vl THE SUN SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 13 1903 PARIS MODEL GOWNS Schemes of Winter Dress Now- on Trial DOUBT ABOUT STREET SKIRTS Heavy Stuffs Not Adapted to the Prevailing Modes ioliiiroiiiUe Suggested to Make liflopu ylbHlni4 ninl Wiiol Avail olilr Vnrlcl and Read of Ihr n- TrlmiiiliiK Tito Hiiro Iart KKJI- Pclfll sijllsli V Mulllnllrlty or Frill mill lliiiinccn nn tin Until or nnn- Hiiyors merchants aced dressmakers have no fur boon liu persons most inlfrrstod HUtiniiii fashions hilt the women who nro- Iti thn city are beginning I grow onthu- hinstli over ihirfoiiH unil crowds of other women tar pouring into town from the resorts nil with minds Intent upon the planning of coolweuthor outfits TV most InsliioMibli people will not drift cityward until Xovomlior lint ufli r all they manly adopt established modes 1 I i tar Ii SI J I i S lIfl r Goods t ii ill II it J 1 > > > ° and Imve little to do with creating thorn Tho French dressmakers nod Parisian women are ho fountain head of fashion and even in Paris September i but a season of experiment Many a mode that has already been launched autocrats high in dressmaking mules will not be able to ride the waves of feminine favor and will Rink out of sight before the winters styles nro fairly settled Tho Parisian dressmakers proposo and the women who wear the frocks dispose and the earliest models merely indicate what tho makers would like to have accepted not what will be accepted However the chance are that a majority of the ideas for which the famous firms vouch will obtain favor and the neasons frocks are very likely to follow the general lines Indicated in tho early models Just how Americans will receive these models I t by ti i j t < Is always a puzzling question in which the roach makers aro deeply interested It was one of tho great men of the Paris fashion world who said frankly that Ameri- can ladies and French demimondaines wore the most profitable patrons of the Parisian dressmaking establishments and while the association is somewhat startling it was meant In compliment to our country- women for the Parisian dernimondaino Is the most perfectly gowned woman in the world Since American patronage is essential to French dressmakers prosperity a decided effort is made to satisfy American taste and the arbiters of the modes long ago dispovered that Americans could not bo bullied into adopting an extreme fashion unless by chance the idea happened to appeal to thorn Modes havo been suc- cessful In Paris which absolutely could not find a hold horn despite all efforts to make them popular and it is an acknowledged fact in tho Parisian ateliers thot French I t the I f I t I I I ¬ ¬ ¬ ktylir rnilsl ordinarily l mutinied to unit Auirieiii ill Nit Hint tliMAinorloaii woman who in tin 1urlnianV only riiil rival In tin art of diiBuig tn r own i nlioiit- ilollios mill iisUtM upon following Iliuwi- niOoHM n iiiindnililn extent llciid tin1 foreign fu liinti joiiriiiilr nnd note Ii lofnroicett to ilm Ariuri- BiUi InoiitjV Aiiierliin coil7ilie Ilm- AiiiTciin wilkiin Ac Cio Into a dt la millinery h p inil citr- Uudiiniu cu iiniil upon tin uiliiiiulioiw of o I II till I bus tons r Ilrgmp skirl i mix r w- r > hat linen to American taste Talk with any of the Place VmdAnie dressmakers alnjut the stubboniiiesH of American patrons Von will find the some everywhere IA tulle tmrriraine to Paris fur her fashions and alters them her own Mow All of which if merely by way if empha- sizing tint fuel that ninny of the mod on view at the Fashion Show and in tin estab- lishments of various Importer will never 1m exactly duplicated for wear by well ilrocml American women yet American taste ho been considered in collection and a large pro ortlim of the Ideas illus- trated will lie hero without change Tho Parisian has accepted nil 1STO details without protont but tin straight skirt full from the wnistbnml till straight ruflleH time skirt pelerine the balloon sloovis and I hi high girdle have miiile slowly here Fven now then is question as to the extent to which the full skirt anil the horizontal trimming- will bo accepted fur winter wear Orlya slender lull wonau wears them supremely well urd for lln beicflt of the short and fat liire will doubtless bo com- promise For the drowsy gown in very soft arterial th full straight skirt IIIIM unquestionably been adopted hero by the bestdrewrd- womenbut thnskirt yoke which has almost difnpprared in Paris still holds here mid gowns mitdo with skirts full from t tin hand a re Mill in ilm mir though Burning favor A narrow plain parol or Hat plait down skirt front mattes concession to the straighttrot figure and a number of the best attain this same result by using a trail rOt hori AlllaI trillllllill tIll out sug- gestion to suit i lie nay sum consider- able fit vur y the ni lei ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + down the middle of the front A few skirts fulled all around are shown but they are exceptions Just what will bo done with street skirts remains to bo seen The popular zibullnea and other wool goods duo surprisingly light in weight and soft in texture but even so they are awkward when handled with niuoli fulnws For tho walking frock and mannish tailor suit tilt flaring plain skirt of many gores will doubtless solve problem on this side tho water and when plaited skirts are the plaits will be kept Hat down to the knees In Paris some zibulinea and cloths are being made with the very full skirts but there are various compromise models Tho double triple or manyflounced skirt promises to hold its prestige but in the heavy stuffs the flounces aro very closely fitted each flaring just enough to follow the sweep of tho cleverlycut foundation I The deepshaped flounce so long a favor lie Is not now considered chile yet fa as till used much In evidence ns over only masquerad- ing an n pnrt of lire skirt That is a meaty form limn lower plot of a fitted skirt lot It must bo so trimmed tint it will appear to bo nn Integral part of the skirt sweep rather them a sep- arate flounce flroups of nuns plaits at the bottom nt the place whore the flounco Joins tire body of tho skirt anti again at some distance above will accomplish thn desired result read any horizontal linn trimming may bo tried In tie sumo way Soutncho braid Is to bn much used upon street suits and it makes an excellent horizontal trimming for tho uliiipod skirt It is muilo In tho popular silk fibre and In all modish shades and a good off vl is or silk contrasting in color with tho frock material instead of applying it diiwlly on tho frock lire brnld should on I he upper edge lint left fico at tin lovvor idg so that Intern Is a cluinco fur a glint of tits under color to show Hornet iuicx Instead if liking ono row ot souliiclio in thin fashion rows of naironor vldtli- nr1 upon Ilm luind of lirighlcolorod- tlotli or nllU a lialrliiii nt lln color icing On rt fr xk of murk bluo wrgo saws of black Foiiluclic n t upon a laud of oruriK or bright cud cloth uiu cffccllic yet LUll shnpncl the nlltlllll1 hv it ufuxl a hnlldnf clnti stllrhed WIt 141 s sweep- ing turn mca wrttlog Ire w fi ers l hrl I Iilinwed lu show bet srvm IbIil- I Ie are 61 ee fs YA ¬ ¬ ¬ < bright color shows so little that it i In no way conspicuous Tho nsw and passementeries are legion and limid Is combined with every- thing from fur to late Bias bands of plaid silk with Iwtidn of braid time two conmvlod by ingot stitching are a novelty amid bails of role fagotisi to braid In the saino fashion are another develop- ment of tin cone Idea Fine gimpn outline the design in heavy laces amid edge band trimmings of null imaginable sorts Wonderful rondo by many kiln of silk braid in combination cords peruisntc frog mewls fringes nro In profusion Much is done with cutout too tit trimming Mmlolni work cloth buttonholed in color and plain cloth cut out designs are In high favor nnd hands of cut out cloth applied on cloth of contrasting color are onVrcd intho shopsor may lip fashioned expressly for tho Individual eostumo Cloth lace mode of cut out designs in braids loin wit II aileron thr g r sod u ¬ ¬ cloth woven together with loco stitches- in heavy silks or wools is another cloth trimming of which the French designers seen to be particularly fund U enters into the malting of ninny of the cloth model frocks and is much used in trimming tho coats of lung haired zlhellne plush or fur Tins cloth lace idea is also introduced into some of the cloth patterns Chenille is extensively used in tassels fringe embroidery and In combination with other materials in handsome passe menteries Embroideries in shaded chenille robe ¬ upon cloth nrH often very beautiful hurt novelty in embroidery Is padded wool embroidery which ornaments some of the smartest cloth model frocks and coats Wool embroidery on silk or chiffon is chief Ire the hctvy shown and garnitures of wool embroidery with fringe or pendants in wool and silk ruin striking These garnitures are frequently carriiil out in a mixture of many blending rotors and the fancy for variegated or multicolored effects finds expression in it hoot of ways six or seven colors yonietiinta ciitcring into the color scheme of one costume Prominent mining the novel dross is a Persian lamb trimming which U- madu of black silk fibre and is a very good imitation It is used in hard trimmings In medallions sot III with heavy lace or braiding anti is a part of souse of the hand- somest passementeries The fibre laces otTer another field for the successful silk fibre and these laces in Cluny patterns arc Inking tilt place cf tile uncut thread Cliny so popular during the summer The silk fibre laces take all colors well and ore charming in tho delicate tints colored to mulch light hiiitl frock material One of the most successful gowns nmong the French models nt the Fashion Show War on re- new decorat- ions ¬ in piiio mauve niiDir i mpi with u limning of silk Illiir Cry in exactly Ibo sliado of HID rifcpo l wlnic gray nnd wiring colored llbri iin ip sliol culors aro JIIIIOIIK ili MW boons of llii lfiiidiOiiicM of In iiii opted Venn Inn with rings iiyil mixed cffci IH unil for IIM with thtBU luciH uiu bull curd irliiiintiigM mid with drugs Inlelel had I Imil ugh grT i tlolh unumlngr sery hlli here elebnnueil hur tuna limn > pendants of all sort corresponding to ruined ornaments on the lace Marratnri or string low I tho feature upon other cloth or velvet models and especially upon fur and plush gannrntn The wool lams too have their but have not o far been able to rival the fibre lace Tho thin and delicate laces have by no means been elbowed aside but they ne- narily give plum to heavier varieties in the trimming of winter cloths sod are re- served for the morn sheer stuffs Chantilly and hold their own and Valen- ciennes will keep the tremendous vogue it ncquirod tins summer being used in tiny frills In edging in niching and frequently combined with other IIICOH of heavier quality the multiplicity of frills and flounces in the gowns of ciepe voile chifTon moiw- selino Ac absolutely demands n narrow and dainty edging and Valenciennes- is the Ideal stuff for the purpose It makes plan Ice aft r A late ¬ ¬ also the ideal niching for tho wavy scroll duslgns which are the trimming for so many of the straight full 1830 skirts One of frocks illustrated in a small out hero has such a skirt tho scroll pattern being worked out in ruchin B of creamy Valenciennes upon the full straight falling skirt of rom color moussoline The single purplice fichu and full sleeves of the bodice aro trimmed in narrow frills of The apparent simplicity of a majority- of the new skirts in sheer materials must be exasperating to the dressmakers who wrestle with tho problem of giving these full straight skirts tine proper lures A chiffon skirt sketched hero falls from a shirred yoke and is trimmed at tho bottom only with long irregular lace motifs inset Another mina four nuns plaits running around the bottom and above them a broad band of heavy lace with narrow taffeta straps which button to the upper- most nuns plait Two more of these horizontal plaits appear above the lace band This model by the way a particularly modish ono It is of fine red voile of the now stiado called heraldry and with tho skirt already described it tins n blouse the draped shoulder hood of whioh has lace rev ers strapped in taffeta TIe sleeve is full above a long lace ruff silkstropped the little guimpo and collar are of lace and on the front of the bodice are two big squaro taffeta rows the lower having long las Belled ends Mews of cue shade or another are used lavishly upon the now frocks and strappings into employed upon both street frocks and dressy frocks Plain cloth strapped in sills silk strapped in cloth late strapped u the ¬ strapped In cloth lire nil in view Pipings of velvet or silk are wen every ¬ where and a lino of piping in bright orange panne subdued by it line of black silk piping is one of tho notes of color relief nest frequently soundd Plaid pipings on plaiatono goods iinvsinotlicr trimming fancied crud Indent with Parisians plaids hive assumed much important both In dress stuffs and in trimmings lioautlfiil plaid effects am achiovid In the note ztbiliiicK Ills touts holing so sub- dued and so blended that tine material Is in no pray glaring or conspicu- ous In olher wools too thorn bun at- tractive plaids niul t ho plaid hand- somer than cti bcfoio Told ribbons wide or narrow HIP most successful trimmings lull an sol on nt Mat blindbin dors and skirt bunds or in narrow widths form little ruoliings to In Impost upon plain mill Deep girdles nf folded tartan sole supply Ilio only gny ember iiKin SOIIIM chic lilllo bolero cull skirt models in plain dark serge or cloth wild as inns bran said before bins bonds of plalit silk fugotod to bands of fibre braid make a prwtly trimming for a dark frock Broad plaid ribbon Is sometimes laid run lines of narrow black velvet ribbon A corresponding bnnil but narrow is sol- on tire skirl at the knees and Hut trimming Is repented liHill Ism liodlci- Checks vihllo riol so Hipuliir an they have been during the umner ur sera unsung the anliiiiiii silks aid woollens ruin Ilio check liiffotHH will m- Ono new model of HUH kind Is in miniv and or rasps purpU snit white iiinJ u made in qiiuint oldworld all jt klllly till oil till botinm a on it are I I I worn kin role If eel Ihrnugll II silks run of skirt unit I are sell ftnish the slider she kwl while ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ fashion with a full skirt on which four narrow straight ruffles arw at wide Inter vats rack ruffle headed by milliners foldA yoke formed of bias tends of the silk fagoted togetlior nnd bertha In deep scallops of embroidery and law are on full hams and the sleeves am very extreme being composed of two very full balloon nifties of tho silk to the elbow anti standing out aggres- sively over an Inner puff of embroidered batiste Sleeves formed of ruffles or triy frills are on a great munlier of the dressy frocks and corroNponding frills often saver the entire bodice the top frill running all around the toollotago like a shallow bertha This monde is charmingly slinpo and at truclivo in an evening frock of chiffon inouRnolliio or other sheer Muff and doc away with the nerowlty of expensive trimming A bodice model of this typo illustrated among the sketches here a broad INI ml of if its full skirt above four little ruffles a narrow ruffle with heading bordering the top of the lace and falling over It but the skirt might quits as well have been trimmed solely by a number of corresponding with thorn on tho bodice Surely tho debutantes and young girls should have appropriate arid charming dancing frocks and ovenina frocks thus for all thiva frills and ruchingR and art particularly youthful and there is a surfeit of rheor dainty youth- ful fabrics from which to choose Applique flowers of chiffon lightly at- tached at ore point and hanging loosely set a hal ill the has lace reach- ing frills se neat a shin rings ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ are greatly liked OH trimming for evening gowns and hand painting figures on some of the most exquisite of the imported evening frocks in chiffon mouFpclIni soft silk and crepe Tho now ear if popplhle lovelier than those of last sea- son old no material in market Kiirpafw them in hearty of texture and color The meteor cieH mid tho cropos di chino elaborately hand embroidered art boautlful beyond duscriplioi Ombre or rrt pas sinner ¬ shaded ereiips Ion are marvels of exquisite coloring Xow India and China silkn of remarkably fume quality and embroidered in designs in self color err mot d tdrnblo for house frocks ten gowns Ac and like or pe lend thta ovo to the most be- wildering handwork f hirrinps llounnings- pulTlng tucliings aitl mo graceful even in the most voliiniinoiis foltln A very Foft and supple moire In light shades is to have corKld rnblo vogue for evening frocks ard efiVcts lire nu deb Inch nn ¬ ¬ umorg the finny silks Sill griii- aril sill nets II plain color nnd- HowiHid will luoi fiifliioiiHliln Iliiin- ovor and HIP pfirlm ihn roost diirnblo- of tin1 light ulry fnbrio A pluid sills IniHiiiicriililrt gauzy fllk re put forward iindi r odd i nnn and Ilio flowered Ibnura art to rtluUi their rummer jir wtli iiI I nhuN IT I rnlllllit IIr1 Imo rons f r nut ml grnr ads a Is lie Ime- srirllrnl P II Julies tissues > NEW CREATIONS IN HAIR GOODS Drsicnrl to meet IIr mow advunml l lfas of tooil tute and oo- trnt stile tile ttimlnt Pompadours fr Curly Bangs Wavy Coiffures Gray Hair Wigs WIOS TOUPEES FOR GENTLEMEN Hair Uniting Sal Tntmtai Htlr Toaki Powder Ifovtn 54 14th Street near 6lh Ave Ne r Vork sea m p HA West lot Y wuuu- uIIuIIII << > TIll flower d tdgis are larger than ever and consequently not liocomirK to all figures but they are delightfully artistic and HIIIW of the defigns in blurretl colors a leek ground are enough to tempt ever II short fat woman into buying them Xibellnes broadcloths and Scotch suit logs of all kinds lend the list in heavy fabric bud line woman who has a severe tailor suit of neutral hued Scotch mixed wool shot through with mil of bright color and an afternoon gown of fine broad- cloth or plain yibelitio mny rest content with her equipment for outofdoor wear The fanny zilwlinos are stunning but one might easily tiro of thorn and that is a point to M considered by limn womnn of limited means between broadcloth and flue plain fnr n dressy cloth frock the conservative would IKI for cloth The zlbflho is new fashionable and beautiful hilt broadcloth In always correct always gives an Impression of oleganco and in Its prurient perfec- tion of quality is morn adapted the modes of the day than tlio ziholines though the latter aro surprisingly soft and fine in text- ure this season There is the usual cry that blouses sod boleros rune going out but till French model frocks show many boleros and blouse serenely turning out new models by the thousand The prevalence of time yoke is the newest feature of the tailored upon A quirt soft s zilr linn vote makers are ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > blouses or shirt waists in fnce cloth flannel AcThn yoke him come ns a response to the demand fur a lung shoulder lino though In Homo of the blouses the effect is obtained much ingenuity is within the circumscribed limits allotted to the tailored shirt waist The group of blouses sketched in tho largo cut is fairly representative and illus- trates a number of the best yoke and cravat ideas Clntli in fine quality is time matiti for all of these models but tine French flannels and velveteens of the season make attractive waists mud there is a boautlful and varied assortment of mercerized vest- ing and cheviots offorod for mol weather shirt waists Somo of tlieso mercerized vesting In dark plaids nheoks Ac1 aro not intended for the tub but heavy white tub waists will bo universally worn this winter by the women who affect smut waists all tint year round Shirt waist jackets in broadcloth or IIy the of epaulettes amid IIi plIld R I use ¬ ¬ flannel urn matin for slipping mi over iliin shirt wall mid very ohio iilTmrs to show an much nn possible of lie shirt- waist airs fiirnlshiiiK itildltionil wiirniMi Thy nro little runts tight lining in H- nhnikcut down like the waistcoat of a IIUIIH evening vat In front IxlUd nnd fiiriiisli tl with tabbed busipiis very full nlonve ends at thn dhow broad tnniliiiclt cull not tIt rmmdnd- i or Inllaillilsh llic ciiil In scarlet grf ii or blue iMiffs revtiH nnd melt liliick moire such is lilisl- ullniclivi fur n oiil fil wivtrir Till inMttrn Tuit noiti A Irelll IniuiK lliMitiin III n tlliitlox Tliln- Ihif Hllli Molilin lotiMiic In- ThTo urn rend il nion- triJlorri one was i jirelty young woiiniii who wins domonslnillng In a xliovs window li Hm shopping the nllliiy of a now oui iidour run b- UK n hubuliliite for Mm familiar nil To operate the diinirislnilDr hell In window 8 buss flguro of n jr ic g WOIIIHII Mi figure md n prelly facer that wnn bv ihiiiKM nr limit the demonstrators own Ill I In II vii It of u dIIICfIlt lilt III V pry II kII inn line r s IIr marl runt loss fins must nIr I I one tier ill lien lib nlmon > > > > read limn I a r was of the sane hi o The demonstrator held up Dm comb- at the center of window and then to one side and then to the other for Inspection the people outsideand f hi district Hie innjoriir of the onlookers were women and then she rrmilxil out with II softly the hair on the hall of Ibo figure then set i n ill In figures hnd where otherwise n rat might Imve Iren worn and then proccfdcd deftly 10 dicss ilm over it n minute more or liss huh quickly anyway she had Ilm pompadour on figure coiuplctitl ilnti stepped buck a little to let the llgure centre of tint si age Thou if yOU Ink from il to her ns you were pretty sure to do noticed Hint slip wore a precisely Ike tine whlili lad just made what with their like feature as well the demonstrator nnd the figure might rnflly have lien imagined to bo a pair of pretty sisfom Then when the figure produced iti full effect on the n the lenionslrator would step forward niiin and unfold tin from the comb and remove thn find hold it HRiiin ns before nt the front of the nnd then at tits side and then at then she would set it in place once morn and again proceed to arrange the figures over it and this she would do over over again hurt always calmly nnd gently never hurrying and never a crowd LVXtitlKfi 011 SKinAXTS Private laths and Nultrs for Them la Rome of the Newfst Holism Tire now palaces built in this city every do not luxuries for their owners alopo Tire employees cue also loomed after and for their com- fort to a degree never known anywhere ono of tho now houses on an uptown street near Fifth avenue the men servant quarters consist of three small rooms on the top floor Adjoining them is a small tiled room with a shower a plunge path and sprays In the same room are thrpo basins in order that the men may all simultaneously if they want to tho entrance hall in another sleeping room for a man servant and it has ns light and air us any in the house in addition to having a private rooms for the women servants on the top floor and accommodate six They ore so arranged that two in cadi room and l vo the use of a bathroom- In addition to these apartments there are two roosts and a bath to be by any servant who happens to be Ill These two rooms aro so that a servant in them may be quarantined as completely- as if out of and separated trans n dressing room Li apart- ment of the head nurse Is of course with its private bath Near the room of the the house in the room of her maid and it has the same con- veniences as the others Thus rue the servants of the wealthy housed When it Is taken Into considera- tion that these rooms tire in order with needful thu housekeeper the lot of time household servant the States seems mere desirable than ever Most houses in which a large staff of trr- nntsaro employed have also a sitting rooms for their Of course not nil rf limo now houses built now have such ni equipment as this Unit It is intended for n married only n year ago Time brides mother us and it will cost SIWOCOO when cnii pletetl- CWViT ISLAXlfS AIlKTITKH- eeoritHreakliiK iinsiirnptlun tf Fran Iurtrrn homier thread and llrrr- Conoy Island holds the worlds record for the daily consumption of bread frunkfurtrs clam chowder cold beer The sale of frankfurters geiif ruliy eaten by tine visitors whim walking rl n the street is estimved at CO DO u week restaurant kvpoi on Suf ivitiuc in said to Prior to the rigid oforc jini or tlie- exclce lw end tlie compulsory hcrvie on Sundays of a weal with every gloss of beer lima lc f brvadslulf was much loss than il is now Since tape Dottier took command LllWl loaves of bread 1WU pounds of crirkors nnd HOiCKi rolls the regular weekly consumption average hotel iuulei u frojn jlKI to every Sunday morning Tlie vale of cliiin in wdirit Oiney Islnml Iris increased at riMiiarkabK1 rate Not loss than 75000 gallons is sold every woe nt tlu various stands b is at I sliiicki the bejiclt to of I liu quantity sold in th lintels served with Another article of food in Inrgn quantities nt Coney Inland is Sot fewer than cuts of roast heel nand the accOiipnnyinit rolls in sold ivory week during the wiisnr lint conMimrit Ion of beer at conev Nlaiil is salt to be line grcnicst kroMi sumiiier isort in the world Corlnin il thai that is no other in Mi I niii- StftlMs whirr stem loioWi o hoer Hre snlil in w ck during summer Tliis iiiitieiiM lifter is nol furnisliHil by any mo lrewcrv of course All I lie niisl popiilur lire In be loiind nit tin rermil- niul ionirmphtixl ruiirlt ltrr nt n luiil immure ilialrr Till MllllTI Hlli Mk HM 1 i VIIITItill U I III el li tin n IP i if uir ii nil I JOHN H rVOODIIUKV I I UJ potl HMfft hall IN t hall in wine r w hall year elf wail n are used I he hal t w i I O art a r alI ole rot wldl Iac one tine nine 1Tum Irluul n qtr I r I II I II l 1111 10 p d t 1 I I I II hl I 1111 1 i Pm- p a- tl I f I Ip i I l H I II j 10 r 0 I 111I1 011 I I f flulLY IJI51110 fr C s P 1 L1l1I lime the Irvin Inn nil h the she min d- up she floss for rIeMinn than arri ball Adjoining alit diversion gay r sell injiuKi r wait s I mini andwi lies yes nu ant es I rim Innis Ins miii nt 1 rnaelrnr r of IIi evl d Lnre- Prat 11 lyres ti- t moor rrllr nrmud Ir 4 ss- pnIUlamn lit Ier ua lu i win r burr r fl 1ni i the nnb II n lino nn Ihr tturn wall a suer rrirn1- I i n Vr fur bn inn unseal aol clam u n Inn Intl Irbnlrlul n gntrer mind nrtn Irj ur n Irr a sod gun IrInUnnB IAIa II- Indn n- nOfflya S i Iur Ini nt a Ill pie r II l u6ll or- nabox IIn II nr Ft- rnI Iii r er u w J timsl- i lIi uCe I murk me i aur Invrl Are Aro Its en uundred sJ M11IM < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > + +

Curly Bangs Wavy Hair Wigs - Chronicling Americavl THE SUN SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 13 1903 PARIS MODEL GOWNS Schemes of Winter Dress Now- on Trial DOUBT ABOUT STREET SKIRTS Heavy Stuffs Not

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    Schemes of Winter Dress Now-on Trial


    Heavy Stuffs Not Adapted to thePrevailing Modes

    ioliiiroiiiUe Suggested to Make liflopuylbHlni4 ninl Wiiol Avail

    olilr Vnrlcl and Read of Ihr n-

    TrlmiiiliiK Tito Hiiro Iart KKJI-Pclfll sijllsli V Mulllnllrlty or Frillmill lliiiinccn nn tin Until or nnn-

    Hiiyors merchants aced dressmakers haveno fur boon liu persons most inlfrrstodHUtiniiii fashions hilt the women who nro-Iti thn city are beginning I grow onthu-hinstli over ihirfoiiH unil crowds of otherwomen tar pouring into town from theresorts nil with minds Intent upon theplanning of coolweuthor outfits

    TV most InsliioMibli people will notdrift cityward until Xovomlior lint ufli r

    all they manly adopt established modes


    I i

    tarIi SI

    J I














    and Imve little to do with creating thornTho French dressmakers nod Parisianwomen are ho fountain head of fashion andeven in Paris September i but a season ofexperiment

    Many a mode that has already beenlaunched autocrats high in dressmakingmules will not be able to ride the waves offeminine favor and will Rink out of sightbefore the winters styles nro fairly settledTho Parisian dressmakers proposo and thewomen who wear the frocks dispose andthe earliest models merely indicate whattho makers would like to have acceptednot what will be accepted

    However the chance are that a majorityof the ideas for which the famous firmsvouch will obtain favor and the neasonsfrocks are very likely to follow the generallines Indicated in tho early models Justhow Americans will receive these models

    I t







    Is always a puzzling question in which theroach makers aro deeply interested

    It was one of tho great men of the Parisfashion world who said frankly that Ameri-can ladies and French demimondaineswore the most profitable patrons of theParisian dressmaking establishments andwhile the association is somewhat startlingit was meant In compliment to our country-women for the Parisian dernimondainoIs the most perfectly gowned woman in theworld

    Since American patronage is essentialto French dressmakers prosperity adecided effort is made to satisfy Americantaste and the arbiters of the modeslong ago dispovered that Americans couldnot bo bullied into adopting an extremefashion unless by chance the idea happenedto appeal to thorn Modes havo been suc-cessful In Paris which absolutely could notfind a hold horn despite all efforts to makethem popular and it is an acknowledgedfact in tho Parisian ateliers thot French


    t the











    ktylir rnilsl ordinarily l mutinied to unitAuirieiii ill Nit Hint tliMAinorloaii womanwho in tin 1urlnianV only riiil rival In tinart of diiBuig tn r own i nlioiit-ilollios mill iisUtM upon following Iliuwi-niOoHM n iiiindnililn extent

    llciid tin1 foreign fu liinti joiiriiiilr nndnote Ii lofnroicett to ilm Ariuri-BiUi InoiitjV Aiiierliin coil7ilie Ilm-AiiiTciin wilkiin Ac Cio Into a

    dt la millinery h p inil citr-Uudiiniu cu iiniil upon tin uiliiiiulioiw of



    I I



    bus tons



    skirli mix

    r w-r


    hat linen to American taste Talk withany of the Place VmdAnie dressmakersalnjut the stubboniiiesH of Americanpatrons Von will find the some

    everywhere IA tulle tmrriraineto Paris fur her fashions and alters

    them her own MowAll of which if merely by way if empha-

    sizing tint fuel that ninny of the mod onview at the Fashion Show and in tin estab-lishments of various Importer will never1m exactly duplicated for wear by well

    ilrocml American women yet Americantaste ho been considered in collectionand a large pro ortlim of the Ideas illus-

    trated will lie hero without changeTho Parisian has accepted nil 1STO details

    without protont but tin straight skirtfull from the wnistbnml till straight ruflleHtime skirt pelerinethe balloon sloovis and I hi high girdle

    have miiile slowly here Fven now

    then is question as to the extent to whichthe full skirt anil the horizontal trimming-will bo accepted fur winter wear Orlyaslender lull wonau wears them supremelywell urd for lln beicflt of the short andfat liire will doubtless bo com-promise

    For the drowsy gown in very soft arterialth full straight skirt IIIIM unquestionablybeen adopted hero by the bestdrewrd-womenbut thnskirt yoke which has almostdifnpprared in Paris still holds

    here mid gowns mitdo with

    skirts full from t tin hand a re Mill in ilm mirthough Burning favor A narrow

    plain parol or Hat plait down skirt front

    mattes concession to the straighttrotfigure and a number of the best

    attain this same result by using a trail


    hori AlllaI trillllllill tIll




    to suit

    i lie




    able fit vur


    ni lei






    down the middle of the front A few skirtsfulled all around are shown but they areexceptions

    Just what will bo done with street skirtsremains to bo seen The popular zibullneaand other wool goods duo surprisinglylight in weight and soft in texture buteven so they are awkward when handledwith niuoli fulnws For tho walking frockand mannish tailor suit tilt flaring plainskirt of many gores will doubtless solve

    problem on this side tho water andwhen plaited skirts are the plaitswill be kept Hat down to the knees

    In Paris some zibulinea and cloths arebeing made with the very full skirts butthere are various compromise modelsTho double triple or manyflounced skirtpromises to hold its prestige but in theheavy stuffs the flounces aro very closelyfitted each flaring just enough to followthe sweep of tho cleverlycut foundation

    I The deepshaped flounce so long a favorlie Is not now considered chile yet fa as


    much In evidence ns over only masquerad-ing an n pnrt of lire skirt That is a

    meaty form limn lowerplot of a fitted skirt lot It must bo sotrimmed tint it will appear to bo nn Integralpart of the skirt sweep rather them a sep-arate flounce

    flroups of nuns plaits at the bottom ntthe place whore the flounco Joins tire bodyof tho skirt anti again at some distanceabove will accomplish thn desired resultread any horizontal linn trimming may botried In tie sumo way

    Soutncho braid Is to bn much used uponstreet suits and it makes an excellenthorizontal trimming for tho uliiipod skirtIt is muilo In tho popular silk fibre and Inall modish shades and a good off vl is

    or silk contrasting in color with tho frockmaterial instead of applying it diiwlly ontho frock

    lire brnld should on I he upperedge lint left fico at tin lovvor idg sothat Intern Is a cluinco fur a glint of titsunder color to show Hornet iuicx Insteadif liking ono row ot souliiclio in thin

    fashion rows of naironor vldtli-nr1 upon Ilm luind of lirighlcolorod-tlotli or nllU a lialrliiii nt lln color icing

    On rt fr xk of murk bluo wrgo saws ofblack Foiiluclic n t upon a laud of oruriKor bright cud cloth uiu cffccllic yet LUll


    thenlltlllll1 hv it ufuxl a hnlldnf clnti



    141 s

    sweep-ing turn mca



    w fi ers lhrl


    Iilinwed lu show bet srvm IbIil-I

    Ie are 61 ee fs YA





    bright color shows so little that it i In noway conspicuous

    Tho nsw and passementeries arelegion and limid Is combined with every-thing from fur to late Bias bands ofplaid silk with Iwtidn of braidtime two conmvlod by ingot stitching are anovelty amid bails of role fagotisi to braidIn the saino fashion are another develop-ment of tin cone Idea Fine gimpnoutline the design in heavy laces amid edgeband trimmings of null imaginable sorts

    Wonderful rondo by manykiln of silk braid in combination cordsperuisntc frog mewls fringes nroIn profusion Much is done with cutout

    too tit trimmingMmlolni work cloth buttonholed in color

    and plain cloth cut out designs are Inhigh favor nnd hands of cut out clothapplied on cloth of contrasting colorare onVrcd intho shopsor may lip fashionedexpressly for tho Individual eostumo

    Cloth lace mode of cut out designs in



    wit II

    aileron thr g

    r sodu



    cloth woven together with loco stitches-in heavy silks or wools is another clothtrimming of which the French designersseen to be particularly fund U entersinto the malting of ninny of the cloth modelfrocks and is much used in trimming thocoats of lung haired zlhellne plush or furTins cloth lace idea is also introduced intosome of the cloth patterns

    Chenille is extensively used in tasselsfringe embroidery and In combinationwith other materials in handsome passementeries Embroideries in shaded chenille



    upon cloth nrH often very beautiful hurtnovelty in embroidery Is

    padded wool embroidery which ornamentssome of the smartest cloth model frocksand coats

    Wool embroidery on silk or chiffon is

    chiefIre the hctvy

    shown and garnitures of wool embroiderywith fringe or pendants in wool and silk

    ruin striking These garnitures arefrequently carriiil out in a mixture ofmany blending rotors and the fancy forvariegated or multicolored effects findsexpression in it hoot of ways six or sevencolors yonietiinta ciitcring into the colorscheme of one costume

    Prominent mining the novel drossis a Persian lamb trimming which U-

    madu of black silk fibre and is a very goodimitation It is used in hard trimmingsIn medallions sot III with heavy lace orbraiding anti is a part of souse of the hand-somest passementeries

    The fibre laces otTer another field for thesuccessful silk fibre and these laces inCluny patterns arc Inking tilt place cf tileuncut thread Cliny so popular during thesummer The silk fibre laces take allcolors well and ore charming in tho delicatetints colored to mulch light hiiitl frockmaterial

    One of the most successful gowns nmongthe French models nt the Fashion Show War

    on re-




    in piiio mauve niiDir i mpi with ulimningof silk Illiir Cry in exactly Ibo sliado ofHID rifcpo l wlnic gray nnd wiringcolored llbri iin ip sliolculors aro JIIIIOIIK ili MW

    boons of llii lfiiidiOiiicM of In iiii opted

    Venn Inn with ringsiiyil mixed cffci IH unil for IIM withthtBU luciH uiu bull curd irliiiintiigM mid


    Inlelel had

    I Imilugh grTi

    tlolh unumlngr sery hllihere elebnnueil hur tuna



    pendants of all sort corresponding to ruinedornaments on the lace

    Marratnri or string low I tho featureupon other cloth or velvet models andespecially upon fur and plush gannrntnThe wool lams too have their buthave not o far been able to rival thefibre lace

    Tho thin and delicate laces have by nomeans been elbowed aside but they ne-narily give plum to heavier varieties in thetrimming of winter cloths sod are re-served for the morn sheer stuffs Chantillyand hold their own and Valen-ciennes will keep the tremendous vogueit ncquirod tins summer being used in tinyfrills In edging in niching and frequentlycombined with other IIICOH of heavierquality

    the multiplicity of frills and flouncesin the gowns of ciepe voile chifTon moiw-selino Ac absolutely demands n narrowand dainty edging and Valenciennes-is the Ideal stuff for the purpose It makes


    Ice aft






    also the ideal niching for tho wavy scrollduslgns which are the trimming for somany of the straight full 1830 skirts Oneof frocks illustrated in a small outhero has such a skirt tho scroll patternbeing worked out in ruchin B of creamyValenciennes upon the full straight fallingskirt of rom color moussoline The singlepurplice fichu and full sleeves of the bodicearo trimmed in narrow frills of

    The apparent simplicity of a majority-of the new skirts in sheer materials mustbe exasperating to the dressmakers whowrestle with tho problem of giving thesefull straight skirts tine proper lures Achiffon skirt sketched hero falls from ashirred yoke and is trimmed at tho bottomonly with long irregular lace motifs inset

    Another mina four nuns plaits runningaround the bottom and above them abroad band of heavy lace with narrowtaffeta straps which button to the upper-most nuns plait Two more of thesehorizontal plaits appear above the laceband

    This model by the way a particularlymodish ono It is of fine red voile of thenow stiado called heraldry and with thoskirt already described it tins n blouse thedraped shoulder hood of whioh has lace revers strapped in taffeta TIe sleeve is fullabove a long lace ruff silkstropped thelittle guimpo and collar are of lace andon the front of the bodice are two big squarotaffeta rows the lower having long lasBelled ends

    Mews of cue shade or another are usedlavishly upon the now frocks and strappingsinto employed upon both street frocks anddressy frocks Plain cloth strapped insills silk strapped in cloth late strappedu



    strapped In cloth lire nil in viewPipings of velvet or silk are wen every¬

    where and a lino of piping in bright orangepanne subdued by it line of black silkpiping is one of tho notes of color reliefnest frequently soundd Plaid pipingson plaiatono goods iinvsinotlicr trimmingfancied crud Indent with Parisians plaidshive assumed much important both Indress stuffs and in trimmings

    lioautlfiil plaid effects am achiovid Inthe note ztbiliiicK Ills touts holing so sub-dued and so blended that tinematerial Is in no pray glaring or conspicu-ous In olher wools too thorn bun at-tractive plaids niul t ho plaid hand-somer than cti bcfoio

    Told ribbons wide or narrow HIP mostsuccessful trimmings lull an sol on ntMat blindbin dors and skirt bunds or innarrow widths form little ruoliings to InImpost upon plain mill Deep girdles nffolded tartan sole supply Ilio only gnyember iiKin SOIIIM chic lilllo bolero cull skirtmodels in plain dark serge or cloth wildas inns bran said before bins bonds of plalitsilk fugotod to bands of fibre braid makea prwtly trimming for a dark frock

    Broad plaid ribbon Is sometimes laid

    run lines of narrow black velvet ribbonA corresponding bnnil but narrow is sol-on tire skirl at the knees and Hut trimmingIs repented liHill Ism liodlci-

    Checks vihllo riol so Hipuliir an theyhave been during the umner ur seraunsung the anliiiiiii silks aid woollensruin Ilio check liiffotHH will m-

    Ono new model of HUH kind Is inminiv and or rasps purpU snitwhite iiinJ u made in qiiuint oldworld

    all jt klllly

    till oil till botinm a on it are



    I worn kin role If eel Ihrnugll II

    silks run

    of skirt unit



    sell ftnishthe slider

    she kwlwhile





    fashion with a full skirt on which fournarrow straight ruffles arw at wide Intervats rack ruffle headed by milliners

    foldAyoke formed of bias tends of the silk

    fagoted togetlior nnd bertha In deepscallops of embroidery and laware on full hams and the sleeves amvery extreme being composed of twovery full balloon nifties of tho silk

    to the elbow anti standing out aggres-sively over an Inner puff of embroideredbatiste

    Sleeves formed of ruffles or triy frillsare on a great munlier of the dressy frocksand corroNponding frills often saver theentire bodice the top frill running allaround the toollotago like a shallow berthaThis monde is charmingly slinpo and attruclivo in an evening frock of chiffoninouRnolliio or other sheer Muff and docaway with the nerowlty of expensivetrimming

    A bodice model of this typo illustratedamong the sketches here a broad INI mlof if its full skirt above four littleruffles a narrow ruffle with headingbordering the top of the lace and fallingover It but the skirt might quits as wellhave been trimmed solely by a number of

    corresponding with thorn on thobodice

    Surely tho debutantes and young girlsshould have appropriate arid charmingdancing frocks and ovenina frocks thus

    for all thiva frills and ruchingRand art particularly youthfuland there is a surfeit of rheor dainty youth-ful fabrics from which to choose

    Applique flowers of chiffon lightly at-tached at ore point and hanging loosely


    ahal ill






    se neatashinrings





    are greatly liked OH trimming for eveninggowns and hand painting figures on someof the most exquisite of the importedevening frocks in chiffon mouFpclInisoft silk and crepe Tho now earif popplhle lovelier than those of last sea-son old no material in market Kiirpafwthem in hearty of texture and color

    The meteor cieH mid tho cropos dichino elaborately hand embroidered artboautlful beyond duscriplioi Ombre or

    rrt pas



    shaded ereiips Ion are marvels of exquisitecoloring

    Xow India and China silkn of remarkablyfume quality and embroidered indesigns in self color err mot d tdrnblofor house frocks ten gowns Ac and likeor pe lend thta ovo to the most be-wildering handwork f hirrinps llounnings-pulTlng tucliings aitl mo graceful evenin the most voliiniinoiis foltln

    A very Foft and supple moire In lightshades is to have corKld rnblo vogue forevening frocks ard efiVcts lire nu






    umorg the finny silks Sill griii-aril sill nets II plain color nnd-

    HowiHid will luoi fiifliioiiHliln Iliiin-ovor and HIP pfirlm ihn roost diirnblo-of tin1 light ulry fnbrio A pluid sills

    IniHiiiicriililrt gauzy fllk re putforward iindi r odd i nnn and Ilio floweredIbnura art to rtluUi their rummer jir wtli


    nhuN IT I rnlllllit IIr1

    Imo rons

    f r

    nut ml

    grnr ads a Is lie Ime-srirllrnl P II Julies



    HAIR GOODSDrsicnrl to meet IIr mow advunml l lfas of tooil tute and oo-

    trnt stile tile ttimlnt

    Pompadours fr Curly BangsWavy Coiffures Gray Hair Wigs

    WIOS TOUPEES FOR GENTLEMENHair Uniting Sal Tntmtai Htlr Toaki Powder Ifovtn

    54 14th Street near 6lh Ave Ne r Vork

    sea m

    p HAWest





    TIll flower d tdgis are larger than ever andconsequently not liocomirK to all figuresbut they are delightfully artistic and HIIIWof the defigns in blurretl colorsa leek ground are enough to tempt everII short fat woman into buying them

    Xibellnes broadcloths and Scotch suitlogs of all kinds lend the list in heavyfabric bud line woman who has a severetailor suit of neutral hued Scotch mixedwool shot through with mil of brightcolor and an afternoon gown of fine broad-cloth or plain yibelitio mny rest contentwith her equipment for outofdoor wear

    The fanny zilwlinos are stunning butone might easily tiro of thorn and that isa point to M considered by limn womnn oflimited means between broadclothand flue plain fnr n dressy clothfrock the conservative would IKI forcloth The zlbflho is new fashionableand beautiful hilt broadcloth In alwayscorrect always gives an Impression of

    oleganco and in Its prurient perfec-tion of quality is morn adapted the modesof the day than tlio ziholines though thelatter aro surprisingly soft and fine in text-ure this season

    There is the usual cry that blouses sodboleros rune going out but till French modelfrocks show many boleros and blouse

    serenely turning out new modelsby the thousand The prevalence of timeyoke is the newest feature of the tailored





    szilr linn


    makers are







    blouses or shirt waists in fnce cloth flannel

    AcThn yoke him come ns a response to thedemand fur a lung shoulder lino thoughIn Homo of the blouses the effect is obtained

    much ingenuityis within the circumscribed limitsallotted to the tailored shirt waist

    The group of blouses sketched in tholargo cut is fairly representative and illus-trates a number of the best yoke and cravatideas Clntli in fine quality is time matitifor all of these models but tine Frenchflannels and velveteens of the season makeattractive waists mud there is a boautlfuland varied assortment of mercerized vest-ing and cheviots offorod for mol weathershirt waists

    Somo of tlieso mercerized vesting Indark plaids nheoks Ac1 aro not intendedfor the tub but heavy white tub waistswill bo universally worn this winter bythe women who affect smut waists all tintyear round

    Shirt waist jackets in broadcloth or

    IIy the of epaulettes amidIIi plIld






    flannel urn matin for slipping mi over iliinshirt wall mid very ohio iilTmrsto show an much nn possible of lie shirt-waist airs fiirnlshiiiK itildltionil wiirniMiThy nro little runts tight lining in H-nhnikcut down like the waistcoat of a IIUIIHevening vat In front IxlUd nnd fiiriiisli tlwith tabbed busipiis

    very full nlonve ends at thn dhowbroad tnniliiiclt cull not tIt rmmdnd-

    i or Inllaillilsh llic ciiil In scarletgrf ii or blue iMiffs revtiH nndmelt liliick moire such is lilisl-ullniclivi fur n oiil fil wivtrir

    Till inMttrn Tuit noitiA Irelll IniuiK lliMitiin III n tlliitlox Tliln-

    Ihif Hllli Molilin lotiMiic In-ThTo urn rend il nion-

    triJlorri one was i jireltyyoung woiiniii who wins domonslnillngIn a xliovs window li Hm shoppingthe nllliiy of a now oui iidour run b-UK n hubuliliite for Mm familiar nil

    To operate the diinirislnilDr hellIn window 8 buss flguro of n jr ic gWOIIIHII Mi figure md n prelly facerthat wnn bv ihiiiKM nr

    limit the demonstrators own



    In II

    vii It



    dIIICfIlt lilt IIIV pry

    II kII



    rs IIrmarl




    must nIr II


    ill lien lib nlmon


    > >


    read limn I a r was of the sane hi oThe demonstrator held up Dm comb-

    at the center of window and then toone side and then to the other forInspection the people outsideand f hi

    district Hie innjoriirof the onlookers were women and thenshe rrmilxil out with II softly the hair onthe hall of Ibo figure then set i n

    ill In figures hnd whereotherwise n rat might Imve Iren wornand then proccfdcd deftly 10 dicss ilm

    over itn minute more or liss huh

    quickly anyway she had Ilm pompadouron figure coiuplctitl ilntistepped buck a little to let the llgure

    centre of tint si age Thou if yOU Inkfrom il to her ns you were pretty

    sure to do noticed Hint slip wore aprecisely Ike tine whlili

    lad just made what with their likefeature as well the demonstrator

    nnd the figure might rnflly have lienimagined to bo a pair of pretty sisfom

    Then when the figure produced itifull effect on the n the lenionslratorwould step forward niiin and unfold tin

    from the comb and remove thnfind hold it HRiiin

    ns before nt the front of the nndthen at tits side and then atthen she would set it in place once mornand again proceed to arrange the figures

    over it and this she would do overover again hurt always calmly nnd

    gently never hurrying and nevera crowd

    LVXtitlKfi 011 SKinAXTS

    Private laths and Nultrs for Them laRome of the Newfst Holism

    Tire now palaces built in this city everydo not luxuries for their owners

    alopo Tire employees cue also loomedafter and for their com-fort to a degree never known anywhere

    ono of tho now houses on an uptownstreet near Fifth avenue the men servantquarters consist of three small rooms onthe top floor Adjoining them is a smalltiled room with a shower a plunge pathand sprays In the same room are thrpobasins in order that the men may allsimultaneously if they want to

    tho entrance hallin another sleeping room for a man servantand it has ns light and air us anyin the house in addition to having a private

    rooms for the women servantson the top floor and accommodate sixThey ore so arranged that two in cadiroom and l vo the use of a bathroom-In addition to these apartments there aretwo roosts and a bath to be by anyservant who happens to be Ill Thesetwo rooms aro so that a servantin them may be quarantined as completely-as if out of

    and separatedtrans n dressing room Li apart-ment of the head nurse Is of course

    with its private bath Near theroom of the the house in theroom of her maid and it has the same con-veniences as the others

    Thus rue the servants of the wealthyhoused When it Is taken Into considera-tion that these rooms tire in order

    with needfulthu housekeeper the lot of time householdservant the States seems meredesirable than ever

    Most houses in which a large staff of trr-nntsaro employed have also a sitting roomsfor their Of course not nil rflimo now houses built now have such niequipment as this Unit It is intended forn married only n year agoTime brides mother us

    and it will cost SIWOCOO when cniipletetl-


    eeoritHreakliiK iinsiirnptlun tf FranIurtrrn homier thread and llrrr-

    Conoy Island holds the worldsrecord for the daily consumption of breadfrunkfurtrs clam chowder cold beer

    The sale of frankfurters geiif ruliy eatenby tine visitors whim walking rl n thestreet is estimved at CO DO u weekrestaurant kvpoi on Suf ivitiuc in said to

    Prior to the rigid oforc jini or tlie-exclce lw end tlie compulsory hcrvie onSundays of a weal with every gloss ofbeer lima lc f brvadslulf was much lossthan il is now Since tape Dottier tookcommand LllWl loaves of bread 1WUpounds of crirkors nnd HOiCKi rollsthe regular weekly consumptionaverage hotel iuulei u frojn jlKI to

    every Sunday morningTlie vale of cliiin in wdirit Oiney Islnml

    Iris increased at riMiiarkabK1 rate Notloss than 75000 gallons is sold every woent tlu various stands b is at I sliiicki

    the bejiclt to of I liuquantity sold in th lintels servedwith

    Another article of food in Inrgnquantities nt Coney Inland is

    Sot fewer thancuts of roast heel nand the accOiipnnyinitrolls in sold ivory week during the wiisnr

    lint conMimrit Ion of beer at conev Nlaiilis salt to be line grcnicst kroMisumiiier isort in the world Corlnin ilthai that is no other in Mi I niii-StftlMs whirr stem loioWio hoer Hre snlil in w ck duringsummer Tliis iiiitieiiM

    lifter is nol furnisliHil by any mo lrewcrvof course All I lie niisl popiilur lireIn be loiind nit tin rermil-

    niul ionirmphtixl ruiirltltrr nt n luiil immure ilialrr

    Till MllllTI Hlli MkHM 1 i VIIITItill

    U I III elli tin

    n IP i if uirii nil



    UJ potl HMfft




    wine r w







    I he halt








    alIole rotwldl

    Iacone tine



    Irluul nqtr I r

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    Pm-p a-

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    for rIeMinn

    than arri







    sell injiuKi r wait


    I mini andwi lies





    rimInnis Ins miii


    1 rnaelrnr r of IIi evl d Lnre-Prat 11 lyres ti-

    t moor rrllr nrmud Ir 4 ss-pnIUlamn lit Ier ua lu i


    burr r fl 1ni i the nnbII n lino nn Ihr tturn

    wall a suer rrirn1-I i n Vr fur bn

    innunseal aol clam u n

    Inn Intl Irbnlrluln gntrer mind nrtn Irj

    ur n Irr a sod gun IrInUnnB IAIa II-Indn n-

    nOfflyaS i Iur Ini nt


    pie r II l

    u6ll or-nabox IIn

    II nrFt-

    rnI Iii r eru


    J timsl-i lIi uCe I murk

    me i aur Invrl AreAro Its en uundredsJ M11IM









