CROSS ROADS ST. ANDREW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FEBRUARY 2015 “Building upon God's Grace through Love, Obedience and Compassion” "Don’t hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you’ve got it in you, get along with everybody. Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do. “I’ll do the judging,” says God, “I’ll take care of it.” Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he’s thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good." Romans 12. 20- 21 (The Message) I frequently hear people question why I would trust Scripture. They usually point to some things they see as discrepancies such as calling bats birds (Leviticus 11: 19). Not sure primitive animal classification should destroy people’s understanding of Scripture, I am amazed at the over-whelming consistency of the letters of the New Testament. Why? Because Paul would not have had access to the gospels, yet he reiterates the need to love enemies. The same is true for Peter, James, John and the author of Hebrews. The odds of them having access to each other’s writings would be slim. Regardless, they all speak about the need to love people and live at peace with everyone. What is particularly powerful about this is that this cannot be a popular idea. It is far easier and more common for people to seek the destruction of their enemies than the benefit of them. I cannot imagine this idea would have spread unless it was a big part of the gospel message. I believe it is essential. The central idea of the gospel is that Jesus died for our sins. There would be no need to die if there was not a problem with sin. Sin, in and of itself, is separation from God. In essence, it is a reminder that we are God’s enemies, not his friends. In spite of this, Jesus still willingly goes to the cross for us! There is no greater image of this than his very words from the cross. In the 23 rd chapter of Luke, Jesus says, “Father forgive them” in the midst of a crowd that sought his death. The same crowd continues to jeer at him and mock him, yet Jesus remains on the cross. I love the statement of John 13: 1 - Jesus loved them to the end. He did not waver because of their anger. He did not fail to love because of their hate. Jesus persisted with words he had shared with his disciples of loving his enemies. Thanks be to God for we were them! I hope that we never forget that our calling is way higher than average people. It does not surprise me when a person returns anger for anger or hate for hate. It does not shock me that we live in a world that celebrates vengeance and seeks retribution more than righteousness. After all, that is the human condition. But you, O child of God, should be above those things. You need to be willing to stand with the Gospel of Love in the midst of a world of hate. You need to be willing to allow God’s will to supersede your own. It is not easy. If it was, then the whole world would live that way! It is, however, clearly a central message of the Gospel. It is that part of the message that has benefitted us. This Lenten season starts on February 18 th with our Ash Wednesday services. Ash Wednesday is the great reminder that we are mortal. That our bodies here are simply temporary vessels - fragile ones at that! Let us seek not just to receive God’s love in the midst of our frailty, but let us seek to live his love - a love that extends even to enemies. Let us pursue where our love has failed or is failing and how God can enable us to love everyone. Allow the overwhelming sense of Scripture to remind you of the greatness of God and how great our calling is! We stand in a two-thousand year line of people dedicated to this message. Let us pass that message on to everyone - even those who would seek to be our enemies. Rev. Robb E. Faller

CROSS ROADS - St. Andrew2015-1-20 · CROSS ROADS ST.ANDREW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FEBRUARY 2015 “Building upon God's Grace through Love, Obedience and Compassion” "Don’t

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“Building upon God's Grace through Love, Obedience and Compassion”

"Don’t hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you’ve got it in you, get along with everybody.

Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do. “I’ll do the judging,” says God, “I’ll take care

of it.” Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your

enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he’s thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will

surprise him with goodness. Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good."

Romans 12. 20- 21 (The Message)

I frequently hear people question why I would

trust Scripture. They usually point to some

things they see as discrepancies such as calling

bats birds (Leviticus 11: 19). Not sure primitive

animal classification should destroy people’s

understanding of Scripture, I am amazed at the

over-whelming consistency of the letters of the

New Testament. Why? Because Paul would not

have had access to the gospels, yet he reiterates

the need to love enemies. The same is true for

Peter, James, John and the author of Hebrews.

The odds of them having access to each other’s

writings would be slim. Regardless, they all

speak about the need to love people and live at

peace with everyone. What is particularly

powerful about this is that this cannot be a

popular idea. It is far easier and more common

for people to seek the destruction of their

enemies than the benefit of them. I cannot

imagine this idea would have spread unless it

was a big part of the gospel message. I believe

it is essential.

The central idea of the gospel is that Jesus died

for our sins. There would be no need to die if

there was not a problem with sin. Sin, in and of

itself, is separation from God. In essence, it is a

reminder that we are God’s enemies, not his

friends. In spite of this, Jesus still willingly goes

to the cross for us! There is no greater image of

this than his very words from the cross. In the


chapter of Luke, Jesus says, “Father forgive

them” in the midst of a crowd that sought his

death. The same crowd continues to jeer at him

and mock him, yet Jesus remains on the cross. I

love the statement of John 13: 1 - Jesus loved

them to the end. He did not waver because of

their anger. He did not fail to love because of

their hate. Jesus persisted with words he had

shared with his disciples of loving his enemies.

Thanks be to God for we were them!

I hope that we never forget that our calling is

way higher than average people. It does not

surprise me when a person returns anger for

anger or hate for hate. It does not shock me that

we live in a world that celebrates vengeance and

seeks retribution more than righteousness. After

all, that is the human condition. But you, O

child of God, should be above those things. You

need to be willing to stand with the Gospel of

Love in the midst of a world of hate. You need

to be willing to allow God’s will to supersede

your own. It is not easy. If it was, then the

whole world would live that way! It is,

however, clearly a central message of the

Gospel. It is that part of the message that has

benefitted us.

This Lenten season starts on February 18th with

our Ash Wednesday services. Ash Wednesday

is the great reminder that we are mortal. That

our bodies here are simply temporary vessels -

fragile ones at that! Let us seek not just to

receive God’s love in the midst of our frailty,

but let us seek to live his love - a love that

extends even to enemies. Let us pursue where

our love has failed or is failing and how God can

enable us to love everyone. Allow the

overwhelming sense of Scripture to remind you

of the greatness of God and how great our

calling is! We stand in a two-thousand year line

of people dedicated to this message. Let us pass

that message on to everyone - even those who

would seek to be our enemies.

Rev. Robb E. Faller

St. Andrew United Methodist Church

“Building upon God's Grace through Love, Obedience and Compassion.”

Church Staff

Pastor………….............Rev. Robb Faller (cell 484-686-1778)

[email protected]

Assistant Pastor.....……....………...................Adam Deering

[email protected]

Administrative Assistant ………….....….....Mary L. Cantlin

Office @SaintAndrewUMC.org

Adult Choir Director....…....…..........................Nancy Webb

Organists ..................................................Sharman Kleinhenn

Kay Behle, & Marian Meitzler

Praise Band Leader ....…....…........................Adam Deering

Treasurer ………….....…...........................Donna Werkheiser

Sunday Worship Schedule

9:00 AM Contemporary Celebration Service

An upbeat, high energy service filled with praise and worship music, and prayer and preaching. This service utilizes music to draw people into God’s presence on a very personal level.

We also offer at this time:

. Crib and Pre-K Nursery Care

. Adult Sunday School (September through May) Library - Henry Ziegler & Pat Miller, Leaders

10:30 AM Traditional Service

A service that utilizes centuries of traditions to draw people into God's presence. Multiple elements, including classic hymns played on the organ, feed the senses of the worshippers to remind them of the love and life of Jesus during the past, present and future.

We also offer at this time:

. Crib Nursery Care

. Pre-K Sunday School

. Adult Sunday School Library - Jim Good, Leader . Sunday School Classes K-6th Grade - Fellowship Hall Junior & Senior High - Fellowship Hall Youth Room






Youth Program




611 Swamp Creek Road, P.O. Box 434 . New Berlinville, PA 19545 . 610-367-7043

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

GREETERS Date Celebration Service

9:00 am Traditional Service

10:30 am February 1 Richard & Marilyn Rhoads

Jim & Bonne Riefenstahl

Susan Welsh

Rose Marie Bireley

Joan Herbst & John Heydt

Catherine Webb

February 8 Anita Church

Warren & Linda Moser

Mary Ann Stauffer

Donna Baith

Jason & Bethany Miller

Don & Mary Ann Reigel

February 15 Jim & Shari Good

Denise Kuder The Purnell Family

Tracy & Jane Donmoyer

Mary Fox Harry & Linda Mohr

February 22 Tim & Linda Clancy

Linda Drabinsky The Egbert Family

Dave & Sue McElwee

Robert & Edith Moyer Arlene Robertson


Date Head Usher Liturgist February 1 Nathan Babb Mark Egbert

February 8 Robert Moyer Patricia Miller

February 15 Bill Evens Debbie Patt

February 22 Debbie Patt Linda Moser

ACOLYTES (Please arrive 5 minutes prior to service and look for Mrs. Dee or Mr. Mark)

Date Celebration Service Traditional Service February 1 Jessica Kindig Kaylee Babb

February 8 Mary Conroy James Riefenstahl

February 15 Tori Egbert-DiMaio Gabby Egbert-DiMaio

February 22 Rachel Kindig Lauren Riefenstahl


Date Celebration Service Traditional Service

February 1 Linda Clancy & Beth Rosenberger Debbie Brown

February 8 Bonne Riefenstahl & Kari Kindig Diane Yusko

February 15 Bethany Miller & Jim Purnell Deb Conrad

February 22 Amanda Deering & Dee Faller Mary Ann Stauffer


Celebration Service Traditional Service

Date Sound Board Video Sound Board Video February 1 Mark Egbert Zach Weisel Megan Stehman Open

February 8 Tim Clancy Tracy Donmoyer Jen Ewing Joe Carter

February 15 John Stauffer Mary Ann Stauffer Sonne Shorley Open February 22 Jen Ewing Youth Jim McClure Linda McClure

Date Name Date Name February 1 Christian Scott February 13 Christi Conrad February 2 Colin Retzlaff Marbie Foster February 3 Gail Fisher Dave Purnell Mario Leone February 14 Owen Miller February 4 Hudson Hartz February 16 Mark Egbert Angela Nase February 18 Kaylyn Anderson February 6 John Bartman February 19 Mary Frain February 7 Mia Mattis February 20 Megan Kuder Linda Moser February 21 Tyler Nakonechny February 8 Daniel Bartman February 22 Mary Conroy February 9 George Bireley February 24 Ava Smythe February 11 Jameson Conrad February 25 Colleen Simmons Sabrina Gross February 26 Evan Riefenstahl Annaliese Miller February 27 Ginny Drabinsky Becca Riefenstahl Ruth Fuchs February 12 Linda Drabinsky February 28 Wes Rosenberger

Date Name February 9 Paul & Sandy Bancroft February 11 Ken & Sandie Baker February 24 George & Rose Marie Bireley

If you don't see your birthday or anniversary information printed here and you would like it to be, please contact the church office to update your records.









Altar Flowers FEBRUARY 1 - Open

FEBRUARY 8 - Presented by Ken & Sandie Baker in Celebration of their 20th Wedding Anniversary

FEBRUARY 15 - Presented by Sharon Blair

FEBRUARY 22 - Presented in Memory of Nancy Jones' Birthday

FEBRUARY 18, 2015




Begins at the 7:oo PM Ash Wednesday

service and continues each Wednesday

evening during Lent at 6:30 PM in the

church library.


Children’s Ministry in February

LENT 2015

Wednesday, February 18th through Sunday, April 2nd

Family Devotions ...

“I’ve wanted to do this with my family but never seem to pull it together...”

“I can’t imagine finding the time to do it!”

“Help! I would do it if I only knew where to start!”

... I’ve been there...

As Pastor Robb continues to challenge us in his sermons... to step out of our comfort zones and step

into radical love, radical faith...

I’m thankful to share these devotional resources with you for your family - as we enter into Lent!

The Lenten season can be a time of strengthening the core of our Faith, so won’t you consider adding

or introducing a short, but meaningful family devotion time into your home routine this year? Maybe

in the morning during breakfast...or at dinner when everyone is around the table? We will supply the

devotional guide and here is a link for you to create a homemade, hands-on activity with your kids!


Loving God and each other on the journey...one day at a time!

Dee Faller

[email protected]


Please contact Adam Deering if your teen is interested in being confirmed this spring. Classes will begin March

5th if there is enough interest. Adam can be reached at:

[email protected] or 610-715-9343.


Thank you for recycling your

cell phones and ink cartridges


St. Andrew.

All money raised helps our

youth program and it’s good for

the environment!

Calling all High School Seniors – Its scholarship time again!!!

All interested students who are members of St. Andrew are eligible to apply on-line

at: bccf.academicworks.com/opportunities/809

before March 15, 2015.


St. Andrew Men's Group Monthly Breakfast Sunday, February 1st

Woodside Restaurant Route 100 in Bechtelsville

7:30 AM

All men of the church are invited. Come out and enjoy the food and fellowship!


Women's Group Meeting

February 11, 2015 7:00 PM Fellowship Hall

Soup, Bread and Brittle Fundraiser – February 21, 2015

Taking orders now. There is an order form at the end of the newsletter and forms are also available in the Welcome Center. Orders are due Sunday, February 8th.

SAVE THE DATE St. Andrew Blood Drive

February 17, 2015

2:00-7:00 PM Sponsored by Miller Keystone

SCRAPBOOKERS by debbie patt

The Scrapbookers will not meet on Wednesday, February 18 due to the Ash Wednesday service. Scrapbookers will gather again on Wednesday, March 18th.

YARN SPINNERS by Marilyn rhoads

Yarn Spinners will meet at 12 Noon on Thursday, February 19th. We will be discussing the possibility of working with the Linus or Wounded Warrior Project. See you then - with your bagged lunch!


Food Collection Please remember those in our community who are in need of food and personal care items. We have baskets located in the Welcome Center for Boyertown Salvation Army and Boyertown Multi-Services. Canned meats and soups are needed.

Boyertown Salvation Army Community Meal - February 13th We will be helping to serve this daily meal on Friday, February 13th from 9:30 AM until 2:00 PM. This is an opportunity to enjoy time with others as we make and serve the meal. Help is needed and always appreciated. Hope to see you there. Dr. Zimmerman: On February 15th, we will begin our annual Lenten project to support Dr. Mark Zimmerman, our Missionary in Nepal. We are looking for 50 families to donate $20.00 to reach our $1,000.00 goal. A sign up sheet will be provided in the Welcome Center. Easter Flowers: Help support Missions with the purchase of beautiful Easter flowers. An order form is available at the end of the Cross Roads and also in the Welcome Center. Orders are due March 15th.

Monthly Mission Meeting: Thursday, February 26th at 7:30 AM in Library


Kathmandu December 2, 2014 Dear Friends at St. Andrew UMC, I am a bit late this year sending this card - already the count-down is on for Christmas and the end of the year, and I have not even thought of Christmas cards yet! The weather here is cool by our standards, especially at night, but you will not have much sympathy when I tell you we only occasionally experience a frost! However with temperatures in the 90's for much of the year, and no form of central heating, even the 40's and 50's can feel pretty chilly. We have had a busy autumn with 2 church teams visiting in November. One team from Northern Ireland did a craft project with women recovering from mental illness, and painting at a rural government hospital; a second team from Delaware did children's activities at a preschool for children of migrant laborers before painting the building on the weekend. All the arrangements came together well, and we pray that the blessing of these visits will continue to affect the lives of all involved. We are looking forward to our usual Christmas celebrations here. In the next week there is a flurry of parties and events before expatriates who are going home leave; then we will have carol singing with our Nepali church at the homes of church members, before the main service itself on Christmas Day followed by a shared Nepali festival meal. Many Hindu and Buddhist friends and neighbors visit the church that day so it is a big evangelical event. We thank you for your continued support and prayers, and regular contact through the year. Sincerely, Deirdre Zimmerman (and Mark)

March 28, 2015 12 Noon

Details will be coming next month!

In case of bad weather . . .

St. Andrew will use the following guidelines:

Sunday Mornings

Pastor Robb or Adam will always be at church on Sunday mornings. However, only travel to church if you are confident you will be safe on your journey. Please don't take any chances.


If Boyertown School District is closed then the church office is closed and all scheduled activities that day and evening are cancelled.

If Boyertown School District has an early dismissal due to inclement weather all church activities that evening are cancelled.

If Boyertown School District has a late start all evening church activities will commence as scheduled.

If bad weather begins after school is out check our Facebook and Twitter pages for updates or be safe and stay home! (Facebook.com/SaintAndrewUMC) (twitter.com/staumc)

TREASURER'S REPORT by donna werkheiser St Andrew United Methodist Church

Treasurers Report December 31, 2014

December Budget December Y-T-D

2014 2014 2013 2014

General Cash Balance 1/1/14


Income* 21,902.32 21,139.00 24,903.87 230,428.17

Actual Expenses paid 32,051.46 Open Expenses December 0.00

Total Expenses 32,051.46 21,876.00 26,637.06 237,928.13

-10,149.14 -737.00 -1,733.19 -5,813.61

Other Collections that do not effect the budgeted expenses

Improvements 796.00 Special Offerings 432.50 Memorials 25.00 Sunday School 13.49

* The income includes Current offerings, Church plate and other income used to pay budgeted expenses.

Thank you for your generous gift to me at Christmas and for all your expressions of love

throughout the year. Blessings to you in 2015.

Love and prayers, Kay Behle

Thank you from the family of Bette Cooper (Wilbur, Jodie and Brian) for all the many expressions of

concern and kindness shown during the past several years, especially since April 1st of 2014. I can’t

begin to tell you how much it helped.

A special thanks to the people who took the time to visit Bette while she was at Chestnut Knoll and

Manatawny Manor. Also to everyone who sent sympathy cards (over 100) or expressed words of


We were overwhelmed by the turnout for Bette’s Celebration of Life service.

A very special thank you to everyone who made that service so meaningful and to the ladies who

took care of everything at the meal after the service. I will not try to list names because it took all of

you to make it so special. We felt the love.

Wilbur Cooper

Dear St. Andrew Family,

Thank you so much for the Christmas gift. I am truly blessed to serve this wonderful church!

Mary Cantlin

Dear Friends,

Thank you for the generous gift you recently sent to Samaritan’s Purse. We are deeply grateful for

your partnership and prayers as we work to help people in crisis situations around the world in the

Name of Jesus Christ.

“Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1: 29b I hope you had a

wonderful Christmas and may God bless you.

Sincerely, Franklin Graham

The Mission Team would like to thank EVERYONE

who supported the Spud Luncheon!

You Are Cordially Invited to


SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7th at 9:00 a.m.


Pottstown, PA 19464

with Pastors John & Sandra Shantz

Continental Breakfast and meeting: $5.00

Pastors John and Sandra Shantz have lived and are living a life of miracles.

When Jesus rescued them, it was from the pain of divorce, the occupation as bar owners,

life-threatening disease, rebellious children, and numerous heartaches. Jesus showed

Himself faithful in all areas, and then He placed them in a ministry which lasted 33 years.

Now they are in a transition time of waiting to see what the Lord has for them in the years to

come. They certainly don’t see themselves as retiring, because “Christians don’t

retire.”John’s heart is for the community and building the Kingdom through his evangelistic

gift. He also loves to touch people’s hearts through singing and their bodies through

cooking. Sandra’s heart is to see people set free from past hurts and the lies that we tell

ourselves. She has witnessed this freedom through counseling and teaching. Together, they

complement each other and live a very transparent life, surrounded by the love of the Body

of Jesus Christ. Today, they are married 42 years, have 5 children, 18 grandchildren, and are

expecting their first great-grandchild. But what makes all of this work is Jesus and the fact

that they have been His children for 38 years.

Questions? Kay - 610-367-1995 or Nancy - 610-367-5207

Please keep the following members who are unable to attend service in your prayers:

Sandie Ruth Baker

2727 N. Charlotte St. Gilbertsville, PA 19525

Dorothy Cross Manatawny Manor

30 Old Schuylkill Road Pottstown PA 19464

Pamela Hudelson 10 Indian Valley Lane Telford, PA 18969

Ginny McKinstry P.O. Box 113

New Berlinville, PA 19545

Dot Peter 1 South Home Avenue

Town Court #217 Topton, PA 19562

Robert Preudhomme 125 Harry Howard Blvd.

Hudson, NY 12534

Marietta Stahl 2917 E. High Street

Pottstown, PA 19464


The Sandie Baker Family Mary Bartholomew Pat Cavanaugh

Cal & Dot Cross Debra Gilbert Greg Herbst

Robert Minner, Jr. Julia Welsh Dr. Mark Zimmerman






Please call the church office when: A new baby arrives in your family.

Your home phone or cell number has changed.

Your email address has changed.

Your address has changed.

Please call Pastor Robb directly at 484-686-1778 when you or a family member are experiencing health concerns or have been admitted to the hospital.

Pastor Robb will direct the church office when to begin the prayer chain.


Place the completed form along with payment in an envelope marked

Easter Flowers” and put the envelope in the collection plate or hand it to

Marilyn Rhoads, Becky Rhoads, or Delores Evens.

The flowers will be used to decorate the sanctuary during the Easter Sunday worship services.

You may pick up your plants after the 10:30 Worship Service on Easter Sunday.

Purchaser’s Name:________________________

Phone Number:________________

PLANT #1 (Circle one) Lilies Hyacinths Tulips Daffodils Mums

Given by (if different from purchaser)______________________________________________

In Memory of:

In Honor of:____________________________________________________________

PLANT #2 (Circle one) Lilies Hyacinths Tulips Daffodils Mums

Given by (if different from purchaser)______________________________________________

In Memory of: In Honor of:____________________________________________________________

PLANT #3 (Circle one) Lilies Hyacinths Tulips Daffodils Mums

Given by (if different from purchaser)______________________________________________

In Memory of:

In Honor of:____________________________________________________________

PLANT #4 (Circle one) Lilies Hyacinths Tulips Daffodils Mums

Given by (if different from purchaser)______________________________________________

In Memory of:

In Honor of:____________________________________________________________

Lilies (4–5 blooms) Quantity ____________at $10.00 =______________

Hyacinths (3 bloom) Quantity ____________at $10.00 =______________

Tulips (6 bloom) Quantity ____________at $10.00 =______________

Daffodil Quantity ____________at $10.00 =______________

Mums Quantity ____________at $10.00 =______________

Total Number of Plants ____________________________

Total Payment Enclosed ____________________________

This is a fund raiser for Mission Projects and your support is appreciated.

All orders must be received by March 15, 2015

St. Andrew Women's Group

Soup, Bread & Brittle Fundraiser Saturday, February 21, 2015




Cost per Quart,

Loaf or Pound


Vegetable Beef Soup (quart) $6.50 $

Bread, White (loaf) $2.50 $

Peanut Brittle (pound)* $5.00 $

Cashew Brittle (pound)* $6.00 $

Payment Due at Pickup Total Cost $

Please make check payable to "St. Andrew Women's Group"

Name ________________________________________

(Please print)

Phone Number __________________________________

Completed Order forms may be placed in the “Hungry Sharks” folder in the Welcome Center.

To guarantee availability, orders must be received by Sunday, February 8th.

Note: Limited quantities of brittle will be made this year. Orders placed by February 1st will be honored.

Pick up your order on Saturday, February 21st from 9 AM to 11:30 AM. Please bring a sturdy container for your quarts of soup.

Questions? Please contact Marion Bartman - 610.369.1775

Proceeds support St. Andrew Women's mission outreach projects.

FEBRUARY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 7:30 AM Men's Breakfast Communion Sunday

2 9:00 AM The Monday Group 6:30 PM ZUMBA

3 7:00 PM Trustees Meeting


5 7:00 PM Hot Spot 7:15 Choir

6 Van in Use

7 Van in Use

8 Van in Use

9 9:00 AM SAW - Candy Making 6:30 PM ZUMBA


11 7:00 PM SAW Meeting

12 7:00 PM Hot Spot 7:15 Choir

13 9:30 AM Prepare & Serve Lunch at Salvation Army


15 Dr. Zimmerman Lenten Project Begins

16 President's Day 9:00 AM The Monday Group 6:30 PM ZUMBA

17 2:00-7:00 PM Blood Drive

18 9:00 AM SAW - Prep Soup Sale 7:00 PM Ash Wednesday Service

19 9:00 AM SAW - Prep Soup Sale 12 Noon Yarn Spinners 7:00 PM Hot Spot 7:15 Choir

20 9:00 AM SAW - Prep Soup Sale 5:00 PM Scouts F. Hall Reserved

21 9:00-11:30 AM Pick Up Soup, Bread & Brittle Orders 12 Noon Community Meal 5 PM Scout Event F. Hall Reserved

22 1st Sunday in Lent

23 9:00 AM The Monday Group Breakfast 6:30 PM ZUMBA


25 6:30 PM Bible Study 7:30 PM Council

26 7:00 PM Hot Spot 7:15 Choir 7:30 PM Missions Meeting




Information for the March Cross Roads Newsletter is due in the church office no later than Sunday, February 15th.

Thank you.

Do you need a

ride to church for

one day or an on-

going basis? If so,

call the church

office and will

arrange a ride for
