CS223: Software Engineering Lecture 3: Software Develoment Processes

CS223: Software Engineering Lecture 3: Software Develoment Processes

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Objective After the end of the class students should be able to o State professional responsibilities of a software engineer o Explain the need of software processes o Describe ETVX model o Differentiate between different properties of software processes

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CS223: Software EngineeringLecture 3: Software Develoment


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• Software engineering as a bridge between customer and developer

• Different misconceptions about software developments

• Legacy software

• Software developments phases

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• After the end of the class students should be able to

o State professional responsibilities of a software engineer

o Explain the need of software processes

o Describe ETVX model

o Differentiate between different properties of software


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How a Project Starts?

• Every software project is precipitated by some business need to

o Correct a defect in an existing application

o Adapt a legacy system to a changing business environment

o Extend the functions and features of an existing application

o Create a new product or system

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Professional responsibility

• Confidentiality

o Engineers should normally respect the confidentiality of their


o Clients irrespective of whether or not a formal confidentiality

agreement has been signed.

• Competence

o Engineers should not misrepresent their level of competence.

o They should not knowingly accept work which is outwit their


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Professional responsibility

• Intellectual property rights o Engineers should be aware of local laws governing the use of

intellectual property such as patents, copyright, etc. o They should be careful to ensure that the intellectual property

of employers and clients is protected.

• Computer misuse o Software engineers should not use their technical skills to

misuse other people’s computers.

o Computer misuse ranges from relatively trivial (game playing on an employer’s machine, say) to extremely serious (dissemination of viruses).

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Software engineering methods• Structured approaches to software development

• Model descriptionso Descriptions of graphical models which should be produced

• Ruleso Constraints applied to system models

• Recommendationso Advice on good design practice

• Process guidanceo What activities to follow

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CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering)• Software systems which are intended to provide automated

support for software process activities.

• CASE systems are often used for method support

• Upper-CASEo Tools to support the early process activities of requirements

and design

• Lower-CASEo Tools to support later activities such as programming,

debugging and testing

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Software Process

• Process is distinct from producto products are outcomes of executing a process on a project

• Software Engineering. focuses on process

• Premiseo Proper processes will help achieve project objectives of high


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Why we need a process?

• Common understanding of different factors

o Activities,

o Resources and

o Constraints involved in software development.

• Creating processes helps

o Find inconsistencies,

o Redundancies; and

o Omissions

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What is a software process?• A set of ordered tasks to produce indented output of some kind

o Involving activates,

o Constraints; and

o Resources

• The process of building a software product

o Life cycle

Describes the life of the software from conception through implementation, delivery, use and maintenance.

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Component Software Processes

• Two major processes o Development

focuses on development and quality steps needed to engineer the software

o Project management focuses on planning and controlling the development process

• Development process is the heart of software process; other processes revolve around it

• These are executed by different peopleo Developers execute engineering processo Project manager executes the management processes

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Component Processes…

• Other processes

o Configuration management process

manages the evolution of artifacts

o Change management process

how changes are incorporated

o Process management process

management of processes themselves

o Inspection process

How inspections are conducted on artifacts

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Process Specification

• Process is generally a set of phases

• Each phase performs a well defined task and produces an output

• Intermediate outputs – work products

• At top level, typically few phases in a process

• How to perform a particular phase

o Methodologies have been proposed

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ETVX Specification

• ETVX approach to specify a step

o Entry criteria: conditions to be satisfied for initiating this phase

o Task: what is to be done in this phase

o Verification: the checks done on the outputs of this phase

o eXit criteria: when can this phase be considered done


• A phase also produces info for management

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ETVX approach



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Thank youNext Lecture: Process Models