Cubing 2Power Point

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  • 8/3/2019 Cubing 2Power Point





    Barbara Ewing Cockroft, M.Ed. NBCT, presenter


    For more activities and lessons using cubing
  • 8/3/2019 Cubing 2Power Point


    Be not afraid of going slowly. Be only

    afraid of standing still.-Bertie Kingore

  • 8/3/2019 Cubing 2Power Point


    What Is Cubing?

    A technique that helps students

    consider a subject from six

    points of view

    Different commands or tasks

    appear on each side of a cube

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    What Is Cubing?(continued)

    Cubes may vary with commandsor tasks appropriate to the level of

    readiness of the group.Cubes may also be constructed

    with tasks relating to different

    areas of intelligence, such asverbal/linguistic orbodily/kinesthetic.

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    What Is Cubing?(continued)

    In its most sophisticated form,

    it is a technique that helps

    students think at differentlevels of Blooms taxonomy.

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    Cubing Tied to Blooms Taxonomy

    1. KnowledgeRecall: What is this about?

    2.ComprehensionUnderstanding: Why did thishappen?

    3. ApplicationTransfer: Use the information to predict.

    4. AnalysisHow many elements are present?

    5. SynthesisCombining:Change to a newscenario.

    6. EvaluationRating: Rank solutions in

    priority order.

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    Examples of Cubing Statements

    Describe It. Look at the subject closely,perhaps with your physical senses as wellas your mind.

    Compare It. What is it similar to? What isit different from?

    Associate It. What does it make you thinkof? What comes to your mind when youthink of it? People? Places? Things?Feelings? Let your mind go and see what

    feelings you have for the subject.

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    Examples of Cubing Statements(continued)

    Analyze It. Tell how it is made.What are its traits and attributes?

    Apply It. Tell what you can do withit. How can it be used?

    Argue For or Against It. Take a

    stance. Use any kind of reasoningyou want: logical, silly, anywherein between.

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    Why Do We Use Cubes?

    To differentiate learning by readiness

    (familiarity with content or skilllevel)

    To differentiate learning by interest

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    Why We Use Cubes

    To differentiate learning by

    student learning profile (visual,

    auditory, kinesthetic; multipleintelligences)

    To add an element of novelty to

    classroom instruction

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    Getting Started

    Step 1. Identify the general concepts,

    skills and content, aligned with the state

    standards, that will be the focus of the

    activity as it pertains to different


    What do you want your students to

    know, understand, and be able to do?

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    Getting Started (continued)

    Step 2. Provide extended opportunities,

    materials, and learning situations that

    are appropriate for a wide range of

    readiness, interests, and learning


    Does what you are teaching align withyour short and long-term goals?

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    Getting Started, continued

    Step 3. Pre-assess student

    readiness, interest, or learning

    style!Group students according to their

    readiness, with different colored cubes

    or task cards that match students level

    of understanding and ability level.

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    Getting Started (continued)

    Step 4. Make sure the students

    understand the verbs and directions

    for each task.Offer choices!

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    Getting Started (continued)

    Step 5. Students complete the tasksaccording to the directions.

    Allow sufficient time.

    Ask one or two students from eachgroup to share their groups

    findings/project/task with the class.

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    Helpful Hints:

    Design the task cards to lookbasically the same among all ofthe groups.

    Use the cubing techniquesparingly, so that the novelty does

    not wear off.Coordinate cubing activities with

    other teachers if you are in a team-

    teaching situation.

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    Helpful Hints (continued)

    Use colored paper to indicate

    various interests or learning styles

    (not readiness-based grouping).Students begin by sitting with

    other students using cubes of the

    same color.

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    Helpful Hints (continued)

    If the first roll is an activity that the

    student does not want to do, a

    second roll is allowed.After students have worked on

    their activity individually, have

    them come together in groups to


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    Variations on Cubing

    1. Number the list of tasks to be

    completed. Roll the die to select the

    item on the list to complete.

    2. Write each task on a tongue

    depressor and let students select one.

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    Variations (continued)

    3. Incorporate learning styles in the cubed

    activity, such as visual/spatial;

    bodily/kinesthetic, etc.

    4. Design a cube for reading nonfiction (Who?

    What? When? Where? Why? How?);

    especially powerful in content areas.

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    Helpful Tools

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    Knowledge-factual answers,recognition, testing recall

    Process Words: who, how why, what, tell,know, where, name, label, omit, when, list,define, select, choose, specify, match,

    record, identify, numerate, describe,recount, memorize, recall

    Products/Outcomes: list, definition,

    recitation, lecture, worksheet, chart, facts

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    Comprehension-translating,interpreting, extrapolating

    Process Words: cite, tell, infer, report, show,explain, identify, locate, discuss, classify,describe, indicate, translate, recognize,summarize, paraphrase

    Products/Outcomes: summary, discussion,explanation, report, review, puzzle, game,lesson

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    Application-to situations that are new,unfamiliar, or have a new slant; applyrules, laws methods, theories

    Process Words: use, solve, select, teach,show, collect, relate, explain, transfer, exhibit,predict, informs, practice, classify, compute,illustrate, determine, produce, establish,develop, simulate, experiment, demonstrate,

    discover, dramatize

    Products/Outcomes: map, model, diagram,illustration, interview, experiment, drawing,collection, chart, timeline, mobile

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    Analysis- breaking down into parts, formsidentifying motives or causes, makinginferences, finding evidence to supportgeneralizations; clarifying, concluding

    Process Words: probe, survey, dissect, outline,contrast, identify, compare, examine, discover,organize, correlate, illustrate, prioritize, combine,

    separate, diagram, differentiate, distinguish,categorize, investigate, subdivide

    Products/Outcomes: graph, diagram, survey,questionnaire, plan, research paper, outline,attributes, goals/objectives, chart, mind map

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    Synthesis -combining elements into apattern not clearly there before, abilityto put parts together to form a new

    wholeProcess Words: make, plan, adapt, invent, create,develop, translate, design, initiate, generate, makeup, compose, propose, predict, integrate,

    originate, rearrange, assemble, collaborate,categorize, hypothesize, formulate, incorporate

    Products/Outcomes: song, play, newspaper, film,mural, story, advertisement, poem, invention,

    formula, solution, art product

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    Evaluation- evaluate according tosome set of criteria and state why;ability to judge value for purpose;

    judging the value of something

    Process Words: rate, judge, revise, choose, critique,defend, justify, decide, assess, contrast, support,

    compare, criticize, support, validate, determine,recommend, appraise, conclude, interpret

    Products/Outcomes: panel, discussion, judgment,evaluation, opinion, editorial, verdict, rating scale,

    debate, court trial, ranking

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    Examples (refer to this website:

    Grade 3 Chrysanthemumby Kevin Henkestask card

    Grades 6-8 Task cards to correspond to The

    Outsiders(easy and difficult readinesslevels)

    Grades 6-8 Revising cube (easy and difficultreadiness levels)

    Grade 10 Stereotyping (English or SocialStudies)
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    Social Studies Level 1

    For a blank template of a cube, visit:
