Curious George Movie Book Story This is George. George was a good little monkey and always very curious. George was looking for someone to play with. He wondered what would happen if he put a crocodile egg in a bird’s nest. He wondered what would happen if the chameleon had to change too many colours. He wondered what would happen if he used pomergranate juice to paint the baby animals. The same thing always happened: trouble! One day, George saw a giant banana. He was more curious than ever. The giant banana was moving through the bushes! George decided to follow it. When George peeked through the bushes, he saw that the banana wasn’t really a banana. It was a yellow hat and a tall man was wearing it. But not for long…. The man with the yellow hat was named Ted. When Ted looked up from his lunch, he saw his hat walking away. “That’s it, Mr. Monkey!” Ted shouted. He ran after George. George thought it was a game. He was having fun! Finally, Ted decided to give the hat to George. “It’s all yours,” Ted said. George couldn’t believe it. Noone had ever given him a present before. Then Ted walked away. He was leaving the jungle. But George wanted to keep playing. He decided to tag along. At the port, there was so much to see and do! But Ted could not stay and explore. He headed for a big ship that was about to sail to the United States. He had to go back to the museum where he worked. 1

Curious George Movie Book Script

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Curious George Movie Book Story

This is George. George was a good little monkey and always very curious. George was looking for someone to play with. He wondered what would happen if he put a crocodile egg in a bird’s nest. He wondered what would happen if the chameleon had to change too many colours. He wondered what would happen if he used pomergranate juice to paint the baby animals. The same thing always happened: trouble!

One day, George saw a giant banana. He was more curious than ever. The giant banana was moving through the bushes! George decided to follow it. When George peeked through the bushes, he saw that the banana wasn’t really a banana. It was a yellow hat and a tall man was wearing it.But not for long….

The man with the yellow hat was named Ted. When Ted looked up from his lunch, he saw his hat walking away. “That’s it, Mr. Monkey!” Ted shouted. He ran after George. George thought it was a game. He was having fun!

Finally, Ted decided to give the hat to George. “It’s all yours,” Ted said. George couldn’t believe it. Noone had ever given him a present before. Then Ted walked away. He was leaving the jungle. But George wanted to keep playing. He decided to tag along.

At the port, there was so much to see and do! But Ted could not stay and explore. He headed for a big ship that was about to sail to the United States. He had to go back to the museum where he worked.

Still, George did not want to lose sight of his new friend. He ran to the dock just as the ship was about to pull away. George jumped onto the ship’s anchor. The anchor rose into the air, and George climbed inside the ship.

George found a large room inside the ship. This was the cargo hold, where all of the ship’s food and supplies were stored. There was a lot for a curious monkey to explore! When George pushed a button on a trunk, a pile of clothes popped out. George also found crates full of fresh fruit. Yum!


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The ship sailed across the ocean. When it finally stopped, George got off and looked around. He was in a giant city!

George saw Ted get into a yellow taxi. It zoomed away into a sea of yellow cabs. George followed on the back of another taxi. When Ted got out of the cab, George saw him walking into a tall, thin building. George followed Ted right inside his apartment. Ted was surprised to see his yellow hat on the floor. He thought that he had left it in Africa. When he picked up his hat, Ted discovered George underneath!

George was so happy to see his friend again. Unfortunately, Ted was not allowed to have pets in his apartment. When someone knocked on his door, Ted hid George in the bathroom. “Stay right in there.” Ted told George.

But George was too curious. He went exploring. Upstairs, George found an apartment that was being painted. He decided to help!

When Ted had to go to work, he knew that he couldn’t leave such a curious monkey alone in his apartment. So Ted took George to the museum with him. Ted left George in his office while he went to a meeting. George didn’t mind. Ted’s office was full of interesting things. Maybe the museum was full of even more interesting things? George was curious. Soon George found….

…. a dinosaur! But when George climbed up its bones, the dinosaur tipped over . Bones fell everwhere. The big mess meant big trouble for George and Ted.

That night Ted tried to go home. But the doorman wouldn’t let him in. “No pets,” the doorman said. So Ted took George to the park. The sat down under a tree. George saw some beautiful fireflies. But they didn’t taste very good! Then Ted and George admired the stars together. Ted told George some jokes and they both fell fast asleep.

The next morning, Ted took George to the zoo. George loved the colourful balloons. He collected a few. The children at the zoo tried to guess George’s name.


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“Jojo?” one asked. “Hercules? Bananas?” “Call him George,” Ted said. The children gave George their balloons. Now George had a big bunch. When the wind blew, George sailed into the air!

“Mister!” shouted one of the kids. “Your monkey is floating away!” George had never been so high up before. “Don’t be afraid!” Ted called. He was a balloon man. Ted grabbed a big bunch of balloons from him and floated after George. “Wait for me!” Ted hollered. He snatched a kite on his way up to help him steer. Finally, Ted caught George. They floated over the city together. What a view!

When they came down Ted took George back to the museum, but it looked like Ted had lost his job. They had nowhere to go. Ted decided that George should go back to his home in Africa. “It’s for the best, George,” Ted said. Two monkey-catchers came and caught George. They put him in a cage and then on a ship to Africa.

After spending an afternoon alone Ted decided that he missed George too much. “I’m off to save George!” Ted declared. He knew that he had to hurry. The boat for Africa was leaving soon. Ted borrowed his friend’s truck and raced off to the docks. Ted reached the ship in time. He searched the cargo hold until he found George’s cage. Ted broke the lock and gave George a huge hug.

George was very happy to see Ted again. There was only one problem. He and Ted were still on the ship- and it had started moving. They were on their way already! In Africa, George helped Ted discover an amazing new exhibit for the museum. It would help Ted get his job back. When they came home, everyone was glad to see them.

Where would George’s curiosity take them next?


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The complete adventures of Curious George

Book One: Curious George

This is George. He lived in Africa. He was a good little monkey and always very curious.

One day George saw a man. He had on a large yellow straw hat. The man saw George too. “What a little monkey” he thought. “ I would like to take him home with me. ” He put his hat on the ground and, of course, George was curious. He came down from the tree to look at the large yellow hat.

The hat had been on the man’s head. George thought it would be nice to have it on his own head. He picked it up and put it on.

The hat covered George’s head. He couldn’t see. The man picked him up quickly and popped him into a bag. George was caught.


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The man with the big yellow hat put George into a little boat, and a sailor rowed them both across the water to a big ship. George was sad, but he was still a little curious.

On the big ship, things began to happen. The man took off the bag. George sat on a little stool and the man said, “George, I am going to take you to a big Zoo in a big city. You will like it there. Now run along and play, but don’t get into trouble.” George promised to be good. But it is easy for little monkeys to forget.

On the deck he found some sea gulls. He wondered how they could fly. He was very curious. Finally he HAD to try. It looked easy. But –

Oh, what happened! First this-------- (he fled above the water)And then this! (he fell into the sea)

“Where is George?” The sailors looked and looked. At last, they saw him struggling in the water, and almost all tired out.

“Man overboard!” the sailors cried as they threw him a lifebelt. George caught it and held on. At last he was safe on board.

After that George was more careful to be a good monkey, until, at last, the long trip was over. George said goodbye to the kind sailors, and he and the man with the yellow hat walked off the ship on to the shore and on into the city to the man’s house.

After a good meal and a good pipe, George felt very tired.

He crawled into bed and fell asleep at once.

The next morning the man telephoned the Zoo. George watched him. He was fascinated. Then the man went away.

George was curious. He wanted to telephone, too. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.What fun!

DING-A-LING-A-LING! GEORGE HAD TELEPHONED THE FIRE STATIONThe firemen rushed to the telephone. “Hello! Hello!” they said. But there was no answer. Then they looked for the signal on the big map that showed where the telephone call had come from. They didn’t know it was GEORGE. They thought it was a real fire.

HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! The firemen jumped on to the fire engines and on to the hook-and-ladders. Ding-dong-ding-dong. Everyone out of the way! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!


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The firemen rushed into the house. They opened the door. NO FIRE! ONLY a naughty little monkey. “Oh, catch him, catch him,” they cried. George tried to run away. He almost did, but he got caught in the telephone wire, and -----

A thin fireman caught one arm and a fat fireman caught the other. “ You fooled the fire department,” they said. “ We will have to shut you up where you can’t do any more harm.” They took him away and shut him in a prison.

George wanted to get out. He climbed up to the window to try the bars. Just then the watchman came in. He got on the wooden bed to catch George. But he was too big and heavy. The bed tipped up, the watchman fell over, and, quick as lightning, George ran out through the open door.

He hurried through the building and out on to the roof. And then he was lucky to be a monkey: out he walked on to the telephone wires. Quickly and quietly over the guard’s head, George walked away. He was free!

Down the street outside a prison wall, stood a balloon man. A little girl bought a balloon for her brother. George watched. He was curious again. He felt he MUST have a bright red balloon. He reached over and tried to help himself, but ----

Instead of one balloon, the whole bunch broke loose. In an instant the wind whisked them all away and, with them, went George, holding tight with both hands.

At first, the wind blew in great gusts. Then it quieted. Finally it stopped blowing altogether. George was very tired. Down, down he went—bump, on to the top of a traffic light. Everyone was surprised. The traffic got all mixed up. George didn’t know what to do, and then he heard someone call, “GEORGE!” He looked down and saw his friend, the man with the big yellow hat!

George was very happy. The man was happy too. George slid down the post and the man with the yellow hat put him under his arm. Then he paid the balloon man for all the balloons. And then George and the man climbed into the car and at last, away they went

To the ZOO! What a nice place for George to live!


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Curious George Movie Quotes- Who said it?

Ted, Mr.Bloomsberry, Junior, Ivan, Clovis or Miss Dunlop?

The real way to learn anything is to go out and experience it... and let your curiosity lead you.

Get that little jungle thing out of here before he destroys something else.


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Everyone needs a partner, right?

I have a strict no-return policy... on any robotic animals I create, unless, of course, you have a receipt.

The world doesn't need another parking lot. The world needs a place where kids' brains can grow.

Nonsense. With my maps and my journals, a six-year-old could find the shrine.

If I find pet, you are ewicted.

How about the birth of your only son?

I traveled 10,000 miles for a paper weight?

You are red-handed with pet!

Curious George Grammar Quiz

1. George was ____________________ for someone to play with.

a. look b. looking c.looked

2. The same thing always ____________________: trouble!

a. happening b. happen c. happened

3. One day, George ___________ a giant banana.

a. see b. seeing c. saw

4. The giant banana _________ moving through the bushes when George decided to blow it.


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a. is b. was c. are

5. A tall man __________ wearing a yellow hat.

a. was b. has been c.are

6. George _______________ it was a game. He was having fun!a. think b. thought c. thinking

7. “That’s it, Mr. Monkey” Ted _____________.

a. shout b. shouted c. has shouted

8. George _____________ to keep playing, so he decided to tag along.

a. wants b. want c. wanted

9. Ted could not _________ at the port.

a. stayed b. did stay c. stay

10. George __________ to the dock just as the ship was about to pull away.

a. run b. ran c. was running

Curious George Vocabulary Quiz

11. George was looking for someone to ________ with.

a. play b. hide c. eat

12. The same thing always happened: ____________!

a. fun b. mystery c. trouble

13. One day, George saw a giant ______________.

a. man b. banana c. hat


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14. The giant banana was moving through the bushes when George decided to ______________ it.

a. catch b. follow c. eat

15. A tall man was wearing a _____________ hat.

a. yellow b. red c. blue

16. George thought it was a ____________. He was having fun!

a. joke b. trick c. game

17. “That’s it, Mr. Monkey” Ted _______________.

a. whispered b. shouted c. screamed

18. George wanted to keep ______________ , so he decided to tag along.

a. playing b. jumping c. hiding

19. Ted could not stay at the ____________.

a. jungle b. port c. museum

20. George ran to the _________ just as the ship was about to pull away.

a. dock b. anchor c. jungle

Curious George mixed the words up! Put the words back together to make sentences so your friends can read about Curious George. Then, number the sentences according to the order of events.

1. was /always / George / a / curious / very / monkey

___________________________________________________(Event No __ )

2. tall / yellow / man / was /a / hat / a / wearing

___________________________________________________(Event No __ )

3. after /George / Ted / ran

____________________________________________________(Event No __ )


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4. to / decided / finally /to / Ted / give / hat / George/ the

____________________________________________________(Event No __ )

5. had / back / the / museum / to / Ted / go / to

____________________________________________________(Event No __ )

6. George / ship / inside/ climbed / the

______________________________________________________(Event No __ )

7. ate / George / of / bananas / lots / ship / inside /the

_______________________________________________________(Event No __ )

8. he/ looked / when / around / George / a /in / city /giant / was

___________________________________________________ (Event No __ )

9. Ted /saw / walking / a / tall / George /into / building

___________________________________________________ (Event No __ )

10. underneath / Ted / George / discovered / hat / his

___________________________________________________ (Event No __ )

11. George/bathroom/in/Ted/hid

___________________________________________________ (Event No __)

12. the /painted /an / George / apartment / walls /in

______________________________________________________ (Event No __ )

13. to / the / museum / took / Ted / with / George / him

______________________________________________________(Event No __ ) 14. big / and / for / George / meant/ Ted/ mess/ big/ the/ trouble

_______________________________________________________(Event No __ )

15. to / tried/ home/ go/ let/ doorman/ but/ would/ in/ not/ to/ the/ him

_______________________________________________________(Event No __ )

16. colourful / loved / George / the / balloons

______________________________________________________ (Event No __ ) 17. together / floated / Ted / over / George /and / city / the

______________________________________________________ (Event No __ )

18. Two / put/ George/ cage / monkey-catchers /in / a

_______________________________________________________(Event No __ )


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19. The / Ted / ship / reached / time / in

_______________________________________________________(Event No __ )

20. His / got / job / Ted/ back / George’s/ help/ with

____________________________________________________ (Event No __ )