CT making the carbon reduction business Case

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  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    Making the business casefor a carbon reduction projectHow to wi over the boardad iece people

    Maagemet gide CTV039


  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    02Makig the bsiess case

    People i yor positio eergy or evirometal

    maagers, acilities maagers ad works egieers

    have always od it hard to compete or dig

    becase historically their projects were i a

    discretioary category. These projects have

    ot bee see as essetial to the srvival

    o the bsiess; or are they sally madatory

    rom a legal or reglatory perspective.

    They also ted to be smaller scale tha other

    projects beig dealt with by yor board o directors

    or other decisio makers, dimiishig their

    perceived importace. Frthermore, these projects

    ca be techical (or eve iqe i the boards

    experiece), which icreases their perceived

    riskiess ad makes rejectio a comortable choice.

    The advice which ollows shold eable yo

    to overcome these challeges. It is based i part

    o iterviews with people who hold, or have held,

    seior exective positios i sbstatial

    orgaisatios, ad the athors are gratel

    or their time ad assistace.We begi by askig

    dametal qestios abot who makes the

    decisios ad what they are lookig or, ad the

    work logically throgh the steps o gatherig data

    ad evidece, bildig the case (icldig

    cosideratios o face ad risk), dratig the

    proposal, presetig it, ad the maitaiig

    mometm. Explaatios o key facial

    evalatio techiqes have bee pt ito a

    appedix or the beeft o those who are ot

    already amiliar with them.

    Last, a word abot the scope ad philosophy

    o this gide. It is ot jst abot how to do a

    facial appraisal o a capital project ad preset

    a proposal to yor board. It talks abot carbo

    redctio projects i the widest sese: a example

    might be a chage o policy to limit the choice

    o compay cars provided or employees. Secod, it

    views makig a bsiess case as a log-term

    cotios process, ad ot a isolated evet.


    This guide will help you ensure that your projects or cutting energy

    costs and reducing carbon emissions get a air hearing and the bestpossible chance o implementation.



  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    03Makig the bsiess case

    Yor board o directors (or trstees, cocil

    members or other eqivalet decisio makers,

    as the case may be) will be iterested i cost

    redctio or sbject to iteral criteria improved

    evirometal perormace or ehaced corporate

    reptatio. The project or orgaisatioal chage or

    which yo are tryig to make a bsiess case mst,

    thereore, oer a compellig facial retr ad,

    i possible, worthwhile additioal beefts.

    Bt jst as importat as what yo preset is how

    yo preset it. As we will repeat at greater legth

    later, yo shold preset a cocise, clear proposal

    clmiatig i a sigle recommedatio or reqest.

    It shold be spported by a appropriate aalysis

    o the costs, beefts, risks ad implemetatio


    Proposals or eergy savig projects are ote

    at a disadvatage compared with other cadidates

    or capital ivestmet. Capital ivestmet meas

    oe-o expeditre o plat, machiery ad

    bildigs or pblic relatios ad marketig

    campaigs to geerate icome i the tre.

    This is distict rom revee expeditre

    represetig wages, el, materials, maiteace

    ad other ogoig aal costs.

    Ad that is oe hrdle: i some orgaisatios,

    it may be istittioally difclt to recogise

    ad accot or revenuesavigs arisig rom

    capitalexpeditre. A more importat hrdleis that eergy ad carbo-savig capital projects

    are discretionary. They are ot essetial or

    sstaiig or growig the bsiess (like prodctio

    machiery), or or reglatory compliace

    (like eqipmet or improved dst abatemet).

    These obstacles are compoded by the act that

    eergy projects are perceived as risky. It does ot

    matter that a marketig campaig might actally

    etail morerisk; yor eergy or carbo project is

    amiliar territory, somewhat techical, ad maybe relatively small i scale. The sae optio is to

    reject it.

    Later o we provide gidace o overcomig

    these disadvatages, bt it mst be stressed

    that eve the most solid bsiess case cold ail

    to get spport i it is badly arged ad preseted.

    What are decision makers looking or?

    Your proposition will have the best chance o acceptance i it oers the decision

    makers something they want and is presented in a way they can understand.

    Typical pitalls

    usig explaied jargo or ambigos terms.

    Failig to address ay isses o relevace to

    the board.

    Failig to cosider other optios. Failig to idetiy ad deal with risk actors.

    not sig the appropriate facial appraisal


    Givig a ramblig presetatio.

    not givig a sigle clear recommedatio.

    Key point

    Yor seior decisio makers wat sod

    projects, ad yo ca deliver them.



  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    05Makig the bsiess case

    Find an ally

    It ca make a big dierece i yo ca elist the

    spport o someoe at a appropriate level

    who ca be yor ally ad sposor. I a small

    orgaisatio this might be a board member

    whom yo kow to be iterested i eergy adthe eviromet. I a large compay it might

    bea departmet head or seior maagemet


    This perso will lfl a mber o valable ctios.

    They will help yo to derstad the perspective o

    the decisio makers yo are tryig to iece.

    They will also have a wider appreciatio o related

    bsiess isses that eed to be take ito accot.

    Most importatly, they ca act as a advocate

    or yor recommedatios ot oly o the day

    the decisio is take, bt i the crcial phase

    beorehad whe other seior iterested parties

    eed to be soded ot, coslted ad reassred.

    Build a record or success

    Reptatio is a key actor. Pttig orward a case or

    ivestmet or chage is always mch easier

    i yo have become kow or promotig sesible

    ad eective ideas or savig moey, eergy or

    carbo. This is oe reaso or portrayig makiga bsiess case as a cotios process rather

    tha a discrete evet. Each sccess is yor oothold

    o the ext opportity. I yo are cosistetly

    sccessl yo cold fd seior maagemet start

    askig yo or project ideas, rather tha yo havig

    to take the iitiative.

    A sesible strategy, the, is to start with a iitiative

    that is easy to get approval or (or costs othig

    ad is easy to implemet). Record ad pblicise

    the reslts. Meawhile, start lookig or rther,more sbstatial opportities that will eed

    more dig, or edorsemet at a higher level

    o maagemet, ad pick oe that yo ca

    garatee will scceed. Yo caot aord to select

    aythig bt a wier at this poit becase yo will

    be askig the orgaisatio to back it; the reslt mst

    be positive i yor reptatio is goig to beeft.

    Establish infuence and reputation

    Lie will be a lot easier i you can develop and maintain a reputation or sound

    ideas, and engage the help o someone who moves in the circles youre tryingto inuence.

    What your sponsor can do or you

    Help yo derstad the decisio makers


    Steer yo away rom optios compromised. by

    actors yo are ot privy to.

    Be yor ambassador drig the developmet

    o the project proposal.

    Act as a advocate i the presetatio.



  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    06Makig the bsiess case

    Good reptatios are hard to wi ad qickly lost;

    likewise the spport o yor seior maagemet


    Try to ollow these priciples:

    Evalate projects diligetly ad ever promote

    somethig yo are sre o.

    never make exaggerated claims.

    Try to leave yorsel headroom to deliver more

    tha yo promised.

    Whe yo get approval or somethig,

    implemet it withot delay ad do everythig

    yo ca to esre its sccess.

    Make sre people kow what yo have achieved,

    ad keep it all o record.

    Keep p with the ews. Yo wat to be see

    as the perso i the orgaisatio that kows abot

    the world eergy sitatio, the state

    o play with emissios tradig schemes,

    the otlook or prices ad so o. Let yor speriors

    treat yo as a athority o the sbject.

    Last, do ot be shy abot ivolvig yor seior

    maagemet sposor throghot the process

    o idetiyig ad developig projects. Oe o theseior exectives we iterviewed described a case

    where a sites egieers had ivited him to visit

    ad discss some otlie plas or a major eergy

    project. He said it iclied him to give the project

    active spport becase he kew how hard they

    had worked o it.

    Key point

    Develop ad deed yor reptatio.



  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    07Makig the bsiess case

    The facial case or yor proposal rests o the

    balace betwee projected costs ad savigs.

    How these are aalysed ad preseted is covered

    i a appedix, bt clearly the argmet will oly

    be as sod as the evidece o which it is based.

    Direct fnancial benefts

    I this sectio we emphasise the developmet

    o the facial case ad treat ay o-facial

    beefts as boses. This is eqally tre o carbo

    savig: eve i yor orgaisatio has a declared

    policy o redcig its carbo emissios, it is

    likely to be prepared to do so at ay cost.

    Larger orgaisatios wold most probably

    bechmark proposals agaist the market price

    or traded carbo.We will deal frst with the expected savigs i

    eergy cosmptio or carbo emissios. Here, the

    eergy maager is sally o sae territory, as i

    may cases it is possible to estimate the eects o a

    proposed chage with reasoable certaity. This is

    particlarly tre where a eective moitorig ad

    targetig scheme is i se or where a sfcietly

    detailed eergy adit has bee codcted.

    Veriy your numbers

    Where estimates o savigs may have bee

    rished by eqipmet sppliers, it is reasoable

    to expect that their fgres will be optimistic,

    ad yo shold veriy their estimate sig a

    appropriate degree o diligece. At least fdot what assmptios were made, ad sbstitte

    yor ow i yo cosider them qestioable.

    I ecessary, get reereces rom other cstomers

    who ca voch or the techology. However, bear

    i mid that ot all cstomers moitor reslts

    objectively, ad o those that do, oly a miority

    wold wat it to be kow that they had made

    a bad decisio. Ideed, people have bee kow

    to give edorsemets to prodcts based o

    completely radlet claims. O this poit,i yo are i dobt abot claims or a prodct,

    check whether it appears o the Eergy Techology

    List (www.eca.gov.uk/etl ) or other athoritative

    register. I importat cases, commissio a

    idepedet assessmet.

    Building the case

    It is essential to prepare thoroughly by collecting the most reliable

    data and evidence you can obtain, and subjecting your propositionto rigorous evaluation.

    Your business case must

    identiy and discuss all the

    possible downside risks,

    in order to show yourdirectors that they have

    been considered and are

    containable or controllable



  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    08Makig the bsiess case

    Where the savigs have bee estimated by a

    idepedet cosltat i the frst place (as part

    o a eergy adit, or example), some probig

    qestios will be i order. Remid the cosltat

    that there cold be a claim agaist his or her

    proessioal idemity israce (regardless

    o disclaimers) i they have ailed to exercise

    sfciet care i the calclatio o savigs.

    Exaggeratig the savigs cold lead to a project

    with a seriosly disappoitig otcome. This

    ot oly wastes resorces, it will damage yor

    reptatio ad make tre progress more difclt.

    I some circmstaces yo might wat to cosider

    iitially makig a proposal or a pilot project oly.Reslts rom that cold the be sed to back p

    the case or wider replicatio throghot yor

    orgaisatio. Ask the board to commit to the ll

    programme sbject to a stated objective target

    beig reached i the pilot.

    Obtain orward estimates

    Bearig i mid that savigs are sally estimated

    i eergy or carbo terms, yo will eed to obtai

    orward estimates o prices i order to express the

    estimate i facial terms. I yo sbscribe to a

    eergy market itelligece service, its aalysts will

    be providig yo with credible projectios. I ot,

    yo shold glea what itelligece yo ca rom

    specialist eergy jorals ad geeral bsiess

    press, ad orm yor ow view.

    Discss yor assessmet with yor seior

    maagemet sposor ad get his or her backig or

    yor positio. This is importat, becase eve i he

    or she has o particlar view o the sbject, theremay be oe or more board members whose

    opiios do ot coicide with yors, ad who may

    cosider themselves greater experts tha yo o

    market tres.

    However wrog yo may cosider their positios,

    the case yo pt orward mst accommodate them.

    I ot, they may challege yor assmptios drig

    yor presetatio ad scpper it.

    How to build your case

    3 Kow the residal lie o aected assets

    3 Evalate the project cost

    3 Evalate the reqiremets o other projects

    3Calclate the cost, eergy ad carbo


    3 Estimate the project lie

    3 Idetiy sorces o dig

    3 Work ot a project timetable

    3Calclate the iteral rate o retr ad the

    et preset vale

    3 Carry ot risk aalyses

    3Coslt other iterested parties

    3Fid ay available precedets, case stdies

    or techology reereces

    3 Idetiy ay o-facial beefts



  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    09Makig the bsiess case

    Additional benefts

    Eergy savig projects will ote yield additioal

    beefts, some o which cold eve have sigifcat

    facial vale i their ow right. For example: A ew lightig istallatio might be cheaper to

    maitai, thaks to icreased itervals betwee

    lamp replacemets.

    The sot-start eect o a variable speed drive ca

    icrease the lie o both the motor ad mechaical

    drive trai by redcig electrical stresses ad

    mechaical shocks. This exteds the mea time

    betwee ailres ad coseqet bsiess


    Ay cotrol which redces idle rig will also

    exted the lie o eqipmet.

    For a site operatig ear the physical limits o its

    spply coectios, redcig peak demad cold

    remove the eed or capital expeditre o spply

    reiorcemet whe the bsiess is expadig.

    Redcig emissios cold help meet major

    cstomers spply chai reqiremets.

    no-facial beefts have sometimes bee

    idetifed as expected boses ater eergy

    projects have bee implemeted. Examples


    Redced oise i vetilatio systems ater

    covertig as to variable-speed operatio.

    Icreased maiteace itervals as a reslt

    o moitorig eergy cosmptio o eqipmet,

    where deterioratig perormace idicates

    wear ad tear.

    Improved comort ad redced sta trover

    i commercial kitches ater traiig ad

    awareess campaigs showed the beefts

    o ot leavig cookig eqipmet rigecessarily.

    Ehaced reptatio ad pblic relatios


    It is worthwhile cosiderig whether there are

    likely to be ay sch beefts complemetig

    the facial retrs expected rom the projects

    yo are promotig.



  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    10Makig the bsiess case

    Implementation costs

    This is aother case where a eqipmet sppliers

    view is likely to be optimistic ad a cosltat may

    be able to give a reliable estimate.It is risky to rely o a sppliers estimate o project

    costs. First, the salesma has targets to reach ad

    (except i the case o a small compay) is relatively

    islated rom the coseqeces o over-sellig.

    Secod, eve the most cadid salesma does ot

    have access to all the acts, ad has to make

    assmptios abot matters sch as how difclt

    it will be to istall the proposed eqipmet,

    or eve jst to gai access.

    A sigle sppliers estimate, eve whe tested

    with some probig qestios ad moderated

    with more realistic assmptios, will rarely

    do more tha help yo decide i the project

    is worthwhile evalatig rther. So what are

    the optios at this poit?

    Gather intelligence

    I possible, talk to other cstomers with similar

    istallatios ad ask what their experiece was.

    What were the actors that icreased their costs?

    There will sally be some. I yo caot get this

    iormatio rom other cstomers, qiz the spplier

    abot what the cost risk actors are, ad apply yor

    ow commo sese ad experiece. For istace,

    i the cost o istallig cablig is a major kow,

    yo or yor colleages may have some experiece

    rom other related projects at the site i qestio.

    Armed with a view o the likely spread o project

    costs, yo ca ow do a prelimiary evalatio o

    the project, repeatig the aalysis with dieretassmptios to yield a sesitivity aalysis. I yo

    are very lcky, yor project will prove viable der

    all reasoable scearios, makig it sae to proceed

    with the proposal.

    More sally, yo will fd that frm qotatios

    really are ecessary beore yo ca decide to take

    the idea rther. This cold preset a difclty

    as gettig reliable qotatios will mea preparig

    specifcatios, schedles ad desig drawigs.

    normally sch activities are part o the eergy

    maagers brie, ad the ee costs ca be

    absorbed by existig bdgets. I ot, yo will frst

    have to make a bsiess case or the desig ad

    tederig exercise.

    Fortately, approval or a prelimiary stdy ca

    sally be sactioed at a lower level o

    maagemet, ad yor had will be stregtheed

    by havig the reslts o yor sesitivity aalysis

    to idicate the probability o a viable otcome.

    I your proposal is not entirely justifable on fnancial groundsalone, show how it helps to ulfl a concrete objective that

    the organisation has previously set itsel



  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    11Makig the bsiess case


    I yo are cotemplatig a capital project ad do ot

    already kow how it wold be faced, fd ot.

    Yor seior maagemet sposor or facial

    cotroller may be able to help. I some

    orgaisatios there are ormal capital bdgetig

    rods, ad this may dictate whe yor project

    cold commece as yo may ot be able to access

    the crret years allocatio. Other orgaisatios

    have a more exible approach ad some (otably

    i the pblic sector) may eve have rig-eced

    ds earmarked or this class o work.

    Some projects may ot etail capital expeditre.

    However, they may be aordable ot o reveeexpeditre becase they recover their costs

    very qickly. Eergy traiig ad awareess

    campaigs sally all ito this category. I sch

    circmstaces, yo will eed to approach the

    perso who holds the bdget or el ad electricity

    to agree a way orward. Timig is importat:

    the work will eed to be completed early i the

    bdget year.

    Sbject to certai limitatios, the Carbo Trst

    ca provide iterest-ree loas ad small

    bsiesses may be able to access grats rom

    Bsiess Lik der its Bsiess Trasormatio

    ad Resorce Efciecy programmes. Bt

    remember that eve these sorces may ot help

    i the additioal borrowig has a sigifcat impact

    o the balace sheet.

    Whatever the circmstaces i yor case, yo eed

    to be prepared to aswer qestios abot how the

    project wold be faced, ad abot the criteria

    sed to evalate it.

    Your analysis should alsodiscuss the risks attached

    to notproceeding with

    the project



  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    12Makig the bsiess case


    A eergy or carbo savig project may be

    amiliar territory to the board members

    cosiderig yor proposal. I their mids, thereore,

    it will etail a high level o perceived risk ad will

    start at a disadvatage compared with projects

    related to reglatory compliace ad to developig

    or protectig the core bsiess.

    Yor bsiess case mst thereore idetiy ad

    discss all the possible dowside risks, i order to

    show yor directors that they have bee cosidered

    ad are cotaiable or cotrollable.

    Technical riskThis will be oe o the hardest to deal with,

    especially i the proposed project is the frst o its

    kid that yor compay has dertake. Pt simply,

    will it yield the savigs that yo claim? I extreme

    cases, there may be a risk o the techology ot

    ctioig at all. For istace, the corrosive atre

    o exhast air rom a swimmig pool cold damage

    a heat-recovery it, ad slphr i the methae

    rom a sewage treatmet works cold damage the

    egie o a combied heat ad power system.This is where specifc prodct edorsemets rom

    the same type o ser are idispesable.

    Cost risk

    This is the possibility that either the capital cost

    or the ogoig rig costs ed p higher tha

    yo have bdgeted or. Yo eed to esre that

    estimates ad qotatios are as reliable as possible.

    Operational risks

    Cold the project i ay way compromise otpt?

    For istace, it may reqire a shtdow o acilities

    or processes. Qestios to ask wold the iclde:

    What wold happe i the works overra?

    Might the work clash with other shtdow


    Are the ecessary persoel goig to be available?

    Oce istalled, cold the ew eqipmet adversely

    aect prodct qality, or the reliability or availability

    o key services? Cosider the implicatios o there

    beig teethig problems with the techology, ad

    whether the ew eqipmets maiteace

    reqiremets cold potetially impact yor

    operatios. Most importatly, thik abot the eect

    o the workorce beig amiliar with,

    or hostile to, the ew eqipmet.

    Market risks

    Cosider what eergy prices might do relative

    to other costs. What i the price o carbo-emissio

    permits were to collapse? What abot iterest

    rates? I yo are a techical proessioal yo may

    well eel comortable dealig with these kids

    o isse, bt they mst be aced becase yor

    board members will probably have expertise

    (or opiios) o sch sbjects. This is aother

    area where yor seior maagemet sposor

    may be able to advise yo.



  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    13Makig the bsiess case

    Circumstantial risks

    Extraeos actors cold aect the viability

    o yor project. This might iclde plas or:

    Closre or relocatio o the bsiess Reddacies or otsorcig

    Takeover o the bsiess

    Chage o prodct mix

    Eterig ito a eergy services cotract.

    To yo, may o these evetalities may be

    oreseeable. However, yor seior maagemet

    sposor may be well aware o them ad althogh

    they may be cofdetial, he or she cold idicate

    whether certai hypothetical scearios sholdbe iclded i yor sesitivity aalysis.

    Impedig closre or disposal is a very

    commo objectio to eergy savig ivestmet,

    bt it deserves special cosideratio as i some

    cases a capital project cold have some residal

    vale to a ew ower. This is especially tre o

    improvemets to bildigs, where a improved

    Eergy Perormace Certifcate (EPC) ratig cold

    add to their market vale.

    Fially, yor aalysis shold also discss the risks

    attached to ot proceedig with the project. I

    particlar, cosider the reglatory risks posed by

    impedig legislatio, ad perhaps reptatioal risk.

    Energy Efciency Loans

    Energy Efciency Loans rom the Carbon Trust

    are a cost eective way to replace or upgrade

    your existing equipment with a more energy

    efcient version. Businesses can borrow

    rom 3,000 to 100,000* on an unsecured,

    interest-ree loan payable over a period

    o up to our years. There are no arrangement

    ees and applying is straightorward.

    Go to www.carbontrust.co.uk/loans to see

    i you qualiy.

    *Sbject to eligibility. Regioal variatios apply.

    Key point

    Be diliget abot evalatig projects becase

    yo caot aord to back a dd.



  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    14Makig the bsiess case

    Understand your audience

    The board or other decisio makers that yo wat

    to iece will dobtedly have their ow

    preoccpatios ad objectives. Yo eed to fd ot

    what these are, so that yo ca alig yor bsiess

    case with their goals. This will help yo avoidsitatios that either coict with their objectives or

    create potetial problems (real or imagied).

    Remember that yo will ot oly have to satisy

    corporate objectives, bt perhaps idividal

    ambitios as well. This is partly why it is so

    importat to have a ally i the orm o a seior

    maagemet sposor.

    Perhaps the most importat qestio yo shold

    ask yorsel as yo prepare yor proposal ad

    presetatio is: What do I have to say, that the

    board members wat to hear? That will defe yor

    opeig gambit.

    Brevity, clarity, certainty

    Pray iorm me, o hal a sheet o paper

    The way Sir Wisto Chrchill sed to rame

    reqests or critical wartime briefgs says it all. The

    seior exectives we coslted agree that

    a writte proposal mst have, o the frst page,the complete story i simple terms. Details are

    ot relevat here: they ca ollow i the body

    o the docmet.

    Geerally speakig, at board meetigs i ay

    sbstatial orgaisatio, the ageda will be

    accompaied by a thick stack o papers. Yo mst

    make it easy or members to absorb yor message

    qickly, ad etice those who are iterested (ad

    have the time) to read o. Do ot expect everyoe

    to have read the paperwork beore the meetig.

    The body o the proposal mst be writte i

    a clear ad logical style. I, as is likely, the project

    is techical i atre it will be very helpl to

    iclde a laymas explaatio o the techology

    i qestio beore goig o to say how yo propose

    to apply it. Strctrig the writ te proposal well

    meas ot oly that yor target adiece will be

    able to ollow it, bt more importatly, yo will

    be able to direct them qickly to the appropriate

    tables, diagrams ad so o drig the presetatio.

    Drating the proposal

    Your written proposal needs to make it easy or people to see at a glance

    what you want rom them and why; but it will also need to give sufcientdetail to satisy the needs o the diligent critics among them.


    Redcig eergy sage meas lower

    carbo emissios. Thats great ews

    or the eviromet.



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    15Makig the bsiess case

    Ask yor seior maagemet sposor or examples

    o past proposals that he or she wold regard

    as exemplary.

    Ideally, yo shold give jst oe clear

    recommedatio that the board ca edorse.

    There may be alteratives (i which case

    it is a good idea to show that yo have cosidered

    them), bt i yo leave the board with optios

    to choose betwee, yo have ot doe yor

    preparatio properly.

    Remember that you are more expert than they

    i eergy ad carbo maagemet, ad they

    will accept that. Yo may react to this by sayig that

    the decisio cold be ieced by circmstacesor actors that yo are ot privy to. While this is

    tre, cosltig yor ally o the board will help

    yo to elimiate the less avorable optios.

    Keep it real

    There is a dager whe promotig carbo savig

    iitiatives o makig the propositio too abstract.

    This will be particlarly tre i the facial case

    is weak ad yo are playig the corporate social

    resposibility card. It is temptig to exploit crret

    media iterest i climate chage ad to preset

    these global or moral cocers as drivers or actio;

    however, this is a hazardos tactic.

    I yor proposal is ot etirely jstifable o

    facial grods aloe, or advice is to show

    how it helps to lfl a cocrete objective that the

    orgaisatio has previosly set itsel. I other

    words, show that it helps the board to keep apromise they have already made. This is oe o the

    reasos or developig ad adoptig a corporate

    eergy policy. It is a statemet o itet that eables

    certai types o decisio to be made qickly

    becase the isses have bee debated already.

    Typical objections

    Beore presetig yor proposal, thik how

    yo wold deal with these commo objectios:

    We are not convinced because

    the problem is ot clear

    we dot derstad yor soltio

    there is o evidece it wold work

    we disagree with yor assmptios.

    We like the project, but

    istallig it sods like it wold be disrptive

    we are ot sre how log we are goigto retai this bildig/process/eqipmet

    the workorce wold ot accept it

    we do ot have ay moey available to d

    the project

    the ecessary sta resorces are eeded

    or other work

    oe o s has got a better idea

    why havet yo doe aythig abot thisisse beore?

    Tips rom senior management

    Citing what competitors are doing can be seen

    as disloyal, unless you keep it positive (we cando better)

    John OKeee ormer Director o Thames Televisio ad

    ex Maagig Director o Limehose Stdios



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    16Makig the bsiess case

    Watch your language

    Icosiderate se o jargo, acroyms ad

    specialist techical termiology is oe o the mai

    reasos or proposals beig rejected at board level.

    So whe ramig yor writte proposal, or whe

    presetig it i perso, be carel to defe or

    explai ay specialist techical terms that yo se.

    Better still, avoid sig them i they are ot

    essetial to the argmet.

    Avoid sig emotive terms, ad be wary o adverse

    comparisos with yor competitors, which may

    be see as disloyal. I yo eed to make sch

    comparisos be positive: ot we are laggig

    behid bt we ca do better tha them.

    It is importat to bear i mid that ew, i ay,

    o the decisio makers will have specialist

    kowledge o eergy or carbo maagemet.

    That may be tre eve o a techical director,

    whose expertise is ar more likely to relate to the

    orgaisatios core bsiess tha to eergy

    systems. Aother more sbtle aspect to the

    lagage barrier is that some o the ordiary

    words yo se (asset, or target, or istace)

    will mea dieret thigs to dieret people.use more cocrete ad specifc terms i possible.

    Where possible, se diagrams rather tha tables

    o mbers. Iclde relevat visal material like

    plas ad photographs, which will make the

    docmet more attractive ad easier to ollow.

    It may be that some o the people yo are tryigto iece are ot eve amiliar with the site

    yo are talkig abot, ad havig a pictre

    o it will help to make yor proposal more cocrete

    i their mids.

    uless yo express yor ideas i lagage the

    board ca derstad, the most sympathetic

    o them may give p the strggle to iterpret

    the argmet behid yor recommedatios

    ad opt or the sae respose: rejectio.

    Tips rom senior management

    Ask yoursel: what does the board want

    to hear, that I want to tell them? Billy Davidson Grop Property Director, Vodaoe

    Key point

    Start with a cocise smmary ad pt the

    detail i appedices.



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    17Makig the bsiess case

    This sectio assmes that yo will be presetig

    the bsiess case i perso. That teds to be

    preerable becase yo will be the best perso

    to deed yor proposal i depth i board members

    challege it or ask searchig qestios. I, however,

    yo caot be there yorsel, we all back o or

    earlier advice to fd a seior maagemet sposor.

    Coslt ad ivolve them throghot the

    developmet o the proposal, so that they ca be a

    eective ad committed advocate o yor behal.

    I yo have a techical backgrod yo ace two

    isses. Oe is that yo may ot be accstomed

    to makig what is, i eect, a iteral sales pitch.

    The other is that yo will always be tempted

    to ocs o techical detail. So let s start with

    some poiters o makig a eective pitch.

    Be prepared

    First, beore yo eve get to the presetatio,

    prepare thoroghly: kow the saliet acts abot

    the project ad be prepared to deed it i depth.

    Try to aticipate qestios (perhaps with help rom

    yor seior maagemet sposor). Fid ot how

    log yo have bee allocated. Rehearse, ot

    ecessarily word or word, bt at least the key


    Secod, be very wary o sig compter-projected

    presetatios. They are easy to do badly, ad

    iexperieced sers orget that yo caot

    maitai eye cotact whe trig to read rom

    the scree. There is also o worse way to start tha

    fddlig with cables ad eqipmet.

    Do yo thik that yo eed a presetatio i order

    to show tables, fgres ad charts? I so, cosider

    the simple alterative o pttig them i the

    spportig paperwork, which yo ca reer to

    drig yor presetatio. Board members cold

    well eel more comortable beig able to stdy

    them at their ow pace rather tha tryig to keep

    p with a slideshow.

    See i there are ay relevat props yo ca se,

    sch as a model or a sample piece o kit. It is ar

    easier to sell somethig physical tha a abstract

    cocept. For example, to promote a cotrols

    project, had arod a example o some key


    Presenting the proposal

    However well-written your proposal, its chances could be diminished

    i you do not present it in a convincing way.

    Smile, be confdent, be respectul

    and dont be arrogant

    Key point

    Be brie ad to the poit, bt dot assme that

    everyoe has read yor writte proposal.



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    18Makig the bsiess case

    On the day

    The whe the day comes ad yo are stadig

    i rot o the board:

    Be sre that everyoe ca see yo comortably:i all bt the smallest meetigs, stad rather

    tha sit.

    Itrodce yorsel briey.

    Set the scee with a clear statemet idetiyig the

    corporate goal that yo are addressig,

    ad i simple smmary, what yo propose the

    orgaisatio shold do.

    Explai that yor presetatio is oly a smmary

    ad that all the acts, assmptios ad backgrod

    details are i the writte proposal.

    I ecessary, give some techical backgrod

    i the simplest possible terms.

    Elaborate o the proposed corse o actio.

    Focs o the objective, which is to get agreemet

    to yor recommeded corse o actio. Dot get

    distracted ad orget to come to the poit.

    Restate yor recommedatio.

    Aswer qestios.

    I yo do ot get a clear decisio, ask or oe.

    Stop whe yo get the decisio. Resist the

    temptatio to keep talkig.

    Thak yor adiece ad leave.

    Throghot yor presetatio try to keep makig

    eye cotact with everyoe i tr. Smile, be

    cofdet, be respectl ad dot be arrogat.

    Tips rom senior management

    Graphs and diagrams are better than tables

    o numbers. Use photos, plant layout plans

    or even mock-ups to help people see what

    you are proposing Sandy Manson Wester Eropea Egieerig Maager or iteratioal brewers Ibev



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    19Makig the bsiess case

    I yo get the decisio yo wated, be prepared to

    act o it straight away. I yo let a approval lapse

    yo will damage yor hard wo reptatio ad

    perhaps alieate yor seior maagemet sposor

    i yo have oe. The reslt will be that yo fd

    it harder to arge or tre projects.

    Whe the project has bee completed, moitor

    it to veriy the savigs that are achieved. This is

    importat i two respects. First, yo eed evidece

    with which to bolster yor reptatio (ad that o

    yor sposor), to vidicate the boards origial

    decisio to spport yor idea, ad perhaps to jstiy

    replicatig the project elsewhere.

    Secod, there is always a risk that the project does

    ot work, i which case yo eed to kow abot

    it so that yo ca pt it right. For example, improvedatomatic cotrols may eed proper

    commissioig or tig to have their ll eect.

    Agai, with yor hard-wo reptatio i mid,

    make sre that yo pblicise yor sccesses ad

    keep a list o them or se i the tre. Make se

    o itraet pages, sta ewsletters ad other

    iteral commicatio chaels to keep everyoe

    i the pictre ad to elicit eedback.

    Give credit where it is de ackowledge ay

    spport yo have had rom colleages or members

    o the workorce. A ote o thaks goes a log way.

    Be prepared to cocede credit to yor seior

    maagemet sposor i that seems to be what they

    wat. Their spport cold be yor key to gettig

    rther backig.

    Fially, be ready with yor ext brilliat idea.

    Always have a ew i the pipelie, as the board may

    start askig yo to come p with rther projects.I some orgaisatios they ca be a valable way

    o sig bdget srplses ear the ed o the

    facial year. Bt remember: oly back wiers.

    Maintaining momentum

    Implementing the proposed project and monitoring its success

    are as much part o the process as getting approval in the frst place.

    Key point

    Treat the whole exercise as part o a

    cotios process, ot a isolated evet.

    Make sure that you publicise your successes

    and keep a list o them or use in the uture



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    20Makig the bsiess case

    I the moey or the project is borrowed, the savigs

    eed to exceed the cost o iterest paymets. I the

    moey comes rom reserves, the savigs eed

    to exceed the icome that cold have bee eared

    by depositig the moey i the bak or ivestig

    it elsewhere or example, i a competig project

    that also oers cost savigs or icreased revee.

    Simple payback

    Table A1 provides two hypothetical (ad simplistic)

    scearios which illstrate the sbtle difclties

    o choosig betwee projects. Project X will save

    5,000 a year or three years, while Project Y saves

    oly 4,500 bt will last fve years. Both projects

    cost 10,000 to implemet.

    The most amiliar way o evalatig ad expressigthe cost eectiveess o projects is the simple

    payback period (SPP). Dividig the projects cost by

    the aal savigs tells s how log it will take to

    recop the iitial otlay. We ca see here, or

    example, that Project X has a SPP o 10,000/5,000

    = 2.0 years, while Project Y achieves a SPP o

    10,000/4,500 = 2.2 years.

    O those grods, Project X seems preerable.

    Yet the et retr rom Project Y is 12,500 over its

    lietime compared with oly 5,000 or Project X,

    makig Project Y preerable. Clearly, simple

    payback is ot tellig s the whole story.

    Aother o the drawbacks o simple payback is that

    it tells s othig abot the absolte vale o the

    proposal: replacig a flamet lamp with a compact

    orescet wold give a stigly short SPP, bt

    will oly have a egligible impact o yor

    orgaisatios carbo ootprit.

    A rther, more sbtle, objectio is that qotig

    the payback period is a slightly weak propositio.

    To say this project will pay back its costs i two

    years is ot qite as powerl as sayig this

    project will repay its cost every two years.The latter wordig stresses the cotiity

    o tre savigs ad sods like a positive choice.

    The ormer wordig is slightly deesive ad

    cosciosly sggests that the beeft is short-

    lived (dot worry, yo will get yor moey back,

    bt oly ater two years).

    Appendix A: Financial appraisal methods

    Most energy and carbon saving projects incur up-ront costs

    and yield annual savings.

    Table A1 Two competing projects

    Project X Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total

    Cost o project (10,000) (10,000)

    Savigs 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000

    Cash ow (10,000) 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000

    Project Y Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total

    Cost o project (10,000) (10,000)

    Savigs 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 22,500

    Cash ow (10,000) 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 12,500



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    21Makig the bsiess case

    SPP gives s a rogh-ad-ready way to compare

    alterative projects, bt most importatly, it is ot

    the method sed or evalatig ivestmet choices

    i facially-savvy orgaisatios.

    Discounted cash ow

    To captre the vale o cotied savigs i the

    tre, ad to show how the proposed project

    compares with other possible ivestmets, most

    accotats wold se a assessmet method

    based o discoted cash ow (DCF). I DCF

    calclatios, all the projects crret ad tre

    costs ad savigs are aggregated ito a sigle

    lietime fgre, bt with de allowace made or

    the act that cash ows i the ar tre have less

    weight tha those i the ear tre.

    This example illstrates how we weigh p the

    relative vales o cash received i the tre.

    Let s assme that yo ca ear 4% iterest o

    moey i the bak. now sppose that yo are

    oered a choice o three cash gits o coditio

    that yo dot sped the moey til fve years

    rom ow. Yo ca have:

    822 today; or

    889 i a years time; or

    1,000 i fve years time.

    Which shold yo choose? The aswer is that give

    or take a ew pece, it does ot matter. To ivest

    822 or fve years or 889 or or years, both yield

    1,000 at 4% compod iterest, meaig that the

    paymet o 1,000 i fve years time is eqivaletto 822 received today. Accotats call the 822

    the present valueo the 1,000 i qestio, ad the

    4% the discountrate.

    The higher the discot rate, the lower the preset

    vale. Table A2shows the preset vale o 1,000

    i fve years time, at varios discot rates.

    We ca also compare the preset vales o a certai

    cash sm paid at dieret poits i the tre, bt

    at a particlar discot rate. Table A3shows thepreset vale o 1,000 payable i the tre at a

    10% discot rate.

    Table A2

    Discount rate Present value o 1,000 fve

    years in the uture

    4% 821.93

    10% 620.92

    20% 401.88

    Table A3

    Years Present value o 1,000

    0 1,000

    1 909.09

    2 826.453 751.31

    4 683.01

    5 620.92



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    22Makig the bsiess case

    Applying discount actors to the


    Net present value

    Let s retr to Projects X ad Y itrodced earlier

    ad evalate them sig discoted cash ow. For

    the prposes o illstratio, we will se a discot

    rate o 10%. Table A4is the same as Table A1, bt

    cash ow has bee relabelled simple cash ow

    ad two additioal rows have bee added. Oe is

    the discot actors, which are the ratios betwee

    the preset ad tre vales i

    each tre year (yo ca see these same ratios i

    Table A3above). The other additioal row is the

    discoted vales o the tre cash ows i each

    year. I each case, this is the simple cash ow .

    mltiplied by the discot actor or that year.Lookig at the right-had colms i Table A4yo

    will otice that Project X, which yielded a et retr

    o 5,000 i terms o simple cash ow, yields a et

    retr o 2,434 i terms o discoted cash ow.

    This is called its net present value(nPV) becase

    it is the sm o all the expeditre ad icome,

    discoted to preset vales. Project Y, meawhile,

    has a nPV o 7,059.

    This gives s a mch clearer pictre o which

    project to choose. Doig project Y is the eqivalet

    o a cash gi t o 7,059, while Project X is oly

    worth 2,434.

    I act (i we cold fd the face) both projects

    are worth prsig as both have nPVs greater tha

    zero. Bt this coclsio does ot hold good i the

    discot rate is mch higher.

    Table A4Discounted cash fow analysis at 10% discount rate

    Project X Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Totals

    Cost o project (10,000) (10,000)

    Savigs 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000

    Simple cash ow (10,000) 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000

    Discount actor 1.000 0.909 0.826 0.751 0.683 0.621

    Discounted cash ow (10,000) 4,545 4,132 3,757 2,434

    Project Y Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total

    Cost o project (10,000) (10,000)

    Savigs 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 22,500

    Simple cash ow (10,000) 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 12,500

    Discount actor 1.000 0.909 0.826 0.751 0.683 0.621

    Discounted cash ow (10,000) 4,091 3,719 3,381 3,074 2,794 7,059



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    23Makig the bsiess case

    Table A5compares the projects at a discot rate

    o 25%, der which circmstaces oly Project Y is

    viable, becase Project X gives a negativenPV:

    Yor orgaisatio will probably have a policy abot

    what discot rate to se i assessmets. High

    rates make it harder to pass the test, ad are

    sometimes sed as israce agaist risk.

    Internal rate o return

    Project X was viable at a 10% discot rate bt

    ot at 25%. The discot rate at which it jst ails

    (yieldig a nPV o zero) works ot at 23.4%.

    This is called its iteral rate o return (IRR).

    There is o aalytical method o calclatig IRR;

    traditioally it was doe by trial ad error or

    by sig graphs. However, spreadsheet programs

    provide a IRR ctio which makes lie easy.

    The IRR or Project Y, icidetally, is 34.9%.

    The example o Project Y is tellig. It has a simple

    payback period o 2.2 years, ad or may

    orgaisatios it wold ail the typical hrdle

    o oe or two-year payback applied to eergy

    projects. Bt whe oe realises that it gives a

    34.9% iteral rate o retr, it sods ad is

    mch more compellig. What other ivestmet

    wold give a better retr?

    Table A5Discounted cash fow analysis at 25% discount rate

    Project X Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Totals

    Cost o project (10,000) (10,000)

    Savigs 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000

    Simple cash ow (10,000) 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000

    Discount actor 1.000 0.800 0.640 0.512 0.410 0.328

    Discounted cash ow (10,000) 4,000 3,200 2,560 (240)

    Project Y Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total

    Cost o project (10,000) (10,000)

    Savigs 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 22,500

    Simple cash ow (10,000) 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 12,500

    Discount actor 1,000 0.800 0.640 0.512 0.410 0.328

    Discounted cash ow (10,000) 3,600 2,880 2,304 1,843 1,475 2,102



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    24Makig the bsiess case

    More complex scenarios

    The Project X ad Y examples were deliberately

    simplistic. Real lie aalyses may be more complex.

    For example:

    There may be ogoig rig costs. For example,

    a heat recovery system that saves gas might

    reqire electrical power. Possible maiteace

    costs are aother cosideratio.

    Depedig po the projects timig, there may be

    some savigs i Year 0.

    Savigs may vary rom year to year, otably

    becase o real iatio o eergy prices relative to

    other commodities.

    It may be the orgaisatios policy to accot

    explicitly or tax costs.

    Where ecessary, the DCF table ca be elaborated

    by addig rows or specifc cost items, or to

    separate savigs or gas ad electricity (or

    example) i their prices relative to each other are

    expected to vary.

    Table A6illstrates a more complex case.

    First, some savigs are expected i the year

    o implemetatio. The, as well as the capital

    expeditre, there are aal maiteace charges

    (lower i year 1 bt higher i year 3). Fially, the

    techology icrs additioal electrical costs which,

    like the savigs i gas costs, have bee assmed

    to iate at 20% relative to geeral iatio.

    However, the (literal) bottom lie is always the

    same. Each years et cash ow is calclated

    ad discoted.

    Table A6Illustration o a more complex case

    Project Z Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Totals

    Cost o project (10,000) (10,000)

    Maiteace (500) (750) (1,500) (750) (750) (4,250)

    Electrical power (100) (250) (300) (360) (432) (518) (1,960)

    Savigs 2,000 5,000 6,000 7,200 8,640 10,368 39,208

    Simple cash ow (8,100) 4,250 4,950 5,340 7,458 9,100 22,998

    Discount actor 1.000 0.811 0.657 0.533 0.432 0.350

    Discounted cash ow (8,100) 3,445 3,253 2,845 3,221 3,185 7,848



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    25Makig the bsiess case

    Risk cover and sensitivity analysis

    Dieret orgaisatios apply dieret criteria

    i terms o the discot rate they apply to

    discretioary capital projects (which is the same

    thig as the threshold or the IRR they expect).

    I theory, the discot rate shold jst be the cost

    o capital (iterest charged o borrowigs, or

    oregoe o alterative ivestmets), bt sally

    it is mch higher. Why is this? usally it is to cover

    the orgaisatio agaist risk. Aother hedge

    agaist risk is to set a short time horizo or

    evalatio, or example limitig the aalysis to fve

    years eve i the project has a mch loger lie.

    However, do ot be tempted to evalate a projectregardless o risk o the grods that yor

    corporate assessmet criteria wold flter it ot.

    It may be so risky that it cold ltimately ail eve

    ater clearig a high threshold. It is preerable

    to carry ot a sesitivity aalysis, which with

    the aid o a spreadsheet is ot too oeros.

    The frst step is to decide what actors are sbject

    to sigifcat certaity. These will almost

    certaily iclde:

    The implemetatio cost

    Maiteace or other additioal rig costs

    Savigs achieved (i it terms)

    Eergy prices relative to other iatio idices

    Project lie.

    next, cosider what the likely rage o each o these

    actors is. usig yor spreadsheet model,

    try the worst ad best case assmptio or each

    certai item ad ote the resltig IRRs.

    I ay oe o the worst case assmptios gives

    a acceptably low IRR, there is a chace that

    yor project will ail.

    With a little trial ad error yo ca establish the

    poit at which the project ails (or example, the

    percetage cost over-r which gives zero nPV).

    I yo cosider the risk o that evetality beig

    too great, yo shold abado the project.

    However, all may ot be lost. We kow that

    IRR thresholds are sally set high to provide

    a measre o risk cover, so yor argmet

    might go like this: I project costs over-r by x%,

    the project wold ail to meet the compays IRRcriterio. However, we thik there is oly a oe

    i x chace o this happeig ad the worst case

    sceario still gives a IRR o z%.MEnu


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    26Makig the bsiess case

    Taxation, ination and depreciation


    All other thigs beig eqal, i yo ca claim the

    etire cost o yor project agaist tax i the frst

    year, the eect o taxatio is etral: the iteral

    rate o retr is idetical o the pre-tax ad post-tax

    cash ow.

    Yo will be able to write dow the whole

    expeditre agaist tax to the frst year i:

    Yo treat it as revee expeditre (maiteace,

    or example) rather tha capital.

    It alls withi the Aal Ivestmet Allowace

    (AIA) itrodced i the 2008 bdget.

    It qalifes or the Ehaced Capital Allowace


    The tax eect is etral becase it is proportioal

    to the icome ad expeditre i each year.

    I yo are ot able to claim the project cost agaist

    tax i the frst year yo will oly be able to claim

    or 20% each year o a redcig-balace basis.

    Postpoig the tax beeft has a sigifcat impact:

    at a 15% discot rate over eight years adassmig 28% corporatio tax, the et preset

    vale will be redced by abot 10% o the origial

    ivestmet cost. The loss o vale trs ot to

    be idepedet o the level ad profle o savigs,

    ad projects with simple payback periods o abot

    fve years ca go rom positive to egative nPV

    i sch a case.

    Fortately, the adverse impact wold be similar

    or all projects evalated agaist the same criteria,

    which is why early all assessmets are doe

    o pre-tax fgres.


    This is also sally assmed to aect all competig

    projects eqally, ad thereore is ot ormally

    accoted or. However, there is a strog argmet

    or assmig derlyig real iatio o eergy

    prices relative to other commodities.

    The eect o this is to icrease the tre vale o

    each kWh saved, ad there are two ways to accot

    or this. Oe is to show savigs icreasig i aal

    vale as time goes by. The other is to redce the

    discot rate, which is arithmetically the same thig

    i yo expect a fxed aal percetage rise i real

    eergy costs.

    O the two methods, the frst is preerable

    becase it does ot ivolve apparetly chagig

    the assessmet criteria. It is also clearer,

    especially i yo wish to show a sesitivity aalysis,

    makig dieret assmptios abot the tre

    o eergy prices.


    This ever eeds to be take ito accot, becase

    it is ot a cash ow. It merely records the loss o

    vale o a asset as it ages. Depreciatio oly has

    a eect i the evalatio is carried o a post-tax

    basis (becase it aects year-by-year tax liabilities).

    Eve the its eect is idirect: it is the tax amots

    themselves that eed to be accoted or, ot the

    depreciatio. However, i practice, post-tax aalysis

    is sal. Pre-tax aalysis is easier ad the more

    commo optio.

    Further help online

    A facial aalysis tool ca be od o or

    website to help yo with yor facial

    appraisal. Go to www.carbontrust.co.uk/




  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    Carbon Footprint Calculator Or olie calclator will help yo calclateyor orgaisatios carbo emissios.


    Interest Free Loans Eergy Efciecy Loas rom the C arbo Trst are a costeective way to replace or pgrade yor existig eqipmet with a more eergy

    efciet versio. See i yo qaliy.


    Carbon Surveys We provide srveys to orgaisatios with aal eergy billso more tha 50,000*. Or carbo experts will visit yor premises to idetiy eergy

    savig opportities ad oer practical advice o how to achieve them.


    Action Plans Create actio plas to implemet carbo ad eergy savig measres.


    Case Studies Or case stdies show that its ote easier ad less expesivetha yo might thik to brig abot real chage.


    Events and Workshops The Carbo Trst oers a variety o evetsad workshops ragig rom itrodctios to or services, to techical eergy

    efciecy traiig, most o which are ree.


    Publications We have a library o ree pblicatios detailig eergy savigtechiqes or a rage o sectors ad techologies.


    Need urther help?

    Call our Customer Centre on 0800 085 2005Or Cstomer Cetre provides ree advice o what yor orgaisatio

    ca do to save eergy ad save moey. Or team hadles qestios

    ragig rom straightorward reqests or iormatio, to i-depth

    techical qeries abot particlar techologies.

    * Sbject to terms ad coditios.

    Go online to get more

    The Carbon Trust provides a range o tools, services and inormation to help

    you implement energy and carbon saving measures, no matter what your levelo experience.



  • 8/7/2019 CT making the carbon reduction business Case


    The Carbon Trust receives unding rom Government including the Department o Energy and Climate

    Change, the Department or Transport, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Assembly Government

    and Invest Northern Ireland.

    Whilst reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the inormation contained within this publication

    is correct, the authors, the Carbon Trust, its agents, contractors and sub-contractors give no warrantyand make no representation as to its accuracy and accept no liability or any errors or omissions.

    Any trademarks, service marks or logos used in this publication, and copyright in it, are the property

    o the Carbon Trust. Nothing in this publication shall be construed as granting any licence or right to use

    or reproduce any o the trademarks, service marks, logos, copyright or any proprietary inormation

    in any way without the Carbon Trusts prior written permission. The Carbon Trust enorces inringements

    o its intellectual property rights to the ull extent permitted by law.

    The Carbon Trust is a comp any limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales under Company

    number 4190230 with its Registered Ofce at: 6th Floor, 5 New Street Square, London EC4A 3BF.

    Published in the UK: May 2010.

    Queens Printer and Controller o HMSO CTV039v2

    The Carbon Trust is a not-or-proft company with the mission to accelerate the move to a low

    carbon economy. We provide specialist suppor t to business and the public sector to help cut

    carbon emissions, save energy and commercialise low carbon technologies. By stimulating

    low carbon action we contribute to key UK goals o lower carbon emissions, the development

    o low carbon businesses, increased energy security and associated jobs.

    We help to ct carbo emissios ow by:

    providing specialist advice and fnance to help organisations cut carbon

    setting standards or carbon reduction.

    We redce potetial tre carbo emissios by:

    opening markets or low carbon technologies

    leading industry collaborations to commercialise technologies

    investing in early-stage low carbon companies.


    0800 085 2005

    ACT ON CO2

    is the Governments initiative to help

    individuals understand and reduce their carbon ootprint.

    Visit http://actonco2.direct.gov.uk or more inormation.
