Cry Stall Ball

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  • 8/3/2019 Cry Stall Ball


    Introducing Oracle Crystal Ball Predictor: a new approach toforecasting in MS Excel Environment

    Samik Raychaudhuri, Ph. D.Principal Member of Technical Staff

    ISF 2010

  • 8/3/2019 Cry Stall Ball


    Oracle Crystal Ball

    An add-in to Microsoft Excel for performing:

    Monte Carlo simulation

    Stochastic optimization

    Time series forecasting

    The focus of the software has been historically on

    Monte Carlo simulation, with basic time-seriesforecasting capabilities

    The current version finally provides much-needed

    attention to the forecasting capabilities by introducingan array of features to the tool

  • 8/3/2019 Cry Stall Ball


    Oracle Crystal Ball Predictor Features

    The time-series forecasting tool in Oracle Crystal Ball is calledPredictor. We will refer to it henceforth as CB Predictor

    The tool has an interesting set of usability features which sets it apartfrom other forecasting software:

    Works completely in the familiar Microsoft Excel spreadsheet environment:no data import or result export required

    Officially supported on MS Excel XP, 2003 and 2007. Excel 2010 will be

    supported soon Usual analytical features available (details follow)

    Ease of use, with non-intimidating dialogs and sensible defaults for theuninitiated and providing array of configuration options for power users

    Professional forecasting charts and reports

    Seamlessly integrates with Monte Carlo simulation for conducting riskanalysis along with time-series forecasting

    Can definitely be the forecasting software of choice for the rest of us !!

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    CB Predictor Analytical Feature List

    CB Predictor has an extensive list of featuresdesigned to make the forecasting experience easy

    and productive

    The tool sports a wizard like interface to guide usersthrough the forecasting process

    The features can be broadly subdivided into twocategories:

    Data preparation and forecasting

    Result analysis and reporting

  • 8/3/2019 Cry Stall Ball


    CB Predictor Analytical Feature List: DataPreparation and Forecasting

    Data preparation and forecasting is performed overfour feature-rich screens

    Identifying input data

    Describing data characteristics

    Selecting models to run

    Choosing forecasting options

  • 8/3/2019 Cry Stall Ball


    Data Preparation and Forecasting: The WelcomeScreen

    CB Predictor starts off at the Welcome screen

    Talks about the basic forecasting procedure

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    Data Preparation and Forecasting: Identifying InputData

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    Data Preparation and Forecasting: Identifying InputData (Contd.)

    The hidden features

    Intelligent data selection

    Select one cell in a contiguous range of series and startCB Predictor

    Identifies the complete range of data, orientation of the

    data, and the position of header and date ranges if exist Supports discontinuous data range (e.g., alternate rows or

    columns of data)

    Supports logical aligning of data: pre-data gaps

    Automatically identify various type of periods like months inan year, dates, or quarters etc.

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    Data Preparation and Forecasting: Describing DataCharacteristics

    [Planned Screen]

    Seasonality detection

    Events modeling (New)

    Missing value imputationOutlier detection

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    Data Preparation and Forecasting: Describing DataCharacteristics (Contd.)

    Seasonality detection

    We automatically detect seasonality for input series

    One can override the seasonality of each series or set them to non-seasonal

    The detection algorithm uses threshold-based analysis of autocorrelation andtheir probabilities at various lags in the data

    Has been tested extensively on M1-competition and M3-competition data

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    Data Preparation and Forecasting: Describing DataCharacteristics (Contd.)

    Data screening

    Missing value imputation: CB Predictor can

    impute the missing values in the dataset Uses nearest neighbor interpolation or cubic

    spline interpolation

    Options to control the interpolation scheme

    Outlier detection: detects outliers specific to eachforecasting method

    Suggests replacing values

    Options to control the method and the

    aggressiveness of the detection algorithm In each case, charts are available to ease the

    decision making process

    Defaults work great for majority of scenarios

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    Data Preparation and Forecasting: Describing DataCharacteristics (Contd.)

    Events modeling

    Still in the works, slated for a future release

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    Data Preparation and Forecasting: SelectingForecasting Models

    [Planned Screen]

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    Data Preparation and Forecasting: SelectingForecasting Models (Contd.)

    Non-seasonal Models Single moving average

    Single exponential smoothing Double moving average

    Double exponential smoothing

    Seasonal Models Seasonal Additive

    Seasonal Multiplicative

    Holt-Winters Seasonal Additive

    Holt-Winters Seasonal Multiplicative

    Order and other parameters are automaticallydetected or can be overridden by the user

  • 8/3/2019 Cry Stall Ball


    Data Preparation and Forecasting: SelectingForecasting Models (Contd.)

    Multiple Linear Regression

    Supports lagged dependent variables

    Supports multiple dependent variables

    Stepwise regression (forward and iterative) for choosingimportant independent variables from a pool

    Performs automatic forecasting of the dependent variableusing regression equation and forecasts from independentvariable

    ARIMA (New)

    Still in the works, slated for a future release

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    Data Preparation and Forecasting: ForecastingOptions

  • 8/3/2019 Cry Stall Ball


    CB Predictor Analytical Feature List: ResultAnalysis and Reporting


    Displays forecast andconfidence intervals

    Displays the best methodfor each series with easybrowsing for other seriesand methods

    Important statistics for each

    method Seasonal bands for visual

    identification of patterns inthe historical andforecasting horizon

    Adjust forecasting horizonand CI on-the-fly

  • 8/3/2019 Cry Stall Ball


    CB Predictor Analytical Feature List: ResultAnalysis and Reporting (Contd.)

    Manual adjustment of forecasts

    Supports various type of adjustments

  • 8/3/2019 Cry Stall Ball


    CB Predictor Analytical Feature List: ResultAnalysis and Reporting (Contd.)

    Access to reports and data extraction from the resultswindow menu

    Integration with CB Monte Carlo simulation

    Forecasts are treated as normal probability distributions withforecast value as the mean and standard error as the

    standard deviation Can then be used for risk analysis

  • 8/3/2019 Cry Stall Ball


    Example: Using CB Predictor for Forecasting andRisk Analysis: Monicas Bakery

    A rapidly-growing boutique bakery inTaos, New Mexico

    The owner, Monica, has keptrecords of sales of her three mainproducts: French bread, Italian

    bread and pizza Wants to analyze the cash flow of

    the business to purchase fixed


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    Example: Monicas Bakery (Contd.)



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    Example: Monicas Bakery (Contd.)

    Static analysis shows:

    Doesnt look good as per the minimum cash targetgoes

    But is it really the true picture? Risk analysis thinking in ranges

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    Example: Monicas Bakery (Contd.)

    The risk analysis of the cash flow

    Lot of uncertain variables in the spreadsheet model

    The numbers really represent the likely scenario or the best guess scenario

    Lets try to analyze the uncertainty in some of these variables and seethe interaction effect

    Set probability distributions on top of input variables (calledassumptions)

    COGS Overhead



    Set the target variables in which we are interested (called forecasts)

    Run a Monte Carlo Simulation

    5000 trials

    Get the probability distribution for the target variables

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    Example: Monicas Bakery (Contd.)

    Use the forecast chartstofind out the probability of

    hitting the minimum cashtargets

    Probability for July: 65.37%

    Probability for August:30.97%

    Probability for September:97.17%

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    Example: Monicas Bakery (Contd.)

    How about considering the uncertainty in the forecast valuesthemselves?

    Have those as assumptions as well New probability of hitting the minimum cash targets

    Probability for July: 64.42%

    Probability for August: 33.24%

    Probability for September: 96.55%

    These are when you have chosen to use the best forecastingmethod, which has a reasonably narrow CI

    Choose another forecasting methods having wider forecast CIsand verify that the risk spread increases for target variables

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    Samik Raychaudhuri

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]