-_ .. --_. - --- _ .. - --_.. _------------------------- co - 0I RECTO Joseph Lan)' Fenwick Harry Tokarz Canadian U.F.O. Research Network po. Box 15. "talion "A" Willowdale. Ontario. Canada M2t-. 557 (416) "638-1781 cUFcrru Inc BULLETI scientia vi ta excolatur (Where knowledge increases, life is ennobled) Val.6. No.1. March-April, 1985 $3.00 Ground Saucer Watch verified this as a genuine Daylight Disc photo. It was taken on July 26, 1975 by a Dutch professional photographer near Saasfee, in the Alps. southern Switzerland, west of the Simplon Pass. The original colour photo was sent to GUFOS. The photographer was on holidays with two friends at the time. IN THIS ISSUE, UFOs and the Media MIBs at Bentwaters AFB? GAUS Lawsuit and FBI UFO Memorandum Among Doeumcnt3 rteamived by GUFORN UFO Landing; Near Kirtland AFB Former CUFORN r,1erl1ber Gets I'lledia Award McDivitt's UFO Photo Bill Moore to Speak in Toronto July JO Great Line-up of Speakers at MUFON Symposium in St. Louis- June 28-JO

cUFcrru Research Network Canadian U.F.O

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Page 1: cUFcrru Research Network Canadian U.F.O

-_ .. --_. ----_.. - --_.. _-------------------------

co -0I RECTOJoseph Mu~k3t

Lan)' FenwickHarry Tokarz

Canadian U.F.O.Research Networkpo. Box 15. "talion "A"Willowdale. Ontario. Canada M2t-. 557(416) "638-1781


BULLETI.11'~scat scientia vi ta excolatur (Where knowledge increases, life is ennobled)Val.6. No.1. March-April, 1985 $3.00

Ground Saucer Watch verified this as a genuineDaylight Disc photo. It was taken on July 26, 1975by a Dutch professional photographer near Saasfee,in the Alps. southern Switzerland, west of theSimplon Pass. The original colour photo was sentto GUFOS. The photographer was on holidays withtwo friends at the time.

IN THIS ISSUE, UFOs and the MediaMIBs at Bentwaters AFB?GAUS Lawsuit and FBI UFO MemorandumAmong Doeumcnt3 rteamived by GUFORN

UFO Landing; Near Kirtland AFB

Former CUFORN r,1erl1ber Gets I'lledia Award

McDivitt's UFO Photo

Bill Moore to Speak in Toronto July JO

Great Line-up of Speakers at MUFON Symposiumin St. Louis- June 28-JO

Page 2: cUFcrru Research Network Canadian U.F.O


UFOs And The Electronic Mediaby Lawrence J.Fehwic:k

For the first time in the hist­?ry of television in southern Ontar­10, a motion picture made for themedium which concerns the UFO subj­ect was shown on a multi-culturalchannel.47,-CFMT·, April 22.

This was the film The Disapp­earance of Flight 412, starringCanadian-born Glenn Ford andBradford Dillman. What made thisTV appearance of the film uniquewas that it was dubbed into theItalian language. This was toaccommodate the third of a millionItalian-speaking people in thecity of Metropolitan Toronto.

The usual reticence and lackof willingness to publicize anyshow about UFOs of the TorontoStar was shown in the wording ofthe newspaper's TV guide descr­iption of the film. It stated"The air force investigates thedisappearance of an airplane."No mention was made of the factthat the movie was a fictionali­zation of a real incident--thefamous Kinross AFB plane dis­appearance over Lake Michiganwherein a UFO was seen on acollision course with the plane,the UFO and the plane vanishedfrom the radar screen, and theevent was said to have been acollision with an Air Canadaplane. No wreckage was everfound.

The main value of the filmwas that at the beginning ,of this 1974 production somegenuine motion picture footagewas inserted to give the pic­ture more impact. The GreatFallS, Montana and Tremonton,Utah footage was shown witha narrator providing voice-over.

The uneven quality of someUFO documentary films was onview on Thursday, May 2, whenToronto's Channel 57, CITY-TV,showed Overlords of the UFO.

The William Gordon Allenproduction was an attempt topromote the other-dimensionalorigin theory for UFOs. Ittried to do this by repeatingthe same phrases which becametiresome after a while. Asidefrom that, side issues such asthe Von Daniken and Uri Gellersegments were thrown in tosustain interest. Instead, theydistracted the viewer from thetheoretical origin aspect.

There were a few scenes whichhad never been shown before,such as the Deland, Floridamotion picture--a genuinelyastounding short sequence takenin broad daylight in colour.

As for Toronto medi~ coverage,the Star said the film'S"unique film footage separatesfacts about flying saucers frommyths." The Globe and Mail noted"An examination of unidentifiedflying objects with photographicevidence that purportedly separatesthe fact from fiction."

The 1977 documentary was shownat 2 in the morning. It wasfollowed by The Legend of LochNess.

The Globe's use of the word"purportedly" in its descriptionmakes it appear the more skepticalof the two newspapers, which isa definite change from the previousattitude of the two newspapers.

Page 3: cUFcrru Research Network Canadian U.F.O




by Bruce MaccabeeTHIS ARTICLE COMES TO CUFORN FROM LARRY BRYANT OF THE CITIZENSAGAINST UFO SECRECY. Bruce Maccabee, M!l:iA., Ph. D., is a researchphysicist at the U.S. Naval Surface Weapons Center in SilverSprings, Maryland.

The morning of August 9, 1980,was only about 20 minutes old whena security guard spotted a "rounddisc shaped object" with a verybright light which had landed in arestricted test area east of Kirt­land Air Force Base, Albuquerque,New Mexico.

Subsequently the object ascend­ed rapidly into the air. Both thelanding and the ascension were \witnessed by a group of guardsabout five miles away at the time.A report of the landing, preparedby agent Richard Doty of the AirForce Office of Special Invest­igations(AFOSI) at Kirtland, be­came public in the spring of 1983,apparently as a result of a "leak"which was followed by a Freedomof Information and Privacy Act(FOIPA) request by a UFO invest­igator (Barry Greenwood).

In the spring of 1984, Icontacted Doty to rind out if hehad more inrormation than wascontained in the li pages whichhad been released. I was notsurprised to hear him tell methat he had interviewed the wit­nesses, gone to the landing site,and had written a larger report.I was not surprised because Ifound it difficult to believethat the Air Force would overlooksomething as impD~tant as alanding of SOMETHINQ .inside arestricted (nuclearJstorage area.

He also said that there was morethat he couldn't tell me. Hefurther suggested that I write toHeadquarters (HQ!AFOSI) to obtainall releasable information. Itherefore wrote to HQ!AFOSI andrequested the follow-on documentunder the FOIPA.

The Chief of the InformationRelease Division, Noah Lawrence,denied tho. t'. there was anotherdocument because there was noneon file at HQ!AFOSI. Subsequent­ly, because of my insistence, hecalled Doty on the phone and Doty(evidently) told him there was nosuch document. I then had a longconversation with Lawrence and headmitted that there was a "dis­crepancy" between what Doty toldme and what he told Lawrence.

Lawrence then requested thatDoty be interviewed by his comm­anding officer (Lawrence did notinterview Doty himself). Thecommanding officer (evidently)reported back to Lawrence thatDoty denied the existence of an­other document. According toLawrence, without a specific nameor a file location of this reportcontinued requests are futile.

Unbeknownst to me, author/in­vestigator Bill Moore had indep­endently researched the case in1982. After I had completed myinvestigation, I told him what Ihad learned and he informed me ofhis investigation. The results of

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l. -__ .. _ _ __ __ J

This black and white photo was taken by U.S. astronaut JamesMcDivitt on June 4, 1965, at J p.m. over Hawaii, using a Hassilbladcamera aboard the Gemini-Titan 4 spacecraft. ~ICAP called it a UFO.

Continued from page 3

his investigation, which are ,.F'Ormer CUFORN M.emberincluded in a summary written .by Moore, agree with'my res-ults, adding further evidenceto my suspicion of a cover-up·G ets Media Award

This report summarizes whatis now known about the incid- Former CUFORN member Terence Dickin-ent and my attempts to find a son has won an award in the Science anddoorway into the "Cosmic Wat- Technology category from the Canadianergate" which prevents the Science Writers' Association, accordingpublic from knowing the truth to the Toronto Star, May 4, 1985·about the involvement of Dickinson is the author of an articlemilitary intelligence agenc- that appeared in the nature magazine,ies with the UFO problem. Equinox. The story, entitled In The

NOTE: This article also Beginning, detailed how Canadians wereappeared in the April, 1985 exploring the galaxies using the jointlyMUFON UFO Journal. The full owned Canadian-French telescope- in Hawaii.report is available from: Dickinson is known in ufology for his

Fund for UFO Research, article about the Betty and Barney HillP.O. Box 277, abduction, The Zeta Reticuli Incident,Mt. Rainier, MD 20712, published in Astronomy Magazine in 1976.U.S.A. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Page 5: cUFcrru Research Network Canadian U.F.O



ease No. Civil Action 83-1932 (Judge Oliver Gasch)


"Part I: Petition for Writ <CRabeas Corpus Extraterrestrial

ill the

United states District Court far the District of Columbia,

pursuant to

CitbeDS Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS), Petitioner


Verne Orr, Secretary, U. S. Departllent or the Air Force, 2espoDdent


The Attorney General of the United States of perica, Additional RespoDdent

The peHHon or CiHuns Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) respectfully shaws:

1. PeUtioner is a public-interes t group chartered to expose, protest, and count4Srany instance or unwarranted official secrecy/press censorship on the part of anyloverment agency as regards reported encounters with Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO).

2. The U. S. GoverDllent's action in aintaining secret custody over one or .,re occu­pants or crash-lAnded UFO's of apparent extraterrestrial origin is tantallOUnt to theirdetention and prosecution by U. S. officials .- said action never having been fully andadequately explained to the public.

8. As evidenced by the GoverDlltent's own UFO-related docuaentation thasfar released tothe public, the U. S. Governaent has pursued, and continues to pursue, a policy of UFOsecrecy whenever that policy is deemed convenient. In particu1ar, that policy yorks topreserve the Ultt.ate Secret when used (a) to deny public access to the detained/prose­cuted extrat..restrials, and (b) to deny them reciprocal access and civil Uberty.

4. Because of that nil or secrecy, the ~tiHoner has insufficient knowledge to Ipeci­fy the Dature of the detentionfprosecution/ptea/trial/appeal (e.g., na.ae and tocationof court which entered the judpent, date of judgment or conviction, length of sentence,nature of orfense involved). '

6. This petition constitutes petitioner's initial action, in any court, to secure theprecedential wvri t of habeas corpus extraten-estrial.·

Page 6: cUFcrru Research Network Canadian U.F.O


mITION. Cont.


Page 2

6. Petitioner's grounds for instituting this habeas corpus proceeding include thefollowing: .

<a) Conviction obtained by use of' evidence obtained pursuant to an unconstitutionalsearch and seizure. SUpporting facts: to be detersined via pet!HOber 's !BOHon fordiscovery of pertinent government information surrounding the detention/prosecutionlconviction.

(b) Conviction obtained by use of evidence obtained pursuant to an unlawfUl arrest.SUpporting facts: saJIe statement applies as in (a) above.

(c) Denial of effective assistance of' counsel. SUpporting facts: Salle statementapplies as :in (a) above.

(d) Denial of' right of' appeal. Supporting facts: ...e stateDlent applies as in(a) above.

Wherefore. petitioner prays that the detained extraterrestrials, whether now alive ordeceased, be brought before the United States District Court for the District of Colum­bia, and that a Writ of Rabeas Corpus may be awarded and a copy thereof delivered tothe clerk or this court, and that by Tirtue thereof the aarshal or this district or oneof his deputies may take the body(ies) of the extraterrestrial{s) into his custody tobe dealt with in this case according to law and according to the order of the districtcourt.

Executed in Alexandria am Arlington, Virginia. on June 24, 1983, by --

~ture of Petitioner:

cf~\f\JQ)~LARRY W. BRY»."l'Director, Washington, n.c. Office,Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS)3518 Hartha Custis DriY8Alexandria, VA 22302

-----------~----------~---------------------Notarize11 Certification: This is to certHy that Ltrry W. Bryant, a resident or 3518Hartha Cus s Te Alexandria, VA 22302, appeared before .~ a~tary Pub in theeounty!,U,--or JV , Virginia, on 'this the C;(;J/ _ day of 7lL,19n. and affixed and f s signature page 2 of' this tit ,en as ecu ed.


and /

My eOllllisdon expires on __~+~_/J~!l,-"""",L,--- /_

Page 7: cUFcrru Research Network Canadian U.F.O


mITION, Cont.

Part II: Memorandum of Intent and Evidential Exhibits


Page 3

1. The petitioner, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, operating OD the SUle legal principleinvolved in cases of citizen's arrest, do hereby petition the U.S. District Court forthe District of Co1um~la for an rmmediate Writ of Habeas Corpus Extraterrestrial.

2. We base our petition OD the .vidence represented by the inclosed documentation andOD the following rationale:

(1) It is our conclusion and conviction that the U.S. Government UFO-related docu­ments recently released yia the U. S. Freedom of Information Act show that --

(a) Certain U. S. ailitary and/or lAw-enforcement authorities have on at leastone occasion participated in the apprehension and detainment of one or ~e occupants ofcrash-landed Unidentified Flying Objects (a.k.a. -flying saucers");

(b) Said occupants, because of their physical description as detailed in thedocuments, originated from an extraterrestrial civilization;

(c) Said occupants, whether dead or alive, have been held in the secret custodyof U.S. authorities without a 1\111 accounting to the public;

(d) This capture and intermaent of any of the U10 crewmen COl13titutes tl.n un­warranted deprivation of their freedom to travel and as such denies them the legalremedy of due-process-of-1aw.

(2) Any post-mortem on the corpses of any UFO crewmen that might have been con­ducted primarily to deter.mine their biological origin violated their right to privacyand their right to be clai~ed intact by their relatives.

(3) The U. S. Departrents of Defense, Air Force, Army, state, as well as the U. S.Federal Bureau of IDVestigation, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the U. S. CentralIntelligence A,ency , and the U. S. National Security Agency -- all involved in past andcurrent policy practices of "UFO secrecy" -- should be held accountable for their ac­tions as regards their roles in the detention and criminal prosecution of the UFO crew­lien/extraterrestrials in question; hence, this accountability should include any court­approved discovery motions that the petitioner deems appropriate for determining allmatters of fact in this issue.

3. Given the foregoing rationale, and in view of the U. S. Government's propensity forwithholding vital UFO information/artifacts from public view, we respectfully ask thiscourt to issue the sought-for Writ of Habeas Corpus Extraterrestrial.

4. listing of inclosed evidential nhibits, drawn f'rom official U. S. GovernmentDocumentation:

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Page .(


(A) F.B. I. Memorandum on "nying Saucers,Information Concerning"

(B) U. S. Army letter on the subject ofthe UFO-related "InterplanetaryPhenaaenon Unit" or the Army'sAssistant Chief of Stafr farIntelligenee

(C) Page 1 or NSA In Camera Affidavitin the U. S. Supreme Court­appealed case of Citilens AgainstUFO Secrecy Versus National Se­curity Agency (Civil Action 80­1562)


22 Mar 50

25 Sep 80

14 Nov 80


U. S. Federal Bureau ofInvestigation

Headquarters. Departmentof the Aray

U. S. District Court forthe District of COlumbia


IN ST. lOUIS JUNE28·30One CUFORN member and one

former member are among the tenspeakers at this year's MUFONUFO Symposium at the Chase Hotelin st. Louis, Missouri Juen 28-JO.

Member William L.(Bill) Moorewill discuss "Crashed Saucers:Evidence in Search of Proof",and George D. Fawcett will talkabout "What We Have Learned fromUFO Repetitions"

Other speakers are Leonard H.Stringfield, "The Fatal Encounterat Fort Dix-McGuire: A CaseStudy"(Status Report IV); DavidF. Webb, "The Influence of Hyp­nosis in the Inv.estigation ofAbduction Cases"; Budd Hopkins,"The Evidence Supporting UFOAbduction Reports"; Marge Chris­tenson, "Shifting the Burden ofProof". Titles of speeches byPeter Gersten, Stanton T. Friedmanand Ted Phillips are not knownat this time.

The theme of the 1985 Symposiumwill be "UFOs: The Burden ofProof. "

Advanced registration for allfour sessions is $25.00 in U.S.Funds. Mail your cheques to Mrs.Helen C. Hanke, 4024 90th Ave.,Florissant, MO 6JOJ4, U. S .kMakethe cheques payable to "UFO StUdyGroup of Greater st. Louis".

If you wish to pay when youarrive, it will cost you $28.00at the door. Ea~h session is pric­ed at $7.50.

"Breakfast With the Speakers"which means literally what it sa~&,

will cost you an extra $10.00. Itis a new feature this year and willtake place at the hotel on Sundaymorning.

Advance reservations deadline isJune 21 for the symposium andJune 24 for the breakfast.aotelroom rates are $60.00 daily for asingle or double, with no chargefor those persons under 18 years ofage. Reserve your room by writingto the Reservation Manager, ChaseHotel, 212 North Kingshighway, st.

.Louis, MO 6Jl08, telephone(J14)­J61-2500.

Moore to Speak ill TorontoWilliam L. Moore will speak

in Toronto on Tuesday, July JO a~

8 p.m. at the Metropolitan TorontoCentral Refer~nce Library,Roo~ A.The lfibrary i s ~a t'·Yonge ;~a:nd "Asqu~i;h;one block north of A~oor ~treet.

Page 9: cUFcrru Research Network Canadian U.F.O


• i­-. .

,. :


. C~FORN BULLETIN MAR •.-,.APR. ,1985 9

.. .\Office Memorandu1n • UNITED S1l\lES GOVERNMENT

"'~TO " , DIRE.."TOR, 7ilI "" DAn, - 22/:'1.950 ~j~ ~. ' •

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'j' ,~., ••' ,,:,

. An inTel!ltigator for the Air Iorces .t.ted that t.I:lrH 1tO-<)')1ct4 .• < ".. -< fiying Daucer. bad ~8n nooT.r~ in Jielf Kerl.~. ~ ...~. ..~-..:. ..,. descrl~ III being ci1-eu1ar in Ilhape with raieed cent.eN, appro:rl.... · .......

, aately 50 C.et in d.ia.meter. beh one 'nil occupied by t.hree bodies., ' ".. or bUDan ahapG but cnly , teet t.all, dressed in ••tUllc cloth or ,....,:. 3"

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Page 10: cUFcrru Research Network Canadian U.F.O





Mr. Richard HallP.O. Box 4743Arlington, VA 22204

Dear Mr. Hall:

25 SEP 1980

This is in response to your letter of 6 September 1980 underthe Freedom of Information Act, 5 USC 552, requesting infor­mation concerning Army intelligence records related to UFO­encounter reports.

To determine the existence of Army intelligence investigativerecords responsive to your request we have conducted an indepthcheck of files and indices maintained by this office.

We regret to inform you that no record system is maintainedwithin the offices of the Assistan~ Chief of Staff for Intelli­gence, Department of the Army to catalog, process, index orotherwise evaluate UFO information. This agency has not beena recipient of subject message.

Please be advised that the Interplanatary Phenomenon Unit ofthe Scientific and Technical Branch, CounterintelligenceDirectorate, DA was disestablished during the late 1950' sandnever reactivated. All records pertaining to this unit weresurrendered to the US Air Force Office of Special Investigationsin conjunction with operation "BLUEBOOK".

We regret that we are unable to be of more assistance concerningthis matter.


~. I~~, I-It·, 65WILLIAM B. GUILDColonel, GSDirector of Counterintelligence


Page 11: cUFcrru Research Network Canadian U.F.O

CUFORN BULLETIN. }~R. -APR., 1985 11



"~. _.''. ".;.--'.:..~ .._~:..~._.'-'-~ --~--- -

civil Action Mo.80-1562


...-::r-Qf2-SEGRETr-=--' --.. -- '.









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•._.~'~~~'~~':""' ._~"__ "'.A......._~"~__..::,,:,:,~.;

. '

.' .0 IN ~AM£RA


County of Anne Arundel

State of Maryland

)) sss)

Eugene F.,Yeates, being duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. (U) I am the Chief, Office of Po~icy, of the National

Security Agency (NSA). As Chief, Office of Policy, I am :

re~ponSible [cr processing all initial requests ~ade pursuant" .

to the Freedol1l of. Information Act (rOIA) for NSA records. The

capacity, and upon conclusions reached in accordance therewith.

executed on September 30, 1980 regarding all documents which have

personal review of infor~ation aV~ilableto ~~'in my official-..

This affidavit supplements my unclassified affidavi~2.

i statements herein are based upon personal knowledge, upon myI



been located by ~SA pursuant to plaintiff·s FOIA~equest but

which have be~n withheld wholly or in part by NSA. I submit

this affidavit in camera for the purpose o~ st~ting facts, which

cannot be publicly disclosed, that are the basis for exempting

the records frOM release to the plaintiff.

3~ (S-~ At the beginning of each para9raph of this

affidavit, the letter or letters within parentheses designatQ(s)

the degree of sensitivity of information the paragraph contains.




fr \

.- - .~.. ...- - ---- ,.-':.....---. - - -..- - -:-'~ ~---~ "';; - --

Page 12: cUFcrru Research Network Canadian U.F.O


MISs SEEN AT BENTWATERS AFB?New Book "Sky Crash' Presents Startlfng FactsBook Review, by Lawrence J. .Fenwick of Sky Crash. a Cos­mic ~onspiracy, by BrendaButler, Dot Street and JennyRandles, Neville Spearman Limi­ted, Sudbury, Suffolk, England,1984. ~ 7 . .sq·

This is a well-written bookabout the UFO landiugs of Dec­ember, 1980 in the RendleshamForest near the Woodbridge andBentwaters U.S. Air Force Basesin East Anglia, 2ngland.

Its 291 pages include 16 pho­tographs, 1) drawings and sevenpages of references. A spect­acular orange, yellow, blackand white dust jacket coversthis hard-cover work dividedinto 31 short chapters whichmake it easi8r to read.

The book follows the sequenceof events carefully as it showshow a proper investigation shouldbe conducted. It sports an ess­ential list of principal chara­ters at the outset and has onlyfour spelling errors. t~de.s

lack an index and uses some"filler" in describing the site'shistory and some UFO history.

Only seven pseudonyms are usedfor the 4) eyewitnesses, inciden­tal characters, Ministry of Def-ence Officials and investigators. _

The book emphasizes facts andpresents the skeptic's arguments.These two attributes help to makeit one of the most importantworks in the literature and hist­ory of UFO research.

There are several startlingitems discussed in the book. Wedo not intend to reveal these aswe feel the reader should disco­ver these by·reading the b00k.However, the Hen ill Plack arementioned at on; point as having

been ?een at Bentwater~ Air ForceBase ln cha:ge of a meeting bet-ween hum::lnn,rl~ ~nrl +1-.0 ~~,~ .... _