Mind your business…

CrossMind webcases

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CrossMind webcases

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Page 1: CrossMind webcases

Mind your business…

Page 2: CrossMind webcases

Government to CitizenAnything goes with an attitude

Business to Business (generelt)Dow AgroSciences



Andersen Winches


Devi Danfoss

Hollensen A/S

MacArtney A/S

Megaman Danmark

MultiLine A/S

Sanovo Engineering

AVK International A/S


Business to Business (service) Centrovice

Kompan Play Institute



Kokken & Co


Page 3: CrossMind webcases

Business to Consumer (foods)Credin Bageripartner A/S

Danske Slagtermestres Landsforening

Rynkeby Food Service

Tulip Foods #1

Tulip Foods #2


Business to Consumer (generelt)Heta

Winther Cykler

Business to Consumer (service)Østjysk Bank

Pengeinstitutternes Udviklingssamarbejde

Aktiv FamilieFerie


Government to CitizenSkive Kommune

Page 4: CrossMind webcases

Business to Business

Dow AgroSciences

Amerikansk kemi koncern – med speciale inden for ukrudtsbekæmpelse i landbrugsafgrøder.

Opgave: Vi varetager den totale nordiske markedsføring til landbruget – lige fra konceptudvikling til lancering.

Typisk gennem web, direct mail kampagner, brochurer og annoncering.

Målgruppe: Landmænd og landbrugskonsulenter

Business to Business

annoncer »

»dIrect maIl

Page 5: CrossMind webcases
Page 6: CrossMind webcases


Kemivirksomhed som køber, behandler, sælger og markedsfører ingredienser og kemikalier til industrikunder i Danmark.

Opgave: Strategisk og taktisk udvikling af virksomhedens produktkommunikation

Målgruppe: Produktionsvirksomheder med behov for kemiske proces behandlinger (blend/mix).

Business to Business


Page 7: CrossMind webcases
Page 8: CrossMind webcases

Business to Business


Janssen-Cilag, er en international medicinalvirksomhed, der bl.a. producerer smertestillende medicin

Opgave: Markedsføringen af et af deres produktområder, Durogesic (Fentanyl, smertestillende depotplastre)

over for læger og hospitaler.

Målgrupper som kulturelt og informationsmæssigt er meget krævende, både i indhold og måden der kommunikeres.

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annoncer »

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Business to Business

Andersen Winches

Producent af kvalitetsspil til lystyachts

Opgave: Udvikling og implementering af virksomhedens markedsføring globalt.

Primært i form af kataloger, brochurer, annoncer og messestande.

Målgruppe: Bådværfter / producenter af større motorbåde og lystyachts. Sekundært bådejere.


For latest Distributor update – please visit www.andersenwinches.com

Who Do You Trust?Nothing Compares to the Original

Page 11: CrossMind webcases

Reliable …All the Way

For latest Distributor update – please visit www.andersenwinches.com

Winches You Can Trust

ANDERSEN Winches offer reliable and aesthetic lightweight drums. The highly polished stainless steel drum surface has an extremely low vertical rope friction. It will show no sign of wear and tear. The unique exterior Power Rib System© provides an everlasting superior grip with less rope wear.

45 years of experience is the reason why ANDERSEN Winches are the market leader when it comes to quality winches.

annoncer »

For latest Distributor update – please visit www.andersenwinches.com

Who Do You Trust?Nothing Compares to the Original

Page 12: CrossMind webcases

Business to Business


Flexofold udvikler, fremstiller og sælger foldepropeller til sejlbåde og lystyachter.

Opgave: redefinering af den grafiske annonceprofil

Målgruppe: ejere af sejlbåde og lystyachter gennem annoncering i internationale fagmagasiner


Flexofold ApS . Denmark . Tel +45 7555 4346 . [email protected]

Higher performance and safety with Flexofold

Folded 3-blade propeller

Unfolded 3-blade propeller

• Excellent performance in forward and reversing manoeuvres

• Short stopping distance – provides greater safety in the harbour• Low drag propeller

– increased sailing speed

Contact us directly at www.flexofold.com

Flexofold ApS . Denmark . Tel +45 7555 4346 . [email protected]

Park your boat anywhere

with Flexofold

Folded 3-blade propeller


3-blade propeller

• Excellent performance in forward

and reversing manoeuvres

• Short stopping distance

– provides greater safety in the harbour

• Low drag propeller

– increased sailing speed

Contact us directly at


Page 13: CrossMind webcases

Flexofold Deutschland . [email protected] . Tel: 0461-481 5610

Safety First

Bei einem Faltpropeller stehen die Flügel beim

Segeln nicht hervor wie bei Fest- oder Dreh-

flügelpropellern. Sie fangen also keine Leinen,

Angelschnüre, Netze oder anderes Treibgut.

Hervorragende Manövrierfähigkeit Dank des Flügelprofils und des hydrodyna-

mischen Designs entwickeln Flexofold-Propeller

überragenden Schub, vorwärts und rückwärts.

Höhere Geschwindigkeit Ein Faltpropeller reduziert den enormen

Schleppwiderstand und verbessert Ihre

Segel-Performance um durchschnittlich 15%.

Mehr Komfort

Mit einem Flexofold-Faltpropeller gibt es so wenig Lärm wie Schleppwiderstand.

Flexofold hat groß dimensionierte eingebaute

Anschlagdämpfer für leises Öffnen.


Bei einem Flexofold-Propeller sind die einzigen

beweglichen Teile die Flügel. Weich arbeitende

Verzahnungen und robuste Materialien sichern

eine lange Lebensdauer.

Vorteile des Flexofold-Faltpropellers

Kontakten Sie uns direkt auf www.flexofold.deZusammengefalteter


“...der besten Kombination der Pfahlzugwerte vor und zurück” - Das deutsche Magazin Segeln

Mehr Informationen: www.flexofold.de/segeln-test

Entfalteter Dreiblatt-Propeller

Page 14: CrossMind webcases

Business to Business

Devi Danfoss

Danfoss Floor Heating Electrical er Europas førende producent af intelligente elektriske gulvvarmesystemer.

Opgave: Udarbejdelse af koncepter vedr. produktudvikling og produktlanceringer.

Målgruppe: Installatører og grossister.


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Business to Business

Hollensen A/S

Hollensen Energy udvikler løsninger inden for kraftvarmeværker baseret på biobrændsel og forsilbrændstof.

Opgave: Udvikling af virksomhedens grafiske identitet (bl.a. logo, image brochure og og tekniske brochure i 2 niveauer).

Målgruppe: Kommuner, større virksomheder og fjernvarme bestyrelser.

» InvItatIon


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Business to Business

MacArtney A/S

Producent af en række forskellige udstyr til brug på store havdybder. Eksempelvis fjernbetjente undervandsfartøjer,

akustisk og optisk måleudstyr, fiberoptik etc.

Opgave: Vi har udviklet logo til MacArtney og deres datterselskaber, samt systembrochure, posters og messestand.

Målgruppe: Virksomheder (private og offentlige) der er afhængige af viden om kritiske forhold og ændringer I havene

– som f.eks. Marinen, sikkerheds styrker, off-shore operatører etc. over hele verden.


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»poster wall

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Business to Business

Megaman Danmark

Megaman laver elsparepærer, hvor kvalitet, innovation og miljøtænkning er forenet i et program

af elsparepærer og elspare lyskilder.

Opgave: Fag-annoncering af forskellige sparepærer, messemateriale samt forbruger informationsfolder.

Målgruppe: Arkitekter, el-installatører og danske kommuner.

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Business to Business

MultiLine A/S

MultiLine A/S er grossist med forhandling af en række produkter inden for bl.a. rengøring, kontor- og kantineforsyning.

Opgave: Udvikling af forskellige printmaterialer (foldere og kataloger).

Målgruppe: Beslutningstagere inden for serviceområder i virksomheder.


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Business to Business

Sanovo Engineering

Er en produktionsvirksomhed med speciale i turn-key udstyr til sortering, pakning og efterbehandling af æg.

Afsætningen er global.

Opgave: Conceptudvikling og færdiggørelse af kommunikation til forskellige markedsområder (primært print).

Målgruppe: Internationale ægproducenter – både større og mindre virksomheder

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Business to Business

AVK International A/S

AVK står for salg og eksport af ventiler og tilbehør til vand- og gasforsyning, rensningsanlæg og sprinkleranlæg.

Opgave: Vi har udarbejdet koncepter til forskellige produktgrupper, samt materialer til internationale messer.

Målgruppe: Entreprenører, ingeniører, installatører og grossister.

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Business to Business

TripleNine Fish Protein

Virksomheden producerer og sælger fiskemel og -olie af høj kvalitet, til anvendelse inden for fiskeopdræt,

agro- og petfoodproduktion.

Opgave: Den nuværende web site skal ændres i overensstemmelse med et skifte fra være produktionsorienteret til mere

salg/marketing drevet. Markedsmæssigt skal der fremover ske en udvidelse både til USA og Kina. Desuden er den grafiske

identitet redesignet i form af logo, brevlinje, omslagsmappe, samt powerpoint.

Målgruppe: Beslutningstagere hos producenter af fiskefoder, agro (primært foder til smågrise), og pet food.


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»usb key/key hanger

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Business to Business


Centrovice er et professionelt rådgivningscenter for små og mellemstore erhvervsvirksomheder.

Opgave: Organisationsudvikling i forbindelse med sammenlægning af fire centre til ét for at fastholde ledelsens mål om at udvikle

virksomheden internt og ændre dens image eksternt. I samarbejde med coachingvirksomheden Wolfway afholdtes 2 interne

kurser inkl. interne kommunikationsmaterialer i form af folder og posters. Efterfølgende eksternt materiale i form af brochurer.

Målgruppe: Hhv. medarbejderne hos Centrovice, samt erhvervsvirksomheder inden for landbrug, håndværk, industri og service.



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Business to Business

Kompan Play Institute

KOMPAN Play Institute (KPI) er et netværk af internationale specialister i aktive udemiljøer for børn og unge.

KPI har lanceret et helt nyt internationalt aktivitetsconcept målrettet unge i byområder uden tilstrækkelige uderum.

Opgave: Udvikling af kommuniktationsplatformen og eksekveringen af kampagnen der bl.a. omfatter web, brochurer, annoncer etc.

Målgruppe: Beslutningstagere blandt politikere og ledere i den offentlige administration.

This publicaTion is abouT providing for

young people ouTdoors, physically and

socially. included in The publicaTion is

a series of documenTed soluTions for

ouTdoor acTiviTy for young people ThaT

is The resulT of many years of exTensive



nowhere to go Inclusion and ownership

For young people the outdoors is a place of freedom: at

home parents are hovering, in the sports clubs curricu-

lums must be followed. Outdoors they can meet other

young people, maybe even new young people. But they

need places to go.

Numerous surveys do show that when young people are

included in the planning of outdoor activity places, the

vandalism in the area declines. It can often be a pro-

blem to find a place to ‘hang out’ as for fear of disturbing

neighbours, especially at night. But in the focus groups

interviewed by Capacent Epinion the young people

expressed that they wanted outdoor places where they

did not disturb the neighbours – they do not want to be

a nuisance.

Good spaces for physical activity can be used for much

more than just physical activity. They can give ownership

to the neighbourhood or maybe even the town that the

young people live in. They can give the youth a reason,

or excuse, for going outdoors, being active and meeting

others. These outdoor spaces could be strong signals

to the young people that they are welcome in the neigh-


Being young today

The 10-15-year-olds of today are conscious consumers

and world citizens. They

have grown up with the

communication of the

digital medias and in many

cases have been raised in families in which

they have been asked their opinion on every-

thing from ‘whats for supper to the destination

of the next family holiday!’. It is referred to as the

negotiating or democratic family.

In public life there are

different scenarios for

the young teenager.

Their influence and

inclusion could be

better – in fact it is

hard to find out where to go if you want to be listened

to. At school, the teachers rule and the rules have not

changed despite the demands and attitudes of today’s

children. In leisure time there a few offerings to the

youth, apart from organised sports.

“The new media”

An increasing number of young people spend con-

siderable time in front of computers and mobile phones.

They do it because these are strong social medias and

their social life plays a big role when children grow older.

Furthermore there is a fast response rate on the me-

dia – they are interactive in a way that television never

was. Some say that cyber space is the last space where

children and young people can be free of parental and

adult interference. However, the parents and teachers

know where the young people are when they are seated

in front of the screen.

Furthermore, as com-

puters are said to be

the future, parents

and teachers can

comfort themselves

that the children are learning whilst

playing. In fact the digital media has one

major failing, the users tend to be seated

and there is little or no contact between the


Restricted mobility

People say that the youth of today are disengaged and

do not participate and they have no respect for the public

domain and of the common values. However, quite often

the public sphere offers no space for children and youth

to be heard and seen. In some places it is not accepted

that young people can move round the city freely. If the

youth gather in big groups, or if they become physically

active in the spaces allowed to them, they are discour-

aged from this behaviour. Despite the fact that many

European cities have a growing population of young

citizens, city planning and the general attitude towards

young people is not favourable towards them. Only a few

places are dedicated to the outdoor life of the 10-15-

year-olds. Developmentally, children in or on their way to

puberty have a growing need to be with their peers. The

young Danish teenagers asked by Capacent Epinion for

the KOMPAN Survey expressed their desire to be with

their friends outdoors, but the majority did say that there

are not many places where this is possible.

Understanding the world of YoUng PeoPle“…in the teen advisory boards interviewed by capacent epinion for Kompan the young people express that they want outdoor places where they do not disturb the neighbours.”


� �

KomPan PlaY institUte









Sources:Brandchild, Martin lindström, Millward Brown 2003.Study on young people’s lifestyles and sedentariness and the role of sport in the context of education and as a means of restoring the balance, Brettschneider and Naul, Paderborn and Duisburg-Essen, 2004.

6 groUnd PrinciPlesbased on the input from young people , playground and youth professionals across europe, Kompan has defined 6 principles for successful outdoor places for young people, the Kompan ground. To view an example, please open the following page.


KomPan PlaY institUte Knowledge Knowledge

the concept of a KomPan groUnd 1 In the survey for outdoor acti-vity, made by Capacent Epinion for KOMPAN, 63% answered that they liked swings, especially the girls (86% of the girls preferred swings).

3 Create a youthful atmosphere by adding a visually attractive landmark.

The top scores for boys and girls in Capacent Epinion’s survey were agility tracks (65%) and climbing (48%). Especially the girls were keen on the agility tracks. This corner of the play-ground provides opportunities for both girls and boys.

2 The wall with different levels provide a great space to hang out, balance, stand or sit and watch. This is a prefe-rence for a number of the participants in the focus groups interviewed by Capacent Epinion for KOMPAN.




KomPan PlaY institUte http://teenagers.kompan.com

5 Social activity is important and especially the girls like to sit and watch. In the focus group interviews made by Capacent Epinion forKOMPAN the girls expressed that they liked trees and nature in their hangouts. The trees furthermore provide a shelter for uv radiation.

6 Ballgames are attractive to most boys. In this solution it is close to the seating are so that interaction between these spheres is created.

7 48% of the young participants in the Capacent Epinions survey expressed that they liked climbing equipment. 37% of the girls fur-thermore expressed that they liked spinning activities. This corner of the KOMPAN GrOuND provides an opportunity especially for the girls to sit, watch and be physically active at the same time.



6 principles for a succesful ground:

Include The useRs

❑ Involve the user group – this creates a sense of

shared responsibility, ownership and constructive


❑ Ask: what would you like to do? (Not: what equip-

ment would you like to have?)

❑ Involve neighbours and the local community

❑ Involve social services, schools and police (SSP) in

problem areas

InvesT In The RIghT locaTIon

❑ To ensure success, identify the right location: Young

people want to see and be seen. But they do not

want to disturb anyone or be disturbed

❑ Also involve neighbours and the local community

❑ Young people prefer places within cycling

distance of where they live

RememBeR socIal acTIvITy

❑ remember the social element: somewhere to sit;

cosy corners

❑ remember the girls: they often prefer to sit in twos

or in small groups

❑ Covered areas provide shelter and shade

RememBeR physIcal acTIvITy

❑ Provide a variety of activities

❑ remember the girls: ball games,

skateboarding and the “sweaty” activities are

mostly for the boys; girls are more interested

in swings and spinning activities

cReaTe a secuRe aTmospheRe

❑ Keep the place clean and well maintained – this Keep the place clean and well maintained – this

gives a sense of security

❑ Consider lighting for the place – light creates a sense Consider lighting for the place – light creates a sense

of security

❑ Consider whether there should be a supervisor� Consider whether there should be a supervisor�

playworker linked to the place

cReaTe a youThful aTmospheRe

❑ use elements that signify youth

❑ Create a visually attractive landmark

is there a Place for Us?


young teenagers today are not nearly active enough. This results not only in physical problems such as overweight and obesity and lack of fitness. When young teenagers are not active enough, this also has a negative impact on their ability to concentrate and, at worst, can result in learning difficulties.

based on our knowledge, we have developed a new concept for succesful outdoor places for young teenagers. it is called Kompan ground.read more at http:/teenagers.kompan.com or send an email to xxxxxxx

KomPan PlaY institUte


stoP teenage vandalism!

KomPan PlaY institUte

When children reach puberty there are few ageappropriate outdoor places for playful activity for them. often, young teenagers have a bad image and the public sphere offers no space for them to be seen or heard. They are mainly limited to sportsfields or young children’s playgrounds.

based on our knowledge, we have developed anew concept for succesful outdoor places for young teenagers. it is called Kompan ground.read more at http:/teenagers.kompan.comor send an email to xxxxxxx

Page 33: CrossMind webcases

Kompan Play Institute

KOMPAN Play Institute (KPI) er et netværk af internationale specialister i aktive udemiljøer for børn og unge.

KPI har lanceret et helt nyt internationalt aktivitetsconcept målrettet unge i byområder uden tilstrækkelige uderum.

Opgave: Udvikling af kommuniktationsplatformen og eksekveringen af kampagnen der bl.a. omfatter web, brochurer, annoncer etc.

Målgruppe: Beslutningstagere blandt politikere og ledere i den offentlige administration.

This publicaTion is abouT providing for

young people ouTdoors, physically and

socially. included in The publicaTion is

a series of documenTed soluTions for

ouTdoor acTiviTy for young people ThaT

is The resulT of many years of exTensive



nowhere to go Inclusion and ownership

For young people the outdoors is a place of freedom: at

home parents are hovering, in the sports clubs curricu-

lums must be followed. Outdoors they can meet other

young people, maybe even new young people. But they

need places to go.

Numerous surveys do show that when young people are

included in the planning of outdoor activity places, the

vandalism in the area declines. It can often be a pro-

blem to find a place to ‘hang out’ as for fear of disturbing

neighbours, especially at night. But in the focus groups

interviewed by Capacent Epinion the young people

expressed that they wanted outdoor places where they

did not disturb the neighbours – they do not want to be

a nuisance.

Good spaces for physical activity can be used for much

more than just physical activity. They can give ownership

to the neighbourhood or maybe even the town that the

young people live in. They can give the youth a reason,

or excuse, for going outdoors, being active and meeting

others. These outdoor spaces could be strong signals

to the young people that they are welcome in the neigh-


Being young today

The 10-15-year-olds of today are conscious consumers

and world citizens. They

have grown up with the

communication of the

digital medias and in many

cases have been raised in families in which

they have been asked their opinion on every-

thing from ‘whats for supper to the destination

of the next family holiday!’. It is referred to as the

negotiating or democratic family.

In public life there are

different scenarios for

the young teenager.

Their influence and

inclusion could be

better – in fact it is

hard to find out where to go if you want to be listened

to. At school, the teachers rule and the rules have not

changed despite the demands and attitudes of today’s

children. In leisure time there a few offerings to the

youth, apart from organised sports.

“The new media”

An increasing number of young people spend con-

siderable time in front of computers and mobile phones.

They do it because these are strong social medias and

their social life plays a big role when children grow older.

Furthermore there is a fast response rate on the me-

dia – they are interactive in a way that television never

was. Some say that cyber space is the last space where

children and young people can be free of parental and

adult interference. However, the parents and teachers

know where the young people are when they are seated

in front of the screen.

Furthermore, as com-

puters are said to be

the future, parents

and teachers can

comfort themselves

that the children are learning whilst

playing. In fact the digital media has one

major failing, the users tend to be seated

and there is little or no contact between the


Restricted mobility

People say that the youth of today are disengaged and

do not participate and they have no respect for the public

domain and of the common values. However, quite often

the public sphere offers no space for children and youth

to be heard and seen. In some places it is not accepted

that young people can move round the city freely. If the

youth gather in big groups, or if they become physically

active in the spaces allowed to them, they are discour-

aged from this behaviour. Despite the fact that many

European cities have a growing population of young

citizens, city planning and the general attitude towards

young people is not favourable towards them. Only a few

places are dedicated to the outdoor life of the 10-15-

year-olds. Developmentally, children in or on their way to

puberty have a growing need to be with their peers. The

young Danish teenagers asked by Capacent Epinion for

the KOMPAN Survey expressed their desire to be with

their friends outdoors, but the majority did say that there

are not many places where this is possible.

Understanding the world of YoUng PeoPle“…in the teen advisory boards interviewed by capacent epinion for Kompan the young people express that they want outdoor places where they do not disturb the neighbours.”


� �

KomPan PlaY institUte









Sources:Brandchild, Martin lindström, Millward Brown 2003.Study on young people’s lifestyles and sedentariness and the role of sport in the context of education and as a means of restoring the balance, Brettschneider and Naul, Paderborn and Duisburg-Essen, 2004.

6 groUnd PrinciPlesbased on the input from young people , playground and youth professionals across europe, Kompan has defined 6 principles for successful outdoor places for young people, the Kompan ground. To view an example, please open the following page.


KomPan PlaY institUte Knowledge Knowledge

the concept of a KomPan groUnd 1 In the survey for outdoor acti-vity, made by Capacent Epinion for KOMPAN, 63% answered that they liked swings, especially the girls (86% of the girls preferred swings).

3 Create a youthful atmosphere by adding a visually attractive landmark.

The top scores for boys and girls in Capacent Epinion’s survey were agility tracks (65%) and climbing (48%). Especially the girls were keen on the agility tracks. This corner of the play-ground provides opportunities for both girls and boys.

2 The wall with different levels provide a great space to hang out, balance, stand or sit and watch. This is a prefe-rence for a number of the participants in the focus groups interviewed by Capacent Epinion for KOMPAN.




KomPan PlaY institUte http://teenagers.kompan.com

5 Social activity is important and especially the girls like to sit and watch. In the focus group interviews made by Capacent Epinion forKOMPAN the girls expressed that they liked trees and nature in their hangouts. The trees furthermore provide a shelter for uv radiation.

6 Ballgames are attractive to most boys. In this solution it is close to the seating are so that interaction between these spheres is created.

7 48% of the young participants in the Capacent Epinions survey expressed that they liked climbing equipment. 37% of the girls fur-thermore expressed that they liked spinning activities. This corner of the KOMPAN GrOuND provides an opportunity especially for the girls to sit, watch and be physically active at the same time.



6 principles for a succesful ground:

Include The useRs

❑ Involve the user group – this creates a sense of

shared responsibility, ownership and constructive


❑ Ask: what would you like to do? (Not: what equip-

ment would you like to have?)

❑ Involve neighbours and the local community

❑ Involve social services, schools and police (SSP) in

problem areas

InvesT In The RIghT locaTIon

❑ To ensure success, identify the right location: Young

people want to see and be seen. But they do not

want to disturb anyone or be disturbed

❑ Also involve neighbours and the local community

❑ Young people prefer places within cycling

distance of where they live

RememBeR socIal acTIvITy

❑ remember the social element: somewhere to sit;

cosy corners

❑ remember the girls: they often prefer to sit in twos

or in small groups

❑ Covered areas provide shelter and shade

RememBeR physIcal acTIvITy

❑ Provide a variety of activities

❑ remember the girls: ball games,

skateboarding and the “sweaty” activities are

mostly for the boys; girls are more interested

in swings and spinning activities

cReaTe a secuRe aTmospheRe

❑ Keep the place clean and well maintained – this Keep the place clean and well maintained – this

gives a sense of security

❑ Consider lighting for the place – light creates a sense Consider lighting for the place – light creates a sense

of security

❑ Consider whether there should be a supervisor� Consider whether there should be a supervisor�

playworker linked to the place

cReaTe a youThful aTmospheRe

❑ use elements that signify youth

❑ Create a visually attractive landmark

is there a Place for Us?


young teenagers today are not nearly active enough. This results not only in physical problems such as overweight and obesity and lack of fitness. When young teenagers are not active enough, this also has a negative impact on their ability to concentrate and, at worst, can result in learning difficulties.

based on our knowledge, we have developed a new concept for succesful outdoor places for young teenagers. it is called Kompan ground.read more at http:/teenagers.kompan.com or send an email to xxxxxxx

KomPan PlaY institUte


stoP teenage vandalism!

KomPan PlaY institUte

When children reach puberty there are few ageappropriate outdoor places for playful activity for them. often, young teenagers have a bad image and the public sphere offers no space for them to be seen or heard. They are mainly limited to sportsfields or young children’s playgrounds.

based on our knowledge, we have developed anew concept for succesful outdoor places for young teenagers. it is called Kompan ground.read more at http:/teenagers.kompan.comor send an email to xxxxxxx

This publicaTion is abouT providing for

young people ouTdoors, physically and

socially. included in The publicaTion is

a series of documenTed soluTions for

ouTdoor acTiviTy for young people ThaT

is The resulT of many years of exTensive



nowhere to go Inclusion and ownership

For young people the outdoors is a place of freedom: at

home parents are hovering, in the sports clubs curricu-

lums must be followed. Outdoors they can meet other

young people, maybe even new young people. But they

need places to go.

Numerous surveys do show that when young people are

included in the planning of outdoor activity places, the

vandalism in the area declines. It can often be a pro-

blem to find a place to ‘hang out’ as for fear of disturbing

neighbours, especially at night. But in the focus groups

interviewed by Capacent Epinion the young people

expressed that they wanted outdoor places where they

did not disturb the neighbours – they do not want to be

a nuisance.

Good spaces for physical activity can be used for much

more than just physical activity. They can give ownership

to the neighbourhood or maybe even the town that the

young people live in. They can give the youth a reason,

or excuse, for going outdoors, being active and meeting

others. These outdoor spaces could be strong signals

to the young people that they are welcome in the neigh-


Being young today

The 10-15-year-olds of today are conscious consumers

and world citizens. They

have grown up with the

communication of the

digital medias and in many

cases have been raised in families in which

they have been asked their opinion on every-

thing from ‘whats for supper to the destination

of the next family holiday!’. It is referred to as the

negotiating or democratic family.

In public life there are

different scenarios for

the young teenager.

Their influence and

inclusion could be

better – in fact it is

hard to find out where to go if you want to be listened

to. At school, the teachers rule and the rules have not

changed despite the demands and attitudes of today’s

children. In leisure time there a few offerings to the

youth, apart from organised sports.

“The new media”

An increasing number of young people spend con-

siderable time in front of computers and mobile phones.

They do it because these are strong social medias and

their social life plays a big role when children grow older.

Furthermore there is a fast response rate on the me-

dia – they are interactive in a way that television never

was. Some say that cyber space is the last space where

children and young people can be free of parental and

adult interference. However, the parents and teachers

know where the young people are when they are seated

in front of the screen.

Furthermore, as com-

puters are said to be

the future, parents

and teachers can

comfort themselves

that the children are learning whilst

playing. In fact the digital media has one

major failing, the users tend to be seated

and there is little or no contact between the


Restricted mobility

People say that the youth of today are disengaged and

do not participate and they have no respect for the public

domain and of the common values. However, quite often

the public sphere offers no space for children and youth

to be heard and seen. In some places it is not accepted

that young people can move round the city freely. If the

youth gather in big groups, or if they become physically

active in the spaces allowed to them, they are discour-

aged from this behaviour. Despite the fact that many

European cities have a growing population of young

citizens, city planning and the general attitude towards

young people is not favourable towards them. Only a few

places are dedicated to the outdoor life of the 10-15-

year-olds. Developmentally, children in or on their way to

puberty have a growing need to be with their peers. The

young Danish teenagers asked by Capacent Epinion for

the KOMPAN Survey expressed their desire to be with

their friends outdoors, but the majority did say that there

are not many places where this is possible.

Understanding the world of YoUng PeoPle“…in the teen advisory boards interviewed by capacent epinion for Kompan the young people express that they want outdoor places where they do not disturb the neighbours.”


� �

KomPan PlaY institUte









Sources:Brandchild, Martin lindström, Millward Brown 2003.Study on young people’s lifestyles and sedentariness and the role of sport in the context of education and as a means of restoring the balance, Brettschneider and Naul, Paderborn and Duisburg-Essen, 2004.

6 groUnd PrinciPlesbased on the input from young people , playground and youth professionals across europe, Kompan has defined 6 principles for successful outdoor places for young people, the Kompan ground. To view an example, please open the following page.


KomPan PlaY institUte Knowledge Knowledge

the concept of a KomPan groUnd 1 In the survey for outdoor acti-vity, made by Capacent Epinion for KOMPAN, 63% answered that they liked swings, especially the girls (86% of the girls preferred swings).

3 Create a youthful atmosphere by adding a visually attractive landmark.

The top scores for boys and girls in Capacent Epinion’s survey were agility tracks (65%) and climbing (48%). Especially the girls were keen on the agility tracks. This corner of the play-ground provides opportunities for both girls and boys.

2 The wall with different levels provide a great space to hang out, balance, stand or sit and watch. This is a prefe-rence for a number of the participants in the focus groups interviewed by Capacent Epinion for KOMPAN.




KomPan PlaY institUte http://teenagers.kompan.com

5 Social activity is important and especially the girls like to sit and watch. In the focus group interviews made by Capacent Epinion forKOMPAN the girls expressed that they liked trees and nature in their hangouts. The trees furthermore provide a shelter for uv radiation.

6 Ballgames are attractive to most boys. In this solution it is close to the seating are so that interaction between these spheres is created.

7 48% of the young participants in the Capacent Epinions survey expressed that they liked climbing equipment. 37% of the girls fur-thermore expressed that they liked spinning activities. This corner of the KOMPAN GrOuND provides an opportunity especially for the girls to sit, watch and be physically active at the same time.



6 principles for a succesful ground:

Include The useRs

❑ Involve the user group – this creates a sense of

shared responsibility, ownership and constructive


❑ Ask: what would you like to do? (Not: what equip-

ment would you like to have?)

❑ Involve neighbours and the local community

❑ Involve social services, schools and police (SSP) in

problem areas

InvesT In The RIghT locaTIon

❑ To ensure success, identify the right location: Young

people want to see and be seen. But they do not

want to disturb anyone or be disturbed

❑ Also involve neighbours and the local community

❑ Young people prefer places within cycling

distance of where they live

RememBeR socIal acTIvITy

❑ remember the social element: somewhere to sit;

cosy corners

❑ remember the girls: they often prefer to sit in twos

or in small groups

❑ Covered areas provide shelter and shade

RememBeR physIcal acTIvITy

❑ Provide a variety of activities

❑ remember the girls: ball games,

skateboarding and the “sweaty” activities are

mostly for the boys; girls are more interested

in swings and spinning activities

cReaTe a secuRe aTmospheRe

❑ Keep the place clean and well maintained – this Keep the place clean and well maintained – this

gives a sense of security

❑ Consider lighting for the place – light creates a sense Consider lighting for the place – light creates a sense

of security

❑ Consider whether there should be a supervisor� Consider whether there should be a supervisor�

playworker linked to the place

cReaTe a youThful aTmospheRe

❑ use elements that signify youth

❑ Create a visually attractive landmark

is there a Place for Us?


young teenagers today are not nearly active enough. This results not only in physical problems such as overweight and obesity and lack of fitness. When young teenagers are not active enough, this also has a negative impact on their ability to concentrate and, at worst, can result in learning difficulties.

based on our knowledge, we have developed a new concept for succesful outdoor places for young teenagers. it is called Kompan ground.read more at http:/teenagers.kompan.com or send an email to xxxxxxx

KomPan PlaY institUte


stoP teenage vandalism!

KomPan PlaY institUte

When children reach puberty there are few ageappropriate outdoor places for playful activity for them. often, young teenagers have a bad image and the public sphere offers no space for them to be seen or heard. They are mainly limited to sportsfields or young children’s playgrounds.

based on our knowledge, we have developed anew concept for succesful outdoor places for young teenagers. it is called Kompan ground.read more at http:/teenagers.kompan.comor send an email to xxxxxxx




This publicaTion is abouT providing for

young people ouTdoors, physically and

socially. included in The publicaTion is

a series of documenTed soluTions for

ouTdoor acTiviTy for young people ThaT

is The resulT of many years of exTensive



nowhere to go Inclusion and ownership

For young people the outdoors is a place of freedom: at

home parents are hovering, in the sports clubs curricu-

lums must be followed. Outdoors they can meet other

young people, maybe even new young people. But they

need places to go.

Numerous surveys do show that when young people are

included in the planning of outdoor activity places, the

vandalism in the area declines. It can often be a pro-

blem to find a place to ‘hang out’ as for fear of disturbing

neighbours, especially at night. But in the focus groups

interviewed by Capacent Epinion the young people

expressed that they wanted outdoor places where they

did not disturb the neighbours – they do not want to be

a nuisance.

Good spaces for physical activity can be used for much

more than just physical activity. They can give ownership

to the neighbourhood or maybe even the town that the

young people live in. They can give the youth a reason,

or excuse, for going outdoors, being active and meeting

others. These outdoor spaces could be strong signals

to the young people that they are welcome in the neigh-


Being young today

The 10-15-year-olds of today are conscious consumers

and world citizens. They

have grown up with the

communication of the

digital medias and in many

cases have been raised in families in which

they have been asked their opinion on every-

thing from ‘whats for supper to the destination

of the next family holiday!’. It is referred to as the

negotiating or democratic family.

In public life there are

different scenarios for

the young teenager.

Their influence and

inclusion could be

better – in fact it is

hard to find out where to go if you want to be listened

to. At school, the teachers rule and the rules have not

changed despite the demands and attitudes of today’s

children. In leisure time there a few offerings to the

youth, apart from organised sports.

“The new media”

An increasing number of young people spend con-

siderable time in front of computers and mobile phones.

They do it because these are strong social medias and

their social life plays a big role when children grow older.

Furthermore there is a fast response rate on the me-

dia – they are interactive in a way that television never

was. Some say that cyber space is the last space where

children and young people can be free of parental and

adult interference. However, the parents and teachers

know where the young people are when they are seated

in front of the screen.

Furthermore, as com-

puters are said to be

the future, parents

and teachers can

comfort themselves

that the children are learning whilst

playing. In fact the digital media has one

major failing, the users tend to be seated

and there is little or no contact between the


Restricted mobility

People say that the youth of today are disengaged and

do not participate and they have no respect for the public

domain and of the common values. However, quite often

the public sphere offers no space for children and youth

to be heard and seen. In some places it is not accepted

that young people can move round the city freely. If the

youth gather in big groups, or if they become physically

active in the spaces allowed to them, they are discour-

aged from this behaviour. Despite the fact that many

European cities have a growing population of young

citizens, city planning and the general attitude towards

young people is not favourable towards them. Only a few

places are dedicated to the outdoor life of the 10-15-

year-olds. Developmentally, children in or on their way to

puberty have a growing need to be with their peers. The

young Danish teenagers asked by Capacent Epinion for

the KOMPAN Survey expressed their desire to be with

their friends outdoors, but the majority did say that there

are not many places where this is possible.

Understanding the world of YoUng PeoPle“…in the teen advisory boards interviewed by capacent epinion for Kompan the young people express that they want outdoor places where they do not disturb the neighbours.”


� �

KomPan PlaY institUte









Sources:Brandchild, Martin lindström, Millward Brown 2003.Study on young people’s lifestyles and sedentariness and the role of sport in the context of education and as a means of restoring the balance, Brettschneider and Naul, Paderborn and Duisburg-Essen, 2004.

6 groUnd PrinciPlesbased on the input from young people , playground and youth professionals across europe, Kompan has defined 6 principles for successful outdoor places for young people, the Kompan ground. To view an example, please open the following page.


KomPan PlaY institUte Knowledge Knowledge

the concept of a KomPan groUnd 1 In the survey for outdoor acti-vity, made by Capacent Epinion for KOMPAN, 63% answered that they liked swings, especially the girls (86% of the girls preferred swings).

3 Create a youthful atmosphere by adding a visually attractive landmark.

The top scores for boys and girls in Capacent Epinion’s survey were agility tracks (65%) and climbing (48%). Especially the girls were keen on the agility tracks. This corner of the play-ground provides opportunities for both girls and boys.

2 The wall with different levels provide a great space to hang out, balance, stand or sit and watch. This is a prefe-rence for a number of the participants in the focus groups interviewed by Capacent Epinion for KOMPAN.




KomPan PlaY institUte http://teenagers.kompan.com

5 Social activity is important and especially the girls like to sit and watch. In the focus group interviews made by Capacent Epinion forKOMPAN the girls expressed that they liked trees and nature in their hangouts. The trees furthermore provide a shelter for uv radiation.

6 Ballgames are attractive to most boys. In this solution it is close to the seating are so that interaction between these spheres is created.

7 48% of the young participants in the Capacent Epinions survey expressed that they liked climbing equipment. 37% of the girls fur-thermore expressed that they liked spinning activities. This corner of the KOMPAN GrOuND provides an opportunity especially for the girls to sit, watch and be physically active at the same time.



6 principles for a succesful ground:

Include The useRs

❑ Involve the user group – this creates a sense of

shared responsibility, ownership and constructive


❑ Ask: what would you like to do? (Not: what equip-

ment would you like to have?)

❑ Involve neighbours and the local community

❑ Involve social services, schools and police (SSP) in

problem areas

InvesT In The RIghT locaTIon

❑ To ensure success, identify the right location: Young

people want to see and be seen. But they do not

want to disturb anyone or be disturbed

❑ Also involve neighbours and the local community

❑ Young people prefer places within cycling

distance of where they live

RememBeR socIal acTIvITy

❑ remember the social element: somewhere to sit;

cosy corners

❑ remember the girls: they often prefer to sit in twos

or in small groups

❑ Covered areas provide shelter and shade

RememBeR physIcal acTIvITy

❑ Provide a variety of activities

❑ remember the girls: ball games,

skateboarding and the “sweaty” activities are

mostly for the boys; girls are more interested

in swings and spinning activities

cReaTe a secuRe aTmospheRe

❑ Keep the place clean and well maintained – this Keep the place clean and well maintained – this

gives a sense of security

❑ Consider lighting for the place – light creates a sense Consider lighting for the place – light creates a sense

of security

❑ Consider whether there should be a supervisor� Consider whether there should be a supervisor�

playworker linked to the place

cReaTe a youThful aTmospheRe

❑ use elements that signify youth

❑ Create a visually attractive landmark

is there a Place for Us?


young teenagers today are not nearly active enough. This results not only in physical problems such as overweight and obesity and lack of fitness. When young teenagers are not active enough, this also has a negative impact on their ability to concentrate and, at worst, can result in learning difficulties.

based on our knowledge, we have developed a new concept for succesful outdoor places for young teenagers. it is called Kompan ground.read more at http:/teenagers.kompan.com or send an email to xxxxxxx

KomPan PlaY institUte


stoP teenage vandalism!

KomPan PlaY institUte

When children reach puberty there are few ageappropriate outdoor places for playful activity for them. often, young teenagers have a bad image and the public sphere offers no space for them to be seen or heard. They are mainly limited to sportsfields or young children’s playgrounds.

based on our knowledge, we have developed anew concept for succesful outdoor places for young teenagers. it is called Kompan ground.read more at http:/teenagers.kompan.comor send an email to xxxxxxx

Page 34: CrossMind webcases

Business to Business


Vingsted er et 4-stjernet kursus- og konferencecenter med tilhørende hotelfaciliteter. Endvidere stor restaurant,

samt store indendørs- og udendørs sportsfaciliteter med naturskøn beliggenhed.

Opgave: Udarbejdelse af ny grafisk identitet i form af logo, brevlinje, web, annoncer, løsblade, profilbrochure

samt diverse foldere. Desuden PR, samt on-line nyhedsbreve.

Målgruppe: Primært virksomheder der har brug for en totalleverandør i fbm. kurser eller konferencer.



Page 35: CrossMind webcases

»profIl brochure


Page 36: CrossMind webcases

Business to Business

VestConsult A/S

VestConsult er et konsulenthus, der yder professionel IT-rådgivning og ekspertbistand til udvikling

af software samt design og installation af servere.

Opgave: Design af web, magasin og brochurerr for forskellige softwaresystemer.

Målgruppe: Både professionelle IT ansvarlige og brugere som f.eks. revisorer, advokater, kommuner mv.


Page 37: CrossMind webcases


Page 38: CrossMind webcases

Business to Business

Kokken & Co

Kokken & Co er et selskab under Kokken & Jomfruen, der leverer forskellige frokostordninger til alle typer af virksomheder.

Opgaven: Udarbejdelse af ny grafisk identitet i form af logo, brevlinje, web, samt folder.

Målgruppe: Virksomheder med behov for frokostordninger.


Page 39: CrossMind webcases


Page 40: CrossMind webcases

Business to Consumer

Credin Bageripartner A/S

Credin bageripartner er totalleverandør til det danske bagerimarked.

Opgave: Vi har foretaget udvikling og produktion af alle forbrugerrettede medier

- bl.a. kampagneaviser, produktkampagner, butiksmateriale, messemateriale samt konceptuel sparring.

Mågruppe: Forbrugere - gennem selvstændige bagermestre somt instore bagerier.



Page 41: CrossMind webcases



Page 42: CrossMind webcases

Danske Slagtermestres Landsforening

Opgave: Vi har udviklet og produceret foreningens forbrugerrettede materialer

som f.eks. 3-fløjede foldere, prisskilte, plakater og bannere til de lokale Mesterslagterbutikker.

Målgruppe: Forbrugere

Business to Consumer




Page 43: CrossMind webcases
Page 44: CrossMind webcases

Rynkeby Food Service

Rynkeby Food Service producerer et bredt sortiment af både juice-, saft-, grød- og marmeladeprodukter i høj kvalitet.

Opgave: Udvikling af forskellige annoncer

Målgruppe: Food service grossister, kantiner m.v.

Business to Consumer


Page 45: CrossMind webcases


Page 46: CrossMind webcases

Business to Consumer

Tulip Foods

Vi har udviklet forskellige In-store kampagner for Tulip Foods.

Opgave: Kampagne for Gøl grillpølser baseret på en kombination af TV, butik og web som medier.

Herunder en konkurrence der løb over 14 uger.

Målgruppe: Forbrugere


Page 47: CrossMind webcases



Page 48: CrossMind webcases

Tulip Foods

Opgave: I forbindelse med lancering af en ny serie af fedtfattige Tulip pålægsprodukter, har vi udarbejdet

en komplet kampagne med en række in-store og trade marketing materialer.

Målgruppe: Forbrugere af traditionelt dansk pålæg.

Business to Consumer


Page 49: CrossMind webcases




Page 50: CrossMind webcases


Danpo er et af Danmarks største kyllingeslagterier. Kyllinger af høj kvalitet

forarbejdes i mange varianter. Lige fra fersk kød til frosne convenienceprodukter.

Opgave: Vi har udviklet taktisk kommunikation, som f.eks. produktbrochurer, annoncer

og messematerialer målrettet BtB markedet, samt emballager til BtC.

Business to Consumer


Page 51: CrossMind webcases


Page 52: CrossMind webcases

Business to Consumer

Heta Brændeovne

HETA Brændeovne producerer og sælger pejse- og brændeovne med eksport til de fleste europæiske lande.

Opgave: Udvikling af markedsføringskoncept til introduktionen af deres produktnyhed, en træpille ovn til det danske marked.

Vi har udviklet kommunikationsplatformen og eksekveringen af kampagnen der bl.a. omfatter, brochurer, annoncer,

posters, bannere, PR etc.

Målgruppe: Forbrugerne gennem det etablerede forhandlernetværk.



Page 53: CrossMind webcases






Page 54: CrossMind webcases

Winther Cykler

Kendt dansk mærkevareproducent af både børne- og voksencykler.

Opgave: Vi har leveret strategisk sparring og udvikling af ny design-profil, der understreger Winther s position som en innovativ

virksomhed, der udvikler og fremstiller cykler og tilbehør af høj kvalitet.

Målgruppe: Primært unge og voksne forbrugere, samt beslutningstagere på institutionsmarkedet. Sekundært forhandlere.

Business to Consumer


Page 55: CrossMind webcases

75th Anniversary Special



75 Years of Learning by Moving


Page 56: CrossMind webcases

Business to Consumer

Østjysk Bank

Østjydsk Bank består af 11 filialer beliggende primært i Østjylland med en stærk lokal forankring.

Opgave 1: Udarbejdelse af markedsføringskoncept ifbm. åbning af ny filial, herunder direct mailinvitation, annonce,

konkurrence, samt posters.

Opgave 2: Udarbejdelse af direct mail folder ”Åben Bank” med fokus på ét bestemt geografisk område.

Målgruppe: Forbrugere i lokalområdet.


Café˘ Gourmet med TomTom Thomsen blev udlært fra Munkebjerg Hotel i 1997 og aftjente herefter

sin værnepligt på Kongeskibet Dannebrog. Derefter vendte han tilbage til

Munkebjerg Hotel i Tree Top Restauranten. Her fik han mulighed for,

at komme på en inspirationstur til Singapore og efter få måneder hjemme

i Vejle var der ingen tvivl om, at det store udland skulle prøves.

Første stop blev så Singapore, hvor han arbejdede for restaurantkæden Les Amis.

Her blev han eksponeret for asiatisk kultur og kogekunst, der for alvor gav ham

lyst til at opleve flere kulturer inden for gastronomien.

Tom har arbejdet i Japan, USA, Mellemøsten, Asien og Frankrig. Sidste stop var

London, hvorfra han vendte tilbage til Danmark. I efteråret 2006 blev han gift

ind i hotelfamilien på Hotel Hedegaarden.

Tom er Executive Chef og food stylist, der tror på balance

og harmoni i smagssammensætning. En stor del af hans

hjerte banker for det traditionelle franske køkken.

Tom er kendt ude i verden i kategorien:

French with an Asian twist, og han nyder stor

anerkendelse og er prisbelønnet (award-winning)

for sine innovative tiltag ud i gastronomiens verden.

Kom, se og smag Toms lækkerier i Vejles lokalbank d. 20. august.

“Græsset er grønt og vådt.

Bierne har det godt.

Lungerne frådser i luft.

Åh, hvilken snerleduft!

Glæden er ikke det værste man har

og om lidt er kaffen klar”

Østjydsk Bank

Havnegade 22A, 7100 Vejle

Tel. 9668 4300, Fax 9668 4301

[email protected], www.oeb.dk

»dIrect maIl brochure

dIrect maIl folder»

Page 57: CrossMind webcases
Page 58: CrossMind webcases

Business to Consumer

Pengeinstitutternes Udviklingssamarbejde (PU) er lokale pengeinstitutters samarbejde om udvikling af stærke

og effektive redskaber i markedsføringen.

Opgave: Udvikling af en fælles pensionskampagne for PU medlemmerne med udgangspunkt i efterlønsreformen/skattefri

udbetaling af efterlønsbidrag. Udarbejdelse af handout, løsblad og annoncer.

Målgruppe: De lokale pengeinstitutters eksisterende kunder og evt. nye kunder.


Page 59: CrossMind webcases



Page 60: CrossMind webcases

Business to Consumer

Aktiv FamilieFerie

Aktiv Familieferie er et nyt feriekoncept, der kombinerer unikke natur- og friluftsoplevelser med sjove udfordringer for hele familien.

Opgave: Vi har stået for opgaverne med at udvikle website, katalog, posters og postkort, samt PR.

Målgruppe: Typisk børnefamilier med børn i alderen 6-12 år, der kan lide en aktiv ferieform.


Page 61: CrossMind webcases



Page 62: CrossMind webcases

Business to Consumer

...inspiration til dine smagsløg

Den bedste festsmag


Selskabskokken, som er et selskab under Kokken & Jomfruen, er leverandør af kvalitetsmad til livets fester.

Opgaven: Redefinering af det grafiske udtryk i form at brochure og annoncer.

Målgruppe: forbrugere der ønsker mad, som kvalitets- og prismæssigt ligger i den bedre ende.


Page 63: CrossMind webcases

…udgangspunktet for en vellykket festSelskabskokken er din leverandør afkvalitetsmad til livets fødselsdage, barnedåb, konfi rmation eller andre festlige begivenheder.

Bag Selskabskokken står et team af profes-sionelle folk med mange års erfaring ibranchen.

Vi leverer festmad tilberedt af friske, kvalitets-råvarer, så du og dine gæster får den bedste smagsoplevelse.

Vores menuer har altid udgangspunkt i tidens madtrends, og vi udvikler hele tiden nye ogspændende retter.

Fødevaresikkerhed og køkkenhygiejne erligeledes en væsentlig del af vores højekvalitetskrav. Vi har derfor nogle klare retnings-linjer for, hvordan vi behandler råvarerne,og hvordan vi sørger for god hygiejne.

Forret Gravad laks med dildsauce.

Hertil rustikt kuvertbrød

Pestobagt fi skefi let på spinat- og tomatbund. Hertil rustikt kuvertbrød

Melon med lufttørret skinke.Hertil rustikt kuvertbrød

Buffet Honningglaseret skinke

Hvidløgsmarineret oksefi let

Barbeque kyllingeoverlår

Grøn salatsymfoni med iceberg, gulerod, friske peberfrugter, små babyblade, mini tomater og ristede brødcroutons

Krydret kartoffelsalat med kirsebærpeber

Pastasalat vendt i basilikumspesto og friske tomater

Flødegratinerede kartofl er med friske porrer og små tern af bacon

Dessert Bagt tærte af chokoladetrøffel med kugler

af is og skovbærpuré

Mandeltærte med cremefraiche og jordbærpuré

Firkantet vaniljeislagkage med jordbærrippel og chokoladestykker




Kuvertpris for hele denne buffet

Kuvertpris pr. dessert

Kuvertpris pr. forret


Nyd øjeblikket…

Du kan selv vælge at sammensætte din menu, og få alt det, du bedst kan lide.Klik ind på www.selskabskokken.dk

“ En god leveregel er at spise under evne til hverdag, efter evne i weekenden og over evne til fest.

Det er vigtigt at kunne nyde festen oggæsterne. Har du allerede bestemt dig for at spare tid og undgå besværet med indkøb og tilberedning, så lad os sørge for maden.

Lad dig inspirere og friste af vores mange forskellige menuer.



Forret Gravad laks med rørt dildsauce.

Hertil rustikt kuvertbrød

Laksecarpaccio på tallerken medcitronolie. Hertil rustikt kuvertbrød

Hvid fi skefi let med rejer og dressing.Hertil rustikt kuvertbrød

Melon med lufttørret serranoskinke.Hertil rustikt kuvertbrød

Pestomarineret kyllingebryst på tomat-bund med frisk parmesan. Hertil rustikt kuvertbrød

Pestobagt fi skefi let på spinat- og tomat-bund. Hertil rustikt kuvertbrød

Varmrøget laksefi let med råmarineretfennikel og dressing. Hertil rustikt kuvert-brød (*)

Oksecarpaccio med olivenolie ogparmesan. Hertil rustikt kuvertbrød (*)

Rejecocktail ”Retro” i glas med citron, tomat, asparges og dressing.Hertil rustikt kuvertbrød (*)

SelskabsmenuerSammensæt selv din selskabs menu med minimum 2 retter fra allevores forretter, hovedretter, desserter og natmad.

4 retter 129,-3 retter 109,-2 retter 89,-Specialpris



Kuvertpris pr. forret (*) Tillæg på 10,-

(*) Tillæg på 10,- | (**) Tillæg på 20,-


Page 64: CrossMind webcases

Government to Citizen


Skive kommune

I samarbejde med Skive Kommune og 7 lokale teknologitunge virksomheder, har CrossMind gennemført en kampagne for at

motivere unge nyuddannede ingeniører til at søge job hos en Skive virksomhed – og til efterfølgende at flytte til kommunen.

Projektet foregik I tæt samarbejde mellem CrossMind, Skive Kommune og universiteter i Ålborg, Århus og Herning.

Målgruppe: E-, IT-, produktions- og maskiningeniører der enten var nyuddannede eller ved afslutningen af uddannelsen.

Page 65: CrossMind webcases


Page 66: CrossMind webcases