Crystallography 333

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  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    CONTENTSPrefaceThomas .I. Ahrens viiCrystallographic Data for Minerals (!l"#oseph $. Smyth an% Tamsin C. McCormic&Thermo%ynamic Properties of Minerals (!"

    Ale'an%ra Navrots&y )

    Thermal E'pansion (!*"+ing,ei -ei Elasticity of Minerals/ 0lasses/ an% Melts (!1"#ay D. 2ass *1Elastic Constants of Mantle Minerals at 3igh Temperat4re (!1a"Orson 5. An%erson an% Donal% 0. Isaa& 6*Static Compression Meas4rements of E74ations of State (!6a"Elise 8nittle )Shoc& 9ave Data for Minerals (!6h"Thomas .I. Ahrens an% Mary 5. #ohnson *:Electrical Properties of Minerals an% Melts (!)"#ames A. Ty;4rc:M0ss;a4er Spectroscopy of Minerals (!1"

    Catherine McCammon ::In%e' :*

    P$E-ACEThe p4rpose of this 3an%;oo& is to provi%e/ in highly accessi;le form/ selecte%critical %ata for professional an% st4%ent soli% Earth an% planetary geophysicists.Coverage of topics an% a4thors ,ere caref4lly chosen to f4lfill these o;ectives.These vol4mes represent the thir% version of the B3an%;oo& of Physical Constants.Several generations of soli% Earth scientists have fo4n% these han%;oo&sto ;e the mostfre74ently 4se% item in their personal li;rary. The first version of this 3an%;oo& ,ase%ite% ;y -. 2irch/ #. -. Schairer/ an% 3. Cecil Spicer an% p4;lishe% in * ;y the0eological Society of America (0SA" as Special Paper :6. The secon% e%ition/ e%ite%;y Sy%ney P. Clar&/ #r./ ,as also p4;lishe% ;y 0SA as Memoir in 66. Since66/ o4r scientific &no,le%ge of the Earth an% planets has gro,n enormo4sly/ sp4rre%;y the %iscovery an% verification of plate tectonics an% the systematic e'ploration of the

    solar system.The present revision ,as initiate%/ in part/ ;y a ) chance remar& ;y Ale'an%raNavrots&y as&ing ,hat the Mineral Physics (no, Mineral an% $oc& Physics" Committeeof the American 0eophysical nion co4l% pro%4ce that ,o4l% ;e a tangi;le 4sef4lpro%4ct. At the time I respon%e%/ B4p%ate the 3an%;oo& of Physical Constants. Assoon as these ,or%s ,ere 4ttere%/ I reali

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    efforts/ in all cases/ improve% the man4scripts.Thomas #. Ahrens/ E%itorCalifornia Instit4te of TechnologyPasa%enaCarl AgeeThomas #. AhrensOrson An%erson

    Don An%erson0eorge 3. 2rimhall#ohn 2ro%holt#. Michael 2ro,n2r4ce 24ffett$o;ert 24tlerClement Chase$o;ert Creaser=eroni74e Dehant

    Alfre% 0. D4;a5arry -ingerMichael 0affeyCarey 0a

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    an% the improving availa;ility of ne4tron %iffractioninstr4ment time/ there has ;een a s4;stantial improvementin the n4m;er an% 74ality of str4ct4ral characteri

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    9Stite -e>5ime CaO24nsenite NiOM4nganosite MnOTenorite c4eMontroy%ite 3gOincite nO2romellite 2e>

    ses74io'i%e 0ro4p*:.>? C4;. P%m C4prite *.66 ?.):: :.*: 6.>* 1*>.: C4;. -Fn 3alite * *.?.)*) C4;. -Fn 3alite * *.:>)16.>? C4;. -Fn 3alite * *.6)*?*.?> C4;. -Fm 3alite * *.**6?>.:? C4;. -mLm 3alite * *.)>1?.1: Mono.Clc Tencrite * *.6):? :.*66.1) Orth. Prima Montroy%ite * 6.6 1.>).:6 3e'. P6:mc 94rt 3e'. P6:n4 94rt. .>6 1.16 6.: 6.?6. :.:*6 :1?.*: >.>6 6.)1> :1)?.)) :.: 1.:61 1.1* ) .>)> .> 6.11

    ).1 .:1> .: *?.:>6 *.*6 1/? )6.?> a. :.>)> )1.)):.1:1.*)*.??>1*.)> 1.1? :.)6 1?:>.? :>.:)) 1.11 :). .>: 1.* 1??.:6 .)1> 1.> 1?):*.*6 :.* 1.>? ?1?. **.1 >.:1: 6?::.) *.6 :.6> ?6:1). 1.? :.)?> ??:)6. 1.>) 1.1): ?::.? *.)) 1.)** 6Cor4n%4m3ematiteEs&olaite84reli4nite2i';yiteAvicenniteCla4%etiteArsenoliteSen4rmontite=alentiniteDio'i%e 0ro4p2roo&iteAnatase$4tileCassiteriteStishovite


    TiO ?.)> Orth. Ph 2roo&ite ) .)* 1.**?

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    TiO ?.)> Ten. Mtlam% Anatase * :.?)*Ti> ?.)> Tetr. P*Jmnm $4tile *.1)*1SnO 1>.6 Tetr. P*Jmnm $4tile *.?:?SiO 6>.>)6 Tea P*%mnm $4tile *.?>MnO )6.* Ten. P*Jmnm $4tile *.:Lm :. Mono.PtJc 2a%%eleyite * 1.*1* 1.>?1O ?>.>: C4;. -Fm -l4orite * 1.*6)Th> 6*.>* C4;. -Fm -l4orite * 1.1?

    M4ltiple O'i%esChryG+lSpin.10 ro4pSpine3ercyniteMagnesiofenite2eAlF 6.? Orth. Pr4n; Oiivine * *.** .:6 1.*? ?.* :*.** :.?>) 6

    MF@-eA>.tMg-e*Magnetite -e-e>*#aco;site Mn-e>*Chnnnite -eCr>*>.6 Trig.1.6 Trig.1.> Trig.*.)) Trig.1?.>1 C4;.*16.?:) C4;.?.)* Mono.?.)* C4;. A) C4;..*) Chth.$:C

    $L$L$Lla?ClSPln-Fm-Fm6 *.?1)6 1.>:)6 *.6>?6 *.16 .**66 >.1*:* ?. *.616 .>?**6 .1* *. .*6*.:.??:.1*.>>Cor4n%4mCor4n%4mCor4n%4m

    2i';yite2i';yiteCla4%etiteArsenoliteArsenolite=4lentinite. ?).:1.*1.*1.1*6.1:::.)1

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    .661.)?1.:>?1?.:) .:?? *.: ?:6.1 >.16 :.)1 >16.>? ).6: *.?*: >*?.*? .1: ?.>> 1*6.1* *.>? *.)? >

    11.*) )6.:? 1.>: *>.*1 .* 1.)6 >)6:.1 *.6> >.6) 6?1.1 6.*: .)? ?.:*.? C4;. -Fm Spinet?:.) C4;. -Fm Spinet>>.>> C4;. -F!m Spine) ).>):) ).11)) ).:6>) ).:::) ).:*) ).1>) ).:?*1).* :.?6 :.1?) 61*.1> *>.)*: *.16

    1)*.) *:.) *.1*? >>1?).6: *:.16* *.** >>1.*: **.1) 1.>> >>66.1 *6.*6 *.6 >>1)).: **.: 1.>1* >>6 .6 *6.)6 *.??1 >6.:> C4;. -Fm Spine:.1* C4;. -c%m Spine:>.6: C4;. &Fm Spine:.)* C4;. -F!m Spinelv,spinel Ti-e>* :.1 C4;. -Fm Spinet ) ).1:6

    Ta;le . Crystallographic Properties of Minerals (contin4e%".Mineral -orm4la -otm4la Crystal Space StNCtE < > + nit Cell Molar Density $ef.9eight System 0ro4p ;e (A" (B" =ol (A:" =ol (cm:" (calc"(MgJm:"Tilanale 0ro4pIhnenite -eTiOs

    Pyrophanite MnTiO:Perovs&ite CaTiArmalcolite Mg.QesTiSLPse4%o;roo&ite -eaTiT4ngstates an% Moly;%n&s

    1.?1 Trig. $ Ilmenite 6 1.>))* *.>)11 :1.)* : .?>1 *.?)6 1>.)* Trig. $s Ilmenite 6 1.:? *.): :6.* :.?66 *.6>: :1:1.) Orth. P;nm Perovs&ite * 1.:6?> 1.**: ?.6*:) :.:: ::.6: *.>** :1.)) Otth. 2;mm Pse4%o;roo&ite * .??6 >.>* :.?*)1 :6?.1 11.) :.>* :>:.1 Orth. 2;mm Psc4%o;roo&ite * .?*? .*? :.?? :6. 1*.:?1 *.*>6 :-er;erite -e9>*34e;nerite Mn9>*Scheelite Ca9O*Po,ellitc CaMoO*Stol:.?> Mono. PJc -eFrite *.?:> 1.?>: *.1 >.> ::.1) *>.) ?.1* 1

    :>.? Mono.PJc -er;erite *.):) 1.?1>* *.> .) :).: * .6?6 ?.61 :)?.: Tetr. *Ja Scheelite * 1.*: .:?6 :.? *?.>)? 6.1 *>>.> Tetr. *Ja Scheelite * 1.: .** :>.>? *1.::: *.* >*11.>* Tetr. *Ja Scheelite * 1.*6 .>1 :1.: 1*.> ).* >:6?. Tctr. *Ja Scheelite * 1.*:1 . :1?.? 1:.)6* 6.)6 >3y%ro'i%es0i;;siteDiaspore2ochmite2r4citc0oethite5epi%oehrosite

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    AIDAPO9Mg9h-eO(O3"-eO(O3"?).>> Mono.PtJn1. Orth. P;nm1. Orth. Amam1).:: Trig. KLI)).)1 OrF. P;nm)).)1 orth. cmc?) .?:6* *.*> .* .)*1* :.6: . .)61 :.* *.?66* *.1)? .:? :.>1* :.>) .1> :.)?*1*2oehmite2r4cite0octhite2oehmite*?.) :. .* ))?.6 ?.)6 :.:?? :*

    .:> .1>? :.>?1 )*>.?1 *.1* .:?? *::?.*: >.6: *.* 61*). .*:1 :.6 *:CarhonotesMagnesiteSmithsoniteSi%erite$ho%ochrositcOtaviteCalcite=ateriteDolomiteAn&eriteAragoniteStrontianiteCer4ssite

    9itheriteAmriteMalachiteMF>: )*.: Trig. $L: >>.> Trig. $cCaC>: >>.> 3e'. P6:hmcCaMg8@h )*.* Trig. %cR%co:" 1.1 Trig. $TCaC>: >>.> orth. PmcnSrC>: *?.6: Orth. PmcnP;co: 6?.> Orth. Pmcn2aC>: ?.: orth. Pmcn

    C4:Q3"(C>:" :**.61 Mon>.PGJcC4

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    Aranonite +AraaoniteAragoniteAmriteMalachite6 *.6:) 1.>6 *.616 1.>1?6 *.66 1.:?6

    6 *.?6) 1.6:1*6 *.: 6.)?6 *.)6 ?.>6> ?.1 6.:?: *.)>6 6.>>:*: *.):> 6.6?* *.6* ?.6? 1.?*>** 1.>> ).:1) 1.?* 1.)> ).* 6.:** 1.:6 ).)1) 6.*)* 1.>> 1.)*)1 >.:*1* .1> .?* :.*>.*:).?1?.>1 ).> :.>> 1*).6) ).?6 *.*:* 1*:.? .* :.:? 1*

    :>?.)6 :>.>* :.?> 1*:*.)1 :*.:6 1.>* 6:6?.)1 :6.1? .?>6 1*?1>.>? :?.6*? .61 *6:>.* 6*.: .)6) ):6.6: 61.16 :.: 6. :*.66 .:> 111.: :).*6 :.)*: 16.): *>.6 6.1?? :>:.) *1.?*1 *.:* 1:>.> . :.??) *1:6*.:1 1*.)6 *.>:> **NitratesSo%a NiterNiter2erates2ora'N%L )1.>> Trig. $L Calcite 6 1.>?>) 6.)) :?*.1 :?.1* .6 )8NOs >. orFl. PmcnAragonite * 1.* .16? 6.1) ::.>1 *).6*: .>? 1Na2*>s(O3"*.)3aO :).:? Mono. CJc .))1 >.61* .>6 >6.6 *)>.? :.>> .?> )

    Ta;le . Crystallographic Properties of Minerals (contin4e%". PMineral -orm4la -orm4laCrystal Space StNCtE L a(A"+ nit Cell Molar Density $ef.9eight System 0ro4p T+Pe (B" =ol (A:" =ol (cm:" (calc"(MgJm:";8ernite Na2*>6(>tI".:G>Colemanite CG2GOG(O3"G.3GO?:.) Mono. P& 8ernitc * ?.>? .1) 1.6* >).)6 1:.* *:.16>>1.11 Mono. P/la Colemanitc * ).?* I.6* 6.> >. 16*.:> )*.)6.>* *) -.* * E@2aS>* ::.*> Orth. P;nm 2aritc * ?.1? ).))* 1.*1? :*6. 1.*1SrS>* ):.6) Orth. P;nm IFrite * 6.)?> ).:? 1.:11 :>?.6 *6.:?P;S>* :>:.1 Oh. P;nm 2arite * 6.1 ).*) 1.:) :).6 *?.CaS>* :6.* Orth. AmmaAnhy%rite * ?.>>6 6.) 6.*1 :>6.) *6.>:CaS>*3>8A&Q>%3&i8-es(S>%*"(O9*

    N7SO*8S0*MgS>*?3 1.>

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    **. Trig. $TmAl4nite : ?.>>1>>.) Trig. $TmAl4nite : ?.:>*:1*.? orth. PrimaAntlerite * ).***.>* Orth. -Fii Thenar%ite ) .)*. Or;. PmcnArcanite * 1.?6:*6.*) orth. P Epsomite * .)*6).6>6.>*:

    .:>>.>?.>>6.1::?.:?.6).)?1.)6)?.*?66.)1**.:? ?*.**>?:1.>* *?.1???.)> 6>.?1?. ).>?>.1* 1:.**::.> 61.::1?1.) *6.):)



    1>.: 3e'. P6:lmApatite1>*.: 3e'. P6:JmApatite1>.?? 3e'. P6:imApatite:1.> Mono.PtJn Mona*::. Trig. $:c 9;itloc&ite

    1?.?6 0rth. Pmn; Olivine16.)1 Orth. Pmn; Olivine*6. Tric. Pi Am;lygonite. Mono.CJm A4gelitc.1 Trig. P:t @4 .** .:6 .6)* 6.?* 6.)?): >.::>* >.::** 6.>1 1.)* :.*: *.*:

    6.)? 1.> 1.::* :.1: *6.))* 1:.> 1?.1? :.> 16.?6* 1*:.> 6:.1? :.)1 :?6.*6 >*.> ).? **.) 1.: ?66.>:6 )1.1* *:.>> *.?? ::?.>: :*).) 6)).:)6 :.> :)*.6: .*? *:.))) :.11 :?*.? *.>? **.)> :.1* >1.>* . ?.?) 6?.)) 6>.> *).* :.>*1 61.>66 .* *>.1 ?:.* .?>1 >>.?* :. *6.6> .66 >66.>>

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    >.:?.1?.))0arnet ) .*1 1>. :.>) :.161 )0arnet ) .1: 1::. 1.*: *.: )0arnet ) .6 161.? ?.)) *. 60arnet ) .)*1 66. 1. :.6>> 60arnet ) .>1) ?1:. : . :.)1> 6

    0arnet ) .)) ?.) .? :.)1 6Mg*CaSi>*C7SiO*CaMgSiO%Ca-eSi*>:.1 C4;. lF%*?.6 C4;. IF%*1.>: C4;. InL*>:.1 C4;. IaT%1>). C4;. IaT%1>>.*) C4;. IaT%*>.?> orth. P;,:.?? Orth. P;nm

    >.6 Orth. P;nm>.1> Ort;. Ptnm?.* Orth. Phm>.1 Orth. P;mn16.*) orth. P;nm)).> Orth. P;nmOlivine * *.?1:* >.> 1.?): ).1) *:.6>: :. 6Olivine * *.)1 >.*?)) 6.>)?: :>?.* *6.> *.*> 6Olivine * *.>: >.16* 6.16? :1.> *).: *. 6Olivine * *.?6 >.) 1.: ).?1 *.1?* *. *Olivine * 1.>?) .1 6.?6> :)1.: 1).>> .6 1>Olivine * *.?) >.) 6.>>>* 1.* **.*: *.? :Olivine * *.) .>) 6.:) :* .'* 1.* :.>*> 61Olivine * *.)** >.1?? 6.*6 :*.) *?.*1 :.61 :S4lfates2ariteCelestiteAnglesiteAnhy%rite0yps4mAl4niteR#amsiteRAntleritcThenar%itcArcaniteEpsomitePhosphates3y%ro'yspatite-l4orapatiteChlorapatiteMona

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    Olivine 0ro4p


    8irschsteinite.1: ) 4.:: *6.)>? *1:.? .1 U.61 > *ThoriteR ThSiO*Coffinhe Si9ilhife 0ro4pPhenacite 2e*9illemite n*(O3/E"34mite 0ro4pNor;ergiteR Mg:Si>*-Chon%ro%iteR MgstSiO%

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    :.* **1.6? :.): >>.>6>>.?)6>.>6.>6 MoGo.GUJ@ Titanite * ?.>6 ). 6.1661.* Mono.fFlc Datolite * *.): ?.6>) .6:66>*.1 Mono fFJa Datolite ?.161 *.?)6

    1. Tric. Pi Chioritoi% * .*6 1.1> .1 ?.>16>.> Mono.fF Sapphirine * .66 *.*> .*.: Orth. f'm Prehnite *.6*6 1.*): ).*)6>.*>>.:>.161.*6CG(MgGeAl"AlaSiGGOG*(>3"rGl1. Mono.Clm

    3-eCaF2S;Ora 1?>. Tric. fiP4mpelieyite ).): 1.)* .> ?.1:A'inite .1 . ).1 .) ).*:?>.: 11.?*) :.1? ::1*.: 1:.::) . 6::6>.6 >).6 1.161 *)>.> *6.? 6.6?* :.66 )):. ?.1? :.*: **?>. *.) .>) ?>)1.6 1:.6 :.6 ???.:> 16.6 ?.1* :.:* >P4mpelleyiteA'initeSorosiiicates F Cyciosiiicates

    Epi%ote 0ro4poisite CafilFOtt(>3"Melilite 0ro4pMeliliteR CaNaAlSi?Olher Sorosilicates an% Cyclosilictaes5a,sonite CaAiG?(>3"G >*:.: Trig. $:m=es4vianiteR Catg-e

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    Clinopyro'me 0ro4pDiopsi%e CaMgSiF 6.16 Mono. CIc3e%en;ergitc CaPeSi *).> Mono.C=c#a%eF Ntilsi>6 >.* Mono. ClcAcmite Na-eSi) Mono. nJcCosmochlnr NaCrsi>6 ?.1 Mono.ClcSpo%4mene 5iAlSi>6 )6.> Mono.CcCa!Tschenna&s CaAlAlSiOs ).> Mono. C5Jc

    Pyro'enoi% 0ro4p9ollastonite CaSi:Og :*).* Tric. Ci24stamiteR 0aPe.%Si:> :1).6 Tric. Ii$hoFmite M7SisOts 611. Tric. Pi

    Pyro'mangite Mn?Si?>a ?.6 Tric. PiAenigmatite NaQ1TiTiS&O6.6 Mono.PaAmphi;ole 0ro4p0e%riteR Na/s(MgUe(O3" :)1. Mono.CJc5epi%oliteR 8AFAISi:>t%O3" :)1. Mono. CIc5epi%ol9 8Al5ifiISi:Oto(O3" :)1. Mono.Clmii,al%iteR 8(Al-e5i"AlSi:Ot4(O3" *:*. Mono.CJmTo4nnaline : 1. ?.> 1.1 :.? :.6: 66=es4vianite 1.1:: .??) )*.) *. :.* 6Orthopyro'ene ) ).? ).) 1.? ):.* 6.6?6 :.>* ?Orthopyro'ene ) ).*? .>?6 1.:? )?1.)1 61.* *.>> ?Clinoenstatite * .66 ).)1 1.)) >).:: *).:6 6.* :.)) 1>Clinoenstatitc * .?>)1 .>)? 1.)* >).*: *:?.6> 61.) *.>>1 ::Clincpym'ene * .?*6 ).) 1.1 >1.6: *:).1) 66.>: :.? :Clinopyro'ene * .)*1 .>* 1.*1 >*.?> *1>.? 6?.)6? :.616 :Clinopyro'ene * .*: ).16* 1.: >?.16 *>.)1 6>.1>) :.:* :Clinopyro'ene * .61) ).?1 1.* >?.* *.>6 6*.6>6 :.16 **Clinopyro'ene * .1? ).? 1.6 >?.:? *.) 6:.: :.1 :Clinopym'ene * .*6 ).:1 1.) >.> :).1 1).16 :.?6 :Clinopyro'ene * .6> ).61 1.?* >6.>6 *.:1 6:.**1 :.*:) 6*24stantite$ho%onitePyro'mangiteAenigmatitePectolitePetalite* >.>* .>1* ?.:>1 .1: >>.16 ):.** ?)).>* ).66 .:? 6:* .* >.*6 ?.: .:> >>.16 ):. ?6*.:> 1.> :.6 6:

    ?.66 .)1 6.?> .11 *.:1 >1.6? 1?.)* ?*.6 :.?1 11 6.? ?.6>: ?.*11 :.) ).? *.: ).: **.6: :.?* 11 >.*>6 >.): ).6 >*.: 6.)? 1.: ?**.1 *. :.)6 *>

    ?.)> ?.>: ?.>) >.1* 1.* >.11 :).> 1.> .))) 6: .?:? 1.? ?.6:> .1* *?.? ).)> .:)

    Orthoamphi;ole * ).1: ?.?*Onhoamphi;ole * ).16> ).>:Amphi;ole .1 ).Amphi;ole .)6: ).>*)Amphi;ole .> ).>Amphi;ole .1* ?.?*>1.*1.))1.:: >.1.)1 >*.?1.: >1.?)

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    1.1 >:.6?

    ?1.61 1.)?61.) 61.>.* ?.?>.6> ?:..L ?*.)?>.) 6.:.)* 6:. 1):.* 6>

    :.> :.61 )1:.:1 6)

    Talc 1.> .?: .*6> >.*6 ).6) >.> *1:.?? :6.61* .??6 ?1Talc 1.6> ).66 .:*? .) >>.*6 ).6* *1.6 ).>:6 .)* 1MIM*M

    MM 1.:)6 .:* >.6) >>.6: 1>6.) 1.6: :.1 * 1.:>) .> >.11 >>.>) *)?.6 *6.)? .)? ** 1.> .>1: >.)1 .1 :.) *.1 .* * .>* 1. >. .1) *>.:) *.6> .? :

    1.> .> >.> .) *66.6 *>.1 .)1 * 1.6 .*> >.>6 >>.): *)>.> **.11 .)6 )

    Ta;le . Crystallographic Properties of Minerals (contin4e%".-omntlaCrystal Space str4ct4re < a + nit Ceii Molar Density $ef.9eight System 0ro4p Type (* (B" =oI (A:" =ol (cm:" (calc"(MgJm:"Mineral -orm4laDioctahe%ral Mica 0ro4pM4scoviteRParagoniteRMargarite2ityiteRChlorite 0ro4p

    ChloriteRChloriteRclay 0ro4pN9Hite

    Dic&ite8aoiiniteAmesiteR5itc(O3" :).: Mono. CJcNaAiGAiSiGOto(O3"G :)*.: Mono.CJc

    CaAifilSi:>t4(O3" :.: Mono.CJcCa(5iAi".>*1? 1.?* ::.16 *>.1? .):* )?

    :* * 1.) ).)) .)? *.:1 )??.1 :.: .> M * 1.>:) ).))? .*) 1.*6 )1).) .:: :.>6 ):M * 1.>1) ).?6: . 1.: )*:.: 6.) :.>* :>Chlorite!II; 1.:? .? *.:? 6.) 6.* >.1?Chlorite!II9 1.:1 .:* *.:1) >.:: ?.:) >.>> ?>>.* >.)1.6*> >.6:6 >).6> *.1))

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    .1 .??) )6.61 **111.) Mono.CJm111.) Tric. Ci1).6 Mono.Cc1).6 Mono.Cc1).6 Tric. PI

    ?).? Tric. Cl??. Trig. P:mNacrite * ).> 1.16 1.6? :.?> 61).1 .Dic&ite * 1.?) ).:? *.?:) >:.) 66.? .?8aolinite 1.11* ).**) ?.*>*) .?>> >*.)6 ).) :.) .:*?Amesite * 1.: .>) *.>6> >.> >.? ).6 6)).6 >:.65i >?.6SiOSiOSiOSiOSiO6>.>)1 Trig. f:l6>.>)1 Mono.CJc6>.>)1 Mono.Cc6>.>)1 Tar. f*ttCoesite

    Tri%ymiteCristo;alite6>.>)1 Tetr. 9Fnm $4tiie: *.:* 1.*>1 :.> .6)) .6*) ?6 ?.*6* .:?6 ?.) >.): 1*).?6 >.61? .> >*) ).** *. 1.): ?.?1 >. 6.*?) .6 ill* *.?) 6.*) ?.? 1.1 .:) ?: *.?> .661 *6.1* *.>? *.)? >8AISiF ?).:: Mono.Cm Sani%ine * ).11 :.>) ?.? 1.* ?.*) >).?)) .11) 8AISi:>s ?).:: Mono.Clm Sani%ine * ).16 .6 ?. 6.> ?.: >).): .1? *?8AiSisOs ?).:: Tric. Ci Sani%ine * ).16> l.L* ?.1 >.61 1.): )?.?> ?>.>? >).*1 .16 :NaAiSigOs 6.: Tric. CiAl;ite * ).6 .)?1 ?.> :.1: 6.*6 >.* 66?. >>.*1 .6> :*NaAiSiF 6.: Tric. CiAl;ite * ).* .?)1 ?.1 *. 6.6 )?.6) 66*.*) loo.>1* .6 )CaAIFOs ?).:6 Tric. PiAnorthite ) ).?: .)6 *.61 :. 1. .6 ::6.:1 >>.6> .61 )2aAiSiOs :?1.*? Mono.IJc Anorthite ) ).6? :.>*1 *.*>) 1. *66.> >.**> :.*cm 1)-e&ispathoi% 0ro4p

    5e4cite 8AiSi*Nepheiine 8NaQ#FtOtsMeioniteR CtFFSiFFQMarialitef Na7AI/Si/OGCleolite 0ro4pAnaIcimeR NatsAItF>gGi 63OCha;a3e4lan%ite Ca*8%hLFn63>).1 Tetr. I*tla 5e4cite l; :.> :.?1 :16. )).6 .*6 :1).? 3e'. P6: NepheIine 1.6 ).6 >>.* 6>.:* .6 ?)1)*.:: 3e'. P6: Nepheiine .: ).:?* ?*. ).> .6? 6*:. Tetr. P*Jn Scapolite .* ?.11? :.? ::).*> .?1? :)6:.1 Ten. P*ln Scapoiite .>1 ?.1)? >:.: ::.6 .1 ::16. Tetr. I*llac%Analcime :.? :.?:1

    >:>. Trig. $LI Cha;a: 1.>?1:6>.* Ort;. Cmcm Mor%enite ).6? >.6 ?.1?1>.> Mono.CJm 3e4ian%ite ?.6:: ?.* ?.*>>)?.? Mono. Cm 3e4ian%ite ?.?1 ?.): ?.*:>ThomsoniteR NaCaAisSis>c;3> 6?.) Chth Pncn Thomsonite * :.>) :.>*? :.)6.:1.:1)1.) 11?.**)?. *.*). 6).>>?. 6: .O:. )*.:

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    1?.: ::..6* :).>61 :?.: 1:.?? . *.:?: 1

    Ta;le . Crystallographic Properties of Minerals (contin4e%". >>Mineral -orm4la -orm4la Ctystal Space str4ct4re < a(A"+ nit Cell Molar Density $ef. 29eight System 0ro4p ;e (B" =ol (A:" =ol (cm:" (calc"(MgJm:"*3armotomeR 2aUa/1AlUitt>:G3> *66.? Mono. PJm Phillipsite .)?PhillipsiteR 8.1Cal.gAlgSit>>:.3> .1 Mono. PJm Phillipsite .)615a4montiteR CaAUL*>G*3GO *?>.** MonoAm 5a4montite * ?.1*NatroliteR Nate3> :)>.: Orth. -%% Natrolite ) ).:6So%aliteR N7A:Si:>GCI *)*.6 C4;. Pii:n So%ahte ).)?>StiI;iteR Nal/:Ca*.GAIleSiC/>?G:*3G>6). Mono. Clm Stil;ite :.6*ScoIeciteR CaAlGSi:>teG:3> :.:* Mono -% Natrolite ) ).1>)0onnar%iteR NaF7AlgSitt>G3GO 66.>* Tetr. hi% Natrolite :.E%ingtoniteR 2aA*SisOe)3> ?. Tetr. PTilm E%ingtonite .1)0ismon%ineR CaFIsSia>:.63fl *>.> Mono. Pla 0ismon%ine >.>*0arroniteR NaCaFI/Sire0:G:3GO :. Tetr. lG*3> 6>.) olth. Immm Merlinoite *.6-errieriteR Ng8MgAlUL:tQl)3> 6*. Mono.Prla -enierite ).))6-etrieriteV Na8Mgfil?Sig@ 1>.: Orth. lmmm -errierite I .:6-a4asite/ N7CaAl.F>G63> >>. C4;. -Fn So%alite 6 *.?*EricniteR MgNa8CaAlgSiG?>?G)3>6):. 3e'. P6:lmmc Erionite I :.1CancriniteR Car/GNaFleSi/QGGl.6C> >>).1 3e'. P6: Cancrinite I .1>Poll4citeR CsAISis :.>6 C4;. la%Analcime 6 :.6)2re,steriteR SrAlfiis>G13> 616.? Mono. Plm 2re,sterite 6.?6?*.: ).6:*.:>> ).66)*.?*> :.>? >.).61 6.6>*.)*.>.6. 6>>.1>.: 6>.

    . :*.6 >:.16.: 6.)?6?.)6 >.6>. ::..) ?.611.6 66.>>1.>6 :6>.)>*.: 6:>.>1.* 6.*)).) :.>>>.) >1.>1>.1 :1.>1*. 1?>.>1.* :16.6?>.* *:.>116. 6.*>. ?*..**: )*..:>1 >)* 6 :: H.: ? ii.?: >?.::6 *P.?6* *> .: 6 ).*6 m.1 ? :

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    .6 ? .>? )>In.* ) -I .?) > rA.:): ):.:? 16.:* >

    :.:)> 1:.*:1 1:.:? 66*.>? >::.)> >:.1: ?:.*? >*1.>** 1:.16: 6*.)*) :61.?* :61.:*6 1.> >*.)? >.66 :1.) :1.): :1

    ).*).).?6.1?6.66.16.):>.:>:.*6?.*?>?.1?).>>.6>.66 .*>*.*.)*.6>.>>.>*.)>1.??.*11 ?.? *.*>3igh Press4re SilicatesPhase 2 0ro4p

    Phase 2 9,!LL89Anhy%ro4s 2 MmSi%hS4perhy%ro4s 2 ;m9h%O9*MgSiOVro4pMgSiOg!perovs&ite MgSi>:MgSiOVlmenite MgSiO:MgSiOs!garnet MgSi>:9a%sleyiie 0ro4p

    9a%sleyite Mg

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    Caro;;iite 8-?*.> Mono. PJc Phs2 * >.1)) *.>? >.>?:)6*.?) Orth. Pmc;Anh2 1.)6) *.?) >.>*)6.*> Chth. Pnnm Phs2 1.>)* :.6) ).616>*.> *1).* .16?):1.6 1 .?*6).6 )6.1>>.*> 0rth. P;nm Perovs&ite * *.??1* *. 6.)6 6.:1 *.**1

    >>.*> Trig. $# Ilmenite 6 *.?)* :.11 6.1* 6.:1*>>.*> Tetr. *Ja 0arnet : .1> .*)> 1).1 ).1)*>.? orth. Imma 9a%sleyite ) 1.6): .*:)> ).166 1:).* *>.11>.1 Ort;. fmma 9a%sleyite ) 1.?1: .1* ).:*> 11. *.6)*>.? C4;. -Fm Spine ) ).>** 1*.16 :.*:>:.?) C4;. -Fm Spine ) ).:* 11).6 *.>:>>.1 C4;. -a.h Spine ) ).:) 1:).6 *>.1>.1> C4;. fLLn Spine ) ).>** 1>.* :.)?6>.>)1 Mono. Clc Coesite 6 ?.*6* .:?6 ?.)6>.>)1 Tetr. P*%mnm 84tile *.?> .661>.): 1*).?6 >.61?*6.1* *.>?1).**: C4;. -mh 3alite * 1.6:)?*.111 C4;. -Fn 3alite * 6.*.)) C4;. -%m 3alite * *.6*1).>> C4;. -arL 3alite * 1.:*?. 6.)1

    *).) :?.*>).: *.?1.: .: .1: :1

    Ta;le . Crystallographic Properties of Minerals (contin4e%".Mineral -orm4la -orm4la Crystal Space Str4ct4re a + nit Cell Molar Density $ef.9eight System 0ro4p Type (A" (B =ol (8:" =ol (cm:" (calc"(h*gJm:"-l4orite-ran&%ic&soniteSellaiteC%OIllelCryoliteNeigh;ceiteChlorargyriteIo%yriteNanto&iteS4lfi%es


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    -eS? 3e' P6:lmmc Moly;%enite :.6>:.>?)>.).?)1.1>:?.*

    ?.>6:.:).?1*:*.:*>.*:6.:6.:*:.**>.1>6.1*1.>:11.1)6.6>?6.?*>.**?. 3e' P6:Jmmc Moly;%enite! !3 :.1: .::*?.)> Mono.PlJc Acanthite * *.: 6.:> .16

    *?.)> C4;. lm:m Argentite *.)6**.? Trig. $:c Pro4stite 6 >.) ).61*.11 Trig. $:c Pro4stite 6 Il.> ).?:.61 Trig. PFl Cinna;ar : *.*1 .*6:.61 C4;. -7:m Sphalerite * 1.)??:). C4;. -i:m Sphalerite * 6.**>::.6 Orth. Prima Sti;nite * .:> :.):* .*6.>* Mono. PJn orpiment * .*?1 .1? *.166.??:?.66.)*1.61>.)6.1*?.1:6.>61.>*66.)* :.> *.6) 61.>* :.1 1.>> 6.) 1.1) *.) 6):.)) ?.6)) *.*:? 6).> *.*1 *.>6 :>:6.1 ).6? *.): ?:1?.>) 1.>? :.?? .1? *:.>: *.)> )***?.? 6?.*1: *.>* )>:.6) >.**? *.6?6 166.:1 >. ?.* 1.?) 1:. ::1.1 *.1: ?1.: ).6?6 1.>)1 6.6: ).: *.*>) 1?. ?. ?.??> *>?:.: 6.) 6.::1 ?

    1?.: :.?)> *.>? :?.: :.)6> *.>)* .: :>.>: *.)> :1>:.6 1.1? 1.>6 )?* .I1 .:** *.>?6 *>).6 :.*: ?.6* 6>.:? :*.1:? ).)1 6>6).)1 *>.*) ).?> 6>>6.:: :.> *. )>1.?? :.)1: ?.?)1 >:1.*) ?.*1 :*.*) ?.:6 >*.? :*.16 ?.6) *

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    )).>6 )).** 1.1* 11>.* .: 1.)6 11*i. ).:6 '.> *>.** :>.*) ?.6:: :6?.> *>.? ).6 :*)6.) ?:. *.6: *:>.6) *6?.6) ?>.* :.** 1**.1>

    :1.)*>.6*.*:*.1.):*>.):.1:.)6 :*.)* )>:.>6 >.6 >>:.>1) >1.11> >1.?:> >*.:* >

    Ta;le . Crystallographic Properties of Minerals (contin4e%". EMiIlemI -orm4la -orm4la Crystal Space StNCt$ < i#9eight System 0ro4p 1G (* )/+ nit CeII Molar Density $ef.

    nP" =ol (A:" =ol (cm:" (calc"(MgJm:"$eFar AsS >6. Mono.PlJn $ealgar2ism4thinite 2iUU 1*.1 Orth. Pmcn Sti;nite3a.6 Trig. $: 3a.?? Trig. $:m Mil&rite5inneaite tFs* :>1.>6 C4;. -Fn SpinePoly%ymite NiF :>*.: C4;. -%Ln Spine=iolarite -eNiUU :>.1 C4;. -Fm Spine0reigite -eF 1.)> C4;. -Fm SpineDaFreelFe -eCrts/ )).> C4;. -Fm Spine5oellingite -eAs >1.6 orth. Pnnm 5oellingiteArsenoprite -eAsS 6.): Mono.ClJ%ArsenopyriteNative ElementsDiamon%0raphiteSiliconS4lf4r(a"S9P"8amaciteTaeniteNic&elCopperArsenicTin$4theni4m$ho%i4m

    Palla%i4mSilverAntimonyTell4ri4mIri%i4mOsmi4mPlatin4m0ol%5ea%C .> C4;. -%h Dimmn% ) :.166? *1.:) :.*6: :.11)C .> 3e'. P;Jmmc 0raphite * .*16 6.66 :*.) 1.6 .)Si ).>)6 C4;. -%h Diamon% ) 1.*:>?> 6>.6 .>1) .:

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    S :.>6* Orth. -%Fi S4lf4r ) >.*6? .)?> *.*: :.1 1.**: .>?6S :.>6* Mono. Pt S4lf4r *) >.6 >.))1 >.?> 1. ?6.* 6.>6 .>>

    -e 11.)*? C4; JmF a!hm .)661 :.11 ?.>: ?.)?:-eNi *.11? C4; -tFn Taenite : ?.6) :6). :.)6* ).6:Ni 1).?> C4;. -Fn -CC * :.1:)? *:.?6 6.1> ).>C 6:.1*> C4;. -nFn -CC * :.6*6 *.A ?.: ).:AS *. Trig. $srnArsenic ) :.?1) >.1*?1 . *.: ?.:*>Stl ).6> Tetr. f*tlam% Tin * 1.)? :.?*)) >?.1* 6.* ?.:

    $4 >.>?> 3e'. P6:Jmmc 3CP .?>16 *.)>: ?.* ).? .:6)$; >.>1 C4;. -Fm -CC * :.)>: 11.> ).): .**P% >6.*> C4;. -mh -CC * :.))) 6>.6 .>1 .?*6*: >?.)? C4;. -Fm -CC * *.>)6 6).: >.?: ?.1>>S; .?1 Trig. $TmArsenic 6 *.:>): Il.?*: )>.>6 ).>?1 6.?:6Te ?.6> Trig. P:t Seleni4m : *.*16 1. >.) >.** 6.*Ir .> C4;. -Fm -CC * :.):* 16.6> ).1 .11:OS >.> 3e'. P6:Jmmc 3CP .?:1 *.:> ?.) ).*? .1?>Pt 1.> C4;. -Fm -CC * :.: 6>.:) .> .*1)A 6.6? C4;. -Fm -CC * *.>?)1 6?.): >.* .)1-; >?.> C4;. -mL -CC * *.1>1 .: ).6) .:*2i >).)> Trig. $LnArsenic 6 *.1*1> .)61 . .: .)>66*))))))).:1:.)*.>?):.*616.*.6>.*>6.*).*61

    .)?1.11.:>>6.1*6:.1? 6.1)? >6.:).*? .:>1).*1 ).*16.>*6.6:.*1.):) .)).*1 1.6*?.1 :>. IO? :.11*1>.6? ?1.1: 6.)>6).*1 6?.1> *>.611 1.>:. .>?> >.?:.1 >.1? 6.?:

    1.* 6.) 1.:?*):. 6.61 *.)6)1*.* 6*.:6 *.:)*?.: 6:.): *.?:L.? ?.* *.>)>).1> ?1.?1 :.):.* .1 ?.*).* :*.*) 6.: 6.)!1*>? 6

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    :1? UH

    )) in.! >* ** :) ;l>1 i>:1)1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1SM+T3 AND MCCO$MIC8

    Ac&nmvle%gements.T he a4thors than& Stephen #. 04ggenheim(niversity of Illinois" an% t,o anonymo4s revie,ers for constr4ctivecriticism of the man4script. This ,or& ,as s4pporte% ;yNational Science -o4n%ation 0rant EA$ !>1: an% .S. Dept.of Energy Office of 2asic Energy Sciences.. A%enis/ C./ =. 5anger/ an% >. 5in%7vist/$einvestigation of the str4ct4re of. A%i,i%aa/ 0. an% #. 5ohn/ Str4&t4rtell4ri4m/

    Acta Cryst./ C*1/ *!*/verfeiner4ng von enargite/ C4gAsS*.

    Acta Cryst/ 26/ )?)!)?/ ?>.).:. A&imoto/ S./ T. Nagata/ an% T. 8ats4ra/The Ti-e>1 ! Ti1 soli% sol4tionseries/ Nat4re/ ?.:?!:)/ 1?.*. Al;erti/ A./ an% 0. =e

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    Arm;r4ster/ T.. C.A. 0eiger/ an% 0.A.5ager/ Single!crystal H!ray str4ct4rest4%y of synthetic pyrope alman%inegarnets at >> an% :8/ Am. Mineral./??/1!1/ .

    Artioli/ 0./ The crystal str4ct4re ofgarronite/ Am. Mineral./ ??/ )!6/.

    >. Artioli/ 0./ #.=. Smith/ an% A. 8vic&/M4ltiple hy%rogen positions in the6.13>. Acta Cryst./ C*/ *!*?/ )1.. As;rin&/ S. an% 5.!#. Norr;y/ Arefinement of the str4ct4re of copper(II" o'i%e ,ith a %isc4ssion of somee'ceptional e.s.%.s/ A%a Cryst./ 26/)!1/ ?>.. A4rivili4s/ 8./ The crystal str4ct4re ofmerc4ry (II" o'i%e/ Acta CryF.. /6)1!6)6/ 16.$E-E$ENCES:. A4rivilli4s. 8./ An H!ray an% ne4tron

    %iffraction st4%y of metacinna;arite/*. A4vray/ P. an% -. 0cnet/ Aflinement %eActa Chem./ Scan%./ ). 11!11:/la str4ct4re cristalline %4 cina;rea!3gS/ 24ll. Sot. -r. Mineral. Crist./6*.6. )!/ ?:.1. 2a4r 9. 3./ e;er %ie =erfeiner4ng %er8ristallstr4&t4r;estimm4ng einiger=ertreter %cs $4tiltyps TiO SnO/0eO 4n% Mn-/ Acta Cryst.. / 11!1> 16.6. 2a4r/ 9.3. Die 8ristallstr4&t4r %esE%elam;lygonits 5iAlP>*(>3/-"/

    Acta Cryst./ / ))!*/ 1.?. 2a4r/ 9.3./ Atoma;staen%e 4n% 2il%4ngs,in&el

    im 2roo&ite/ TiO/ ActaCryst./ */ *!6/ 6.). 2a4r/ 9.3./ On the cation an% ,aterpositions in fa4asite/ Am. Mineral./ */6?!?>*/ 6*.. 2a4r/ 9. 3./ Crystal str4ct4re refinementof la,sonite/ Am. Mineral./ 6:/:!:1/ ?).?>. 2a4r/ 9.3./ an% A.A. 8ahn/ $4tiletypecompo4n%s I=. SiO/ 0eO/ an% acomparison ,ith other r4tile!typecompo4n%s/ Acta Cryst. 2?/::!:/ ?.

    2eran/ A. an% #. emann/ $efinementan% comparison of the crystalstr4ct4res of a %olomite an% of an-e!rich an&erite/ Tschermas&s Mineral.Petrol. Mitt./ */ ?!)6/ ??.2ish/ D.5. an% $.2. =on Dreele/ $eitvel%refinement of non!hy%rogen positionsin &aolinF. Clays an% ClayMiner./ :?.)!6/ ).5#. 2la&e/ $. 5./ $. E. 3essevic&. T. oltai/an% 5. 9. -inger/ $efinement of the

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    hematite str4ct4re/ Am. Mineral./ 1/:!/ 66.*. 2lo4nt/ A. M./ I. M. Threa%gol%/ an% S.9. 2ailey/ $efinement of the crystalstr4ct4re of nacrite/ Clays an% ClayMiner./ ?/ )1!*/ 6.1. 2orie/ 2./ Thermally e'cite% for;i%%enreflections/ Acta Cryst./ A:>/::?!:*/

    ?*.6. 2oro%in/ =. 5./ =. I. 5y4tin/ =. =.Ily4&hin/ an% N. =. 2elov/ Isomorpho4scalciteatavite series/ Do&l.

    A&a%. Na4& SSS$/ *1/ >!>/?.?. 2rese/ N. E.. P. #. S74atrrito/ an% #. A.I;ers/ $einvestigation of the str4ct4reof P%S/ Acta Crysf./ C*/ )!):>/)1.). 2ronsema/ 8. D./ #. 5. %e 2oer/ an% -.#ellF&/ On the str4ct4re of moly;%en4m%iseleni%e an% %is4lphi%e/ .

    Anorg. AlF. Chem./ 1*>1*/ 1!?/)6.

    . 2rostigen/ 0. an% A. 8e&sh4s. $e%etermine%crystal str4ct4re of -eS(pyrite"/ Acta Chem.. Stan%./ :/)6!))/ 6.:>. 2rostigen/ 0./ A. 8ie&sh4s/ an% C.$amming/ Compo4n%s ,ith themarcasite type crystal str4ct4re. =III.$e%etermination of the prototype/ ActaChem. Scan%./ ?.?!?6 ?:.: 2ro,n/ 2. E./ an% S. 9. 2ailey/ Thestr4ct4re of ma'im4m microcline/

    Acta Cryst./ ?/ :!*>>/ 6*.:. 2ro,n 0. E./ The crystal chemistry ofthe olivines (PhD Thesis"/ =irginiaPolytechnic Instit4te an% Stateniversity 2lac&s;4rg/ =A p.

    ?>.::. 24rnham/ C. 9./ -errosilite/ CarnegieInst. 94hington/ +;/ 61/ )1!>/6?.:*. 24sing/ 9. $./ 3. A. 5evy/ A singlecrystal ne4tron %iffraction st4%y of%iaspore/ AlO( A%a Cryst./ /?)!)>:/ 1).:1. Ca;ris/ 5. #./ #. 3. 0. 5eflamme/ an% #.M. Ste,art/ On cooperite/ ;raggite/ an%vysots&ite/ Am. Mineral./ 6:.):!):/?).:6. Calleri/ M./ A. 0avetti/ 0. Ival%i/ an%M. $4;;o/ Synthetic epsomite/MgS>*.?3> A;sol4te config4rationan% s4rface feat4res of the complementary

    ( " forms/ Act4 Cryst./ )*>/)!/ )*.:?. Calligaris/ M./ 0. Nar%in/ an% 5. C$+STA55O0$AP3IC DATA -O$ MINE$A5S$an%accio/ Cation!site location inanta4ral cha;a!6>1/ ).:). Calvo/ C.. an% $. 0opal/ The crystalstr4ct4re of ,hitloc&ite from thePalermo 74arry/ Am. Mineral. 6>/>!::/ ?1.

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    :. Cameron/ M./ S. S4eno/ C. T. Pre,itt/an% #. #. Papi&e/ 3igh!temperat4recrystal chemistry of acmite/ %iopsi%e/he%en;ergite/ a%eite/ spo%4mene/ an%4reyite/ Am. Mineral./ 1)/ 1*!6)/?:.*>. Cannillo/ E./ -. Ma4i/ #.3. -ang/ P.D.$o;inson/ an% +. Ohya/ The crystal

    str4ct4re of aenigmatite/ Am. Mineral./16.*?**6. ?.*.*.Cava/ $. #./ -. $ei%inger/ an% 2. #.9e4nch/ Single crystal ne4tron %iffractionst4%y of the fast!ion con%4ctorP!Ag/ )>.Christ/ C.5./ #.$. Clar&/ an% 3.T.Evans/#r./ St4%ies of ;orate minerals(III" The crystal str4ct4re of colemanite/Ca2:>*(O3":.3>/ Acta Cryst./II/ ?6!??>/ 6.*:. Christensen/ 3./ an% A.N. Christensen/The crystal str4ct4re of lepi%ochrosite(y!-eOO3"/ Acta Chem. Stan%./ A:/)?!)).**. Clar&/ #. $./ D. E. Appleman/ an% #. #.Papi&e/ Crystal chemical characteri

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    an% hancoc&ite/ Am. Mineral./ 16/**?!*6*/ ?.1*. Effen;erger/ 3./ 8. Mereiter/ an% #.emann/ Crystal str4ct4re refinementsof magnesite/ calcite/ rho%ochrosite/si%erite/ smithsonite/ an% %olomite/,ith %isc4ssion of some aspects of thestereochemistry of calcite t+Pe

    car;onates/ . 8rist./ 16/ ::!*:/).11. Engel/ P. an% 9. No,ac&i/ Dieverfeiner4ng %er &ristallstr4&t4r vonpro4stit/ AgsAsS:/ 4n% pyrargyrit/

    AgU;Ss/ Ne4es #;. Miner. Mh./ 6/)!)*/ 66.16. Evans/ 3. T./ #r. an% #. A. 8onnert/Crystal str4ct4re refinement ofcovellite/ Am. Mineral./ 6/6!>>>.?6.1?. Evans/ 3. T./ #r./ The crystal str4ct4resof lo, chalcocite an% %4rleite/ .8rist./ 1>/ !:>/ ?.1). -inger/ 5.9./ $efinement of the crystalstr4ct4re of an anthophyllite/ CarnegieInst. 9ashington/ +;/ 6)/ ):!))/?>.1. -inger/ 5.9./ $.M. 3a(O3" (phase 2" an%Mg#Fi1>* (phase Anh2"/Am. Mineral./?6/ !?/ .6>. -ischer/ 8./ A f4rther refinement of thecrystal str4ct4re of c4rnmingtonite/(-e/Mg"?(SFOtF(O3"/ Am. Mineral./1/ )*!))/ 66.6 . -ischer P./ Ne4tronen;e4g4ngs4nters4ch4ng%er Str4&t4ren von MgA>*!4n% nAl/ 6?.6. -leet/ M. E./ The crystal str4ct4re of apyrrhotite (-e?S)"/ Acta Cryst./ 2?/)6*!)6?/ ?.6:. -oit/ -.-./ #r/ M.9. Phillips/ an% 0.=.0i;;s/ A refinement of the crystalstr4ct4re of %atolite/Am. Mineral./ 1)/>!*/ ?:.6*. -oreman/ N./ an% D. $. Peacor/ $efinementof the nepheline str4ct4re atseveral temperat4res/ . 8rist./ :/*1!?>/ ?>.61. -orsyth/ #. 2./ I. 0. 3e%ley/ an% C. E.#ohnson/ The magnetic str4ct4re an%hyperfine fiel% of goethite (a!-eOO3"/ #. of Phys./ Cl/ ?!))/

    6).66. -ortier/ S./ an% 0. Donnay/ Schorlrefinement sho,ing composition %epen%enceof the to4rmaline str4ct4re/Cana%. Mineral./ :/ ?:!??/ ?1.6?. -oster/ I 8./ an% A. #. E. 9elch/ Metalo'i%e sol4tions I. 5attice constantsan% phase relations in ferro4s o'i%e(,4stite" an% in soli% sol4tions offerro4s o'i%e an% mangano4s o'i%e/Trans. -ara%ay Sot./ 1/ 66!6:*/

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    16.6). -4ess/ 3./ T. 8rat. 0a;e/ E. #./ #. C. Portheine/ an% S. 3.9hitlo,/ A reinvestigation of theepi%ote str4ct4re confirmation of theiron location/ Am. Mineral./ 1)/)!:/ ?:.0alli/ E./ $efinement of the crystalstr4ct4re of stil;ite/ Acta Cryst./ 2?/)::!)*/ ?.0alli/ E./ 0. 0ottar%i/ an% D.Pongil4ppi/ The crystal str4ct4re of the/ 6.0i;;s/ 0. =./ P. 3. $i;;e/ an% C. 9.

    An%erson/ The crystal str4ct4res of theh4mite minerals II. Chon%ro%ite/ Am.?:.?*.Mineral.. 1.1/ )!l */ ?>.?1. 0cller/ S.. Str4ct4res of alpha!Mn>:/(Mn>.%e.o?"> (Mn.:?-e.ah>: an% relation to magnetic or%ering/Acfa Cryst./ 2?/ )!))/ ?.

    ?6. 0ho4sc 8. M./ $efinement of thecrystal str4ct4re of heat!treate%mona/>>!>*/ 61.?). 0ol%smith/ 5. M. an% C. E. Stro4se/Molec4lar %ynamics in the soli% state.The or%er!%isor%er transition of monoclinics4lf4r/ #. Am. Chem. Sot./ /?1)>!?1). ??.?. 0ramlich!Meier/ $./ =. 0ramlich an%9.M. Meier/ The crystal str4ct4re ofthe monoclinic variety of ferrierite/

    Am. Mineral./ ?>/6!6:/ )1.)>. 0ramlich!Meier/ $./ 9.M. Meier/ an%2.8. Smith/ On fa4lts in the frame,or&str4ct4re of the / :! 1/).). 04ggenheim/ S./ an% S. 9. 2ailey/ Therefinement of

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    symmetry/Am. Mineral./ 6/1)!6?/ ??.):. 04ggenheim/ S./ an% S. 9. 2ailey/$efinement of the margarite str4ct4rein s4;gro4p symmetry correction/f4rther refinement/ an% comments/ Am.Mineral./ 6:/ )6!)?/ ?).)*. 3all/ A. $. / Crystal str4ct4res of the

    chalcopyrite series/ Cana%. Mineral./:/ 6)!?/ ?1.)1. 3all/ E. >. an% #. Crangle/ An H!rayinvestigation of the reporte% hightemperat4reallotropy of r4theni4m/Acta Cryst./ >/ *F*/ 1?.)6. 3all/ S. 3./ an% S. 9. 2ailey/ Cationor%ering pattern in amesite/ Clays an%Clay Miner./ ?.*!*?/ ?.)?. 3all/ S.$. an% #.M. Ste,art/ The crystalstr4ct4re of argentian pentlan%ite (-e/Ni"gAgSg/ compare% ,ith the refine%str4ct4re of pentlan%ite (-e/Ni"UFCana%. Mineral./ / 6!??/ ?:.)). 3anscom $./ The str4ct4re of triclinic

    chloritoi% an% chloritoi% polymorphism/Am. Mineral./ 61/ 1:*!1:/)>.). 3arlo,/ 0. E./ an% 0. E. 2ro,n/ 5o,

    Al;ite an H!ray an% ne4tron%iffraction st4%y/Am. Mineral./ 61/)6!1/ )>.>. 3a,thorne/ -.C. an% $.2. -erg4son/

    Anhy%ro4s s4lfates. I $efinement ofthe crystal str4ct4re of celestite ,ith anappen%i' on the str4ct4re of thenar%ite/Cana%. Mineral./ :/ )!)?/ ?1.3a,thorne/ -.C./ 5.A. 0roat an% $.8.E;y/ Antlerite/ C4SO%(O3"*/ a heteropolyhe%ral,allpaper str4ct4re/ Cana%.

    Mineral./ ?/ >1!>/ ).. 3a,thorne/ -. C./ an% 3. D. 0r4n%y/The crystal chemistry of the amphi;olesI=. H!ray an% ne4tron refinementsof the crystal str4ct4re of tremolite/Can4%. Mineral./ */ ::*!:*1/?6.:. 3a.?:.1. 3a

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    ). 3ill/ $.#./ 3y%rogen atoms in ;oehmitea single!crystal H!ray %iffraction an%molec4lar or;ital st4%y/ Clays an%Clay Miner./ /*:1!**1/ ).. 3ill $. #./ H!ray po,%er %iffractionprofile refinement of synthetic hercynite/Am. Mineral./ 6/ :?!*)*.

    >>. 3ill/ $. #./ #. $. Craig 0. =. 0i;;s/Systematics of the spine str4ct4retype/ Phys. Chem. Miner./ */ :?!:?.>. 3oel

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    *>.1>*1>6/ 6*.1. 8eller/ C./ nters4ch4ngen 4e;er %iegermanate 4n% sili&ate %es typs AI:>*%er vier,ertigen elemente Thori4m ;is

    Americi4m/ N4&leoni&/ 1/ *!*)/6:.6. 8imata. M./ an% N. Ii/ The crystalstr4ct4re of synthetic a&ermanite

    * C$+STA55O0$AP3IC DATA -O$ MINE$A5SCaMgSi>?. Ne4es #ahr;4ch f4erMineral./ Mortars./ l!>/ ).?. 8ing/ 3. E./ #r./ an% C. T. Pre,itt/3igh!press4re an% high!temperat4repolymorphism of iron s4lfi%e (-eS"/

    Acta Cryst./ 2:)/ )??!))?/ ).). 8irfel/ A./ an% 0. 9ill/ Charge %ensityin anhy%rite/ CaSO%/ from H!ray an%ne4tron %iffraction meas4rements/

    Acta Crysf./ ):6/ ))!)>/ )>.. 8isi/ E. 3. an% M. M. Elcom;e/ parameters for the ,4r/ ).>. 8nop/ >.. 8. I. 0. $ei%/ S4tarno/ an%+. Na&aga,a/ Chalcogeni%es of thetransition elements. =I. H!ray/ ne4tronan% magnetic investigation of thespinels Co:>*/ NiCo>*/ CoF an%NiCoF/ Cana%. #. Chem./ /:*6:!:*?6/ 6)/ as cite% in Str4ct4re$eports/ ::A/ >!/ 6).. 8on%rasev/ #. D./ an% A. I. aslavs&i/I*/. 8ristal./ / :1!:6/ 61.*. 5ager/ 0. A./ an% E. P. Meagher/ 3ightemperamre s44ct4ral st4%y of si'olivines/ Am. Mineral./ 6:/ :61!:??/?).1. 5ee/ #. 3./ an% S. 04ggenheim/ Singlecrystal H!ray refinement ofpyrophyllite!ITc/ Am. Mineral./ 66/:1>!:1?/ ).6. 5eonova/ =. A./ Effect of contaminationon the lattice parameters of4raninite/ DO9. A&a%. Na4&SSS$/ 6/:*!:*6 1.

    ?. 5ePage/ +./ 5. D. Calvert/ an% E. #.0a;e/ Parameter variation in lo,74art< ;et,een * an% )8/ #. ofPhys. an% Chem. Soli%s/ *.?!?1/)>.). 5evy/ 3.A. an% 0.C. 5isens&y/ Crystalstr4ct4re of so%i4m s4lfate%ecahy%rate (0la4;ers salt" an%so%i4m tetra;orate %ecahy%rate(;ora'". $e%etermination ;y ne4tron%iffraction/ Acta Cryst/ 2:*/

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    :1>!:1>/ ?).. 5in/ C./ an% S.9. 2ailey/ The crystalstr4ct4re of paragonite!Mt/ Am.Mineral./ 6/ !?/ )*.:>. 5in/ #.C./ an% S. 04ggenheim/ Thecrystal str4ct4re of a 5i/2e!rich ;rittlemica a %ioctahe%ral!trioctahe%ra interme%iate.

    Am. Mineral. 6)/ :>!*/

    ):.:. 5ii/ S.2./ an% 2.#. 24rley/ The crystalstr4ct4re of meionite/ Acfa Cryst./ 2/>*!>6/ ?:.:. 5in. S.2./ an% 2.#. 24rley/ Crystalstr4ct4re of a so%i4m an% chlorine!richscapolite/ Acta Cryst./ )/ ?!?).?:.::. I.Fm/ #. an% 3. Sch4l*C/ Acta Cryst./ :/ *:*!*:6/6?.:*. 5o4isnathan/ S.#./ The crystalstr4ct4re of synthetic so%a melilite/CaNaAlSiUF/ . 8rist./ :/ :*!

    :/ ?>.:1. 5o4isnathan/ S.#./ $efinement of thecrystal str4ct4re of a nat4ral gehlenite/CaAlAlSi">?/ Cana%. Mineral./ >/)!):? ?>.:6. 54t!)*)/ ?.:). Ma

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    **. Mellini/ M./ The crystal str4ct4re ofli6!*?/?6.*6. Meyer/ 3.#./ Str4&t4r 4n% -ehlor%n4ng%es =aterits/ . 8ristal./ )/)!/ 6.*?. Miya&e/ M./ I. Minato/ 3. Mori&a,a/an% S. I,ai/ Crystal str4ct4res an%s4lfate force constants of ;aritecelestite/ an% anglesite. Am. Mineral./6:/1>6!1>/ ?).*). Miya. Morimoto/N./ D. E. Applemanan%3.T. Evans/ The crystal str4ct4res ofclinoenstatite an% pigeonF/ . 8rist./*/ >!*?/ 6>.1. Morimoto/ N./ M. To&onami/ M.9atana;e/ an% 8. 8oto/ Crystalstr4ct4res of three polymorphs ofCoSiO*/ Am. Mineral./ 1/*?1!*)1/?*.1. Morosin/ 2./ Str4ct4re an% thermale'pansion of ;eryl/ Acta Cryst./ ))/)!>:/ ?.1:. Mortier/ 5./ #. #. Pl4th/ an% I. =. Smith/Positions of cations an% molec4les in: an% Cr>: str4ct4res/ .8rist./ II ?/ :1!:?/ 6.1). Ne,nham/ $. E./ an% 3. D. Mega,/The crystal str4ct4re of celsian (;ari4mfel%spar"/ Acta Cryst./ :/ :>:!:/6>.1. Nimmo/ #. 8./ an% 2. 9. 54cas/ Ane4tron %iffraction %etermination ofthe crystal str4ct4re of alpha!phase

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    potassi4m nitrate at 1C an% >>WC/#. of Phys./ C6/ >!/ ?:.6>. No%a/ +./ 8. Mats4moto/ S. Oh;a/ +.Saito/ 8. Tori4mi/ +. I,ata/ an% .Shi;4ya/ Temperat4re %epen%ence ofatomic thermal paramters of lea%chalcogeni%es/ P;S/ P;Se an% P;Te/

    Acta Cryst./ C*:. **:!**1/ )?.

    6. Nova&/ 0. A./ 0. =. 0i;;s/Thecrystalchemistry of the silicate garnets/ Am.Mineral./ 16.?!)1/ ?.6. No,ac&/ E./ D. Sch,arWC an% O0Pa/ Am. Mineral./ ??/6)!6)*/.6?. Papamantellos/ P. =erfeiner4ng %erTlOg!str4&t4r mittels ne4tronen;e4g4ng/. 8rist./ 6. *:!*6/ 6).6). Papi&e/ #. #.. an% #. $. Clar&/ The

    crystal str4ct4re an% cation %istri;4tionof gla4,phane/ Am. Mineral./ 1:/16!?:/ 6).6. Papi&e/ #. #./ an% M. $oss/ 0e%ritescrystal str4ct4res an% intra!crystallinecation %istri;4tions/ Am. Mineral./ 11/*1!?/ ?>.?>. Papi&e/ #.#./ an% T. oltai/ Or%ering oftetrahe%ral al4min4m in prehnite/ Am.Mineral./ 1.?*!)*/ 6?.?. Parise/ #. 2./ Str4ct4re of ha

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    Str4&t4rverfeiner4ng am Tal& Mg:X(O3"U*Ot4Y/ . 8ristal./ 16/ ??!)6/ ).?6. Pertli&/ -./ =erfeiner4ng %er &ristallstr4&t4rvon cla4%etit (ASTO$"/ Mor4ts.Chem./ >6.?11!?6/ ?1.??. Pertli& -./ Str4&t4rverfeiner4ng von&4;ischem As>: (Arsenolith" mit

    Ein&ristall%aten/ C!?6/ ?).?). Perrotta/ A. #./ an% #. =. Smith/ Thecrystal str4ct4re of &alsilite/ 8AlSi>*/Mineral. Msg./ :1/1))!11/ 6?.?. Peterson/ $. C. an% I. Miller/ Crystalstr4ct4re an% cation %istri;4tion infrei;ergite an% tetrahe%rite/ Mineral.Msg./ 1>.??!?/ )6.)>. $a%&e/ A. S./ an%0. E. 2ro,n/ -ran&%ic&sonite/2a-/ a ne, mineral fromNeva%a/ Am. Mineral./ 1/ ))1!)))/?*.). $aamani/ =. an% C. T. Pre,itt/ Thecrystal str4ct4re of millerite/ Cana%.

    Mineral./ /1:!1?/?*.). $ee%er/ $. #./ Crystal chemistry of therhom;ohe%ral car;onates/ $ev. Mineral.// l!*?/ ):.):. $i;;e/ P. 3./ an% 0. =. 0i;;s/ Crystalstr4ct4res of the h4mite minerals III.MgJ-e or%ering in h4mite an% itsrelation to other ferromagnesiansilicates/ Am. Mineral./16/11!6/?.)*. $inal%i/ $./ #. #. Pl4th/ an% #. =. Smith/eolites of the phillipsite family.$efinement of the crystal str4ct4res ofphillipsite an% harmotome/ ActaCryst./ 2:>/ *6!*::/ ?*.)1. $o;inson/ 8./ 0. =. 0i;;s/ P. 3.

    $i;;e/ an% M. $. 3all/ Cation%istri;4tion in three hom;len%es/ Am.#. Sci./ ?:A/ 1!1:1/ ?:.)6. $o;inson/ 8./ 0. =. 0i;;s/ an% I 3.$i;;e/ The crystal str4ct4res of theh4mite minerals I=. Clinoh4mite an%titanoclinoh4mite. Am. Mineral./ 1)/*:*/ ?:.)?. $oth;a4er/ $./ nters4ch4ng einesMt!M4s&ovits mit Ne4tronenstrahlen/Ne4es #. Mineral. Monat./ *:!1*/ ?.)). Saalfel%/ 3./ an% M. 9e%%e/ $elinementof the crystal str4ct4re of gi;;site/

    AI(O L. 8rist./ :/ !:1/?*.

    ). Sa;ine/ T. M. an% S. 3ogg/ The,4rt. Sa%anaga/ $. an% S. S4eno/ H!rayst4%y on the a!p transition of Ag:/ .8rist./ :/ 1!/ ?*.. Sartori/ -./ The crystal str4ct4re of a

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    Mt lepi%olite/ Tscherm4&s Mineral.Petrol. Mitt/ *.:!:?/ ??.:. Sartori/ -./ M. -ran. Schlen&er/ #.5./ #.#. Pl4th/ an% #.=.

    Smith/ Dehy%rate% nat4ral erionite,ith stac&ing fa4lts of the offretitetype/ Acta Cryst./ )::/ :61!:6)/??.>. Schramm/ =./ an% 8.-. -ischer/$efinement of the crystal str4ct4re ofla4montite/ Molec4lar Seive eolites!I/ A%vances in Chemistry Series/ >/1!61/ ?.>:. Sch4tte/ 9. #./ #. 5. %e 2oer/ an% -.#elline&/ Crystal str4ct4res of t4ngsten%is4lphi%e an% %iseleni%e/ #. Soli% St.Chem./ ?>.>?!>/ )?.>*. Shintani/ II./ S. Sato/ an% +. Saito/Electron!%ensity %istri;4tion in r4tilecrystals/ Acta Cryst./ 2:/ )!)/

    ?1.>1. Shirane/ 0. an% D. E. Co'/ Magneticstr4ct4res in -eCrF an% -eCr6. Shtem;erg/ A.A./ 0.S. Mironova/ an%O.=. vereva/ 2erlinite/ 8ristal./ :/>6! )6.>?. Simonov/M. A./P. A. San%omers&i/ -.8. Egorov!Tesmen&o/ an% N. =. 2elov/Crystal str4ct4re of ,illemite/n

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    SS$/ :?/1)!1):/??.>). Smith/ D. 8./ an% 3. 9. Ne,&ir&/ Thecrystal str4ct4re of ;a%%eleyite(monoclinic r0

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    . Taylor/ M./ an% $. C. E,ing/ Thecrystal str4ct4res of the ThSi>*polymorphs h4ttonite an% thorite/ ActaCryst./ 2:*/ >?*!>?/ ?).:. Thompson/ $. M./ The tell4ri%eminerals an% their occ4rrence inCana%a/ Am. Mineral./ :*/ :*!:):/*.

    *. Tomoos/ $./ Properties of ala;an%iteala;an%ite from -inlan%/ Ne4es #;./Miner. A;h./ **// >?!:.).1. l&ii/ I"./ nters4ch4ngen */ . 8rist./ */! 6?.6. =e

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    ?.:. +amana&a/ T. an% M. To&onami/ Theanharmonic thermal vi;ration in nH(HS/ Se/ Te" an% its %epen%ence on thechemical!;on% characters/ AclaCrysf.. 2*/ )!:>*/ )1.*>. +4n%/ $. A./ Phase relations in thesystem Ni!As/ Econ. 0eol./ 16/

    ?:!6/ 6.*. achariasen/ 9. 3./ $efine% crystalstr4ct4re of phenacite/ 2eUS@/ 8ristallographiya./6/ 6!66/ ?.*. emann/ #./ E. o;et

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    The sharp %epen%ence of Cp on T at interme%iatetemperat4re ma&es it %iffic4lt to fit Cp ;y alge;raice74ations ,hich e'trapolate properly to high temperat4rean% s4ch empirical e74ations almost never sho, properlo, temperat4re ;ehavior. At ) ! 1>> 8. ane'pression of the Maier!8elley form/ :

    Cp A V 2T V CT!O1 V DT! ("gives a reasona;le fit ;4t m4st ;e e'trapolate% ,ith care.

    A form ,hich ens4res proper high temperat4re ;ehavior/recommen%e% ;y -ei an% Sa'ena X)Y isCp:n$XV&lT!V&T!V&:T!:V

    A V 2T V C p (%isor%ering" (:"2eca4se %ifferent a4thors fit Cp %ata to a variety ofe74ations an% over %ifferent temperat4re ranges/ ata;4lation of coefficients is not given here ;4t the rea%eris referre% to $o;ie et al. X: . 3ollan% an% Po,ell X 1 !Ta;le . 3eat Capacities an% Entropies of Minerals (#J(8Rmol"") 8 OOO8 1>>8

    CP S @ S @ SMgO (periclase" :?.) 6. 1. ).

    Al >: (cor4n%4m" ?.> 1>. *. )>.B-eO (,4stite" *). 1?.6 11.) .*-e >: (hematite" >:. )?.* *).1 1.?-e :>* (magnetite" 1>.) *6. >6.> :>.Ti> Q4tile" 11. 1>.: ?:. .-eTi>: (ilmenite" .1 >1. ::.? *.:-;TiO* (titanomagnetite" *.: 6). ?.1 :?1.MgA# >* (spinel" 1. )>.6 ?).: 6*.1MgSiO* (forsterite" ?. 1. ?1.: ??.MgSi>: (enstatite" ). 6?. .: .

    NaAlSi:>) (lo, al;ite" >1. >?.* :.: 1:>.8AtSi:>) (microcline" >.* *. :>.: 1::.)Mg:Gsi:> Qyrope" :1.1 .> *?*.> ?:>.)Ca:AlSi:> (gross4lar" ::>. 11.1 *.? ??:.>CaSiO : (,ollastonite" )1.: ).> :.* :.*CaSiO : (pse4%o,ollastonite" )6.1 )?.1 .: ?.6CaMgSi>6 (%iopsi%e" 66.1 *:.> *). *>.?MgAlSi1>) (cor%ierite" *1.: *>?. 6).: 6.6CaCO : (calcite" ):.1 .? *.1 >.MgC>: (magnesite" ?6. 61. :.1 >.1CaMg(C>:" (%olomite" 1?.1 11. 1:. *>6.>1:. >:.1

    :. :.:6:.6 *1.:**.6 :>.1>.> *?.1?.1 6>.11.> :>?.**:. *6:.*.: ::.1)?.? :1>.)

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    ?.6 *:.1:.: 6.6.? 1>6.:?1:.6 *>.Dalafronl XS/ :.

    > T3E$MOD+NAh*ICS1>>*>>0:>>

    > EV >>>[ >>>5



    * > *>> 6>> >> 6>> >>>6>> >> >> 1>> )>> Temperat4re (8"Temperat4re (8":>>-ig. . Enthalpy an% heat capacity in CaMgSi>6. a glass!forming system/ %ata from XY.

    Ta;le . 3eat Capacities of 0lasses an% 5i74i%s an% 0lass Transition Temperat4resComposition Cp glass Cp glass Tg Cp li74i%) 8 (at TgZ 6"#JmolR8 #JmolR8 #Jmol8SiO :): ?* )/ G?) )p.CaMgSi>6 ?, 16). G1P yF).NaAlSi :>) >X: : ). >69. :*?)/8AlSi :>) >X: : 6H9 )/ ::))GCaASi>) IX: ::GQ)/ 6>G, 5@5Q9IMS SiO* \\\\\ !!!!!! \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 6)J%NaSi>1 !!\\\ ?)/ ?>:J)Z 6:J).8Si>1 !!!!! 6J)/ ??>)/ 1JH

    CaSiO : )?:> : PF:> >61 6?J)/Mg:ASi:> ::o4 1 6Jm >> 6?Q)ZMgA*Si1>) *6>a ?:)/ ) )X).aEstimate%/from higher temperal4re %ata an%from comparison ,ith crystalline phases.NA=$OTS8+

    6/ 2erman X1Y/ #ANA- X)Y/ an% -ei et al. X for s4che74ations.In glass!forming systems/ see -ig. . the heat capacityof the glass from room temperat4re to the glass transitionis not very %ifferent from that of the crystalline phase.-or CaMgSi>6 Cp/ glass ?> #JmolR8 at ) 8/ 16#Jmol8 at >>> 8 Cl// crystal 6? #Jmo;8 at ) 8/* #JmolR8 at >>> 8 X:. At Tg/ the viscosity

    %ecreases/ an% the vol4me an% heat capacity increase/reflecting the onset of config4rational rearrangements inthe li74i% X?Y. The heat capacity of the li74i% isgenerally larger than that of the glass (see Ta;le " an%/e'cept for cases ,ith strong str4ct4ral rearrangements(s4ch as coor%ination n4m;er changes"/ heat capacities ofli74i%s %epen% only ,ea&ly on temperat4re.-or m4lticomponent glasses an% li74i%s ,ith

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    compositions relevant to magmatic processes/ heatcapacities can/ to a 4sef4l appro'imation/ ;e given as as4m of terms %epen%ing on the mole fractions of o'i%ecomponents/ i.e./ partial molar heat capacities arerelatively in%epen%ent of composition. ThenCp CHi Cp

    i(*",here i is ta&en over the o'i%e components of the glass orli74i% X/ ::. The partial molar heat capacities of theo'i%e components in glasses an% melts/ Cp=/ are given inTa;le :.:. MO5A$ =O5ME/ ENT$OP+/ ENT3A5P+ O--O$MATION

    Ta;le * lists enthalpies an% entropies of formation ofselecte% minerals from the elements an% the o'i%es atseveral temperat4res. These refer to the reactionaA V ;2 V CC V BJ > Aa2;CcOn (:

    an%%oY V ;2Om VcCOnAa2;CcOn (6"respectively/ ,here A/ 2/ C are %ifferent elements (e.g.Ca/ Al/ Si"/ > is o'ygen/ an% reference states are the moststa;le form of the elements or o'i%es at the temperat4re in74estion. The free energy of formation is then given ;yTa;le :. Partial Molar 3eat Capacities of O'i%e Componentsin 0lasses an% Melts (#J8Rmol") 80lassJ 5i74i%5/)/::I*>>8 IOOO8 1>> 8SiO **.>* 1.: ?>.16

    Ti> **. 1).?6 )*.*>A>: ?. 6.* *.)$>: *.) 1.?* *:.61-e> *:.: *?.? ?>.)MO :1.> *.) 16.6>CaO *:.>> *1.6? 1?.66Na> ?*.6: ?.> 6.6*8> ?1.> ?.*: )*.2>: 6.) ??.6? >.63> *6.*1 6.>* ?).*:).6>.



  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    Ta;le *. Enthalpies an% Entropies of -ormation of Selecte% Compo4n%s fromElements an% -rom O'i%esCompo4n% -ormation from Elements -ormation from O'i%es) 8 lOOO8 ) 8 >>> 8

    A3 Es A3 AS A3 AS A3 ASJmol #Jm> 8 Jmol #Jm> 8 Jmol #Jm> 8 Jmol #Jmol 8MgO (periclase" !6>.1G1G !>).*X1 !6>).1X) !1.1()CaO (lime" !6:1. 1 !>6.11 !6:*.:X) !>:.6X)G

    Al>: (cor4n%4m" !6?1.? f1 !::.)51 !#6:.*X) !::.>fQSiO (74art?.) I1 !)>.651 !>:.() !?:. XlslB-eO (,4stite" !66.: i1 !?>. I1 !6:.:X) !6:.X)MgSiO* (forsterite" !?*.*f1 *>>.? (1 !). 5: *>.6(: !6>.? IsI !.*1MgSi>: (enstatite" !1*1.1 !:.>1 ! 11. (:il !6.1 : !::.? (1 !.lPl-eSiO* (fayalite" !*?.*X::J !::1.1(:#ll !*?.:X: !:.*X: !*.651 !.?1CaSi>: (,ollastonite" !6:.1f1 !)6.1 I1 !6:>.*X: !?).: !)1.? (1 .61CaSi>: (pse4%o,ollastonite" !6?.*f1 !):.> I1 !6*.? pll !?*.>5:Y !).61 6. I1CaMgSi>6 (%iopsi%e" !:>>.1 t1 !1)1.f1 !:>.6: !1?.:t: !l*.6X1 !1.mNaAlSi :>) (high al;ite" !:*.5: !?:>.6: !:1.)X: !?:1.:: !*6.2 :.>18AlSi :>) (sani%ine" !:1.6#: !?:?.15: !:6. : !?**. : !>).>X: :6. f1CaASiOg (anorthite" !*).? I1 !?16.? I1 !*:.*(::Y !?6*.6: !6.1 prl ).? 1Mg :N Si:> (pyrope" !6)6.11 !?6.:1Y !6:?.>(:Y !.:(: !?*.X: !l.X1MgAl7Si1Olg (cor%ierite" !1g.?1 !?>.>51 !>>.:: !?1>.?: !1>.) X: 11.X1

    Ca:AlSi:> (gross4lar" !66:.1 !*.*1 !66*.?5: !#*.*: !:#.)X: !::.:51!H(:!:).5:!).?X:Y!.(:!)1.: (:!11.6X:Y!16.>X:Y. t:!lOO.(:!?.pI!6?.>pi::?. (:

    !. (:*. (:!. X:

    >.(:*.: (:!.* (:*. prl.: :.*(:!*.> (::.X::!*:.>:NA=$OTS8+ :

    A0o A3 ! TAS. -ig. : sho,s the e74ili;ri4m o'ygenf4gacity for a series of o'i%ation reactions


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    entropy of incorporation of o'ygen gas in the crystallinephase. Th4s the e74ili;ri4m o'ygen f4gacity for a giveno'i%ation!re%4ction e74ili;ri4m increases ,ith increasingtemperat4re. Changes in slope (&in&s" in the c4rves in-ig. : reflect phase changes (melting/ vapori:(,ollastonite" A3 o'/ ) !).* Jmol. Entropies offormation of ternary o'i%es from ;inary components aregenerally small in magnit4%e (!> to VlO #JmolR8" 4nlessmaor or%er!%isor%er occ4rs.


    At constant (atmospheric" press4re/ athermo%ynamically reversi;le first or%er phase transitionocc4rs ,ith increasing temperat4re if ;oth the enthalpyan% entropy of the high temperat4re polymorph are higherthan those of the lo, temperat4re polymorph an%/ at thetransformation temperat4re

    A0 > A3 ! TAS ("

    At constant temperat4re/ a thermo%ynamically reversi;lephase transition occ4rs ,ith increasing press4re if thehigh press4re phase is %enser than the lo, press4re phase(> *-e/>* . > ! ;-c>:

    (" NI R > ! NlO(:" co f > ! ceo(*" 3 R > ! FO(1" 6-eO . > ! -e:>*(6" C> . > ! CO(?" :J-e . > -e:>*()" -e . > ! -e>

    (" c f > ! cop)>> :>> )>>Temperat4re (8"

    -ig. :. 0i;;s free energy for o'i%ation!re%4ctione74ili;ria/ per mole of >/ %ata from X*/ )/ the follo,ing ;alance of enthalpy/ entropy/ an%vol4me terms is reache%


    s PA=(P/ T" %P



    An e74ili;ri4m phase ;o4n%ary has its slope %efine%;y the Cla4si4s ! Clapeyron e74ation(QJ%T"e74il ASIA= ("Th4s the phase ;o4n%ary is a straight line if AS an%

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    A= are in%epen%ent (or only ,ea&ly %epen%ent" of P an%T/ as is a reasona;le first appro'imation for soli%!soli%transitions over mo%erate P!T intervals at high T. Anegative P!T slope implies that AS an% A= have oppositesigns. Melting c4rves ten% to sho, %ecreasing (%TJ%P",ith increasing press4re ;eca4se silicate li74i%s are often

    * T3E$h*OD+NAhIICSTa;le 1. Enthalpy/ Entropy an% =ol4me Changes for 3igh Press4re Phase Transitions

    A3 (Jmol" AS (#Jm> 8" A=B (cm:Jmol"MgSi>*(a PZ :>.> f .)a fYMgSiO*(a+" :. f .%-eSi>*(aP" .6 V .:5ILSi>*(ay" :.) f .*5#MgSi>: (p' il" 1. f *.::MgSi>: (p' gt" :1.? f :.%MgSi>: (il pv" 1. V 6.%?9s si9+& MgSi9pv"VMgO 6.) V 1.)Jl ?SiO (7 co" .V >.1X

    SiO (co st" *.> f .lXl#!?.? Ra. X!1.> t .*5!>. A> .)X!*.> f .#!1.1 f .>X:#!.> V >.1 5V1 V *X?V* f *?!1.> R >.*X#!*. f l.lXI#!:.6a Y

    !*.*X!:.>X!*.* 5#!*.* :

    !.): X#!.)X?!:.X?#

    !.>1 XIY!6.6: XIIa A3 an% AS are val4es at I atm near >>> 8/ A= is A=)/ for all listings in ta;le/ a olivine/ JI spinelloi% or ,a%sleyite/ yspinel/ p' pyro'!ene/ il ilmenite/ gt garnet/ pv perovs&ite/ 7 74art

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    MgSi>: (ortho proto"-eSi>: (ortho clino"MnSi>: (rho%onite pyro'mangite" >.1 5: (pyro'mangite pyro'ene"NaAlSi:>) (lo, al;ite high al;ite" :.1:8AlSi :> (microcline sani%ine"

    >.*?a.; >.:1.*1 .:16:1>X:*.>:.6:.))1 *.1>!).:51 !:.1!>.:?X1 >.6.1X1 .

    !>.GGG !>.>:!.>: !>.:>.))X1 !.66*.> >.*>

    .X1 1.>>.>>.:)



    >.>?a Treate% as tho4gh allfirst or%er/ tho4gh a strong higher or%er component;A3 an% A+ are val4es near >>> 8/ A= is A= ) for all listings in ta;le.


    Al>: !SiO (74art: (enstatite"$SiO* (fayatite"

    CaSiO: (,ollastonite"CaSiO: (pse4%o,ollastonite"CaMgSi>6 (%iopsi%e"NaAlSi :>) (high al;ite"8AlSi:Og (sani%ine"CaASiOg (anorthite"8SiO :Mg:Gsi:> 9!,/"

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    hFFsi1>) (COI%iCIite"

    Ta;le ?. Enthalpies of =itrification an% -4sion=itrification -4sion

    A3 (Jmol" Melting Point A3(T"T(8" (Jmol"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :: >?.1 rt 1*)!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?oo; .* f .>X)?!!!!!!!!!!!!! ). X)

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\ 61 :.: V >.XQ\!\\!!!!!!!!! 6: *f >a* V X)l ):*a ?? f 1X)!!!!!!!!!!!!! *> ) & >G)G1.1 f >.*X6 ??>6 6 KI *X)!!!!!!!!!!!!! )? 1? f :X))1.) f >.)X* 661 :)f X)1.) f >)X*Y :?: 6: f >X)

    *?:a 16f *X)??.) V >.)X* ):> :*V *X) V ) * >f *X)#!\!\!!!!!!!!! 1Q9 *: V )X)> f 6 ?*> :*6 V >X)aEstinlate% metasta;le congr4ent melting.;Melting of metasta;le phase.PE$O=S8ITEMS>:.?Ca0e>:.*P+$OHENOIDO5I=INE V @A$T

    -ig. *. Schematic %iagram sho,ing phase transitionso;serve% in analog4e systems of silicates/ germanates/an% titanates. N4m;ers refer to press4re in 0Pa.

    !6>> >>> *>>T(8"

    -ig. 1. Phase relations in MSi>* systems at highpress4re an% temperat4res X1Y.1P (0Pa" / I

    *?: 8!>. >.6-eJ(-eVMg"1P (0Pa"!I :?: 8* I I

    >. >.6 .>-eJ(-eVMg"]SP(y"

    aVyl&O5(a"?P (0Pa"F/ J X

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333



    -ig. 6. Phase relations in MgSiOF-ei>* as a -ig. ?. Phase relations in MgO!Si> at high Pan% T.f4nction of press4re XloY. (a" MgSiO7 composition/ (;" MgSi>: composition/ XY.P=PH

    > I I I>>> 1>> >>> 1>> :>>> :1>>Temperat4re 9":>P= V PE$ioo> 1>> >>> 1>> :>>> :1>>Temperat4re 9"NA=$OTS8+ ?>> :>> *>>TEMPE$AT$E (8"-ig. ). E74ili;ri4m phase relations in 3>. Compile%from vario4s so4rces X *.. A&aogi/ M. an% A. Navrots&y/ The74art

    meas4rements an% calc4lation ofphase %iagrams/ Phys. Earth Planet.Inter./ :6/ *!:*/ )*.

    A&aogi/ M./ E. Ito/ an% A.Navrots&y/ Olivine!mo%ifie% spinelspinetransitions in the systemMgSiO*!-eSiO* Calorimetricmeas4rements/ thermochemicalcalc4lation/ an% geophysicalapplication/ #. 0eophys. $es./ */1.6?!16)6/ ).

    Ashi%a/ T./ S. 84me/ E. Ito/ an% A.Navrots&y/ MgSi>: ilmenite heatcapacity/ thermal e'pansivity/ an%enthalpy of transformation/ Phys.Chem. Miner./ 6/:!*1/ )).

    2arin/ I. an% >. 8nac&e/Thermochemical properties ofinorganic s4;stances/ pp. /Springer!=erlag/ Ne, +or&/ ?:.2erman/ $. 0./ Internally!consistentthermo%ynamic %ata for minerals inthe system Na>!8>!CaO!MgO-eO!-e>:!AlO:!SiO!TiO

    s4;stantially more compressi;le than the correspon%ingcrystals. -or reactions involving volatiles (e.g. 3 an%C@"/ phase ;o4n%aries are strongly c4rve% in P!T space;eca4se the vol4me of the volatile (gas or fl4i%" phase%epen%s very strongly on P an% T. The section ;yPresnall gives e'amples of s4ch ;ehavior.Ta;le 1 lists entropy/ enthalpy/ an% vol4me change forhigh press4re transitions of geophysical significance.Ta;le 6 lists parameters for some other phase transitions.Ta;le ? presents enthalpies of vitrification (crystal Vglass/ not an e74ili;ri4m process" an% enthalpies/entropies/ an% vol4mes of f4sion at the e74ili;ri4mmelting point at one atmosphere.

    A n4m;er of silicates/ germanates/ an% other materials

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    sho, phase transitions among pyro'ene/ garnet/ ilmenite.perovs&ite/ an% relate% str4ct4res/ as sho,n schematicallyin -ig. *. Phase relations among olivine/ spinel/ an% ;etaphase in several silicates are sho,n in -ig. 1. $elations athigh P an% T for the system -eO!MgO!Si> at mantlepress4res are sho,n in -igs. 1!?. The ,ealth of phases in

    the 3 phase %iagram is sho,n in -ig. ).Ac&no,le%gments. I than& $e;ecca 5ange an% ElenaPetrovicova for help ,ith ta;les an% fig4res.

    $E-E$ENCES3O!CO/ #. Petrol./ / **1!1/Carpenter/ M. A./ A. P4tnis / A.Navrots&y/ an% #. Desmon% C.)).McConnell/ Enthalpy effectsassociate% ,ith AlJSi or%ering inanhy%ro4s Mg!cor%ierite/ 0eochim.Cosmochim. Acta/ *?/ )!>6/):.-ei/ +. an% S. 8. Sa'ena/ Athermochemical %ata ;ase for phase

    e74ili;ria in the system -e!Mg!Si!>at high press4re an% temperat4re/Phys. Chem. Miner./ :/ : l!:*/)6.-ei/ +. an% S. 8. Sa'ena/ Ane74ation for the heat capacity ofsoli%s/ 0eochim. Cosmochim. Acta/1.1!1*/ )?.-ei/ +./ S. 8. Sa'ena/ an% A.Navrots&y/ Internally consistentthermo%ynamic %ata an%e74ili;ri4m phase relations forcompo4n%s in the system MgOSioKat high press4re an% hightemperat4re/ #. 0eophys. $es./ 1/61!6)/ >.

    >...:.*.-ei/ +./ 3.!8. Mao/ an% 2. >.Mysen/ E'perimental %eterminationof element partitioning an%calc4lation of phase relations in theMgO!-eO!Si> system at highpress4re an% high temperat4re/ .I.0eophys. $es./ 6/ 1?!6/.0hiorso/ M. S./ I. S. E. Carmichael/

    A reg4lar sol4tion mo%el for metal4mino4s

    silicate li74i%sapplications to geothermometry/immisci;ility/ an% the so4rceregions of ;asic magmas/ Contri;.Mineral. Petrol./ ?/ ::!:*/ )>.0hiorso/ M. S./ I. S. E. Carmichael/Mo%eling magmatic systemspetrologic applications/ $e=.Mineral./ ?/ *6?!*/ )?.3elgeson/ 3. C./ #. Delany/ 3. 9.Nes;itt/ an% D. 8. 2ir%/ S4mmaryan% criti74e of the thermo%ynamic

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    properties of roc&!forming minerals/Am. #. Sci./ ?)A. l!/ ?).3emley/ $. #./ 5. C. Chen/ an% 3.8. Mao/ Ne, transformations;et,een crystalline an% amorpho4s) T3E$MOD+NAMICS1.6.

    ?.)..> Nat4re/ ::)/ 6:)!6*>/ ).3ollan%/ T. #. 2./ $. Po,ell/ Aninternally consistent thermo%ynamic%ataset ,ith 4ncertainties an%correlations . Data an% res4lts/ #.Metamorphic 0eol./ :/ :*:!:?>/)1.3ollan%/ T. #. 2./ $. Po,ell/ Anenlarge% an% 4p%ate% internallyconsistent thermo%ynamic %ataset

    ,ith 4ncertainties an% correlationsthe system 8>!Na>!CaO!MgOMnO!-eO!-e >: !Al >: !TiO !SiO!C!3!>/ .I. Metamorphic0eol./ )/ )!*/ >.Ito/ E./ M. A&aogi/ 5. Topor/ an% A.Navrots&y/ Negative press4retemperat4reslopes for reactionsforming MgSi>: perovs&ite fromcalorimetry/ Science/ */ ?1 !?)/ >.#ANA-/ Thermochemical Ta;les/Thir% E%./ e%ite% ;y AmericanChemical Society an% AmericanInstit4te of Physics/ )6.8elley/ 8. 8./ 3igh!temperat4re

    heat content/ heat capacity/ an%entropy %ata for the elements an%inorganic compo4n%s/ .S. 24r.Mines 24ll./ 1)*/ : pp./ 6>.8ieffer/ S. 9./ 3eat capacity an%entropy systematic relation tolattice vi;rations/ $ev. Mineral./ */61!6/ )1.5ange/ $. A./ #. #. De+oreo/ an% A.Navrots&y/ Scanning calorimetric.:.*.1.6.?.

    meas4rement of heat capacity%4ring incongr4ent melting of%iopsi%e/ Amer. Mineral./ ?6/ >*!/l.5ange/ $. A. an% A. Navrots&y/3eat capacities of -e>:;earingsilicate li74i%s/ Contri;. Mineral.Petrol./ >/ :!:>/ .Navrots&y/ A./ Enthalpies oftransformation among thetetragonal/ he'agonal/ an% glassy

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    mo%ifications of 0e>/ #. Inorg.N4cl. Chenr. ::/ !*/ ?.Navrots&y/ A./ $. 3on/ D. -. 9eill/an% D. #. 3enry/ Thermochemistryof glasses an% li74i%s in the systemsCaMgSiL!CaAlSi>)!NaAlSi:>)/ Si> CaAlSi>)!NaAlSi:>) an% Si> ! Al>: !CaONa>.

    0eochinl. Cosmochim. Acta/**/ *>!*:/ )>.Navrots&y/ A./ 3igh press4retransitions in silicates/ Prog. Soli%St. Chem./ ?/ 1:!)6/ )?.Navrots&y/ A./ D. iegler/ $.Oestri&e/ an% P. Maniar/Calorimetry of silicate melts at??: 8 Meas4rement of enthalpiesof f4sion an% of mi'ing in thesystems %iopsi%e!anorthite!al;itean% anorthite!forsterite/ Contri;.Mineral. Petrol./ >/ !:>/).$ichet/ P./ =iscosity an%

    config4rational entropy of silicate)..:>.:.:.::melts/ 0eochim. Cosmochim. Acta./*)/*?!*):/ )*.$ichet/ P./ an% +. 2ottinga/Thermochemical properties ofsilicate glasses an% li74i%s Arevie,/ $ev. 0eophys./ */ l!1/)6.$ichet/ P./ 3eat capacity of silicateglasses/ Chem. 0eol./ 6/ !*/

    )?.$ichet/ P./ $. A. $o;ie/ an% 2. S.3eming,ay/ Thermo%ynamicproperties of ,ollastonite/pse4%o,ollastonite an% CaSiO:glass an% li74i%/ E4rop. #. Mineral./:/*?1!*)1/ .$o;ie/ $. A./ 2. S. 3eming,ay/ an%#. $. -isher/ Thermo%ynamicproperties of minerals an% relate%s4;stances at ).1 8 an% ;ar(lo1 pascals" an% at highertemperat4res/ . S. 0eol. S4rv.24ll./ *.1/ *16 pp./ ?).$o;ie/ $. A./ C. 2. -inch/ an% 2. S.3eming,ay/ 3eat capacity an%

    entropy of fayalite (-eSiO*";et,een 1. an% :): 8 comparisonof calorimetric an% e74ili;ri4mval4es for the @-M ;4ffer reactor/

    Amer. Mineral/ 6?/ *6:!*6/).Ste;;ins/ #. -./ I. S. E. Carmichael/an% 5. 8. Moret/ 3eat capacitiesan% entropies of silicate li74i%s an%glasses/ Contri;. Mineral. Petrol./)6/ :!*)/ )*.

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    Thermal E'pansion+ing,ei -eiSince S&inner X?1Y compile% the thermal e'pansion %ataof s4;stances of geological interest/ many ne,meas4rements on o'i%es/ car;onates/ an% silicates have;een ma%e ;y '!ray %iffraction/ %ilatometry/ an%

    interferometry. 9ith the %evelopment of high!temperat4re'!ray %iffraction techni74es in the seventies/ thermalparameters of many roc&!forming minerals ,eremeas4re% Xe.g./ */ / )/ *1/ 6)/ ??/ ?/ .Consi%era;le thermal e'pansion %ata for importantmantle!relate% minerals s4ch as periclase/ stishovite/olivine/ ,a%sleyite/ silicate spineF silicate ilmenite an%silicate perovs&ite ,ere collecte% ;y '!ray %iffractionmetho%s Xe.g./ */ :/ */ ? an% ;y %ilatometric an%interferometric techni74es Xe.g./ 1*/)6/))/)Y. 9hile the%ata set for l!;ar thermal e'pansion is e'pan%ing/ manyefforts have recently ;een ma%e to o;tain the press4reeffect on thermal e'pansivity Xe.g.// / / :6/ 1. Inst4%y of li74i% %ensity/ a systematic approach is ta&en too;tain %ensity an% its temperat4re %epen%ence of nat4ralli74i%s Xe.g./ / / 6/**/*6/*)Y.The thermal e'pansion coefficient a/ %efine% ;y a GJ=(IG=JCGT"/i/s 4se% to e'press the vol4me change of as4;stance %4e to a temperat4re change. In a microscopicsense/ the thermal e'pansion is ca4se% ;y the anharmonicnat4re of the vi;rations in a potential!,ell mo%el X>:Y.The 0rtineisen theory of thermal e'pansion lea%s to a4sef4l relation ;et,een vol4me an% temperat4re X>Y/+. -ci. Carnegie Instit4tion of 9ashington/ 0eophysical

    5a;oratory/ 11 2roa% 2ranch $oa%/ N9. 9ashington/ DC>>1!:>1Mineral Physics an% CrystallographyA 3an%;oo& of Physical Constants

    A0 $eference Shelf =(T" : V & ! ( ! *MJ@o" Y (",here E is the energy of the lattice vi;rations. Theconstant @/ is relate% to vol4me (=/" an% ;4l& mo%4l4s(8//" at

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    mo%el. A sim4ltaneo4s eval4ation of thermal e'pansion/;4l& mo%4l4s/ an% heat capacity thro4gh a self!consistentmo%el s4ch as the De;ye mo%el Xe.g./ ) is/ therefore/recommen%e%/ especially ,hen e'trapolation of %ata isinvolve%.In many cases the a;ove mo%el cannot ;e 4ni74ely%efine%/ either ;eca4se the acc4racy of thermal e'pansion

    meas4rement is not s4fficiently high or ;eca4se thetemperat4re range of meas4rement is limite%. -or thep4rpose of fitting e'perimental %ata over a specifictemperat4re range/ a polynomial e'pression for theCopyright 1 ;y the American 0eophysical nion.

    :> T3E$MA5 EHPANSIONthermal e'pansion coefficient may ;e 4se% : are also recommen%e% as %ata so4rces.

    a(T" a> V a/T V a

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    Fi7(T" Hi IU/TGX V Ei(T ! Tr" Y V = (>"Thermal e'pansion coefficients of elements an% hali%es(e.g./ NaCl/ 8Cl/ 5i-/ an% 82r" are not incl4%e% in thiscompilation ;eca4se the %ata are availa;le in the

    American Instit4te of Physics 3an%;oo& X*Y. =ol4mes an% : of Thermophysical Properties of Matter /,here Hi an% i are the mole fraction an% mean thermal

    e'pansion coefficient of o'i%e component i/ respectively.6/GG is the partial molar vol4me of component i in theli74i% at a reference temperat4re/ T// an% p is the e'cessvol4me term. $ecent meas4rements on %ensity an%thermal e'pansion coefficient of silicate li74i% ares4mmaria/ cor4n%4m

    T range a/ ,e a> (lo! a (>!p a ref.

    a :!) 8 ?.: >.>?1) >. !>.>6>: PIc :!) 8 ).: >.>??: >.?*: >.>>>> PII :!) 8 :.> >.?6 >.*) !>.>)? PI-2I :TA25E . (contin4e%"

    Names T range so,!: o 9! a ,!B a ref.2eA>*/ chryso;eryl2e>CaO:Ca>RA>:?Ca>R?A>sCa>RA>:Co:>*/ normal spineCr>:/ es&olaite-eA>*/ hercynite

    -eCr:/ hematite-es>*/ magnetite-eTiO// ilmenit3f>MgA>*/ normal spineMgA>*/ %isor%ere% spineMgCr>*/ picrochromiteMg-e>a/ magnesioferriteMg0eOs/ ilmeniteMg0e>*/ olivineMg0e>*/ spineMgO/ periclaseMnO/ manganositeTh>/ thorianite

    TiOTi>/ r4tile>.>:/ 4raniniter>/ ;a%%eleyite3y%ro4s minerals

    AlOO3/ ;oehmite

    a )!6: 8 6.6 >.>1> .:16 >.>>>>; )!6: 8 ).? >.>*> .??? >.>>>>c )!6: 8 ?.6 >.>1*> >.?:1 >.>>>>= )!6: 8 :.) >.:> :.1? >.>>>>

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    v !? 8 ?.) >.)> .::: !>.*v :!*>> 8 ::.1 >.:>: .>*6: >.>>>>= :!*?: 8 .1 >.111 >.?16* !>.?*>= )!>?: 8 .: >.:> >.>>>> >.>>>>v :!*?: 8 >.1 >.: >.>1 !.>6)?v :>!1 8 *.) >.>6: .)6> >.>>>>= :!*?: 8 ).6 >.*6 >.1* !>.>*

    v :!?: 8 1.6 >.>?? .: >.>>>>v :!?: 8 . >.>1: .1:6 >.>>>>= :!)?: 8 ::. >.:>: >.6: >.>>>>a :!6?: 8 ?. >.>:1> .*):6 >.>>>>c :!6?: 8 ).> >.>11 >.?>* >.>>>>v :!6?: 8 :.) >.:) :.)>* >.>>>>= :!)*: 8 >.6 !>.>:1: ).>1 >.>>>>= )*:!?: 8 1>. >.1>: >.>>>> >.>>>>4 ?!:: 8 >. >.>>6 >.>>>> >.>>>>c ?!:: 8 ?.6 >.>6:) >.*>: >.>>>>= ?!:: 8 ?. >.6) >.:*) >.>>>>= :!?: 8 1.) >.6* .>:6) >.>>>>= :!)?: 8 *. >.*> >.>>>> >.>>>>v :!:: 8 .* >.*> >.>>>> >.>>>>= :!*?: 8 6.1 >.*:> . !>.>6:

    v :!*?: 8 >.1 >.:>) .) !.??:= !>: 8 .* >.** >.>>>> >.>>>>= )!?: 8 *. >.*> >.>>>> >.>>>>= )! ?: 8 :. >.:> >.>>>> >.>>>>= :>:!?: 8 :.6 >.:?6) >.?*>* !>.?**6= :!: 8 :*.1 >.::? .>11 !>.>*= :!?: 8 ).1 >.)1: >.>>>> >.>>>>= :!>?: 8 .: >.): .::6 >.>>>>a )!)): 8 ). >.>)> >.>>>> >.>>>>c )!)): 8 . >.> >.>>>> >.>>>>= )!)): 8 ). >.)> >.>>>> >.>>>>= :!?: 8 *.1 >.)> .**6 !>.>>= :!?: 8 . >.>* >.6: >.>>>>a loo!1:> 8 .? !>.>>*) :.*>>> >.>>>>; loo!1:> 8 1.: !>.>: .>>> >.>>>>c loo!1:> 8 >.? >.>>>1 >.>>> >.>>>>= loo!1:> 8 :1.? !>.>?1 .)>>> >.>>>>X:>

    9IX:>r:>X:/ cf. :r?1ar1X?1*X?1


  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333



    X?9IX>X?1/ cf. 6X?1X)1)1P1X?1/ cf. 6


    : T3E$MA5 EHPANSIONTA25E . (contin4e%"Names T range a> ,!: a> ,!? a (>!y a ref.


  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    a :!1: 8c :!1: 8v :!1: 8a ?!?: 8c ?!?: 8v ?!?: 8a ?!??: 8c ?!??: 8v ?!??: 8n ?!??: 8c ?!??: 8v ?!??: 8a ?!??: 8

    c ?!??: 8= ?!??: 8a :!>?: 8; :!>?: 8c :!>?: 8= :!>?: 8.> >.> >.>>>> >.>>>>.? >.6? >.>>>> >.>>>>1.) >.>1): >.>>>> >.>>>>

    !.? !>.>66 >.>>>> >.>>>>:.: >.:: >.>>>> >.>>>>. >.>* >.>>>> >.>>>>. >.> >.>>>> >.>>>>:.) >.:? >.>>>> >.>>>>:.? >.:6? >.>>>> >.>>>>:1.* >.:1:? >.>>>> >.>>>>.> >.>> >.>>>> >.>>>>1.> >.1>> >.>>>> >.>>>>)>.> >.)>>> >.>>>> >.>>>>!>.> !.>>> >.>>>> >.>>>>?.> .?>> >.>>>> >.>>>>:.> >.:>> >.>>>> >.>>>>).: >.>):: >.>>>> >.>>>>

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  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333







    ?1-E ::TA25E . (contin4e%"

    Names T range a> (> L 9= al (>!7 a ref.S4lfi%es an% S4lfates-eS/ pyriteP;S/ galenanS/ sphaleritenS/ ,4rt*/ ;arite8S>*

    SilicatesA&ermanite/ CaMgSi>TAn%al4site/ ASiOs2eryl/ 2e/ASi;>/)

    Calci4m silicatesCa:Si>?/ ran&initep!CaSi>*Ca/SiOsCancriniteCor%ieriteMgAt*SisO) (he'agonal"fLE4cryptite/ 5iAlSi>*-el%sparsCelsian/ 2aAiSi>)3igh Al;ite/ NaAlSiU)

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    v :!6?: 8 1.? >.16 *.:)?: >.>>>> ?1= :!)?: 8 1). >.1>? .61 >.>>>> r?1v :!?: 8 ?.) >.):6 >.>>>> !>.1:? X?1a :!?: 8 6.? >.>?6: >.:)1 !>.))1 ?1c :!?: 8 6.1 >.>?6 >.:* !>.?* ?1v :!?: 8 .> >.:6 .>:) !>.1>6 ?1

    a )!1) 8 >.? >.>?> >.>>>> >.>>>> X?:; )!1) 8 1.1 >.11> >.>>>> >.>>>> ?:c )!1) 8 ?. >.?> >.>>>> >.>>>> X?:= )!1) 8 6:.? >.6:?> >.>>>> >.>>>> X?:a :!6?: 8 1.1 !>.?: >.)?>1 >.>>>> X?1; :!6?: 8 ::.* >.:::? >.>>>> >.>>>> ?1c :!6?: 8 *.6 >.6) ).??> >.>>>> ?1v :!6?: 8 .* >.:1 .6*>6 >.>>>> X?1a :!6: 8c :!6: 8= :!6: 8a )!?: 8; )!?: 8

    c )!?: 8= )!?: 8a )!>?: 8c )!>?: 8= )!>?: 8= :!*?: 8= :!*?: 8= :!?: 8a )!6?: 8c )!6?: 8= )!6?: 8a )!)?: 8c )!)?: 8= )!)?: 8a 6!> 8

    c 6!> 8= 6!> 8= :!6?: 84 ?!:?) 8; ?!:?) 8c ?!:?) 8>.? >.>61 >.>>>>1. >.>:*6 >.))>?. >.*1: >.)?>>.1 >.: >.>6:). >.>?1: >.).: >.>:: >.>>>>.) >.) >.:6.6 >.>6> >.>>>>!. !>.>> >.>>>>

    .: >.>:> >.>>>>::. >.)): .*>6:.* >.*6> >.>1)1.? >.)1 .*>?:?.> >.>>:* .1>6. >.>:) *.6. >.>:6* ).?1). >.>> >.>>>>!.) !>.>)> >.>>>>.6 >.>6> >.>>>>).6 >.>)6> >.>>>>

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    !).* !>.)*> >.>>>>!. !>.>> >.>>>>).? >.>6>1 >.)6.6 >.>?6 >.)*6.6 >.>616 >.>>>>1. >.>1: >.>>>>>.>>>>>.>>>>





    X:1/ cf. 6?;r,XMl9IX?19I9I>.>>>> PI:* T3E$MA5 EHPANSION

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    TA25E . (contin4e%"Names T range a> ^lo!+ * ,! > ref.5o, Al;ite/ NaAlSi/Oa

    A%4laria/ OraaF;.Fn.*Microcline/ Ora:.1A;6.1Orthoclase/ Or66/%l];:/F.6Plagioclase/ A;Vn/

    Plagioclase/ A;?VnPlagioclase/ A;1FnPlagioclase/ A;SAngS0arnets

    Alman%ite/ -e:ASi:>A4%ra%ite/ Ca/-eSi:>Caci4m!rich garnet0ross4larite/ CaFSi:C/Pyrope/ 9,9i:>Spessartite/ Mn:ASi:>Nat4ral garnet (pyrope!rich"0ehlenite/ CaASi>?3orn;len%e8yanite/ ASiOs

    Mer,inite/ Ca#Mg(Si>*"M4llite/

    A>:(?.L"Si>('6*6"A>:(6>.>L"Si>(a.**6"Cra ?!:?) 8J: ?!:?) 8y ?!:?) 8v ?!:?) 8a )!*: 8; )!*: 8c )!*: 8a )!*: 8

    )!*: 8y )!*: 8

    = )!*: 8= :!?: 8v :!?: 8= :!?: 8= :!?: 8v :!?: 8= :!?: 8= :!?: 8= *!>** 8= *!6: 8= :>>!>OO8v !)> 8v ):!>: 8v !?: 8

    = )!>>> 8= :!*?: 8= :!?: 8(I )!>?: 8; )!>?: 8c )!>?: 8= )!>?: +v :!*?: I.a 1? ?Z 8; -!/!l ?:8

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    c Z?:!?: 8v 1L?: 81?:!?: 8; 1?:!?: 8c 1?:!?: 8v 1?:!?: 8II 1?:!?: 8

    ; 1?:!?: 8c 1?:!?: 8v 1?:!?: 8!. >.6>: !6.>)* o.oooo!.: !>.>? !>.> o.oooo!.6 !>.>1 !>.>1 o.oooo6.) >.*11 >.?6 >.>>>>.? >.>)) >.*? o.oooo*.? >.>:? >.:*>> o.oooo>.: !>.>: >.*6) >.>>>>!.? >.>6: !.?? >.>>>>!1. !>.>1*? >.>)? o.oooo!>.1 >.>>6 !>.:6* >.>>>>.6 >.?:? .??6 >.>>>>

    . >.)*6 >.1? !>.)>))1.6 >.? >.)6): o.oooo.? !>.>>? :.1*> >.>>>>1.* >. .>? !>.)?*). >.6 >.?6): !>.)6>:>.6 >.1* >.1>:) !>.111>*. >.:* >.>1? >.>>>>1.) >.??6 .*> !>.1>?>.6 >.>: >.6): !>.*1>. >.6*? >.:>)> !>.66?6.* >.1 >.)>) !>.*?. >.: >.116 !>.*1:)?. >.? >.?6 !.16>:.6 >.))> >.?)? !>.11

    *.> >.:> >.6? >.>>>>:.) >.>?1 .>?> o.oooo?.1 >.>?* >.>>>> o.oooo6.6 >.>66 >.>>>> >.>>>>>. >.>1 o.oooo o.oooo1. >.1>1 o.oooo >.>>>>.) >.1 .1)1 >.>>>>:. >.>:> >.>>>> >.>>>>?.> >.>?>> >.>>>> >.>>>>1.) >.>1)> >.>>>> o.oooo6.? >.6?> >.>>>> >.>>>>:. >.>:> o.oooo >.>>>>6. >.>6> >.>>>> o.oooo1.6 >.>16> >.>>>> >.>>>>

    *. >.*> >.>>>> >.>>>>:.: >.>::> o.oooo >.>>>>?.> >.>?>> >.>>>> o.oooo1.6 >.>16> >.>>>> >.>>>>1. >.1> >.>>>> >.>>>>

    9I9I9IX6)/ cf.

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333



    9IPIP)PIX)!y a ref.NephelinesP&%0%GSi@OlivinesCaMgo.%h.%iO*monticelliteCaMn(Mgn"Si>*gla4cochroiteMgSi>*/ forsteriteMgSi>*/ forsteriteMgSi>*/ forsteriteMgSi>*/ forsteriteMnSi>*/ tephroiteNiSi>*/ Ni!olivine-e/SiO// fayaliteQ&%eFSiO*hortonoliteMgo.?F.lFno.%iOGhortnolitePerovs&ite

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    MgSiOsa :!>?: 8c :!>?: 8v :!>?: 8a :!>?: 8c :!>?: 8v :!>?: 8

    a )!>6) 8; )!>6) 8c )!>6) 8v )!>6) 8n )!>?: 8; )>?: 8c )!>?: 8v )!>?: 8(I :>:!?: 8; :>:!?: 8c :>:!?: 8v :>:!?: 8v 6!: 8v )!?: 8

    v :>>!:>> 8a )!: 8; )!: 8c )!: 8v )!: 8n )!?: 8; )!?: 8c )!?: 8v )!?: 8a )!: 8; )!: 8c )!: 8= )!: 8a ?!): 8

    ; ?!): 8c ?!): 8v ?!): 8(I 6!?: 8; 6!?: 8c 6!?: 8= 6!?: 8a ??!) 8; ??!) 8

    . >.>1 .: >.>>>> ?1).: >.>661 >.11** >.>>>> X?1:.: >.)) *.*) >.>>>> X?1.1 >.1 !>.> >.>>>> X?1

    .) >.6? !.*) >.>>>> X?11).1 >.611 !.>? >.>>>> X?16.* >.>)11 >.:>) !>.::?.* >.>61 >.)>6 !>.1?1>.: >.:1 >.*:6 !>.)*. >.:* >.6?:: !>.)::6.1 >.>?6 >.:: !>.:6>16.* >.>1: >.> !>.:1:6?. >.>11 >.?): !>.:)1>.: >.:>>? >.? !.>)>

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    6.6 >.>66: >.:)) !>.>). >.> >.)) !>.66.) >.? >.>6* !>.6.* >.:>:* >.?* !>.1:):>.6 >.6:1 .*>:6 >.>>>>). >.:*>? >.)6?* !>.?1*1?.: >.)1* .>>)> !>.:)*

    1.) >.>:? >.1* >.>6).) >.>* >.?** !>.))).> >.>)>? >.::?> !>.>)1:.6 >.:>? .>?*> !>.)).1 >.>* >.>: !>.*>). >.>> >.?*6 !>.:)?.> >.>>* >.)? !>.:6?.: >.:>:6 >.11) !>.*>*1.1 >.>1> >.>6> !>.*1)?. >.>) >.6 !>.>6*. >.16 !>.? !>.*1*6. >.:)6 .1:> !>.>1)6. >.>6> >.>>>> >.>>>>.6 >.>6> >.>>>> >.>>>>

    .? >.>?1 >.>>>> >.>>>>1.1 >.11? >.>>>> >.>>>>. >.>6 >.>>>> >.>>>>. >.> >.>>>> >.>>>>*.6 >.*16 >.>>>> >.>>>>:1.> >.:1>* >.>>>> >.>>>>






  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333




    X?/ cf. ?).* >.>)*> >.>>>> >.>>>>>.> o.oooo >.>>>> >.>>>>

    ?X?:6 T3E$MA5/ EHPANSIONTA25E . (contin4e%"

    Names T range a/ P! a> ,! a (>!y a ref.9QL.l-99s%L.l"SiO:Phena&ite/ 2eSi>*Pse4%o,ollastonite/ CaSiO/C ??!) 8v ??!) 8v )!:) 8

    a loo!1> 8; loo!1> 8c loo!1> 8v loo!1> 8a 1>!:?: 8; 1>!:?: 8c 1>!:?: 8v 1>!:?: 8v 3O!:?: 8v )!)*> 8a )!6: 8c )!6: 8v )!6: 8v :!*?: 8Pyro'enes

    CaASiOs/ CaTsCaMgSi>;/ %iopsi%e


    Cao.ol1MG.:oG-eo.GSiO/clinohyperstheneCa-eSi>;/ he%en;ergite

    L%!V4.Fi>:G -s9oa )!*?: 8 ).) >.>)) >.>>>> >.>>>> PI; )!*?: 8 .> >.>* >.>>>> >.>>>> 9Ic )!*?: 8 ). >.>))) >.>>>> >.>>>> 9I= )!*?: 8 ?.) >.?)> >.>>>> >.>>>> 9Ia ?!?: 8 ?.) >.>?? >.>>>> >.>>>> *; ?!?: 8 >.1 >.>1> >.>>>> >.>>>> *

    c ?!?: 8 6.1 >.>6*6 >.>>>> >.>>>> XI*%lO> ?!?: 8 6. >.>6>6 >.>>>> >.>>>> *= ?!?: 8 ::.: >.:::> >.>>>> >.>>>> X*/ cf. a :!: 8 :.1 >.:1> >.>>>> >.>>>> X?); :!: 8 *.1 >.*1> >.>>>> >.>>>> X?)c :!: 8 1.* >.1*> >.>>>> >.>>>> X?)= :!: 8 *:.) >.*:)> >.>>>> >.>>>> ?)a :!?: 8 6. >.6> >.>>>> >.>>>> X??; :!?: 8 >.* >.>*> >.>>>> >.>>>> X??c :!?: 8 :.) >.:)> >.>>>> >.>>>> r??

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333


    %lO> :!?:8 ).: >.>):> >.>>>> >.>>>> ??v :!?: 8 :.? >.:?> >.>>>> >.>>>> X??a ?!?: 8 ?. >.>?* >.>>>> G>.>>>> P*; ?!?: 8 ?.6 >.?6> >.>>>> >.>>>> P*c ?!?: 8 6.> >.>1? >.>>>> >.>>>> *%lO> ?!?: 8 *.) >.>*): >.>>>> >.>>>> P*v ?!?: 8 .) >.)> >.>>>> >.>>>> *

    a ?!??: 8 ). >.)> >.>>>> >.>>>> 9I; ?!??: 8 :.: >.::> >.>>>> >.>>>> 9Ic ?!??: 8 1. >.1> >.>>>> o.oooo 9I%lO> ?!??: 8 ). >.>): >.>>>> o.oooo Xal= ?!??: 8 :?.6 >.:?6> >.>>>> >.>>>> r,1. >.>1> >.>>>> >.>>>>*.1 >.*1> >.>>>> >.>>>>.> >.>> >.>>>> o.oooo1.) >.>1)> >.>>>> >.>>>>1. >.>1> >.>>>> >.>>>>*.1 >.>*1> >.>>>> >.>>>>1.1 >.11> >.>>>> >.>>>>). >.>)> >.>>>> >.>>>>1.* >.>1*> >.>>>> >.>>>>

    1.* >.>1*> >.>>>> >.>>>>). >.)> >.>>>> >.>>>>.> >.>> >.>>>> >.>>>>:>.? >.:16 >.* !>.:?1. >.>1> >.>>>> >.>>>>6.* >.>6*> >.>>>> >.>>>>6.) >.6)> >.>>>> >.>>>>?.) >.*?* .>>6 >.>>>>



    9I9I9I9I9I-Xii:>:>:>?1-E :?TA25E . (contin4e%"

    Names T range a> ,!? a> (>" al (>!7 a ref.-eSiOs/ orthoferrosilite5iAlSi/O// spo%4meneMga)-eo/SiOs/ ;ron

  • 7/25/2019 Crystallography 333

