IE TIMESHERALD FEBRUARY 21895 II UI J 0- y h j ally One bird li ittUi boar the Mid ra from 111 nest In Harpers tho Llyoaof for her Lover rtaklng U a i cannot reconcile myself arture- e daughter era is Instead of t traveled the a Hut the mountains and the- ft at peace Now there in are between tbe of nda and the o the ho soldiers aro hardly able there I learned onlyyesr- ora a traveler that the had defied the jovernmont I must tTO You know why I v daughter of the ranchero A tlh f the wilds Lower California u fairer woman she knew must fro Sane Zalvaredes cued her and whom shp loved ting 111 at the United States fort kca lust across the Hue1 lie was to fellow this Zalvaredea tall jol honorable and the love of the in the land was credit him And the ranchero wee to bring him homethat among e why loved him well ho might ted back Unto health and vigor for Illness willie severe was pot has would undermine the strong I of the sturdy young cat un i Was the conflict n her father and anxiety for his ly and her love for Znlvnreden- tinxiety for his welfare that made ilU Castero turn pale and red In h She was bravo like all the filters of the ranches and sUo set lace to tho danger and badger ther godspeed and a safe return with ir lover It was not as flies from the ranch of Castero to ort Yuma but it was a wearisome Journey over mountain that Castero set out to bring house tho young man ho already Died like a son Juanita stood In the shade Of the orange trees and saw him go She waved her hand to him and wafted a kjag into the balmy atmosphere when fhs halted his team on a high hill and looked back at her There was anxiety In Benor CasteroA heart ai well leav- ing his motherless the ranch lint there were faithful servAU and the cattlemen all loved ber her father was out of sight beyond the hill Juanita turned and went Into the house 4JuIt vrlfl be a absence at least she saM to herself and two and who knows t they wJU bo able to return at once Perhaps five days will be needed and jay heart will betorn with But she went resolutely to work for this daughter of tho was no idle Three passed slowly an4 wear- ily along Tho rumble of tho wneels of lum- bering coach that twice a week bjr rind steeped to allow tMs p gera to buy foot was heard coming over tbo hill Thd today eald Juanita to a servant There must bo many passengers See that plenty Is provided Two packages sonority shouted the bnrty coming to where Juanita stood on the porch How la Benor Castero that I do pot tee Ulan greet the stage as usual neJa absent You have many Mn gers today Yam Yea throiiRhth there Thert wHl b blood MUt Ibe t 0 r lOr J ea- e r lees tou reow rejoice T1eAoab I 1 le altered I was beautiful Yes a long th- Ird with a It was to- e On ol1 togo otndll heavl tOt f are away here II- I USED Wes I4lsjl- I ae fIIITfi 1 1 tlud the Y y btnee- h bd aJtbe same sriel4rolp secure r ggleaps y Dais- y and perilous one rr courageous l i 4 I thin v man bcv love Itu1 eroa3 asses in a- ragon When four daya Two to- go 14 come fears passed past The aaattl ¬ ¬ > > = ° My father musicals through there to- day x bad The Ire la They have Sworn to kill mercyl1 sstdJu nlt- jtewlntf hand over her beating heart Ood bring tdjf loved one safe- ly home The ore ble UWrsty The as bad and will tight the troopa are so wr why gcveramenV not eendiin army Thesej and klndrtK remarks the the anxiety Jn nIt already felt OT tan Its crew CMB v If ware fleeing1 from the da j tUet was a who brie It All she loved Were u fir i iff oonld t och them Were WM no i or on 3 ik yon Ju tllo a ged wlbl t Is V revolt l II Dapos ldt l the e lO t with keg ll qulok tol Ian auld that the A 1d lJl per plJiD hat at t at gar t S j tr I1 the et 111 u her rl I 1 to iJlt- h lured J JjIYlnfWA Ii- I tt i W U t not IIWDI4IL- Ity wtads ot 0- c open e food have a are T bee doca rrM to rient Feoplp made sa re ten wo atjay- mrebe tbq wasttotn Petlapp Is iaro warn z3 plains k T0tir1nklvastogtk ibetb- yyrn r pct herself but tea ea- vi ntgo se pI rttidI- I as tiOaety 4rtf y Mr like the Sure tsea iMttIBfBdtlaerttoplaWptllTAt- 11a > < > > + + sinner het f wbtehhe alone waa ca- pable v heeded not the fact that all the riders she sow were golngtho other way To the Bacatsll was her cry And Satan knew and reflect- ed it in hli owu band of fierce Yaquis lay encamped It was not peaceful camp signs 6f industry eave the in- dustry of war There wereno sbouti no fires As as death stealthily cllffr waiting watching for their rocks pried loose from their beds almot hung over the cliff auspdnded or held In chock by of twisted grabs Tlioup were the deadly Weapons with Which the cowardly In dians would crush their foes A small band of Mexican soldiers straggled up the mountain side All unAuipecttng of the hidden danger they entered the pass The massacre of the Sierra de Uacatel was Boon to commence- On their weary horses or mules they tolled upward groat walls of rock high 0 each side of them The pass was than a hundred feet wide chance for escapewas there Suddenly bloodcurdling war cry rent the air It seemed to come from the It rolled above them like thunder stood still appalled knowing that danger threatened them feeling the beginning iof their doom seeing no foe and powerless to strike a blow in their own Mot a quarter of a mile away com- ing through pass was a wagon The great black horses stepped briskly their load and the heavy ooveVed wagons used by the trav- elers the mountain wore no light load Benon Castero them and Whipped them Into greater speed lie was hurrying homo to his daughter Wo be on the level road he said to a companion who lay on cushions Insldo the wagon Then we can make better speed Does the roughness of thb road hurt you Not muoh I could stand more to hurry to the aide of Juanita the lash Again the horses Started up Ah If ScndrQastoro knew what was done just ahead A great rock loosened by the fiends on tbe cliffs bounded out ovv tbe heads of the soldiers and crashed down among them crushing two of the poor fellows into the earth Cries of consternation came from the soldiers Like caged rats they turned one way and another firing their rifles fruitlessly into the air shouting crying as one after another the cruel rooks came down upon them always with a death dealing certainty And Into this maelstrom of death Senor Castero was driving is that flying up the moun- tain side A horse once black ps coal now with his own foam for he had traveled nta tulles without break Faithfully plunged On hl bark Juanita fearless holdIng the brldl with a ifirmgrip while she urged her magnifi- cent s eed to further efforts On on BatonI Another mile and w shall bo beyond the the bnt And onh went Nat when they came in sight of I soldiers did horse r rider falter The girl knew that h r life might the penalty for her dating She Knew the She knew their tactics their blobdtbtrstl She knew that not one of those Stricken soldiers could escape alive Yet she did not falter for coming toward certain death were her father and her lover and she was a womun whose love wee her lifo and the loss of her love worse than death i On Satan on she cried And oxer the dead and dying bodies of the soldiery the great horse bounded jumping from side to side to clear the rocks his heroic breathing a to an Almighty Power to ly through tho death We re past therdangerl fin Satan on shejCJ d V- litforo ber she saw horses and so fa- thtr saw the rushing k wlh Yet 1 w Ute aM lorgl tTii I the gr tp her spirit On a cliff OT Flooidng the pass a a Wt n peering over the reat noi more What vet fated 1 drove will fiopn I for many panel On even nose was prayer n Plte knw nI o ker f fthe e till shorn unit o mounted of the steed lol j chants thd ay roped re- in The along with killing pace torn of the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ° Weed save tlghtnlngg Back the cllfll is 3eath to proccedl Back T irq UacWn Juanita cried Jesus have mercyl as be hunfediy ronnd Heaven be thanked a daughter that thing JuanlU my angel niarmured Zal at the girl who had risked his and saved it Satan reached the the wagon And with a great convulsive sob his ilcnjlt first upon his knees then with pitiful appealing look at tref dead ConJe there is no tlmU to fowl JOflnlta leaped into tfgalp the hone were great speed but It Was back over they had come from danger into safety Juwjitemt d ugon the cushions made hertake from a prayer of ht Her safely through th- Mth lint it went ft Apt n her Santee her noble TJw oJifc4 fort Yafa and their l hIurI11A Dan do thla from JllQUllhlotllt shook mighty frame II hi tale J lever tte Power kId huII wl b l4ed hit l lIYit8 N t Why slotrld lOw Mob OtJI fit fight t f U W I I- 1 i fJi I alt kl The are an t Senor taro dkroetI bli God in fob taredek riping and her llfa for f that and whipped into < io hat htln than- kful tp snatatning sob bttl aated Ledger we t I Arta they aneaqy- dlf L that Qarselvdafrf- 44sWWtit f 1 > = P l s Mnlvo cutrtl ilagerot fthentaati rn Syphilis buroluln Old Sores Eczema and female P K Is powerful tome Bud aiTtocBllttm appetizer bullying up the watenlrapld For Old Skin Eruptions Vim pies Ulwrs and Syphilis use ny P P P well enjoy thublesg lug only to lie derived from tho use of P P P Iripkly Puke Uaot and lotos lqm Von conns WARTS AND BUNIONS Use only AbDOttsUast Indian Corn Erysipelas riwonlcn Limbs lied andScaba on the leg have icen vnlirely cured by P P the davA course I1 P P will banish all bad and restore health to perfect condition lie curative powers- are marvelous If out of sorts atrot bad humor and the world take P P healthy rational JOHIf HEWSON PBAOT1CALTAILO lids received direct Imported extra fine Black Doeskin Casalmore and West of Englahd Black Broad Cloth also sorao line Scotch Suiting which I wiil make up In the latest or nny etylo re- quired at Reasonable Prices Ilepalrinff neatly done Shop In IllckmanKennerly Block up stair Wo guarantee Johnsons Hngnfctlc Oil U has no aupeaior for all aches and pains Internal or external man or beast size 60 cents 25 cents For sale by Aukorman Stewart druggists 13 JUST A8 GOOD FOR ADULTS WARRANTED PRICE BOcts- ATUDV Part Medloln Co 8t Louis Mo We MM NX boWes o TASTELESS CHILL TONIC ami bar tbreo KTOM thu Tar pcrtonco ol too builoou have foyer n caw aniYonalaitli For sale byACKtnMAK J Murphy WnOXBSAlK AND llKTAID WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS AKctu or too celebrated J W Hm Silvester WblkUs A lull Ian of tbo belt brands at tho lowest price Rye Welding 260 300 St nd lBourboa JW Harper 800 The n upuclalty Countr otders solicited oc23t FAST TIME I mli eM P lab G and get I mOBt blood medicine ot r elInl8 WlU1 yourself I anI L eta size TASTELESS TIJNIC e D all OareD 14 III Su All Mil L mon Billiard Parlor VV b1 kle 1 eo 2111 I o good ores bud Ash the A EROVESLD- RE r- AT e ate CHILL 15g last Daub article such action your goalo Dun txrCAnaAOo A Shoal i aver 1 see 0 t ¬ > V 7 VIA 700 aw Arrive 425 am 420 pm Arrive 735 am 1M pm Arrive 120 pm 445 am Leave Chattanooga 720 pm 705 am Arrive 730 am 720 pm Arrive Arrive Cleveland pm 045 am Arrive Toledo 400 pm 725 am Leave Chattanooga 665 pm 700 am Arrive 1000 pm 1025 urn Arnue Washington 040 pm 443 Arrive 082 nm 10 65 am Train living Jacksonville end to ebd through solid to Cincinnati via Queen and Cretcent This favorite Route to eli East orta For further Information pleaafc or call on J W A Ttrafe Q P A A 0 BXNVCOTVS A Qff A WESTERN SYSTEM Leave Jacksonville 700 pm Atn Chattanooga OIn lnnotl 580 pm t 80 Jim pm- is tonS o an write Traveling PM4eb d1Q C uIIl 1 I I i 1 1 l y SoathOrnRailwayQO 046 am the Tennessee Geo onv1ilopta fangger 1 n J > Mow WANTEP Ilgbp t emh mice ild for all mOBIl vPtfr full parlicuhira- ftlilrws Dav ili fa Grieve jn Welaka plow Kaciory Welnlcft Fin novltf TAKE YOUR To W s FUY Palmka- PALATKA MAEKTETSI- rocerloi VhoU fJ- VorrectedWctklt by Bros Corner Kitty Sugar 417 rat 4 Salted Boston Uelltrl 6 Dry alted Western llelllei J J Ury Salted Western la 6 compre cd la tierces M- Wlb tins 5 Sugar Cured turns 10 llcnlcllami TH- blioulder Corned Beet is iM- a era ROast Boefls 129 a2S Flour Wmtern 320 to 300 Flcur Iatents do do 315 to 329- lUca Carolina Good too Ctecne Full U to 13 new Orleans 4u CrackersVandcrvcer Holmes Standard Lemon Crackers linger Snaps 7 A Ued Cakes Condensed 750 to Champion do do 4000a do do Challenge ko do 335 to Canned Vegetables W to 110 do W to 80 do No 2 Okra and Tomatoes M to 110 do Marrow Peas 80 to 115 do No 2 Early June 1eas 100 to do KoJ Baked Deans IM to d4 NoJJtostonltrownltroad HOto Table Irlih Potatoes barrel i9B to tVt Apple per barrel MB to do Yellow Onions barrel 215 to2J6 EarlY Hose Hebron for seed 575- Cnlll j 2T6 Golden Cottolene 50 Ib tins 7r n atlouCutriUZot Kids Arrow Seal of North Carolina oz Dukes Mixtures 2 01- ltulllurliam2oi Lucy lllnton1 Carter Sweet llutsett Climax Club Ihlnloundi Star Clipper Pearl I Gold Dust liercaso- Vearliuc wr Gale Octagon Soap Powder do do do 4lb ItA do do 80 Horsfords Bread Propaiaflon Almonds 15 to8 English Walnuts 14 7 Kllbcrts 9 1ecan U Mixed Nuts J2 California Ilalilns flcotolB3 Sultanas 10 10 do do Apricots 12 Currants flrlln Fortlllters ttie Corrected Weekly Corn Mled per sack 110 Ills f 1 JO to 168 Oats White per sack U Ibs 115 to IK Feed per sack lOOlbs 110 to II Feed per tack bolt 190 tot No 1 ton UM to 19 Wbeat Bran per ton 1800 to Grits and per bbl 300 toll Rut Proof Oats per busn Mto Best relent Floor per bbl SWto3 Cotton Heed Meal per ton 2500 to 2ft Cotton Seed Steal 150 to23 No 1 Unseed Port Cement per bbl 175 to 3- Ilosendalo pet bbl 185 to Piaster Paris I jLi Purcell ATTORNEY Lw opposite Court Uonte- WUlFncticc in aU Courts IALATKJ MAGNETIC NERVING li CON with wtlttw Qua nlo to cure itr Uif- Tobeeoo awl AJcu- ol MmlalPeprei- iirrensw Power In either MI Written Guarantee to core or ntovA the money lasted only by oar ACKEBMAN 8TEWAUT- Palatko Florida OTTER nOUN SKINS I lay and streets StaDdard Fine Orallolated t 1 It t06 lIuttll Fancy to 2CI Cream N gal 1 to I XXX Soda II 7 7 orttd 8 476 to 376 to No t lao tr fur seed M of lied for TonAooo CIOABIITT Era Duke 011 ao to30 U 30 l1li 30 III I 35 301 J 4E 40 40 M- Jlrummon N Leaf lie lib 40 I GI MM to C4 Co old JI T 300 to 210 OrouDdFeed Ills Steel lure Wheat 30 1900 Oo Darll per 200 oer 200 to And CoanUor at Ll tl- T ANU C n Fancy Pint Patents > 4 20 301083 80 k Tomatoes ate to Ileanty a di 30 m 1478 4 p- pItoat CampbelleorTa lore 1b i ib u6 Yi EbyWVe tree BC ht 23 the 1a27 V Pm andWae- eeawMber IL f3nFORf F ER e Urein randna Misery Death t Tema tqold Age orerh ugense or the Ikoln mad youth ItelvMto weak Orraus their tam dnoblei the lots of rife Core aloft by men 14 say addren ii- erbar 6boxaat6 O realest red es- aluuwa2en4 + WEAKNESS NERVOUSNESS DEBILITY ftooi iroM or lat r K tu Faliura unpocdbto ERIE MEDICAL CO BOfTALO Y DAVIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW rlickmanKannerly Block Lemon Bane Pilatka Fl U- A vary ofc1 t blber- gtanatw off A gw awSlUng and ttT For pi rtl ifciN npj f at thw office VIIon tad an f mil- l on D sad oa- Jriten of the DIp lItmalDWlhOtll telm lIt rot lOOt fM re Wa W d Ofitnge Groy SaI 11 bfl1 Orange JQ e tree lOG suit I r l MEN full Qatctt- yPiraansnlliRutarsd Q V s iWIlUb ilekiis were p nrU a hod ma earn ttiae Re et fOZ pea ad Q Tome out = V s In order to avert a crisis In tho pros lency bf the reichstag tho members of the centre propose a compromise In creasing powers of resident von Levetzow The British parliament reassembled Tuesday with the customary ccremo The session was opened at a oclock by the reading of the speech tho throne It is worthy of note that the total cotton receipts Tuesday at Augusta Memphis St Louis and Houston were 11584 bales against only 8987 on that day last year Mrs D 0111 of Baltimore wife of a wholesale lumber dealer dropped dead at tho Arlington house not Springs Ark while walking out of the dining room llcart disease was the cause Prank Atkinson of PeorU 111 a patent medicine vender recently shut his Lena sitter killing her instantly He then Shot himself fatally The cause of the act was fam- ily troubles At the North Carolina department of agriculture It is said there will be an increase of 18 to 20 per cent in tobacco acreage and at 35 per cent la truck There will be a considerable In- crease in rice The steamer Cteqfeugos Captain Smith of the New York and Cuba fine which sailed from Now York January 31 for Santiago via Nassau stranded shortly before daylight February i near Island All saved W B Ryan has received the ap- pointment of general oSstern joint agent of the Mexican International of Mexico Mexican National and Motfan Central lines with headquarters In New York Edger 0 Snyder a well known Omaha newspaper man has been ap- pointed private secretary to States Senator John M Thurson Mr Snyder wllleontlnue hs editorial work at Omaha until the next session of con- gress A resolution has been Introduced pro- viding for the appointment of a com- mission under the direction of tbe sec- retary of warto make preliminary vey and submit plans and estimates- for the of a ship canal to connect the south end of Lake Michigan with the Wabash river WHISKEY MEN AS MASONS Louisiana Grand Lodge Votes Down Order to JUke Tbem Ineligible NEW OiiUiANS February 18 A as offered In the Grand of Louisiana F and A M atr its last year and laid over year pro- viding that no one engaged In the sale of intoxicants as a shall be eligible to membership and providing further that members thus engaged bo considered of unmasonlc Conduct and be given ode years time in which to change their avocation or stand sus- pended from the order At the session last night of the Grand Lodge the res- olution came up for final action and was voted down by an overwhelming majority Fftltod or Unit Million Pimnuno Pa Th court of common yesterday application of stockholders cred- itors Henry yarner Esq receiver of the Linden Steel company The companys statements show as ales from I I res- olution Over a a- rit n 1I 1 fuulul 9 r 6 law Inter Oceepla united the Loge formic > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ sets valued at S68ff000 485000 The money Inability to realize have caused the proceedings are regarded as a Step ultimately to the running To Arrange n Opening rrotrmniW- ASUIMOTOK February 18 Speaker Crisp announced yesterday the appoint ment of the on the part of the of the joint congressional eommlMlon to arrange program of ex erclsee for the opening of the Chlcka mauga iud Chattanooga National mil- itary park next Kilgora Morgan Wheeler of Alaba- ma Cox of Tennessee Maddox Qroa- venor Kelfcr Strong anti Ohla Ordrn Bov V LONDON February Central News correspondent in Shanghai says that China has the en- voys whom she sent to Japan to come back Immediately FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mns V uw8 SOOTHING Strop to- beeoued fOr over million of mothers for their children white hssth- ing with petted su e It gurus all wlt0 c is the best for Dlnnhoea It will relive the little MfUerer i 8 lA drug- gists id every part ot the world Twenty cent a M ttl 8f sure nod Mr WloBtowtf Sow tiyrup m take BO kind f1d onthll Avery Her tIOIitlte lay pal- e I i i Ii- i J hills Home 19 The peace 1 ask foe other ¬ ¬ ¬ < ° > < lard makes Prrici for if is Knhcaltij for v4 od t ft n r Zest tifnas must e so but the IK better than lard for all osesj has none of tfftcts of lard ef Made only by N K FAIRBANK CO CHICAGO sad St tons HAMMOND CO took Bond and Brokers 130 undue Pearl Street CITY N Y Bonds nnd Urnln bought and sold or carried on Jlnr ln 8 Bend for cucpftMtcry elrculor en latlan alto weekly E WINDISCH DEALER AND DOMESTIC FRUiTS TOBACCO CIGARS Confections ran tj lot quantity packed and Shipped o short notice celebrated Indian alter rinupplM an i goods found E WINDISCH Corner Lemon Seeond Easily Quickly Porraaticntly Restored i 3 TVeubaeM nil trala Y from early errors or later results of overwork Vfqrr- rv etc strength 1 i and portion in lM nml I ate ImprOTeinent Failure Impossible references mailed sealed trees ERIE MEDICAL JO Buffalo NY4 L 1 EATON M I HOMEOPATHISt Corner Main nddr FJrst SU- Offlee Houn8to JO a m 1 to J p a pin 1 to 3 pm jan be ti6 ted through mall Ottloe comnltatlon tree ap BENJ P CALHO- UNWIE1IT CJ7 OmoB OBILL BLOCK over s j HILBURN ATTORNEY A A- P tATKA FtOIll A- OIHce over Old National BankHulldlnf oppa 1Mtomcei Alt business entroitc tools will receive irompt attention 911 tt- LAW10FFICES OF OltUS JACKSONVILLE FLA and Florida Johnsons Compound Ca Liver OU n rtwugJb na Stewart drag j and food i o and c ate ersonslhar to es- U n isIIfDu t cooking lu f tIIQIHhNr j a m m NEw Yonx 1 epees mArke litter IlnzF FOREIGN any rte J1aDaDa00 band All warranted and VIGOR OF MEN Debility the e oprnentanl t every orlj elliod I e FLA- n endue from a dltlln tile Jlleel t i totfo- r r J no PAUROIZ DONALD KtI Wit JlLOCIt Fo k iS I AND S to i Into ueln I i r In Mad ti r i l un C CJ othrz knol that Children dett dYspepssa o to g b NEW floRTE1N- qTr0LE e rl were l Candy freehand Nervousness nae film lenat seen Mock JFNIaNxFnT IILOir kAi l7 ra I LAW los 4 site fire taros ti kadtssetfeetn id- Ba i lore 4 OStE- W bX4BAI4 B ART OHA kUPPERBUSOH r- dsaMn f Ppnpelckt Udreedovolo t fkt ro ya hones fht Art nmtlC eMily r C f P e1i 0 > > < < < + ° > °

Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1895-02-22 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00066/00031.pdf · IE TIMESHERALD FEBRUARY 21895 II UI J 0-y h j ally One bird li ittUi

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Page 1: Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1895-02-22 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00066/00031.pdf · IE TIMESHERALD FEBRUARY 21895 II UI J 0-y h j ally One bird li ittUi









One bird li ittUiboar the Mid

ra from 111

nestIn Harpers

tho Llyoaof forher Lover

rtaklng U ai cannot reconcile myself

arture-e daughter erais Instead oft traveled the

aHut the mountains and the-

ft at peace Now there inare between tbe ofnda and the o theho soldiers aro hardly ablethere I learned onlyyesr-ora a traveler that the

had defied the jovernmontI must tTO You know why Ivdaughter of the ranchero

A tlhf the wilds Lower California

u fairer woman she knewmust fro Sane Zalvaredes

cued her and whom shp lovedting 111 at the United States fortkca lust across the Hue1 lie wasto fellow this Zalvaredea tall

jol honorable and the love of thein the land was credit

him And the ranchero weeto bring him homethat among

e why loved him well ho mightted back Unto health and vigor forIllness willie severe was pot

has would undermine the strongI of the sturdy young catun i

Was the conflict nher father and anxiety for hisly and her love for Znlvnreden-tinxiety for his welfare that madeilU Castero turn pale and red In

h She was bravo like all thefilters of the ranches and sUo setlace to tho danger and badger

ther godspeed and a safe return withir loverIt was not as

flies from the ranch of Castero toort Yuma but it was a wearisome

Journey over mountain

that Castero set out to bringhouse tho young man ho already

Died like a sonJuanita stood In the shade Of the

orange trees and saw him go Shewaved her hand to him and wafted akjag into the balmy atmosphere when

fhs halted his team on a high hill andlooked back at her There was anxietyIn Benor CasteroA heart ai well leav-

ing his motherless the ranchlint there were faithful servAUand the cattlemen all loved berher father was out of sight beyond thehill Juanita turned and went Into thehouse4JuIt vrlfl be a absence atleast she saM to herself

and two and who knows tthey wJU bo able to return at oncePerhaps five days will be needed andjay heart will betorn with

But she went resolutely to work forthis daughter of tho was noidle

Three passed slowly an4 wear-

ily alongTho rumble of tho wneels of lum-

bering coach that twice a weekbjr rind steeped to allow tMs pgera to buy foot was heard comingover tbo hill

Thd todayeald Juanita to a servant Theremust bo many passengers See thatplenty Is provided

Two packages sonority shoutedthe bnrty coming towhere Juanita stood on the porch

How la Benor Castero that I do pottee Ulan greet the stage as usual

neJa absent You have manyMn gers today Yam

Yea throiiRhth

there Thert wHl b blood


t0 r

lOr J ea-


r lees

tou reowrejoice


I 1 le



was beautiful


a long th-


with a It wasto-




togo otndll heavl


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aJtbe samesriel4rolp


r ggleapsy




perilous one

rr courageous






v man

bcv love

Itu1 eroa3asses in a-



four dayaTwo to-

go 14 come












father musicals through there to-

day x

bad The Ire laThey have Sworn to kill

mercyl1 sstdJu nlt-

jtewlntf hand over her beatingheart Ood bring tdjf loved one safe-

ly homeThe ore ble UWrsty The

as bad and will tight thetroopa are so wrwhy gcveramenV not eendiinarmy

Thesej and klndrtK remarksthe theanxiety Jn nIt already felt

OT tan Its crew CMB

v If ware fleeing1 from theda j tUet was a whobrie It All she loved Were

ufir i iff

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Feoplp made sa reten


atjay-mrebe tbq wasttotn

Petlapp Isiaro warn

z3 plainskT0tir1nklvastogtk ibetb-

yyrn r pct herself but tea ea-


ntgo se pI rttidI-I as tiOaety

4rtf y

Mr like the Sure

tsea iMttIBfBdtlaerttoplaWptllTAt-11a







sinner het

f wbtehhe alone waa ca-

pable vheeded not the fact that all the

riders she sow were golngtho otherway To the Bacatsll was her cryAnd Satan knew and reflect-ed it in hli owu

band of fierce Yaquis lay encampedIt was not peaceful camp

signs 6f industry eave the in-

dustry of war There wereno sboutino fires As as death

stealthilycllffr waiting watching for their

rocks pried loose fromtheir beds almot hung over the cliffauspdnded or held In chock by oftwisted grabs Tlioup were the deadlyWeapons with Which the cowardly Indians would crush their foes

A small band of Mexican soldiersstraggled up the mountain side AllunAuipecttng of the hidden dangerthey entered the pass The massacreof the Sierra de Uacatel was Boon tocommence-

On their weary horses or mules theytolled upward groat walls of rock

high 0 each side of them Thepass was than a hundred feetwide chance for escapewasthere

Suddenly bloodcurdling war cryrent the air It seemed to come fromthe It rolled above them likethunder stood still appalledknowing that danger threatened themfeeling the beginning iof their doom

seeing no foe and powerless tostrike a blow in their own

Mot a quarter of a mile away com-ing through pass was awagon The great black horses steppedbriskly their load and theheavy ooveVed wagons used by the trav-

elers the mountain wore no lightload Benon Castero them andWhipped them Into greater speed liewas hurrying homo to his daughter

Wo be on the level roadhe said to a companion who lay oncushions Insldo the wagon Then wecan make better speed Does theroughness of thb road hurt you

Not muoh I could stand more tohurry to the aide of Juanita

the lash Again the horsesStarted up Ah If ScndrQastoro knewwhat was done just ahead

A great rock loosened by the fiendson tbe cliffs bounded out ovv tbeheads of the soldiers and crashed downamong them crushing two of the poorfellows into the earth

Cries of consternation came fromthe soldiers Like caged rats theyturned one way and another firingtheir rifles fruitlessly into the airshouting crying as oneafter another the cruel rooks camedown upon them always with a deathdealing certainty And Into thismaelstrom of death Senor Castero wasdriving

is that flying up the moun-

tain side A horse once black ps coalnow with his own foam for hehad traveled ntatulles without break Faithfullyplunged On hl bark Juanitafearless holdIng the brldl with aifirmgrip while she urged her magnifi-cent s eed to further efforts

On on BatonI Another mile andw shall bo beyond the thebnt

And onh wentNat when they came in sight of

I soldiers did horser rider falter The girl knew that

h r life might the penalty for herdating She Knew the Sheknew their tactics their blobdtbtrstl

She knew that not one of thoseStricken soldiers could escape aliveYet she did not falter for comingtoward certain death were herfather and her lover and she was awomun whose love wee her lifo andthe loss of her love worse thandeathi On Satan on she cried

And oxer the dead and dying bodiesof the soldiery the great horsebounded jumping from side to side toclear the rocks his heroicbreathing a to an AlmightyPower toly through tho death

We re past therdangerl fin Satanon shejCJ d V-

litforo ber she saw horses andso fa-

thtr saw the rushing

k wlhYet

1 w Ute aM lorgltTii I

thegr tp

her spirit

On a cliff OT Flooidng the pass a


npeering over the


noi moreWhat





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shorn unito mounted

of thesteed lol j

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along with

killing pace

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Weed savetlghtnlngg

Back thecllfll is 3eath to proccedl BackT irq UacWn Juanita cried

Jesus have mercylas be hunfediyronnd Heaven be

thanked a daughter thatthing

JuanlU my angel niarmured Zal

at the girl whohad risked his and saved it

Satan reached the thewagon And with a great convulsivesob his

ilcnjlt first upon his knees then withpitiful appealing look at

tref deadConJe there is no tlmU to fowl

JOflnlta leaped intotfgalp the hone weregreat speed but It Was backover they had come fromdanger into safety

Juwjitemt d ugon the cushionsmade hertake from

a prayer of

ht Her safely through th-

Mth lint it went ftApt n her Santee her noble

TJw oJifc4 fort Yafa and their


hIurI11ADan do thla

from JllQUllhlotllt

shook mighty frame

II hi tale

J levertte Power

kIdhuII wl b

l4ed hit l

lIYit8 Nt

Why slotrld lOw MobOtJI fit fight t

fU W

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Senortaro dkroetI bli

God infob

taredek riping and

her llfa forf


andwhipped into

< io

hathtln than-kful tp snatatning



aated Ledger

we tIArta they aneaqy-dlfL that Qarselvdafrf-

44sWWtitf 1


P l s Mnlvo cutrtlilagerot fthentaati rn Syphilis

buroluln Old Sores Eczemaand female P

K Is powerful tome Bud aiTtocBllttm

appetizer bullying up the watenlrapld

For Old Skin Eruptions Vim

pies Ulwrs and Syphilis use ny PP P well enjoy thublesglug only to lie derived from tho use ofP P P Iripkly Puke Uaot and

lotos lqmVon conns WARTS AND BUNIONS

Use only AbDOttsUast Indian Corn

Erysipelas riwonlcn Limbs liedandScaba on the leg have

icen vnlirely cured by P P the

davA course I1 P P will banish allbad and restore health toperfect condition lie curative powers-are marvelous If out of sorts atrotbad humor and the worldtake P P healthyrational


lids received direct Imported extra

fine Black Doeskin Casalmore and West

of Englahd Black Broad Cloth also

sorao line Scotch Suiting which I wiil

make up In the latest or nny etylo re-

quired at Reasonable PricesIlepalrinff neatly done Shop In

IllckmanKennerly Block up stair

Wo guarantee Johnsons Hngnfctlc

Oil U has no aupeaior for all aches

and pains Internal or external man orbeast size 60 cents25 cents For sale by AukormanStewart druggists


ATUDVPart Medloln Co 8t Louis Mo


tbreo KTOM thu Tarpcrtonco ol too builoou havefoyer n caw aniYonalaitli

For sale byACKtnMAK

J Murphy



AKctu or too celebrated J W Hm

Silvester WblkUs A lull Ian

of tbo belt brands at tho lowest price


Welding 260300

St nd lBourboaJW Harper 800

The n upuclalty Countrotders solicited oc23t


I mli eM

P lab


and get


mOBt blood medicine ot

r elInl8

WlU1 yourselfI anI

L eta size



D all OareD


Su All


L mon Billiard Parlor

VV b1 kle1 eo2111










RE r-


e ate




article such

action your goalo Dun txrCAnaAOo




1 see






700 awArrive 425 am 420 pmArrive 735 am 1M pmArrive 120 pm 445 amLeave Chattanooga 720 pm 705 amArrive 730 am 720 pmArriveArrive Cleveland pm 045 amArrive Toledo 400 pm 725 am

Leave Chattanooga 665 pm 700 amArrive 1000 pm 1025 urnArnue Washington 040 pm 443Arrive 082 nm 10 65 am

Train living Jacksonvilleend to ebd

through solid to Cincinnati viaQueen and Cretcent

This favorite Route to eli Eastorta

For further Information pleaafcor call on J



Leave Jacksonville 700 pm


OIn lnnotl580 pmt 80





Traveling PM4ebd1Q

C uIIl 1 I


1 1



046 am


Tennessee Geo



n J


Mow WANTEP Ilgbp t emh miceild for all mOBIl vPtfr full parlicuhira-

ftlilrws Dav ili fa Grieve jn Welakaplow Kaciory Welnlcft Fin novltf


To W s FUY Palmka-


rocerloi VhoU fJ-

VorrectedWctklt by Bros Corner Kitty

Sugar 417

rat 4Salted Boston Uelltrl 6

Dry alted Western llelllei J JUry Salted Western la 6

compre cd la tierces M-Wlb tins 5

Sugar Cured turns 10llcnlcllami TH-blioulder

Corned Beet is iM-a era

ROast Boefls 129a2S

Flour Wmtern 320 to 300Flcur Iatents do do 315 to 329-lUca Carolina Good too

Ctecne Full U to 13

new Orleans 4uCrackersVandcrvcer Holmes

StandardLemon Crackerslinger Snaps 7

A Ued CakesCondensed 750 to

Championdo do 4000ado do Challengeko do 335 to

Canned Vegetables W to 110do W to 80do No 2 Okra and Tomatoes M to 110do Marrow Peas 80 to 115do No 2 Early June 1eas 100 todo KoJ Baked Deans IM tod4 NoJJtostonltrownltroad HOto

Table Irlih Potatoes barrel i9B to tVtApple per barrel MB to

doYellow Onions barrel 215 to2J6EarlY Hose

Hebron for seed 575-Cnlll j 2T6

Golden Cottolene 50 Ib tins 7r

n atlouCutriUZotKidsArrowSeal of North Carolina ozDukes Mixtures 2 01-ltulllurliam2oiLucy lllnton1


Sweet llutsettClimax Club


Pearl I

Gold Dust liercaso-Vearliuc wr GaleOctagon Soap

Powderdo do do 4lb

ItAdo do 80

Horsfords Bread PropaiaflonAlmonds 15 to8English Walnuts 14

7Kllbcrts 91ecan UMixed Nuts J2California Ilalilns flcotolB3Sultanas 10

10do do Apricots 12


flrlln Fortlllters ttieCorrected Weekly

Corn Mled per sack 110 Ills f 1 JO to 168Oats White per sack U Ibs

115 to IKFeed per sack lOOlbs 110 to II

Feed per tack bolt 190 totNo 1 ton UM to 19

Wbeat Bran per ton 1800 toGrits and per bbl 300 tollRut Proof Oats per busn MtoBest relent Floor per bbl SWto3Cotton Heed Meal per ton 2500 to 2ft

Cotton Seed Steal 150 to23No 1 UnseedPort Cement per bbl 175 to 3-

Ilosendalo pet bbl 185 toPiaster Paris


Lw opposite CourtUonte-

WUlFncticc in aU Courts IALATKJ

MAGNETIC NERVINGli CON with wtlttwQua nlo to cure


Tobeeoo awl AJcu-

ol MmlalPeprei-

iirrensw Power In either MI

Written Guarantee to core or ntovA the moneylasted only by oar


Palatko Florida



and streetsStaDdard Fine Orallolated



t06lIuttll Fancy to 2CI

Cream Ngal




7orttd 8

476 to

376 to

No tlao

trfur seed M

oflied for

TonAooo CIOABIITT EraDuke 011


U 30l1li






Jlrummon N Leaf lie

lib 40I GI


to C4

Co old JI T

300 to 210OrouDdFeed Ills

Steellure Wheat 30



Darll per

200oer 200 to

And CoanUor at

Ll tl-T




Fancy Pint Patents






ate to







4 p-pItoat

CampbelleorTa lore 1bi ib



EbyWVe tree









f3nFORf F ERe Urein randna Misery Death

tTema tqold Ageorerh ugense or the Ikoln mad

youth ItelvMto weak Orraus theirtam dnoblei the lots of rife Core

aloft by men 14 say addren ii-

erbar 6boxaat6

O realest red es-




ftooi iroM or lat r

K tu Faliura unpocdbto





rlickmanKannerly Block Lemon BanePilatka Fl U-

A vary ofc1

t blber-

gtanatw off A gw awSlUng andttT For

pi rtl ifciN npj f at thw office


tad an f mil-l

onD sad oa-

Jritenof the

DIp lItmalDWlhOtlltelm lIt




Wa W


Ofitnge Groy SaI11 bfl1 Orange JQ e

tree lOGsuit I

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MENfull Qatctt-


Q V s



p nrU a hod

ma earn ttiae




pea ad Q Tome





In order to avert a crisis In tho proslency bf the reichstag tho members ofthe centre propose a compromise Increasing powers of resident vonLevetzow

The British parliament reassembledTuesday with the customary ccremo

The session was opened at aoclock by the reading of the speech

tho throne

It is worthy of note that the totalcotton receipts Tuesday at AugustaMemphis St Louis andHouston were 11584 bales against only8987 on that day last year

Mrs D 0111 of Baltimore wife of awholesale lumber dealer dropped deadat tho Arlington house not SpringsArk while walking out of the diningroom llcart disease was the cause

Prank Atkinson of PeorU 111 apatent medicine vender recently shuthis Lena sitter killingher instantly He then Shot himselffatally The cause of the act was fam-ily troubles

At the North Carolina department ofagriculture It is said there will be anincrease of 18 to 20 per cent in tobaccoacreage and at 35 per cent latruck There will be a considerable In-

crease in rice

The steamer Cteqfeugos CaptainSmith of the New York and Cuba finewhich sailed from Now York January31 for Santiago via Nassau strandedshortly before daylight February inear Island All saved

W B Ryan has received the ap-pointment of general oSstern jointagent of the Mexican International

of Mexico MexicanNational and Motfan Central lineswith headquarters In New York

Edger 0 Snyder a well knownOmaha newspaper man has been ap-

pointed private secretary toStates Senator John M Thurson MrSnyder wllleontlnue hs editorial workat Omaha until the next session of con-

gressA resolution has been Introduced pro-

viding for the appointment of a com-

mission under the direction of tbe sec-

retary of warto make preliminaryvey and submit plans and estimates-for the of a ship canal toconnect the south end of Lake Michiganwith the Wabash river


Louisiana Grand Lodge Votes DownOrder to JUke Tbem Ineligible

NEW OiiUiANS February 18 Aas offered In the Grand

of Louisiana F and A M atr itslast year and laid over year pro-

viding that no one engaged In the saleof intoxicants as a shall beeligible to membership and providingfurther that members thus engaged boconsidered of unmasonlc Conduct andbe given ode years time in which tochange their avocation or stand sus-

pended from the order At the sessionlast night of the Grand Lodge the res-olution came up for final action andwas voted down by an overwhelmingmajority

Fftltod or Unit Million

Pimnuno Pa Thcourt of common yesterdayapplication of stockholders cred-itors Henry yarner Esqreceiver of the Linden Steel companyThe companys statements show as






Over a



1 fuulul 9




Inter Oceepla

















sets valued at S68ff000485000 The moneyInability to realize have caused theproceedings are regarded as aStep ultimately to the running

To Arrange n Opening rrotrmniW-

ASUIMOTOK February 18 SpeakerCrisp announced yesterday the appointment of the on thepart of the of the joint congressionaleommlMlon to arrange program of exerclsee for the opening of the Chlckamauga iud Chattanooga National mil-itary park nextKilgora Morgan Wheeler of Alaba-ma Cox of Tennessee Maddox Qroa-

venor Kelfcr Strong anti

Ohla Ordrn Bov V

LONDON February CentralNews correspondent in Shanghai saysthat China has the en-

voys whom she sent to Japan to comeback Immediately

FOR OVER FIFTY YEARSMns V uw8 SOOTHING Strop to-beeoued fOr over milliono f mothers for their children white hssth-

ing with petted su e Itgurus all

wlt0 c is the bestfor Dlnnhoea It will relive thelittle MfUerer i 8 lA drug-

gists id every part ot the world Twentycent a M ttl 8f sure nod

Mr WloBtowtf Sow tiyrup mtake BO kind





tIOIitltelay pal-







Home19 The



ask foe







lard makes

Prrici for

if is Knhcaltij forv4 od t ft n r

Zest tifnas must eso but the

IK better than lard forall osesjhas none of

tfftcts of lard ef

Made only by



took Bond and Brokers130 undue Pearl Street


Bonds nnd Urnln bought andsold or carried onJlnr ln

8 Bend for cucpftMtcry elrculor enlatlan alto weekly




Confectionsran tj lot quantity packed and Shipped o

short noticecelebrated Indian alter rinupplM an i

goods found

E WINDISCHCorner Lemon Seeond

Easily Quickly Porraaticntly Restored i

3 TVeubaeMnil trala

Y from early errors orlater results ofoverwork Vfqrr-rv etc strength

1 iand portion

in lM nmlI ate ImprOTeinent

Failure Impossible referencesmailed sealed trees



Corner Main nddr FJrst SU-

Offlee Houn8to JO a m 1 to J p apin 1 to 3 pm

jan be ti6 ted throughmall Ottloe comnltatlon tree ap





OIHce over Old National BankHulldlnf oppa1Mtomcei

Alt business entroitc tools will receiveirompt attention 911 tt-




and Florida

Johnsons Compound CaLiver OU nrtwugJb na Stewart drag

j and

food i o

andc ate ersonslhar



U n isIIfDu

tcooking lu




a m m

NEw Yonx

1 epeesmArke litter IlnzF



rteJ1aDaDa00 band

All warranted



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