CR Definitions Production:  Planned  What we can plan well in advance. ALL Planned Change Request are due by close of business *Monday 1700hrs P! to "a#e the ne$t "eetings agenda% *&f Monday is a holiday CRs are due by 1'00hrs P! on !uesday% Inform Oncall if it is not a regular activity that we are proceeding with Planned CR and create before CR submission deadline. Unplanned Critical Inform Next level !ania " #hivani$ as soon as we see the alert"message. Perform the activity Create the %fter&the&'act (nplanned CR.)oderate$ ($: !*"%pps"#erver down+ severe performance Issue+ %pplication not responding )on Critical %ctivities which can,t be planned on that wee- and can,t wait till the next wee-. e)ail Onsite if it is during business hours. Call Onsite during Off&ours. %fter the confirmation create unplanned CR. Wait for the CR approval. Perform the activity once CR is approved. ($: 'ixing the scripts+ modifying parameters...etc FastTrack  'ast /rac- changes do not re0uire a 1 day lead time. /hey are low ris-+ have no impact on production systems and databases+ and do not result in server or system downtime to  production environments and the users production access will not  be interrupted. ($: %ctivities with low ris- and low impact on prod systems )onProduction: FastTrack  2verything is 'ast /rac- with low ris- and low impact. Wait for the approval and as- the user to wait till (# morning hours. If it is urgent+ perform the activity and inform Onsite. e+1 tic#ets: Respond to tic-et within 31 min.

CRs Definition - Summary

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8/12/2019 CRs Definition - Summary

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CR Definitions

Production: Planned 

What we can plan well in advance.ALL Planned Change Request are due by close of business *Monday 1700hrs P! to "a#e thene$t "eetings agenda%

*&f Monday is a holiday CRs are due by 1'00hrs P! on !uesday%

Inform Oncall if it is not a regular activity that we are proceedingwith Planned CR and create before CR submission deadline.



Inform Next level !ania " #hivani$ as soon as we see the


Perform the activity

Create the %fter&the&'act (nplanned CR.)oderate$

($: !*"%pps"#erver down+ severe performance Issue+ %pplicationnot responding

)on Critical

%ctivities which can,t be planned on that wee- and can,t wait till

the next wee-.

e)ail Onsite if it is during business hours.

Call Onsite during Off&ours.

%fter the confirmation create unplanned CR.

Wait for the CR approval.

Perform the activity once CR is approved.

($: 'ixing the scripts+ modifying parameters...etcFastTrack 

'ast /rac- changes do not re0uire a 1 day lead time.

/hey are low ris-+ have no impact on production systems and

databases+ and do not result in server or system downtime to production environments and the users production access will not

 be interrupted.

($: %ctivities with low ris- and low impact on prod systems


2verything is 'ast /rac- with low ris- and low impact. Wait for the approval and as- the user to wait till (# morning


If it is urgent+ perform the activity and inform Onsite.

e+1 tic#ets: Respond to tic-et within 31 min.

8/12/2019 CRs Definition - Summary

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/crs-definition-summary 2/2

Inform Onsite !*% )anager " Primary Oncall.

'ix the issue

If it is a !*% issue+ update the group for 31 min till you resolve.

If there is no resolution within 31min+ escalate to Onsite.

Inform the Onsite with details of incident and fix.

%lways activity owner will create the CR 4 If it is a !*%,s+ !*% will do the CR.

Definitions of CR !y,es:

/ype !escription

Planned Reviewed and approved through the Change )anagement

Process. /his set of activities can be abbreviated or very comprehensive

to deal with the significance of the Change. /he sta-eholders determine

the scope of the review that the Change re0uires. Re0uires a )anagers

approval. )ust have the opportunity to be discussed at a Change)anagement )eeting.

(nplanned %n (nplanned Change is a change re0uired to software+

hardware+ etc. that was not anticipated in the current change

window. /hese changes must be implemented according tothe business needs sooner than the scheduled wee-ly

Change )anagement meeting and"or within 1 business days.

% business re0uirement dictates it must be implemented assoon as possible with a 0uic- approval process. Re0uires the

approval of the CIO or any one of the CIO !irect Reports.

%ll (nplanned Change Re0uests are+ however+ included in

the wee-ly Change )anagement agenda and discussedafter&the&fact$ at the next meeting.

2mergency % change can be declared an emergency when immediate

repair services are re0uired to a production environment and

a e+erity1 trouble tic-et is opened in )!. /he CIO or

any one of the CIO !irect Reports may approve the change.In some instances+ the approval will be after the fact if the

re0uired change is business impacting.

'ast /rac- 'ast /rac- changes do not re0uire a 1 day lead time. /heyare low ris-+ have no impact on production systems and

databases+ and do not result in server or system downtime to production environments and the users production access

will not be interrupted.