Crux of Research Papers

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  • 8/12/2019 Crux of Research Papers


  • 8/12/2019 Crux of Research Papers


    Sharpe (1964)

    Capital Assets Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk

    In equilibrium, capital asset prices have adjusted so that the investor, if he follows rational

    procedures (primarily diversification), is able to attain any desired point along a capital market


    He may obtain a higher expected rate of return on his holdings only by incurring additional risk.

    In effect, the market presents him with two prices: the price of time, or the pure interest rate

    (shown by the intersection of the line with the horizontal axis) and the price of risk, the

    additional expected return per unit of risk borne (the reciprocal of the slope of the line).

    What is Expected Value?

    Bernoul li (1937)Expected values are computed by multiplying each possible gain by the number of ways in

    which i t can occur, and then dividing the sum of these products by the total number of

    possible cases.

    The determination of the value of an item must not be based on its price but rather on the utility

    it yields. Price of the item is dependent only on the thing itself and is equal for everyone but

    utility on the other hand is dependent on the particular state of the person making the estimate.

    If the uti li ty of each possible prof it expectation is mul tipl ied by the number of ways in which

    it can occur , and we then divide the sum of these products by the total number of possible

    cases, a mean uti li ty [moral expectation] wil l be obtained, and the profi t wh ich corresponds to

    this utility will equal the value of the risk in question.Moreover, it sheds considerable light on the relationship between the price of an asset and the

    various components of its overall risk. For these reasons it warrants consideration as a model of

    the determination of capital asset prices.

    The Investor's Preference Function

    Assume that an individual views the outcome of any investment in probabilistic terms; that is, he

    thinks of the possible results in terms of some probability distribution. In assessing the

    desirability of a particular investment, however, he is willing to act on the basis of only two

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    parameters of this distribution-its expected value and standard deviation. This can be represented

    by a total utility function of the form:

    U = f (expected future wealth, standard deviation)

    Investors are assumed to prefer a higher expected future wealth to a lower value (Rationality).

    Moreover, they exhibit risk-aversion, choosing an investment offering a lower value of aw to one

    with a greater level. These assumptions imply that indifference curves relating expected future

    wealth and standard deviation will be upward-sloping.

    Investment Opportunity Curve

    The model of investor behavior considers the investors as choosing from the set of investment

    opportunities which maximize his utility.

    In order to derive conditions for equilibrium in the capital market we invoke two assumptions. First,

    we assume a common pure rate of interest, with all investors able to borrow or lend funds on

    equal terms. Second, we assume homogeneity of investor expectations.

    Under these assumptions, given some set of capital asset prices, each investor will view his

    alternatives in the same manner


    We have argued that in equilibrium there will be a simple linear relationship between the

    expected return and standard deviation of return for efficient combinations of risky assets. Thus

    far nothing has been said about such a relationship for individual assets. Typically the expected

    Return and standard deviation values associated with single assets will lie above the capital

    market line, reflecting the inefficiency of undiversified holdings. Moreover, such points may be

    scattered throughout the feasible region, with no consistent relation-ship between their expected

    return and total risk. However, there will be a consistent relationship between their expected

    returns and what might best be called systematic risk

    Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work

    Eugene F. Fama (1970)A market in which prices always fully reflect available information is called efficient market

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    Portfolio Selection

    Markowitz (1952)

    This paper is concerned with the second stage. We first consider the rule that the investor does

    (or should) maximize discounted expected, or anticipated, returns. This rule is rejected both as a

    hypothesis to explain, and as a maximum to guide investment behavior. We next consider the

    rule that the investor does (or should) consider expected return a desirable thing and variance of

    return an undesirable thing.

    One type of rule concerning choice of portfolio is that the investor does (or should) maximize the

    discounted (or capitalized) value of future returns. Since the future is not known with certainty, it

    must be "expected" or "anticipated' returns which we discount. Variations of this type of rule can

    be suggested. Following Hicks, we could let "anticipated" returns include an allowance for risk.

    Or, we could let the rate at which we capitalize the returns from particular securities vary with


    The concepts "yield" and "risk" appear frequently in financial writings. Usually if the term

    "yield" were replaced by "expected yield" or "expected return," and "risk" by "variance of

    return," little change of apparent meaning would result.

    Variance is a well-known measure of dispersion about the expected. If instead of variance the

    investor was concerned with standard error, or with the coefficient of dispersion,

    An Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model

    Robert C. Merton (1973)

    Unlike a single-period maximizer who, by definition, does not consider events beyond the

    present period, the intertemporal maximizer in selecting his portfolio takes into account the

    relationship between current period returns and returns that will be available in the future.

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    The capital asset pricing model is a static (single-period) model although it is generally treated as

    if it holds intertemporally.

    It is assumed that the capital market is structured as follows.

    ASSUMPTION1: All assets have limited liability.

    ASSUMPTION 2: There are no transactions costs, taxes, or problems with in-divisibilities of


    ASSUMPTION3: There are sufficient number of investors with comparable wealth levels so that

    each investor believes that he can buy and sell as much of an asset as he wants at the market


    ASSUMPTION 4: The capital market is always in equilibrium (i.e., there is no trading at non-

    equilibrium prices).

    ASSUMPTION5: There exists an exchange market for borrowing and lending at the same rate of


    ASSUMPTION6: Short-sales of all assets, with full use of the proceeds, is allowed.

    ASSUMPTION 7: Trading in assets takes place continually in time.

    ASSUMPTIONS1 to 6 are the standard assumptions of a perfect market, and their merits have

    been discussed extensively in the literature. Although Assumption 7 is not standard, it almost

    follows directly from Assumption 2. If there are no costs to transacting and assets can be

    exchanged on any scale, then investors would prefer to be able to revise their portfolios at any

    time (whether they actually do so or not). In reality, transactions costs and indivisibilities do

    exist, and one reason given for finite trading-interval (discrete-time) models is to give implicit, if

    not explicit, recognition to these costs.

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    An investor making a portfolio decision which is irrevocable ("frozen") for ten years, will choose

    quite differently than the one who has the option (even at a cost) to revise his portfolio daily. The

    essential issue is the market structure and not investors' tastes, and for well-developed capital

    markets, the time interval between successive market openings is sufficiently small to make the

    continuous-time assumption a good approximation.

    Unlike a single-period maximizer who, by definition, does not consider events beyond the

    present period, the intertemporal maximizer in selecting his portfolio takes into account the

    relationship between current period returns and returns that will be available in the future. For

    example, suppose that the current return on a particular asset is negatively correlated with

    changes in yields ("capitalization" rates). Then, by holding this asset, the investor expects a

    higher return on the asset if, ex post, yield opportunities next period are lower than were

    expected.(CAPM is ex ant model based on probability or expectations rather actual


    ASSUMPTION 8: The vector set of stochastic processes describing the opportunity set and its

    changes, is a time-homogeneous, Markov process.

    ASSUMPTION 9: Only local changes in the state variables of the process are allowed.

    ASSUMPTION 10: For each asset in the opportunity set at each point in time t, the expected rate

    of return per unit time.