CSR INitiatives

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Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

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Corporate Social Responsibility InitiativesCSR InitiativesThe main issue is whether they make a move to contribute tangible contributions to the corporate social responsibility regardless of whether their contribution are big or small.

You may be able to bring the horse to the water, but you cannot make it drinkCSR InitiativesIn the previous Chapter we discussed: Why do we need CSR?

We began by examining the:Dignity of the individualThe dynamics of his interaction with others and the environmentThe realization that as individuals we affect others whether we like it or not.

CSR InitiativesTo be ethical is fundamental, if humanity is to survive and improve.CSR InitiativesPhilippine Business for Social ProgressCSR Initiatives: PBSP

CSR Initiatives: PBSPis considered as the countrys premier institution dedicated for the promotion of commitment to social development.

a private sector initiative that was established in 1970 by 50 prominent business leaders of the Philippines. Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP)CSR Initiatives: PBSPthe first of its kind in Southeast Asia, leading the advocacy on the practice of CSR and corporate citizenship.

considered the business sectors vehicle for delivering organized professional and sustainable assistance to the Filipino poor, particularly the landless farmers, fish folk, rural workers, urban poor, and indigenous cultural communities.Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP)CSR Initiatives: PBSPVISION

To be the leader in promoting business sector commitment to social development


PBSP is committed to the empowerment of the poor by promoting business sector leadership in, and commitment to, poverty alleviation programs that lead to self-reliance.Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP)CSR Initiatives: PBSPbridges the gap between the rich and the poor in the country through positive actions called


Poverty alleviationCorporate CitizenshipLeadership in Corporate Social ResponsibilityInformation Technology for poverty alleviationPhilippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP)CSR Initiatives: PBSPby: improving access to the basic services, education, and credit, and developing new workforce skills for the poor to use in the uplifting their lives. Partnering with the peoples organization and NGOs to deliver programs that improve organizational capability at the grassroots. It supports policies in aid of poverty alleviation and adopts sustainable use of natural resources.

POVERTY ALLEVIATIONCSR Initiatives: PBSPworks with its members-companies to make sure that its poverty responses reflect their corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals.

assists its members in examining the effectiveness of their CSR practices to set better standards and allow them to become leading examples of corporate citizenship.CORPORATE CITIZENSHIPCSR Initiatives: PBSPits programs are a collective business response.

It is a valuable resource for the business sector to tap, with its links with other sectors in the Philippine society and CSR advocates worldwide.LEADERSHIP IN CSRCSR Initiatives: PBSPit recognizes that the lack of access in information technology (IT) marginalizes people in an interconnected environment. IT FOR POVERTY ALLEVIATIONCSR Initiatives: PBSPit recognizes that the lack of access in information technology (IT) marginalizes people in an interconnected environment. IT FOR POVERTY ALLEVIATIONCSR Initiatives: PBSP

CSR Initiatives: PBSP

CSR Initiatives: PBSP

CSR Initiatives: PBSP

Corporate Social Responsibility InitiativesEND