CRUSADER Autumn/Winter 2015/2016

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Autumn/Winter 2015/2016

Page 2: CRUSADER - whc.uk.net€¦ · Autumn/Winter 2015/2016. 2 3 2 THE WORLD HEALING CRUSADE (Registered Charity No. 232409) 476 Lytham Rd., Blackpool, FY4 1JF United Kingdom Tel: 01253


THE WORLD HEALING CRUSADE(Registered Charity No. 232409)

476 Lytham Rd., Blackpool, FY4 1JF United Kingdom

Tel: 01253 343701

Hours: 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).


Email: [email protected] Website: www.world-healing-crusade.org.uk


Marriage Blessings are now available at our Centre in Blackpool. Services can also be created for couples who would like their Engagement blessed or for those, already married, who wish to Renew the Vows which they made previously.

Contact Martin for more information WHC is registered as a Place of Worship



“Because love is God, there is no separation” (Brother Mandus)

It is possible for incredible healings to occur during the exercise of a ministry of healing. Healings of physical ailments and emotional traumas have occurred in all cultures throughout history.

Such healings are not limited to any one spiritual tradition or religion. Nor is there any one method that alone is the answer.

Healings are described in the sacred literature of the world’s great faith traditions. They are also occasionally described in the daily news-papers. There is often, but not always, a reference to some individual with special gifts of healing who is associated in some way with a surprising, or even miraculous, outcome.

Healings are also associated with special or holy places such as the Shrine at Lourdes, Medjugorje in Bosnia, the River Ganges, the Well of Zamzam in Mecca, etc.

At a deeper level than these extraordinary occurrences is something which may be less obvious but which is the ultimate healing, or supreme healing.

What then is meant by The Supreme Healing? This is the removal of the veil of separation that appears to exist

between the individual and God. It is the ultimate healing. Its outcome: Oneness with God. Separation from God is an illusion; we have created this apparent “separation” at the level of the mind, and this illusory state dissolves when we surrender and allow our being to merge with the Ocean of Being, God, the Divine Reality.

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Jesus encouraged us to seek first the Kingdom of God, and whatever else we needed would come in its wake. Being restored to the divine union with and in God, we recognise our essential wholeness. This is what Jesus prayed for to the Father, that his disciples might all be one, even as the Father was in him, and he in the Father – one within the divine nature!

On the surface, we are all so different. However, at the core of our being we are united in Spirit, one consciousness. The Light and Life in us is one Light, one Life. Unfortunately, most of us have allowed our attention to be identified with our differences, with the passing show.

There are the differences in appearance, religion, attitude, manner of speech, life-style, habits, etc, etc. When we become obsessive about any of these differences, then conflict is not far away, because believing these to be part of our essential identity, we can feel fear, and even hatred, if we perceive these outer trappings to be threatened.

In Unity, celebrate the differences. However, when we are united in Spirit, we can then celebrate all the

differences without losing our centredness in the essential Unity. This Unity I am referring to is not intellectual. Rather, it is a Unity grounded in an unshakeable awareness which is part and parcel of that Unity itself. The difference between Heaven and Hell is in awareness, and not in location!

Healing, in this regard, the supreme healing, happens when we find a way - not to abolish the outer trappings which I have referred to – but to cease identification with them. This requires self-enquiry, by means of which we gain a deeper insight into our true nature. It requires a willingness to meet reality as it is in the present moment, free of the baggage of conditioning which has mounted up over the years.

In the Gospels, this conditioning as a whole is called “the old man”. We are invited to put on “the new man” instead. The “new man” is the unconditioned Self which you have always been. In Christian terms, it is the CHRIST consciousness. When St. Paul invites us to “let this Mind be in you that was in the Christ Jesus”, this is what he is reminding us about.

Your essential nature is already whole; it does not need to be fixed! Your essential nature is not born, and does not die. To know this fully is to be truly healed, once and for all. Your true Self lacks nothing. It does not love; it is Love.

Even if a man were to be raised physically from the dead, but still carried on living and exhibiting the limitations of the conditioned self, he has


not been truly healed.

Working with the question, “Who am I?” The great masters of all ages were primarily concerned with the

elimination of our identification with the surface existence preferred by most people, and pointed their followers to the Life Abundant. They would lead us back from being this or that to Being Itself!

The sense of identity of the “old man” in us is like a super-imposition upon the purity of the essential Self. Before you are a man or a woman, you simply ARE! Before you are a mother, a father, a doctor, a bricklayer, a thief, a saint, a know-all, an ignoramus, you simply ARE!

“You are the Light of the World”, Jesus reminded us. Let your light shine, unfiltered if you can.

All the mystical traditions of the world invite us to engage in Self-enquiry. When you sincerely and profoundly work with the question, “Who am I?” it will eventually lead you back to the source of your being – that which underlies all the shifting identities that parade within and around us.

These shifting identities include the old wounds lodged in our psyche. Loving attention to the truth will take you to “I Am”, your true Self. We can allow the silence of our divine nature to dissolve and wash away old hurts. For “who we are” is vast, unconditioned, untainted by the past. Your essential Self, the eternal divine flame, is already healed because it could never be harmed in the first place.

Everything “you are” on the relative level is predicated upon the foundation of “I Am”, the Divine Name, which is the Ground of Being and the Presence of God within all.

This is the very heart of healing, the supreme healing. It only requires your participation.

God is omnipresent. In the words of St. Augustine, God “is wholly present everywhere, is

confined by no frontiers and bound by no hindrances, is indivisible and immutable, and though His nature has no need of either heaven or of earth, He fills them both with His presence and His power." (The City of God)

The Divine Reality fills all space, indwells all that is, is the substance or essential nature of everything, pervades all, and therefore is the Light and Being of all. In the words of St. Paul, “In Him we live and move and have our

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being”. Therefore you and I are essentially divine. Because of God’s omni-presence, there cannot be a “me” and “God”! Because if this were so, God would be limited! “Me and God” is an impossibility! Furthermore, if you and I are essentially divine, as Sons and Daughters of God, we also possess the attributes of divinity – immortality, will, intelligence, love, power, abundance, etc. Jesus said, “Is it not written, You are gods?” – reminding those who were offended by his assertion, “I and the Father are One”. You are already WHOLE! The first requirement, should anyone stand in the role of spiritual healer, is to recognise the person before him – whatever the presenting condition, be it physical, emotional or mental – as ALREADY WHOLE and perfect. That individual – indeed, every individual - is God expressing Itself. So what is there to heal? In his book, The Art of Spiritual Healing (1959), Joel Goldsmith expressed this same understanding which affirms the existence of one Reality, one Power, one Consciousness.

A treatment is a rising in consciousness above that which can be seen, heard, tasted, touched or smelled in order to perceive that which is real. Treatment is always the recognition of the nothingness of the condition and deals only with God and the qualities of God - God as infinite good, the infinite All, the infinite presence, the infinite effect. Finally, the realization is achieved that God is really all-in-all, and besides God there is none else, and by that time, you have come to see that there is not such a thing as a patient, because there could not be a person, personality, or individuality apart from God, nor could there be a condition or circumstance apart from God. The harmony of man's being is achieved only when he finds God, when he arrives at an inner communion with that which is greater than himself. That is the real healing and the lasting healing . . . And so it is that even were you healed of every physical or mental ill at this moment, even if your economic situation or personal relationships were


entirely to your satisfaction, there would still be an unrest within, and a discontent . . . because there is a Something within each of us that longs to go home, that longs to live with his Father-Mother.


Martin Nathanael is our new minister at WHC. He is an ordained Anglican minister who served as a vicar in the dioceses of London and St. Albans.

Martin grew up in a Jewish family. At the age of seven, he had a major spiritual awakening through a near-death experience when close to drowning. After his Bar mitzvah, he became interested in philosophy and meditation practices during his teenage years. Subsequent to his training as a teacher of religious studies, he was baptised and confirmed as a member of the Anglican Church.

Shortly afterwards, his spiritual journey led him into the ordained ministry. His spiritual studies continued and he trained as an interfaith minister prior to joining the faculty of the Interfaith Seminary in London where he taught for four years. Subsequently Martin has been actively engaged in writing and in lecturing.

Martin brings a vast range of expertise and experience to WHC as a workshop and retreat leader, lecturer and writer. He is passionate about fostering interfaith communion and facilitating others in experiencing a deeper spirituality.


From the Teachings of Brother Mandus


We thank thee Father that Paradise is not some unattainable, inaccessible realm, ever receding beyond our reach into the dim and distant Hereafter.

Paradise is the Holy of Holies centred in the heart of every aspiring soul.

It is the state of consciousness we can attain. It is the fusion of that which is mortal with that which is Divine and consequently immortal.

To dwell in Paradise is to bask forever in the end all of our wayfaring,

and the breakthrough thought is that it is only a joy and ecstasy of God’s perpetual Presence. Quite simply, Paradise is - GOD WITH US.

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This is the true account of a young boy in India who had lost both his parents, and was extremely poor. He desperately wanted to go to school, but to do this he would need money for school fees, books and stationery. His situation seemed hopeless, and this caused him intense worry.

One day, seemingly by chance, he met a mahatma* who was passing through his village. The boy expressed his difficulties to the holy man. The mahatma gave him some advice. He told him to write a letter to God, suggesting these words:

“Oh, my Father and God of all, please help me. I am very poor, my parents are dead. I have no money to pay school fees, buy books. I would like to be educated like others”.

“How shall I post it?” he asked. “Address it to God”, the mahatma replied.

He did as he was advised, writing the letter, and addressing it simply to God. He then put it in the nearest post box.

Later at the sorting office, a surprised postal worker looked at the letter addressed to God, and being unsure what he should do, he took it to the postmaster. The postmaster decided to open the letter. As he read it, tears filled his eyes. He asked the postal worker to go into the village and bring him the boy.

The boy was brought to the postmaster, who adopted him and paid for his education. The boy had the highest education, eventually becoming a judge.

*Mahatma translates into English as “great soul”. It is a titleoften given in India to wandering holy men. Of course, this title was also conferred on Mahatma Gandhi.


Nothing is as difficult as not deceiving oneself.Wittgenstein


Juicing for your Vital Life Mary Berkery

Humans are both electrical and chemical in their physical make up. To be a clear conduit of vitality and love, being properly chemically balanced and electrically charged is important. It means that the body is at ease, is flexible, and able to assist in the full expression of vitality.

In the area of nutrition, the inclusion of plant-based protein such as the abundance of fruit and vegetables is a priority for the proper chemical alchemy in the body. Removing dead devitalized foods such as acid forming meats, processed grains and dairy, keeps at bay acid waste and assists in having the correct alkalinity necessary for optimum health. Eating then fresh foods, uncooked foods, sprouted and green leafy foods all assist and enhance the body’s electrical charge. The heart, for example, runs totally on an electrical impulse.

In this regard we will discuss juicing fruits and vegetables as one of the tools for health and vitality.

Juicing extracts water and nutrients from produce while discarding the indigestible fibre. Without the fibre, the digestive system doesn’t have to work as hard to break down the food. So it makes the nutrients more readily available to the body in much larger quantities than if you were to eat the fruits and vegetables whole. They are nutrient rich and nourish and restore the body at a cellular level, inhibiting cancer formation, inflammation and enhancing optimum health. A daily juice adds essential phyto-nutrients into the body. Jason Vale, the well-known juicing expert, calls juicing "a nutrient express!”

Juicing Tips

1. Combine foods for better digestionIt’s best not to mix fruits and vegetables in juices (unless it’s apple orpear). This can affect how well your digestive enzymes function. Thisdoesn’t seem to matter too much in green juices but vegetables like

As the journey with God in me deepens, the more I realize that my body is the divine expression of life and love. How I partner with God in its care is as much part of my spiritual path as daily prayer rituals.

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carrots, beetroots, and broccoli don’t combine well with fruit due to their high starch content. In his book, Food Combining Made Easy, Dr. Herbert Shelton explains well the principles of food combining for optimum health.

2. Try to drink your juices straight away

After 15 minutes, light and air will destroy much of the nutrients. If you can’t drink it straight away, store in a dark airtight container until you are ready.

3. Use the right equipment

Invest in a good-quality juicer. Cheaper, centrifugal juicers introduce heat and oxygen and destroy the enzymes and nutrients in the food. While it may cost you a bit more initially, a premium cold-press slow masticating juicer will produce a superior-quality juice and allow you to extract more from your fruit and vegetables, saving expense in the long-term. The machines themselves will also generally last longer. In contrast to the rough extraction of centrifugal juicers, these slow masticating juicers ‘squeeze’ out their juice. Check out top of the ranges such as Green Star or Angel Juicers.

4. Juice daily The best time to juice is first thing in the morning and on an empty stomach. Each morning one of my great pleasures is to go out to our garden and pick kale or Swiss chard or spinach.

Local markets in addition offer a range of high quality and organic vegetables and greens. In spring and early May, I also pick wild dandelion greens, nettle leaves and they all assist in the spring-cleaning of blood, lymph system and liver. Below you will find a good daily green juice that can be varied with seasonal and ingredient changes. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Daily Revitalizing & Alkalizing Green Juice Use organic ingredients if possible

½ or 1 cucumber 3 sticks celery 2 cabbage or kale leaves (chopped) or what is in season, e.g. nettle or spinach Half or 1 apple Optional - (add one of below with each juice for variety)


½ lemon Thin slice fresh root ginger 1-2 garlic cloves 20-30 g. sprouts such as mung bean or lentil sprouts

Wash, cut and pit through your juicer. Drink slowly and enjoy.

For more information on juicing for optimum health, see the book, Juice Master by Jason Vale.

You can download the free documentary Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, the inspiring story of Joe Cross who went on a 60-day vegetable juice fast with amazing results.

Mary Berkery assists people in making positive changes for their life. She lives in the West of Ireland. www.maryberkery.com


Will You Support Us Please?

This is a draft wording of a simple will: “I GIVE AND BEQUEATH (state what…..….) to the Trustees for

the time being of The World Healing Crusade of 476 Lytham Road, Blackpool in the County of Lancashire, FY4 1JF, United Kingdom (being a Charity registered under the Charities Act No 232409) to be applied for the general purposes of the Crusade AND I DECLARE that the receipt of the Treasurer when this legacy is paid, or the then proper officer for the Crusade, shall be a complete discharge to my Trustee(s) for the legacy to the Crusade.”

This is a wonderful way to maintain the Work of our spiritual outreach to humanity. We are grateful to you for your kindness and support.

Page 7: CRUSADER - whc.uk.net€¦ · Autumn/Winter 2015/2016. 2 3 2 THE WORLD HEALING CRUSADE (Registered Charity No. 232409) 476 Lytham Rd., Blackpool, FY4 1JF United Kingdom Tel: 01253



Learning to Pray Dr. Timothy O’Higgins

Life is a process of experiential learning. In this school of life, progress initially involves developing a desire for prayer. Then follows a primitive, immature prayer practice which is pleading and ritualistic, communicating with an authoritarian and fearful God. As we become motivated to develop a more sincere and meaningful prayer life, based on a concept of a loving intelligent God, intellectual and meditative practices are incorporated into our prayer life.

Through these practices, the neurological structure of our brain may become more and more attuned to the Divine, leading to such intimacy in our prayerful harmony that we are in Holy Communion with the Divine. This level of mastery is referred to as “being in the flow”, where the human and the Divine unite in a communication that is a wordless, timeless and effortless at-one-ment.

Beginning life in a traditional Christian family, my religious concepts were imposed upon me. Unquestioningly, I absorbed the indoctrination of my culture and religion. I believed that I was born a sinner, guilty in part for the death of my saviour. I accepted the obligation to obey a fearful God, who appeared unapproachable. To love Him seemed impossible but necessary to avoid the eternal fires of hell. My prayer was a pleading with God for mercy. The medium of prayer was through hierarchical pomp and circumstance, the method through ritual and rote repetition.

Gradually, I became aware of the deficiencies in my spiritual education and in my relationship with my Creator. Progress in my spiritual education was enhanced by an opportunity to leave the country of my birth and spend many years in a different country which exposed me to norms and values different from mine.

Exposure to the Aramaic translation of the Bible helped to demystify my childhood religiosity, bringing a new perspective on prayer as coming into oneness with the mind of God. The fear-based subservient prayers of my youth were transformed into a metaphysical spiritual practice. My prayer practice was based on affirmations of spiritual understanding of the benevolence of the divine, and my identity as a child of God.

It has begun to dawn on me that “Wisdom to man is foolishness to God.” I have begun to transcend my concepts and images of God to experience oneness


with the Real Presence. Practising the Presence, I enter into a timeless and speechless communication with the Divine. To the degree that I am willing to be transformed by the renewing of my mind, I am undergoing the transmutation of my soul.

Through Divine Consciousness, may we become like the lilies of the field, the birds of the air, the fish in the sea, expressing the Divine through our individuality. As we come to know it is the Father’s good pleasure to commune with us, may we be channels of Divine love.

Let the Divine Essence infuse our souls and permeate our lives. May our consciousness be forever in communion with the Divine Consciousness.

A MEDITATION Anne Borreggine

There is not more beautiful music that swells the heart and satisfies the soul, than the steady hum of crickets.

The constant chirping of their song intensifies the deep, darkness of the night and surrounds the community with its lullaby. One cannot help but enclose oneself within the bosom of this hushed flow of murmur throughout the night. The air is filled with cricket sounds – one beginning with where the other left off – something like a little waterfall peering over the edge, wondering what is beneath its shower. It joins with the water below and runs along, following the path, carrying a fallen twig or leaf on its shoulder. Continuing on, the waterfall by now a fully-grown stream, is swallowed up by the river which continues its travels on to a greater thing - the sea.

The cricket serenade brings with it serenity. Unaware of the reason why, the listener suddenly has a feeling of solitude. Strange, but throughout the day when we are going about our daily tasks, we perform to the accompaniment of the songs of the birds. But at night, when the body is weary, and the heart questions, and the soul seeks its refreshment while we meditate on higher things, we pray in tune with the symphony of crickets.

Anne is a member of our WHC community, and lives in Bangor, Maine, USA.

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We are very blessed in having an extraordinarily beautiful Edwardian building in Blackpool, UK, as our headquarters. Built in 1911, it became the centre from which Brother Mandus pursued his pioneering work during the 1950s. That work continues, remaining fundamentally the same, but also adapting to the changing times we now inhabit.

Over the years, the work has been sustained here by the gracious generosity of those who recognised its value. Without these regular donations, we would not have been able to offer our services free at the point of delivery – free literature, free counselling (in person or over the phone), free healing services, free talks and workshops, and so on.

We are also required to be practical, and it is clear that our lovely centre needs much work done to it, in terms of repair and maintenance.

We have therefore set up a renovation fund as a separate account. We invite anyone who values our work to contribute to this fund in accordance with the means at their disposal. If you cannot contribute financially, please send us a blessing. ALL SUCH CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE EQUALLY VALUED AND APPRECIATED.

We will keep you updated with details of work undertaken, as well as the state of the fund. Currently, we are giving two of the rooms upstairs a complete makeover and change of use so that we will be in a position to increase the amount of spiritual and educational resources we can make available to the public.




Make cheques out to World Healing Crusade and indicate that the payment is for the Renovation Fund only. Send the payment to World Healing Crusade, 476, Lytham Road, Blackpool, FY4 1JF.

Alternatively, you can phone 01253 343701 if you would like to make a credit card payment.


Books by Brother Mandus

SPECIAL OFFER - BOOKS NOW £4.00 EACH We have a number of books in print. Previously available at £6.00 each plus postage, for a limited period we are offering them at £4.00 each plus postage.

* The Grain of Mustard Seed * For Women Only * The Wondrous Way of Life * Call Unto Me * The Divine Awakening * All About You * Highways to Health and Happiness * Power Thinking

The following writings of Brother Mandus are available FREE OF CHARGE:

* Healing in His Light * The Divine Word * Our Father

Books & CDs by Martin Nathanael

BOOKS These short works are available for £3.50 plus postage. Two books: £7.00 plus postage. All three: £10.00 post free.

* The Key of Gnosis * The Way of Watchfulness * Life Beyond Death

CDs * Jesus on Meditation (Two CDs) Two Talks given in London

£10.00 plus postage

* The Power of Meditation An Introduction and five guided meditations

£6.00 plus postage * The Art of Awakening * NEW * A Talk given in Liverpool £6.00 plus postage

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A WEEK WITH THE FATHER adapted from the writings of Brother Mandus

Monday What is Thy Will for me today, Father? I become still in Thy Presence and listen to Thy guidance. I release all my thoughts of the world or problems and difficulties and turn my whole attention to Thee in a perfect love, and a perfect surrender to Thy inspiration. I enter the great silence of my soul, and am alone with my Lord. I am poised in the stillness of the spirit of Christ. I am saturated with His peace and perfection. I let go and allow God to take full control, I am listening, completely receptive to His guidance for this day.

Tuesday We live, move, breath, sleep, eat, think, walk, run, and live in and through the Spirit of God. It is impossible to be separated from the One Power which pervades and inter-penetrates everybody and everything He creates. “I and the Father are one”, proclaimed Jesus. He proclaimed it for you and for me and for all mankind. Day by day I will keep my mind fixed on the presence of God. I shall realise that He is in the midst of every circumstance, the Almighty Power and work in everything I see.

Wednesday Most of our difficulties, disasters, problems and pains, arise through our false belief that we are separate from the all-pervading Spirit of God. We think of the self as one being, and God as the Father to whom we might hopefully go, but never quite sure that our words are reaching Him, or that His Divine Answer is granted. An amazing transformation takes place when we understand, quite simply, that we can never be separate from Him. Beloved Father, I am one with Thee, and in this Unity, I share with everyone else in love, thought and deed.


Thursday Whenever I Am filled with love and close to the Father, I am glowing with peace and joy. Whenever I have turned from the Father and am caught up with the irritations and disharmonies of the world, I am cast down and full of fear. I know therefore, that the real lesson in life is to allow God’s love to be fully expressed in every experience. I will contemplate that which is divine and perfect in myself and in everyone else.

Friday As I behold God’s handiwork in the heavens and upon earth, I see His spirit in all living things. I awaken out of darkness and come home into the glory of God. Thankfully and with great gladness I acknowledge the spirit of my Father to be the only reality. Lord, take my life this day, and use it according to Thy Will. I am radiant with Thy love, and with a supreme thankfulness that Thy Will is being made manifest through every experience which comes my way, now and always.

Saturday As children of God, we are most precious in His sight, for the Father is filled with love for us all. We belong to God and He belongs to us. When we recognise this simple but glorious truth, we can shed all our limitations and arise in the fullness of His power to take our place in the kingdom of Perfection. “All that I have is thine” - is a divine promise, and I thank you Father that I belong to you. I release all tensions and worries, and dwell in Thy Kingdom of peace and love this day.

Sunday The greatest healing of all is that which follows the complete surrender of the self to God. When we lay down our lives to Him, He takes them up and uses them to bring love in service to everyone else. Wherever I find myself today, I shall steadfastly behold Christ in every person I meet. I shall dedicate this day to the Lord, and know that I am lifted up in His Spirit, and thereby draw all people into the same light.

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Following The Star Dr Rocco A Errico

“And lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.” (Mt. 2:9). This is a Semitic style of speaking. The star was not moving. It means that the Magi went in the direction of the star; that is, its position directed them. In those ancient days, and even today in areas where people know nothing about the compass, travellers depend on the stars as guides and companions - the wondrous display of God’s power, wisdom and glory. “The heavens tell the story of God’s glory and the firmament manifests his handiwork. Day after day pours forth speech, also no words whose sound is unheard. Their joyful message has gone out throughout the land and their words to the end of the world. Above the sun, among the heavens (literally – ‘among them’) he pitched his tent” (Ps. 19:1-4) Stars still guide nomad tribes traveling hundreds of miles in the expansive Arabian desert. Shepherds understand the seasons of the year by the position of the stars. They also determine the changes of pasturage for their flocks and coming shortage of water by the stars’ positions. Before the advent of Western roads and technology, caravan leaders followed certain routes through the position or direction of the stars. Native automobile drivers crossing the Arabian desert would find travel difficult without the help of the stars. A little error in direction, now as then, would mean a loss of a party or caravan. The desert is a level waste without well-defined routes. Shifting sands quickly obliterate imprints of camel hooves and automobile tires. There are no other signs upon which a traveller may depend for direction while traveling in the desert except the stars. A Near Easterner giving a stranger directions for travel will say: “Take that star in your hand until you come to the oasis. Then drop that star and take another in your hand until you reach your destination.” This means “follow straight in the direction of the first star until you reach the oasis. Then take another route by looking at another star.” Another way of giving directions would be: “Take this road in your hand until you come to the town.” (Excerpt from Aramaic Light on the Gospel of Matthew)


The Search for Truth and Reality Gerry Moore

Life is meant for living . . .

The greatest gift of life is life itself – to know that we exist, are alive and aware of the world around us. We live to learn and learn to live - by developing a passion for living with compassion. Each person in their own way is searching for health and happiness. The Celebration of Life By choosing to awake and greet each new day with optimism, rising in a Spirit of Expectation, creative ideas and thoughts may come and provide new opportunities to all. Every morning, remember you are not fully dressed without your smile! Even the birds sing their songs to greet each new day – with songs of praise at the dawn chorus. Soft shades of light creep through the dawn And with a blush she heralds morn; I hear the lark in the morning prayer I smell the fragrance of a flower, I hear the wind blow through a tree And behold ‘thou’ close to me. Behold the spirit of the wood draws nigh, Midges dance like dust on shafts of light, The glory green of hope shines through the trees, And bluebells glow - late light illumined on the rise, Dew heavy cowslips close their eyes, Low plays the wind on natures stringed violins Behold the spirit of the wood draws nigh. Creative Thinking and Philosophy Ancient philosophers, such as Aristotle and Plato, understood the utmost importance of knowledge, whilst realising that much knowledge is worldly and that the most important knowledge is knowledge of the soul, the true self. The

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derivation of the word philosophy comes from the Greek words philo (love) and sophia (wisdom). Education – Psychology – Philosophy and Religion People with inquisitive minds delve into the above subjects and attain an understanding of our true nature and identity and reason for existence. This exploration can help us to put together the various pieces of the ‘jigsaw’ with regard to our true essence. Gradually we come to know that we have a conscious mind, a sub-conscious mind and a super-conscious-mind with creative intelligence. We do not consist, as some scientists assert, simply of ‘matter and energy’. Science alone, despite its wonderful research findings, cannot solve ‘all our world problems’. One day my father, a practical engineer, with a healthy ‘country awareness,’ lots of love, humour, common sense and wisdom, said:

“We will never put the ‘outer-world’ with all its problems right, until we change ‘human nature’ and put our inner-world in order! You know, ‘common sense’ is not very common today”, he concluded with a gentle smile.

My mother and father met when they were very young. They had a wonderful life together with all the family. Mum, a very caring person, full of ‘loving kindness, was a ‘natural mystic’ endowed with wonderful intuition and awareness through which she developed spiritual gifts and talents. Each of us can do this, for in truth we exist not only as a physical body, with a brain, but also with a creative mind and loving heart and a ‘life-spirit’ called “consciousness”. The body is the Temple. The mind the Shrine of Light ; Truth’s one and only altar, That’s set before mankind. The secret or communion, Lift up the restless mind, And in the peace and stillness Blend with the power divine.


Only through personal experience, a loving heart and a spirit of generosity can we move forward into personal growth and spiritual development.

The Way of Life I find the following quotes from the philosopher Lao Tzu to be very profound: “Be utterly humble and you shall ever hold to the foundation of peace”. “The way to do is to be and the way to be is to do”. “Let your learned head take leaven from the wisdom of the heart”. Personal Growth and Spiritual Development In exploring the study of religion, it is challenging to maintain simplicity and a spiritual common-sense. The word re-ligion is derived from the Latin religio meaning to re-connect with God, the Spirit of Life. In contemplating the word “God” – the Spirit of Life existing in all nature and the divine spirit in our human nature - words are inadequate to describe the full spiritual wealth and glory of this true source of life – the source of love and light, the light of understanding. This essence of love and grace, this ‘Holy Spirit’ which brings guidance from the glorious, divine perfection, is incomprehensible. Jesus Christ, the enlightened Son of God, called this source “our loving Father”. Through his life, his love and his teachings, he revealed the truth that sets you free. Through his faith-love-prayer and meditation, he demonstrated that practicing the presence of God is divine union and communion with the Father. Jesus revealed his true divinity by proclaiming: I am the Way , I am the Life , I am the Truth , I am the Door , I am One with the Father One of his most important sayings reveals the indwelling Kingdom of God, which is a greater spiritual awareness within us – in union and compassion with God, The Divine Spirit within Heaven is a Kingdom That deep within us lies, In the silence of the soul The inner man arise.

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At the centre of our being On mountains of the mind, Heaven is a Kingdom, That deep within us lies.

Peace is our foundation And harmony our goal, And then will all be added To sanctify the soul. Alone in self-forgetting Shall the self be found, In service for our brothers Shall the Truth be found.

It is vital that you spend quiet time being still in the presence of God. Out of that stillness comes inner peace and contentment. This personal experience of the divine spirit within is expressed in every aspect of your daily life.

After experiencing the ‘inner light’ within, we look for that inner light within others. Once the light is shining within you, God’s presence of inner guidance manifests in your personal, social and business life, but first of all it is revealed in the silence – through faith-love-prayer and meditation – by practising the presence of God. It may then begin to be revealed through your creative thinking and actions.

Art – Music – Poetry – Dance and Entertainment Creative thinking and creative imagination is also expressed through art-music-dance and poetry. Consider the inspired artists, musicians and dancers! William Blake, the mystic, artist and poet wrote:

“To see a World in a grain of sand And Heaven in a wild flower, To hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour”

William Shakespeare, through his inspiration The Seven Ages of Man, with great wit and humour described our journey through the stages of life.


William Wordsworth, the Lakeland poet, wrote some of his mystical poetic reflections in the hills and valleys of England’s beautiful Lake District, including the following:

“And I have felt a presence that disturbs me With the joy of elevated thoughts: a sense of sublime . . . ”

The inventive genius of Edison and Brunel demonstrate our creative ability to be co-creators.

The World Healing Crusade was founded by Brother Mandus with his vision of Divine Healing. He visited many countries during his ministry, conducting divine healing services. Many people have received healing over the years, through the free Crusader magazine, and his recordings. This outreach continues.

Brother Mandus’ work expanded when WHC members and friends were invited to write, phone and visit the Sanctuary at Blackpool to share their needs. Letters continue to be placed on the altar and these healing intentions are included in the daily prayer service. Many people continue to contact us for prayer and guidance.

Thank you for your support over the years.

Best wishes from all your friends at the Sanctuary.


Our beloved brother Gerry, who knew Mandus, has been a member of the WHC for many years, and is currently a trustee.

Gerry, we are very grateful for your dedication and commitment to our charity, and for your wonderful prayer support. We love you.

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CALL OF THE DIVINE Shahida Sidduqe

“I faced many deaths, my beloved, to meet you, to feel you in my heart and surging through my veins, willing to give it all up… life itself, such was my hunger, such was my thirst for your love…and then you came, like wine…intoxicating…taking me over”

“Come to me those willing to walk naked in the hurricane, those willing to meet my love, walking barefoot and broken… against all logic and convention… when things rational failed to serve.

My love is calling you…to step forward.

Are you willing to crack open enough to be seen, to be met? Are you willing to die and die again for that which you cannot see nor touch but that which calls to your deeper depths?

Are you willing to break over and over to feel my love?

I am here, I always have been and my love calls you”

“Oceans and waves my beloved, your love feels like the waves of an ocean…ever expansive

Taking me over

Taking me under

Surrendered, I sway

I sway to your calling, to your desires I bow

No longer afraid of drowning, no longer afraid to die

Oceans and waves my beloved, a taste of eternal freedom a taste of eternal love”

“The call to prayer, felt through my heart at sunrise, I rise to bow to you my beloved…my beloved in human form”

“I cry easily, I’m moved by the suffering of the world …how beautiful 25

I see the depth of souls, longings buried deeply under superficial rubble…light trying to shine through.

I fall to my knees and with my bare hands I scrape at the rubble…so you can be seen my beloved, so you can be met by my love”

“When God arrives, will you be there?

Will you be willing, will you be available?

When God knocks on the doors of pain, torment and deepest distress – you will open them?

When God rises like the morning sun, will your heart be open to receive the warmth, the holding, the gifts or will they be too much?

When you feel a flutter in your cells, a flutter of desire, will you respond? Will you overcome the shouldn’t and the can’t and bow to the deepest calling?

God has arrived…God is here ‘now’”

Shahida Sidduqe has been a spiritual seeker for over 20years.

Recently, with the deepening of her mystical journey, she has begun to give written expression to profound insights which have come to her.

We are grateful to Shahida for giving permission for some of her work to be included in this publication.

Shahida, who trained and practiced as a psychotherapist, currently lives in Manchester."


ONE MOMENT AT A TIME You can live but one moment at a time. This moment is the only one that is of any consequence to you. Therefore I charge you to fill it with simple trust in God, and with perfect love. That is the answer to every subsequent moment as it dawns. (Brother Mandus)

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HEALING WITH SOUND with Olivea Dewhurst-Maddock

Saturday November 28th 2015 2.00 – 4.30 pm at WHC, 476 Lytham Road, Blackpool FY4 1JF

Olivea Dewhurst-Maddock has been involved with music since childhood. After a career in Sadlers Wells Opera, Focus Opera and Intimate Opera, she has worked as a free-lance soloist, teacher of Singing and Voice-Therapist.

Having observed the human voice to be the true mirror of the complex energy patterns of body, mind and spirit, Olivea believes Sound Communication to be an ideal method of Holistic Healing for the Twenty-First Century.

ASCENT of the HEART Meditation in the Christian Tradition

with Martin Nathanael

Saturday January 30th 2016 2.00 – 4.30 pm at WHC, 476 Lytham Road, Blackpool FY4 1JF

The Christian mystical path is often portrayed as a journey which takes place in stages - “the stairway of love” or “the ladder of perfection” are such descriptions. Often linked with these stages are levels of spiritual practice, each level of practice being finer or going deeper than the one before.

Taking this idea of a “stairway”, we will look at the stages of prayer as found in some of the great mystics of the Christian tradition. Working with these stages, we will endeavour to understand and practice the “prayer of the heart” of the mystics.


The ART OF AWAKENING with Martin Nathanael

Saturday 20th February 2016 2.00 – 5.00 pm at Quaker Meeting House, Friargate, York, YO1 9RL

“Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” (Ephesians 5: 14).

An afternoon of teaching and meditation building upon these words of St. Paul.

Martin will draw on key elements within Christian mystical paths, revealing their universality and practical nature in helping the soul realise its divine potential.

******* To book a place at any of these events

contact World Healing Crusade 476 Lytham Road, Blackpool, FY4 1JF

(NB. Please provide name, telephone and email)

More information: 01253 343701 / 07909 254604

COMEDY CORNER A pastor fell out with his church.

After bitter arguments, he was forced to leave

and took up a job as a prison chaplain.

He preached his last sermon at the church on John 14, verse 1:

“I go to prepare a place for you.”

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