Showers tonight tomor- row showers and cooler I msg- gsHI LA3EST CRCULATTOH- m VASWNOTOM- OF ANY NEWSPAPER NUMBER 3765 THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 29 1904 FOTJBTEEN PAGES PRICE OWB GBMT r Crt t a fit n ou I I I SPA3gINGTUN 6 im POSSESSES POWER ON THE OPEN CUT Superintendent Woods Cites Section of Law on Subject OFFICIALS MEET TOY It Is Not Likely Action Will Be Taken on Tunnel Qufcs tion Till Congress Meets The probabilities are now that no fur ther oCfefaU aetfo wttt be taken before convent on the project of the Pennsylvania HaHroad Company to con- struct the First Street tunnel by the open cut of the underground boring presses Elliott Woods Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds will hold a conference with certain legal oflteials of the Interior Department this after- noon to decide if possible whether or not he is deprived of authority to tame or refuse the permit by the terms of the deficiency act of two ago wherein it was stipulated that in the future the Capitol or the thould not he changed altered or affected in any man- ner without express permission from Congress Wseea Oitetag Tlairiinqr Act- I shall hold an informal conference on the matter late this afternoon with the law afMate of the Interior Depart ment soy If r Woods to a Tunes re- porter this morning The deficiency act of two years ago in changing the title of this from Architect of the Cap- itol to that of Supertntendhnt of the Capitol Building and Oreunas ly said that in the future no c were to be made In the building or grounds without permission from Conj green There is no reason why this law should not hold good now so far as I can see If it does that ends the mat- ter o far as I am concerned problem reads as foOowa Hereafter the office of Architect of the Capitol shall be designated as Su- perintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds and the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds shall here after exercise all the power and au- thority heretofore exercised by the Architect of the and he shall be appointed by the President That no change in the ar- chitectural ic tures the Building or in the landscape features of the Capitol made ex cept on plans to be approved by Con- gress We Me Destruction ef Tree This It to thought will leave the of the whole matter with Con greee construction of the teasel by the plan would mean the destruction of trees and sidewalks in the Capitol grounds Th Commissioners are await- ing developments They do not reel called on to make any recommendation un the matter so long aa Mr Woods to apparently to the first permit requisite for the change in plans WssjM Icing Sickness District Commissioner West today re- ferred to the Health Omcer for report- a letter he received from Horace A Dodge of the law arm of Dodge A Sons saying that the construction of the tun nel the open cut plan would much sickness into the neighborhood the work The letter says If I correctly the ing up of the First Street north of sickness of a serious nature and doubtless nore will follow This of the situation to- me to merit serious consideration and Js a question of more importance as I view it than the mere the steam shovel which undoubtedly will be employed In the open cut Engineering Object Although the names are withheld there were found at the District Build- ing today englnesiliig owVsais who eb Jnntssljte the proposed open cut method for They printed out that it mustbe for the contractors to construct the tunnel state so many much more difficult have already been accomplished this country WEATHER REPORT that covered the slope region morning has moved east northern upper lake reg while the southern arm stationary over the Plateau The two together have caused general showers from the Southwestern In the Atlantic and Gulf States the Northwest and extreme West the weather has been fair Temperatures are above the over the entire country particularly to the the wfcer they are from M te M diigrns abeve the t ni wl- Bagists ft Assure I JtI S- mm tRIM 8n sets today Sun rises tomorrow TIDE TABLE Low tide today l pm High tide tide tomorrow 141 a a i4l p m High tide tomorrow sm JIM m CONGRESS SOLELY Con year o Ice I1I t t bt the eut oct D Street caused or He t mr ble The northern arm of the n Wednesday w I northeastward into the Lake 10n av IaJIe 6 fit U Po p t j L ess lead grounds ptprer 1isfielt Ps g alt ahae The get W- patnsns sad worn bearing on Present de- cision as the r issue briar pas more leas C oak tunnel depres southern ates seasonal T PRATUL- I N- i t DoW11lIOW falls t lbuswnru e N 2 aa lam ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = < BUFFALO FACE Three of Present Board and Four of For- mer ARRAIGNED IN COURT Etch Pleads Not Guilty Charges Political Trick BtWTALO Sept Before Justice Keo ack at M oclock this morntor seven and former oC UM board of aldermen indicted on charyes of accepting bribes for tile awarding of municipal contracts were arraigned and entered of not guilty Ban was fixed at O M in each case and was promptly furnished The indicted aldermen Include Henry Moeat J Thomas Harp and Orrln P Pierce The former members of the board are Edward C Betaer Lords G Roedel Henry 6 Schneider and John O Busch Justice Keaeneks courtroom wa crowded to its full capacity but the ac eused aldermen met the of the mul- titude with unflinching countenances All of the Indicted men were represented ay counsel Innocent of any ia the claim of each of the accrued men Bach Is a Republican and each declares he Is the victim of a political plot not only to wreck his individual chances for oAce but to aid the Democrats in the State and national election New of the serving of bench warrants over the city night conning a profound sense city hall has been termed be steal Plant for several a result reports puck corruption pointed out city been double prices sewers and public to jUauiinl tnat in the easta the- M from There report this morning that two aldermen made the grand and that thereby are immune from prosecution SEVEN ALDERMEN- IN BRIBERY CHARGES and on the aldermen t 0 It but tit and former t u p have to i present members pleats in- dicted gaze Iaacnt of Kr wrongdoing Buffalos Ba- lder and t t d oAk a lrlbes present q I bery sums rang a ¬ ¬ ¬ The Old Boys Club of Washington through its president and membsn at executive committee extended eon rat ukulon and assurance of support to President Roosevelt this He waa notified he had been sleeted a member of the club and accepted the distinction gratefully and gracefully The delegation consisted of Murat Hal stead Dr Robert Reyburn William S Odell and Dr W D Hughes Mr Hal stead was the spokesman for the party He Mr President Your administration ailed the measure of our countrys glory and expanded TEe cause before the people to whether Republican policy shall be continued Half a century ago the party became national The question said It Its morning bas TO FACE CHARGES No Bias in Report of Assistant Secretary Peirce PRESIDENT WILL WAIT Curbs Charges Are to Be In in Evidence Collected John Ooodnow United States eon am general at Shanghai has boot sum- moned to Washington by President Roosevelt to the charges of mal feasen e in office which have been pre- ferred a l st him Unfit M Ooodnow has an opportuni- ty to defend himself no action win be taken in hc President on the report whir ha t him of the Ooodnow case after i lug a personal investigation of conditions in Jfe Bias ia Report Mr Peirce it was stated in a news- paper this morning had made a report- en the Goodnow case which to favorable- to Mr Ooodnow Mr Pekoe denied poe Ktvery to a reporter for The Times this afternoon that be bad found either fa forably or unfavorably for the consul general- After formulating the complex that Mr should be summoned at once Accordingly a dispatch was sent to sul general to come to with out Inspired by Crftiej State Department pftleleJs believe Oeorge F quills who te In Washing ton for the purpose of formulating charges against Mr Oottdnow inspired the report that Mr Peirce baa made a recommendation favorable to the con sul general and has public tree in the consular Cuurt at by Mr Ooodnow and hif bringmar Mr t case Ue Assistant Secretary Peirce gave a and agreed u incorporate his charges in evi against on condition that the charges should be regarded as confidential until upon by the President SUMMONS SENT TO I CONSUL GOODNOW COn lted face Third Assistant Secretary PeIrce cbanM Informed t o their gravity It wu driied con nude ma- or tit tM Curtis was de t his ck nce the shans hal here Was relating charges barred tar p oubtiss assay pence Third ¬ > ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ = PRESIDENT IS GLAD HE IS AN OLD BOY Club Representatives Headed by Mtirtt as Teill Him About b It Spoke << < FORGOT SHE WAS ALREADY A WIFE Reminded ef It on the Eve of the Day Set far Her With Another Man Mar- riage CHICAGO Sept 2Ktbel Gardiner of Austin is a pretty woman of twenty with a most peculiar memory For eighteen months she has been engaged to marry William Altman The ceremony was to to the telephone Mine I am Walter Hoagiand said a voles and the woman you are going AMman almost collapsed asfeetf Mrs Gardiner if her daughter had ever been married Certainly not was the awe Then Mr Gardiner was called That must be some man w W thel said Altman promised j some one almost put me out with a Joke He said be was your ndt gave the name Ok Teal I New Tmrt name sounds i tltiarra mheL Let me e oh yes I Ida on a visit to years ago I was visit showed signs of failure parents were called The girl that Hoagiand Flynas Business CeHef t and K- i im isortHssn tmwrltm fS a yesr been per yesterday were wedclln ltlllaa called Wise to Is already my wit H t CoW two tnt and the have While spins marry his comment rile bus Rem aber an- swered many y an whom l k l1d t + was whether aM the States should be free or snub Freedoms battle once be bam oft It is won forever All North America is free and the United States a world power As representatives of H former generation we greet you ar1 aid in confirming that which IM been gained gaining In worth and in and on that all Amen can people may share in the prosperity of their Industry and the of the Republic With such a cause and such a leader there is no such word aa tell The President returned thanks in cordial and name has been on the roster of the Old Boys Club lave sire to ever won and honor you We have I2ed oln the his appreciative Inscribe Bequeathed from bleeding son fp teens His s e had met but twjee naked Her to marry him and she consented Site with him one day The mar- riage was secret Hoagiand was In Chicago but she had him only twice tttlon for divorce was flied y the young woman It alleges nonsu marry when thn decree is granted SEA LEVEL CANAL NOT DETERMINED ON- A member of the Isthmian Canal Com- mission said this morning tht no de- cision as to the kind of canal to be built Panama had been made or likely be made uattt seat spring In contmdjcilon to many appearing In the prat to the effect the engineers have deApitely determined on a sea level waterway in- stead of a system of locks i9S Baltimore and RtacB Via Pennsylvania Railroad setd every and re until Sunday seat was postponed pe It AIn says that he Ethel win ite to Sandy tu W Cola re- mained The wedding and g t and at was his Is state- ments trains I tad ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < MISS ALICE WELLES SPONSOR FOR NEW BATTLESHIP She Christened the Connecticut as the Big Sea Fighter Passed Off Ute Way BIG BATTLESHIP CONNECTICUT IS OCEANS BRIDE d Christened With Wine by Miss Welles Spectators Numerous DIMENSIONS OF THE BIG SHIP Fire GnuMetlcul H one at UM tarm doss oC haitleahtpa bt tk BMJW Andean navy She to in the same grads mm UM Lootetajst Vmrntmt Vermont Foltowta are the principal sad of the Connecticut Length 460 test Kxtreme Iwea ta H 10 Inches draught 24 feet C Inches Dfci l MMiiiit lUll Twin screws Vertical trite andaaa B Jk W boilers Speed it knots Indicated Horsepower It OO capacity 2JOO Complement 41 omcerm T l men Protective dealt ftt indie ov dope l inches lat Armament Four ItInch eight S4nch punt twelve 7J ch puns twenty Sinctt ntpidire suns twelve Spouaden eight 1pottnd ore two 3inch Held puns eight machine four toryedo tubes Armor belt 11 inches to S inches bottom Turret armor ISinch tor 18inch gun 8inch for FInch Barbette 10inch tar ISinch finchNtor Cinch gene 4 i t- fs l lncnMllt713FcaTynlia 1 I 111 diyse etIJ1 tea Cad taws the paM t 1 11 l 0ia4 old mina Net Mead tool t mss gums sub- merged pas armor > > BROOKLYN NAVY YARD YORK Sept Amid the cheers of thousands of spectators the waving of sags and the booming of cannon the battleship Connecticut designed to be the best and most Impressive fighting machine afloat on the worlds was aneoesafully launched at llli this morn- Ing Mis Alice Welles the granddaughter of Gideon Welles Secretary of the Navy under President Lincoln christened the new battleship Secretary Morton and other distinguished men watched the giant take to the water It Is probable that never before have S NEB sees Mice Welles peeaer so many persons seen a battleship launched as were at the navy yard Besides the MOM tickets issued to the workmen veto other Ucets have been issued This number with the crows of the warships not the yard brought the total number of spectators up to ffdtt Many Could Net lee It It was impossible for many of these to see mow than the hull of the great boat and as for the details of the I launching thousands of persons were not able to get even a partial view The yard was patrolled by the marines and the yard police and every precaution I was taken to prevent accidents Naval Constructor Baxter in his bridge just below the christening stand was connected with all penis of the ship by telephone and told when at the stern was rnidy for the launching Just before the sole pisee which holds the sliding ways to the ground ways was cut in two the warming whistle was given to the men Then Baxter word to Welles the Bottle wine was broken against the bow and the grEat hulk oft steel was on the way to the water Work Begun Befoe Assistant Constructor Robl with a force of men began work halfpast four this morning the after stocks and the crib work under the stern and replacing by tumb at I everything M the M S Ur n t em to- day ge lied A 14 o cock moving ling shores which furnish support to tIM weight but when the ship starts to automatically relieve themselves About 6 oclock another forward and after ends of the ship At 7 the of the men came in They took tte large oak rams and when the worn was given hammeretl lustily on the not wedges between the sliding ways and packing thus tak ing the weight of off the keel blocks continued for eight min- utes and then more shores were taker down Then more ramming on wedge raising the ship slightly then more down a At about ten minutes past To oclock the final ramming was given the ast removed The ship was now supported on the ways cribs and the keel blocks At the signal the shipwright with their and went under the ways and began splitting out the keel blocks the cribs were re- moved until the ship was supported only on the ways in only by the shoe pieces with the dog shores in- case of accident The Critical the word from Naval Constructor Baxter the dog shores dropped simul- taneously and the ship was held only the shoe pieces warning to the shopkeeper at the the at the top of the crane was broke out and let the tugs In the river know that the time was near A nod to the sawyers standing ready at the shoe and the saw in to cut them off ten started to move Welle broke the bottle and twenty seconds later saw the in her na tive element picked her up and towed her alongside the sea wall MOST POWERFUL SHIP AFLOAT When the battleship Connecticut is completed she will be the most engine of war in the United States Navy- A comparison with the beat ships of other nations shows that the Connecti- cut would more than hold her own in battle against any snip in the world The Connecticut is the flretcl Continued on Seventh of to take down the shores at the and t- At I the only move men the o clock real tlos wedges cantilever Miss power- ful Page- r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ St Petersburg Hears of Enemys Activity Kuropatkin and Oyama Meet on Surge Footing in Impending Battle EQUAL FORCES WILL NUMBER ABOUT HALF A Japs With 1 000 Guns Have an Advan- tage in Artillery Over the Russians 800 of Czars Soldiers LONDON Sept 29 The Central News las a ftp from St Petersburg stating that telegrams received in the Russian cxpsbtf from the front indicate that the Japanese are making an advance along tile Russian front The Chinese in the neighborhood are flocking to Mukden MEET ON EQUAL FOOTING ROME Sept 29 The St Petersburg correspondent of the news- paper Italia MiHtake reports that in the impending battle of Mukde- nKuroptin wH have a force equal if not superior to that of the enemy JAPS SUPERIOR IN GUNS The Russian force says wit amount to 250000 men with 800 guns of whom 60000 are at Sin Mm Ting and 120000 along tile Hun River The rest of the army faces outh from Mukden DMfcfai these there are 10000 Russians at Tie Pass io the north of Up y tm the banks of the Uao The Japanese force he is tsttnwied at 150900 me with 1000 guns King Alfonso Declines Mikados Ckrysanthsmtan- ADVANCING AGAINST ENTIRE RUSSIAN FRONT MILLION MEN PiecesDisposition en- tire lY adds JAPS ¬ MADRID Sup 2 Your Is Informed that the Mikado recently ex to confer the grand badsj of the chrjrsantbemam on Alfonso Premier Maura had a consultation with Alfonso on the subject After o a threugft KID correspondent presed wish Mhhister Aim lieu > << No News From Stoessel St Petersburg Alarmed I PKTKR8BUKO Sept De sjosMlMey regarding the situation at Pert Arthur ta becoming more pro- nounced daily Grounds for this feeling of pessimism have been to in the nat few day by the entire absence of news from General Stoessel Heretofore the Russian commander has been able t4 get some word through by weans of vessels to Ctoefoo It is now stated the Japanese blockade to perfect AM or other ves 4s oem out of Port Arthur or attempting to enter the port pee sent to It is adder ¬ CHBFOO Sept Chinese the storks of recent in- cessant fighting at Port Arthur The Japanese have made little prog- ress They took forts four five and six but were unable to hold them and withdrew on the afternoon of Septem- ber M Their losses in the assaults were enor- mous The Russian losses were also severe TunneHne Feet Japanese have done much tunnel- ing toward the torts The Russians have countertunneled and laid mines which have inflicted terrible losses The Chinese say the Japanese fleet has gone to its Nile at the Is- lands Two or three Rwwian oc- casionally go outside the harbor boats have captured several bound for The Russians are now a new fort at Liaotiahan bearing landward Its construction indicates it will mount five big guns Squadrons Ready for Sea LONDON Sept dispatch to the Morning Post from Shanghai says It is reported that the Port Arthur and Vladivostok squadrons are ready for sea and it is expected that each wilt at to make a simultaneous sortie An undated disnatch to the Kxpresa from Tokyo sent by way of Shanghai September 35 says that for the first la man delay in the capitulation Arthur The newspapers complain about General Nogis failure to capture the fortress Sttfigeet HamKid paper says We would like to send to the august general a sharp sword which hangs ia our once This remark is a covert Invitation to Oeneral Nogi to commit harakiri which in Japan in the logical result of tUne in such a task Other that have glowingly announced that Port Arthur had fallen h ive now lapsed Into gloomy silence on the subject In view of failure of confirm Toward The all buUdl A since the tested In regarding One aFresh ar- rivals diet Tor- pedo Jap- anese wa impatience ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ t lab ruler could not accept the honor It is from a fear that suck action would be Interpreted as an oflsdal ac- knowledgment of Spains proJapanese aytapathies u lit tfI fihdses ¬ also understood In official quarters that fresh Japanese reenforcements are con outside the besieged thus relieving their com The however have no restPARIS The states all inquiries s to the where- abouts of Trench De Converville at Port Arthur tare been without re- sult The attache was reported to have left Port Arthur about of the Rus- sian naval sortie on August la Nothing has been heard of him Venous reports aa to his whereabouts have been current but none at thaw has been confirmed city fore office I the t ¬ ¬ JAPS UNABLE TO HOLD FORTS DEARLY WON AT PORT ARTHUR I the last terrific assault the opinion is expressed that the fortress may out for three months longer Reenforcements variously estimated- to number from 10000 to ttOM Infantry and some siege guns have been sent to General Nogi week Invalided be- siegers who have arrived home say that are defending Port Arthur almost conceivable device is adopted to repel the assaults even the throwing of pepper in fight- ing at close quarters Tb tortes of the terrible haves wrought by the land mines are not ex- aggerated The Russians mines at The approaches fortress are practically strewn dyn- amite Both sides are physically ex- hausted JAP RESERVISTS TO SERVE LONGER TOKYO Sept emergency ordi- nance under the conscription law was granted this morning The new ordinance extends the period of the service of second class reservists from five to ten and abolishes the distinction between conscripts of the I and second classes of reserves The will necessitate a new scheme of divisional organisation HIS MAJESTYS SUBJECT HAS FEELINGS RUFFLED After twenty years of residence la Washington and the United States J W Jendwtne of tt Fourteenth Street was held up by the United States tmmlgra- ttoa authorities and compelled to pay the bead tax and answer aU kinds of queer questions on him return from trip abroad Today he made a complaint of his treatment to the Department of Com- merce and Labor Mr Jendwine ia a subject of King JSdward and has made no attempt to be- come a cltfaen of thin country Seetek Bcvwx Sviciagg Whsjsrun 914 F Adv I I I y I I a this fry nAn ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ <

Crtt fit I ou im

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Showers tonight tomor-row showers and cooler I






r Crtt a fitn ou I






Superintendent WoodsCites Section of Law

on Subject


It Is Not Likely Action WillBe Taken on Tunnel Qufcstion Till Congress Meets

The probabilities are now that no further oCfefaU aetfo wttt be taken before

convent on the project of thePennsylvania HaHroad Company to con-struct the First Street tunnel by theopen cut of the undergroundboring presses

Elliott Woods Superintendent of theCapitol Building and Grounds will holda conference with certain legal oflteialsof the Interior Department this after-noon to decide if possible whether ornot he is deprived of authority to tameor refuse the permit by the terms of thedeficiency act of two ago whereinit was stipulated that in the future theCapitol or the thould not hechanged altered or affected in any man-ner without express permission fromCongress

Wseea Oitetag Tlairiinqr Act-I shall hold an informal conference

on the matter late this afternoon withthe law afMate of the Interior Department soy Ifr Woods to a Tunes re-porter this morning The deficiency actof two years ago in changing the titleof this from Architect of the Cap-itol to that of Supertntendhnt of theCapitol Building and Oreunasly said that in the future no cwere to be made In the building orgrounds without permission from Conjgreen

There is no reason why this lawshould not hold good now so far as Ican see If it does that ends the mat-ter o far as I am concerned

problem reads as foOowaHereafter the office of Architect of

the Capitol shall be designated as Su-perintendent of the Capitol Building andGrounds and the Superintendent of theCapitol Building and Grounds shall hereafter exercise all the power and au-thority heretofore exercised by theArchitect of the and he shallbe appointed by the President

That no change in the ar-chitectural ic tures theBuilding or in the landscape features ofthe Capitol made except on plans to be approved by Con-gress

We Me Destruction ef TreeThis It to thought will leave the

of the whole matter with Congreee construction of the teaselby the plan would mean thedestruction of trees and sidewalks inthe Capitol grounds

Th Commissioners are await-ing developments They do not reelcalled on to make any recommendationun the matter so long aa Mr Woods toapparently tothe first permit requisite for the changein plans

WssjM Icing SicknessDistrict Commissioner West today re-

ferred to the Health Omcer for report-a letter he received from Horace ADodge of the law arm of Dodge A Sonssaying that the construction of the tunnel the open cut plan wouldmuch sickness into the neighborhoodthe work The letter says

If I correctly theing up of the First Streetnorth ofsickness of a serious nature and

doubtless nore will followThis of the situation to-

me to merit serious consideration andJs a question of more importance as Iview it than the mere thesteam shovel which undoubtedly willbe employed In the open cut

Engineering ObjectAlthough the names are withheld

there were found at the District Build-ing today englnesiliig owVsais who ebJnntssljte the proposed open cut methodfor They printed out thatit mustbe for the contractorsto construct the tunnel state so manymuch more difficulthave already been accomplished

this country


that covered the slope regionmorning has moved eastnorthern upper lake reg

while the southern armstationary over the

Plateau The two together have causedgeneral showers from the Southwestern

In the Atlantic and Gulf Statesthe Northwest and extreme West theweather has been fair

Temperatures are above theover the entire country

particularly to the thewfcer they are from M

te M diigrns abeve the


Bagists ft AssureI


mm tRIM8 n sets todaySun rises tomorrow

TIDE TABLELow tide today l p mHigh tide

tide tomorrow 141 a a i4l p mHigh tide tomorrow sm JIM m




o Ice

I1It tbt




D Street caused or




The northern arm of then



northeastward into the Lake10n




U Po









1isfielt Ps g alt ahaeThe get W-

patnsnssad worn bearing on Present


as the

r issue


pas moreleas

C oak








DoW11lIOWfalls t lbuswnru




























Three of Present Boardand Four of For-



Etch Pleads Not GuiltyCharges Political


BtWTALO Sept Before JusticeKeo ack at M oclock this morntorseven and former oCUM board of aldermen indicted oncharyes of accepting bribes for tileawarding of municipal contracts werearraigned and entered of notguilty Ban was fixed at O M in eachcase and was promptly furnished

The indicted aldermen Include HenryMoeat J Thomas Harp and Orrln PPierce

The former members of the boardare Edward C Betaer Lords G

Roedel Henry 6 Schneider and JohnO Busch

Justice Keaeneks courtroom wacrowded to its full capacity but the aceused aldermen met the of the mul-titude with unflinching countenancesAll of the Indicted men were representeday counsel

Innocent of any ia theclaim of each of the accrued men BachIs a Republican and each declares heIs the victim of a political plot notonly to wreck his individual chances foroAce but to aid the Democrats in theState and national election

New of the serving of bench warrantsover the citynight conning a profound sense

city hall has been termedbe steal Plant for severala result reportspuck corruption pointedout city beendouble prices sewers and public

to jUauiinl tnat in the easta the-

M fromThere report this morning thattwo aldermen made

the grand and that therebyare immune from prosecution





on the alderment



titand former tu p haveto


present members




Iaacnt of Krwrongdoing



and t t d oAk alrlbes

present qI bery sums rang





The Old Boys Club of Washingtonthrough its president and membsn atexecutive committee extended eon ratukulon and assurance of support toPresident Roosevelt this

He waa notified he had been sleeted amember of the club and accepted thedistinction gratefully and gracefully

The delegation consisted of Murat Halstead Dr Robert Reyburn William SOdell and Dr W D Hughes Mr Halstead was the spokesman for the partyHe

Mr President Your administrationailed the measure of our countrys

glory and expanded TEe cause beforethe people to whether Republican policyshall be continued Half a century agothe party became national The question







No Bias in Report ofAssistant Secretary



Curbs Charges Are to Be In

in EvidenceCollected

John Ooodnow United States eonam general at Shanghai has boot sum-moned to Washington by PresidentRoosevelt to the charges of malfeasen e in office which have been pre-ferred a l st him

Unfit M Ooodnow has an opportuni-ty to defend himself no action win betaken in hc President on the reportwhirha t him of the Ooodnow caseafter i lug a personal investigationof conditions in

Jfe Bias ia ReportMr Peirce it was stated in a news-paper this morning had made a report-

en the Goodnow case which to favorable-to Mr Ooodnow Mr Pekoe denied poeKtvery to a reporter for The Times thisafternoon that be bad found either faforably or unfavorably for the consulgeneral-

After formulating the complex

that Mr should be summonedat once Accordingly a dispatchwas sent tosul general to come to without

Inspired by CrftiejState Department pftleleJs believe

Oeorge F quills who te In Washington for the purpose of formulatingcharges against Mr Oottdnow inspiredthe report that Mr Peirce baa made arecommendation favorable to the consul general and has public

tree in the consular Cuurt atby Mr Ooodnow and hifbringmar Mrt case Ue

Assistant Secretary Peirce gavea and agreedu incorporate his charges in eviagainst on condition

that the charges should be regarded asconfidential until upon by

the President



COn lted


Third Assistant Secretary PeIrce

cbanM Informedt o their gravity It wu driied


nude ma-or tit tMCurtis was de



ck nce


shans hal


relating chargesbarred tarp

oubtiss assay penceThird


> >





> ¬



Club Representatives Headed by Mtirtt asTeill Him Aboutb ItSpoke << <


Reminded ef It on the Eve of the Day Set far HerWith Another Man


CHICAGO Sept 2Ktbel Gardinerof Austin is a pretty woman of twentywith a most peculiar memory Foreighteen months she has been engagedto marry William Altman

The ceremony was to

to the telephoneMine

I am Walter Hoagiand said avoles and the woman you are going

AMman almost collapsed asfeetfMrs Gardiner if her daughter had everbeen married

Certainly not was the aweThen Mr Gardiner was calledThat must be some man w

Wthel said Altman promisedj some one almost put me out

with a Joke He said be was yourndt gave the name

Ok Teal I NewTmrt name sounds i tltiarra

mheL Let me e oh yes IIda on a visit to

years ago I was visitshowed signs of failureparents were called

The girl that Hoagiand

Flynas Business CeHef t and K-

i im isortHssn tmwrltm fS a yesr

been peryesterday were

wedclln ltlllaacalledWise

to Is already my witH



tntand the

haveWhile spins


his commentrile


Rem aberan-


y anwhom

l k

l1d t


was whether aM the States should befree or snubFreedoms battle once be

bam oftIt is won forever All North Americais free and the United States a worldpower As representatives of H formergeneration we greet you ar1

aid in confirming that which IM beengained gaining In worth and inand on that all Amencan people may share in the prosperityof their Industry and the of theRepublicWith such a cause and such a leaderthere is no such word aa tell

The President returned thanks incordial andname has been on theroster of the Old Boys Club


sire toever won

and honor you We have I2ed

oln the


Bequeathed from bleeding son


teens His

s e had met but twjee naked Her tomarry him and she consented Sitewith him one day The mar-riage was secret

Hoagiand was In Chicago but she hadhim only twice

tttlon for divorce was flied y the youngwoman It alleges nonsumarry when thn decree is granted



A member of the Isthmian Canal Com-mission said this morning tht no de-cision as to the kind of canal to be built

Panama had been made or likelybe made uattt seat spring

In contmdjcilon to manyappearing In the prat to the

effect the engineers have deApitelydetermined on a sea level waterway in-stead of a system of locks

i9S Baltimore and RtacBVia Pennsylvania Railroad setdevery and re

until Sunday

seatwas postponed pe


AIn says that he Ethel win



Sandytu WCola


The wedding and g


at was

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She Christened the Connecticut as the Big Sea Fighter Passed Off Ute Way



d Christened With Wine by MissWelles Spectators Numerous

DIMENSIONS OF THE BIG SHIPFire GnuMetlcul H one at UM tarm doss oC haitleahtpa bt tk BMJW

Andean navyShe to in the same grads mm UM Lootetajst Vmrntmt

Vermont Foltowta are the principal sadof the Connecticut

Length 460 test Kxtreme Iwea ta H 10 Inchesdraught 24 feet C Inches Dfci l MMiiiit lUll Twin screwsVertical trite andaaa B Jk W boilers Speed it knotsIndicated Horsepower It OO capacity 2JOO Complement41 omcerm T l men Protective dealt ftt indie ov dope l incheslat

Armament Four ItInch eight S4nch punt twelve 7J chpuns twenty Sinctt ntpidire suns twelve Spouaden eight 1pottndore two 3inch Held puns eight machine four toryedo tubes

Armor belt 11 inches to S inches bottom Turret armor ISinchtor 18inch gun 8inch for FInch Barbette 10inch tarISinch finchNtor Cinch gene

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gums sub-merged

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BROOKLYN NAVY YARDYORK Sept Amid the cheers ofthousands of spectators the waving ofsags and the booming of cannon thebattleship Connecticut designed to bethe best and most Impressive fightingmachine afloat on the worlds wasaneoesafully launched at llli this morn-Ing

Mis Alice Welles the granddaughterof Gideon Welles Secretary of the Navyunder President Lincoln christened thenew battleship Secretary Morton andother distinguished men watched thegiant take to the water

It Is probable that never before have




Mice Welles peeaer

so many persons seen a battleshiplaunched as were at the navy yard

Besides the MOM tickets issued tothe workmen veto other Ucets havebeen issued This number with thecrows of the warships not the yardbrought the total number of spectatorsup to ffdtt

Many Could Net lee ItIt was impossible for many of these to

see mow than the hull of the greatboat and as for the details of the

I launching thousands of persons werenot able to get even a partial view Theyard was patrolled by the marines andthe yard police and every precaution

I was taken to prevent accidentsNaval Constructor Baxter in his bridge

just below the christening stand wasconnected with all penis of the ship bytelephone and told when atthe stern was rnidy for the launchingJust before the sole pisee which holdsthe sliding ways to the ground wayswas cut in two the warming whistle wasgiven to the men Then Baxter

word to Welles theBottle wine was broken against thebow and the grEat hulk oft steel was onthe way to the water

Work Begun BefoeAssistant Constructor Robl with a

force of men began work halfpastfour this morning theafter stocks and the crib work underthe stern and replacing by tumb




Mthe M

S Urn




ge liedA


o cock moving

ling shores which furnish support to tIMweight but when the ship starts toautomatically relieve themselves

About 6 oclock anotherforward and after ends of the ship At7 the of the men came inThey took tte large oak rams andwhen the worn was given hammeretllustily on the not wedges between thesliding ways and packing thus taking the weight of off the keelblocks continued for eight min-utes and then more shores were takerdown Then more ramming onwedge raising the ship slightly thenmore down a

At about ten minutes past To oclockthe final ramming was given theast removed The ship was nowsupported on the ways cribs andthe keel blocksAt the signal the shipwright withtheir and went under theways and began splitting out the keelblocks the cribs were re-

moved until the ship was supported onlyon the ways in only bythe shoe pieces with the dog shores in-case of accident

The Criticalthe word from Naval Constructor

Baxter the dog shores dropped simul-taneously and the ship was held only

the shoe pieces warning to theshopkeeper at thethe at the top of thecrane was broke out and let the tugsIn the river know that the time wasnear A nod to the sawyers standingready at the shoe and the saw

in to cut them offten started to move

Welle broke the bottle and twentyseconds later saw the in her native element picked her up andtowed her alongside the sea wall


When the battleship Connecticut iscompleted she will be the most

engine of war in the United StatesNavy-

A comparison with the beat ships ofother nations shows that the Connecti-cut would more than hold her own inbattle against any snip in the world

The Connecticut is the flretclContinued on Seventh

ofto take down the shores at










o clock real














St Petersburg Hears of Enemys ActivityKuropatkin and Oyama Meet on Surge

Footing in Impending Battle


Japs With 1 000 Guns Have an Advan-

tage in Artillery Over the Russians 800of Czars Soldiers

LONDON Sept 29 The Central News las a ftp from StPetersburg stating that telegrams received in the Russian cxpsbtf fromthe front indicate that the Japanese are making an advance along tile

Russian frontThe Chinese in the neighborhood are flocking to Mukden


ROME Sept 29 The St Petersburg correspondent of the news-

paper Italia MiHtake reports that in the impending battle of Mukde-nKuroptin wH have a force equal if not superior to that of the enemy


The Russian force says wit amount to 250000 men with 800guns of whom 60000 are at Sin Mm Ting and 120000 along tile HunRiver The rest of the army faces outh from Mukden DMfcfai thesethere are 10000 Russians at Tie Pass io the north of Up y tm thebanks of the Uao

The Japanese force he is tsttnwied at 150900 me with1000 guns

King Alfonso DeclinesMikados Ckrysanthsmtan-











MADRID Sup 2 YourIs Informed that the Mikado recently ex

to confer the grand badsj of thechrjrsantbemam on Alfonso

Premier Maura had a consultationwith Alfonso on the subject After o

a threugft



presed wish Mhhister Aimlieu



No News From StoesselSt Petersburg Alarmed

I PKTKR8BUKO Sept DesjosMlMey regarding the situation atPert Arthur ta becoming more pro-nounced daily

Grounds for this feeling of pessimismhave been to in the nat fewday by the entire absence of news fromGeneral Stoessel

Heretofore the Russian commanderhas been able t4 get some word throughby weans of vessels to Ctoefoo It isnow stated the Japanese blockade toperfect AM or other ves 4s oem

out of Port Arthur or attempting toenter the port pee sent to It is



CHBFOO Sept Chinesethe storks of recent in-

cessant fighting at Port ArthurThe Japanese have made little prog-

ress They took forts four five andsix but were unable to hold them andwithdrew on the afternoon of Septem-

ber MTheir losses in the assaults were enor-

mous The Russian losses were alsosevere

TunneHne FeetJapanese have done much tunnel-

ing toward the torts The Russians havecountertunneled and laid mines whichhave inflicted terrible losses

The Chinese say the Japanese fleethas gone to its Nile at the Is-lands Two or three Rwwian oc-casionally go outside the harbor

boats have captured severalbound for

The Russians are now a newfort at Liaotiahan bearing landwardIts construction indicates it willmount five big guns

Squadrons Ready for SeaLONDON Sept dispatch to theMorning Post from Shanghai says It

is reported that the Port Arthur andVladivostok squadrons are ready for seaand it is expected that each wilt at

to make a simultaneous sortieAn undated disnatch to the Kxpresa

from Tokyo sent by way of ShanghaiSeptember 35 says that for the first

la mandelay in

the capitulation Arthur Thenewspapers complain aboutGeneral Nogis failure to capture thefortress

Sttfigeet HamKidpaper says

We would like to send to the augustgeneral a sharp sword which hangs iaour once

This remark is a covert Invitation toOeneral Nogi to commit harakiriwhich in Japan in the logical result oftUne in such a task

Other that have glowinglyannounced that Port Arthur had fallenh ive now lapsed Into gloomy silence onthe subject In view of failure of






since thetested In regarding


aFresh ar-



pedo Jap-anese

wa impatience









tlab ruler could not accept the honor

It is from a fear that suck actionwould be Interpreted as an oflsdal ac-

knowledgment of Spains proJapaneseaytapathies

u littfIfihdses


also understood In official quarters thatfresh Japanese reenforcements are con

outside the besiegedthus relieving their com

The however have norestPARIS Thestates all inquiries s to the where-abouts of Trench De Convervilleat Port Arthur tare been without re-sult

The attache was reported to have leftPort Arthur about of the Rus-sian naval sortie on August la Nothinghas been heard of him

Venous reports aa to his whereaboutshave been current but none at thawhas been confirmed


fore office


the t




I the last terrific assault the opinion isexpressed that the fortress mayout for three months longer

Reenforcements variously estimated-to number from 10000 to ttOM Infantryand some siege guns have been sent toGeneral Nogi week Invalided be-siegers who have arrived home say that

are defending Port Arthuralmost conceivabledevice is adopted to repel the assaultseven the throwing of pepper in fight-ing at close quarters

Tb tortes of the terrible haveswrought by the land mines are not ex-aggerated The Russiansmines at The approachesfortress are practically strewn dyn-amite Both sides are physically ex-hausted


TOKYO Sept emergency ordi-nance under the conscription law wasgranted this morning

The new ordinance extends the periodof the service of second class reservistsfrom five to ten and abolishes thedistinction between conscripts of the

I and second classes of reservesThe will necessitate a new

scheme of divisional organisation


After twenty years of residence laWashington and the United States J WJendwtne of tt Fourteenth Street washeld up by the United States tmmlgra-ttoa authorities and compelled to paythe bead tax and answer aU kinds ofqueer questions on him return fromtrip abroad

Today he made a complaint of histreatment to the Department of Com-merce and Labor

Mr Jendwine ia a subject of KingJSdward and has made no attempt to be-come a cltfaen of thin country

Seetek Bcvwx Sviciagg Whsjsrun 914 FAdv



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