VMC CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN What We Heard The Planning Partnership Jane Perdue Millier Dickinson Blais City of Vaughan 11 March, 2015

CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages

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Page 1: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages


What We HeardThe Planning Partnership

Jane PerdueMillier Dickinson Blais

City of Vaughan

11 March, 2015

Page 2: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages
Page 3: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages


1 Brainstorming Session with City Working Group 12 Culture Talks Summit 53 Focus Groups & One-on-Ones 21

4 Online Feedback 25

5 Public Information Session 27

6 Emerging Principles 29


This document summarizes “What We Heard” during the stakeholder consultation conducted from January to March 2015 in advance of preparing the Cultural Framework and Public Art Plan for the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre.

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Page 5: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages


1 Brainstorming Session with City Working Group

A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis is typically used as a process to determine a framework for creating a plan or strategy. However, at least half of the analysis is focused on the negatives and gaps, with the intent of fixing issues and problems. An alternative is to use a SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) analysis that can be a positive approach to strategic thinking and planning. SOAR builds a framework on strengths and what is working well, as opposed to focusing on problems and issues.

A brainstorming session was held with the project’s Working Group on Jan. 9, 2015. Key questions framed the discussion of strengths, opportunities, aspirations and results:

Strengths:What can we build on?

What are the core attributes/conditions/features of the VMC?

What is the VMC known for/recognized as?

Opportunities:What are our best possible future opportunities with respect to public art and culture?

How can the VMC be distinguished from other centres?

Aspirations:Describe a preferred future condition for culture and public art in the VMC?

Results:How will we know we are succeeding?

The following is a summary of input provided that will be used to help identify the key opportunities for culture and public art in the VMC.

Page 6: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages


» VMC can set new standards for urban living and influence other centres and urban districts

» Incubator for new businesses, innovative research and development, particularly in creative industries

» Opportunities for public art and culture in every stage of the evolution of the VMC – starting now with art onconstruction hoarding and events in unused spaces and continuing with each new development project

Opportunities » Public art and culture reflects

the broad diversity of cultures in Vaughan

» The VMC is infused with culture, making the experience of art part of every day life

» The VMC has events and programs that enliven the downtown with activity year round

» A legacy project creates a landmark identifier for the VMC

Aspirations » Transform the experience of

every day life

» Leverage every opportunity to “build beautiful”

» Phased approach with early quick win opportunities (eg. Programs, events, pop ups, installations)

» Need to tap into established businesses to push the envelope of marketing

» Artists could use materials from local businesses

Results » Black Creek watercourse and

valley along the east side of Jane Street – visible public space

» Construction is underway now as a signal that change is coming: 3 towers now being built

» The subway station will open in 2017. With existing access via Highways 400 and 407 , the VMC will have unparalleled access to an urban centre outside of downtown Toronto

» Innovation and design corridor with many small and large scale design related industries that make/build

» Can build on the opportunity to clearly identify the limits of the VMC and establish a strong presence with iconic architecture

» Can build on the strong policy framework that is place from the Province, Region and City


Page 7: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages


Location of the VMC

VMC in 2031

VMC in 2051

Location of the VMC

VMC Streetscape and Open Space Plan

Highway 7

Portage Parkway

Jane St

Edgeley Blvd C

reditstone Rd



Highway 7

Portage Parkway

Jane St

Edgeley Blvd C

reditstone Rd



Page 8: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages


Page 9: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages


2 Culture Talks Summit

The Culture Talks Summit was a ticketed event held on Jan. 21, 2015 and designed to launch the Cultural Framework and Public Art Plan.The purpose of the event was to start the discussion around the future of arts and culture in the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre. Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua gave an introduction to the Summit.

SpeakersThree distinguished speakers were invited to make presentations on their work and the role of culture and public art in economic development and city-building. In addition, Victoria Dickenson, the Executive Director and CEO of the McMichael Canadian Art Collection, was invited to be the moderator and lead a conversation with the speakers after the presentations.

The speakers were:

Renee PiechockiArtist, public art consultant and founding director of Pittsburgh’s Office of Public Art

Renee’s talk focused on how public art, culture and civic design have been essential parts of re-making Pittsburgh and of the work of the Office of Public Art.

Tim JonesCEO of Artscape in Toronto

Tim spoke about creative placemaking, the creative economy and creative entrepreneurship, and how the projects of Artscape have contributed to and catalyzed those components of the urban fabric.

Paul RaffArchitect and public artist, including the installation in the subway station opening in 2016 in the VMC

Paul presented examples of his public art installations, emphasizing how they have helped to create a beautiful public realm and build the identity of place.

WorkshopFollowing the conversation and presentations, a workshop was held to gather the attendees’ feedback on a series of questions. A pop-up art installation was created in the main atrium of City Hall from their responses to one of the questions.

AttendeesAttendees included representatives of the City’s arts, culture and creative economy communities, as well as people who live, work and study in Vaughan. Members of the public were able to obtain free tickets over the internet via the Eventbrite web service. All 165 free tickets for the Summit were claimed.

business, corporate and community



sent to

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Culture Talks Agenda

1:00pm Welcome by Mayor Bevilacqua

Presentations1:15pm Introduction to the panelists by Victoria Dickenson,

Executive Director and CEO of the McMichael Canadian Art Collection

1:20pm Renee Piechocki, artist, public art consultant and founding director of Pittsburgh’s Office of Public Art “Remaking of Pittsburgh - Role of Public Art, Culture & Civic Design”

1:40pm Tim Jones, CEO of Artscape “Creative Placemaking”

2:00pm Paul Raff, architect and public artist, “Role of Public Art in Creating a Beautiful Public Realm”

Conversation with the Panelists2:20pm Conversation with the panelists facilitated by Victoria


Workshop2:45pm Round table working session with the Culture Talks

participants1. What’s your vision for art and culture in the VMC? 2. What programs, processes and projects need to be in

place to support your vision for art and culture in the VMC?

3. How will we differentiate ourselves from other centres with respect to culture and public art?

3:45pm Wrap up

4:00pm Close

Pop-up installation created from input from the workshop portion of Culture Talks Event

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Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages.

Renee Piechocki“Remaking of Pittsburgh - Role of Public Art, Culture & Civic Design”

• Use creative placemaking as catalyst for generating a sense of belonging and place. Creative placemaking is placemaking in which arts and culture, including public art takes centre stage

• A challenge for all cities to find ways to create and communicate an authentic sense of place and identity (especially true of new communities)

• Make it fun, keep it changing, make it year round (even in winter), keep it simple

• Make public art part of the cost of the infrastructure• Include the jobs created in creating the public art in estimating

economic impact• Consolidate resources, create an online inventory of culture and

art venues• Engage the community


Paul Raff“Role of Public Art in Creating a Beautiful Public Realm”

• Public art adds meaning and special identity to public spaces • Public art integrated into built form creates beautiful spaces and

places• Consider public art early in the city-building process

Tim Jones“Creative Placemaking”

• Importance of working collaboratively - cross-sector collaboration

• Collaboration requires a new approach to implementing creative spaces and places

• Importance of clustering creative spaces and places together as part of strategy to build cultural vitality

• Providing affordable space is essential to any strategy• Need multi-dimensional leadership• Art, culture and creativity can catalyze change, growth and

transformation• Importance of unique cultural facilities, programs and services• Artscape delivers a quadruple bottom line - cultural, economic,

social and environmental

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During the Workshop portion of the Culture Talks Summit, attendees were asked to discuss and respond to three questions with others in their table groups.

Questions Asked

1 What’s Your Vision for Art and Culture in the VMC?

2 What Programs, Processes and Projects Need to be in Place to Support Your Vision for Art and Culture in the VMC?

3 How will we Differentiate Ourselves from Other Centres with Respect to Culture and Public Art?


Pop-up installation created from input from the workshop portion of Culture Talks Event

Page 13: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages


concert halltourist destination


great architectureopera hall

family-oriented funcultural festivals

distinctart integrated into development

movies in the parkfacilities for art and culture

film festivalanimated public spaces

gateway to Vaughanoutdoor sculpting classes

multicultural capital of Canadaart school

cultural eveningsdance classes

live entertainmentart galleries

Workshop participants were asked to brainstorm ideas for arts and culture in the VMC. The following few pages list the words participants used to describe their vision for arts and culture.

Workshop participants described a vision for arts and culture at all levels, from the general and high level to the very specific. Participants talked about it being distinct, a tourist destination, a gateway to Vaughan and as potentially the multicultural capital of Canada. They talked about opportunities for great architecture, animated public spaces and art integrated into development. Participants also mentioned specific facilities that were important for art and culture, such as libraries, art galleries, concert hall, opera hall and art school. Participants described a vision that was rich with programming and events such as, cultural evenings, music and live entertainment, cultural festivals, movies in the park, family-oriented fun, dance classes, film festival and outdoor sculpting classes. Participants described a vision for the site as a hub for artists, art education, artist appreciation, an incubator for artists, artist studios and residences

Question 1: What’s Your Vision for Art and Culture in the VMC?

Page 14: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages


» Defined spaces » Environmental art » Programming » Landform » Distinct » I am not an artist. I have no preference but I like

the ideas. Anything - just don’t cost too much public money

» Foodscape » Art integrated into architecture » Community walk of fame » East access from Toronto, rapid transit » Tourist destination » Distinct business » Create spaces for kids, youth and families –

integrated and individual » Great architecture » Art gallery » Public libraries » Vaughan multicultural capital of Canada » Cultural evenings – folk songs, costumes,

cuisine, festivals – 365 days/year » Artists hub » Meeting place » Open theatre » Open-minded » Legacy » More museums » Family venues » Open air concert theatre » Art evolving over time » Access to opportunities » Music and live entertainment

» Sports and recreation » Traffic flow – use circles » Where do you come from? Big globe, include

info on countries » Local history – “who are we?”- railroad, founders,

industry » Music in the park » Gardening space rental » Trails, parks, meeting places » Water…ie – fountain wading pool » Food » New ideas – create team leaders » Story-telling place » Positivity » Support – group centre » Young voice – students » Cultural celebration » Platforms of expression » Unified heart-beat » Cultural unity and heart of Vaughan » Usable practical spaces » Bike and skate paths » Restaurants and night life » Festivals » Drop-in centres » Perform » Walkways » Movies » Park for dogs » Music appreciation » Concert hall » Opera hall

» Youth » Vibrant and vital » Local bands and artists grants » Live music » Local bands » Food trucks » Memory, pride, identity, place » Movement » Easy access for artists and the public » Pervasive connections – community » Gathering place » Public engagement » Open versatile performance areas » Street festive type environments » Power everywhere » Mobile sound and video systems » Find community common denominator – build

on it to attract interest – create a symbol that reflect this denominator – get people of Vaughan to know their new symbol – create the feel of belonging – you are here

» Awareness » Murals on stairs » City-building » Programming » Industrial design

» Dance » Multicultural » Fun » Biodiversity » Futuristic » Green space

Page 15: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages


» Social space » Educational » Recreational » Cultural festivals » Street signage » Inclusive » Art education » Arts and artist appreciation » Construction design » What is Vaughan’s culture? » Green space » More benches to sit and enjoy local art » Community gathering » Organic » Murals » Graffiti » Desirable » Interactive » Incubator for artists » Social development » Urban connectivity » Vibrant space » Musical clusters » Interactive water elements » Sustainability » Arts/dance education » World class open space » More music » Street performers » I heart Vaughan » Student awards

» Interesting » Street music » Movies in the park » Art grants » Push the envelope! » Build cultural mass of art » Photo gallery open to public » Art school in Woodbridge » Community theatre in Woodbridge » Roaming artists » Family oriented fun » Open up space for personal expression » Marketing campaign to promote arts events » More green spaces » Engaging » Signage » Climate controlled city » Film studios » Inspired architecture » No more strip malls » Interactive » International » Digital » Lights » Media » Dance classes » Culinary arts » Vaughan film festival » Live display » Think outside the box » Exhibition

» Colourful » How do we bring people into Vaughan? » Outdoor sculpting classes » Performing arts focus » Storytelling » Good architecture » Bohemian culture » Streetscape » Awards and grants » Mimes » Intersection of architecture, arts, urban design » Art with trees » At grade benefit » Bring people together » Community engagement » Cultural festivals

» Art in the park » Diversity » Expos » Food trucks » #talkingfilm

» Sculptures » VMC – visibility, destination, culture in/culture out » Theatrical productions » Art shuttles to McMichael » Ease of transportation » Yoga » Murals, big and small » Embracing diversity » Lifestyle » Awards

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» Plays, concerts, opera » Fountains » Student art galleries » Art and literary workshops » A visual focal point » Dog parks » Seasonal event spaces » Art gallery » Space for youth to showcase work - a support

system for young talent » Installations » Walkable City of Vaughan » Exposure for our landmarks » Family events » Art and design centre » Family friendly events » Live music venues » Artist studios and residences » Public sculpture in unique settings » Microbrewery and restaurants in gallery events » Get involved » Cultural weekend » On hands art » Studio space for local artists » Live music café » Musicals » Animated public spaces » Paint with the artists » Connections with developers » Embracing strip plazas as venues for art » Piazzas with great restaurants, walkable » Great design

» Historic sites » Concert hall » Skating rinks with great views » Kids classes » Patios with theatres » Ceramic glass studios » Seniors thrive » Walking tours » Green walkway » Inspire kids » Outdoor pottery » Local bands » Transformative spaces » Renowned » Sense of belonging » Pedestrian » Affordable parking » Scenic » Inspirational » Organic creations » Collective togetherness » Connections » Energy » Cycling » Accessibly » Bike lanes » Art in the park » Green buildings » Vitality » Shared art studios » Yoga

» Soap box » Designed displays for artistic ads » Pizza with water play » Wow factor, talk of town, and buzz! » Community pride » Local identity » Heart » Monuments » Gateway of Vaughan » Music » Inclusive » Open amphitheatre » Seating and benches for pedestrians » Inclusive to disabilities » Cuisine » Knowledge

» Piazza – neighbourhood

» More visibility » Free not 2 tiered

» Art is everyday…everywhere »

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Workshop participants were asked to brainstorm ideas for programs, processes and projects that are needed to support a vision for art and culture in the VMC. The following pages list the ideas that table groups generated. Ideas for programs covered a full range of activities for a broad range of age groups - art, film making, awards, grants and tours. Ideas of processes included suggestions for using Facebook, providing transportation to and from the VMC, meet and greets, engaging youth, using the media, communication, idea submission, and an arts council. Projects needed to support a vision for art and culture included ideas such as creating an entertainment district, art parks along Highway 7, defining the VMC at its entrance and exit, pop-up projects, a performing arts centre and a multi-use public space destination.

awardsarts council

pop-up projectsperforming arts centre

use Facebookuse the mediaidea submission

artprovide transportation

film makingmulti-use public space destination

art parks along Highway 7create entertainment district

meet and greetsgrants


communicationengage youth

Question 2: What Programs, Processes and Projects Need to be in Place to Support Your Vision for Art and Culture in the VMC?

Page 18: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages


» Create teams of volunteers for every area in Vaughan

» Seniors art class » Current Affairs » Discussion groups (forum) » Travel - new ideas » Seniors activity programs:

- Writing- Acting- Art- Walks- Gardening

» Community engagement » Research and surveys on communities’ interests,

backgrounds through committees » Competitions and awards » Encouraging art and culture » Film making workshops » Festivals: sports, art, performance » Art support groups = louder voice! » Showcases – for mutual benefits » Educational Forums: So many people who don’t

understand or value art » Artistic platforms – opportunity » Youth focus groups - future investment » Self expression outlets » Established artists and entrepreneurs giving

back to aspiring artists, showing them the way » Artist live/work space » Multi-use creation, exhibition, performance

space. Divided over several spaces

» Education – Live with beauty/creativity » Experiential vs. Digital » Cultivate arts community » Collaboration with OCAD, York U, Ryerson, UofT,

other cultural and arts festivals/events (contact, Luminato, etc.)

» Lifestyle, walkable city and streetscapes; less vehicle use, more walking to see/experience art/cultural installations

» Study new use for major intersections » Offer space (temporary or permanent) for artists

to show their work, including performance work » Programming for arts centre » Community participation » Leadership roles/leadership groups » Awards for best design ideas » Community, committee, cultural representation » Cultural integration » Youth cultural and art activities » Art and entertainment » Food education » Community garden » Enhancement of current programs » Integration with local artists » Art, design and music classes like at Daniels

Spectrum » Distillery District like studios/retail » Artist residencies and open studios » Creative hub for design – rentable studios,

boardrooms » Grants for artists

» Discovery of talent pool in Vaughan » Call for ideas » Community funding » A recruiting program to involve local and “outside

of Vaughan” talent for: music, entertainment, social, educational, student, etc...

» Entities that will “engage” the public » Studio tours » Gallery walks » Music/comedy education » Self-funding capability » Diversity within a collective: celebration,

intergenerational, affordability of a space and entire funding initiatives

» E.g. a huge thoroughfare boardwalk (displays, activities, shops etc) from York U subway to Vaughan downtown

» Sports leagues » Art literacy » Culture weekends » Ongoing programming

» Marketing


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» Sample libraries/community centre for volunteers » Sign-up (internet/social media) » Duplicate heart and stroke processes » Post creative art » Provide transport » Each community centre has a senior project

leader (buddy system) » Post results on Facebook » Themes should be inclusive – Canadian » Advisory committee » Town halls » Meet and greets » Designate the place most connected to

pedestrian travel; develop routes for clear and easy access

» Educate people of Vaughan on what is currently happening and encourage participation; especially from businesses who might support these activities and make themselves better known to their target customers

» Venue » Facilitators » Be a vessel of change! » Find people within the community who are

“doers” and already living with this mentality » Understand the arts » Enthusiasts » Group local artists to become leaders to initiate

change » Gather art school and directors to include these

programs in their school » Creative exploration » Artists know how – Let them help lead

community they study and know culture » Don’t give developers and big money markets

authority to make cultural decisions » NOT for a board of directors – give entitlement

to locals and artists who know how to use their money best for everyone’s benefit

» Repurpose buildings and develop new spaces » Community consultation » Creative platform/anchor » Extend southern culture corridor north, Luminato/

Nuit Blanche » Foster/release the plug on creativity » Eliminate silos amalgamate common goals » Leaders identify and engage » Identify stakeholders » Active community groups » All the people in Vaughan » Cultures/age groups » Policy/priority » Implementation plan: money » Must engage the youth » Initial engagement with high school students

about the development at the VMC – field trips » Marketing strategy for exposure to Vaughan

residents and businesses » Website that promotes all Vaughan arts and

culture » City/government funding, corporate partnerships/

sponsorships » High architectural standards » Exemplary projects » Consider total value over time/public value » Community engagement » Representatives from various/diverse cultures/

demographics » Local press involvement » Try to use or change city by-laws, zoning, or

rules to promote public arts projects. No need to spend big city budgets.

» Teaching, planning strategies, community forum

» Community forums, history representation » School forums » Liaise with colleges and universities » Public engagement/school engagement » Communication system » Dedicated team with roles and responsibility » Working group » Inventory of current art and culture/assets and

people » Funding/money mandate for public art » Art offerings and spaces inventory » Centralized promotions » Transportation to art activities (McMichael!) » Idea submission and selection » Subject expert training » Connecting artists to local businesses so both

can benefit » Engage an “event management” company to

create a business plan and itinerary » Arts Council: to advise and to combine art with

parks and proper access » Extracurricular activities » Focus groups » Classes and courses » Host cultural fairs » Run fun programs for youth, teen, adult, and

seniors » Promote programs at municipal buildings to

attract the community » Booking/reserving system » Education and public workshops » Showcase Vaughan cultures through food,

entertainment, and art » Process of approval easy, simple, and quick » Community engagement education


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» Canvass for exhibits, programs culture attendance (person to person)

» Breakfasts to initiate new volunteers » Foster new ideas for senior participation » Create three people teams (help each other) » Don’t know projects yet! Should come through

commitment to dialogue, engagement - shared decision making!

» Entertainment District:- Amphitheaters/concerts- Skating Rinks- Seasonal shopping tents- Popular games: chess, backgammon,

checkers » Developing a true community group to make

decisions for the community » Investors – But let people who are

knowledgeable in art and culture make the decisions for the community because they have heart!

» Investments in youth education – groups/schools » Renovate, develop, and design » Focus group/steering committees » Diverse projects for demographics – families,

children, and seniors away from technology » Link art parks and centres along Highway 7 BRT

to join art communities » Highlight and embrace the communities » Temporary art projects: engage all members/

residence across Vaughan » Scale model in the downtown » Map of Vaughan/ VMC » Awareness of the VMC: where/what » Offer Paul and Tim Free space » Raise awareness and increase the marketing of

what exists today » Cultural Vaughan flag on top of the VMC

» Define the VMC: entrance and exit » Pop up projects » Local festivals » Community bike share » Performing arts centre » Smaller scale projects integrated in communities » Heart of the city » New identity » Playhouse, bandshell » Food hub eg. Wychwood Barns

» Developing a system for acquiring art/artists » Mayor’s awards for the arts » Concert hall/theatre public art gallery » Contests/competitions » Include an art gallery and cultural spaces in the

new metro centre (theatre and music hall) » Social/public art innovations » Mixed use public space destination, international

exposition » Create ongoing festivals 12 months/yr in VMC

and people/public will come from out of town » Public art committee » Future development fair (out of the box ideas)

contest » Scholarships » Green project using our existing “underutilized”

green space to create an inviting, vibrant, social, culturally rich environment

» Vaughan’s Dream Project- Dream as big as you can- Open sourced contest- Incorporating artistic/cultural development

» Reclamation Project: take old to make new » Vaughan casual sports and recreation leagues » Graffiti wall

» Taste of Vaughan » Community-based » Density development


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push the limitsdedicated City staff

centre for performing artscollaborative, shared communication

partner with other institutionsinvite the world to events

celebrate Vaughan’s cultural diversitycollaboration as the prime catalystopen/activity 365 days a year

engage the community

Workshop participants were asked to share ideas on how Vaughan should differentiate itself from other centres. People talked about opportunities to partner with other institutions such as the Art Gallery of Ontario and universities, festivals/events and programs that celebrate Vaughan’s cultural diversity, dedicated city staff and the importance of engaging the community.

Question 3: How will we Differentiate Ourselves from Other Centres with Respect to Culture and Public Art?

Page 22: CULTURAL FRAMEWORK - Vaughan...CULTURAL FRAMEWORK & PUBLIC ART PLAN WHAT WE HEARD Each of the speakers made a 20 minute presentation. The following is a summary of their key messages


» Identity with cultural fabric » Art-loan program » Local artists » Markets engaging local resources » Refresh: ever-evolving, never static » Partnership with institution and education AGO,

OCAD » Music: cultural, students » Festivals celebrating cultures from all over

Vaughan, general and specific » Facilities: eating spot, concert shell » Temporary art work program (all municipal

buildings) » Incorporate historical traditions and elements

of Vaughan and its integrated communities in a modern way:- Renovate part of old building to be used in

new ways i.e. upscale restaurants, gallery, activities

» Leveraging our multicultural community to integrate a common experience (visual art/drama/music/food/performance)

» Community art courses (cultural) – different ages » Commit resources to a permanent staff position

with committee whose responsibility is to advance goals and turn ideas into action

» We need our own centre for the performing arts » To bring art to people must have free displays for

ads » Eliminate discrimination of so called “for profit”

artists » Exceptional/lasting legacy » Push the limits!

» Create public art that creates worldwide recognition eg. ROM Crystal on Paris TV

» Start from the ground up! Don’t import information from elsewhere

» Keep it fresh and varied for repeat engagement » Make “collaboration” the prime catalyst within the

community » Innovate from within the cultural diversity we

have » An interactive experience – beyond visualization » Create a culture maze! » By engaging the public » By making it easy to come to the VMC » By organizing constant workshops and

committees that invite the public » By helping the community (fundraisers, free

concerts, start/finish lines for walk/bike-a-thons » By inviting the world to events (on an

international scale) » Dedicated, affordable cultural spaces in the city

centre, with gallery, studios for rent, and live music!

» Amazing piazza with different restaurants- all cultures, around a central performance/gathering/skating/public art space

» Used year round – summer theatre, food festivals, arts festivals, music festivals, and live acts every Friday etc.

» Multilingual, barrier-free, culturally inclusive » Include small-medium businesses in

development; make spaces/small nucleuses for these businesses

» Leverage proximity to Toronto and all resources:- Satellite, incubator

» Affordable artist space/sustainable

» Leverage natural spaces without impact » Diversity: Language, heritage and religion all

combine to give us culture » Open/activity 365 days a year

» Ongoing national/cultural themes » Mingling opportunities/ taste of different cuisines/

get pictured in different/ traditional costumes/ cultural highlights/ festivities throughout the year

» Multicultural plaza » VMC – multicultural capital of Canada » Support local talent » Encourage high quality artwork » Consult with local community for all projects –

local and open calls » Scale of projects can inform procurement » Transparent process » Feature emerging and established Vaughan

artists at VMC » Temporary McMichael art collection exhibits at

VMC » Community exhibitions at McMichael –

collaborative projects » Partner with larger GTA arts/culture festivals and

events (i.e. CONTACT, Luminato, and Planet Indigenous)

» Eventually create an annual Vaughan arts and culture festival at VMC

» Seasonal Market for food, crafts, etc. » Have the available land for development » Small town familiarity – big city amenities » Encourage cultural pockets to grow (into the

VMC) inspire the VMC » Food Canada (events) at the VMC

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» VMC kiosks in grocery stores, libraries, box stores etc. for awareness

» Redefine suburban, raise our expectations » Consult with local communities – celebrate » “Put your money where your mouth is” – action » Platforms for discussion – creative ways for

communities to engage » Fund local projects » Cohesive art community with strong mindset,

sense of ownership and belonging creates intangible asset that is hard to duplicate (innovation and action)

» Visible displays of unique public art – causes P.R., buzz and create a sense of place

» Create collaborative, shared communication piece that connects the heart and mind

» Stop being afraid to move forward, takes too long to create change

» Get the builders to have a new vision to include culture and art in structures

» Don’t create ghettos » Interaction among diverse cultures » Bring everyone together – neutral cultural

exchange » Partnerships with builders and community

investors with local artists and art schools » Let young talent shine – give them opportunity –

they are the future » Industry seminars » Performance theatre » Fountains » Art and Film festivals » Interactive sculptures » Film studios » Interactive art “come paint” adults and kids

» Local artists – showcase (people invite system) » Drama classes – utilize York U students, high

school students (volunteer programs) and retirees

» History corner “Old Vaughan” » Murals » Washable art wall » Cultural dance exhibition » Showcase school choirs – create an environment

where seniors and children come together » Unique physical space: digital commons,

architecture, landscape » Pervasive: Why just one downtown? Rather

connections all within walking distance (biking, hiking)

» Connect: culture is more than art

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bring writers together in Vaughanrepurpose AMC as a cultural hub

art should be everything we dogo where young people are

create conditions for artists to thrive

3 Focus Groups & One-on-Ones

Focus groups were held with representatives of various arts and culture related groups, and people affiliated with arts and culture in Vaughan on Feb. 2 and 3, 2015. One-one-one meetings were held with various business owners in the VMC and key stakeholders. A special meeting was organized with landowners in the VMC on March 4, 2015.

Focus Groups

Invitations to join a focus group sent to arts, culture related groups in Vaughan


The following is a summary of the themes heard during the focus group discussions:

VenuesFocus group participants agreed that a lack of accessible venues created challenges for the Vaughan art community to flourish. In particular, studio space for artists, meeting/event space and effective locations for public art installations were identified as being lacking in the community.

TemporaryTemporary art, pop-up initiatives and pilot projects have the potential to provide important opportunities to build awareness and excitement for the arts community in Vaughan. Participants suggested that these initiatives could contribute to creating a dynamic public space and could later be made permanent additions to the VMC.

CommunicationCommunication has presented a significant challenge for promoting the art community in Vaughan. Through the focus groups, participants explained the need to reach a wider audience through the use of social media and a stronger on-site presence. In particular, participants identified the need to reach out to youth. The need for a consolidated database for all space suitable for arts and culture in Vaughan was also mentioned.

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PeopleInitiating a public art project has an enormous potential for bringing the community together, involving youth and young artists and celebrating Vaughan’s diversity. Through widespread community engagement, public art can facilitate partnerships, promote networking within the community and strengthen Vaughan’s sense of identity.

Community HubFocus group participants identified the need to develop a physical community hub which would act as a landmark and a destination for the community. Elements that need to be considered include a pedestrian scale, supporting cultural business development, having year-round activities, the ability to foster social engagement, and the ability to accommodate the full range of cultural activities.

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One-on-One Meetings

A number of one-on-one meetings and/or telephone calls were made in early February. The following is a summary of key thoughts shared during the conversations:

» Interested in ability to co-locate with other industries to establish a cluster of creative industries

» Make Vaughan a power-house of the creative industry » Creative industries offer an ideal opportunity to transition from the heavier

industries in the area to Vaughan’s new downtown » Opportunities to use water as an iconic identifier in the VMC » Need to get Vaughan’s industries and business involved - they will if they

understand what it costs, what they get and how it fits with an overall strategy

» Opportunity to continue to demonstrate Vaughan’s commitment to green building and sustainable design through innovative lighting design

» Future of the VMC is planning for a city of the future - requires cross sector collaboration and cross sector technology

» Should focus on Transit Square to give people a sense of the activity to come - demonstrate what the future is

» The VMC could be the capital for design - to bring everything together - building, signage, landscape, public space

» Need to create a unique destination a “we’ve got to go there” place » Need to create destinations for families around culture » People need to be part of building the VMC - the “community builds itself” » Need a design-based event to heighten awareness of the VMC » A design school/centre could be the focus for the creative industry focus » Arts got left behind in Vaughan, it grew too fast » Need to have a facility that can provide a focus for culture and arts in

Vaughan » Regular events and activities is critical to building awareness of new urban


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Meeting with VMC Landowners

» Events are important, supportive of things that bring people to VMC.

» Need staged approach. » Education program needed. » Need to avoid situation where event is a single

destination and doesn’t bring spinoff benefits to other businesses.

» Development is phased - much of site will be inhospitable in short term so events are better left to later, now is time for branding/awareness.

» Branding and promotion has to be timed right. » Hope there can be VMC website for all

landowners. » Explore options for marketing over hoarding,

blank walls.

Interest in temporary/pop-up retail to occupy unusedspaceonthegroundfloor: » Retail space is very expensive to build - margins

are thin, don’t expect to have any empty space in new buildings.

» Temporary pop-up shops to fill space but needs City to facilitate regulatory aspects eg. occupancy permits, etc.

» Some landowners too busy with construction and other things to deal with temporary installations/programs right now.

Role of the landowner in the process to secure public art: » For any public art on private land, landowner

would have to have very strong role in process. » Would follow principles/vision/theme of public art

document, landowner would make proposal and design review panel should decide.

» There should be a strategy to ensure public art connects from one place to another and build character.

» Hope that public art is integrated into the urban design guidelines - locate at gateways, etc and reinforce the new structure.

» Finishing touches such as public art may not get done unless fiscal tools or incentives are there.

» Hope for development charge credit or parkland dedication credit in order to do public art.

» Happy with draft definition of public art. » Use design of Millway with interim road

condition, integrate public art in that and give hint of the future.

» Prefer process for public art etc is integrated with Urban Design Review Panel (streamlined) instead of having to go to multiple committees.

Role of the landowner to provide facilities for cultural events: » Everything is on the table, but only if it makes

business sense - City would need to reduce development charges or give other incentives as development is barely breaking even.

» Section 37 money is going to be spread too thin - area is just too large. Need to prioritize where Section 37 money goes.

» Willing to work together with City on collective branding and promotion for VMC.

» BIA tool at some point in future.

Use of lands for temporary events/programming/installations: » Interest from some developers to implement

temporary events/art installations if it makes sense and is a logical location

» There is some concern that the area is challenging for events because in its current condition it is not welcoming, no built form and windswept with inhospitable microclimate.

» Need to get the “bones” right first. » Some properties are protected by lease

agreements so landowner may not be able to provide space, for example, in parking lots - leasee would have to be approached.

» There is limited space in some parts of the VMC right now due to construction, stockpiles etc., particularly north of Highway 7.

» Due to lease obligations to AMC, no other movies are allowed to be shown there.

» Have to time events strategically – site based promotion should be done first.

Interest in marketing to build awareness of the VMC: » Supportive of promoting the visibility of VMC -

some people are not aware that the subway is coming.

» Supportive of marketing/promotion but it’s too early - need to wait until more is built - i.e. subway opens and KPMG and Expo buildings is occupied.

» The new Central Park would be a huge marketing asset and bring vitality, but only once things are built out.

» Once KPMG building is done and the plaza is built, lots of events will be able to be held there - but full use is dependent on subway completion.

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4 Online Feedback

Feedback was received online from two sources, a web survey linked from the City’s dedicated project website (vaughan.ca/MyDowntown), and email responses to the dedicated project email address ([email protected]).

Web Survey

The following summarizes the responses received as of March 10, 2015 to a number of questions posted on the web survey.

Whatisthefirstthingyouwoulddotodeveloppublicartandculture in the VMC? » A Canada-wide university competition to build a public art installation » Music incubator/rock’n roll hall of fame » Let it pay for itself » Nothing - the city/developers/planners have no vision to create a hub…it’s

too late…just additional waste of taxpayer’s money » Save the history and architecture » Landmark focal point ..to create a very comfortable and beautiful public

space » Promote multicultural groups coming together » Redesign the streets

How could the VMC differentiate itself from other centres with respect to culture and public art? » Partnerships » Arts reflecting newness of VMC - clean, fresh, urban » City Hall, hospital, subway, satellite of York university should be at VMC » Arts incubator where professional artists from all walks of life can come

together » Celebrate our city’s diversity through public art… create human spaces

with public art as a nucleus… have a series of smaller human-friendly parkettes... integrate spaces for performing arts into public spaces... integrate traditional art with contemporary culture and technology

» Make Vaughan a vibrant growing city in all sectors of economy » Buildings and streets that require design competition - uniqueness

City’s dedicated project website

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Identify 5 words you think should form part of the vision to guide development of public art and culture in VMC? » Vibrant... co-ordinated… local... kid friendly… dynamic » Business... economy... growth... opportunity... lower taxes » Modern... arts incubator... student-centric... technology... experiential » no... no... no... no... no » History » Placemaking... context sensitive... beauty... landmark... exciting » Place for art... music... performing » Green... art... infused... identifiable

Tell us what your vision is for public art and culture in the VMC Think about things like programs, facilities, events, permanent or temporary public art and attractions » Mix of permanent and temporary art installations for dynamic environment,

include regular programing in public spaces » Minimal - let the private sector do it » Not worth it - VMC will not be a place to go - city can’t stay within budgets » Arts incubator » Museum » Public spaces and elements should have permanent facilities - pedestrian

focus to streets - create a co-ordinated plan to celebrate the arts with performance venues, parks/plazas, galleries, etc.

» A facility for seniors to enjoy themselves » Gathering spaces, large enough for big events but intimate enough to

allow for small groups

Email Responses

A number of email submissions have been received to the [email protected] email address. Comments included:

» Vaughan needs a museum » Piazza or city centre atmosphere, like Yonge/Dundas square » Outdoor covered venue for music, food exhibits, ad hoc entertainment » Include proposed “Art in the Street” program on Islington in Kleinburg » Art should be a public feature » Lack of cultural venues/programs » To become a true and vibrant community, bring together Vaughan’s

diverse cultural backgrounds and funnel through common aspiration » Art and culture are vital to the long-term health of the community » Don’t forget the original villages - arts and culture can help them stand out

from other commercial and retail districts » Don’t drown out existing cultural institutions by focussing too much on the

VMC » Consider each community for some sort of small scale community centre

where arts and culture be promoted » Work more closely with existing groups to integrate them into City of

Vaughan cultural programming

Social Media for Culture Talks

Social media was utilized to promote the Culture Talks event and engage the community. Tweets were posted on Twitter in the weeks leading up to the event on Jan. 21, 2015, and again after the event to encourage people to send their ideas to [email protected].

Between Jan. 6 and Jan. 21, 12 tweets were posted on Twitter about the Culture Talks event and these were marked as favourites 17 times. The total reach for the tweets was more than 86,000 people.

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5 Public Information SessionEmail Responses

» Create a sense of place, community and belonging » Create something for the next generation » Vaughan needs to look at economic benefit to GDP from arts and culture

in dollars and number of jobs created » Harness the talent and energy of people to make this happen » Concern about how to know what to do without knowing what the VMC is

really going to be like » Concern about conflicts between art on private property and public art on

City property - can policies control this? » Be progressive and seek excellence » Preserve identity » City Hall and downtown are spread too far apart - where is the venue to

have events? Where is the destination? » Cluster the creative arts to create a critical mass » Need dedicated space for the arts, such as a City gallery » Create a city inventory of spaces for culture and the arts to find out what

space is available and when » Create a city inventory of cultural events/programs » VMC is central hub linking all arts and culture in Vaughan together » Huge diversity of people in Vaughan - able to cater to everyone, should

always be something to do » Clear vision/path for public art to bring the urban design all together » In early stages, use art to define the space (eg at each of the entrances) » Public art installation in front of KPMG building to engage public » Big challenge is how people will get to the VMC - there’s a subway station,

but how do you get to the VMC from within Vaughan? How to get there? Parking is key

» Indoor/warm accessible space for winter/summer events » Create something that brings people to the VMC and stay for hours, to

shop, eat, etc instead of coming for just one thing and leaving » Use technology to inform people of culture and arts available in the VMC » Use newsletters to distribute cultural event information » Reconsider the Centre for Visual Arts concept that was assessed in a

feasibility study in 2008

A public information session was held on March 4, 2015 at the Vellore Village Community Centre. A small group of people attended. A presentation was made to provide an overview of the input received to date through community consultation, to share images describing various types of public art, a working definition of public art and early thinking on key directions for the cultural framework. Following the presentation, there was a group discussion summarized as follows:

Social Media for Culture Talks

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Pop-up installation created from input from the workshop portion of Culture Talks Event

Pop-up installation in City Hall’s Atrium

Pop-up installation created from input from the workshop portion of Culture Talks Event

Workshop portion of Culture Talks Event

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6 Emerging Principles

1 Leverage

2 Cultivate

3 Engage

4 Promote

5 Innovate

6 Integrate

7 Accessible

8 Flexible9 Diverse

10 Sustainable

The following emerging principles summarize what we’ve heard through the various consultation events held over the past two months and establish a direction for the cultural framework and public art plan for the VMC.

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1 Leverage

Leverage partnerships (such as with the McMichael, Luminato, Contact, OCAD, Toronto Design Show, etc), infrastructure (buildings such as the former AMC cinema, parks and other public spaces, highways, etc.) and cultural assets (such as artists, history, networks, creative and cultural industries)

Cultivate the arts and creative and cultural industries through creation of incubators and cultural capacity building (facilitation of opportunities for individuals and groups to connect)


InfrastructureCultural Assets

ArtsCreative & Cultural Industries

IncubatorsCultural Capacity Building

2 Cultivate

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Engage with both the public and arts and culture organizations and individuals to keep them involved and informed, organize events, activities, programs, and connect people and organizations together

Promote arts and culture continuously through events, activities and programs, ads, social media, ensuring that information reaches all ages and cultures

Arts & Culture

Events, Activities & ProgramsAds & Social Media

All Ages & Ethnic ties

3 Engage

4 Promote

Arts & Culture Organizations

IndividualsInvolved & Informed




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Integrate culture and art into people’s everyday lives, not limited to facilities and individual art works

Innovate, be open to new ideas (such as pop up events and temporary installations, methods of funding, engagement etc...), facilitate “collision of ideas” that creates the conditions for innovation

5 Innovate

6 Integrate

Be Open to New Ideas

Facilitate “Collision of Ideas”

Culture & Art

People’s Everyday Lives

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Ensure culture and art are accessible to the public by choosing locations that are logical, visible, easy to get to and access, and targeted to all ages and ethnic ties

Flexible and phased cultural framework that can be incremental and create the conditions that enable and support opportunities as they arise


VisibleEasy to Get to and Access

All Ages & Ethnic Ties

7 Accessible


Phased Cultural FrameworkEnable & Support Opportunities

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Support and program a wide range of culture and art, from temporary activities and installations (easy to implement pop up events and temporary art installations to help define and animate space) to dedicated and affordable cultural spaces (providing for eg. affordable spaces for artists and small creative enterprises, art galleries, community arts centres or other more permanent cultural facilities)

Create a sustainable structure for long-term funding stability with multiple partnerships and a strong operational organization that will continue to provide the VMC with the benefits of culture and art for the foreseeable future

9 Diverse

10 Sustainable

Wide Range of Culture & Art

Temporary InstallationsDedicated Cultural Spaces

Long-Term Funding StabilityMultiple Partnerships

Strong Operational Organization

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