g., ISO10993 series of tests), where a relativelylarge surface area to volume ratio is used to obtain concen-trated leachant solutions. It was also noted that a low solu-tion concentration is not necessarily a limiting factor,because nickel is nonvolatile, and therefore, it is possible toconcentrate the solutions after sampling. Also, due to thelow nickel concentrations in typical test solutions, it wassuggested that inductively coupled plasma mass spectrome-try (ICP-MS) is the preferred analytical technique because itis the most sensitive. Using proper controls, specificallyspike recovery and blank testing, were identified as essen-tial to validate both the analytical methods and test configu-ration. This validation testing can obviate concerns withcontainer contamination, evaporative loss, and the potentialfor nickel to precipitate out of solution. Further, acidifyingthe samples prior to characterization was suggested by dis-

cussants to ensure the total amount of nickel, not just solu-ble nickel, is captured and to circumvent concerns withcontainer-material selection due to adsorption. Because it isnot possible to acidify the solution for intermediate timepoints when sampling aliquots of the immersion solution,the measured nickel release may not be as accurate com-pared with whole solution replacement at each time point.The time frame of the test and sampling were also dis-cussed. Discussants suggested that testing should be con-ducted until steady state behavior can be demonstrated andthat a duration of 30 days is a common initial benchmarkfor assessment. If steady state is not obtained within thistime, the test should be extended until steady state isachieved. Discussants also suggested that the ability to cap-ture the steady state should be reflected in the samplingfrequency, by sampling more frequently at early timeswhere the transient is the largest. Finally, the utility of thistesting postfatigue was questioned because of challengessuch as contamination and potential inadvertent damage tothe device due to handling, and because the samples arecloser to an equilibrium state postfatigue, the release ratesare almost always lower than testing performed prefatigue.

There was a clear concern expressed at the workshopthat the majority of test methods discussed do not correlatewell with in vivo performance. These concerns spanned testenvironment, acceptance criteria, as well as general applic-ability. With regards to corrosion testing per ASTM F2129;when asked if they had concerns with the limitation of thecurrent corrosion test methods, 75% of respondents indi-cated that they did. The majority of these respondents citedthe lack of in vivo performance correlation with the testresults, specifically, how the breakdown potential deter-mined by the testing relates to clinical/in vivo performanceof a device. When asked if there should be acceptance crite-ria based on surface characterization, the majority indicatedthere should not be, citing that surface characterization is alocal technique making it impractical to scan the entiredevice, and a lack of correlation between surface characteri-zation results and in vivo performance. The discrepancybetween in vitro and in vivo nickel release profiles was alsodiscussed. Limited studies of serum nickel concentrationafter implantation of cardiac occluders and spinal fixationdevices46–48 showed peak levels at approximately 1 monthor up to 2 years post-implantation and remained abovebaseline for several months to years postimplantation,respectively. In contrast, the majority of respondents indi-cated that in vitro release peaked by 24 h and dropped tonear detection limit levels by about 7 days. Discussantsnoted challenges in assessing serum nickel levels in patientsdue to the low concentrations and confounding effects ofenvironmental sources of nickel, and that animal studieswith controlled exposure to nickel may be more suitable.Better correlation of nickel ion release kinetics from devicesin vitro and in vivo would allow a more accurate assessmentof potential patient exposure to nickel based on in vitronickel leach testing results. Alternatively, discussants alsosuggested that it may be more practical to develop anin vitro test for nickel release with good precision and


Page 11: Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization

benchmark the amount of nickel release from devices withgood clinical performance, rather than to attempt to developan in vitro test that more closely mimics in vivo releasekinetics.

While there is a lack of in vivo correlation with theresults from these in vitro tests, the tests do provide impor-tant insight into the behavior of the device. By combiningthe results of multiple tests, along with a better understand-ing of manufacturing and processing techniques, a morecomprehensive picture of anticipated in vivo performancecan be elucidated. It should be noted that no single standar-dized testing paradigm was identified. Some discussantssuggested that the testing paradigm should be different fordevices made of alloys with a good clinical history of usethan those made from novel alloys, where additional charac-terization testing such as surface assessments may be war-ranted. While the majority of respondents perform ASTMF2129 corrosion testing, there was no dominant opinion onwhether in vitro nickel leach testing should only be per-formed when corrosion test results are poor or marginal, orregardless of corrosion testing outcomes since the two testsassess different device performance characteristics. Severaldiscussants noted that surface assessments are characteriza-tion tests rather than device performance tests, and arebest suited to assess why a device may have poor corrosionresistance and/or high nickel release. Discussants indicatedthat the testing needed is ultimately dependent on the riskanalysis for the device. As another use of ASTM F2129 cor-rosion testing, some discussants indicated that it may be asuitable initial screening tool when manufacturing changesare made that may impact the device’s surface properties.

ASTM F2129 does not specify acceptance criteria andemphasizes comparison to other devices with a history ofsuccessful clinical use. Although workshop discussants gen-erally indicated that this was a valid approach, difficulty inobtaining comparison devices was also noted. Establishmentof fixed acceptance criteria would eliminate the need toobtain comparison devices. In 2004, Corbett published pro-posed acceptance criteria for ASTM F2129.31 Since publica-tion, industry has debated what the minimum breakdownpotential should be to prevent corrosion in vivo. With>40% of respondents setting their minimum acceptablebreakdown potential to be within the “marginally accept-able” range proposed by Corbett, it appears that a large per-centage of respondents believe the proposed acceptancecriteria are overly conservative. Since there is limited pub-lished information on the dynamic electrochemical environ-ment that drives corrosion in vivo, it is unclear what anacceptable in vitro threshold to prevent corrosion in vivoshould be. The lack of correlation between in vitro testingand in vivo corrosion is a significant knowledge gap in thisfield. To determine suitable acceptance criteria for ASTMF2129 testing, controlled studies are needed to establishthe breakdown potentials that result in device pitting for itsintended environment.

The relative lack of response to nickel toxicity-relatedquestions in the preworkshop assignment may partly reflectthe lack of clear data on the attribution and frequency of

adverse events due to nickel released by metallic implants.Currently, no data in the literature could be found that sug-gests nephrotoxicity due to nickel ion release occurs inpatients with cardiovascular metallic implants, and discus-sants indicated that the exposure to nickel ions needed tocause kidney damage is much higher than amounts releasedby implants, based on in vitro results reported in the work-shop. Discussants also noted that nickel allergy-relatedevents are rare in cardiovascular implants, and can often beresolved with medical management as also reported in asurvey of interventional cardiologists (n556 respondentsand n5 1600 cases).49 The majority of clinical studiesreporting nickel allergy to cardiovascular implants as thecause of clinical symptoms determined nickel allergy byusing patch testing, which is currently the most widely usedmethod. However, as discussants noted at the workshop,patch testing may not be an appropriate predictor of sensiti-zation response to an implant since the mechanism ofresponse is different between dermal exposure and expo-sure to an implant via other routes.50 It was also noted thatthe reported incidence of nickel sensitivity to implantsappears to be much lower than the incidence of generalnickel sensitivity in the population. Development of assess-ment methods for the presence of local and/or systemicallergic reaction would aid in the determination of the truerate of metal ion allergy-induced adverse clinical events.Discussants also noted that a knowledge gap exists inunderstanding the form of nickel, that is, released byimplants. These may include particulates, nickel ions, andsoluble or insoluble nickel compounds, and the form mightvary by device use and surface characteristics. Despite theseknowledge gaps, a limit for nickel exposure would be usefulto assess results from in vitro nickel leach testing.

Through the Cardiovascular Metallic Implants workshop,current test methods to assess corrosion susceptibility,nickel leach, and surface characteristics were identified, aswell as the range of acceptance criteria used for some ofthese tests, and range of test outcomes.* Many knowledgegaps were identified, and these were primarily focused oncorrelation of in vitro test results with in vivo or clinicaloutcomes, and acceptance criteria for these in vitro tests.Nevertheless, workshop participants confirmed the utility ofin vitro corrosion testing, as well as nickel leach testing andsurface characterization in certain situations (e.g., use of anew alloy or when manufacturing of components is out-sourced, and determination of the cause of poor corrosionresistance or high nickel release, respectively). Based on theinformation obtained through this workshop, select sectionsof the 2010 Non-Clinical Engineering Tests and Recom-mended Labeling for Intravascular Stents and AssociatedDelivery Systems guidance document were updated.†

*Additional information on the workshop including complete tran-

scripts and select presentations can be found at http://onlinelibrary.






Page 12: Current practices in corrosion, surface characterization


The authors thank the medical device manufacturers, testhouses, and members of academia who have graciously takenthe time and resources to complete the preworkshop assign-ment and/or participate in the workshop. We would also like toacknowledge the organizing committee of the workshop com-prised of the following personnel from the FDA Center forDevices and Radiological Health: Ashley Boam, Ron Brown, Dr.Kenneth Cavanaugh, Dr. Rosalie Elespuru, Jennifer Goode, Dr. Nic-ole Ibrahim, Dr. Lisa Lim, Susan Monahan, and Dr. Terry Woods.

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