Crystals Precious Gifts of the Earth an Article by James Sargeant

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  • 7/29/2019 Crystals Precious Gifts of the Earth an Article by James Sargeant


    Crystals ~ Precious Gifts of the Earth.

    Article by J ames Sargeant

    Our world, the Planet Earth, is an amazing place

    For eons, Humankind has lived in awe of Nature; of her beauty, herwonder; her mystery. Through all ancient cultures world wide theelements stood at the centre of Spiritual and Religious beliefs, withGods and Goddesss, Deities and Elemental Beings being associatedwith what people saw in the natural world around them. Their liveswere lived intrinsically linked with the Earth, their lives ruled by theseasons, the heavens, and the elements; Nature was the Giver of Life;and Mother of All. People believed life to be the Great Mystery; whereMagic, Spirits and Other Worlds were a natural part of every day

    existence.Crystals were seen as the embodiment of this belief. Revered as

    precious gifts of the earth; they epitomized thepeoples belief in theGreat Mystery of life. They were recognized as living, energetic Beings,and were intimately associated with Ritual, Healing and Magicalpractices. The people used crystals for everything, from huntingweapons and tools, to charms, jewellery and talismans.

    Unfortunately in todays world, we have lost much of this awareness.

    With everything so fast paced and automatic, we rarely take the time to

    stop and feel the Earth. Yet still deep within our subconscious minds,this instinctual awareness exists. How many of you have been stoppedby the breathtaking wonder of a sun set; the emotional power of theocean; the delicate beauty of a flower; or the awe inspiring energy ofan approaching storm? How many of you notice that when thishappens, time seems to stop or slow down, just for that moment, yourbreath deepens, and a sense of peace and deeper awareness fills you?

    This is the power of Nature; it is her Magic, her Mystery at work.Over the last few decades, there has been a noticeable shift in peoples

    awareness. Every day, more and more people are awakening,recognizing that there is more to life than what we currently know.They find themselves feeling that there is something missing, afundamental part of ourselves we have lost or forgotten. People worldwide are starting to ask questions, to search for something deeper tobring meaning and understanding to their lives. Instinctively, peopleare looking within themselves and to Nature for the answers.

    For many, Crystals are the first step on this journey. They may findthemselves drawn to a crystal they see in a shop window or a marketstall, and without knowing why, they have to hold it, to feel it. As soonas they hold the crystal, they feel it become warm in their hands, anelectrical current passes through their bodies, and something deep

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    within them shifts. They sense something awaken, a hidden sparkignites, and that part of themselves they may never have known wasthere comes to life. Before they know it, they have purchased thecrystal, and their life seems that bit brighter for doing so.

    So begins their Spiritual J ourney, the first step is taken, and where itwill end no-one knows.

    Once awakened to the wonderful energies that crystals bring into our

    world, you will find them to be wonderful life long allies and friends.They will be your light in the darkest times, and help you understandthose parts of yourself previously hidden. They will bring Peace intimes of stress; hope in times of loss. They will awaken your sense ofchild like Magic and of Mystery.

    For those wishing to start this journey, it may not come as easily asthe situation mentioned above, but this does not mean it is a difficultprocess to begin. In fact, it is easier than you think

    Purchasing your first crystal- let it choose you!

    Buying your first crystal can be a daunting situation, especially if the place

    you are buying it from has a large range to choose from. There are though some

    easy ways to ensure you purchase the right piece for yourself every time.

    Start by taking a few deep breaths to centre yourself and clear your mind of

    any clutter. Focus on what it is you want to do, in this case find the right crystal.If you have something you want the crystal for, focus on finding the right

    crystal for this situation. When purchasing a crystal for another person, focus on

    finding the right crystal for that person.

    Once you feel ready, allow your attention to drift over all the crystals

    available to see if there are any in particular that stand out to you. You may

    even find that there is one that is almost jumping and screaming out at you!When this happens, the crystal you are being drawn to has an important healing

    message for you, and is the right one for you at the time.

    If you find there arent any jumping out at you, or that there are a dozen of

    them, then you will need to let your intuition be your guide to finding the right

    piece.Start by rubbing your hands briskly together to remove any energetic static,

    then hold your left hand out over the crystals. (The left hand is our receptive

    hand, our right projective.) Slowly start to move your hand a few inches over

    the top of the crystals, feeling for any warm or cold spots, tingling sensations

    (similar to pins and needles), or a kind of magnetic pull or electrical charge.

    These are all signs of an energetic connection. You may find that you feel a few

    different crystals connecting to you, or that there is an area you keep being

    drawn back to. Select the crystals that you feel connected to and put them to the


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    Once you are sure that you have found all the pieces connecting to you, youwill need to use a process of elimination to find the right one. Using the same

    process as above, hold your hand over each crystal to find which ones you feel

    the strongest connection too. Put them to the side and return the others. Now

    take each crystal in your hands, holding it to your Heart or Third Eye (in the

    centre of the fore head above and between the eyes), be aware of how the

    crystal feels in your hands. Does it feel warm or cold, heavy or light? Do you

    feel anything in your body, and if so, where? Does it make you feel a little lightheaded, or heavy in the feet? Do you have any thoughts, images, or impressions

    come into your mind? All these signs are the crystal communicating to you on

    an energetic level, letting you know why you felt connected with it.

    Again, select the ones that you feel the strongest connection too, and put therest back.

    By using this process of elimination, you will find there is one crystal that

    will stand out more than the others- this is your crystal!

    Dont be surprised if the crystal that you are most drawn to is not the

    prettiest, the brightest, or even the cheapest- if you are being drawn to it, itwants to go with you!You will know when you find the right crystal, as it will feel right!

    Cleansing & Charging your Crystals -

    When you first purchase your crystals, there are a few things you must dobefore you use it to ensure it is ready. Often your crystal has travelled quite a

    distance to arrive in your hands, and over that time its sensitive energetic

    alignment would have been disrupted. It may have also collected some dust

    while in the shop, or be a little bit dirty from being handled by other people.

    While a simple clean with a cloth can remove dust, it is important to give the

    crystal an energetic cleanse also in order to restore them to their pure state andensure that you are not going to be effected by anything that it may be

    energetically carrying.

    After cleansing your crystals, it is important to recharge them. Being

    energetic transmitters, crystals can run low on energy, and there for need to becharged before you use them- just like a battery. There are many different ways

    to do this, ands some methods are better suited to some crystal types than


    If your crystal is a Quartz crystal, you can also Program it. Quartz is

    generally the only crystal that is able to carry and maintain a program, as all

    other crystals carry in them other minerals that dictate that crystals energy, and

    while you can program them, they tend not to hold onto the program for long

    periods. Quartz, being clear, is a blank canvas, and there for can easily carryany energy it has been programmed with.

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    The most commonly suggested method for cleansing crystals is to hold them

    under lukewarm running water for a few minutes, or to place them in a bowl of

    salted water over night. While these methods are effective, they are not always

    suitable, as there are many crystals out there that are either water soluble, such

    as Selenite, or like Malachite, can be destroyed by putting them in salt.

    Preferably, you can use these methods for cleansing and charging yourcrystals:

    Breath. Simply hold your crystals in your palm, and imagine your breath

    blowing the negative energy away. Breath is a powerful transmitter of intent.As you breathe on the crystal, visualise your intention for the crystal to be

    cleansed and charged.

    White Light. Hold your crystals in your hands and imagine a waterfall of

    white light washing over and through them. See them looking new, bright andrestored.

    Smudging. For centuries incense and herbs such as Sage or frankincense

    have been recognized for their cleansing properties. It was also widely believed

    that the smoke of incense carries your prayers to Heaven. Simply hold your

    crystals above the smoke of some incense or burning herbs, or use a feather towave the smoke over your crystals.

    Return them to Nature. At times you will need a stronger method to

    cleanse or recharge your crystals. Returning them to Nature is a perfect way not

    only to cleanse them, but to realign them to their natural frequency and energy.

    Sunlight or Moonlight is a powerful method for cleansing and recharging yourcrystals power. Bright crystals are better suited to Sunlight, while the more

    gentle feminine crystals prefer moonlight. The full moon is most powerful for

    this. (Be aware that some stone, such as Amethyst, will fade if left in direct

    sunlight for long periods.). Rain, wind or thunder storms are an amazing way to

    clear any of the crystals negative energies and charge them at the same time.Placing crystals around plants or at the base of a tree is also a wonderful way to

    cleanse them (it also helps the plant too!) Washing them in the ocean or inrunning water such as a creek is a great way to cleanse and recharge them also.

    Sometimes if your crystal looks really tired or dull, they may need to be

    buried back in the Earth. Wrap them in some natural fibre material to keep them

    clean and make sure you leave a marker where they are so you can find themagain! How long you leave them buried is up to you and your intuition. If you

    feel it needs a really good rest, leave it longer.

    Other methods for cleansing and charging can be through Prayer or Ritual;

    placing them around a burning candle; sound such as harmonious music or

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    instruments (singing bowls are amazing for this); or simply place them on acrystal cluster.

    Programming your Crystal -

    Being energetic storage devices, crystals are able to be programmed with an

    intention, idea or thought. Programming your crystal means to install an ideawithin the crystal that can be retrieved or utilized any time. In order to programyour crystal, you will need to use imagery rather than verbal direction. This

    means visualising your intent whilst holding the crystal. Quartz crystals are also

    amplifiers, so make sure your program is of a positive nature.

    As mentioned previously, Clear Quartz is the best crystal to use forprogramming. Being clear, Clear Quartz holds no specific program of its own,

    but will absorb, hold, and transmit anything it has been programmed with. Any

    form of Quartz can be programmed, from tumble stones to polished pieces, butgenerally a good clear natural point is best.

    There are several methods for programming your crystals. The mosteffective is to hold the crystal in your right hand and take a few long deep

    breaths to centre and still your mind. Focus on your intent for the programming.

    Hold the crystal to your third eye whilst visualising your intent, and imagine

    these images entering the crystal. See them playing out like a film inside the

    crystal. Alternatively you can blow your program into the crystal via th e samemethod as above, but instead of holding to your third eye, use your breath to

    blow the program into the crystal. You can also install a program by writing it

    down and placing the crystal on the paper over night. It is important that you

    repeat the programming several times over few days to ensure that it is strong

    and will be kept.

    Once programmed, your crystal will hold the information within it until it is

    cleansed, but it will need to be strengthened every so often to ensure it remains

    strong. The more often you program a crystal, the stronger the program will be.

    It is important that you only install one program into a crystal at a time, and

    keep that crystal apart from others so that it has no chance to be interfered withby other programs or crystal energies. Also once you have programmed your

    crystals you should not allow anyone else to hold it, as it can disrupt the

    program stored within it.

    Here are some different ideas for programming your crystals.

    Remembering your dreamsTo help remembering your dream, hold the

    crystal to your third eye while imagining yourself waking up in the morning

    with clear bright and detailed recollection of your nights dreams. Keep thecrystal under your pillow and when you wake up hold it to your third eye again

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    while breathing deeply and asking to be reminded of your dream. Allow for anyimpressions thoughts or feelings to come forth which will assist you in recalling

    your dreams.

    Sweet Dreams If you find yourself suffering from bad dreams or

    nightmares, program a crystal with the image of a large web of light

    surrounding your bed, catching all the bad dreams (seen as dark clouds or

    shadows). Keep the crystal near your bed, such as on the bed side table. Be surethat you cleanse your crystal often if you are using it for this, as it will also

    store the energy it is catching. Reprogram it after cleansing.

    HealingCrystals are very powerful tools for Healing. They can help clearthe blocks that lead to illness, and bring balance and harmony back to the body.

    A very simple way to heal someone is to imagine that person surrounded by

    bright white light, looking healthy and happy. You can either give the crystal to

    that person to carry, or place it over a picture of them. You can also do this for


    Protection Visualise yourself or the item you want to protect being

    surrounded by a strong white light shield. If it is psychic protection you are

    protecting against, imagine this shield to have a mirrored surface on the outside.

    You can use protection programs for anything- yourself, friends or family, your

    home, car, or personal possessions.

    Studying for Exams Being able to receive, store, and transmit energy,

    crystals are fantastic study partners. Hold the crystal while you study in your

    right hand, or have it next to you on the table. After you have done with your

    studying, hold the crystal to your third eye and imagine yourself sitting the

    exam. Imagine all the information you have just studied coming easily to yourmind. Imagine yourself receiving your results and being extremely happy with

    them. You can take this a step further by keeping the crystal on your study

    material over night to absorb the information.

    ManifestationManifestation is the art of using focused intention to create,to bring something to us from the Universe. It is something we can all do; in

    fact we do it all the time through our thoughts and feelings without evenknowing it. By focusing our intent on something, we act as a magnet, drawing it

    towards us. Using crystals to help with this magnifies our intent, speeding up

    the process.

    To manifest with your crystal, visualise what it is you wish to create or drawto yourself. It is important that you imagine yourself already with the item,

    already enjoying it. For example, if it is a bill you want paid, imagine the joy of

    having the bill payed; perhaps imagine a big PAYED stamp on the bill. Keep

    the crystal on the bill until this happens. If it is a car you are wanting, imagine

    yourself already with it, driving with a big smile on your face.

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    Emotion is a powerful and important part of manifestation, so make sure youfeel what it would be like to have what it is you want, as if you have it already!

    TelepathyThis is something thats not only a bit of fun, but is also great

    for developing your Psychic and Intuitive abilities. You will need a friend to do

    this with. To start of, keep it simple by programming your quartz crystal with a

    colour. Holding your crystal to your Third Eye, take a deep breath and let your

    mind become filled with a colour. Focus on the colour as strongly as you can,willing it into the crystal. Breathe it into the crystal; feel it become filled with

    the colour, becoming it. Once you feel the program has been held, pass the

    crystal to the friend, asking them hold the crystal to their Third Eye. Taking a

    deep breath to clear their mind, see if they can see or feel the colour you haveprogrammed the crystal with. It will often be their first impression that will be

    the right one. Have them program the crystal in the same way for you and see if

    you can pick it up. After some practice you will find your accuracy will

    increase to the point where you and your friend will know the colour as soon as

    the crystal is in your hands. After you find yourself getting it right majority ofthe time with colours, move onto simple shapes, then basic images, such as aflower, a leaf, or a feather. Once you have become good with images, move on

    to words, and then to simple phrases. Before long, you will find you can do this

    quickly and easily, and soon enough you wont even need the crystal, as it will

    happen with out it!

    Now you have cleansed, charged, and programmed your crystal, it is readyto be used! It is a good idea now to get to know your crystal, and to let it get to

    know you. Wear it, meditate with it, carry it with you during the day and/or

    keep it under your pillow when you sleep. Be aware of any feelings you may

    receive while working with it, as this will help you to understand why this

    crystal has chosen you to work with. Most of all; just simply enjoy the pure

    beauty and mystery of these wonderful Gifts of the Earth!

    In the next issue we will look deeper into how you can use your crystals. I

    will also be dispelling some of the myths surrounding crystals, including

    information about how they are used by you every day without you even

    knowing it, as well as the scientific side to crystals and their energies.