St. John’s Episcopal Church 700 High Street Worthington, OH 43085 (614) 846-5180 Fax: (614) 846-1564 www.StJohns Worthington.org The Rev. Philip College Rector Vicky Turner Office Coordinator The Rev. Jackie Burns Deacon The Rev. Deniray Mueller Deacon Maggie Leidheiser- Stoddard Children and Youth Ministries Coordinator Sara Seidel Coordinator of Music Jared Bennett Organ Intern Juan Perez Seminarian Newsletter Staff Vicky Turner Virginia Nussbaum Laura Dodds, Steve Ellcessor and Greg Hayes, Photographers Crossroads Volume 95, Issue 3 Monthly March 2013 __________________________________________________ SPRING FORWARD! Remember to set your clock forward one hour before you go to bed on Saturday, March 9 th ! Daylight Saving Times begins on Sunday, March 10 th . DEACON DENIRAY MUELLER JOINS STAFF Fr. Philip is pleased to announce that The Rev denise ray (deniray) mueller (small caps intentional) has joined the Saint John’s staff. Deacon deniray was ordained to the Vocational Diaconate in June 2008 and currently serves at the diocesan level as Legislative Liaison to state and federal government. Her responsibilities are to monitor legislation of interest to the diocese and activate members of the diocese when necessary. She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public Policy Network, as well as serves on the Diocesan Restructure Task Force and Ecumenical & Interfaith Relations Commission. She also serves as Deacon-In-Charge of the ”In The Garden Ministry” at Trinity Episcopal Church on Capitol Square and is a regular guest preacher at Saint Phillip’s Episcopal Church in Circleville. Active in the community, she is the Executive Director of the Columbus Metropolitan Area Church Council, on the board of the Interfaith Association of Central Ohio, a member of the Attorney General’s Commission on Human Trafficking and We Believe Ohio, and she chairs the Justice & Advocacy Commission of the Ohio Council Of Churches and is the secretary for their Executive Committee. She is also the religious representative to the Central Ohio gay leadership, working for equal rights for all peoples. Deacon deniray has previously been seen around Saint John’s, having worshipped here when not somewhere else, preached, served at the altar, and will continue to serve on the Adult Education Committee. She has been in a long-term committed relationship with Dr. Karen Peeler for almost 15 years. They have just recently moved to Bexley from Worthington. To contact her, call 614-668-6036 or email [email protected] BAPTISMS-MARCH 30 The next scheduled date for baptisms is Saturday, March 30 th during the Great Easter Vigil (evening service). If you wish to be baptized, or if you have a child to be baptized, please speak to Fr. Philip soon to schedule the baptism and required preparation. 614-846-5180, ext 302 or [email protected] .

Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested

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Page 1: Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested


St. John’s



700 High Street

Worthington, OH 43085

(614) 846-5180

Fax: (614) 846-1564



The Rev. Philip College


Vicky Turner

Office Coordinator

The Rev. Jackie Burns


The Rev. Deniray Mueller


Maggie Leidheiser-

Stoddard Children and Youth

Ministries Coordinator

Sara Seidel

Coordinator of Music

Jared Bennett

Organ Intern

Juan Perez


Newsletter Staff

Vicky Turner

Virginia Nussbaum

Laura Dodds,

Steve Ellcessor and

Greg Hayes,


Crossroads Volume 95, Issue 3 Monthly March 2013


SPRING FORWARD! Remember to set your clock forward one hour before you go to bed

on Saturday, March 9th! Daylight Saving Times begins on Sunday,

March 10th.


Fr. Philip is pleased to announce that The Rev denise ray (deniray)

mueller (small caps intentional) has joined the Saint John’s staff.

Deacon deniray was ordained to the Vocational Diaconate in June

2008 and currently serves at the diocesan level as Legislative Liaison

to state and federal government. Her responsibilities are to monitor

legislation of interest to the diocese and activate members of the

diocese when necessary. She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public

Policy Network, as well as serves on the Diocesan Restructure Task

Force and Ecumenical & Interfaith Relations Commission. She also

serves as Deacon-In-Charge of the ”In The Garden Ministry” at

Trinity Episcopal Church on Capitol Square and is a regular guest preacher at Saint

Phillip’s Episcopal Church in Circleville.

Active in the community, she is the Executive Director of the Columbus Metropolitan

Area Church Council, on the board of the Interfaith Association of Central Ohio, a

member of the Attorney General’s Commission on Human Trafficking and We

Believe Ohio, and she chairs the Justice & Advocacy Commission of the Ohio

Council Of Churches and is the secretary for their Executive Committee. She is also

the religious representative to the Central Ohio gay leadership, working for equal

rights for all peoples.

Deacon deniray has previously been seen around Saint John’s, having

worshipped here when not somewhere else, preached, served at the altar, and

will continue to serve on the Adult Education Committee. She has been in a

long-term committed relationship with Dr. Karen Peeler for almost 15 years.

They have just recently moved to Bexley from Worthington. To contact her,

call 614-668-6036 or email [email protected]

BAPTISMS-MARCH 30 – The next scheduled date for

baptisms is Saturday, March 30th during the Great Easter

Vigil (evening service). If you wish to be baptized, or if you

have a child to be baptized, please speak to Fr. Philip soon to

schedule the baptism and required preparation. 614-846-5180,

ext 302 or [email protected].

Page 2: Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested


MARCH 2ND SATURDAY SUPPER Look forward to having new and returning attendees

at the March 2nd Saturday Supper at Kilbourne

Hall...starting at 6:30 pm.

Hosts: Sue Sheets and Joan Bird

Please RSVP to either Sue Sheets or Kim Basso or

phone Kim at 261-8100 Green is the color of the

day...appetizer, salad, vegetable, potato dish, dessert.

(we don't need a lot of desserts) .. and wear GREEN. ~ Kim Basso


WE ARE STEWARDS OF OUR TIME “I don’t have time for that!” If this anguished cry

sounds familiar, come to the Adult Forum on March

3rd - the Stewardship Committee has invited our own

Sue Sheets to help us explore the idea that "We Are

Also Stewards of Our Time." Sue will help us really

think about how we spend our time and ask ourselves,

does this meet our needs? As children of God, we are

stewards of our time, talent and treasure. Sue will

encourage us to recognize three kinds of time - clock

time, real time and God’s time, and she will give us

five tips to help manage time to meet our needs. We

hope you can “find the time” to join us at 10:20 am in

Kilbourne Hall on March 3rd! ~ Mary Bailey


hit! There was a great turnout on Tuesday, February

12th. Thanks to all that attended and participated in

the activities and fellowship. Mark your calendar for

next year to attend this fun event on the Tuesday

evening before Ash Wednesday. Next year, look

forward to expanded selections of fruit toppings as

well as other toppings. To the crew that made it

happen, your time and talents were much appreciated.

~ Bill & Linda


Kitchen Crew

EVENTS AT ST. JOHNS!! St Johns hosted two fun social events over the past

two months. The Music Series Jazz Concert held in

January was well attended. The annual Fat Tuesday

Pancake Supper was a festive way to enter the Lenten

season. It was hosted in the Undercroft of St John’s in

February. A good time was had by all (in addition to

the pancake topping bar at the Pancake Supper)!!!

~ John Starkie - Hospitality & Fellowship Chairperson

Page 3: Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested





It is a new year and, as fate will have it, the Property

Committee’s Major Maintenance budget is getting

spent early on!

We recently had one of two furnaces in the Education

Wing die a natural death. David Talbot managed to

keep the school children warm by creative use of the

one remaining furnace but, since both were in excess

of 25 years old, things were touch and go for awhile.

The Committee agreed that, while both needed

replacement, budget constraints would only allow us

to replace the one that was not functioning and hope

the other lasted until at least the next budget year.

Obviously, this was a concern of the Early Education

Center staff. The director, Cathy Wahoff, evaluated

the situation and determined that their finances would

allow the Early Education Center to pay for

replacement of the remaining functional (but on its

last leg) furnace. Thanks to Cathy and her staff for

this generous (approximately $4,700) contribution to

St. John’s. Considering that we recently increased the

Early Education Center rent and began charging the

rent on a 12 month rather than 9 month basis, this

decision on their part is all the more generous. We are

fortunate to have such a successful and well-

recognized education facility using our building.

Another recent project was the replacement of the rear

wall base cabinets and addition of an upper cabinet in

the Kilbourne Hall kitchenette. The cabinets were a

donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, having been

salvaged from a remodeling project he completed for a

customer last year.

While used, the cabinets are in excellent condition.

Thank you David for always being on the lookout for

a good deal for St. John’s! Ted Nemeth spouse of our

Coordinator of Music, Sara Seidel, installed them.

Ted even donated the time of two of his very capable

employees for the lower cabinet demolition and

installation duties. Ted is arranging for installation of

a countertop for the base cabinets. Please give Ted

your thanks when you see him. This project has

greatly improved the kitchenette area storage and

workflow at little cost to St. John’s.

Other projects currently being undertaken and/or

considered are the remodeling of the second restroom

in Township Hall (it is too nasty to even be used at

this point). Our Sexton, David, remodeled the first

restroom last year; however, his schedule does not

allow him to undertake such major projects that need

to be completed in a timely manner. Additional

lighting has been installed in the Choir Room to make

their practice sessions a bit more “enlightened”!

The Committee is also receiving and considering bids

for the repair and restoration of the windows on the

front of the church (High Street side) and the transom

above the front door. While all the windows need

restoration, the ones on the front are in most critical

need. This will likely be the project earmarked for the

property improvement portion of the Ministry

Campaign donations for 2013.

Thank you to everyone in the parish who has made it

possible for us to maintain our facilities even during

difficult financial times.

The Property Committee

Dick Danke and Linda Weatherholt


THE FOOD PANTRIES Faith and Begorrah! The

leprechauns who search for gold

at the end of the rainbow during

the week like to see our food

baskets filled to overflowing on

Sunday mornings. May the luck

o' the Irish come your way each

time you bring a donation to

support the Worthington and

Gladden Food Pantries! All kinds of toiletries and non

-perishable food items are welcome, or you can use

this month's lucky suggestions as your guide:

March 3 - deodorant, feminine products

10 - spaghetti sauce, whole wheat pasta

17 - canned GREENS, canned tomatoes

24 - 100% fruit juice

31 - granola bars with fruit & nuts

INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP St. John's Intercessory Prayer Group

prays for others and the situations in

which they, their loved ones, friends,

co-workers, etc, may find themselves.

If you or someone you love or know

needs prayer support or you would

like to join us in praying, please call or

email me, Jo Pascoe at (614) 885-1773 or

[email protected]. ~ Jo Pascoe

Page 4: Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested


FINDING GOD IN CYBERSPACE? I admit it! My Bible had been

sitting on my bookshelf gathering

dust and not in my hands! Dare I

say the only scripture reading I'd

been doing all last year was in

church and my LEV ministry? There. I've come clean

in keeping with the season! As Lent approached and I

had missed several church services due to illness, I

decided I must start fulfilling my "Christian

Responsibility," or what I'd rather call my "Christian

Desire" to read and study scripture on a daily basis, as

opposed to giving up chocolate or Facebook. Ha!

So I searched and discovered a web site so exciting

and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested I

share it, especially for those who can't always get to

church: www.biblegateway.com. Bible Gateway is an

online, user friendly program for reading and

researching scripture from your computer through

emails and/or as a free application on a smart phone. It

provides so many choices of tools and daily reading

plans for prayer, meditations, and scripture, and links

you to many other spiritual journeys you can take

depending on your needs, led by those such as Max

Lucado, Dietreich Bonhoeffer, Lee Strobel, and many

biblical scholars. I signed up for a "Reading Plan for

the Year" and chose the New Testament, which I will

complete by December by receiving daily emails with

scripture in the language and version of my choice, in

chronological order. I like to switch back and forth

with modern and traditional versions of the same

passage to compare interpretations and for clarity.

You can choose "Daily Reading Plans" for the Old

and New Testament, Gospels, Psalms, devotionals for

personal growth for men, women and couples, seasons

and holidays, and so many other choices! It also

provides ways to find and compare particular passages

in scripture based on keywords, phrases, or scripture

reference as well as word definitions. You can sign up

to have the passages read aloud to you if you learn

better or are inspired more by hearing a voice, though

certainly not as powerful as Father Philip and our lay

readers ;-) I also receive a very short "Words of Jesus

Daily" on the face of my smart phone each morning,

but you can chose the time of day you would like to

receive them! After my month long engagement with

Bible Gateway, I feel so much more connected to God

and Jesus along with all I gain in communion with

others at St. John's services. My knowledge of the

Bible is growing, and better yet, my questions have

deepened! I hope the website can have the same effect

on you as it has on me. Now my daily, peaceful, life-

giving Bible reading is just one click away, has no

chance to gather dust, and I actually WANT to do it

BEFORE I eat my chocolate and surf Facebook! I'm

sure Jesus is happy to rank first ;-) ~ Rachel Fuller



It’s that time again! Our parish is providing the meal

at St. John’s Columbus on Wednesday, March 20,

2013. Neighborhood families rely on this weekly

meal for fellowship and to stretch tight budgets.

You can help by making chicken casseroles and by

volunteering. It’s easy! Pans and recipes will be avail-

able starting on Sunday, February 24. Casseroles are

due back to the church on Sunday, March 17.

In addition, we need volunteers to set up, serve and

clean up the day of the dinner. It’s easy and it’s great


You can:

• Help with day-of shopping and delivery

• Set up 5:00 - 6:00 pm

• Serve the meal family style, 6:00 - 7:15 pm

• Clean-up 6:30 - 7:30 pm

To volunteer, please contact Mary Wachtel,

[email protected], 614.784.1450.

LAY WEEDERS PERENNIAL ANNUAL MEETING! Calling all gardeners! Join us for our planning meet-

ing on Wednesday, March 20, at 7:30 p.m. Bring your

ideas and dreams for St. John's gardens this coming

year. For more information, call Ellen Stukenberg,



The Wedding Committee is looking

for new members! The wedding

committee makes sure that every-

thing goes smoothly for the wedding

rehearsal and ceremony.

We need someone who can be avail-

able for 1-2 weddings per year; our

next wedding is in April.

Please contact Margaret Scott at

[email protected] or 614-806-3318.

Page 5: Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested



STEWARDSHIP THIS LENT As we begin another Lenten Season, I consistently re-

call other Lenten seasons and how I began them on

Ash Wednesday with such enthusiasm to have a

“good, fruitful and holy Lent,” only to discover that 20

days into the 40 days of Lent, I am just “coasting” to

get through the rest of the season. I know that I am not

alone in this!

What happens to us at the mid-point of this great sea-

son of renewal in which we discern our relationship

with Christ as His disciples, then often lose our

“momentum” somewhere along the way, anticipating

Easter with less and less drive and passion? By the

time Holy Week arrives, where are we spiritually? I

find myself falling or even failing in making my

Lenten experience as enriching as I had hoped. So, I

guess that’s my public confession.

This year, I have resolved to end that pattern and be-

gin another Lent that calls for my discovering and re-

covering stewardship in this time of renewal. While

this may sound like just another Lenten resolution, this

year I pray it will be different. After all, it is a time to

“firmly resolve, with the help of the Lord’s grace” “to

amend my life.” Those words say more than just con-

cluding a familiar prayer. They tell us that, with God’s

help, my life will be different. It may also be the solu-

tion to discovering or recovering my commitment to

the stewardship way of life.

When I first embraced the spirituality of stewardship a

few years ago, I found a clear vision of the spirituality

that fueled the discipleship I was called to live. The

calls of discipleship are sounding loud and clear to

every baptized person, regardless of age. As believers,

our call rests in the desire of Jesus Himself to invite us

to join Him in His mission. Obviously, to do so, one

must begin with oneself, to prepare oneself or even

repair oneself, before attempting to reach out to others

with the message and the mission of Christ, done only

with the help of God’s grace. Jesus became human so

that we may become divine.

I believe there is a time to make a decision renewing

our willingness to practice being a disciple of Jesus

Christ through involvement or attendance at church, in

the home, in Bible study or Lenten School, in the

workplace or at school. That happens each October in

our parish when, during a month of focusing on stew-

ardship, we discern and commit ourselves to the stew-

ardship way of life. It is a key moment for each of us

personally, for our parish, and for our community.

Four months later, we find ourselves deep into the

Lenten season. So, why not see this as a time and an

opportunity to discover and recover what we thought

we would do last October? It truly can be a time when

we try to continue something we may have lost sight

of with the passing of a mere four months. And isn’t

that the meaning of the Lenten Season, in which the

Church sets aside a specific period of time for us to

work on improving our relationships with our Lord

and one another? Lent is a time for a “spirituality tune

-up.” Discovering or recovering the stewardship way

of life can be the means to restoring our lives in

Christ. It is an important and practical way to make

our Lenten season good, fruitful and holy this year.

Reviewing a commitment made months ago may be a

good start. Remembering why we were inclined to

sign up for what we were willing to do with our time,

talent and treasure the day we filled out a pledge form

is just as important. Something attracted us to do it

then. Perhaps this Lenten season, we can recommit

ourselves to do it again. I believe the Lord doesn’t just

call us once and then wait for another year. By the

grace of God, we are given all that we need to perform

as true disciples. A four-month reminder can be a very

good thing.

The stewardship way of life isn’t just an activity that

happens one weekend out of the year. Let’s pray this

Lenten season will find us not losing but gaining mo-

mentum in our spiritual lives. Understanding and prac-

ticing stewardship enhances our lives each day we dis-

cover and recover the importance of the call to disci-

pleship. It is a call we can’t afford not to hear, no mat-

ter what time of the year it is.

As we experience the Lenten season, let us make a

concrete commitment to prayer, fasting and acts of

generosity. Let us pray for the wisdom and strength to

let go of things that get in the way of our relationship

with God; for a strengthening of faith; and for the

grace to see that the poor of the world are not strang-

ers, but are our sisters and brothers. I invite each of

you to join me in making a commitment to pray each

day, and to living the steward-

ship way of life, using the gifts

God has given to us to serve

God and God’s kingdom.

~ Donna Hissrich

– the Stewardship Committee

Page 6: Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested





Sing, ye faithful, sing with gladness, wake your noblest, sweetest strain,

with the praises of your Savior let his house resound again;

him let all your music honor, and your songs exalt his reign.

St. John’s will be filled with music on Easter morning, with two trumpeters joining us and the choir singing at

both services. Melissa Christophersen Redmill will play a flute arrangement of the Mozart “Alleluia” from

“Exsultate, jubilate”. Trumpet and choral descants will accompany many of the hymns, and the choir will sing

a gospel anthem, “The Stone is Rolled Away”, as well as Randall Thompson’s “Alleluia”.

In measured contrast to the unadorned and meditative nature of our Lenten service music, music throughout

the season of Easter is filled with joy, and the “Alleluia’s” return! Easter hymns and anthems will be sung not

just on Easter Day, but throughout the entire Easter season, and after a Lenten season without organ postludes,

the entire fifty days of Easter will be celebrated with festive toccatas, fanfares, trumpet tunes, and other exu-

berant music! Alleluia! Christ is risen!

~ Sara Seidel, Coordinator of Music


Holy Week comes early this year! Below is the tentative schedule:

Palm Sunday - March 24th, services at 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist with the Blessing of the Palms

Tuesday – March 26th, service at 7 p.m., The Stations of the Cross

Wednesday- March 27th, service at 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist following by Bible Study.

Maundy Thursday - March 28th, service at 7 p.m. with choir, Holy Eucharist, Foot Washing, the Stripping of

the Altar

Good Friday Services, March 29th: services at noon and 7:p.m.:

Noon - (Tentative) Worthington Community Good Friday Service on the Village Green. We begin in

front of the Presbyterian Church and progress around the Village Green. The service concludes in

the St. John’s Cemetery.

7:00 p.m. – At St. John’s, the Prayer Book Liturgy for Good Friday including the Veneration of the


Easter Eve: Saturday, March 30th – The Great Easter Vigil service at 7 p.m., may include baptisms

Easter Sunday, March 31th – Services at 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Festive Holy Eucharist

Watch the Sunday announcements or the St. John’s Web Page for more detailed information as we draw

nearer to Holy Week! ~ Fr. Philip

Page 7: Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested


CHILDREN’S & YOUTH MINISTRIES NEWS As we journey together through the season of Lent, to

the despair of the cross and the joy of the empty tomb,

there will be much activity for the kids, youth, and

families of St. John’s. Members, friends, neighbors,

visitors – you’re all welcome to take part in the

opportunities of this parish!

Children’s Church will continue to meet during the

9:00 am worship service every Sunday this month.

The Children’s & Youth Education classes (aka

Sunday School) will meet on Sundays March 3rd, 10th,

and 17th from 10:20 to 11:00 am, and Growing In

Faith Together (GIFT) for babies & toddlers will

meet on Sundays March 3rd and 17th at 10:20 am.

High schoolers should meet in the Atrium on Sundays

March 17th and 24th for Senior High Coffee Hour

with Ann Badger.

The St. John’s Youth Group will meet in the

Carriage House on Sunday, March 10th from 4:00 to

5:30 pm. All 6th through 12th graders are encouraged

to attend, and friends are welcome. We’ll enjoy some

snacks and listen to music – some “Christian” and

some “secular” – and talk about what makes them the

same, and what makes them different, what we like,

and what we don’t like. Youth should bring their

ipods/smartphones/mp3 players along with them.

On Palm Sunday, March 24th, kids, younger youth,

and adults will gather together in Kilbourne Hall from

10:20 to 11:00 am for an Intergenerational Palm

Sunday Celebration. We’ll make the traditional

palm crosses, along with some special kid-friendly

craft projects, and there will be yummy refreshments.

Also on the 24th, we’ll open the 9:00 am worship

service with our annual Palm Sunday processional –

kids and youth who’d like to participate should be in

the Atrium by 8:50 am to line up and receive their


There will be a special evening session of Children’s

Church during the Maundy Thursday worship

service at 7:00 pm on Thursday, March 28th. Kids will

hear the story of the Last Supper, and prepare

themselves for the foot-washing ritual which will

happen after they return to the “Big Church” service.

On Easter morning, Sunday March 31st, kids and

youth of all ages will celebrate Christ’s resurrection

with our Easter Egg Hunt for kids and Photo

Scavenger Hunt for youth at 10:20 am. Families

should gather in Kilbourne Hall to kick off these

festivities. There will be separate Egg Hunt areas

designated for different age groups, and each group

will be shepherded by an adult volunteer. Youth will

receive instructions for their Scavenger Hunt in

Kilbourne Hall as well.

Last but not least, the 2013 schedule for Procter

Summer Camp has been released. Procter offers

amazing camping opportunities all summer long for

4th graders through high schoolers, in addition to three

sessions of Family Camp for mixed-age family

groups. Kids and youth from St. John’s who’ve gone

to camp in recent years have given Procter rave

reviews. The 2013 schedule is listed on page 8. For

more information, or to register online, go to

youth.diosohio.org and click on “Summer Camp” on

the right side of the page. Remember that scholarship

assistance is available from St. John’s and from the

Diocese – contact me for more information.

I look forward to journeying toward Easter with you!

~ Maggie Leidheiser-Stoddard, Coordinator of

Children’s & Youth Ministries

([email protected])

Search for “St. John’s Episcopal Church and Early

Education Center—Worthington, OH” and click

“Like” to see our updates in your News Feed!

Children and youth demonstrated their Christian love for

their neighbors by collecting donations for the young

patients at Nationwide Children's Hospital during last

month's Love Offering.

Page 8: Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested



Calling all cleaners, rakers, shovelers, dusters, indoor

and outdoor taskmasters! Yes, it is that time of the

year again when we must begin thinking of projects

for completion to KEEP St. John’s property looking

great. Please mark your calendars for the Spring work

session on April 6th at St. John’s. We will gather in

the Atrium to spruce up the property (inside and out)

from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Come for part of the

morning or stay until noon. Please bring buckets and

rags if you will be cleaning. Those who prefer to

work outside, please bring heavy-duty rakes, leaf

rakes, and shovels as we will be working on a project

in the parking area. Back by popular demand, Dick

and Sara Danke will provide “Sloppy Joe’s” for lunch

at noon. This is a great one-time commitment that

adults as well as youth can make to St. John’s. The

fellowship is great, our church will look great and you

can’t beat the tasty lunch that is provided! Hope to

see you there.

If you have any questions, please call Dick Danke at

740-549-6204 or Linda Weatherholt at 614-847-9945.


Senior Warden: Bill Weatherholt (2013)

Junior Warden: Jeff Rees (2014)

Class of 2013 Marianne Broere

Kim Rice

Terri Matthews*

Anna Sylvester

Class of 2014 Dave Forman

Ellen Hitch

Jan Saik

Lee Shepherd

Class of 2015 Nancy Elkington

Caroline Fraker

David Hissrich

Jonathan Johns

*appointed by the Vestry to fill an opening created by

Jeff Rees’ election as Junior Warden

Secretary/Clerk of the Vestry

Donna Bailey (appointed annually by the Vestry)

Parish Treasurer Christine Rees (appointed annually by the Vestry)


June 7-June 9: Family Camp 1

June 11- June 15: Boys and Girls Camp (4th and 5th


June 17- June 22: Intermediate Camp (8th and 9th


June 24 - June 29: Senior High Camp (10th Grade

through Graduated Seniors)

July 3 - July 6: Family Camp 2

July 8 - July 13: Creative Arts Camp (6th through

12th Grade)

July 15 - July 20: Confirmation Camp (10th Grade

through Graduated Seniors)

July 22 - July 27: Junior Camp (6th and 7th Grade)

July 31 - August 3: Family Camp 3

More info & online registration at youth.diosohio.org!

CONFIRMATION CLASS 2013 HAS BEGUN This year’s confirmation class has started, and we

have eight adults enrolled. The class is led by Fr.

Philip and will last for a total of nine weeks.

Please keep those taking this class in your prayers:

Grover Furey

Teri Foley-Nelson

Andrew Nelson

Todd Boler

Leslie Heckert

Jonathan Leidheiser-Stoddard

Sally Vincent

and Juan Perez.

Confirmation under Bishop Breidenthal is expected

to occur at a regional confirmation on Saturday, May

4 at 11:00 a.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church in

New Albany.


March 3: Sue Sheets “We are Stewards of our Time”

March 10: St. John's parishioner Teri Foley-Nelson

will lead a Lenten-themed Bible study

March 17: Our seminarian Juan Perez will speak

about his ministry.

March 24: Intergenerational event with Children's

Education: making palm crosses

March 31: Easter Sunday (no Adult Education)

April 7: Staff Recognition Reception (no Adult Edu-


Page 9: Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested


Early Ed News: For Valentine’s Day our Red Room friends made

Valentines and collected homemade goodies for our troops.


ECW'S Liberia International Lunch will take place on Tuesday,

June 11. This year's theme is Reconciliation.



Umunna and Emily Holland. The church library has one copy. In

addition, the book is available through the Columbus Metropolitan

Library system. ~Susie Bonnell

The wonderful fellowship of last month’s Annual Meeting was enhanced by

a special slideshow of photographs from 2012!


Alice Herman March 1

Linda Lusch March 2

Norman Gibbs March 3

Kelly McKinney March 4

Nina Bruns March 5

Joan Wood March 6

Stephanie Morrison March 8

Roger Hunter March 9

Sara Danke March 10

Barbara McVicker March 10

Jenny Cook March 12

Angelo O’Dorisio March 12

Eldon Ronning March 15

John Schultz March 15

Jeff Rees March 16

Jack Mamone March 16

Emerson Koethe March 17

Sam Peters March 17

Susan Sturgill March 18

Kim Rice March 20

Ryan Walton March 20

Dee Hileman March 22

Clifton Flemister March 23

Kent Zoellner March 23

Charlotte Bystrek March 23

Michael Haberkorn March 24

Robert Burgman March 24

Richard Lease March 26

Anna Sylvester March 26

Andrew Adams March 26

Mark Broere March 28

Georgia Brinegar March 28

Kevin Condon March 30

Caroline Ellingwood March 31

ALL SAINTS FUND DONATIONS The following donation has recently been

made to the St. John’s All Saints Fund:

Hazel Crawford, in memory of Murray


Page 10: Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested


Church Service Opportunities Both special events and regular activities of our parish are listed below. These include the dates of all church

committee meetings as well as a contact name and number for each committee. Please consider attending one or

more committee meetings to explore where your interests and talents fit in best. The committees and their work

are important components of the lay ministry here at St. John’s. We need you.

St. John’s Calendar of Events

More details about these activities can be found on the announcement sheet each Sunday. If you would like your special

events or regularly scheduled meetings to be published for the congregation, please contact the church office at

(614) 846-5180 or [email protected]. Please understand that these calendars are prepared well in

advance of the actual events and that subsequent changes cannot be reflected.

Saturday, March 2nd 6:30 PM – Saturday Supper, Kilbourne Hall, Kim Basso

Monday, March 4th 1:30 PM – Prayer Shawl Ministry, Library, Jane Kuntz

Tuesday, March 5th 6:30 PM – Lenten School, Atrium, Philip College

Wednesday, March 6th 7:00 PM – Confirmation Class, Music & Movement Room, Father Philip

Sunday, March 10th 5:00 PM – Celtic Worship Group, Lorey Roggenkamp

Tuesday, March 12th 12:00 PM – ECW Luncheon Meeting, Kilbourne Hall

6:30 PM – Lenten School, Atrium, Philip College

7:00 PM – Adult Education Committee, Conference Room, Dan Collins

Wednesday, March 13th 7:00 PM – Confirmation Class, Music & Movement Room, Father Philip

Thursday, March 14th 1:30 PM – Pastoral Care Committee, Conference Room, Hat O’Toole

4:00 PM – Finance Committee, Conference Room, Chip Lothes

Saturday, March 16th 8:00 AM – Altar Guild Work Day, Atrium, Punky Cline

9:00 AM – Property Committee Meeting, Conference Room, Dick Danke

Tuesday, March 19th Deadline for Newsletter submissions: Send to

http://[email protected]/news2/submit-news/

7:00 PM – Vestry Meeting, Music & Movement Room, Philip College

Wednesday, March 20th 7:00 PM – Confirmation Class, Music & Movement Room, Father Philip

Tuesday, March 26th 7:00 PM – The Stations of the Cross Service, Nave

Thursday, March 28th 6:00 PM – Children’s Church Meeting, Library, Maggie L. S.

6:30 PM – Friendship Dinner, Undercroft, John Pascoe

7:00 PM – Maundy Thursday Service, Nave

Friday, March 29th 12:00 PM – Tentative date for Ecumenical Good Friday Service, Village Green

7:00 PM – Good Friday Service, Nave

Saturday, March 30th 7:00 PM – The Great Easter Vigil Service

Saturday, April 6th 6:30 PM – Saturday Supper, Off Campus, Kim Basso

Month at at Glance: Regular Activities for the Month of March


9:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Including Children’s Church, Nave

10:15 AM Children’s & Adult’s Christian Education

11:15 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Nave


7:00 PM Boy Scouts Troop 268, Undercroft


10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Bible Study, Nave


1:30 PM Reflecting on Our Faith, 1st & 3rd weeks, Conference Room

7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room

Page 11: Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested



(Under) or Over

Budget Actual Budget

Operating Revenue:

Pledge & Plate Contributions 51,367 31,830 (19,537)

Other Revenue 2,329 18,010 15,681

Total Operating Revenue 53,696 49,840 (3,856)

Operating Expenses:

Human Resources 21,920 24,237 2,317

Diocesan Expense 7.500 7,501 1

Other Administrative Expenses 2,508 3,097 589

Building & Grounds Expenses 13,226 9,352 (3,874)

Committee Expenses 2,747 1,685 (1,062)

Total Operating Expenses 47,901 45,872 (2,029)

Operating Cash Flow 5,795 3,968 (1,827)

Financial Recap:

At the end of January 2013 our actual pledge and plate receipts were $19,500 below budget; this deficit is

anticipated to be a timing issue as several of our parishioners who typically make their contributions annually

in January did not do so this year. However, during January 2013 we were fortunate to receive a gift from

Jackie Browning of $15,540, which is currently showing in other revenue, and which brought our total revenue

for the month within $3,800 of our budget. In total our operating expenses, which excludes mortgage princi-

pal payments, were $2,000 below budget, which in combination with our revenues, gave us a positive cash

flow for the month of $4,000! A note about the capital side of the Campaign for Sustaining and Growing our

Ministries: In 2013, we are anticipating contributions in the amount of $68,850, which averages to approxi-

mately $5,700 per month. During January 2013 we received contributions in the amount of $5,900, which

puts us right on track so far this year in our capital campaign! Overall, a very good start to the new year!

Page 12: Crossroads - St.Johns Worthington€¦ · She co-chairs the Social Justice & Public ... donation from our Sexton, David Talbot, ... and life altering for me that Father Philip suggested


St. John’s Episcopal Church

700 High Street

Worthington, Ohio 43085




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