De La Salle University – Dasmariñas College of Liberal Arts and Communication Communication and Journalism Department CSR EXPO 2015 Submitted to: Sir Marco Polo Submitted by: MATE (Move, Advocate, and Transform Entities) ASOR, Amec Juliam M. CLEMENTE, Niel John G. GOMEZ, Izael G. NIMENO, Nica Veron B. Date of Submission:

CSR Prelim Project

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De La Salle University DasmariasCollege of Liberal Arts and CommunicationCommunication and Journalism Department


Submitted to:Sir Marco Polo

Submitted by:MATE (Move, Advocate, and Transform Entities)

ASOR, Amec Juliam M.CLEMENTE, Niel John G.GOMEZ, Izael G.NIMENO, Nica Veron B.

Date of Submission:July 13, 2015

I. Executive Summary

The paper sought to discuss first, the overview of the selected companies and their CSR programs/projects, wherein the companies were chosen based on the criteria set by the professor. For the CSR programs/projects, these are events and activities conducted and practiced by the respective corporations/organizations that are in line with the values and goals of Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR, which is to Give back and serve.Furthermore, this paper also aims to provide the profile of the resource persons of each chosen company that help the group to accomplished their task, wherein they answered the following set of questions: WhatisCSRforthem? WhydidtheychoosetodothiskindofCSRactivity? Howdidthecampaignhelpthedifferentpublicsofthecompany? WhatchallengesanddifficultiesdidtheyfaceinimplementingtheCSRproject?Howdidtheyaddressit? How theygotinvolvedwiththecompany? What is theroleofPRintheirorganizationandintheCSRproject?

Lastly, the paper aims to share the group and individual insights about the activity. In this part, theyll be sharing their over-all impression about the activity, the project that they would like to propose and implement if ever. They will also discuss their experiences, learning and even their comments and suggestions for the betterment of the event. II. Story behind MATE

Initially, the members would like to highlight Public Relations for the name of the group by thinking of something that starts with letter P and R. They thought of using Prism, Protg and Prodigy. But as they brainstorm even more, they had realize why not give importance to teamwork and collaboration, because in a company/organization, youre not working alone, it is not only about yourself, it is about the people around you and those you are serving, just like what they say about CSR, it is for the common good or the general welfare of the people.They thought something related to the terms together, association, group and the likes. They come up with teammate, however it sounds too clich so they shortened it into Mate which is according to Merriam Webster Dictionary it means associate or companion. And with a touch of creativity, they give meaning to every letter which turns Mate into MATE or Move, Advocate and Transform Entities. Move, drove by the idea of action speaks louder than words the group would like to encourage the people to take action and actively participate with programs. Advocate, to further promote and support the programs/projects, the ideas and principles of truth, transparency and excellence in service. Lastly, Transform Entities, where entities refers to something that exists separately, the group aims to motivate and set as an inspiration by touching the hearts of the people and to make a difference.

III. Chosen Companies and their CSR Projects- Profile of Resource Person

Aboitiz Foundation

The Aboitiz Foundation is the corporate foundation of the Aboitiz Group. Established in 1998, it continues to pursue its mission to help people help themselves, implementing corporate social responsibility interventions especially in communities where Aboitiz companies operate. The foundation focuses its efforts on education, enterprise development, and environment but also carries out projects on health and well-being, as well as disaster preparedness and response (www.aboitizfoundation.org)Theyve been 26 years in service, so for them CSR is simply their way of giving back to the people, the people that help them last that long and the people who are the reason why are they here. And just like other corporations, they also faced challenges particularly when it comes to finances, according to them that is their major problem every year but despite of that, it doesnt stop them to pursue their goals and continue what they started.As for their CSR projects, they have this so-called Triple E: Environment. As part of their sustainability commitment, they continuously roll out environment initiatives that are consistent with the groups planet bottom line. They have this program called A-Park where they are planning to have 9 million planted trees by 2020. They also have environmental facilities like the Cleanergy Park where it is surrounded by rare and diverse ecosystem comprised of mangrove forests, coral reefs, fish sanctuary etc. Cleanergy Center, an educational facility that uses AVP, interactive displays and tour to raise environmental awareness and energy education. Another interesting activity is their Green Fashion Revolution, a fashion competition that features environmentally-friendly couture.Education.The goal of its education program is to achieve universal public education by continuing to establish and develop schools for special science and technical vocational education that promise a better learning environment. They also grant scholarships and financial assistance to students from all levels who excel in academics but financially unstable. The last E is Enterprise Development. The goal of this program is to improve community livelihood and employment opportunities.The group interviewed Ms. Alexis Trixia Amnace. She is the Project Officer for Scholarship. Shes just been in a year in the foundation and with that period of stay she noticed that they need more Public Relations officer in order for their company to be known. In her opinion, PR and having a skilled and people-oriented PR officer will be an asset to the company, transactions will somehow be smooth and interactive.

Energy Development Corporation (EDC)

Energy Development Corporation (EDC), one of Lopez Groups power generation companies established in 1976 is a pioneer of providing geothermal energy for three decades of business viability. It accounts for more than 60% of the installed geothermal capacity of the country and the plants contributing to the power generation are located in the provinces ofLeyte, Negros Oriental, Negros Occidental, Bicol and North Cotabato. The vision of EDC is one where they are constantly driven by desire to be the leader in providing clean renewable energy while uplifting the lives of the people around them. HELEn Program is EDCs private sector-led contribution to the national governments efforts to enable inclusive growth. The Community Partnerships Program (CPP) is the proof of their strong commitment in realization of their vision. By prioritizing health, education, livelihood, and the environment in their partner communities, they ensure that efforts are fulfilled, with wealthy, educated, and wealthy communities living in a safe environment in areas where we operate. Partnerships with the host communities are aligned with United Nations Millennium Development Goals on eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, and ensuring environmental sustainability. EDC, being one of the pioneers in providing geothermal energy to the country by harnessing the earths heat as contribution to the countrys security has tapped communities as active partners for nation-building. More than three decades it aims to realize this vision and pushes through every year, becoming more than a reality with the aid of partner communities as the living proof to the relentless desire for progress. In order to strengthen the vision of EDC, they prioritize management, use core values and core competencies, and listen to stakeholders. Health. EDC focuses on all out wellness of partner communities by providing the everyday means of healthy living through investing for enhancement of local health centers accessibility by putting up infrastructures and putting up effective systems in place especially in remote upland communities, and contributes to long-term solutions addressing the health needs of stakeholders. EDC also has 28 Barangay Emergency Response Teams (BERT) that have been trained by competent EDC Emergency Response Teams (ERTs) on disaster-response action plans at local level. This is the proof that EDC is building a healthy community by boosting awareness and improving preparedness for natural or man-made emergencies. Partner communities are given ways to respond promptly in times of emergencies especially because time is important.Education. Since EDC emphasizes that education is an asset that serves as strong and stable foundation for the future to break the cycle of poverty, they are opening avenues to quality education which is equally proportioned to bringing the youth closer to their dreams. CAREERS or College Admission Review and Readiness project helps top graduating students of partnered high schools to prepare for university entrance exams through a six phase program. The phases include the facilitation of application process, review for entrance exam, link to scholarships, providing guidance in registration and enrolment, monitoring and mentoring college life, and giving guidance in employment process. This project has been proven to be successful since numerous college students pass the admission exams of the top universities. This is sustainable cycle wherein the alumni serve as an inspiration to aspiring leaders so that youth will strive to become future leaders and professionals in their communities. Livelihood. In building a sustainable livelihood, self-reliance is the key. The spirit of enterprise is instilled and developing skills needed for business. Partner communities are given access to resources that they can tap so in order for them to proceed, relevant science-based knowledge and skills on agro-forestry farming and mangrove reforestation are transferred to them to provide means to harness natural sources in their areas. EDC supervised livelihood modules for partner associations and cooperatives to operate as business enterprise. Vegetation plantations are some of the projects where enhanced production systems have been developed to add value to their product. This is strengthened by responsive marketing strategy to their maximize earnings. Livestock development in pasture lands, merchandising, and ecotourism are the other projects. Because of their enhanced capabilities, many cooperatives now have access to funding from partner banks. Since finance needs to be managed properly, farmer associations and cooperatives are taught simple bookkeeping and basic financial management, complemented with values on accountability and responsibility.Environment. Keeping the community healthy and educated prospers because of stable and sustainable livelihood which is one of our missions to build strong and resilient communities especially for the future generations. BINHI Tree for the Future Project is the first comprehensive private sector-led reforestation program that follows a four module approach: tree for the future, tree for life, tree for food, and tree for leisure. This approach preserves trees, regenerates, produces alternative sources of livelihood and turns geothermal sites into tourist sites. The said project prioritizes the rescue of endangered native trees and production of more seedlings so they serve as future mother trees for seed production. Every region in the country is given a chance to be part of preserving the local tree diversity. The trees that were planted started to bear fruits together with seeds and Vegetative Materials Reproduction (VMR) has already propagated thousands of cuttings. These activities prove that there is still a solution to the vanishing tree environment. The group interviewed Ms. Diane Terte, an enterprise developmental specialist of EDC. She has been in the corporation for four years and she said that the company has been successful in targeting to serve the livelihood, financial and marketing sector of society with the use of their strategies, governance, communication, and engagement that are holistic in approach and are based on the communities needs in order to achieve its main goal: to maintain sustainability. Ms. Terte also says that behind the successes of the EDC, it always faces a challenge in sustaining the budget that will be allotted for programs every year. Another problem for EDC that comes usually is the formation of the mindset of cultural minorities because these people are stuck with different beliefs and practices; hence, EDCs system will have difficulty in teaching their way to different cultures.

Metrobank Foundation

On January 8, 1978, The Metrobank Foundation was formed by Metrobank Group founder and Chairman Dr. George S.K. Ty, with the belief of committing to the idea that leadership in business implied leadership in community as well. For Metrobank Group, it was very clear that every private corporation had social responsibilities and the more successful the corporation; the greater were its responsibilities to the community. From its inception, the foundation continues to strengthen Metrobanks relationship to its publics through creating various programs and projects for the development of different sectors of the society such as health care, education, culture, and more. Metrobank Foundation focuses its different CSR activities to the main motto of the organization which is Excel. Engage. Empower. The said motto guides Foundation in expressing their gratitude to their stakeholders by transforming the society into something that is united by a shared goal which is to sustain human development and nation-building. Guided by the main motto of Metrobank Foundation, their CSR activities are as follows: Excel. Metrobank Foundation conducts different recognition programs to acknowledge the effort of the people and professionals who excels in particular fields. In the field of education, there is Search for Outstanding Teachers (SOT) which recognizes the countrys top educators; another is Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge which is the most widely participated math competition for elementary and high school students nationwide. Metrobank gives honor also to the Filipino soldiers and police officers by acknowledging the outstanding ones through giving awards. In the field of Journalism, there is Journalists of the Year which has an aim to celebrate and honour excellent Filipino journalists for their contribution to the development of the nation. Metrobank gives importance also to Filipino artistry and creativity through MADE (Metrobank Art & Design Excellence) which is an annual competition in painting, sculpture, interior design, and architecture. Engage. Metrobank Engages itself by providing the people a grants program that extends financial-assistance to socio-civic, non-government organizations as well as government agencies in the areas of education, healthcare, and the arts. Metrobank Foundation provides also healthcare that offers a wide scope of social services such as subsidies for in-house patients in hospital, outreach programs, and health-related and research-based interventions in adopted communities for the people to be more engaged and actively support the foundation itself. The foundation engages itself also in calamity assistance by actively responding to emergency and relief operations for affected Filipinos in times of natural calamities. Empower. To empower the people especially the youth, Metrobank creates scholarship programs such as Metrogold Scholarship Program (MSP) and Metrobank Foundation Professorial Chairs Program which has an aim to provide financial assistance to underprivileged but academically deserving students for their tuition fees and semestral allowances. MATE interviewed a resource person from Metrobank Foundation which is Miss Michelle T Ong, one of the program assistants under the Grants and Healthcare Unit. She mainly highlighted that Metrobank Foundation focuses on providing programs for human development and of course, the excellence among the people. She also shared to us that funding is still one of the major difficulties that she encountered in the foundation because of its limited resources and financial help given by the main proponent which is the Metrobank Group. At the end of the interview, she concluded that Public Relations is one of the important factors in CSR because PR let the programs and projects conducted by the foundation be more exposed and be more known among the people of the society.

Rapplers Move.PH

Rappler is a well-known news source that reports a variety of news ranging from sports to entertainment. Rapplers corporate social responsibility entitled Move.PH encourages communities to bring about change by the use of stories that can influence people to act. Under the news websites Move.PH launched a collaborative platform called Project Agos which aims to inform people about the upcoming typhoons, giving them a heads-up, telling people where the nearest evacuation area is, and post typhoon information. Worried having to give birth at the time of a strong typhoon and nowhere to go? Well, Project Agos has a convenient way of notifying authorities about your distress call. Project Agos Alert Map - by filing a report and notifying your distress signal at AGOS.RAPPLER.COM government agencies such as The Philippine National Police (PNP) or even The Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office are notified of your need for help, also civic organizations like The Philippine National Red Cross can also be notified. These are some of the organizations Rappler partner with to ensure the safety and no harm comes to each and everyone of us. Curious of how the application works? These are the steps to notify the said agencies and organizations:1. On your browser type AGOS.RAPPLER.COM2. Click on the report button3. Identify if it is a Flood Report, a Rescue Alert, or an Info Alert4. Elaborate your problem and give your location by typing in the comment box 5. By clicking submit report your distress call is instantly mapped.

IV. Group InsightSince its the groups first time to attend a CSR expo, we were excited to meet people from different corporations and their respective CSR projects. It is a good way for us to learn their different expertise because it will let us hear their experience in working in a company that is involved in different CSR activities. Our group found the CSR expo fascinating in a way that the resource people from the companies gave us an overview on what they do and how did they conceptualize different activities related to CSR. It was also a learning experience which was fun and at the same time useful. This experience made us realize that learning is more interesting when it does not limit you to the four corners of your classroom. If we were given a chance to join a CSR project, majority of us would choose to be part of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). We have seen that UNDP is a global network for development which means it covers a wide scope in advocating change and connects the countries to knowledge, experience, and resources for the improvement of life. It particularly gives expert advice and training to those who belong to developing countries and increased emphasis to the lesser developed nations. To sum it up, CSR expo 2015 materializes its theme collaborate, sustain, and revolutionize since all companies and the community are dependent on each other because each of them have their contribution for the improvement of the society. One company cannot solely work on its own for the betterment of the society as a whole; thus, this only shows that CSR activities are effective only if the corporate entities build a good human relationship with the community.

V. Individual Insights

AMEC JULIAM M. ASOR June 30, 2015 - Is the 4th day of the League of Corporate Foundations CSR EXPO comprises of activities such as opening of exhibits and talks from different experienced practitioners. Mr. Jose Solomon B. Cortez, one of the speakers of the said event emphasized corruption. In his talk, corruption does not just affect taxpayers but companies as well. Corporations have difficulties in expanding and have doubts of setting businesses in the Philippines fear of bankruptcy. Aside from talk booths from several corporations and companies are visited. First on our list was Rappler that has its Move.PH, under its CSR is its Project Agos which aims to notify people of an upcoming typhoon. Though the next company we visited does not exactly have a CSR but its project aims to benefit those in need such as kids; Canvas showcases its arts by the use of stories. CBN Asias Operation Blessing humanitarian project aims to help isolated and financially challenged communities in the Philippines. By donating you can help the organization execute its programs such as Healthcare, providing clean water, disaster response, and livelihood. You can also be a volunteer in the said project. Lastly, The Aboitiz Foundation pursues its mission to help people by focusing its efforts on education, enterprise development, and environment.


It was June 30, the day that marked my first exposure trip as a senior student taking Public Relations as my course track; it was also my first time to attend a CSR seminar. The event was organized by League of Corporate Foundations (LCF) and this years theme is Collaborate, Sustain, Revolutionize. Since its my first time to attend such seminar, my overall impression is that it is a great event. I feel very privileged. Notable speaker and delegates, informative discussions, interactive and fun booths are all present.

Most of the corporation that we talked to said that CSR is all about giving back; it is about inspiring others and encouraging them to actively participate in projects that are aiming for the economic and social development. If I will be given a chance to take part in one CSRproject, I would probably choose the projects of United Nations Development Programme. UNDP-Philippines supports the countrys efforts to achieve the Updated Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 and fulfill its commitment in achieving the MDGs.

If I will suggest and implement a project, it will be to protect the rights of the cultural minorities and heritage. I will propose activities such as cultural exhibit, shows and even community service/mission to the different tribes in the country. I want to extensively advocate and focus on the preservation and promotion of the art and tradition of the Philippines. IZAEL G. GOMEZLast June 30, 2015, we had our exposure trip wherein we attended the League of Corporate Foundations CSR Expo 2015 and listened to the speeches made by the speakers of ASEAN on their view on corruption and take on the topic. I was intrigued with the speakers especially the last speaker Gerard Forlin, a barrister of Cornerstone Barristers in London, Maxwell Chambers in Singapore, and Denman Chambers in Sydney who made his talk on the topic without preparing a Powerpoint presentation. Local problems are global problems, Forlin highlighted these words after explaining that any problem how big or small it is, it should be given attention and be solved immediately in order to prevent the worsening of the scenario. We were to interview four companies which were based on instructions given to us by our professor and we have interviewed Rappler, Energy Development Corporation (EDC), Aboitiz foundation Inc., and Metrobank Foundation Inc. The group that reeled in my attention was that of EDC. My goal is to be an agent of change in the society and in order to fulfill this, I will serve the public in the near future by being part of the Community Partnership Program of EDC which is involved in prioritizing HELEn (Health, Education, Livelihood, and the Environment) because these sectors are really affected almost every day of our lives. The CSR Expo 2015 has been exciting for me since its the first time I have encountered the event wherein 50 companies presented and explained their plans and actions for the society but I was expecting more for time given to us for exploring and interviewing all the other CSR projects. The venue is really attractive since it took place in one of the high-end and unique malls in the Philippines - SM Aura Premiere. NICA VERON B. NIMENOIt is our privilege to attend the opening of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Expo 2015 last June 30, 2015. The said expo was organized by League of Corporate Foundations and has an aim to promote the benefits of conducting CSR activities while highlighting this years theme for CSR Expo which is Collaborate. Sustain. Revolutionize. I think, this event is a good way of learning CSR because we had the chance to interact and to communicate with different people that are already working in the industry of CSR and even Public Relations & Corporate Communications. This is also a good experience for us in a way that we became more expose to the reality of working in the field related to Corporate Communications by observing and interviewing different people & experts on how the system of CSR works. If I will be given an opportunity to participate in any CSR project, I would be glad to be part of UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) because this particular NGO focuses its goal in supporting human development in various ways such as eradicating poverty, achieving universal education, etc. (see United Nations Millennium Development Goals). Assuming that I am already part of UNDP, I want to specifically focus on providing children (especially those who are belong to below poverty line) the education that they need by teaching them first how to read and count numbers and as time goes by, UNDP will provide them classrooms and facilities that would be helpful for their learning experience. Scholarships for high school and college would also be offered to those children who show their never ending interest in studying and learning. All in all, CSR Expo 2015 mainly highlighted the importance of conducting CSR projects and activities not only for the benefit of the corporation itself but also of the stakeholders that one corporation has. CSR is a way of one company to give back on what the society has entrusted to them. To be able to have a successful CSR projects, one company must know the importance of having appropriate Public Relations strategies and tools. Thats how CSR works. Without PR, CSR is nothing.