Cs4 Schedules Budgets

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  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Project Management

    Class Meeting 4 Sessions 7&8

    Managing TIME & MONEY:Schedules & Budgets

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Mid-term ReminderMonday 1-4

    The Schedule

    Critical Path

    Compressing the Schedule

    Finalizing the BudgetProject Team Meeting


    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 2

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Covers key aspects of Project Initiation & Planningfrom our first 4 classes:

    assigned readings to date,

    cases & content discussions Textbook chapters 1-11

    Consists of 30 questions:

    10 multiple choice (2 points each)

    10 short answer (3 points each)

    10 calculation & short essay questions based on aproject scenario (5 points each)

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 3

    Mid-Term Reminder

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Project Initiation Create Project Charter (delivered)

    Project Planning

    Write Project Definition (Scope & SOW)(delivered) Analyze Risk Management Elements (due 7/16) Create WBS (partial delivery)

    Define task relationships pending

    Estimate work packages - pending Build Initial Schedule - pending Assign/Level Resources - pending Determine Budget - pending

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 4

    Project Planning Snapshot

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Hult Project Management

    Work Packages, Re-Cap

    Key Technical Deliverable esp for IT projects Drill down one or more levels in technical detail for

    each task Assign a Coordinator for each package

    What level of detail is appropriate for WORKPACKAGES?

    Enough that continuity can be maintained if thecoordinator is no longer available.

    Enough that the Project Manager is confident thatthe task will meet the required deliverable.

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    NEEDED: WBS Detailed breakdown of work

    Task sequences in right order Dependencies identified

    Effort estimates most likely optimistic pessimistic Use MOST LIKELY for the initial schedule

    Project Start date

    THEN create a Network Diagram VISUALIZING the flow through the activities

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 6

    Building THE Schedule

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    7/40Hult Project Management

    Task Dependencies (F-Finish S-Start)

    FS Task B starts when A finishes(A then B most common activity relationship ex. codethen test)

    SS Task B starts when A starts(ex: data collection & data entry ok to start enteringdata as soon as collection starts)

    SF Task B cannot finish before A starts(ex: de-install old PC B after new PC A is installed)

    FF Task B cannot finish before A finishes (dataentry cannot complete before all data collection hasended)

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets

    8/40Hult Project Management

    Some Considerations forSequencing Tasks

    1. What has to come first?

    2. When can a specific task start?

    Ex. Is it after activity X finishes or anytime after activityY starts?

    3. Use F-S (Finish Start) to begin with (simplestrelationship)

    4. What sub-projects can run simultaneously?5. Include Lag variables (waiting for delivery) and

    Management Float (overall padding) as needed

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    9/40Hult Project Management

    Graph the Schedule =The Network Diagram

    Task List from the WBS Identify Predecessors & Successors Lay out the schedule

    1. White Board approach using yellowstickies or drawn boxes2. Identify WHAT type dependency is used.3. Draw lines between activities as needed.

    Review with the project team for changes &


    THE GOAL get it visual and then review itleft & right, backwards & forwards(a picture can replace 1000 words)

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    Activity Information BY NODE

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 10

    TASK ID = Effort =

    ES date EF date

    LS date LF date


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    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 11

    Activity Chain


    A 7

    AB 10

    AC 8

    AD 4

    BC 2

    BE 3

    CF 5

    DF 2EF 1

    One way to describe the flowthrough the network :

    Activity ID =node-node


    Network TOGETHER on theboard.

    Start with A and diagram each link as identified on the list.

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    On the back of the handout from lastclass exercise there is a list of activities

    with predecessors & effort.

    Take 5 minutes and create the

    network diagram for this littleproject. You can work alone or withyour neighbor.

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 12

    Class Exercise

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    Activity Effort (inweeks)


    A 3 NoneB 5 AC 5 AD 4 A

    E 2 C,DF 3 B,E

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 13

    WBS Activity Relationships







    What comes first?Which have multiple predecessorrelationships?

    WHAT are the PATHS through this

    network diagram? What is thetime for each path?







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    Activity Representations

    Copyright 2003 by Robert K. Wysocki, Rudd McGary. All rights reserved.

    Activity on Node Diagrams ^

    Activity on Arrow Diagrams >

    Hult Project Management

    Verzuh text example (figure 7.4pp166-7): shows details of the

    activity (effort/start-finish) on thenode

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    Hult Project Management

    Calculating THE SCHEDULE

    Follow all paths through the arrowdiagram, calculating the starts & finishes:

    EF = ES + duration - 1 time unit ES = EF of predecessor + 1 time unit

    LS = LF-duration + 1 time unit

    LF = LS (next activity) 1 time unit

    Slack = LF-EF

    PM software tools will do this calculation for you,but it is good to know how to do it manually

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    Hult Project Management

    Identify Constraints

    Technical Constraints Discretionary force a particular relationship

    because of specific conditions (new hires, controllingrisk, etc)

    Best Practices complete design then completebuild vs agile cycles of design/build

    Logical project managers approach to sequencing(another form of discretionary)

    Unique specific to a project resource or situation(test equipment availability, holiday break)

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Hult Project Management

    Identify Constraints

    Management Constraints often based on outside forces or strategic planning

    decisions Inter-project Constraints esp. for partitioned projects or connected sub-


    Date Constraints for a specific date or no earlier/no later than a date

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Hult Project Management

    Types of Diagrams

    Network (arrow) Diagrams esp for the initialproject analysis & review better way to view

    dependencies & task connections Example: http://www.uyea.btinternet.co.uk/jaon.html

    Gantt Charts (bar chart) useful during on-going project reviews (whats up next, howlong, etc)

    See next slide for Gantt example

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    Activity Effort (inweeks)


    A 3 NoneB 5 AC 5 AD 4 A

    E 2 C,DF 3 B,E

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 19

    Gantt Chart

    Once you are happy with the schedule flow,Enter data into PM tool and allow it to graph

    your data.

    Excel example:cs4-simple network +gantt.xlsx

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    Hult Project Management

    Critical Path (CP)

    Slack = Float = LF-EF (OR LS-ES)

    EX: Project xyz: activity 12.3 has the

    following starts/finishes: EF = 3; LF=5; ES=25 WHAT IS THE FLOAT?

    If on critical path, slack/float will be 0

    Critical Path = Longest path or sequence ofactivities(in terms of duration) from START toFINISH

    CP is initially calculated for the schedulewithout taking RESOURCES into account.

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    So far, our schedule ASSUMES

    100% staff available at all times

    the work is scheduled based on

    task inter-relationships, and

    estimated effort to complete the workNOW we need to apply RESOURCES

    against the activities

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 21

    Final Step for Your ScheduleASSIGN & LEVEL RESOURCES

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    Who is available, when?

    Consider assigning your best people to the mostcrucial tasks

    What level of effort per day per resource? Full days, half days, 2 days/week, etc.

    Try to balance levels of effort assigned to teammembers

    try not to overload a couple key members, whileonly lightly using several others on the team.

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 22

    Resource ManagementMOSTLY people some equipment

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    ASSIGN resources to the activities

    If using PROJECT this will happen by virtue ofentering resource assignment for each activity.

    If using a different tool or Excel, you will assignresources per that tool or manually against eachactivity

    Review resource utilization against availability

    for constraints.THE TEXT BOOK Lawn example: 1 home owner,

    3 teens & outside contractors illustrates this

    process very effectively. 7/23/2012Hult Project Management 23

    Resource ManagementAutomated vs. Manual

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Leveling resources is a method by which oneadjusts the schedule to accommodate:

    LIMITED quantity of specific resources

    LIMITED resources at specific times BALANCING resource utilization over time


    When the initial schedule over-allocates aresource, leveling is needed.

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 24


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    Microsoft Project provides for aresource calendar as well as a Resource

    definition that allows the user to adjusta resource/staff persons availability.Project then uses up the resource as

    available, adjusting the schedule, oridentifying a resource over-allocation.

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 25

    Resource Leveling

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Hult Project Management

    Schedule Compression usingResource Leveling

    Utilize available slack Adjust starts/finishes to use up slack where it exists to

    allow for staff availability

    Modify Work Packages into smaller units Scheduled concurrently using similar staff.

    Shift activity dependencies Use SS instead of FS where possible

    Obtain extra or outside resources (smoothing)

    scheduled overtime to meet a specific deadline STREEETCHING activities across a longer

    timeframe (less % resource per day) LIKELY to IMPACT PROJECT SCHEDULE!

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    1. Create a RESOURCE SCHEDULE spreadsheet,showing the resource availability over theproject timeline.

    2. Using the initial schedule with resourcesassumed at ES, review resource utilization,identifying peak usage.

    3. For each PEAK, delay noncritical tasks withintheir float (resource started later than ES, untilactivity float is used up)

    4. For PEAKs still remaining, adjust work packagesor re-evaluate what simultaneous work canoccur, and re-calculate schedule after changes.

    5. CONTINUE until resource utilization is leveled.

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    Resource Leveling

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Hult Project Management

    Analyze the Diagram & Schedule

    Does it achieve the desired finish date?

    Have all the concurrent processes beenidentified and changed?

    If still significantly off the finish date,

    you may need to identify scopereductions to accommodate thedesired finish.

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    Hult Project Management

    Resource Management

    What would you expect the initialresource plan to look like aftercompressing the schedule?

    Why does resource leveling makesense

    What role would you plan foroutside or contract resources?

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Hult Project Management

    Other issues to consider

    How to include time for Projectmeetings, administrative reporting time

    Project Manager deliverables reports,status updates

    TO WHAT LEVEL OF DETAIL should theProject Manager manage?

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    This is a technique used to balance thecosts of reducing the FINISH date bycompressing individual activitydurations against the benefits ofcompleting the project sooner.

    We will discuss this in detail

    in our next class (July 16th).

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 31

    Crashing the Schedule

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    The project budget is key to manyaspects of the project: Funding Approval to proceed

    Return on Investment should we even

    do it? Adequate resources to complete the


    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 32


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    LABOR COSTS Effort (hours or days)

    Level of staff/resource (cost per hour or day)

    Effort * cost = labor cost

    MATERIAL COSTS Can be tracked per activity OR on a separate schedule

    IT: Hardware/software purchase costs

    Marketing: media advertising costs Facilities (Hotel): cost per item

    Construction: rental/use of major equipment

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 33

    Project Budget

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Do not forget to include projectmanagement effort throughout the project

    Project Manager

    Project Team

    FOR larger projects:

    Include some project administration or adminassistance for data entry, reporting, and statusupdates coordination from the team.

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    Project Management Costs

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    For YOUR projects

    What kinds of costs are you tracking?How are you determining these


    Any issues with respect to costs &budgets?

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    Use the right people to makeestimates

    Based on experience3 levels of accuracy:Ballpark estimates

    Order of magnitudeDetailed estimates

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 36

    Estimator Golden Rules

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Hult Project Management

    PM Process to date

    1. IDENTIFYgoals & requirements

    2. BREAKDOWNrequirements into activities (work

    packages)that together will achieve the goals3. ANALYZEeach activity for duration, required

    resources, predecessors & successors

    4. CREATEnetwork diagram & calculate Critical Path

    5. ASSIGNresources & level

    6. CREATEproject budget

  • 7/31/2019 Cs4 Schedules Budgets


    Creating the SCHEDULE

    Case Heathrow

    Assigning RESOURCES

    Creating the BUDGET

    Mid-term Monday 1-4pm

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 38

    Content Re-Cap

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    Next class July 16th. Due BEFORE class:

    All deliverables to date with updates to

    finish partial documents PLUSNetwork Chart with CP

    Risk Analysis

    Test Plan(How will you measure QUALITY completion?)

    7/23/2012Hult Project Management 39

    For Next Class

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    Use this time to discuss


    Upcoming Deliverables

    Mid-term preparation

    Team Meeting